#hazbin hotel fat nuggets
mothmanadjacent · 4 months
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Happy early Valentine’s Day 🩷!!!
Husk being soft with Fat Nuggets is probably Angel’s favourite thing
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queenpeyday · 3 months
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When your cat keeps bringing you “gifts”
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dragon-spaghetti · 2 months
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Pain days suck but at least the resident spider is a good cuddle buddy 🥲
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jeena-says-hi · 5 months
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neamhsmess · 3 months
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When you invite your boyfrie- erm, friend for the night and he ends up falling asleep hugging a pillow AND your piggy pet
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ren1327 · 4 months
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Just two Dads.
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villainboygirl · 2 months
No thoughts, just look how cute are Angel Dust and Fat Nuggets during The Show Must Go On:
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gildedoak · 3 months
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More Overlord!Husk AU
@celestialalpacaron - I'm not sure if you fully understand the scope of the ART MONSTER you have unleashed with this idea.
But just got some practice with quick sketches using reference photos - mostly of Frank Sinatra. (Included those too for comparison.) I think my favorite is the waltz one, because I am a SUCKER for ballroom dance. ❤️ And ballet. And jazz. And dance in general. You get such WILD and beautiful poses.
Description below the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a collection of ink sketches of Husk and Angel in the Overlord!Husk AU. One sketch is an overhead view of Husk and Angel waltzing, as they rest their heads on each others' shoulder. One is of Husk kissing Angel on the temple. One is of Husk scowling while holding Fat Nuggets, who's wearing a tiny top hat. The last is of Angel and Husk sitting together, wearing more casual clothes, with Husk comforting Angel as he leans into him, and has one wing curled over him.
The next four are close-ups of each sketch. The next four are the reference photos used.
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artofrhues · 6 months
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Ah, the things one does for love...
Sorry, I couldn't resist after seeing this post by nimmy_nimmies XD
You're awesome if you get the reference :)))
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akarisa184 · 5 months
Posting every day until Hazbin Hotel releases 💗:
Day 5
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ayamii-xx · 1 year
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Prints made for the Hellaverse Calendar 2022! ~ ...And ‘ya can buy ‘em, if you like ‘em too much: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1339236047/late-night-radio-hazbin-hotel-art-prints
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jscorpioart · 14 days
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dragon-spaghetti · 3 months
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I FORGOT TO POST THIS HERE have fat nuggets and his gay dads 💖
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twistedprodigious · 2 months
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another one for @karmawillcollectyourdebt [littol forehead kissie]
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alastor-simp · 2 months
Birthday Boy🥳 - Angel Dust x Female Reader Part 1/2
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❥Warning- This contains some inappropriate subjects, so if you underage and reading this, Please skip it.
❥Summary- It's April 1st, which means its Angels birthday today!! The whole hotel planned a birthday party for him to celebrate. You have a gift for him, but you wanted to give it to him later....in private😏
❥Tags - Angel Dust, Flirting, Teasing, Fluff, Lingerie, Cosplay, Eventual Smut, Birthday Surprise, Mentions of Sexual Toys
❥Notes - Here is the sexy spider birthday smut you guys wanted. This will be split into 2 parts. Hope you all enjoy it.
The plan was set! You were going to distract Angel with a nice little shopping trip, while Charlie and the others stayed at the hotel and get everything ready. Charlie made it very clear to keep Angel Dust away until 5 pm, since it was going to take a bit to decorate. Nodding your head, you assured her that you knew what to do and not to worry. Heading over to Angel's room, you knocked on his door yelling "GET UP LOSER. WE GOING SHOPPING!!" There was a loud thump that came from the other side, probably Angel falling off the bed from you yelling. It was quiet for a moment, until his door swung open. He was wearing a pink and white fluffy coat that matched with his black heels, while also sporting pink diamond shades on his face. His face was in a small scowl, as he was a bit upset that you woke him up like that, while also giving you a middle finger with one of his hands: "Jesus toots! Ya couldn't have just woken me up normally? Nearly gave me a dang heart attack." Laughing, you uttered an apology, while grabbing his hand, tugging him out of his room. He allowed you to drag him along, sporting a smile on his face as the both of you went down the hallway, heading to the main entrance of the hotel.
As the both of you exited, you turned your head to see Charlie and Vaggie giving you a thumbs up, as you turned back and walked out the door. Heading into the city was a tad bit difficult, especially since walking next to Angel, a famous porn star, there was bound to be a few stares and wolf whistles here and there. Angel was paying them no mind, as he wanted to enjoy this little outing with you and not deal with the bullsh✪✪ and also get his mind away from work for once. The mall in hell was similar to ones on Earth, just a bit more run down and lacking the usual charm. Still it had stores and a food court, so it was better then nothing. Angel ran at high speed to the clothes stores, dragging you along by the arm. The both of you just explored around, trying on multiple outfits that suited the both of you best, along with taking selfies of each other. Angel looked good in practically anything that he tried on. He could come out of the dressing room in a plain shirt and jeans, and he have you gagging in awe.
The next store the both of you went to seemed more up Angel's alley. "Devils Secret" was what the large neon sign said. Upon entering in, you quickly realized it was a lingerie store. "Aww yeah! This is where its at!" Angel said, as he threw his four arms up into the air in excitement. You, however, were feeling a bit flustered, as stores like this always made you a bit red in the face. Angel had already disappeared from your view, most likely grabbing all the most seductive ones he could find. Not really interested at the pieces, you just walked around, observing everything.
One area of the store was hidden behind a large black curtain. Curious, you walked past and immediately flushed at what you saw. Behind the curtain was an assortment of intimate cosplays, along with various sexual toys like vibrators, hand cuffs and butt plugs. “No wonder this place was hidden by a curtain” you thought. Wouldn’t hurt to look around. There was a wide selection of cosplay outfits hanging, ranging from police officer to sexy nurse. You knew if Angel saw this, he would buy everything in here. Skimming through everything, your eyes caught the look of something interesting. It wasn’t anything extreme, but it was very detailed and seductive. Your thoughts immediately thought of Angel and his birthday, causing a smirk to appear on your face: “Perfect.”
You quickly bought it and threw it in the other shopping bags you had, to hid it from Angels eyes, as you went to look for him. Having found him standing in front of the dressing room mirror, you watched him as he struck many poses, making you blush. “Which one of makes me look sexier toots? This one or the other?” The one he was wearing was a floral embroidered bra and thong, that came with a garter belt while the other was a black satin babydoll mesh top. Smiling you shook your head, saying he looked sexy in anything he wore, earning a blush from him. Shaking his head, he gave a smirk back, "You know it baby!" and proceeded to head back into the dressing room to change out of it.
Checking the time on your phone, you saw that it was one hour from 5 pm, which was enough time for you to head back to the hotel for the surprise party. You texted Charlie to let her know you were coming back soon, so she had some time to double check everything. "Hey toots? Who ya texting?" Angel asked, as he was walking next to you, four of his arms holding shopping bags. You quickly put your phone away so he wouldn't see the text and came up with a good excuse. "Oh it was Charlie. She said something urgent happened at the hotel and she wants us to come back." Angel seemed to have bought the lie and gave a nod, as the both of you walked out of the mall.
**Back at the hotel**
"Ohhh finally! My legs are aching from walking all day." Angel groaned, as he walked closer to the hotel doors. "Maybe don't wear those long heels next time." You laughed out, earning another groan from Angel. "Hey! Leave my heels out of it." Angel responded back, as he opened the doors to the hotel. The hotel was pitch black inside, and no one was around the lobby, causing Angel to widen his eyes in concern. "Woah where the f✪✪✪ is everybody?!" Angel walked closer inside, with you following behind him. As you closed the door, the lights blasted on and a loud bang erupted in the room, causing confetti to fly everywhere. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!" Everybody had popped out of their hiding places, wearing big smiles and sporting birthday hats. Angel screamed when that happened, grabbing onto his chest to calm him down. "AHHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Charlie had run up to Angel, and gave him a giant bear hug. "ITS YOUR SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY ANGEL!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Her face was wearing a large smile, sparkles shining in her eyes. Angel paused at that and looked at everyone and the decorations, plus the large pink and black themed cake that was on one of the tables.
"Oh shit...I." Angel's face went blank, apparently still in shock, Everyone including you noticed his expression, wondering why he seemed a bit sad. No one said a word, but Alastor was the one to break the silence: "My dear effeminate fellow! Have you forgotten the day of your own birth?" Alastor walked up closer, head tilted to the side, wearing his signature smile. Angel just shook his head, one of his hands going up to wipe his eyes. Oh he was crying, you looked at him with concern and placed a hand on his back, giving it a rub. "No I didn't forget, Smiles. I....I didn't think any of you guys would actually care about it, let alone remember it." Awwws erupted from everyone, as they all ran and gave Angel a hug, except Alastor, but he at least placed a hand on Angels shoulder. Angel laughed while he continued to wipe his tears: "Okay okay get offa me. The sappy stuff is over, now its time to get this party started! Angel bumped his fists into the air in enthusiasm, followed by everyone else yelling out a "YEAH!"
The party had finally started. Everyone gathered around the cake and sang happy birthday to Angel. After that was done, and some of the cake was given out, it was time to present the birthday gifts. Charlie had gotten Angel tickets to the aquarium in hell. Vaggie had bought a makeup set and new sunglasses. Niffty had made a little outfit for Angels pet pig, Fat Nuggets. Husk had bought him some shot glasses that were in the shape of dic✪✪. Alastor had used his powers to make a vinyl record that contain all of Angel's favorite songs. Sir Pentious actually crafted a new weapon for Angel to use for any upcoming battle/turf war. Cherri bomb had gotten two matching spray painted T-shirts that said "Partners in Crime." It was your turn next, but you told them that Angel's present was in his room and you were gonna show it to him later.
The party was soon calming down after that, and everyone was either tipsy or passed out drunk from all the celebratory cheers they did. "I think it's time to head to bed now everyone." Vaggie had lifted Charlie up and walked back to their room. Sir Pentious egg bois had lifted the drunken snake and dragged him towards the bedroom. Alastor was swaying a bit, and his cheeks were a bit red, but he was still a bit alert. He lifted up Niffty into his arms, and used his powers to place Husk on the lobby couch, and make a blanket appear on top of him. He bid both you and Angel a good night, while he headed down the hallway to bring Niffty to her room. Cherri was knocked out on the other side of the couch next to Husk, you were honestly surprised considering how many shots she could knock back and not be buzzed at all, but probably all the celebrations and fooling around made her reach her limit.
Angel grabbed another blanket and placed it on top of her, wearing a soft smile. He then turned back towards you, grabbing one of your hands and headed up towards his room. His room was illuminated in a neon pink, giving off a very intimate atmosphere. His precious Fat Nuggets was sleeping on his back on the bed, making it easy for Angel to give him a belly rub. Heaving a sigh, Angel flopped against the bed, having removed his top, letting his chest floof pop out and his heels, exposing his spider-like shaped feet. He removed his bottoms too, letting his red thong flash at you, making you blush and lick your lips "Soooo?, Are you ready for my gift~?" You sensually walked closer to him on the bed, maneuvering your body to place yourself over on top of him. His pink eyes widen at your position on him, before he smirked and moved his hands to pull you a bit closer, hands caressing your soft body. "More than ready, baby~. What ya get me?" He spoke in a soft whisper, giving you goosebumps, as his hands kept massage your body, making it harder for you to focus and not melt into the pleasure. "I'll bring it out, but first close your eyes for me." Angel raised an eyebrow at that, before he shrugged and closed his eyes.
Angel felt you get off the bed, and heard the sound of the his bathroom door opening and closing. He moved up on the bed, going from a laying position to a seating position, with his legs crossed. He honestly had not idea what you were going to give him and it left him feeling nervous and giddy at the same time. The room was silent, with the only sounds the could be heard was Angels breathing and the little oinks coming from Fat Nuggets sleeping on his own bed now, as Angel had moved him before. The sounds of the door opening, caused Angel to jump. He could hear the soft pattering of your feet, until they stopped and he felt movement on his bed. "Okay, open your eyes~." You softly said. Angel slowly opened his eyes, until they widen at the sight of you. You were sitting on his bed, wearing a red body bow, with the bow being placed to cover your tits and only a string covering your butt. Angel nearly drooled at the sight of you, while his lower half began to rise.
Your eyes gazed at him with desire, as you tilted your head at him cutely: "Well~?" You continued to stare at him, while he continued to look at you with wide eyes and mouth opened like a fish. Finally he spoke, cheeks flashing red. "Holy sh✪✪! W-when did ya? How did?" He continued to stutter, obviously still in shock at you. Giggling, you told him that you found this at the lingerie store the both of you went to, saying it was hidden from others, answering his question. Smirking, you laid back on the bed, staring seductively at Angel, while you crooked your finger at him. "Sooo~, does the birthday boy wanna open up his present?
Tag List:
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi , @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345 , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it , @angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 , @mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow , @madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel , @ainsliemac , @sweet06tart , @nobuharashinyao , @aria-tempest , @fluffismystaplefood @darischerry , @nightmarenaya , @moonie123 , @yakultt-art , @ktssstuff , @blakedbeanss , @sweet06tart , @ihyperfixatedagain , @alastorssimp , @sadnessiscoldtea , @artemisandhunters , @crystalreads , @thereeallink , @justchillaine , @felice-jaganshi , @batmanmonstarr , @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @imacollasaltitan , @ask-theradio-demon , @lousypotatoes , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog , @crazed-flower
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mgc02 · 2 months
Fat Nuggets: I'm not taking a bath unless at least one of my dads is in there with me!!
How about both dads lol
Angel: come on Fat Nuggets... it's time for a bath
Fat Nuggets takes off in opposite direction*
Angel: uggh! Come on you little stinker. You stink! Literally!
Y/N: well I guess I'll take a bath since he's being difficult
Y/N gets into a bubble bath*
Y/N: Ahhhh...
Looks over and sees Fat Nuggets trying to climb into the bath tub with him*
Y/N: get in here little guy
Later Angel Dust enters bathroom*
Angel: Hey babe, have you seen Fat Nuggets? I'm gonna try to get him in the bath tub aga-
Sees Y/N in the bath with Fat Nuggets curled up on his chest*
Angel: are you fucking serious!?! I spent all day trying to get his ass in that tub and he gets in just fine for you!
Y/N: you sound like you could use a relaxing bubble bath
Angel: ...
Angel: when you're right, you're right... move over
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