#hermit hades
mbohjeezart · 21 days
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Hermit a da- wait- wait who's this what's going on- he's NOT supposed t-
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dreadmothrosemary71 · 11 hours
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The Champion of Redstone in a dispirit bid to win the favor of the Trickster God laid a devious trap of his own making and cunning, tricked a priest of the god and ensnared them within and as a reward received a Magical-Tusked Mask resembling the Bloodiest of Beasts.
Here's my attempt at the Hades Hermits DTIYS that @mbohjeezart has recently started hosting! I decided to go with an interaction between Mumbo (The Redstone Champion) and Grian (Masked Trickster God) and sorta reference that one time Mumbo stole Grian's soul to return to being human. but of course changed up the story for this au quite a bit.
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 6 months
it may or may not have ended up being uhh *checks notes* 8.7k but that's okay right??
(oh and new pov!! krow pov!! YIPPEE)
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
aaaaaaaaaaand aqhi is back to three despite the Sun Literally Being Red and the Sky is Invisible AHEM?
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I also did a Chaos!Xisumalotl sketch but I don't wanna spam and also. I really like this one.
n e ways Pearl as Nyx Hadesgame :3 @bennsy-bill
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cla-oh · 2 years
Hades Tarot Card
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I'm not dead, just leaving a hell during the heat and more active on my instagram (@cleohsdrawing if you're curious), but here my own version of Hades!✨
I wanted to tried to do some Tarot Card with Greek Gods, don't know if i'll do the rest of the Tarot game, but I'm happy with this one!✨👑👑👑👑❤️
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travelingthief · 23 days
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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riotb0nes · 2 years
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Hades Tarot Part 4/7
the hermit, wheel of fortune, and justice
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Ok hear me out, what about moon god s/o x Poseidon, its been itching my mind cause of the sea x moon troupe.
What i imagine is, s/o being a powerful god like nyx but rarely appears so only a few gods know or saw them so Poseidon became curious about this mysterious (beautiful) god. Feel free to add more about this!! im just really craving for someone to write this 🥹
Uhhh I like this concept a lot!! I tried to keep the reader's gender kinda neutral, I hope it's fine^^ btw I really enjoyed writing this!
word count: 1.2k
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Poseidon often found himself staring at the moon. He couldn't really explain why he would do that - not that anybody would dare asking the God of the Sea what he was doing. Unbothered, Poseidon would stand silenty on the ivory balcony, looking up to that apparently endless sky. Even for someone like him that domain appeared far and full of mystery.
It was a dark night, its only beam being the peaceful and perlescent light emanated by the sleeping moon. He was once told that a god inhabited the moon, far from all other living beings. It wasn't known the reason why the deity ended up there, observing humankind from the satellite. Some believed they refused to get involved with human affairs and chose to live as a hermit instead; others claimed the god was exiled and was cursed to live on their own, bound to live in loneliness; some believed that god to have died long ago, the moonlight being their only inheritance, the memento of a god who existed no more, the reminder of a otherwise forgotten past.
Poseidon, everytime he would look at the moon, would wonder the real story behind it. None of the moon goddesses he knew could give him a response, despite asking themselves the same question - with whom were they sharing their moon? A god, a ghost or nothing at all?
Not knowing made the God of the Sea restless. He wasn't supposed to be this ignorant - it was his duty and right to know the truth. Yet, all he knew didn't make sense to him at all. He couldn't find a reason why a god would choose to abandon their place a seek shelter on the moon; if a deity was trapped on the moon, he would have surely heard of it somehow. It wouldn't have been just a rumour; lastly, gods weren't meant to die, it wasn't their nature. They didn't have an expire date nor any time limits, so it was impossible to begin with. If there really were someone looking down on him from the moon, Poseidon would discover it.
Poseidon spent that whole night reading books and looking for information regarding the legends surrounding that mysterious and mystical figure. There weren't many references and he couldn't even find the name of that god, yet there were reported some events which most likely involved them. A beautiful deity whose melancholic face was reflected on the moon on certain nights, someone wearing a silvery armor while riding a shining chariot across the sky. Also, a powerful god who could conceal the sun and the earth. A god capable of moving the stars and making humans into constellations. A god who could flex the tides to their own amusement - which meant disturbing the God of the Sea too - the moon phases and the sea had always been strictly connected to one another, but the thought of someone directly interefering had never crossed his mind. An ancient deity whose name had been long forgotten and all traces canceled, no statues nor temples left, their believers long dead and turned to ashes.
Poseidon was intrigued to say the least. He couldn't recall even if tried the last time he had felt so interested in someone - maybe last time was when he recognised Hades as his brother thousands of years before? He didn't remember anymore, and it didn't really matter to him neither.
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Rumours spreaded fast across the Heavens. It was a matter of days before everybody knew what the lonesome Poseidon was looking for, yet nobody dared approaching him nor suggesting him the information that could have helped him reach his objective. Yet, everybody was curious as to why he was interested in that legend in the first place. Poseidon was used to those lower deities' gossips, so he didn't pay them much care, they were nothing more than a bother and wasn't expecting them to act some other way. He was more interested in what certain gods had to say.
Zeus, despite his prestige, knew no more than him but reccomended talking with the goddess Nyx, whom he was afraid of, much more ancient than he was. Hades and Hermes agreed with Zeus and added some rumours that had been circulating for ages in the Underworld regarding a moon deity who lead the souls of the dead to Hades' domain. Beelzebub clearly remembered studying moon's phenoma and seeing that legendary face. They didn't ask him the reason why he was looking for the god. He wouldn't have answered anyway. Without a single word, he left, approaching his next destination, the goddess all gods feared: Nyx.
He respected the goddess, recognising her value and strenght, but didn't understand the reason why even the almighty Zeus feared - he could only suppose it must have been because of one of his many affairs that didn't end the way Zeus imagined. Poseidon didn't have anything to do with that though, therefore had no reason to fear her.
Nyx knew it all, the story of the human who ascended to the skies and then flew even higher above. That god's name was (Y/n), the vagabond of the stars, the hermit who found a home in the dim light of the moon. Poseidon was satisfied by the answers he had finally found - and a way to reach the moon itself. He was close to his goal.
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He had finally landed on the moon. Poseidon had never been there before. It was the first time he got to see the sea he ruled from that perspective. It was a foreign feeling to him. He could almost understand the reason why humans tried so hard to leave Earth and reach the space - it was undescribable. He couldn't even blame (Y/n) for hiding in that timeless place. Poseidon felt as he could touch the stars if he only wanted to. And he was just about to do it, if only a sudden voice hadn't interrupted him.
"I've heard someone was looking for me. I don't receive many guests, so I suppose you must be that person." it was quite, almost a whisper. It didn't surprise Poseidon. (T/n) mustn't have had someone to talk to in a long time.
"You are Poseidon, aren't you? You often stare at the moon, I noticed it." a voice comparable to the music of the spheres, the musica universalis, the harmony between the celestial bodies.
(Y/n) seemed to have no material consistence, one with the stars and the deep blue sky surround them, floating on the ground, detached from the earthly beings. Poseidon almost felt unworthy of being before someone surrounded by such a, otherwordly aura, belonging to a different dimension. On the other hand, he was attracted by that holy creature.
"You are welcome here, God of the Seas." almost as if they had read his mind, (Y/n) reassured him "We all belong to the moon, all beings are made of the same stardust. There are no differences between us."
For once, Poseidon, enchanted and bewitched, couldn't reply. He was part of that symphony too - he could feel it resonating deep into his bones.
The everlasting sea below him, the everlasting stars above him. Poseidon felt whole for the first time in his equally everlasting life.
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katamarang-art · 6 days
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Figured I'd jumped on the hades wagon and draw Gem and Grian!
Might draw some of the other hermits, I have a sketch for Scar but not sure whether I'm happy with it or not.
I've played Hades 1, but should I wait for Hades 2 to come out of early access? I'm not sure.
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mbohjeezart · 16 days
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Hermit a Day May: Day 17, Etho, Silenced Genius...?
And here's his full portrait without the text and background:
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venusiancharisma · 2 months
Ancient Astrology & The 2nd House
The 2nd house in astrology, also known as the House of Value, is associated with an individual's material possessions, financial resources, and personal values. This house represents how an individual earns, spends, and manages their money, as well as their attitudes towards wealth, security, and self-worth.
In ancient Babylonian astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Possessions" and was associated with an individual's material wealth, movable assets, and the ability to accumulate resources. The ancient Babylonians believed that the planet ruling the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house would have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and material well-being.
In Hellenistic astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "Gate of Hades" and was associated with an individual's material resources, as well as their ability to sustain themselves and others. It was believed that the 2nd house represented the resources that an individual brought with them into this life, as well as the resources they would take with them into the afterlife.
In medieval astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Substance" and was associated with an individual's movable possessions, such as money, jewelry, and livestock. It was believed that the 2nd house represented an individual's ability to acquire and maintain wealth, as well as their attitudes towards material possessions and financial security.
In modern Western astrology, the 2nd house is still associated with an individual's financial resources, material possessions, and personal values. It represents an individual's earning potential, spending habits, and attitudes towards money and material security. The 2nd house is also associated with an individual's self-worth and the value they place on themselves and their abilities.
The 2nd house is divided into three decans, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The first decan of the 2nd house (0-10 degrees) is associated with the Taurus archetype and represents an individual's ability to accumulate wealth and resources through hard work, perseverance, and practicality. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hierophant, which symbolizes tradition, structure, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
The second decan of the 2nd house (10-20 degrees) is associated with the Virgo archetype and represents an individual's ability to manage their resources through careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hermit, which symbolizes introspection, self-sufficiency, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
The third decan of the 2nd house (20-30 degrees) is associated with the Capricorn archetype and represents an individual's ability to achieve financial success and material security through ambition, discipline, and a strong work ethic. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Devil, which symbolizes materialism, temptation, and the need to overcome obstacles and limitations.
In addition to the decans, there are several other important aspects of the 2nd house to consider. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the ruler of the 2nd house and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions. For example, if Taurus is on the cusp of the 2nd house, Venus will be the ruler of the 2nd house, and the individual's financial attitudes and behaviors will be heavily influenced by Venusian qualities such as a love of luxury, a desire for stability and security, and an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
Any planets that are located in the 2nd house are also considered to have a strong influence on an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a tendency towards excessive spending or a belief in the abundance of the universe. If Saturn is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a more cautious or frugal approach to money and may prioritize long-term financial security over short-term gains.
The aspects that planets in the 2nd house make to other planets in the chart can also provide important insights into an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Venus in the 2nd house makes a trine aspect to Jupiter in the 6th house, the individual may have a talent for combining their creative talents with practical skills to generate income and achieve financial success.
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house is known as the "Dhana Bhava" or "House of Wealth" and is associated with an individual's financial resources, movable assets, and the ability to earn and accumulate wealth. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the 2nd house lord and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In Chinese astrology, the 2nd house is associated with an individual's resources, talents, and abilities, as well as their capacity for generating wealth and achieving material success. The sign on the cusp of the 2nd house and any planets located within the house are believed to have a significant impact on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In addition to the astrological associations, the 2nd house is also connected to several other areas of life, including an individual's values, self-esteem, and personal talents and abilities. The 2nd house represents the resources that an individual has at their disposal, both tangible and intangible, and how they choose to use those resources to create a sense of security, comfort, and fulfillment in their lives.
The 2nd house is also connected to an individual's early experiences with money and material possessions, as well as their family's attitudes towards wealth and financial security. These early experiences and influences can have a significant impact on an individual's own attitudes and behaviors around money and material possessions, and may be reflected in the placement of planets and signs in the 2nd house.
Overall, the 2nd house in astrology is a complex and multifaceted area of the chart that represents an individual's financial resources, material possessions, personal values, and attitudes towards wealth and security. By understanding the symbolism and meaning of the 2nd house, as well as its associated planets, signs, and aspects, astrologers can gain valuable insights into an individual's financial prospects, spending habits, and overall relationship with money and material possessions.
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scrimblescromble · 1 year
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My entry for @shepscapades hermit design challenge!
Week 2: video game swap. I thought Cleo was perfect for Hades! The background was just taken from the game and darkened :)
Cleo without background below the cut!
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luxthestrange · 1 year
RoR Incorrect quotes#142 Pucker up Fishy
When The Greek Gods Were Invited to a festival from the human side, Promising drinks food, and entertainment...One God In particular needed to participate... and dragged like the hermit of the family he is to it
Raiden* Appears in the middle of the stage welcoming everyone*COME ONE! COME ALL! HURRY, HURRY, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE SEE THE MYSTERY AND ROMANCE~*Winks at Poseidon who is sitting with Hades and Heracles*
Poseidon*Glares at Raiden and continues to drink*
On the last word, Raiden disappears in a puff of smoke, and You appear in his place, You proceed to perform a sultry dance on the stage
Poseidon*Eyes blew wide, but returns to his usual stoic self...with eyes still glued on your figure, To Heracles* Look at that disgusting display.
Heracles*enthusiastically nods and moves bangs out his way to see you* Yes, sir!
Y/n*Giving a quick Wink to Hades*?~
Hades*Coughs into a fist averting his gaze from you...for like a minute before going back to Oggling you*...
You continue to dance, pull out a handkerchief, Jump to Posiedon's chair onto his lap, and wrap it around Poseidon's head playfully, using it to pull him closer... As you move in to kiss him
Poseidon *Is completely still as he is taken aback by your boldness as he feels your lips getting closer...he ever so slowly moves closer*...
But you jump away at the last moment with a smirk and ruffle his hair all for it to fall on his face, He yanks the handkerchief off his head with a glare and grind of teeth
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Part 2 of: https://www.tumblr.com/luxthestrange/716587428763287552/ror-incorrect-quotes140-seducing-a-god?source=share
Thor: Captured
Poseidon: Captured
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sulumuns-dootah · 8 months
WHB HC's - Hades demons
A/N: I'm not that far into the game, so some of this might be ooc to the game, but i based this off of what I've seen + Ars Goetia (Solomon's book of demons)
⟡ Masterlist ⟡
Characters: Leviathan, Barbatos, Foras, Glasyalabolas
If he didn't rule Hades, he would be a total hermit, leaving his house once in a century
For some reason I think he would be amazing at Just Dance
His favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray
Sometimes summons fluffy monsters just to cuddle with them
Can breathe underwater
The softest hair you'll ever touch
Loves opera, especially italian and spanish
If MC shows him the Twilight movies, he'll get so jealous that he doesn't sparkle in sun
Can understand animal speech
Extensive knowledge about anything History related
Herbs and Crystals are his thing
If you loose something, let him know and he'll find it within minutes
Enjoys horseback riding
Can fight with sword
Likes reading philosophy books
Besides the necrophilia he's also into size kink and loves King/Servant roleplay
His thighs are very comfy to sit on
Adores bunnies and even has one - obviously called Leviathan
Listens to phonk
If you come to him for an advice in relationship, he'll tell you to kill that mf before you even finish your question
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ep2nd · 3 months
Anonymous reminder to talk about you pj mcyt au! (I was told to name a smp in the tags so… fable? Do you have fable smp? I ask, knowing the answer is probably no) anyways! Have a good day, I love reading headcannons
Sadly, I did not put Fable in here, have herad of it, and maybe I'll dig into it and add it later
Athena and Ares Kids
False- Favored daughter of Athena. Best War strategist, greatest Archer of her siblings. Her father died when she was young, leaving her defenseless. Single-handedly got to camp at the age of 6. Oldest member of camp. Joined the Hunt at 16.
Etho- Always planning something. Typical gray eyes, used to have black hair. Went on a quest and came back with a scar, white hair, and very broody. Disappeared after a few years- unknown.
Gem- Gets along great with the Demeter cabin. Came to camp with Sausage, Fwhip, and Zed and now they are all honorary found family. Great swordswoman. Joined the Hunt at 14.
Impulse- Smart. Great tinkerer and craftsmen. His Dad was an inventor, and alive. Can craft almost anything, honorary brother of Hephaestus cabin and Skizz. Tango and he get into lots of fire trouble. Not the best at being strategy smart, or good at fighting, but great with people.
Pearl- Greatest daughter of Ares. Blood-thirsty. Has several mood swings. Great with plants, love playing pranks, and loves fighting the best. Knows how to weild several weapons. Once fought her own father and won. Came to camp when she was 8. Don't talk about her dad.
Puffy- Great strategist, fighter, and people person. Loves kids. Will fight anyone for the kids. Veteran Camper. Came back to help.
Reddoons- showed up at camp, found out he was a son of Ares, then disappeared. May or May not be working with the enemy.
Tapl- great Archer, and that's kinda it. Knows how to get out a situation. Very bored. Wished his dad was Apollo.
Techno- Greatest son of Ares. One of the few people who can beat Pearl, Liz, False, and Dream. Wished he was a son Athena. Doesn't like his dad. Tries to not be bloody thirsty like his dad, but in the heat of battle- well. Was brought to camp by Phil. In college. Mom died at War.
Xisuma- Veteran camper. Basically the adult supervision. Has the best plans. Took False in and helped her, along with several others, dubbing themselves as Hermits. Has a stygian sword, gift from Hades and Joe after helping them in the Underworld- yes he's been to the underworld, he's been to several places. Waves the fans off- but let's be real this guy was SICK back in his day.
Bek- strongest Ares kid. Both physically and will. Doesn't use weapons- only fists.
Welsknight- Doesn't like his dad, but understands the honor and need of War. Man came from a line of knights, holds up chivalry. Veteran person. Visits sometimes. Best friends with X, went on several adventures with him, like that time he held up the sky or killed a hydra or fought a Titan- ya know stuff.
Quig- Uses sword and only sword. Quick, in everything. Doesn't like to talk much. Great friends with Pete. In college. Dad died in shooter stampede. Hates guns.
Pete- Veteran camper. Earned a chariot in battle. Has pet birds. Great Archer and sword fighter. Green eyes that can peirce the soul or make you eat your vegetables.
Pigical- Also doesn't like his dad- surprising I know. Uses fast and nimble combat. Tries to be a pacisft. Weak. Very kind though. His mom banished him.
Boffy- most cruel son of Ares. Uses a scythe. Great fighter, but also very dangerous. Rumors said he tortured his victims, enjoying death. Disappeared. No one knows where, hopefully not to the enemy.
Muka- carries a gun. Son of Ares with modern weapons. Has a pet mechanical wolf. Disappeared, but more of a loner. Found the other camp, kinda just chills. Great mom visits regularly.
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