#it sent me into shock
tom-bakers-scarf · 10 months
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Spotted this in a second hand bookshop and the whiplash I felt was so strong that I think I’ve discovered another 12 stages of grief
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You wanna know what I'm surprised I haven't seen more of? Bard Tavs serenading Astarion, or singing him to sleep with a lullaby composed just for him. I'm sure Astarion would eat up all that affection.
This is so cute omg. And also managed to be an actual drabble instead of a novel! As always cw for spoilers!
Astarion woke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest as he frantically looked around. But he wasn't in Cazador's torture room. No, instead he was at the Elfsong, safe and sound in a private room. It had been another nightmare, a typical occurrence as of late.
Atarion had assumed that those would stop after the monster was dead, but they seemed to be more frequent than ever. It felt unfair. He had won. Cazador was dead, by his own hand. There was nothing left to fear. Well... that wasn't including the tadpole still trapped in his lover's skull, not to mention his own. And the Elder Brain. And the cult of Bhaal. But in all honesty, all of that felt so small now with his slave master disintegrated. If he could do what had felt impossible, what had been impossible, for centuries, why couldn't he accomplish the rest?
Astarion groaned as he sat up, realizing for the first time that he was alone in bed. But luckily enough you hadn't gone far. He turned to find you sitting on the window sill, illuminated by the moonlight as you scribbled away in your journal.
You glanced over at the sound of his shuffling, your brow furrowed, "Star? Why are you still awake?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Astarion sighed, the coldness of your side of the bed coming into full perspective. He would like that fixed sooner than later, "Now come back to me, it's cold."
You smiled, slipping down from your perch to join him in bed. Astarion wasn't quite sure when such simple actions would stop making him melt like an infatuated teenager. He was starting to think that it would never come to an end.
You laughed softly as he immediately wrapped his arms around you, cradling you against his chest, "You know how I love to sleep in fits and starts. But you don't exactly have the same excuse, do you? You look so tired lately."
Astarion frowned, loathing the fact that his lack of sleep had become so obvious. But then again, if anyone was going to be familiar with his night terrors, it would be you. He sighed, "Just nightmares. Nothing you haven't heard before."
You frowned, "That doesn't make them pleasant."
"No," Astarion laughed softly, "It doesn't. But now it's your turn. What were you up to in the middle of the night?"
"Just some writing. I've been working on a few things."
"Like what?" Astarion asked, sincerely curious. You were quite the talent as a bard, a fact that he was aware of before he fell in love with you.
"A new ballad mostly, with a lullaby on the side."
That sounded well within your wheel house, though this was the first time he'd heard of you writing a lullaby, "What inspired that?"
"You," You said simply, "But I know how you get when I'm all mushy, so I kept it to myself for now."
Astarion hadn't expected that, but that massive smile that broke out on his face at the news wasn't a surprise. He kissed the top of your head, still smiling to himself, "I don't recall ever saying I disliked you being a sickening romantic. Can I hear it?"
You looked up at him, surprised for some reason. Which was frankly silly. Who wouldn't want to hear a song written about them from the person they loved most? For once in his life Astarion was being the normal one here.
"You want me to sing to you?" You asked, sitting up in bed to smile down at him.
Astarion grinned back, "I wouldn't object to it."
"Well in that case..."
And then you started to sing. Astarion adored the sound of your voice, and apparently he loved it even more when you were singing about him.
Little star, so bright and fierce,
Beautiful with eyes that pierce,
But that's not all there is,
He's strong and swift with perfect lips to kiss, a humor that is only his,
Charming and witty, a wish come true,
If only the rest of the world knew.
Astarion wasn't quite sure when he fell asleep that night, but it was to the sound of your sweet, melodious voice and with a smile plastered to his face.
And for the first time in days, he didn't have a single nightmare.
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Gimme that GOOD shit girlie 💅✨ (Starstruck x Galacta knight)
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✧˖°. give up what you love, before it does you in .°˖✧
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eldest-of-katts · 11 days
okay because people have shown up in my dms talking smack I'm going to make one blanket statement on the 1000 year loli chilchuck thing.
yes, there has been a problem with young girls being put in suggestive positions in anime with the "uhmmm she's actually a bajillion years old" excuse. yes, other characters don't treat chilchuck like an adult. yes, he is short with big eyes.
However, chilchuck consistently acts like a grown man. he- in both the manga and the anime- straight up just is an adult. He looks like an adult when he is any other race during the swaps in the manga. When the other characters get turned into half-foots they look similar to chilchuck. He is explicitly stated to have more dungeon and general life experience than laios, and he acts like it.
The 1000 year loli trope explicitly functions as an excuse to prey on people who are inexperienced and unable to advocate for themselves. Chilchuck is a parent, is a union organizer, has explicit boundaries that he enforces rigidly, and he is treated as an adult man by everyone who doesn't have a fantasy racism-focused character arc/issue.
I can see how if you haven't read the manga and seen that he has an established life that he later reveals (and haven't paid attention to him in the anime lol) you could get a mistaken impression about him. Marcielle does too in the source material! It's part of her character at the start of her arc that she has issues with longevity!
The thing that irks me a little about this interpretation is that it leans into the child-coded discourse that was prominent a while ago (she's short!!!!! but has boob???? ILLEGAL!!1!) and it does a disservice to the themes of infantilization as a policy maneuver hurting the working class.
I saw chilchuck and his labor advocacy for half-foots both as a metaphor for racism (obvious take ik) and for ageism.
The working gen z as a cohort are being infantilized and pushed out of job markets due to infantilization, similar to half-foots in the show. gen z is being maliciously portrayed as too young to vote, enter office, know themselves, know their rights, and take advantage of their resources. Simultaneously, child labor protections and protections against workplace abuse are being rolled back in the US. In Japan, young people are being worked to the bone for nothing and are becoming disenfranchised as a generation while simultaneously expected to be the labor faction that supports the postwar generations in their old age.
Chilchuck's being treated poorly I saw as a clever commentary on the ways infantilization allows for protections to be stripped away under the guise that "oh it's just a job for teenagers- they don't need more than minimum wage" or "let the kids rescue the economy! they're always complaining about that job market!" while simultaneously stripping away rights under the guise of protection- "We can't have that on the internet! think of the children!" "to protect these young people we must raise the age of medical consent for hormones/reproductive health decisions!"
Kui's work with this series spoke to me on many levels, and specifically, the infantilization issue touched me in a way that few other pieces of media have. The struggle to be taken seriously in a stem field as someone young, as someone female, and as someone who had a high-pitched voice to the point I did years of voice training to be taken seriously, chilchuck's character resonated. I (kinda) understand your instinct to think "SHORT! CHILD! RALLY THE MASSES AND KILL THE PEDOS!!1!" but in this case, it's misdirected- mostly because the author was trying to use this misdirection to prove something to you, the reader.
Kui consistently makes cutting commentary on modern issues, the show's take on food neutrality as its headliner, but also the author's takes on cultural issues and the environment (with a focus on our place in the food web as animals). I feel that reducing chilchuck's very conscious position as a tradesman and an activist discounted due to his apparent age down to "1000 year loli ewwww let's send this random tumblr user suicide bait" just displays a lack of critical analysis of the show and a level of disrespect towards Kui and the work as a whole.
TL:DR- stop sending me kys messages I'm fucking that old man
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luobingmeis · 1 year
anyways thinking abt the amount of people involved in jin zixuan’s death is gonna make me a little insane. like u have wen ning who physically did it. wei wuxian who lost control. jin zixun who planned the ambush. jin guangshan who gave the fucking order to kill wei wuxian in the first place because his son *checks notes* wanted his wife to be happy. the many other people in jinlintai who knew that the ambush was going to happen. and then jin guangyao. oh boy. jin guangyao knowing about the ambush, being involved with the hundred holes curse, hating jin zixun, and then sending jin zixuan to the site of the ambush like. buddy how many birds did u kill with that stone.
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ejsuperstar · 7 months
(4/4 + Bonus) COMPLETE
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Super proud with how these came out, was a super fun projcect as well, might do more deltarune sprites down the line who knows.
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persnickety-doodles · 11 months
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so about that companion piece… 🥲 wip
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bugmaster · 2 months
May I please request something Negs x Fenton related? With more jokes about Jim’s height?
ill use this as an excuse to post these all...
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sibelin · 25 days
Sorry to be obssessed about this but it's haunting me : what i learnt from yesterday is that a dermatologist saw my skin six years ago, when it was starting to get real red, and told me "you have to hide it" while it could be either rosacea type 2 or lupus. So he just decided he wouldn't help me and let me suffer one of two known and treatable chronic illnesses, one being deadly dangerous if left untreated. And since I got told "you can't do anything about it", I did hide it so well that my doctor was shocked that I didn't tell her sooner. What can you do when you got told by a professional that you're incurable AND that you have to hide your face forever at 24yo. I am beyond gutted and I am just waiting anxiously to rule out lupus but GOD. I feel betrayed and unlucky and so damn angry :(
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dailyfrank · 2 years
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storm-driver · 1 month
just had a friend tell me that if i was getting into danny phantom again, it meant it had actually been a while since we got canon kh content
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basket-of-radiants · 2 months
Ok hi!!!! I love all your takes on the characters and it's rlly interesting! I also think moash is a very nuanced and fascinating character. I'm kinda mad at him after he tried to convince Kal to k!ll himself but I think he's a great charcter with lots of depth and your pinned post was so interesting because it said so much about moash! Anyway sorry bye!!!
Hello!!! Thank you!! I apologize for inflicting that post on you, but I'm glad you read/enjoyed it! ty for letting me know <3<3<3
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gendertrickster · 4 months
i find very cool how you're dating the writer of the comic you were (still are) swooning over
it's literally so fucking funny. you guys cannot even comprehend all the reasons why this is the funniest shit ever
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“I Am Your Echo”
(This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone)
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alexis-royce · 7 months
hhhello. i see you like horror games. i think you also like the stanley parable. idk if youve heard of Slay The Princess but it came out this monday and it kind of has like, the "every choice you make changes the outcome, also the narrator is SO tired of you fucking up his plan please hes told you EXACTLY what to do its really not hard" vibes but also is very spooky. and sad. and good. and PRETTY. i just thought you might be interested (and if you like it and it gets on my dash bonus points)
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Forget The Narrator, this ain't about him, but The Adversary gets what's up.
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dracallyart · 2 months
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Hehe they're bonding! (Drunkenly)
This is an idea Miz suggested when I asked for art ideas and, yeah this idea bounced in my head so hard I kept doodling more and more of this FJKKGSFJGS The two of them becoming black out drunk in front of Arasaka tower.
These are all events before they become a couple, some early and some late into their friendship, their friendship does develop more during afterparties of gigs and eventually outside of that once becoming more comfortable. For a while though the two would be aimless wanderers, chatting about utter nonsense before somehow sleeping in front of Arasaka Tower and waking up to the big ass holographic fishes
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