#gentle giant
ipilokko · 2 days
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Roy & I -11-
Hello 😀
Okay so… THIS was the ONLY thing i did at school today 💪😀😍
Welcome, unhealthy amount of drawing and using tech devices, welcome HOME 🏠 👨 🤝
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tinycoded360 · 2 days
Friends Out of Water
Here's my mermaid g/t story for the last day of mermay! It's a short piece but I hope you enjoy it!
With a screech of tires, a dark sedan raced past Ana and Forest, nearly clipping them as they strolled down the sidewalk. Before Ana could react, something small and metallic flew from the open car window, striking her directly in the chest and splattering apart on her.
"Ow!" Ana yelped, clutching at the spot. She looked down in confusion as a strange tingling sensation spread throughout her body. The sidewalk seemed to rise up around her, the buildings looming larger. She stumbled, suddenly unsteady on her feet as the world spun and distorted.
"What...what's happening?" Ana gasped, her voice sounding shrill and distant to her own ears. She blinked hard, shaking her head in an attempt to clear it. But the disorientation only grew worse.
Forest's face swam in front of her, huge and blurry. His mouth opened in alarm, but his voice sounded strangely deep and booming now, the words indistinguishable.
Ana's heart pounded, her breaths coming quicker. She tried to cry out and call for help, but her voice failed her. The pounding of footsteps reverberated through the ground as Forest rushed toward her. But his approach only amplified her terror.
She was shrinking, the realization hitting her like a blow. Everything towered over her now, ominous and threatening: the buildings, the street, even Forest. What was happening? Who had done this to her?
Frantically, she looked around, but all she could see were Forest's gigantic shoes, which were the size of buildings from her perspective. She tried to run, but her limbs felt sluggish and weak. The world tilted crazily, and suddenly, she was falling, the hard pavement rising up to meet her.
Ana hit the pavement hard, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs. For a moment, she lay stunned, struggling to regain her bearings. The ground felt strangely soft and giving beneath her now-tiny body. She convulsed as her body started to change. She withered in pain as her legs merged into a tail. *IT SHOULDN’T HURT LIKE THIS* She wiggled in pain, vaguely realizing the soft ground was her now gigantic clothing.
Then, she became aware of a desperate burning in her chest and throat. Her gills on her back - they were flapping uselessly in the open air. She needed water, needed it now, or she would suffocate.
Panic rose within her as she thrashed weakly, her tail smacking against the fabric piles that used to be her clothes. No water. She couldn't breathe! Black spots swam before her eyes as her gills flapped helplessly.
Just when she thought she might pass out, a huge shadow fell over her. Forest. His enormous hands gently scooped her up, surrounding her in a fleshy cave. She would have recoiled if she had the strength.
Desperately, she worked her gills; She tried to cry out, to beg for water, but only weak croaks emerged.
Forest’s voice rumbled around her, his words unintelligible. He was moving quickly, each massive footstep jolting through her body. Where was he taking her? She had to tell him she needed water, now! But she could only manage feeble slaps of her tail against his fingers, her strength fading...
Forest clutched Ana tightly to his chest as he sprinted towards the nearest cafe, his heart pounding with fear and desperation. The tiny mermaid thrashed weakly in his hands, her gills flapping uselessly without water. He could hardly believe his friend was a mermaid, but not only that but small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. As he rushed for a solution to his tiny friend’s water problem, he wondered what was in that projectile.
Ana felt smothered against the hot, rough fabric of Forest’s shirt. She tried to cry out, to beg for water before she suffocated, but her voice was too faint. She could only flap her tail feebly against his fingers in protest.
Forest burst through the doors of the cafe, startling several patrons. "I need water, now!" he bellowed. The barista jumped, nearly dropping a cup she was holding. The barista looked annoyed but handed him a cup of water. Forest waved it away. “NO! I need the biggest cup size you have!”
“Ok, but that’s gonna cost you.”
Once Forest was given a large cup of water, he quickly exited the café. He did his best to shield his tiny girlfriend from view. He could feel her thrash inside his fist. He hoped if anyone saw her, they’d just see her long blue tail and assume he had a fish.
Forest quickly and gently lowered Ana into the cup. As soon as she hit the water, sweet relief flooded through her. Her gills worked greedily, filtering oxygen from the water. The burning in her chest eased. She gulped down huge mouthfuls, her strength returning.
Forest let out a shuddering breath, scrubbing a hand down his face. "Thank God," he murmured. He watched Ana curl up in the cup; she had little room to move around it, but he could tell she was breathing just fine. Forest felt grateful he'd been able to help her in time.
Ana swam up to the surface of the water in the cup.
"Forest!" she squeaked in her tiny, high-pitched voice. "What's happening to me?"
Forest leaned in close to the cup, his giant face looming over her. "I don't know," he said, his voice booming around her. But you were hit with something that caused you to shrink and grow a tail. You’re like a mermaid now! We need to figure out who did this and why."
Ana shifted uncomfortably. “Well....... actually……I’ve always been a Mermaid, it’s the shrinking part, that’s not right.”
“What!? Where you ever going to tell me?” Forest asked with awe and disbelief. "Can you turn back into your human form?"
“Don’t take this the wrong way but, my kinds not supposed to tell humans about us…..I like you, I really do…..so maybe I would have one day…..but I’d have to be so sure, Forest, that you wouldn’t hurt my kind.” Ana looked up at her now giant boyfriend, pleading with her eyes for understanding.
“I…... I get it. This is just a lot.” Forest sighed.
Ana squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated, willing her body to change back. But nothing happened. Her mermaid tail continued to swish under the water.
"No," she said in despair. "I'm stuck like this!"
Forest pursed his lips, thinking hard. "Okay, don't worry. We'll figure this out. For now, let's get you somewhere safe."
He carefully shielded the top of the cup with one hand and kept the cup close to his chest. Ana sloshed around inside as he walked.
Forest carried the cup containing Ana back to his apartment, moving as smoothly as possible so as not to slosh her around too much. Once inside, he set the cup down on the kitchen counter.
"I'm going to get you a proper tank, something a bit more comfortable; I used to have fish," he told Ana. "Will you be okay here for a little bit?"
Ana nodded, though she felt anxious, not liking the idea of being put in a cage, even if she’d have more room. She knew her boyfriend was just trying his best.  
Forest gave her a reassuring smile before moving deeper into his apartment.
Ana peered over the cup's rim, taking in the gigantic kitchen around her. It was so strange seeing the world from this perspective.
Before long, Forest returned lugging a 10-gallon aquarium tank. He filled it up with water and then gently transferred Ana over.
"How's that? Better?" he asked.
"Much better, thanks," Ana said, relieved to have more room to swim around. She tried her hardest not to think about what would happen if she couldn’t return to normal. Of a life stuck in a fish tank at the mercy of her boyfriend.
Forest pulled up a chair beside the tank. "Okay, let's think this through. Who would want to shrink you and why?"
Ana flicked her tail, propelling herself around the tank as she pondered. She popped up the surface to answer, "I have no idea. As far as I know, I don't have any enemies. Or at least I didn’t think I did; maybe it was another mermaid clan. But I can’t think of any reason for being targeted."
" Ok…... well…. tomorrow….," Forest continued, his voice steady with resolve. We'll figure out who did this to you. Maybe by then, you’ll come up with some leads on who would want to do this to you.”
Forest leaned against the edge of the glass tank, his gaze locked on Ana as she glided effortlessly through the water. Her tail was a tapestry of blue iridescent scales. 
Her blue scales covered her entire form, covering her chest, belly, and arms. He was fascinated by her ear fins and her tiny, webbed hands. 
He reframed from the urge to reach in and stroke his finger down her tail. He knew she would hate that. 
 He loved how her black hair gracefully floated in the water around her. He frowned at the look of despair on her tiny face.
"Hey, let's not get lost in this mess," he suggested, pushing off from the tank and extending a hand toward a stack of board games he kept for occasions when he needed to clear his mind. "How about a game? Something to take our minds off things for a bit."
A smile broke the surface of Ana's concerns. "I think I'd enjoy that," she agreed, her tail swishing contentedly. "Although, you'll have to move the pieces for me."
"Deal," Forest chuckled, setting up the game beside her tank. 
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imagine-darksiders · 30 days
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It's Mermay! Yay! <3
Today I got to thinking... What about a blind olm Sun who's been trapped in a massive cave system for thousands of years, and he's eventually discovered by Caver Y/n who is the first friendly creature he's ever met?
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thelilfae · 1 month
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must be hard being sad, at such a liddol size 🥺
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solesofruby · 3 months
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intheblackofmyroom · 9 months
prog fans that are still alive this is for you
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tac-owo-sensei · 1 month
Playful Giants
This is a concept I love so much that is not nearly as talked about as it should be. I love the idea of a giant nudging a tiny with their knuckle or poking them, but “accidentally” putting a little too much strength in it, making the tiny stumble. Annoying nicknames giants give tinies that reference their size. The ruffling of the tinies hair with a giant finger- I love it all.
Bonus points if the tiny acts all annoyed and fights back by trying to push their finger away, but after realizing their friend isn’t going to relent, the just huff and stay silent, secretly enjoying it.
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mariposita24 · 25 days
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✨my mer-may addition✨
brining back the giant merman au from 2021 with a messy doodle
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whatifitwasgttho · 4 months
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get you a giant boyfriend that is helplessly devoted to you
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mariposa324 · 2 months
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it’s just a little chili pepper… just a little bit 🌶️
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limitedgigi · 10 months
I was summoned by the soft!Yan tag. Can you perhaps do a soft wolf boy yan? Big, scary and very aware of how intimidating he is but truly just wants a cute human to snuggle and kiss.
i love writing gentle giants!!! ofc :)
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yandere! wolf boy headcannons
yan! wolf boy who lived in the woods near your cottage, staying away from civilization so he doesn't come off as a threat.
yan! wolf who is confused seeing you pick berries in a nearby bush, why are you so deep in the woods? for some berries??
yan! wolf who startles you when he sniffs your back, immediately jumping back at your sudden yelp.
yan! wolf who doesn't understand why you didn't run away from him after you saw him, i mean, he's a 6'7 feral looking wolf-man, why aren't you scared?
yan! wolf who immediately starts to act like a puppy as you reach your hand out to scratch behind his ear as his tail starts to wag.
yan! wolf who won't leave you alone as you leave that area to find more berries.
yan! wolf who picks you up to show you where the most delicious berries are!
yan! wolf who's ears droop in sadness as you explain to him that you have to return home.
yan! wolf who leads you further into the woods and closer to his den as you ask him to lead you outside of the forest. you can't leave him!!
"whaddya mean we're going deeper into the woods? nah, you're just tired and don't remember where you came from! here, lemme carry you!!"
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thelilfae · 2 months
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anim practice 🤍
not the best but, thats why we practice <33
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azuldoodles · 5 months
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Too shy
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gttslver · 1 month
If you found the time to draw some more gt fearplay between our lover boys I would be really grateful :3
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duscarasheddinn · 2 months
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I just think it's adorable when Arrietty rides Sho's shoulder. And I ship them (and have written several fics shipping them). They're already friends, so maybe shipping them romantically would be friends to lovers?
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kix-mm · 1 month
Draw The poly couple
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I’ll do you one better. B cuddling A, A cuddling C, C cuddling A
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