#i think about this daily
massiveharmonytiger · 3 months
Oliver's monologue is the stuff epic love poems are made of.
Every "I hated him" being over Oliver's villain persona, only to be interrupted by moments that Oliver loved Felix so much that it hurt.
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The way he barely gets it out the first time, but keeps saying it over and over as if it will get easier to say if he just keeps repeating it.
Every "I loved him" being over shots of Felix looking happy and beautiful and radiant.
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The "I loved him"s being said over the shots of Felix, mostly in the light, and the "I hated him"s being said over shots of Oliver, mostly in the dark.
Felix being synonymous with love, and Oliver, the one who couldn't measure up, the one who had to keep lying about everything and throw away parts of himself in order to measure up, being synonymous with hate.
"I hated him." No, Ollie. You don't. You know you don't. You know there's not one split second that you hated Felix. And that's terrifying.
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"You loved him. You loved him. You loved him. By god, you loved him."
You loved him so much that you hated yourself and everyone around you. For not being what Felix wanted. For being what Felix wanted. For coming between you and Felix. For trying to take you away from Felix. For being the reason that you'll never have Felix.
It's everyone that wasn't Felix that you hated, because all your love was reserved only for him and you didn't have a drop to spare for anyone else. And even the torment of feeling this way was a privilege, because it was for Felix. He was worth it. All the tears. All the degradation. All the times you had to cultivate a false image of yourself to avoid losing him.
You loved him so much that he was your whole world.
You loved him so much that it broke you bit by bit until all you could do to survive was become him and his entire family.
Sir John rolling up his sleeves to do business and protect the family legacy. Elspeth with her shallowness and fake niceties. Venetia with her bitterness and selfishness, wanting to play with others' toys. Farleigh with his drug habit and cruel snark.
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You'd absorb them all for every moment that they burdened Felix. For every moment they made him act cruel or shallow. For every moment they made him justify them to other people. For every moment they made him unhappy.
So that only pure Felix would remain. Felix without the weight of everyone's jealousy and expectations.
Because you loved him and nothing can bring him back and this is all you can do.
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you-taste-likewhiskey · 7 months
My Roman Empire is the way Emma and Regina were so clearly made for each other and that them falling in love would have made an incredible/influential storyline, but the writers were so afraid of success and good writing that they decided to turn two independent, powerful women into damsels in distress who base their happiness on the presence of men. And they did this for the sole purpose of proving to SQ shippers that Emma and Regina were straight.
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bleuu-moon · 6 months
this is me and price when he forces me to try his cigar bye
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vinnyandthephenomena · 3 months
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he kills me
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wandasverison · 4 months
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y/n has always assumed Wanda read their mind because she’s so damn good in bed, but when you bring it up she’s incredibly hurt that you thought she would invade your mind. ever.
after explanation and many compliments, y/n suggests she should… why not?
Wanda is super shy and nervous about it at first, but after eliciting such alluring sounds from y/n, she can’t help how far it goes…
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back2dyoung · 6 months
sometimes i wonder what trauma Adam would suffer if he managed to get out of the bathroom. fear of abandonment? difficulties sleeping? hallucinations? afraid of closing your eyes when sleeping and waking up in that dirty bathroom again???? what would the relationship between him and Lawrence be like?
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saneabandoned · 6 days
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You weren’t loyal to me.
Oh, but they were. That’s why they never questioned you, they know how loyal you are, how you pride yourself in that, and never thought you’d actually leave. That’s why they never went after you, they just couldn’t believe you’d really left, left them, they didn’t know how to search for somebody who made it clear he didn’t want to be found. They were loyal, they just never expected you not to be.
I was one of you.
They know. They remember, and how couldn’t they, when they are not the same without you, they don’t see things the way they did with you standing next to them. They lost their balance the day they lost you, there is an empty space now where you once were and it’s just not the same anymore, not without you.
You still are. A brother, a friend. You are standing in front of them, and they’d take you back in a second, you need only ask.
You may have forgotten, but I haven’t.
Believe it, they can’t either. They just can’t wrap their minds around the fact that you’re not there anymore, that you chose to leave them, after everything you’ve been through together. They never looked for you because they didn’t know it was possible you didn’t want them anymore. They thought you’d forgotten, they never could.
And it’s why I’m going to give you what you never gave me: a chance.
They never gave you a chance because they didn’t think you needed it. They would never presume you’d wanted it, that you were ever even thinking of betraying them, that you needed something else other than them, than what you had together. They gave you a chance, don’t ignore it. They’re giving it now too. They’re here, aren’t they?
But you’re too proud, too stubborn, too insecure. How could they want you when you left? You can’t admit the mistake you made because you don’t think they’ll forgive you, and what then? You’d have lost your purpose, you’d be left alone, again. The kind of loneliness you never knew existed, the one you felt for the first time when you left them, only it would be worse because you’d know they don’t want you back this time.
You can’t bear to hear their refusal, which is why you prefer to have this on your own terms, you won’t beg, you want them to beg. Beg to join you, beg for you to come back.
Just a bit more, and maybe you’ll yield.
You want to feel that they’d missed you, and to be able to have someone watch your back again, someone to care enough for you to risk defending you. You weren’t made to be on your own, not like this, and you know it.
But you won’t break, why won’t you break?
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mentally i’m still here btw
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3lji · 10 months
👹 happy approximately 138 days until the Christmas chapter update 👹
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otg-xp · 7 months
I'll never forget the time when book!aziraphael possessed a television priest dude and proceeded to tell him all he was saying was just Heaven propaganda said he was an angel when the guy mistook him with the devil and fucked off
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collapsedglasshouses · 5 months
JUST PRETEND by @thefallennightmare & @thescarlettvvitch
That's it.
That's the post.
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melankoliskt · 8 months
i’m sorry i’m the one you love
no one will ever love me like you again
so when you leave me, i should die
i deserve it, don’t i?
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katyasghoulfriend · 2 years
did anyone else read that macdennis fic where at the end the authors note was like "please leave kudos i am a lesbian and i watched gay porn for this"
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aurore-dupin · 8 months
Hey isn’t it crazy that Ema Skye actually passes out on the stand and neither Phoenix or Miles make sure she’s okay until they break for recess.
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fortifice · 1 month
smth about gepard in one of those like throat collared no sleeve black fitted shirts is rotting in my braIN.
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riordanness · 4 months
I love you. I’ve loved you since the first time you picked up your ukulele and you wrote a song about clouds. A silly little song about clouds! I love you. And that night in your room when you told me you loved me, I meant to say it. I meant to say it! And I’ve kicked myself everyday since then because I didn’t say it. But I do. I love you. I’ve loved you since seventh grade, when I made you ride in the front row of Demon’s Destiny at Six Flags, and you told me you sometimes get a little seasick on roller coasters, and I said, “come on, live a little.” [I remember.] Yeah. And then I puked all over your shoes and you didn’t even make me feel bad about it. No. You just said, um… [No worries. I’ve been wanting to get rid of these shoes for awhile.] Yeah, because you outgrew them. The thing is, I never outgrew you. And I don’t really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door. All I know is… I want this feeling to keep going. Because this whole experience... I’m just- I’m not ready for it to be over. For us to be, I mean. And if that means doing another musical, then fine. […] I don’t want this to be just a showmance. Really. I want it to be the real thing. I mean, I think it is the real thing thing, I just… I want a chance to prove it. I do.
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