#fic: Homemade Jealousy
mrs-kodzuken · 4 months
good day! i saw that your requests is open soooo~^^ can I request an iwaizumi x manager reader where they've been in a secret relationship since they're first years (idunno how oikawa doesn't know, but he just doesn't 🤣)...
and when the volleyball team had their reunion after so many years the reader just goes to iwaizumi and kiss him and be like, “what? i thought you all know..” 🤣🤣🤣
thank you! and i love your works so much! ^^~
First year, first love ♡
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Pairing: Aged up! Haijme Iwaizumi x fem!reader
WC: 2.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, friends to lovers, clueless!oikawa, a little background to give this fic more oomf, aoba johsai manager!reader, volleyball team reunion, iwa being literal the best boyfie, valentines flashback is italicized
note: my first request!! i hope you literally love this, i jumped up and down once i got this haha, if you have anymore please let me know!
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I stared at Haijme, tracing the soft features of his face with my eyes while he slept. I couldn’t be anymore in love with this man. After knowing him since literally forever, it was like he knew me from the back of his hand.
Which is why the longer I stared and sighed contently against him I knew he’d wake up. Being with him was easy to me, it was breathing at the point.
I could still remember the day that Haij asked me out our first year. It was the cutest thing ever but he was such a wreck because of how nervous he was.
It was different seeing that Iwaizumi also got as nervous as I did when I was around him. Compared to then, he’s very different now. With him working as an athletic trainer and being on top of his game in every aspect of his life, he’s very different.
However, I still love this Iwaizumi but sometimes I miss the nervous wreck, friend Iwa.
All morning Iwaizumi has been such a wreck. I mean, I get that it was Valentine’s day but my goodness. He’s dropped his pencil three times already and it’s only second period.
“Iwa? What’s going on with you?” I whispered my question to him, peering curiously with concern.
He locked eyes with me and then looked away as quickly as possible, which was very strange for my friend.
“Nothing, (Y/n).”
My eye twitched, we never tell lies to each other.
Something was definitely up with Iwaizumi today, and I decided right then and there that I’d figure it out by the end of the day.
It wasn’t like he was trying to avoid me or anything but the way that he hadn’t spoke that much to me was a given of my theory.
I walked through the halls and smiled at the decorations for Valentine’s day.
I’m pretty sure our student council had helped make the paper decorations of hearts and spirals to hang from lockers and classrooms. I thought it was so creative because personally, I loved holidays no matter the kind.
The thought struck me like a lightening bolt, ‘what if Iwa got a Valentines gift that made him like someone?’
That could not happen, like ever.
As long as Iwaizumi and I have been friends, I don’t think he would up and leave me because of that? I mean, I baked him homemade cookies—the kind that he loves. He wouldn’t just up and like someone because of something they got him?
Suddenly, my mood had switched and I immediately was focused on knowing his answer. That would be easy since Iwaizumi continued to practice volleyball with his friend, Oikawa. They asked me to be the team manager and since Iwaizumi was my friend I agreed.
I couldn’t help but to impatiently wait for the time to pass by so I could finally get Iwaizumi alone to talk to him. Once the bell rang I immediately got up, almost tripping over my own feet, to find Iwa before he got changed for practice.
I already cringed at the thought of everything he received today from some other first year girls. I’m sure mine was better.
I couldn’t help the wrong feeling of jealousy that filled through me. It was weird and didn’t happen often, especially with me thinking about my friend—best friend, Iwaizumi.
Finally, I caught up to him and found him looking as frantic as me whilst I was trying to find him. It was a sight to see and I didn’t know how to comprehend it. It was so unlike him.
"Hey, can we talk?"
I could tell he tried to mask the nervousness up with trying to seem unbothered but I saw through it. However, just those four words were enough for me to feel nervousness as well.
I nodded my head, too afraid to speak just in case I wasn't in control of my voice.
Iwaizumi leaded me around the gym, towards the backside where no one could see, which made me even more nervous. I knew what went on back here, I just didn't think it would ever happen to me.
I gathered myself and stepped along with him until we came to a stop. That's when my brain decided to make me pay more attention to my surroundings. A breeze blew through us a bit, moving my hair.
It was a cold day but the sun was out shining as if it knew what was today was. I could hear how the grass had crunched when we walked to where we are now.
"What did you need?" I hesitantly asked him, a part of me knowing and wishing he will say what I think he will.
"(Y/n), I'm just going to get straight to the point. I like you. I have liked you for a long time but only realized my feelings now. I won't pressure you into liking me back but I know we have this honest is the best policy thing going on since forever ago and I wanted to keep true to that."
Iwaizumi's cheeks were blush red and he couldn't look me in the eyes after saying that. However, my heart couldn't be more content after hearing those specific words from him. It felt like everything was right again and I knew what was in his head.
"This isn't pressuring me Iwa, I like you too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I really love our friendship and didn't want to ruin it." I confessed to him as well, pouring my hopeful heart out right back into his.
I didn't realize until after our confession that the baggie I packed his homemade cookies in was stuffed into his pocket with a little bit of it hanging out.
I couldn't help but smile and watch as he showed me his hand that I also didn't realize was behind his back this entire time.
"Here. I bought this for you since you made me my favorite."
I giggled a bit, overjoyed that he bought me something, nonetheless it was a stuffie and not just any stuffed animal but my favorite.
"Thank you, Iwaizumi. I love it so much." I thanked him and pulled it close to my chest. It was definitely getting a name and being set on my bed when I got home.
"You're welcome. We should head on now." He cracked a smile and I was glad that everything between us worked out now. Well, almost everything. I wasn't sure what to call us yet.
Iwaizumi waved me bye so he could go change into his practice uniform while I put my stuffie in my bag then caught my breath so I felt good walking in.
The shoes squeaked on the floor as I walked in and I immediately apologized to my upperclassmen because I'm not ever late and it felt like I had disrespected them.
I take my job seriously ever since Iwaizumi joined the volleyball club with his friend Oikawa and had asked me if I wanted to be the manager.
"Are you okay? You and Iwa-chan are never late to practice." Oikawa asked me, eye brow raised and peering at me like he wanted the answer I didn't want to say.
"Oh yeah, I had a couple things to do and such. I didn't know Iwaizumi was late too. I think you should practice serving today, Oikawa." I nervously chuckled and picked up my managerial clip board, trying to change the subject whilst trying to keep my face from flushing.
"Hmm," was all I got out of him before he decided to practice his drills and of course serves.
After a day or two, Iwaizumi and I had agreed to go on little dates first and know each other on a relationship level instead of friend level. This was also because we both thought starting our relationship on Valentine's day was cringe.
Just the thought of how we got together still makes me swoon at nervous Iwa but also smile at how alike we are.
I shifted comfortably against him, trying not to move so much to make him wake up or anything. My arm traveled to side ways hug him, his warm body is what always makes me kick the covers off at night.
However, me trying to not move so much to not wake him up fell in vain because I felt an arm tighten around my waist.
"Good morning, honey." I said to him cheerfully, I loved waking up with him by my side.
"Mornin, love." His gruff morning voice spoke out against my neck which sent delightful shivers down my spine.
"We should get ready sometime soon, I think it might be brunch time soon." I commented, already planning out what I'm going to wear and what time I think is socially acceptable to show up.
Our graduating class is having a reunion and our volleyball club reserved a special place to meet up and of course I was invited to both events.
"I know, I just missed you in my dream." He sighed, trying to pull me even closer than I already was to him.
"Yes but you said you're eating breakfast and all, so." I wiggled my way out of his presence and decided to go use the bathroom and do all of my necessities whilst in there.
I knew Hajime was going to eat breakfast because he's very strict about what and when what kind of nutrients were going into his body. However, me? Not so much. From time to time I do decide to workout with him only to improve my self image. However, over half of the time I don't need to just from the way he compliments me.
By the time I was done and dressed, Iwaizumi was ready to go with the keys in his hand and a smile on his face at my outfit.
"You look stunning, love. I can't wait to see everyone." He said before kissing the top of my head and leading me out of our house and into the car.
I was pretty happy to see everyone even though most of us had caught up with each other on socials here and there.
Entering the reserved building, my blood was pumping to see everyone and rekindle again.
"Go find your buds, I want to go talk to Mattsun," I ushered Iwaizumi off and tried to find my best friend that I was super close to besides Haijme in high school.
It was a loud space since it was all men here in one smallish room. There was a banner, drinks, food of course since it was brunch, and plenty of seating. That's when I found Mattsun and rushed over to hug him.
"Fancy seeing you around these parts," I exclaimed after crashing myself into his side.
"Oh yeah? Samesies." He threw his head back to laugh, something he always did.
I got caught up in a conversation with him and suddenly it shifted to talking about Hajime and I. Mattsun was really the only volleyball member that talked about mine and Haij's relationship and I just assumed that everyone else didn't care that much to speak about it.
"It was nice catching up with you, (Y/n). Keep me posted on some new things!" He winked after I said I'd be going to visit the rest of our class which was weird, I didn't have any new things going on.
I found the man I was looking for and smiled, "Hey, I'm gonna go find the rest of my high school girlfriends and see if they came. I love you, honey." I pecked a small kiss on his cheek and he nodded and kissed my forehead in acknowledgment since he was in the middle of a conversation I accidentally interrupted.
Suddenly, the room was so silent that I could hear a literal pin drop.
"What?! Since when were you guys together?"
"(Y/n) just kissed Iwaizumi and he kissed her back?"
"Wait, you guys didn't know they were together?"
"How long have you two been dating?"
Lots of questions got sprang out of plenty of the teams mouths as my eyes widened in the sudden volume change of the room.
"I think I'll leave you to deal with that, honey. Bye!" I scampered out of the room but not before hearing Hajime try to reason and ask if they really didn't know.
That would be awfully hilarious if they seriously didn't know.
However, one thing I didn't know was that there was a small box that outlined Haijme's pants pocket until Mattsun sent me a snap chat video of it. That almost made me choke on my food as I put two and two together of him saying to keep him posted on new things.
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a/n: This was my first request!! I hope I did good and thank you so much for saying that you love my works! It made my day haha!
you all know my header rules, if not see pinned post!!
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zzoguri · 1 month
[TEASER] finger trapped (ripped to its seams) ➵ ji changmin
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ji changmin x reader
with an unexpected reunion, you and changmin relive the memories of cheongju—and confront what could’ve been between you two.
inspired by ➵ "seasons" by wave to earth, the last five years
general genre/warnings ➵ friends to almost lovers, angst, fluff, the last five years story-telling method aka present will be told going backwards while past will be told moving forward (i hope that makes sense), missed chances, unexpected reunion, keeping secrets & lying, hurt/comfort, jealousy remains but love triumphs, tiger parents, journalist reader (u kno i had to do it), reader is a nerd and changmin is a student-athlete, kms jokes from jongseob (all /lh), finger traps aren’t efficient after all
word count ➵ est. 10-15k
playlist ➵ end of beginning by djo // high school in jakarta by niki // i know it won't work by gracie abrams // no big deal (i love you) by dodie // keeping tabs by niki // no one knows by stephen sanchez & laufey // so what now by renee rapp // i wish i hated you by ariana grande // the 1 by taylor swift // seasons by wave to earth
a/n ➵ shhhhhhh.... i know that i'm still writing this but a lil motivation and accountability goes a long way SOOO !!! this is just a lil teaser for the upcoming jichang fic for the deoboyznet event <33 thank you again to my lovely @hcuyk for beta reading !!! (i've only written 1/4 please understand.) but i'm dedicating this to my lovely @sungbeam whose love for changmin is one i'll forever feel even to my ribs and @wavesmp3 who forever remains an inspiration in the way i write </3 plus, i've posted these snippets anyway so :P if ure interested in this fic, feel free to ask to be part of the taglist for this! and dont forget to always leave feedback <3
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlists
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it’s a late night on a tuesday, about to be a midnight wednesday, and you’re in a convenience store as you scout for your dinner. all hauled up in the newsroom, the idea of ordering food during a time where restaurants would still be open slipped your mind. now, you’re left to scan through the same options you’ve eaten for the past years since you started living in seoul.
the convenience clerks are familiar with you, both kim jongseob and kim jiwoo. with your constant late-night meals at the store, you’d talk to whichever one had a shift. jongseob is saving up to upgrade his setup at home to record more music. with all the stories he shares about his time in underground rap battles along with the short verses he’s performed for you, you’re positive that he’ll get signed to a label soon. as for jiwoo, this is one of the many jobs she has in order to save enough money for fashion school. you’ve seen her sketches and outfits she’s put together and you’re hoping that she’ll get accepted.
a sigh leaves you. you didn’t have a problem with eating the food here but you were craving for something new in your life in seoul. the perpetual cycle of eating takeout food and unconsciously skipping meals for work needed to be disrupted just for a moment. but you weren’t seeking michelin-star food—all you wanted was home cooked, something from home.
the spice of tteokbokki, the burn of freshly fried hotteok, and the sweetness of homemade peach iced tea—mr. kim’s convenience store had it all.
your tastebuds long for cheongju.
“planning to beat your record of spending 23 minutes on deciding what to get?”
you roll your eyes before looking to your right, seeing jongseob stocking up the drinks in the fridge. “i hate you.”
“what? i’m just saying, you’re taking a lot longer to decide today.” he chuckles before placing the last bottle of sweetened probiotic milk in the fridge. “none of the options look good to you?”
“sort of,” you hum before you scan through the aisle of packaged meals. “i think i’m craving for something different.”
“i get it. the food here can get boring, which is why i’m planning to order pizza if you want to split the costs.”
your eyebrows shoot up at jongseob’s suggestion. “really? you’d share pizza with me?”
“yeah, as long as you pay for your share.” he shoots you a smile before grabbing on a trolley carrying empty boxes. “unless… you want to pay for the whole thing.”
you bite back a smile as you shake your head. you should’ve known the guy would ask you to buy him food, but you knew that he needed the money and you at least had a stable income to keep you comfortable. “fine,” jongseob’s smile grows as you fish out your wallet from your pocket and pull out a couple of bills. “just order enough for us two.” 
“of course,” he says as soon as you hand him some money. “i’ll make sure to order the most expensive thing on the menu.”
you scoff at his joke. “just make sure to treat me to something.”
the bell by the door chimes. “sorry, can’t hear you over that! need to attend to a customer!” jongseob quickly runs away from you while dragging the trolley. that little shit just knew how to press your buttons, but you love the kid, anyway.
still, you stand in the middle of the mart and your heart longs for home.
then, you shut your eyes, and you’re transported back in front of the familiar aisle filled with bags of potato chips and sweet corn. the noisy fan along with the soft sounds of mr. kim’s korean drama fills your ears. a mix of yellow and orange hues paint every corner of the mart, including you—and you’re not alone.
your best friend stands on your right, wearing the unbuttoned school uniform polo over a tank top along with jogging pants. he’s lost in thought as he scans through the options of snacks you two can have for today’s afternoon. he starts to giggle to himself, probably from a silly thought he’ll share with you in the next second or a memory involving you, and the dips in his cheeks appear—your heart thumps in your ears.
and just like how quickly you were transported back to cheongju, your surroundings transformed into the cool-lit convenience store found in seoul. all you have left is the image of him bathed in the sunlight.
but he fades away like the ink on old receipts, never gone, because the glowing image of him warps into a different version who stands next to you in the cold mart. he’s grown a few inches taller and his hair doesn’t get in the way of his line of sight. while he wears a green sweater, you notice that he’s gained some muscles. his eyes scan through the aisle behind you filled with different brands of instant ramen.
but he bites the inside of his cheek, and his dimples appear.
it’s a tornado that brews within you, enough to uproot trees and displace buildings, all because of an unexpected reunion with changmin. why did the universe decide to bring two ex-best friends on a random tuesday night? what brings him to the convenience store at the same time you’re there? and why did it have to happen a day before the interview?
you weren’t going to commit the same mistake; keep your eyes off of him and make your way out of the store. it didn’t matter if you had an empty, growling stomach, or gave free money to jongseob. you need to leave without the distant, familiar face noticing.
your feet act fast, and you're almost certain that might’ve caught his attention, but it didn’t matter as you see jongseob standing behind the cashier with his phone out. “i just ordered the pizza. it should arrive in about… 20 to 30 minutes.”
“yeah, about that…”
“don’t tell me you’re taking your money back.”
at the sight of jongseob’s pout, you roll your eyes. “no, keep it. i just—i need to go.”
“what? why?”
you peek behind you. it seems like he didn’t recognize you, after all. “i’ve got… work!”
“but don’t you only have your interview with the bo—”
“hey!” your fingers snap at him. “you cannot—i mean, you just… just take the goddamn money.”
“but we’re supposed to share the pizza. you haven’t eaten.”
an exasperated sigh leaves you. “jongseob, just treat me next time. i can eat at home.”
and you’re ready to leave the convenience store, bid farewell to jongseob and a delicious pizza made for two, and never greet or say goodbye to the living fragment of what you last know of cheongju—
and the plan failed.
when you meet his gaze, you’re able to take in the different version of him. he’s grown so much—it’s such a pain that you weren’t there to witness it. his eyes are a pool of emotions; you can’t identify them.
all it takes is one breath from you. “changmin.”
a beat passes.
“i’m just gonna… go through the storage,” jongseob points his thumb at the back of the mart, “and maybe kill myself afterwards. i don’t know.” before you can protest, he’s already gone. (and he still has your money. that fucker.)
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taglist ➵@winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
If you are still acepting ideas for kinktober, maybe sexual mindbreak (kinda like brainwashing by pleasure???) with any character of your liking from Twisted Wonderland? Or public casual cockwarming? ....AAAAAaaAa I hope those aren't too weird or hardcore
yes!! omg don’t worry love, not at all too weird or hardcore 💕 i chose mindbreak because i already have a cockwarmimg fic for kinktober & i chose idia because i’ve been itching to write some crazy yandere idia!!
𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒 ( 𝒾 𝓉𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊 ) ⎹ 𝓘.𝓢.
❝ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ⤻ twisted wonderland / kinktober 2022 / @dollsotome-library
❝ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ⤻ yandere idia shroud x reader ( f! )
❝ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⤻ nsfw! none of my writings are meant for anyone under the age of 18, and any minors interacting will be blocked on site.
❝ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs ⤻ dark fic, dubcon turned consensual, mindbreak, past bondage mention, idia has some homemade toys for reader, overstimulation and multiple orgasms, anal and vaginal penetration, suggested hostage / stockholm syndrome
❝ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ⤻ 1.3k / mini musing
❝ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇ ⤻ i do not consent to having my work reposted / translated / stolen in any capacity for any reason. please reblog and leave a comment to support content creators! my work is very rarely proof read so mistakes may be present. all characters / pairings i write for are 18+ with no exceptions.
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Idia was terrified of being away from you. just the thought of you left unsupervised on campus with your fellow classmates was enough to send him into a fit of jealousy— he wished he could go with you to every class and ensure that not a one even spoke to you, but the need to stay hidden was just as overwhelming.
still, he knew what a gem he had in you, and surely the others could see it, too.
what if they tried to steal you from him?
he couldn’t let that happen.
that was why he’d brought you to his dorm, and you’d never left. with tablet in hand, as he sat as his desk, he watched your visage squirm on the bed in the other room. he could hear you moaning from the open door to his left, and every single time you’d call out for him he wanted to sprint to you, attack you, and bury himself so deep inside you that you felt him in your bones. but every time, he’s restrained himself. you hadn’t been ready.
however, when you cried out this time, and your back arched off the bed, he could hear the desperation for him in your voice, and he knew you were ready.
his hands were shaking, so he gripped the tablet with one and shoved the other in his hoodie when he meandered into the bedroom— he knew the second he caught sight of you squirming on his bed he was done for. one hand up against the pillow, and the other gripping your own breast, your hips were rutting up into the air, and his little project, two thick and pumping dildos fastened to a makeshift chastity belt, was whirring at the speed he’d set. you’d endured so many orgasms today alone that there was already a puddled wet patch of sheets under you, and your thighs glistened with sweat and essence. from where he stood in the doorway, he could see the base of each, thrusting into you at opposite rhythms, keeping both of your holes occupied. and then there were the vibrators: three high powered, blue bullets that he’d modified with tacky, flat bases that were stuck to your body— one glued to your clit beneath the waistband of the device, and the other two sucking on either nipple.
the goal had been to override your brain with so much pleasure that it simply malfunctioned. and, by the glassy look in your eyes and the drunken half smile on your lips when you saw him watching you, it’d worked. maybe he’d even overdone it.
his eyes fall to your wrists. he made a mental note that the rope burn had almost completely healed. restraints were no longer needed, you didn’t tell him that you wanted to go back to your own dorm anymore, you didn’t beg for him to turn the device down or to let you go back to class.
“I—Idia…!” you mewl, grinding into the air.
Idia took his time though, taking slow steps into the room, and his golden gaze drops to the tablet in his hand; one swipe of his thumb and he’d switched over to the device’s accompanying app, and he rolled the pad of his finger along the virtual dial. the machinery whines in response, pumping into you faster and harder. “It’s hard to focus on doing both of our assignments when you moan that pretty,” he muttered, but he was breathless. you gasp, and your head drops back, and his heart skips a beat. “You’re… so damn distracting…” he comes closer, watching you with hungry eyes, and his free hand comes up, pushing wild blue flames away from his face. they hiss in submission, curling behind his ears and down his back as he sits on the bed beside your writhing form. “Should I make you another cock to suck on while I work to quieten you down?” but truth be told, he didn’t want to do that. if he couldn’t hear you moaning, whimpering, screaming out in ecstasy— then it wasn’t worth it.
you push your lower lip out in a heart-melting pout, trying to force your heavily lidded eyes to stay open so you can look up at him, “Mmm— missed you…” you pant, both of your hands grabbing at his hoodie, trying to pull him closer. “Missed— you—“
heart pounding, fingers twitching, Idia’s eyes are alight with joy to hear how needy you sounded, and feel you pawing for him. “Say that again.” it was almost a plea as he scoots closer, dropping the tablet against the ocean of sheets. both hands grab and cradle your face.
“I missed you!” you moan, eyes threatening to roll back from how furiously you were being stretched and filled.
the confession alone is enough to have his cock twitching against his thigh, and he leans closer, until he can feel your hot, little puffs of breath on his mouth. “You want me to stay with you?” you nod, squirming, “Beg me, baby.”
“Please, Idia, mmnn, please please stay with me!”
“And you don’t ever want to leave me?”
you shake your head, brows knitting together. your breathing was ragged, and your toes kept curling, the muscles in your thighs and your belly contracting— you were on the brink of another orgasm.
“You’ll… never… ever… leave me.” he rasps out, lips ghosting over yours as he forms each word. you’re desperate to taste his lips, your own parting and trying to catch his, whispering each word he says under your breath as if reciting a mantra. “You’re mine. You’re happy to be mine.”
“I’m happy, fuck, Idia, I’m so happy!” another nod, and you hold on to his hoodie for dear life, “Kiss me, please,” you whine, “kiss…”
it was beyond tempting, and his tongue flicks at his couplet in anticipation, but he merely stares at your expression as your eyes close, before pressing an open mouthed kiss to your temple. “You’re close, aren’t you, baby?” he asks, and he glances to the tablet on the bed as you nuzzle your face into his neck. you didn’t even mind when the flames of his bangs flicked at your cheeks, you peppered his cool skin in loving, sloppy kisses instead. “So close…” with your face smushed against his throat, you nod, fervent, and he reaches over to tap twice on the screen of his tablet.
the device slowed to a stop, and you began to fidget, babbling in protest and trying to rock against the toys. “W—wait, wait, wait, I—“
“Shh,” Idia replies, kissing all over your forehead, willowy digit tapping another button and swiping; the machine releases from your body, toys pulling out, and then falls against the bed, “shh, baby, hold on to it. Don’t let it slip,” he’s already shoving the device aside and peeling out of his hoodie, nudging himself between your trembling, open legs, “this one is mine. I want to fuck it out of you myself.”
you stare up at him, eyes glazed and mouth hanging open. you’re happy. “I’m yours.” you whimper.
you’re happy.
you’re so fucking happy to be his.
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jinkicake · 1 year
Any plans for a genshin masterlist? I noticed you have quite a few genshin fics and I wanted to read them all but I went to your masterlist and there was no link 😔
oh im sorry!!! i do have plans to make one but ive been too indecisive about how I wanted to organize it.... I literally have all the works together but I just haven't made the individual masterlists yet...
I can post all the works under here though, let me know if you have a problem with any of the links! I hope they all work!
((for mobile users: the links open in web which IDK how to fix but as long as you click 'open in app' then it will take it back to the app!!!)
★ = SMUT
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Scientifically Proven
Diluc R.
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Jealousy Points
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Kaeya A.
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Jealousy Points
Kaeya’s Birthday Surprise ★
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Hu Tao
Fiery Fingertips ★
Ignoring Him After A Fight
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Sharing is Caring ★
Gentle Love
Test of Courage
Stuck in the Middle ★
Washing His Hair
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Dear Lover
Hate That I Love You
Someday, We’ll Meet Again
Sharing is Caring ★
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Arranged Marriage Trope (pt 2) ★
Hate That I Love You
A. Itto
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Jealousy Points
Sharing is Caring ★
Test of Courage
Beautiful Feeling ★
K. Ayato
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Test of Courage
Arranged Marriage Trope
After A Long Night.. He Returns Home To You
Stuck in the Middle ★
K. Sara
Sharing is Caring ★
S. Heizou
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
Washing His Hair
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Yae Miko
Homemade Stress Relief ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Washing His Hair
Arranged Marriage Trope
Inappropriate Affairs ★
You unintentionally rile him up. ★
Washing His Hair
Completely ‘Accidental’ ★
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Dear Lover
Wanderer “Scaramouche” 
Jealousy Points
Scaramouche has to process betrayal all over again. ★
Gentle Love
Beautiful Feeling ★
Arranged Marriage Trope 
Hate That I Love You
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Arranged Marriage Trope
Stuck in the Middle ★
Love To Hate Me ★
Hand Gestures ★
Inappropriate Affairs ★
Random Office Smut ★
Sharing is Caring ★
Clean-Up (Aftercare) ★
Arranged Marriage Trope 
Arranged Marriage Trope (pt2) ★
Sharing is Caring ★
506 notes · View notes
your-mums-nuts · 4 months
The thing I love about Protective!Ted in relation to tedbecca is not the whole ‘caveman angry because someone upset his woman’ but rather, how his anger and dislike for Rupert, and the way that he handles it, signals to (a very mistrustful) Rebecca that his charm and his kindness is not some farce he shows absolutely everybody.
Over time, we learn that Rupert started out charming. He told Rebacca all he wanted was to talk to her, he made her feel special. So when Ted comes in every morning to bring her a batch of homemade biscuits and just, hang out with her. She’s understandably hesitant, because that’s how Rupert got her, and she doesn’t yet understand the difference between charming and nice.
But when Ted faces off against Rupert (eg the gala, playing darts) his responses to her being insulted, belittled and spoken down to, all reveal a level of uncontrollable, genuine care.
Rupert would’ve easily brushed off any insults towards his wife with some charm and good natured teasing, he probably even joined in, the fucking guy. Meanwhile, Ted’s reactions to Rupert insulting Rebecca are always abrupt and defensive. He loses his cool, he says something he’s not supposed to, he reveals something he’s not supposed to, he becomes a guy that even we, the audience, are not used to. But his protectiveness never comes from a place of typical, masculine possessiveness or jealousy. (Okay, maybe a little jealousy. A girl can dream)
In the charity-gala episode, Rupert causes immediate stress for Rebecca. So Ted, not even knowing the full extent of it yet, visibly dislikes this guy from the moment they meet. Even when Rupert’s charming the pants off the crowd and raising charity ‘for the children’ Ted continues to react uncomfortably in his presence, no matter how friendly he is.
Then, when he does get the extent of it, (Rebecca crying, Rupert being the one to cancel the musical guest) he lets that dislike out, openly taking Rebecca’s side. Which isn’t surprising, but is still very sweet.
In the dart episode, Rupert reveals he’s gonna be in the owners box everyday. Ted doesn’t like this at all, but he doesn’t go off his own reaction, he observes Rebecca’s reaction to gauge her feelings on the matter. Rebecca is clearly unsettled and uncomfortable, and you can kind of see Ted mentally go, ‘yeah no, she’s not cool with that, that’s not happening.’
And then even before they play darts, first and foremost, Ted checks if Rebecca would like to leave. Now, we know his character hates conflict, especially after his train-wreck marriage, so we know that he would like to leave. But when Rebecca decides to remain in a bar with her horrible ex-husband, his child-bride and a room full of people who adore him, which is a little masochist-y even for me, he doesn’t even hesitate.
Her reasoning is very English. ‘Make yourself suffer out of obligation to polite society’ type shit. But instead of making her feel silly or ridiculous or forcing her to leave, Ted goes out of his way to ease Rebecca’s suffering and make Rupert leave her alone, even if it causes him discomfort.
Now, I know that Ted is a very caring character and a lot of this can be chalked up to him being a good friend. But with the way they present Ted and Rebeca’s relationship (he calls her boss, she calls the shots, she’s more authoritative) To see him take over for her, without thought, whenever Rupert upsets her, reveals more intimacy and depth to their relationship than we previously understood. And to have her be grateful, and in some instances, downright delighted by this display of care and protectiveness, reveals something else entirely.
Anyway I read twelve protective!Ted tedbecca fics last night and this is what’s left of my brain.
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Hey, have you got any Spock/Kirk fic recommendations? I've already read a bunch, but your Vulcan posts are always interesting, I'm sure You've got some good fic recs.
One of my favorite Spirk fics of all time is Observations Part 1/2 by anon-j-anon. It's SO GOOD and well written. It's perfect if you like long fics.
It's basically a running commentary on everything that's happening on the Enterprise, from Spock's POV. It's both hilarious and sad.
I’ve been wanting to make a post like this but I’m so bad at keeping track of fics (seriously, I have no bookmarks, nothing saved, everytime I wanna reread one I just go on the long hunt for it)
So, I went back and found some that I liked (unfortunately couldn’t find all that I really wanted to share, but today’s been a busy day, and if I put this off then this ask will be left to rot in my inbox)
These are all completed fics with developing relationship, these are also not the actual descriptions just my descriptions for them
I’ve already recommended this one on my blog but y’all are gonna hear about it again!! One of my absolute favorite aos fics!! Essentially, Jim is bad at making wishes (but it’s not like the one who’s granting his wishes is making it easy on him), there’s very very mild angst (my heart goes out to him on wish #2), and everything gets wrapped up nicely on the last chapter! Everyone should check out this fic at least once in my opinion
Kirk finds Spock a man, tos version (there’s an aos fic somewhere with the same concept but it goes very differently, couldn’t find it rn tho)
Love in the form of homemade beverages
Kirk fucks Spock Prime, aos Spock takes issue with that (mostly smut with jealousy)
Spock thinks Kirk’s trying to commit suicide but that’s not what’s actually happening, it’s short but I still love how aos Spock is characterized in this
Spock hits his head and thinks he’s a Romulan pirate, it’s an absolute travesty that this is a quick oneshot only
Had to end this list with another major favorite of mine, this one’s a tos fic with “foot in mouth” disease in a few failed interviews (finally) leading to a natural conclusion
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lobster-tales · 11 months
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
Rating: T
Summary: The story of how Ambrosius befriended and fell in love with Ballister during their time at knight school.
A/N: This fic is a gift for my best friend @pastelwitchbitch (who's name, ironically, is only one letter off from 'Nimona'). She asked me to write a Goldenheart backstory with a few specific requests. Quick disclaimer I have only seen the movie, I've never read the graphic novel and I am taking some liberties. Nimona will not be in this one.
This work is available here on AO3.
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
Ambrosius had never known what it felt like to need.
To want, sure: he had wanted lots of things. He wanted to live up to the honorable memory of his ancestor, Gloreth. He wanted to eat toast with jam, his family's homemade grape jam, a jar of which he kept with his belongings, and always brought to the dining hall for breakfast to share with his best friend Todd. He wanted top marks to impress his family, and he wanted to spend his Free Days climbing trees and Free Nights stargazing at Aunt Penelope's observatory.
But need was a stranger to him. At least, until he met Ballister.
He knew Ballister's face before his name, or rather, the half of his face that showed underneath the long, unkempt dark hair. He was invisible among the other students at first, blended in easily.
But after the queen saw his ferocity on the training ground, even at such a young age, she announced her favor towards him despite his lack of noble blood, making him a target for the other children. At first, Ambrosius, like the rest of the noble children, whispered about Ballister, how he wolfed down his meals, always showed up late to class, how he had a persistent stink that never seemed to wash out. He was a short, thin child and thus earned the nickname Baby Bal, as being called a baby was the worst offense any child could suffer.
Their voices never raised above a whisper, though, because they all knew Ballister was talented, and could easily best them all despite his stature. Most acknowledged that fact with jealousy, but Ambrosius always admired him, if only in secret.
One morning, Ambrosius had foregone his usual trained politeness for annoyance. The annual knighting ceremony had been broadcast the night before, and all the children buzzed about the event well past bedtime, keeping him from sleep. Wiping his tired eyes, Ambrosius reached into his pack for his jar of jam. But it was gone.
He was surprised first, then angry. But Ambrosius kept his wits about him and said nothing during breakfast, only surveyed the other boys while they ate. His search ended with Ballister, and the undeniable violet glisten on his bread.
Still Ambrosius waited, not wanting to be caught by the knights. He waited until the students had set off on their morning jog around the institute's campus, until he and Ballister were concealed by an overgrown structure, at which point Ambrosius shoved him in mud and accused him of the theft.
Ballister was stunned. Maybe it was due to the lock of hair always hiding half his face, but it was only in that moment, as he lay back in the mud staring up, that Ambrosius realized how large and mournful Ballister's eyes were. There was no guilt there, just resignation.
Unfortunately, Ambrosius had not calculated for the security cameras watching the area, and within seconds, an older knight marched forward and condemned them both to spend Free Hour in the Quite Room.
Despite its name, the Quiet Room was filled with the rattling of a barely functioning air conditioner that, much like the snoring older knight who 'guarded' the space, was long overdue for replacement. After a few minutes, Ambrosius confronted Ballister. "Where is my jar of jam?"
"I don't have it," muttered Ballister. "I gave it back to Todd."
Ambrosius paused. "What do you mean 'back'?"
Ballister explained that Todd gave him some jam at breakfast then stuffed the jar back in his pocket. Had he known the jar belonged to Ambrosius, he would never have taken any.
The two spent the rest of the hour in silence as Ambrosius considered this. When the hour was up, he all but dragged Ballister to the yard, where Todd was laughing amidst a group of children.
Ambrosius marched right up to Todd with Ballister in tow and demanded he flip out his pockets.
Todd kept his cool, though. "Let me guess--Baby Bal told you that I'm the one who took your jam. Well, he's a liar."
"Prove it," Ambrosius challenged. "Let's see your pockets."
Reluctantly, Todd obeyed. Ambrosius felt the fabric and found it sticky. "You're the liar," Ambrosius said, hurt.
"Oh, come on!" said Todd. "Who are you going to believe? A street rat or me, your best friend?
"You're not my best friend." Ambrosius judged him, then announced with great gravity, "You're a baby."
A horrified gasp traveled through the students. Todd's eyes widened. "No, I'm not!" he insisted.
But it was too late, as all the accusing fingers aimed towards him and began chanting, "Baby! Baby!" until Todd burst into tears and ran off.
The evil defeated, Ambrosius turned back to Ballister in triumph, only to find him gone.
The next morning, Ambrosius abandoned his usual seat next to Todd, instead claiming the empty spot beside Ballister. "Want some?" he asked, offering the jar of his family's jam.
Ballister hesitated, wary for a moment, but eventually gave in. He bit down on the spread, a soft smile blooming as he chewed.
And Ambrosius never shared his family's homemade grape jam with any of the other children ever again.
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
Ambrosius spent the next few days in Ballister's company, partially out of guilt, but more-so curiosity. He watched Ballister wolf down his supper and laughed, telling him, "Whoa, slow down! It's not like it's going to run away."
Ballister paused at that, his soulful eyes flickering around the table as if to make sure no one was paying attention to them. "If I don't eat fast enough," he said in a low voice. "Sometimes the big kids take my food."
At this, Ambrosius felt so sick to his stomach that he couldn't eat, and insisted that Ballister finish his plate for him.
As the days went on, Ambrosius understood more and more that Ballister's unusual behaviors were rooted in survival rather than laziness. He was late to class because he took the long way, as it was fully surveyed by security cameras unlike the blind spots of the direct route. His underlying stink was from avoiding the bathing area, where the other boys would tease him for his wiry body.
While Ballister had accepted these truths and adjusted accordingly, Ambrosius refused. He linked himself to Ballister, glaring down anyone who even thought about judging him. Uncertain about his new companion's attention, Ballister continued to cast his eyes downward, though Ambrosius instructed him to hold his head high. "You're the best of us," he reminded him. "You deserve to act like it."
Slowly but surely, Ballister got in the habit of lifting his chin, but never showed any sign of arrogance. Instead, he just offered that shy, sweet smile.
It was that same smile that lingered in Ambrosius's head during training. He had a hard time reconciling the intense, focused warrior Ballister with the gentle Bal. How could he possibly keep all that passion swallowed in those deep, mournful eyes?
When the week's Free Days came, Ambrosius took off with the other students to spend time with his family. On returning, he shared his new adventures with Ballister and asked what he did with his Free Days.
"I just trained some more," said Ballister.
Ambrosius frowned at this. "You didn't spend time with your family?" A long moment stretched while Ambrosius waited for him to reply, until he understood that Ballister's silence was more than an answer.
When the Free Days returned, Ambrosius stayed behind at the institute with Ballister. Training one on one turned out to be much more effective, and he was amazed at how much Ballister knew. He taught Ambrosius all manner of tips and strategies, how to get a faster strike, a more powerful cleave. Without the presence of their classmates, Ballister loosened up, cracking jokes and even poking fun at Ambrosius, who was surprised and relieved at the change. After they washed up, Ambrosius suggested they spend the evening at his aunt's observatory.
Glad to see her nephew with a friend, Aunt Penelope set up two sleeping mats in the observatory, allowing the boys to spend the night beneath the glass windows and clear night sky.
"Bal?" Ambrosius asked sleepily, lying back. "Why do you want to be a knight?"
He considered his answer. "It's not that I... want to be a knight. I mean, I do, of course I do, but it's more like... I need to be a knight." His voice softened. "I need to protect people. I need to fight for the weak. I need to make sure that no kid ever grows up without a family..." He didn't say it out loud, but Ambrosius heard it all the same: like me.
Even though it was dark, Ambrosius saw him more clearly than ever. While Ambrosius had chosen knighthood, his family's status ensured that he always had other options if he changed his mind. Aunt Penelope, for example, despite being a descendant of Gloreth, had opted for a quiet, studious life. There were many paths Ambrosius could walk.
But Ballister had no choice. He worked as hard as he did because there was no other path, no other destiny. Ambrosius had never known need, but now, as he watched Ballister stargaze, the distant light sparkling in the void of those deep eyes, he finally understood what it felt like to need.
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
Weeks passed, then months, then years, in which time it became known that Ambrosius and Ballister were inseparable in every sense. They grew together, facing every battle at each other's side until their greatest foe yet reared it's ugly head: pubescence.
To the great dismay of Ambrosius, Ballister was not only the first to finish his growth spurt, but the first to sport facial hair. Ambrosius had often fantasized about having a lush beard to match his golden locks, and was mad with envy. Ballister, however, found the fast growth too much of a hindrance, as paired with his own long hair, he started feeling more and more overheated while training. So, he decided to cut his hair closer to his scalp. The combination of these physical changes drew a new crowd to Ballister, one he was unsure how to face.
He arrived back at their shared dormitory one day with a grave expression, concerning Ambrosius.
"What's up, Bal? You look like you've seen a ghost," he chuckled.
But Ballister was unamused, and wordlessly held out a crumpled piece of paper. Ambrosius read it's contents, only to burst out laughing.
Ballister said grimly, "Grizelda gave it to me."
Ambrosius whooped, "Your first girl number! We should celebrate!"
And celebrate they did, at their favorite booth in their favorite diner, eating their favorite food: nachos.
Even after food and root beer, Ballister was still solemn, so Ambrosius threw a sliced pepper at him and asked, "What's with you? Don't you like her?"
Ballister straightened his shoulders. "She's a strong warrior and comes from a good family."
Ambrosius decided not to point out that he didn't answer the question. "So what's the problem?"
"What if she wants me to hug her?"
"Then hug her."
"What if she wants me to hold her hand?"
"Then hold her hand."
"... What if she wants me to kiss her?"
Ambrosius paused, diagnosing the source of Ballister's anxiety. "Ohhh, so that's it. You haven't had your first kiss yet." He pouted his lower lip playfully, "Have you?"
"Shut up," Ballister muttered, face turning red. "Neither have you."
Before Ambrosius could respond, they heard snickering from the table behind them. Embarrassed, they both decided to continue the conversation when they were safely in the dorm once more.
"What's the big deal?" Ambrosius asked, flopping onto his messy bed sheets. "It's just a kiss."
Ballister's eyebrows had been knit with worry all night. He perched on the edge of his bed, which he made every morning. "What if I'm... bad at it?"
Ambrosius had never considered that angle. In his mind, kissing would come as easily to him as everything else had. He didn't think kissing would require any skill, but if it did, then just like any skill- "Then practice first."
Ballister wrinkled his nose. "How?"
"Like this." He held up his hand, curling his index finger and thumb to create a mouth-ish shape. "I'll do it, too, see?"
"I'm not kissing my hand."
"Fine," Ambrosius shrugged. "If you want to be a bad kisser, that's up to you."
Ballister mulled it over another moment, then gave in and raised his hand to his lips. "Ready?"
The mouth noises seemed to echo in the small room, until finally they both pulled away, uncomfortable. "Well." Ambrosius asked, "How was that?"
"I don't know! I don't know what it's supposed to feel like!" Ballister fell back on his black comforter, head in his hands. "I'm doomed."
Ambrosius ached to see his friend in pain, and a thought struck him. It was a gamble, but he would do anything to make Ballister feel better. "Okay so, no on the hands. Maybe you should practice on a real person."
He raised his head, eyeing Ambrosius warily. "Who?"
Steeling himself, Ambrosius placed a hand on his own chest.
"No one has to know, Bal, we'll take it to our grave."
Ballister sat up again, resting his hands on his knees. "But wouldn't that count? As the legal 'first kiss'?"
"Practice doesn't count," Ambrosius reassured him. "It's like kissing your mother. If... your mother had a beard."
He huffed, but Ambrosius could tell he was seriously considering it. After a long pause, Ballister muttered, "Fine."
They knelt on the floor, facing each other. "Alright," Ambrosius said. "You... you be the guy first."
Ballister nodded sharply, like he was accepting a mission. He leaned in close, cheeks burning red, puckered his lips, and jerked his head forward.
"Hey!" Ambrosius fell back, startled. "What are you doing? It's a kiss, not a headbutt!"
"I'm being confident!" Bal said, though he was anything but. "Girls like that."
"Yeah but they don't want to be attacked!"
"Okay, you go first then, since you're such an expert!"
"Okay, I will!" Ambrosius rose and took a deep breath. "First off, I think you're supposed to do this-" He gently grabbed either side of Ballister's head, cradling his jaw in both palms. "And then you do... this..." He leaned in close, so that their noses were brushing, both keenly aware of each other's warm breath. "And then..." Ambrosius pressed his lips against Ballister's, surprised at how soft they were. He thought the beard might tickle, but it actually felt kind of spiny and... good.
He didn't know how long they were locked. Several seconds, savoring the strange, new sensation, until Ballister pulled away suddenly.
"What?" Ambrosius asked, concerned. "What, did I do it wrong?"
"No," Ballister said breathlessly. "Um, no that was..." He straightened his shoulders, regained his composure. "That was acceptable." Very official.
Ambrosius shook his head and grinned. "Your turn."
Ballister mirrored his action, cradling his jaw, but took it one step further as his finger tucked a strand of gold hair behind Ambrosius's ear, causing his face to flood with heat.
The second kiss was even better than the first, if that was possible. Ambrosius leaned into him, placing a hand behind his neck and pulling him closer. Ballister parted his lips slightly, and they tasted each other. Ambrosius's tongue dared forward, drawing a clean line along Ballister's lower lip, and the action elicited a pleasured hum from Bal.
This time, they both broke away, panting. They shared a deep blush and a series of stammers.
"Well that was-"
"Yeah that was-"
"Great- oh... yeah, good."
"No no, I mean... it was great."
"...I need to-"
"Yeah, me too-"
"You want first shower or?"
"I'm gonna go for a walk!"
The mission completed, they stuck to their word and decided not to speak of it. Ballister did indeed go on a date with Grizelda, and as far as the student body was concerned, she was his legal first kiss. Ambrosius, not wanting to fall behind socially, asked out Liliana and shared his first kiss with her. Both love affairs, if they could even count as such, only lasted a matter of weeks if not days, but their purpose was fulfilled.
But Ambrosius and Ballister knew the truth, even if they would never admit it to anyone, not even each other.
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
They were nearly at the end of their schooling when it happened. Something remarkable, during an otherwise unremarkable moment.
Ambrosius and Ballister ensured that they shared most classes, one of which was Sir Buntwhisk's history. He was a particularly severe knight, with beady eyes and a perpetual scowl: a demeanor that, paired with his unusual name, made him an easy target for the immature students, who not-so-affectionately referred to him as Sir Buttwhisker.
Ambrosius thus dedicated this class to doodling, passing the small, usually crass drawings to Ballister in secret with one goal in mind: to break his composure. He had really only succeeded once or twice, sending Ballister into a choked laughter that he failed to hide with a cough, muttering something about the changing weather.
But today when Ambrosius passed the doodle, he got the same reaction as always, regular as clockwork. First, the annoyed wrinkle of Ballister's nose, followed by the resigned stretch of his arm to accept the paper. He unfolded it and smiled, a soft smile, and shook his head fondly. His eyes flickered to Sir Buntwhisk, careful to avoid notice as he scribbled something onto the note and passed it back.
Ambrosius had drawn a pictogram of Sir Buntwhisk's unfortunate nickname: two semicircles for the butt with whiskers protruding from the side of each cheek.
However, Ballister had drawn two neat lines connecting the semicircles to create a heart, as well as two eyes and a mouth so that now, the doodle was of a heart-shaped cat's face.
Ambrosius glared at Ballister, only to be met with that same soft smile and deep eyes, sparkling with mirth.
A completely unremarkable moment, one they had shared many times before. But this time, Ambrosius was changed.
Now, every time he looked at Ballister, he felt his heart flutter, like a small bird was trapped there. His breath would come sharper, his face would feel hot. In the past, Ballister was often in his thoughts, which was to be expected considering their closeness. But now, Ballister was every thought. Ambrosius found himself going out of his way to be near him, found himself lying awake at night just to listen to the pleasant rhythm of Ballister's breath across the room.
It was so unfair. Here he was, undone and unhinged, flustered all the time and yet Ballister was blissfully unaware, going about his days as if Ambrosius was not in yearning agony for every second.
Weeks passed this way, Ambrosius trying and failing to come up with a plan, or even gathering his wits enough to explain his condition to Ballister. But his efforts were futile, and he resigned himself to the miserable ecstasy of Ballister's presence, convincing himself that it was enough.
"Are you okay?" Ballister asked one day, concern weighing down his already solemn expression. "You've seemed... off these past few weeks."
"I'm fine!" Ambrosius lied. Poorly. "I'm totally fine, I feel great, never been better!"
Ballister's frown deepened. "You sure?" To Ambrosius's dismay, he placed his cool knuckles against his forehead. "You feel hot."
"I'm fine!" he screeched, swatting Ballister's arm away like it was an insect. "Really! I'm just... stressed. About, uh... finals."
"... Ambrosius," Ballister said with sympathy, like he was speaking to a child. "Finals are months away."
"Well, you know!" His voice was too loud. He took a moment, forcing himself into some semblance of composure. "I just... want to do well."
Ballister stroked his beard thoughtfully. "If you're that worried, maybe we should dedicate a Free Day to studying each week."
That was just like him, always the problem solver, ready to make the situation better without knowing he was making it so much worse.
But Ambrosius heard himself say, "Sure, Bal. Thanks. I owe you one."
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
Studying wasn't quite as miserable as pining, but it was pretty damn close. Long days poring over dusty textbooks, filling out page after page of notes, until Ambrosius's weary mind was nothing more than a sea of numbers and jargon. He even started having nightmares about math--math!
But at least it helped distract him from his aching heart. The feelings were no longer a storm brewing, but an overcast sky: still not ideal, but tolerable.
Until the day a banner appeared above the main hallway, and the clouds parted.
Spring Promenade: the yearly end of the term celebration to reward students for their hard work, a tradition dating back centuries. Also the perfect opportunity to make a move. If Ambrosius still couldn't muster up the courage to confess his undying devotion, then asking Ballister to Prom would be a close second.
Tragically, Ambrosius lacked the power of planning that Ballister seemed to brandish so effortlessly. He fussed about for weeks, struggling to brainstorm the perfect means. Definitely not anything public: Ballister was easily embarrassed and would likely run before Ambrosius could finish the question. Maybe a handwritten note on scented stationery, tucked in the pages of his favorite book. But what if he didn't see it in time? Or what if he did but somebody had already asked him? Or what if he didn't want to go at all? What if he-
"Are you going to Promenade with anyone yet?" Ballister asked casually, during one of their study sessions.
Ambrosius's heart was in his throat, but he managed to choke out, "N-no, not yet. Are you? Going? With someone?"
"Well, Liliana invited us both to go with her and Grizelda. What do you think?"
"Yes!" he said, too quickly, and recovered with a "I mean, sure. Whatever."
"Great." Ballister grinned. "It'll be so much fun to go with friends." And he continued to study as if the words hadn't crushed Ambrosius's heart like an empty root beer can.
Finals flew by. Ambrosius did extremely well, which was unsurprising considering how many beautiful days he sacrificed to studying, though Ballister was still top of the class. The stress of exams was nothing more than an afterthought in Ambrosius's mind compared to the preparation for Promenade. He had finally formed a plan: during the dance, he would pull Ballister aside and confess in a sweeping, romantic monologue, so well-written and heartfelt that it would be impossible for Ballister not to return his affection.
By the time Prom arrived, Ambrosius had narrowed his thoughts down to the--sixth? Seventh? He'd lost track--final draft of the confession, stuffing the script in the pocket of his golden suit jacket.
He had envisioned himself arriving at Ballister's doorstep, waiting to see him come down the stairwell, just like in the movies. But Ambrosius forgot they lived together, so they ended up getting dressed in the same room.
As Ballister adjusted his black tuxedo, Ambrosius pulled out a small box from under his bed and shoved it in his hand. "Here."
"What's this?" Ballister frowned at the contents, confused. "A favor? For me?"
"I-it's traditional," Ambrosius stammered. "And... and you know, since we're not going with anyone else..."
Ballister beamed at him, and Ambrosius thought he might melt at the sight. "That's so thoughtful, Amb. Can you help me pin it on?"
The golden flower and ribbons nearly blended in perfectly with Ambrosius's suit. Ballister admired it in the mirror before his face fell. "I didn't get one for you, though."
"It's okay! I don't mind."
"Wait, I have an idea." Ballister loosened his black tie and pulled it over his head, then did the same for Ambrosius's golden tie. Ambrosius wondered if he imagined the slight blush that crept over Ballister's cheeks as he switched the ties. "There," said Ballister triumphantly, surveying them both in the mirror. "Now we match."
Even though Ambrosius's parents had never met Liliana's or Grizelda's parents, they all seemed in perfect collusion, constantly arranging and rearranging the four teenagers for pictures until Liliana lost her temper and commanded them to stop, as they were now running late.
The institute's dining hall had been transformed, covered in balloons, bright lights, and sparkly decorations that hung from the ceiling. A long banquet table held an array of appetizers including a massive charcuterie board, with a large bowl of red punch at the end. A live band performed onstage while students mingled and danced.
After an hour or so, Ambrosius felt brave enough to take Ballister aside and out to the empty bleachers of the training field.
"What's up?" Ballister asked, mirroring Ambrosius by leaning on the rail.
Ambrosius cleared his throat. "Well, Bal. Ballister. Bally hoo, my old pal Bal." He gently punched his shoulder, trying and failing to pretend the action wasn't awkward.
Ballister just blinked at him patiently. Why was this so hard?
"We, uh, we've been friends for a long time," Ambrosius said.
"... Long, long time. Years."
"... Most of our lives, really."
"Ambrosius, is everything okay?" Ballister's soulful, worried eyes seemed to swallow him whole. It was now or never. Ambrosius reached into his pocket for the speech.
"Am-BRO-sius!" a voice hollered. Ambrosius bit back an annoyed groan as Todd bounded up the bleacher stairs and threw his arms around them both. His breath smelled like something that was definitely not red punch. "You comin to the afterparty, dude? My folks are out of town and we are gonna get cray-zayyyy." He clapped Ballister's shoulder. "You can come too, Mr. Vale-DICK-torian!" And then he fell apart laughing at his own terribly unfunny joke.
"Yeah..." Ambrosius didn't even try to indulge him. "Can you actually give us a minute, Todd?"
But Todd ignored him, dragging him back towards the dance. "Come on, Am-bro, my date's been asking about you all night. She's never met a descendant of Gloreth."
After a series of introductory hand shakes and more loud whoops than Ambrosius ever wanted to hear again in his life, he finally broke free, emerging onto the crowded dancefloor. The band stirred up one of his favorite songs, and he scanned the room for Ballister, hoping to ask him for a dance.
He froze. There in the center of the dancing couples, Ballister swayed to the music with Liliana in his arms.
When he caught Ballister's eye, Ambrosius turned away. He ran down the hallway, past the startled, lip-locked couples, and climbed the stairs to the not-so-secret roof entrance. He burst out of the metal door, catching himself on the railing as he fought back tears beneath the starry expanse.
"Ambrosius?" Ballister's voice. But Ambrosius couldn't bring himself to turn and face him.
"I'm fine," he said curtly. "You should get back to Liliana, finish your dance."
Ballister paused. "She... just wanted to dance while her girlfriend was in the bathroom."
"... Girlfriend?"
Ballister sighed and joined him on the railing. "Look, I... I didn't tell you because she asked me not to say anything, but Lily's had a crush on Grizelda for months. She didn't ask her to Prom because she was scared of getting rejected, so that's why she wanted us all to go as friends. Then it turned out Grizelda felt the same way so they got together right before Prom." He studied Ambrosius, not understanding the ironic pain laid bare on his features. "I wouldn't have danced with her if I knew how much it upset you." He thought for a moment, his fingers absently toying with the gold favor pinned to his chest. "... Why did it upset you?"
Ambrosius gazed at Ballister, watched a spring breeze ruffle his dark hair, his mouth still in a questioning pout. Even after all these years, he remembered what it had been like to kiss that mouth, the gentle prickle of his beard. He wanted to kiss him again.
No. He needed to.
Ambrosius reached up, cradling Ballister's head in his hands, ignoring the surprise on his face. Ballister only had the chance to say, "What are you-" before Ambrosius consumed the words, pressing his lips to Ballister's with a delicate force.
It was even better than he remembered. Once the surprise passed, Ballister leaned into him, even hummed contentedly.
Reality hit, and Ambrosius broke away, mortified. "S-sorry! Fuck, sorry, I'm doing this all out of order-" He fished for the speech in his pocket. "I was supposed to do the romantic monologue first, then I could-"
"You wrote a romantic monologue?" Ballister spoke slowly, as if in a daze. "For me?"
"Yes." Ambrosius cleared his throat and read, "'Bal, we've been friends for a long time, and you know that I- Mmph!" He didn't get to finish as Ballister crushed their lips together again. He kissed the way he trained, with intense passion.
Ambrosius savored it for a moment before releasing him with a breathy chuckle. "Can-can you let me finish? I worked really hard on this."
"Right sorry." Ambrosius only managed to inhale before Ballister linked his arms around his waist and captured his mouth again, murmuring against his lips, "Actually, you can tell me later."
☾ ♞ ♘ ☀
"'And so Bal, all of that said,'" Ambrosius read. He was lying back, head on Ballister's chest. They had discarded their tuxedo jackets, having loosened their swapped ties and unbuttoned halfway down their shirts. The clothes all stank of sweat: years of training had given them both enough stamina to dance for nearly two hours straight, right up until the end of Promenade. "'You're my best friend and... I love you.'" He twisted around to see Ballister's glowing face. "Well? What do you think?"
Ballister kissed his knuckles. "That was beautiful. But your grammar is atrocious."
Ambrosius gawked at him. "What?"
"Amb, you're almost a legal adult and you still say 'all of the sudden'? It's 'a'. 'All of a sudden'." He took the paper from Ambrosius's shocked fingers. "Not to mention your spelling. For Gloreth's sake, Amb, sound it out: 'de-fin-ite-ly'. You wrote 'defiantly'."
"Are... are you actually critiquing my heartfelt declaration of love?"
"It's called constructive criticism."
Ambrosius swiped the speech back, pretending to be offended. "You know what? I take it back. I don't love you."
Ballister chuckled. "You can't take it back."
"Oh yeah? Watch this." He wiggled his fingers like he was casting a spell. "I don't love you anymore. In fact, I hate you," he said playfully.
Ballister kissed him again, this time much more tender, before resting his sweaty forehead against Ambrosius's with a soft smile. "I love you too."
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My Scary Valentine
WARNING: Mentions of seizures, fluff, little bit of angst, lots of smut, polyamorous relationship, fingering, cunnilingus, jealousy. Don't like it don't read it. This isn't coming out no where near Valentines day and it wasn't part of the request, but I thought setting it during Valentines day.
Ship: Bayverse (2014/2016) boys x Chubby!Autistic!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Request from @ceciliawastaken : Hey! Do you think you can write a chubby reader x the bayverse tmnt, maybe the reader has autism, I have autism btw, and I also have tics or seizures because of it, so I wanna know what the four would do if they caught the reader mid seizure, if that’s ok with you of course, I don’t want you uncomfortable. Maybe a girl reader and the reader is chubby and autistic at the same time. Do you think they can calm her down after, like have sex with her after her seizure 😩✋🏽I was thinking maybe it’s a poly relationship, were all of the turtles are dating the reader at the same time, the turtles aren’t dating each other though!
A/n: I know there is a bunch of things that might seem unnecessary, but they were requested to be put after the original request was asked.To anyone that doesn't like the fic, fuck you it wasn't made for you, I've been working on this for over 2 weeks and I put in as many requirments that were asked of me that I could and I think it came out great! Also, if it seems a little messy, it's because I didn't edit it before posting, I've been reading and reading only this for 2 weeks, I'm done.
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       February is such a romantic time of the year, it's chilly enough to want to cuddle with someone but not too freezing that one can still go out and have fun. That's why it's perfect that Valentine's day, a celebration of romance, is in February! It's been a year since you made your relationship with your four boyfriends official. It was a long complected process, but at the end of it, you were able to create a functioning and caring relationship with four boys. It was hard at first, with all the insecurity and jealousy floating amongst you all, but there was nothing a little of communication couldn't fix. That's why Valentines day is so important, while with usual dates throughout the year are one on ones set up on different days of the week, Valentines day is the one day of the year where your partners come together to make the day special for you. It's a little awkward for them since they are all brothers and helping each other plan dates all for the same girl wasn't something they really enjoyed, but it had to be done since they all want to celebrate with you. The day was seperated into four different dates, one dated planned for each of your boys and each date would be two and a half hours.
Your first date is Leo, he planned something simple, he wanted to show off his cooking skills and make you a homemade meal. He planned to pick you up at your house after you got home from work, but he was so excited for what he planned for the date that he just ambushes you on your way to the subway and takes you back to the lair. Although his intentions were sweet, you reprimand him and tell him not to scare you like that again.
"I'm sorry, Love. Let me make it up to you with this!" He then shows you the food he made, he spent hours working on a three course meal. Being a ninja, he found a lot of inspiration from Japan, so each dish was an authentic Japanese dish. The first dish was miso soup. It is actually really good, it has a gentle flavor that warms your cheeks. "Wow, Leo! This is great! How come you've never made this for me before?"He beams as you complement his hard work. "Well, this is actually the first time I've ever made it. I'm so happy you like it!" You giggle when you see him smile, he seems more excitable than usual. Next is the main course, nigiri and temaki sushi. You are surprised that he could make such small food with such big hands and it still come out looking so well put together. I taste fine at first, but as you chew you can tell that something was wrong with it. While the soup tasted great, this is the complete opposite. It had such a bold sour flavor and the rice stuck to the roof of your mouth making it hard to swallow. You tried your best to conceal your disgust because you knew how much care he put into the food, but you just knew that this was going to come back up later. "Oh- wow. This is so good, Leo." You say while holding your stomach. "It's so good, but I think I'm full now." "Really? That's too bad because I made dessert too." His expression dims and while it hurt your heart to see him disappointed, it hurt you insides more to continue. While the meal doesn't continue according to plan, the date is saved by conversation about each other's day and just generally enjoying the other's presence. When the date was over, you kiss him sweetly to show your appreciation. Although you couldn't eat everything, you know he put a lot of effort in this and you love him for it.
Your next date is with Mikey. He is a fun loving guy, but sometime what seems really fun to him is kind of gross to everyone else. His great date idea is to go swimming in the sewers. Of course he didn't expect you to go swimming in the gray water of New York, he had found a spot where the water has just come from being filtered but has not yet reached the homes of the city people so it was clean, but the main problem for you is that it is still the sewer that is filled with bugs, rats, and other creatures you'd rather stay away from. However, not wanting to ruin the cute date he planned, you reluctantly let him take you swimming.
Mikey gushes over your swim suit, a two piece with high-waist bottoms, it has a light green base with white flowers printed all over. It isn't tight, but it hugs your body in all the right places that Mikey can't help but be handsy and touch all your curves. You smile when you see his swim trunks, neon orange with pizza slices in the shape of lightning bolts. though his swim suit is cute, you can't get rid of your nerves. You try your best not to tic and show him that you really didn't want to go swimming with him, but with the repression plus Leo's bad cooking, you feel like the pressure building up and you want to throw up. "Are You ready?" He asks excitedly. You take a deep breath and hold onto his hand. "...Yes, I think so."
Mikey then pulls you into a tight hug and jumps into the water, The water rushes through the sewers like a water slider, you ride down it on top of your boyfriend as he lies on his back until you two each the bottom with a small pool of clear water, at the end of the pool is spilling water. You hold each other as you two splash into the pool and you both gasp for air and laugh after resurfacing from beneath the water.
You are happy to see clean water, not that you thought he'd take you somewhere gross, but the thought of not being able to see the bottom scares you. The two of you swim and splash in the water, it is fun to be with him. You even have a competition to see who could hold their breath longer, obviously Mikey win due to his amphibious advantage.
Some time later, Mikey get tired and finds that watching you is more enjoyable then doing his own thing. He watches as you swim from one end of the pool to the other. When you notice this, you giggle and swim towards him. "What are you doing? I thought we were swimming?" You ask. When you get close, he instinctively pulls you in close and you wrap your arms around his neck. "I was, but I just wanted to take a moment to admire my hot girlfriend." His comment make you laugh more. Seeing how cute you are, he can't help but reach down to grab your ass, giving it a small squeeze. "Really? That's what you want to do?" You ask, raising a brow. "It is Valentine's Day after all, why not?" He pulls you into a kiss, you feel his smile on your lips and you blush. When you let his lips go you smile at him and scratch his shell in the way he loves so much. "You're right, it is Valentine's day." You pull him closer, seemingly to kiss him again, but then you push him away and giggle as you swim away."But I'm not fucking you in the sewers, that's gross." He grabs his chest likes he's been hit with an arrow to the heart and sighs, making you laugh more. "You really thought, didn't you?" Your giggling echos throughout the sewer. "Yeah, I did. It was worth a shot though." He says disappointed, but his smile never disappearing.
You two continue to swim, but soon his date time is up and he takes you back to the lair where you met up with Donnie, who is next to take you on a date.
After your date with Mikey, you take a quick shower in the lair bathroom and then head to Donnie's lab. There you are greeted with a bright smile. "Hello, Dove! Did you have fun with Mikey?" He asks. "Yeah, I-" You instinctively cover you face and sneeze. "It probably wasn't a good idea to go swimming in February." Donnie laughs and places a hand on your back. "Well, let me help you warm up."
He leads you to his bedroom where a nest of pillows and blankets were lied out "I had a lot of ideas for our date, but then I couldn't pick which one was to do so I ended up copying Raph and set up a movie night." You gasp and playfully push him. "Donnie! I didn't go on his date yet! I thought it was a surprise!" "Sorry, I thought we agreed he'd go first. There was so much arguing that I lost track on the order we agreed on." He rubs his neck bashfully and apologizes. "Actually, Leo went first." You say, sitting on Donnie's bed. You remembered the food Leo gave you and it makes you tic. Donnie places a gentle hand on your shoulder and pulls you closer to kiss your head. This is his go-to way to calm you down when he sees you tic. "No matter who went first, I hope you like my date the best. I made sure the atmosphere was nice and comfy. I hope you like the movie I picked." On his laptop he pulls up a window and a movie starts to play. Donnie sits on his bed with his legs spread and you sit in the space between.
As you watched the movie, you can see why he chose it. It was a scifi which is his favorite fictional genre and had a romance between a human and an alien. You appreciated that he tried to stay on the romantic theme to match the occasion. Throughout watching the film, you notice that Donnie hasn't stopped touching you. He has kept one arm wrapped around your waist while the other has been roaming your body, mainly rubbing up and down your arm or leg. "Uh, Donnie?" You would've looked up to talk to him, but he has rested his chin on your head so you stay still. "Mhm?" His response is absentminded. "You keep touching me." "Oh, sorry. Is it distracting?" He asks, his attention now on you. "No it's not that, but I just feel like you're try to tell me something by doing it." "No, I just like touching you." He leans his head down and nuzzles his snout into the crook of you next. You giggle, it seems all the brothers were the same when it came to being handsy with you. Donnie kisses your neck and you laugh at the tickling sensation. "You don't mind, do you?" He asks. His thumbs rub circles into the joints of your hips. "No, I don't mind." You pull his face close and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Are you sure? I'll stop if you want." Donnie warns as he spreads you legs and starts to massage your inner thigh. You put your hand on his and guide him further towards the spot begging for his attention. "I'm sure."
Donnie starts to sensually massage your clothed folds. You reach your arms up and wrap your arms around his neck. He's cold, but you keep him warm with your back presses firmly against his plastron. He slips his hands past the hemline of your bottoms and down into your panties, you flinch at the contact of his cold scaly hands on your clit. You let small soft moans spill from your lips as he rubs circles around your clit. One of his large fingers teases your entrance, only allowing the tip to push in and collect the arousal that was forming. "D-Donnie~" You moan his name when he pushes further in, his fingers are so thick compared to a normal humans, it spreads you apart from the inside. "You're so nice and warm, Dove. This is why I love touching you so much, your so warm and soft, I just can't get enough of you." You bite your lip and you hold onto him tighter as he slowly pumps his finger in and out of you, his thumb still circling your clit. Your walls clamp down around him and he chuckles at the feeling. "You're so cute and so easy to play with, every touch of my fingers bring out the most adorable reactions from you." His fingers start to move faster and you cover your mouth with your hand trying to silence the high pitch whimpers of your voice. With his free hand Donnie pulls your hand away from your face and kisses your wrist. "Don't do that, I want to hear you." His voice is soft and sweet, but it feels stern when it hits your ears and sends a shiver up your spine. Your warm walls clench down tighter around his finger and he smiles. He places your hand around his neck once more and then pulls you in closer by your waist. He pushes another of his fingers in and he starts to pump into you a little faster. You don't try to cover your mouth again though and instead let the moans fall freely out of you. Donnie softly kisses the shell of your ear and whispers, "Good girl."
Donnie starts to pump even fast, and with two of his large fingers now stretching you out, you lets a few tear cascade down you cheeks. "Donnie! I'm really close!" Donnie kisses behind your ear and trails down your neck and onto your shoulder. He holds you close and continues to pleasure you as you squirm and ride through your orgasm, soaking his hand with your arousal. When your finish you are left breathless but satisfied. You relax against his plastron and smile up at him. "Happy Valentine's Day, Dove. I hope you enjoyed our time together, because the movie is over and if I don't get you to Raph soon he's going to tear me a new one." Donnie tries to move, but you stop him. "W-wait, wait, wait. Give me-.... give me a couple minutes to just....." Donnie smiles, he's happy that he has brought you to such a state of ecstasy, the sight of you is just so beautiful. "Okay, five more minutes."
After you recuperate from your date with Donnie, you are sent on your way to your next date. You find Raph in his room, you heard that he had set up a movie date like Donnie, but instead of a laptop you see that he has found an old busted up projector and pinned a large water tarp to the ceiling as a screen. You see him messing with the projector trying to get it to work but with minimal success. You laugh which gets his attention. "Do you find my struggle funny?" He asks, his tone is not angry but more playfully embarrassed. You walk up to him and give him a big hug, still giggling. "Maybe a little. Let me help, okay? I know they can be hard to work with but having smaller fingers can help." You go to fix the projector and it works immediately. You look to Raph and you notice that his expression seems strange, it's softer. As he looks down at you there is a soft smile and you can't quite tell what he's thinking. "What are you thinking?" You ask, turning around to hug him. You see him blush and pull you in closer. "I'm just, y'know, thinking about different things." You giggle at his shy reaction. "Oh yeah? You want to elaborate on that?" He shakes his head and laughs with you. "No, let me just show you the movie." You continue to laugh and embarrass him more as the two of you sit down to watch the movie.
"What are we watching?" You settle down with Raph and he pulls you into a surprisingly tight hug. "So uhm, do you remember that one movie last Halloween where I wanted to show you that one movie but-" "No! No, no, no! I know what movie you're talking about and I'm don't want to!" You try to get up and run away, but Raph's grip on you was too strong. "Babe, please. I know you'll love it you just have to see. In the end it's super romantic!-" "Raphael! I am not watching the movie about the little creature stealing teeth in the middle of the night! I can't do it! You know I can't watch horror movies, I tic like crazy!" You struggle and squirm to get out of his grip but to no avail, what's worse is that it's so effortless to him. "Goddammit! Why are you so strong?" Raph laughs and you feel the vibration of in through his plastron. "Are you really asking me that?" You looks down at you with a charming smile. "Yeah, I already know and it's hot as fuck...." "Really? You think I'm hot?" "Raph this is not the point! I don't want to watch this movie!" You face is red and flustered, the stress of it all makes you tic and small high-pitched puppy like whimpers are ripped from your mouth as you twist your neck to look left repeatedly, it's a very painful and annoyingly cute tic. Raph while still holding you tight, rubs the sides of your arms to calm you down. He's not the best at calming people down, but he tries.
As the movie plays you see the romantic sub-plot and the relationship looks a lot like you and Raph, but you can't get over the cryptic looking fairy creatures stealing the main character's teeth in the middle of the night. "R-Raph, I c-can't do this....." Over some time your tics start to slow down and have pauses in between each once. Raph thinks that means you're calming down and starting to enjoy the movie, but unfortunately that judgement was wrong.
You feel your body be shot with electricity. Your body starts to stiffen and you hold onto Raph tightly, digging your nails into him almost breaking skin. "Ow...Babe? Are you ok?" You don't respond, you can't. Your body shakes and you feel as if trapped, like your body was merely a prison for your mind. "Babe, oh god. Are you-? Okay yeah, you're having one of those seizure things. Oh god!" Out of panic he lets go of his tight grip on you. For a second he thinks that he should carry you to Donnie, but the thought of hurting you because he miss-handled you freaks him out, so he leaves you lying on the floor in front of his bed were the two of you were sitting. "Thank you, Raph. Very gentleman-like" Is what you think before he runs out of the room.
Five second later he comes back to place a pillow under your head. "Please be okay! I got to go!" He then run out of the room again. "Ok, that's better."
A few minutes pass and you return to normal, well, aside from being a little unstable, but nothing a couple minutes of calming down couldn't fix. "Wow, I can't fucking believe he just left me here! Raph, you idiot...." You take a few deep breathes as you pout and wait for your red banded boyfriend to come back. You pick up the pillow he left for you so your wouldn't be hurt and sigh into it with a hug "Idiot...."
Soon enough Mikey and Donnie come rushing in, but noticeably Raph and Leo are absent. "Oh my god, Baby! Are you okay? Mikey rushes to you about to embrace you in a hug, but he stops himself and backs away. You're confused until Donnie steps up. With a sweet but concerned expression he approaches and takes you hand gently. "Please take this and squeeze." He places a marble the size of your palm in your hand. You do as you're told squeeze onto the marble. Donnie brings up a hologram that appears from his wrist. You see that it's vitals, presumably yours. Your expression deadpans and you drop the marble. "You know, you could just ask me how I am. This isn't the first time I've had a seizure and I've told you guys about it before." "We know, it's just that we we're worried." Donnie says, picking up the marble from the floor. "You don't have to be, I'm fine!" Mikey smiles with tears streaming from his face and pulls you into a hug. "I was so scared that you were going to die!" He holds you tight and sobs. You smile and pet his shell to reassure him. "I'm fine, Mikey-" You suddenly hear yelling in the other room and your smile falls. "Where is Raph and Leo? Is that them out there?" You look to Donnie for answers but he just looks away, Mikey let's you go and does the same to avoid you gaze, they both know how you feel about fighting amongst themselves and they didn;t want to confirm your suspicions. You get up and walk past them to leave the room and the two don't stop you.
You walk into the open space of the lair to see Raph and Leo fighting once again. You thought they had stopped this when you guys started dating but it obviously hasn't. "How could you let this happen? We go a year and she has never once had a seizure with us, she has been safe and secure for so long, but the moment she is left alone with you it happens! Did you do this on purpose? You know how much she tics when she watches horror movie-" "I would never put her in harms way on-" "But the thing is, Raph, is that you did! She got hurt because of you! All of this is-" You watch them fight, but you can't let it go on. "Stop! Please stop fighting!" You run in a step in between them to show them your fine. They stand in shock for a second before the chaos break again. "Babe, I'm sorry! I never meant to-" Raph tries apologize but before he can finish you find Leo's arms snake around you and pick you up. He then carries you away and rushes out of the lair.
You hold onto Leo with your eyes closed and face towards his plastron as he rushes away, he can feel his breath is heavy and wavered. When he stops and breathes, you see that your on a roof building somewhere in the city. He loosens up as he calms down, when you try to escape his hold he doesn't let you. "I was scared.....for you." You look up at him, and see a few tears threatening to fall. "I read up on seizure when you told me you told me you got them and I read all about people dying and-.....I was scared you'd get hurt. When it finally happen I thought I was going to lose you." Leo puts your feet on the ground but doesn't let you go, he still holds on tight but shakey. You smile softly and reach for his face, forcing him to look at you. "You got anxious? That's okay, my love! I know you love but you have to remember that you love them too, they're your brothers,  so you can't get mad at them when things happen." Leo doesn't say anything, he just let's you continue to comfort him. "I've dealt with seizure for many years before I met any of you and I will deal with them for many years into the future, at some point you guys were going to see me have one, so it's not Raph's fault and I know you know that."
Leo kneels down on the ground so that you are taller than him and you continue to hug him and lovingly pet his shell. He's still for a moment, but then he smells something. He pushes you away to smell the air and he doesn't find it. He sniffs you and smells something strange. He continues to sniff almost like a dog and pushes you to the ground. You laugh at first but then his snout travels further down your body and you start to get nervous if not a little embarrass. "L-Leo? What are you doing" He makes it all the way to in between your thighs and then stops. He then goes back up to your face and stares into your eyes, it makes you very nervous and you let out a a few small vocal tics. "Who? Who was it?" He asks, not in a stern or angry way but his voice alone still make your stomach sink. "W-who w-what?" You stutter out. His face gets close to yours and you start to blush. "Who did you let fuck you tonight?" He asks, his voice is low and quiet, the tone is almost threatening, but damn does it sound sexy as hell. "I didn't-" "Don't lie to me, I can smell him on you." He uses his arms to cage you under him. You look up at him and in this moment you can't recall a time where he looked sexier then right now as he hovers above you. "Now, I'll ask one more time. Who fucked you?" He never raised his voice at you the whole time, but you could still feel the intensity as he spoke. "Donnie! I-It was Donnie! But we didn't have sex or anything, he just-" You feel your cheeks burn as his arms flex near your head. You feel yourself being turned on by his threatening aura, you squeeze you thighs together as you become wet for him and your lady box begs for his attention. "'He just-' What? What did you do?" You can't tell if he is mad at you or not, but you it feels like you're being scolded. "He fingered me, I let him finger me...." You can't look anywhere but in his eyes, your body won't let you, but still you wish you could hide from his gaze.
Leo sighs and releases you from his arm prison. He sits up, still straddling you to the ground as he looks down at you with and semi-mad and disappointed expression. "I didn't think he out of all of us would be the one to turn you into a whore, but I guess I was wrong." Leo stands up and turns to leave but you get up too and run after him, catching him by the flying tails of his blue bandana. "Leonardo! You cannot just leave me on some random building rooftop in the middle of fuck knows where, New York, just because you are mad at me! He's my boyfriend just like you and I's allowed to be fingered or get fuck by my boyfriend if I want!" Leo turns around sharply and you are finally met with an angry expression. "Speaking of, how is it to hoe yourself out to four different guys? I'm not usually one to slut-shame but seeing as how where all brothers that all fight for your time while you sit back and watch it happen, I've made an exception!" You gasp and then stamp your foot. "You of all people have no right to be mad at me for that! It was your idea in the first place for this to be a thing, for all of us to form this relationship!" "That's only because little-miss-indecisive couldn't pick which one of us should be her boyfriend! You took your sweet-ass time to even consider dating any of us and then took even more time to pick which one out of the four of us to date!" He yells as he slowly walks towards you like a predator getting closer to it's prey, you back up as he gets closer and your skins chills as he does so. "I only did it, so my brother's and I wouldn't suffer waiting for your answer! We were all filled with anxiety and jealousy of one another, you pinned us against each other! I only suggested the relationship because I know my team, my family, would fall apart if I didn't do something! I did it because I knew your wouldn't choose me!"
All the yelling starts to make you cry and you rush at forward and hug him, you cry into his plastron and refuse to look him in the eye. "It's not that I wouldn't have chosen you, I love you so much! I just couldn't not love all of you. You all mean so much to me and I couldn't see my life not loving all four of you. I knew if I chose one of you that not only would I lose the rest of you but the rest of you would hate whoever I chose!" You sniffle and try to calm your breathing. "I want you all in my life..." You aren't able you wrap your arms around him the same way he could with you, but you still hold him tight. You feel him relax in your embrace, but you continue to cry, seemingly unable to stop. "I'm-.....I'm sorry, Love. Please don't cry." He hugs you back and starts to pet your hair. "I'm sorry I got mad, I did mean to become-" He clears his throat, stalling himself from admitting it out loud. "-territorial..." You look up at him, still somewhat teary-eyed. "I'm sorry too, I never mean to make you guys feel so awful."
You both stay silent for a moment, trying to calm down from yelling at each other. "Did you feel jealous? Since I was so intimate with Donnie."  Leo chuckles in a bashful way, a little bit because of they way you asked it but mainly out of embarrassment of being so mad at you for something that seems a little silly. "Yeah, I think I was. It's just that you were pretty intimate with not just Donnie but with Mikey and Raph too. You went swimming with Mikey and he got to see you basically have naked and when Raph had a chance to protect you he just left you there to go through it alone!" You grab a hold of his arms and rub up and down to ground him. "So you felt left out?" He takes a breathe and softly smiles at you. "I guess I did feel that way, sorry."
You reach your arms up pull him into a quick kiss, it's soft and only lasts a second but its warm and sweet. You smile sincerely as you look into his eyes. "Leo, do you want to make it equal then? He feels butterflies in his stomach as you speak, a bit dazed by your affectionate attitude. "Make what equal?...." "You said you felt left out, so do you want to join in? Be intimate with me too?" You kept eye contact with him as you ask this. Leo thinks for a moment and then smirks. He feels up your sides and squeezes your hips. "I thought you'd never ask." Leo picks you up and kisses you. His kisses are always passionate but gentle, a perfect combination of aggression and control. He holds you up by you legs, your holding onto him with your arms around his neck and your thighs are being squeezed by his strong hands.
There is a rooftop access door on the roof you two are on, it has a large metal lock on a chain wrapped around the handle. As the kiss become hotter and more passionate and it starts to become foreplay, he pushes you up against that door and kisses down your neck. When he starts to bite and leave hickeys is when your heavy breathing becomes moans. You clumsily pull down your bottoms when he lifts up your top and leaves a trail of kisses down your chest and belly. He loves kissing your belly, it's soft a squishy, it's like kissing a pillow, he finds comfort in it's warmth.  Soon enough his snout is met your your cunt, wet and dripping arousal from all the heavy-petting. He spreads your folds with his fingers and licks a long strip up from your hole to your clit, it sends a fluttering feeling through your body. He makes kitten licks over your love-bud and then slowly makes his way into your hole. You legs now resting on his shoulders, his face is what keeps you up and you lean your back on the door. His long tongue slithers inside you and reaches for your g-spot, the sensation makes you shutter and a few quivering moans force there way out from your throat. "Leo! P-please don't stop!" You squeeze your thighs around his head, your hands are pushing his face closer to your cunt. You continue to whimper and whine as his tongue tickles your cervix. It only takes a couple of minutes for him to push you to your limit and you cum on his face. You take a moment to relish in the feeling, but then you realize what you've done. You just came on his face. "Oh my god, Leo! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Leo calmly lifts up and off his face and sits up on his knee. "You didn't mean to cum on my face? Was I not good enough?" He asks jokingly. "No, you were great! It's just I didn't mean to make such a mess and on your face too! I'm so sorry!" You blush out of embarrassment, but Leo stays calm and even laughs. "No, it's okay. That's what I was trying to get you to do anyway." He says, licking his lips for traces of you, you blush at the glistening sheen still left on his face.
Leo sets you back down on the ground and allows you to buts your clothes back on. "I think we should go back home, the guys must be worried about us." You say, trying to shake the wrinkles out of your clothes. "You didn't seem to worried about them when you were squirting on my face and screaming my name." Leo says cockily. "For one, I wasn't screaming. Two, maybe it only seemed like that because you were sucking my soul out of my body when you ate my pussy." You flirt and banter for a bit before finally he takes you back to the lair, to reunite with your other boyfriends.
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pagesoflauren · 2 years
Seeing Blind Ch. 5
Colin Shea x pregnant!reader
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Summary: After a one-night stand, you find yourself pregnant. While navigating your pregnancy, the father of your baby seems to have another task at hand.
Warnings: angst, swearing, jealousy, eventual smut, slowish burn, in-depth descriptions/discussions of pregnancy, descriptions of mafia dynamics, Colin is a little shit
A/N: It’s been a minute since I've written; been going through a lot of mental health issues. I'm still working through them. I hope the next few installments of fics I post can make up for the delays. Thanks @eightcevanscentral.
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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The park is crowded, teeming with people having picnics, walking their dogs, and letting their children run loose along the grass and walkways. 
Everyone here seems to be more intimately involved. They hold hands or have their arms slung around their partners in one way or another. If they’re not attached physically, they walk in close proximity to each other. 
It makes Colin and Aly stick out. They look like an awkward pair, staying about half an arm’s length from one another as they search for the picnic area where Aly’s next ex is meant to be entertaining a seven-year-old’s party. 
“There it is,” Colin points out.
It’s the classic picnic-in-the-park birthday party with bright foil balloons, food everywhere, and kids running amuck with water guns and silly string. Parents are day drinking out in the open, not paying attention to whatever havoc their little monsters were creating. 
Colin gulps when he realizes this is in his future. Over-the-top birthday parties for kids who probably won’t remember a single second of it, stupid presents, and mingling with actual adults who know what they’re doing. 
He’s way out of his depth. He should’ve known he was punching out of his weight taking you back to his apartment; you were the only woman smart enough to leave before he woke up. His usual targets are the girls who have only a fraction more desperation than he has. It’s why they stay in the morning hoping for something more and what’s led him to running around Boston tracking down his neighbor’s exes.
“Well, there he is,” Aly’s voice comes, jarring him from his thoughts.
He spots a little wooden theater where two homemade farm animal puppets appear to be arguing. The kids burst into laughter while Colin and Aly exchange a look. 
As the show comes to a close, it doesn’t get any stranger, but it gives Aly an opportunity to say hello while the kids get cake and watch the birthday celebrant open presents.
To avoid looking like a strange man lingering around a child’s birthday party, Colin makes his way to a tree and sits among the roots. He contemplates his impending fatherhood while people watching from his vantage point. 
It’s not just stupidly expensive birthday parties coming. He watches a dad catch his kid mid-fall–it’s that too. He sees another lugging a diaper bag in one hand while his baby flails in his grip, but his hold never falters.
Colin looks at his hands. Can I do that?
At the birthday party, a man mediates a situation between two boys. One boy says something, he looks at the other one. On and on, until the man speaks once more and the boys hug before playing together again. 
Will anyone teach him how to do this? 
He thinks about his own father; Chief of Police in Salem, a well-respected man who produced two sons who have made a name for themselves in their own rights. 
And a third who had no part of his life together, trying to usher a baby into the world with a woman he had a one night stand with. 
“Well, that was a disaster,” Aly’s voice jars him from his thoughts, the ideas rattling in his brain before dissipating like smoke. 
“Didn’t get much out of that encounter other than the fact that I remember why we broke up.” 
“His puppets creeped me out. Anyway,” Aly pauses as she opens her purse and digs through it. “Here is…twenty, forty, sixty, seventy.” 
She hands him the cash and it crumples in his hands. 
“You wanna grab a taxi back to the building? I need some wine.” 
Colin shakes his head. “No, I’m just gonna head a few blocks that way before I head back.”
“What’s over at ‘a few blocks that way’?”
“Just gotta pick up some stuff,” he says as he shoves the bills in his pocket. “I’ll see ya around.” 
She nods and walks on her way to the western entrance of the park. 
Putting his hands in his pockets, Colin stands up and begins to walk down the path when a male voice catches his attention.
“Hey, Free Licks.” 
Looking up, he finds Mateo, donned in all black with shades perched on his nose. Colin can’t help but note the difference between the two of them again; he was wearing stained jeans and a faded t-shirt.
Colin greets him with a nod. “Detective.”
“What brings you to the park today?” 
“Oh, you know, the sunshine, the fresh air.” Colin inhales through his nose obnoxiously.
Mateo raises an eyebrow. “I see. Well, I was here on business from Y/N, but…when I see suspicious activity, I have to follow up on it, you know?” 
Colin shakes his head, a little incredulous. “What? She’s got you spying on me?”
“Not you, but a point person. BPD business. There was a drop that was meant to happen. You know anything about that?” 
Pursing his lips and raising his brows, Colin gestures “no” again. “Nothing that I’ve seen.”
Mateo reaches into his pocket and hands him his card. “Well, if you see anything, you’ll let me know, right?”
Taking it between his thumb and forefinger, the card nearly falls in his weak grip. Colin doesn’t know what to do with it or why Mateo is giving it to him. “Sure…?”
“Good. See you around, Free Licks.” 
- - - - - 
“I wasn’t expecting you to actually show up,” you scoff with a smile. “But, while you’re here, you can push the cart.” 
You let go and the cart still moves, wheels squeaking as it glides down the aisle and Colin scrambles to get a grip on the handle. When he eventually gets it, he cranes his neck to find you studying the different boxes lining the shelves. 
“What are we looking at?” 
“Changing tables.”
“Like the ones in ladies’ bathrooms?”
“Not quite, but same idea. Just a space where you can store everything for changing a diaper and keep the baby safe while you’re grabbing stuff.” 
“You make it sound like it’s a whole process,” Colin snorts.
You look at him. “You’ve never changed a diaper before in your life, have you?” 
He scoffs, lying through his teeth. “Psh, what are you talking about? Of course, I have.” 
“It’s okay if you haven’t, you know that right?” 
How are you able to see right through him?
It seems his face shows his bewilderment, and you respond to it, “Colin, like I said, I didn’t expect you to do any of this. I still don’t expect a lot from you–not that I don’t welcome this, but because I can do this on my own if I need to.” 
He doesn’t reply. Looking at his face, his cheeks look particularly round like a child’s, casting a sort of innocence on him that doesn’t reflect the person you know him as. He’s goofy and charming, things that attracted you to him in the first place that fateful night when all of this started. Along with that, he’s experienced, but you can see there’s a thought rattling in his mind that his mouth won’t say. 
“Look, whatever your decisions are for doing this—if you’re trying to prove yourself to someone or if you’re putting expectations on yourself–you can’t let that bother you. I don’t know the extent of what I’m getting myself into. This kid could be like me, or they could be like you. But however they turn out, I’m gonna do my best to make sure they live happily. And that’s all you can do: your best.” 
He nods, but you don’t think it’s really getting to him. 
“Maybe I can sign us up for a parent coaching class. I’m sure we’d hardly be the first unusual pair of parents a teacher has seen.” 
His cheeks turn red first, then his ears. He smiles and nods again. “Yeah…yeah, I think that’s a great idea.” 
“It’s a deal.” 
You grab his hand and hook your pinky with his. 
“Now, while we’re here, can you do me a favor and put that box in the cart?” you ask, pointing to the one you want. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
As he does what you request, you bite your lip and blink slowly. 
You can feel your non-expectations–the ones you still hold on Colin where he’s welcome to do as he pleases–slowly metamorphosize. There’s a flash of him bathed in the morning sunlight, smiling up at a giggling baby he’s lifting over his head. 
“Anything else from this aisle?” 
The image is gone in a puff of smoke, trailing in the air before disappearing completely. 
You shake your head. “No, but I need to go to the next aisle and look at rocking chairs.” 
- - - 
Hauling everything to the cashier for check out, your items are ringed up and bagged while you reach for your wallet. 
“Oh, here…I have this.”
Colin shoves his hand in his pocket, pulling out some crumpled up bills and awkwardly setting them on the counter. Just by looking at it and the grand total of the items on the counter, you know it’s not enough. 
“Colin…it’s okay,” you say, pulling out your card and handing it to the cashier. 
As he gathers up the money, you ask where he got it.
“I did a favor for a friend.”
“And they paid you that much money for a favor?”
Grabbing the last bill, he puts it back into his pocket. “Well, she owes me.” 
You don’t have time to wonder too much about why he’s being so vague, not with the cashier asking for your signature for the payment and asking if you want to join the store’s rewards program. 
With all the items bagged, you and Colin hail a taxi to go back to your apartment. Every once in a while, you consider pressing further, your suspicion a by-product of the analytical mind that got you the position you work in. 
Deciding against it, you send Colin on his way and prepare for work tomorrow. 
- - - - -
You yawn as you exit your apartment, pivoting back to lock the door behind you. 
A flash of blue stuck on your door as it closes behind you catches your eye. When you look at it, you realize it’s a note, probably from one of your neighbors. 
The words become clearer as you reach for the note, peeling it off the surface and reading it.
If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop.
You huff. Rolling your eyes, you stuff it into your canvas bag–your newly-designated lunch bag ever since your appetite grew so that you could “eat for two.” 
And prevent yourself from rage-quitting your job out of hunger-fueled anger.
Figuring it’s just the young kid on the second floor playing a prank, you head out to work. 
- - - 
“Bebitaaaa,” Mateo sings as he enters your cave of computer monitors. 
He places a hand on your shoulder to straighten your spine. 
“You need to work on your posture,” he remarks.
You scoff. “And you need to pack your own snacks and stop taking from a pregnant lady,” you speak, but are certain he couldn’t hear you over the sound of wrappers crinkling. 
“Speaking of you being pregnant, I ran into Colin at the park yesterday..." he trails off. "What’s this?” 
Your chair swivels as you look at him, finding the note from your door in his hand. “Bebita…where’d you find this?”
“Oh,” you exhale dismissively, “that’s nothing. I found it on my door this morning.” 
“And you didn’t think to tell me?”
“Tell you about what? It’s a note. Probably from the little boy upstairs.”
Mateo’s eyes narrow. “How old is that kid?”
“I dunno,” you shrug. “Fourteen?” 
“I don’t think fourteen-year-olds play tricks like this.”
“Just because you didn’t because you were a damn genius who went to college at sixteen doesn’t mean other fourteen-year-olds don’t.” 
“Bebita, I don’t think you understand this. ‘If you know what’s good for you’? That’s a threat.”
“Mateo, come on, after that it says ‘you’ll stop.’ Stop what? If this is a threat, it’s a pretty empty one.”
“We’re in a dangerous line of work, did you even consider that maybe this is a guy from the mob? Or maybe one of them put the kid up to writing the note to try and hide their scent?”
You roll your eyes, “Knock it off, Mateo. There’s no way they know who I am, much less where I live–”
“You don’t know that, you don’t know what they’re capable of–”
“I know what I’m capable of, and I’m pretty sure my work is completely untraceable.”
He’s quiet for a moment, then grabs your phone from the desk. Unlocking it, he swipes through and taps before showing you the screen. It’s Colin’s contact information. His thumb hovers over the call button.
“Don’t make me do this.” 
“Oh my god,” you roll your eyes again, your head lolling back in annoyance as your arms cross. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” 
He taps the button and he brings the phone to his ear as the call begins.
You hear Colin on the other line. “Hello?”
“Hey, Free Licks.”
“Oh, it’s you.”
You snort and Mateo’s eyes drift up in exasperation. “Yeah, it’s me. I’m calling though because Y/N found a threatening note on her door but doesn’t think it’s a big deal.” 
“Wait, what?!”
“Yeah, it said, ‘if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop.’ I think the mob knows where she lives.” 
“You really think they would?” Colin’s concern comes clearly through the speaker. 
“I think anything’s possible,” Mateo says pointedly, throwing you a look. “But like I said, she’s pretty confident in her ability to be untraceable.”
“But if the note was on her door…”
Mateo nods slowly, smugly. “You get it.” 
“Is she there?”
“Right in front of me.”
“Can I talk to her?”
You take the phone, sticking your tongue out before you speak, “Hey Colin.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about the note when we were texting earlier?”
“Same thing I told Mateo,” you sigh, getting really irritated that you keep having to repeat yourself. “It’s not a big deal, it’s probably nothing.” 
“But it was on your door.”
“I’m sure a lot of people find notes on their doors.”
“Not threatening ones!” Colin says into the receiver as Mateo nearly shouts the same thing in front of you.
“God, how do I turn off the surround sound in here?”
“Bebita, you might take this lightly, but I’m not.”
“Yeah…yeah, and neither am I!” Colin tacks on.
“A woman’s life is most endangered when she’s pregnant because that’s the time she’s most likely to get killed.” 
You’re shocked Mateo would bring that up to you now, placing a hand on your lower stomach. 
“I’m not taking any chances with you, especially with Riona Maher’s arrest at Logan happening earlier this week.”
You swallow, pushing your pride down as you look away from Mateo. You feel like a teenager getting lectured by her father. 
“Promise me if you see anything else like this, you’ll tell me right away.” 
You don’t reply immediately.
“Promise him,” Colin pleads from the phone. 
“Fine, I promise. But only because I’m still pretty sure this is nothing.” 
“I’ll take it,” Mateo sighs. “And Colin’s a witness.” 
“Thanks for including me.” 
Mateo says, “You’re welcome,” as you say goodbye and end the call. 
“I’m gonna take this down to forensics and see if they can pull up anything.”
“You’d be wasting time,” you taunt as you turn back to your computer.
“And I’m driving you home tonight and picking you up in the morning.”
“Nothing you can do about it, my mind’s made up.” 
He shuts the door behind him, leaving you typing away as you shake your head. 
I’m the pregnant one, your mind gripes, I should be the one who overreacts to things, not them. 
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Permatag: @caffiend-queen @fckdeusername @lou-la-lou @bangtan-serendipity @lovemarvelousfics @rainbowkisses31 @richonne4life @damnndeanndamnn @meetmeatyourworst @tinyplanet-explorer @vivien-1211 @unknownmystery22 @nerdygirl8203 @xoxabs88xox @mariaenchanted @gotnofucks @denisemarieangelina @myoxisbroken @kelbabyblue @pspice639 @maynay43 @just-another-wretched-egg @jennmurawski13 @avantgardium-leviosa @random-butterfly @rachelderivia @kenzieam @bluemusickid @asiaaisa77 @angrybirdcr @inactivewhore @velvetcardiganbucky  @madbaddic7ed @mysweetlittledesire @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @buckymydarlingangel @mayasreadingnook 
Chris tag: @onetwo3000 @patzammit @astheworlddturns @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @maeleeme @tvckerlance @thiskindahotkindamusic @fizzahocleirigh @marantha @justile
Seeing Blind Taglist: @dbnightingale24 @twittytelly @chase-your-dreams-away  @phoenixhalliwell @starlightcrystalline @chalametet @evanswife1918
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Thank you @martsonmars and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tag, reminding me it’s Sunday. I am here to make up for last Wednesday, when I had nothing to show. I have three things for you today!
First, six sentences from Time After Time/“damn Baz, you live like this?”. It was pretty hard to pick them, since I don’t want to spoil where the story is heading to, but I think these are vague enough:
I tilt my head and raise an eyebrow, silently asking what is going on.
“I love you,” he blurts out. I can’t help it. I start to smile, even though I notice that he doesn’t smile along. In fact, he looks desperate, as if he needs to me to know that he loves me.
The full chapter will go up tomorrow, because I finished it in time! In fact, I have finished writing the fic! I can’t believe it either, because I’ve been stuck on this fic for over a damn year, but I have @facewithoutheart (and Doctor Who season 9 oop) to thank for shoving me in the right direction. I think I also know what to do with the two endings: both. I added an eleventh chapter called [REDACTED] so that I could still sort of post ending no. 2 as a separate thing from ending no. 1! Excited!
And look who’s back, back again? Klaine! I really want to participate in the Klaine Word Scramble, and a random idea came to me. I haven’t written anything else but these six sentences, so I definitely will not post the story according to the schedule, but that is okay:
Blaine is proud of his position within the community. Everyone loves his homemade scented candles. His stand is a staple in the local farmers market. 
But now a new neighbour has opened his own business. Kurt Hummel sells his handmade soaps and all of Blaine’s clients are flocking his stand. Jealousy does not look good on Blaine, but he can’t help it.
Now I just need to find a damn title.
And lastly, my dude MCD (Matt Christopher Davis) has thoughts on Simon:
I take a look at the Chosen One. He has only been part of the World of Mages for a few months, but he’s already gotten himself in a lot of trouble because of this whole Insidious Humdrum shit. He’s constantly missing classes and Miss Possibelf says he’s on missions for the Mage and the Coven.
But honestly, I don’t care. I mean, I care about the Humdrum, because that thing eats magic, but our Chosen One can be the hero who saves the day. The rest of us just lives here, you know?
Tagging @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @bookish-bogwitch @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @wellbelesbian @artsyunderstudy @bazzybelle @dragoneggo @captain-aralias @ivelovedhimthroughworse @cutestkilla @raenestee @takitalks @urban-sith (Tumblr tried to make me tag undertale for some reason) @facewithoutheart @tea-brigade @thnxforknowingme​ @confused-bi-queer​ @tectonicduck​ (I don’t know if you write, but you always like my damn Baz stuff, so here ya go!)​
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knightkneeler · 1 year
I made this a thirty-tweet thread which is just an awful thing to do to people so I’m reposting it here for posterity when I inevitably delete it from Twitter: the extremely self-indulgent Annette/Lysithea/Mercedes modern AU love triangle fic I will never have time to write.
Annette and Lysithea are in a semi-established relationship. They’ve gone on a couple dates and things are going really well. After a few weeks Annette decides: Yes, this is serious. Which means it’s time to introduce Lysithea to her friends (maybe she already knows Felix), starting, of course, with her best friend, Mercedes, whom Lysithea has heard a lot about already. 
Annette expects that this will go great. They have a lot in common. Well, okay, they have baking in common. But still! She arranges for the three of them to have dinner at Annette’s apartment. Mercedes thoughtfully brings a homemade dessert.
But Lysithea feels--vaguely uncomfortable, the whole time. Mercedes is very pretty, and kind, and intelligent, and she baked this incredible carrot cake. She tells Mercedes as much, and Mercedes thanks her with this wide smile that makes Lysithea realize oh shit she’s attracted to her girlfriend’s best friend. Bad! Bad. 
The rest of the evening is sort of awkward. Lysithea tries to avoid engaging with Mercedes too much. She speaks to her without making eye contact and mostly lets Annette do the talking. Annette is not thrilled about this. The point was for Mercedes and Lysithea to get to know each other. She’s left bummed out and confused after Mercedes goes home; she had such high hopes that they’d hit it off.
Mercedes, though, picked up on Lysithea’s interest. She recognized the blush in her cheeks. It was kind of cute. It’s fine, though, Lysithea will get over it, it was just new-person jitters. But the next time all three hang out, Lysithea is cold and distant, to Annette’s dismay. And to Mercedes’ dismay, she finds herself tempted to tease Lysithea, because she is cute, especially when flustered.
But those few teasing gestures and glances quickly turn into actual tension, leaving Mercie feeling hollow and horrible about the fact that she’s into her best friend’s girlfriend. She starts avoiding Lysithea whenever possible. 
Lysithea does the same. When they’re forced to be in the same group hangout setting, Lysithea is very tense and kind of bitchy, even more than usual. What started as an oh-no-she’s-hot feeling has turned into a full-blown crush. She feels sick with butterflies whenever Mercedes talks to her. She struggles to stop herself from looking at her across the room at dinner parties with the Blue Lions. She’s furious with herself about it. She’s in love with Annette, and this crush is becoming a real problem.
Mercedes starts avoiding Annette, too. She’s often with Lysithea, but even when it’s just Annette and Mercedes, Mercie feels wretched and guilty. She’s threatening to ruin her best friend’s relationship, and their friendship in the process, and she cannot live with herself over this.
For Annette’s part, she’s frustrated, hurt, and confused. She thinks the lingering looks Lysithea shoots at Mercedes are--jealousy, maybe, of how close Annette and Mercie are, or just general dislike. Either way, she’s upset that they can’t get along, and it’s obvious that Mercedes is avoiding them because she knows Lysithea doesn’t like her.
Eventually it boils over. Annette confronts them both in her apartment. Why can’t the two most important people in her life even stand to be in the same room? She’s trying so hard to make this work, she really is, and she doesn’t understand what’s wrong! Mercedes chews her lip.
Lysithea is the one to confess. “Fine,” she spits, “I have a crush on your best friend. Are you happy now?”
Annette is gobsmacked.
“It doesn’t diminish what I feel for you,” Lysithea continues, “but it’s vexing. I didn’t want to complicate our relationship or your friendship. I wanted it to just go away, but it hasn’t. I’m sorry. I’ll see myself out.”
Annette tries to stop her--They can talk about this! They can work it out! They don’t need to just give up on what they have!--but Lysithea grabs her coat and leaves without another word. Mercedes and Annette are alone in the apartment.
Mercedes says, quietly, that she knew from the start. “I’m sorry, Annie. I didn’t want to get between you, so I--just avoided you.”
Annette turns to her. “Mercie,” she says, “it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. This is Lysithea’s mess. You wouldn’t have been getting between us, okay? It’s not like you--” 
Mercedes nods, with her eyes closed. 
“Oh,” says Annette.
Mercedes confesses: she felt--feels?--something for Lysithea, and it’s been eating her alive. Annette and Lysithea had something really special, it made Mercedes so happy to see them together, and Mercedes could never live with herself if she ruined that, and if she ruined her closest friendship. She hoped it would go away, just like Lysithea, and it didn’t. It’s her fault.
Annette buries her face in her hands. Mercedes asks if she wants to be alone. She shakes her head. She wraps her arms around Mercie’s waist and sobs into her lap. Mercie stays the night; they sleep cuddled together on the couch.
The next morning, Annette decides that she blames nobody. It’ll be hard, but they can fix this. They will fix it. She needs them to. 
She calls Lysithea. Voicemail. She texts her. No response. She texts again. Nothing.
Annette spends the day watching shitty movies to distract herself from feeling truly atrocious. Mercedes keeps her company. They get takeout and ice cream. Mercedes sleeps on the couch again, Annette cries herself to sleep in the bedroom she’d grown accustomed to sharing with Lysithea.
Annette has a lot of time to think while she waits for Lysithea to reply. Specifically she realizes that the way she feels about Mercedes is not--platonic. She has feelings for her, romantic ones. And she has for a long time.
Mercedes (being the most emotionally-intelligent of the three) has known for ages that she’s attracted to Annie, but has never wanted to risk destroying their friendship which is so, so important to her, so she kept it to herself. She thinks part of the reason she was into Lysithea to begin with was because she saw a lot of Annette in her.
Everyone feels like shit.
The next day, Lysithea calls. She’s had some time to think. She’s still in love with Annette, her feelings for Mercedes were--confusing, but ultimately just a crush, some sexual interest, but nothing more serious. Annette proposes that they all take a few days to themselves, to collect their thoughts, and then the three of them will meet at Annette’s apartment to hash things out. It will probably be a long and difficult conversation and cost a lot of tissues their lives. Mercedes and Lysithea agree.
Finally, The Talk.
Annette spills first: she has had feelings for Mercedes for a very long time, that she tamped down inside because she was afraid of them, but she really was--and still is--in love with Lysithea. Mercedes admits too that at some point the way she felt about Annette turned from friendship to something more, and she does like Lysithea, both as a person and in a sexual way. Lysithea is, unfairly, stung by the revelation that her (ex?) girlfriend had a crush on her own best friend the entire time they were together.
There is a very tense moment of silence. They all come to the same deeply-stupid conclusion.
Annette voices it. She crosses her arms. “You two need to kiss.”
Lysithea and Mercedes share a look, then they turn back to Annette, uncomfortable.
“I’m serious,” Annette says, with a ‘get on with it’ gesture. “Kiss, right now, in front of me.”
Lysithea collects her nerves. Mercedes is relaxed, and approaches her gently, and smiles at her, which makes Lysithea’s heart and stomach lurch. She cups Lysithea’s chin.
The kiss is deep and sloppy, with a lot of tongue. When they pull apart, Lysithea is flushed, glassy-eyed, and winded. A strand of saliva connects their mouths for a second. Mercedes is lightly pink, but put together.
Annette--really liked watching that, or at least her libido did, which is kind of distressing.
“Okay,” she says, “now kiss me, Mercie.”
Theirs is gentler and sweeter. It makes Lysithea’s eye twitch. Annette feels--something, she can’t even name it. Then it’s Lysithea and Annette’s turn, and for a second it’s almost like nothing happened. They still have a physical connection, even if the emotions are messy right now, they still have something.
“So,” says Annette, after another tense moment, “how did we feel about all of that?”
Mercedes says she enjoyed kissing them both, but it was obvious from seeing the two of them kiss that they’re still in love. They both turn to Lysithea, who scowls and crosses her arms.
“If you’re going to suggest that we all have sex, just say that,” she snaps.
“Okay,” says Annette, “lets all have sex. There.”
Lysithea sputters. She was trying to be snide, she wasn’t serious! “I am,” Annette says. “It’s the obvious solution. We do this, and we see how we feel afterward. Mercie?”
Mercedes says that she’s open to it, but only if Annette is absolutely sure, and if Lysithea is willing. “I’m sure,” Annette confirms.
So they both look at Lysithea. Her eyes dart between them. She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Ugh. Fine.”
They have an emotionally-fraught threesome, and we end in the aftermath, with them all in bed, thinking, but not speaking, leaving the exact nature of the relationship(s) muddy and unclear.
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Is this what the blue screen of death felt like on an organic creature?
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yestrday · 3 years
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⇢ venti, albedo, bennett, diluc, kaeya, razor
introducing! a nagging from your boss and the side effects of overworking is definitely taking a toll on your body, but luckily you have your husband to take care of you! as people of mondstadt, their culture has taught them to treat their lovers with the warmest hospitality they can manage! so just sit back and let them do everything from here on out! ... oh, and why do you smell like someone else’s perfume? + 3.4k words
warning! obsessiveness, possessiveness, creepy behavior (fuckin venti), manipulation, jealousy takes place in modern teyvat
a/n! this fic legit got me procrastinating 💀 tried out a new style and it was so fucking long I ended up putting this off for months. an aquarius at their finest
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― WINDBORNE BARD. venti | 温迪
[ “you’re home! thank barbatos, i was about to die if you didn’t come soon!” ]
⇢ to think that the sloppy bard you met at the winery all those years ago would now be your husband... love really is a mystery
⇢ you’re well-aware that venti has little to no house managing skills whatsoever, but anemo visions really do come in handy, so cleaning up the house while you’re gone is an easy task for him. his real talent in being a husband shines when you’re finally home
⇢ true to his nature as a bard, venti’s songs never fail to make you relax. after a day of cleaning up after your co-workers and getting run ragged by your boss, venti’s sweet voice and lyre is just what you need to take the pain away.
⇢ he’s quite doting too! although he doesn’t have many recipes up his arsenal, venti excells in homemade food that are warm and comforting, the kind that truly makes you feel at home. he’s a sucker for compliments too! so keep praising him and his good efforts, alright?
⇢ your husband is quite the alcoholic, and it’s times like these where his true nature tends to shine through. whether it be at the tavern or at home, his endless rambling could be shrugged off as the produce of alcohol, but to the more perceptive friends of his... they’re just downright obsessive
⇢ he sings songs of praise about you, from the twinkle in your eye to your hard work and perseverance to the XXXX ! XXX ♡! XX ♡ XX?!?!! ♡♡♡ of your XXXX! XX ♡ ANd .. oops... did he ramble too much again?
⇢ sometimes, when the memories are too much, he comes to your touch seeking for comfort, but sometimes he’s too handsy for your comfort, the words tumbling out of his mouth in a liqour daze too disturbing for your liking
“perfect...” he mumbles, mouthing against the skin of your collarbone and holding your hands in what is supposed to be a tender touch. instead, his nails grip too tight and he presses his hot forehead against yours. your breath hitches.
green eyes bursting with hearts and adoration, a drunken blush covering his cheeks as he giggles against your lips. the very picture of obsession.
“as i expected,” he breathes out, his nails drawing out blood from your skin.
“you really are a mortal worthy of my songs.”
[ “i’ve devoted my everything to you... won’t you grant me a little favor?” ]
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― KREIDEPRINZ. albedo |  阿贝多
[ “your office overworks you too much. i can’t do much about that, but eat everything in your lunch today, okay?” ]
⇢ albedo, with all his talent and skills, found more gratification as your subservient housewife compared to all the popularity and applause his title as an award-winning alchemist brought him.  why would he choose a profession with such high and demanding expectations when he can enjoy a cozy life with you?
⇢ he pays a lot of attention to what food you’re eating. he knows all your allergies, dislikes, likes, and uses that to his advantage to create the perfect nutritious meal that he’s sure you’d like. due to a younger sister he’d grown up taking care of, the meals tend to look a bit childish, but hey, that’s part of the charm.
⇢ your home is like his own exhibition, canvases covered in vivid imagery hanging from your walls and sketches stacked on top of each other, pages fluttering whenever a cool breeze passes through your home. 
⇢ on the days when you have the time to laze around the house, albedo always gets a flash of inspiration. you watch him from the couch as he immerses himself in his painting. sometimes his eyes would flicker back to you, and he holds your stare with such intimacy that you have to look away and fan your hot red blush back down. honestly, this man really knows how to make you so embarrassed!
⇢ princely artist though he may be, let us not forget that he’s also a highly valued professional of the alchemy world. when he’s not spending his time painting or maintaining the house, he’s shut away in his own personal underground lab to tinker with chemicals at his leisure.
⇢ and without his co-workers to become his little lab rats, well, he has to resort to using you. don’t worry, the chemicals he’s researching on are all harmless fun! he’ll just place a little drop in your food, just a little bit, and stand back and watch you writhe and try your best to suppress your heating cheeks. or maybe he’ll use some… persuasion to have you all to himself for the rest of the day. honestly... what kind of partner are you, leaving him alone like that?
⇢ oh, and don’t even try to bring other people into your home. this is your little cozy haven between you two. they’re only ruining everything by entering.
“a little green?” albedo smiles from across the table, eyeing the man coolly as he folds his hands politely. to you, his smile is prim and polite. it’s stiff, but it’s only understandable because of the presence of your co-worker. you squeeze his arm in attempt to comfort him and he gazes at you fondly.
but once he turns back to the stranger, the loving light from his eyes quickly die. 
trash. dirt. maggot. pest.
of course, it’s only proper to get rid of insects.
“eat up.” albedo mouths, never stopping his smile.
[ “now, now, don’t be so shocked. this is but a trial experiment.” ]
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― TRIAL BY FIRE. bennett | 班尼特
[ “a-ah! don’t look! the food isn’t finished yet!” ]
⇢ for you. he tries his very best! he’s always been a hard worker, taking care of his dads and scurrying to finish commissions, but being your partner and taking care of the house while you’re away gives him the most satisfaction! 
⇢ he takes immense pride in being your husband and is always supportive of whatever you do! he loves to hear your stories from work and is always a great listener. his reactions are cute and eager, and sometimes you have to take a deep breather just to hug him because you just can’t resist at all!
⇢ he’s friendly with the neighbors and he tends to help out with community services when he’s done tending to the house. the old people of town adore him, and children like playing with him! but folks say that as soon as your name comes up, he immediately turns into a blushy, rambling mess, and everyone can tell how much you really mean to him!
⇢ you’re really... too amazing, juggling a demanding job and an overclingy husband like himself. an inferior being such as himself should work hard to not lose his position next to you! after all, everyone has shunned him because he was such a nuisance to be around... who’s to say you won’t do the same?!
⇢ ah--! he dropped another plate in the middle of his overthinking. and... what’s that creaking sound...? is the... is the tree collapsing?!
⇢ this... can’t be! not again, not again, not again! he has to clean up before you come home, or you’ll get mad at him! he doesn’t want to disappoint you! he’s finally found his role as your husband— he can’t imagine life without you! no matter how painful the splinters spear into his hand, or how the ants bite and make his hands throb, he has to endure this pain.
⇢ this is nothing compared to life before you, anyway.
sometimes your husband could be stubborn for all the wrong reasons. you eye his bandaged hands and how he grimaces when he insists to hold your things for you.
“this is nothing,” he smiles when he notices your worried gaze. he brings your hand in his and sigh at the warmth of your hand. it’s warmer than his own flames. another sign of your superiority.
“i’m used to it anyway.”
it’s so bitter and dark that your own words fail you.
[ “not now, not ever... i can’t live without you anymore.” ]
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― THE DARK SIDE OF DAWN. diluc | 迪卢克
[ “present yourself with dignity at all— gh! don’t try to distract me with a kiss.” ]
⇢ absolutely fucking hopeless with affection. you’ve dated, had your kiss, held hands, then married and did all the steamy stuff that comes after it. but one peck on the cheek and he’s this close to keening over and dying. 
⇢ he tries to lecture you even with a flaming hot blush on his cheeks. he’s standing there behind the counter, preparing your lunchbox for the day, droning on and on about creepy men and proper etiquette, but all you do is slyly look on knowing that you’ve stirred him up with one kiss. he shoves the box in your hands with a glare, but still escorting you to your car with his usual gentleman aura. pull him in for another kiss, won’t you?
⇢ he’s less of a househusband and more of a work-from-home kinda guy. come on, did you really think he’d abandon his multimillion mora company for the domestic life? he’s still busy within the house, taking phone calls while he sweeps and dusts. he could hire some maids and butlers to take care of everything, but this house is only fit for one medium-sized family and he’d rather do without the fussiness that came with helpers. 
⇢ think balls and fancy suits and ties. you’ve married a ragnivindir, and high society etiquette demands that you show your faces in a social setting at least once per month. the upper class is filled with people who sin as a lifestyle, that including diluc, so he pulls you in and makes sure that none of these people corrupt you with their impurity. his teeth chatter when a man leers at you or when a woman covers her face with a fan as she sneers at your obvious naivety. diluc is trained to smile no matter what, but you as his partner have already caught on to the lightless look in his eyes. 
⇢ archons forbid someone dare insult you in front of him. most people have the sense to not insult a ragnivindir, but there are still a few loose tongues that he hadn’t cut off. the look on diluc’s face is so cold that the lively atmosphere of the party have dropped rock level. how laughable, that someone as impure as they are have the gall to insult you. he didn’t marry you for nothing. you were a different existence than the rest. compared to him and the lowly dwellers of society, you’d be the only one to reach celestia.
⇢ he’d snap their neck himself, but he had given too much of himself away tonight. the only other way is to slowly watch them descend from society. and diluc would be watching, unaffected, and your hand tight in his as he forced you to watch too.
diluc is nothing but a loving husband to you, but you still fail to comprehend how monstrous he really can be once it came to your dignity and honor.
it started off slow, whispers of laundering and debauchery behind the scenes brushed off as mindless chatter. but then the receipts of illegal transactions broke the news, then head witnesses, then a full-on court case. they had won, much to the dismay of the public, but their reputation already had branded them as scum. there was no doubt about it— the court had been bribed.
diluc sips his grape juice from the kitchen counter, casually listening to the television news as you shift uncomfortably on the bar stool. setting down his glass, his eyes curves fondly as he swoops in for a kiss, never minding the way you had stiffened.
it was greedy, it was warm, it was hungry. it was a show of power. you reminded yourself for the nth time in your marriage to keep yourself the way he liked you.
[ “remember this: you are my love because you are the purest being possible.” ]
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[ “oh, dear me, i think you’ve forgotten my goodbye kiss!” ]
⇢ he’s a real tease, alright. every moment with him feels like the first time you’ve met, tipsy on the bar counter and drunk flirting with you till you jabbed a finger into his chest and told him to ‘piss off, pretty boy.’ since then, he had completely devoted his life into pestering you for your attention and love. now here you both were, married and still playing this game of cat and mouse.
⇢ well, whatever. he’s handy around the house, but if any of those children who came looking for spare money came by, he’s all too eager to send them off and do the cleaning for him. you try to berate him for ‘child labor’ but he shrugs and says that they asked for it. then he’ll swoop you into a hungry kiss (he’s secretly been agonzing over your lack of presence the whole afternoon— the kids are already tired of hearing him groan) in front of the poor children, and it’s really just an awkward time for everyone but kaeya.
⇢ he’s known as the cool adult around the block, but you and the childrens’ parents can’t deny his bad influence. oftentimes the kids do weird things like putting out lit street lamps because apparently they were trapped souls and the parents have to complain it to you because kaeya never listens. when they do confront kaeya, he immediately glides over the topic and smooth talks them into treating him to the finest wine in their cabinet. up to this day, no one has realized kaeya’s doings.
⇢ despite his seemingly chummy relations with the neighbors, you’re really the only one who knows knows him. oftentimes he’s needy, hugging your back and pressing kisses across your neck while you try to prepare food. sometimes you catch a dark glint in his eye before he throws you on the bed and make you breathless for the rst of the night. you brush it off as your own imagination.
⇢ but you’re right, however. just because kaeya’s a retired knight doesn’t mean he’s lost all his connections. he knows the ins and outs of your workplace, has one or two people keeping tabs on you and your friends. he knows the shady dealings of your company and how your boss likes to prey on naive little things like you. he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him uneasy, but the sadistic glee that comes with the thought of your crying and terrified face overrides any concern he has for your safety.
 ⇢ fighting with him… well, it’s honestly pointless. the man is manipulation incarnate. he has your weakpoints memorized and abuses it until he has your crying and shaking. you’re so cute when you’re docile and clinging to him like this. it’s endearing to hear you hiccup curses at him while your tears stain his clothes. really... you should just listen to him. makes everything a lot more easier.
“now, now,” he coos, not bothering to hide the delight when you stumble forward into his chest and start bawling.”i’ve said nothing but the truth, have i? you started this mess. shouldn’t i be the one crying right now?’
“n– no,” you hiccup, glaring at him through tears and sniffling your snotty nose. “you know— you know what you’re doing! you’re being on– on purpose. you’re like this every– hic!-- every single time!”
“oh, and now you accuse me of things i never do. i speak nothing but the truth with you dear.” grabbing your chin roughly, he sneers down at you and wipes away a tear. “it’s not my fault it hurts you so much.”
[ “crying again? goodness, come here. can’t you handle a little joke every now and then?” ]
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― WOLF BOY. razor |  雷泽
[ “lupical... back home early... missed you lots...” ]
⇢ one would be uncertain if razor, the wolf boy who was raised in the forest, would be fit for domestic life. surprisingly, he’s quite the good boy… guaranteed that he gets his time outside. did you really think you could keep him inside all the time?
⇢ if you get him a wide backyard space to run around or tend to, razor would be a very happy boy! he’s only ever known how to hunt for food, to scavenge for berries, and dig up roots to fill his stomach. but you’d be surprised to see wolfberries slowly sprouting in your backyard and his proud little smile as he skips over to you for praise. you could get him a birdfeeder too, if you get into his head that those pigeons are not prey.
⇢ despite being strange, the neighbors find him very endearing. the two of you always manages to get freebies from the neighborhood moms and you have razor to thank for it. since his knowledge of cooking is only limited to eating it raw and sticking it on a stick then grilling it over an open fire, you tend to cook most of the time. no worries, though! razor will do his best and learn!
⇢ although the mothers in the neighborhood fawn over him, he still has a hard time trying to communicate with anyone but you. so his days lounging about the house tends to be lonely, and oftentimes he’s whimpering into your shared bed as he inhales the side of your pillow. he knows you have to work, but still… he can’t help but feel abandoned. the moment you enter the house, he immediately latches onto you and never lets go.
⇢ beware though, the moment he smells someone else on your clothes his fangs are immediately bared. his lupical have thought him to be territorial, to not let anyone take away his possession. and you, my dear, are his possession just as much as he’s yours. he’s utterly confused. didn’t you two ‘marry’ just to be each others’? why did you let someone scent you?
⇢ he feels betrayed, but he couldn’t be mad at you! he is, after all, just a stray you picked up from the streets. it isn’t his position to do so. what he does, however, is immediately drag you into the bath and wash off that overwhelming scent off you. no, no, no. you’ll spend the rest of the night pressed against his body so that he may smell himself on you again. you don’t bother to comment on his angry red eyes and his shaking hands as they scramble to feel your body all over.
⇢ wrapped in a tight embrace, your thoughts drift to your friendly co-workers, and you pray that razor doesn’t sniff them out. human though he may be, he was still raised by wolves, and he had been taught to never lose to the enemy pack. 
“razor, they weren’t trying to scent me,” you try to explain, even if he looked at every part of your body but your eyes. “humans don’t scent each other.”
razor knew that much, even if he found it a bit perplexing. but even if that was true, the strong scent of both women and men on you was too much for his territorial nature to bear. his dull eyes zeroed on your nape, before swooping in and nuzzling his lips against a soft spot. 
“razor is yours,” he mumbles. the vibrations tickle your skin. “and you are my mate.” 
teeth start to grind your skin and if one looked into his eyes, they’d be convinced that they were staring at a beast. 
[ “ you can tell razor to do anything. even if it means blood.” ]
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tojisun · 2 years
hi sun my love please drop the other thigh fucking fic you wrote !! hope you have a great day/night ♡
hii nonnie, good morning (it’s 1am hdhx)!! here’s the other thigh fucking fic <3 sorry it took too long, i was editing it because it was a leg humping fic (i didn’t get the initial prompt😭) but here you go! i hope you would like this one too <333
cw: NSFT, fem reader, smut, teasing/edging, dom/sub tones, a “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” sub drop scene (dom helps!), fingering, squirting, daddy kink, frat houses, jealous and possessive toji, hinted on-and-off toji/reader relationship, dirty talking // wc: 3.7k // prev // img cr.
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Toji fixes himself a homemade cocktail, pouring too much vodka than necessary. He squeezes the lime and dumps it behind him, not caring if it was flung to a poor bastard or if it flopped messily on the floor, busying himself, instead, with sloshing his red cup to mix the drink together, too lazy to go fetch a spoon or anything.
“Yo, what- where’d this come from?” Suguru’s voice rings behind him and Toji turns, confused, only to hide his laughter by drinking from his cup at seeing the used lime pinched between Suguru’s fingers.
“D’hell?” Choso asks, words slurring, slow-blinking at Suguru who only shrugs before throwing it on the sink beside them. Choso parts his lips, probably still going to talk about the used lime, when Satoru whistles.
It wasn’t the catcall type or the impressed type, rather it was low and almost hiss-like. Toji turns to him—they all do, with varying levels of curiosity and nosiness—and in response, Satoru subtly points to whatever caused his reaction. In tandem, they all look up and follow the pale finger, eyes flitting across the throng of people to find a familiar face. Then, Toji sees you.
You are wearing a black mini-dress, one that, Toji notes, is new because he hasn’t seen you wear this yet when you were with him. The dress’s thin straps and the dip of its neckline create a teasing ‘V’ that shows off your cleavage, shimmering skin adorned with the gold initial necklace that Toji bought for you. You look downright beautiful, a sight so breathtaking that Toji’s lungs burn. But Toji has always known that. His friends have always known that. So what was Satoru so put off by?
It was the bastard dancing with you. His hands are resting just above your hips, sliding up ever so slowly as if feeling the curve of your waist. Your hands are thrown over his shoulders, a loose hold that Toji knows doesn’t mean anything intimate. You are swaying along the music and the fucker tries so hard to gyrate along with you, head not moving as if it was locked in place just so he can continue to look at you. Toji gets him, he really does, after all, anyone in your presence would lose track of anything and focus only on you. But that doesn’t mean that Toji’s blood isn’t boiling as the familiar curl of anger swarms in the pit of his gut, like flames licking up-up-up until his senses are completely devoured.
“Easy there,” Suguru says, voice cutting through the fog in Toji’s head. Toji zones back in and sees the crushed solo cup in his fist, smirnoff dripping on his skin. “They’re just dancing.”
Toji scoffs, shrugging Suguru’s hand off his shoulder to reach over the counter and pluck the half-empty whiskey bottle. He studies it for a moment before downing it, letting the familiar burn wash away the remnants of his jealousy.
Satoru tuts. “This is why you should’ve made up with her before the party!”
“Shut up,” Toji grouches, licking his lips. “She said she’d call me.”
“Well, she didn’t and now you’re angry,” Satoru says before slurping loudly from his martini glass. Toji doesn’t even want to know where he got that one.
“Yeah and now she’s leaving with the fella,” Sukuna adds, popping out of nowhere and sliding beside Toji and Choso. He lifts up his hand, the one that is holding a beer bottle, and points. His words simmer in the air before Toji jolts, finally digesting what Sukuna just said. He turns to where Sukuna gestured, frantic and angry once again. The whiskey bottle clatters on the marble tabletop, he briefly hears Suguru yelp as he snags it before it rolls off and shatters on the floor, but Toji doesn’t give it a second glance as he stalks to where you were just standing with the boy, towering frame easily parting the intertwined bodies of his fellow sweaty college kids.
Toji calls out your name, turning his head in every direction to catch a glimpse of your face, your hair, or even the sparkle of your necklace. The anger in his stomach heightens and Toji begins pushing people away, skirting to the bathroom at the end of the hallway before finally turning to climb the stairs.
He stills, foot hovering over the first stair step almost cartoonishly as he twists his head and sees you standing on the other side of the railing alone, the boy nowhere near you. In seconds, the bubble of anger pops and Toji’s shoulders sag as he pivots and rounds the stair rails to stand before you.
“Hey,” he says, breathily, stalking until you are backed on the wall, head tilted up to look at him.
“Hi,” you whisper back, and Toji watches the way your throat moves as you swallow, lips parting soon after. Fuck.
Toji moves closer, almost not breathing when he is finally pressed on you. He hooks an arm around your waist, the other cupping your cheek, and he sighs in relief when you don't push him back. Instead, you nuzzle your cheek on his palm, glossy lips swiping over the scars on his hand. He bends his head down slowly, eyes still locked onto your big doe ones, not blinking even when his vision turns distorted and sees everything in blurs and doubles. The press of his lips on yours almost sent statics spasming in his veins, like a curling tide that finally engulfed him whole.
It doesn’t take any second longer before Toji is feverishly kissing you, devouring the soft gasps from your lips and swallowing the long drawl of muffled moan that reverberated from your throat. He pushes you on the wall, trapping you with his bigger body, almost crooning when he feels your trembling arms rising to shakily clutch his shirt. Toji sucks on your tongue, purring at your high keen, before finally slowly pulling away. He catches your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it lightly as he rests his forehead on yours, and only lets it go when you whine.
Toji straightens his back and studies you, a broken groan crawling from his throat at the debauched sight you make: drool dripping from the corner of your lips, those of which are throbbing red and shiny from his spit. Tears are clumping your eyelashes together, and while your waterproof eyeliner may not have smudged, your mascara was not as successful as it runs almost halfway down your cheeks.
Toji gulps, shifting slightly so that his hardened cock is not pressed into your stomach. “Wanna take this upstairs?”
“Yeah,” you say, nodding softly, flushed cheeks turning even darker.
Toji breathes in sharply. “Okay.”
┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ♥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈
Toji pushes you to the door the moment it shuts close, hungrily swallowing the gasp that leaves your lips at feeling your head lightly hit the wood. Being in a separate room does nothing to dampen the booming music outside or the even louder screaming from the others, but neither you nor Toji notice anyway.
You rake your nails across his back, feeling his shirt crumple at every slide of your hands, before finally placing them on the back of Toji’s head, your fingers running through his hair in the way that you know he has always loved. He moans and you smile, the familiarity of hooking up with Toji coming back to you, spiking the pooling in your stomach and the hunger consuming your veins.
His hands slide from your waist to your ass, squeezing through your dress. You squeal in surprise, pulling away from the kiss and hitting your head again. You groan, glaring at him when he chuckles.
“I missed you,” he whispers, voice raw and husky, and you feel your breath hitch, heart and pussy fluttering at the intensity of Toji’s everything. From his forest eyes to the weight of his words, his palms and his feverish kiss—it is all so familiarly enticing.
“Me too,” you whisper back, eyes fluttering at feeling Toji’s hands wandering from your ass to the back of your thighs, stroking and squeezing, as he looks at you like he is drunk off of you alone.
You gasp when Toji’s hand begins sliding down lower only to pause at the hem of your dress, teasing the skin as he flicks his fingers under the cloth and out. Toji hums. “New dress?”
You nod. “I bought it after we broke up.”
“Ah,” Toji says like he didn’t know. “You look beautiful, darlin’.”
You smile at him shyly. “I know- ah!”
Your eyes shoot open, hands fisting Toji’s shirt tighter when his fingers press themselves flat on the lips of your pussy, softly rubbing circles around the wet spot on your panties.
“T-Toji!” You say, whining whenever his fingers would brush against your stiffening clit.
“Shit, baby,” Toji whispers, hot breath tickling your ears. You didn’t even notice him bow his head on your shoulders, lips trailing wet kisses on your neck. “It’s been so long.” His fingers slide past the cloth and rub directly on your wet pussy. You keen, squirming at the heightening pleasure.
“Wanna fuck you,” Toji growls, “Wanna fuck you so hard until your pussy remembers—retains—the shape of my cock.”
Mmh, mmh, mmh is all that leaves your lips, and Toji’s words are not helping the sway of your mind. But Toji acts like he cannot see you losing yourself, his fingers pressing over your pussy but never breaching to thrust in you completely. You whine in annoyance but Toji just continues on.
“Just gon’ fuck you on this door, let everyone hear you moan my name like a bitch. You’d like that won’t you? Want them to hear you scream my name, letting them know that we’re never truly apart—that we’re for each other. You want that, don’t you?”
Fuck, yes, you thought, blinking blearily, your chest heaving as the pleasure continues to rise but never exploding. Never reaching its climax. Toji’s words ring in your head and you moan, wanton and loud, nodding wildly.
“Yeah, you’d want that, don’t you? You’re a slut, for me, aren’t you? Y’loved getting fucked by daddy. Y’loved getting fucked stupid by daddy. That’s alright, doll, I’m here now and I’m gonna fuck you good.”
“Christ, Toji, just fuck me already!” You scream, tears running down your cheeks as frustration bubbles over the pleasure. Toji’s fingers are good, fuck they always are, but they are not enough and you can’t handle being edged right now. Not when it’s been weeks since you two fucked. Not when you missed this goddamn hulking idiot. A sob breaks itself from your throat.
“Wait- no, don’t cry,” Toji says, pulling his hands from underneath your dress and curling them around in you in an embrace. “I’ve got you, darlin’.”
You sniff, burrowing your head on his chest. Your makeup is probably getting wiped right now, but you don't even care as you come down from the frustration. Toji is rubbing his palm on your back soothingly and a wet giggle bursts from your lips. “Thank you,” you utter.
“Of course,” Toji answers. “You just wanna lay down?”
“What, no!” You say, pulling your head from his chest to glare up at him. Toji’s surprised face greets you before his eyes go hooded and his beautiful scarred lips stretch into a smirk.
“Well, isn’t someone desperate,” he chirps.
“You edged me,” you deadpan.
Toji laughs before cupping your wet cheeks, smooshing your face in a certainly ugly crumple. “Cute,” he says.
“Wh’ d’ fu,” you reply.
He laughs again before letting you go and leading you to his bed, warm hand gently clasped on yours.
You’ve been in his frat room for many times now, but it still baffles you to see how empty it is. The walls are bare of anything but the old posters of the frat’s name—Kappa Tau Rho—and they’re still painted the old kensington blue, following Satoru’s then-solo rule, instead of the new benjamin moore colours, which the rest of the frat house is currently painted on, that indicates the dual-ruling of Satoru and Suguru. There is a scattering of papers from his lectures and an empty pack of beer on the floor, but other than that, his room is clean and put-together.
You settle on his bed, toeing your heels off and removing your hair clips, before flopping on his bed. You turn to watch Toji fumbling about his room, looking for something in his drawers and study table. He then pads into the bathroom where more shuffling is heard before finally walking out with a bottle.
“Can’t find my lube but I have this,” Toji says, then he shows you a small bottle of your gingerbread hand cream from Christmas.
“Toji, scented lotions aren’t safe for the pussy.”
“Oh shit,” he utters, sounding genuinely horrified. “‘M sorry.” Toji throws it behind him before collapsing beside you, using your stomach as a pillow. You thread your fingers through his hair and he hums from where his mouth rests on your dress.
“I really wanna fuck you,” Toji mumbles, voice muffled by your belly.
You hum. “How about spit?”
He shakes his head. “‘M too big, and I might tear you.”
You flush, not even calling Toji out with his humble brag because he’s right. His cock is big, heavy and long. He’s even a grower so that’s saying something.
A shiver travels through your body when Toji’s hand slides underneath your dress again, toying with the laces of your panties. He is stroking the expanse of your skin, feeling them up to the point that the meat of your thighs are dimpling at each caress. You watch as he turns to the stretch of your legs, watching with such ferocity that it makes you tremble with anticipation. You know something’s cooking in that beautiful mind of Toji and so you wait, tampering down the excitement so Toji doesn’t notice your crashing desire.
(He does, anyway.)
“I can fuck your thighs?” Toji finally asks, still not looking away from your legs. Your breath stutters, then a long whine rolls from your tongue.
You catch his eyes widened before they are obstructed by your hands, hiding your blushing face from him in embarrassment. But Toji just pulls your arms away, coaxing you to look at him, and when you do—oh, you think because he looks just as desperate.
Almost panting from holding himself back, Toji begs, “Please, baby, please, lemme fuck your thighs.” His eyes are wide, pupils blown open, and there is something so beautiful at seeing Toji begging for you like this.
Of course you say yes.
Almost like a switch is flipped, Toji yanks himself from where he laid on you to pick up the cream that he deposited on his floor. He throws it your way and you shift so that it doesn’t hit your face. Toji utters a quick apology as he shucks his shirt, pants and briefs off, standing in all his regal naked, all tan skin beauty.
Your mouth waters, legs squeezing close when your pussy flutters. Toji stalks towards you again, deliberately slow and sashaying. You gasp when he pulls your legs, dragging you across his sheets to him. A question is at the tip of your tongue but you stay frozen, simmering in desire, when Toji parts your legs open and settles himself between them.
He is quiet when he slides your dress up, hiking it slowly from your thighs to your groin where Toji groans at seeing your soaked red lacy panties—the ones that you got from him as a gift. He pulls the dress higher, gentle with the fabric and you smile fondly at this simple action. You help him throw it from your arms until you are bare of it, leaving you only in your matching lingerie.
“Beautiful,” Toji mumbles, voice too quiet, almost like he is only talking to himself. “Look at you, so beautiful for me.” You hum, smiling when he finally meets your eyes. His hands are gentle as they pull you close, kissing you from your forehead to your neck, lips ghosting over your collarbones until they meet the red straps of your bra.
“Can I?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you whisper, voice all of a sudden weak. Toji presses another kiss on your shoulder before fiddling with the closure of your bra, his head still tucked on your neck. The hooks pop off with a snap—“I think I broke them-”. “What the hell?”—and then your bra is sailing behind Toji, falling beside his own discarded clothes.
Your panties do not get the same treatment; like he’s finally lost the last remnants of his patience, Toji rips them from your groin and chucks them to the floor.
“I’ll buy you ‘nother one,” he promises as he pushes you to your side before moving to lay behind you.
Toji hooks a hand on your leg and throws it over his, the cool air more intense on the wet patch on your pussy. You whimper, almost embarrassed at feeling so exposed with the arrangement. The clattering of the lotion cap echoes in the room and you stiffen, excitement coiling in your gut. Maybe because you can’t see Toji but it almost feels like your senses are amplified, ears almost ringing at the sound of Toji’s hands warming up the cool lotion, palms sliding wetly against each other.
You jump when he begins lathering your inner thighs, an aborted, “Shit-” scratches your throat that melts away at Toji’s dexterous hands.
You laugh. “Fuck babe, if you do that any longer, I’d just want you to massage me.”
He grumbles. “Massage later, thigh fucking now.”
You laugh again, almost chirpy, but it all dissolves into a high pitched moan when Toji’s cock slides between your thighs, rubbing against the lips of your pussy. He begins slow, thrusting his hips gently, making sure that his cock ruts against your hardened clit, before gradually increasing speed but, fuck, it’s not enough.
“So tight like this,” Toji grunts in your ears, his grip on your waist tightening. “You feel good everywhere, jesus, fuck.”
Mhmm, you moan, fingers coming up to pinch your nipples, hoping to feel more stimulation. Toji’s cock is thick in between your thighs, long in the way it hits your clit so well even from the back, but there’s something missing and you don’t know what. Tears are pooling at the corner of your eyes, your breath turning ragged as you try grappling for more pleasure.
It’s almost torturous: the pain of feeling good but not enough to send you careening into a frenzy. To be used like this, to be rendered like your pleasure is second to Toji—that is good. But it is unintentional right now, and it is driving you mad.
“Toji, more! Wan’ more, please!”
You don’t even know what it is you are begging for, hoping, in your muddled mind, that Toji knows what you want. What you need.
And he does.
“Fuuuuck-!!” You scream as your head falls back into Toji’s shoulder, body arching in intense pleasure at the feeling of Toji’s fingers sinking in your pussy, driving them in and out so quickly, creating wet noises that ring loudly between you two. Something like a blinding white descended on all of your senses, leaving you twitching and screaming and—
“Shit, baby, look at you squirting on my fingers!” Toji says, crooning and almost manic, hips humping faster into your thighs. His fingers don’t stop pumping in you, thrusting and scissoring, twisting and curving and digging them along the walls of your pussy..
You scream; ah, ah, ah’s filling up the room as Toji fucks you with his fingers, followed by the slide of his thick and long cock curving up against your dripping pussy. It feels so good. Everything feels so good.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” Toji mumbles in your ears. “You’re perfect, such a doll to feel so good with just daddy’s fingers.”
“Daddy—ah!—Toji! It’s so good. So good!”
Toji laughs, half fond and half hysteric. “You’re so wet for me. Fuck, maybe I can even slip my cock in your cunt like this. Just with your pussy juices. You’d love that, don’t you? Wanna feel my cock in your naughty cunt?”
You keen, thighs and pussy squeezing, as you nod. The image spills in your head: Toji driving his raw cock in your messy pussy, using only your juices as lube, his heavy balls slapping on the meat of your thighs and ass, big hands gripping so hard on your waist that they’d leave bruises. So good.
“‘M gon’ cum,” Toji murmurs, voice breaking into a moans as be fucks into your thighs faster, fingers mirroring the pace of his hips. “‘M gon’ stain these pretty thighs with my cum. Gon’ cum on your pretty cunt, paint it prettily because my slut deserves that. Daddy’s girl deserves her cunt cummed on.”
You nod, scratching the sheets as the pleasure rises and rises and, “Gonna cum! Daddy, ‘m gonna cum!”
“Cum for me, baby. Go on.”
You jolt, body tensing as you cum, mouth opened for a silent scream, your eyes blanking at the intensity of your climax. You feel the spray of squirt wet your inner thighs even more, turning the glide of Toji’s cock sloppier and messier. Your legs unconsciously squeeze and Toji curses before spilling on your pussy, just as he promised, thick ropes of white shooting and staining even his sheets and your thighs.
You are still trembling, eyes unsteady and ears ringing, deaf to everything but the crashing pleasure that is still wracking your body. Toji slowly slides his length from between your thighs and you moan in discomfort upon feeling it graze your pussy.
“Shh, I’ve got you,” Toji whispers, voice far away even when he is beside you. You make a noise from your throat, a mixture of question and acknowledgement, and Toji kisses your forehead in response.
“You are so good to me,” he says. “You did so good. Let me take care of you, now. I love you and let me take care of you.”
You garble a hum. Toji understands.
You sleep to the feeling of his gentle kisses and being surrounded by his warm embrace.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ♥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈
811 notes · View notes
leggerefiore · 2 years
▲Subway Boss Masterlist▽
🛑 = Yandere or Darker Content
🔞 = NSFW
Once again, I state that there are darker things and NSFW content present on this blog. Everything here should be properly tagged, so please read the content warnings and click at your own risk. If you’re a minor, please DNI. If an additional tag is needed, feel free to alert me.
Orchids (cw: pregnancy, afab reader, polyamory)
Deep Connection (cw: polyamory)
Anniversario (cw: polyamory)
Hopeless Wanderer (cw: polyamory, soulmate AU)
🛑 Creeping Feeling (cw: yandere, polyamory, demon AU)
🛑🔞 La Brama (cw: yandere, nsfw, polyamory, anxiety, dubious consent, afab reader)
🛑 Gossamer (cw: unhealthy relationships, polyamory, demon AU)
🛑Capi del Metro (cw: yandere, polyamory, mafia AU)
🛑 Hopeful Wanderer (cw: yandere, polyamory, soulmate AU)
🛑🔞 Creep (cw: yandere, polyamory, codependency, dubious consent, stockholm syndrome, afab reader)
🔞Begierde(AO3) (cw: semi-public sex, polyamory, afab reader)
🔞Baby Fever(AO3) (cw: polyamory, afab reader, breeding kink)
Effervescent (cw: PLA Spoilers, polyamory)
🛑Ombre di Passato (cw: yandere, ghosts, implied death)
Depature (cw: none)
🔞Physical (cw: afab reader, x Ingo)
Roundabout (cw: afab reader, pregnancy, polyamory, PLA spoilers sort of)
🛑Untitled Mafia Fic (cw: mafia AU, polyamory, murder, torture (nothing too graphic or described in detail), sorta unhealthy relationships)
Sweet Emotion (cw: x Emmet)
🔞Cream (cw: afab reader, x Emmet)
🛑Liar (cw: yandere, polyamory)
🛑🔞Repetitious (cw: yandere, polyamory, cheating)
🔞Winning The Most (cw: technical cheating, dubious consent, afab reader)
My Sweet Lord (cw: x Ingo, PLA Setting)
🛑Little Lies (cw: x Ingo, Yandere, sort of happy ending)
🔞Dirty Mind (cw: x Ingo, AFAB reader, breeding kink, PLA Setting)
🔞Arachnida (cw x Emmet, AFAB reader, Drider Emmet, Eggpreg)
Uncanny (Non-Romantic)
🛑Tones of Home; p1 and 🔞p2 (cw: Yandere, Cannibalism, kidnapping)
🔞🛑Lower (cw: Yandere, God Emmet, Major Character Death, AFAB Reader)
🔞Reunion (cw AFAB reader, a/b/o dynamics, breeding kink, warden ingo)
Transformation (cw: poly, AFAB Reader, pokehybrid au)
🛑Double (cw: yandere, AFAB reader, kidnapping)
Spiderling (cw: Pokehybrid au, AFAB reader, drider child, incomplete galvantula hybrid Ingo)
Stress ( x Ingo)
🔞One More Time (cw: AFAB reader, jealousy, x Emmet)
Here, There, and Everywhere (x Ingo)
Mimicry (cw: ingo pretends to be emmet, sex mentions, it’s all fluff)
Silver Fox Emmet Helping Ingo's Son Adjust To Unova
🔞Sugar Bee (cw: AFAB reader, A/B/O dynamics, Breeding Kink, x Emmet)
🔞Comporto Male (cw: AFAB reader, breeding kink, spanking, office sex)
🛑🔞Full Circle (cw: non-con, bug eating, bug gore, eggpreg, afab reader, yandere)
🛑Control (cw: unhealthy relationships, villain emmet, implied death (to ghetsis), poly, kidnapping)
Ingo Romantic HCs
Emmet Romantic HCs
🔞Subway Bosses NSFW HCs
🛑🔞Yandere Subway Bosses NSFW HCs (cw: Dubious Consent!!!!)
Subway Bosses Pregnant S/O HCs
Subway Bosses Reaction to S/O in Fancy Clothes
🔞Teasing Emmet at Work in Shibari
🔞Teasing Ingo at Work in Lingerie
Subway Bosses After S/O Gets Sent to Hisui
S/O Confessing to Subway Bosses
Emmet with Touch-starved S/O
Subway Bosses Crushing on S/O
🛑Demon AU Subway Bosses Gen HCs
🔞Subway Bosses Poly Romantic HCs
Subway Bosses with Musician S/O
What Interests the Subway Bosses Romantically
Jealousy HCs for the Subway Bosses
🔞Subway Bosses S/O Wearing Playboy Bunny Costume (Fem. Reader)
Subway Bosses with Foreign Champion S/O
Subway Bosses with S/O Who Spins Them While Hugging
Subway Bosses with Socially Anxious S/O
Subway Bosses with S/O Who Likes to Bake
Subway Bosses Receiving a Homemade Gift from S/O
Subway Bosses with an S/O Whose Mimikyu Is Ghost of Dead Younger Sibling
Subway Bosses Reaction to S/O Telling Them They’d Be A Good Dad
Subway Bosses Making Up With S/O After a Fight
Subway Bosses Wedding HCs
Subway Bosses with Small and Shy S/O
Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Wears Their Hats and Coats
Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Yells ‘That’s My Husband!’ After Watching Them Battle
Demon AU Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Accepts Them Immediately
Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Fell From Hisui
Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Doesn’t Want Children
Subway Bosses with a Sick S/O
Subway Bosses with an S/O in a Life Threatening Accident
Subway Bosses Reaction to their S/O Coming Out as Trans (cw: Dysphoria Mention, Misgendering Mention)
🛑Yandere Subway Bosses Reacting To Someone Wanting to Confess to S/O
Subway Bosses Bathing With S/O
Subway Bosses With an S/O Who Matches Them
Subway Bosses With an S/O Who Picks Up on Their Speaking Mannerisms
Subway Bosses Wingmaning For Each Other
Subway Bosses Kissing HCs
🔞Subway Bosses with an S/O Teasing Them at Work
Subway Bosses with Famous Pokestar Celebrity S/O Who’s Shy
Subway Bosses with an S/O Who Wants to Add a Pokemon to Their Team
🛑Yandere Subway Bosses Reaction To S/O Asking Them to Pretend to be Their Boyfriend
Subway Bosses Texting HCs
🔞Subway Bosses (and Grimsley) With A Quiet S/O Who’s Loud in Bed
Subway Bosses with an S/O is Afraid Of Ghost and Bug Type Pokemon
Subway Bosses Reaction to S/O having a Mythical Pokemon
Subway Bosses’ Pokemon Loving their S/O
Emmet’s Reaction to S/O Going to Hisui with Ingo (cw: angst)
Emmet’s S/O Goes to Hisui With Ingo Sequel
🔞Drider Emmet HCs
🛑Subway Bosses Coraline AU HCs
🔞Mothman Ingo HCs
Subway Bosses’ S/O Being Taken Hostage By Team Plasma
Subway Bosses’ “No’s in a Relationship
More Drider Emmet HCs
Emmet Sleeping HCs
Ingo Sleeping HCs
Subway Bosses’ S/O Taking Them to Different Locations in Nimbasa
More Mothman Ingo HCs
Subway Bosses’ Celebrating Their S/O’s Birthday
🛑General Yandere Subway Bosses HCs
Subway Bosses Comforting a Stressed S/O
Subway Bosses April Fools HCs
Subway Bosses with Younger Sibling Reader (Platonic)
🛑Yandere Subway Bosses Baby-Trapping S/O HCs (cw: slightly n sfw)
🔞Subway Bosses (and Grimsley) Favourite Sex Positions
Subway Bosses Being Broken Up with by S/O (cw: angst)
Warden Ingo Romantic Gen HCs
🔞Warden Ingo NSFW Gen HCs
🛑Coraline Alt Ending
🛑Yandere Warden Ingo
🛑Emmet Growing Into a Yandere after Ingo Disappears
Subway Bosses Reacting to Weeb S/O
🛑Alt. Coraline AU with Ingo as the Other Lover
Subway Bosses Romantic A/B/O HCs
🛑🔞Yandere Dirider Emmet HCs
🛑🔞Yandere Mothman Ingo HCs
Vampire Subway Bosses Romantic HCs
Subways Bosses (and Various Others) Reacting to an Album Collection of Them
🔞Subway Bosses Merman Eelektross Hybrids
🛑🔞Android Subway Bosses AU
🛑Subway Bosses Helping S/O Escape a Yandere
Subway Bosses Dealing with S/O’s Bitter Ex
Helping Post-PLA Ingo Readjust to Unova
🛑Yandere Twins With a Willing S/O
S/O Meeting the Subway Bosses’ Parents
🔞Eelektross Emmet Hybrid HCs
🔞Chandelure Ingo Hybrid HCs
🛑S/O Attempting to Escape Yandere Subway Bosses
🔞Ingo Pegging HCs
Villainous Dad’s Reacting to You Dating the Subway Bosses
Supportive PokeDad’s Reacting to You Dating the Subway Bosses
🔞Subway Bosses NSFW Alphabet
Subway Bosses SFW Alphabet
Reacting to the Subway Bosses Balding
🔞NSFW HCs for Vampire Subway Bosses
🛑DDLC/Aware AU Subway Bosses HCs from Their POV
Subway Bosses Reacting to S/O Calling Them the Love of Their Life
Ingo with A Cottagecore S/O
🛑DDLC/Aware AU Subway Bosses HCs
Subway Bosses’ S/O Running into A Jealous Fan who Attacks Them
Mothman Warden Ingo HCs
Subway Bosses Going Lingerie Shopping With S/O + Bonus Emin
Older Brother Villainous Team Leaders Reacting to S/O Dating Twins
🛑Yandere Subway Bosses as Butlers
🔞Silver Fox Emmet with Younger Assistant S/O HCs
🛑Yandere Twin Wardens HCs
Subway Bosses Poly Pregnancy HCs
Subway Bosses Handling An Earthquake With A Pregnant S/O In Station
🔞Emin NSFW HCs
Subway Bosses As Secret Admirers HCs
Zoroark Kitsune Subway Bosses HCs
🔞Zorark Kitsune Subway Bosses NSFW HCs
Travelling On A Sleeper Train With The Subway Bosses HCs
🔞Alpha Galvantula Emmet HCs
Bugtler Twins HCs
Subway Bosses Swooping In A Recently Broken Up With Reader
Incomplete Chandelure Hybrid Emmet
Subway Bosses Soulmate AU
🛑Ingo Growing Into A Yandere After Returning From Hisui
🛑Demon Subway Bosses With A Witchy Friend
🔞Alpha Ingo NSFW HCs
🔞Subway Bosses With A Virgin S/O
Reshiram Emmet and Zekrom Ingo HCs
Kyurem Emin HCs
🔞Reshiram Emmet and Zekrom Ingo NSFW HCs
Reshiram Emmet and Zekrom Ingo Children HCs
Emin Romance HCs
S/O Taking Care Of the Sick Subway Bosses
Incomplete Galvantula Hybrid Ingo HCs
Malewife Ingo
🛑God Emmet HCs
Subway Bosses As Friends HCs
Subway Bosses Playing Scary Video Games With S/O
🛑Villain Emmet HCs
Nonromantic HCs:
Subway Bosses Adopting A Stray Purrloin
Subway Bosses Minor Differences HCs
Subway Bosses Funny Quirks HCs
Subway Bosses as Dads HCs
Subway Bosses Fast Food HCs
Ingo Laundry and Clothing HCs
Subway Bosses Drinking HCs
Subway Bosses’ Pokemon HCs
🛑Subway Bosses as Mafia Bosses HCs (cw: torture, murder, gangs)
Subway Bosses Genre Preferences for Shows and Movies
Subway Bosses Music Preferences
Subway Bosses Pokemon Nicknames
Subway Bosses Favourite Non-Unovan Pokemon
Assorted HCs about the Subway Bosses
Subway Bosses Hand HCs (Bonus: Warden Ingo)
Emin; A Non-Split Alternate Ingo and Emmet
Lost, A fic about Ingo and His Son
Emmet and S/O Having a Pun Off
Emmet’s S/O Spoiling Galvantula
Subway Bosses With an S/O Who Hates Public Spaces Riding Their Train
S/O Gushing to Elesa About Their Crush on Emmet While He Overhears
Subway Bosses’ S/O Asking Them What ‘Rail Me’ Means
Subway Bosses’ Pokemon Playing Matchmaker
Cain Instinct in the Subway Bosses
🛑Yandere Emmet Having S/O Confess to Him
🔞Subway Bosses Getting Sucked Off by S/O Under Their Desk
🛑Coraline AU Blurb With Returning to Emmet
Cooking and Feeding The Twins Their Favourite Foods
🔞Sex with Subway Bosses While Wearing their Coat and Hat
Emmet Drunkely Forgetting He’s Dating His S/O
🛑One Twin Helping S/O Escape Yan Twin And Dating Them
Hiking to Undella Town with Post-PLA Ingo
🛑Cuffing Yan Emmet to Bed In An Escape Attempt
Twin Wardens of Hisui (non-romantic)
A Lovey Anon’s Thoughts About Incomplete Galvantula Hybrid Ingo
🛑Yandere Ingo Cornering his Escaped S/O and Infant While Singing
🛑Yandere Ingo Being Reunited with Runway S/O and Son
🔞Emmet Jerking Off To Ingo’s S/O
Drider Emmet Coming Home to His Spiderlings Cocooning S/O
Yandere Twins Holding Hisuian S/O In Their Apartment
The Subway Twins Helping Lost Cyrus’s Younger Sibling Reader Through Subway Way (non-romantic)
🛑Yan Emmet Being Reunited with Runway S/O and Daughters
🛑Big Love, An Alternate Ending to Little Lies
297 notes · View notes
xaharadesert · 2 years
Arcana Masterlist #1
Requests are ✅open✅
Request line length: 14
Feel free to send questions, comments, concerns as well :) I’m always looking to interact with new people
Please let me know if any links aren’t working
Arcana Masterlist #2 <- more recent headcanons
No OC inserts
If gender is not important for a request, it’ll be kept neutral
Please specify whether you’d like headcanons or a short fic (headcanons are easier, and will be done faster, but fics are always an option if you don’t mind waiting)
Please specify which characters you’d like (more characters=less headcanons per character + longer wait time— if not specified, I’ll do main 6)
Nothing about marriage, pregnancy, or parenting small children
Nothing about alcohol, drugs, or similar substances (I have no experience with them, so I can’t write them properly)
Nothing to suggest that the LIs are toxic people/partners (beyond canon events)
If you request something I don’t understand, I might message you to follow up (if it’s simple, I’ll research it myself)
Keep it sfw
And of course, I have the right to deny anything I don’t want to write
The Arcana:
Asexual MC (Main 6)
Out of Control MC (Main 6)
Hypothermic MC (Muriel)
Forced Gladiator Rebel MC (Julian, Muriel, Asra)
Immortal MC (Main 6)
Masseuse/Masseur MC (Main 6)
Oblivious MC Pt 1 (Julian, Portia, Lucio, Muriel, Asra)
Oblivious MC Pt 2 (Nadia)
Bard MC (Main 6)
MC with Otter Familiar (Julian, Portia, Lucio, Muriel)
Random Headcanons Pt 1 (Main 6)
Random Headcanons Pt 2 (Main 6)
Random Headcanons Pt 3 (Main 6)
Intense and Adorable MC (Main 6)
Truth or Dare Compliments (Main 6)
Sports Day! (Main 6 + Nadia’s Family)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 1 (Julian)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 2 (Portia)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 3 (Lucio)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 4 (Muriel)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 5 (Asra)
Return to the Lazaret Alone Pt 6 (Nadia)
MC with Love Language of Touch (Main 6)
Returned Memories (Main 6)
Accidental Potion Drinking (Main 6)
Post-Route Nap (Main 6)
Artist MC (Julian, Muriel)
Immortal MC & Reincarnated LI Pt 1 (Julian, Portia, Lucio)
Immortal MC & Reincarnated LI Pt 2 (Muriel, Asra, Nadia)
Badass & Chill MC (Main 6)
Shifter MC Pt 1 (Julian)
Shifter MC Pt 2 (Portia)
Shifter MC Pt 3 (Lucio)
Shifter MC Pt 4 (Muriel)
Shifter MC Pt 5 (Asra)
Shifter MC Pt 6 (Nadia)
MC Singing Hoist the Colours (Julian, Portia)
MC Who Leaves With Asra During the Plague (Asra)
Homemade Gift-Giver MC (Main 6)
Hypochondriac MC (Main 6)
MC with Shaking Hands (Main 6)
Winter Days! (Main 6)
Moth Hybrid MC (Portia, Muriel, Nadia)
Overly Kind MC (Julian, Portia, Lucio, Nadia)
Supposedly Mute MC (Main 6)
Artist MC Drawing Their LI (Main 6)
Shy Musician MC (Main 6)
Vegetarian MC (Main 6)
Time Travelling MC & LI Meet Past LI (Main 6)
MC Transported From Our World (Main 6)
MC Who is Close with Their LI’s Patron (Main 6)
MC Cooking LI’s Favourite Meal (Main 6)
Domestic Headcanons (Main 6)
Overly Affectionate MC (Main 6)
Jealousy (Main 6)
Cuddly MC (Main 6)
Favourite Songs/Music Headcanons (Main 6)
MC Losing Their Memories Again (Main 6)
Wholesome Headcanons (Main 6)
Wholesome Headcanons Pt 2 (Main 6)
Wholesome Headcanons Pt 3 (Main 6)
MC Injured by The Devil (Main 6)
LI Growing a Beard (Julian, Lucio, Muriel, Asra)
MC with Dermatillomania (Main 6)
MC Falling Asleep on LI (Main 6)
MC Losing a Family Member (Main 6, angst)
MC Losing a Family Member (Main 6, comfort)
Shapeshifting MC (Main 6)
MC Falling Out of Love (Main 6)
M6 Animal Friends Headcanons!
Ice Skater MC (Main 6)
Injured LI (Main 6)
MC Finding a Newborn Baby (Main 6)
Lucio with a Baby
MC Having a Breakdown Haircut (Main 6)
MC Referring to LI as Wife/Spouse/Husband (Main 6)
Celebrating MC’s Birthday! (Main 6)
MC with a Family Member LI Dislikes (Main 6)
Healer MC (Main 6)
LI’s Familiar Comforting Sad MC (Main 6 Familiars)
Caring for Mentally Unwell MC (Main 6)
LI Reacting to Someone Declaring Their Love to Uncomfortable and Taken MC (Main 6)
MC Getting Their Heart Ripped Out (Main 6)
Mean & Soft MC (Main 6)
Hugs (Main 6)
LI Witnessing MC’s Bad Breakup (Main 6)
Flowers from MC (Main 6)
MC with Dangerous Familiar (Main 6)
Undiagnosed Weak MC (Julian, Asra, Nadia)
LI’s Familiar Preferring MC (Main 6)
Secretly Royal MC (Main 6)
Modern MC Playing an Otome Game (Main 6)
LI Interrupting MC’s Wedding (Main 6)
MC with Chronic Pain (Julian, Portia, Lucio, Muriel, Asra)
MC with Chronic Pain (Nadia)
MC Remembering Their Death (Asra)
Pronunciation of Character Names
Art Generator
360 notes · View notes