#iroh ii
jasminedragonart · 9 months
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The major arcana is finished!!!!!!!
I'm thinking of getting this printed in a mini zine. If you're interested please let me know since I'm looking for distributers for a copy for myself at least.
Commissions are open and info can be found here
My ko-fi is here
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orangepanic · 4 months
The Hunt
Since we were robbed of an older Sokka in Legend of Korra and the relationships he might have had with those characters, allow me to imagine him taking all the available grandkids on their first SWT hunt. Even the littlest one, a stubborn firebender who absolutely insisted that he not be left behind this time. He can do it. He can.
Better keep up, Iroh.
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Thank you as always to the talented @jasminedragonart for the commission!
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
Someone needs to take my image editing softwares this is getting out of hand
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I had a very vivid image of Amon calling a penis a hot girthy staff of carnal desire and you have to suffwr too
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flameobitch · 4 months
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"I'm always lucky, Ronnie. You were lucky to be born."
Hello everyone!!! I'm doing some dark sketches today. Meet Izumi and Bumi's youngest daughter, Hina. In my version of the canon with my friend, she travels across continents, and in this one she strives to take the place of her mother and become the next dictator.
Iroh gets caught in a storm in this universe and was declared dead, which gave her a chance to become an heiress. Iroh renounces his family and finds peace with the airbenders and confronts his parents in the final battle.
Iroh and Hina are called "Blue Spirits" because of the color of their flames. Izumi and Bumi are unaware of their enmity and the power of competition. For them, both of their children are the most valuable thing they have.
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And I also started the picture with Toph, Lin and Su, and I intend to finish it within, I don't know, a week?
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five-flavor-soup · 4 months
The funniest bit of the entire Fire Nation royal family is how stupid some of their decision are, yet somehow they keep working out in their favour?? Like Sozin loses his boyfriend (the Avatar. The one who keeps the balance) by suggesting the Fire Nation goes to war, and then the Fire Nation goes to war anyway. Ozai’s nephew dies in a presumably horrific way and he believes that’s a brilliant moment to ask his dad to make him next in line to the throne, and when that backfires, his wife saves him and their kids and he manages to become Firelord anyway. Iroh decides the best place to lie low and start a life outside of the war is to hide in the city he, personally, laid a 600 day siege on and become a renowned tea maker, and this would’ve worked out had his niece not taken over the city. He also wants tea SO BADLY while on the run that he canonically takes his chances on a potentially incredibly deadly plant (it’s the deadly plant) and he survives. Zuko’s numerous Impulsive and Arguably Bad Decisions that Somehow Work Out Anyway compile into a list so long I’d have to add a readmore to this post. Iroh II proceeds to prove he really is Zuko’s grandson and thinks it a good plan to firepunch a bomb, before deciding to take down a whole squad of airplanes by like, figuring out how to fly one as it’s flying and doing some good firebending to destroy the planes, and he somehow manages to make it work.
Azula appears to be the only one in the family who didn’t get the strong version of the “Make Impulsive and Dumb Plans that can Never Work Out but Do Somehow”-gene (thanks to Ursa’s DNA probably) and she still lost, largely because of elements outside of her control. Imagine being the spawn of the family who fosters all of the ‘best’ traits present in the line (resourceful, highly intelligent, physically powerful) and you still lose to the uncle who thought it brilliant to become popular in a city that hates him and the brother whose plans can all be summed up as “fuck around; find out; success”, because you didn’t plan for something that ended up occurring but you couldn’t ever have expected. I, too, would cry.
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xinyats · 4 months
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linnorabeifong · 6 months
This floored me
I consistently forget how old Iroh is
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Imagine your nephew being older than your wife…awkward.
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stardust948 · 2 months
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 6 months
Korra: “I say ‘suck my dick’ a lot for a person who doesn’t have one.”
Bolin: “That’s the big strap energy talking.”
Mako: *facepalms*
Wei: *chokes on his tea*
Asami: *bursts into laughter*
Kuvira: *laughs* “You’re not wrong though.”
Iroh: *frowns* “I don’t get it.”
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ssokkasmoon · 2 months
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aangarchy · 1 year
My little cousin (almost 16 now 🥲) watched season 1 of the legend of korra. Here's her opinions of the characters.
Korra: "beefy mommy"
Mako: "he's like zuko but somehow even worse"
Bolin: "every show needs a comic relief, and bolin is doing a horrible job at it"
Asami: "say what you want but irl she would NOT be attracted to mako in the slightest that guy has pointy eyebrows"
Tenzin: "i was expecting Aang's son to have a better sense of humor"
The airbender kids: "BABIES."
Lin Beifong: "now that's my kind of woman"
Pema: "boring i'm sorry"
Tarrlock: "he's like a slimy salesman so perfect for politics"
Amon: "i was genuinely hoping he'd be some cool spirit villain but he was just a dude who did everything bc he's angry. What's with this universe's villains and them just being random dudes all the time"
Iroh II: "he's like zuko but cooler in every way" Me: "he's voiced by the same guy too" Her: "yea no shit that VA doesn't even try to alter his voice i could tell right away."
Avatar Aang: "not him showing up late starbucks in hand to give Korra the Avatar State AFTER the fight"
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jasminedragonart · 1 year
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three redraw pages today and one of them will be going into the general mermaid section of the collection
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orangepanic · 10 months
Some Friendships Transcend Lifetimes
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A few months ago I posed the question, "What if General Iroh II from Legend of Korra had a dragon like Zuko or Roku?"
Except one never really "has" a dragon, do they? It's a friendship, a partnership founded on a lifetime of love and deep respect that's strong enough to weather every season. Maybe longer. I hope so.
Thank you to the amazing @it-is-sooz-again for breathing life into this vision of the lightning dragon Mewaku and her human, Iroh II. Definitely zoom in for all the exquisite details.
More about Mewaku and Iroh here. I doubt this will be the last you hear of them, either.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
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Horrors. Horrors everywhere
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hyunjin-amore · 6 months
Iroh II x Y/N: A Wholesome Love Story
Not that many people making stuff about him so here this one of my favorite character😁😁
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Once upon a time, in the beautiful Fire Nation, there was a handsome and kind-hearted prince named Iroh II. He was known for his gentle nature and was beloved by all who knew him. The people admired him for his compassion and strong leadership, and he was destined to be the next Fire Lord.
One sunny day, Iroh II was taking a stroll in the royal gardens when he came across a lovely and intelligent young woman. She was the Y/N, a scholar, and an advisor to the royal family. The moment their eyes met, there was an instant connection between them.
As they spent more time together, Iroh II found himself falling for the Y/N’s quick wit and warm heart. He admired her for her dedication to her work and her unwavering loyalty to the Fire Nation. Y/N, in turn, was drawn to Iroh II's humility and genuine interest in her thoughts and ideas.
Their romance blossomed slowly, like the gentle flames of a hearth. They would sneak secret moments together in the palace gardens, sharing their dreams and aspirations. It was clear to everyone around them that they were meant to be together.
As their love grew, Iroh II and the Y/N stood by each other through thick and thin. They faced challenges and obstacles, but their love only grew stronger with each trial. Together, they worked to make the Fire Nation a better place for all its citizens, embracing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
In the end, Iroh II and the Y/N ruled the Fire Nation with wisdom and compassion, their love serving as a beacon of hope for their people. Their love story became a legendary tale, remembered for generations to come as a symbol of true love and devotion in the Fire Nation.
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laughing-moonlight · 4 months
This has probabaly all been said before, but if we all agree that Bumi II is Iroh II's Father, then Iroh II is the only known person to be directly descended from Two Avatars, Roku through his great-grandmother, Ursa, and Aang through Bumi II. And honestly. Good for him. He really was destined to help Korra after all.
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