#ftm appreciation
uncanny-tranny · 11 months
A few tips for young trans men/boys, transmascs, anybody who wants tips:
If somebody makes you insecure about your masculinity or manhood, 9/10 times, they're trying to sell you something (and the "something" won't be worth you fretting about)
Wash your face before shaving and use a good shaving cream. Always make sure your razors are sharp
Your body doesn't need to look like a Hollywood star's body. They are most certainly dehydrated, and they are not a realistic depiction of a masculine or male form
Dress in whatever way is most comfortable, including dressing like Adam Sandler
Military-grade is often used as a marketing scheme, save your money
If you aren't happy right now, one day you will be. This is a threat and a promise
Your emotions are not "good" or "bad," they are emotions. Let yourself feel them even if they are uncomfortable
Masculinity and/or being a man are yours to define, and I cannot stress how important it is to have a relationship with your masculinity and/or manhood that is defined by you
You're allowed to have any relationship with your pre-coming out self that you want or makes the most sense with your realization that you're trans
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kaionyx · 2 months
Please let me find a shy puppy sub who’s self-conscious with being chubby to dress up and play with. Slowly chipping away at their insecurities by always keeping my hands on them to feel them up or pulling them by their collar to force them to look at me while I remind them how pretty they are. Putting them in as little clothing as possible just to squeeze and watch how their belly and hips rolls spill over them while they bounce themselves stupid on my strap.
Even better if i’m in front of a mirror holding their head up by their hair to force them to see their tear and drool coated face while making them repeat what a pretty breeding mutt they are through all their precious whines and barks until it finally sticks in their little mind. I’m not even asking anymore at this point, i’m practically begging on my knees at just the thought of it.
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desperatehoney · 4 months
😊💝sub tops💝😊
💝😊sub tops😊💝
You’re so cute. The way you get needy and desperate to be inside me and beg to be<333 thanking me over and over when I finally let you fuck me<3333 the way you get even more desperate when you’re close and lose yourself in fucking me and get all grabby with me while making delicious noises and moaning my name how good I feel ily ily ilyyyyyyyyy💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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schrodingersschlong · 8 months
Boys who can't help drooling once you start to hit that one spot over n over n over because it just makes their brain power off and they're too busy to care that they're making a mess!! those boys!!!!
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c0l0re · 2 months
I love you trans people, I love you transsexuals, I love you FTMs, I love you MTFs, I love you trannies, I love you transgenders, I love you trans men, I love you trans women, I love you nonbinary people, I love you genderfluid people, I love you multigender people, I love you people with no gender at all, I love you genderqueer people, happy trans day of visibility to each and every one of you, I hope you have an amazing day and are safe and happy and proud of who you are <3333
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drippyboycunt · 1 year
laying on your stomach while a girl slowly and steadily fucks you from behind so that even once you cum you're still begging for more and she can use that as an excuse to ruthlessly pound your brains out and cum inside of you
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sillyfeelings · 1 month
Naughty thoughts
Why no small cock appreciation hmmm?? why no boyfriend here to coo at and kiss my little hard dick??? Like no I can't really fuck anything with it, but it's cute??? isn't that the part that counts??? And I can hump it's thigh or hand or a pillow and it will get all hard and achey and wet, just need my partner to tell me they think think my little cock is cute and tiny and they like that, that's all
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uncanny-tranny · 29 days
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I've gotta be real, while the person who created these comics wasn't religious, this still eats. When I was a young trans person, I never thought religion in general could accept me, and this changed my life to see, and seeing it reposted by religious folks was so comforting. While not all religions aren't the same, I was so afraid of rejection
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kaionyx · 7 months
Just because i’m a dom doesn’t mean I don’t want to be marked and bruised too. Give me hickeys and bite down on my shoulder when it’s hurts too much, scratch and hit on my chest when you try to get away from my abuse, even try to choke me back from trying to stop me from choking you unconscious and let’s see who wins. I might be a sadist but there’s a little masochist in there somewhere.
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linktothefags · 25 days
For any guys that need to hear it: you matter. Your feelings are important. It's not okay for people to take their anger at others out on you because "you're a man and you need to deal with it". You can have boundaries. It's okay to not talk to people who mistreat you.
Also: you're all cool as fuck. Men are cool. Being a guy is awesome. We're princes and kings and rock stars. We're fathers and brothers and sons. Don't let people bring you down for enjoying that.
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tboychewtoy · 4 months
the rest of y'all... good morning I guess 😐
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the-milk-anon · 1 year
aot recommendations
works by gee 💙 @levmada
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canon!levi | being a father figure for the 104th’s
canon!levi | saying “i love you” for the first time
canon!levi | reader has trouble sleeping
canon!levi | he returns from a mission
asexual!levi | his relationship with an asexual male!reader
modern!levi | him dealing with reader’s fears
levi | making him breakfast in bed
levi | cooking for reader
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canon!levi | surviving a freezing night in the underground
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postwar!levi | re-building his self-worth
canon!levi | having a breakdown
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canon!levi | soft sex with injured!levi (postwar)
canon!levi | first time with male!reader
canon!levi | rough sex after calling him cute
sub!levi | edging him
sub!levi | fucking him into subspace
sub!levi | giving male!reader head for the first time
kitty!levi | lactation kink
kitty!levi | building a nest while in heat
kitty!levi | giving him a collar + levi wearing lingerie
kitty!levi | he gets jealous
kitty!levi | breeding with male!reader
kitty!levi | feeling guilty during his heat
kitty!levi | dealing with his heat
omegaverse!levi | breeding
virgin!levi | taking his virginity
virgin!levi | giving him head
trans!levi | ftm!levi being body worshipped
trans!levi | sfw and nsfw headcanons for ftm!levi
trans!levi | taking ftm!levi’s virginity
trans!levi | winter cuddles with ftm!levi
trans!levi | giving ftm!levi head
levi | riding him
levi | cum eating
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multiple parts
merman!levi | canal (five chapters)
trans!levi | canon world ftm!levi headcanons (part 1)
trans!levi | canon world ftm!levi headcanons (part 2)
trans!levi | canon world ftm!levi headcanons (part 3)
modern!levi | period sex (part 1)
modern!levi | period sex (part 2)
modern!levi | period sex (part 3)
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levi x furlan
levifar | bathing together
levifar | having their first time together (part 1)
levifar | continuation with bottom!levi (part 2)
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levi x erwin
eruri | trans!levi and erwin are stargazing
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check out their ao3 as well <3
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untitledinstinct · 15 days
I cannot sit with my knees together.
My thighs are too big, and my gut pushes them apart when I'm sitting.
I always end up straddling my desk chair because my hips are so wide, and my belly pushes them apart so much.
I have to pick up my belly, and set it on top of my thighs for my to sit with my legs straight.
On the topic of my desk chair, I desperately need a new one. The hydraulics in my chair are shot. I'm over 50lbs too heavy for it.
It cannot keep me at the highest setting anymore. I have to stand up every 15-20m to let it refill with air and come back up.
I mean, all the springs in my sofa are broken too, the only thing keeping support is that it's a pull-out sofa, and there's part of a bed under it for support. My bed is also got a LOT of broken springs, and I can feel the bars across the frame supporting the mattress.
Thankfully the frame can handle about 700lbs so I don't have any fears of that breaking... yet.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
You know, I feel like other trans people might get this, but it's honestly kind of refreshing when a cis person has, like, undeniable tboy/tgirl/whatever swag. It's like when you come across somebody who speaks the same language as you and you only find out when they start speaking it, too.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#all this to say that we are existing on a rock hurling through space#and this universe is going to collide into another and does it all truly matter in the end?#a lot of this is based on ideas we have about what constitutes certain people and i think it can be a fun observation#so long as you do not inherently ascribe certain traits as being indicative of who somebody Is#it can be amusing when you're SO confident that somebody is a certain way until you realize how Wrong you were#the amusement for me only comes because it's like... 'you tried your best to box somebody and you FAILED lmao'#and in a weird way it's kind of comforting because it reminds me that we all come into this world with bias that Will be challenged...#...so the best thing you can do is recognize those biases and then try to overcome them through great effort...#...so yes maybe i did think that cis dude had tboy swag but. that's not inherently his problem you know?#it probably just means he's confident in his manhood in a way that reminds me of the trans men* i know and love#i noticed that in him and it reminded me of my friends who are trans so i think 'oh! maybe that's why he's giving off those vibes!'#so while i won't treat him any differently before or after finding out i was wrong i'm still going to appreciate the fact that...#...he and i are literally just Vibing on the same planet and we both don't have time for petty arguing about manhood#i'll acknowledge what inspired those thoughts in me but that is Not his problem and that's good and beautiful actually#i don't always mind the tboy/tgirl swag meme just so long as you don't treat it like an Inherent Trans Experience Only Trans People Have#just recognize where those ideas are inspired from and it's fine <3#sometimes you will be Wrong and that's actually fucking neutral <<3#anyway rant over i just think this is /generally/ harmless and fun#like astrology. sometimes you just look up your star sign without ascribing your Entire Life to it <3#i think what i lot of people mean by saying a cis person has tboy/tgirl swag is just that...#...that cis person has an understanding of themself that comes from deep introspection that isn't necessarily expected of cis folk...#...but it is often something trans people do as part of our exploration of gender...#how is this the FIRST POST to reach tag limit... ask me for more thoughts if you want lol!
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yourtpup · 2 months
ooooo you want to tip me so badddddd…..
ooooo you wanna see me wag my tail…..
ooooo you want to see me in this set…..😵‍💫🐾
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tiedupcowb0y · 3 months
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new binder
help me afford top surgery
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