#finished my spring semester of uni!!!
hiikohakiss · 15 days
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happy rinne day
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littlehouseoftrinkets · 3 months
hellooooo tumblr, we meet again
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bunicate · 29 days
Mimi!!! *comes running in* I have missed you so muchhhh ( ╥ω╥ ), I'm finishing up my spring semester for uni rn so I've been so busy I haven't gotten to see how u are υ´• ﻌ •`υ.
I come back with an offering of daddy! Zayne however ૮ ꈍﻌ ꈍა.
sowwy if its not very good their mostly rambles U^U...
you're his darling little daughter, the apple of his eye. The only woman to capture and hold his attention always tempting him to fall into deeper and deeper depravity. but it's not your fault! oh no, no, no you're his sweet, innocent, naive daughter you don't know anything about the scary world outside! It starts off small and inconspicuous having you sit in his lap while he runs one of his hands up and down your thigh inching closer to your private parts as you try not squirm and make noise inside his office. And of course not just any doctor is allowed to look and care for his precious daughter so of course he's the one to do your checkups! cupping your breast and massaging them making sure their growing properly and squeezing the fat between his fingers as he nuzzles into your neck, your pussy is no exception. having you propped up on his desk as you hold your legs open his fingers slowly pumping in and out, as his eyes focus intently on the way you ooze and squeeze around his digits, your voice a sweet sympathy to his ears as you beg for your daddy's cock to fill you up, cause you've been quiet while at his job like he asked. And when you behave and let him do his checkup you need to be rewarded for being such a good girl. new short skimpy skirts and low cut blouses for you to wear around the house for his eyes only, cute flowy lingerie that he carefully takes apart as he lathes kisses on your breasts and pussy at home as you lay on the bed letting daddy take care of you. he spends his free weekends just buried in your pussy leaving you whimpering and cock drunk when he stuffs you full with his load over and over again listening to you babble and slur your words. letting you rub your clothed pussy on his thigh while he looks over reports at home and even at the hospital, giving you his fingers to suckle on before he lets you have his cock, always indulging in whatever your little darling heart desires <3.
this is so tempting to write a gross fic for . zayne is actually a dream come true bcuz he rlly is the most perfie daddie ever. inspection kink has to be his favorite . i think he’s a bit stern abt it too.
“you’re feeling sick aren’t you ?” he says it slowly , voice all pretti and smooth with his hand touching you tummy.
you’re just in your room busy reading a book, perfectly abled, but tht can wait. daddy said you’re sick and he must be right, daddy is always right. and now that you think it about it, your belly is doing that thing where it butterflies erupt in sync with the twitch between your thighs.
“yeah, m’ stomach feels all weird.”
and you just know that daddie has the perfect thing to fix it. he’s gnna ruin ur guts
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from-izzy · 2 months
every day is a lovely day... | tbz lee juyeon
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pairing » the boyz lee juyeon x gn!reader (lmk if i missed anything)
trope/au » strangers to lovers, non-idol au!, university au!
genre »​ mostly hurt/comfort(...?), mostly fluff, a pinch of angst (i always say this but i'm kinda confident in this statement this time lmao), deep reflection on life and aspects of the earth, juyeon who basically falls in love with you at first sight, juyeon being kinda confident towards reader, picnic date by the beach after finishing you last exam!, comforting boyfriend chef (not actually his occupation) lee juyeon!
word count, estimated reading time » 2249, ~8 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » reader didn't sleep well, reader uses caffeine to battle tiredness, the slightest of academic difficulties (it's just a dash imo), deep thoughts of sea and sky life (not an expert in this field at all), mentions of open water/vast landscapes in the thoughts
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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i swear that banner changes colour before my very eyes. because i do understand that it's bright and at first glance, you can barely see the water on the bottom right. but when i change tumblr to a lighter mode, stare at fading wind lines near the top of the image for some time, my eyes adjust and the water becomes very obvious. i think it depends on colour context because on dark mode, it's hard for the 'effects' to kick in. is it just me...? it's messing with me...there has got to be a study about this somewhere...😭 anyway!
(i accidentally released this earlier so for those who saw anything: no you didn't!! 😭)
happy birthday to you @littleroaes !! ngl i was gonna give up on this birthday present but then i was scrolling through and found this little wip and tried to modify it to what you like. i was gonna do f2l like you mentioned you like but my brain stopped making ideas for that as soon as i told myself to write about it 😭 so here's my very first short story on strangers to lovers that thankfully you have appreciation for 🫶 from your profile, i read you like fishes, the colour blue, kimbap, spring rolls and of course, lee juyeon!! 😸 so i tried my best to incorporate these prompts here. i tried something different for the fishes 🐟 topic but i hope this incorporation is fine 💙
here is your boyfriend that will get you through uni! hope you have the happiest birthday!! 🎂🎉 love you!! mwah!!
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Everything changed for you when Juyeon walked into your life.
No, literally.
Well, maybe not…literally.
You remember the prominent eyebags you’ve carried for the last month since university started. The new semester has weighed you heavier than the headache that is arising from the lack of sleep and the missed attempt to get your daily caffeine content since you slept through your alarm. At the very least, you’re thankful that everything is now electronic because you are so unprepared to be commuting to campus with a heavy mind, heart, eyelids and straps on your shoulders that would surely give you a very sore back.
That day started horrendously. You really thought that the alarm was the only thing that the universe threw at you for their entertainment but it was the embarrassing fact that you dozed off during class. Your elbows were propped up too comfortably against the desk and the perfect temperature of the lecture room didn't make it any easier for your natural melatonin to kick in. The next thing you knew, your palms cupped your cheek and there was this loud bang that was accompanied by the sharp pain on your cheekbone when you hit the wooden desk.
Everything is going awesome and you just attracted around a hundred students back to you. Thankfully your lecturer didn't take it to offense and shot you an emphatic smile.
You guessed then after that the universe felt bad for the negative attention that you got and they canceled the next class on your filled weekly schedule. Usually, you would be annoyed at the sudden change but this gave you a little hour to bask in the sun, the open green space and your favourite cup of beverage wrapped protectively by your hands.
Only to find out that you left your wallet at home.
“I’m sorry,” you said to the worker who tried her best to reassure you and to take your time as your frantic fingers ran through the items in your bag.
Your knees fell to the ground and sweat started to creep against your forehead and to the side of your head, a silent reminder to be mindful of the long line of students who are mostly probably just as stressed as you are in their university journey. The lighting above you helped with your sight in your receipt-filled bag but suddenly, the long papers with their minuscule printings became hard to read and a deep voice stated his order.
At first, your instinct was to defend yourself, tell the person who cut in line and added an order between you and your caffeine to wait a little bit longer but his choice of words registered into you before you could voice out anytime.
“I'll add an iced Americano with the order, please.” And then the familiar beeping sound of a successful transaction rings.
Your neck cranes up towards the stranger that only made your day easier and you couldn't help but let out a gentle gasp. A sharp pair of eyes yet soft and curious like a cat, his perfectly shaped nose and the slight upturn of the corner of his lips with the smile that beams down on you. 
The chain necklace around his neck dangles above you and you were sure it hypnotised you to say, “It's an angel.” These were your first words to Lee Juyeon.
“Ah,” the recipient of the compliment could only blush first at your words, a hand sneaking up to mindlessly scratch his nape. “We should at least get out of the line.” 
Now it's your turn to have your cheeks heat up at the realisation that you're blocking everyone else’s caffeine intake.
You thought that maybe Juyeon would just walk away and wait for you to join him on the other side of the table with the hanging ‘Pick up orders here' sign hanging from the beige ceiling. Yet, he crouched and helped you sort out your materials, collecting your pencil case and books into one arm, the other swiftly scooping up the straps of your bag along his other forearm.
Your eyes couldn't help but widen at your empty hands, and you were flustered at how he was still holding onto your things even when the customer who stood behind him joined you both after paying. Juyeon’s bangs shook when he refused to give your things back, insisting that you should be the one to carry the coffee instead. 
“Coffee is important.” He convinces you with that warm smile of his. “Don't drop it!”
With the promise to pay him back for another cup, came a few promises to help with common subjects and overlapping knowledge. And with time, came the fluttering feeling in both your hearts that only grew when you comforted each other in the long nights leading to assignments and exam periods that came all too quickly but passed by excruciatingly slow.
Juyeon made it all worth it though. You walked out of the last two-hour prison of the semester to be greeted with your usual reward packed in a paper bag. If it was anyone else but Juyeon, the contents of the bag would be mushed as you hug it close to you but it's the person that you have missed so much that gets your love first.
“You called me last night, bubs,” Hearing his voice not through the help of technology is more refreshing and you couldn't help but tighten your hold around his figure. 
“Every day is missing Juyeon day.” 
“Well for me, every day is a happy day when you're in my life.”
It's a line that he has said to you many times even before he started dating you. Juyeon tried to make the line more interesting each time but one day, mixed with his tiredness and excitedness of finally seeing you, it became the line that revealed his adoration for you.
Hand in hand, Juyeon's thumb caressing the back of your palm, your right arm closely stuck to his left, you both sway and skip to the nearby beach to relish in each other’s company with nature. The light salty breeze scent hits you before you can even see the gigantic natural blue space that seems endless and seamless with the blue sky. As your outfit becomes one with the direction of the wind and the sun is still bright enough for you to know even when your orbs are hidden beneath your eyelids. It’s the little moments like these that the Earth seems to be so rich in beauty and life becomes beautiful although you’ve been studying endlessly for the past three months. 
You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to the body of water that eventually begins to seep into your view as you walk up the small hill. You imagine the school of fish including the friendly dolphins to the misunderstood sharks and all the shapes and sizes of the life forms in there, some dependent on their family whilst some choosing to live alone. 
That’s why you’ve always been so enamoured by the living, along with the sea plants that they harmoniously live with. 
You wonder what kind of thoughts these creatures have as they live in a world much bigger than the land you stand on and if they ever want to explore the whole ocean like most people would love to see the landmarks scattered across the world. If they visit the landmarks of the ocean, would they even remember it? Or would they just swim away, finding it more than satisfactory with the fact that they’re free, especially those who swish through the water with company?
Same with life in the sky, do they ever get tired from flying? Like some people who are scared of a large body of water but are already mid-journey, how do they persevere in their flight and keep going? Do they sometimes look at human transportation and hope that they could bask in that luxury as well? Sleep in the moving vehicle and relax your tense muscles against the cushioned interiors even if it’s just for ten minutes. You want to know the answer to that and maybe, you’ll be able to learn something from the other life form.
You wish sometimes you would be one of them but it’s hard to say so as well because all forms of life experience different hardships and it’s impossible to generalise anything, nor is it truly fair to say one has it better than the other.
That’s when life becomes so complex and beautiful. The fact that you’re so small in the context of the horizon that stretched too far for you to see and comprehend, leaves you appreciating the small things in life.
For you, the arms encircling your middle remind you that no matter what hardships you face, you’ll be able to safely fall back onto someone. That you can freely cry without judgement and that life is lovely whenever he’s in it. Juyeon steals a kiss from your lips before placing another one on your cheek. Your eyelashes flutter open and you swear that Juyeon’s smile is brighter than the sun that smiles down on you both and louder than the crashing waves against the eroding rocks.
And whenever he asks you, “Feeling better?” You know that Lee Juyeon is the one person that you can answer the question truthfully and genuinely.
You both settled with a picnic blanket underneath a substantial amount of coverage from the sun by the park near the beach, the crashing ocean waves still in sight. You observe the tree above you dancing freely in the winds while the birds seem to sing for both of your accomplishments. 
When you look back down by the cue of a single, proud hand clap, you're greeted with numerous small glass containers clinking next to each other. The colours from the neatly presented food only lifted your energy further and your boyfriend’s orbs glimmered more with the help of the sun that still peaks through from the leaves above.
Juyeon complied when you asked him for a bite of his homemade kimbap and spring rolls. The flavours instantly make you nod. “I refuse to believe that your mum didn't make this.” 
Your boyfriend’s smile flattened, dipping further into a frown, “She helped but I did all the cooking and rolling!” 
“Okay, you cute clingy baby.” Leaning in to press a quick kiss against his pouting lips. “I’m just joking around with you.” 
To Juyeon, the peck is way more than just unsatisfactory and his thoughts about it are clearly reflected first from his eyes. Then, his hand landed next to the food box on his far left and made a sweeping motion on the cotton blanket to the right, pushing all of the obstacles between you and him. His knees slide his body closer to you that was once on the other side, and now with your boyfriend only looking at you with the softest, loving gaze between his overgrown bangs, you couldn’t help but purse your lips momentarily. You couldn’t let out a question or comment but that changed in the blink of an eye when leaned in Juyeon, replacing your growing confusion with a muffled chuckle instead.
A soft groan vibrates to your lips, Juyeon complaining about how there was nothing to laugh about—not when his soft lips are between yours. A palm made its way around the back of your neck, pulling your still extensive smile against his more serious ones. Eventually, with the way that Juyeon poured his love into you, you’re determined to do the same to the only person who would only let you claim his lips. A part of his blue and white sweater is now captured in your fist but it did nothing to your heartbeat which starts to pick up whenever Juyeon pulls away to adjust his lip’s position on yours. 
The subtle nose nudges only served your fingers to trail up his arm that held you close, tracing along the vein that started near his elbows and ran his wrist near your pulse on the side of your neck. Now, with the way that your thumb brushes softly on his soft skin, Juyeon could melt further into you, leaning in further to deepen his presence to you. Whenever he pulled back, you would be the one chasing after him pulling on his sweater, wanting to indulge in his loving space even more.
“Who’s the clingy one now?” That lands him a shy hit to his chest that only made him let out a weightless chuckle in the air. “The love of my life and the only one for me,” he whispers sweet nothings as your foreheads kiss each other, a sweet gaze grazing upon your facial features. “I love you, bubs.”
So maybe you weren't hypnotised at all that day. Maybe, the universe didn't hate you after all. Maybe, this was all meant to happen even though you did go through some stress when the sequential events happened.
“I love you more.”
But at least, the universe gave you a free coffee.
Two, you really did meet an angel named Lee Juyeon.
And three, just like how he holds the day when you confess to him that you love him back, you repeat the words that he said to you at the start of all your lovely days, “Every day is a lovely day when you're in my life.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 'especially to you...'
tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here or removed!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿 @sanaxo-o
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yeonjuns-beanie · 2 years
Under the Influence
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Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, weed use, high sex, light choking, friends to lovers, mutual pining, slow burn kinda, think that's it
summary: you have known eddie since high school. you have since graduated but stayed rooting for him to finish his senior year. in commemoration of him graduating, you come back to Hawkins to celebrate. a slip of the tongue causes a confession to come loose.  
eddie x female reader
a/n: been tryna write this since my summer ended but uni is kickin my ass smh. hope whomever decides to read this enjoys it! :) ~nero
word count:8.9k (this became self indulgent i’m sorry)
Summer was creeping upon you. The anticipation of being on break again provided you with the spirit to feel alive again. Your spring semester drained you of everything you had left. It was inevitable and you wanted nothing more than to finally feel peace again. 
As you entered your apartment, you dropped your bags at your front door and began looking through the mail you grabbed. As you flicked through the pieces of paper you noticed a handwritten letter sticking out against the rest. The address was messily written but the name issued you a flashbulb of memories. 
Dropping the rest of the pile on the counter, you opened up the envelope. Opening the card that was tucked inside you read the words out loud. 
“Congrats, you are invited to the graduation of Eddie Mun- holy shit! Please call the number below to give us a head count. See you soon.”
You dropped the card and wiped your face, a smile forming across your cheeks and solidifying your disbelief. 
“He actually fuckin did it. I- lemme call them” 
Walking over to your landline, you dialed the number that you had memorized by heart. While waiting for the call to go through, the dull rings seemed to amplify your anticipation and you started to feel nervous. You hadn’t spoken to Eddie, nor his uncle for a few months due to having gotten completely wrapped up in your university schedule. On the fifth ring, the call finally picked up. 
“Munson residence, who’s calling?”
You chewed at your bottom lip before speaking
“Hey Wayne, how’s it going?” 
A quick silence fell over the call before you heard Wayne laugh over the line. 
“Well, I’ll be damned. How you doing y/n? It’s been forever since we’ve heard from you.”
“ I know, I know. I’m sorry about that by the way. This semester was beating my ass, I was playing constant catch up.” 
Your tone fell a bit, feeling a little bit guilty for not having spoken to Wayne or Eddie for such a long time. Before you left for college, you and Eddie had become best friends. Your friendship with each other bloomed and cemented itself for life while you were in school together. With Wayne welcoming you with open arms, you felt incredibly close to them. A bond that was almost too strong. 
“Ah c’mon. You know I’m just pulling your leg, kid.” 
“Some things never change.”
You both laughed before Wayne spoke again. 
“So I can’t imagine you called just to catch up, what’s the real reason.”
“Can’t get nothing past you…I was calling to speak to Eddie and congratulate him on finally pulling through his senior year.” 
“So you looked through your mail, huh? 
“I did. I wanted to let him know that I-“
You were cut off by Wayne yelling in the background 
“Eddie! Someone’s on the phone for ya!” 
His voice cleared up and you could tell he removed his hand from the bottom of the phone. 
“He’s gonna love this y/n” 
“Oh c’mon. He can’t have missed me that much.”
“You’d be surprised. Think he did it because of you honestly-ah here he is.”
You grabbed the body of your phone and pulled it down to the floor with you, your feet starting to hurt from standing in the same position. 
“Congratulations on finally graduating, Munson.”
“In the flesh…well not exactly in the flesh 'cause we’re on the phone but yeah.” 
Your nerves started to get the best of you and you, unfortunately, began stumbling over your words. 
“It’s been two years and you’re still awkward as ever.”
“Shut up. Least I’m not a dungeon master, fuckin nerd.”
You heard his scoff over the phone and you could almost see his face as if it was right in front of you. 
“Whatever. Anyways, thank you. Did you get the card? Is that why you called?” 
“Obviously. I wouldn’t miss you graduating for the world. So when is it?”
You began to smile, feeling an overwhelming sense of joy for Eddie finally finishing a milestone in his life. 
“It’s gonna be on the 27th of May.”
“Oh, perfect I’ll be done with finals and shit wayyy before then. Really, Eddie, I’m proud of you.”
“Don’t get all sappy on me now, y/l/n.”
“I’m not! I’m just proud of you finally getting through it. You’ve been talking about it n you pulled through.‘86 was your year.” 
He mumbled a low thank you feeling shy from the praise you were giving him. You could almost hear him thinking on the other end of the line about where to take the conversation next. 
“So when are you done for the semester?”
“I actually finished today. Most of my professors gave our exams during study week so I’m technically on break a little bit early.” 
“Oh, wow okay. Well, that’s nice.”
“Yeah, problem is I just don’t know what I’m gonna do for the summer.” 
“You should come out here. Stay with me n Wayne for a bit.”
You went silent, thinking about the idea in depth before realizing it was a great idea. You’d finally have the time to catch up and do it properly instead of over the phone. You heard Eddie speak again trying to backpedal on his initial statement. 
“O-Only if you want to, ya know. I wouldn’t wanna-“
“-Sounds like a great idea. Think Wayne would be okay with it…?”
You trailed off throwing the ball into his court without trying to have too much excitement trespass through your tone. 
“Y/n…you used to practically live here before you ran off to college. I’m sure he’d be happy to have you here again.” 
You laughed, realizing how silly you sounded when Eddie was spot on. 
“When should I come out then?”
“Whenever you want, sweetheart. Just let me know beforehand so I can clean my room. Gotta make sure you still think highly of me.” 
That nickname. Year after year you had to convince yourself that that’s all it was. Even after you moved away, after every phone call it would ring in your ears like a perpetual death knell. Reminding you of what you couldn’t have even though it was so close. The feelings bubbled up again and you swallowed them with a playful insult wanting to not stew while still on the phone.
“You cleaning your room…I think hell would freeze over before that happened.”
“Keep talking and I’ll take back my offer.”
“Okay, okay my white flag is in the air, Eds.”
Your mouth moved before your brain could catch up with you. Your following words could’ve been easily heard as friends excited to see each other, but you knew. You slipped up. You knew and you could only hope you didn’t rat yourself out.
“I wanna see you.”
An airy chuckle left his throat.
“You know you can just say that you miss me.”
“I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.”
“Okay, what if I say it first? I miss you. See not so hard.”
You sighed, trying to assimilate the butterflies flying in your stomach into something else. 
He was just your best friend, nothing more.
You constantly had to remind yourself, and yet the more you said it the less true it seemed. Your next words came out too easily and Eddie was not one to miss an opportunity at teasing you. 
“Fine. I miss you too.”
“Eager, aren't we?”
“I have every right to put the phone on the hook right now, Munson.”
A full-fledged laugh left him and forced a smile upon your face. The sound was a melody of sorts, a song that you forgot you knew and you could listen to it on repeat every day. The two of you continued talking and it was like nothing ever changed between the two of you. The way you were sitting on the floor reminded you of your senior year and how you would perch yourself at the edge of your bedroom door. Stretching the phone cord as far as it could go so that you wouldn’t wake your parents up talking to him into the early hours of the morning. 
Everything was so easy with him that it was maddening. It drove you crazy that you always seemed to have felt something more. Something that you would rather drown in than say out loud, out of fear of losing him forever. 
Before you realized it, hours had passed by and it began to grow dim in your apartment. The sun finally cowering behind the mountains and the building itself. Looking out the window, the sunset made the sky look like it was on fire, reminiscent of something you felt within. 
“Alright Eds, I think Imma grab some takeout from somewhere before everything closes down.”
“Damn already? Time flew by.”
“Crazy what a couple months does to us, huh?”
“Alright, but before you go, I’ve got one last thing for ya.”
“And that is..?”
“Well…what if..nah nevermind.”
“Munson if you don’t spit it out.-”
Your mind wandered through all the possible questions he could ask you and your stomach fell to your ass in anticipation. 
“When does your break end?”
“Uhh, I think late August. Why?”
“Wellll, why don’t you just stay for the summer? We could do it like we used to. Whaddaya say, sweetheart?” 
If he could see your face, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. You were smiling ear to ear, the thought of spending the whole summer with him was something you thought only your dreams could make up.
“I think that’s a great idea, Eddie.”
“Is that a smile I hear?”
“You’re impossible.”
“And you wouldn't have it any other way.”
He was right though, you wouldn’t. Anything remotely different you would shun the idea of. 
“I’ll call you later tomorrow after I go down to the airport and figure out the earliest I can come out.”
“Alright, y/n, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Talk to you tomorrow, Eds.”
Eds. If only you knew what it did to him. You two were the same coin just stuck on opposite sides. Your backs were turned, trapped in stubborn ways and fearful pride. His heart thumped a little bit faster than usual, even himself noticing the skip. He placed the phone back on its plastic body and hovered over it. His thoughts raced about if he would ever find the courage to tell you his truth.  
You placed the phone on the hook and finally got up from your position on the floor. Stretching you suddenly felt warm all over, the reality of your summer setting in and you smiled.
“The whole summer.”
The day couldn’t end fast enough. If you could, you would've packed your things and flown over tonight, but the universe couldn’t allow that kind of freedom. Instead, you opted to fill up your night with your usual activities, starting with your quest for dinner first. 
After you made it back to your apartment, your hand was weighed down by the plastic bag that was holding the food. Setting it down on the floor, you rummaged through your bag for your keys. Unlocking your door, you flicked on the light and set your food on the counter. Turning around to face your sink, you began washing your hands and a smile began its formation on your face. 
The mere thought of being able to spend time with Eddie uninterrupted again was something you thought only your dreams could make up. Something that existed only in the moments before you drifted to sleep in hopes that one day it would manifest into reality. As much as you wished for your relationship to be something more, the compromise of just getting to spend time with him would satisfy you enough. 
Sitting down you unpacked your bag and began to eat. Thoughts of what your summer was to bring clouded your mind. You hoped that when you went to the airline in the morning that you could catch the earliest flight, maybe even a red eye just so you could maximize your time there. 
Finishing up your food, you threw your containers away and began your nightly routine. It was a little bit earlier than usual for you, but you wanted to get to the airport first thing in the morning, hoping to beat any lines because you knew how crowded it could get in there. Finishing up your routine, you finally crawled into bed and tried your best to force yourself asleep. Your nerves were running like it was going to be your first day of school tomorrow. Like always, you shut your eyes and imagined your fantasies in technicolor hoping subconsciously, that maybe, in that special trailer in Hawkins, Eddie was doing the same.
When your eyes flickered open the following morning, your body woke you up with the sun peaking above the mountains casting a warm orange hue in your bedroom. With the sky changing from its midnight murk into pale pink, blues, and oranges. you pulled yourself from your bed and began to get yourself ready. By the time you finished you still had a little time to spare but decided to drive down to the airport just to get it out of the way. 
The drive down was halfway across town and the morning traffic was always bumper to bumper. Your university was on the same side of town and driving down every day was one of the many things you hated about going to school. 
Arriving at the airport, you meandered your way around the building coming across the company you were looking for. Unfortunately for you, you happened to be one of the poor bastards thinking the same thing as everyone else and the line was daunting. Shoulders hunched, you walked to the back of the line. 
After waddling your way up to the front of the line a representative finally called you over after what seemed like hours. Running through all the possible flight options you opted for a flight the next day in the late morning thinking that that would allow enough time to do what you needed to do. 
Before you headed back home, you ran to the store to pick up a few things you knew you would need so you wouldn’t have to buy so much once you made it to Hawkins. Finishing up in the store, you sat back in your car and finally took a look at the clock. 
It’s almost 11 already damn
Reaching for your seatbelt, you clicked it into place and sighed, talking to yourself. 
“As much as I want to grab food I should prolly save for when I’m out there.”
Sticking your keys into the ignition, you began the drive back home figuring that by the time you got back home and called Eddie, the rest of your day would be taken up by packing. Plus, you had enough food in your apartment that you could make yourself something quick later in the day. 
Pulling into the parking lot of your complex, you sighed again, happy to finally be home. Opening your back seat you grabbed all your grocery bags and shut your door with your hip. Walking up the stairs, you dug into your back pocket fishing for your keys to open the door. Once in the safe space of your home, you dropped your bags on the counter and rushed over to the phone, sudden excitement brewing within you. 
Checking the clock, you calculated the time difference and figured Eddie should be up by now. Dialing his number, you waited patiently. The ringing being the only thing filling up the silence and finally, the line picked up.
“Munson re-”
“-Afternoon dork.”
“Well hello to you too.”
Both of you chuckled, the dynamic between you two never failing to amuse you while your laughs subsided into heavy puffs of air out your nose.
“Did you talk to Wayne yet?”
Eddie sighed and your stomach dropped a little bit, his tone a little solemn.
“I did actually…and…he said that he couldn’t…have thought of a better idea.”
“You jackass, you had me worried for a second there.”
He was laughing on the other line completely getting a kick out of taking the piss out of you.
“Anyways, I got my flight scheduled. I’ll be flying out tomorrow at 11am my time and it’s only a three-hour flight so I should be there like 5ish your time?”
“Oh damn, y/n, okay! You weren’t playing around.”
A snort of air left your nose, a burst of confidence suddenly flowing through you.
“I meant what I said yesterday, Eds…I wanna see you! Imissyou.”
His skin goosed up yet again, the nickname sounding so sweet from your tongue. Meanwhile, the last part of your sentence faded into mush and he took this as his opportunity to swallow his feelings for just a moment. Eddie knew your antics well enough that he caught the words perfectly. But you didn’t need to know that.
“I’m sorry, what was that sweetheart? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“I’ll cancel my flight.”
“But then you won’t get to see me as soon y/n. I’d hate to make you wait any longer.”
You could hear the fake pout in his voice knowing that he was just teasing you. 
“You make my head itch, you know that?”
“Well once you get here, I can scratch it for ya. How’s that sound?”
You rolled your eyes, used to his antics but never used to the way they made you feel. Especially, when they were so pointed. 
“Sounds great, but ya know what would sound better? If you could pick me up from the airport. If not I totally understand.”
“Y/n.  How else are you going to get here? Hitchhike?”
“Well I mean if I have to…”
You trailed off feeling a little guilty about asking him in the first place.
“Where ya flying into?”
“Uhh, Marion airport.”
He sighed heavily over the phone which made you start spinning your wheel of anxiety.
“You know you don’t have to ask me for shit like that. I was gonna come out regardless y/n, I’m just messing with ya.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding and laughed it off. You guys continued to talk for a bit before you checked the time and figured you should start packing all of your things to make sure you weren’t stressed out tomorrow morning. Saying your goodbyes, you hung up the phone and began the massive chore that was packing. 
By the time you were finished the sun was beginning to set. Per usual, it took you longer than it should have because you got distracted by so many different things. Mainly, it was you going over which record you wanted to play next, but picking through all your clothes was a challenging feat in itself. Sighing, finally content with what you had come together with, you walked into the kitchen to make yourself something to eat before winding down for the night.
Once you felt that it was late enough, you went through your nightly routine lightly smiling throughout the whole ordeal thinking about what was to come. Sliding into bed, you snuggled yourself underneath the covers patiently waiting for sleep to overtake you. 
As you got ready the next morning, it dawned on you that you would need a ride to the airport so that you wouldn’t have to leave your car there all summer. Calling one of your friends a little later in the morning they agreed to come to pick you up and drop you off at the airport. Hugging them, you grabbed your luggage from the backseat and shared your goodbyes as you walked back into the building. Checking your luggage, you didn’t have to wait long before your flight began to board.
Finding your seat, you settled in pretty quickly. Trying your best to not let your nerves overwhelm you at the moment. Once the plane made it through the turbulence of take-off and your stomach found itself back in its proper location, you eased your worries. Feeling the effects of your early rise finally hit you, your eyes fluttered shut and a well-needed nap overcame your body.
The minor turbulence flying into Indiana woke you up from your deep slumber. Surprisingly, you slept through most of the flight and it left you feeling more refreshed than you have in a while. Looking out the window, you could see the patches of green become more defined, slowly turning into individual trees and buildings rather than just masses of color. When the wheels of the plane finally touched the ground, you couldn’t wait to get off. The excitement that you were suppressing now bubbling up again.
Walking through the airport, you followed the signs to baggage claim and on your journey there you spotted a mop of dusky, brown hair waiting nearby. He was facing away from you, but the vibrant Dio patch assured you that it was him. Watching the carousel of bags run past you, you noticed the plush tag hanging off your luggage and walked over to it, not wanting to wait for it to mosey its way to you. 
It was almost picture perfect. The way you clicked your handle into place and your eyes met his as you brought your head up. A wide smile spreading across both your faces. You jogged toward him, your luggage trailing behind you as Eddie did the same with his arms stretched out. You rolled your luggage upright as you wrapped your arms around him, his hair tickling your face as you nuzzled into him. 
“Glad to see the plane didn’t crash.”
“I slept the whole ride here so I didn’t even get the chance to think about it.”
You both giggled and he squeezed you just a little harder as if you would disappear if he didn’t.
“Shit, it’s so good to see you, sweetheart.”
You hoped he didn’t feel the extra beat your heart jumped as the words left his mouth. You let out an airy laugh, agreeing with him.
“Seems like it’s been forever.”
You pulled away from each other, getting another good look before he spoke again.
“You ready?”
You followed him out to the parking lot to his van and all at once, so many memories came flooding back to you. Eddie took your luggage from you and tossed it in the back. As you heard the back doors slam, you went to reach for the passenger’s handle. Not before hearing his footsteps quicken and a loud
“Ah ah ah!”
Eddie grabbed the door for you and theatrically bowed down with a cheesy accent possessing his cords.
You smiled rolling your eyes as you hopped into his van. The drive wasn’t long to his home and seemed shorter with how much you guys were talking. The conversation never ended and it left you feeling more than just nostalgia. 
As he pulled up to his trailer, he made a point to open the door for you again, before going to grab your luggage from the back. You went to grab it but he jerked the bag away from you giving you a look that said ‘don’t even try it’. You followed him up the steps into the trailer and he brought your bag into his bedroom.
You stuffed your hands into your back pockets looking around the trailer that once was your home away from home. You kicked your shoes off leaving them by the door as you heard Eddie trail from the hallway.
“Is Wayne not here?”
“Uh uh. He picked up an extra shift so he probably won’t be back until the morning.”
You nodded and Eddie tacked onto his previous words. 
“So it’s just you and me tonight, baby.”
He wiggled his eyebrows adding more to the double entendre that he created. You smiled lightly and drew your hands from your pockets, wiggling them with little enthusiasm. 
“Oh, great. I can’t wait.”
Sarcasm dripped from your dry tone, hoping that you could keep your act up as long as you planned to. Eddie came closer to you and wrapped his hands around yours. His rings sending a quick chill up the surface of your skin. 
“Aww, don’t be like that. Thought you said you missed me?”
He fake pouted trying his very best to get a rise out of you. Then his eyebrows raised.
“Think I know how to get you to soften up.”
You smiled. 
“Oh yeah, and what's that.”
“...Oh you know…just a little bit of green.”
You tapped on your chin, playing like you had to think about his offer. 
“You roll I’ll order food?”
“There she is!”
He smiled dragging you into his bedroom. You sat on his bed and starfished out on top of it. Looking around his room, you noticed he changed a few posters, added some small ones here and there and
“I see you changed your guys’ logo again. I like it.”
“Yeah? I think the lettering looks better.”
“It definitely does. Think it fits the genre better too.”
Eddie smiled to himself, finding comfort in your approval as well as finally fishing out all his materials to roll a joint.
“I always forget where I put the fuckin paper.”
You snorted and brought yourself up from the bed. Bending down to the floor, you unzipped your bag and rummaged through your layers of clothes before finding the shorts you were looking for. 
“I’m gonna go change real quick. My jeans are suffocating me.”
“You know where the bathroom is.”
Slipping out of his room, you turned into the bathroom and quickly changed out of your pants. You didn’t bother closing the door, part of it was you being so comfortable around him and the subconscious part was you hoping he’d pass by. As you walked back into his room you dropped your jeans on top of your suitcase. What you didn’t notice, was how Eddie’s eyes grew wide at your entrance. 
Your shorts were, for lack of a better word, short. They covered just enough so that the bottom of your buttcheek wouldn’t hang out of the bottom but barely covered enough to keep his thoughts at bay. Your legs were long and he was particularly obsessed with the curve of your thighs and how they molded perfectly to your ass. He was obsessed with everything about you to be completely transparent, but there was something about the bottom half of your body that just kept his thoughts racing. 
You looked over at the tray noticing he hadn’t even laid the weed out yet. 
“I’ll go order food. What are you feeling?”
His eyes suddenly spaced out thinking about what sounded good to eat.
“Works for me.”
As you walked down the hallway you heard him yell out.
“And I’ll be paying. Just a fyi.”
You smiled to yourself before picking up the phone and dialing the number to the local pizza place through muscle memory. It was something you thought you would have forgotten now, but this was something that you used to do so often, your brain just kept space for it. As the phone began to ring you called out to Eddie.
“Meat lovers or cheese?”
“Just do both, you know we’ll finish it.”
As he finished yelling from his bedroom, the line picked up and you placed the order. The guy on the phone informed you it be about a half hour before the delivery would be made. Finishing up on the phone, you walked back into the bedroom and flopped onto his bed, sitting crisscrossed. You stared at him rolling the weed at his desk, unable to take your eyes off of him. He was just so pretty in your eyes. 
And now he’s bringing it to his mouth oh god
Before you even had the chance to admire him, your thoughts were quickly clouded with your lust for him. The way his tongue swiped across the paper, adhering one side to the other was oddly arousing. Everything he did had the ability to make you squirm. 
“If you’re gonna eye fuck me like that at least buy me dinner first.”
His voice brought you out of your trance and it took a second for his words to sink in. When they did, y our defenses went up immediately. 
“I- I was not eye fucking you Eds.”
“Uh huh, sure and this isn’t a joint in my hands.”
You groaned, embarrassment slowly finding its way into your face. Eddie though was more than amused. In his own mocking way, he was testing the water. Beneath all his teasing he was trying to see where your feelings were without directly asking you. Plus, every time you got defensive, he thought you looked adorable so it was a win-win for him. 
Eddie walked over to the bed, sitting across from you. He leaned back to grab his ashtray and set it in the middle of both of your guys’ legs. Trying so hard to change the subject, you brought up the pizza. 
“Pizza said it’ll be here in like a half hour so we should be finished with this by then.”
“It’s no doubt that we’ll be finished with this joint, but the real question is will we be on our second one.”
You shrugged your shoulders
“Honestly, probably.”
Eddie held the joint out to you trying to give you the first hit. You pushed his hand back giving the joint back to him.
“Dealer hits first.”
“Yeah, well, dealer makes the rules and dealer says his favorite guest gets first hit.”
He held the joint back out to you and you took it seeing that there was no way you would win this battle. Looking up at him you had an idea.
“Wanna light it for me?”
Eddie looked up at you, his chocolate eyes softening at your request. As you looked back at him, you felt your eyebrows furrow upwards questioning him and what he was about to do next. His lips quirked up into a small smile as he silently agreed with you picking up the lighter off the bed. Leaning forward, he brought the lighter to the joint, his eyes flickering back and forth between your own and the now smoking tip. Inhaling, you took a long drag and the burning embers of the weed glowed a bright orange. 
Exhaling, you blew the smoke right into Eddie’s face, smiling as you did so. You began to giggle and imprisoned your bottom lip between your teeth as the smoke cleared and you handed the joint back to him.
“Nice aim, princess.”
You rolled your shoulders back and sat tall on the bed, smirking at him.
“I’ve been practicing.”
He scoffed at you shaking his head as he brought the joint to his lips. As he inhaled you couldn’t help but stare at him and commit his features to memory. He was just so nice to look at. The way his hair cascaded down his face, the way his lips wrapped around the joint, and his expression as he fully inhaled, you just couldn’t tear your eyes away. It wasn’t until you breathed in the secondhand smoke and heard his voice rattle through the air did you come to. 
“Ya know, sweetheart, if you grab the camera over there you can look a little longer.”
Mortified. You were horrifically embarrassed but somehow also kinda glad that you got caught. Eddie slowly looked up at you through his lashes smirking at his ability to make you flustered. Your mouth hung open looking for a comeback but silence encased your tongue. 
Stuck in the realm of your embarrassment, the universe seemed to be on your side because there was a loud knock on the door. 
“Ah, must be the pizza man. Here hold this.”
Eddie handed you the joint while he pushed himself up from the bed and grabbed some cash lounging on his desk. You fell back on the bed letting out a sigh of relief. The air was beginning to get too thick with him still in the room. Taking another drag, you felt yourself fully feel the effects of the weed. You felt more relaxed than you had all day. Your limbs feeling a little light and your head heavy. Your bottom lip found itself trapped between your teeth as you tried your best to not smile as wide as you could.
With another long drag, you heard Eddie’s footsteps come down the hallway. He only stuck his head in at first before fully bringing his body into frame. You held your arm out signaling to him to take the joint.
“Hey, let's g-what’s got you all smiley, y/n?”
You chuckled trying your best to keep your thoughts at bay. 
“Oh, ya know…nothing.”
You knew yourself better though. You knew that he knew whenever you got any type of inebriated, whether it be through smoke or harsh liquids, you knew that you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. Which was exactly why you were giggling. It was coming up and you knew you weren’t gonna be able to keep it in much longer. Eddie called out to you knowingly.
“Y/n? C’mon, tell me. What is it?”
“Okaay, if you must know. Just thinking about how much I like you.”
Suddenly it was like you never got high in the first place. Fear and anxiety overwhelmed your body as the realization hit you. The silence was deafening. So loud that you could hear a faint ringing in your ears. The cat was out of the bag now and you couldn’t even find the words to cover your tracks. 
“I-uh. Eddie please just forget I said that. I don’t wanna…I don't wan-”
“-Can I try something?”
“What? Make fun of me…”
“Sit up, sweetheart.”
You forced yourself up but kept your head hung low. 
“Gotta look at me to do this.”
You sighed, feeling the bed dip, and silently prepped yourself for rejection. Eddie brought the joint up to his lips, taking the final drag. After he leaned back dropping the roach in his ashtray, he sat closer to you and brought his hand up underneath your chin gazing into your eyes. His eyes asked a simple “do you trust me?” and you nodded preparing for anything. 
His face slowly got closer to yours waiting for you to pull away, but when you didn’t he closed the rest of the distance quickly, his lips attaching themselves to yours. Your eyes widened and a small, muffled squeak escaped from your throat. Settling into the moment, you placed your hand on his lower thigh for support and returned the kiss. As you parted your mouth, he blew the smoke into yours. You pulled away to blow the smoke out your direction and when you looked back, Eddie’s eyes were glued to yours. 
“So do I.”
You cocked your head, not understanding what he meant.
“I like you too. For too long now it seems.”
Your lips parted slightly, shock killing the words that you meant to speak. Your eyes softened, the reality of your dreams staring back at you.
“Can you kiss me again?”
He didn’t speak, instead, he moved toward you with a quickness that you almost didn’t register. His lips were on yours again, soft and gentle. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek and trail back behind your neck. You needed more of him though. It wasn’t enough and all that was pent up was boiling over. 
You brought yourself up to your knees and swung one leg over his lap straddling him. He pulled away from you, breath heavy and hands wandering over your thighs. You played with the ends of his hair and placed your hand on his chest. He brought his hand up to lay on top of yours and you hung your head. 
“I can’t believe this is happening right now.”
“How long?”
It took you a second to register his question but once you did you smiled thinking about how chessy your answer was going to sound. 
“Since before I left. One night when we were on the phone with each other I just…something clicked and I realized it was you. And I’ve been keeping it to myself since then…”
“God dammit y/n.”
A huff of air left his nose and you could see a small smirk forming on his mouth. 
“All this time I’ve been going bat shit about when I should tell you and here you are parading around with this crush on me for two years?! When I could’ve been doing this instead.”
Eddie held you by your hips, flipping your position on his bed you were now underneath him. He hovered over you his hair and his necklace draping down towards you. You reached up to his pick, twirling it between your fingers. 
“I’ve always liked this.”
“You want it?”
You smiled up at him but when he looked into your eyes he saw what other feelings were cycling through your head. Your eyes trailed down to his lips and back up to his eyes, sporting a knowing look. Bending down, you saw he was about to gingerly place his lips again, so you grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him down to you. This is what you needed to feel. The mutual need after denying yourselves of each other for so long. 
Eddie’s hand trailed down to your torso finding solace in the dip of your waist. You brought your hand up to the nape of his neck and slowly weaved your fingers through his hair, grabbing a handful of it. A low groan left his throat and you rolled your hips up towards him in response. 
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
You panted for a moment trying to get your breath back, but as soon as you began to ask your question it was stolen from you. Nerves and excitement rushed through you. 
“I want you.”
“Shit, don’t just be saying shit y/n.”
“I’m not. I-I need you, Eddie. Please.”
You watched his eyes dilate, his breath quickening. He kissed you again in an attempt to quiet his thoughts that were racing one after the other. Every imagine, every fantasy he ever whipped up about you coming to light as he gazed down upon you. Your shorts slowly riding higher and higher, exposing more of yourself to him.
“On one condition.”
You looked up at him, ready to give him anything that he asked for. 
“Be mine. From now until whenever-”
“Yes. I’m yours, Eddie. Always have been.” 
You shied away from the end of your answer feeling a little flustered admitting everything fully to him. Hearing you not only accept him but affirm him with such certainty sent chills up his spine. Having enough of the talking you decided to make a move. You rolled the two of you over so that you were straddling him again. You took the hem of his shirt into your hands, signaling him to take it off.
In a swift motion, the fabric left his body, leaving his top half exposed to you. He smiled up at you before grabbing your shirt. 
“Your turn, y/n.”
Slipping out of your shirt you threw it somewhere in his room, worrying about its whereabouts later. Eddie brought his hands to your hips, squeezing at the skin there and slowly trailing his hands up and down your sides. You smiled down at him before reaching your hands behind your back and unclasped your bra. You let the fabric fall in front of you before tossing it to the floor. 
“Shit, sweetheart. You tryna kill me.” 
You grabbed one of his hands, smiling as you brought it up to your breast, laying your hand atop his to signal him to mold the skin there. 
You felt his skin shutter and his hips roll up into yours. In a blink, you were back underneath him and he rolled his hips back into yours the friction of his jeans penetrating through the light layers you were wearing on the bottom. Eddie came down to kiss you again, somehow leaving you the most breathless out of all the ones he’d given you. When he pulled away there was a different look in his eyes, almost a nervous gaze that fell on him. 
“I, uh. Ya know I haven’t done this…a lot and the last person I was with it just…was not up to par so just let me know when you feel good?” 
You kinda wondered what went wrong with the last person for a moment before you brought yourself back down to the reality of your situation. Cupping his face in your hand, you looked at him directly, making sure that there was not a shadow of a doubt present. 
“As long as I’m with you, Eddie, I’ll always feel good.”
An extra puff of air left his nose as he buried his head in the crook of your neck. Lightly laughing he came back up to face you. 
“Stop saying all the shit that makes me soft. I’m supposed to taking control here.” Rolling your hips up to his you were trying your best to tease him as your body slowly succumbed to your unbearable need for him. 
“Then take it…take me, Eddie. Please.”
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
He came back down to your face placing a needy kiss on your lips. He trailed his way down your jaw and then down to your neck where he tried to find your sweet spot. Kissing around, he felt the way you shuddered as his lips connected right before the junction where your neck and shoulders met. He smirked against your skin before attacking the same spot, sucking on it. His hand trailed up your sides and rested on your boob before rolling your nipple in between his fingers. A moan left your throat, a little louder than you expected but at this moment you couldn’t care less. 
“Eddie, please.”
He kissed over your skin one more time before returning your question. 
“Please what, baby.” 
Eddie’s hand traveled down your body before slipping past the waistband of your shorts and underwear slowly slipping his fingers between your folds. You moaned out, your hips moving on their own volition. 
“God, you’re so fuckin wet, baby.”
“Can’t help it when I have you on top of me, finally.”
You were getting drunk on the feeling of just finally being able to touch him like this, not even thinking about the answer you needed to give him because the way he was rolling your bud was driving you crazy enough. His motions stopped and you snapped your eyes open, confused as to why his fingers left your core. Eddie looked at you, a smug smile plastered on his face.
“Soaked just from a little kissing, huh? I think I know how to fix this for you but you have to tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
All inhibition left you. Your need to feel Eddie in every capacity was much stronger than your will to keep some composure. 
“Eddie, please. I need you. I need you inside of me. I’ve waited so long to have you that I can’t wait anymore. Please, just touch me anything.”
You were begging him. 
You were begging him.
It all went straight to his cock, which was now suffocating in his jeans. He groaned and his breath quicked leaving you stuck in anticipation of what he was gonna do next. As you looked up into his eyes, his chocolate orbs were now being drowned by a sea of black. You felt a dip in the bed and saw him get up to remove his jeans. 
You were more than surprised at his length as it sprung out of his boxers. As he crawled back on the bed and hovered over you, his hands wrapped themselves into your waistband, but before pulling them down Eddie looked up at you asking for permission. You nodded slightly and in an instant, your cunt was met with the cool air. Eddie lowered himself to bring him face to face with your pussy.
“Can’t wait to taste you, y/n.”
Before he could dive into lapping at your cunt, you stopped him by pressing your hand against his shoulder. 
“Not, not tonight Eds. Believe me, I want it but I-I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel you now, please.” 
You spoke breathlessly. Unable to catch your breath while coming to terms with what was about to happen. 
“You sure, sweetheart.”
“Eddie, if you don’t fuck me now, I’ll do it myself.”
“Someone’s a little feisty, I like it.”
You shared a quick laugh before Eddie went to line himself up at your entrance. 
“Wait, I need a condom.”
“I’m on the pill, Eds. Unless you wanna use one. I don’t mind, but I kinda wanna feel all of you and feel you like ya know but it’s-”
Eddie kissed you, stopping your ramble and you moaned into it. 
“Stop talking, princess. I got ya.”
The new nickname had you fluttering around nothing and Eddie caught a glimpse of it but decided to swallow his opportunity to tease you again. Eddie got back into position and placed himself at your entrance, rolling his dick over your pussy and teasing you in a different way. To be completely transparent, he just wanted to hear you beg for him again. You whined out his name, but he smirked. 
“You’re gonna have to do better than that, y/n.”
“Eddie, fuck me. Please fuck me! I need to feel you inside of me. I’ve needed you for so long, please don’t make me beg anymore. I wanna feel you stretch me out. I’ve waited long enough. Just fuck me, please fuck me~ah!”
He sunk himself in your tight, warm walls with both of your moans filling the silence in his bedroom. You saw his breath become more ragged, and was borderline feral. Slowly he pulled his cock all the way out before slamming it back in. You cried out, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix just right. 
“Eddie, fuck! Go faster, please.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, he was holding back and was just waiting for your go-ahead. His hips snapped into yours, the sound of skin slapping seemingly getting louder with each thrust. Your moans were in tandem with one another, creating your own wolfish symphony. Eddie dropped his head in the space between your neck and shoulders, his words on repeat as he fully indulged in the pleasure. 
“Fuck y/n. Fuck, you feel so good. Fuck you feel good!”
Eddie brought himself back up to look at your face which was now completely fucked out. Your eyes were lidded and every time you looked at him your cunt quivered with arousal and anticipation. You reached out for his hand and moved it to position it around your throat. The coolness of his rings sent a different kind of shiver through your bones. 
Eddie looked down at you slightly, cocking his head before you choked out another please. With your whimpers, his final straw broke. The dam that was barricading all the love and lust he had for you was broken and he gave you everything he had left. His thrusts quickened as his hand squeezed at the pressure points on your throat. Eddie lowered himself down to growl in your ear.
“My baby girl likes it a little rough, doesn’t she? This feel good sweetheart? My hand wrapped around your throat.” 
You felt so needy. Your body rolling and quivering into his as his hips pistoned into your own. He didn’t need you to respond, he just wanted to torture you. He gazed down over your fucked out figure one more time, smiling to himself about the state he put you in. Your pussy giving him ample praise, clenching after every word he said. 
“Shit, y/n. You gotta stop squeezing me like that, baby. I’m gonna cum.”
You whined as you rolled into him, clawing your nails into his back as you tried your best to fuck him back as the fire built in your lower abdomen. 
“I c-can’t help i-it. You feel so fuckin good, Eddie.”
Every time you said his name, something else within him snapped. He removed his hand from your neck and instead placed both of his hands on your hips, lifting them from the bed as he pounded into you. Your moans left your mouth rapidly, unable to control the frequency of them. 
Eddie’s thrusts were getting more and more sloppy and you could feel the slight twitches of his cock signaling that he was coming on the precipice of his arousal. Eddie brought one of his hands to your swollen bud and started rolling it in small circles. You cried out at all the sensations overwhelming you. 
“Eddie, fuck I’m gonna cum.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, your words going straight to his cock.
“Good girl, that’s it. Cum for me.”
“Eddie, cum inside of me. I wanna feel all of you, please.”
Both your resolves dropped at the same time, your orgasms overhauling any other thoughts you had. Any moan that he had been holding back was now on full display for you to hear. Your cunt was milking him of all he was worth. Spasming uncontrollably at the feeling of your orgasm washing over you. Eddie was still moving slowly inside of you and leaned down to kiss you. 
This kiss was needy yet gentle. Full of yearning as you made up for the lost time. He kissed you like he knew he had you now. There was nothing else to worry about, nothing to be afraid of. You cupped both sides of his face, afraid that he was somehow gonna disappear from you. He pulled back and smiled at you. His eyes were soft and chocolatey again. 
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
“I know. That’s why I’m holding on so tight. I finally have you.”
He slid out of you and you felt his cum begin to leak out of you despite your efforts to keep it inside. He got up from the bed, still as bare as Adam, calling to you from the hallway. 
“I’m just gonna grab you something to clean you up with.”
Eddie came back with a warm washcloth, cleaning you up the best he could.
“You made a mess.”
You looked at him your eyebrows raised incredulously. 
“Um, I believe we made the mess, Munson.”
“Reduced to my last name now. After all that’s happened.”
Eddie shook his head in jest, obviously pulling your leg. Eddie climbed back in the bed getting ready to pull you towards him before you began to get up. 
“I’m gonna go pee now or else I will forget.”
He laughed at you and waited for you to come back. In the time that you took in the bathroom, he played with the pick attached to his necklace. Smiling down at it, he remembered that you said you “always liked it”. Eddie released the ball from its chain and had the necklace resting in his hand. As you came back into the room, he looked at you with a giant grin still stuck on his face.
“What are you so smiley for?”
“Close your eyes.”
So you did and you felt his weight shift around the bed. Then you felt something cold hit your neck and his hands delicately securing the metal together. 
“Okay, you can open them now.”
Looking down, you were met with the red tones of his guitar pick. A smile quickly grew on your face and you looked up at him. 
“Eddie…you didn’t have to.”
“Ah ah, I insist. Besides, everyone needs to know you’re mine now somehow.”
You both stayed smiling at each other as you leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. You were about to say something, but your stomach interrupted you with its growling. Eddie looked at you and then your stomach and back up at you. 
“Shall we eat then?”
“Think we should.”
Getting up from the bed you walked over to your luggage to grab a new pair of underwear. As you turned around to grab your clothes you noticed Eddie’s Hellfire shirt was closest to you. Picking it up you slid it over your body. As your head peaked through the hole, you saw Eddie staring at you clad in nothing but some sweatpants and his mouth ajar. Closing it, he walked over to you guiding you out to the hallway. 
“So what I’m seeing is, you obviously wanna have more sex after we eat.”
“How’d you get to that conclusion, Einstein?”
“Well, sweetheart, you’re in my shirt. And luckily for you, I think you happen to look great in it. But! It definitely would look better throwing it back on the floor where it belongs.”
You turned your head to smile at him while opening the boxes of pizza. 
“I do suppose we have a lot of catching up to do.”
You ended your sentence tapping your finger on his nose. Eddie grabbed your hips and pushed you closer to the edge of the counter, caging you in. 
“You little minx.”
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joelscruff · 5 months
cat. hear me out!!! no pressure.
you released ch9 of fof, the holy grail chapter!!! when i went back to uni for the fall semester, and i go back to uni in two weeks for spring semester. fof ch10 to help me survive?? i will worship you if so, even though i already do.
jokes aside, i hope you’re doing so so so good and taking care of yourself you beautiful lovely soul 💖💖
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this was me rereading all of fof last night and remembering how much it has affected me!!
tysm angel 😭💖 congrats on finishing your semester & starting another one!!! i'm in the very same boat rn but i don't think this semester will take as much out of me as the last one did. feeling a lot stronger ❤️
it's my current optimistic hope that fof will be updated before the month is over 💖 ik you guys have been waiting for a long time and i apologize for all the false starts and stops, life comes at you fast sometimes and you just gotta roll with it, which is what I've been trying to do. i have a lot of plans for upcoming fics and fof is certainly at the top of that list, thank you sm for sticking around 💕💖💕💕💖
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solilakoi · 21 days
Lately on my art journey
My spring uni semester has begun, and with it, I fear the momentum that carried me during the break is starting to fade. I have much to do in very little time (spring classes are like that), so I might be less active artwise, and especially on here...
But I refuse to be inactive. Here's what's been going on:
During my break between semesters, I got back into working on my comic. I am very fond of that story and of its characters, but I had found myself in a several-months-long block of working on it. There were a couple reasons for this. The first and most legitimate was that between work and study, I didn't have much time or energy to dedicate to comic-making. But the second and less legitimate reason, was perfectionism. Because the comic had now become a labour of a couple of years, and I want it to be the best I can possibly make it, which meant I feared even the slightest imperfection on my part. And the longer I went without drawing, the more I felt I was rusty and incapable of doing that project justice.
Here's the thing I think people don't tend to emphasize enough about perfectionism, and something I've recently had to learn the hard way: perfectionism is not a strength. Perfectionism is a poison that undermines and delegitimizes your skill and the work you put into something. Things are worth making and putting out there even if they are flawed.
Being suddenly without a job, and out of classes, gave me the boost I needed to get back to work on comics, which made me discover my next weakness; perspective. Turns out that figuring out a scene's perspective is something my brain really truly struggles with. I tried and tried, using rulers and perspective tools and rules to turn my rough sketches into proper perspective, but it never seemed to work the way it should. the angles just did not gel. At this point I remembered I had built the comic's setting, a victorian manor, in the sims 4 for this exact reason. Still, this felt like cheating, but I've come to terms with it. Tracing the angles of a screenshot in perspective allows me to get the panel to a satisfactorily finished state, and in time, will train my eye to find these perspective lines by itself. Using these screenshots is not a crutch, it's a tool, it's training wheels. There's nothing wrong with it.
The comic is still a long ways away, but I cannot wait to have a project up for the world to see, something I can point to as proof of my ability both to tell a story, and to bring a project to reality.
I have other things I want to say, but this post is long enough already. More to come soon!
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badnote · 6 months
hiiiii i have finished my last semester at community college n start uni next spring!! (pls clap) but i will be attempting to write on here again since the horrors r not consuming me but i am a lil working guy so be patient <3 im gonna clear my inbox n then reblog some prompts so keep an eye out for thatttt
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ellieslaces · 22 days
I’m so sorry for my absence on here lately. just finished the spring semester of uni and started my final summer semester before i graduate. I’m tired y’all, no joke. but, i have some things in the works and I’ll have them out soon! <3
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aonoryuhei · 2 months
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feeling so very aimless today so small life update @ _ @
ummm all i have literally been up to is a sad little cycle of wake up -> uni -> anguish (jk lolz... maybe) -> sleep... which was FINE except the past two weeks i have been hit by the infamous Spring Semester Burnout and the timing is booty.
so many developments have been slowly happening with lab stuff but honestly i don't wanna think about it!!!! i have my annual evaluation on wednesday and i haven't finished the silly/minor edits to my presentation because every time i boot up powerpoint i literally feel my soul leaving my body... i also don't know how that meeting is gonna go down but i'm trying soooo hard to not sweat things i have no control over (somewhat working. mayhaps). TAing has been an insane amount of work too and i have so much to say about it BUT i'll save it for the end of the semester
other than that um.... i keep forgetting to make dental and doctor appointments LOL the only times i go out are to the supermarket or like. target (i got some nice new clothes yippee). i DID go out for happy hour once with some of my cohort and it was nice..! very tiring and my one singular drink hit me so hard i didn't finish it but i'm glad i made the effort to go. other than that umm i went to some random place with my parents on friday and saw cows 🐄🐄🐄 they were sooooo cute!!!!! they're so curious, they would stand up and look at our car when we passed by hehehe and there were lil babies!!! we also saw a raccoon that was hiding just SO badly and a deer!!! with a baby!!! it did a very majestic leap over a fence.
my maka figure FINALLY arrive on thursday. y'all don't know the STRESS and ANGUISH this girl caused me.... bc why did USPS say she was delivered monday night!! TO AN INDIVIDUAL? and for days i was freaking out trying to find her and file a claim with them online BUT THE REPORT WOULDN'T GO THROUGHHHHH. just when i had almost accepted that she had gotten lost or stolen my dad saw her in our mailbox 🥹 literally fell to my knees when i opened the box like YES! MY DAUGHTER!!! AT HOME!!! thank da heavens
and ya that's basically it!! my dad also got me a smartwatch and i've been liking it... i walk a lot more at school than i thought i did lol. but also this thing has a measurement called "body battery" and bro i have not had a single day over 40% LMFAOOO idk how it calculates that but it feels real to me... been like endlessly fatigued the past couple months and idrk why but w/e cant deal with that rn!! anyway cya love ya etc etc see u in a month perchance when this semester ends
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thatstudyblrontea · 1 year
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February 11, 2023
Second entry for the Tackle Your Classics reading challenge – The Fourty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel. It's a huge historical novel, of about 1000 pages, inspired by real-life events – in fact, the first work that informed the wider public about the Armenian genocide, back in 1933. It narrates the strenuous resistance of 7 Armenian villages against the Turkish army (which actually lasted 53 days, but the author took some liberties). Some takes and descriptions could be considered a little... outdated, to say the least, but in Werfel's defence, he lived in '30s Germany.
To be fair, I actually started the first two of my 1953 four-volumes Italian edition back in 2020, but had to stop due to never ending uni work. I'm finally picking it back up, and I'm determined to finish it before the spring semester starts!
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writingmochi · 1 year
Hey Lissie! How're you doing today?
So I have been watching Leniverse for a week now & everytime I come across Chaewon I get a nostalgic feeling that that's you XD I have started to associate you with Chaewon so much now that I get surprised thinking 'Omg look writingmochi's dancing to antifragile' 😭 lmao
Also it's been really fun writing your request for the event! Thank you so much for sending it in ♡ I loved the song soo much! I am in love with all of your playlists, first love/late spring was just as soothing. The drabble tho turned out to be a lot more angsty than I thought :p
About Isobel! Everytime I try to reblog sumhow it redirects back to my dash :(( or my tumblr crashes. Dumblr really needs to fix this! Excolited to read it soon! ♡
lissie: hi yerin! sorry for replying late. i just finished my last exam and i’m free from this uni semester, currently heating up my car so i could head home while writing this. how are you btw?! i’ve seen your mental breakdown on beomgyu’s long hair from weverse con lmao
oh thank you! i don’t have a bias between the ssera girls but i just always felt enamored with chaewon. associating me with her felt flattering especially since i also have the shorter style for hair…
mitski do be like that though 🤟 i also wanted to send a req for skz but all the slots have been filled ;”) which playlists have you listened? /g
i wanna shake the personification of tumblr to act up alskaoscb i’m so sorry for that D: i just hope that it wouldn’t affect the other works i’ll be releasing in the future. hope you enjoy it and a small tip: if your tumblr app crashes while reading, you can use the browser to read it instead. it do wonders because i once read a 50k+ nct dream one shot that my app just can’t handle n when reading it in browser form, it flows so well
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handweavers · 1 year
hey Kiran. um. not totally sure how to ask this. but i was hoping you could talk about some of your experiences with university as a disabled person of colour in Canada? bc i am those things as well (lol) and ive just about finished my first term and im thinking hard about whether or not i should continue despite the difficulty and youve spoken about some of that before. if you dont want to talk publicly i can come off anon
i'm okay with talking loosely about it publicly but if you want more precise/specific info talking privately would be better or if you want to know something that i don't mention in this answer. i also can't speak for experiences that i don't have, ie. my experience is my own and may or may not reflect yours or that of other disabled poc given the sheer diversity of people encompassed by that phrase. i'm just going to do bullet points here of stuff i think is most important off the top of my head:
- first of all, see if you qualify for the canada permanent disability student grant benefit if you aren't already receiving it. i'm familiar with OSAP but regardless of what province you're in, if you provide documentation that states you have a permanent disability to your province's student aid system and you show financial need you can receive up to $2000 per semester IN GRANTS (not loans) from the federal government as part of the canada permanent disability student benefit to help you with tuition and paying for other expenses, and even more if you do a spring/summer semester. again, it's paperwork and it's a drag, but that's a LOT of money that can make your life easier so you can focus on taking care of yourself and on your education. and again, i repeat, it's a GRANT not a loan, you don't have to pay it back.
- with that out of the way, i've found university exceptionally difficult and something i would only recommend if going to university is what is needed for the job you want to do or the field you want to be in. if you're unsure of what you want to do/what your goal is for university, or if what you want to do doesn't necessarily require a bachelor's degree, i don't think the pain is worth it. wait or do something else and then if you know for sure what you want and that you need a degree to get there, go ahead, and pace yourself. don't do a full course load, figure out what the sweet spot for you is and stick to that. my max course load is 3 classes per semester, less if i'm doing studio courses. if you have your disability status on file with your uni and with your provincial student aid system, you can take as little as 30-40% course load* (depends on the school and province) and you will still count as a full time student and reap the benefits of that.
- make sure that you have academic accommodations with your university's accessibility services, it can be a lot of work but it will save your life. having that & especially having accommodations that Require professors to give you extensions to assignments is so necessary and is the only reason i've gotten this far. the process for getting this & for getting permanent disability approved for student aid with the government various depending on your disabilities and can be exhausting and inaccessible, which is a problem in itself, but its completely necessary and something I personally would've been completely fucked without
- ive been in post secondary education for 6+ years now and i have never encountered a professor that refused to give me an extension on an assignment, including when I've submitted assignments late without mentioning it to them first, and outside of accommodations I put this largely on keeping an open and friendly communication with my profs. at the start of the semester I let them know that I have accommodations and will need extensions due to physical and mental health issues, and whenever i've had a flare up the first thing I did once I felt well enough to was to email them and let them know, and tell them that I am working on my assignments and will try my best to get them in as soon as I can. I have even submitted assignments weeks late, with an apology and amended with "I understand if this can't be marked/if it's too late, and I thank you for your patience with me regardless" and every single time they have marked my assignment without penalty. even if you have to suck up to them and apologize and do all of that shit, do it, because it'll save you. you don't need to elaborate and write your life story, just speak plainly and tell them you're having issues related to the reasons why you have accommodations and you're struggling but you're trying, and they will appreciate that. the vast majority of them want you to succeed and want to help you do that, you just have to try to meet them partway.
- if something fucked up is going on and you need help with a prof or some other kind of situation, contact your student union and ask them for help and they can either write on your behalf to wherever the complaint is best sent and follow up with it on your behalf OR point you in the right direction and offer support and resources. check if your student union has an accessibility rep and a rep for students of colour and contact them in particular, they are there to help you and they are your peers. they will also almost definitely have a food bank and can help you when it comes to your student medical insurance plan or any other concerns
- if you're on OSAP or other student aid and you need to drop a class, do it early, don't force yourself to suffer through it, because the longer you wait to drop it the higher chance you won't get a refund for the course, and if youre receiving grants that $ will be converted to loans if you don't get that refund. again, this is based on my experience with OSAP, but be aware of drop dates and plan accordingly. if something happens and you miss the drop date though, don't force yourself to suffer and stick through a course you know you cant finish. drop it before you get a 0 or failing mark on your file, because that can fuck you with the university admin side of things and get you on academic probation which can then effect your OSAP or whichever student aid service you have. based on experience I'd rather just get the $500 or however much tuition for that class cost me converted to a loan and deal with paying that back after I graduate, but of course it's entirely up to you.
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studyeonjena · 2 years
Introducing Me!
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Hello! I am Bella, also known as studyeonjena, formerly known as westernstudies. I decided to redo this intro since I am revamping this page and also I have changed so much since the last time I posted this intro.  Without further ado, I present a small glimps into my life;
a mini bio:
My name is Bella, and I am 20 (an Aries) as well as a Junior in Uni. I am currently studying Behavioral Science and Social Science. I have a certificate in CompSci and Graphic/Web Design. I am very passionate about my beliefs on politics and am not afraid to argue with you if I think your ignorance will genuinely affect human lives. I get sick VERY easily and have the worst immune system in the world. I have had some bad problems with both physical and mental health over the last year and it has been very hard but I hope doing studyblr again will get me back on track with my studies. I love music, art, rain and coffee. Lastly, my personal outlook on life is that everyone has kindness in them, but it is not up to you to show those who treat you like shit the kindness they neglect to give you.
watching YouTube, reading, hiking and camping, discovering new music and singing along poorly, reading fanfiction, starting but never finishing art and craft projects, driving around, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling until I eventual tire myself out.
Connect with me:
 Personal Tumblr:  @camisadoclouds
Personal Instagram: @aestrieella
Personal Twitter: @bellasj0y
Personal Youtube: Star Girl
Spotify: Peaches
I am an INFP (Meditator)
Trying to be a Pescatarian
Astrology Lover (Aries, Leo, Aquarius)
Tree Hugger/ Earth Lover
Religion is complicated
HUGE Horror fan
Kpop fan
Spencer Reid Enthusiast
Not a Brony but I do enjoy My Little Pony
Trying to get into Adventure Time
Really wanna penpal
Former Emo Kid
ADVID British Joke Consumer
Chinese Meme Conisour
Language Learner
Trying to become a streamer
Terrible French speaker
I like to watch tons of different genres of youtube, these days I watch a lot of compilation videos and such
I’ve decided to take up reading again
Video/Photo Editing and Taking
I prefer movies over tv shows, unless it is Asian Dramas
I enjoy baking
Learning languages
movies: Battle Royale, Midsommar, Crazy Rich Asians, Percy Jackson, As Above So Below
shows: A Business Proposal, Falling into Your Smiling, Full House (Korean), Crash Landing on You, Criminal Minds, Sailor Moon, So I Married an AntiFan and many more
colours: Powder (pink, blue, ect), Yellow, Navy, Maroon, Orange
albums: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out - Panic! At the Disco, Any Lovejoy album whatsoever, Sour - Olivia Rodrigo, Arrival - ABBA, Manifesto - Enhypen, Superache - Connan Gray
video games: Minecraft, The Sims, AmongUs, Portals
food: Sushi, Noodles, Popcorn, Tteokbokki, Japchae, rice
drinks: TEA, COFFEE, Orange Soda, Sprite, Ginger ale, dr. pepper
aesthetics: Light and Romantic Academia, Y2K Cyber, Cottage Core, Emo/Scene and sometimes Gothic.
I like to describe my aesthetic under the name Persephone Inspired.
TXT and IKEA for some reason
Winter Semester:
Still Determining
Spring Semester:
Still Determining
Summer Semester:
Internship in Hawaii
finish relearning Korean, Japanese, and Spanish ASAP
BULLET JOURNAL MORE, I am so much more productive and organized when I use my buju.
make all A's these next two semesters
eat and be healthier
participate in as many studyblr challenges as possible
have 1 year of productivity
do okay while streaming
Get an iPad
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juceynightmare · 1 year
oh wowww i’ve never heard of quarter system. we just do 2 semesters systems at my uni aug21-dec8 jan16 -may 10 ofc w breaks included like thanksgiving, fall, spring etc. that’s so interesting tho! glad ur almost finished and can finally get a break from school!! good luck xx
the start/end time is different every year but we get the same breaks!
a month long winter break, a week long spring break, the occasional 3-day weekends, and an EXTRA long summer compared to unis on the semester system in my state
only downside is 10 week long quarters so everything is FAST. it'll be syllabus week one week and the next week is already midterms and before you know it, it's just exams after exams after exams
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athelise · 11 months
Out of curiosity are you in Uni? What major are you studying? I just finished my Bachelor of Arts & the last year was so tough 😭 barely survived
I am in Uni! I study psychology, and it's taken me many years to finish, but now I'm only a few classes short of graduating, hopefully this coming spring semester! This is the first year I've gotten significant financial aid, too, which is nice cuz ya gurl SUCKED at getting scholarships lol.
I, too, will be getting a BA, and I don't plan on pursuing anything higher because F*CK grad school lol.
But in general screw US education lol
(p.s., I'm glad you survived too)
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