#im proud of you
blusheher · 9 months
I'm proud of you <3
I don't know who needs to hear this but Im proud of you- I'm proud of the person reading this, you're alive and I know that can be difficult, don't give up, there are people who love you and need you even if you don't feel its true- you are fighting and winning- you are amazing- please keep fighting you gorgeous/handsome/beautiful being.
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noname-404s-blog · 10 months
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Dear me, you can do it ❤️‍🩹
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cantsaythetword · 7 months
This is a message to everyone who didn't complete tickletober
To those who started strong, but didn't finish
To those who wanted to start, but life got in the way
To those struggling with burnout
To those who posted every day, but don't feel happy with what they put out
You are appreciated.
You are incredible creators.
This does not affect your worth or value as either a writer/artist or as a person.
Tickletober is not about success or failure
It is about the community celebrating the spooky season with each other
Whether you wrote, drew, liked, reblogged, read, viewed, or just were present on the site during this time
Thank you
And well done
You are wonderful
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Who you are is good enough. I want you to know that i really think that. People can always grow but you can’t fault yourself for where you started. I am so impossibly proud of you. 
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googiejar · 16 days
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⭐️ TRACKLIST ⭐️ #RM #Namjoon #RPWP #bts #bangtan
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phoebepheebsphibs · 10 months
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loveisrootedinme · 8 months
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suziesfaith · 1 month
Jesus is so proud of you. He saw that you tried today. He collects your tears because you’re so dear to Him. He takes your hand when you need guidance. don’t worry, He has a plan. and He loves you so much! if you don’t hear „i’m proud of you” often then please remember that your Heavenly Dad and Best friend is very proud of you. amen 🌷💗
(the pictures are how He looks at you from Heaven :3)
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abstractpenny · 23 days
dont know who needs to hear this right now, but you're doing a great job. I don't care what you say or what anyone else says, you're doing so well. it may not be the best job you (or anyone) has ever done, but you're doing it, that's what matters.
I love you. You're amazing.
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marinaiguess · 10 months
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wip. I don't usually draw amy:') she deserves more
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odinsblog · 1 year
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One of my very religious (Pentecostal) great aunts sent this to our family group chat the other day and I was pleasantly surprised. And impressed. She is in her upper 80s. If a deeply devout, Christian, Black woman who has seen some things can understand the importance loving people as they are and the importance of being a genuine ally … if she gets it then there is no excuse for older white Christian Evangelical Nationalists. At some point it boils down to this: they hate because they enjoy being haters.
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Another year (poem)
The winter days are rolling in
You and I are still around
All that talk of giving up
Yet no one heard a sound
Could it be no one would listen?
Is it hard to lend an ear?
Either way if you’re reading this
Please know I’m glad you’re still here
Go out and find your voice
Be who you’re meant to be
And if all goes wrong and falls apart
Come back, you can talk to me.
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radiated-mushroom · 27 days
Mindful moments
1. Take a deep breath.
2. Drink a glass of water.
3. Stretch your body.
4. Go for a short walk.
5. Take a break from screens.
6. Practice gratitude.
7. Listen to calming music.
8. Practice mindfulness for a minute.
9. Write down one thing you're proud of.
10. Text a friend or loved one.
11. Hug someone (or something).
12. Do a quick meditation.
13. Eat a healthy snack.
14. Practice positive affirmations.
15. Look out the window and notice the sky.
16. Take a moment to appreciate something beautiful.
17. Stand up and stretch your legs.
18. Take a few moments to notice your surroundings.
19. Write down one thing you're looking forward to.
20. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
21. Smile at yourself in the mirror.
22. Put on your favorite song and dance for a minute.
23. Do a quick mindfulness exercise, like focusing on your breath.
24. Take a moment to check in with how you're feeling.
25. Practice self-compassion.
26. Notice five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
27. Do a quick body scan to check in with your physical sensations.
28. Write down one thing you're grateful for today.
29. Take a moment to appreciate something small, like a flower or a bird.
30. Practice deep breathing for one minute.
31. Say "thank you" to yourself for something you've done well.
32. Take a moment to notice your breath.
33. Stand up and stretch your arms overhead.
34. Take a moment to appreciate your body and all it does for you.
35. Do a quick grounding exercise, like tapping your feet on the floor.
36. Take a sip of water and notice how it feels going down your throat.
37. Practice gentle self-massage on your hands, arms, or neck.
38. Take a few moments to notice any tension in your body and release it.
39. Smile at yourself in the mirror and say something kind to yourself.
40. Take a few moments to appreciate the present moment.
41. Take a moment to notice your surroundings and find one thing that brings you joy.
42. Take a sip of water and savor the taste.
43. Take a few deep breaths and notice how it feels to fill your lungs with air.
44. Take a moment to notice the sensation of your feet on the ground.
45. Take a sip of water and notice the temperature and texture.
46. Take a few moments to appreciate the beauty of nature around you.
47. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
48. Take a moment to appreciate the people in your life who support you.
49. Take a sip of water and notice the sound it makes as you swallow.
50. Take a moment to notice the feeling of your breath moving in and out of your body.
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sugar-on-fries · 3 months
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The Long Gone Journalists'!!
Treble Flumplum, Webber Nightclock, and Cosmos Armstrong!!
they're poly too!!
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greatwolfcloud · 4 months
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googiejar · 3 months
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happy 4th! #bts #bangtan #mots7 #7 #OT7
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