#i love how clumsy he is even in his moment of triumph
puzzlewagon · 22 days
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Taskmaster S17E07 SPOILERS
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gyusimp · 1 year
Ok so no rush, you can answer this whenever you feel like it. I just had a saucy idea and had to share it with you before I forgot. I'd love to hear what you think (*/ω\*)
So, what if canon Gyutaro was wrecking havoc on a village or something. Literally killing everyone in sight, and devouring people to his heart's content. But then he sees you. The cutest, most frightened human he's ever seen. And he just instantly feels some type of way. Ahem, horny asf. lmao.
And since he's an asshole who really doesn't give a shit. He plans on just taking advantage of you, not caring if you want it or not (which he assumes you won't since everyone is repulsed by him) and just killing you when he's done using your body. But to his surprise, when he approaches you, trying to have sex with you. You don't reject him because you are actually attracted to him.
How do you think he would react and feel in this situation? Would he continue with the act? And how do you think he'd feel afterwards?
"Oɴʟʏ ʏᴏᴜʀs" (Mʀs. Sʜᴀʙᴀɴᴀ's BD Gɪғᴛ)
NSFW content | Insults | Almost abuse (but not) | Blood mention | MINORS DNI!!
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He couldn't leave your head, it had already been 2 weeks since you last saw him. The first time, you trembled with fear when you saw how the blood of that body ran from his fingers and from the corners of his mouth. His twisted silhouette made you feel a chill run down your spine. Her vertebrae could be counted as well as his ribs above his sickly thin waist and his sharp hip bones jutting out.
Even though he was unnaturally thin, his arms and legs were strong and muscled. The strange man was outside on the street, submerged in the few shadows of the Entertainment District while you watched him from your bedroom window. That was the first but not the last time you saw him.
A few other nights later you were able to observe that man wandering the streets without fear of anything attacking him because he was he whom everyone feared. But something strange began to happen to you, something that made you doubt your mental faculties. Are you sure everything is ok? Or at least with that you tried to convince yourself when seeing him your heart began to beat faster and you stood outside the balcony of your window so that at some point he would notice your presence.
But he did not. Or that was what you thought.
It was another normal night for him, some streets were on fire and others were almost destroyed due to the fight a while ago. The Demon Slayers in charge of ending the lives of the two siblings were now dead, they had failed their mission and evil had triumphed this time.
Gyutaro gobbled into his mouth the intestines of the people he wanted, he ate his fill after his sister told him that it was all for him while she went elsewhere to satisfy her instinct to hunt something alive.
The young demon was in the midst of the disaster and destruction, full of euphoria and focused on his food. Nothing could make him take his eyes off his victims until whimpers from a soft, feminine voice caught his attention. When he looked up, he noticed a figure rise from some rubble trying to walk to safety.
He knew you, he knew who you were, and do you know how long he waited for this moment? Do you know how long he held back from jumping onto your balcony to take you all to himself?
From the first moment he noticed you that night, you seemed to him the most beautiful and fragile human being he had ever seen. He wanted to dirty your beauty and break your fragility in every way, but whenever he was ready to kill you, the simple fact of thinking that he would no longer have anything interesting stopped him. But now fate had made you two meet, you served him this opportunity on a silver platter and he was not going to waste it for any reason. Gyutaro felt very active and awake, he was almost out of his mind so his body demanded something that wasn't eating, he already had a full stomach.
You saw him, you knew what he was so clumsy and uselessly you tried to get away from him in the opposite direction but he was a thousand times faster than you so when you tried to move for your life he was standing in front of you, with a merciless and sickly evil smile.
He took you by the neck with one hand applying a lot of force, you took his hand with yours to try to stop him from choking you but it was useless. He only had more fun watching you squirm like a little insect until after a few seconds he dropped you back to the ground. You coughed for air, your hair was a little messy as you looked down but knowing that you were about to die forced you to stare at the ground until you heard his voice, shaky but intimidating.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this? For you to finally be mine... don't worry, I'll be nice." He sneered, laughing shrilly.
You didn't even notice when your back hit the ground and he was on top of you. His yellow veined eyes rested on yours that threatened to cry. You really didn't want to die but if he was the one who was going to kill you you didn't feel so anguished for some reason.
It was your dark and guilty secret.
You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting a stab in the stomach or chest, maybe he'd rip off one of your limbs, but instead of feeling agonizing pain, you felt his long, wet tongue trace a path from your jaw to your collar bones. His saliva had mixed with the blood from his food so now an almost pink stain covered your skin.
He held both of your hands with one hand to keep you still in your place and began to attack you with rude kisses, hickeys and some bites, painting your soft skin as he wanted. Gyutaro imagined how repulsive and disgusting this would be for you and that prompted him to continue with your shoulders until he reached your breasts, he would not stop until he got what he wanted but when a small moan came from your mouth he almost froze.
Gyutaro looked at your face and he found a blush spreading from your cheeks to your ears, you weren't struggling with him at all and that sound sounded so fucking satisfying to you that it left him very confused.
Gyutaro didn't understand, you were so strange but that didn't stop him. If you liked it, that made Gyutaro feel that he was the owner of you, of your body.
He took the bottom of your kimono and pulled it up above your waist to spread your legs, get rid of your underwear and enter you after he dropped his pants. His touch was strong and unexpected, you wouldn't deny that it was a bit painful but you didn't disagree and he wasn't taking you against your will, Gyutaro thought it would be like that but he discovered that with each of his strong and abrupt thrusts you enjoyed this meeting more and more.
He didn't make sure that you were ready for him to come in, the truth is he doesn't give a shit, he could only move with the little humidity that you felt when he kissed you. Gyutaro was incredulous but blinded by the pleasure you gave him, he didn't take his eyes off your face, watching how each of your expressions changed with his movements. He was as loud as he wanted, his voice made you tremble and you felt like you were about to get to heaven in such a short time. Gyutaro hit your core with force and desire while he passed his tongue and his mouth all over your skin, he undressed your bust and began stamping his teeth on your tits causing red marks on your skin. This couldn't be better, Gyutaro went crazy when he felt how much you were squeezing and getting wet around him, the sensation that your pussy caused on his dick was fucking unique and incomparable. Honestly, Gyutaro wanted nothing more than just sex with you, he was thinking of killing you after using you but if it meant that he would never be able to feel this beautiful sensation again then he would think twice before making it.
Your hips moved almost by themselves looking for Gyutaro, your moans did not stop and you were in charge of telling him not to stop until an intense pang reached your body, you spread your legs more so that the Upper Moon 6 fucked you with everything he had and after a while you felt how you cum all over him. Gyutaro had never had this feeling before, not with anyone else so it ended up making him too aroused by the sight of you and your cunt in front of him, a strong pressure stuck in Gyutaro and a few minutes after you he also finished cumming inside you, filling your every fold leaving you wet and trembling.
After a few seconds he looked up to look at your face. He made fun of your pathetic red-painted face, your lustful gaze on him, and a bit of drool dripping from your mouth.
"You're pathetic! You're fucking pathetic!!" he scoffed.
Gyutaro left you in one movement causing you to have a strange but  arousing sensation between your legs. He took you by the face with one hand and squeezed your cheeks hard so that you would look at him.
"I have what I wanted, should I kill you?" he asked out loud, but to himself.
To be honest, you didn't care if he did. After all, you would die happy. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a strong burning sensation on your cheek after Gyutaro slapped you. You looked at him and after he adjusted his pants he stood up.
"I'm not gonna waste you...you're mine now, you little whore." He told you.
You looked at him from below and how he walked through the rubble moving away from you and leaving you alone. This was the first time but not the last time that you and Gyutaro would have a heated encounter like this.
Girl, I just want to wish you a happy and amazing birthday, I hope you enjoy your day a lot!!! 🥳 I wish I could give you more but this little writing is made with a lot of love so I hope you liked it ILY!! 💖
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class1akids · 1 year
BNHA 390 - Shoto Todoroki: Rising - Thoughts
I'm super-late with this, but the chapter dropped in the middle of my work month from hell. In the end, it was also lucky, because I was too busy to read the fandom reactions / discourse and got the space to process it alone.
I have to say that naysayers calling it "dragging" (when in reality, the whole thing is 3 tiny chapters) or "rushed" are both wrong. I think HK wrote exactly what he wanted to write, but whatever it was, it was never going to satisfy everyone.
It's enough to look at the Chapter number and title to know how much he cares:
190 - His Start (Endeavor's triumph)
290- Dabi's Dance (Dabi's big moment)
390 - Shoto Todoroki: Rising - it's finally Shoto's moment to shine.
But not only that:
Ch 39 - Shoto Todoroki: Origin
Ch 390 - Shoto Todoroki: Rising
Also, 39 can be read as "3-San 9-Kyyu" -> Thank You and chapter 390 will be included in Vol 39 - the "Thank you" volume.
Add to that the first words spoken by Shouto in his Rising chapter, and guess what... It is:
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"Thank you, Iida."
Speaking of Iida, in advance I really didn't see him being a part of the Todoroki showdown, but in hindsight it makes a lot of sense. Iida is the first ally Shouto made by saving him and inspiring him, they had great foiling around their families since their start. Plus, Iida being there is like all of Class A being there - he's the president after all.
And not only that - Iida who was introduced as diligently kicking down robots for entrance exam points, even though in his heart he knew what the right thing to do was grew into the person he wanted to be, also thanks to Shouto. Someone who will put supporting his friend both emotionally and in practical ways first, use his speed to save people without hesitation and through this making a huge impact.
Their combo breaks the sound barrier - a feat that's really reaching the OFA realm is almost an afterthought - but that's not point, it's just the HOW they get to do what's right. Tsukauchi also gives a little nod to All Might - reminding us that he's behind this - putting his faith in Shouto and Iida - his students - that they can do this.
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The way Shouto goes flying (probably carried by the momentum), as Iida yells his parting words - for Shouto to become who he wants to be - reminds me of a cat landing on his feet.
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I love this sequence of Shouto hitting the ground and then taking that step that's so big that it doesn't even fit in the panel. It's far from his first step - he's been taking them again and again since his first visit to Rei. And despite all the hurt, disappointment, let-down - Shouto is not giving up on his family.
I think a lot of people loved Shouto's letter to Rei. It's endearing in its clumsy awkward way. As a quick reminder, Shouto started to write these letters after he failed the Licensing Exam and couldn't visit Rei, because his weekends were taken up with the remedial classes. It's the time when his unprocessed trauma prevents him from being a hero - even though almost everyone else passes.
The letter clearly shows that Shouto understands that him failing the exam has nothing to do with his fighting ability and everything to do with his lacking communication skills, so he's determined to improve. It's also the period where he has to step out of the safety net that Midoriya and Iida gave him, as he spends a lot of time with Bakugou.
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And it's interesting that after Ch 352 focuses a lot on Class A as a source of reassurance for Shouto, his rising chapter focuses on how he learns healthy conflict. Because when it comes down to it, in the Todoroki family every conflict is either shut down (like separating the kids), or is blown out of proportion, like Enji abusing Rei.
But Shouto grows from the conflicts - he learns that these can help clear the air and be the source of positive change. Bakugou is prominently featured in these memories, reminding us how much both Shouto and him learnt about these clashes and how they came to understand each other better (which furthered both of their storylines).
Shouto wants to be like his friends - caring, outward looking, able to feel empathy and righteous anger.
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Notice also the way the speech bubbles are placed. Who he wants to be above Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo. And the "not easy, but I'm trying" above Endeavor and Touya as a tie-back to how being "Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother" impacts how people perceive Shouto.
And the way he runs - so desperate, giving it his all - ties back to all the times he was late before.
When Shouto enters the battlefield, it's the first time the Todoroki family shares a panel since Touya attacked baby Shouto. The mismanagement of fire from that time resulted in this - Touya turning into a live nuke about to explode and take everyone with him - the whole family and the innocent by-standers alike.
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I already talked about Touya's POV - but it's worth mentioning that his line "It was so simple", circles back too to Shouto in the Stain arc.
It's difficult to see even the simple things when you yourself aren't seen. Shouto needed Midoriya to see him, to confront him, to call him out on his goals to realize that he gets to decide who he wants to be. And Touya needed his family to see him, to confront him also to be able to see Shouto not as some monster masterpiece, but as a crying little boy, fighting for his family.
And being finally able to see all of his family makes Touya realize he doesn't want to die yet, that there are things he still wants to say.
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I don't mind that Shouto uses Great Glacial Aegir again. It's the move he made to save Touya, and it's honestly a perfect culmination of Shouto arc. Also this Glacial Aegir is a completely different scale than the previous one - enough to stop a nuke. But again - this is not about
Having it in play both times shows that Shouto did his best the first time around too, but couldn't do it because they weren't together. Because Touya's Phosphor is the endpoint of all the hurt and rage and jealousy piling up and simmering inside Touya and Shouto's Phosphor is all the hard work of healing and reconciliation and processing trauma. In the end, the power of healing overcomes the power of rage, it lights a light within the fiery core of Touya's nuke.
Shouto brings relief to both his family and the people caught in blast range. His name is not chanted by civilians, I doubt if he was even recognized by anyone, other than his dedicated fanbase of 3 kids. But it's a start. And more importantly he's doing what he wants - bringing reassurance to others while still being there for his family.
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And just like in his Origin chapter, the mist lifts and Shouto is standing and I love this panel - such a good Shouto-like line.
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He's not making fancy speeches - that's not his style - it's all clumsy but sincere. He starts by acknowledging Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi - how their intervention mattered (maybe their ice was needed - but even if it didn't, them showing up meant Endeavor couldn't go through his murder-suicide plan and they brought precious seconds for Shouto to arrive).
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Then Shouto addresses Touya framing this whole thing not as some ideological fight between villains and heroes, but a ridiculously powerful family fight between two brothers. And even as he's technically the winner, he acknowledges Touya's fire as exactly what Endeavor always wanted from Shouto.
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His last line is heartbreaking and heartfelt, gracious and cruel at the same time - as it's right above Endeavor. Knowing Shouto it's just blunt and factual. He's not Endeavor masterpiece. He didn't go the way his father wanted and became who he wanted to be. Someone whose power doesn't separate him from his family, but rather uses his power, his entire being to bring them together - so they can work out their issues.
And I love that this starts with Natsuo - who was a source of honest confrontation in the family - kind of ignoring Touya's ranting as he asks him "what now?". Because this was the comedown from the tantrum of the century. And it's true that Touya and Endeavor dragged the whole family into it. They are all in hell. But they are all together.
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And FINALLY - too late, Endeavor says what he should have / could have said back during the Touya reveal, or when they met again on the battlefield.
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It's so little, so inadequate, so late, but it still matters, as evidenced by Touya's hollow eyes coming back into focus. And Enji does something simple and fatherlike, as he drags himself over to Touya to warm him as he keeps freezing from the inside. So simple. Such a small thing.
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And finally the dam breaks loose and Touya can say what he wanted to say - express his hurt not via a nuke but verbal confrontation. And we see melting ice running down his face as the symbol of the tears he hasn't been able to shed for a decade, while Endeavor encourages him to let it all out.
Not healing yet - but anger - it's a necessary step in processing grief over what they could have had.
And Endeavor finally apologizes properly to everyone in the family - but when he gets to Shouto, he's at loss what to say either because Shouto is passing out or because where do you even start. Or maybe both. It's sad and it feels empty, and I think that's exactly how it's supposed to feel. Because getting to know all of the Todoroki family we know it didn't have to be this way - they all have capacity for goodness and they are all capable of caring for their family.
And in the end, Shouto, the family hero is still in the middle all alone - with no hugs or comfort, and not even a thanks - after he gave every last bit of himself to save the people who hurt him the most from the almost inevitable tragedy.
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It's not a dark ending, nor is it a happy ending. It's sad and raw and the damage is real; both in terms of Touya's and Enji's charred body, and also all the trauma that has been exposed during this confrontation. A big flashy move can only take you so far, the real work - clawing their way out of hell starts now.
But for the moment everyone is alive, and sometimes that's good enough.
I don't know if this is how it ends for Shouto - I don't think so. We've had lots of clues that him becoming the family hero is the hurdle he has to overcome to stand with his classmates.
I still think that in the end we'll get an ending with the whole class coming to Deku - a Class A ending. But for now, Shouto is out for the count and I'm sure it will be a long wait. So strap in.
In the end, I hope we will see him smile - if not in the endgame, maybe the epilogue. He deserves it.
His Rising chapter gave us a glimpse of who he's grown into, what his values are as a person and as a hero. And I think for everyone who was worried that Shouto's endgame would be an acceptance of Endeavor, it is clear now that he's on his own path deciding for himself his own priorities and way of doing things.
And the fact that he didn't break away is because that's who he decided to be. Touya's looping explosion showed that you can't just save the "good victims". You have to save everyone - the innocent bystanders (Fuyumi and Natsuo), the person who doesn't want to hurt others but is broken by her own victimhood (Rei), the victim who becomes a perpetrator (Touya) and the source of it all (Enji). And since the Todoroki family is a small reflection of hero society - this is what will happen also on the large scale.
I'm sure there are people who didn't like the chapter - it wasn't enough of a closure, it wasn't happy enough or sad enough, it felt like the apology was hollow - if these are the things you are feeling think about that likely that's what Horikoshi wanted you to feel.
The Todorokis are an incredibly messed up family with lots of deep running hurt, trauma, and this is their reality. It's messy and raw and sad. There is no neat way of resolving it all with an ultimate move, no matter how fancy or powerful. But they are alive and they are together.
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crepe-of-wrath · 2 years
Untitled Brief Snippet (Yan Alucard x Fem Reader)
Notes/Tags: NO MINORS, possessive/yandere Alucard, fem reader, Stockholm Syndrome and other dynamics that are not healthy IRL
This came to me as I was coming to this morning--don't know if I will turn it into something longer on its own, try to graft it onto the last part of Impossibility, or something else, but, hey, maybe this will tickle the fancy for someone else out there in Tumblr-land, so I'm sharing it.
Alucard laid down behind you, snaking one arm around your waist and using his free hand to slip the black silk cord that had kept you tethered to the bed frame for so, so long off your wrist.
You didn't move at all. No more attempts to place distance--even if just a centimeter--between you. No more kicking and writhing in an attempt to free yourself. You had been so misguided.
He then used that hand to stroke the back of your ear and your neck. His touches were so protective and caring. You had been so silly.
"Will you not turn around? I want to look into those [color] eyes of yours," he murmured, his voice pulsing into you, making you flush. You had been so stupid.
"I--I--" you struggled to find the words. "I am very embarrassed by my past behavior...by my foolishness in not understanding how what you're doing is the best for me."
He laughed softly and then flipped you around. For a moment, he just stared at you with those crimson eyes, which were full of triumph. For the briefest second, that made you want to fight again, but then he softly caressed your cheek.
"It was a frightening change. You're very smart, [name], and I knew you would see reason in time."
You reached out to touch his face and he closed his eyes as though this pleased him. "Thank you for your patience."
He pushed you back into the plush silk bedding and returned to caressing your face and trailing gentle kisses on your body. His beautiful hair tickled and you giggled. After a few moments, he locked eyes with you again and gently rested his forehead against yours.
"I swear to you that I will be all your protection and all your comfort and all your pleasure."
You nodded your head in agreement. It was clearly best this way; why had it taken you so long to see? To show that you truly understood, you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a clumsy, but very heartfelt kiss, even though you were frightened that this might enflame him to the point where he started ravishing you or something wanton like that.
Instead, Alucard simply laid back and on his side and drew you in to hold you against his lovely, lean chest. His shoulders completely enveloped you, and you tried to almost burrow into him, sighing happily, because no one in the world was safer than you were now.
"My darling?"
"When you leave me tonight, will you...will you slip the cord back on my wrist? I--I think I would feel safer that way."
For a moment, his only response was the sound of him rubbing his hands--his hands that were usually gloved--together behind you, but then he finally spoke.
"Of course, my darling. There can be great comfort and surety in restraints."
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
🌻 sunflower sheets, sunshine boy - lee donghyuck🌻
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requested? Y/N
genre: pre-established best friends to lovers, only one bed, fluff, mentioned mark lee being a lil shit, honestly very self indulgent lmao
content warnings: implied past abuse (it isn't discussed, also pre-established), reader has a lil nightmare
pairing: haechan x gn! reader
wc: 2.3k
a/n: i have SO many WIPs going atm and the motivation to actually write none of them, so i apparently wrote this instead. the only one bed scenario is something that actually happened to me (it did not go this way though i didn't really like the dude we were both just drunk so we shared a mattress lmao. he sucked.) and this all came to me after a nightmare of my own past abuser so this is just self indulgent garbage really lmaooo :') as always feedback is super appreciated even if this is just a lil vignette kinda oneshot! much love to you all mwah mwah 💞💞
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You cursed whatever deities may exist for your current predicament as the warmth from Donghyuck's torso radiated over your back. Well, more specifically, you supposed you cursed Mark Lee and his horrendously obvious attempts at matchmaking; a lone double bed made fresh with sunflower patterned linens that emanated a faint lemony scent sat in the small attic of his family home and the other beds somehow already claimed before everyone had gone over to celebrate his birthday. For whatever reason, Donghyuck hadn't seemed to find it suspicious that you and he were the only ones who hadn't been asked where you'd prefer to sleep the week prior. Or if he had, he hadn't mentioned it, simply shooting you a lopsided smile and informing you with a smirk that he sleeps shirtless before accepting the arrangements without question.
And so here you were, rolling to lie on your back and stare at the ceiling, where in the dark your brain conjured warping patterns that didn't exist as if trying to distract you from your racing thoughts. A small square of moonlight bathed golden skin next to you, filtering through the window on the roof like a spotlight. Donghyuck let out a small snore and you wondered how on earth he was able to sleep so easily like this, his feet grazing yours under the sprawling duvet and his face smushed unceremoniously into the pillow he'd claimed for his own. The trees rustled outside in the audible breeze, a sound that would lull you into peaceful dreams any other time. Yet you'd never felt more awake in your life than you did at that moment.
You hadn't exactly protested yourself; in fact you knew Mark would be awaiting your exuberant thanks for giving you such an opportunity with a man only he knew you to have had a silent crush on for years by that point. But you were far too stubborn to actually admit that his plan was pretty decent. You knew if you'd dissented he would have found other sleeping arrangements for you without complaint, but his smugness had almost felt like a challenge, and you were adamant you’d never lose a challenge to Mark of all people.
You and Donghyuck had been best friends for longer than you could even remember—he'd seen so many of your triumphs and losses, your highs and lows, the big moments in your life and the little ones you didn't even know if he remembered and treasured the way you did—and far be it from you to threaten a connection you weren't sure you'd find again if you lost him. Your heart raced and you prayed it didn't cut through the silence in actuality the way it consumed your sense of hearing, pulse thrumming in your ears like a kick drum. After probably too many minutes of being definitely too aware of the process of breathing, Donghyuck stirred with a small groan and turned to face you.
"Can't sleep?" He asked groggily, rubbing at his sleep laden eyes with a clumsy fist before looking up at you through heavy eyelashes.
"No," you responded simply, voice coming out as more of a hoarse whisper than you'd intended. He nodded, and you heard it against the fabric of the pillowcase. A weighted silence followed briefly, the air weirdly stuffy, and you felt like you were fighting for breath. You eventually looked over to find him watching your face, contemplative, as if studying every detail for the first time.
"Do you wanna, like, cuddle or something?" You blinked at him, amazed as always at the way he was able to be so bold as if it were no big deal. He threw the suggestion out so casually that it threw you off. If it were any of your other friends you would have laughed, joked about it and probably accepted because of the comfort the contact provided, but in your lovesick state you found yourself entirely frozen where you laid.
"Um," you faltered, biting the inside of your cheek. He exhaled through his nose, a somewhat-laugh quiet enough to be appropriate for the time of night, and smiled up at you, though you didn't feel strong enough to look at said smile for more than a few seconds. Truly dazzling, you thought.
"It was a totally good-natured suggestion," he clarified, feet nudging yours again but more purposefully this time. He resisted the urge to intertwine his legs with yours fully and moved his hair from where it had fallen in front of his tired eyes, still looking at you with more focus than you felt you desired. "Since I know you like the touch and it might help you sleep. There's no pressure, you can say no." You smiled at him, grateful for the way he offered you an out so considerately, but you then realised this wasn't a situation you were in often. And, in your humble opinion, if there were any time to indulge in such timid desires, it totally would be at buttfuck o'clock in the morning with your entire friend group a floor below.
"Sure." His eyes widened slightly; he obviously didn't expect you to agree, but his expression quickly softened when he noticed you falter. Before you could change your mind or stutter out a nervous string of "but only if you wanna!" adjacent sentences, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. As if on instinct, your fingers tried to ball into his shirt; however in its absence it looked more like you were trying to pinch at his chest. It made him laugh heartily, your face heating up, though he appeared to think the teasing was best saved for later as he bit his tongue and adjusted his arm to lie under your neck.
"Comfy?" He asked gently, breath hot on your ear before he nuzzled his chin against your head. You nodded the best you could, nudging further into his neck as you let his warmth consume you. He let himself slip a little further, tangling his legs with yours just a bit to see if you’d back away and feeling his heart swell when you intertwined them further. His other arm rested loosely over your waist, steady breathing inspiring yours to mimic, and before you could even realise how tired you were the security his presence offered you finally lured you to sleep.
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The peace apparently didn't want to linger, however, as only an hour later Donghyuck awoke again to you trembling in his hold. He looked down at you blearily as your hand clutched at his side and your breathing staggered. He took a moment to come to and realise what was happening before shaking you gently to wake you up.
It happened with a start, your breath catching dramatically in your throat as your eyes blew wide. He shushed you gently, one hand stroking through your hair, as you silently searched his face with frantic pupils. They weren't looking for anything in particular; just the familiarity your heart apparently craved, your brain fighting to come back to reality fully and shake the remnants of the nightmare that plagued you.
"Are you okay?" His voice was so quiet it was barely audible, hand ceaseless in its careful motions. "Seemed like you were having a bad dream."
"Yeah," you whispered unsteadily, suddenly aware of the hand with which you held onto his side like you were scared he'd vanish from under it. He hummed in understanding, tightening his hold a little.
"Was it about who I think it was?"
"Yeah," you repeated, still too internally distressed to show any real outward emotions the way you wanted to. "They're less frequent these days, but y'know." He hummed again, hand dropping to draw comforting circles into the skin of your hip and bring you back a little.
"Just try to focus on me," he murmured, still obviously sleepy. You nodded, doing your best to divert every conscious thought you had to his movements, his breathing, his very presence; and after a few moments you felt grounded enough to actually form sentences.
"You always know how to help," you laughed drily, voice low. You knew your friends couldn't hear you; even beyond the floor difference they were all insanely heavy sleepers, to the point you'd think they never slept a day in their life. Donghyuck giggled against your hair, more high pitched than he'd like, and manoeuvred you both so that he was lying on his back with your head resting on his chest. His heartbeat was steady against your cheek, and his hold remained tight. "What time is it?"
"I dunno, like, four in the morning?" He shrugged at his own estimate, phone too far on the nightstand for him to bother finding out. "Why?"
"Because." Your insecurity leaked through into your mumbles but you couldn't find it in you to care, knowing beyond your own mild discombobulation that Donghyuck was not all there himself. "I just think early morning hours are the time to be vulnerable."
"True." He stared at the ceiling, thumb massaging your shoulder absentmindedly. "Why, did you wanna talk about it?"
You took a deeper breath to try and steady yourself before snuggling into the crook of his neck. "I just think I had that nightmare because I'm sleeping with you."
"That sounds like something I should be offended by," he chuckled breathily. "Why me?"
"I mean. Being helplessly in love with you complicates a lot of things." You'd spoken before you could allow yourself to hesitate, though now that the words were out there and his body had stiffened beneath you regret started flooding your nerves, burning them like an electrical current under water.
"You heard me," you pouted, growing more self-conscious by the second.
"Just wanted to make sure I heard you right." Another tense silence followed, one that made your ears ring and your chest flutter. "What does that have to do with the nightmare?"
"I dunno, just. The usual shit, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and all that stuff again. It's scary at the best of times, even without everything that happened with Hyunwoo." You hated the way your tongue felt jammed, unable to express the fear that festered like rot in the bottom of your heart. It was pervasive, parasitic almost, something you struggled to cast out even if you had reduced its impact greatly in the years since you'd escaped. You looked up to find him watching you yet again, expression fond and curious. "You can do a lot of work," you tried, brows furrowed as you searched for the words. "You help yourself as much as you can, you do the therapy, you get better at functioning, all that stuff." He nodded, entirely attentive and patient, giving you the odd encouraging squeeze around your shoulders. He could tell you'd been wanting to get this all off your chest for a while.
"You've come a really long way since then, we're all proud of you," he smiled when you hesitated, wary of interrupting but not wanting to lose the moment to tell you. While Donghyuck was one to poke fun a lot—one to be sarcastic, one to make constant jokes—he was also always the first to compliment you and encourage you, a balance you were always thankful to have in your life.
"Thank you," you grinned, continuing. "But it doesn't matter how much work you do when you meet someone you fall for because you kinda have to accept that there's a whole other kind of shit under the surface that you can't unpack on your own, and you have to hope the person you've found sees all that and tells you ‘it's okay’ while you figure your shit out together."
"Everyone has their own baggage." You sat up a little to look at his thoughtful expression, moonlight shimmering on his soft features. After a moment of intense eye contact, he broke the silence with a serene smile. "Hey Y/N?"
"It's okay." You stared at him for a moment, his words running laps around your own in your brain, the simplest kind of acceptance that seemed to short circuit you as your heart swelled. "And hey, I’m pretty in love with you too, so maybe you're not that hopeless."
"Is my want to kiss you right now equally as not hopeless?" You asked somewhat clumsily, grin mischievous. He took a moment to gawk at you being the bold one for a change before smirking, shaking his head.
"If you wanna kiss me so bad then do it."
You stared at him for a while longer, his gaze unwaveringly confident, and in sensing your slight hesitation he chuckled complacently before being the one to take the dive. You weren’t sure if it was the time of morning or the rawness in vulnerability that made you feel slightly delirious, head spinning as your mind took a second to catch up. The feeling of his lips on yours was unfamiliar but far from unwelcome, the warmth he radiated spreading like fire from the legs that twined together to the cheeks he cradled so tenderly. He smiled against your lips, breaking the kiss with a slightly bashful laugh, and you swear you saw galaxies in his eyes with the way he looked at you.
“What are you laughing at?” You watched him bewilderedly, the pull of his lips increasingly adoring as he pulled your head back to his neck and rocked you in his arms with another childish giggle.
“I’ve just wanted to do that for longer than you know.” His voice was angelic and light, like chimes in the wind, making you smirk against his collarbones. “It’s okay,” he repeated in a gaily hum, hold on you safe and reassuring. “We’ll get through anything, together.”
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jouliejihan · 1 year
𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑵 𝑨𝑰𝑹! - hueningkai × fem reader
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𝑺𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑺: When Y/N and her eccentric friends decide to host the 'Love On Air' podcast, they think they can heal the heartaches of all HYBE Uni students.  But when love begins to bubble up behind the scenes, Y/N finds herself at the center of a messed up love triangle. While she tries to save broken hearts, a shy student, Hueningkai, does everything to win her heart. With clumsy dating advice, accidental encounters and a chaotic podcast, will love triumph or end up in a hilarious mess?
"Tune in with us guys, cause Love is On Air!"
TAGLIST (open, send ask or comment to be added) @full-sunnies @unh0ly-dr3am3r @enhacolor @mackjestic @beabeanice @fairy-of-sugar
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3 - Alberta beef n' Ginger beer trio
WARNING: mention of alcoholic beverages, readers, drink in moderation
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A/N: how abt this easter egg? Thanks to @amakumos 's amazing series, Love On Air was born! Thanks baby! Keep going with your masterpieces!
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It was a cold, starry night when Jay parked the car in front of Incheon Airport. _____ felt a mixture of anxiety and joy as she prepared to be reunited with her friends, Jake and Lily, who she had spent time with in Australia.
A few years ago, when she was 16, she decided to go on an exchange to Brisbane, in celebration of her birthday. It was a new adventure in an unfamiliar place, but she was looking forward to exploring and meeting new people.
It was during this journey that he met Jake, a charming and funny boy who studied at the same exchange school. From their first meeting, they forged a special connection, sharing laughs, stories and unforgettable moments together.
As their friendship grew, she began to feel something deeper for him. His captivating smile, his sense of humor and his kindness won her heart. However, there was a hitch: Jake was dating Lily, another Australian student from Marysville, who was also spending her holidays in Brisbane.
Though she felt a small twinge of sadness knowing this, she knew that Jake's happiness was important to her. She decided that she would do her best to support her friend and help him find happiness with Lily.
With that in mind, ______ started planning a cute and romantic date for the couple. She carefully chose the location, a quiet beach with a stunning view of the sunset, and prepared a picnic basket filled with the lovebirds' favorite treats on the sand.
On the day of the date, she was nervous, but her determination to see her friends happy was stronger. She took Jake down to the beach he excited but disappointed to see her friend leave so early she asked:
"Leaving so soon? Stay here with me for a bit"
"Sorry, Jake, I gotta… she stuttered. "Work in some things at the dorm. Have fun, okay?
As the couple enjoyed their romantic picnic, she watched from afar, feeling mixed emotions. She saw them laughing, talking and sharing special moments. Although her heart yearned to be in Lily's shoes, she was grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of their happiness, even if it was in a different way.
At the end of the date, she joined them, her eyes were teary but overflowing with genuine joy.
"I hope you enjoyed my little surprise!" _______ smiled
"Are you kidding?! This is beautiful! Thank you! But how do you…?
"I know you Jake! The connection you share with each other is unique and special. This is what I feel iny heart."
Lily also expressed her gratitude and hugged her.
"You're a wonderful girl. Thanks for helping us create such special memories."
Despite the unrequited feelings, she felt a deep joy at having contributed to her friends' happiness. The friendship between them strengthened even more that day, but unfortunately, it did not last as _____ imagined. On the last day of their exchange, Jake passed by her room in the dorm and saw her packing her bags and was in shock.
"What… what's all this?!?!"
"Unfortunately my time here is over. In a little while I'll be heading back home."
"Oh no, you won't! Not now, not like this! Come here!"
⊹⊱•••《 💗 》•••⊰⊹
The long-awaited farewell day in Brisbane arrived. Jake and Lily wanted to make sure their friend had a memorable send-off before catching the flight back home. They decided to take her to an amusement park, where they could enjoy an afternoon filled with emotions and laughter.
________ felt nostalgic as she walked through the streets of Brisbane towards the park. She was grateful to have met Jake and Lily, who had made her exchange experience even more special.
At the amusement park, the trio of friends boarded roller coasters, spun on Ferris wheels and challenged their nerves on thrilling rides. Laughter and squeals of joy echoed through the air as they enjoyed themselves like there was no tomorrow.
In the midst of the fun, they stopped at a game stand, where Jake got her a stuffed dolphin. It was an affectionate gesture that represented the friendship they shared.
"Jake… no need!" ______ smiled putting her hand in front of her mouth
"But you deserve it! A special little gift for our very special friend!"
She hugged the dolphin tenderly, feeling the emotion overflow in her heart.
"Thanks. I will keep this little creature with a lot of love. It'll always remind me of the amazing times we had here.!
The afternoon at the amusement park was filled with joy and fellowship. As the sun began to set, they walked back to the car, sharing smiles and memories of their time together.
The time has come to say goodbye. Jake and Lily accompanied her to Brisbane Airport, where warm hugs and words of gratitude were exchanged.
"Jake, Lily, thank you for everything. You guys made my experience here unforgettable. Gonna miss you guys a lot."
"We'll miss you too, _____" Jake hugged stroking his long, straight auburn strands
"But we promise to never forget everything you've done for us." Now it was Lily's turn to hug her friend and then she released her, watching her go down the departure corridor. "Have a safe trip home, friend!"
"Take care!" Jake yelled waving at her
As she walked away, she looked back to see Jake and Lily waving with smiles full of affection and longing.
At Brisbane Airport, she _____ boarded the plane, taking with her not only the memories of her stay in Brisbane, but also the knowledge that true friendship transcends borders and miles. She knew they would always hold a special place in her heart, wherever she wanted them to be.
But what she didn't know was that it wouldn't be the last time they would see them. Long before they met, he was famous for his travel vlogs with Lily, among his loyal followers was Park Jongseong, who he kept in touch with on Twitter, Instagram, KakaoTalk and other platforms.
When mentioning his friend in one of his videos, Jay was surprised by the fact that both share the same friendship and have similar tastes, even if they are distant, the two enjoyed each other's company and imagined the day when they would meet in person. Now, 5 years later, this dream is about to come true.
As they waited in the arrivals area, anticipation rose in her. She imagined all the stories and experiences Jake and Lily would have to share. The longing was palpable, and her heart beat faster as the moment neared.
Finally, the doors opened, revealing Jake and Lily, who emerged with beaming smiles on their faces. _______ rushed towards them, their arms wrapping around each other in a tight, warm hug.
"Jake-ah! Lily-ah! I miss you guys!"
"Noona, how good it is to see you again! I already missed those warm hugs!"
"You guys are so dramatic!" she rolled her eyes and smirked "But it feels great to be here!"
As they walked towards the car, the conversation began to flow. There, Jake and Lily share their adventures, telling funny and heartwarming stories about their time on their travels.
"So Jake, tell me, what's the big news?"
Jake smiled, showing a glint of excitement in his eyes.
"I enrolled at HU! Starting tomorrow I'll be your Engineering classmate!"
______ was surprised and overjoyed at the news. She could barely contain the joy that spread throughout her body.
"Really?! This is amazing! I can't wait for us to be classmates. We're going to spend such great time together!"
As they celebrated the news, Lily became a little quieter beside them. She knew her path would take them in different directions.
"Unfortunately, I enrolled at the JYP Institute. My Marine Biology course will be there."
"So it looks like that's the end of our Alberta Beef and Ginger Beer trio, does it?" he scratched the back of his head
"Yeah, it is, but I promise I'll support you both no matter where we go in the future." the Canadian wistfully stated
"Pinky swear, noona?"
"Is this serious, unnie?" protested Lily
"C'mon! Do it with us!" the oldest asked
Then the three crossed their pinkies and sealed the promise to never forget the friendship they cultivated 5 years ago.
And a while later, they arrived at HYBE Uni's dorm. With the lights in the university parking lot still on, Jay could see through the window of his car some students leaving, others returning.
"Are you coming, noona?" questioned Jay
"Not yet. Me and Lily need some time alone, so, Jake, mind going ahead?"
"Of course not. Hyung, can you help me with the bags?"
"No problem!"
From the moment the Australian set foot in Seoul, the Canadian noticed that she was distant and quiet. Lily was never the type of woman to pretend to be shy or stay silent for no reason, she knew there was something wrong with her friend and as soon as the two got out of the car, she set out to find out, asking:
"Lily-ah, are you okay?"
"Unnie, do you have some time for some love advice?"
"I always have, so go ahead, pour your heart out to me."
"You see, Jake and I broke up before we moved here and…"
"Really?! But you were so happy together!"
"I know! But lately I didn't feel that euphoria anymore. And it seems that Jake feels the same way."
"Was it because of me?"
"No! You were an angel bringing us together! It's my fault that my feelings are changing and I don't know how to deal with it."
"When you live with someone for a long time, you learn about yourself and your feelings towards them, I don't understand what you fear so much."
"Regret. I'm afraid my feelings for him will grow back over time and I'll take drastic action when it's too late and he'll hate me for it. What do you suggest I do?"
"Did you guys talk about this before the move?"
"We do."
"So, there's nothing to fear! As this was a recent breakup, it's normal for you to miss the moments shared together, besides, it's not because you're not in love with Jake anymore that you don't love him! If he makes you happy and he feels the same, you can still be friends."
The Australian was trying her best not to break down in front of her friend, but when the Canadian woman smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder, she couldn't contain the lump in her throat and the tears streaming down her face, so she pulled it closer for a hug.
"I don't deserve a friend like you, unnie!"
"You're so pretty and wonderful, Lily. You certainly deserve to be treated like a princess, which I know you are."
"Thanks." _______ wiped Lily's tears with her thumb "Promise not to tell my story on your podcast? I don't want people hustling about my love life."
"Promise. Want Jay to give you a ride to your dorm?"
"Won't he mind?"
"I don't know, but I'll ask him anyway."
As she wandered through the halls, she pulled out her cell phone and found a photo of the trio in her gallery, in one of the most chaotic moments in Australia.
On a Friday night, Lily and Jake decided to take ________ out for a fun night out at a local bar in Brisbane. It was a perfect opportunity to relax, unwind and create more memories together.
Sitting at a table, _______ was excited to try something new. As the waiter approached, she glanced at the menu and, intrigued, decided to order a bottle of ginger beer.
"Come on, guys! I want to see what it feels like to drink ginger beer. It should be interesting!"
Jake and Lily exchanged amused glances and agreed to try it too. Soon, the bottles were poured, and they toasted, ready to enjoy the night.
As the night wore on and she drank her third glass of ginger ale, she began to feel the brew's effect.
"Ahn, guys. I think I'm starting to get a little dizzy. I didn't know this beer was this strong!"
"Careful, _____, this drink can be tricky." Jake mocked
"But look on the bright side! You're starting to have fun!" Lily added
Suddenly music started playing in the bar, _______ recognized it immediately and started jumping up and down laughing out of nowhere.
"Is it Seventeen's Adore U? Man, I love this song!"
Why are you keeping a front?
I don’t know, I don’t know what will happen
Without hesitation, she got up from the table and started dancing and singing excitedly in the middle of the bar, attracting the attention of everyone around her.
So what I mean is, I want to know all of you
I’ll sing you, you-hoo, I’ll sing you, you-hoo
Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this baby
I adore you, I adore you, enough to get dizzy
Adore you!
Jake and Lily joined in on the fun, laughing and cheering as she let loose on the makeshift dance floor.
The funny and adorable scene continued as she expressed her joy and excitement through music. People around were amused by their spontaneous performance, and soon the whole bar was clapping and singing along.
After a while, _______ came down to the table, out of breath, but with a huge smile on his face.
"Who knew that innocent little face of yours guarded a k-pop star, huh?" Lily teased
"Oh, don't say that! That was humiliating!" _____ covered her red face with her hands
"What do you mean? It was fun! But take it easy next time we go out, okay?"
"Alright Jake!"
It was then that he had a brilliant idea. He spotted a man sitting at a nearby table with a cell phone in hand. He approached the men and asked kindly:
"Sorry to bother you sir, but could you take a picture of the three of us?"
The man smiled and readily accepted. The trio stood together, grimacing and laughing as the old man captured the image.
With a smile on their faces, they huged each other, making funny poses and enjoying the moment of true friendship.
After the photo, they thanked the lord and returned to the table, still laughing at the situation.
The night continued with more laughs, stories and unforgettable moments shared among the friends. She learned that some unusual choices can lead to moments of pure fun and special memories.
That night in that bar in Brisbane will remain in her memories as a moment when friendship strengthened and joy overflowed.
A/N: So the first couple our little angel got a together, was with her best friend who she had a crush on, and her first love advice was about their breakup...
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perky89 · 1 year
I asked ChatGPT to write an essay on why Professor Layton and Detective Gumshoe would make a good couple. This was the result:
Layton & Gumshoe: Ideal Couple

Write an essay on why Hershel Layton and Dick Gumshoe would be a good couple
Title: An Unlikely Pair: Hershel Layton and Dick Gumshoe as an Ideal Couple
Introduction: In the world of video games, there are numerous iconic characters who capture our hearts and minds. Among them are Professor Hershel Layton, a brilliant puzzle-solving gentleman, and Detective Dick Gumshoe, a lovable but somewhat bumbling investigator. While they may seem like an unlikely couple at first glance, it is precisely their contrasting qualities that make Hershel Layton and Dick Gumshoe an excellent match. This essay will explore the unique traits of these characters and how their compatibility and shared experiences make them an ideal couple.
Complementary Personalities: Hershel Layton and Dick Gumshoe possess personalities that perfectly complement one another. Layton's intelligence and deductive reasoning skills are renowned, while Gumshoe's persistence and unwavering loyalty add a touch of charm to the partnership. Layton's calm and collected demeanor balances Gumshoe's more emotional and impulsive nature. They bring out the best in each other, with Layton encouraging Gumshoe's growth and Gumshoe providing emotional support to Layton during difficult times. Their differences create a harmonious synergy that strengthens their bond.
Shared Professional Background: Both Layton and Gumshoe share a common passion for solving mysteries and seeking justice. Layton, as a renowned archaeology professor, uses his intellect to uncover ancient secrets, while Gumshoe, as a seasoned detective, navigates the intricate web of criminal investigations. Their shared professional background allows them to connect on a deep level, understanding the challenges and triumphs that come with their respective careers. They appreciate each other's work and can provide valuable insights and assistance when necessary.
Mutual Respect and Support: One of the key ingredients for a successful relationship is mutual respect, and Layton and Gumshoe exhibit a deep admiration for each other. Layton recognizes Gumshoe's dedication to his job and values his unwavering commitment to justice. In turn, Gumshoe greatly admires Layton's intellect and appreciates the support and guidance he receives from him. Their respect for one another creates a strong foundation for their relationship, fostering trust and understanding.
Shared Adventures: Throughout their respective game series, Layton and Gumshoe embark on countless adventures, often finding themselves in precarious situations. These shared experiences build a unique bond between them, as they rely on each other for assistance and guidance. Facing challenges together strengthens their connection and fosters a sense of camaraderie. Their adventures create memories and stories that they can share, reinforcing their emotional connection and creating a deeper sense of intimacy.
Humor and Light-heartedness: While Layton is known for his gentlemanly demeanor and reserved nature, Gumshoe's endearing clumsiness and comic relief add a lighthearted element to their relationship. Gumshoe's infectious humor brings out Layton's more relaxed side, allowing them to enjoy moments of laughter and joy together. Their ability to find humor in even the most challenging situations helps alleviate tension and creates a positive atmosphere in their relationship.
Conclusion: While Hershel Layton and Dick Gumshoe may initially appear as an unexpected pairing, their distinct personalities, shared professional background, mutual respect, and shared adventures make them an ideal couple. Their complementary traits, combined with a deep emotional connection and a sense of humor, create a relationship that is both supportive and fulfilling. Layton and Gumshoe serve as a testament to the notion that love can transcend conventional expectations and that true compatibility can arise from the unlikeliest of sources.
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unboundedthought · 1 year
[OPINION] No One Wants to Hide in the Macabre Closet
by Mark Lester Mendez
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Illustration made by Lars Leetaru.
Paminta — the term used to pertain to the person who keeps their true gender identity a secret. Questioning someone's gender seems to be a mere deal for us, but do we even consider its impact on the person being suspected and put into the spotlight of judgment? Interfering someone's gender should be taken as a sensitive issue, given that it is personal. The thing that we can only question ourselves about them is why they try to hide from their closet, and I guess we should understand their situation.
Before, I have a junior high school friend who hid his true gender identity from his family and friends because he was scared. He had no one to talk to about the restrained transcending colors that he had inside except for me. I once asked him why he was scared of coming out of his closet, and I never expected the answer that he gave me as he said that it felt like he is being threatened every time they drop that pressuring bomb on himself.
"Bakla ka ba (Are you gay)?!", is the question that they kept on asking him every moment that he shows his clumsiness. He said that the way his family asked him that question was like being gay is a crime, where there were wide eyes open, and their tone of voice was deadly serious and loud. Just imagine that you are being bombarded with suspicions inside the court where one wrong move and statement will put you in lifelong danger; that was what he always felt. In his current situation, I am glad that he already came out of his shell; though his father is still against it, now he is busy proving to him that one's gender is never a hindrance in reaching the peak of triumph. 
Since the Boys' Love series is prominent nowadays, one best example of this kind of topic is Gaya Sa Pelikula (Like In The Movie), written and created by Juan Miguel Severo. The story revolves around an architecture student named Karl who has an identity crisis that later acquainted himself with Vlad, an openly gay, as they shared a room since Karl can't pay his bills as he faced mishaps. One of the lines that calls my attention here is when Karl kept asking Vlad if he is gay and being reluctant to use the term "gay" as if it is an insult. He followed it with a line saying, "In fairness ha, hindi ka halata (In fairness, you are not that obvious)" as if it is a compliment when it is not as we are used to stereotyping LGBTQIA+ culture accompanying it with antediluvian conventions. 
The series also delivers a message that all of us should agree with. It is about the "coming out" stage of closeted individuals wherein we should not put pressure on them as they own it only by themselves. They should be the ones taking their time how to get out of the closet without feeling the pressure, still, remember that no matter what we do, reality will always have its place in our life; and the truth is that the real battle is not in our comfort zone (closet or anyone's safe-haven) as it is in the outside world. The same way how their friend relates to Karl pursuing his filming career because, in film, we want our story to be told, seen, and cared for by the audience, but how will they care if you do not care about what they will say as you do not want them to know you? We better think deeper about that. 
As the series title should be the one saying it all — just like in the movies where everyone has happy endings, this series ends cliffhanging the viewers as the expected cliche, and overused happy endings did not take their flight. Still, the good thing is that the characters are on their way to finding their truest selves (and yes, the storyline deserves a season 2!). 
We may think that it is easy to come out, but if we put ourselves into their shoes, we will understand that our situation is unusual from theirs as they have different things to prioritize, and one factor is the family's approval. For those people who are still in their closet, take your time inside, and if the time comes that you feel suffocated and wanted to be seen, put in mind that there are many people outside who are waiting to welcome you. As quoted in the given series, remember that you are entitled to the love that lets you dance without fear and shame.
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ushiwakatrash · 2 years
𝐍𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 (𝘜𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘢, 𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘍!𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳) NSFW
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Hey lovies! You may have noticed by now that I am literally in love with Ushi and the whole manager cliché thing so I love writing about him! This entry is for my 500 follower special. Thank you for all the support and enjoy reading! Sorry it took so long for me to write again, my mind hasn't been in a good place but I'm getting better! <333
(sorry if my 18+ writing isn't good, I'm still not used to it)
More content here >>> 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ♡
Word count: 3.5k
!Warnings!: NSFW, Smut, Degrading, Daddy Kink, manhandling, Dom!Ushijima, Switch!Tendou(?), Poly, cursing, 18+, Cursing, pet names
Ushijima and Tendou are bestfriends and like to share everything, including you.
Sounds of the school's cheer rang through the ears of everyone present in the stadium. This was the match to see who would triumph the Interhigh Preliminary Finals.
Everyone was on the edge of their seats as the heated battle juggled who had the upper hand. The rivaling team, as if it were already tradition, is Aoba Johsai yet again.
In the three years you've watched over the team, there wasn't a time where you lost against your rival school and just like today, you were sure the results would lean in Shiratorizawa's favor.
There was never a time you had doubted the boys. Especially your best friends.
An overwhelming sound of a ball hitting the ground rang as another monstrous spike was hit by the captain. As if waiting for your acknowledgement, he stared at you after landing with anticipation. Having figuring out their habits by now, you figured out what he wanted to hear.
"Nice kill Toshi-kun!" the faintest smile ghosted his face as he turned his gaze back to the court. Another point was scored but this time, Tendou completely shut down poor Iwaizumi's spike. He raised gun fingers at you which could mean 'this point's for ya!' or 'did'ya see how awesome I looked?!' either way, you copied his pose "Nice block miracle boy!!"
In this 5-point match, Shiratorizawa had triumphed two sets while Seijoh managed to grab one. The team huddled to discuss their strategy which was just mostly Washijo-sensei pointing out their mistakes in the last match.
It was their time to cool down and rest up a bit, so being the manager, you took care of what everyone needed. Their water bottles needed to be refilled so you got up and went to the nearest water fountain.
"Y/n." A deep voice called. "Would you like more water, Toshi?" he nodded and gratefully took the water bottle you handed. "If I score more points, will you cheer for me?" it was an odd question but you answered with no hesitation. "Of course! I'll scream your name loud and clear!"
He got flustered for a second after hearing your words even if he knew you didn't mean it in any other way. A low chuckle erupted from his lips. "All for me?" huh. Another odd question.
Nevertheless, you smiled brightly and hummed in response. Satisfied with your answer, Ushijima stepped closer and gently cupped your face with one hand.
His thumb softly rubbed your cheeks as he looked at you with soft eyes but still had the same stoic face. "Good girl".
You blinked a few times, too stunned to even react. Your face started heating up and it took a few seconds to register what had happened.
A few water bottles accidentally fell from the bag due to the poor manager being so flustered.
Mentally cursing, you bent down and started picking up the fallen bottles. "You okay manager-chan?" "Oh Satori, could you help me pick up these bot-" the moment you looked up, the red head's face was centimeters away from yours. He wore a smirk as he slowly closed the gap.
Nervous, your eyes shut closed.
A nose bumped into your own and when your eyes opened, you could see the middle blocker picking up the things on the ground. "Don't be too clumsy next time Y/n-chan!" he started walking away like nothing happened.
Unbeknownst to you, his smirk got wider as he recalled your interaction with the captain he just witnessed.
All throughout the game, your head was a mess. Memories of what happened with Wakatoshi and Satori replayed in your head over and over. You did cheer for them (especially Ushi like you promised) but some could clearly see how out of it you were.
"Oi squirt, what's wrong with ya?! Maybe you'll be the one running laps when we get back!" the coach's voice made you jump in your seat. The other members snickered as Washijo scolded you.
Ushijima pretended to be nonchalant about the coach's reprimanding, but deep down he knew he was the culprit as to why you were so in your head.
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Ah yes, the sound of another victorious match echoed throughout the stadium. The victors were of course, your beloved team.
What better reward to give than a hug from their beloved and absolutely gorgeous manager? Yamagata ran to bask in your warmth and the others followed suit. This had become a tradition every win, and even tighter hugs were to be given in the case of a loss-- which has yet to happen.
As if the captain had not done numbers to your heart moments ago, he bent down and grabbed you by the waist to pull you in into his chest. His chin landed on your shoulder and he whispered his thanks for cheering for him the loudest. Before breaking the hug, he purposely brushed his lips on the tip of your ear. He was clearly enjoying messing up your thoughts.
Tendou had no intention of losing to his bestfriend. His hand traveled down just a few inches above your ass and the other reached the base of your nape slightly raking up through the base of your hair as if he were to pull it.
This was your breaking point. You were hot and DEFINITELY BOTHERED.
"I-I have to use the restroom. Catch up to you guys in a bit!" you hurriedly rushed to a cubicle so you could calm yourself down. A familiar wetness started to pool down.
WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?! If this continues I don't know what I'll do. How could I even pick between the two?! A threesome would be impossible!
You couldn't believe what you were even thinking. Grabbing water in your hands, you splashed it on your face to somehow wash off the impure thoughts you were having about your best friends. Best friends for fuck's sake!
Straightening yourself out, you make your way to the bus and as per usual, take a seat next to the captain at the rear end. "You took your time." You give the olive eyed man a pout "Well uh, my tummy hurt? Yeah... it hurt!" being extra jumpy was not helping you hide the fact the events from earlier still lingered in your mind.
"Lend me your shoulder, I'm tired." Ah. The vulnerable Wakatoshi is here, only showing this side to you which made you feel a little more special than the rest.
His hand landed on your lap and his head fell on your shoulder. You tensed up feeling the light grip he had on your inner thigh. Today, he was driving you crazy for all the wrong reasons.
Unconsciously, your thighs clenched a little, remembering how this was one of the ways you got turn on. Terushima frequently did this when you were both still dating a year ago, and it always led straight to the bed.
That breakup story is for another day.
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Since the Spring qualifiers were just around the corner, you had to become a tad more strict to the team and thankfully, they still feared you even if you were their cute little bean.
Tendou had his ways to get your attention. The male was obviously more than a head taller so it would be stupid of him to not use this to his advantage.
A swift hand grabbed the clipboard you were holding and to no surprise, it was the red head causing trouble for you again. Since this was no time to be fooling around, your patience ran on thin ice.
"Satori fucking quit it!" "Hmmm, what about a no?" both of your rowdiness slowly got the attention of the whole team. "I'll give it back for a kiss, whattdya say, cutie?" Heat crept up to your cheeks but you knew well enough he just wanted to get a reaction out of you.
"Kiss my ass, tori! Now give it back!" you were both getting disctracting and coach Washijo was about to give a piece of his mind until the captain took the matters in his own hands.
"Enough." His stern cold voice sent shivers down everyone's spine. A man of few words, but his words are definite. If only the ground would swallow you whole.
You glanced over at your accomplice and he shown the same reaction you did. Like both of you were at his mercy.
"S-sorry Toshi. I'll be good." You whispered so only he could hear it. Before you even realized what you said, it had already slipped. The smug smirk was now visible on his face as he looked at you. Good thing his back faced the team.
Wordlessly, he send a sharp glare to Tendou "...sorry cap'tn" Nodding contented, Ushijima went back to his stoic nature. "It's good you're both learning. Be good for me."
There he goes again, dominance oozing off of him that even got the guess monster to submit. Tendou's sure to get a good teasing once practice is over.
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The ride to Sendai City Gym, where the Miyagi Prefectural Spring Qualifiers would be held, felt long. It didn't help that you were sitting next to Ushijima again, his head on your shoulder like last time, but his hands had a slightly tighter grip on the plush of your thigh -- a little further and he might even feel the heat coming from your pussy.
It was obvious you were bothered. Well, to Tendou at least. The bus stopped for a bathroom break and the captain had to go so only a few were left in the vehicle. The cunning red head took this chance to rile you up.
He inched close to whisper in your ear "Aw, blushing because of the capt'n manager-chan? How unfair" he then bit your ear earning a small quiet moan that surprised both of you.
"Y/n-chan! How naughty!" his smirk was so smug that you wanted to punch it off his face. "Satori, WHAT THE FUCK!" Unbothered by your sudden outburst, he shrugged his shoulders. "Not my fault you look cute, kitten."
Tendou went back to his seat just as the rest of the members started to board the bus. Ushijima noticed how flustered you were and how red your ears were. He sent a glance to Tendou who was already looking at him with the same smirk he had given you.
"Did something happen?" you just shook your head and kept quiet, still feeling the heat in your cheeks.
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The bus arrived at the provided hotel, an expensive one in fact. Everyone had been given individual rooms so you finally had the time to cool off your head alone and maybe touch your wet pussy a lil too.
Your train of thoughts came to a halt when the coach called for the team to get off and grab their stuff.
The man beside you grabbed your arm to prevent you from standing. Leaning close, he whispered “My room later. Only if you want to spend more time with me” he finished it off with a nibble to the opposite ear Tendou attacked.
A soft whimper came out of your mouth, quiet enough for only Ushijima to hear. He felt ecstatic seeing the effect he had on you. “What do you say, (Y/n)?” Nodding was the only thing you could do. You were so red and flustered no words seemed to come out.
“Atta girl.” With a pat on your head, he stood up and left you looking like a mess.
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You settled down in your hotel room, contemplating what time you would see your captain in his own quarters.
As if on cue, a text from him arrived.
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He usually texted dry but something about the way he’d been acting the past few days made you quite excited to see him.
You already knew his room number since you were the manager so after freshening up, you went straight to where he was.
“Toshi? Can I come in?” “Go ahead.”
You were greeted by literal eye candy. His broad shoulders and chiseled chest caught your attention as soon as the door opened. Not to mention his hard well-maintained abs.
The biggest blow was him wearing gray sweats. It would be impossible to miss the huge trace of his member against the fabric.
“Eyes up here, sweetheart.” Fuck. You got caught.
“S-sorry I was just a little distracted!” He smiled at your excuse then patted the bed. “C’mere and make yourself comfortable”
Once near his bed, he guided you to sit on his lap. Being so nervous around him, your position didn’t seem to process in your mind.
Sitting on top of his bulge made him harden. You felt it.
“Whadd'ya call me for cap— oh?” The door suddenly swung open revealing your other best friend. “My my, y/n. Getting comfy are we?”
"Tori? W-what are you doing here?" you felt small under their gazes. "Well, Wakatoshi over here surprisingly invited me to hang out first. Now, you answer me, angel. Why are you on his lap, hmm?"
"I-I...i-it just happened!" the red head smirked at you. "Better seat than the bleachers eh, Y/n-chan?~"
How much more would he tease you? You were already red all over. Feeling all shy, you shamelessly hugged Ushijima, head nuzzling his neck. With a whiny voice you complained to the man you were sitting on.
"Toshiii, Satori's being mean!" Ushijima smiled at your cute whines. "But don't you like it when he's mean, darling?" Not answering, you just snuggled closer to him.
"Y/n-chan, we know you like us but you're confusing. Do you actually LIKE like us, or are we just friends?"
Fuck. He just had to ask the million dollar question.
Lifting your head from Ushi's warm neck, you looked at Tendou "It's complicated Tori, I-I can't make up my mind."
Ushijima put a hand to your cheek and rubbed his thumb "Talk to us, baby. What's making it so hard to pick between us?"
"W-well, you're so sweet to me and you take care of me so much. You never let me have a hard time with the team and I like the way you're so goal driven when it comes to volley. It's endearing to see how your hardwork always pays off."
"As for Satori, he's playful and fun! He always cheers me up when I stress over things and he makes sure I don't feel left out during meetings and such..."
It was like you were already confessing, to two people even!
"So, you like us both. What's the problem with that?"
The woman was too stunned to speak.
"I can't like you both at the same time! That's just being selfish and unfair!" Tendou came loser and held you hand to his lips. "Ever heard of polygamy, babe? I'm totally fine with sharing you with Ushiwaka, 'sides, he's hot"
Ushijima couldn't be happier with the red head's words.
“No need to overthink things sweetheart, you can make him your boyfriend” he grips your face and pulls it closer to his “But remember I’m your daddy. Understand?”.
The sternness in his voice made you shudder. Tendou smirks at how meek you’ve become. No one has ever seen you so submissive.
You nod at the captain but the grip he has on your cheeks only tighten. “Words, Y/n.” “Y-yes daddy.” Good girl.”
The captain wasted no time and kissed you. Pushing his tongue to explore your mouth. His hands started roaming your body and found its way on your clothed breast, cupping and kneading it.
His other hand started stripping your gym shorts with your obviously wet underwear. Tendou, even not joining in all the action, was surely enjoying the show. He knew you were a freak. He felt it when you moaned from him biting your ear earlier.
"C'mere Tendou, give daddy a kiss." he gave the red head attention too. Now that your lower part was bare, he swiftly had his fingers wet with your slick and started rubbing your clit.
"A-ah fuck Toshi.." his other hand left your breast and started palming Satori's hard on. He had himself moaning into his kiss with the red head as well.
"Both of you, be good for me and strip. I'm gonna be a gentleman and deal with our girl here first. That alright with you, Tendou?" "Sure Wakatoshi, I'm gonna wait for my turn" he winked at the captain but it seemed as if Ushijima wasn't happy with him.
"Let me be clear. I'm daddy to you too, Satori. Now answer me properly." Satori couldn't refuse. He wouldn't even dare refuse.
"I'm gonna wait for my turn, daddy." "There we go. That's daddy's good boy. Now you, on the bed. Lie on your back." You did as you were told. Eyes hazy and desperate for his touch.
"Sorry, sweetheart. As much as I want to taste you, we don't have much time. I can put it in now right? I can't wait any longer." this has been the most talkative you've seen your captain but truthfully, his deep voice could play on repeat but you would never get tired of hearing him.
"Put it in daddy, please!" a deep chuckle left his lips as he stripped himself and lined his cock in your entrance.
He took you by surprise as he entered you in one swift thrust, not giving you time to adjust. But pleasure is always better with a lil pain, no?
"Ah fuck you're so tight baby. This pussy is mine, got it? Both of you are mine. Fuck!" he continued ramming himself into you, not waiting for you to get used to his huge dick.
He had a hand on your neck, squeezing it tight enough for you to not pass out. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head due to the overwhelming pleasure.
"F-feels good daddy, more!" he happily complied to your wants, speeding up his thrusts even more, fucking you so deep that your cervix might be bruised at this point.
"So good for me...'s fuckin' tight for me..!" your mind wasn't even functioning anymore. Ushijima was breaking you and you loved every second of it.
"On fours, baby. Why don't you make Satori feel good too?" your eyes landed on the middle blocker who was currently getting a handjob from the captain while he fucked you.
Following orders, you got up and changed positions. Tendou aligned his throbbing cock to the entrance of your mouth and began to face fuck you.
"Look at this fucking slut. You gettin' off on being fucked in both holes? Ah fuck right there- you...ugh...fucking whore!"
Tendou would definitely bully you at times, but never call you names so...vulgar. Instead of getting mad at him, your cunt tightened even more around Ushijima, causing him to groan.
"Tendou, she seems to like how you talk down on her. Oh my, I never thought you were such a freak Y/n. You're squeezing me so hard"
Satori sped up his thrusts "I'm fucking close! Take it, bitch! Take it like the slut you are!" Ushijima was moaning and thrusting hard and fast, signaling he was close as well.
The salty taste of Tendou's cum started pouring down your throat as he buried his dick in your mouth, letting out moans and curses.
Ushijima then pulled out and stood up, continuing to stroke his thick hard member.
"Both of you, kneel." without hesitation, you and Satori were on your knees, looking up in anticipation of the captain's next command. "Open." Both of your mouths were wide open, tongues sticking out.
Ropes of Ushijima's cum splattered on both of your faces as he grinned seeing his this picturesque painting that will forever be branded in his mind.
Tendou turned to you and cupped your face, slightly licking stray drops of cum on your cheeks before shoving his tongue into your mouth so you both could share your daddy's spend.
To keep the memory forever, he pulled out his phone and motioned for you both to look at the camera. “Won’t you two smile for daddy?”
Without hesitation, you and Tendou both broke into huge smiles while obviously looking so fucked out of your minds.
“Starting today, both of you are mine. You’re both free to object if this relationship isn’t what you want. I would never force you into something that would make you uncomfortable.”
“No, I want it, want you and ‘tori daddy!” You sounded quite desperate but who would even give a fuck.
Tendou quickly seconded your remark. “Been through all this trouble just to get y/n, but I want you all the same Wakatoshi.”
The captain raised a brow “Wakatoshi?” The middle blocker immediately knew his fault. “I meant daddy, I want you too daddy.”
With a sly grin, Ushijima caressed his cheek and gave him a kiss on the forehead “Thats right. My Good boy.” he coos. He gave you a kiss after, too.
If there wasn’t a match soon, you would all have another go, but it could always wait. “Let’s continue this later. We have a match to win. Won’t you cheer for us again, baby?”
There they stood in all of their glory, winning their first match. You were watching in the back with a big smile and teary eyes. Your two new boyfriends looked at you and gave such handsome smiles.
Pride filled your chest, for once again, your boys did it.
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Percy Jackson Fic Recs
 who even cares about reputation? by rubiesanddiamonds
She decides she really likes his laugh. And his voice. And his general aura. A lot. 
*punk!percy and girly!annabeth*
what’s a god to a nonbeliever? by Almas
It’s not that he’s “hung up on The Menace” as Dionysus so delicately put it. It’s just that it’s a bad idea. Awful, really. Percy Jackson’s got off-limits stamped across his pretty little forehead. If Zeus had sent Dionysus to that demigod camp over a nymph, then Poseidon would certainly toss him into Tartarus if he went near his son. 
*on hiatus*
To Make a Legend by WardofWinters (QoLife)
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show.Problem is, he succeeds. Now he has to figure out how to waterbend, and keep the normal people from finding out they have a waterbender in their midst.Finding out he's actually a child of Poseidon will probably explain a few things. (Used to be named Avatar: The Legend of Percy)
*Is a series, should have at least have basic Avatar: The Last Airbender knowledge*
Silver Screen by herecomesthepun
in which Annabeth is a YouTuber with a penchant for Harry Potter sweaters and Percy is a rockstar who falls in love with the clumsy web star presenting his award. Percabeth, AU.
Of Gods and Men by plottingalong
The order of things are changing. Old rules are shifting, old gods awakening. Percy Jackson must come to terms with his own mortality, or rather, the lack of it. 
And I will swallow my pride (In hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong. Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise." It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Hold Tight and Pretend It’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelia
Olympus has fallen. The second Gigantomachy has ended far differently than the first, and in Gaea's triumph, the world has been torn apart. But the Fates have seen what ends their failed meddling brought Western Civilization, look on at the dead—and undo what should never have happened the only way they possibly can. Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, is returned to his twelve-year-old self, memories intact and determined to save everyone he can. But he is not alone. The Moirai underestimated the strength of the Lord of Time when stealing his power, and there is something about this particular demigod brat that intrigues him. . .
 Perseus Jackson came roaring to life with a violent gasp, green eyes wild. After a moment of panicked flailing and struggling to breathe, his fear-filled gaze settled upon a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, her face stern and unimpressed.
 "You drool in your sleep."
Trading Tomorrow by Darkmagyk, loosingletters
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet. Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, ‘call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR.
Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
*pretty much everything by Darkmagyk is amazing*
i could be your hero by sundaysabotage
“I just don’t get it,” he huffs to Will as they put up holiday decorations in the unusually quiet infirmary, “they talk to me like I’m supposed to know stuff. Like I’m the new Percy or something.” Nico expects Will to laugh at this, shrug off his concerns as unfounded and tell him he’s being over-dramatic like usual. He is wrong.
“Okay, babe, don’t take this the wrong way. But, you kind of are the new Percy.”
___ Based on a tumblr post I made about Nico being the obvious choice as Camp Half-Blood's unofficial leader when Percy leaves for college. (only no one bothers to tell Nico that)
*some solangelo and Nico being Tired(TM) for you*
Were I That Burning Star by californianNostalgia
 An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway.
After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before.
(A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
* absolutely beautiful, very philosophical, made me see the gods in a completely different way*
PJO Fic Rec Part 2
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into let me know through my ask box.
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yumeyooa · 3 years
revenge is brutally sweet | jeon jungkook
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—jeon jungkook’s life so far has been going well. he’s the guitarist of the most famous band in the scene, he’s got the girl of his dreams, and everything he’s ever wished for is in the palm of his hands. what he doesn’t expect though, is to wake up one day in the middle of a controversy. what the controversy is, you may ask? a new band has been hitting the charts, and their lead singer is none other than you, a former member of the band and his ex-girlfriend.
➢  pairing: jeon jungkook x female! reader
➢ genre: angst | slight fluff | band au | slight highschool au | post breakup au | exes au | r 15 | guitarist! jungkook | vocalist! reader
➢ word count: 14.6k+
➢  warning: profanity | heavy drinking | toxic relationships | messy break-ups | self depriciation | bullying | messy closure | this is just very much super angsty
➢ love letter: AH SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG T_T I kinda drowned in midterms AHSHSHs but I hope you enjoy this fic <33 there’s more to this angsty collection to come so stay tuned!! 
navigation | collection masterlist
Life couldn’t be any better. 
This is what Jeon Jungkook constantly told himself every morning after his short, fifteen-minute shower while messily tousling his hair in an extra-soft towel as he takes in the dreary yet somehow vibrant view from his penthouse apartment, soaking in the sun’s rays. 
The city was busy, even though the sun had just risen and bloomed into full glory. The streets were filled with people rushing to get wherever they needed to be, cars driving past with the fervor of a shackled mad man on wheels. If Jungkook looked closer, he would have probably seen the black exhaust drifting in the air from the fumes of those ecologically damaging vehicles or the frantic looks on an office worker’s face as they hurriedly crossed the street obviously late for work. 
But alas, Jungkook couldn’t care less about the trials and tribulations of some strangers he didn’t even know. After all, his life was going great. In fact, he was literally walking on cloud nine at this point and felt like nothing had stopped him. 
Of course, it wasn’t always this way, which was why Jungkook appreciated his success tenfold. 
He, like every other success story, had started from the ground up. Music was something he had always dreamed of doing for the rest of his life. Ever since his grandfather had first shown him how to play the guitar, the melodies had wrapped their whimsical tunes around his heart and made themselves stay. It was fascinating to him how playing a couple of strings could produce such music that could move souls and bring smiles to people’s faces.
And ever since then, he was hooked. Every chance he got, he would play the guitar even if his parents tried to pry him off it. 
They wanted him to be a doctor after all, and there was no way in hell he was going to go by their wishes. While being a doctor was great, it didn’t ignite the same spark that music did, and for Jungkook, he would rather die than live a life without his flame running ablaze.
So, against his parent’s wishes, he pursued a career in music. It wasn’t easy, of course. At first, he had no support system for his dream. His friends and teachers ridiculed and discouraged him, saying that the future was bleak and he had no hopes of making it big. But if Jungkook knew anything about himself, it would most likely have to do with the fact that he was extremely stubborn and persistent, much to the disappointment of the adults in his life. 
So he continued. He continued reaching his dreams, joining every music-related activity he could at his age until he finally met Mr. Park.
Mr. Park was a bright man who came in one day as a replacement for their music teacher, who was an old lady who stuck to the classics and had a somewhat deceiving grading system. He came into class with disheveled hair, an unkempt tie, and when he turned around to write his name on the board, the whole class laughed as they could see his heart print underpants peeking through. 
But despite his clumsiness and seemingly carefree nature, Mr. Park was a master at his craft. He was the epitome of what a music teacher should be; exceptionally skilled, eloquent, and passionate about what he did. But Mr. Park had another talent that not many knew about, which was the eye for potential.
And Mr. Park saw potential in Jungkook.
He had taken Jungkook under his wing and taught him the ropes of music life. The keys of the piano, how notes were read, how symphonies were made. And the more Jungkook learned, the more he yearned for a life surrounding music. When he voiced his wishes to Mr. Park, expecting to receive the same rejection he had always known, he was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had his support.
Mr. Park was the very first person who saw that Jungkook could have a future in music. He was the very first person who showed Jungkook that there was a path for him to take that was far better than the path his parents laid out for him. A rocky path filled with trials and tribulations but ultimately reaped great rewards in the end. 
Like a moth drawn to its flame, Jungkook was attracted to the seemingly devastating path because somehow, amid the darkness, there was hope. Hope for a happier future, a future that wasn’t filled with regret and mourning but full of triumph and satisfaction. Jungkook would be a fool not to pursue the latter.
And thus, in hopes of finally seeing the light, Jungkook decided to start his own band. 
It didn’t start off right away, though. After all, no kid at his school wanted to be part of a band that, in the eyes of their parents, was a complete waste of time. Jungkook kept his small dream hidden deep within his heart, yet even so, it still burned with an unyielding passion. Even if years passed and no opportunity for him to start a band was in sight, Jungkook didn’t give up, knowing that his persistence would one day reap great rewards.
And finally, his chance came in the form of you. 
From the very beginning, Jungkook had always thought you were strange. In a prestigious school known for being the epitome of perfection and class, you were the odd one out, sticking out like a sore thumb with your disheveled appearance and undignified manner of carrying yourself. Almost immediately, you were set to be the outcast, ridiculed by your peers for your looks and mannerisms, even if, in Jungkook’s opinion, you weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary.
Unfortunately, the world is never kind to those who are different. 
Jungkook’s phone rings from where it is laid on his bedside table, the alarm blaring loudly, causing a shift in the once serene atmosphere of his apartment. Jungkook pays it no mind at first, choosing to finish drying his hair before finally picking up the phone, voice groggy and slightly annoyed from having his peaceful morning interrupted.
“Who is it?” He hastily asks, not meaning to sound as harsh. But could he really be blamed when it was 7 AM in the morning, and he wasn’t expected to show up to any scheduled event until noon?
“Jungkook!” An exasperated voice exclaims from the other side of his phone. It was Namjoon, his manager, Jungkook, quickly concludes. Although it was rare for him to call so early in the morning, especially in such a panicked state. Perhaps he forgot to inform him of a schedule? Although that was annoying, Jungkook wouldn’t really mind. After all, work made money. But if that were the case, it would have been odd for Namjoon to be so panicked about it. The man was known for being reasonably level-headed even in times of extreme stress, so perhaps it was something else entirely. 
“Did you read the news?” Namjoon quickly adds before Jungkook could ask what was wrong. At his question, Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, quickly sitting down on the side of his bed and grabbing his iPad from the same bedside desk, unplugging the charger along the way. 
“No,” he says as he types up the password into the Home Screen, laying his phone in between the juncture of his shoulder and ear. “Is there something I should be concerned about? I mean, it’s not like I got into a scandal or anything, right?”
Well, partly.
The moment Jungkook opens his Twitter, he’s surprised to see more notifications than usual. Of course, it was a given for him to have a ghastly amount of notifications as a celebrity. He did have a large fan base, after all. But the numbers on his screen far exceeded that of what he was used to, and amongst those notifications tagging his account, one article stood out amongst the rest, and the headline made his blood run cold.
“What the fuck?” He whispers, staring at the article in shock as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Am I seeing this right, Namjoon?”
The man on the other side of the phone is silent for a while before Jungkook hears a sigh. “Unfortunately, yes,” Namjoon says, and Jungkook can almost imagine the way he’s probably rubbing his temples together while sipping his cup of black coffee in his office out of stress and frustration
“(Y/N) is back,” he says, causing shivers to run down Jungkook’s spine. “And apparently Jungkook, she wrote a song about you.”
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 The day Jungkook finally mustered up the courage to talk to you for the first time was an experience, to say the least. For what felt like years, albeit it was only a few days, Jungkook had been observing you from the sidelines, watching as you were berated by his classmates, who apparently had nothing better to do with their time. 
A part of Jungkook always felt guilty for never standing up for you. He knew you needed a friend. Someone to confide in this hellish school that made it seem as if it were every man for himself. But he was a coward, raised and molded to never take a step outside the boundaries he had set for himself, like a doll.
Although, with Mr. Park's influence, Jungkook could finally break free from his shell, even if it were just a mere few steps. 
"Here," he says nervously, handing you a carton of banana milk that he had picked up from the nearest vending machine the moment he saw you storm out of the classroom in tears. Even then, your classmates had laughed, mocking how sensitive you were, which disgusted Jungkook. Didn't they have any ounce of shame for making a person cry like that?
You look up from where you sat on the school's staircase, eyes puffy from crying so hard, a stream of tears still flowing down your face. You looked like an absolute mess, and the sight only caused Jungkook's heart to clench even more. He sat beside you, albeit a bit distanced because he couldn't help but feel awkward. This was your first conversation, after all. 
You stare at him, not entirely understanding why he would extend kindness towards you. Was this a trick of fate? Was he doing this so you would someday do his bidding in the future? The kids of this school were scary, even scarier than the monsters that hid underneath your bed or the creatures that roamed around in the dead of night. Even amidst the light, they scared you, and you were terrified that the man offering you some banana milk would be just the same. 
"You don't have to take it if you don't want to," Jungkook says, after realizing you were staring at him warily, cautious over whether or not you would accept his gift. "Sweets always cheered me up whenever I feel down, and I thought maybe it would cheer you up too!" 
If anyone were to see your interaction, they would have burst out laughing from how awkward it was. You who were wary and cautious, and Jungkook who was awkward and shy. A stark difference between your usual timid behavior and Jungkook's confident act. In fact, if anyone else were to see this, they would have never believed their eyes. 
It was odd, after all. And you knew this very well. Which was why you were so confused at Jungkook's behavior. Why was he approaching you so kindly when everyone else ridiculed and shunned you out? You were different, someone who didn't deserve to be there. An imposter, an intruder. It didn't make sense for him to act friendly. 
"Don't take this the wrong way," Jungkook continues, setting down the banana milk in the space between the two of you as he fiddled with his fingers, a habit he had picked up over time. "I'm not doing this to mock you or make fun of you later down the line… I just really don't like the way they're treating you. It's not right."
You're stunned. Rightfully so. This was the first time someone had ever gone against what others did to you, despite him doing so behind the scenes. A weird sensation bubbles up from inside you, one you can't quite place. But what you do know is that amidst it all, there's warmth. Jungkook's words sounded genuine and sincere, not like the usual condescending tone you were used to hearing from the rest of your peers. 
He genuinely seemed to care. 
Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise when he sees you grab the carton of banana milk, opening the straw in pushing it through, taking a sip. You sheepishly stare down, not even bothering to look Jungkook in the eye before muttering. "I prefer strawberry milk�� but this isn't that bad... I guess… Thanks…" 
His eyes gleam, happy that you've accepted his offering and watching with a content smile as a small smile of your own forms on your lips, a far cry from the mess you were mere moments ago. He had somehow managed to cheer you up, and that was better than anything Jungkook could ever ask for. 
"No problem. Next time I'll buy you a whole box of strawberry milk!" He exclaims, excited for what was about to unfold between the two of you. 
But he would have never expected this. 
And on this week's celebrity news: Former Vocalist of The 97, (L/N) (Y/N) debuts solo with her new single 'Move On', which fans speculate is a direct message to her ex-boyfriend and former bandmate Jeon Jungkook. 
"Fuck!" Jungkook exclaims, overcome with emotion, as he watches the news unfold in the conference room of his label. He had quickly made his way over the moment he saw the headline, confused, devastated, and most of all angry. 
What in the world were you thinking, dragging him down like that?
"Jungkook, calm down," Namjoon says from the other side of the room, trying to prevent Jungkook from destroying the room. Jungkook was strong. And if he really wanted to, he could turn the whole conference room upside down in a blink of an eye, and Namjoon really didn't want to deal with whatever consequence would follow should Jungkook actually decide that he'd destroy the conference room. 
"How the fuck do you expect me to be calm, Namjoon?" Jungkook asks, exasperated as he walks from one end of the room to the other. "This is going to ruin my fucking reputation. And it's all because that bitch is too bitter about our breakup that she decided to fucking write a song about it."
"Hey." Another voice calls out, stern and ready to scold. Jaehyun, the band's bassist, glares at Jungkook with as much disdain as he could muster, not believing the words that came out of Jungkook's mouth. "No matter how you feel about the situation. I'm not going to stand by and let you call (Y/N) a bitch. She was and still is our friend. Just because you're so caught up in your perfect reputation doesn't mean you have to bring others down in the process, Jeon." 
It was rare for Jaehyun to ever call Jungkook by his last name. The two were as close as could be, having been the best of friends for more than ten years and counting. Jungkook knew he could trust Jaehyun with his life and vice versa, so it shocked him to hear that his best friend was defending her. 
"But Jungkook has every reason to be mad, Jaehyun!" Another voice pops up, this time a more feminine one that has Jungkook's heart-melting just a bit. Eunha, his current girlfriend, and the one who was there for him when you left him. She was the band's current vocalist, and Jungkook couldn't feel any more grateful to have someone as supportive as her in his life.
"She's using a personal situation to make her more popular, all the while bringing us down in the process! There's nothing else to call her but a bitch when she's hurting the band she started with! Is that how she says thank you when the band's been nothing but good to her?
It's incredible, Jungkook thinks to himself, how he was able to find someone like Eunha. She was the most compassionate and understanding person in the world, a far cry from what you had become. Bitter, selfish, and downright ungrateful. You probably wrote that song out of spite just to get back at him when he did nothing wrong in the first place. You were crazy, and he was glad Eunha allowed him to see through all of your lies. 
"Shut the fuck up, will you?" Jungkook's eyes darted in surprise to Yugyeom, the band's drummer, who had just cursed at his girlfriend. He glares at the drummer, mad at the fact that the usual happy-go-lucky man was now acting bitter in front of his girlfriend, who had done nothing wrong. Were his bandmates woven that deep within your cruel lies?
"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Eunha asks, appalled, tears forming from the corners of her eyes, which only causes the anger within Jungkook to grow. How dare they. How dare they make Eunha cry when she was doing nothing but telling the truth?
"You heard me, Eunha," Yugyeom continues, paying no mind to the burning rage that was about to burst within Jungkook. "I said shut the fuck up. So what if (Y/N) wrote a song about Jungkook? Why does it matter? She has every right to. I mean, our next single is literally a song Jungkook wrote after the breakup, so why the fuck are you berating her for doing the same?"
"Because she's hurting our reputation!" Eunha exclaims, clearly frustrated at how Yugyeom and Jaehyun weren't getting her point. "And besides, she was the one in the wrong during the breakup. What right does she have to make a song about it?"
Jaehyun scoffs, glare intensifying, causing Jungkook to clench his fist at their hostility. "And how do you know that when you only heard Jungkook's side of the story and not (Y/N) 's? For all we know, Jungkook could also be in the wro—"
Before Jaehyun could finish his sentence, Jungkook explodes, immediately rushing over to where Jaehyun sat and grabbing him by the collar, causing the rest of the band and Namjoon to panic, trying to break them apart, while Eunha watches, scared. 
"You motherfucker," Jungkook curses, hand raised into a fist, ready to punch Jaehyun in the face with all the force he could muster. But before he could do so, Namjoon and Yugyeom immediately held him back, causing Jaehyun to let out shaky breaths as he glared at Jungkook, hurt, confused, and angry. "Why are you defending her? She was the one who hurt me! You're supposed to be my fucking best friend!"
"Maybe if you actually listened to what she had to say and what she was going through, then we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place," Jaehyun screamed back, anger slowly growing as each moment passed by. "You've always been like this Jungkook, self-centered and fucking mean. (Y/N) was right for wanting to leave."
"What did you say, you fucki—"
"Enough!" Namjoon screams, holding his ground. This had gotten out of hand, and it was beginning to stress him out, and clearly, that same stress was spreading through every single person in the room. This wasn't even supposed to be that big of a deal. All they were supposed to do was listen to the song you wrote, and come up with a statement, So why the hell did this turn into a full-blown fight?
Gosh, Namjoon needed a raise. 
"Jeon Jungkook calm the fuck down, or I'll have you on probation, you hear? The same goes for all of you. I don't want to hear any bullshit about who's right or wrong in the relationship. All I need is for us to listen to the song and figure out what we're going to tell the higher-ups. So stop acting like you're a bunch of teenagers and sit down."
Usually, Namjoon wasn't this scary. But there was a glint in his eyes that taunted the band. And they knew that in the heat of the moment, the best thing to do was to shut up and listen. Besides, he was right. The way they were going, no progress would have been made, leading to further complications. With a huff, Jungkook sits down, staring grumpily into space. He wasn't comfortable with what had just occurred, a frenzy of emotions bottling up inside him from the outburst.
Luckily for him, Eunha was quick to hold his hand into hers, soothing him enough to calm his nerves and mentally prepare himself for what was about to unfold. Because he knew he wasn't going to like it.
And true to his words, the moment Namjoon pressed play, he didn't like it. Not one bit. 
Jungkook couldn't quite pin why your song made his blood boil and heart clench. From an outsider's perspective, it was a good song. A really good song. As a musician himself, Jungkook would never deny that. You had a knack for creating some really great tunes that were out of this world, after all. It was the very thing that made him ask you to start a band with him in the first place. 
But there was just something about this piece in particular that seemed different. Your very aura was different, Jungkook concluded as he watched the video, listening to the way you screamed about how good it was that he was able to move on while you haven't. How you laced memories and fragments of your relationship and expertly wove them together to create a masterpiece that echoed into the very depths of his beating heart. 
It left a bitter taste in his mouth. Because amidst the chaos, you looked free. 
There was something beautiful about the way you were in the middle of a room up in flames, almost to the point where Jungkook knew that it was metaphorical. You liked metaphors. Jungkook remembers how long ago, when the band was just the two of you, you mentioned how metaphors brought out the beauty of the world. They made the ordinary extraordinary. They made the dull come to life. Metaphors were beauty itself, and that's precisely why you loved to play with them so much. 
It's funny to see how that part of you hadn't changed, even after how many years. 
"Jungkook?" Eunha calls out to him, a concerned look gracing over her face. "You okay?" 
Honestly speaking, Jungkook didn't know. The high of his anger had finally settled, and all Jungkook felt was a burning numbness scouring through his veins. It's laughable how mere hours ago, Jungkook was sure that today would be another great day to celebrate how amazing his life was. Yet, here he is, in the middle of a conference room, watching as you submerged yourself underwater at the last scene of your music video, feeling empty. 
He doesn't directly answer Eunha, afraid that if he were to say anything, unwanted words would slip from his lips, and he would unleash another round of chaos and hell. And he was too mentally exhausted to go through that again. So he merely nods, clasping Eunha's hand gently and sighing as Namjoon pauses the video, turning towards the group. 
"Well," Namjoon says, surveying the room to see the band's reactions. But who was he kidding? He knew damn well that the band wasn't nearly overjoyed seeing and hearing what their old friend had to say, especially Jungkook. The poor kid looked lost. "That's that. It looks too vague to be considered a song catered to Jungkook, so I'll inform the higher-ups that it has nothing to do wi--"
Suddenly, Jungkook stands up, causing a deafening silence to befall once more as everyone watches him with cautious eyes, afraid of what he was about to do. 
"I'm going to get a drink," is all he says, moving to head out the door. No one really says anything in protest, Yugyeom and Jaehyun still feeling the aftermath of the previous fight. Only Eunha seemed to be visibly bothered, scoffing at the rest of the team's reactions before quickly latching on to Jungkook's arm. 
"Babe, it's still early in the morning. At least let me accompany you?" She asks, that hopeful glint burning brightly in her eyes, to the point that it makes Jaehyun recline back in his seat uncomfortably, not liking the way she seemed so unnatural. You were never like that. And while Jaehyun knew it was wrong to make comparisons, he couldn't help it. 
You were his best friend just as much as Jungkook was. 
"I'll go alone," is all Jungkook whispers, shrugging Eunha off who is about to protest, but Namjoon is quick to shut her up with a gentle hand on her shoulder, shaking his head when she tries to chase after him. Jungkook needed to settle down and sort his thoughts through if he ever wanted a chance at getting through this situation with you. 
And maybe, just maybe, he could finally make amends. 
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“Do you have a dream?”
This was the question that started it all, Jungkook supposed. He remembers the very day you asked him that one decisive question that, looking back, changed both of your lives. For good or for worse, Jungkook wasn’t sure. But as he reminisces the memories of the past and tries to figure out where everything went wrong, he couldn’t help the gut-wrenching feeling that settles within him. It’s so upsetting, in fact, that the moment Jungkook arrives in the pub across the street, he immediately drowns himself in a bottle of soju. 
The two of you were spending the lunch break in the empty stairwell, the same place where the two of you first met and the same place where the two of you gradually started to hang out. It was a quiet space, free from the condescending eyes of the perfection-seeking kids you called classmates. It was a space where you and Jungkook could be free, even for just a little while. 
Sipping on his banana milk, Jungkook looks at you curiously. You were staring at the strawberry milk he had bought you, fiddling with it nervously, not even bothering to look him in the eye. He wonders what goes on through your mind, what thoughts dance around within its hollow crevices, shaking you up and causing you to become a nervous wreck. Especially when the question wasn’t as bad as you were probably thinking. 
“Hmm, do you want the honest answer or the answer everyone wants to hear?” He asks back, looking up at the ceiling. For an elite school, they didn’t do well to maintain the more hidden areas. Was that a sign that they really didn’t care about things that weren’t relevant to them? Maybe. Maybe not. Jungkook didn’t particularly care. It was just more bearable t stare at the ceiling than sit in awkward silence, 
“Honest,” you say after a few moments, much more confident than a few moments ago. After hanging out with you for a few months and observing you within the silence of your conversations, Jungkook somehow knows that no matter what he’d do, you would forever be shy. Regardless if you knew someone well or not, the first moments of conversation would always be parallel to a first meeting. It was a curious thing, honestly. But it was more intriguing once he realized that your confidence grew the more you spoke. 
In a way, it was kind of cute. 
“I wanna make music,” Jungkook says after snapping himself out of his trance. He once again averts his gaze from yours, but this time it wasn’t to avoid silence, but rather to think, to immerse himself in his thoughts. Because this was the first time, someone had asked him what he truly wanted to do with life. The first time someone wanted an honest answer from him, not a polished response set up to please his parents and peers. 
“Not the classical kind, though,” he continues, smiling softly to himself. “Not really fond of it as much as you think.” From the corner of his eyes, Jungkook can see you gaping at him in surprise, and it causes him to chuckle. You were never really expressive beyond the weary walls of the seemingly abandoned stairwell. To the rest of the student body, you were expressionless. Someone who took all the beatings and ridicules with a blank face. As if you were a doll, waiting to be ruined. 
But here, you were much more alive. Much more expressive than Jungkook was used to seeing. It was as if the (Y/N) beyond the worn steps of the stairwell was an entirely different person. A mask you placed upon yourself to protect your heart from the cruel reality you had come to face. And Jungkook was more than fascinated at the fact that you had brought that mask down for him. 
“If I could, I’d do rock, maybe even some metal If I got enough courage,” he continues, smiling to himself unknowingly giddy at the sight of you. “There’s just something different about it, you know? The music runs through your system and gets you all hyped up; you just can’t resist it. And when the beat drops, it’s as if your emotions are on an all-time high, and it weirdly makes you kind of free. It made me realize that this was what music was supposed to be, I guess.”
“Wow,” you mutter, after staying within the silence of your initial awe. “That’s... poetic.” Jungkook laughs at the look of disbelief in his face, shooting his empty carton of banana milk in the air and watching in satisfaction as it lands straight into the empty trash can just right down the corner before turning to you, a grin high on his lips. 
“Oh, come on,” he whines, rolling his eyes playfully. “Why do you sound so surprised? Do I not look like I’d be a good musician?”
“It’s not that!” You quickly exclaim in your defense, flailing your arms in the air to avert Jungkook’s thoughts about the situation. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook was only joking, highly amused at your reactions, wanting to see more. “I just assumed you’d be more into sports, you know, since you’re so good at it? If you ask me, you kind of look like you’d do well in either football or basketball… so I just kind of assumed that was what you wanted to actually pursue. Not that wanting to pursue music is a bad thing! It’s great, it’s just that rock is kind of unexpected....” 
You were beginning to ramble at this point, the shy sheep from within you bursting forth as you fiddled with your thumbs nervously, anxious to see Jungkook’s reaction. Would he be mad at you for assuming things about him off the bat? Probably not, right? You did initiate the conversation by asking him what his dream was, after all. Wait, maybe this was your fault. Gosh, you should have just asked any other question that wasn’t as deep. 
This friendship thing was too difficult for your liking. 
As you bury yourself in your thoughts, Jungkook couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. It was small at first, almost going unheard by you who was so deeply consumed by the matters of your mind, but the more Jungkook laughed, the louder he got until he was full-on cackling, much to your dismay, confusion, and shock. 
“What’s so funny?” You ask frantically, trying to make sense of his actions. Did you say something wrong? As far as you knew, you hadn’t, but what if you had and accidentally crossed the line? You hoped not. You really didn’t want to screw any chance you had at having a real, genuine friend. But to your dismay, your questions remain unanswered as Jungkook continues to laugh, almost as if he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. 
“Hey!” You exclaim, pouting. “Stop laughing at me, Jungkook!”
“I-i’m sorry,” He says after a few more laughs, trying to wipe the tears that were beginning to form in his eyes. “I couldn’t help it,” He laughs again, although this time, it seems as if he’s calmed down, sporting a cheeky smile. “Your reactions are just something else!”
Jungkook watches as you become flustered, once more, much to his fascination and amusement. He’s never been the teasing type, or more like, he’s never had the opportunity to become the teasing type, especially with the perfect image he had to curate in front of his peers. But he liked this. He liked being friends with you. It made him all the more free. 
“What about you?” He suddenly asks after a while, feeling that it was high time to cut you some slack. You look up at him in confusion as if you had entirely forgotten why this entire conversation had happened in the first place. “Do you have a dream?”
It’s silent, yet this time, Jungkook notes, the silence is uncanny. It’s not the same comfortable silence that Jungkook is used to whenever he was hanging out with you. It was as if the silence had suddenly crashed down and enveloped the cheery atmosphere in its deceitful arms. A trap, if you will. 
And Jungkook was unsure whether he wanted to break free from it or stay there with you. 
But you take the first step, finally looking up to meet him in the eyes, and Jungkook can feel his heart sink just a tad bit from how empty and solemn they were. “I don’t think so,” is all you say, brushing off the concerned look on Jungkook’s face with a smile. “I’ve never really given it much thought. That’s why I asked,” you chuckle halfheartedly, staring up at the ceiling. “Although I think it would be nice,” you say, smiling a bit more genuinely. “You know, to have a dream?”
Jungkook doesn’t know what to say. How was he supposed to react to that, anyway? No matter how difficult his life was, he had always had a dream. It kept him going, made him push through no matter the difficulty. Dreams were the driving force of life. The hope amidst the darkness. To not have a dream, even just a small one, rattled Jungkook. 
It terrified him because now Jungkook realized that he knew nothing about you despite you being his first friend. He didn’t know the reason why you decided to become a living doll in the eyes of others. He didn’t understand why you subjected yourself to such suffering when, from the small talks you and Jungkook had with each other, you seemed to have a loving family. 
He wanted to help you, to be there for you. Because he wasn’t sure whether or not you were actually feeling lost. That’s what friends were for, right? Jungkook wasn’t exactly sure on how to do this whole friendship thing, but if there was one thing he did know, it was the fact that friends helped each other. 
And Jungkook would be damned if he couldn’t help you in any way that he could.
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Soju bottles littered the lone table that Jungkook sat upon. At this point, he wasn’t sure how many bottles he had drunk, but it sure was many, more than he could handle if he were, to be honest, but amidst his drunken state, he just couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Why was he acting like this anyway? 
He was supposed to be happy. His band was one of the most successful ones out there. He had thousands, if not millions of fans, who supported him in everything he did. So why, just why was this insignificant matter affecting him so greatly?
Was it because it was you?
“Dear, are you alright?” The old woman, running the pub asks, concerned as she sets down a piping hot bowl of warm hangover soup, which has Jungkook’s mouth watering to the point where drool almost seeps out, mainly because he only had a bite of a sandwich on his way to the office which Eunha forcibly made him eat. But even so, he couldn’t bring himself to eat, especially with the array of emotions that were burning deep within him. “Do you need me to call someone for you?”
Jungkook stays silent, not even bothering to respond to the old lady, who only grows wearier at the lack of response. He didn’t mean to be rude. It was just that he couldn’t find the strength to actually do anything but wallow in his own misery. His thoughts were going on haywire, with no place to land in sight. 
What had he done to deserve this? He was sure he had done nothing wrong, so why were you doing this to him when all he had done was, be nothing but nice to you? He had supported you ever since the beginning, and this was how you repaid him?
He doesn’t notice how the old lady leaves to call someone from the company, despite him not saying anything. It was probably for the best anyway. He was too out of it to even ask for help. The old lady was right and kind for going out of her way to do this for him. Although it made sense, after all, this specific pub was where Jungkook had been drinking ever since he had reached adulthood. 
Maybe she would call Namjoon? It was likely, but Jungkook hoped not. He was sure that if Namjoon were to see his sorry state, he would scold him until his ears bled out. Although he couldn’t really blame Namjoon, if any manager were to see their client drinking away their woes like he was, they would probably freak out. Primarily since he was known for drinking at most two bottles. Jungkook just really didn’t want to deal with Namjoon right now, especially after what had transpired earlier. 
He hoped that she would call Eunha. Sweet, loveable Eunha, who was there for him when the shitshow that was his breakup with you went down. Even until now, Jungkook was still in the dark of why you had left him and the band, but Eunha was the one who stayed by his side. Ever since he had met her two years ago when she first entered the company, they had become the best of friends. And now she was his girlfriend, and he couldn’t be happier. 
All of a sudden, a familiar voice wafts through the empty pub. One that has Jungkook’s head whipping everywhere it could to figure out where it was coming from. It was sweet, melodic even. But at the same time, it had a hint of melancholy and freedom? Why was the voice so familiar? Where had he heard it before? 
Jungkook’s eyes darted around, trying to see if he could spot the culprit behind his dilemma until they finally landed on the wide TV that sat in the middle of the pub, presumably for their customer’s enjoyment. And lo and behold, in his eyes, he sees you. 
It was a local music show where famous stars would often find themselves performing to promote their new music. He assumed you were there to perform your new single, the one song that had him sitting here broken and destroyed with pride in your chest. Did you enjoy this?
Did you enjoy knowing that he was broken because of you?
He hated it. He hated how bright your smile was the moment he caught sight of the camera focusing on you as the hosts began their interview. You were brilliant, cheery, happy. And it sickened Jungkook to the core. Why did it seem like you were doing fine when he was here all bothered? How selfish could you possibly be? 
But as much as it hurts him, he can’t find it in himself to look away. It’s a strange sensation that Jungkook couldn’t quite explain. Why couldn’t he avert his eyes from you when all he’s been feeling today was pain? It didn’t make sense. But honestly, Jungkook couldn’t tell what made sense anymore. 
He watches you sing, hearing those blasted lyrics that made him rage just mere moments ago. Yet, this time, the lyrics made his heart clench. Perhaps it was the fact that your performance seemed more genuine because you were singing live. But why? Why were you singing those lyrics as if they had genuinely happened to you? Jungkook never caused you any pain, so why did it seem as if you were hurting more than him? 
The thoughts were too much. It was driving Jungkook crazy, and all he wanted to do was drown in them. He didn’t want to think. Thinking heightened the pain that brimmed deep within his chest. He just wanted to float in the ocean of his misery and stay there, hoping that someday he would land ashore and the pain would come to an end. 
Maybe if he took one more shot, it would help? 
He pours down the last remaining soju into his shot glass, not caring if it overflowed and spilled out on the table. Rationality was far out of his mind at this point. All Jungkook wanted to do was do anything that would make him feel numb. 
He raises the glass shakily, ready to feel the burning sensation of the alcohol run down his throat, that temporary relief that made him sink deep down into this endless cycle of emptiness. Yet, it doesn’t happen. 
A hand shoots down to stop his wrist. It’s a familiar yet unfamiliar hold, something Jungkook can’t quite place. Where has he felt this hold before? He looks up, his eyesight a bit blurry from his drunken state, so he squints, trying to see clearly. 
Who was it? Namjoon? Eunha? Heck, Jaehyun?
Turns out it was none of them. 
When his sight finally clears, he gasps in shock, breath hitching in his throat as he takes it all in. Because the person, whose hold was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, wasn’t his manager, nor was it his girlfriend or best friend. 
It was you. 
The person, the old lady, had called to get him was you. 
Well, Jungkook be damned. 
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When you got the call from the old lady, you were on your way to your new studio after finishing up a schedule you had prior. The past few weeks have been busy for you. Leaving the band and Jungkook was no easy feat. It was a decision that you knew was a high-risk, high reward yet at the same time had higher chances of failure. 
After all, even if you hated to admit it. Without the band, you had nothing. 
Sure, there was the fame that came with all of the band’s success. You were the vocalist, after all. It was exhilarating knowing that millions out there would be listening to your voice, singing music you created with people you loved dearly. But in the midst of all of that, there was nothing. 
Jungkook, Jaehyun, and Yugyeom had everything going on for them. A backup plan in case the band didn’t succeed. A plan B, if you will. It made sense. They had privilege dripping from the palms of their hand, after all. Even if they had their own troubles and doubts, they didn’t have to worry about finding another way out because there already was a path laid out for them in the beginning. 
You went into all of this, risking everything. 
It was a choice that you had seemingly made on impulse if an outsider were to look back at the situation. When Jungkook had asked you to start a band with him, it was during another one of your many lunch dates, as you two had jokingly called it. Only this time, the two of you weren’t sitting on the cold and empty stairwell, but instead, you were in the old music room. 
“I can’t believe this,” Jungkook mumbles to himself as he cranks the rusted door of the old music room open. People barely used it nowadays, much to his disbelief yet relief at the same time. He couldn’t blame them though, the brand new music room was much more enchanting, filled with top-of-the-grade musical instruments than anyone would drool over. 
Well, at least it meant that he could have autonomy over the room (even though that wasn’t really the case). “You’re telling me that you never heard rock or metal before?” He gapes in disbelief as he sits on one of the dusty desks, looking at you with an outraged expression. You sheepishly enter behind him, taking a sip of your drink as you took a seat beside him. 
“You never asked,” is all you say, shrugging. Jungkook looks at you once more incredulously, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. “That’s because I assumed you would have known what rock and metal are! They’re like the greatest music genres of all time. How can you not know it?”
You shrug once more, not really having an answer. Well, you did, but it was probably stupid. After all, if this was his reaction to you not knowing about rock and metal. What would his response be if he were to find out that the only music you’d ever listened to was classical and nursery rhymes? Yeah, probably not a good idea. 
“Well, get ready then,” he exclaims, bringing out his phone, much to your surprise. Model student and Mr. Perfect Jeon Jungkook breaking a school rule? Who would have thought that you’d ever lived to see the day? “Because you’re about to experience an awakening, I tell you. A revolution!”
It’s amusing, really. You had never seen Jungkook as passionate as he was at the moment. Was this what it was like to have a dream? His eyes lit up as if sparkles were floating around him. As if he were about to step on cloud nine and enter paradise. He was bouncing his leg lightly in excitement, a goofy smile on his face that kind of reminded you of a bunny. 
Maybe having a dream wouldn’t be so bad, after all. 
He immediately scoots over to you once he has his phone ready, grabbing his earphones and plugging it into his phone, handing you the other ear. You hold it, a small smile on your face, and hook it unto your ear, not really knowing what to expect but excited all the same. After all, this was the music that made your best friend passionate and hopeful for the future. For sure, it wouldn’t be bad, right? 
Well, to say the least, it was an experience. An experience you couldn’t quite tell if you enjoyed or couldn’t fathom. It was entirely different from the music that you were used to. From the bright and soothing tones came ones that were heavy and thundered on your ears. Yet, in a way, it was exhilarating. 
You could see why Jungkook was attracted to this style of music. In a way, it was unhinged, a little more rebellious than the traditional types of music you were used to. But that didn’t mean it was worse. In fact, that’s what made it more exciting. Jungkook was right. In those few minutes that he had introduced you to the world of rock, you’ve gone through an array of emotions, from confusion to thrill and excitement of the highest level. The rollercoaster of new sensations was, to say the least, intoxicating, 
Because immediately you got hooked. 
“Wow,” you mutter, looking up at Jungkook, who was looking back at you with lively eyes. “That was… something else.” 
“Right?!” He exclaims, immediately jumping off the desk to grasp your hands in excitement; it was endearing to see. Jungkook rarely got riled up like this. Music truly brought out the best in him, you thought to yourself, watching as he continued to dangle your hands in his. “Isn’t rock just amazing? Oh, what I’d do to pick up an electric guitar and play,” He sighs, and you can tell from the far-away look on his face that he’s daydreaming about something and the sight warms your heart. 
“You should,” is all you say, startling Jungkook out of his trance. “I think you’d do absolutely great in music, Jungkook! You should go for it.” Jungkook looks at you, stunned. He blinks, trying to process what you had just said, before clasping your fingers a bit tighter, unsure of himself. 
“Really?” He mutters softly, “You really think I can do it?”
“Of course,” you encourage with a bright smile. “If it’s you, then you can do anything!”
It’s silent for a moment, with Jungkook deep in thought. But you don’t necessarily mind, as more than anything, you understood the weight of your words. Being Jungkook’s friend meant that you stuck by him through a lot of undesirable moments, moments that both of you promised to never speak of unless it was absolutely necessary. 
You knew how much he longed for his dreams. Ever since that rather inspiring conversation you had around a week ago, you knew just how much Jungkook bottled up his true passions and desires, even though there were moments wherein he would freely let them out. 
“Then you have to be there with me,” he says, eyes filled with determination. “I don’t think I can do this without you (Y/N).”
Looking back at it, you chuckle at how swooned you were with Jungkook’s words. It was crazy to think that he had swept you off your feet with a mere ten words that ultimately decided the course of a good chunk of your life. You let him, and for that, you were to blame, But that didn’t necessarily mean that you regretted your decision in its entirety. 
Suddenly, your phone rings from beside you, and you grab it from where it lay in your purse, only to see an old number that you hadn’t seen in a while. It’s been a year, you think, as you accept the call, pressing your phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“(Y/N) dear! It’s been such a long time!” You smile at the cheery sound present within the old lady’s voice, although you can’t deny that you hear a twinge of worry within it. You used to go to her pub every so often back when you were still in the band. And the old lady had been such a sweet soul, acting as some sort of parental figure to you and your bandmates through the years. 
“It’s good to hear from you again,” you mutter, pleasantly surprised at her sudden call but also a bit suspicious because you had no idea what she was calling for. “May I ask why you’re calling me?”
“Ah!” The old lady exclaims, and suddenly the initial chirp present within her fades into a frantic tone that has your eyebrows furrowing in confusion, not sure what to expect. “Do you mind picking up your boyfriend?”
You blink, confused and startled. “I’m sorry,” you say, still not processing it clearly. “What was that?”
You hear a sigh from the other side of the phone. It sounds tiring, exasperated even, Which shouldn’t be the case since the pub usually opens up later at night. It was only open during the day for company employees. And what sane person would cause trouble with this much sunlight out? 
“Your boyfriend dear,” the old lady continues, sounding absolutely done, yet at the same time, the concern was still there, and you swear you hear the sound of glass falling in the back, causing your eyebrows to furrow in worry. “He’s been drinking for hours, and this is more than he’s ever drunk!”
You stay silent, letting it all sink in. The only person she could have possibly been referring to was Jungkook. There was no doubt about that. After all, the old lady’s pub was where you and Jungkook would often find yourselves having late-night rendezvous, drinking the night away as you bonded over whatever life was throwing at you within those moments. 
But now, the pub gave you nothing but pain. 
“Grandma, I’m sorry to tell you this, but me and Jungkook aren’t—”
“—So you’ll come, yes? Thank you, dear! Truly a lifesaver!” 
She hangs up. You stare at your phone in disbelief, shocked at the predicament you had unknowingly gotten yourself into. What were you supposed to do now? The responsible thing to do was to probably phone Namjoon and tell him about the situation. But with what had just transpired earlier today with the release of your single last night and your performance this morning, you’re not so sure he would appreciate any sort of contact from you. 
With a sigh, you turn to head towards the pub. No matter how much you hated Jungkook for the way he treated you within the last few stages of your relationship, you couldn’t leave him alone to wallow in his misery (even though there was a part of you that was secretly glad that he was torn because of you). It would be too cruel of you. Especially considering that Jungkook had been a significant part of your life. 
Huh, guess you haven’t moved on as much as you thought you had. 
Even just reaching the pub brought back memories that you wish wouldn’t resurface. You and Jungkook used to wrestle over who would open the door for the other, and more often than not, Jungkook won. But you weren’t one to lose quickly, even to him. 
The familiar jingle that came with opening the door brought a pang of nostalgia to your heart. When you and Jungkook would enter the pub, just ten seconds after the jingle faded away, the old lady would come out of her quaint kitchen and say
“Welcome home— Oh, there you are, dear!”
Not exactly how you remembered it, but it was still familiar all the same. 
“Hello grandma, how are you?” You greet with a solemn smile, watching with fond eyes as the old lady comes up to clasp your hands within her own. “Oh dear, I haven’t seen you in forever. Why haven’t you visited in so long?” 
You’re not sure what to say. How are you supposed to tell her that you left and broke up with the man she asked you to pick up? That would put her in an awkward position, and you didn’t want to cause stress for the already weary lady. 
“Oh, never mind that,” she says, luckily dropping the subject. “Come in, come in, your boyfriend’s over there drinking in the corner. Did something happen? I’ve honestly never seen him drink this much before. At this rate, he’s going to finish my soju supply before I open up for the night!” 
You enter the main area, and immediately you’re hit with the familiar, comforting scent of alcohol and home-cooked meals, as odd as it sounds. Although the smell of alcohol was by far heavier in the air, and as you turn to look for the source, your eyes land in Jungkook.
And you’re, for lack of a better word, shocked.
It was almost as if he was drowning in an ocean of soju bottles, with some of the alcohol dripping off the table and into the ground or his clothes. Partly because he was pouring himself another shot, which you know he can’t take.
He could barely handle two bottles when the two of you were dating, so why did it feel like he was drinking more than ten. If he wasn’t stopped now, something majorly damaging could happen to him, and as much as you never wanted to speak to him, you couldn’t just ignore him when he was literally on the brink of life and death.
You stomp on over to where he’s at, hastily quickening your steps as he’s about to down his last shot, and before you can even think about what to do, your instincts act on their own, and your hand reaches out to him, stopping him.
No words are spoken. Rather, you can’t find the words to say as you watch with solemn eyes as Jungkook looks at his hand confused. He tries to shake it, to move his arm so he can bring the shot glass to his lips, but you remain firm in your grip, clasping just a bit harder so he wouldn’t push through with the shot. 
He looks around, following the trail left by your grasp until he meets your eyes, and already you can feel the whirlwind of emotions bubbling up inside you. This was the first time you and Jungkook have met after the breakup after leaving the band. You never expected the two of you to meet this way. Although, you supposed life was funny like that. It liked to throw unexpected situations in your face, especially in the most inappropriate times.
You watch as he squints, trying to make sense of who you were before he gasps, arm slacking, falling into the side as the alcohol from the shot glass splatters into the air. He squints once more as if trying to ensure that what he was seeing in front of him was real before stammering. 
“(Y/N)?” He whispers, broken, voice breaking. You try not to let your emotions show, knowing that if you do, he’d only lure you back into him, which was something you did not want at all. You were done. After many months, heck years of being torn apart by him, you couldn’t afford any more pain. It would break you even more than it already did, 
“Hey,” you whisper back, breath hitching as you watch the way Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sound of your voice, loud and clear for him to hear. Even with his drunken state, he can’t deny the pang of nostalgia that runs through his veins once he finally registers that it’s you standing before him. In the flesh. Not a vision on TV or a picture of you from his memories. 
It was you. 
“What are you doing here?” He slurs, trying to reach out to you, but you move away, refusing him any form of affection. Because you two were too far gone for that. 
“Grandma called,” is all you say, the disappointed look in Jungkook’s eyes not going unnoticed. “Asked me to pick you up. Said you’ve been drinking more than you used to and… I can see that.”
You gesture to the empty soju bottles that littered the table with a grimace, turning back to Jungkook only to hear him scoff and point a finger to you accusingly, although with his drunken state, his posture was way off. “Who do you think’s to blame?” He asks, sarcasm laced within his tone. You raise an eyebrow at that, choosing to let him continue before you could offer back any sarcastic remark of your own. 
“It’s you!” He continues, slamming his fist to the table, much to your surprise. “You and your stupid fucking song…. I mean, what the fuck is up that?”
“What the fuck is up with what, Jungkook?” You quip back, eyeing his fist cautiously in the case he would do something dangerous that would either injure him, you, or if worse comes to worst, both. 
“Don’t play dumb with me,” He continues, and Jungkook can feel the irritation, frustration, and fatigue build within him now that he’s finally gotten a chance to let all these raging emotions out. “You know what you did! Why’d you do it, huh?” His voice grows louder, causing you to flinch as you move your chair back just a bit. 
“Why’d you have to ruin my fucking reputation?” 
All of a sudden, it’s like something in you snaps. 
You can’t believe it. You can’t believe the audacity Jungkook had to say something as outrageous and stupid as what he just said. The emotions that were already burning up within you finally exploded as you stared at him with all the anger and disbelief you could muster. 
And here you thought he was drinking because he had finally realized all the wrongs he had done to you. What a fool you were. 
“Excuse me?” You say, exasperated. “What did you just fucking say?”
“I said what I said (Y/N),” Jungkook continued, not noticing the way rage was about to take you into its waiting arms, only to allow you to explode upon him with all the pent-up hurt that you’ve accumulated inside you. “You and your fucking song ruined the band any my reputation. Is this how you repay me after everything I’ve done for you?”
You blink. The words slowly make their way towards you as you try to process them, letting out a chuckle at how ridiculous his words were. “Are you being serious right now?” You say, scoffing at how there wasn’t an inch of regret on Jungkook’s face. “You’ve got to be joking, right?”
You want to give him the benefit of the doubt. You want to give him a chance to prove your ears, mind, and heart wrong. That he wasn’t actually thinking those absurd thoughts that had your gut-wrenching and your heartbreaking after already being broken. This couldn’t be the Jungkook that you knew, right? He wouldn’t be this cruel, right? 
“Do I look like I’m joking?” 
“You piece of shit.” You spat without even realizing it, surprising Jungkook. He’s sobered up just a little from your outburst, looking at you like a deer caught in headlights. For a moment, you regret speaking without any thought. But the more you try to rationalize it, the more the anger burns. This was unacceptable. 
“Reputation?” You scoff, looking at him incredulously. “You’re fucking worried about your reputation when there are bigger issues to be addressed here?” 
“(Y/N) I—”
“Shut up, Jungkook,” you say, cutting him off coldly. “You don’t get a say in this when all you’re worried about is your reputation over a broken relationship with someone you’ve grown up with for the past thirteen years!” 
Wide-eyed, Jungkook gapes at you, and you, in your disgruntled state, take this chance to get back at him, unleashing all the feelings you’ve buried deep inside you. 
“You dare ask me why I’m treating you this way when you’ve been nothing but nice to me?” You mock, his words hurting more than they should. “Do you even bother to ask yourself as to why I broke up with you in the first place, Jungkook? Why I left? Did you even bother to listen to my song?” 
His silence echoes throughout the pub, further shattering any lingering hope that you had about the situation. “No,” he says after a while, firm in his belief as he stared back at you, although his gaze seemed as if it could easily water away. “Didn’t think it was necessary; after all I did nothing wro—”
“—You treated me like shit for the last two years of our relationship, Jungkook. That’s what you did wrong.” You exclaim, not wanting to hear his excuses. “Are you really this blind to not know? To not see your own faults?”
How could he? You think to yourself, the unbearable pain of this revelation thrumming through every fibre of your being. It was painful. Painful to hear that he hadn’t even thought about the situation through your lens. He was too absorbed with what he had going for himself that he failed to see the world through your eyes, and it frustrated you to no end.
Because that breakup broke you like no other. 
Choosing to leave wasn’t an easy decision, by no means. You had risked everything to help support Jungkook in hopes that you would find a dream of your own. You joined the band, knowing that you would put your family’s safety and security at risk instead of pursuing a more stable career like starting a business or becoming a doctor.
You became selfish to follow Jungkook, so of course, you were attached. 
Jungkook, in a sense, was your world. You suppose, looking back at it now, that wasn’t the healthiest decision you took for yourself. But at that time, you could not help yourself. He was your first friend, your first love, your first everything. Jungkook showed you the ways of the world and then shattered it without a care. Of course, more than any other breakup, it would tear you apart.
Because to be honest, loving Jungkook made you happy. You remember when he first asked you out. Probably one of the best moments of your entire life. It happened after your band’s first major gig to open up the local summer festival. The two of you were still calming down from the high of the performance, excited, thrilled to have finally been given the opportunity in front of a bigger crowd. It felt surreal seeing the fascinated faces and happy smiles as they listen to your music.
Jungkook was right. This feeling was incredible.
“Holy shit. That was amazing,” Jaehyun laughs, hugging Yugyeom before turning to hug you and Jungkook. “I can’t believe we just did that!” 
“Do you think they liked us?” Yugyeom, ever the timid one asks. “I felt like I made a mistake somewhere along the second cho—“
“—Who cares, man?” Jungkook says, cutting Yugyeom off with a playful slap to the back. “We just fucking performed our first major gig. This isn’t time to be wallowing down on our mistakes. This is a time to celebrate!” 
You and Jaehyun hollered in agreement, following Jungkook as he dragged Yugyeom backstage where the four of you packed up, took a few commemorative pictures, and made your way towards the nearest convenience store to celebrate the night with some good old ramen, ice cream, and whatever your hearts desired.
It was a fun night, one filled with laughter as the four of you joked about whatever your mind could think of. Jungkook boasted about how he was right about their band getting somewhere, of how Jaehyun and Yugyeom, who were much more hesitant in joining the band, and after months of no progress, we’re beginning to regret it, had nothing to worry about. 
Jaehyun and Yugyeom even mustered up the courage to do a speed eating challenge, grabbing about her round of hot piping ramen and racing to see who could eat it the fastest, despite the heat burning their tongues both literally and figuratively.
It was a night where for once, the four of you didn’t have to worry about life outside of the band. Didn’t have to worry about the social pressure from school or home, Didn’t have to worry about stupid tests or becoming the best, for once the four of you could just be yourselves. Unapologetic and free.
When Jaehyun and Yugyeom decided to pack it up and head home, saying that if they didn’t arrive before their dreaded curfew, then their parents would literally send them to the pits of hell, you didn’t notice the way Jungkook grew silent. Maybe you did, but you were too preoccupied with the nauseated looks on Jaehyun and Yugyeom’s faces as they headed towards the public restroom to flush out the ramen in their system. 
“Hey (Y/N)?” Jungkook asks once Jaehyun and Yugyeom are nowhere to be seen. You hum in response, turning to look back at him, and immediately your eyes become overwhelmed with worry at the serious look on his face as he gazes up at the night sky, seemingly nervous and scared.
“Will you go out with me?”
It’s unexpected, a bomb to your heart if you could call it. You gasp the moment the words flow out of his mouth, staring at Jungkook in shock. Did he really just ask you out? 
You think it’s a joke. A cruel trick of nature. But by the way, Jungkook nervously fidgets from where he sits, and his eyes nervously dart around. Like they usually do during nerve-wracking situations like these, you knew in your heart that his words were true.
And you couldn’t be more overjoyed because you had fallen for Jeon Jungkook too. 
Throughout your many years of friendship, you had gotten to know Jungkook inside out. You were there when he threw a mini tantrum over missing first place in the final exam by one point, knowing that his parents would be disappointed in him. You were there when the two of you went out to buy his first-ever electric guitar after months of saving up money secretly. You were there for him when he was convincing Jaehyun and Yugyeom to join the band, even when he was about to get into a fight with Jaehyun over the matter.
And like clockwork, you had fallen.
It wasn’t particularly hard to do so. Jungkook had this certain charm to him, after all. He was an enigma. He could draw people into his rhythm like it was nothing and have them follow to the beat of his own drum. Sometimes you wondered if there was a hidden secret with the way he could so easily attract people, but the more you hung out, the more you realized that wasn’t the case at all. He was genuine in everything he did.
“Yes,” you say without hesitation, causing Jungkook to whip his head to face you in the blink of an eye, mouth slacking in shock. He blinks, you smile, and suddenly a smile of his own is forming on his face, reaching all the way into his eyes. 
“For real?” He whispers, not wanting this moment to slip away from his grasp. He was so close to having you in his arms, something he’s wanted for the longest time, that he was afraid that if he spoke any louder, he would ruin any chance he got. But your reassuring gaze and gentle hold immediately calm the raging wave of anxiety within him. “For real,” you affirm, and suddenly you’re in Jungkook’s embrace. 
It’s a warm embrace, one that has you returning it back with the same vigor, the same excitement bubbling in your chest. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for you and Jungkook, one where the two of you would walk down the unclear path you have chosen, still remaining by each other’s side, but this time, with hands intertwined.
You just wished it didn’t go up into flames like this.
You blink, snapping out of your trance as you gaze at Jungkook. Once more, seeing the way his lips were pursed into a thin line, his brows furrowed as if he had a lot going on through his mind. Which was only fitting. He had to, or else this wave of hurt and pain would only intensify and turn into something you would never be able to control. 
Remembering the happy moments was something you had promised yourself not to do, for it only brought you into another world of pain after looking at how the two of you were faring now. But in the midst of agony staring right at you, you couldn’t help but let yourself reminisce in hopes of relieving some of that anger and hurt so you wouldn’t do anything out of hand. 
“Tell me, Jungkook,” you finally say after a moment of silence, and you want to curse yourself for the way your voice cracks at the end. You had to be strong. You had to get through this. Because there was no way, you were going to let Jungkook ruin you once more. “How do you think our relationship was going within the last two years?”
Silence befalls the room for what feels like the millionth time, But this one is heavier than the last. Jungkook looks at you with such a severe gaze that you almost falter, forgetting the fact that he’s drunk with the way his eyes bore into yours. 
You dread his answer, not knowing what to expect. With the way, he was acting, and with all the things he’s said and done, you knew that his words would only hurt you even more from here on out. You clutch the fanfic of your sweater tightly, hanging on by a thread. 
But he says nothing.
The heavy silence lasts longer, and the more it persists, the more disappointment and disbelief creep into the cracked crevices of your already broken heart. Was he really going to act this way? Saying nothing at all? Did your relationship mean nothing to him in the past 2 years? 
“Unbelievable,” you mutter, letting out a scoff as your eyes scan his figure. He’s hunched up as if unsure of what to do, what to think, or what to say. There’s probably a flurry of emotions running through his mind, but you don’t pity him. You hope it continues to weigh heavy, as it did to you for the last three years. 
“I was miserable, Jungkook,” you whisper, recounting the memories you had buried deep within, afraid to open them up again at the cost of your already fragile happiness. But to be truly happy, one needs to let go of all the agony locked within. “Ever since Eunha came into our lives, you started treating me like a side character, as if I wasn’t your girlfriend.”
“And no,” you say sternly, already knowing what Jungkook was to say by the way his eyes widened and his mouth slacked, an arm up in protest for your words. “I’m not blaming Eunha entirely, contrary to what you may think. Sure, her arrival started it all. Sure, there were times where she acted so out of line that I wanted to slap her in the face n’s remind her who exactly she was talking to. But I couldn’t. Do you know why, Jungkook?” 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you take a deep breath as you gather your thoughts. This was the first time you were finally going to let out all of your frustrations that’s been building up inside you for the past few years. It was a nerve-wracking feat, but a necessary one nonetheless, as even in those few moments of speaking, you were starting to feel just a bit more free. 
“Because I didn’t even know who I was anymore.”
Jungkook’s never been this confused in his life. 
It’s as if you had dropped a bomb on him without warning, causing him to be in a frenzy. What did you mean? How could you blame Eunha? Eunha was a sweet girl who could do no wrong. She was there for him whenever he needed that extra support, whenever he needed someone to ground him in this cruel, unforgiving world. 
She was there when you weren’t and was a constant in his life. How could such a sweet girl like her be the catalyst of this catastrophic situation? It had to be a joke.
“You’re lying,” he mutters, shaking his head in disbelief. The pain in his heart was coming back again, and just when he thought he had finally gotten rid of that after drowning in alcohol moments ago. This was your fault. You and your stupid song, your stupid lies. You were driving me crazy.
“I’m lying?” You ask, and Jungkook looks up to meet your eyes, feeling another burst of pain shoot through him at the agonizing expression on your face. Why did you look so hurt? He did nothing wrong. He didn’t hurt you. He couldn’t have. He had always been there for you. He was the reason you could do what you could in the first place. There was just no way that misery was because of him.
“Jungkook, did you even realize that with how much time you were spending with Eunha, you weren’t spending time with me anymore? Remember how you used to walk me home at midnight after your time at the studio and my radio show? You stopped doing that ever since she appeared.”
“For days, I stood outside the company for hours, waiting for you to bring me home because you promised that you’d never miss it for the world. And on the day that I finally decided to check up on you, worried that you might have been overworking yourself? I see you in the studio, laughing with Eunha.”
 Jungkook wanted to scream. He was stressed. He had to make music. Why couldn’t you understand that? 
“And when I confronted you about it? You shrugged me off, saying I was overly dramatic.”
You are. Jungkook insists in his head, thoughts spiraling. What’s wrong with him not bringing you home. Even if he was your boyfriend, he was not obligated to, right? You were supposed to understand him, right? That’s what lovers are supposed to do.
“I thought to myself, maybe you were right. Maybe I was overdramatic, so I did what you asked and shrugged me off. Yet, with each passing day, it felt like I was a stranger in your eyes. Do you even realize Jungkook that ever since Eunha came into our lives, we’ve only been on three dates?” 
You’re too demanding, his mind screams. Three dates? That was plenty for successful stars of your caliber. You had to understand that being under the limelight meant that he couldn’t reserve all the time in the world for you. 
His heart clenches painfully again, and Jungkook feels a sob hitch in his throat. 
“It hurt.” You cry, letting out the words that Jungkook wanted to say. “It hurt so much watching the love of my life and my best friend toss me to the side. Where was the you that promised that you’d always be there for me? Where was the you that promised to stay?” 
You’re crying now, tears streaming down your face as the words you’ve kept hidden for the longest time finally make their way out of your system. Every part of you was screaming in agony and pain, and you can feel the mended parts of your patched-up heart slowly break again. 
“Jungkook, I loved you. I loved you so much that I risked it all for you. I joined the band even though I wasn’t sure of our future because I saw how happy you were. You showed me what happiness could be, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that, but at the same time, you showed me firsthand real pain and heartbreak. And I don’t think I can ever forgive you for doing that.” 
No. Why? You had to forgive him. You were his best friend. Stop. Stop speaking. Stop it. 
“I left because I wanted to keep what we still had within our memories.” You whisper, remembering the night you finally came to your decision. Remembering all the times you cried and broke down, not knowing what to do or where you should go. All the times where you forced yourself to put on a smile on your face and act as if everything was fine even though it wasn’t. 
“And I hoped that in leaving, we could pick up all the broken pieces and create something new with them. Maybe it would not have been a relationship as strong as the one we’ve had before. But at least it was something. And at least I would have still had a connection to you.”
You’re calm now, in a much better headspace than before. But that didn’t mean the ocean of despair that you surrounded yourself in dwindled in the slightest. It was still there, waiting in silence for the moment it could envelop you once more into its treacherous arms and drown you in its suffocating whispers. 
“But what the fuck is this?” 
You can feel the tides begin to sway, and you will yourself desperately to keep them down. With how the situation was unfolding, you needed to be the bigger person. For your sanity, For Jungkook’s, and for the closure that you both needed, which you weren’t sure would ever peacefully come to an end. 
“I never thought that you’d think of us like this Jungkook,” you whisper, and much to your horror, a tear slipped from the crevices of eyes as you hurriedly wiped them, standing up to grab your purse as you stood to leave the pub, not caring one bit if Jungkook got home safely or not, you were too overwhelmed to care. 
“I thought you loved me,” You whisper as you turn to look at him one final time, and all of a sudden, Jungkook is hit with wave after wave of sadness, anger, pain, frustration radiating from you. It suffocates him, and the only thought running through his head were questions of him hurting you? Was this really all his fault? 
“But I guess you only loved yourself.” A chuckle falls from your lips as you make your first step out of the door. Not paying mind to the old lady who looks at you with a worried gaze, you turn to open the door of the pub, only for someone else to beat you to it. 
Lo and Behold, It’s Eunha. 
“You,” She gasps as she takes in your disheveled and exhausted state. Although that immediate shock quickly disappears as she catches Jungkook’s equally petrified state from the corner of her eye. She then glares at you, but you honestly can’t find the energy within you to care.
Because this was never about her in the first place, even if in some way she plays a small part. 
“What did you do?” Eunha spats as she rushes past you to go to Jungkook, not even bothering to hear you out. You sigh, gathering the last remaining buts of courage within clenched fists, and make your way out of the door, leaving Jungkook, your broken heart, and the memories you two shared behind for good. 
Not caring what he would do with those fragments in the end. 
Eunha exclaims, immediately hooking her arms around him and hoisting him up into an embrace. “What happened? What did that bitch do?” But Jungkook doesn’t answer, thoroughly overwhelmed by the range of emotions that had just surpassed him from his conversation with you. 
Was it truly his fault? Was he the reason why things had turned out this way? There was no way right. He had treated you right, right? 
Jungkook tries to convince himself that he’s done nothing wrong, that he was perfectly innocent in this situation. But that nagging feeling deep within his mind and soul screams at him to finally realize the truth. He’s scared. He doesn’t want to know what lies beyond the bubble of happiness he had placed himself in. He doesn’t want to feel the agonizing pain he’s put himself through without realizing it. 
But not doing so would kill him more than knowing the truth ever will. 
So he opens the door to the truth and wallows in the misery of what he’s done. 
To be fair, there was some truth to Jungkook’s words. He had treated you like you were the most precious thing in the universe. And that was because, for the longest time, Jungkook did consider you highly special to him. You were his first friend, the first person he could confide his feelings in, the first person who showed him what love could be like. 
You grew up together, cried together, had your first drink together, stood on stage for the first time together. You had done just about everything together, and Jungkook cherished you more than anything in the world. 
In everything he did, he always tried to make you a part of it. Whether that meant buying your favorite drink or sending you pictures of whatever he was doing, Jungkook always wanted to help you see the world through his eyes because you deserved that much. 
Ice cream dates, sneaking out at night to have some chicken and beer, random dates at the local arcade, a stroll at the beach. You and Jungkook had practically done it all. So, where did it all fall apart? Where did Jungkook go wrong?
“Jungkook?” Eunha calls out, and Jungkook finally musters up the courage to look at Eunha, who was worriedly trying to get him to answer her. Her hold is familiar, something he’s been used to in the past two years, yet at the same time, something was missing within her warmth. An unexplainable feeling he couldn’t quite describe.
And then he realized it wasn’t you. 
Just when did he go astray? When did he start treating you like you weren’t the world to him? For sure, it wasn’t a singular moment. It was most definitely a culmination of many events that led up to his demise. But just how did it happen? 
He looks at Eunha’s worried eyes, those same eyes that he thought meant the world to him within those two years of your break up. Yet, for some reason, he just couldn’t look at them in the same way anymore. Not when there was this hollow emptiness in his heart that called out for you and only you, 
It was like a game of tug and war in his heart. He still loved Eunha; that much was for sure. But he couldn’t deny the love that he had for you as well. He remembered how Eunha was like a breath of fresh air for him. In the midst of all your nagging for him to take care of himself when he was working his ass off making new songs and dealing with management, Eunha was there to simply smile and encourage Jungkook. 
Like a fool, he got lured into Eunha’s charm and held onto it, not noticing that he was letting go of you in the process. 
His heart wails. It cries in pain and desperation of the love it has lost. Why did it have to be this way? Why was Jungkook such a fool? So consumed by his own selfishness, he abandoned the love you two shared and sought another, and now he was reaping what he had sown. 
You were gone. You would never come back. Whatever love you had between the two of you had left and died out. The world was cruel. It had given Jungkook so much hope yet took it away from him the moment he slipped up. Yet, he couldn’t really blame them. He couldn’t really blame you. 
Because he knew you had tried, he could see it in the way your eyes still cried out in pain when you see him. He could hear it in the agony of your voice as you sang passionately in your songs. He knew you did your best to pick up the fallen pieces and try to mend them back together. But all Jungkook did was rip them apart all over again. 
Life couldn’t have been any better for Jeon Jungkook until suddenly it was not. 
And he was the only one to blame. 
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© yumeyooa 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform aside from a03 and tumblr or by any means is NOT permitted and will be dealt with accordingly.
➢ taglist: @wearenot7withu @nadiaislas @bbydoejk​ 
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narutogwriting · 3 years
I’m Ready
Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
CW: SLIGHT nsfw, cavity inducing fluff Length: 2.9k+
Summary: You and Naruto have been dating for a year now. After having to be seperated for so long, the war is finally over, and Naruto knows he wants to stay by your side forever
Could be considered a sequel to “Touch Starved” or stand on its own
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Two days. The Fourth Great Ninja War had only lasted two days, but it felt like a lifetime. Maybe because of everything that happened leading up to the war. It was hard to picture it all now, the smaller battles, the trainings, even the way your friendships had been built up over the last few months. The war only lasted two days, but it was years in the making.
And now it was over. Lives were lost and the world was forever changed, but somehow good had triumphed the way it did in all the books and movies. 
Well, not somehow.
Winning the war was a team effort, every person in every village had done their part, even gave their lives, but you knew what you’d always known.
None of it would have been possible without Naruto.
Ever since you’d met him when you were both twelve years old, you knew there was something different, something special about Naruto Uzumaki. By the time you’d met, everyone else was starting to figure it out too, but you knew right away. You couldn’t have imagined just how special, how important, Naruto would be to the world, but you’d had no doubt in your mind right off the bat that Naruto was going to do great things.
When Naruto asked you to be his girlfriend when you were both sixteen, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You couldn’t believe that Naruto wanted it to be you by his side as he took on the world. That spot next to him had always been occupied by you anyways. You wouldn’t have known how to step aside if he were to love someone else.
But it was you he loved. Things had moved so fast between the two of you. One day you were best friends and by that night, you were his girlfriend, falling asleep in his arms and kissing him goodnight. You’d already lived together at that point; it already felt like you and Naruto were spending your life together.
It wasn’t even a full week later that Naruto had let the “L” word slip. The two of you were at the training grounds, but you hadn’t been in the mood to train. You went with Naruto since he wanted to work on target practice, but you had decided to sit back in the shade, writing in your notebook as you leaned against a tree. 
“Did you see that!?” Naruto had called. You glanced up from your book to see that he’d hit the bullseye dead on, and he was grinning excitedly at you.
“Good job, Naruto. But you always hit the bullseye.” You gave a small laugh, glancing back down at your notebook. You missed the pout on Naruto’s face.
What Naruto had been asking you if you saw was the backflip he’d done as he threw the kunai--he had to challenge himself after all. But you were hardly paying attention to him, too caught up in your writing. Well that wasn’t going to stand.
A moment later, you felt wind past your hair as a thud came from the tree above you. You looked at the tree to see a kunai lodged in the trunk just over your head before looking back at Naruto to see a smug smirk.
“Naruto!” You snapped, closing your book. “Are you crazy!?”
He giggled like a child, rubbing the back of his head. “Like you said, I always hit my mark. I wasn’t gonna hit you!” But you were already on your feet, charging him and tackling him to the ground. Naruto’s back hit the floor with a thud, and you could hear the air escape him. Straddling him, you placed your hands on his chest and stared down at him.
“Did you really need my attention that badly?” You asked him curiously, tilting your head. Naruto was looking at you with those wide, beautiful blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. He stared at you so intensely, so earnestly, that it made you blush. “What?” You muttered, glancing away in embarrassment. 
Naruto sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close to him on his lap. Slowly, you turned your head back to look at him, captivated by all that was Naruto. You were feeling more shy than you ever had before, but Naruto looked and felt as sure as ever as he took you in. “I love you is all.” He grinned at you, leaving a big kiss on your cheek.
There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you were fully, completely, totally wrapped up in Naruto. You didn’t think you’d ever get free, and you knew for a fact that you never wanted to. 
It was later that night that Naruto took your virginity. It was slow and sweet and awkward and clumsy--everything a girl could hope for for her first time. Naruto kissed you everywhere his lips could touch, his eyes took in every inch of your body. You don’t think you’d ever been so nervous in your life.
But it was Naruto, and like everything else, he made you feel brave. You couldn’t help but wonder how he knew what to do so effortlessly. You had no idea how anxious the whole thing made Naruto because he was so attentive to your needs.
Naruto would later admit to you sheepishly that he’d done a lot of research to make sure he didn’t hurt you. He took it slow when his fingers pressed inside you for the first time, pumping and curling experimentally as he listened to your body to know when he was doing it right.
His thumb clumsily circled your clit as he slid inside you slowly, taking his time despite the urge to just sheathe himself completely. Your fingers gripped his shoulders as you rocked into him despite the pinching pain. And then, suddenly, it didn’t hurt anymore, and your stomach began to flutter. It didn’t last long, with Naruto spilling inside you sooner than he would have liked, but you felt satisfied, on cloud nine, nonetheless.
You couldn’t figure out if it was a blessing or a curse the way your and Naruto’s relationship progressed so quickly, because as soon as everything seemed perfect with the two of you, everything else began to change.
Naruto took the world by storm just like you always knew he would, and the two of you were separated more and more. You wanted to be with him at every point, but you were both ninjas with different roles. You did your best to keep focused, but you missed Naruto terribly when he was gone, and you always feared that he would forget about you. He was quickly gaining the respect of not just the village, but the whole world, just like he’d always wanted. Now that he had everyone else’s attention, would yours matter to him as much?
But when Jiraya died, Naruto wanted nothing more than to be in your arms. There was no one else that could have brought him back from the brink, that darkness that had seemed so overwhelming. You weren’t there in his fight with Pein, you couldn’t be, but he wished you were.
When he meets Minato, finds out that the Fourth Hokage is his father, he can’t help but tell him about you, how despite how miserable and alone so much his childhood had been, he’d do it all over again as long as it led him to you. And his father tells him how happy he is, that if he and Naruto’s mother couldn’t be there for him, that at least you had found Naruto.
And Naruto smiles at that, because you did find him, right when he needed you. He’s confident that in any time or place, any lifetime, you would find him again. And he would find you.
When Naruto meets his mother, it goes much the same. He learns how Kushina and Minato fell in love, a story he never would have imagined he would get to hear. Kushina doesn’t miss his blush when she tells him to find someone like her, and he tells her that he already has. Shyly, Naruto tells his mom about you, how you were his constant, and how much he loves you. It brings them both to tears, because neither of them ever imagined they would have this moment.
And Naruto can’t wait to tell you about it all, but your time together is so few and far between, and you spend most of it in each other’s arms. Every time you touch him again, the relief in you is almost violent, because every time one of you leaves, you’re not sure if you’ll see each other again.
Many lives are lost in the time leading up to the end of the war, but by some miracle of the universe, you and Naruto are left standing. Even so, as he and Sasuke laid barely on the brink of consciousness, both short one arm as Sakura cried over them, you kept your space. It was a scene you knew Naruto had been dreaming about for years, his one real wish to have Sasuke back.
So you’re happy, excited, relieved for Naruto to have his best friend home, but you’re scared too, terrified, really, of what this will mean for your relationship. Now that Naruto has the one thing he’d been dreaming about for years, would that change the way he felt about you?
You’d had enough foresight to buy birthday presents for Naruto early before any stores became a casualty to the battle. With so much destroyed, Naruto couldn’t believe it when he woke up in the hospital surrounded by balloons and streamers, and of course you. “Happy birthday, Naruto.” You smiled from your seat by his bed. And Naruto wasn’t ashamed by the fact that he was crying, because you loved him, and you were here, and even if one day he lost everything else in the world, he had you.
In the days that follow the war, Naruto hears stories of what everyone had experienced in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He wonders what he would have seen had he been trapped inside. Sasuke being home was a given, and now it was reality. He didn’t have to dream.
He knew for a fact that you would have been in it. And he would be with you forever. That was his dream, what he wanted even more than becoming Hokage one day. He couldn’t imagine his life without you, and he hated how much time he had had to spend away from you for the past months. He never wanted to have to go a day without you again.
It’s only a week that Naruto was in the hospital. Tsunade wanted to keep him in for longer, but Naruto couldn’t stand to spend another night not laying in bed with you. Which meant that he was almost completely bedridden for another week after he came home, with you waiting on him hand and foot.
“You did this on purpose,” you teased him, helping him sit up as you fed him ramen. “You just wanted to make me take care of you.” Naruto just grinned at you in response.
“Having a beautiful girl feeding me ramen? That’s like, the ultimate fantasy!”
You still thought it was too soon, but Naruto was up and moving by week three, eager to get back to training. “You’ve missed all the cool things I’ve learned, too. I have to show you.” Naruto bragged. 
Poking the stub that was his right arm, you laughed. “Better let Tsunade fix this then, if you want to show me anything new.”
Naruto pouted. “But I’ll have to be in the hospital overnight…” He protested. You gave him a soft peck, rolling your eyes at him. 
“I think we can survive one more night apart.” You made a move to pull back, but he secured his arm around your waist, kissing you again. 
“Just one more night?”
Naruto had gone in the night before to get his new arm. He’d pouted and tantrumed and tried to put it off, but finally told Tsuande he was ready.
“It’s just one more night,” you’d promised him as you said goodbye, wrapping your arms around him. 
He kissed your head. “Fine. But promise me something?” he asked. You nodded, looking up at him. 
“Of course,” 
“Meet me tomorrow on the hokage heads at six?” 
So that’s where you were heading now. The sun was beginning to set, lighting the sky up with beautiful hues of purples, oranges, and pinks. You smiled as you climbed the stairs thinking of all the days twelve year old you and Naruto had spent sitting up here, talking about your dreams. You were so young then, neither of you had the foresight to imagine you would be where you were now.
As you got to the top of the mountain, your heart leaped seeing the setup Naruto had waiting for you. A blanket was laid out on the ground, surrounded by lit candles. Plush pillows filled the blankets for comfort as well as glasses of sparkling champagne with your favorite dessert.
He stood there waiting for you with his bandaged hand, and you realized you’d never seen anything as beautiful as Naruto, and you found yourself running to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply as you wrapped your legs around him. 
Laughing, he kissed you back, holding you to him tightly. “I missed you too,” he laughed when you pulled away.
You beamed at him, and it made his breath hitch. You were so gorgeous. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that someone would look at him the way you do, and his eyes started to well up realizing just how lucky he was to have you. 
As he set you down, you gave a small laugh. “Naruto, are you crying?” You asked him, reaching up to touch his cheek. 
 He scratched the back of his head as he stared down at you. “I can’t help it… I just love you so much…” You smiled at him, but he wasn’t done yet.
“Ya know, all that time we spent apart, I thought of you almost every second. Even when I got to talk to my mom and dad… I just wanted to tell them about you…” He took your hands in his, looking at you with a level of admiration that made you blush.
“And, ya know, I know you think it was silly that I didn’t want to go get my new arm cause I didn’t want to spend the night at the hospital, but I just don’t want to have to be away from you again. Not ever.”
You looked at Naruto almost curiously as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “I’m not going anywhere,” you assured him.
Naruto gave a soft smile, so different from his usual animated grin. “I know,” he said quietly as he began to drop down to his knee. Your jaw dropped as one hand went to cover your mouth. 
“N-naruto… What are you doing?” You asked.
“I love you. So much. And for so long, since we were twelve.” He said, looking up at you. “I never really realized how much I was missing all my life until you came into it. And it was all worth it, all my loneliness, all that time I spent feeling like an outsider… Because when you came into my life, all that pain turned into so much happiness, I thought my heart would burst. I didn’t know I could survive being so happy after being so alone for so long.”
Tears were falling freely from both of your eyes. You didn’t know when you’d started crying, but now you couldn’t stop. 
“We’ve all been through so much in such a short amount of time… I could’ve lost it all. I could’ve lost you. But I didn’t, and I’m so lucky I didn’t.” Naruto continued, smiling through his tears. You tried to quiet your sobs so you could hear him better. “And it’s because of that,” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box. “That I want to make sure I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you forever. Will you marry me?”
Disbelief. You couldn’t believe this wasn’t your imagination, that this was really happening. “Naruto… We’re only seventeen, we’ve been dating for like a year!” You laughed, and he just grinned confidently.
“I know,” he told you. “I know we’re young, but I know that I love you, and I know that I want to be with you forever. I’m ready. What do you say?”
He almost dropped the ring because you were on him in a second, tackling him to the floor, peppering his face with kisses. “Yes,” you cried between kisses. “Yes of course! I love you. I love you so much.”
“Wait, the ring!” Naruto laughed, waving around the box. “I spent a lot of money on this, ya know! You should at least look at it!” But you just kept on kissing him.
“I’d marry you with a paper ring,” you told him before pressing your lips to his. “Any time, any place. As long as I get to be with you.”
Naruto wiped at his cheeks, staring at you through his blurry eyes. Every time he thought he couldn’t get any happier, you proved him wrong. 
He finally was able to grab your hand and slide the ring on it. “Now you’re never gonna get rid of me.” He told you before giving you another kiss. 
“Promise?” You asked him with shining eyes?
Naruto couldn’t understand it. How had he ever gotten so lucky?
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
pairing: Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) x reader
wordcount: 2.2k
warnings: brief mentions of violence and death, extremely tender moments
summary: sometimes in love, the body says more than the mouth does 
Also, thanks to @scribbledghost for yelling about this with me until I had coherent ideas! She is, as always, an inspiration
It had been a little over a week when the Mandalorian had decided that you were his.
His what, exactly, he had no idea, but he was more than sure. You belonged to each other.
He liked feeling your back against his as you shot your blasters with precision and intention, liked how you grinned at him while you’d kept shooting as he grabbed you and jet-packed away from the troopers.
He liked the sound of your footsteps when you walked around the Crest, liked that he could tell by them that you already knew where to go. And when you took off your boots, he liked those footsteps, too.
He liked the way your eyes looked as he spoke, the way he could make them dilate just a little as you listened. He liked that when he stepped closer, instinctively, so did you.
There was no reason for him to reflect on it, and really, no time for things like that. It just fit, you and him, protecting the child, against the world.
And so it went.
Until one day, the Mandalorian found himself turning in slow circles at the edge of a smoldering city, ashes still suspended in the air, the forms of families still huddled together disintegrating as their souls returned to the galaxy. Something in him changed.
Always, he wanted you by his side, wanted to protect you but… he had never felt that he could lose you, really, before this moment. Had never known the dangerous thing that was, to love someone and risk that love every moment of every day.
Did you know? Did you know that he loved you so much he feared for you, and yet still selfishly needed you within arms reach?
He wanted you to know.
But maybe you already did? Maybe you saw how he stepped in front of you when the hairs on his neck were raised. Maybe you knew what he meant when he’d taken you to a remote village to lay low, and told you his name under the stars. Maybe he didn’t have to tell you, just had to keep working at showing you that your life being intertwined with his and the child’s was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
He thought about it that day, and every other day for awhile, and again as he followed you through a the thicket of a jungle towards the spot where your quarry lay. There were ways you showed him… something of your own.
You had stuck around, for one. Beyond that you looked after him too, covered for him countless times without even needing to be asked, looked after the child and the ship as though they were your home. And sometimes he would come back and find something he forgot he needed, placed just outside his door, or something fixed before he got around to it. Even better, you were vulnerable with him, in ways he’d never seen you be with others. Your eyes talked to him, when your mouth couldn’t, or wouldn’t, and the tension would slide out of your limbs when you felt him nearby.
You turned towards him, warning him not to step on a strange plant, when a glint appeared over your shoulder. Din was hardly aware he had drawn his blaster before two shots rang through the humid air.
He was facing you, your eyebrows drawn together, mouth pressed into a line, breath still in your lungs as your whole form held still as stone.
You were pointing your blaster over his shoulder, mirroring him.
Somewhere, on either side, two mercenaries fell to the ground with lifeless thuds.
There was a smile on your face, then, and he watched for his favorite moment as you held his gaze – the one where your eyes softened. It came, and you said quietly, without fear, “I love you, Din.”
The air was too thick, then, he almost couldn’t breathe.
“Yeah,” he forced out, half choking on the word, wishing he was functional enough to manage three, or maybe four more. Instead he grasped your neck, his hand engulfing the whole side, and the thumb of his glove twitched over your jaw, almost on your cheek. Your smiled widened, knowing and miraculously content, and the two of you split to collect your prizes from the earth below.
It was awful, sometimes, existing in this universe. Seeing terrible people do horrible things, trying to help and not saving enough lives or changing things in time or being shoved away when he was needed most.
This was one of those times. The Mandalorian had tried to help, tried to be good, he really did. But it wasn’t enough, would never be.
He was a warrior, was raised as the strongest of strong, to look out for his own and slay anyone who tried to stop him. In his warriors arms, you had almost died, and his strength was all but gone as he trembled with triumph and fear as you lay limp against his chest.
The man had not been slayed, but Din had succeeded enough to carry you home, clinging to the warmth that still seeped from your skin. Your chest rose and fell, slowly, slowly, as it had in those quite moments he’d caught you sleeping. He had seen your eyes before they slid closed – you were alive, you would be fine. That moment replayed itself in his mind the whole trip back to the Crest, and for long hours and he cradled you against him, unable to feel his own wounds. 
The weight of the day, of the fight and the losses settled on him, heavier by far than that of your person. His blood felt thick under his skin, numbness oozing from the top of his head, down, down, down to the floor.
Finally, he took slow, rattling breaths, and found the strength within him to place you in his bunk. Movements mechanical, he tucked the blankets around you, trying to be gentle but needing you to be warm, safe. Seated next to you, Din took your hand, and lowered his head onto the edge.
He slept, dreaming of plants, pushing through the metal of the ship, growing until they encompassed you both, preserving you like the heroes of old, hands clasped.
When he woke he was as stiff as though it were true, but you were not a legend yet, because you were looking at him. There was a puffiness around your eyes that told him you’d just woken up, but you were sitting, tracing his knuckles with your free hand. Din sat up, too, bones creaking and muscles groaning, but overwhelmed with relief and joy. His blood, so thick before, was now pumping fast at the beauty of you, each beat in his chest feeling like a chant, a prayer.
The heaviness was still there, the weight of the galaxy was looming just outside the ship and he needed you to know he loved you. Needed you to know how badly he had it for you, how thoroughly you completed his life - how when he dreamed of the future, he dreamed of you.
But the thickness of the numbness was taking to long to slide away, it was too slow and before he could think he was fumbling with the side of his chest plate. It was clumsy with only a single hand, but he needed the other to tug yours closer, to push it inside of the armor, pleading silently with you to feel it.
His heart beat for you.
It was hard, leaving his riduur in bed, harder than he’d anticipated.
He knew you would be following him sooner than later, but… Din just wanted to feel you a moment longer, see your skin and hair and eyes in his blankets without a filter for just a little more.
Each piece of cloth was a shroud of mystery, each proud piece of beskar a sharp edge between his soul and the world. That was a good thing, outside this room, but in here, between you, he hated it.
It felt wrong, to cover skin that could be pressed against yours, to create a tough shell that you weren't allowed to pass.
He couldn’t even fully enjoy your adoring eyes as each piece slid into place, building him into the Mandalorian.
You could see his hesitation in his eyes as he held onto his helmet. As always, Din knelt like a knight, and pressed a deep, final kiss onto your mouth, longing in his eyes. A glove stroked your cheek, as gentle as if you were still asleep.
He asked you, then, if you would do something for him. It was a silly thing, to others maybe, but your riduur wouldn’t ask unless he needed it.
You were content to oblige the first few days. It had never occurred to you as a solution, to move your schedule just a bit to rise before he did. It was hard to have him watch you, loving brown eyes and tussled curls and warm skin, but it made sense.
As you pulled on your own gear, you reflected. This solution was good, for him to put up his walls after you’d moved on with the morning, but it didn’t feel quite right. Even still, when he would find you in the cockpit, the fingers of his gloves would hover, his longing rolling off of him like guilt.
A seed of thought planted itself in your mind, and you nurtured it a few days more before it was ready to share with him.
The time had come, as it has every morning, when his touches loosened and his kisses slowed, and he would sigh against your skin, ready to send you off.
As you stood, blankets slipping off your half-bare form, you pulled at him. His face betrayed confusion, and a touch of hurt, and you bent to kiss him, whispering about trust.
When Din rose, it was as though you were dancing, floating around the room to find each piece and helping him put it on. One by one, you explained to him , telling him the words what he needed to hear.
You loved him as Din, vulnerable and trusting and bared for you, but you also loved him as the Mandalorian. Whispers and kisses to the cold metal promised you loved all versions of him, cherished both fighting by his side and sleeping against it. And he watched as you put him together with pride, awe in his eyes.
It wasn’t the first time he said it, but that morning, as your fingers finished the final clasps and you handed him his helmet, Din Djarin told you he loved you.
The first sign that something was very, very wrong, was that Din's footsteps were loud. They echoed through the metal walls of your flying home without real purpose, only anger.
You searched for him as they slowed, of course you did. You had never been properly afraid if the Mandalorian, and indeed, he had never hurt you.
Under the layers his muscles were filled with tension, his heart riddled with self loathing and confusion and guilt. He had never meant the harm he’d caused. It all went wrong so fast. He was just… trying to help.
Eyes glazed over, still clouded with red, his mind was still lightyears away, replaying the smoking scenes again and again. The yelling rang in his ears, his own voice telling them to trust him.
He felt something, something strange and soft, slipping sideways across his chest, settling over his heart. It bypassed the pain, the aches, and the hurt easily, effortlessly carving a path for you to him.
You were there, had pulled off his chest plate as he sat, stewing, pulled away his walls just enough to touch him. He was your riduur, alive, and human.
The numbness was held at bay as he began to thaw under your touch. It had become a wonderful thing, for you to put in his armor in the mornings encouraging his strength with every movement but… the evenings were his favorite part of the day, especially during ones that left harsh, dark marks on his soul.
Fingers careful but quick, you began to undo the pieces. It was quiet- you were always silent, letting him process if he needed to, however he needed to, and the sounds of scrapping fabric and the thuds of metal being gentle placed aside was soothing. You scrubbed the marks off his soul as best as you could, before your movements slowed and you regarded him.
Din’s hands, now bare, brought yours to his helmet, enjoying your gaze through your lashes as you accepted, taking it off. When he kissed you, time slowed to a stop.
He could feel your heartbeat as his skin pressed into yours. On the side of your neck, the insides of your wrists, through your ribs - as fast and steady as his own. 
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms
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Meeting and Dating Harry Potter
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Harry doesn’t get enough love.)
- You and Harry first meet at Hogwarts but he isn’t really aware of your existence until around fourth year when everyone else in the school turns their backs on him. 
- He’s making his way through the crowds of ‘Potter stinks’ buttons when he hears someone call his name. He almost doesn’t stop, expecting the same mocking he’d been receiving all week, but he does stop and there you are, giving him a small, kind smile and telling him that you “just wanted to wish him good luck in the tournament.”. 
“I-er, thanks.” He replies awkwardly, looking at you for another quick moment before nodding and quickly retreating. 
- A few days later, you were walking around the wooded areas of the school and just so happened to come across him sitting alone. You didn’t want to bother him; especially since you really didn’t know him and you sort of had a crush on the famous boy, but a twig snapped beneath your foot and he quickly glanced up at you, taking away your option of leaving before he saw you. 
- Giving a quick hello, apology, and excuse for interrupting him, you moved to walk away before you found yourself turning back and asking if he was alright. It didn’t take him long before he was explaining everything to you and; calmly, ranting about the situation. 
- You listen and give him a few words of encouragement before you find yourself walking back to Hogwarts with him, as though it were the most normal thing in the world. 
- Little by little, the two of you grow closer and become more comfortable with each other; even though he’s sort of forming a crush on you and gets easily flustered by you. 
- Probably unsurprisingly, he doesn’t just drop you when Hermione and, more so, Ron go back to being his friends. Instead, you’re welcomed into their little clique, particularly by Hermione who appreciates having another girl in the group and can immediately see that Harry has feelings for you; even if he stutteringly protests to it. 
- Funnily enough, initially, he doesn’t even think to ask you to the Yule ball until you’re sitting at breakfast one day and he looks at you and a light just goes off in his head. He’s just as nervous about asking you as he would be with anyone else; probably even more so considering the fact that he’s pretty much in love with you, but he manages to keep his cool a little better with you since you’re supposed to be his friend. 
“Erm, y/n? Would you like to go to the ball with me?” 
- When you happily agree, he gives you a “brilliant”, his heart racing and a small smile plastered across his lips. 
- Godric, the look on his face when he first saw you the day of the ball. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, his face turning a delicate shade of pink as you first took his arm and gave him a smile. He was so distracted by you that he hardly even noticed that he needed to start dancing with you, he only snapped out of it when you told him to take you by the waist. 
- It’s after the ball that he knows for sure that he’s in love with you, and if he’s able to triumph over dragons and defeat Lord Voldemort at the age of one then he can ask out the girl that he’s fallen for, right? Easier said than done.
- Harry is pretty awful with women. He’s awkward and shy and clumsy, and it’s adorable in retrospect; and in some other cases, but it’s not exactly beneficial to the evolution of your relationship. He keeps trying to confess, keeps wondering how he’s gonna do it, tries to do it but is interrupted in some way or just can’t bring himself to actually say what he wants to. 
- It isn’t until fifth year that he finally manages to do so. You’re both left alone in the room of requirement as everyone leaves after their most recent lesson. He walks over to you and the two of you talk. You ask him a few questions, make sure he’s alright with everything that’s happening and before you know it, you’re both drifting closer and kissing each other. 
- It’s soft and slow, and when you pull away, he’s got this dazed sort of look on his face that gives you butterflies. He gets a hold of himself as you go to grab your things and leave, calling out to you in a quick explosion of words, asking if you’d go out with him. 
- He has to repeat himself so that you can actually understand what he’d asked but once he does, a bright smile spreads across your face and his heart skips a beat as you agree. 
- Due to a certain frog-faced substitute headmaster, you can’t exactly express your feelings in public, but just knowing that you’re officially his girlfriend gives him a certain sense of comfort and reassurance that otherwise wouldn’t be there. 
- The girl of his dreams is finally his and he couldn’t be happier. 
- Harry, in general, just isn’t the type of person to be all over you while you’re out in public. He tends to save most of his affection for when you’re behind closed doors, mainly because he’s a bit shy and easily flustered; especially by you. 
- Given the fact that Harry was provided with nothing but negative attention throughout his entire childhood, he’s definitely going to be a bit awkward when it comes to affection. That being said: he loves when you give it to him and really starts to crave it after you first pay him special attention.
- Handholding. He’ll tentatively slip his hand into yours while you’re standing together or grip it tightly as you both excitedly run somewhere.
- He could genuinely hug you for hours if you let him.
- Gentle touches.
- Soft kisses.
- Quick kisses in the midst of danger or when he’s leaving to do something important.
- Kissing his scar. 
- Ruffling and playing with his consistently messy hair.
- Hair petting. He’ll usually stroke his hand down/through your hair as you kiss.
- Long, loving snogging sessions. Sometimes, you’ll pull off his glasses so that you can kiss him better and he just melts.
- He loves cuddling with you; it’s one of the things that really bring him comfort. You’ll usually be the little spoon whenever you do, he’ll bury his face in your hair and wrap his arms tight around you, not letting go until morning.
- Considering the fact that he has like zero experience with girls, he usually just calls you by your name since that’s what seems most natural to him.
- Flustering him whether you mean to or not; it’s usually quite easy to do since he’s so inexperienced with girls.
- Getting mini gifts. A piece of candy here, a little trinket there, things like that.
- Dates at the Three Broomsticks. He loves kissing you and tasting the butterbeer on your lips.
- Dancing together.
- Spending time alone in the room of requirements.
- Sneaking around all the unknown tunnels and rooms of Hogwarts with him.
- Him using the invisibility cloak to come see you and sneak the two of you out somewhere.
- Study dates.
- Him helping teach you spells and defensive magic. He likes seeing that look of glee on your face when you do something right, and having the excuse to hold and guide your hand/stand close to you.
- Watching his eyes widen in shock and a smile spread across his face when you do something impressive. He’s so proud of you.
- Awkwardly and shyly reading news articles written about the two of you. Your parents have quite the reaction when they find out you’re dating the boy wizard himself.
- Hagrid gushing over and teasing the two of you. He sometimes gets a little sentimental seeing the two of you together. He knew Harry when he was such a wee little thing and here he is, all grown up and in such a lovely little relationship.
- Cheering him on at Quidditch games regardless of what house you’re in. It makes him so happy to see you rooting for him.
- Endearing sarcasm. He can be a smartass when he wants to be.
- Attempting to write to him over the summer.
- Having him stay with you over the summer or at least letting him visit for some time once you hear how he’s treated by the Dursley’s.
- Running to hug him when you’re finally reunited at the beginning of the school year.
- Being teased by Malfoy. Harry has probably almost killed him a couple of times; only stopped by the fact that Ron was holding him back.
- Hermione and Ron giving the two of you looks.
- Becoming a part of the golden “trio” and having double dates with Ron and Hermione.
- Accompanying him on adventures and quests.
- When everything starts to turn to shit around you, he may try to break up with you in order to protect you. He loves you too much to risk you getting hurt because of him.
- Standing by him, even when things go wrong and other people desert him.
- Comforting him. Harry has gone through a lot and though he won’t admit it to most people, he needs a little support. You’re his rock and he couldn’t live without you.
- He always tries his best to comfort you, even though he usually has no idea how or if his plan will work. That being said, he always just seems to know how to cheer you up.
- He’s a pretty jealous person but he tries to hide it most of the time. He hates the thought; and sight, of you with other boys and gets a bit annoyed whenever he sees you with them. He’ll be a bit passive aggressive when you go over to him, saying he’s “brilliant” when you ask what’s wrong. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
- He’s always surprised whenever you actually get jealous over him but he sort of likes it. He feels bad that you’re upset and reassures you that he only loves you but he can’t deny that it feels nice to know that you care enough about him to be jealous.
- Overprotective. After everything that’s happened to him and the people around him, he watches over you like you’re the most precious thing on earth. He’d defend you with his life if he had to.
- Harry tends to give you a sort of silent treatment when he’s mad, usually before saying something passive aggressive or harsh when you don’t really acknowledge his behavior or go to leave him alone. You’ll most likely argue until the issue is solved or until he shuts you out, either doing so by walking away in a huff or causing you to leave by his lack of responses.
- Regardless of whether you were in the wrong or if he was, he’s most likely the one to approach you. If you were in the wrong, he’ll come up to you and make some comment, trying to prompt an apology; because that’s all he really wants.
- If he’s in the wrong, he’ll feel really guilty and keep staring over at you until he can’t take it and finally asks if you can talk. He’ll ask how you are before telling you that he’s sorry and that he knows he was wrong. After he does so, he’ll ask if you forgive him/if you guys can go back to normal, smiling and kissing your cheek when you agree.
- There's quite a few I love you’s in your relationship. He loves hearing you say it; even though it flusters him, and he just feels the need to let you know how much he cares about you; especially as you get older and he loses more people without being able to let them know how important they were to him.
- The two of you will have to go through some difficult situations but he knows he wants to be with you for the rest of his life. You just need to get through this rough patch and then you can have a perfect little life together.
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Shooting Stars (Childe x Fem!Reader)
note: honestly, no one asked for this. this is obviously self-indulgent, but god FUCK do i love that ginger fatui man so much.
word count: 2.6k
"Careful now."
Childe's voice was calming, much like the gust of wind that blew past your hair. You saw his hand in front of you and you gladly grasped it, heart racing at the idea of falling to your death. The wind was calm and the air was refreshing, but there was nothing light about the pit in your stomach screaming at you to just carefully glide back down to the foot of the mountain you two were climbing.
"You aren't going to die, dear." He laughed, amused at the sight of your face.
"And what if I do? Childe, this isn't funny!" Your knees were planted firmly on one of the floating rocks just above Qingyun Peak. You grimaced at how the moss scraped against your bare knees, but you felt paralyzed with fear at the thought of falling because you knew better than to trust your clumsy nature.
"I'm not letting you fall. Trust me!" The genuine concern and reassurance in his voice was masked with his charming playfulness, and you couldn't help but sigh and stand up to follow him up to the floating island up ahead.
Childe requested to occupy your entire day earlier that morning, saying something about him showing you a beautiful sight that's sure to take your breath away. You agreed, entertaining his idea of a beautiful sight. After sparring with him in the golden house, eating a sumptuous lunch at Wanmin Restaurant, then sparring with him again, you two headed over to Qingyun Peak. The sun was about to set, and your eyes were mesmerized by how the purple hues above your head covered the entirety of Liyue.
The golden hour was nearly over, and here you were, scared out of your mind, with Childe leading you up a path of floating rock chunks that you were sure would collapse if two of you stepped on one at the same time. However, much to your surprise, they didn't.
"I've got you, okay?" Your companion's voice rang in your ears, and you didn't notice that he stepped down from his current platform to take his rightful place beside you. His right hand was still holding yours, and he used his free hand to rub gentle circles on your lower back to comfort you. You breathed in his scent- a mix of dried sweat and blood with a hint of his perfume clinging to the fabric of his collar. It was a familiar scent, something that soothed you despite being thousands of feet in the air with no stable architecture to calm your nerves. You just had to trust that the Adepti architectures knew what they were doing when they built this pavilion.
"Okay," You whispered to him.
Surprisingly, the climb was easier than you initially expected. It did help that Childe was almost carrying you the rest of the way, but leaning into him was inevitable and unavoidable. It wasn't because you wanted to be buried deeper into his chest while he held you close to the point that the exposed skin on your lower back was starting to burn because his clothed fingers were just lingering there. No, definitely not that. You were simply prioritizing your safety.
"See? It wasn't that hard, right?"
"You could have told me that we'd be heading to the pavilion. I could have mentally prepared myself for the climb."
"Mentally prepare? I'm quite sure that clinging onto me the whole time put you at ease, hm?" You wanted to wipe the smug grin off his pretty face.
"Shut up before I make you, fatui."
He let out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and clutching his sides.
"You're honestly too adorable for your own good." He stepped closer and moved the hair out of your face as you felt another strong breeze blow by.
"I said shut it!" You felt a rush of heat spread across your cheeks as his eyes scanned your flustered figure.
"Here, take a seat." He motioned to the stone seat facing the sunset. "I did tell you that I'd show you a beautiful sight tonight."
"I trust your taste, so it better be worth it."
"When have I ever lied to you?"
You shot him a look. As you were about to open your mouth to speak, he quickly interjected with a defeated sigh.
"Don't even answer that." You could only chuckle as he sat down beside you, inching closer and closer until your shoulders were brushing against each other. This wasn't really the first time that you and him have been this close with each other.
You and Childe have a... complex relationship, simply put. It's not like you were dating, but the way he treated you- with respect, with care, with love; You wanted to melt in his arms as easily as you could fight him with your sword. You weren't really sure if Childe had romantic feelings for you because he never really talked about it, but you could only go off on his actions, and they directed to the one conclusion that he did have feelings for you.
However, as your former partner in research, Albedo, once said, "Do not assume unless stated otherwise. Logic and officiality back facts as much as they debunk assumptions." In reality, it was so easy to understand. Theoretically, it was easier. However, now that you were there in that position where all signs pointed to Childe having romantic feelings for you, you didn't know what to believe in.
Did you want to trust your gut instinct, or did you want to wait until Childe made it official and clear? It was a mindboggling situation for you because you also found yourself enamored by him.
Why... Why were you even enamored in the first place?
Maybe it was because you adored how he talked about his family. You could just listen to him for hours on end as he fondly tells you the tales of his adventures with Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer. It was the way that his deep cerulean eyes lit up whenever you asked about short anecdotes about his family that he could comfortably share with you. He adored his family so much that it made you feel... jealous. Aether was your only family, and you were still on the pursuit to finding him, so you were envious of how Childe could still visit his family back in Snezhnaya if he wanted to. You? You weren't even sure if your brother was still in Teyvat.
Maybe it was how he always tended to your wounds after each time you sparred. Although Childe claims that he's nothing more than a bloodthirsty hound who wishes for nothing but power and glory, he really can't stand seeing you with an open wound or a bleeding nose. While Childe is primarily the reason behind your injuries, he'd also be the first to bring you gauzes, band-aids, and medicine from Bubu Pharmacy. You'd always be touched since he tends to you first before he paid any mind to the bruises and cuts that adorned his skin.
"Your health is my priority, comrade. After all. who else could match my skills in combat if not you? That's why you better take care of yourself, or better yet, allow me to take care of you instead." His words echoed in your head, and you blushed, realizing the possible implications of his statement.
Maybe it was his surprisingly sharp memory. Though Childe could never compare to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's Consultant, Zhongli, he would often shock you at how he remembered things so well- especially when it came to you. One time, for your birthday, he bought you a necklace with your birthstone as the main gem adorning the fabric. You only ever mentioned your birthday once, and it was at an awkward moment during Hu Tao's birthday celebration, that's why you didn't think Childe would remember it at all.
"I pay attention to you more than you think, dear. I also happen to store things in my memory bank if they're that important to me." You remembered how he laughed as he insisted on putting the necklace on for you. Your hand instinctively latched on to the beautiful gem resting on your chest.
Maybe it was the way he called for your name. Whether he said your name in a battle cry, as a greeting, or in the middle of him teasing you, you were absolutely intoxicated with the way that your name rolled off his tongue. The way the syllables just always seemed so right when it was Childe who spoke them. Often, he would call you comrade, dear, or another endearing nickname he managed to create on the fly. However, when he spoke your name, it was always magical for you.
"Happy birthday, dear _____. I hope you enjoy this present!"
"It seems as though you've defeated me today. No matter, _____. I'm sure I'll triumph over you tomorrow."
"You look lovely as always, _____. Want to spar with me?"
You were snapped out of your little daze. Your name being called over and over again wasn't just a hallucination caused by your infatuation with the eleventh harbinger. He was actually calling for you.
"Hey, _____? Are you feeling okay?" You blinked a few times before you realized that his blue eyes were practically puncturing your own. They were glazed over with concern, a sign that he had been calling you for a while now.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry!" You jolted, straightening your posture. "I was just fascinated by the sky, is all. I didn't mean to startle you."
"The sky, you say? Were you really thinking of the sky? Perhaps you were thinking about me instead?" His tone was teasing, a little more relaxed now that he knew you weren't feeling ill.
"The sunset was lovely. Although I see it everyday in Liyue Harbor, viewing it from up here in the pavilion is truly sensational. Thank you, Childe." You spoke, ignoring his attempt at riling you up. Of course, you were also ignoring the fact that he hit the nail right on the head with his guess.
"You didn't deny it, girlie." His voice was like a melody in your ears, a sweet harmony that made you feel elated. Anyway, why would you deny it? You were a woman of principle, which means you detested lying. It doesn't count as lying if you neither confirmed nor denied his guess, right? Right, keep telling yourself that.
"Don't flatter yourself." Your curt reply was met by another laugh.
"It should be anytime now," His words met the wind and your unknowing ears.
"What is?"
"Let's just wait for a few moments. I took you up here to see something more than just the sunset, after all." He gave you a wink, to which you just huffed and turned your crimson face.
A few moments passed, and Childe was already bouncing his leg up and down; Something you knew he only did when he was anxious or frustrated about something.
"Is something the matter?" You asked, watching his face grimace.
"Ah, perhaps my predictions were wrong." He stood up to stretch. "We were supposed to see something more than just the sunset, but perhaps Celestia just didn't want our little date to go as smoothly as I initially planned."
Hang on.
This was a date?
Your heart was racing and your mind began to fill itself with unanswered questions, but Childe knew better than to keep you waiting more than you already were.
"Hey, darling?" Your stomach dropped at the use of this nickname. "Do me a favor. Focus on the sky and don't look away until I say so."
You gave him a nod, unable to form the words that would suffice as a comprehensible sentence. He had you tongue-tied with just a simple nickname.
He walked away from where you were seated, just a few paces to your right and a couple of steps back. He was far enough to the point where you couldn't see him in your peripheral, but close enough for you to hear the jiggling of the adornments and chains on his clothes. You knew that sound even if it came from a mile away. You had it memorized by heart because of how many times you heard it before your sparring sessions began.
He took out his bow and was aiming to shoot an arrow.
Admittedly, there was a little voice at the back of your mind warning you about the potential danger just a couple of feet away from you. However, you decided to fight against it, knowing that the "potential danger" was just Childe. He'd never hurt you, right?
Despite the trust that you put in the ginger, you still closed your eyes as you heard him release the string of his bow. The quiet whizz of the arrow flew by your head, and when you realized that he wasn't shooting at you, you carefully opened your eyes to see a bright blue arrow shooting across the sky.
Your mouth went agape at the consecutive hydro-infused arrows flying across the velvet sky bedazzled with stars. The moon's glow illuminated the scenery, which made the setting all the more romantic and intimate. The vibrant hues of green and blue mixed with each other in the sky, creating an aurora borealis.
You were marveling at the number of arrows crossing the sky.
They were like shooting stars, except... they reminded you of Childe.
Though you knew they were only faux shooting stars, you closed your eyes.
"Archons, if you could be so kind, please allow me to be with him." You whispered to yourself.
You then opened your eyes to see the last arrow slowly fading away from your vision, and the hydro vision holder you loved so much sheepishly standing in front of you.
"I thought that the shooting stars would be visible tonight, that's why I asked you to come with me up here. Turns out my predictions were wrong. Maybe Scaramouche was right about the stars being a lie." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You giggled and looked at him, signaling to continue what he had to say.
"Although they were fake, I hope you liked them. I brought you here so that we could wish on the shooting stars together." His face was growing red, and you wanted to run up and hug him, if only your pride would stop getting the best of you.
"I loved them, Childe. Thank you for asking me out here today." You stood up and gave his hair a light ruffle, laughing at how he mocked you for doing so.
"So, what did you wish for?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to you.
"W-Well, uh," You began to stumble on your words, which caused you to involuntarily take a step back. With each step you took, Childe did too.
He managed to back you up against the pillar in the middle of the pavilion, and was enjoying the face you made as he trapped you between his arms.
"F-For good health! Yes, good health!" Yes, lying was against your principles, but you couldn't just say straight to his face that you wished for a relationship with him now, could you?
"Good for you then. You wanna know what I wished for?" His face came extremely close to yours, and you could feel his breath on your cheek.
"Wh-What is it?"
Your eyes once again met his deep blue orbs and they softened when he was staring straight into your soul.
"Can I kiss you?"
You gave a light nod, and he finally closed the gap between your lips.
Albedo was wrong.
You can definitely believe an assumption if the signs were obvious enough.
"You totally wished for us to be together right?!"
"Oh, for the love of the Tsaritsa, please shut up!"
"You totally did!"
"I am seriously going to push you off."
"You're so mean, girlie!"
In the name of Kimura Ryohei being the VA of Childe and Kise from Kuroko no Basket
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jouliejihan · 11 months
𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑵 𝑨𝑰𝑹! - hueningkai × fem reader
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𝑺𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑺: When Y/N and her eccentric friends decide to host the 'Love On Air' podcast, they think they can heal the heartaches of all HYBE Uni students.  But when love begins to bubble up behind the scenes, Y/N finds herself at the center of a messed up love triangle. While she tries to save broken hearts, a shy student, Hueningkai, does everything to win her heart. With clumsy dating advice, accidental encounters and a chaotic podcast, will love triumph or end up in a hilarious mess?
"Tune in with us guys, cause Love is On Air!"
TAGLIST (open, send ask or comment to be added) @full-sunnies @unh0ly-dr3am3r @enhacolor @mackjestic @beabeanice @beoms-sugar
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comercial break: Sector 17
WARNING: mentions of bully1ng, intimidation and duress, read at your own risk
previously in this shitty mess...
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Still walking and looking around the halls, Danielle paid attention to everything happening on campus. As a Journalism student, she has the innate talent of always finding news, no matter where she is, but unlike Beomgyu, she rejects sensationalism and seeks facts directly from the source, which is why among the most influential university students, she is one of the most underestimated. Today she planned to go on with her usual routine: have lunch, collect reports, write a review and publish it in HYBE Uni Gazette: the online newsletter for students, but when she saw Yunjin sitting in the HYBE Uni canteen and enjoying her lunch in the company of Minghao, Jeonghan and Seungcheol, she sat on a bench far from them and wrote down everything they did on her cell phone. The four friends were in high spirits, exchanging friendly conversations about their courses and future plans.
"So, Yunjin, how are the Fashion Design classes going? Learning to create the next trends?"
"Of course, Jeonghan! I'm loving every moment of the course. I think it's amazing how we can use creativity to transform ideas into unique pieces of clothing. And using them to bring people together is even more rewarding! And you, Seungcheol, how are you doing? coming out in Political Science?"
"I'm doing well. It's not as exciting as keeping up with the latest fashion trends, but I enjoy learning about current political relationships and how they influence the way we relate to each other in society."
Jeonghan pretended to be bored with his hyung's subject sketching a mocking yawn and asked, "Sorry hyung, were you saying something?"
"Nevermind, it was nothing."
"Don't listen to him, hyung. I'm happy that you're doing great! As a born leader, I'm sure youll be able to achieve many good things."
"Thanks, Minghao."
Although the mood among the group was friendly at that moment, one person was missing from that table, so it didn't take long for them to notice who was missing.
"So, is your boyfriend usually late for appointments?"
"No, Minghao, that’s odd. Jisoo was always so one-off." Seungcheol respondeu
"I hope he didn't get lost. It would be a shame if he had suddenly forgotten how to walk in the halls in 3 months of studying here."  Jeonghan mocked
But luckily, Jisoo managed to make it to the agreed table before the break time ended.
"Hi guys! Hi princess." he said giving Yunjin a quick peck on the lips, sitting down on the bench next
"Finally! A little more time away and your lunch would get cold!"
"Where the hell were you?!"
"Sorry hyungs, I got distracted on the way here."
"Got distracted with what?" 
"I was on my way to meet you guys, but I got distracted by a freshman girl playing on the court and… oh!" Jisoo glanced at Y/N who was passing by them and waved "There she is! Hi!"
Y/N absentmindedly responded with a shy wave, but when she remembered who greeted her and who was next to him, she sprinted to avoid them seeing her face that blushed at just hearing his voice.
"What the fuck is wrong with this girl?” asked Jeonghan 
“Who’s the fuck is that girl?” Seungcheol followed
“Why the fuck do you all care about this girl?” Yunjin rolled her eyes
“Calm down, guys, one question at a time! First things first, that’s Y/N.”
“Who Beomgyu couldn't stop talking these past few days.”
“Oh…” the chinese man and his 95z’s friends talked in unison
“That's so much talk, Y/N?” mocked Jeonghan: “The way he talked about her so much I thought she was a goddess, but no, she's not as interesting as I thought.”
“I couldn’t say less.” Yunjin nodded
“But I think you guys are all wrong!”
“Really, Shua-hyung?” Minghao teased by arching his eyebrow “What do you know about her?”
“Well, her name is Y/N, she’s Love On Air’s host and…”
“Is this all you know?”
“Yeah, Seungcheol-hyung.” the american sighed
“Go easy with my baby, oppa.” the american-korean protested “He just heard some silly gossip and was curious to find out the truth, isn't he?"
“Yeah…” he stuttered. “That's right.”
“See? You all are making a fuss over a little irrelevant thing when I have something so interesting to tell you.”
“Then say it!”
“Well Jeonghan-oppa. My brand Fearless will soon be showing the Spring-Summer collection and this week a branch of the Huh boutique will open in Sector 17!”
“Hun, this is great news!”
"We're proud of you!"
“Thanks guys!  I've dreamed of these days since I enrolled.  With your help I'm sure they will come true."
"You're gonna invite us to the fashion show, aren't you?"
"Of course I will, Jeonghan! All my boyfriend's and Fearless' male visual friends are my friends too."
Disgusted by the poor staging of the "HYBE Uni diva", the aspiring journalist left her desk and continued to look elsewhere for stories. Until, next to the Linguistics course room, she found Junhui and Hansol talking together, so she heard their dialogue from afar, behind a pillar and wrote down the details.
"Tell me, why did you call me?"
"It's complicated… dilemma, Jun-hyung. A friend of mine from New York texted me that he's thinking about coming out."
"That's good news! What's wrong with that?"
"It turns out that he and his boyfriend are both anxious and fearful.  My friend's father-in-law is extremely religious.  He fears they'll throw him out of the house after he introduces him to their parents."
"Man, that's punk!" Junhui exclaimed, scratching the back of his head. "I can even help you, but think with me, you have a freshman in Linguistics who literally created a podcast to address love issues, right?"
"That Y/N, hyung? How can I know if her podcast is credible if her image was tarnished by Beomgyu?"
"What does it cost to give her a chance? This Y/N could be better than that gossip made her out to be."
Jackpot! That was the story Danielle needed! However, she was too personal to post it in the gazette, but she knew that the Canadian was in need of a helping hand on her podcast, so the Australian promptly got out of her pillar and walked towards the duo, but to gain their trust, she decided to resort to something she abhors in her future profession: lies.
"Hello." she bowed to greet her colleagues
"Who are you?" questioned Jun
"I'm Danielle, from the Journalism class."
"Nice to meet you. Need something from us?
"Not yet. I heard about your case, Hansol-oppa and I can help you with that."
"How… How long have you been listening?
"I've heard enough, but if you want, I won't tell anyone but Y/N herself."
"Do you work on her podcast?”
"No, Junhui-oppa, but I know her. I can push the matter a little further, but if you want to help your friend, you must talk to her one way or another, Hansol."
"I’ll… I’ll try. Thanks Danielle"
⊹⊱•••《 💗 》•••⊰⊹
In the busy hallway, Y/N walked excitedly with her books in hand, looking forward to the class that was about to start. Suddenly, she came across Yunjin, who was accompanied by her boyfriend. Her eyes lit up at the sight of them together, for although she doesn't know how or why, she is developing feelings for the Californian.
Yunjin caught the fledgling's gaze and decided to tease her a bit. She let out a giggle as she approached her colleague.
"Well, if it isn’t the campus’ new popstar herself! Kim Y/N, right? Isn’t Jisoo the prettiest? she asked with a malicious smile
Jisoo, who also noticed the Canadian's presence, smiled and waved sympathetically and headed to his class.
"I don’t know, I think he’s cute."
"I know. We're both perfect together, so I assume you don't stand a chance with him, do you?"
Yunjin walked slowly towards Y/N and kept her mischievous smile on, until the girl's back collided with a cold wall in the corridor. The Canadian blushed slightly and swallowed hard. She knew the Korean-American woman was joking, but she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with the comment.
"How can I know if we barely know each other?"
"Fine. But if I were you, I would stay away from MY boyfriend! He's the sweetest, richest, most influential man in Sector 17, and you?” she snorted “You're nothing more than a deluded freshman with a failed podcast. So if you're as smart as everyone says you are, darling, stay as far away from him as possible, because a freak like you will only bring misfortune to his life."
Yunjin's words cut like knives through Y/N's chest, hitting her squarely. She felt tears forming in her eyes, but she didn't want Yunjin to see her weakness. She quickly turned and ran to a more secluded corner of the hall.
She found a quiet spot and slumped against the wall. Tears finally escaped her eyes, and she sobbed softly, feeling an ache deep in her heart. She asked herself if Yunjin was right, if it was really impossible for her to have any chance with Jisoo.
"Why does it hurt so much? I should just forget about it like Yunjin said... But why is it so hard?" she muttered to herself
She let the tears flow freely, allowing herself to feel the sadness that consumed her. She needed this moment to release her emotions before moving on with her daily routine.
As tears rolled down her cheeks, she promised herself that she would not allow Yunjin's words to completely affect her. She stood up with determination, wiping her tears and taking a deep breath.
"I'll get through this. I deserve someone who truly loves me. I'm going to focus on myself and growing up. I can figure out how I feel about him whenever I want, but right now I have my whole future ahead of me."
With that new resolve, she wiped away the remaining tears and headed towards her class. She knew that there would still be difficult times ahead, but she was ready to face them with courage and self-confidence.
⊹⊱•••《 💗 》•••⊰⊹
Yunjin was emotional as she walked towards the "Universe Factory", the creative nickname Jihoon uses to refer to his studio in Sector 17. She held a tablet with the demo of her song in her hands, ready to be heard. Anxiety mingled with anticipation as she knew that Jihoon was a talented producer and could put the perfect spin on the song she had in mind for Fearless' Spring-Summer campaign.
Upon reaching the studio, she knocked softly on the door and walked in with a beaming smile. Jihoon was concentrating, working on his computer with headphones in his ears. He looked up and smiled when he saw her.
"Yunjin-ah! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?"
"They are so excited to demo the song I wrote for the Spring-Summer collection. I believe that with your skills and talents we can turn it into something amazing!"
"I am flattered by the praise." he snorted "I'm curious to hear what you have in mind so far."
Yunjin sat next to Jihoon and handed over the tablet with the demo ready to play. He put on the headphones and pressed play. Music filled the studio, and she watched his expressions closely as she listened.
"No way, this song is a banger! Loved the energetic beat you brought to it."
"Thanks oppa. Your feedback means a lot to me, but I was thinking of a slight tempo change in the bridge or adding a more punchy chord. A few tweaks to the chorus wouldn't be not bad."
"I can handle this. But you know I'm a very busy producer, right? What do I get out of doing your work?"
Yujin smiled and walked over, mumbling comically.
"Well, in addition to having the privilege of working with Sector 17's most famous stylist and fashion influencer, you and your friends will get VIP passes to the show's afterparty and a generous sum for your production. What do you say? "
He chuckled, clearly impressed by the offer.
"You know how to convince me, girl. It's a deal!
She smiled victoriously and faked a grateful hug, rolling her eyes and smirking maliciously behind him.
"Thank you so much, oppa! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the song."
"You won't regret it. I'll do my best to make it perfect."
The two began working together, discussing ideas and making adjustments to the music.
The studio was full of creativity and harmony as they worked together. Yunjin knew that she had made the right decision in asking Jihoon for help, and she couldn't wait to see the end result.
Together, they were ready to take the Fearless Spring-Summer campaign to a new level with the perfect music to complement the sheer magnitude of the clothes.
A/N: if we had a comercial break, you all know what's coming next, right?
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