#idia x reader
moonlit-midnight · 1 day
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Idia: What’s with the pretty smile? Does it feel nice to be loved?
Yuu, looking up from their phone: Bold of you to assume that I’m dating someone 
Idia: Then why do you smile like a fool whenever you’re on your phone?
Yuu, chuckling: Oh, I often look at the pictures of the stray cats that I play with outside 
Idia, failing to suppress a big smile: You like cats?
Yuu, nodding and showing off the adorable cats on their lockscreen:
Yuu: They’re such silly little creatures, but their existence makes my heart light
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cloudcountry · 24 hours
HI HI AUBURN!!! can i request a reader who asks "do you like me or something?" with deuce, ace and any other characters you like...? 🩷🩷
SUMMARY: you call them out on their bullshit (lovingly <3)
COMMENTS: rubbing my hands together this is going to be so much fun.
update after i finished writing: this was fun. trey clover i love you please kiss me.
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Deuce nearly hits his head on a doorway when you ask him that question on your way to your next class. His face is a bright flaming red, which you both know is an answer all on its own. He visibly panics, spewing jumbled sentences that sounds suspiciously like:
“Who told you,”
“No I don’t!”
“I mean, well, yeah I do, but only if you do,”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“Okay bye!”
You grab him before he can sprint off, holding back giggles as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“It’s okay Deuce. I like you. I was just wondering if you felt the same.”
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Ace nearly does a spit take before forcing out the fakest laugh you’ve ever heard.
“I’m sorry, what? Who would ever like you!? I mean, you’re the worst Prefect this campus has ever seen and you don’t even use magic!”
Ace can babble all he wants but ultimately, when your feelings are hurt by his verbal assault, he backtracks real fast. He didn’t know you were being serious and that you like him—now he feels like such an ass. He shouldn’t have done that during such a vulnerable moment and argh, Prefect just come over here. He’ll take you out to ice cream and do this right.
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“What?” Idia shrieks, almost cracking his neck with how fast he whips around to face you.
His gaming chair squeaks as he spins, facing you sitting on his bed. You look curious, head slightly tilted and gaze imploring. His head is spinning with questions and denial, and they only get more frantic as you get up and walk over to him.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” you reassure him, a hesitant smile on your face, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
He doesn’t know how to tell you that he’s anything but.
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Trey laughs, dragging a palm down his face in exasperation.
“Alright, who told you?” he turns to look at you, raising a suspicious eyebrow, “I didn’t think my friends could hold a secret for long, but I didn’t expect it to come out this fast.”
You open and close your mouth a few times before speaking.
“Nobody told me anything.”
You and Trey stare at each other as a few beats pass before he laughs again, harder this time, cheeks rapidly turning pink.
“Ah, I should have seen that coming.” he mumbles, shaking his head, “Well, uh...do you like me?”
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yan-lorkai · 1 day
Hi, so I've read the rules, but I'm not sure how much I can ask for. Can I get a headcanon about the TWST Housewardens finding out that the GN! reader has a boyfriend? Oh, and the reader's boyfriend is just some random student NPC in their dorms. If it's too much, just some of them reacting would be cool. Thanks!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Finally done, yay! Been a while since I wrote for all the housewardens so it is a little lengthy. Hope u enjoy, darling!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Tw: Yandere content, stalking, implied violence and kidnapping.
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He's been watching you this whole time, feeling his heart beat inside his chest whenever he heard your sweet laugh and saw you smiling. His feelings slowly start to grow as you become friends, but there's just one problem: You have a boyfriend. What an unpleasant surprise! Well, what a shame that your boyfriend will disappear under suspicious circumstances that will never be resolved and he will be right here by your side to comfort you :)
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Azul know just what to do. He plots and plans and trap your boyfriend on a deal he can't refuse. It's a tricky deal, trickier than usual, I mean, a one in a lifetime chance, whatever it is. However you won't never know what happened to him, not when you come to Azul asking if he knows something, not when he is comforting you and rubbing your back as you cry while he pretends to be just as sad as you. As if he ever feel sad to lead your boyfriend to his demise when he can have you like this, when he can mend your heart himself and love you like you deserve. Though when you recover Azul will show you just how devotion and love truly feels. He has been deprived of it for too long, bullied and teased, and he will have you, even if you found out about the deal, even if you claim to hate him, he can bear it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Kalim is a sweetheart on the surface level, so happy all the time, so friendly. But he is oh so suffocating, always touching your arm and pulling you into a hug, kissing your cheeks and forehead and laughing when you tell him to knock it off. People always tend to assume he is your boyfriend and tell you that you too are a very cute couple, and they're always shocking when you tell them that Kalim isn't your boyfriend but just your bestie. Not yet, at least. On an intimate level, he likes to think about what to do with your actual boyfriend. People love money more than they love humans. Can he bribe him? If so, how can he guarantee that he won't go back on his word? Or should him send Jamil to do his dirty work? Mmm, so many options, either way, by the end of the month your boyfriend will disappear and you will need a friendly shoulder to lean on and Kalim is more than happy to be there for you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Idia already has Ortho investigating this student and is so easy to watch him since he is in Ignyhide. He isn't worthy your time, your love and care, he is but a little plankton, not very smart or interesting, Idia don't know what you had seen on your actual boyfriend but he is never going to tell this to your face. Instead, he invite you to his room to play and study, assuming a more softer approach about this little problem than most yanderes, telling you how your boyfriend has been acting strange and visiting another person's room for a very long period of time. He even show you a very factual and not at all fabricated camera footage as a proof. Idia considers himself a very good friend when he comfort you and wipes your angry tears, telling that you deserve better, that he can treat you better. After all, it wasn't your fault that your boyfriend was a cheater. And Idia can show you what true love is.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Vil is horrified about your taste in men. Like, really, Liebling? You love this... Thing? Well, He has to give recognition where it is due and as a Pomefiore student, your boyfriend tried to polish and better himself. Though it wasn't enough. He wouldn't be good enough for you even in thousand years. Vil likes to imagine how he would take care of you, love you, polish you. He likes to imagine how he'd let down his walls around you and told funny stories from his movies or backstage gossips. Knowing you have a boyfriend kinda of shatter those thoughts. He tried to be happy for you, he really tried but in the end he couldn't help himself. So he created a potion, so sweet and yummy, and gave it to your boyfriend. Simple as that. Having you crying on his lap was just a bonus, a bonus Vil would cherish dearly.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Malleus has what he wants. And he wants you. It's only natural that things will fall in order after he states his claim on you, every single little thing start to goes wrong in your relationship and you, stressed and sad, tells Malleus every single thing while he comforts you. Sweet words are whispered in your ears, great dreams greets you everytime you sleep and in your dreams you are always so happy by Malleus's side, exploring woods and swimming in lakes, petting sheeps and listening to the birds singing. Simple things. Great things. While you sleep, Malleus send nightmares to your boyfriend, makes him so horrified and paranoid that he can't even form coherent thoughts. He wants you and he will have you, even if he has to tear you two apart like this, since your boyfriend took to isolate and murmur to himself.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Riddle doesn't like this. He quite dislike your boyfriend a lot, he is messy, a rule breaker, a bad student, he isn't worthy your time and love. Riddle is consumed by a jealousy that make him see red, nowadays he is always collaring your boyfriend, always making him busy so you two can spend less time together. And if you come to Heartslabyu to try and spend time with him, Riddle will just lie to you and tell you he didn't do anything and has no idea about what you're talking about. Yes, he gaslight you. But he is doing that because he knows what's good to you and that is certainty not your boyfriend. Instead, he fills your head with doubts and lies, and takes you to the Unbirthday party so you can have a little fun. Savor the present moment, the little snarky jokes Riddle tells you and the delicious tea. Forget about your boyfriend before Riddle takes matters into another level.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Leona is smug. Like, really? You love this guy? He is so much better than your boyfriend, more smarter, stronger, he huffs whenever he see you two being all cute and chummy together. He should be the one holding you, kissing you, cuddling you. You are his precious mate so he put all his effort in conquering your heart and love. And when Leona is determined to do something there's nothing in the whole world that can make him stop. He plans and make so many strategies in order to be successful all the while he has Ruggie making the dirty work for him. Kill him, bribe him, whatever, Leona will make you a single person again before making you fall in love with him. Even if he has to turn your boyfriend into dust, he will without thinking twice.
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random-twst-things · 3 days
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Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Idia, headset on, slowly turning to you: 😐
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: c'mon, humor me for a bit?
Idia: 😐
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: 😐
Idia: ...why?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: to go to the idiot's house
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Knock knock
Idia: No
Idia: 😒
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Okay, we all know you wouldn't open the door or ask who it was but c'mon!!
Idia: Who is it?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: The Chicken!
Idia: Your jokes are terrible
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: are not!
Idia: are too
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: it would've had a better execution if you just went along with it like a normal person 😒
Idia: You mean like a normie?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: sure, a normie
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Imma tell this joke to Ace instead, maybe he'll like my joke better!!
Idia: Ya really think he's gonna understand the joke? 🤨
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: He's a dummy, but he can't be that much of a dummy
Idia: suuuure
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Dividers by/from @/cafekitsune
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Marionette on a string
in which your significant other was dragged to a local theatre to see your performance on stage
pairing: (slight) idia shroud x actress!yuu/reader
contents: long drabble, lower case intended, the title should be used for my angstier ideas i swear lmao, a tiny pinch of fluff, reader is yuu and yuu is reader, gender neutral reader and narrated by you/yours, irene losing their mind over ride the cyclone (2016 cast specifically) and decided to add it in their fic, just idia and ortho reacting to the musical :D mainly idia
★ the daydreamer speaks — my third entry for my tumblr sister @cloudcountry's sweet shroud summer 2024!! disposing the worms bc they block my path to temporary shut down :D
do i tag? yes, i do. my main idia liker: @edith-is-a-cat, others: @identity-theft-101 @ferris-the-wheel @xen-blank @twistwonderlanddevotee @loser-jpg @lemonchuu @escha-evenstar @dove-da-birb
remember to comment or reblog if you enjoy my work!!
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"Ortho, when will Yuu-shi show up on stage?"
"Should be in a few minutes, brother!"
idia briefly question his life decisions when ortho barged into his room, then proceeded to drag him out through the bustling streets of sage island. he could barely heard him mentioning something about you, what with acting and the local theatre.
well, he was about to find out.
as they both sat down in the darkened room, idia suddenly felt conscious about his fire hair glowing, a bit anxious with the judging eyes of others in the room, and pulled up his hoodie hood. he thanked the seven for the small amount of people in the room, which was less than he would expected there to be.
ortho whispered to him information he needed to know about the musical. about the summary, the characters, and the cast, to which he was pleasantly surprised to see you in the role of jane doe.
so an unidentifiable person, he noted, keeping an eye out to see your performance.
after a while, the narrator presented the final person, and you appeared in all your doll-lile glory, taking the spotlight. it was an unsettling introduction, he'd give you that.
the show went on, and idia's gaze never left you. your fellow actors and actresses did a great job with their own songs, which were quite a whiplash of emotions with how quickly the songs changed genres.
and then came your song.
and oh dear sevens, your voice.
"... Woah. "
"Yuu-san is amazing, aren't they, big brother?"
"Yeah... They really are..."
it was hauntingly beautiful, yet melancholic and painfully emotional, it sent chills down his spine. he couldn't imagine you could hit all those high notes, yet you did them so well. though, he only took his eyes off of you for a second, and you were already in the air, flying all over the place.
confusion was an understatement, but he brushed it off in favour of vibing to your, now that he thinks about it, kind of messed up song. he couldn't help but be enraptured by your stellar performance.
the show ended with a light and hopeful song, and a familiar melody as a callback to its opening. he was a bit disappointed that it was over, but he quite enjoyed it.
ortho noticed his brother's little smile. he smiled behind his mask, satified with the result.
mission "get idia outside" was a success!
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kaevch · 2 months
kissing their forehead bcs they deserve it :(
— idia, malleus.
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dated: 11th April 2024.
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azlrse · 5 months
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– basically idia's married life with mc
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
♡ ⭒ㅤ𓈒 天国のキス ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ㅤ྄
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꒰͡ ⠀ ִ 𝑇 𝑊 𝑆 𝑇 𝑀 𝑒 𝑛 𝑥 𝐹 𝑒 𝑚 𝑅 𝑒 𝑎 𝑑 𝑒 𝑟 ⠀ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
ㅤ ㅤㅤ♡ㅤ𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 kiss you for the first timeㅤ۫ㅤ𝅄ㅤೀ
— 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘥, 𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘦, 𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭, 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘶𝘴, 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬, 𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢, 𝘐𝘥𝘪𝘢, 𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘢, 𝘙𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦, 𝘈𝘻𝘶𝘭, 𝘝𝘪𝘭, 𝘒𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘮 <3
˚꒰🌼꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy!
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ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐂𝐇 ─ ★ . ♡𝆬
His lips pressed against hers, a gentle touch, A reflection of love, too powerful to hush. Their bodies entwined, in a romantic embrace, A moment of magic, frozen in space. In that moment, nothing else exists, Just the two of them, lost in a kiss. Their hearts beating as one, a symphony of desire, Their souls entwined, in a passionate fire. Each kiss like a story, untold and new, Their love, like a flower, blossoms and grew. Lost in the sweetness, of each other's lips, Their love, an ocean, with endless dips. As their lips part, and they gaze into each other's eyes, The world around them, fades into the night. For in that moment, they are all that they need, Their love, like a dream, impossible to concede. Their kiss, a symbol, of their eternal bond, A love so pure, it could never be conned. In each other's arms, they find solace and peace, A love so beautiful, it will never cease.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐂𝐇 ─ ✭ . ♡𝆬
The moonlight danced upon their skin, As lips met in a passionate spin. Two souls entwined, two hearts as one, Lost in a moment, under the stars and sun. His fingers tracing every curve, Her body, a sanctuary he did serve. Their love a fire, burning bright, In each other's arms, everything felt right. Their breaths mingled, their hearts in sync, A love like theirs, impossible to sink. With every kiss, their bond grew stronger, In this embrace, their souls could linger. He whispered words of love and adoration, Her heart filled with overwhelming sensation. In his arms, she felt safe and free, With her lover, she knew she'd always be. Their kiss, a symphony of emotions, Every touch, a rush of intense notions. In this moment, all the world stood still, As they kissed, on a journey to fulfil.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋 𝐕𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─ ☁︎ . ♡𝆬
With a gentle touch, And a longing gaze, He leaned in, To kiss his lover's face. Their lips met, In a moment of bliss, And all the world, Seemed to simply exist. The warmth of his love, Flowed through his veins, As he held her close, In a sweet embrace. Their hearts beat as one, In this perfect embrace, As their love overflowed, In this peaceful space. For in that instant, Nothing else mattered, As they shared a kiss, That left them shattered. But it was a beautiful mess, That they didn't mind, For in each other's arms, Is where they truly find. A love that's eternal, A love that's pure, A love that's beautiful, And will forever endure.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐔𝐒 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀 ─ 𓇥 . ♡𝆬
Through the streets they walked, Hand in hand, hearts intertwined, The world faded away, As their love enshrined. With each step they took, Their souls became one, In a perfect harmony, Under the setting sun. As they stopped by a bench, He gazed into her eyes, And saw his whole world, Reflecting in her sighs. He gently cupped her face, And whispered her name, And in that moment, Nothing was the same. With tender touch, He wiped away her tears, And softly he spoke, Her deepest fears. He promised to be there, Through thick and thin, To hold her close, While the moon danced and spin. She melted in his arms, Feeling his love so pure, A love that she never, Thought she'd ever procure. He took her breath away, With a simple kiss, Filled her with warmth, And pure bliss. Their love was a fire, Burning ever so bright. For in each other's arms, They found solace and peace, Their love a masterpiece, That will never cease. And as they parted, With one last embrace, He held her close, And saw love in her face. For in that moment, He knew she was his forever, A love so true, That nothing could sever.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐋 ─ ⚝ . ♡𝆬
With the moon as witness to their love, He pulls her close, like fitting glove. His lips softly graze her own, In this moment, they're not alone. Her heart beats faster in his embrace, Her fears all vanish without a trace. For in his kiss, she finds her home, Her love for him forever grown. His hands cup her face with such care, He whispers sweet nothings in her ear. Their love ignites a fiery flame, No longer able to be tamed. In his arms, she feels complete, Her heart, his hands gently beat. Their love, like a symphony, Filling her with pure ecstasy. Their kiss is a dance of passion, A journey without any ration. Their souls entwined in a perfect rhyme, A love that will withstand the test of time. As their lips part with a gentle sigh, Their love shines bright, like stars in the sky. Hand in hand, they embrace the night, Their love, a beautiful and wondrous sight.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐄 ─ ✿ . ♡𝆬
Their love was pure, their hearts entwined, No force could ever break the bind. He took her hand and pulled her close, Their lips connected, time froze. The world stood still, their passion grew, As he softly whispered, 'I love you'. The moon above, the gentle breeze, Their love could bring a world to its knees. He traced her jaw with tender touch, Lost in the moment, oh so much. Her eyes locked on him, filled with adoration, Their love like fire, an eternal sensation. In that kiss, they shared their souls, Each kiss sealing, making them whole. No words were needed, their love spoke true, Their hearts beat in sync, as if on cue. He held her close, their love embraced, As if in that moment, all worries erased. The world around them faded away, Nothing else mattered, not even the day. Their love was all-consuming, a burning fire, In that kiss, all their desires. Their hearts beat as one, in perfect harmony, This love, so pure, a beautiful symphony. With every kiss, they shared their dreams, No need for words, their bond redeemed. Their love, a masterpiece, a work of art, Etched in their hearts, never to depart. He tasted her love, in every breath, In that kiss, their souls were blessed. Their love, like a rose, bloomed in the night, Their kiss, a shining star, a guiding light. He held her close, their love complete, In that kiss, their hearts did meet. Their love, a story, a beautiful tale, In that moment, nothing else prevailed.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐃 ─ ∞ . ♡𝆬
He held her close, in a loving embrace, Her lips so soft, her touch so gentle. Their hearts entwined, in a passionate race, Their love, pure and simple. With trembling hands, he brushed her hair, Her eyes, sparkling with desire. He whispered words, so sweet and rare, As his love for her, grew higher.Their bodies pressed together, In a dance of eternal love. As they kissed, in perfect weather, The stars shone brighter above. He drank in her scent, a heavenly perfume, As his love for her, overflowed. He knew in his heart, she was his only bloom, In a garden of thorns, she glowed. Their souls intertwined, in a moment divine, As they shared this intimate bliss. With every kiss, their love would shine, An unbreakable bond, sealed with a kiss. As they parted, his heart ached with love, For his lover, his everything. He knew in his heart, she was a gift from above, And they would share this love, forever and always.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑 ─ ☾ . ♡𝆬
Amidst the moonlit stars, Two souls stood close, As he leaned in to kiss her, Her heart tumbled and rose. His gentle touch upon her cheek, Sent shivers down her spine, The way he looked at her, Was pure and divine. Their lips finally met, In a passionate embrace, It felt like time had stopped, As he held her face. Their love was like a fire, Burning bright and strong, And in that very moment, Nothing could go wrong. As they broke the kiss, Both were left in awe, For it felt like magic, In that romantic thaw. Their love was their sanctuary, A world of their own, And in each other's arms, They found their true home. So let them kiss, let them love, In this blissful delight, For nothing quite compares.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ─ ♔ . ♡𝆬
In a quiet moment of pure devotion, He leans in close with tender affection, His lover's lips, the only destination, As their embrace ignites a fiery fusion. Their breaths entwine, hearts start to race, As soft caresses trace each face, In this embrace, love knows no bounds, As their lips find solace in the sweetest sounds. With each kiss, their love is reaffirmed, In that moment, all worries are adjourned, For nothing else matters in this world, As their love story continues to unfurl. Gentle hands caress her silken hair, As he whispers words of love and care, Their love, a masterpiece in its own right, Painted with each kiss, with each moment bright. Their passion deeper than oceans wide, He holds nothing back, his heart open wide, For this kiss is not just a mere sensation, But an expression of their deep connection. As their lips slowly part, they share a smile, For this love, nothing could ever defile.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎 ─ ❤︎ . ♡𝆬
Their lips meet in a tender embrace, As sparks fly and hearts race. His hand on her cheek, so gentle and mild, Their love, like a beautiful song, beguiled. In his arms, she feels safe and warm, All doubts and fears quickly transform. Into pure bliss, as they share this kiss, No words needed, just this moment of pure bliss. His touch, so soft, yet full of passion, Their love, a never-ending fashion. Their souls entwined, as they stand here, In this moment, nothing else matters, my dear. The world fades away, as their bodies entangle, Their love, a beautiful, unbreakable tangle. Their hearts beating as one, in perfect rhythm, This love, so beautiful, with no beginning or end. With each kiss, their love only grows, A bond, like a precious, fragrant rose. Their love, a masterpiece, never to be sold, A love story, forever to be told. As they break the kiss, their eyes still locked, Their love, like a key, in each other it's unlocked. They know, in each other's arms, they belong, Their love, so beautiful, so pure and strong.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐓 ─ 𓇼 . ♡𝆬
With passion in his eyes, He leans in for the kiss. The touch of his lover's lips, Is a moment of pure bliss. His heart beats faster, As their lips finally meet. He feels the warmth of her breath, As their love is so sweet. The world fades away, As he holds her in his arms. His love for her grows stronger, As they share this loving charm. Their souls intertwine, In this kiss so pure and true. Every worry and fear, All just fade and flew. He knows he's found his home, In the embrace of her kiss. For she is his everything, His love, his eternal bliss. As they slowly pull away, He holds her close and tight. Whispering sweet words, Telling her she's his forever light. In that simple moment, Their love was truly shown. For in each other's arms, They feel truly and beautifully known.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐊𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐌 𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐌 ─ ✧ . ♡𝆬
He gazed into her eyes, like pools of rich dark hue, And felt his heart sing, like a bird in the blue, He held her close, their bodies entwined, As he lowered his lips to hers, both lost in time. Their passionate kiss, a symphony of fire, Their love so pure, it could never tire, With every caress, every touch, every sigh, Their love blossomed, like a butterfly. For in that moment, nothing else existed, Just the two of them, their love persisted, Their souls entwined, their hearts beating as one, Their love, like a rose, forever unwon. And as the stars twinkled, and the night grew still, He whispered sweet words, her heart to fill, For she was his everything, his one true love, And together they'll soar, like two wings of a dove. The moon smiled down, as they shared their love, And the night whispered secrets, from the stars up above, For this moment, this kiss, was a love so divine.
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@fragileheartbeats . Don't plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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lancermylove · 3 months
Their Baby Calls Them Papa (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Leaders x gn!Reader.
Warning: None.
Leona tries to maintain his cool demeanor, but a soft smile betrays his true feelings.
He pretends not to hear it at first to see if his mini lion will call him papa again.
Deep down, he feels a strong surge of pride and attachment. You will hear him talk about this later on, and though he pretends it is normal, you can see the sparkle in his eyes.
Initially, he stares at the baby in disbelief. But soon, the prince feels happiness beyond what words can describe.
You walk into the room to see Malleus gently lifting your child, whispering words of love and promises to protect them forever.
Malleus tries hard not to let tears fall out of his eyes as he hugs the baby close and looks at you with a wide grin.
He gracefully accepts the baby's words and shows a warm, genuine smile.
Vil Kneels in front of the baby and caresses his/her/their chubby cheek.
After a while, he texts you about what happened and says he wished he was recording it. But then says he is determined to get them to say papa again.
Riddle is speechless for a moment. But once he is over the shock, he is overwhelmed with joy.
Gently picks up the baby and expresses how proud he is of them for saying their first word. He also promises the child to not be harsh with them and give them freedom. But then asks the baby to not be upset with him in case he gets strict with him/her/them once in a while.
Once he sees you, he sheds a few tears and hugs you, thanking you for giving him the best gift of his life.
Kalim can't believe his ears. He picks the baby up and starts to kiss his/her/their cheeks and forehead.
After showering the baby with affection, he calls you and tells you what happened. He can't stop gushing over the moment and says his child is very intelligent.
In the end, Kalim ends up organizes a small celebration to commemorate the moment, inviting close friends.
Initially, Idia is shocked and unsure how to react. He calls Ortho and asks what he is supposed to do. Idia even calls you and asks what he is supposed to do.
But when the baby tugs on his jacket and repeats the word, Idia warms up. He hesitantly kneels in front of the baby and pokes his/her/their cheek.
Idia asks Ortho to research baby development stages and activities that can help him understand the baby and develop a better bond.
Azul is surprised and momentarily loses his composure, showing a rare, vulnerable side.
After regaining his usual calm, he thanks the baby in a soft, gentle voice. Then, whisper to the baby to also learn how to say mama, as you will be upset if the baby only says papa.
When you return home, the baby points to Azul and says papa, then points to you and says mama. All the while, your husband gives you a proud smile.
➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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ashtavula · 3 months
Hello could I maybe request the overbloters having accidentally hurt their S/o during their overblot? If not that’s fine I just wanted to ask.
cw: descriptions of injuries and blood, spoilers for the overblots
The overblotters accidentally hurt their s/o
-You try to avoid the massive rose tree that Riddle hurls your way, but you're just a bit too slow. The tree hits you, and you cry out as the thorns slice you open. Ace and Deuce try to help you out, and they manage to yank you out from underneath the sharp limbs. Blood drips from the cuts on your limbs, and you collapse as Riddle's overblot comes to an end.
-As soon as Riddle sees you, his tears intensify, and he begs for people to help you. In the days after that, Riddle insists on tending to your injuries. He looks guilty as he helps change your bandages, and he's insistent that you take your painkillers on time. It'll take him a long time to forgive himself for hurting you, even if it was an accident.
-The sand being whipped around by the wind makes it difficult to see, and you get a little too close to Leona. He grabs your arm, and you yelp as his claws dig into your skin. Jack is able to distract Leona, and you break away, cradling your bleeding arm.
-Once it's all over, Leona's sharp nose picks up on the smell of blood. He storms over to you, and he tears a strip of fabric from his shirt. He presses it to your skin, trying to stop the bleeding as he barks for the others to find a medic. While you recover, Leona looks irritated by the sight of the bandages, but you know that he's just angry at himself for hurting you. And when you settle down next to him for your daily cuddles, he'll treat you like you're made of glass.
-You knew Azul was stronger than he looked, but you never thought that you'd be on the receiving end of his tentacles. He effortlessly swats you aside, and you slam against a wall. Your head spins, and you can already tell that you've broken your arm. You curl up into a ball, choking back sobs as Leona and the others get Azul to stop his rampage.
-Azul is horrified when he realizes what happened. You see the color drain out of his face, and he lifts you up to carry you to the infirmary himself. For the next few weeks, Azul is your personal servant. Simply tell him what you want, and he's scrambling to get it for you. He feels awful about hurting you, and he's always fretting over your cast.
-You gasp as you see Jamil approaching you and Kalim with a murderous look in his eyes. You quickly shove Kalim away, hoping to get him out of range of Jamil. The snakes that have replaced his hair dart towards you, and their fangs sink into your arm. Almost instantly, a blinding surge of agony shoots up your arm. You collapse to your knees, and pass out from the pain.
-You awaken a few hours later, dizzy and nauseated. You vaguely realize that you're laying down in Jamil's bed, and that he's laying down beside you. You squirm, and Jamil lifts his head. He immediately scolds you for getting too close to him during his overblot. Yet, as he lectures you, his hands check you for a fever, and he gives you medicine to help with the effects of the snake venom that's wreaking havoc on your body. As you close your eyes, still exhausted, you feel his lips press against your forehead, and he mumbles out an apology against your skin.
-Your eyes water as you accidentally breathe in some of Vil's poison. Your nose and throat start to burn, and you start tasting something metallic. Within a few moments, you're coughing up blood and struggling to get enough oxygen. You have to lean against Epel as you gasp for air, blood starting to drip from your nose.
-You faint as Vil stops overblotting, but you awaken a few minutes later to see Malleus staring down at you with his brows furrowed. You barely get the chance to open your mouth before Vil is yanking you into a tight embrace. You can feel his hands shake as he mumbles out apologies and promises to never hurt you again. Malleus may have helped you overcome the effects of the poison, but that doesn't stop Vil from fussing over you. As he insists on checking your throat for the fourth time that day, just remind yourself that he's doing it because he loves you.
-The ground shakes, and you fail to see the piece of debris that falls from the ceiling. It hits your shoulder, and you scream as the joint is dislocated. Rook is able to quickly knot the Pomefiore uniform's long sleeves around you to form a makeshift sling, but it's a struggle to hold back the tears of pain.
-It takes a moment for Idia to realize what's wrong, but he nearly has a meltdown when he does. He's immediately rushing you off to Styx's medical professionals, leaving everyone else in the dust. He's trying to apologize to you the entire time as the doctors put your arm in a splint, but he's stuttering over his words so badly that you can barely understand them. Once you're back at NRC, Idia keeps you practically locked up in his room as you recover. Despite keeping you with him, Idia is even more hesitant to touch you, out of fear of hurting you further.
-Malleus' magic washes over you, and your eyes slide closed as you're forced into a dream. Unfortunately, you hit your head on the edge of a table as you fall over, and Malleus doesn't notice. While traversing the dream worlds, you keep feeling this faint ache in your head, but you brush it off.
-However, you immediately groan in pain, and cradle your head in your hands when you wake up. The distant ache in the dreams blossoms into a stabbing migraine, and the world spins around you. Malleus quickly takes notice, and he cradles you in his embrace as he worriedly asks you what's wrong. You feel the brief pull of his magic, and the agony subsides. His lips press against the side of your head, and he croons out apologies for not keeping a better eye on you. For the next few days, you have a draconic shadow that refuses to leave you alone, and thinks that copious amounts of ice cream will make you feel better after your "terrible injury."
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cyn-write · 8 months
"She Blazes Me Beyond All Control"
Summary: Rollo has been eyeing you since your arrival, seeing you as the diamond amongst coals. At the Ball, he corners you into a dance, but your BF is not going to let this slide...
Pairings: Azul, Idia, Melleus x F!reader (Y/N)
warnings: Possessive behavior, suggestive, manipulation and obsession (Rollo), established relationships, romantic ~
Note: This came to me while playing Glorious Masquerade! Let me know if you want a part 2 or any other characters. I really enjoyed writing this and hope to do more! Enjoy!
Edit: Click this link for Riddle, Deuce, Ruggie, and Jamil!
Click Here for Rollo!!
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"Who might you be miss?"
Y/n gave a kind smile and nodded her head in greeting "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you," she stayed next to Trein as she was there as his assistant.
"Yuu is our magicless perfect of Ramshackle. She will be working as my assistant throughout the trip," Trein added.
She felt Rollo's eyes scan her and, unlike his greetings to the rest, he held out a hand. Being poilet she offered her hand as well and he lifted it to his lips, grazing her knuckles quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, y/n. I understand it must be difficult, being surrounded by mages every second of the day. I hope you get a chance to relax this trip."
Y/n blushed at the motion and bit her lower lip. All the while she could feel her boyfriend glaring daggers into her and Rollo.
"I-I'll do my best..." Y/n replied.
Throughout the entire trip, Rollo seemed to gravitate towards y/n and used every excuse to isolate her from the group. They chatted about her difficulties at NRC and of the festival. Due to her being Trein's assistant and the constant reminders to behave she and her Boyfriend had little time together.
This all accumulated at the Masquerade. Rollo had given Y/n a proper dress for the occasion instead of the attire his counsel had chosen. The (color) fabric decadently adorned your figure and stunned the NRC boys with its beauty. But before her boyfriend could ask for a dance, Rollo stole y/n away. He whisked her to the dance floor and they started chatting. At this point, Y/N's boyfriend has had enough of the student counsel president, but what sent him over the edge is when he takes you to the balcony and dare suggest the worst:
"Y/n, stay here with me." Y/n turned quickly on her heels to Rollo in confusion, "The fools at NRC do not deserve your purity. You belong here. with me." He has her pinned against the balcony, "This is your sanctuary."
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul could sense Rollo's eyes on you since your arrival. He tried to be civil as Rollo was a possible future ally, but even a merchant has his limits.
He walks with purpose from his hiding place and places a firm hand on Rollo's shoulder.
"You are quite mistaken Rollo." Azul said with his business smile hiding his true rage, "You see, y/n is deeply loved at NRC and she needs no sanctuary when she has me to look after her." He moves Rollo to the side with surprising strength and takes his beloved's hand, pulling her to him and grazing her fingers with his lips, "Isn't that right, Anglefish?"
Y/n smiled so bright that Azul might have mistaken her for gold, "I couldn't have said it better myself."
Azul held on to his Anglefish as he gestured to the ballroom, "it is simply criminal that we have gone this long without a dance, especially when you look this~"
Y/n nodded with a giggle and as they left Azul gave Rollo a final glare.
"One last thing before we return to the crowd." Azul pulled in y/n for a passionate kiss. All in view of Rollo who was revolting at the sight of his pure beauty being kissed by a sea mage.
After a breathless kiss, Azul led his beloved away, sweeping her onto the dance floor. They danced the night away and during a particularly romantic number, Azul leaned into his beloved's ear, pushing away her h/c hair, and whispered.
"I am sorry for letting this get too far. But I can assure you, once we are alone, I promise to show you how much you set my heart ablaze~"
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Idia Shroud
Idia was never one for confrontation, but when his girlfriend was being stolen from him, well he did hate to lose.
"Where did you get the villain monologue from? A crappy kids movie?" Idia strode into the balcony and grabbed y/n out from under the creep. "The whole leave them and stay with me thing only works in ottoman games or one-off episode romances and I know y/n hates those subplots." He held y/n close to his chest. "Now, you leave my girlfriend alone, everyone knows in love triangles that the girl always chooses the hero, not the villain."
Y/n looked at Idia in awe. Her boyfriend hated confrontation, but he swooped in like Prince Charming and saved her.
"Idia's right. I love NRC. I could never leave." She said firmly and held locked her arms around his waist, "besides, I could never leave my knight in shining armor!"
Rollo stood in furry as the shut-in stole his beauty. He was shocked that the introverted mage confronted him, or that he was y/n's partner.
Idia glared at Rollo as he guided y/n away from the creep. "See ya Creep."
The moment they were out of Rollo's sight, Idia released a breath and melted into his beloved's embrace.
"Ohmysevensthatwasthescariestthingihadeverdoneinmylife." Idia nearly collapsed into y/n, but he held her tight.
"Idia, you were brilliant! I never thought you could do that, you were like a prince swooping in to save the princess." Y/n hugged Idia back. her anxiety and fear she felt from the situation finally settled in and a few tears started rolling down, "I was so scared idia..."
He pulled back slightly to look at her teats. He whipped away her tears and kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, He was just so... scary. But when I heard him talking to you like that, i-it got my blood boiling." He placed a hand on her cheek and pressed his forehead against hers, "I know I don't show it as often as i should, but I really do love you... uhg I sound stupid..." Idia's face was burning as pink as his hair.
Y/n smiled and pressed a sweet kiss to Idia's lips, "I know what you mean... I love you too, my star hero."
Idia smiled and kissed y/n again with a deep passion.
He smiled a toothy grin as he heard the enchanting melody seeping from the ballroom. "I know it's lame, but we are all done up in festival cosplay... care to dance?"
Y/n pressed a kiss to Idia's cheek, "I'd love to!"
The couple didn't go back to the crowd. They instead danced right there, just outside the ballroom.
As the music played, Idia leaned into his beloved and whispered,
"I wouldn't be much of a Knight in shining armor if I let my princess think she was unloved... how about I show you how much I burn for you?"
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Melleus Draconia
Dragons were possessive creatures, and Malleus was no exception. He did not think much of Rollo and y/n's interaction, but this blatant display of affection towards his perfect. The sky cracked with thunder as Malleus glared down at Rollo from his place lurking spot. Rollo had the audacity to steal the first dance, now he was trying to take away the woman he loved. This would not do.
Y/n pushed Rollo away slightly and spoke up, "Thank you for the offer, but I have not intention of leaving NRC. It is difficult at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the ball."
Rollo grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled her against him. "It's because of Draconia, isn't it? He has bewitched you!" He pinned her between the balcony wall and him. "Those fiends have enchanted you, but I will free you from those chains and show you salvation! No matter the cost!"
"I think you misheard. Y/n said no." That is when Malleus stepped in. He floated above the two and threw Rollo off his perfect. He swooped y/n into his arms, carrying her like a bride. Oh, how he wished she was his bride, but not now, not yet.
Rollo scowled at Malleus, "You daemon, you and all your kind!"
Malleus' anger flared and another crack of thunder filled the air. He floated down so he was at eye-level with this monster. "If you dare touch another hair on her head, I will show you my true capabilities."
Y/n places a hand on Malleus' chest, "Tsunotarou, remember, we are guests here. What would Trein say if he heard of this?"
Malleus looked at y/n's e/c eyes and sighed. He stepped back, turned on his heels, and left the balcony and the angry monster on it.
Once they were a safe distance from the balcony, out of sight from the crowd, Malleus put y/n down and hugged her close to his chest. "Y/n, I'm sorry I didn't step in sooner. Did he hurt you?"
Y/n could feel the worry in Malleus' voice reverberate in his chest. She placed a hand on his cheek and stocked his soft skin "You saved me just in time Mal." She kissed his other cheek and said, "Thank you, my Prince Charming."
Malleus, in a surge of passion, kissed y/n deeply. He held her so close as if she might disappear if he let go. Y/n reciprocated the kiss.
Malleus parted and looked at the child of man's eyes "I hope you know how much my heart burns for you. Seeing you in the arms of another, it pains me more than anything else." His eyes were filled with a deep love for her. "I know how difficult it is to be an outcast, but I promise I will always be here for you. Even if the world is burning around us, I will hold you close and keep you safe until my dying breath."
Y/n felt her eyes water at his words. "Thank You Mal, I love you so much."
"I love you too, Y/n," Malleus pressed his lips against hers in a fiery passion. They stayed like this for a few minutes exchanging passionate kisses as the music played. Then another symphony started to play and the calls of their companions grew louder.
Malleus chuckled and stepped back, taking one of her hands and bowing to press a kiss to it,
"We can continue this later in private. For now, may I have this dance, my flame?"
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing an NSFW part 2 or want to see more characters in this scenario, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
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cloudcountry · 16 hours
[COUGHS] Prompting u 'Domestic' or 'Timeline Fuckery' for more Idia content
Becuase OH MY FUCK- NEW RELIGION TIME AND IT IS AUBURNS WRITING (as usual, feel free to ignore the ask if you don't vibe ♡)
you can see his eyelids drooping.
he is such a liar when he says he isn't tired.
"open your mouth wider, baby." you huff, toothbrush in hand as you move his face around to get a better angle, "i can't help you take care of these pretty teeth if you don't let me."
idia gargles something unintelligible, and he's so sleepy you doubt you'd be able to understand him even if the toothbrush wasn't in his mouth.
"you ate a lot of sugar today." you remind him, brushing as far back as his molars and covering every angle, "i don't want you getting cavities and i know you don't either. nobody likes a trip to the dentist."
idia mumbles something again, but you can't understand him this time either. with the way he keeps slumping in his chair and the way his eyes keep fluttering shut before he jerks awake again, you reckon you'll be carrying your husband to bed again.
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tiyoin · 4 months
📍pt 1 | pt 2.
no thoughts just thought about twst’s other mc
you were friends with yuu in your original life. two halves of a whole.
but you were shyer when it came to new people while yuu was more out going. so you couldn’t help but watch enviously as yuu started getting friends- a lot of them- right off the bat.
of course you were still best friends, always making time for each other no matter how hard it was to.
once a week you and yuu would spend the whole day together no matter who you ran into.
ace and deuce? great! they joined the party! but you wouldn’t even look at them nor talk to them out of pure anxiety.
of course you’d talk to them if they spoke to you first. have a little wave everytime they greeted you.
it took you 1 monthh to be able to be able to greet them on your own.
or! if the infamous leech twins were to interrupt your yuu time you would always cling to them as the two green giants would intimidate you.
didn’t help that you could feel their eyes linger on you either. your eyes always meeting theirs if they happened to say something that made you laugh out loud.
of course they picked fun at you for not talking, or barely talking.
“oh? y/n i didn’t know you could talk”
“ehhh, i forgot you were here”
was something you got on the daily. yuu would laugh it off and sling their arm around your shoulder, telling whomever about how much of a chatter box you were! always finished it off by cooing at you and saying ‘how you were shy’ around people, especially guys.
you were in hell to be fair.
although, you were able to make your own friends; like silver. you were the only ones not paired up for the joint potionology lesson.
silver because he was sleeping, and you because yuu was swarmed by their other friends and you went to the bathroom when he announced it was a pair up.
you had counted before and there was an odd number of people. so if you went to the bathroom everyone would have to pair up and when you came back you’d be able to work alone!!
sound proof plan right! turns out one of the leeches snuck into the class when they weren’t supposed to so your headcount was slightly off.
when you say next to silver you debated waking him up. looking to yuu nervously they shrugged, motioning you to wake him up.
but he looked so… peaceful. so you started doing the work on your own, like how you intended. you kept sneaking peeks at him as the minute hand ticked on.
crewel was too busy with another group (ace and deuce) to really bother with you or silver-
gasping, your head snapped to sliver’s as your startled eyes met his groggy ones. his eyes individually blinking as he yawned.
“are you-”
“we uh, got paired up for a project…”
he sat up right, clearly surprised as he looked around. seeing all the pairs hard at work, he looked at your chemistry set with guilt.
“i’m sorry for sleeping, i didn’t even know we were paired together. you could’ve woke me up”
you smiled slightly, shaking your head as you struggled to meet his eyes. “don’t worry about it, i was planning on working alone but counted wrong, and you seemed so peaceful that i didn’t have the heart to wake you”
he sighed, slouching over his seat “i appreciate it, but next time don’t be afraid to wake me up, okay?”
you nodded as you flipped the paper to catch him up.
it was nice talking to someone other than yuu for once. someone who wasn’t as boisterous and a handful. someone who didn’t have trouble follow them like a shadow. yeah it was different, but you’d take any different slice to mix up your mundane life.
you didn’t know if it was sliver, or an instant connection, but you both slowly drifted from the topic and started talking about sleep. your lack of and his overabundance of.
“you’re kidding?? you fell asleep on your horse?? i’m sorry- i shouldn’t laugh” your head threw back as you tried holding back your laughter. silver chuckled, cheeks and ears turning a soft peachy hue, he shifted his bangs between his thumb and pointer finger. silver was recounting the tale of when he fell asleep on his horse during an equestrian club practice, causing the horse to run off with him still attached.
opening your eyes a bit, you saw more than one person staring at you. matter of fact, it seemed like almost the whole room was looking in your general direction. instinctively, you shut your mouth and hunched over yourself as you cleared your throat. staring down at the paper, you erased a sentence before re-writing. your body felt like it was on fire as you bit your lip nervously.
fuck, that was humiliating.
“you should laugh more”
your eyes shot up to silvers. he had a slight smile as he looked at you through his bangs, he flicked his eyes down to keep writing which only lasted a moment longer as his eyes fluttered before he lifted his head.
“you always seem so… depressed”
“ouch” you grumbled, yet he kept going
“you wouldn’t be so alone here if you smiled and laughed more, believe me, you have a wonderful smile and a contagious laugh”
‘no shot he’s fucking rizzing me’ you gasped internally as you felt your cheeks get redder. you fought back the urge to fan yourself as you felt your clothing on your skin.
everything seemed too much, the lights, your clothes, the table, his eyes.
“are you okay y/n?”
you nodded, before quickly shaking your head as your breathing picked up.
1,2,3 1,2,3 you repeated to yourself as your fingers took alternating taps against your thumb.
“let me take you to the nurse”
“i-im fine, really, thanks” you blurted out, standing up before beelining it to crewel. even as your legs carried you swiftly through the isles, you felt eyes rake the back of your body, scan every part of your being.
lord you just wanted to burst out into tears. never late to the party, your vision blurred as tears threatened to slip from your waterline down to your cheeks.
change of plans, you walked past crewel who was busy helping yuu’s group to notice you quickly shuffling to the door.
opening it gently, you all but slipped through the crack. closing it softer than you opened it, you side stepped to the wall and just- breathed.
oh you thought it was cute breathing? HAHAHAHHA. wrong
gasping for breathe, you looked down the hallways. once reassuring that it’s all clear you speed walked down the corridor. you heard a door open behind you as you kept your pace, you didn’t know where you were going but you needed space.
“y/n!” your body jerked to stop, but you kept walking. you couldn’t recognize the voice and you figured ‘hey there’s probably like 20 y/n’s here, they’re probably not talking to me!’
“y/n! wait up!!”
looking back, you saw a blob of brown hair quickly make its way towards you.
slowly, like a deer caught in headlights, you made your way towards the blob. it was probably yuu.
right you were, as the closer they came the more you were able to make out their features.
“hey” you greeted, waving awkwardly as they slammed into you, arms wrapping around you tightly.
you squirmed uncomfortably, yuu being perceptive got the hint and flung off you like you had a disease.
“profesor crewel gave me permission to take you to the nurse! of course i had to convince silver not to go with us, but he wouldn’t budge! so he’s coming with your stuff after class!”
why they were so preppy after you almost had a panic attack (almost??) annoyed you slightly, yet you couldn’t blame them. they didn’t know.
silently, you nodded and started walking to the nurse again. you couldn’t see it, but yuu was waving to the small group that formed by the door; the first years. yuu only followed you once they all were pulled inside.
the majority of the walk was spent trying to calm yourself down. yuu stayed silent, trapped in their own world to give you time to reflect.
you were about to grab the handle to the nurses office when you noticed yuu walked right past you and the door.
“yuu you passed it”
“i know”
“wait you were serious about going to the nurse?”
you shrugged, i mean, what else would you do? crewel would skin you if he found out you skipped.
“i don’t wanna be made into a coat”
yuu chuckled, motioning for you to keep walking with them. looking between an inching away yuu and the red, ‘nurses office’ spelled out on the glass door, your feet moved on their own as your hand lingered on the knob.
yuu cheered as they walked back to you before guiding you in the middle of the hallway. far from the nurses door.
“do you wanna talk about it?”
you groaned, fisting your hair as you remembered what made you spiral. slamming your hands into your face, you grumbled out a response. yuu leaned closer, jokingly telling you to repeat it.
“he complimented me”
yuu stopped walking, hands hovering your shoulders as their eyes asked for permission to touch you. nodding, you were met with a gentle impact of their hands on your shoulders as they lightly shaked you.
“you started crying cause he complimented you??” they laughed, going on and on about your ‘crybaby rizz,’ and ‘how he looked like a kicked puppy because he thought he said something wrong.’
“i- i wasn’t crying!” you argued, but you both knew that was a lie as you cried easily at things.
that wasn’t the reason though… you wanted to tell them, yet when you opened your mouth to tell them what really happened, your throat closed up.
it wasn’t he compliment, but the fact that everyone was watching you. every single pair of eyes in that classroom put you under a microscope and inspected you like an amoeba when you laughed.
and the fact that most of them watched you storm out of the classroom in emotional turmoil made you want to claw your eyes out.
you sighed, knees buckling as yuu’s hands kept themselves purchased on your shoulders as you caught yourself.
“are you sure that’s it? you can tell me anything you know” they looked so worried, brows furrowed, smile long gone from their face, and their nose was even crinkled.
but no matter how strong your throat was, it would never be able to withstand the flood gates that opened once yuu said those magic words. “it just… everyone was staring at me- and i mean staring. like i was an animal they’ve never seen before at a zoo! last time i checked i wasn’t a animal on display! it just made me really conscious about… well everything”
yuu’s head tilted in thought “do you know why they were staring? did you do something?”
“… i laughed”
“… you… laughed?”
you nodded
“wait i’m confused, why the hell would they all look at you then”
“RIGHT” you yelled out, the knots in your back loosening the tiniest amount. no matter hard you tried to wrap your head around it, you laughing shouldn’t have been such a spectacle. yet it was.
“i’m never laughing again- OR going to that class again, i cant, ill die” you hunched over, curling into yourself as you dig your palms into your eyes as you let out numerous groans and sighs. even shaking your upper body for added effect.
yuu chuckled, patting your hunched over form “well i think you should laugh more, only for me though! cause i like it when you smile just at me!”
you rolled your eyes, commenting how greedy they were, and how one could get the wrong intentions based on wh-
“no i want you to get the wrong intentions. well, the right ones for me anyways. i’ll let silver have you for a bit, but make sure you only smile for me, ‘kay!” their arm slid down your back before it found the dip in your lower back.
freezing slightly, your eyes slowly trailed from the floor to yuu. their hand laid there for a moment, almost like they were engraining how you felt under their touch in their mind, before they quickly moved their hand back up to your upper back.
keeping you in their grasp, they started yapping as you two kept walking down the hallways.
they didn’t bother to wait for you to talk
you couldn’t notice, of course, but while yuu’s hand was in the small of your back a certain someone from class had interrupted the moment.
yuu being yuu didn’t tell you, as they were already gone when you started walking again.
i wrote this on the toilet.
why does no one talk about how AWFUL it would be if someone with social anxiety got transported to twisted wonderland 😭
like i’d have ZERO friends, expect for 1 or 2 people cause DAMN
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simplyreveries · 4 months
"and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like 'i love you'"
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riddle rosehearts
riddle feels such a strange feeling in his chest, he hates it. he feels nervous as you make his chest squeeze and filled with pressure every time, you're near— it washes away as soon as you turn and talk to him. he feels frustrated because he finds himself unable to focus, unable to think clearly when all he sees you. you make him feel such a sense of comfort, he feels like he can fully let his guard down and tell you everything about him if you asked and it scares him. he has looked into how he is feeling, tried asking trey bashfully or read books, things online how he could possibly cope with this sickness.
more often than not he’s drawn to observing and noticing everything about you, your little quirks, expressions, comments, when your right in front of him now, laughing and talking freely amongst your friends around him happily helping out and cleaning up a little. he doesn't seem to be near nor saying a word but only mesmerized as he watches from a distance, he feels so much in a daze of this realization that he doesn't snap out when you walk over to him, he looks at you with a distressed look.
"... have you ever been in love?"
leona kingscholar
despite leona’s intelligence and knowing just exactly what he is feeling about you, he is stubborn at heart. he absolutely hates what you're doing to him, he can't even sleep and take a nap in peace without you invading his thoughts. it looks like he’s angry at you or frustrated, really but it's just him unable to handle the emotions you make him experience. he is infuriated with how he succumbs to the jealously that you make him feel when you're with others, that he feels need to want that attention back on him. still, you talk and find him, usually talking his ear off about something random and some event that occurred to you today.
he has his eyes closed but still listens to you. sometimes you’ll join a game of chess with him, to which he usually takes the pride in winning. he never really questioned as to why you're so persistent on befriending or even just being around him, perhaps you warmed up to him when he cracked and gave into letting you and grim stay at his dorm when yours was practically taken over. his demeanor around you is small, but noticeable. sometimes you'd tease and laugh, you tell him "you must love me" his eyes are kept on you with his eyebrows raised, but he wouldn't say anything to deny.
"do you really wanna make me say it?"
azul ashengrotto
azul finds his demeanor collapsing around you, when he tries to play his cool-headed, business oriented, cleverly scheming person with a smug grin that turns into a stupid smile because he finds himself too nervous around you and so happy being close to you. any attempt he makes to be "suave" around you, it only shows what a hopeless man he is. he feels like he has to look like he absolutely is perfect in front of you, how else would you fall for him? nevertheless, you always seem to be able to see right through him and he hates that. he doesn't want to feel vulnerable, its icky to him.
he watches you after hours in the mostro lounge as you hum and finish closing and cleaning up with him and some others, however now it only seems to be you and azul. he knows he shouldn’t be staring but he tells himself just a few moments more, he always found you under the lighting to be mesmerizing. he hears you telling him about something silly that happened while you were serving, he hears you but can't focus as his mind is running with a million thoughts, if you ask him what it is, he clears his throat and carefully adjusts his glasses, replying slowly.
“i just... love you”
kalim al-asim
his feelings hit so hard, as soon as he got them, he loved it and wanted more of the adrenaline and high of being completely enamored with someone. he loved all the little things that happens throughout the day that makes him so giddy and happy he thinks about it as he tries to sleep, excited for tomorrow to come to see you. kalim feels like he is literally your other half, always wanting to be right beside you.
he finds himself daydreaming quite often, of what it'd be like to be yours, even the thought of you giving him a kiss on the cheek has him flushed. of course, you’d find himself at his celebrations and parades he holds at his dorm. he'd always try to get you to dance, grabbing your hands and jumping up and down with you laughing at least. kalim feels like he can say anything to you and thats exactly what he does. he grabs your hands and bring it up to his face near his lips.
"i love you!"
vil schoenheit
he had his apprehensions; you were more so just someone he knew and eventually because dormmates during his stay with the others at ramshackle. vil had always seemed so drawn to you, if you notice him staring and give a nervous, confused look he'll smoothly adjust something on you. it looks like he can see right through you at times, it didn't take long for him to believe what a genuinely good soul you are in this school. when you and the others were dealing with the events that unfolded when dealing with idia and STYX, when vil had hugged you and pressed a kiss to your forehead he realized just how fully he was deep in this. he pulled away and stared at you for a moment with his hands gripped on your arms that took a longer to fully pull away.
you've sparked such an interest in him, he practically found himself becoming infatuated over time. you'll find yourself within his dorm as he carefully applies makeup to your face-- he adores doing but he can't help but feel amused with a smile creeping to his face when he feels how strangely intimate it feels between you too with him so close. he looks at you with the dreamiest daze, he'll pinch your cheek lightly before moving to grab something else.
"i cant believe i've fallen for you"
idia shroud
he stares and fidgets on his phone nervously, biting his already scarred lip-- he is staring at your contact. he wants to get it off his chest, he wants to get it out of the way if you're reciprocating and feel the same way to someone like him. ortho practically bugs him all the time to, confident and laughs even when he brings up the idea- ortho knows you and thinks idia will be successful and pleasantly surprised with your answer. idia hates that he can't help the way he feels around you, he feels a sense of relief and comfort when you're near- like he doesn't need to be absolutely on edge.
yet as soon as he felt that sensation around you, he eventually turned into his fear because of his infatuation he has around you only grew. he feels his mouth goes dry and struggles to finds something to say when he's looking right at you. you'll still see his moments where he's rambling about something he built or a media he is enjoying but he grows back more into his shell of anxiety when he realizes how much he feels. he considers you perfect and honestly, far out of his league. there was no one someone like you would possibly fall for someone like him. still, idia has found himself to be a pathetic mess when it comes to you and quickly presses send.
"I think i love you"
malleus draconia
surprisingly, out of all of them - i feel like its him that falls for you the quickest. he found himself to be so smitten with you as soon as he accidentally stumbled upon you when it was unbeknownst to him that you were living in the ramshackle dorm now. he admires you, you've shown anything but fear around him and made him feel seen. he truly believes its fate that you somehow found yourself all the way to twisted wonderland and you two had met each other, he tends to find his mind drifting and thinking about that a lot. despite you possessing no magic, he still sometimes will tell you even before confessing that you must hold something. malleus won't give you an exact answer as to why he thinks that yet– being playful and mysterious as he quietly laughs to himself. you stumbled into this unknown world and made him this infatuated. he can't take his eyes off of you during the nights you find yourself talking to him, he watches you look at the nature, as he often shares you the beauty of it in the late hours.
"you've bewitched me, havent you?"
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random-twst-things · 4 months
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Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Do you guys think Idia's rich?
Grim: Nope, not at all
Ace: nah
Deuce: hmm I don't think so?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: hmmm, hold on
*Mc/Y/N/Yuu takes out their phone and opens chat with Idia*
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: idia?
[Idia]: ....???
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: Quick question
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: very random one, too.
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu] Also, this isn't a test, don't worry.
[Idia]: Last time you said that it was a test and I ended up having to comfort you bc I chose the "wrong" answer 💀💀💀
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: First of all, you "tried" comforting me 😔☝️
[Idia]: ...
[Idia] and then you laughed at me "trying" to comfort you -_-
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: ANYWAY
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: back to the very random question
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu]: Are you rich?
[Idia]: ...
[Idia]: Do you need smth??
[Idia]: ykw, just tell me the amount you need
[Mc/Y/N/Yuu took a screenshot]
[Idia]: ???
*Shows the screenshot to Ace and Deuce*
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: y'all 🤭
Ace: oh that screams rich
Deuce: oh wow, I never would have thought
Grim, hopping on Mc/Y/N/Yuu's lap: Have you seen the guys technology? Oh course he has money.
Ace: A few minutes ago, you were just saying how he wasn't rich 😒
Grim: It was a trick the great Grim set in place for you to be wrong!!!!
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Dividers from @/cafekitsune
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Twisted wonderland Incorrect quotes #14
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*your telling Idia about the guy you like which is him but he doesn’t know that*
Idia:I cant believe your getting so worked up about some Guy
MC:Well this one different, hes honest and hes sweet
MC:he would never do anything to hurt me
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