#angel dust x reader
vikkirosko ยท 2 days
Hello! I love your blog and I wanted to give you a cute idea!
What about the Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Alastor and Lucifer with a reader that is a Red panda demon? Like they are super cute and fluffy and trow their hands in the hair when they are surprised/scared like red pandas do, but to people they look like they are asking for a hug.
Headcanons Red panda demon
๐ŸŒˆ Charlie Morningstar x Reader ๐ŸŽถ
There were a lot of different demons in Hell, but you were probably the sweetest one Charlie had ever met. You were a red panda demon. You had soft, fluffy fur and Charlie really liked hugging you. You didn't mind treating her with the same warmth as she treated you. She often hugged you and said it felt like they were hugging a cloud. Her words often made you laugh, and Charlie herself smiled softly at your smile
The Princess noticed that you had a slightly unusual reaction to situations that caused you surprise or fear. You raised your hands. From the outside, it looked like you wanted to be hugged and at first that's how she perceived it, until you told her that it was something close to a conditioned reflex. You raised your hands to make yourself look bigger and scare the enemy, even though you realized that from the outside it did not look threatening at all
Charlie didn't want to embarrass you, so she tried not to hug you every time. You saw it and understood that she was feeling awkward, so you hugged her yourself, smiling gently and saying that you didn't mind hugging her at all
She was glad that you were able to get rid of the awkwardness between you. Charlie loved being around you, she loved hugging you and getting to know you better. She hoped that you would continue to understand each other better and better
โŒ Vaggie x Reader ๐ŸŽ€
Vaggie tried not to judge others by their appearance. She knew that there were those in Hell who looked scary, but weren't really that scary, and those who looked beautiful could turn out to be a brutal killer. That's why she expected a trick from you. You were a red panda demon and you didn't look dangerous on the outside. On the contrary, you looked cute. It took her a while to start trusting you, but she was able to trust you and didn't regret it
You had a very soft coat and you were basically fluffy. Vaggie liked it when she touched your hands. Several times she hugged you and felt your soft fur with her hands. It was really nice. But sometimes you've been acting a little weird. The reason for this was that every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands
From the outside, it might seem that you were asking for hugs, which often baffled others, but you explained to Vaggie that you were trying to seem bigger and more dangerous in this way. You knew how it looked from the outside, but you couldn't control it
Vaggie knew you wouldn't hurt others. You were kind, attentive and caring, and when she hugged you, she felt like all the problems were gone and she could finally relax and relax. You gave her the peace she needed so badly
๐Ÿ•ท Angel Dust x Reader ๐Ÿ’–
From the first day you met, Angel thought you were very cute. You were a red panda demon and you looked like a big plush toy. He was watching you with a smile and curiosity. You didn't understand the reason for this and you were worried about his attention. At some point, he saw you raise your arms as if asking for a hug. Angel smiled and hugged you, which made you freeze, as if not expecting it
A little later, you explained to him that you didn't ask for a hug. Every time you felt fear or surprise, you raised your hands to appear bigger and scarier. Your explanation made him laugh, but he smiled when you told him that you wouldn't mind just hugging again
Angel started hugging you a lot. He snuggled up to you, relaxing from the feel of your fluffy fur. You helped him rest even after a very bad day. You didn't ask any questions, realizing that Angel might just not want to talk right now. You were just there for him, even when he was falling asleep, relaxing next to you
Sometimes Angel was interested to find out how it happened that you ended up in Hell. Maybe he relied too much on your appearance, but you didn't look like someone who did bad things. Perhaps he will ask you about it later, but for now he was just glad to have someone in his life who could give him peace even when the whole world seemed to be collapsing
๐Ÿ“ป Alastor x Reader ๐ŸŽ™
Alastor was watching everyone who lived in the hotel, including you. You were a friendly red panda demon who helped out at the hotel. You had a soft and fluffy coat that the others liked so much, while Alastor treated it as something funny, but not something worth checking out. He didn't like it when his personal space was violated, and because you respected his personal boundaries, you had a great relationship
Several times he saw you raise your hands as if asking for a hug. Charlie, Angel and Sir Pentious hugged you every time, while Alastor, looking at your surprised expression, laughed. They were sure that you wanted to be hugged
In fact, this was not the case. Every time you did that, you were either scared or very surprised. By raising your arms, it was as if you were trying to protect yourself, you wanted to appear taller and bigger. Alastor knew this, but it still seemed funny to him to watch what was happening
Alastor liked watching you feel awkward. You didn't push the others away, and he knew that if he hugged you, you wouldn't push him away. He thought you were funny and he was curious to know how long it would take for others to understand the real reason why you were raising your hands
๐ŸŽ Lucifer Morningstar x Reader ๐Ÿ
Lucifer met all kinds of sinners. You were one of the nicest people he met, and his daughter supported him in that. You were a red panda demon and you lived in a hotel with the others. For you, life at the hotel was quiet and peaceful, but when you first met, you behaved unusually. You raised your arms as if asking for a hug, which made Lucifer feel awkward. Only later did he find out that what you were doing had a completely different meaning
Every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands. You explained this to Lucifer later, when he started staying at the hotel and you were able to have a normal conversation. You tried to defend yourself in this way, trying to scare possible enemies. You didn't treat Lucifer badly, on the contrary, you were glad to meet him and hoped that you could get along
You were always happy to support your loved ones, including Lucifer. When he was in a bad mood, you were there and just hugged him. You had soft and fluffy fur, the feeling of which gave you a sense of peace. You understood that there were a lot of things that bothered him, so you tried to help him as much as you could
Lucifer was glad that you were his daughter's friend. He knew he could trust you. He was glad that there was someone with whom he could share what was bothering him
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hellvcifer ยท 2 days
telling them you got your period and they take care of you part 2
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เฌ˜ smauโ”†part 1 ft :: blitzรธ, lucifer, angel dust, husk // afab!reader note :: more floof and comfort warnings :: i'm in no way revised on the actuals with the bible so take lucifer's with a grain of salt
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angel dust
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qu1cks1lversb1tch ยท 1 day
Hello! Love your writing, so yummy. I was wondering if you would take a request? I was thinking what it would be like if Lucifer was dating a fem reader who was a fox sinner and she randomly does animal like things. I think he would be so interested in the ear and tail movement and would try to see what different things cause what reactions. Foxes are very wary so I could see her jumping easily and him taking advantage of that lol ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Then, if he would see her like "pounce" on Angel as a prank cause they're besties. Lastly, I just know if he heard her growl, his knees would get weak (imagine them having a growling fight for some reason cause he growled at Alastor that one time ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’€). Anyway, I'm dragging this on, so have writing this if you do! I'd appreciate it! *mwah*
A/Nโ€” Just when I think the requests can't get any better, another wonderful anon pops up to steal the show. I LOVE THIS so much. This is more or less a small compilation ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป๐Ÿฆ‹ I had to do a little research for this one, but I think it's so silly ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’– I hope you have a wonderful weekend anon!
Animalistic | Lucifer x Fem Fox Sinner!Reader
Warnings: Reader is a common Red Fox Sinner, swearing (I mean, seriously โ€” it's Hazbin ๐Ÿคฃ), Reader being a menace to society
Word Count: 696
Summary: More often than not, your animalistic behaviors take over. . .
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Lucifer watched you from afar โ€” not in a creepy way, but in a โ€˜that's my girlfriend and I'm admiring herโ€™ kind of way.
Right then, he was watching you wallow on the couch that had been placed in the lounge specifically for you, by Charlie, because you refused to sit on a piece of furniture that had the scent of the Radio Demon practically rolling off of it in waves.ย 
So the fucker went and sat on your couch.
The audacity.ย 
You were pretty pissed at the moment, which was evident by the growling and angry mumbling that became louder at times.ย 
He only caught a couple pieces of dialogue, like: โ€˜no fuckinโ€™ respect for BOUNDARIES!โ€™ And: โ€˜I ought โ€˜ta shit in that fuckers shoes!โ€™ย 
But it was enough to keep him attempting to hold in his laughter, which he ultimately failed in.ย 
You quit wallowing in attempts to get your scent to return back to the couch the moment you heard a noise. You jumped, one ear twitching while your tail lifted into something resembling a โ€˜uโ€™ shape, showing you were now on high alert.ย 
The moment you caught a whiff of your boyfriend, you turned to face him. He was biting his bottom lip so hard to keep from laughing.ย 
You could only roll your eyes and stand from the couch, fixing your hair as you trotted over to hug him. โ€œBetter not be laughing at me.โ€ You whined.ย 
โ€œYour words, not you. Never you.โ€ He replied, holding you close as you went about rubbing your scent on him as well. Just so no one would get any ideas.ย 
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You were watching. Waiting.ย 
Your tail was swishing at your side in a playful manner, just waiting for Angel Dust to walk past the dark hallway like he did every evening before bed.ย 
The moment his footsteps could be heard, you were prepared to launch out of the darkness โ€” something you hadn't done in months.ย 
He came into your line of sight and it was go time.ย 
Launching out of the darkness, you easily tackled your best friend, the two of you tumbling until you landed on top, pinning two of his arms to the floor with your sharp canines on display as you grinned down at him.ย 
โ€œGotcha!โ€ You cheered happily, your tail swishing from side to side.
โ€œFirst off, ouch, that fuckinโ€™ hurt โ€” secondly, why the fuck can't you ever attack the short king with your midnight zoomies?โ€
โ€œHe's almost always asleep at this time.โ€ You pouted removing your hands from his arms, nipping at his hand when he went to pet your ears.ย 
โ€œI dare you to wake him up next time.โ€
You grinned, getting off completely to help him up. Oh, you would.
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Charlie approved of the relationship between you and her dad, but that didn't mean that she didn't witness some odd things whenever he decided to stay for dinner. . .
She could ignore you pouncing on him at random because you pounced on everyone except Alastor.ย 
She could also ignore him helping you hide snacks for later because she knew that a good snack didn't last long in the hotel.ย 
But it was harder to ignore you biting, growling, and scratching at Lucifer, laying on your back in his lap on your couch, with him growling playfully and running his fingers through your hair.ย 
It was cute in a way โ€” her dad embracing the form you were given, and you, eager to play almost constantly. . . Except for when you were nervous or felt threatened by another demon higher on the food chain.
Though one look told her that he had hearts in his eyes.ย 
And you did too. Even when your sharp teeth finally latched onto his arm and you gently shook your head before releasing and bursting out into a fit of giggles that had Lucifer quit growling, instead leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
He smirked when your ears twitched and eyes crossed at the sign of affection.ย 
You growled in return, playfully nipping at his hand with a noise somewhere between a very fox scream and a whine.ย 
But it was all in fun.
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sockmeat ยท 3 days
Angel dust x male reader where after they fuck like rabbits they fall asleep together and angel has to try and get out of bed without waking up reader
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๐Œ๐€๐‹๐„ ๐‘๐„๐€๐ƒ๐„๐‘ --๐€๐ฉ๐ก๐ซ๐จ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐ข๐š๐œ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐จ๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐€๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซโ€ฆ(๐‘ฏ๐’‚๐’›๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฏ๐’๐’•๐’†๐’)
(๐ฐ๐œ): 346
๐’๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ฒ: You and Angel Dust Take an aphrodisiac together.
(๐€/๐): why is it so hard for me to spell aphrodisiac what the heck, anyway I changed the post aesthetic up bc i had creative constipation :P
๐–๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ (๐ฌ): i got so stuck over this oh my goodness, sex, reader has a penis, Angel is a bottom (are we surprised), MDNI
โ™ก It happens when you two decide to try one of Ozzie's aphrodisiacs together
โ™ก Your sex drive is already high on its own, but Angel has been missing you more recently and wanted an extra boost of passion
โ™ก And it gave him exactly what he wanted
โ™ก The aphrodisiac made him more sensitive to your touch and all amplified his reactions
โ™ก He'd drool over how you felt inside of him and press himself as close to you as physically possible before he'd get antsy, switch positions, and take you again
โ™ก Angel is insatiable during this time. If your cock isn't inside of him at any point, his hands are stroking it eagerly
โ™ก Seeing him enjoying himself works you up as well, you two constantly feeding off the other's lust
โ™ก You're more than happy to fuck Angel the way he begs you too through the night
โ™ก It's an intense, satisfying cycle that brings you two closer as a couple and leaves none left to be desired
โ™ก Eventually, you two knock out in the middle of your nth round, with your dick still inside of him
โ™ก The aphrodisiac wears off by morning
โ™ก Angel wakes up first
โ™ก Once he realizes where he is, he feels happier than horny when he reminisces about last night
โ™ก He gets giddy thinking about how you were just as desperate for sex as he was, but you were still gentle with him and respected his boundaries
โ™ก Angel is content laying there and basking in your warmth before he realizes suddenly
โ™ก He has to pee
โ™ก But you're wrapped tight around him...
โ™ก Que him trying to wiggle out of your grasp without waking you or accidentally smashing your dick
โ™ก And he actually makes it! But now he realizes he can't stand so he has to wake you up anyway
โ™ก So he does, you carry him to the bathroom while half-asleep (thankfully not dropping him) then put him back under the covers so you can go back to bed
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bearw-me ยท 2 days
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :)
I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadnโ€™t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now.
heyyy! i'm good :) how are y'all?
๐‹๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐“๐ข๐ฆ๐ž โ€” ๐€๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅ ๐ƒ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐‡๐œ๐ฌ
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๐’ ft : (platonic) angel dust x niece/nephew!reader, fat nuggets ๐’ cw : fluff, a bit of angst ๐’ summary : having some family down in hell is exactly what Angel needs ๐’ note : this is soo cuteee! im loving all these platonic angel hcs!
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its a complete mystery as to how you got in contact with him.
maybe you saw his ads or movies, but the first time you messaged him, Angel's heart dropped to his fucking stomach.
I think it would hurt Angel more than anything else to know that you are in this literal 'hell-hole' with him. . .
but it feels nice to know that he has family.
Upon first meeting with you, now that you're no longer that messy little kid he remembers. . . Angel gets a little nervous to meet with you. He just doesn't want you to see him like the screw up he feels he is.
Would like you to call him Anthony, as you calling him Angel feels weird to him.
Angel hardly knew you on Earth, so its fun to hang out with you and get to know all the things he's missed out on.
Cries when you call him 'Uncle'.
Like ugly cries
And goddammit if he doesn't treat you like you're his own child
Spoils you rotten
Always buying you little stuff and checking up on you, even trying to cook and make sure you've been eating.
He really wants to make up on lost time. . . but sort of doesn't know where to start
Angel is never self-conscious about his work. IF he brings it up, its the only time he's a little hesitant to admit that he's an adult film star
If you looked like Molly, I think he'd tear up and need to hug you for a moment.
A long moment.
Angel is still a 'free-spirit' overall, but he always softens up and slips into a more mature nature when you're around.
Has pictures of/with you in his hotel room. They are really nice to look at when he's done work or has a hard day in general. It reminds him he has a reason to keep going sometimes.
Protective uncle all the way. He likes when you ask him things or need something from him. It feels good to be depended on by someone he cherishes.
Wouldn't it be nice if Angel tried to make up for all the birthday's he missed.
Like you'd end up with a stack of birthday cards to read, and one slice of cake with a candle in it to blow out.
Present's range from little bears he missed out on when you were a kid to things he'd think you'd like now.
Fat Nuggets LOVES you. He gets excited when he realizes how similar you look to your uncle.
The little hell pig loves to scratch his back against your leg. Oinking at you as a dog would.
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speedycoffeedelight ยท 2 days
An Animalistic Disaster
CH-20 : The new season of Hazbin Hotel
Summery:You and the crew react to the first two episodes of Hazbin Hotel.
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Angel gently nudged Charlie to wake her up and you called out to Vaggie. After a few tries Vaggie groaned as she opened her eyes a little. She blinked trying to process what's going on.
"Huh...what's..OH (Y/n)!"
She quickly went to heal you but you stopped her. "Hey, it's okay, I'm fine now. Don't waste more of your energy on me alright?" You picked up her glasses that was took off beforehand and handed it to her. " We have four new Hazbin hotel episodes to watch. And Char-" before you could finish, you were tackled in a hug from her.
"(Y/n)! I was so so afraid you weren't going to wake up again!"
You let out a pained groan as you felt the muscles in your body twitch in pain. "Hey, hey honey, you shouldn't hold her so tight. She's hurting." Vaggie whispered in Charlie's ear. Charlie's eyes widened as she immediately let go off you.
"I'm so sorry-" you cut her off before she begins to ramble again. "Hey, it's fine. Vaggie's healing worked a wonder on me" You smiled softly at Vaggie and held her hand. "Thank you, truly. I wouldn't be here without you."
Vaggie felt her heart throb at the action as blush began to paint her face. "Y-yes, of course!" She became bashful very quickly and thanked the upper gods for this power.
Soon, you all bundled together on the floor and placed the laptop on top of your bed. You sat in front of the laptop with Charlie on one side and Vaggie on other. You told them to lean on you if they felt tired. Niffty sat between your legs and you could easily rest your head on top of hers. The spider boy was sitting behind you resting his chin on top of your head and hands on your shoulder. Husk sat beside Vaggie. Pentious and Alastor sat beside Angel.
Before you started the episode, you laid down two rules first. One is that none of them were allowed to walk away in the middle of the show unless it was important. They all had to watch it from start to finish. If someone left in middle, there's no telling what they would miss. A lot of things could be changed by then. And it might cause misunderstandings.
Another one is that, if they show something that they can't handle, for example like Angel's backstory or something traumatic. They can look away. They can watch the rest of those moments alone properly later.
After setting down the rules you finally started the episode. Everyone'd breath hitched as the video began to play.
' Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as heaven. '
"Ohh, that's Charlie!" Niffty pointed out. "Yes, that is my voice...again" Charlie replied awkwardly.
' Drawn in by her fierce independence,ย  Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dremers fell deeply in love '
'Aww, so that's how Charlie's parents met! How romantic...' you thought to yourself.
' Never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity. Only the cruel and the wicked... '
"Poor Lucifer...I kinda feel bad for him." You mumbled. Charlie looked at you sadly, she felt the same. Turned out Charlie was reading it all from a story book. And there was also a new cat in the show now that can also turn into a key. It wasn't there in the pilot.
' Not that long, only....seven....years... '
'Huh? Charlie's mom is gone? For seven years??' you thought with a confused expression.
' But this kingdom was something she really cared about, something I care about.'
"If she cared for the kingdom that much she wouldn't have left it in the first place." Husk commented. You glared at Husk to shut up in which he just rolled his eyes.
' Well, Hello there you wayward sinner. Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do. That's why you're in hell! '
'Ah, classic Alastor...' you thought with a smile. Alastor's grin widened seeing his handiwork.
' As she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you! '
You gave Alastor a side eye at that. That guy looked very much amused.
' So, what'd ya think? '
' I'm sorry, what the fuck was that? '
You and Vaggie had the same answer in your mind. Just what was he thinking while making that? Well, apparently he wanted this to be shitty since he was mad they didn't use radio instead.
' We're not filming a porn as a commercial. '
'Why not? sex sells, don't it? I swear if you film me goin' at it with mister fancy-talk creepy voice here, you'd be rollin' in participants willin' to stay at this tacky hotel. '
' Haha! never going to happen! '
You had to stiffle a laughter at that alongside Husk and Cherri. Alastor had the same expression on his face like the episode, annoyed and disgusted.
"That certainly would be something to see~"
"(Y/n), no. Don't even think about it." Alastor's eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at you trying to muffle your laughter.
' The gag reflex, the holes,the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits. '
"Wait wait, those were actually chest fluffs then?" You looked at Angel and the fluff that was poking out from his shirt even in his human form. There were some controversial opinions on if they were fluffs or his chest but you guess it's now confirmed.
"That's right baby" He smirked seeing your expression as he looked down at you. "Ya could touch it if ya want, it's really soft~"
That offer....was really tempting. You were dying to know how it feels to touch. But you slapped your face softly. 'Focus, focus (Y/n). You're trying to watch something here with others!'
' Oh trust me, I can... '
The way Alastor turned into his demon for a bit made you feel butterflies inside. You aren't gonna lie that form is hot.
' Why do you think I'm here? You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fuck's bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcin' me? '
' I like being forced '
' Keep that to yourself, Niff '
"Yeah, I do! It's so much fun" human Niffty answered from your lap. "Niffty....honey..." You spoke in a concerned tone at the girl. She certainly had some interesting kinks. To each their own you guessed.
Charlie looked at Husk sadly at the line as Husk looked indifferent at the scene, watching it with bored eyes. She took a deep breath and returned her eyes to the screen.
' Kinky ~ c'mon keep talkin' dirty. '
Human husk rolled his eyes at that. " So Angel calls you Whiskers-" you cut off in the middle of what you wanted to say after seeing Husk glaring at you. You shut yourself off. "Nevermind...."
Later Lucifer called to tell that the leader of the Angel army wanted to meet with him but he wanted Charlie to go in his place. Charlie's face was almost, if not more excited as the video. She was hopeful of how things would go.
' I can do this. Somehow, I know it! '
'ooh, the first song!' you thought in your mind as you focused on the screen.
' This could be bad.. '
Yeah something tells you it's gonna be bad as well. Welp, nothing you can do but just keep watching.
' That bitch is halfway down the street '
' Is she- '
' Oh she's dancin' '
' Ugh ,no.... '
You had a small smile on your face as you watched Charlie sing and dance through hell's street. You missed this, you missed watching the show.
' From the porn studio, where the cinephiles go
To watch award-winning demon bukkake shows '
The truck Charlie climbed up on while singing, it said Helluva post. You wondered it was a reference to helluva boss.
' Holy shit ew my gosh, why! '
'poor Charlie' you thought. But her enthusiasm and cheerfulness throughout the whole song was making you smile.
' To change their minds! '
' And touch my parts! '
Vaggie glared at the snake guy that came up on the screen. It almost looked like she would jump on him if she could.
' Today is gonna be a fuckin happy day in hell! '
With that the first song of the new season was over.
' 'Sup! '
And there's two new characters. Adam and lute. You got both of their cards before. Now time to see what the first human of mankind like.
' Ha! I fucking got you! Did you fuckin' see that? Good shit.'
Yeah, this guy's going to be an asshole. And this confirms your previous thought, this wasn't going to end well.
' I got you again, bitch. Haha fucking' halirious! '
Vaggie sighed, she knew how much of an asshole Adam was. But watching Charlie go through it felt more painful.
' So we need a camera, Alastor? '
Alastor snapped his fingers in the show and a old timey looking camera appeared in Vaggie's hand
' A video.. camera. '
' Hmm? '
Thing time a old broken looking video camera appeared on her hand.
' Alright, let's do this! '
"I don't get why you guys are so insistent upon doing a video commercial. Doing a radio broadcast would be more effective" Alastor commented. "Get on with the times Smiles, no one listens to radio's anymore. Videos and internet are all the shit right now."
"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Alastor turned his head towards Angel at a scarily angle making him gulp and hide his face beside yours. You're sure if he was still a demon, his eyes would be radio dials by now and voodoo symbols would be flying around. You laughed nervously.
"Heyyy, let's both calm down and keep watching alright? Let me pause the video."
' Well, you come- '
' Ohhh~ yes! '
' ...To the right place. '
Pentious was blushing. This was indecency. They were supposed to just film a commercial right? What was this spider guy doing?
' Do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam. I'm the original dick! All dicks desend from me. '
Yeah, can someone slap this guy in the face. You think you already dislike Adam.
' Call me Dickmaster. '
You're sure everyone including you, rolled your eyes at that. You swear to god this guy...
' No our other biggest problem! '
' Oh, uh... ugly people?.. '
As soon as Adam said that, he broke the fourth wall and looked at the screen at you and others faces. "He's one to talk about..." Vaggie grumbled beside you.
Then when Vaggie went to record Niffty, she somehow froze before she could get any word out.
' You're doing great, vagina '
Vaggie blinked annoyingly at that name beside you.
' I wouldn't try that my dear. This face was made for radio! '
"Alastor, what do you mean by that?" You turned to look at him. "Hm, whatever do you mean my dear?" "Your face was made for radio? But you can't see a person's face in radio. So did you just call yourself ugly-" " Not in the slightest, I just don't want my face to recorded in those tacky videos! " "You really should have worded it better then.." you weren't surprised at his answer however.
' Because It won't be so "entertaining" to watch over an empty hotel will it shitass? '
' Fair enough, I'll tell you what! let's make a deal. '
Husk's eyes widened at the sentence as he looked over at Alastor. "Me? Making a deal with this radio freak? Impossible. There's no fucking way" Vaggie declared .
But in the end, Vaggie did make a deal with him, just didn't hand over her soul. Alastor just couldn't bother to tinkle withย 'television technology ' again and Vaggie just wanted to make Charlie happy.
"Aww, Vaggie you wanted me to come back to something good" Charlie almost had stars in her eyes as she looked at Vaggie. Vaggie looked down with a blush. "Y-yeah, I suppose I was...in the show.." Charlie then went to hug her tightly which in result you became sandwiched between their hug.
Alastor snapped his fingers making everyone in the hotel appear and changed their clothes.
' Alright everyone! Let's make a fucking commercial. '
Vaggie's outfit was hot. Alastor had good taste."Can't wait to see how that turns out huh toots?" Angel said from above your head. "Seems like it's gonna be sick!" "Well, we're going to find out" you said while pausing the video again.
' Uh no,not awesome. Those are my people, You know that, right? '
' Ohh, yeah. That must suck for you, pfft, hahaha '
"Yeah I think I want to slap this bitch" you mumbled with a deadpan face. "Yeah" "uh-huh" "same" came from around you. Looks like your companions felt the same way about him.
' Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life '
'I feel like every move this guy makes is a mistake.' you thought in your head. Then another song started.
' 'Cause Hell is forever, wether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Now they boil in the pot '
You didn't like what Adam was sayingย  but damn, if this song also didn't slap hard.
' And for those of us with divine ordainment
Extermination is entertainment '
'So that's the main reason behind these deaths' you thought. 'Just because Adam wanted his entertainment. What a damn jerk.'
' Long as I've got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we've made the determination
To move up the next extermination '
"What?" Both the Charlie beside you and the cartoon Charlie said in unison. As the song ended, you patted Charlie's head who was looking down. Now they were about to show the new commercial that both the cartoon ones and the real ones were looking forward to seeing....untill it got cut off leaving you disappointed. Also, did Angel on the show just did a Italian hand sign?
Then they showed a headless angel. Charlie gasped beside you and Alastor raised an eye brow, now finally this was getting interesting. And with that the first episode was over. As for the new characters, you decided Adam was a piece of shit. Lute seemed to be one too. She was pretty powerful as well from what she said.
"Angel's....can be killed?" Angel said on top of you in an angry tone. "What the fuck, how are people only finding this out now?"
"It's probably not as easy as you think to kill an angel,...Angel." you said nervously. "They're gonna show us how to kill angel's right?" Cherri beamed up as she looked over at you. "And then when I get back to hell, I'm going blow those little shits to pieces!"
"Miss Cherri, I would also like to assist you in this quest. With my power we would be unstoppable!"
"Ew, why would I need your help? I can handle it myself."
"Cause I..uh..I.. thought the more people the better, yes?"
"Nah, don't want it" Cherri looked at her nails with a bored look. And Pentious's face went from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. He sat there looking like dejected puppy. You almost felt bad for the guy.
"Hey, no one's killing no one! We're going to make peace with the heaven." She looked back at the laptop. "I hope..."
"Sure, as hell doesn't seem like it. Those guys seemed fixed on killing our asses" Husk pointed at the screen. "Welp, we're not gonna know till we watch more. And these things haven't happened yet. Maybe after you know about the new things, you guys can change your future! So everyone buckle up again." You said while clicking on the next episode.
The second episode started with Charlie freaking out about the extermination time. Angel was saying how it was pointless as he was getting multiple messages from Valentino. You paused at the frame to see what the messages were. And...they were less than the things you'd like to see. That freaking moth.....
"Hey, what the hell? Why are you pausing on that? What's there to see 'ere?" Angel called out, but you could hear the shakiness in his voice. "It's... nothing... I was just curious." you replied before starting the vid again.
' Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination? '
' This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel! '
"I agree" Alastor spoke. "You should use people's fears and concerns to your own advantages. Good thinking Charlie."
"Um, I don't think I was thinking like that..."
Then with a bang, finally there was Pentious. "Look, I'm finally here!" Pentious clapped his hands. "Whohoho, the bad boy is here!" Niffty cheered.Then it showed Alastor having coffee outside on the hotels balcony. Wait what does that mug say? You paused to take a closer look. Oh deer?
"You got a nice cup Al. Did you design it yourself?" You asked while smiling at the man. "Yes, indeed I did. I take it that you're impressed?" He said with a smug grin making you playfully roll your eyes. This smiling bastard.
' Woo, you tell 'em boss '
"I miss my egg boys..." Pentious whispered before putting his knees to his chest and looking at the screen sadly. You decided maybe you'll try to find some egg boy plushies for him, maybe that'll cheer him a little bit.
Pentious looked at the screen hopefully. Maybe now they'll show him defeating Alastor at last. But instead of showing the battle, they cut off to showing the V's, naming Vox.
You were excited, finally you get know more about these three villains. Alastor on the other hand could not care less. They seemed like really interesting characters from all the fan theories and songs and what not. And now you get to see how they actually are. Plus you had to know if the TV demon actually has an animosity with the radio demon. Cause of the popular phrase 'Video killed the radio' or what not. It would be really cool if that actually happened.
Then a call literally showed up on his face that he transferred to one of the monitors. 'That's an interesting power..' you thought to yourself.
' Hello there, Velvette. How are you this hellish morning? '
' Oh, cut the shit, Vox. I need you up here now! '
Ohh, Velevette's voice sounds nice. You liked the accent. Apparently Valentino was causing a racket so Vox was being called for help. His happy smile immediately turned into a frown as soon as the video call was done.
' Oh god, here I go. Valentino. Just another fukin day with Val. Hey, hey, hey. Fuck my life. '
Okay, after this line, you definitely like this character. His personality is amusing. You can already tell how two faced he is too. Angel laughed a little at the scene. "Yeah, I get where his feelings are coming from. Valentino's a bitch."
' What is this? Wrist ruffles! Is it 1750? Burn it like a witches who wore it. '
' No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww. Oh, yes. That's the one. '
You can definitely see why she's the fashion designer now. She's certainly got the attitude. And then Vox went inside Valentino's room which was filled with pink smokes. You didn't know exactly what to expect. From all the songs and theories, he is supposed to be a ruthless mastermind who's even got Vox on a leash.
' Kitty, another drink. '
Huh? Was that a fizzaroli robot? You paused for a moment. Yeah it was, some kinda cheap version of it at least. Valentino threw a glass at Vox, only for him to step out of the way quickly, looking bored. He was definitely used to this.
' Fucking Angel Dust. Who the hell else would I be talking about? That fucking slut walked out on me. Me. I fucking made him. Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes. '
Angel's grip on you tightened just a little bit at that. Suddenly he remembered something. After he came here, he missed many of their appointments. Is it possible Valentino's currently searching for him now. What's worse, maybe he's already in this world and looking for him like this.
You held Angel's hand tightly on your shoulder and gave him a soft smile. Charlie looked distraught at this and leaned her head on his arm. "Don't worry Angel, you're much much more than that. You're a great person. " She said softly looking at him. You nodded in agreement. "We're all here for you okay?"
' Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter now? '
' Yeah, that bitch. Chalkie or Chandler or..I don't know. Something mannish like that. '
"Are they... talking about me?" Charlie mumbled. "Yep..." Angel replied. He prayed this didn't get the hotel in trouble, because of him.
' Val! Think about it. '
The little stunt he did there made you rethink about the theories. Maybe Valentino actually doesn't have much power over vox? Vox seemed to just sway Val however he wants. He was one hell of a smooth talker.
' Someone who owes us much more then money ~ The radio demon is there '
' What did you just say? '
Wooo boy, from the looks of it. You were correct. The TV demon does have a history with the radio demon or Alastor. Oh this was going to be fun. And he owes them something? What could it be?
' Hey killing Alastor is your kink '
"That's one hell of a kink to have. " Angel commented. " A pretty interesting one too..." You mumbled while side eyeing Alastor. You could already smell the fanrt between these two. Classic enemies to lovers trope. Then it cut to Pentious ripping off a piece from Alastor's coat and getting blown away.
' Well it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. '
"How? Literally how?" You commented. "The entire lower part of your coat is already ripped." You looked at Alastor accusingly. "Well, my dear, ripped or not, that slimy, forgettable fellow touched my clothes. And I simply couldn't have that." He said looking at Pentious threateningly as he cowered away in fear.
' See? Look at how he flirts with that guy,and he's not even paying '
Angel rolled his eyes. "Well maybe it's cause someone isn't forcing me to?"
' You still pissed he almost beat you that time? '
' Uh, fuck you '
' Just saying ~ '
And another song was on it's way.
' Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has been who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence '
You paused in middle of his line to see the oh so beautiful drawing made by Vox up close. "Furry....triangle ass..dumb hair...yeah Alastor really does have dumb hair." You snickered quietly before shutting up as you felt eyes staring straight at your soul which was no doubt Alastor's. At least Cherri, Angel and Husk laughed at it. "Also it says dildo on your microphone thingy...is it actually a-"
Before you could finish your sentence you were roughly bonked in the head.
' Stop giving him the time of day
ย  Don't listen to word he'd say
ย  Hope he had a nice vacay
But he should have stayed away '
Man, this guy seems to hate Alastor with a passion. You wondered how Alastor felt. But he seemed indifferent and bored, like he was used to these.
' Salutations, good to be back on the air '
A Radio Vs TV song battle, what more could you hope for. Alastor continued to just play with Vox throughout the whole song. It was clear who was more powerful between the two even though Vox tried so hard to make himself look better.
' And here's the sugar on the cream
He asked me to join his team '
' Hold on '
' I said no and now he's pissy
That's the tea~ '
"Wait, wait hold on. You were asked to join the V's? And you declined?" "Yes, I did" Alastor answered your question.ย ย  "But why would you do that. " Pentious whined. He wanted so badly to join their team and Alastor had that opportunity and just..passed it? " I had no interest in joining his frivolous team. So I declined, simple as that."
After alastor completely destroyed vox, he buffered and shut off all of the pentagram city's electricity.
' Let's begin
I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone '
Oh, oh. The way he said the first part and then slowly turned into a monstrous form...that was hot as fuck. You had a hand across your mouth as you watched him sing. This didn't go unnoticed by your companions. The way his eyes changed into radio dials and kept ticking was horrifying yet it drew you in more as you kept watching with sparkles in your eye.
' Ffffuck! '
Alastor laughed loudly at Vox's outburst as Angel let out a whistle. "Nice going creepy guy. Ya really showed him his place" He finger gunned at Alastor. "Of course, he never stood a chance in the first place. " He said proudly as he went to fix his bow tie.
So Vox was a whiny, insecured , jealous man, gotcha. You like him, he's fun. Though he seemed strong enough too. He shut off the whole city's power after all.
' Put something inside them. That's how I get the bitches to behave. '
He does what? You and Angel both cringed inside at that line. 'ugh..'
' Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us '
Oh no, you already knew who this was going to be.
' Why, hello, my dear...'
And Pentious got punched just as quickly as he spoke after arriving at the hotel.
' Wait, wait, wait. I come in peace. '
" They sent Pentious?" " They sent me?" Pentious and several others said in the same time. You already knew this was going to happen. This was going to fail miserably, wasn't it? Vaggie glared at Pentious even though he didn't do any of that in real life. "The V's believed in me.." Pentious looked at his hands. "They believed I could do it!"
"Uh, I think you forgot WHY they choose you. " Cherri said shaking her head. However Pentious was too happy to register it.
' What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once... '
Ouch, that hurt Angel a bit, both in and outside of the show. But, that was true right? Angel thought to himself. He didn't have any interest in redeeming himself. He just needed a place to crash in. He shook his head, 'Whatever'
' The bad boy is back. Never leave me again. '
Woah, Niffty, she's.... something else. Beneath you, Niffty giggled manically and you loosened your hold on her just a little bit.
' I definitely remember you now. '
That line sent shivers down your spine, in a good way.
' My name's Sir Pentious
ย  I like to build
And despite my stupid egg Bois
I think I'm very skilled '
' Yes, yes you are very skilled my boy' You wiped a imaginary tear at that. What a precious bean. You just want to squish his cheeks. Then it cut to a play Charlie was doing with Angel and Pentious. You already saw this small bit in the teaser. But seeing Pentious licking that lollipop in that outfit was still adorable.
Things took a bad turn soon as Angel felt guilty for not properly participating in Charlie's play. He went back to his room with fat nuggets. Angel buried his face in your hair, not liking where this was going.
' You fuckin' slut ! '
' Hey, Angie, about earlier... '
' Kill your whole fucking fam... '
' Work's really stressful... '
' Little cocksucking piece of shit.. '
' You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change. I'll see you soon baby. '
"That's not true...Angel...I-" Charlie was about to apologize but Angel shushed her by putting a finger to her lips. "Charlie please not now. I don't want to hear about it. " He had his face buried into your shoulder and whispered. "(Y/n), please continue."
You nodded and leaned your head towards him, hoping to reassure him even a little bit without looking like you're pitying him and paused the episode.
While drinking Angel caught Pentious trying to sneak in CCTV cameras in the hotel. It escalated into a fight quickly.
' Get your aggressively average body, off of me! '
Pentious then put Angel is some kind of hypnotism spell for a bit. You didn't know he could do that. That's cool. It was probably a snake power.
' Do us a favour, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure. '
Pentious felt like his heart was broken in two. He hid his face in his knees. Alastor just let out a 'hmm' boredily. " I hope you learnt your lesson now you slippery shit. " Angel scowled at him.
' It starts with sorry
That's your foot in the door '
This song could only mean one thing. Pentious was going to be a part of the hotel now. You mentally cheered. He deserved this very much. Pentious peeked out from his knees to look at the screen again. The song was really sweet too. Charlie looked so proud of Pentious while Vaggie and Angel was unamused. Niffty on the other hand seemed pissed off.
' I hated that song. Why are you so lame? Not a bad boy. '
"Yeah, he was so cool and now he had to go ahead and ruin it, hmph!" Niffty crossed her hands with a pout to which you sweatdropped.
' You'll have to try harder than that next time, ol' pal, hahaha... '
Everyone looked at this scene with a shocked Pikachu face. And with that, the second episode was done. There were two more episodes left to watch. But before that, your stomach let out an embarrassing noise, making blood rush to your face.
"Ahaha...I forgot I haven't eaten since yesterday. Would you guys mind if I ate a little before continuing the next episode?" You scratched you cheek.
"Of course not, I'm sorry we forgot about that. I'll go get some food -" before Charlie could get up, Alastor stopped her motioning with his hand . "Charlie, you must be exhausted after last night. Niffty dear, could you get up and get some food for our host and the two girls?"
"Going!" Niffty stood up so fast that if you weren't careful she would have hit your chin. While Niffty was coming back with food, Charlie busied herself with talking with Pentious, their apparent new member of the hotel. You picked up your phone and found out you had a new email. It said that Vaggie got the job. You quickly let her know.ย  While celebrating the news Charlie remembered something.
"Oh no...I forgot to go to the cafe today! I didn't even let them know!"
That was completely your fault. You quickly dialed up Adrien's number to let him know. It seemed like he wasn't that angry. He would have called her himself later after the shift. He wished you a speedy recovery and you let him know that Charlie would come back to work from tomorrow and apologized for the inconvenience. And after that you started texting your co-worker about the situation you were in while waiting for the food to arrive.
Around that time, in the ground of the pond beside your cabin, a red pentagram appeared. From that a blue coloured animal emerged.
The animal had robotic parts all over its body. Actually it was a robot that just had a certain animals figure. While moving around with it's tail, it discovered that it still had sharp teeth in its face, sharp enough to bite through the hardest of things easily. It still couldn't see its whole body properly. Though it only had one thing in its mind currently.
Figuring out where the hell it was.
A.n (please read) : phew, finally done. Sorry for the long wait. I'm currently drowning in studies. Hopefully the chapter was satisfactory. I dunno if I got the reactions right(โ ^โ ๏ฝžโ ^โ ;โ )โ ใ‚ž
Also I'm kinda scared to tackle Angel's abuse episode (โ โ€ขโ ย โ โ–ฝโ ย โ โ€ขโ ;โ ) I know no matter how hard I try, I'll still probably offend someone. I only ask you all to be patient with me and know that I'm trying my best.
Now for the explanation on the requirements of a new character appearing. I know you all want your favourite characters to come but it has some rules. Making everyone appear is going to make the fanfic a lot messy. Iย  wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone. So the rules are as following,
- first rule, Reader has to watch a episode of that character. The reason behind all the current characters appearing is because we already saw them in the pilot, reader knows about their character already.
For example, we have finally met Adam and lute in the new episodes. Now they have a chance to come anytime I want in future. But as for Lucifer, he'll still have to wait till we get to his episode. (Sorry Lucifer fans)
- Second rule, If that character is relevant to the story. This entirely depends on me. I already have the whole storyline in my head. I know how the story goes roughly, how it'll end, who's going to die and stuffs.
For example, if any of you ask St.peter to join in the story after his episode but it doesn't go with the plot I have, he isn't going to come.
Hopefully this clears up a lot of things. But if you have any other questions, feel free to ask me in the comments. (โ โ—โ โ€ขโ แด—โ โ€ขโ โ—โ )
Also I want to use Spanish words and phrases for the Spanish people in Hazbin hotel but I'm scared to use Google translate cause how easily it fucks stuffs up sometimes. Does anyone know any good website I could use for that? Or could any of my Spanish readers help me out a bit? (โ โ€ขโ ย โ โ–ฝโ ย โ โ€ขโ ;โ )
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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voxsremotec0ck ยท 4 months
๐๐จ๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐’๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž.แŸ
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โ‹†๏ฝก๏พŸYou, new to Hell and clueless about everything, pass them on the street and give them a polite smile and wave ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹†
โ€” Lucifer, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust
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Lucifer watches as you shine your sharp teeth at him in a genuine smile with furrowed eyebrows. When he noticed you waving, he awkwardly waves back with his cane and watches you walk away. After his years of isolation, his name has definitely lost a lot of weight, but still sinners donโ€™t just casually wave and smile at him. How odd.
Alastor meets your smile with his own, although itโ€™s his default expression, it does grow at the sight of you. What was someone so cheery and naive doing in Hell? And smiling at him of all Demons, like he was just any other sinner? Oh you might just be a perfect asset for Charlieโ€™s hotel.
Vox flashes you his signature showmanship smile, but pauses when you just walk past him. Normally when someone smiles and waves at him, they want something. Either information about VoxTec or the Veeโ€™s plans, he was always selling something. Yet you waved and kept walking, like you didnโ€™t even know who he was. It was interesting to say the least.
Angel Dust is used to attention, wanted or otherwise, so random Demons waving and smiling at him were normal. What wasnโ€™t normal was the lack of malice behind your smile, and the fact that you kept walking instead of trying to buy him for the night. He watched you continue down the street and wondered just how soon Charlie would snatch you up.
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First time writing for these characters so I hope itโ€™s okay
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alastorss ยท 4 months
โ‹†๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜๏ธŽ๏ฝกโ‹†๏ฝก ๏พŸโ˜พ ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹†
He's not good at being vulnerable, so acts of service are the only way he can tell you he cares. He's a gentleman through and through, always making sure you're safe and happy. Alastor has gotten used to moving you to the inside of the sidewalk when you join him on his strolls, standing in front of you when drunks approach, even making sure your clothes are folded. He isn't the nicest with his words, and he honestly kind of hates being touched, so he tries his best to do whatever he can to make you happy the only way he knows how. Romance and all that just isn't what he was built for, but he does care. Really.
You think it would be physical touch, but that's far from the truth. Angel has been used his entire afterlifeโ€”as soon as he finds someone he feels safe and loved with, he'll settle down quickly. But because of his past, he'll constantly seek words of affirmation and give them in return. One, because he wants to hear you say things that make him feel secure in your relationship. And two, because he never wants you to feel the way he did with Val. Same goes for quality time: Angel never felt like he was valued or cherished in his past relationships so spending some quiet time with you is what he craves the most. Sure, sex is fun, but just being by your side is enough for him.
The King of Hell can do anything. He can be anything. And he'd give you whatever you wanted if it meant seeing you smile. He's especially good at hand made gifts, his creativity and imagination never running dry. And when it makes you smile? That's the best gift he could ever ask for in return. Spoiling you is just what he does best, and if he has the capacity for it, then why not?
This guy is Touch Starvedโ„ข๏ธ. The underworld has really messed with his head and put him into pretty dark placesโ€”drinking is all he knows until he meets you. And when you touch him? Oh boy. He malfunctions, but in a good way. It's like all the toment in his head goes quiet without needing to pound some bottles. So he gets used to it, does everything he can to get you to even hold his hands. It's nice knowing someone in this place has his back, past and all. And he does his best to return the affection, wanting you to feel all the same showers of love you give to him.
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genderlessdude92 ยท 3 months
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this is probably what Vox would do if shining a bright flash of light at Val doesnโ€™t work ๐Ÿ’€
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tinfairies ยท 3 months
You Text Them "I want a baby"
Featuring: Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Angel Dust, Charlie, Adam
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Angel Dust
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aliceramblez ยท 4 months
Dating the Hazbin Hotel Residents ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
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Tags: GN!Reader, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentioned Mature Topics (ie. Suicidal Thoughts, Alcohol Abuse, SA, etc), Spoilers For The Show, etc.
A/N: Ahhh yes, more brainriot for the pile ๐Ÿ˜Œ I was more of a Helluva gal before the show aired, but now I gotta say these blorbos are a dear part of my heart! Hopefully y'all enjoy these as much as I did writing them!
Consider following my main blog @taruchinator for more solid content & feel free to leave a request here for future HCs~
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Charlie ๐ŸŒˆ
When the Happy Hotel first opened its doors and all of Hell started making a mockery of it, you were probably the only one who took it as a sign to try and improve from the low life that you were. It's not like you had anything else to live for, anyway.
As soon as you enter the building, you're immediately greeted by the bubbly Princess of Hell herself (along with a reluctant Angel Dust) who is more than happy to show you around and welcomes you with open arms.
You've never been shown this much kindness and sympathy for your situation before, so it naturally takes you aback and makes you wonder what the catch is. Turns out there's none and the Princess is probably the only sweet soul to live in this shithole.
As you grow closer, she asks you to drop the title and just call her Charlie. She also shares a bit about her situation and how her mother wanted to save sinners from the extermination each year, and now Charlie felt like it was her duty to continue this legacy until her dreams came true.
You can't help but feel touched over how much she cares, so you silently vow to yourself to help her in any way you can, just like she's done for you.
It doesn't take long before the two of you grow even closer and feelings begin to blossom, but you decide to ignore them since why would a Princess ever like someone like you?
But Charlie proves you wrong yet again, since one day she comes to you a blushing mess and confesses her own feelings, asking if you'd like to go out with her. You can't help but vocalize your shock since she could do so much better than a random sinner. She deserved better, too.
She looks at you with fondness in her eyes. โ€œYou've been by my side for so long and supported me every step of the way. Who wouldn't fall for someone like that?โ€
And thus, you are the luckiest person in Hell because you scored Charlotte Morningstar, and whoever says otherwise can get a knife to their throat.
She's the perfect definition of a sweet and patient girlfriend, never pushing you to do anything you aren't comfortable with (since you really aren't used to such adoration in a romantic relationship), but as soon as you give her the get-go, she'll be sure to shower you with as much affection as she can until the doubts in your mind disappear completely.
You aren't that far behind either. Albeit not as good as her, you do your best to be a comforting partner whenever she needs you. This is especially necessary after an extermination happens, which always leaves Charlie devastated and in need of a hug or words of encouragement because she doubts herself sometimes and wonders if the hotel is even working at all.
You remind her how it brought the two of you together, to which she smiles and agrees that at least something good has come out of it so far.
Vaggie ๐ŸŽ€
Both you and Vaggie used to work in the same legion under Adam with the rest of his exorcists. You knew of each other's existence, but didn't really talk much aside from whatever was needed in the midst of battle.
The day she spares a demon child's life, you're doing your rounds nearby and witness the whole exchange, including Lute coming over and ripping both an eye and Vaggie's wings for showing mercy. You don't know why, but it makes your blood boil.
โ€œHEY! What are you doing?! It was just a kid, why not let it slide?โ€
And just like that, you become a target of Lute's rage as well, being ripped from your angelic status along with receiving a few nasty cuts, yet surprisingly not as bad as Vaggie herself.
Once the two of you are left to die, you immediately try to tend the girl's wounds with whatever you can. Vaggie can only stare in disbelief at what you'd done and questions why you even did so in the first placeโ€”now you were stuck just like she was.
โ€œGuess I just don't like seeing injustice... Who knew Heaven could be so fuckin' shitty?โ€
You both laugh at the irony of it all, and that's when luck is finally on your side as Charlie finds you in the dirty alley and brings you back to the hotel to heal properly.
For the next three years you two stay at the Hazbin Hotel, helping Charlie in any way you can to try and make her dream a reality since deep down you hope that despite Heaven's corrupt system, there can be a small chance that souls can be redeemed. You hide the fact that you're ex-Anges though, since you don't wanna cause unnecessary drama.
During this time period, the two of you become better friends, having your own inside jokes regarding things you didn't particularly enjoy from your time as Angels, as well as learning more about one another.
You're the one to come to terms with your feelings first and decide to lay them on the table for Vaggie to seeโ€”she's always been a straight-to-the-point kind of gal, so if you're about to be rejected, might as well have it be done quick. But of course, she replies with her own declaration and desire to give a relationship a shot, which you're ecstatic about!
It's a bit hard at first since you never got to see much of romantic relationships in Heaven while training for murder every year, but you try and make it work. Both you and Vaggie work endlessly to try and make the other happy, and it only makes you fall for each other even more.
Also Charlie is your go-to wingwoman who will be there to give you the best advice to try and woo your girlfriend. She ships you two so hard.
Angel Dust ๐Ÿ•ธ
Working at a porn studio under an Overlord who owns your soul can be exhausting. You know this better than anyone since everyone who works under Valentino has contracts that won't let you get far with a leash. This is especially true with your friend Angel Dust.
You know about the things Valentino does to the spider demonโ€”hell, everyone in the studio probably knows, but know better than to say anything about it. You're always there for Angel after particularly rough shoots, doing your best to comfort him in any way you can, though there isn't much you can do given you're in the same spot.
When he tells you he's moving to Princess Charlie's Hazbin Hotel, you're so happy for him! At least that will give him some distance from Valentino and his disgustingly filthy hands when he's not working.
This unsurprisingly doesn't bode well with the Overlord, causing him to throw fits of rage around the studio when Angel leaves for the day. You can't help but make a snarky comment that you definitely regret moments later.
โ€œCan one blame him for wanting space from such an overbearing asshole?โ€
Without his favorite stress toy around, you end up paying the price for such comments. The kind of pain and suffering he puts you through is completely different from what you're used to. Is this the stuff he does to Angel? He leaves you naked, bruised and bloody in your room, and all you can do is muster what little strenght you have left to head for the Hazbin Hotel.
As soon as the door opens, you immediately tumble forward and start losing consciousness. The last thing you remember is Angel's horrified expression before it all fades to black.
Once you wake up and have been patched up, you explain what happened at the studio, and you could've sworn you saw fire in Angel's eyes as he holds on to you, fearing you might disappear at any moment. He begs you to stay in the hotel with him, and you agree without hesitation.
And so, your new routine of heading to work and then coming back to the hotel becomes blissful, not having to deal with that lunatic mothman more than necessary. You also get to spend time off with your best friend, which is always a plus.
Well, โ€˜best friendโ€™ might not be the best way to describe it. You'd developed a crush on the spider demon even before this whole incident occurred, and now that you were spending more time with him, it only continued to grow.
With the line of work you two had, romantic relationships didn't seem to be a thing that crossed anybody's mind since why have a permanent partner when you could just go around fucking the hottest people in Hell? But you knew your feelings were far beyond from sexual, but didn't wanna ruin what you already had going for you.
One heartfelt drunken conversation after work however, makes you do a double takeโ€”Angel likes you back. And that both scares and excites you. But with both of you going over the pros and cons with each other, you decide to give it a chance.
You make sure to always have Angel's consent when it comes to physical intimacyโ€”anything from holding his hand, to kissing to just cuddling. He jokes about not being a porcelain doll, but deep down you know he appreciates it.
You're also there for the rough nights, when he comes home wanting nothing more than to die again and let the earth swallow him whole. Words of reassurance are spoken and you can only hold him and let him cry as you vow to do anything in your power to stop this from happening again.
Husker ๐Ÿบ
As one of the first guests of the hotel, like any wayward sinner, you find yourself in the bar more often than you'd like. Alcohol killed you in the first place, yet not even in the afterlife could you seem to pull yourself from its grasp.
It's a somewhat welcome surprise to find out that the bartender is going through a similar struggle. He still serves you drinks and lends and ear whenever he's not busy, but will occasionally drop the words of wisdom to watch your fill.
Eventually you two find yourselves doing this little back and forth and aid each other when you're in your dark placesโ€”Husk won't let you near the bottle if he sees you're about to knock yourself out, meanwhile you're there to look after him when he has one too many drinks and can't take care of himself.
Not to say he isn't a good drinking buddyโ€”you've found out most of the gossip around the hotel thanks to this sneaky little cat demon and there's never a dull moment with him around.
You learn about his deal with Alastor during a particularly bad night, when Husk's had one too many and isn't thinking straight. You don't bring it up, but now have an eye open for whenever the Radio Demon drags your friend away.
Angel's the one who brings up your questionable relationship to the surface.
โ€œSo... you two like, fuckin' each other, or what?โ€
Your entire face goes red, and if it weren't for the dark fur you could swear you see Husk looking the same. He's quick to get rid of Angel's nosy ass, but now the seed has been planted in your brainโ€”do you like Husk that way?
After careful consideration, you come to the conclusion that yes, you do. And it's honestly kinda terrifying considering how relationships don't usually work out in Hell, at least from what you've seen. Besides, even if you did try and confess, there was always the possibility of him not feeling the same and just being embarrassed by Angel's comment.
So in an attempt to make your feelings disappear, you stop frequenting the bar. Who knew the best way to stop drinking habits was trying to avoid spending time with your unrequited crush?
But of course, Husk isn't stupid. He sees the change in your behavior and let's it slide for a while, until he eventually corners you and asks what's wrong. You decide to get it all out of the way and tell him how you feel.
To the embarrassment of both of you, he holds your hand firmly between his and darts his eyes toward the corner of the room. โ€œNext time you should ask before going off assuming things, ya got it?โ€
And so, your glass may have been empty that day, but your heart had never felt fuller.
Sir Pentious ๐Ÿ
You meet Sir Pentious when you sign into the hotel, and your immediate thought is just how can this snake man be so adorkable, it should be illegal.
As you greet the other residents and staff, you're quick to strike a conversation with him, which based on his body language he was not expecting. He starts telling you a bit about his weaponry and other contraptions, and you can't help but be fascinated by it.
You're a bit of a tinkerer yourself, albeit you've only dabbled in small scale projectsโ€”nothing compared to the massive canons and aircrafts that Pentious seems to be familiar with.
He acts like a kid opening gifts on Sinmas when he talks to you about his inventions, clearly never having anyone show interest before. Eventually he'll even ask for your input on certain smaller projects he wants to work on to help around the hotel, all to thank Charlie for being so kind to him and giving him a second chance. You're obviously eager to help!
You two start spending so much time together that the egg boys have started calling you โ€˜Boss #2โ€™, much to Pentious' embarrassment and your amusement.
One afternoon once exercises are done for the day, the snake demon seems much more fidgety than usual as he invites you over to his room to continue working on his security system prototype. He's a blabbering mess once he has you sitting down and your heart just can't help but swell at each little syllable.
โ€œDearest (y/n)... you've, um, well... you are a huge inspiration for my work! A-And I wouldn't have been able to create any of this... without your help. You are kind, and smart and very talented.... and w-well, um I-โ€
You gotta silence the man with a kiss otherwise you two would be here all day. He's puddy in your hands and you can only giggle in return. โ€œI really like you too, Pen.โ€
Everyone is either saying they called it or groaning in annoyance because fucking FINALLY, you two were just dancing around each other like idiots. The egg boys are just so happy to have someone else besides Pentious to be in their lives, and will do their best to look out for you just like with their own boss.
So yeah, prepare yourself for some sickeningly sweet gestures from this guy cause he will go above and beyond to get you what you need/want even if it kills him (again). And you can confidently say that you'd do the same in return.
Alastor ๐Ÿ“ป
After running in the same circles when you were alive, it's no surprise to you to end up in Hell, although you never would've suspected that you'd find yourself in the same place as him. It was honestly a huge relief not having to go through this all by yourself.
As Alastor exerted his dominance over Hell as the Radio Demon, you were powerful enough to be an Overlord yes, but rather liked keeping it on the down low instead of making a spectacle of yourself (Alastor was the one for theatrics anyway). Because of this, only select few knew of your true power and what you were capable of.
Instead, if there was one thing you were known for, it was being the only soul allowed to be close to the Radio Demon without the risk of death.
Yes, Alastor was a sadistic, cold-blooded and egotistical mastermind, but he wasn't a monster. You knew that better than anyone. Although the reactions he had to other demons treating you like a joke or calling you the โ€˜Radio Demon's Petโ€™ were not helping his case.
โ€œล‚โ‚ฃ ษŽร˜ษ„ Vโ‚ณโฑ ษ„ษ† ษŽร˜ษ„โฑค โ‚ดร˜ษ„โฑ , ษŽร˜ษ„ โ‚ฉล‚โฑ โฑ  โ‚ฉโ‚ณโฑ โ‚ญ โ‚ณโ‚ฉโ‚ณษŽ โฑคล‚โ‚ฒโฑงโ‚ฎ โ‚ฆร˜โ‚ฉ เธฟษ†โ‚ฃร˜โฑคษ† ล‚ โฑคล‚โ‚ฑ ล‚โ‚ฎ โ‚ณโ‚ฑโ‚ณโฑคโ‚ฎ เธฟล‚โ‚ฎ เธฟษŽ เธฟล‚โ‚ฎ...โ€
โ€œAl, chill. You're gonna make them shit their pants.โ€
After his seven year absence, you immediately noticed something was wrong with him, and wouldn't stop pestering until he told you the truthโ€”A deal he made and how his soul was now bound to someone much more powerful than he was.
You were obviously mortified and started looking into ways to try and find a loophole to this, but alas the Radio Demon would just give you his signature grin and tell you not to worry about it. It was his battle to face.
But of course you're quick to remind him that you've stuck together through thick and thin even in life, so there was no way you were letting him handle this by himself. You work as a teamโ€”always have and always will. You engulf him in a hug.
โ€œWe're gonna figure this out, Al. I promise...โ€
The grin remains, but his eyes widen slightly in surprise. He hesitantly returns the embrace, patting your back and wiping the tears you didn't even know you were shedding.
โ€œThere there~ To think such a sweet and innocent soul wound up in a gutter like this. I cannot say I complain as long as I have your delightful company beside me.โ€
And so when he says he has a plan that involves Princess Charlie Morningstar and her new Happy Hotel, you follow along. Whatever fate has in store for you two, you'll be ready.
Also Charlie is a sweetheart who could do no harm. Knowing Alastor, he'll probably do whatever he can here and there to help around for the cause. You also offer your services as an undercover Overlord, much to everyone's surprise when you reveal your status.
The Radio Demon may have a plan, but something tells you it won't involve bloody murder (unless extremely necessary or if someone really pissed him off).
Like you saidโ€”he's not a monster.
Lucifer ๐ŸŽ
You and Lucifer were good friends at the beginning of Creation. While you were stuck with the tedious task of designing blueprints for the new โ€˜Human Projectโ€™ that headquarters had in store, Lucifer's Seraphim status allowed him to bring creations to life with the flick of a wrist, much to your delight and wonder.
His ideas and pitches for Earth were always so entertaining to listen to, and you would do your best to encourage him to show them to the higher ups to get them approvedโ€”His mind was just filled with joy and love and wonder that you'd never seen before.
Which was why it was always so disappointing whenever he'd come back and say that he was shut down and even mocked at. How could Heaven shut down such an imaginative mind in the creation of their biggest project yet?
To say you were devastated when you heard about his fall would be an understatement. You mourned the loss of your friend, knowing that he'd done nothing wrong and thinking it wasn't fair to him to receive such punishment just because he cared for the future of humanity.
Thousands of years later, you overhear the plan for Extermination of Hell kind. You didn't mean to walk by, yet here you were, under the direct eye of the Head Seraphims about to be downcast for something you had no control overโ€”just like Lucifer.
โ€œYou're all self-entitled pricks! You think you can do whatever you want just because it doesn't follow what you define as good!โ€
You get a few good arguments before being cast downwards, leaving you in bad shape in a random alley with no wings and no means of escape. That is of course, until destiny seems to be on your side and Lucifer finds you, completely perplexed to see you here at all.
After getting treated, you tell him about the Extermination so he and Hell can prepare. The conversation of you getting cast down by Heaven gets glossed over, but he can feel the fury building up inside him. You were always doing things by the bookโ€”how could they do this to you?
Once the slaughter is over, Lucifer gets a meeting with Heaven and secures protection for both his daughter Charlie and you, to which they begrudgingly agree to keep him outta their hair. You can't help but feel touched by this gesture.
He's also quick to offer you a room to stay in, but you compromise by living in a seperate building from him and Charlie so you aren't a bother even though he says you aren't. In fact, ever since Lilith left, he's had to take care of his young daughter all by himself, so he's more than happy when you offer to help.
It doesn't take long for your feelings to start coming into the surface from all those years ago, and you gotta push them away because he's both married and has a child to look after! Besides, why would the King of Hell ever look in your direction?
Eventually though, he brings up the question with nothing but sweaty palms and a customized rubber ducky that says โ€˜I love youโ€™ whenever you squeeze it. You blush furiously, but can't help but bring up your concerns, not wanting to replace Lilith in his heart. He looks into your eyes and says that he hasn't been as happy as he is now in the past thousand years.
Cue baby Charlie walking in on everything, and she just smiles and goes innocently. โ€œDaddy! Is (y/n) staying home with us now?โ€
You two can only chuckle at the cuteness of it and you immediately go to hug her. You couldn't believe that you were blessed with such a wonderful family.
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that-fic-girl ยท 4 months
Head canon: what it would be like to date them.
characters: Alastor, angel dust, husk, vox
disclaimer: everything i write about these characters might not be accurate to the actual story, please take everything in the fic with a grain of salt, none of this is canon!!
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he hasnt been in an actual relationship in a while so being close and vulnerable with someone is quite hard for him, especially as someone who associates emotions with weakness.
First off, its safe to say he adores the ground you walk on. He's in love with everything about you, your clothes, the smell of your hair, your sickly sweet voice. his loves it all.
If there was ever a problem you needed fixing, a person you needed taken care of or even a errand you needed to run he would tend to it himself. he would not let you lift a finger.
PDA is a iffy thing for him, he wouldnt do grand big gestures but maybe a hand on the hip or a few words of affirmation.
everyone in the pride ring quickly learned of yours and radio demon's relationship. And no one dared to mess with you, ofcourse there was people who wanted to test their luck but they would have to pay the price later.
his love language is definitely words of affirmation, he will sweet talk the shit out of you. At night when it's just you two in bed, he will have his hands stroking through your hair whilst you rant to him about your day and he'll reply with sweet nothings
"oh darling, i've missed you all evening"
"you looked ravishing today my dear.."
"mm your hair smells amazing, my love"
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Angel Dust
Angel is one of, if not, the horniest mother fuckers out there but somehow, he manages to somewhat make a healthy relationship with someone.
you two are seen as "the bad bitch" couple. you're always out together, always getting into dumb shit together. You'll get yelled at by vaggie at early hours in the morning because the two of you where playing a childish game of tag in the hotel halls.
his love language is definitely physical touch, he'll have his arms slung around your waist almost all the time. Kisses are a MUST every 5 minutes, like this boy will NOT part from you. especially in the mornings when you have to leave for work;
"mmnnnnoooooooo...stayyy for five minutes pleasseeeee"
"but sweets..you're soooo warm"
"sweetheart please, you feel so comfy"
yeah good luck with that.
nights with him are VERY eventful, if it wasn't obvious. You two would usually be at it late hours into the night but sometimes, when you two where too exhausted to fuck like rabbits, he would be sprawled across your lap whilst you stroked his fur.
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Despite his harsh tone and uncompromising demeanor, you understood that Husk wasn't trying to be malicious towards you. It was simply his way of communicating, and you knew that his behavior wasn't personal. Even though he could be abrasive at times, you loved him for his rough edges and authentic personality
You and Husk's time together was mostly spent at the bar. You didn't like to drink much, but you loved seeing him work and make cocktails like a pro. You didn't mind that it wasn't considered a typical date, because you liked spending time with him in whatever way he felt most comfortable.
Husk is not used to receiving compliments, as he didn't often receive them in his past life. When you complimented him, it caught him off guard and he was surprised. But he eventually learned to appreciate it, and it even made him feel a little sentimental.
Despite the difficulty, you were able to help Husk realize that you genuinely cared about him. He had been used to being surrounded by dishonesty and hypocrisy, but you were always sincere and real. He held you in high regard, as you were the only source of light in his life, and he didn't want to lose you.
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You were known as a strong and independent person who didn't need assistance from others. You knew how to stand up for yourself, despite being harsh and tough at times. Despite your exterior, no one was aware of the soft spot in your heart that Vox's affection and touch alone could melt away your severity.
He appreciated seeing your affectionate side, as it felt special and intimate, like a shared secret between the two of you. He knew you valued your privacy, and he respected it by never sharing photos or other details on social media. He didn't want to betray your trust.
You were often feared and respected when you were with Vox. People found it hard to believe that someone as intimidating as yourself could have a tender, caring side that was kept hidden from most. Vox was glad that he was the only one who got to see that side of you. He didn't want to share something so special and personal with anyone else.
Quite often, he would call you on the phone, knowing that sweet words could be just as effective as a kiss. He enjoyed hearing how your voice softened from its usual seriousness to a more affectionate tone. He was aware that when he said loving phrases to you, you would blush and smile shyly, and sometimes he even regretted not being able to witness it in person.
"i've missed you today babe.."
"mhm look at my pretty girl/boy!"
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sockmeat ยท 3 days
Hear me out, Angel Dust with a DILF reader
He just sees this hot meal of a man and he's interested as Angel Dust
But then he sees R is a sweetheart and adopted a little imp child and that interests Anthony
oh my god.
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saturnicos ยท 4 months
Giving a bracelet to them
With: Adam, Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Lucifer
ps:: reader's gender is not mentioned
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. Charlie
She absolutely adores! Extra points if it have some decoration with rainbow.
She'll use all the time, only take off when goes to bed and when goes to take a bath โ€” she is worried if she ends up breaking or losing the pieces, so try to be as careful as possible.
As she organizes and takes care of hotel paperwork she tends to feel stressed, and unconsciously looks at the bracelet, a smile forming and her spirits slightly picking up again. She's really happy with the gift.
"Wait, this's for me? Really? It's so pretty, thank you so very much!"
. Alastor
He... Definitely have it.
Like, don't get me wrong, he just not knows how really feel about it since he has never received a gift before from anyone, except from his mother.
Deep inside, he actually likes it! The color scheme matching with his clothes, and it isn't so much decorated and colorful; or how he would like to say, simple things are more pretty.
Alastor isn't using the bracelet frequently, most because he not like that type of accessories so much. He'll probably use when is far from you, like a way to remember of you and stuff (this man don't use phone not even if the world frozen), but in the most of the time the bracelet probably will be in the pocket of his coat.
"What do you have there, my dear? Oh, a bracelet, that's very interesting."
. Adam
He... Definitely have it/2.
But it's the opposite.
He's a bitch that will probably mock about it, but will quickly change when you feel upset and try to leave him alone, saying something like "Just joking, Sugartits/Hunk, I actually liked that, give me".
He'll use ALL the time, except when he's going to the extermination.
He will 100% brag about the bracelet to anyone when he gets the chance, saying how you spent your time making gifts for him (he's a complete idiot that loved this thing, but will never admit bc high ego lol).
Lute can't stand him talking about this damn accessory anymore, please, she begs you not to give him anything else.
TOTALLY extra points if it has a guitar pendant.
"Of course you make it for me, after all, you are madly in love with me"
. Angel Dust
Now, I think it's important to point out that Angel would act a lot more like Anthony with his S/O.
Using this as a base, he'll be SO happy receiving a gift from you. Obviously, he'll make some dirty joke about it, but deep down he wonders why he received it if it's not a specific date.
This poor boy is emotionally broken, little acts like this make him feel so moved and loved โ˜น๏ธ
Every time that him have a breakdown and isolates himself, Fat Nuggets comfort him, laying next to him and gently plays with the bracelet (or if he isn't using, Fat Nuggets will pick it up and take it to him, as if knowing it is an object of comfort).
"A gift? For me? You're so kind, baby~."
. Lucifer
Listen to me: this man would probably feel so much like crying โ€” with joy โ€” and nothing convinces me otherwise.
He'd passed the lasts seven years alone, without any love or compassion, having you in his life it's a great gift for him. Now, receive a gift from someone that he considers his greatest gift? God-
He would also be one of the will use all the time. Seriously, this guy probably don't take it off in any occasion, it's a regular reminder that there is someone else besides Charlie who loves him.
He's so grateful to have you.
Later, he'll make matching necklaces with duck pendants for you, he thinks that's a lovely way to say thanks :)
"What is this, sweetie? Oh... I'll use, that's so beautiful, thank you a lot."
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Thank you for read !! I'm so sorry if this is ooc, but I hope it was pleasant anyway :)
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dearaceofhearts ยท 1 month
you walk out after an argument
characters: husk, alastor, angel dust, vox, lucifer word count: 2.9k genre: angst to fluff summary: after an argument with them, you walk out and don't come back for a few days. how do they react? author's note: hello yes this is my first time actually posting something. erm, i think i wrote too much (sorry) but hey we roll with it!! also dude i accidentally posted this before it was ready twice and i had a heart attack oh my god. anyways i don't think vox's is really fluff (oops) but everyone else's is
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โ™ก husk
when you slam the door shut on your way out, husk lets out a low grumble, setting down the glass he was cleaning onto the bar counter with a quiet sigh. it was one of the first arguments you'd had in a long time. although he wasn't usually one to get riled up so easily, the two of you knew each other well enough to know just what buttons to push to get under the other's skin. that, alongside him already having a bad day, had been a recipe for disaster.
in the few days that pass by, it's hard to tell just how affected he is by your absence since he does a pretty good job of keeping a cool facade. to anyone looking, he wouldn't appear any different than usual, just idly cleaning bottles as he always does.
but it's the small things that give away just how much husk cares and worries for you, like how his eyes flicker towards the door whenever someone comes in, his ears perking up slightly. he hates the twinge of disappointment that follows when it's not you, a slight scowl curling at his lips as he takes a swig of alcohol from one of the many bottles on the shelves of the bar. he misses talking to you. you're his favourite drinking buddy, after all.
his gaze always seems to wander back to the front door of the hotel, lingering for just a little too long before he eventually turns back to the bar, expression settling back into its usual grouchiness. but underneath that lies a hint of worry that gnaws at him in the back of his mind, even though he knows you're more than capable of handling yourself. at the end of the day, you can never be too careful in hell.
husk won't force you to come back, but he just wants to know that you're safe and sound. he trusts that you'll come back when you're ready so that the two of you can talk it over and hopefully resolve things. he doesn't want to leave it like this, and he's sure you don't either. you mean a lot more to him than he'd like to admit.
when you decide to finally return to the hotel, he pauses upon catching sight of you stepping through the doorway. he can't help the small wave of relief that washes over him, though you wouldn't be able to tell by the way he smoothly resumes restocking the bar. when you approach the counter, he looks up, giving you a short nod. "hey." he greets you, tone surprisingly softer than you're used to, "you're back."
husk's not really the type to beat around the bush, so he'd likely address the argument pretty quickly. he's also not particularly one for verbal apologies, so he'd probably be more willing to show it through his actions. you see it in the way he lets you cling to him a little longer than he normally does, leaning into him as he wordlessly holds you, his tail loosely curling around your leg. if you listen closely, you can hear some faint purring, too. it makes you smile slightly.
"alright, 'nuff of this sappy stuff." husk grumbles after a few more moments, patting your back gently before pulling back. "i'd kill for a drink right now. care to join me?" he raises a brow, a familiar glint in his eyes as he slides back behind the counter, already moving to make what he knows is your favourite drink.
you grin as you meet his eyes, expression softening. "of course. i'd love nothing more."
โ™ก alastor
"you're not listening, al." you murmur, exhaling quietly. this makes him pause for a moment, head tilted. your voice sounds different to what he's used to โ€” you're not even angry, no โ€” you just sound... tired. the argument had been going on for a while, and neither of you were getting through to the other.
when you move to leave, he makes no move to stop you, simply watching you with an intent gaze. his voice rings out clear as day in the empty silence. "where do you think you're going, my dear?"
he falters ever so slightly when you turn back to face him with a sturdy, stern gaze, responding with a flatly spoken "out", leaving no room for anything more to be said before closing the door behind you with a quiet click.
alastor won't chase after you, because he expects that you'll come back to him of your own accord. to him, it's basically guaranteed how this'll play out. he's used to demons falling right into his hands without having to exert much effort on his end, and believes that this would be no different.
so when a few days pass by with you not approaching him at all, he finds himself slightly irritated and mildly perplexed, eyes narrowed as his clawed finger taps against his cane with idle impatience. why haven't you sought him out yet?
he's seen you around the hotel, but you've never once acknowledged his presence even if the two of you were in the same room, breezing past him while he's left staring, watching you converse with everyone except him. his eye twitches in irritation, the perpetual smile on his lips strained.
...eventually, after playing a long waiting game to no avail, he decides that perhaps rosie would be able to offer some helpful advice on how to approach this situation, since he's not used to actually handling delicate emotional matters without theโ€” well, the manipulation and deal-making.
one of the main issues is his massive ego. it's that unfaltering pride that gets in the way of him apologising. he may be the radio demon, but all that power can't help him here. and he'd never openly admit to such, but he truly is at somewhat of a loss here. he's already tried most things that he's sure would usually make you forgive him, though for a reason unbeknownst to him, it's not working this time.
"oh alastor," rosie shakes her head with a small huff, "a lady's heart is to be treated with care." she lends some further words of wisdom and encouragement that he listens to with great attentiveness, since he does (begrudgingly) enjoy your company, and it would be a shame if it was lost over such a, in his eyes, trivial matter.
upon his return to the hotel, he manages to get you to sit down with him (after much polite pestering and insistence) to have a chat over some tea. when all is said and done, the two of you sit in a comfortable silence. you sip your tea, watching the blazing fires of hell from the balcony.
"refill?" alastor offers, glancing at you briefly through a sip of his own tea.
"much appreciated." you hum, legs crossed as you throw him a small, slack smile.
โ™ก angel dust
his frustration slowly fizzles out as the door closes behind you, and the guilt slowly starts to creep in. he knows he shouldn't have said what he did, and he wants nothing more than to apologise and make it up to you โ€” but he understands that it's probably better to give you some time to cool off before trying to approach you again.
despite the argument and the harsh words exchanged between you, the fact that he cares for you with his whole heart will never change, and he hopes you know that too.
while you're away, angel always finds his thoughts drifting to you, wondering how you're doing. are you eating okay? are you drinking enough? sleeping enough? with a shake of his head and a small sigh, he tries his best to return his focus back to the task at hand, whatever it may be.
he knows you can take care of yourself perfectly fine, but he just... misses you. the guilt eats away at him when he's reminded of the look on your face when you left, the brief glimmer of hurt in your eyes before you masked it with anger and tore your gaze away.
one particular night, angel heads over to your room in the hotel out of habit, not really thinking about it when he raises a fist to knock on the door. he had been hoping to spend some time with you, since today had been a particularly rough day for him. he's also been craving for one of your sleepover nights for a while, those nights where you two would stay up to talk about anything and everything until dawn rises. those times were comforting for him โ€” a rare moment of respite in his life.
but then he stops abruptly, remembering that you're not there. he lets his hand fall back to his side, expression quietly downcast. he stands alone in the silent, empty hallway. has it always been this cold?
after a few days, he's just about damn ready to go looking for you, making his way down the stairs as he prepares to head out. he's so focused that he almost misses the sight of you seemingly casually sitting at the bar, nursing a drink in your hands whilst exchanging low murmurs with husk.
he freezes momentarily, taking a deep breath. while he mentally debates with himself whether to approach you or not, husk notices him hesitating on the staircase. he catches angel's gaze, giving him a subtle nod. that's all the affirmation angel needs.
he slides on his usual relaxed demeanour, though it's a little weaker than normal, as he approaches you. he's admittedly a little nervous, but he's determined to work things out with you. he puts a gentle hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. "hey, darlin'. can i talk to you for a minute?"
the two of you head back to your room, where heartfelt apologies are exchanged and a long overdue conversation takes place. at some point during the talk, his hand had found its way on top of yours, thumb brushing over your skin gently. at the end of it all, he gives you a small, content smile. "...baby, you have no idea just how much i adore you." he whispers into the quiet, running his fingers through your hair comfortingly as your head rests on his shoulder.
it was an unspoken agreement that tonight was going to be a sleepover night. prepare for lots of cuddling and gentle, soft kisses.
โ™ก vox
he's the type to go "ha, see if i care!" when you leave, but he'll still check on you occasionally through the various cameras and electronics around the city โ€” he swears it's just because he's making sure the new limited edition voxtek product he had given to you isn't damaged.
(...it's totally because he's looking out for you, by the way. even if it's only a little. you are his darling, after all. and uh, you'll never know what happened to that guy who tried to hit on you that one time).
(vox made sure not even a trace of that bastard remained).
his obnoxious pride makes him reluctant to reach out first. that, and he's a petty little shit. so everyone around him, whether that be the other vees or his employees, is stuck dealing with his foul mood. he's become even more irritable and susceptible to lashing out than usual since you left.
he'd rather die than admit it, but you were a calming presence in his life that he hadn't realised he needed until you were gone. he hates just how much power you have over him, though you may or may not realise it. he's supposed to be the one in charge. when did you manage to sneak into his heart? his mind is occupied with thoughts of you.
and it only frustrates him more, because you're not here.
all his employees are left on edge, even more so when he takes his anger out on some poor soul who had gotten the numbers wrong on the report they handed in. "clean this mess up." vox snaps, glowering as he fixes the cuffs of his sleeves. the demon at the door hurriedly moves to do as he says, not wanting to risk meeting the same fate.
"what? what are you looking at?" he turns, eyes narrowing at the rest of the employees who flinch, hastily turning their eyes back to the screens in front of them. "get back to work." he mutters sharply, an unspoken threat in his words.
his volatile temperament goes on for a while, until velvette decides she's finally had enough and sends you a (not so) polite text to resolve your little lover's spat before she takes matters into her own hands.
meanwhile, vox is in his office. nothing seems to be going his way, and he's just about to blow another fuse when you nonchalantly throw open the doors, inviting yourself in. he freezes, staring at you for a few moments. you raise a brow. "...so. i heard you were throwing another hissy fit."
vox scowls at that, grumbling under his breath. "oh yeah? and what'd you come back for, you prissy little princess?" he sneers, clawed fingers digging into the desk with a quiet screech. "couldn't go without me for long, huh?"
"ha. you wish that was the case." you scoff, rolling your eyes with a half-amused, irked smile curling at your lips. things escalate into another argument pretty quickly, with the two of you at each other's throats. he towers over you, eyes narrowing as his grin widens in mild irritation.
it's a back and forth for quite some time, until you get sick of it and grab him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him closer until you're glaring at one another face to face. "what the fuck do you think you'reโ€”" he starts, but he's quickly cut off when your lips crash into his. vox is stunned for a few moments but soon snaps out of it, swiftly returning your kiss with equal, if not more, ferocity and intensity.
"finally got you to shut up." you murmur, grinning as you part to catch your breath and release his shirt from your grasp. before you can pull back completely, however, his hand reaches up to rest against the back of your neck, the other firmly on your waist. it takes another long, drawn-out kiss for him to finally let you go โ€” though not really, since he's still holding you close in his arms.
"...that was hot." he whispers breathlessly, staring down at you with a somewhat satisfied glint in his eyes. but you both know that there's more to come.
suffice to say, the two of you sorted things out.
โ™ก lucifer
he would regret everything almost instantly. lucifer realises just how badly he fucked up when you leave without looking back. he's not even quite sure what happened as he stands alone in the room, blinking as he's left to process everything on his own. his mind is a jumbled mess, and he can't think clearly.
all he can feel is a suffocating rush of fear as he snaps out of his daze and hurries after you, desperate to find you before you're gone. he doesn't want to take his chances. what if you don't come back? what ifโ€”
he had said things that he didn't mean, and now the weight of it all feels crushing on his shoulders. he's torn between wanting to reach out to apologise and giving you time to cool down. he doesn't want to be a bother, but also really wants to make things up to you.
most of all, he just wants reassurance that you'll come back to him and that he hasn't messed things up for good. he doesn't want to lose you. you're too precious to him for that, and he's mentally kicking himself for ever making you question your importance to him for even a second.
thankfully, you haven't gone too far so he's able to catch up to you, taking a hold of your wrist firmly. however, when you turn to look at him, he falters, the words dying in his throat. he swallows, softly clearing his throat as he scrambles to say something, anything to stop you from leaving. to reaffirm his love for you.
"...sweetheart, i'm so sorry," he whispers, expression twisted and heart heavy with remorse and sorrow as he brings you close, grip subconsciously tightening because he's afraid to let you go. "i'll do anything, i'll make it up to you, iโ€”" he trails off, burying his face into your shoulder, "just, please... don't leave. i'm sorry."
you really can't stay mad at him for too long after seeing his genuine sincerity. he acknowledges his wrongs, wanting nothing more than to make up for his mistakes and make you feel as appreciated and cared for as you've made him feel over the course of you two knowing each other. you sigh gently, thumb lightly brushing over his cheek. "...alright, silly. let's go home."
his eyes light up at that, and he's reminded of just how grateful he is to have you here by his side as you guys make your way home together. he holds your hand the entire time.
after the two of you make up, you find that he'll leave little gifts and cute trinkets around for you despite your gentle assurances that he doesn't have to. he also gives you lots of forehead kisses. he just wants to make sure you never forget how much he loves you, and that you mean the world to him.
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ยฉ dearaceofhearts ใƒผ all rights reserved. please do not steal, use or modify my works!
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selineram3421 ยท 6 months
*deep breath* Ok, someone found a loophole. Requested through messages.
Aftercare Headcanons
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Alastor/Angel/Husk X Reader
Warning! โš 
โš  suggestive/implied, implied nudity, fluff, implied biting/scratching/bruising, consent โš 
So after your...ahem..activities, this is what the boys do.
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Of course he's going to treat you like a God after something so tiring. Only the best of the best for his significant other.
Everything is taken care of. Don't you dare try to lift a finger.
Can you? I mean *cough cough*
Has the bath prepared with rose petals and candles, water at the perfect temperature. He does join you.
Towels and robes folded on the counter nearby the hygiene products.
His shadows take care of cleaning up the bed and changing the sheets.
Will sometimes apologize about the marks left on your skin. Depends.. He does like some of them.
Sometimes he'll add more
Expect a lot of cuddles and kisses while you are being taken care of in the water.
And some sweet talking.
"Tu as goรปtรฉ devine ma chรฉri/e~" (You tasted devine my darling~)
Want a massage? Of course.
Food or drinks? Already taken care of.
Once you're ready to get out of the bath, don't bother on getting up. He'll pick you up and dry you himself.
Once in your towel or robe, he'll carry you back to the now clean bed and make sure you're comfortable.
He'll dress you up too if you asked.
If not then he'll bring you your clothes, kissing you on the forehead once you have them in your hands.
No? Nothing at all?
Now you're tempting him.
"Be careful darling."
Won't do anything unless you want to.
He'll hold you close as you sleep.
He'll have everything set up for you to take care of each other on the days he's not exhausted from work. Sometimes its a last minute thing.
Wipes or rags are on the nightstand. Along with some other things like a water bottle and easy snacks.
There's a towel on the bed so you don't have to switch the sheets.
He'll clean you up with those first or will scoop you up to the bathroom. Or maybe you scoop him up?
Gets the bath or shower ready while you make sure to get the face masks and robes/towels out.
Expect kisses and tickles while helping each other clean off.
Once out of the water, both of you put on your robes/towels and get the face masks.
"Fuck babe, you left marks.", he'll say after checking himself in the mirror. "Can you make more?"
You help him dry off as best as you can, giving him kisses as you go.
He might take the kissing up a notch and turn it into a make out session...
Or more
Then its face masks time!
After that, you both get ready to cuddle up in bed and watch t.v.
Fat Nuggets joins the two of you and makes themselves comfortable under one of the blankets.
Pig in a blanket
Helps you take off your face mask when noticing you getting sleepy.
Will kiss you goodnight and spoon you/or be the little spoon.
He'll do what he can for you. He won't admit it but he went to Angel for some advice and bought whatever he needed to make sure you were taken care of.
He'll help you clean off before offering the shower.
A little awkward because he has not done something like this in a long time. Will start the water if you asked/or teach you how to work the water.
Is a little shy if you ask him to join you.
"You won't like the wet cat look."
He'll go get drinks and snacks if he doesn't join you. If he does join, then he'll call room service beforehand.
Expect kisses and gentle touches while in the water.
Notices that he did leave some marks.
Cat pupils go =โ—ฝ^โ—ฝ= > =โฌœ^โฌœ=
Let's you out first because he'll get embarrassed if you see his fur puff up after drying off.
Or you do see it and it makes you smile.
When he gets out, he sees that you've taken care of the bed sheets and opened a bottle.
Accepts the cup you offer him and sits next to you.
Feed each other snacks, maybe share a few more kisses. Might turn into a make out..
"I had a good time."
Falls asleep first while holding you and purrs.
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*screams into pillow*
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @naelys-the-aster @willowaudreykeyes @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @lbcreations-blog @+?
MLS Alastor, Angel, Husk
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