#geralt of rivia
anyanp · 3 days
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Geraskier young love AU, pt 2
pt 1
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rebrandedbard · 3 days
You were looking for Geraskier prompts and I'd just like to point out there's still time left in MerMay. 😉
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The Prince did sit aside the sea, blushing with his Siren.
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k4uvpix · 2 days
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My new muse 🤍
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thedemonofcat · 2 days
Once, early in their travels together, Jaskier had asked Geralt about Kaer Morhen and if he could ever visit.
To make him stop talking, Geralt had said Jaskier could only go if he found it by himself. At the time, Geralt believed that was impossible.
Later, while Geralt and Ciri were at Kaer Morhen, a long time had passed since Geralt last saw Jaskier. Occasionally, Geralt would hear news about Nilfgaard conquering new places, particularly when he heard about Lettenhove being destroyed.
His concern deepened when, the next day, Eskel arrived at the front gate, dragging a half-frozen and nearly unconscious, confused Jaskier, who had been wandering around the mountain for days, looking for a safe place to stay.
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still-name-former · 2 days
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margjuro · 3 days
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Made myself a dust jacket for season of stroms and this is the front (without the subtitle but shhh I don't want to change it again)
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zacksnydered · 2 days
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HENRY CAVILL as GERALT OF RIVIA Netflix’s The Witcher ‧ Shaerrawedd
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tashacee · 3 days
Thought randomly popped in my head after you mentioned you ised to be in The Witcher fandom: how would Geralt react to the Hero's Aspect AU?
Oh man writing this was so much fun
School of the Cat
Geralt sighed as he made his way through the forest. This was ridiculous. He had no idea why he was doing this. He was wasting his time and he’d be the laughing stock of Kaer Morhen if his brothers knew.
Jaskier had come running up to him in a fit of panic, having gone to take a whiz in the night.
“GERALT!” He’d shouted. “There’s a giant cat man monster in the woods!”
Geralt had… not really known what to say about that. Except that giant cat man monsters categorically did not exist. But Jaskier didn’t seem very pleased by this response.
Which was why he was now walking away from their camp and into the woods, in search of a
He sighed. Was he really doing this?
…in search of a giant cat man monster.
For fucks sake. Jaskier probably startled a badger or something. This was ridiculous.
But here he was regardless.
He rolled his eyes. Five more minutes and he was heading back to camp. Back to his nice warm bedroll and a bit of blessed sleep.
To his left, something cracked. Geralt whirled around, his pupils dilating to see better in the darkness and-
Well shit.
That was a giant cat man.
Geralt wasn’t too sure about the ‘monster’ part. The guy was big, sure, but he was also well dressed with some nice jewellery and his hair was brushed and tied back.
The cat man was holding up his hands as if to show that he wasn’t dangerous, his eyes wide and blue as he looked at the Witcher.
“Uh.” Geralt said. Shit, he was no good with people. “Hello.”
The cat man looked relieved, his tail - wow okay yes he had a tail - coming out from where it had been tucked between his legs.
And he… started gesturing.
Geralt was pretty good at languages. He was pretty good at sign. He understood common sign, both varieties of hen llinge sign, he even had a pretty strong understanding of dwarven sign.
This was none of those.
Geralt tried common and then both variants of elvish to see if the cat guy understood him. But he only looked confused and gave a frustrated meow - and fuck, THAT was not the sound he expected to come from this seven foot tall cat man.
Catboy tried what was clearly a different variant of sign. Then another. Then- FUCK!
Geralt barely rolled out of the way in time as the cat man made the sign for Igni and a jet of flame shot out from his hands.
In fairness, though, he seemed fairly horrified by it himself, letting out a screeching yowl and scrambling backwards and tumbling to the ground. Well, at least it hadn’t been intentional. Clearly. Though Geralt had NO idea what language he was trying to use if he’d accidentally signed Igni.
The cat man was doing something else- fumbling at the offending arm and -
What the FUCK?
He literally. He. He ripped his arm off. And threw it into the underbrush, yowling.
“Hmm.” Said Geralt, slowly standing.
The he cat man was still sitting in the undergrowth and looking suitably freaked out, which was fair. He was clutching at his shoulder where he had pulled his arm off and - ah. Yes. There was a stump there with an old scar cutting through the fur. The arm must have been a prosthetic.
Geralt stooped and picked it up from where it had been thrown, and immediately his pendant began to hum. Hmm. A magical prosthetic then - that would explain how it moved so well at least. L
He turned to the cat man and held it out.
“I’m Geralt.” He said “want your hand back?”
The cat man nodded meekly and took the arm back, purring in thanks as he slotted it back into place. Fuck. How on earth had Jaskier ever mistaken this guy for a monster? He was quite literally a pussy cat!
“Fuck.” Geralt said, because that was essentially his version of ‘hello’. Looked like he’d made a new friend. “You can… come back to our camp if you want? Till you find… whoever you’re looking for?”
The cat man perked up and nodded. This was going to be fun.
Jaskier at least had the good graces to be embarrassed by his earlier reaction and began to dedicate himself to trying to figure out what their new friend was saying.
They were more successful than Geralt expected. Jaskier managed to figure out that the catman was called Wild and that he was looking for his brothers. And Wild, as an apology for startling him, began to cook.
And DAMN he could cook. Geralt wasn’t sure he’d ever had food this good.
Wild could stay. It was official. He was wonderful. If his brothers never showed up Geralt wouldn’t be too mad, as long as he got to eat like this again.
But of course, all good things must come to an end. Wild’s brothers showed up and were categorically NOT cat people. As it turned out, neither was Wild, normally, apparently he just fucked around with a cursed object and found out.
Still, the week they’d spent travelling with Wild had been a fun one, and he’d been sad to see the big guy go. Not just because of the food, though that had definitely been a bonus, but because he’d actually been a fairly chill guy.
Geralt smiled as he rode off. At least Wild had managed to leave something with him. The strange slate at his hip had been able to create pictures more detailed than the finest oil painting and he had taken one of him, Geralt, and Jaskier one night. They’d been halfway through eating and both the Witcher and the Bard looked fairly surprised, but it was a fantastic picture. And Wild had managed to materialise a copy and gift it to him.
And Geralt knew that while all things must end and everyone eventually parts ways, he’d treasure that picture forever.
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imrandymeeks · 16 hours
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WItcher for Dummies
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Merch | Soon
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martha-oi · 2 days
Stinky men covered in blood are my type.
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Thank you and good night.
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darklyhandsome · 3 days
What if, every day, Jaskier makes Geralt stand in front of a mirror and repeat every single compliment Jaskier can think of to describe Geralt. Until the day he actually starts to believe them.
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sweeetestcurse · 2 days
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Geralt of Rivia 10/??
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k4uvpix · 1 day
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Forgot this one! I have a Geralt and Iorveth illustration in progress… I’m currently playing the Witcher 2 before I play 3. No I have not played the Witcher 1
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thedemonofcat · 2 days
Years ago, Geralt rescued a merman entangled in a net. In gratitude, the merman kissed Geralt on the cheek and vowed to return the favor before disappearing back into the sea.
Some time later, in a tavern, Geralt encounters a familiar-looking bard named Jaskier, who offers to assist Geralt with his music.
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middlingmay · 2 days
I finished my Witcher fic!!
I know this is mostly s MOTA / Clegan blog, but I am so pleased to have finally finished this!
It was one of those stories that had a hard ending, unavoidably, so you put yourself off writing it. But I finally got there.
So if any of you are Witcher fans, and you want to read a Warlord AU before Geralt actually becomes a warlord, featuring:
Jaskier running headlong into trouble
An odd friendship between a bard and a viper
Geralt and Jaskier sniping, but unable to do without the other
Pavetta, baby Ciri, and a while host of orphans
And a whole lot of heartache...
Then please do go read Songs of War! But fair warning, it gets really rough and isn’t exactly a happy ending.
Now I'm going to bed. For like, three days.
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I'm tits deep back in the Witcher franchise. The Witcher 3 has brought me back and now I'm forcing my wife to watch the netflix series with me whilst making comments. Books im coming back for you!!!
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