#i am down bad
usurperss · 10 months
Created a hot lesbian tiefling sorceress for fun and
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jaylaxies · 7 months
reading fanfics isn’t enough i need to fuck the man
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dried-mushroom · 17 days
My Queen
Aemond 'one-eyed' Targaryen x reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, incest (uncle & niece), oral sex (m receiving), public handjob, fingering, missionary sex, porn with plot, short slow burn, Aemond is head over heels for you, soft! Aemond
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You were the firstborn daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong. No stark resemblance to the knight as do your siblings, as you were the only one born with silver Targaryen hair. This made you stand out compared to your brothers, as their heritage was a common topic for gossip, and they did not have a single feature from Ser Laenor, your mother's betrothed. You were still considered a true Targaryen and not a bastard child nonetheless.
It had been years since your family had been back to Kings landing, years since you'd seen your uncles, Aegon and Aemond. You had less than fond memories of the older prince as a teen, he was always trying to get you alone and mentioning how he could satisfy you better than any other lord or knight. You often ignored his words but sometimes he was just too vile to bare.
His brother on the other hand intrigued you. He was much quieter than Aegon, but he spoke to you often. Usually, it was only small talk when you ran into the prince. You honestly didn't mind, as you may have developed a liking for the younger prince. What you weren't expecting was he already wanted you for himself.
The clearest memories between you and Aemond were when your brothers and your uncle decided to tease him about his lack of claiming a dragon. You knew how cruel Jace and Luke could be, as they enjoyed making your life harder so to speak. You lectured them both when you found out what they did to Aemond and searched for the young prince.
When you found him perched against an old oak tree, with his head in his hands, you sat next to him. As he turned to face you, you could see how red and raw his eyes were, obviously from crying. You tried to apologize for your brother's behaviour but he didn't want your pity, instead, he told you not to worry, and that he would make sure he gained a dragon. He didn't enjoy being harsh towards you and apologized later that day by gifting you a book with a note inside.
Another less fond memory of your prince was the night of Lady Laena's funeral. The entire day had an aura of gloom, and you could tell the tension was tightening between your family and Aemond's. Rhaenyra and Alicent were clawing at each other's throats every time they were close and the rumour that your mother had birthed four bastards was certainly a rumour that the HighTowers were eager to entertain, just so that your mother was seen as an untrustworthily whore.
Yet you remained close to Aemond, usually strolling around the grounds of the castle together or watching him train to duel with his brother and Ser Criston. But that dreadful night something changed, that night he finally got one of the two things he always wanted; to claim a dragon. Vhagar, Laena's dragon was sleeping peacefully until Aemond woke her, and through his bravery and her compliance, He successfully bonded with her by commanding her to calm herself and serve him in High Valyrian.
He quickly got the hang of it and rides the dragon around High Tide before landing. Vhagar was the biggest dragon in Westeros and the most powerful of any dragons the Targaryen's had. Whilst his little flying escapade, Laena's daughters noticed his absence and could hear the familiar roar coming from their mother's dragon, so they rushed over to Jace and Luke to help them find who had stolen the dragon, which was meant for the eldest Velarylon girl, Rhaena.
You were resting against a cold stone wall, seemingly fazed, when your younger brothers and cousins rushed up to you and told you about your uncle. You suddenly recalled hearing the familiar noise of the dragon and Aemond had excused himself from you as he 'felt ill' earlier. You trailed behind the four as they went to inside the castle searching for Aemond. When they spotted the young prince, they all started arguing over who had a claim to the dragon. You stayed behind them, not entirely wanting to be there.
Without a second thought, Rhaena hit Aemond for an insult he had said to her about her mother, but the latter was stronger and threw her to the ground. Your brothers quickly joined in the fight. Jace pushed Aemond to the ground and he broke Luke's nose somehow. You felt conflicted, about who to defend; either your brothers or the boy you've liked for what seemingly felt like eons.
You tried to get in between Luke and Aemond to break them up. Aemond wasn't thinking straight and accidentally hit you with a rock he had in his hand, to use on Luke. As soon as he realised what he did he dropped the rock and started apologising profusely, but Jace thought it was the perfect time to get revenge on the prince for hurting his big sister and stealing their cousin's dragon, as he threw sand into the boy's eyes and Luke slashed the boy in the right eye, blinding him.
You quickly snapped out of your pain haze and quickly rushed over to the wailing boy, whose face was now covered in blood. You couldn't believe what your brothers had done. Everything became a blur after that moment, you remember blood soaking your light-coloured dress and guiding Aemond through the castle to his mother. Him clutching you tightly, still muttering apologies to you, your relatives spewing their disgust at you for aiding the prince.
The last time you and the prince spent time was the most memorable. It was the day your mother remarried to her uncle, Daemon. You, Jace, and Luke were told by your mother that you all would be leaving for dragonstone and to say your goodbyes, the handmaidens would pack your belongings but be ready to leave King's landing before noon. This sudden news upset you heavily as you would be separated from Aemond and your friends for God knows how long. You wandered around the castle soaking in each and every detail as if it were the last. You made your way to Aemond's chambers, worried about his reaction to your leaving.
The both of you got incredibly closer ever since that fight, seemingly you both were joined at the hip, always sharing longing glances that teetered on the border of platonic. Once you reached the door and knocked, the familiar face of your blonde prince greeted you, eagerly letting you inside his room. You picked at your cuticles, not wanting to share the news with Aemond. He noticed the disdain on your face, and spoke "What's wrong, Princess Y/N?" you sighed, "Mother wants me and my brothers to travel to dragon stone for some time, she told us to say our goodbyes and to be ready to leave at midday. I'm so sorry." His smile faulted, as he took in your words.
He felt almost ill, his beloved was leaving so abruptly, he didn't know what to say, as he knew he couldn't sway Rhaenyra. Without a thought, he closed the gap between you both, slowly pressing his lips to yours, in a tender kiss. He gripped the fabric of your dress, either in a plea to hold you even closer or to keep you with him even longer. You couldn't help but feel something hard pressing into your thigh, your cheeks were ablaze when you realised what that something was.
You broke the kiss, knowing you didn't have much time left. He must have realised and quickly retrieved something from one of his drawers. It was a small bracelet, decorated in emeralds, the Hightower colour. You couldn't help but smile a little as he slipped it around your wrist. You gave him one last peck before saying the last words you'd say to him for the next six years. "Please write to me, or maybe even visit, I won't forget you, I beg you to do the same, goodbye my prince." "I will my princess, don't doubt it. Goodbye y/n." You left his chambers, not realising his brother was waiting outside his door.
Aegon grabbed your arm tightly and whispered in your ear. "You're leaving? fuck sake, why can't Rhaenyra just send the twats you call brothers away, she really wants to torture me. " You tried wiggling out of his harsh grip, but he wouldn't let go, "You know, I get so fucking hard when you cross my mind, I can't stop thinking about you swollen with my seed, being my little whore and no one el-" Aegon's perverted wishes were quickly diminished as your younger brother called out your name from the entrance of the corridor. Aegon released your arm but said one last thing, "Goodbye my betrothed." You knew that was a sick joke, Aemond had already told you that Aegon and Helena were already betrothed. He just really wanted to fuck with you. You muttered a goodbye with gritted teeth and rushed towards your brother and out of the castle.
Six Years Later:
Your mother and Daemon had decided that it would be best to visit Kings Landing once again, for your ill grandsire and to reaffirm Jace as the heir to the driftwood throne. You wouldn't mind being back at King's landing once again, this time as an 18-year-old woman, you were soon destined to be betrothed to some lord or knight. Another reason would be to see familar faces, such as Helaena, both of you were close. The Velayron girls you missed as well, as they were always sweet to you.
The two men you were dreading to see were Aegon and Aemond. Aegon for the most obvious reasons, he is a fucking pervert. As for Aemond, he in a way broke your heart. He promised to write to you but never acted on that promise, you had written three letters to the prince but he never wrote back. All those years, not one fucking word to you.
At first, you were deeply hurt but you came to understand that you could not let such a foolish thing belittle you as you were to be heir to the iron throne once your mother became Queen, you could not be seen as weak. You begged your mother to let you ride dragon back to the castle but she insisted to take a carriage, to your disappointment. Later that morning you all set off.
When the sight of the familiar castle came into your vision, you became an internal puddle of emotions, relief for finally being back home, happiness for finally being able to reunite with old friends and uneasiness for seeing the boy you loved, a man. Once the carriage abruptly stopped, you all stepped out and you let out a sharp exhale as all the Targaryen decorations that you remembered had been replaced by religious symbols.
Your stepfather made a few comments about Queen Alicent and her father was behind that, humourous but wasn't appropriate. You all were greeted and You, Jace and Luke were allowed to wander the grounds for a while. You found yourself walking near where the duelling practice was taking place and heard the smooth familiar voice belonging to Aemond.
"Nephews, You've come to train?"
You couldn't help but sigh gently when you saw how attractive Aemond had become. His hair was twice as long (more to pull on), and he was more toned and adorned with a black eye patch from the accident between him and your brother. As you walked closer to Aemond and ser Criston, you took in how skilful Aemond had become with a sword.
You joined your brothers and when Aemond saw you for the first time in years he almost forgot what he was even doing. That's how mesmerizing you are to him. Once he managed to make the Knight yield he strode towards you three. Aemond hadn't seen you in six years and he couldn't tear his eyes away from you, how your beautiful blonde hair framed your face, how your eyes were just as vibrant as they were and he couldn't help but let his eyes linger over your figure in your black & red dress, how he could get a glimpse of your cleavage as he towered over you.
"My niece, how I have missed you."
His tone was sultry and he gave your hand a quick kiss before giving your brothers a nasty look.
"Jace. Luke. Can you give me and your sister a moment alone?"
They raised their eyebrows but walked away leaving the both of you alone. He sighed before grabbing both of your hands into his.
"My dear y/n, Before you speak, listen to me. I never wanted to break that promise I made to you all those years ago. Alas, my mother had other thoughts, she forbade me from any contact with you."
"But-But why? I never did anything to offend her?"
He knew how you felt, his mother was a confusing bitch. Wanting to place Aegon, a drunk who regularly commits infidelity, as King on the iron throne. Instead, he believed he himself should have a claim to the throne. He was the one who studied history and philosophy. He was the one who trained with a sword. Oh, what he would truly do to be King and have you by his side as his Queen.
"Her reasoning seemed uncouth, as it was since you were the daughter of Rhaenyra and bare no resemblance to Ser Laenor. My mother decided that you would be unfit for me. But I couldn't go one day all those years without a thought of you trickling into my mind. Hm, you're still wearing that?"
You looked down at your wrist and couldn't help it as the blush rose to your cheeks at his words, it was the gift he left you on your last day spent together, he felt an odd sense of pride knowing you still cherished that simple bracelet. He pulled you into a tight embrace with your hands still in his grip. His large arms wrapped around you almost lovingly, and he rested his head upon yours. He murmured into your hair but before you could ask what he had said you both were interrupted by a sharp feminine voice.
"Aemond! come here. We need to talk"
And with that, Aemond sighed before releasing you to follow his cunt of a mother. You turned around to find Daemon smirking at you and laughing as he walked away, and you could tell that today would be interesting, to say the least.
Once the clock struck midday, most of everyone had made their way to the throne room to start their petitions for the heir to drift mark. Your grandsire was too sick to sit on the throne so Otto and Alicent were the ones listening. You followed your family and stood with your younger brothers. Once Vaemond, your technical uncle had proposed he be the heir to the driftwood throne which had made your entire family worry as you all knew that the Hightowers were going to do anything in their power to weaken your family. But you couldn't help but smile when you noticed how Aemond was looking at you from across the room.
When it was finally time for Rhaenyra to speak for your brother and as soon as she started the doors opened to the throne. You all turned and saw your grandfather, struggling to walk down the stairs to his place on the throne. Daemon helped his brother onto the iron throne before letting him speak. The king had reaffirmed your brother's place on the driftwood throne and you were extremely happy for him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him how happy you were for him. You couldn't see how Aemond balled his hands into tight fists of jealousy, he didn't enjoy seeing you touching any other males, nonetheless, the boy who took his eye when they were younger.
After that gruesome turn of events, you were expected to go to a family dinner, your family and the Hightowers together how could that possibly go wrong? That evening you had walked into the dining room, lit up by numerous glowing candles. You noticed how almost everyone had been seated and there was an empty chair beside Aemond. Once you sat down, you saw how he looked at you, abashedly adoringly. He leaned down and whispered in your ear.
"I can't wait for tonight, I have something special planned for you. I know you'll like it."
You shivered as his warm breath trickled down your neck. You both shot back up once you heard Alicent cough loudly. You both noticed how Luke was staring almost disgustedly at the scene in front of him, but Aemond just smirked at him knowingly. In the middle of Alicunt saying grace, you felt a warm hand on your skirts. Your eyes flicked open to meet Aemond's closed ones, he seemed awfully proud of himself. What he wasn't expecting was to feel your hand gently brush against his growing erection. You watched how his breath hitched as his mother finished saying grace. As each family member conversed with one another you were trying not to concentrate on the hand trailing up your inner thigh to your arousal.
"So y/n have you been betrothed yet? I have just never seen you with a suitor yet."
Helaena's words broke you out of your haze, you stumbled around your words.
"Uh, not yet haven't. I feel as if men just are not so attracted to me."
You didn't notice Aemond's slight disappointment at your words, as you knew how much he adored you, inside and out.
"Well I'm sure you'll find someone soon, don't worry marriage isn't so appealing as it seems"
The subtle insult to Aegon made you laugh, a sound Aemond treasured. He truly enjoyed seeing you happy, he also wanted to see the noises of pleasure you'd make, squirming on his cock. He took his middle finger and trailed it over your underwear, just over your wet slit. You let out a quiet mewl but contained yourself quickly as you remembered where you were, you glared at Aemond but found him already looking at you. As food was brought out one plate by one, you took the opportunity to seek a small sliver of revenge. When a servant placed a whole roasted pig in front of the both of you, bad taste in your opinion. You popped open Aemond's pants and slipped your hand inside and into his undergarments to pull out his already leaking cock. You both were concealed by the meal in front of you and the large white tablecloth.
You lazily stroked his cock, every so often you'd spread the pre-cum gathered on his tip, making him grip your thigh hard in desperation. He honestly didn't think you'd do this to him, he only had imagined you doing such things to him in his more...personal fantasies. What he was planning to do under the table would have to wait but he'd repay you back generously. After some looming stares, your grandfather spoke for one last thing before he passed, to have one evening with his family with their grievances put aside. Your mother had commended Alicent on her loyalty to her father and her devotion to her husband and Alicent had returned her graciousness, saying she would make a fine queen. Everyone drank from their cup. You kept your pace while everyone seemed finally happy to be in each other's presence, everyone was smiling and laughing with one another, unknowingly witnessing you jerk off your uncle under the table.
Aemond knew he wasn't going to last long as you were so good for him. He loved how you were pleasuring him, and he honestly loved how no one even noticed the debauched action you both were doing. You stroked him one more time before he let out an extremely loud groan and he came, warm spurts all over your hand. You sighed internally and meet the disturbed faces of your family. They all knew what you had just done to Aemond and how Aemond fully enjoyed it. Without a second thought he put himself away, dragged you out of your chair and out of the room. The entire room was silent until Aegon laughed loudly and congratulated his brother earning multiple stares of disapproval.
You and Aemond ran out out of earshot and leant against the cold wall of a stairwell, breathless. You couldn't help but laugh about the situation you both put yourselves in, rightfully you both just scarred your entire family and knew the lectures you were bound to receive the next day. The first one to speak was Aemond, stumbling around, trying to figure what he would say until what he had spend all day planning popped into his head.
"Thank you my princess. I truly enjoyed that, shall I repay the favor?"
"What are you offering my prince?"
Aemond took your hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. He met your soft gaze before leading you up the stairs into his chambers. When he opened the door, you saw a simple (choice of flower) on the edge of the bed next to a small wrapping of parchment paper. You wondered how in all of kings landing how he knew your favourite flower. He guided you towards the bed and sat down, you subconsciously played with the petals of the flower now in your lap. Aemond places the small wrapped into your hand,
"Open it, I know you'll like it."
You took Aemond's words and carefully unwrapped the gift. You couldn't believe it, it was a beautiful ring, gold with small emeralds engraved on the sides.
"My dear y/n, Will you take me? be my Queen?"
You nodded eagerly as you pressed your lips to his.
"Of course my King."
He pulled you into his lap, his hands wrapped around you deliciously. You couldn't help but moan as he slid his tongue into your mouth. He had a tight grip on your skirts, pulling you closer to the hardness in his pants. He broke the kiss to trial small bites over your neck, leaving a purple trail in his wake. He couldn't help himself but grind you down on his lap, trying to get as much friction as he could. You were more than happy to reprociate. He mumbled curses under his breath as he layed you down onto the soft sheets, taking in your debauched beauty. He slowly unzipped your dress, pulling it off completely, leaving you only in a pair of undergarments. He could feel his cock twitch just looking at you, and he was on his knees infront of you, and lazily stroked himself through his trousers, tempting himself.
He quickly made work of his vest and the white shirt underneath. He was about to get rid of his pants but before he could even reach the button, he felt your mouth against his bulge, his hips bucked against you at the warm feeling. He squeezed his eyes shut as you pulled out his cock once again and this time wrapped your mouth around his tip. He moaned in ecstasy at foreign feeling, he couldn't help but thrust into your mouth, trying to chase more. You braced both your hands onto his thighs as you took more of his dick. He absolutely loved you like this; you were so beautiful it hurt. You could tell by his stuttering hips that it wouldn't be long until he came, you gave him one more long lick up his shaft and pulled his weeping cock out of your mouth. You could see the slight disappointment on his face but you reassured him.
"I want you to cum in me."
He groaned when he heard those debauched words leave your pretty mouth. He couldn't wait to ruin you. You laid back down, and he laid himself above you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. He slowly rubbed the tip of his cock languidly over your glistening slit, teasingly.
You whimpered, already too stimulated for his teasing, "please"
"Please what? You need to use your words."
"Please. I need you to fuck me."
Without a second thought, he slowly pushed his hips forward, entering you, you let out a gasp at the feeling of absolute fullness. Aemond let out a shaky breath, finally getting to feel you after longing for you for years. Aemond begun to thrust his hips quickly, You arched your back, as lewd sounds erupted from your mouth and cunt as the pleasure increased.
Groans escaped Aemond as he could feel your cunt squeezing him so tight, his platinum locks framed your face as he continued his ministrations. You could feel the tip of his cock bumping your cervix with every thrust, he tantalizingly dragged his cock out and in, pressing deeper and Aemond let one of his hands wander to your clit, fumbling the bundle of nerves in delicate circles
Aemond ducked his head between your tits, licking the mounds and swirling around your bouncing nipples. They grew more sensitive. He pinched one nipple and took the other in his toothy mouth, nibbling and sucking at your flesh.
"Oh fuck Aem, I think I'm going to cum."
Aemond practically whimpered against you, a beautiful sound, he broke away from your chest,
"Cum on my cock, my Queen."
The combination of the abuse on your pussy and tits, that tight coil in your stomach finally fucking snapped and you gushed, all over Aemond's cock and naval. It didn't take a minute more for Aemond to fill you up with his seed, you felt the warm spurts of his cum inside you and couldn't describe the feeling you felt, was it adoration? Was it love? you couldn't tell as he slipped out of you, leaving your pussy clenching at nothing and he laid beside you. You rested your head on his chest and gazed up into his eye, he whispered lovingly;
"I cannot wait until we are married on Dragonstone and you swell with our children."
You let yourself fall asleep unaware of the arguments that you and Aemond will deal with in the morrow.
The end
This was a draft from last year but since Hotd season 2 will be released I knew I NEEDED to post this. Hope y'all like it.
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ehnonymousse · 1 month
Ok, I made something 😭😭
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amysilvas · 5 months
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draconic-desire · 9 days
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💥Cowboy’s Got Business 💥
FOAMING AT THE MOUTH boothill you will be mine
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davinciwannabesblog · 10 months
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Giggling and kicking my feet rn
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astra45801 · 7 months
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The anime community and their never-ending obsession with men who look like they haven't slept in 3 months.
It's me, I'm the anime community.
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If you’re anything like me and thirsty AF for Sebastian Sallow (lord what have they done to me) then boy do I have the fic for you!
Purplesnot is beyond deserving of all of the love and attention and support and you’ll catch me in the comments gassing them up because they more than deserve it.
When I have the time I’m going to write a more coherent review for them! But I will say that it has been a real hot minute since I have read something that I liked this much. Purplesnot has a real gift with words and oh my word has some how managed to get me to like Sebastian even more than I did before! WHICH I DID NOT NEED BY THE WAY (but I also kinda did want it so…)!
If I didn’t have work I would rave for the next several paragraphs over how Purplesnot has managed to make me feel over one pg-13 kiss so far 😭, a touch to the knee, one boy who has fallen hard for our girl Evie (good lord I wish I was Evie right now), someone managed to make every thought and action Sebastian has wayyyy to sexy, and a gift to somehow make almost 22k words feel like 5 and leave you wanting more.
Please support this author who has worked their butt off and deserves some kudos and major love and support (seriously I need more chapters and more Sebastian fics! And, like, any real smut at all, but we’ll fight that battle when we get there 😭😂😭😂)
What are you doing go read this fic!?! And then come and be giddy with me about how AMAZING IT IS and also commiserate about how there’s only three chapters!
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milaisreading · 3 months
Leonardo Luna: Dominant and fertile
Pablo Cavasoz: Submissive and breedable
Adam Blake: Switchy and of average fertility
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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You think you can get me to root for this man, who tests everyones loyalty and patience, lies and kills for his own benefit, solely because this man has eyes the color of the sea and is covered in blood at any and every moment?
Cuz you're right
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gedankenmoon · 5 days
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I can’t stop drawing her this is a cry for help
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dried-mushroom · 2 years
Do you believe in magic, Doll?
The Grabber x reader (explicit)
TW-Kidnapping, sex, lowkey Stockholm syndrome
word count- 2.6k
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A/N- I find myself writing this unironically funny bc I have only watched the trailer :) I feel like this isn't amazing but oh well 🤷‍♀️
You really shouldn't be doing this. You should have gotten a taxi back home, But no, you had to get your car serviced and now you have no car. You're now stuck briskly walking through some oddly familiar neighbourhood at the peak of dusk when the sky is dusted a beautiful pink, it was a true contrast to the boring palette choices of house paint. The real reason you didn't wish to be in this seemingly neverending street was something that sent a cold shiver up your spine whenever you spared it a thought.
For weeks now, children had been plucked from the very neighbourhood you currently were walking through. Usually, around the kidnappings, people said they saw a mysterious black van, with black tinted windows, and no sight of the driver. You felt bad for those poor parents, without their loved ones, but you honestly were thankful that it had only been children so far. You kept walking along the cracked sidewalk, the eerie lack of noise made you feel sick to your stomach, no loud cars drove past, no children out playing in their yards, and no adult doing a scrap of garden work, it was rather odd indeed.
As you kept walking, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye, which made your heart jump to your throat immediately, It could be a strange coincidence you kept telling yourself, but you could see a dark van slowly toggling behind you. You had the sudden urge to puke as the realisation hit you, the van wasn't moving past you, just lingering behind, following you. There was nothing you possibly do to defend yourself at the moment, you had nothing that resembled a weapon on you, and you know what happens in all those gory horror movies when you try to run (You die. Painfully). You just sucked in a deep breath and just pretended to not take any notice of the vehicle slowly crawling further and further towards you.
You knew your fate was sealed when the van caught up, right next to you and abruptly stopped, this made you leap right back to the tall metal fence situated behind you, the wire poking uncomfortably hard through the shirt you were wearing. The lack of noise and movement made you want to crawl in a ball, you prayed that this was just a dream. Just a scary dream, but as the tinted window rolled down, revealing an older, even handsome man, wearing a black hat and a pair of glasses, your feeling of dread suddenly washed away. His coarse, yet smooth voice broke the chill air between the both of you,
"Hello there sweetheart, I've only just moved here, and I've kinda gotten myself in a dilemma, I need some help finding um the town's dump, I have some old things I need to rid of but silly me didn't remember the address, is there any way you could give me directions?"
The man sounded sweet and naive and made you blush with the cute nickname but you couldn't help but have a shred of doubt resurface as this was quite an odd request and could be a trap for you but alas, you didn't wish to anger the man.
"Umm, if I am correct, it would be on the outskirts of town, probably near Dennison Street."
The man smiled at you, a sweet smile, with no obvious evil lurking within it. You were still a far way from the van, purely for your own safety. The man suddenly opened the car door, automatically sending you further onto the hard fence. You took notice of the clothes he was wearing, a tight black shirt, which comfortably sat around his biceps, and a pair of black jeans. He outstretched a rather large palm out and spoke,
"Well, darling, let me look at the girl that has saved me plenty of wasted time and helped someone in need."
You approached the nameless man slowly, cautiously. He had an almost playful aura to him, and the closer you got, the more attractive the naive man was, with shoulder-length reddish-brown hair and veins webbing across his hands and up to his arms, he also was extremely tall, compared to you anyhow. When you got close enough to the man, you placed your hand into his, and let out a breath you had zero idea how long you had been holding it for, as he encased it and leant down to press a soft kiss onto one of your knuckles, sending an odd warmth through your body. As he let your hand go, the man's eyes lit up, as if having a "lightbulb moment".
"Tell me. Do you believe in magic, Doll?"
The nickname rolled off his tongue smoothly, just like honey. You nodded your head, not too eagerly, just as you had the "Don't tall to strangers" motto run through the back of your brain. The man grinned as he watched your reaction.
"Well then, follow me."
He strode towards the back of the black van, which now you noticed had the words of Abracadabra. Entertainment supplies 'hmm a magician, not a terrible profession' you thought to yourself. While he walked he let a hand gracefully glide over the van's metal almost gingerly. You slowly followed him, just keeping a distance, again just for safety.
When you got around to the back of the van, you didn't stand so close to the van, or the magician himself. The man spoke up once again,
"Okay Doll, can you just face me? mmm that's good, now just stay still for me hmm."
You obeyed the man, standing in front of him facing him, looking up into his ocean blue eyes, as he bit into a devious smile, looking back down into your eyes. Then he drew an arm up and seemingly pulled something out from behind your ear. A Hershey Kiss, 'how sweet' you thought. He dropped the small chocolate into your hand,
"My treat, for being so kind." "Aw thank you, sir, you didn't need to."
You unwrapped the small treat and quickly finished it. It suddenly hit you that you had been out here for probably way too long and should probably head home. You bid the weird but sweet man a good evening before going back to your original path. After a few steps, you started to feel light-headed, yet you didn't pay any mind to it, thinking that you were probably dehydrated. After some more, your legs began to feel like jelly and then suddenly everything faded to darkness.
As you slowly woke, the throbbing of your skull became apparent, to ease some slight pain, you put the palm of your hand up to the wound, lightly soothing it. As you opened your eyes, your throat went dry. It hadn't been a bad dream, you weren't in your nice, comfy bed, only a few meters away from your dear coffee machine. Instead, you were sitting on an old stained (with who knows what) spring mattress, and in a barren, what resembled concrete room, perhaps a basement of some sort. You were too scared to move, even a smidge, just out of fear. You did notice that near the top of the wall, there was a small vent letting in the colours of sunrise through and a black phone hanging on the wall next to you, you didn't dare to touch it, not wanting to hear the horrors on the other end. You could see the door shut and knew that it was most likely dead-bolted shut, to stop you from even contemplating an escape. You didn't know how long you had been sitting in the musty room, it honestly felt like an eternity, the silence almost too much to bear. Suddenly the sound of the door being shoved open made you leap to the far side of the mattress, trying to get further away from the man, who now adorned a sadistic-looking mask with a sickly smile and horns. You didn't know whether to cry, laugh or just stare. He was holding a bottle of water and a bowl of something, presumably food, he suddenly spoke;
"What's your name, Doll?"
You knew that lying to the kidnapper was probably not the smartest decision, so to please the deranged man, you quietly spoke up;
The man seemed to like the response you gave as he gave an approving nod before saying one last thing.
"Hmm, I think I'm starting to like you."
TIME SKIP again lmao
You have been stuck in this room for (by your calculation) around a month. Your emotions ran rampant throughout your brain. At first, you had been sad, sobbing constantly, with the lack of human interaction and not having seen an inch of daylight in the days you had been trapped here. Then the anger took over you, the fact no one had come looking for you, no one found you.did no one care about you?. This singular thought ran freely through your brain almost 24/7, usually bringing you to punch the concrete walls bloody. Then the contentedness washed over you, you slowly had taken to your odd kidnapper. You had come to almost crave the visits he played you, either to give you food/drink or to engage in basic conversation. Usually, it was just questions about your previous life, nothing too absurd, it annoyed you slightly that he'd never share anything about himself, absolutely nothing. He sometimes would let you out of the room, to bathe and eat a decent meal, with him. Most of the time now, instead of wearing his usual odd sweater, he would wear an unbuttoned shirt, revealing a muscular torso, it took you the utmost strength not to fuck the man right at the dinner table. You really didn't have an outlet for your sexual frustration, you slowly got sick of using your hand and the man you're seemingly trapped with is really really fuckable at this moment.
You were laying on the old mattress, too hot and bothered to sleep. You knew you had to satisfy the insatiable need deep within your core. You ran a single hand down your neck, to your breasts, letting a fragile finger run over a hardened nipple, down your naval, and finally where you needed it most. You let your hand slide under the thin elastic of your panties, to come rest on your clit, slowly rubbing small circles. As you started letting breathy moans out, images of the older man flashed throughout your mind, such images were of the man pleasing himself, stroking his hard, leaking cock, or him below you, eating you out like a starving man, whilst keeping a strong grip on your hips, making you unable to buck against his eager tongue. These thoughts paired with your fingers rubbing on the little nub of nerves increased the volume of your moans and heavy breaths. Even so much, you didn't take notice of the door being opened.
"Oh well well well, what do we have here?"
The rough voice made you lift your head up, locking eyes with the man, this time with no mask. You slowly removed the hand out of your underwear, and stood up, slowly walking towards the deranged killer. You bit your lip as you looked up at him, you noticed a bulge in the trousers he was wearing and his irises were blown wide, presumably with lust. It took him a moment of blissful silence before he crashed his lips into yours, in a powerful and rough kiss. He pushed you up against the concrete wall; as you broke the kiss to start peppering kisses on his stubbled jaw, sending a shockwave through him. He was honestly stunned, as a girl had never done this to him before. You let your hand glide down to the bulge, stroking it gingerly through his pants, making him grip the wall. You slowly sunk to your knees, hard concrete bruising them. You unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock, it was half-hard and already glistening with precum, even before you actually touched him, how cute? you thought to yourself. You gave his tip a kitten lick as if testing the waters, making him groan heavily. He fisted a hand into your hair, making you bob further onto his erection. You gagged when the tip hit the back of your throat, your nose was pressed against his pubic bone, and you looked up to his un-masked face, making doe eyes up at the killer. He was trying to muffle his moans, biting his lip, breaking the chapped skin. It didn't take your administrations very long to make him spill down your throat, he pulled out of your throat and had you stick out your tongue to check if you had swallowed all of his cum.
"My good girl, aren't you?"
He rubbed your cheek affectionately when he saw you nod your head, too mesmerized to even make a coherent sentence. He uttered one sentence with made you lose all your control,
"I want to fuck you, here on that mattress, now."
Hearing the desperation roll off his tongue made you instantly wet, and without a thought, he yanked you upwards and tossed you onto the mattress. He straddled your hips and started to nip along your neck, leaving purple-ish lovebites in trail. You pulled softly onto the man's long hair, eliciting a borderline pornographic groan from him, I would have never taken him to be into hair pulling you snickered to yourself. He pulled away from you, to quickly unbutton his shirt, showing off his toned chest, before yanking your thin shirt off, leaving you only in a bra and panties. You undid your bra, discarding the dirty fabric wherever. He tore your panties off, in one clean motion, leaving you exposed to the chilling air of the room and to the stranger's eyes. He sat against the cold wall before, unbuckling his belt and tossing it aimlessly to the side, pulling his khakis down to his mid-thigh, before beckoning you to his lap. He stroked himself gingerly while watching you come closer to him, you straddled him this time before he positioned his cock to your entrance. You let out a gasp as he slowly thrust into you, he let you have a few seconds to adjust to his size before he started thrusting roughly into you. As the man kept thrusting up into you, you started to bounce on his cock, meeting his administrations every time. Resting both arms onto the man's shoulders, nails digging into his back, he took this as a chance to repay you for your earlier 'welcome', and he moved one of the hands resting on your hips, which were guiding you up and down his cock at his whim, to rub at your clit. This motion made you lurch forward, all the stimulation at once was too much for you, and you came to rest your forehead on his. It almost resembled a romantic gesture, how close the both of you were right now, body's entangled with one another, this mixture of pleasure was too much to bear and before you could stop it, you came, on his cock, hard. The feeling of your pussy clenching around his cock, sent him over the edge and with one final thrust, he spilled into you. The warmth made a shiver run down your spine, and as he pulled out of you, you could feel some of his cum start to spill down your thighs.
You looked around and it oddly felt "homey" here now, you thought to yourself. He softly guided you off his cock, pulled up his khakis and had you lay in between his legs, your back against his chest. You slowly drifted off to sleep, as the man, who now you no longer feared, slowly played with your hair.
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ehnonymousse · 1 month
Ok, I made something😭😭
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essentiallykpopandbl · 7 months
I'm just going to say it, Meen is fine as fuck. I don't know if it is the mafia vibes, the dark colors he is wearing in this show, or the hair but I can't stop staring at him.
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ipromptography · 1 year
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