#it must be such a weird environment to go up in like cool but weird
marxistgnome · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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moinsbienquekaworu · 8 months
I don't know how I do that but I'm friends with so many trans people
#and for what!!!!#because buddy if i were trans let me tell you i would know by now#i've had years multiple trans friends of all flavours and 24/7 access to tumblr#i'd know#but here i am cis+ with just. an astonishing amount of trans friends for a cis girl#i don't know i guess it's cause i'm queer and weird??#i'm not kidding btw there's like. what. 12 people on my list of friends right now?#okay wait let's push it to 15 just to account for the people i must have forgotten#i have about 15 friends#and like half of that have something up with their gender#it's official. i'm a magnet for people who had a shit school experience and also trans people i guess#and the neurodivergent/disabled crowd also. but i'm neurodivergent and i had a shit experience in school so.#it's both a very nice environment (cool queer people) but sometimes it's a bit hard to talk about gender#because i have trans friends who take me saying i want to wear waistcoats as me being trans. which. nope#like i am so not a guy. i wouldn't panic too much if i suddenly woke up with a typically male body sure#but like. i'm not a guy. i don't know what's going on here 100% but it's not that i'm a guy#i just want to wear waistcoats i'd love shapeshifting powers and one day i'll try binding#this is me being a curious fucker with a sense of style#if someone else implies there is an egg in me i should crack i'm going to snap#sorry apart from that it's fun having trans friends. cool people#i say that now cause we're 5 housemates total and like 2 of those are trans people#and a third has something going on somewhere near his gender i think. i think? probably.#and they're friends with more people who are doing a gender#so many trans people in my social circle....#that and my two high school closest friends are also having fun with it#i'm the only one. i'm the only cis person of some of my friend groups!#wow i have a ramble tag now
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hella1975 · 2 years
the pill is fucking with my hormones again which naturally brings me to my constant conflict of 'is pursuing my passions more important than appeasing my hometown' and seeing as the big issue here is 'if i publish gay fantasy stories they will think im Weird :((' the conclusion i came to was 'i need to start being a little bit weirder all the time so that they're less surprised by it'. like yes queen start microdosing on weirdness to acclimatise your small town you're so normal about things
#i really wish id let myself be weirder at secondary school and hung out with weirder people#bc then people wouldnt be as surprised by it#but NOOOO i went 'i want to be COOL and go to PARTIES and hang out with the bitchy popular girls <333'#like that is the environment im in rn so imagine i turn around one day like 'anywayyy this is what ive been writing for the past two years'#i think they would all have a stroke. or punch me#possibly both actually#but like honestly on the one hand my brain is screaming like BEING SEEN AS WEIRD BY YOUR HOMETOWN IS THE WORST#POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN TO A GIRL THIS IS SOCIAL SUICIDE#and the other part of my brain is like my dude we have not cared about that kind of thing since before the pandemic what is the issue here#like honestly the worst thing THE WORST THING that can happen is people laugh at me and thing it's a weird hobby#and the kind of people doing that would not be people im spending any extended period of time with either#like that is it#people are dying babe get your head out your ass#idk i really hope this is a mindset i grow out of like im very comforted by the fact it's a very stereotypically teenaged mindset#my hope is in my 20s i gradually stop giving a fuck and find a tight knit group of small weirdos that Get Me#and i just wind up publishing something#AND BECOME AN OVERNIGHT SUCCESS AND EARN MILLIONS AND THROW IT IN MY HOMETOWN'S FACE AND-#anyway thank you im done ranting now. as you were#at ease soldier#you guys must see the word 'hometown' in my posts and go ohhhh fuck here we go#im not sorry btw
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wonbons · 7 months
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genre: probably angst!
summary: wonbin likes you, but anton is bored so he takes the wrong turn and decides to compete with wonbin for fun.
pairings: wonbin x reader, anton x reader
warnings: reader being played, miscommunication
posted on ao3!
note: villain!anton because why not??? btw might make a part 2 for anton's pov but idk! MY FIRST FIC sorry if i made any grammar mistake or typo. enjoyyyy!
Wonbin is such an ideal guy. Well, people have preferences, but at least you think he’s one hell of a deal.
I mean, who could blame you? Magnetism looks, cool demeanor, reserved. That's his usual suit, he's different with you. He’s all warm and soft, maybe if you tell him to jump off a cliff, he would do it without any question.
It’s like he has no flaw at all!
Well, maybe one…
People are so obsessed with him. You realized how the girls went crazy over him. One thing that you fail to realize is he’s actually in a very toxic environment. Wonbin couldn’t tell you about it, he doesn’t want to worry you.
He always dislikes Anton, but nobody will believe him if he says Anton is actually evil.
Anton, with his friendly and soft voice, who would actually believe it if Wonbin told them about Anton being a copycat and never leaving Wonbin alone?
You actually would believe him.
Only if he tells you.
Now, he is very bothered.
Anton is acting friendly towards you, it’s making Wonbin activate his alert mode. This is weird. There must be a plan behind that friendliness.
“Wonbin! You’re here!” You smile brightly when you see your soon-to-be boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry I took so long.”
“It’s okay! You didn’t tell me Anton is your friend!” You chuckled.
Wonbin faked a smile, you could tell… but you chose to brush it away.
At least for now.
“Yes, our parents are best friends.” Wonbin puts his arm around you. “Let’s go.”
“Goodbye, Anton!” You waved at Anton.
“See you guys tomorrow.” Anton smiles warmly toward you.
Wonbin waves at Anton and then walks you to his car. He turns his head one more time to check if Anton is still there.
Well, he is.
With a sly smirk that makes Wonbin want to commit murder.
What is wrong with that guy?
Wonbin is definitely panicking inside.
“Hey, are you alright?” You asked him. “What’s wrong?”
“No, nothing…” His smile reassured you that he’s fine. “Let’s go.”
Well, those were a few months ago.
Now, Wonbin is sitting on the floor. Back leaning against his bed. His eyes are still swollen due to the crying sessions he had today. He kept looking at your picture. He really misses your smile. How he wished he could go back in time and tell you exactly why he hates Anton to his bone.
Wonbin decided to send you a few voice notes. He added a note to open it when you’re all alone.
He throws his phone to the coffee table across from him. Luckily, it doesn’t break. He sips his nth glass of whiskey today. Lord knows he hates to touch alcoholic drinks, but the pain is just too much to bear in sober mode.
Wonbin wished the star so you could come back to him, that this is not too late and Anton screw something up.
“Anton, I’m gonna take a shower.” You said while tying your hair into a bun.
“Okay, just call my name if you need anything.”
“Yessir!” You happily walk into the bathroom. A relaxing shower is our favorite thing after an amazing date, right?
You turn on the shower. The warm water is a stress relief for sure! You rethink your day. Today is incredibly great. You spent a full day with Anton at the amusement park. Closing it with a kiss on the Ferris wheel while watching the sunset too… feels like a movie!
You’re so happy! The relationship felt a bit rushed though… or maybe it’s just an effect from Wonbin. Since he left you hanging for so long. It’s alright now! You have Anton.
You palm your forehead when you realize you forgot to bring your favorite soap with you. Well, the happiness makes you kind of forgetful. It happens.
You don’t turn off the shower, because you put your body care pouch near the bathroom door, if you remember well…
You open the door slowly and then close it again. You search your body care pouch and grab your favorite body wash. When you stand up, you realize that Anton is nowhere to be seen.
You heard a voice coming from the balcony. The door is open, Anton must be there. At first, you’re not really curious about what is he doing there.
But, then… you heard him mentioning your name. You thought he was calling for you, so you walk toward the balcony.
However, you immediately pause when you heard his next sentence.
“Well, yes, I only care about her because I want to beat Wonbin. What else?”
You froze.
He’s on his phone with lord knows who.
“I mean, it’s not my fault if she chose me. That’s on her AND Wonbin.” He laughed.
“Well, I am winning. I’m always winning.”
You hold your tears. You couldn’t believe this.
Is it all fake? His affection? His efforts? His smiles?
The kiss? It’s all just… a game?
You go back to the bathroom to finish your shower. After you’re done with your quick shower, you get ready and pack your things. You hurriedly put on your shoes with tears streaming down your face.
“Y/N? You’re done—wait, where are you going?” Anton asked with a warm smile. A smile that you no longer trust anymore.
“Anywhere but here.” You give him a cold shoulder.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? I’m wrong. It is a wrong choice to choose you over Wonbin.” You snapped. “Gosh, why am I so stupid?” You laughed at yourself.
“No, Y/N you must hear the full call. Here, I always record my calls—”
“No, Anton. We’re done.” You rush to the door. “Thank you for the lies.”
“Y/N, no! I can explain, please!” You slammed your door behind you while wiping your tears away. You take a taxi and get into the cab just in time before Anton can chase you.
“Where to, Miss?” The driver asked.
“I don’t know, just drive first.”
“Alright, I have a tissue right there if you need it.” The driver is so understanding. You are so thankful for that.
You open your phone and see some notifications from Wonbin. You deleted his number, but you remember it.
You open the chat and see some voice notes. With a note at the end, ‘listen to this when you’re alone please’.
Well, your intuition tells you to play all the voice notes now.
“Y/N… I’m sorry I didn’t make a fast move… sorry I took too much time…”
“Y/N, there’s one thing that I haven’t told you about Anton. Well… he is a hater of mine… he’s not actually my friend… I really wanted to tell you that he never leaves me alone, he always copies the stuff I did and all… I’m actually so irritated by him, but no one would believe me… I don’t know what he’s telling you. He’s really good at brainwashing, he ruined a few of my friendships too…”
“I have a feeling that he’s only chasing you so he could beat me… he loves to win at this non-existent competition… I really hope his feelings toward you are genuine, Y/N…”
“You know where to come back if he does you wrong, though…”
“I love you, Y/N… I’m sorry.”
You hold your sob now. All that you can feel is regret. Pain. Guilty. You did him wrong. Why are you so stupid? Why would you choose Anton over Wonbin?
“Emerald Tower, please.” You try your best to contain yourself.
“Well, we’re here then.” The driver pulls over to the right.
“Thank you.” You give him 50 bucks and get out of the car when one of the employees opens the door for you.
“Miss, this is too much.”
“That’s for your kindness. Thank you.” You try to form a smile and hurriedly rush to the elevator.
“Miss!” You could hear the driver call you when you entered the lobby.
“What floor, Miss?”
“28.” You smiled and wiped your tears away.
You wait in silence. Waiting for the elevator door to open. When it reaches the 28th floor, you smile at the employee and walk out to the left.
You are now in front of Wonbin’s apartment door. You call him and to your surprise, he immediately answers.
“I’m outside.” You said softly.
Wonbin immediately hangs up. After a few seconds, you heard a thumping sound walking closer to the door.
Wonbin opened the door and let you in without any hesitation.
You drop your bag and hug him after he closes the door behind him.
You finally let out your sobs in his embrace. “I’m sorry-I’m sorry-I’m sorry, Wonbin. I’m sorry.”
He hugs you tightly and sobs with you.
“Wonbin, I’m so stupid. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not your fault.”
“Wonbin, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” Wonbin breaks the hug to stare at your face. It hurts seeing you crying like this, he cups your face and wipes your tears with his thumb. “I’m sorry I was indecisive.”
“Wonbin, I’m so—” He pulls you in for a kiss before you could say any apologies again.
“Please be mine, I know I’m so late. I’m so dumb for wasting your time. But, please be mine. Give me a chance to fix it.”
“Wonbin…” You collect yourself together. “You’re all that I need.”
Wonbin smiles at you warmly. He gives your forehead a long peck. His favorite form of showing affection to you.
“I love you, Y/N.” Wonbin caress your cheek. “I will always do.”
© wonbons, 231022
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nattikay · 1 month
sure is interesting how the internet just loves to accuse Avatar of being a carbon-copy-ripoff of Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Fern Gully, etc. but never seems to accuse Dances with Wolves, Pochanonas, or Fern Gully as being ripoffs of each other. Surely if Avatar is exactly the same as all these movies at the same time then all those movies must be exactly the same as each other too right! But no, for some reason it’s fine when those movies share similar tropes and themes, but when Avatar does it, using those tropes is suddenly some lazy and derivative sin against storytelling, apparently.
Yes, Avatar does share a lot of themes and tropes with all these movies, no one’s denying that. But guys. Dances with Wolves did not invent the “going native” trope. Fern Gully did not invent “saving the environment from greedy villains”. Pocahontas did not invent “foreigner falls in love with a native”. It’s ok for more than one movie to share these ideas for pete’s sake y’all holy flip
Heck, you could argue that in some ways Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas are more similar to each other than either is to Avatar since they are both historical fiction set in North America centered around the native Americans vs the Europeans, whereas Avatar is a sci-fi/fantasy set on an alien moon six light years away where the humans have hyperadvanced technology and big robots and the whole moon is covered in a massive neural network that the locals can tap into at will using the biological usb cable that grows out of their heads. “it’S jUsT pOchAHonTaS iN sPaCE” SO WHAT? Telling a familiar story in a unique setting is not some cardinal sin against storytelling and I’m tried of pretending that it is. Maybe “a Pocahontas-type story but in the future in space with aliens and a whole bunch of unique immersive fantasy worldbuilding” is kinda a cool concept actually, there’s nothing inherently wrong with or “lazy” about it.
Sorry to suddenly go off about this, it just seems that whenever I see someone (outside the fandom) mention Avatar on the internet they seem to have this weird compulsion to make some dismissive disclaimer about how the movie is silly and derivative before they move onto the meat of their analysis (whatever that may happen to be), as if they need to justify their mention of it lest someone judges them for having poor taste and tbh I’m tired of it.
Avatar is fine. You don’t have to preface every mention of it with a disclaimer about how it (supposedly) sucks. You don’t have to throw in a snarky “oh God forbid, this movie” when you bring it up as an example of xyz. Especially when the most popular “criticism” that get tossed at it is as shallow and silly as “it shares some tropes and themes with some other movies”.
if Avatar is genuinely just not your cup of tea, that’s totally valid! Like any movie, it’s not gonna appeal to everyone and that’s ok.
But if your perception of it is “it’s bad because everyone knows you’re supposed to make fun of the dumb blue people movie, Big Reviewer YouTuber called it Dances with Smurfs and said it was lazy”, maybe think for yourself for five minutes
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rwrbmovie · 9 months
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: V&A
Via Amazon:
NG: I think their time together at the Victoria and Albert Museum really sticks out to me as a defining moment of their relationship. My character, Henry, really shares the last frontier of his vulnerabilities and really opens Pandora's box in a way saying plainly to Alex, ‘This is my life. I'm terrified, but I'm willing to take this risk.’
From EW:
For Galitzine, who grew up going to the museum, it was a surreal experience. "I was born and raised in London and the V&A is an iconic place to visit — the galleries, the displays, exhibitions that have been on there. To be able to witness it in such a quiet state was really bizarre. Night shoots are disorienting at the best of times. It's 5:00 in the morning, you're trying to act and be emotional, and you're in this truly beautiful, picturesque setting. It was really cool to be able to explore it. It felt a bit like Night in the Museum. It was a weird, surreal but extremely enjoyable experience."
Director Matthew López didn't know for much of the pre-production process whether the V&A would even allow them to film there. "They were very, very protective as you could imagine," he tells EW. " Especially when we told them where we wanted to shoot, which is a lot of things we could break, and I really didn't want to be the guy who ended up breaking a priceless piece of statuary. But we ended up getting permission, and that was amazing." In McQuiston's novel, this key scene takes place in the Renaissance Gallery, which López and cinematographer Stephen Goldblatt visited while scouting in London. But while we still see Henry and Alex run through that gallery, they decided to choose another due to the V&A's filming parameters. "It's not the most photogenic gallery," explains López. "It's kind of dark and it's very, very big, so there's a lot of blank space between the statues. The chances that you're going to get just a white wall behind you are good. And it's very hard to shoot in there because the rule that the V&A had for us was that we couldn't bring in any exterior lighting. We could not bring it in our own lights." But Goldblatt had an idea to work around that limitation. "He led me to this area of the museum where we did end up filming it," the director continues. "That long, beautiful corridor with all those gorgeous statues filled with very homoerotic art, as well as that narrow alleyway of busts. We came back another night after closing, and he had them turn off everything, all the lights except for the spotlights that were there, illuminating the artwork. But turning off the floodlights that lit the gallery for people to walk around in. What you had in an instant was darkness everywhere and light shining on the art." Goldblatt manipulated the light further with a dimmer switch, creating an almost sacred environment in which Henry and Alex could express their love for each other. "We did not bring in any of our own lighting," emphasizes López. "That scene is shot with the lighting that's available to us at the V&A. We decided that the scene would be the boys for the most part in shadow and the statues illuminated. It was a beautiful use of a problem to create a better solution that you could not have come up with on your own if you had no problem."
From Glamour:
“My absolutely favorite scene to film was the night we shot inside the Victoria and Albert Museum,” says López of the scene depicted here. “We arrived at 10 p.m. and filmed until sunrise. To have access to that museum at night without any other people around made you feel what Henry and Alex must have been feeling the night they go there together. What made it so special is that, for one of the first times in the shoot, it was just me, Taylor, and Nick working. No other actors, no background players. It’s a magical scene in the book, and it was a magical night for all of us.” 
In the film, as in the book, the pair dance together here as they vow to make their relationship work, come what may. This scene is also Matthew's favorite scene, "because it's the only scene in the film that is actually filmed at the location that it's set".  "That night was very beautiful and I think it's reflected in what you see on screen; there's a magic to that place at night and I like to think we captured it," he adds.
From NYT:
The two men under the dimmed lights were the actors Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine, and they swayed until the director, Matthew López, called “Cut!” around 2 a.m. for a lunch break. “It was just the three of us and our crew,” said López, who’s also the film’s co-writer. “It made for an incredibly intimate, really special night.”
From W Magazine:
There’s a sweet moment in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Why did you shoot in that sculptural exhibition? That’s not the gallery from the book. I went there with Stephen Goldblatt, my director of photography, and it wasn’t very cinematic. Stephen took me to another part of the museum, where we shot, with lower ceilings a more contained space with beautiful statues: David and Goliath, three women, the corridor of busts and torsos—very cinematic.
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opossum-rights · 4 months
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A Cursed Place
Cursed Spirit Gojo x Reader
You’ve always been deemed ‘weird’ by your peers. You’ve always seen things that aren’t there.
When you try to get away from it all you come face to face with something you never thought possible. The first one to seek him out in so long, he decides he doesn’t want to let you go.
<<Next Part>>
Word Count, 2.5k
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Dozens of years ago, the building was used as a temporary shelter for civilians impacted by some sort of natural disaster, one of the worst in recent history. Its still halls and rotted walls were festering in negative energy from unpleasant memories.
Of course, you didn’t know that at the time. You didn’t know what things were drawn to that type of stale environment. You’d been using the place as a sort of safe haven. A place you could go to be totally alone. No one else in your town dared to trespass, the tragic history of the place gave rise to many rumors of ghosts or spirits. It was frightening the first time you stepped through the rusted doors, but with time you got used to it, having made the place your own.
You were forced there, that first day. By the time you learned to keep quiet about the world around you, the things others couldn’t seem to see, you were already ostracized by your peers.
Through the years you’ve tried repairing your reputation, but eventually something would happen: one of those things standing in the corner of your sight, or getting attached to those around you. It’d draw a reaction out of you despite your best efforts at keeping cool, convincing your classmates that there was something wrong with you.
Normally they’d stay clear of you, sure they’d sneak glances and let out a couple of chuckles behind your back, but there was never any violence directed your way. You guessed with exams coming up that they needed a stress ball.
Getting later in the year, the sun was making its way westward, dragging the light with it through it was only mid-afternoon. A couple of boys in disheveled uniforms were waiting near the gate. They were glancing at you, smirks on their faces, but being used to that type of reaction you thought nothing of it. Keeping your head down, you walked right past them.
The only warning was a single footstep. A hand harshly gripped the back of your uniform dress shirt, collar slightly choking you. You were pulled into their little semi-circle. The one who grabbed you then put his arm around your shoulders, it felt more threatening than friendly. One of them told you how this little game would work, you’d run, they’d chase after and try ‘tagging’ you. The look in their eyes told you that they would do more than simply tap you.
Not giving you much time to think, they shoved you away and started counting. You ran. A dozen yards away you could hear the dull sound of sneakers on pavement. You turn. They must be toying with you, you think, as there’s no way you could out run them for as long as you have been. They must like the sound of your panting, the frantic looking in your eyes as you glance over your shoulder to see them only feet away.
This proves to be a fatal mistake. You feel your foot connect with concrete and turn your head just in time to see that you tripped on a stair, letting you thrust your arms out to catch your fall. They slow to a walk behind you, laughing at your mishap. On shaking palms you try to push yourself up; a shoe connects with your back, doing the opposite.
They surround you,
Fucking Freak, A shoe is driven into your side, making you wheeze.
They break out in laughter as you use a hand to hold the spot you were kicked, wincing at the throbbing pain. They back up, giving you enough time to stand back up on unsteady legs. Again, you run. Again, they follow. You know you don’t have it in you to run all the way home, the pain in your side is already causing you to slow down.
On the right side of the road, you catch a minor gap in the trees. You know there’s a small path beyond, and past the overgrown grass there’s a building. You know that there’ll be a place to hide.
Quickly, you make a sharp turn. Sacrificing your speed to watch for sticks under foot and branches overhead. A structure comes into view. You believe it’s an old storage facility. It’s run down, doors rusting and a majority of the windows broken. Turning around the side, you find a window close enough to the ground that you can climb in. It aggravates your side, but you manage to hoist yourself through.
The inside isn’t much prettier. Dirt and grime cover the floors, broken pieces of furniture scattered here and there. There’s a shout coming from outside and you know you don’t have time to look around. Going through an empty doorway, you find a staircase. It’s rusted and broken in some places, but you can hear the doors being forced open, metal grinding against concrete.
You skip up, two stairs at a time. At the top, there are a series of doors. The sound of them yelling for you, more aggressive and less playful than back on the street, echoes throughout the building as you try to open and close a rotted door as quietly as you can.
There’s an old wooden cupboard, not in as bad condition as everything else you’ve seen, that you duck into. You fold your knees to your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. The air is heavy; it leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
On the ground floor, your pursuers spread out to look for you. You can hear only one set of footsteps make the stairs creak as they ascend. They still as he reaches the top, presumably picking a door to start with. He chooses the one right next to yours, the one that shares a wall with the cupboard you’re in.
You hold your breath.
There’s the sharp sound of the window breaking. There’s the piercing sound of the boy screaming.
The floor beneath you begins to shake, you curl up tighter into a ball. The others downstairs shout for each other, you think it’s an earthquake. Items and furniture rattle around and fall to the floor. The lights flicker on and off forcing you to tightly shut your eyes. You can hear the other windows on the top floor break and you cover your ears at the sound.
A minute passes and the shaking stops. You open your eyes and uncover your ears. You realize two things then; that the only lighting in the room comes from the window, and that there’s no sound in the building anymore.
Despite how frightened you are, you don’t leave the building until the sun has gone down. Only having a cell phone as a flashlight, you step over flung items and broken glass. The main doors are still open. Standing at the edge of the road, you take one look back down the path. You may have just been imagining it, but deep through the trees, you can see small lights blinking. Six of them, light blue.
The next day it’s almost as if nothing happened. The boys who gave you such a hard time yesterday didn’t even glance at you. No one ever tried getting physical with you again.
It’s a month later when you decide to go back.
You can’t stand the pity in the eyes of your parents, the disappointment when you come right home from school everyday by yourself. At dinner, your mind moves faster than your mouth. You’re going to be staying late at school tomorrow, to study with a couple of classmates. They’re ecstatic to hear about some friends in your life, or at the very least acquaintances. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
The next day, you take longer than usual to pack your things, trying to think of somewhere to hide for a couple of hours. You know your classmates disperse to the various parks and restaurants around town, so those aren’t an option. You rack your head for a place where you can be sure that no one who knows you would see you. Then It comes to you; the old storage facility.
Walking down the overgrown path, you start to feel nervous. You haven’t been back since that day; hadn’t even thought about the place. Now you think back to the strange events that took place. A part of you insists it was just a mix of an earthquake and panic attack, and you’re inclined to believe that explanation. What else could it have been?
Through the branches, you can make out the front of the building, doors gaping open just as you left them. It makes you pause. The sunlight almost drops off after the entryway, leaving the inside barely visible. If the sun isn’t invited inside, who’s to say you would be.
Shaking your head to get rid of those silly little thoughts, you pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight. You reach the doorway, taking a moment to shine your light around. There’s broken glass and broken furniture thrown about, just as there had been a month ago.
There are footprints on the ground. You’re surprised, knowing that there has been harsh rain and wind, but the footprints made of dirt mere inches away from the door are perfectly clear. Thinking about it, that’s another oddity of the place. There doesn’t seem to be any weather damage; no mold growing along the floors and walls, no leaves or grass blown in despite the broken windows. The filth on the floor seems to have only been tracked from the feet of people and animals.
Cautiously you move from room to room, checking for signs that someone else may have been around. Once you make your rounds, your shoulders relax. Nothing looks like it’s been disturbed recently.
In one of the backrooms the floor is clean enough that you lay an old blanket over it to make a seat against the wall. It’s not the most comfortable, but it’ll do for now.
You bring out a folder from your backpack, opting to get started on some homework. Dumping out your container of multi-colored pens you decide to use the dark blue one, grabbing it and leaving the others scattered around you.
That’s how you spend the next half hour or so, marking here and there, trying to explain your reasoning, all the usual for language arts.
Soon enough you find yourself stuck on a point, pen cap between your teeth as you think. A soft howl rings out as a gust of wind blows through the window, carrying your paper across the room.
You hurriedly make to grab it, cringing at the thought of it dirty. Glancing across it, you find something has been added to your paper. Not dirt smeared on the back like you were worried about, but six light blue dots placed in the margin.
At first you think nothing of it. Though when you try to brush it away it only smears like pen ink. You slink back to your seat, taking a moment to look outside and admire the stillness of it all. Not a single leaf seems to be moving.
That’s something you like about this place; Always still, always quiet.
Looking back down you find that multiple spelling errors had been corrected with a light blue pen. You don’t remember doing this at all. In fact, you couldn’t have done this. Not only did the handwriting look completely different to your own, when you grabbed all your pens you found that the light blue was gone.
“What? Who’s here?” Looking back, it was a pretty stupid question-the paper was always in your sight if not in your hands, but you were genuinely baffled.
Another gust of wind came blowing through the window, taking the paper from your hands to the center of the room. A chill shivered down your spine. Taking a quick glance outside the window freaked you out all the more, as the trees outside indicated it wasn’t windy at all.
You crawl towards the paper, seeing it’s blank side up. With a slightly shaky hand you turn it over. Your breath gets caught in your throat. Written right after your own name in the corner is:
Satoru Gojo
“Satoru Gojo… is that who you are?” You ask in a hesitant whisper as you twist your head trying to catch a glimpse of him. Turning back to the paper, a small :) was drawn next to his name.
You yelp and drop the paper as if it burnt you. Backing up, you jump as your back hits the wall. It hits you that either you’re completely losing it or something supernatural is messing with you.
“I-I’m sorry, I’ll leave!” In your panicked state, you can only assume that he’s some ghost that’s going to kill you now that you’ve figured it out. That’s what they do in the movies.
You hurriedly shove all of your things back into your backpack.
“AH-“ You scream as something brushes against your arm. You harshly flinch and look down to see the paper with something new scrawled on it.
You scared?
Is he mocking you? You’d hate to say he’s right, but your rushed breathing and hurried movements make it more than obvious. You almost fall multiple times as you grab your bag and race to the door. Twisting around a corner, you find something that stops you for a moment. The main doors are closed. You yank and pull on them but they won’t open.
Spinning around to look for another way out you see your paper on the wall of the hallway you just came from. Slowly, you inch closer and closer until you can read what was written on it.
Don’t forget this!
You take the paper off the wall, and as soon as your fingertips touch the edge, light spills out from behind you. The doors are open. Grasping the paper so hard it crumbles, you sprint outside and don’t stop until you’ve hit the main road.
Once you stop, it takes you a moment to catch your breath, legs already sore. You spare a glance back to the woods, but of course, nothing is there. Adrenaline wearing off, you make it back home and manage to put yourself together before your family can see you.
Later that night, you find you can’t sleep. Going over the events of the day again and again; paper in your hand all the while. You rely on it to convince yourself you’re not crazy, that something was there.
The next morning you figure you should reorganize your backpack, having left it a mess in your haste to leave the warehouse.
You can’t find your light blue pen anywhere.
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Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had this sitting around since Halloween, and only recently came back to it. I’m sorry if the writing got a little wonky halfway through.
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nfr-girly · 4 months
Little Hope - Bradley Bradshaw x reader (Part 2)
Part 1
a/n: if anyone has any writing tips they can give me any is appreciated!! x
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Your POV
3:15 had finally come and I was sending off all my students with their parents. One of the things I liked best about being a teacher was to see the kids faces light up whenever they see their parent come to pick them up, always giggling and showing them what they did that day.
As I’m helping a few kids with their colouring, I hear a sudden yell come from someone.
I turn to see Hope almost jumping on her dad. Jesus Christ. He had shown up in what I assumed was a military uniform and sunglasses. His moustache standing out more than ever. I collect Hopes bag from her peg and walk over to the pair.
His eyes look towards me; and I see a sudden change in his eyes. I can’t describe it, but it’s different.
“Hiya Mr Bradshaw, here’s Hopes bag. She had a wonderful first day and she even made her own coasters today , so you and her mum can use them!” I said, smiling at Hopes giddy face.
Bradley’s face had shifted to a frown at the mention of “her mum”. A sudden feeling of worry running through me.
“Oh- um it’s just me” he replied, gulping.
“Oh. Um im really sorry, well you can use them, she can have her own aswell” I giggle, a smirk forming on his face. Thank fuck.
I don’t ask about what he means by ‘just me’, but as much as I hate to admit it I feel a sudden feeling of hope upon hearing there’s no “Mrs Bradshaw” in the picture.
“Well anyway I will see you tomorrow and have a great rest of your day!” I give them both a smile, but before I can properly walk away, Bradley stops me.
“Uh wait!” His hand is gently placed on my wrist, and a rise of warmth grows in my stomach, my cheeks becoming redder by the second.
“Can I quickly talk to you in private?” He asks. A feeling of nerves sprouted. I was never nervous to talk to a parent in private before, so why was I all of a sudden nervous now?
“Yeah of course, Hope if you’d like you can continue playing with Samuel and Tommy over by the sand pit” I say pointing to two of my students.
“Okay!!” She runs off without a second thought.
Me and Bradley turn back to look at each other; his eyes piercing into mine. It feels like we’re stuck in time, unable to take our eyes off the others. I look down at my wrist and realise he’s still holding it. He looks down and realises too before quickly letting go. My wrist feels empty from the sudden loss of contact.
Shit. Did I hold on too long? I didn’t want to let go but she would’ve thought I was a weirdo if I didn’t
“I just wanted to quickly mention something about Hope. So uh she can get really nervous sometimes and especially in a new environment like this, she can get quite shy, I just wanted to ask , if she does can you give her this? It’s her favourite and it really helps to calm her down.” I hand her Hopes favourite plushie. Ironically one that her mom originally got her.
“Of course! I promise I’ll give it to her and try to calm her down the best way I can if it comes to it.” She says, the sweetness in her voice acting as a massage for my ears.
“Thank. I didn’t wanna mention it in front of her, I just don’t know if she’d like it.”
“Don’t worry I understand!” She replies, a moment of silence passes between us before she continues.
“So you’re um a Military man?” She asks, pointing to my uniform.
“Yeah. Navy pilot. Take after my dad.” I reply, regret filling me after the last part, hoping she doesn’t ask about my dad.
“That’s amazing, it must be cool having the navy exist through two generations for you. I actually heard aviators have something called call sign names aswell? Is that right?” She asks. Shit. What if she thinks my call sign name is weird. Rooster. Ugh.
“Yeah, we do.. um mine is uh, rooster” I sound like a chicken speaking to her, no wonder that’s my call sign.
“Oh!! THATS where she got it from. Hopes teddy I heard was named rooster, I just assumed she really liked the animal!” She says laughing, I laugh along with her.
After we settle; she asks: “so is flying a plane hard? I heard it’s pretty intense in the navy”
“At first it is, but I’ve been doing this for years, just got used to it”
“That’s really great, I’ve always wanted to see what it was like in an aircraft”
It takes an insane amount of willpower and the total muscle power of everyone on earth to stop me from asking her if she’d like to have a look in my jet.
“It is cramped as hell in there I won’t lie.” I reply, both of us laughing in unison. God her laugh will be the death of me.
“Hey um before I go, can I give you the contact details of someone else who might pick up Hope sometimes?”
“Yeah of course! You can put all the details on here.” She gives me a piece of paper and I write down everything she’d need to know.
“His names maverick, he’s pretty much like an uncle to Hope and he’s a good friend of my dad’s. Kinda like a dad to me too I guess.” We both chuckle and I give her the piece of paper.
“Thank you, and make sure to give him the password for when he does come aswell” she says with a smile
“Yeah don’t worry I will, and also by the way you don’t need to call me Mr Bradshaw, it’s too formal, just Brad.”
We walk over to Hope, where she is now playing on the swings.
“Hey Bunny we gotta go.” I say to her, out of the corner of my eye I see Y/N smile at the nickname.
“Aww why I am having fun” Hope replies
“I’m sorry baby but we have to go.”
“Okay… I will see you tomorrow Miss L/N.” She waves at Y/N.
“Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow as well” I smile and give her a small wink, before heading towards the car. Should I have done that? What if I looked embarrassing? It was too late now. But suddenly preschool wasn’t looking so bad for Hope, or me.
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frodo-with-glasses · 6 months
More Reading Thoughts: A Shortcut to Mushrooms
"[Frodo] was lying in a bower made by a living tree with branches laced and drooping to the ground; his bed was of fern and grass, deep and soft and strangely fragrant. The sun was shining through the fluttering leaves, which were still green upon the tree." HELLO I WANT A BED LIKE THIS HOLY COW
LOL Pippin like "I would've eaten all the bread and not saved any for you if Sam didn't stop me" 🤣
"I don't want to answer a string of questions while I am eating. I want to think!" "Good heavens! At breakfast?" Have I mentioned that I love Frodo and Pippin—
Frodo sees his kid cousin running in the grass and singing and thinks to himself "🥺 oh I can't possibly take him and Sam into danger with me, look at them"
I love Frodo's entire conversation with Sam here. If I tried to list my favorite lines, I'd be copying the whole thing. Frodo doesn't want to put Sam in danger, because he loves him, but Sam is extremely loyal and willing to walk into hellfire for Frodo, because he loves him. It's just such a sweet exchange that tells you so much about these characters. I'm love them boys.
Also Frodo being surprised that Sam's become so philosophical haha
Frodo: "We'd best get going; we slept late." Pippin: "You mean you slept late." HAVE I MENTIONED—
Frodo: "I'm not going to take the road. I'll cut straight across country to the Ferry." Pippin: "What, can you fly??"
Pippin: "Short cuts make long delays! Besides, I was hoping to stop at the inn for some good beer." Frodo: "Well, that settles it! Short cuts make long delays, but inns make longer ones."
Also Sam stalwartly like "I'll go with you, Mr. Frodo," but also inwardly like ":-C but the beer tho"
And now we return to another hiking section, about which I have very little to say except that Tolkien's description of the natural environments of the Shire is extremely beautiful and I too would want to hike there
And now we interrupt your regularly scheduled pleasant hike for some bone-chilling horror
It's hard to imagine in the modern age—when tornado sirens and jet planes and faulty car brakes all probably make noises not unlike that of a Ringwraith's call—but to hobbits who have never heard a noise louder or more frightening than a thunderclap, a high, sustained, almost industrial screech like this must seem like the most terrifying and otherworldly thing.
(Also nobody tell Pippin about the white bellbird, which has a call like the emergency alert system at a volume comparable to a pneumatic drill)
Pippin: "Oh good, it's Farmer Maggot :-D" Frodo: "OH NO IT'S FARMER MAGGOT D-8"
It's such a shame that we know so little of Frodo's childhood, but the fact that he was a Certified Scoundrel(TM) who was prone to stealing mushrooms and got his butt whooped over it is absolutely hilarious 🤣 How ever did a naughty kid like him become the erudite sweetheart we know and love??
Pippin like "chill bro, he's a mutual friend of mine and Merry's, we're good!" Meanwhile Frodo is sweating buckets LOL
It's so cool that Pippin gets to be the leader in this section. And what a fearless leader he is! Of course he's not in any danger at all, but it just says so much about him that he waltzes down the lane to Farmer Maggot's house without a care in the world while Frodo and Sam are both terrified 🤣
Also I adore Farmer Maggot's hospitality
Sam giving Farmer Maggot the side eye because he whooped Frodo over the mushrooms years ago X-D
"I recollect the time when young Frodo Baggins was one of the worst young rascals of Buckland." I MEAN JUST IMAGINE
Farmer Maggot's story about the Ringwraith is SO GOOD. I love how much courage this round old hobbit has in him.
Farmer Maggot: "Moral of the story, ya never should've gone to Hobbiton. Clearly ya got mixed up with weird people." Sam: >:-C
Also Farmer Maggot cheerfully being like "don't worry, if they come after ya again, I'll deal with 'em for ya!" is so sweet and so ballsy X-D
Also Farmer Maggot is SO FREAKING SMART, and so generous. I think it's Merry who says later that he's got a lot more going on in his head than his genial appearance might let on, and he's right. He can see that Frodo and co. are in trouble, and he immediately offers his help. What a solid dude.
And here we see Frodo's silver tongue at work once again!
"I've been in terror of you and your dogs for over thirty years... It's a pity: for I've missed a good friend."
This line actually made me stop and think, bruh. How many friendships do we miss out on because we let the mistakes of our younger selves dictate our future?? I can think of lots of dumb things I did as a kid, and I'd be so embarrassed to run into the people that I wronged in my stupidity...but who knows? Maybe they're good people. Maybe they'd even be my best friends, if I got over myself. Food for thought.
And speaking of food, I want to have dinner with Farmer Maggot and his family and farm hands X-D
Ohhhh the suspense of the hoof-falls in the foggy lane is SOOO GOOD
And his humor is in absolute top form LOLOL
"When it grew foggy I came across and rode up towards Stock to see if you had fallen in any ditches. ... Where did you find them, Mr. Maggot? In your duck-pond?"
Also, the fact that Mrs. Maggot packed a basket of mushrooms for Frodo makes me very happy X-D
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therizino-ao3 · 7 months
Hermit Horror Week 2023
Day two: Environment
Summary: xB wants to support his friend, but there’s something about his base that feels wrong. He can’t bring himself to leave, no matter how much he knows he should.
Read on ao3
Contains: unreliable narrator, a character being non-consensually drugged (implied + in a magical way), loss of free will (strongly implied), panic attacks, fairy folklore, suffocation mention, weird time shenanigans
“So dude, have you seen my base yet?”
xB looks up from the diamonds he’d been counting, “Hmm? No, I haven’t. You’re doing like, mushrooms or something, right?” So far, his and Hypno’s business has been doing great. They’ve been getting quite a few sales lately, to say nothing of the IOU collection they’re racking up. They’re making bank.
“Yep! Like a mushroom forest, mystical land kinda thing,” Hypno takes the diamonds xB hands him, “You should totally see it! I’ve finished the main mushroom and a bunch of decoration around the place, it looks so cool.”
“I’ll take your word for it. I’m happy to head over now, if you want?”
They head over there by foot, instead of by elytra. It’s… a little weird, but xB doesn’t mind, he thinks Hypno wants to show off the custom lamps he’s made for the path. It’s quite atmospheric, he’ll admit, with the towering dark oaks letting only small puddles of sunshine hit the ground, and the glowing fungi beckoning them forward. It’s magical.
They seem to walk for ages, wandering down the twisting path. At one point, xB turns around, just to see what’s behind them. There’s nothing. It’s pure black, no sign of the pretty little lamps they just passed. xB swivels back to Hypno, about to voice his concerns, but Hypno starts talking about dye farms and making concrete and xB just kind of forgets about it. It’s not too much of a concern, anyway. The further in they go, the more xB realises how safe it is. Like, initially he was super concerned of a creeper crawling out from the forest, with how dark it was outside the path, but he actually hasn’t seen a single creature other than them. He can’t even hear the birds sing here. Hypno must have done some mad mob-proofing.
Eventually, the trees open out and he looks at Hypno’s hard work and instantly his stomach drops. His mind is screaming at him to get out. He needs to leave. His heart is thundering. His eyes squeeze closed. Then, he feels Hypno’s comforting hand on his shoulder and it’s all okay. He blinks a little and looks up at his friend.
“Is everything alright xB?” he’s frowning.
“Yeah, I’m just- I felt on the verge of a panic attack for a second there but, now it’s all gone,” his face feels a bit wet, is he crying?
“Are you sure? We can go back if you’d like, I don’t want to continue if you’re hurt,” Hypno looks concerned.
“No, no, it’s all fine. It might be like, hay fever from all these mushroom spores,” he says. As he says it, he knows it makes absolutely no sense, but he wants Hypno to stop worrying.
“Alright,” Hypno seems to buy it, his tone becoming more playful, “You know, you can just admit you’re jealous of how cool my base is, xB!”
“I am not jealous, we all know, out of the two of us, I got the cooler base. M’kay?” he smiles, feeling a bit better. They’ve crossed over a barrier of tiny mushrooms in front of the path, seeming to circle around the whole area. Inside, there’s a field of beautiful light green grass, home to all sorts of fungi Hypno’s been cultivating. They’re mainly red and white, with some brown, but they’re in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Throughout the area, there are fairy lights and lanterns and fireflies and they all glow in the darkening dusk sky. When they left Horse Head Farms, it was mid-morning, xB remembers. It’s funny how fast time passes.
Most of the mushrooms seem decorative, but the larger ones have been made into buildings. There are cute little doors carved into the trunks and signs that say things like “Storage” or “Farms”. One particularly thick and pretty mushroom has been decorated a lot, he assumes it must have been Hypno’s starter base.
“I can’t believe you’re living in Smurf village, dude,” xB giggles.
Hypno punches his arm, “This is not a Smurf village! It’s a fairy realm. Get it right, xB.”
xB’s mouth feels dry. He knows that word. Fairy. Right now, he can’t think of what it means. He nods. He looks at the giant mushroom in the centre of the base.
It’s obviously the centrepiece, towering over every other mushroom. It’s incredibly beautiful. Hypno leads them to the front entrance. xB feels sick looking up at the gills of the mushroom. He can almost imagine the microscopic spores floating down, filling their mouths, suffocating them. Spore particles would probably be good to add, the movement would make the build more dynamic. He’ll tell Hypno later. Hypno drags xB into his home. The wooden staircase looks very nice, Hypno’s done a pretty good job on the spiral. They run up it together. The air smells sweet, almost sickly. After a very short tour, they come back outside - Hypno hasn’t finished the interiors yet. He’s surprised he was allowed to leave, he thought Hypno would trap him there forever, not that he’d mind.
Hypno is looking at him, “So what do you think of my base, xB?”
xB thinks. He thinks about the amazing lights and the vibrant colours and the magical aura. He thinks about Hypno, who’s one of his best friends, who has worked so hard on this base, who xB would do anything he asks him to do. That’s weird, he’s able to realise. He likes Hypno but Hypno is also sometimes very annoying, and other times, xB just likes to mess with him. He wouldn’t do everything Hypno wants. He thinks about all the people willingly signing their IOUs. Is xB willingly answering Hypno’s question? Not that he has any choice, he has to answer it regardless. He wonders if Hypno’s human. He always assumed he was, not having any visible non-human traits, but sometimes the signs are more subtle. He’s thinking too hard.
“Hmm, it’s alright,” he says, “My base is still better.”
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Too Cute <3 — Alex [Adult World] x gn! reader
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summary: Just some workplace fluff with Alex <;3
tw: none
a/n: Prompts are highlighted and from here.
wc: 0.6k
Master List
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Another day, another shift. Something the world doesn’t talk about enough is what happens when you try, and fail. All my life, I wanted a good job with decent pay, I tried my hardest in highschool, and even graduated college! Yet all that hard work seemed to be down the drain. I made connections, I applied to jobs, and it was always “Thank you for applying, but you’re not what we’re looking for”. It was even like that for entry level jobs! And I had previous experience! It was infuriating. If I didn’t get money soon, I’d be out on the streets.
Which led me to my current prediction. I worked at a porn shop. Which wasn’t as terrible as it sounds. Yeah, some of the customers were weird, but at least your coworker and manager, Alex, was there to make you forget that you were technically even working. With good pay, and a good environment, I suppose I didn’t have much to complain about. Yeah, it was embarrassing to tell people where I worked, and I tried to avoid the topic, but like I said, the pay was good. I suppose only having to pay two workers meant you could treat them better.
I let out a sigh of boredom as I scrolled through my social media. My head darted up at the sound of a door opening, smiling softly as a familiar man with fluffy brown hair came out of the back room. Alex was carrying a box and set it on the ground with a huff. Must be new videos that came in. 
“Want any help?” I asked, not wanting to sit around while he does all the work. 
Alex pretended to think for a second before saying, “Youuuuuu could clean the bathroom before we close.”
I frowned, staring at him with pleading eyes, but his puppy dog eyes were more powerful and I spoke without thinking, “You’re lucky that you’re cute.”
I got up from my stool and put my phone in my pocket, but before I could make my way to the closet Alex replied, “Wait, you think I’m cute?” 
I felt myself freeze, not even realizing that I said that outloud. I bit my lip, trying to think of a way I could play this cool. Glancing back at him, I tried to give him the most natural smile I could muster.
“Yeah, who wouldn’t?” I asked with a shrug, continuing to the closet to grab the cleaning supplies. As I cleaned the bathroom, I was internally screaming at myself. Did I just make things weird? I mean yeah, we’re friends, but he’s also my manager. I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm myself down. I’ll just act like nothing happened, and maybe everything will be fine. Yeah, that’s totally what’s going to happen. 
It took me a bit to clean the bathroom. I tried to ignore the nausea that filled me at every unsanitary thing I had to clean. I forgot all about the little predicament that happened before. The need to leave that bathroom was the only thing filling my mind. I took in a deep breath as I exited the bathroom, Alex counting the register came into view. 
“I can’t believe you made me do that,” I groaned, acting like I didn’t do that every close shift. 
“You’ll live,” Alex laughed lightly, taking a glance at me before finishing the count. I tossed the bucket, gloves, and cleaning supplies back into the closet. 
“I suppose it isn’t that bad here,” I said, locking the front door. I turned back to face Alex as he put the deposit into an envelope. 
“It’s better with you here,” He replied nonchalantly, sending me one of his heart warming smiles. I felt myself warm at the sentiment and I smiled sheepishly back. “C’mon, let's get out of here.”
This may not be the life I envisioned, but you know what? It’s really not that bad.
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floralcavern · 3 days
In Between Mine and Yours
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Chapter 2: A Warm Welcome
Chapter 1
Violet felt dirt blow across her face, her arms spread out as she lay on her back. Her head was pounding and her entire body felt like it got hit by a truck.
Where was she? What happened? And why did the air smell more like sulfur than usual?
She tried to get up, but an electric jolt stung through her whole body, causing her to keel over. “Ughhhh…”
She opened her eyes and saw red. Like, actual red. The sky was still night. But for some reason it was a blood moon. And a full moon. Which was weird. Last she saw it was a new moon.
She finally found the strength to sit up a little, holding herself with her arm as she rubbed her head. “Ugh..” she groaned again, actual words not seeming to want to come from her mouth.
She was on the same road… kind of. Like, it looked a lot like the area she last was, but different. Tainted? Like she had to play a spot the difference game. Something was just wrong, like the environment was trying to camouflage itself as something else. It was extremely unnerving.
But even more creepy?
No one was around. Not a single person. No cars, no bikes, no kind homeless man offering wise words of encouragement.
Wait… HOLY CRAP! She got hit by a truck! Not figuratively, but literally!
She scanned the area. No blood, no missing limbs, no ambulances. Nothing. What the hell?
Why was she alive? Why is no one helping her?
She pulled out her phone, but when she tried to turn it on, she was met with a bright red screen, nothing seeming to fix it. 
Must be broken. she thought before slipping it back into her purse.
She managed to find enough strength to get up, though she suddenly got really dizzy and had to crouch for a second, getting used to standing up.
That had to be some of the worst vertigo she’s had in her life. It was like her brain had been deep fried in a volcano of dish scrubbers, if that made any sense.
She found her footing and dragged herself to the bench at the bus stop and that's when she realized what was wrong with this environment. It originally wasn’t nearly as open as it was now. When she last saw it, there were buildings everywhere, all that, a whole town. But it seemed like this one stop, this one street, existed on its own, with nothing else around it. Stationary and alone, beyond that was just plains of dirt, glowing in the red moonlight of above.
It was creepy. It reminded her a lot of those liminal space photos she saw online. 
She stared out, questioning whether she should go out and see what was out there. After all, this all had to be some weird dream? Got hit by a truck, probably in the hospital- half conscious-, so her brain is just dreaming. That had to be it. And it’s not like she’s ever experienced a lucid dream. This was pretty cool. But also pretty terrifying.
She stood at the line that separated the two areas. Her world seemed to be boxed off, like someone cut it out and plopped it into a deserted wasteland. And now that she stared out at the wasteland, she hesitated.
After all, last thing she remembered was her getting hit by a truck. What if this was her at the cusp of death? What if leaving this area sealed her fate?
She tightly closed her eyes and threw her hands up in the air.
“No, I’m not leaving!” she announced aloud to herself. She turned to walk back to the bench, but felt invisible hands pulling at her, dragging her to the line, to the wasteland.
“Ugh, hey.. Let go!” she hissed at the invisible force. She tried to power her way through it and get back to the bench, or even the middle of the road where she woke up. But the more she fought it, the stronger the force became.
That was when she really started panicking. Isn’t she supposed to have full control over her dream? Why can’t she? 
Now, the only thought she had running through her mind was I don’t want to die..!
That’s when the whispers started.
“What’s the point in going back?”
“Dad hates me..”
“Life just isn’t worth it.”
And one particularly dreadful one. “No one wants me back, anyways..”
These words, they were all real. They were all too alluringly depressing. Why bother going back? Maybe death would be better..
She turned to face the wasteland again, now faced with a lush forest, warm sunlight and beautiful flowers. It was a paradise. It was freedom. 
She sucked in a breath and extended her arm, crossing the barrier. Like lightning, a flash went by and suddenly, the last area of home was gone, and she was entirely surrounded by dirt, wasteland, nothingness.
Wake up! she thought. Wake up!! She tried to slap herself. And it hurt. But not enough. So she slapped herself again. And that hurt. And it wasn’t supposed to hurt. She was supposed to feel nothing.
“Where am I?”
Up above, in the pitch black sky illuminated only by a crimson red moon, there was loud screeching.
She had to suppress a scream of horror at the noise and booked it. She couldn’t see anything up ahead. Only darkness stretching out towards her.
And there was no noise other than the screeching and her desperate panting, the sounds of her tennis shoes hitting against the dirt.
“Help!” she yelled out, desperate for any sort of help. But who could be out here? What could be chasing her? A demon? Was she in Hell?!
“Help, please! Somebody!”
She found herself running into an area filled with tall, crumbling buildings, destroyed. It looked like a town. Was she in a town? It didn’t look familiar in the slightest. But she didn’t have any time to admire the scenery because the screeching only got louder. That was when she realized that it wasn’t screeching, as in someone screaming, but motorbike tires and engines revving. And, in a weird way, that freaked her out even more.
She darted into one of the buildings, which looked a lot like an office building, but with half the glass windows broken. It was difficult to get in at first, as the doors were blocked by overgrown vines that made their home in the doorway.
She just had to stay quiet. Sure, that was easy enough. If only her heart would shut the hell up and stop trying to do a whole ass drum solo right now.
The sound of the bikes quieted and for a moment, she thought they drove off. Sadly, she wasn’t too lucky, since now she heard the sounds of chuckling and footsteps.
“Cmon out, freshmeat,” said a voice. Oh, she’s heard voices like that too many times. Guys who think they’re hot shit and cool as hell, when really, they just need an ass whooping to teach them a lesson. 
“Here, girlie, girlie!” said another voice, this one much higher pitched than the last one, like he swallowed a balloon as a baby.
How did these guys even find me? How did they figure out I exist? What will they do to me if they find me?
All these questions ran around through her head and she knew she had to find a safer spot to hide. So, she crouched down and started to crawl to the staircase. She kept her body low as she climbed step by step. She felt like a 5 year old climbing up the steps on their hands because it was more fun. But there was nothing fun about this right now.
Usually, she would just go out there and confront whoever it was. But she had no idea where she was, what was going on, or who those guys were.
She made it to the second floor, which was littered with glass shards. Deciding that she didn't feel like having glass stuck in her hands, she stood a bit more, carefully waddling around while still staying low.
She peeked her head out of the window to get a view of those guys after her.
One had long, unkempt brown hair and he wore an army green bomber jacket with a patch of a skull with the colors of the American flag and another of the Don’t Tread On Me snake. He also had on a pair of sunglasses that bikers in movies would also wear. Somehow, all of that was more noticeable than the shotgun he had strapped to his back, which was painted red, white, and blue.
He looked up and the two made eye contact. He smirked, revealing his awful jack o'lantern teeth, yellow and uneven and probably never brushed. “There you are, freshie,” he says before slinging off his shotgun and firing it in her direction.
She only had one second to duck down and avoid having her head blown off. Instead of screaming in terror or begging for mercy, the only thing she managed to yell was, “FUCK YOU!”
She ran as fast as she could from the window and up more flights of stairs, the sounds of yells echoing from the distance. 
She found herself at the rooftop, without any escape she could see at the moment. The men eventually reached her and there were at least 5 other men, all in their late 20s to early 30s. Yet they were for some reason ganging up on some random 15 year old girl. Great.
“L-Listen, I don’t know who you are, or.. Or where I am, but you better back off!”
They all burst out laughing and the one with the shotgun, the leader, she assumed, took a step forward.
“And tell me, freshie, why would I do that?”
“Because.. Uh.. uh..”
She desperately dug through her purse, which got another round of laughter from the men.
“She’s gonna throw lipstick at us, oh no!” said one sarcastically, the one with the balloon voice.
She eventually found something. Sometimes when she walks to the grocery store, she likes to pick up random things off the street. And she’d find some pretty interesting things. Some, not helpful, like the penny from 1893. But one was helpful.
“All right, little girl, come on and hand yourself over. We’ll just torture you a little if you make this easy.”
Her face hardened and for this plan to work, she had to keep her impulsive mouth shut. Which was hard. She stepped over to him and he smirked.
“Good job. Nice to see you have some smarts after a- AHHH!” He screamed in horrific pain when she maced him right in the eyes.
“John!” yelled out one of the lackeys and Violet managed to spot the fire escape and made a run for it over to it.
“Get back here, you brat!” yelled Balloon Voice, but she just stuck out her tongue at him as she slid down.
One of the lackeys, who was wearing a gray flat cap, grabbed the shotgun off of John’s back and fired at her. He just barely missed, instead hitting the fire escape, causing it to break off, sending her crashing to the ground.
“Ughhh…” She had no time to lay around in pain, though. She got up and tried to run as best as she could. She was used to running away, no matter how much pain she may be in.
She spotted what appeared to be a bunker and she desperately tugged at it, but it wouldn’t budge, no matter what she did. And she didn’t have a lot of time to keep trying different techniques to open this thing. She was about to keep running when she saw something at the corner of her eyes that was so shocking that it briefly made her forget about her situation.
A robot. A robot.
It looked at her and she looked back at it. Then she looked at the men chasing her and it looked at them as well.
The men looked proud of themselves for having caught up to her, but their faces fell upon seeing the robot.
“Ffffffuck,” said Balloon Voice before the robot lifted one arm and then pointed it at them.
“Duck!!” yelled flat cap, all but one dodging getting hit by an arm cannon.
“HOLY CRAP!” Violet yelled, so shocked by how cool it was that she couldn’t even run away. After all, it wasn’t like the laser cannon was pointed at her.
“Did John seriously lead us to Foley’s turf?!” yelled flat cap. “What an idiot!”
“Yes, what an imbecile indeed,” said a voice behind Violet. She snapped her head in the direction of the voice, and there was a man with orange-brown hair and a pair of science goggles on his head. “Though, he was never known for his smarts now, was he?”
The man then looked at the robots and snapped his fingers, the robot lunging at the men, who all screamed in horror as it began to brutally tear them to shreds, limb from limb. 
“Now, now,” said the stranger, putting a hand on Violet’s shoulder before turning her away. “Don’t look at that.”
“I.. who are you? Where am I?”
The man smirked. She didn’t think he should be smirking. He just brutally dismembered several men, after all. 
“My name is Foley Carver. And I think you had the most perfect welcoming to the In Between.”
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wickedsrest-rp · 29 days
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Name: Pedro Vázquez Species: Human (Non-powered) Occupation: Park Ranger Age: 30 Years Old Played By: Kitty Face Claim: Sean Teale
"Shut up, I’m not a Boy Scout."
Ever since he was tiny, Pedro was definitely a nature kid. He enjoyed exploring caves and climbing trees, and he had a collection of cool rocks that his mom helped him paint. His drawings involved a lot of green pencil, and/or random animals he’d either seen or imagined. In this kind of place, where birds can have human teeth, the line often blurred between those two things.
It wasn’t surprising that he enjoyed biology class as he got older, taking an eclectic mix of science and art courses, and eventually joining the Wildlife Ecology programme at UMWR - where he tagged along with cryptid searches despite being absolutely terrified about actually finding one. He didn’t want to look like a loser or anything.
His willingness to go in search of creatures in spite of his fear didn’t go unnoticed - and alongside his family name, that secured him a State Park internship. He didn’t think that was going to be his career even though his mom’s side of the family had been doing it since forever. It was always really clear it was his own decision whether to take it up, or go do something more mundane elsewhere.
Pedro’s creativity made him thrive in that environment, which was something he hadn’t quite expected. It involved more entertainer skills than he’d thought, because people remembered safety measures a lot better with a fun rhyme or a really bad pun.
The problem with working in a dangerous place for years was that you couldn’t be on your guard all the time. It was literally impossible. All it took was the combination of complacency and momentary inattention, and he found himself joining the ranks of those who’d lost their lives to the woods - or their contents.
That was, until he found it again. He doesn’t know - nor does he want to know - the details, but his mom paid someone to bring him back. She said she wasn’t going to outlive her only son, no matter the cost. Pedro refused to listen to any more explanation. Someone else had to die for him to live, he understood that much, but had no desire to find out who. He’s working on the mixed feelings he has about it all. Parents would do anything to save their kids, sure, and he gets that - but that doesn’t automatically make it okay.
Not knowing the details was his choice, and he stood by it, but that came with its consequences. The person who resurrected him could be literally anyone. He could cross paths with them any time of day and not even know about it - or maybe he would know about it in some kind of weird mystical way. They were probably evil, because you would have to be to be some kind of resurrecter-for-hire - or at least someone with way weaker of an ethical code than him. He would rather that didn’t rub off on him.
It was normal to feel lost and distant after being…re-alived, right? There’s something missing - or something off, he isn’t sure what. Maybe there’s something that’s not even him at all left over. Maybe he’s secretly evil and he doesn’t know it yet. As far as everyone else is concerned, he went missing and now he’s back. That’s how he wants to keep things. He must be overthinking this.
Except, life is never quite that simple. Try explaining to your friends who know your pain tolerance is practically zero that you somehow decided to get a creepy looking tattoo? Okay, that one can be blamed on bad life choices after a drink or several - and people are kind of willing to believe that about him. A little light bullying from colleagues is definitely better than the alternative.
But the scars are harder to cover up. Especially now it’s coming up to summertime and he doesn’t have any non-suspicious reasoning to avoid swimming and sunbathing. He has been pretty lucky so far, if you can call it that, that he seems to run colder than he used to. Maybe he’s imagining that, but people have been wondering how he can tolerate wearing a sweater on long hikes as the weather gets warmer.
For all his creativity, he isn’t good at excuses. He can’t keep them straight. Maybe if he told them the truth but made it sound like a joke? Or, he could have technically been in hospital and had it be touch-and-go for a while. They look like he went a few rounds with a clawed thing and lost, which is basically what did happen, but that in combination with the weird tattoo? Someone would put two and two together. Especially in his line of work, where the improbable was practically mundane.
Character Facts:
Personality: Good-natured, empathetic, kind, creative, fearful, uncertain, naive, daydreamer
Pedro is that person who pulls out a guitar to play Wonderwall, despite the fact that absolutely nobody likes it. He is enjoying himself, and it wards off wildlife and eldritch beings.
He likes puns entirely too much, the kind of wordplay that results in audible groans. This also means he’s part of the team that comes up with cautionary rhymes for the visitors to remember.
Prior to his untimely death, he was a Park Ranger - not necessarily a very good one, but his family have consistently served over centuries. He liked the stories, and working in the outdoors, so it wasn’t a big deal.
Pedro is bilingual (English and Spanish).
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
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i didnt know i needed sholmes and kazuma to interact holy shit
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baffled kazuma is my favorite flavor of kazuma
where the fuck did ryuunosuke go did he plaster himself to the roof like spiderman
or is sholmes just playing dumb like "oh he has a boyfriend in his closet?? as a fellow homosexual i can't possibly out him, that's against the bro code" while ryuunosuke stared at sholmes wide eyed like "whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhattHEFUCK"
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kris is kazuma queen is sholmes noelle is ryuunosuke and berdly is strogenov
i know it's not what happened but itd be really funny especially since you would definitely see sholmes and ryuunosuke in there no matter how high up they were
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ryuunosuke is just devoted to his bestie <3 or sholmes just has the adhd with the hyperactivity and ryuunosuke has adhd without hyperactivity
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i immediately thought of the danganronpa ON THE MEAT BONE meme help
my guy ate three steaks while running away from the crime scene what the hell
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it would be really funny if the criminal was kazuma though. he needs to get steak for his bf and the bones are in the wardrobe because he fed them to ryuu lmfaoooo
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i love threatening cheeky sholmes he WAS covering for his fellow gays what a bro
why was ryuunosuke under the bed though lmfao
nocturne makes you cry in 1-2 and then it's used for the stupidest shit like 2-1 and whatever this is
and then it makes you cry again in 2-3 lmfao the duality of nocturne getchoself a song with this mad range
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IT'S SO WEIRD TO SEE RYUUNOSUKE'S MODEL OUTSIDE OF COURT especially with that facial expression
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i do like actually seeing ryuunosuke in different environments though lmfao his archery arm guard thing is cool
also i love how proud he is of this as though sholmes didnt notice him anyway
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am i becoming a ryuunosuke simp why did my heart skip a beat when he looked at the camera lmAOOO
it must be the kazuma pov since he's the ultimate ryuunosuke simp
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oh so sholmes DID steal the other two steaks i KNEW it
also new ryuunosuke pose!!! the fact that we cant see these in game normally is absolutely tragic we should have a whole game from kazuma's pov with him simping for ryuunosuke
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the entirety of case 2 is just figuring out who was really the other's pet lmfao
like. are you sure about that kazuma. i know what you are
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they couldnt resist not showing kazuma's titties which is very understandable
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great mischief-maker. undoubtably
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it would be so fucking funny if kazuma was a fan of herlock in the way susato was oh my godddddd
i can just imagine them doing dances of deduction as kids and mikotoba is like no no that's all wrong and starts busting out moves and they were like holy SHIT
ryuunosuke looking at kazuma like hey what is that face. im still your babygirl right. right kazuma
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why do all the japanese people default to german im
what was the joke in japanese since he's referred to as sherlock there im so curious
if anyone knows tell me
(source: x)
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi hi :D back again after asking for the free recs (thank you again!), to ask about you're recs on gagaoolala, or did you already do a break down per platform? (and yes I'm procrastinating again...xD)
Of course, I'd be delighted, since source is one of those things I track I can go straight to the spreadsheet for this. I should say I am based out of the USA so what they offer will depend on where you are based as well.
GaGaOOLaLa BL Rec List
In some kind of order, my favorites at the top.
Rate 9/10 - absolutely recommended, faithful to tropes, happy ending, good chemistry, only few flaws or pacing issues, some parts have rewatch potential 
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Utsukushii Kare (Japan)
AKA My Beautiful Man 
One of the best most Japanese BLs to release in the last decade, as weird and as messed up as any 2000′s yaoi: emo af and hella warped, entirely true to itself with no attempt made to modify its POV for modern sensibilities or current BL fandom. It used seriously old school problematic and kinky tropes, like whipping boy, for a truly uncompromising piece that also manages to hit up themes of communication, consent, and self acceptance. It’s a wonderful BL but uniquely dirty and harsh, in the best possible way - Japanese cinema, uncompromising.
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My Ride (Thai) 
Thai BL grew up with this pulp - a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine AKA a cinnamon roll couple. Mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi driver in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple.
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan)
Lonely salaryman and talented cook gets accidentally adopted by a college kid and his little brother. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me with the best of what Japan can do, it’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, it’s OK with me, but not traditional BL.
Step By Step (Thai)
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loaved about that show I loved about this one. This was an office romance between stern boss and sweet subordinate that felt more authentic to an office environment than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. And that authenticity added tension to the narrative and character development (how novel).
Takara & Amagi AKA Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan)
I gnawed on my knuckles and squealed a lot with this show. Reserved cool kid who must learn to communicate to keep the tiny disaster nugget he’s madly in love with. It is beyond charming: soft and gentle, packed with cuteness and high school angst, thirst, & yearning. Was there plot? Not really. Was it emotionally tense and paced well enough for me not to notice? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the hell out of it? Oh yes. Full review.
Minato's Laundromat AKA Minato Coin Laundry AKA Minato Shouji Koin Randorii AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japan)
A classic age gap romance where a high school student pursues the man of his dreams (who runs a laundromat). This BL is so steeped in yaoi tropes and archetypes, not to mention a typical romance arc, that it will overload some, but those of who love this genre for its DNA will adore it. It made me very happy because it did everything I want a BL to do - there’s not much more I could ask of a BL than this. It’s the closest Japan has come to perfect live action yaoi since Seven Days (and I never make that comparison lightly). Squee watch-along here.
Rated 8/10
recommended, some concerns around tropes (like dub con) or story structure but still satisfies as solid BL
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Some More - Strongberry short (Korea) 
One of my most favorite of Strongberry’s shorts, about a city boy on a bike tour who gets injured and rescued by a taciturn, but (as it turns out) very gay, farmer. Age gap, country mouse/city mouse, SO CUTE. Just too short. 
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DNA Says Love You (Taiwan)
DNA deserves extra marks for an upbeat approach to a queer story arc that other shows have systemically mishandled with sadness (in the guise of realism). There is a twist, which I found predictable, but knowing what would happen didn't spoil this show. The leads are luminous and engaging, and it’s full of queer found family representation and an unexpected amount of domesticity, plus it’s Taiwan, so the kisses are great. The last few eps really are special and life/love affirming - and the ending is big-grin charming. 
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Love Class (Korea) 
This was a fast-moving, bloated, complicated little show with stronger than usual story structure, well-acted if lacking in chemistry, that managed to be very appealing and engaging despite itself. What it lacked in content it more than made up for in pacing. Both bingable and rewatchable.
Rated 7/10:
recommended with reservations i.e. isn’t quite BL, convoluted, not strictly HEA, too short/long, or chemistry issues. 
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Red Balloon (Taiwan) 
I should probubly do a rewatch, I’ve never done a elevator pitch for this one. It’s been a LONG while. I actually havent’ ever watched it on GaGa, I got is grey years ago. 
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Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) 
Cliff hanger ending, season 2 coming soon, recast one of the leads. No review because I’m waiting for the full series. 
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My Esports Genius Brother (China) 
A strangely cute, somewhat incomprehensible, censored magical realism BL micro series about fated mates who balance each other out and must find the courage to stay together.
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Long Time No See - Strongberry (Korea)
One of Strongberry’s few longer pieces and the rating takes into account the fact that I don’t think this is strictly BL. It’s about assassins on either side of a terf war who fall in love not knowing they are on opposite sides. Or do they? Good fight sequences, mature characters, high heat, very suspenseful, AND an HEA. If you like KinnPorsche you will LOVE this one. 
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La Cuisine (Thai) 
A sweet and kind of pure show, and like Thai desserts perhaps requires too much patience for a layperson. Because of the pacing and the focus on the bad girl character, I did dock it. But if you like stuff in the Oxygen vein, then this show is for you, and far better than most Thai BL pulps. That said, I suspect that I enjoyed it more than many would.
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Step For You -Strongberry short (Korea) 
Microfilm from Strongberry about a reporter from the student newspaper who has to interview an older dancer and falls in love with him.
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Private Lessons - Strongberry (Korea) 
Another one from Strongberry that I love and given it is age gap and teacher/student (catnip) it shoudl go higher. The chemistry is slightly off though, but stil I do love this one. Certainly world watching especially if this is your trope. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan)
A civil servant and seemingly perfect man has a secret: he likes to eat completely naked. I have to be honest, I didn’t really like much about this show. The central premise was too odd and the main character too clumsy & slow on the uptake. I like the food, but there have been food-set BLs before that failed to meet expectations. Too many of them. This one joined that throng. Good ending tho.
Pure Vanilla (Singapore)
It’s very sweet. Bit awkward acting. I love seeing real tats. I wish Singapore would give us a full proper BL.
Rated 6/10: worth watching but seriously flawed probably around the ending or in narrative structure/cohesion or censorship. I don’t always have notes on these because many I have only watched once and don’t usually recommend. 
Being Me (Korea) 
River Knows Fish Heart (China) - this BL managed to sneak by the censors probably because it’s not very well acted and low budget. It’s also in Addicted territory, only this time with the jock who falls madly for the nerd and then just moves into his house to takes over his life. The tsundere uke is VERY tsundere and the seme is hella pushy so it goes right into dubcon territory but also it’s very teen angst about it.  
Legend of Long Yang Rebirth (China) - whipping boy trope... literally, servant character takes the strap for the prince, who then makes him his bodyguard and lover when he becomes king. Low budget historical, comes off as kind of cosplay wuxia version of Irresistible Love, but we get (in the credits) an actual kiss, and they both live. So yay for small mercies.
Paint With Love (Thai) - For me the mains were unlikeable and the actors had poor chemistry. So while this offered a lot of what I thought I wanted from a Thai BL - mature characters, office setting, adult themes - I’m wasn’t wild about the execution. I suspect Thai pulps are better when they stick to university/high school. This one felt like a better version of Loveless Society (not hard). The side dishes (Yoon & Yacht) gave us more chemistry and a better kiss but had little screen time. It was interesting to see them portray BL actors being shipped and then confessing to actually dating each others. I’m not sure how I feel about the handling of it but it was different from Lovely Writer. In the end, this show was nicely grown up but boring and became a matter of endurance for me. I can’t ever see myself rewatching it.
As if You Whisper - Strongberry (Korea) 
My Pistachio - Strongberry (Korea) 
Sonnet 18 (Korea) 
Sweet Curse - Strongberry (Korea) - low-gore atmospheric horror but with very high heat BL. 
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan)
Rated 5/10: watch it if you have nothing better to do but don’t expect much, it’s a total hot mess. A lot of these are shorts. 
Faded (Taiwan) 
Meet Me Outside (Pinoy) 
Suddenly Last Summer (Korea) 
Fanatic Love (China) 
Every Moment that I Think of You (China) 
We Are Gamily (Taiwan) 
Innocent (Taiwan) 
Light (Taiwan) 
Two Weddings and a Funeral (Korea) 
Secret Roommate -Strongberry (Korea)
Love Stage!! AKA Rabu Suteiji (Japan) - the Thai version is heaps better 
Top Secret Together (Thai) 
My Personal Trainer - Strongberry (Korea)
One Last Order (Korea) 
List current as of Oct 2023 only. 
Some shows that ALSO air on Viki in the USA may not be present, since I prefer to watch on Viki's UX.
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lakesbian · 11 months
ok i will allow myself one aisha alec post before i go to bed because i deserve treats and to never shut the fuck up. so so critical and important that it's not 'Normal Girl therapyfixing little atrocious freak boy' it has to be freak4freak equal amounts give and take. like alec is 100x more of a freak than aisha obviously, aisha is the most normal one on the team, but the important part is that if she wanted she could kick a human infant into oncoming 70mph traffic in front of him and he would not only support her but think it was funny and appreciate how good her infant-kicking form was. the first time they really interact one-on-one Must, without a doubt, be aisha being the most horrendous 14yo this planet has ever known because she's having a bad day, just the absolute worst most insufferable "fuck you look at me" shit ever, getting her kicks & regaining a sense of control + stability in the bewildering environment of Having Powers And Being A 14yo Villain Now by mercilessly fucking with the teammate she has psychically divined brian least wants her to interact with. and he has to think it's great. he has to hear her say the type of shit that makes her school counseler and/or special ed teacher want to whang their faces into their desks and genuinely think "this is not only interesting but perhaps even funny or cool" and then inform her that he won't be a prick about tattling to brian because he kinda likes her so far. he has to say shit that's so on her wavelength that it accidentally starts a real conversation. if alec's end of things in this dynamic is abt the experience of having his First Best Friend Ever Who Hangs Out With And Even Listens To And Trusts Him then aisha's end is about being some weird lonely girl who everyone treats like too much or objectifies or views as a problem to solve or foist off, always wanting to be seen but never being seen in the right way, and then meeting some other lonely weird teen who sees her doing the shit she usually gets yelled at for and then goes "cool. do you want to play video games sometime maybe"
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