fullcravings · 2 months
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Raspberry Chocolate Cake
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daily-deliciousness · 6 months
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Oreo fudge
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knight-in-sour-armor · 8 months
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sweetoothgirl · 3 months
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Frosted Chocolate Fudge Pop Tart Bars
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catfindr · 15 days
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lustingfood · 8 months
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Hot Chocolate Fudge Cake (x)
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fatty-food · 7 months
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Brownie sundae (via Instagram)
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fattributes · 2 months
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Red Velvet Oreo Fudge Brownies
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rubybug · 10 months
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🍦🍫🧁Melted Ice Cream and Fudge Collie Adopt! 🧁🍫🍦
I’m giving an auction a go for this one! So feel free to bid in the comments and I’ll update bids from other platforms.
🍦SB: $20usd
🍫MI: $5usd
I’ll end the auction on Friday the 4th!
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foodffs · 7 months
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Butterfinger Fudge
Follow for recipes
Is this how you roll?
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fullcravings · 8 months
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Fudgy Espresso Brownie Bites
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Chocolate peanut butter fudge bars
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nasa-kimchi · 8 months
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Siblings ;-;
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sweetoothgirl · 4 months
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Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Bars
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longreads · 8 months
“I discovered a plausible myth, a trove of red herrings, and, finally, what appeared to be the truth.” 
Who killed the Fudge King? For our sister publication The Atavist Magazine, Tom Donaghy investigated—and possibly solved—a decades-old cold case about the murder of Harry Anglemyer, the beloved owner of a fudge shop empire. 
 Read an excerpt, “True Crime, Jersey Shore Style,” on Longreads.
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egg-crusher · 29 days
New the amazing digital circus chapter came out and I want to talk about it
First the Candy Canyon Kingdom is a very nice setting, is basically just sugar rush from wreck it Ralph but I still like it
I like how they foreshadowes Pomni’s escape from the test room at the beginning with her falling on a cube causing the colíderes to go awry y send her flying to the ceiling
Gumigoo was great, I like how to shows the AI’s not being evil since the made up story Caine made is him stealing the syrup for his village, and even after discovering his live was a lie he still tried to help his lads
On the topic of “non evil ai” after hearing how Gumigoo was a good guy and the Fudge calling the princess wretched, I for one second thought she would be a twist villain, but nope, she’s really a good person
I also like how Caine and Bubbles seems to be the most primitive AI’s
The princess is calm and nice, Gumigoo friends are dumb but in a cartoony and not AI like way, Gumigoo is very good at being like a human, even Fudge is aware his a despicable and disgusting creature (although not for the murders but that’s just how he was made)
Meanwhile Caine can’t read the room or understand human emotions besides boredom being bad for their stability while not understanding the problems of deleting NPC’s the players get attached to, unlike Gumigoo which understood revealing the truth would be bad for them
Also the test room not having Gumigoo’s mum but having Fudge implies Caine planned they would fall into the pit, and since they couldn’t escape from that situation without fudge’s help implies letting Fudge into the kingdom was the way the adventure was supposed to end
Specially since Fudge was programmed to be able to walk in land, why else’s would he need it?
Caine doesn’t understand what can and can’t help their mental health so he wouldn’t see anything wrong in letting Fudge into the Kingdom
I find really funny how Jax was the evilest guy in the situation, unlike the Gloinks, here there’s a nuisance on the history with Fudge just being a monster in a pit (kinda like Moana, Maui isn’t pure evil and Teka isn’t evil either, Tamatoa is just vibing and waiting to do evil) but Jax is the one who wants to destroy the kingdom for the laughs
Note:fudge reminds me of “the great mighty POO” of conkers bad fur day
Also I really like how they didn’t brush of Kaufmo and showed they actually cared for him and is ultimately this act of kindness the thing that helps Pomni to see the circus as family
Note:notice how she didn’t add kinger to the ones saving her, maybe he didn’t appear because his hand wouldn’t be recognizable with the shading and all that but is still worth to mention
Also I like how Kinger acts supportive but forgets what he was saying mid sentence, I don’t know if he was faking madness or he’s really damaged. But I like how he really cares
Also the humans can just not go to Caine’s adventures like Zooble does which shows Caine isn’t evil but misguided
And before last I want to mention Caine not allowing other npcs in the grounds, he’s silence after saying “who knows what might happen” implies something, and seeing how some of the doors in the pilot have the faces of the mannequins implies he use to allow npcs but something happen
This makes me theorize someone MIGHT be a NPC, my money is on Kinger since he’s borderline unhinged and lasted for way too long to be normal
Also that would explain why there was a Queener, since the possibility of two humans getting the matching avatars is too small it makes me thing the two were NPC’s and during the accident Queener got deleted by something or someone and the only reason Kinger hasn’t abstracted is because he isn’t a human, him being a npc also explains how he knows so much of the circus
He might have been from a time NPC’s we’re allowed to be self aware of the circus being digital, maybe that’s why Caine hasn’t upgraded his AI since that would risk him going crazy or give up like Gumigoo almost goes
Also Maybe Kinger mental state must be because of Caine, if Caine deleted Queener then Kinger must have been angry but for some reason Caine choose to make him forget making Kinger the forgetful king he is now days but Caine must have forgotten about Kinger being a NPC
this is the same Caine who let that unfinished exit door roam around which caused Kaufmo to get abstracted, it wouldn’t surprise me he also forgot Kinger was a NPC
And for last I want to mention the last scene being a direct parallel of the last scene of the pilot, all the crew is reunited and Pomni comes to a realization as a version of the theme song starts
Except of being massive and dreadful, here is hopeful and calm. Instead of looking at the camera and ignoring everyone while going crazy with a crazy smile filled with despair, she focuses on the others and genuinely smiles
The camera starts moving away but in a much slower manner as the music slowly ends with a simple calm piano instead of a massive chaotic orchestra
The finale of episode 2 is a opposite of the pilot, being a small note of hope compared to the dreadful realization of Episode 1
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