#gun violence
fractualized · 1 day
I really just want to repost this whole damn thing, because !!!
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the shock
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the anger
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the grief
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the rejection
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[Batman: the Brave and the Bold (2023) #13, "Perp Walk"]
Jason Alexander and Rodney Barnes, give me your location, etc etc
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reasonsforhope · 3 days
"Starting in July 2024, California will be the first state to charge an excise tax on guns and ammunition. The new tax – an 11% levy on each sale – will come on top of federal excise taxes of 10% or 11% for firearms and California’s [7.5]% sales tax (x).
The National Rifle Association has characterized California’s Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act as an affront to the Constitution. But the reaction from the gun lobby and firearms manufactures may hint at something else: the impact that the measure, which is aimed at reducing gun violence, may have on sales.
As a professor who studies the economics of violence and illicit trades at the University of San Diego’s Kroc School of Peace Studies, I think this law could have important ramifications.
One way to think about it is to compare state tax policies on firearms with those on alcohol and tobacco products. It’s not for nothing that these all appear in the name of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, also known as ATF...
The ATF focuses on those products because, while legal, they can cause significant harm to society – in the form of drunken driving, for example, or cancer-causing addictions. They also have a common history: All have been associated with criminal organizations seeking to profit from illicit markets.
Alcohol and tobacco products are thus usually subject to state excise taxes. This policy is known as a “Pigouvian tax,” named after 20th-century British economist Arthur Pigou. By making a given product more expensive, such a tax leads people to buy less of it, reducing the harm to society while generating tax revenue that the state can theoretically use to offset those harms that still accrue.
California, for instance, imposes a US$2.87 excise tax on each pack of cigarettes. That tax is higher than the national average but much lower than New York’s $5.35 levy. California also imposed a vaping excise tax of 12.5% in 2021.
Of the three ATF product families, firearms have enjoyed an exemption from California excise taxes. Until now...
How Much Will the Policy Help?
It’s unclear how the new tax will affect gun violence. In theory, the tax should be highly effective. In 2023, some colleagues and I modeled the U.S. market for firearms and determined that for every 1% increase in price, demand decreases by 2.6%. This means that the market should be very sensitive to tax increases.
Using these estimates, another colleague recently estimated that the California excise tax would reduce gun sales by 30% to 44%. If applied across the country, the tax could generate an additional $1.5 billion to $1.9 billion in government revenue.
One possible problem will come from surrounding states: It’s already easy to illegally transport guns bought in Nevada, where laws are more lax, to the Golden State.
But there’s some evidence that suggests California’s stringent policies won’t be neutralized by its neighbors.
When the federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004, making it much easier to buy AR- and AK-style rifles across much of the U.S., gun murders across the border in Mexico skyrocketed. Two studies show the exception was the Mexican state of Baja California, right across the border with California, which had kept its state-level assault weapons ban in place.
Gun seizures in Mexico show that all four U.S. states bordering Mexico rank in the top five state sources of U.S.-sold guns in Mexico. But California contributes 75% less than its population and proximity would suggest.
So, California laws seem to already be making a difference in reducing gun violence. I believe the excise tax could accomplish still more. Other states struggling against the rising tide of guns will be watching closely."
-via The Conversation, May 21, 2024
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animentality · 1 month
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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ankle-beez · 2 years
Welcome to the United States of America where if you want to be safe from guns you die if you want to get a safe abortion you die if you're gay you die if you're black you die if you're a woman you die if you're disabled you die if you're a kid you die if you're a POC you die if you're trans you die and no one will do anything about it because some stupid cuntrags that are two steps away from tripping on a staircase and dying cling to some dipshit beliefs from over 6 decades ago and decide to make it everyone's problem
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politijohn · 2 years
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Source // Two heroes from the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting were a military veteran and a trans woman (misidentified as a drag queen in the article) who stepped on the gumman with her heels.
No cops. A vet and a trans woman.
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jackass-democrats · 2 months
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It doesn't support the socialist democrat narrative to point out who commits the lion's share of gun crimes.
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jukeboxgirl · 1 month
The question to women that’s gone viral:
Would you rather be in the woods alone w a man or a bear?
Majority of women said bear.
Why? Because even if it did maul us, the following would happen-
1. We wouldn’t be blamed for the attack
2. We would be believed
3. People would hunt down that bear without giving it a second thought
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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Ryan was also a cross-country running enthusiast who aspired to study engineering. He was murdered heartlessly -lynched by a cop, who are now trying to carefully justify this by saying HE was the violent one... Ryan was on the spectrum of autism, and he was triggered by something before his killers arrived -and although he was being calmed by his father, he became very understandably upset when the cops arrived -and instead of LEAVING Ryan alone and calling in for additional mental health support -and attempting to de-escalate the situation a cop shot him at least 3 times. WTF can a garden tool have on a fucking gun? And not only did these cops LET Ryan bleed to death on the ground, the Sheriff's department has yet to release a full, unedited bodycam video to the family.
The cops have been called a handful of times previously, so they knew Ryan had autism. These cops need to be held accountable, and there needs to be better interventions with mental health crises. Cops should NEVER be on the front lines for this. They're not educated, trained, or have the abilities to help people -especially kids and youths in vulnerable situations.
Ryan, may you rest in peace and power.
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amtrak-official · 2 months
can i ask you about the 1970s?
Have you ever heard of the Kent State Shooting? Basically in 1970, The Governor of Ohio sent to Ohio National Guard to end anti war student protests over the expansion of the vietnam war into Cambodia which were taking place at Kent State University due to fears that a student strike would lead to violent revolutionaries taking control of the city of Kent and by the 4th day of protests which was may 4th, the protests and tensions had escalated to such a degree that the university and town both decided to shut down the student protests, but when the protests happened anyways the National Guard fired tear gas from a grenade launcher into the crowd and when that didn't dispell the protests, the national guard began to advance on the protestors leading to 10 to 50 of the protestors throwing rocks at the national guard leading to more throwing of tear gas at the crowd. Later due to unknown causes that lead up to it, at least 29 of the 77 the national guard members present shot their 66 rounds into both the protestors and students not involved in the protests who were passing by, injuring 9 students and killing 4.
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animentality · 2 years
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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charlesoberonn · 7 months
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politijohn · 9 months
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jackass-democrats · 2 months
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The democrats are calling out their Brown Shirt Domestic Terrorists again for the 2024 election season. America can't be silenced anymore if we want to remain free.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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