#feel free to clarify in the tags too if u wanna
pumpkajelly · 7 months
I know low - extreme ride intensity is all pretty subjective so just answer however related to however you feel about it! 🎢
(And feel free to put your number and additional thoughts in the tags if you're curious about your mutuals' amusement park thoughts 👀)
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batterygarden · 11 months
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Train on a Train | ft. Aged up! Pro players! Seishiro Nagi, Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Hyoma Chigiri
18+ MDNI
cw: fem & afab reader, explicit 5-some/orgy/train running, reader wears a skirt & lace panties & has hair which is gripped once, "princess" and "baby" pet names used, established relationship w Nagi, you and Nagi get sorta slutted out tbh, nagiri featured, bachisagi sorta featured (less seriously), borderline dubcon bc they don't ask reader if she's cool w everything although she is (i'll tag it), "pussy anytime pass" cashed in by Nagi lmao, semi-public sex, peeping toms, cuckolding, penetrative sex, oral (f + m recieving), face fucking, cum eating, some mlm oral/hand job in there, mult. orgasms & creampies, overstimulation, a little pussy inspection, a little dacryphilia, took many liberties w this like don't think about it too hard a/n: This is the most ridiculous fic I've ever written and It's also really special to me, pls enjoy the absurdities! I'd like to clarify that the train car I'm imaging for it is like the one in the header image--this is a huge and magical train they're in, okay. They have lots of space; this train layout does not make sense and I personally have not been on a train w a setup like this but I’ve seen it on tv / in movies so like. lol u just have to roll w it ! pls interact if ur into it and wanna talk ab bllk w me!! sending kissies. Thx for betaing bbg @millionsknife wk: 5.7 k!
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“You’re heartless.”
Nagi’s voice is so serious and deadpan that you break focus from your book, and watch as his typical apathetic frown meets his eyes for a moment in a way that could fool any stranger into worrying. 
But not you. He’s being subtle about it but you’re very familiar with Seishiro’s pouting routine—he’s upset you won’t surrender your phone for the last hour and a half of your train ride because somebody came unprepared with a low battery. His games were apparently more important than an ongoing text conversation with your friend!
“Am not, you big baby! Bring a charger next time.” 
You don’t respond when he mumbles something about there not even being outlets under his breath, immediately re-engrossed in your story, ignoring his squirming and sighs. 
You hear it when Nagi finally stills and drops his head against the window next to him, and he doesn’t even look at you when he speaks again.
“Whatever. ‘M using’ it now then.”
“You’re what?” 
“My pass,” he pauses to yawn. “My free pussy pass or whatever.” 
It takes you a second to even process his words. Then you wonder if he’s joking—sometimes with that blank-eyed stare it’s hard to tell. 
“Sei, we’re on a train…?” 
You didn’t think he’d use part of your valentines gift this way…truthfully you thought he’d forgotten about your little half-joke coupons you made him—he only ever cashed in the massage. He's never shown interest in public sex before… this is uncharted territory.
“Don’t care,” he sighs, his mouth twisting a little so his expression flashes mock sympathy.  He pats his upper thigh.
“Hop on soldier.”
You laugh for a second and his lips twitch before he narrows his eyes at your hesitance, pouting openly this time. 
“Come on. Was the pussy pass fake or something?” 
You have to hold back another giggle. “Say pussy pass one more time.” 
Your car’s door gets a lingering glance before you’re abandoning your book and phone, sliding carefully into his lap while he stares at you, looking deep in thought. You seize his pause as an opportunity to peck his lips—giving into him way too easily like always. You’re reminded of all your friends’ claims that you spoil him—suddenly certain they’re true when you feel his hands squeeze their way up your thighs till they’re under your skirt, the cool air hitting your ass in the middle of a public train. 
“Well what else ‘m I supposed to call it?” He leans his head back against the wall, getting comfy in his seat while he kneads your hips atop him, feeling that the fabric of your panties is lacy. 
You break your lips away from his neck where they’d drifted, glancing at the hall again before smiling at him.
“Just teasing. This is new though… will you watch the door? Otherwise I’ll be nervous.”
He nods for you, rubbing his thumbs reassuringly over your sides while his fingertips graze frilly straps.
He’s content just holding you like that a while longer, letting his eyelids droop while you work on his neck, but his fingers dig into your skin when he feels you bite. 
“ow. what’s that for?”
He brings a hand up to clasp over the newly forming bruise on his pulse, eyes a little widened. 
“A reminder to watch the door,” you say while you grind for the first time over his sweatpants, earning a sharp inhale. The real reason you sunk your teeth in is that Nagi’s annoying—about to get his dick ridden after throwing a tantrum over a phone battery. Classic Seishiro—everything comes too easy to him! 
You wanna give him a harder time, you really wanna get bratty, but the feeling of Nagi’s hard dick against your panties has your brain short circuiting—especially when you notice his cute dilated pupils before he grinds up to meet your hips. Somehow those eyes have you programmed to do anything he asks—anything that’d please him would please you just as much. 
So it’s after not long at all that your grinding turns rabid and you can’t wait any longer for him to be inside you. then you break away from his chest where you’d been clinging, hovering above him so you can take his cock out before spitting on it and giving a few impatient pumps. 
Nagi’s a mess by this point, his bedhead even more disheveled than before and his cheeks rosy, his lips and neck looking red and abused. But your hand around his dick obliterates the last of his composure, now he’s squirming and whining and letting his eyes squeeze shut—forgetting to watch the door!! 
You pause your stroking with a click of your tongue, pointing to the hallway when Nagi’s eyes open as a reminder. Then, in one practiced, fluid motion your panties are pulled to the side and Nagi’s stroked along your slit before sliding inside—stretching you open just right before you bottom out. 
You have to still for a moment when you do, feeling Nagi’s fingers claw into your hips while his skull thuds against the wall behind him. 
You adore Seishiro’s pussy drunk voice, how breathy and tired it sounds—how needy he turns. It has you gushing around him, wrapping your arms around his neck and squishing your bodies together till neither of you can move. 
“Feel so good.” He whines, bucking into you on instinct, hitting your sweet spot with precision.
You love the eager way he nods in response—loving how Nagi seems to save whatever enthusiasm he has the energy to show for your pussy and your pussy only. 
You roll your hips for him, starting a nice and gentle and merciful pace because you wanna give him a false sense of security before you start bouncing the way you like. Which is ruthlessly—Nagi’s sensitive and you enjoy nothing more than the process of absolutely ruining him. 
The time you spend riding him slow and sweet ends sooner rather than later though; teasing Nagi is always a double-edged sword when you end up teasing yourself along with him. So it’s not long at all until the rock of your hips is interrupted and you’re letting your shoes slide to the ground, leaving just your socks while you shift your weight backwards onto your toes so you can use your feet to help you bounce hard the way you like. If Nagi was demanding train pussy, he’d have to take it how you want to give it. 
Nagi realizes your intentions just a moment too late before you’re moving, squeezing him tight and fast and knocking the wind from his lungs. 
He‘s never been great at censoring his moans—Seishiro can be dramatically vocal when he feels good, so you have to quickly silence him with your lips—swallowing every sound while he squirms like mad underneath you.
Every movement feels sweet—honestly, Nagi’s cock is maybe the most reliable thing about him—it never fails to hit exactly where it needs to. But if every movement is sweet for you, each slam of your hips is tooth rotting for seishiro—neither of you even notice the way his eyes are permanently closed in bliss—failing to watch your precious train door like he promised. He’s watching brain cells die behind his eyelids instead, his head turning fuzzy with each squeeze of your pussy—not even your lips can contain the volume of his whining. 
He’s close, you can feel it in the way he’s twitching inside you, and you’re not far behind him. So you keep your hips bouncing in a nice rhythm—clinging onto him while he does the same to you, his fingers clawing your sides before breaking away from your kiss to throw his head back—it knocks against the wall again but he doesn’t complain, only squeezes his eyes shut while he cries out from borderline overstimulation—cumming what feels like endlessly inside you. It’s entirely too much when you clamp down on him, throwing your head back too while you cum with him—leaving him whimpering and teary-eyed. 
“Fuuck s’too much, ba-wait I can’t—“
He’s cut off when you meet his lips again, riding out your high as gently as you can manage while Sei’s breaths slowly even out. Eventually his heavy eyelids peek open to find your head resting on his shoulder, looking up at his face. 
Lovey little smiles are exchanged when your gazes meet—and you feel like your chest might explode from how heartfelt the moment suddenly feels as Nagi holds you close and you hold him closer, shoving unruly white hair from his eyes for him. 
“Did you get good use out of your coupon, Sei?” You wonder with a teasing tone, tracing a finger along his shirt collar while he yawns, nodding. He looks like he’s about to say more, but it’s then that his eyes finally spare a glance for the aforementioned car door…
Where he finds Isagi, Chigiri and Bachira staring wide-eyed. Their expressions are varied from bachira’s amused little smile, playing with a red sucker between his lips, to Isagi’s tongue-in-cheek, brow-raised stare. Then there’s Chigiri—mouth slightly parted, eyes empty and his cheeks flushed. Nagi’s never seen that man blush before. 
Nagi jumps the moment he notices them, before cursing under his breath, digging a knuckle into his eyes while he turns his head away. 
You freeze at his actions—quick to gather that someone must have seen you but instantly too mortified to check the window and see who it was. 
Japan’s team had rented out your section of the train for their next game so best case-scenario it was someone chill that you weren’t close with, maybe Hiori or Kurona, worst case-scenario it was Jinpachi Ego.
You don’t have the chance to speculate for long, because next thing you know, the door is sliding open and there’s more than one set of footsteps marching into your little train car. And you’re still stuffed full of Seishiro’s cock and you wanna cry. 
You’re too frozen in embarrassment to move until you hear Nagi sigh, “This is so annoying—you guys are perverts, you know. Can’t you give a little privacy?” 
He’s talking like it’s his friends standing behind you—the fact has you involuntarily clamping on him while you finally turn to check, clamping down again when Bachira waves at you and Isagi smiles all friendly. Seishiro squeezes your thigh when he feels you, groaning so quiet under his breath that you hope none of them can hear. 
“We’re the perverts? You just got fucked in a public train with your teammates on the other side of the wall. It’s lucky it was us who heard you ‘n not our esteemed coach, don’t you think?” 
It makes your head spin just hearing Isagi’s patronizing tone, but glancing at his expression makes you feel even stickier, his head tilted in faux concern and then his widened grin when you turn to meet his eyes. 
You can’t help but find the look he gives you sort of… hot—you’d be lying if you said this whole situation wasn’t turning you on in some sick and twisted way. And Seishiro’s certainly handling it more calmly than you think most boyfriends would, letting the room fall quiet after Isagi speaks, his cheeks turning the faintest pink when he finally drops his eyes back down to you. 
Another second of quiet and it would have been too uncomfortable to bear, but, unsurprisingly, Bachira breaks the silence. 
He seems even less bothered by the car’s thick atmosphere than Isagi is, as he closes the gap to sit beside nagi, resting an elbow on his shoulder before pulling the sucker from his mouth with a pop. Where it felt like Isagi was only speaking to Nagi, Bachira seems to make you his sole focus when he asks, “think you can cum again, princess? Didn’t get a good view of your face the first time and I bet you’ll look soo pretty.” 
You manage to grow even hotter at those words, you have to drop a cheek against Nagi to cool it, but you can’t bring yourself to look away from Bachira’s expression—it’s teasing and playful in a way that makes your insides fuzzy. 
Before you can reply, you hear Isagi mumble from behind you, “bet you’ll feel so pretty too,” and with that you can’t hold back any longer from grinding down on sei’s quickly-hardened cock—trying to be as subtle as possible but unable to stop yourself—the lack of friction had been turning torturous. 
And of course Nagi moans, all soft and sweet for you, gripping your hips before bucking upwards, his subtlety leaving much to be desired. 
Something in the room shifts then, or maybe the tension breaks—at least for you. You’ve given up hiding how horny you still are.
Witnesses somehow only manage to turn you on more, the extra eyes make you feel desired, especially when you peek to see Bachira’s brows raised—he’s smiling, dimples out and everything, while his gaze falls to the edge of your skirt and your curled legs next to his. It takes minutes for you to be on the brink of cumming again, Isagi and Bachira only spurring you on with filthy words—
“Aww are you gonna get yourself off on Nagi again? Think I could make you feel even better.” 
“Poor Sei’s gonna have an aneurysm, are you sure he can handle your little pussy for another round? Maybe you should give me a turn.” 
Nagi can only pant and whine and take it beneath you—so drunk on your pussy he’s brain dead--the taunting from his teammates hardly even registers. Isagi’s quick to point out how gone he is from his seat across from you and when he does, Bachira’s giggling, brushing the sweaty hair from Nagi’s forehead and murmuring,
“If you don’t open your eyes, you’re gonna miss how cute your girlfriend looks while she fucks you.” 
Isagi adds, “bet she can look even cuter. Megs you wanna take her shirt off? Looks like she isn't even wearing a bra.” 
You’re so caught up in how it feels and how they sound that you don’t even notice till then that their cocks are out, stroked in their hands while you entertain them, leaving them panting softly between words. When you turn and look you notice that even Chigiri, who you’ve barely ever spoken with before, is groaning and palming himself through his shorts next to Isagi. 
You’re on the brink of cumming and you sense Nagi is there with you—so preoccupied with how it feels that you barely notice Bachira tugging your shirt over your head, his sucker forgotten in its wrapper, till the cool air hits your nipples and you feel them hardening.You hear Isagi moan at the sight before you’re toppling over the edge again, spasming on Seishiro, feeling the burning gaze of the three around you while Bachira rubs your back. Nagi can’t help but cream inside you at the same time, twitching and whining—by the time he’s done you're exhausted. 
The absurdity of the situation properly registers then, leaving you warm and embarrassed, but you aren’t done. Somehow you know you aren’t from the way Isagi’s eyes have been scorching your back. He doesn’t give you time to rest before he’s taking your hand in his, guiding you off of Nagi while you’re still pliant and stupid from cumming so hard. 
All eyes are immediately fixed on how he spills out of you, white dripping down your thigh all the way to your knee when you stand. 
“Sheesh Sei, look how messy you made her,” Bachira says, before he’s swiping cum off your leg and sucking it off his fingers. Your head spins. You feel like you must be dreaming. 
“Sweet. You’re sweet, Sei, did y’know that?”
Seishiro’s brain’s still mush, his head resting lifelessly against the wall, but he manages to roll his face toward Bachira to glance at him, humming a no. 
Bachira gets a glint in his eye when he turns to Chigiri, zoned out on Nagi’s face from the corner, and asks him “d’you wanna try, Chigiri? Ever tasted sweet cum before?” 
Chigiri’s instantly pink, shaking his head almost shyly. You don’t expect it when you feel his long fingers glide up your inner thigh, dipping into your pussy before he takes them away to lick clean. 
He speaks for the first time, 
“You are sweet, Nagi.” 
You think you see Nagi make a lazy little smile at that before you’re being molded by Isagi, onto your hands and knees across the leather seats that Chigiri’s sitting on. Your face is met with Chigiri’s massive bulge while Isagi gets positioned behind you, rubbing warm hands under your skirt to push it all the way up to your abdomen, leaving only your little lace panties that are stretched in the crotch and soaked. 
“Gonna take her face, Hyoma?” Isagi asks while his fingers trace the frilly straps, sliding his way under them to rub your bare hips. 
You take the time he spends inching the fabric lower to try and wrap your brain around Yoichi Isagi—the man who’s likely your closest friend on the team aside from Nagi. He’s always kept the atmosphere light and friendly when you’re involved—cracking jokes and relishing in your giggles, he’s always very kind and welcoming. It’s true you’ve always thought he was kinda cute—and it was clear those feelings were returned from the way he flirted with you, but you always assumed he was just laying your special treatment on a extra thick to fuck with Nagi. You didn’t expect he’d ever really be in your panties, that's for sure. But now he’s crossing the point of no return, helping slide them off completely and likely altering your dynamic permanently. Ah well… you don’t feel the motivation to stop him. 
Chigiri breaks you out of your thoughts when he finally answers,
“Bachira can go first, he’s staring like a hungry animal right now.” 
Bachira doesn’t need any further permission than that before he’s swapped spots with Chigiri, kneeling sideways on the seat so his cock is in your face—red and thick and leaking. You almost put him in your mouth immediately on instinct but then you’re glancing at Nagi on the bench across from you, gauging how he feels about this whole thing. He’s never been the jealous type, but talking to other men and sucking their dicks usually warrants different reactions. 
He’s still looking exhausted but you notice right away his dick is somehow still hard- or maybe hard again. The corner of his mouth lifts a little when you meet his eyes, then lifts even more when he glances a few times between your face and Bachira’s cock.
His expression is confirmation enough, and next thing you know you’re licking up the pre that’s dripping down Bachira’s tip, squealing a bit when you feel Isagi run his fingers through your sensitive pussy at the same time, fingering you with his middle and ring finger till he has enough cum on his hand to rub his cock with, getting himself ready for you. The anticipation has you quickly struggling to focus on Bachira, licking him sloppily from base to tip a few times till he’s impatient.
“No, princess, it goes in your mouth.” 
Bachira puts a thumb between your lips and gently pulls them open, guiding himself inside while you look up into his eyes. He looks… mischievous—his expression has your heart thumping unevenly, reminding you of how he looks when he plays soccer. And once his tip’s at the back of your mouth, his condescending smile gets even wider while he lets out a breathy groan, holding your eyes shamelessly while your tongue swirls around him, eventually glancing behind you at Isagi, who’s positioned his tip at your entrance.
You whine on Bachira’s dick when Isagi starts easing his way in, the new angle dragging against new places inside you, and Bachira furrows his brows at the feeling, twitching forward before holding himself back. 
“Mmm I think ‘m gonna have to fuck your face.”
Nagi’s never done that before. 
Your expression must show your hesitance because Bachira’s quickly stroking your head, trying but not quite succeeding in reassuring you all will be well while he looks behind you some more—eyeing Isagi who’s bottomed out inside you. 
“It’ll be okay. Isagi and I’d only take the best care of Nagi’s sweet little girlfriend.” He says in a singsong voice, slowly easing his way deeper in your mouth. 
“Wouldn’t give you anything you couldn’t take. I know you can handle us both, princess,” you hear Isagi add from behind while he rubs your lower back and sides. 
You’re just thinking whatever they’re gonna do to you, they better do it fast because you can’t stand another moment without movement. So you answer them with a whine that’s meant to be encouraging.
From the sidelines of every game—especially as a non-soccer player, Isagi and Bachira’s relationship always appears… complicated. The way Nagi tells it, they used to often work as a unit, as a team even in blue lock, kinda like Nagi used to be with Reo. But… things got competitive. They’re friends, Nagi always says they're friends and they act like it off the field, but their dynamic always feels to you like it has a hidden layer most people are missing—whether it be rivalry or jealousy or maybe even some form of… infatuation. 
And maybe it’s that hidden connection they hold that has them so in sync when suddenly, with no word or trigger you can perceive, Bachira and Isagi thrust out and in, beginning a steady matching pace while they fuck your pussy and throat. You’re left gagging and drooling from the sensation—it’s overwhelming to be so completely full, but somehow you more than bear it—after a few thrusts it’s even satisfying and you’re moaning and taking it and fast approaching another orgasm. If your mind was already hazy from Seishiro, your thoughts are a thick fog by this point, cleared of anything but physical touch—your boyfriend watching you from a foot away getting his cock stroked by Hyoma goes completely unnoticed. 
Something you do come around for, though, is Bachira’s downright erotic panting growing louder by the second, paired with the bruising grip Isagi’s got latched around your waist that tightens with every stroke, eventually one of his hands lifting to link fingers with Megs. Their growing enthusiasm while they fuck you can only be perceived for a moment before you’re coming undone again, wave after wave of intense and all-consuming pleasure washing over you till you can’t keep your eyes open. You can’t hear or see by the peak of it, only feeling as two cocks drill and pound you harder than you’ve possibly ever experienced. You almost choke when suddenly Bachira’s creaming in your mouth towards the end, shooting ropes of hot cum down your throat but refusing to pull out so you have no choice but to swallow. It’s not long after that you feel heat flood your pussy too, filling you like a donut for the third time in the past hour. 
You almost collapse on the seat then, but luckily you’re caught around the middle by Isagi, who lays you down gently while he uses some mysterious cloth to mop up the mess between your legs—likely a shirt from Nagi’s backpack.  
You’re a wreck by this point, but feeling thoroughly satisfied as you lay and let your eyes adjust to the scene around you, one that involves Chigiri kneeling in front of your boyfriend and sucking him completely dry while Seishiro buries his face in the crook of his arms, squirming the way you know he does when he’s about to cum. He moves his arms towards the end to glance at Chigiri, then he’s meeting eyes with you, and his expression morphs into one of his rare, adoring faces.
He moves his mouth like he’s about to say your name but then he’s cumming again, his nose wrinkling all cute while his hands go to Chigiri’s hair, holding it from his face while Chigiri’s head bobs at a steady rhythm. Eventually Nagi’s pulling Chigiri off, using his hair like a handlebar and whining “s’too much Hyoma, s’enough...” 
Seishiro… your boyfriend… you just watched him get his dick sucked by his teammate. The scene of it all has you reeling because- how should you feel about that? Not mad—certainly not when you just got fucked by two cocks at once before his eyes and liked it. But is it okay that the image had you feeling… good? That you’re turned on by the thought of Nagi’s teammates taking good care of him—especially the idea that they might when you’re not even there. As a matter of fact you hope Nagi’s friends suck his dick for him when you can’t make it to a faraway game, you’d be more worried if he wasn’t being doted on by someone in your place—that realization has you surprised with yourself. 
When he finally opens his eyes after coming down from his high, you’ve scooted back to his bench next to him, hugging yourself to his side and smoothing the bangs from his forehead before dotting his face in light kisses. 
“Did that feel good?” Your voice sounds like an angel.
He nods, his eyelids even heavier than before, wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you against his chest, cheek falling against your head. 
Hyoma, who’d sunk against Nagi’s other side chuckles lightly, mumbling a soft “I’m glad,” while adjusting the front of his shorts. 
Seishiro’s sitting like his body is heavy, his boxers lazily tucked over his dick so even his clothes make him look thoroughly ran through. Still, he finds the energy to lift his head and look pointedly at Chigiri and his apparent boner, pursing his lips like he’s debating something.
Chigiri’s voice is breathy and seductive when he asks “Wanna help me out, Sei?” 
The nickname sounds almost out of place spoken from Hyoma’s lips, you get the feeling he’s only ever referred to Nagi by his surname up until now. It honestly makes your thighs rub together thinking about their newfound closeness. 
You watch as Seishiro nods for him, spitting in his hand once Chigiri finally takes his cock out. 
You have to work to pick your jaw up off the floor when he does—who would have expected that Hyoma Chigiri’s absolutely hung. His cock is blushing and pretty and huge—precum spilling from its tip once Nagi carefully wraps a hand around its base, stroking testingly. 
Chigiri moans the kind of moan you knew he’d make—one that’s pretty like the rest of him, wrapping a hand around Nagi’s to squeeze himself tighter. 
“‘Sagi, you should do that to me,” your eyes follow Bachira’s voice across from you, him and Isagi seem to be fighting over who can manspread the most on the bench space. You notice Isagi’s eyes lingering on you, curled against Nagi with just your sorry excuse for a skirt still on—it’s riding up so high he’d see everything if you just opened your legs. 
“No fucking chance, Megs.” 
“Maybe if I beat you next one on one?” Bachira murmurs, a teasing tone to his words. 
Isagi ignores him, staring you down while he wets his lips, eventually meeting your gaze while a warm smile takes over his face. You notice then that he has another hard-on in his basketball shorts. 
“Hey princess, think you could give me head? We could give Hyoma somethin’ to watch? And I bet Bachira’d eat you out—he loves eating other guys’ cum.” 
Bachira throws a hard shove at Isagi’s shoulder that leaves Isagi wincing, but then he smiles at you all big and feral. 
“I am dying to taste that magic pussy of yours. Seems like it puts everybody in a trance.”
You know the logical answer would be to decline, you know your body is on the brink of collapse, but then Nagi’s looking down on you with his blank eyed stare, and his pupils are huge again. He pecks your forehead before whispering, 
“C’mon baby, give us somethin’ to watch.” 
Due to your Sei-pleasing programming, and the wetness between your legs Isagi’s eyes bring, you can’t say no. 
So you end up back on the Eiffel Tower bench, back on your hands and knees, but this time your skirt’s finally been removed and Isagi’s cock is by your face while Bachira kneels behind you, inspecting your swollen pussy. 
You shiver when you feel his warm fingers spread you apart, tracing your folds while his mouth waters, the atmosphere accentuated by Chigiri’s moans and sighs along with the gentle slaps from Nagi’s hand. 
You’re just placing the first kitten lick on Isagi’s tip when Bachira places both hands on your ass, spreading you open with his thumbs this time before finally licking a long stripe through your center. 
The feeling has your back arching, whining before you take Isagi fully in your mouth, letting him gag you while Bachira flattens his tongue against your clit. The room’s quickly filled with whining and moaning and heavy breathing—thankfully nobody seems to be in the car next door anymore because you’d be heard immediately. 
You should have known from the eccentric way Bachira acts to the fact his tongue’s lolling out of his mouth half that time that he’d be good at giving head—but somehow you didn’t anticipate how electric he’s making you feel, alternating fucking you with his tongue and suctioning under the hood of your clit—his every action feels intense. And he’s vocal too—slurping and groaning on you, his fingers almost certainly leaving bruises on the skin of your ass and upper thighs where he holds you open with an unyielding grip. 
The feeling Bachira’s tongue is giving you only transfers to Isagi’s dick, because you’re moaning on it—frantically taking him as deep as your throat can go as some kind of outlet for the hot pleasure you’re experiencing in your core. 
You’re not sure if somehow all of this fell under Isagi’s master plan, because he is fucking estatic—gripping the wall and your hair, perfectly dominating in his tone while he talks you through the whole thing. Using words like, “there you go, princess,” and “mmh think your mouth was made for my cock,” while moaning all deep and pretty in a way you didn’t expect. 
Every sense you have is sexually charged, and it takes almost no time for you to be coming undone again almost painfully this time. By now you’ve lost count how many orgasms you’ve been given, but this one stands out as the harshest—leaving you choking on Isagi while fat tears stream down your cheeks, your body twitching on Bachira’s unrelenting mouth. He licks up your release like a man starving—lapping deep inside you till your vision is spotty and you worry you’ll never be able to think straight again. 
You can hardly register the feeling of Isagi cumming in your mouth, swallowing everything he gives with empty-headed obedience. Isagi and Bachira catch you when you collapse this time, laying you gently on the bench so your head’s on Isagi’s lap, mumbling how they’re scared they might have put you in a coma when you don’t respond to their comments throughout the process. Your heartbeat’s too loud in your ears at first to register the sound that’s left is Chigiri, his panting and whining growing quick while Nagi jerks him off across from you.
Your hearing is finally clear again when he mumbles a broken, “gonna cum, Sei- fuck- where?” 
You watch Nagi glance around for a second at his backpack and your discarded clothes littering the floor before his stare lands on you, and his eyes soften a bit. 
“My girlfriend.”
“Inside her like everyone else.” Nagi’s tone is humorless—maybe a teense fond. 
At this point no action anyone around you takes could surprise you, so you spread your legs a little in your seat, flicking your gaze up at Hyoma’s furrowed expression. 
He hesitates much less than you would have expected, taking over for Nagi with a breathy sigh, his hand gliding up and down his own cock with loud wet slaps. 
Before you know it he’s standing and twisting your body diagonal so you’re leaning against Isagi’s chest, spreading your legs with one hand before kneeling to slide himself inside. You both wince when he enters, you from raw overstimulation and him from the squeeze—it only takes one pump before he’s cumming inside you—painting your insides with what feels like buckets of cum while his breaths come out in shaky moans, leaving you so full you’re leaking before he even pulls out. 
Everything’s sticky and exhausting after that, you feel like you need to sleep for days, but the train just announced it would be pulling into the station in 5 minutes. So, with the help of four sets of hands besides your own, and one of Nagi’s tee shirts that Isagi elected as a temporary cum rag, you redress yourself and are left sitting beside Nagi again, him leaning his head against the wall with frequent yawns and you sending an apologetic text to your friend for your lack of response. Nagi already had practice today but he has a dinner to attend before his big game tomorrow, one you were planning to accompany him to but you’re currently planning to forgo, hoping none of his teammates or coaches miss your absence. 
The early check-in to your hotel goes smoothly. You’re happy to get the chance to break in a fresh bed with a late nap, but once you arrive and go to shower, you finally notice something missing. You didn’t even realize with how sensitive and raw you were feeling between your legs, along with how used to nudity you’d grown accustomed in the past hour and half, but ever since your train ride soirée, it seems your panties have mysteriously vanished… 
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777rare · 1 year
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Disclaimer :
!TW! : THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs so please scroll if ur below 18+
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venus- moon in harmonious aspects( trine,sextile, maybe conjunction too) natives seem to have prominent breasts whereas when there's negative aspects(square,opposition,semi square) the native could have breasts that may be a bit different in size.
Why do People having mercury- pluto (any asp.) Have a very smooth, husky or just a very soothing voice?🙊🔥💨 Ex: SZA has her mercury conjunct pluto and I can't help but notice how her voice has a touch of relaxation and idk it's just so satisfying to hear her voice. But this may not be the same for others, This can depend on the other aspects as well.
Aphrodite-sun , you carry beauty in your very aura. If in harmonious aspects, you may know that you carry beauty inside you but if there is a hard aspect, you probably struggle to understand, realize or accept how beautiful your aura is or even how beautiful you are.💫👑💓
Eros-mars natives love rough, passionate or even "sex that involves lots of energy" sex so so much. Esp. In a man's chart💥🔥🥵
people with Odin conjunct venus (male and female) know just how to romance and seduce anybody within a minute damnn they don't need no class. they make people lowkey fall for them so so easily.💘🙉🛐
Natives with kiss-mars love aggressive kissing. Anywhere on the body as well. Especially if it's sextile or conjunct.💥🤤
Natives with Saturn-sun (most of the time harsh aspects) have so much authoritative, unapproachable and even a formal energy. People don't wanna play with you cuz you look like a person who don't take anybodys shit and most of the time this is the reason people don't approach you much cuz you look too structured or formal for them to loosen up and speak casually with you. (If u hv this You could always look like 😐🤨😑)
Jupiter-venus >> big butt, beautiful thighs and hips🍑
(can my dear readers having neptune-saturn clarify if this is relatable with you) neptune- saturn natives like to fantasize about having their partner on their knees or their partner putting them on their knees. This can also apply to mars-saturn having this kink.⛓
Jupiter- pluto/mars, just stroke or kiss these natives thighs to make them wet. These people have so much genital liquids in their sex organs. They can even cum multiple times and You can also grab their hips and make em go ughh😩🥵
people having cusp of sensitivity/magic/rebirth are most likely to be naturally intuitive, spiritual from birth, even psychic and clairvoyant.
Cusp of sensitivity : Feb 15-21 (aquarius/pisces)
Cusp of magic : June 17-23 (gemini/cancer)
Cusp of rebirth : March 17-23 (pisces/aries)
Natives with Mercury-mars aspects like to grab their partners hands while making out
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aphrodite - 1388
Eros - 433
Odin - 3989
Let me know if y'all want a pt.2! Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 hope you all enjoyed today's post! Thankyou!!🫂💫
Also I wanna let my dear readers know that I usually observe 18+ related topics in natal charts💓 and I could frequently post about 18+ observations so fasten yo seatbelts!🙌🏻💫
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actualbird · 11 months
so true about Luke being the one to fall harder bc hes the sort of person who doesn’t realise it’s a date until WAY later. like marius could even be asking him about his valentines plans and luke would just not get the hint and then would realise WAY later and scream into his pillow (THIS IS BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND EVEN NOW I FEEL LIKE A FOOL 3 YEARS LATER!!)
irt these mariluke tags i left on a post yesterday about "A fell first, B fell harder"
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ANON, YOU GET ME!!! SHAKES UR HAND both on the front of agreeing with this dynamic and also ur personal experiences. like yeah same there were many experiences i did not notice i was being courted. oblivious idiots unite!!!
but EXACTLY LITERALLY KJHVJASHFA i feel like....even if marius hides his true feelings and largely suppresses his pining, he does do some Glaringly Obvious Things Like That to like test the waters
and itd be easy for him to deny it by playing it off as teasing or a joke
but he doesnt need to cuz luke just
Does Not Get It
marius, putting out his feelers to see if luke is maybe interested: hey, are you free on valentine's day?
luke, hasnt yet realized his feelings but theyre There but he doesnt Know What They Are Yet and only has one singular braincell when not working on a case: i think so, why?
marius, saddened by the immensely casual response and concludes that luke is not interested so now it is time for Operation Backpedal Via Over-The-Top Teasing Or Jokes: hehe, wanna make your single bachelor woes go away and hang out with me then? ;D
luke, just way too easy to fluster: w-what! dont mess with me, man, maybe i do have plans now actually >:/
luke will realize that was marius asking him out on a date like way wayyyyyyy later. probably once theyre already together actually, and luke stands there with an expression of horror while marius laughs his ass off
marius: hey dont blame me, that hint was the size of a brick and you didnt notice it! it was very straight-passing of you
luke: //head in hands
in conclusion: mariluke in their pining stage goes a lil smthng like this in my head
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silly guys
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catboy-dummy · 2 years
Intro Post: ✨
Hello! I wish to not use a name on here. But some things i like to be called are good boy, puppy, dummy, and prince (will update if I find a liking to other ones too!). I also use it/its when im getting dumb (NOT in a misgendering way, don’t touch me with that)
Im 21 and my pronouns are he/him, I’m a bisexual trans man, lovingly taken <3.
A lot of what I post and rb is fantasy
Backup is @dummy-catboy-moved
Minors, this blog is 18+
No age in bio
Detrans and misgendering, don’t want to shame it’s really just not my thing
Ageplay, sissification, r4pe kink (this one is a weird field because cnc tags keep overlapping with it so idk, I have mixed feelings), feeder, incest, and trauma blogs
Usual DNI stuff
I will update this if/as I need to. Please also note I will also just block whenever I feel like my boundaries are invalidated or I just feel uncomfortable
My Kinks:
Resistance play
Breeding (not the birth part)
Hucow (maybe just a little bit)
Cnc (huge emphasis on consensual)
Drugging/Aphrodisiacs (also consensually)
Intox (fills in with drugging but adding anyway)
Free use
Royalty (as a treat)
-please don’t talk about me interacting with your genitals unless we’ve had a prior conversation/consent about it. It’s a huge overstep
-this also goes for involving other ppl that I interact with in ur ask without any real prior conversation or consent on it. Again it kinda puts me in a weird uncomfortable position with the other person that I’m interacting with :(
-unless initiated, please don’t tell me what you would do to me either. Unless it’s initiated it brings me out of the mood immediately
-don’t ask for pics/ audio anything of the sort. Also don’t ask invasive questions or ones that are too personal
-if you send me any pics I’m blowing you up
-if you ever try to overstep my relationship I’m also blowing you up
- if an ask or a dm makes me uncomfortable I will not answer/ reply to it (or I might but it won’t be in a positive way). I might also block out of sheer initial discomfort. (I do understand miscommunications can happen, but unless communicated I will probably just assume the worst out of safety/personal reasons)
-just because I post or reblog something it doesn’t make in an invitation to be creepy. Don’t do that. (Unless specifically mentioning it, but even then don’t be creepy)
Asks / Dms:
Asks are open! Just please don’t be an asshole. Maybe even encourage me to rub and cum my brains out (or make me edge my mind away) so I can become a good, empty, cockdumb boy. I always love pretty spirals or words filling up my inbox
Spiral maker if y’all wanna make a spiral for me to stare at
Go ahead and also just ramble and talk in there, as horny as I am I love normal interaction too :3
If you anon a lot feel free to claim an emoji or name so I can tag u and recognize you more :3
Dms are open to mutuals! Feel free to message and just talk about anything or do hypno related things. Might open them up to everyone someday if I feel comfy doing so. :3
Additional: I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum (I’ve been looking into it for years now. So if I’m a little ehhh sometimes I’m probably overwhelmed or overthinking stuff or just unsure of something and I’m getting uncomfortable. Tone indicators really help sometimes because I’m awful at reading tones of stuff.
Anon tag claims: 💜, 📀, 🕸, 🐾, 🐐,🎩,💙,💛
I’m new to all of this so I’m sorry if I sound nervous or awkward at times.
Whenever I write “sweet boy” or I’m thinking about my bf, but I also write these in a way so anyone can interpret the scenario as they wish! But I also just wanted to clarify :3
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urlocallsimp · 1 year
Am i the only one that sees a potential ship between Namor x Layla El Faouly... HEAR ME OUT, Maybe not realistically (i mean im not saying it will happen in the mcu) but just in general yk..
Idk i was looking at Layla's superhero costume earlier and the neck reminded me of Namor's collar jewlery piece and that sparked the ship. Maybe im biased bc Moonknight was my fav phase 4 series and i loved Layla sm bc she's our first arab superhero as im arab/north african whatever u wanna call it. And Wakada Forever became my fav movie from phase 4 and im loving namor sm too. So i just wanna combine these two.
The way i imagine them meeting is through Wakanda
Where we left off in Moonknight, it seemed like Layla stayed back in Egypt and became a local superhero in there. Aaand from what i heard The Thunderbolts movie is gonna be about a team that tries to attack wakanda for vibranium (I could be wrong) and the way i like to imagine it is Wakada tries to assemble a team of superheroes too (yes ik they have amazing technology + the dora milaje are a force so they don't need super heroes but.. Bear w me) so like maybe they hear about a local (by local i mean in africa) girlie that seems to be a hero but doesn't work for any organization or group or smth so they're like maybe we can recruit her or smth? Afterall their morals kinda align even w Namor bc Layla hates colonizers and hates people who steal her country's artefacts so..
And she is Taweret's avatar. The Black Panther is kiiinda like Bast's avatar but yeah this is all to link her to Wakanda and from there to Namor... Idk don't take this too seriously this could be just an idea for a fanfic or smth (feel free to use it just tag me i'd love to read it bc i haven't seen this ship anywhere)
Oh i forgot to mention... yeah im aware she's married to Marc but idk the show didn't clarify if they got divorced or no.. So..
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todd-machine · 2 months
@milekael tagged me so I thought I would hop onto this!!! TYSM FOR THE TAG MILES UAHAHAHA
are you named after anyone?
Not really! I mostly just picked some random things I vibe with tbh.
when was the last time you cried?
I can't actually remember :'D it couldn't have been awfully long ago tho, for some reason
do you have kids?
nope! I don't really plan on it.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so, once in a while. If I do I normally tend to clarify tho, it does tend to pass over my own head a at times so if I notice it happening to others I'm usually quick to explain myself.
what sports do you play?
I've not been so active in recent years, but I used to love taking dance and swimming classes when I was younger tho! I've also dabbled in martial arts and ball games (football and basketball) over the years and I still really like a good walk or run.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Usually? Honestly the way people dress or their mannerisms like hand gestures and stuff, since I sometimes gravitate there to understand how people are speaking.
what’s your eye color?
Brown n green on both :3
scary movies or happy endings?
I'm usually not fond of jumpscare/shock horror and I'm more into the suspenseful or slow type really. Happy endings are sweet and very neat ways to end a plot but depending on the case they can sometimes leave me wanting more, idk.
any special talents?
Can measure out a perfect portion of rice by eye for some reason
where were you born?
That one I'd rather not say here. I have lived the majority of my time in England though 💀
what are your hobbies?
Aside from drawing I like... drawing XD but in all seriousness, I really like doing observational drawings from time to time, it helps clear the mind after spending so long animating for uni! I also love working on some short stories slowly, I collect stamps on the side and I've been really getting into cooking lately. I'd love to pick up traditional art to a more serious level once I have the time, too!
do you have any pets?
I don't :'D I'd love to once I can afford to and have the space to keep them though. Thinking mainly of cats honestly.
favorite subject in school?
Probably history! Art was fun too just wasn't so fond of the programme structure there. At least we had some great field trips for that though.
dream job?
Not really sure! I'm close to graduating from my animation undergrad though, hopefully, and I'm hoping to take that into short form stuff or TV within the industry eventually, probably as an animator. I'd love to be able to improve my skillset over time, though, especially in terms of technical and people skills, and maybe do some animation lead or directing at some point. At some stage later down the line I'd love to spend more time on my bigger personal project's production as well.
Augh tags- uuuhrbmrhrm idk @helio5 if u wanna do it go ahead, no pressure tho ofc!!! Anyone else who wants to pick this up as well feel free (sorry for not directly tagging many people, I simply get nervous easily XD)
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Hello! I heard you were wanting requests for lee!Mooncake and I've been wanting to request people exactly that, so so SO! Mmmm I'm nervous but I like the idea of maybeee a fanfic with the Glamrocks ganging up on him and tickling the heck out of him as like, a punishment or something 8DDDD Also! Another fanfic idea of him going to Parts & Services for a sensory checkup thing, so to do that some staff restrain him (sfw obviously!) and tickle him everywhere >U< I have other ideas if you're interested, but those are my favorites 8DDD Sorry I'm super nervous ehehe fghfhgdhsfdf Thank youuuu!!! <333333
Okay I wanna acknowledge this one just so I don't forget. I'll probably put it under a new tag, like ideas, so I can go back and use it once I clear up my drafts- I already have a couple of stories in my drafts and don't want to start too many new stories before I do those X3 So feel free to send more, even if I don't do it immediately I will be able to keep better track of it then.
That being said, your first idea honestly made me think of some headcanons that hopefully you'll like ^^
I can see Freddy calling like a team meeting, besides for human staff of course, and only vaguely said that it was in regard to the daycare attendants. Moon was immediately nervous but couldn't think of anything he did wrong. Time of the meeting comes up, and Freddy immediately clarifies that they aren't in trouble, they just heard a lot of sounds while passing by the daycare and were worried about if they were alright.
Sun immediately knew what he was referring to when he described it as "squeaky", and before Moon could come up with an excuse Sun just said "Oh, I was just tickling Moon." And Moon didn't know whether or not he wanted to kill Sun or sink into the floor out of embarrassment. The reactions varied: Roxy and Monty were in the camp of "Wait, you're ticklish?" Monty found it hilarious for one of the higher level security bots to be ticklish of all things, and Roxy was just massively confused. Either way it ended with both of them teasing him, and Monty probably picking him up to poke him. Sun helpfully supplied that he is ticklish to make the kids less scared of him, to the point where he's way more sensitive then Sun, and his laugh involves squeaks.
Hearing that, Chica got massively excited finding that idea adorable. Freddy and Chica were generally in the boat of "That's insanely adorable". Of course they wanted to respect his privacy and so weren't as nosy as the others, but they did find it really cute which somehow was worse because he hates being called cute.
In regards to your second idea.. I think you might like this audio, it's pretty similar to what you described and enfefe It's really cute
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
game over
pairing: noritoshi kamo + fem!oc genre: angst tags//warning: established relationship, wild gojo appeared // blood, character death, emotion distress, mention of shibuya  note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. note that i put descriptions of the characters i write so it would be easier for me, you’re free to imagine the character the way you seem fits! okay listen imma be honest i dont like this part that much dhhdbdjksncjddiem and im sorry if it sucks bcs istg i cant compete to part 1 and 2 of it so IM SORRY tagging @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
few years ago;
“you’re fucking ridiculous!”
“you’re injured, how the fuck is it me that’s being unreasonable?”
she contemplated stabbing him straight to his chest. “i’m fine, leave me alone,” she hissed, holding on to her arm as she tried to limp away. second year jujutsu student noritoshi kamo wondered how the hell one could be this stubborn. with blood caked up on the side of her face, lips busted and bruising in the corner, not to mention the broken arm and probably twisted ankle, he could not understand how one could be this reckless and stupid, it’s almost ridiculous.
but here she is standing in front of him.
“you could’ve let me handle it,” he said, coldly.
she never turned that fast in her life; her limping leg suddenly worked fine as she hauled her ass, throwing both fists to his chest. the force put was enough to threw him back a few steps, he caught her wrists holding her from falling down. “stop acting like i’m so fragile. i can exorcist the curse just fine. you make me hate you so much,” she spitted, pure rage etched on her face, “just because i’m a girl, because i’m your girl, i’m weak. please, i am as good as you are, kamo.”
their faces were so close, he could count the freckles spread on her nose and cheeks. he loves her eyes the very first time he caught glimpse of it; one is a dull brown while the other looks like it carries the secret of the bright blue sea. this time, the eyes he loves looked hopeless, lack of the burning spirit she carried with tears threatening to spill. letting go of a wrist, his trembling hand brushed the hair coated with the blood back, carefully not to hurt her. “i never said you are bad,” he clarified, fingers busy brushing the hair back. his sudden reaction surprised her, and her body betrayed her thoughts as she eased in his arms.
he tilted her chin, his head was panicking as he realised that his brain was no longer controlling his movement as he leaned down and kissed her.
she tasted like blood.
she winced, pain aching on the swollen part and he apologized so quietly as he deepened the kiss. “nori-” her voice croaked as she swallowed his moans. he hummed, satisfied by the kiss. their foreheads rest against each other, the tip of their noses touched as they struggled to catch breath.
“stop being stupid. let me help you okay?”
slipping his arm under hers, he helped her walk, leading them out of the abandoned building they managed to exorcist. nothing major, a couple of pestering level three and four curses that them both handled well but their supervisor missed to tell them about the hiding level two curse that took them by surprise. she had become the curse’s main target.
if she would’ve just listened to him and stay close. he sighed.
“ouch, ouch,” she cried, clutching on her left leg, forcing him to stop. impatient, he slipped his hand under her knees, lifting her up in his arms. she apologized profusely, embarrassed to be such a burden to him. he brushed it off immediately.
“did you call them? told them that we are done?”
she gasped, “wait, i thought they’ll wait for us.”
he huffed, “you’re not that important, y/n. give them a call, please. i want to go home.”
kicking the door open, the moonlight shone on them as he carried her down to the bottom stairs. settling her down on the steps, he sat beside her, letting a long sigh. he watched as she took the call, letting them know that she was slightly injured, and they need to go back asap. she was visibly tired, and he was the same too.
he couldn’t help but to sigh at the way the moonlight enveloped her. he had loved her from the very first moment he caught his eyes on her; she caught him staring, called him out publicly and ignored all his advances. it took him a lot to court her. she’s a gojo, she can have anything and everything with the sky is the limit.
but one thing money could never buy is affection.
it started with little stuffs; noritoshi waiting for her with her lunch readied every day. it annoyed her but momo (who was secretly rooting for him) forced her to just do it. “it’s just a lunch,” momo said sheepishly. noritoshi would have them paired all the time for the missions. she’d accepted it with open heart. noritoshi would also teach her how to weld a bow and shoot arrows. she promised that she would go out on date with him if he taught her.
by the end of their first year, they became inseparable.
the idea of being apart from her hurts him physically and mentally. she took a sharp breath when he laced his fingers between her own, quickly telling the other person on the phone that she was okay. “it was just noritoshi,” she replied with a small laugh. their hands fit each other; his skin contrasted her slightly tanned skin. while his hands were rough from welding the bow and he kept his nail short and clean, hers were slightly softer with her nails painted prettily. this month she had her nails painted in pastel. all the girls’ day out with momo and mai had proven its importance. he was happy to provide her with his black card despite her discontent.
“analysing my hands now?”
he smiled slightly, “it looks very pretty. i guess i got my money worth. are they coming?”
she leaned on his shoulder, his own wrapped around her as she closed her eyes, “they are around the corner. i would definitely need another round this week,” she teased. kissing her forehead gently, he didn’t mind that his uniform was stained with her blood; he was glad that she’s safe.
“i’ll happily take you there.”
few years later;
noritoshi kamo almost lost his mind. the stadium was half destroyed, huge craters on the pitch with the sight of his wife nowhere to be found. he looked up to the black pitch curtain encasing the stadium area from the sky, a curse escaped his lips.
“where the fuck are you?” he grunted, scanning the area.
she is gone, his stubborn little wife. she could’ve just wait but annoyed that their dinner date was interrupted and eager because this was their first mission together as a married couple; she escaped his supervision. as they were dealing with minor curses outside, she decided to head on forward, leaving him to deal with whatever is left. he beat himself inside for letting her come, he could easily do this himself and send her home safely, but she blinked her eyes and he was weak. she always has her way with him.
his step stopped when he realised there was a shadow ahead.
“she’s pretty,” the thing said.
his blood ran cold, “what did you do to my wife?”
the curse let out a laugh. it was sinister enough to send chills down his spine. especially when he realised the head it was stepping on was his wife. her eyes were fluttering back and forth, struggling to stay awake. a howl shocked him, shivers down his spine at the painful whimpers her shikigami making. cursed spirits were devouring it alive, overwhelming it and chewing every part of its body. his wife was too weak to dispel the shikigami; it’s dangerous as the devoured wolf shikigami will drain her cursed energy by a second.
all shikigami linked directly to the owner; everything inflected to the wolf, she could feel it too.
he needed a plan.
hidden in his wedding ring was a retractable knife. he rarely carries blood bags anymore as his power solidified itself. the older he got, the better he was at using and controlling a small steady flow of his own blood straight from the tap. with a clap of his hands, the knife cut his hand enough to send blood shooting like bullets. the blood hit the curses straight to its cores, died out instantly on impact, but the shikigami was beyond salvageable. it let out one last howl, one last goodbye before dropping to the ground, half of his snout gone. she will be devastated, it’s her only shikigami she managed to tame at such a young age, but at least it has stopped the shikigami from stripping his wife’s cursed energy to its core.
the fire burning in his eyes only made the curse laughed. he kicked her body away, spurting blood out of her mouth. she was halfway close to death’s doorstep.
“i will fucking murder you,” he hissed.
“my blood is my power. it’s supposed to rot human, stripping its meat from the bone like acid. however,” the curse nudged her body, “your wife didn’t. humour me, did your blood tainted hers? tell me, i’m curious how.”
“are you going to chit chat because i don’t have whole day.” his blood dripped on the pitch.
the curse grinned, shrugging his shoulder. he kneeled, running his bloody fingers on her cheeks leaving trails of flowers pattern that dissipated immediately, “i’m not here to fight. i’m here to serve a warning,” he looked up to the tensed sorcerer, “for gojo satoru. tell him, we’ll be waiting for him in shibuya.” noritoshi’s face scrunched in confusion.
“we have no business with the gojos.”
“but she is. she could change her name, married you, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she carried gojo’s blood in her vein. she’s the bridge to your two clans. i’m just killing two birds with one stone. ruin the kamo clan’s relationship with gojos and hurt gojo satoru. all thanks to her,” the curse turned his back on him, his laugh echoed as he walked away. the dark curtain disappeared slowly as the ground rumbled. a perfect chance for noritoshi to strike if it wasn’t because of the cursed spirit’s words gluing him to his spot, “oh, kamo, i believe a congratulation is overdue. let me know when’s the baby is due, i would love to drop by personally.”
the pillar holding on to the roof collapsed sending wave of dust all over the place. noritoshi covered his face, coughing as he sucked some in, removing his coat as a shield. the cursed spirit was no where to be found.
“the place is going to collapse! i’ll get the curse, you go get her!”
a voice echoed and he caught a glimpse of blond hair running past him and noritoshi didn’t think twice as he sprinted around the cracks and holes. who was that voice or who was the curse, he couldn’t give a single fuck, he just wants his wife back. he was shaking when he got to her, arms immediately scooped her up in his arms. her chest was raising slowly, blood dripping on the side of her lips as she struggled to exhale.
“you’re going to be okay,”
he told her, but he wasn’t sure if he will ever be.
“can you turn down the stupid light, it’s hurting my eyes.”
the voice laughed melodiously, the light moved to the other eye repeating the same thing.
“as you can see, she’s awake, slightly weak, but she should be okay.”
another voice interrupted, “are you sure?” she gasped, excited to hear a familiar voice. “nori?” she called out, unable to open her eyes, relying strictly to her hearing as she reached her shaky hands out for him. “her senses might be slightly off, just let her do it herself,” the woman’s voice noted, and she felt annoyed. how dare you underestimate me, her mind scoffed.
“my senses are fine. see?” she claimed as she held noritoshi’s hand up. he smiled, gently rubbing her hand with encouragement. “thanks, shoko, we are fine.”
“i’ll leave you be then. call me if you need anything.”
she listened to the clacking of shoko’s heels, followed by the door opening and slamming shut. she jumped, but he held her hand tighter, reassuring her that it’s alright. “so why can’t i see?” she asked, confident that they are alone now. she felt the bed sunk a little on the left side, “you were high on anesthesia, i’m surprise you could even move your jaw to speak.” she felt a finger brushed her hair aside, breath loomed on her face and she could feel her own face reddening up.
“are you going to kiss me or are you just going to tease me?” his heart swell up, despite her shaky voice almost made him laugh.
“do you trust me?” his hand cupped her cheek gently.
she nodded eagerly, “always.”
his kiss hit her like a waft of fresh air. every kiss felt like a first kiss to her that she couldn’t help to react so eagerly to it. his tongue slipped through her defense, overwhelming her taste buds with such strong taste of iron. it didn’t stop her. she knew what he was doing from start. he peeked a little, didn’t stop a second from kissing her as he watched his blood marking appeared on her face. her hands went up around her neck pulling him closer and he obeyed, deepening the kiss.
heal; his mind commanded.
after a while, she pulled back, being the one to break apart from the kiss first, her chest raising up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. her eyes were wide open now, fluttering lazily as she leaned back on the propped-up pillow. he wiped the corner of his lips, eyes on her as he watched the open wound on her face and arms slowly closed leaving the fresh healed red marks behind. he relaxed when he heard a thank you coming from her, as she checked her healed arms.
“i’m disappointed with you,” he finally broke the silence.
“really?” she frowned. he always does this thing where he will immediately go into lecture mood every time she does something that pisses him off. it’s almost like a game to her as she waited for him to explode, “right now? not even going to wait until i’m discharged. this is a new record, toshi. like shoko said, i’m fine.” he shook his head, “it doesn’t make it right. you always disobeyed me. ignored my orders, going about with your goddamn big head, you could’ve been killed.”
she rolled her eyes, noritoshi is being noritoshi, what a drama queen, she mentally rolled her eyes, “but i’m not,” she pushed her hair back, twisting it easily into a simple loose knot, “i told you, i am not weak.”
“your shikigami was destroyed, your blood was poisoned, 70 percent was already circulating to every part of your vein, i had to beg for the higher up to help purify your blood,” her smile died down. this game no longer feels fun for her. noritoshi was really mad this time. “you think it’s fun and all game but game over, y/n. you need to stop doing this. if you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself.”
“leave me alone, nori, if you just going to nag, please i don’t want to hear it. i’m tired.”
it made him angry that she was taking his word lightly. running his hand in his messy hair, he felt like hauling his head to the wall.
“you don’t understand-”
she slammed her hand on the bed, interrupting his words, “no YOU don’t understand me, i’m tired of you babying me. i’m an adult, i am your wife, stop treating me like a fucking child! we have been married for months, but god you’re suffocating me.”
“i will when you stop endangering yourself. i will stop treating your like a child when you stop acting like one. you’re pregnant, for the love of god!” he threw his hand on the wall. the wall cracked from the force. “i’m what?” she felt the world stopped spinning. she was hundred percent sure that her ears and head were deceiving her. he removed his hand from the hole he made on the wall, his body shaking from the amount of anger building up.
“noritoshi, answer me! what do you mean- i’m not pregnant, i had my period this month.”
“you are,” he shrugged. he felt something hit him in the back; looking down he saw the fluffy white pillow sitting by his feet.
he pointed to the bedside table where a sonogram perched up against a tissue box. she was about to lose her mind. “this is not funny, if this is your mean way of fucking me up because i won’t listen to you then this is just fucking cruel.”
he marched towards him, his hand went down on his chin, forcing her eyes on him, “until you stop playing your stupid games, until you stop treating your life like it’s nothing, until you consider my feelings and my worries, as your husband is valid, i do not exist in your life,” tears fell down her cheeks, “like you, i’m tired too.
“nori i-“
he left her before she could say a word. she broke into sob; her chest was pounding so hard that the blood pressure monitor was beeping. the door burst opened but it was not the face she wanted to see. she was immediately hysterical. satoru managed to hold her wrist down before she ripped the tubes and needles off her arms. “no, no, i want nori. where is he!” she screamed as satoru held her down. “you need to calm down, it’s not good for the baby,” satoru cooed, but she was not having it. he turned to shoko, “her cursed energy is skyrocketing, she’s going hysterical, do something!”
“let me go!”
shoko held out a syringe, “hold her down.”
she screamed, thrashing so rough that she almost slipped out of the strongest sorcerer’s hands. she managed to get a needle out before she felt another sharp pain on her back. shoko pulled the empty needle out and they retreated away as she fell on her butt backward. she was reduced to a babbling mess, her eyes drooped as she struggled to fight the waves of sleepiness hitting her one after another.
“tell him i’m sorry,” she croaked out, before everything turned completely dark.
the blood pressure monitor returned back to normal.
three days later;
“are you still going to ignore her? it’s been 3 days.”
“she needs to learn her place.”
gojo satoru disagreed. he eyed the head of the clan, shaking his head before standing up. he thought he could convince noritoshi kamo to visit his wife, but the man was as stubborn as- huh, her.
“i think she have learned enough, she’s miserable. you’re miserable.”
the man glared at the blonde man child, raising the cup of tea up for a sip. the tea doesn’t taste as good as the way she made it. he left her for 3 days and he found himself struggling to do everything alone. 
he, noritoshi kamo, 23 years old and the head of the kamo family, could not make a cup of fucking tea.
she always said that the best way to make tea depends on how long you let it steep. “too early and you won’t get the right amount of flavour,” she explained, her back facing him as he watched from the counter as she loomed over the stove, “but if you steep it way too long you going to burn the tea leaves and it will make everything taste bitter.” she turned around, a huge smile on her face that made his heart skipped a beat.
he frowned; the tea tasted bitter.
“she’s pregnant, she’s supposed to be crazy. you are supposed to be the wise one. she is going to carry your child for 9 long months, i can’t explain to you how long that’s going to be but she is allowed to be crazy.”
he dropped the cup on the floor when gojo’s hand grabbed him by his collar, pulling him up from his chair.
“now please, see your goddamn wife before i deck you in the mouth.”
“i will.”
satisfied with his answer, gojo’s demeanor changed and he was again the man child they all know of him. noritoshi could no longer focus on the report in front of him; not when his mind is full of her and only her.
would she forgive him? he wasn’t sure.
but he would spend his lifetime making up to her and the baby if that’s necessary.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
omgg the flat chest fic was rlly good 😳😳 can u do one for suna or atsumu??
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hc: suna and atsumu with a flat chested s/o
tags: nsfw, established relationships, reader’s got smol titties
notes: y’know what anon, i’ll go ahead and give ya both. but please know i have literally never written for suna so ?? i hope you’re not disappointed ?? ty for the request and feel free to stop by my inbox anytime ❥
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» i’m gonna clarify that suna gives me a ‘stoner but secretly a genius’ vibe so if you don’t agree this is prob ooc sorry
» suna tends to keep his thoughts to himself but none of them are snarky when it comes to you
» boy LOVES you and your lil’ titties
» and though he’s not very vocal w the compliments all the time, he knows when you need it
» he gets why you’re insecure, with the way you tend to get self conscious when wearing looser shirts or seeing someone with a bigger chest, society’s a bitch
» but he genuinely loves you n’ your body the way it is, and your personality makes you all that more sexy to him
» so yea he’ll comfort you with his own special way of telling you you’re beautiful and you don’t need to worry about that shit, and the look in his eye as he splays his hands across your lower back and pulls you close tells you he means it every time
» if he knows you’re up for it he’ll tease tf out of you too, bringing his hands up around your ribs high enough where his thumbs can swipe over your nipples
» “Besides baby, you still make me wanna fuck you senseless no matter how big your tits are.”
» woooo boy if that doesn’t make your panties drop idk what will
» loves the way your boobs look in crop tops so he buys them for you all the time, and urges you to skip the bra so he can catch glimpses of the girls when you raise your arms/shoulders
» probably buys you cut off thrasher shirts alsjdhsjaj
» i see suna as someone who’s kinda into degradation in bed but he never aims it at your insecurities, so if anything he’ll only bring it up when he’s praising you for being a good girl
» he’ll reward you for taking his cock so well by switching positions so you’re in his lap, his hands gripping your hips or thighs and his mouth immediately latches on to your tits bc he knows how sensitive they are
» “Such a good little slut, lookin’ so pretty just sitting on my cock like that. Tell me how much you love it when I play with your cute little tits.”
» smth like that
» but yea overall he couldn’t care less if your chest was big or not, he thinks you’re rad and he wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t like every aspect of you
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» atsumu actually kinda pegs me as the type of guy who might fetishize small chests, so boy are you in luck no i do not care to elaborate just roll w it
» he’s a huge dork but deep down he is a horny, horny man
» his initial instinct when you’re feeling self conscious about yourself is to wrap you up in his giant arms and whisper all the things he loves about you, giving you his best puppy dog eyes and making sure to leave kisses in your hairline between praises
» he always wants to make sure you know how much he loves you regardless of what it is you’re upset ab
» probably wouldn’t go super far with teasing you if he feels the need too, might just whisper something suggestive once you’ve calmed down
» “I’ll show ya how much I love yer little chest later, babygirl.” and then he gives you the most awkward wink but it’s still so 🥵
» HUGE on praise in the bedroom, he’s a dom but definitely on the softer side so he will never not shower you with his affection
» his favorite thing to do is paw at your tits while his face is buried between your legs, using his elbows to keep your hips pinned to whatever surface he’s got you laid out on
» absolutely groans into your cunt about how cutely your chest arches into his waiting palms
» “Fuck, you really like it when daddy plays with yer tits, huh? They just fit so perfect in my hands, like they were made for me.”
» and when you need to be punished, he LOVES slapping them while overstimming you
» atsumu is a sucker for the way you look in tight fitting shirts/dresses, but his favorite is when you’re wearing one his shirts with no bra underneath bc duh, you don’t need it?
» not only does this appeal to his horny side but you just look so cute in his clothes n’ he can’t help it
» honestly there’s hardly ever a moment where you’re truly insecure about yourself around him because he makes it his job to remind you how much he loves you n’ your body constantly
» and he’ll be glad to show you, too
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missaudreyhorney · 4 years
The Big Game
Modern AU where Jim Hopper is at your parent’s house for a Super Bowl party. That isn’t a plot so much as it is a very flimsy excuse for me to write out some dirty thoughts I have after seeing this photo of David Harbour looking like an absolute DILF.
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Content Warnings: Rated M for age gap, kissing, over-the-clothes touching, a bit of Daddy kink, a little physical intimidation. All that good stuff. Female Reader. Slightly OOC for the sake of funsies. 1.6k words.
Tagging @t-u-m-s​. Anyone else want to be tagged when I post something new? Let me know.
“I know you said not to bring anything,” you announce as you walk into your parents’ house from the garage, “but mom told me the doctor said you should be watching your diet.” You place the tray of vegetables on the kitchen counter and turn towards the living room. “So I brought you some ve-” your words are cut off by the sight of an unfamiliar man sitting on the couch.
He’s wearing jeans, a dark grey polo shirt, and a black baseball cap that’s on backward. Just his profile alone is stunning. Thick eyebrows, an adorably pointy nose, and a strong jaw covered by a short, scruffy beard. He turns to look at you and it feels as if your heart stops.
“Hopper, you’ve met my daughter before, right?” your father says as he stands up from the chair to greet you.
“No,” the man answers coldly, eyes now fixed on the tv.
Your father comes into the kitchen and gives you a hug. “That was very nice of you, sweetie, but your mom’s been making me eat vegetables every day. This is the Super Bowl. All I want today is wings and potato skins.”
You hear his words clearly but they don’t register in your head. You’re much too distracted by this Hopper person you’ve never seen or even heard about before.
“Where’s everybody else?” you wonder aloud.
“They’re not here yet. This is just the pregame stuff,” your father clarifies.
Hopper glances at you again and you feel like you’re melting as you lean into the countertop. He’s so hot. Nothing like the boys you go to school with. Nothing like a boy at all. He is one hundred percent man.
“You wanna get a snack and join us?” your father requests in a jovial tone.
“Um, I have to, uh, put this other stuff away,” you point to the bag of groceries on the floor next to you.
“Oh, right,” your father acknowledges.
“Where’s mom?”
“Getting a couple of last-minute things for the party. She’ll be back soon.”
You roll your eyes. “I told her I would do that.”
“You know your mother, “ he says, walking back into the living room. “She never listens.”
You take a moment to admire Hopper before removing the food you’ve purchased from the bag. His arms are tantalizing, with the type of muscle not built from going to the gym, but from moving furniture, fixing cars, and other forms of manual labor. Seeing the veins in his hand as he drinks a bottle of beer makes you lick your lips. You can’t stop yourself from shooting him more glances as you finish putting the remainder of the groceries in their rightful place.
There’s no way you can sit in there with that gorgeous man and pretend to be calm or make casual conversation. Instead, you slowly and carefully make your way upstairs to your bedroom, or rather, what used to be your bedroom before you started college. Leaning against the inside of the door and taking a deep breath, you pull your phone from your pocket to distract you.
Your mother arrives about ten minutes later, with a football-shaped ice cream cake, and you admonish her appropriately. Soon after, more people show up to the party and the game starts.
With increasing frequency, your eyes drift over to the handsome stranger still on the couch, and within time, his begin to drift towards you as well. You try to keep busy by topping off people’s drinks, refilling the chip bowls, and putting more snacks in the oven but it’s ultimately no use. You can’t avert your gaze for longer than 5 minutes at the most.
Every time you catch him looking at you, heat rises in your chest and radiates out through your limbs. Under normal circumstances, you would welcome this feeling, but with so many sets of eyes surrounding you, the feeling is almost embarrassing. You don’t know how much more of it you can take and you have to get out of there. Not necessarily out of the house, but just away from Hopper.
During a detergent commercial, you try to sneak back upstairs. When your mother asks where you’re going, you tell her that you’re not feeling well and you need to lie down. It is at least partially the truth.
Sitting down on the small bed, you begin to scroll through Instagram to get your mind off of him and you quickly lose track of time. A while later, you hear someone ascending the staircase. Standing in the doorway of your room and looking down the hall, you see Hopper’s impossibly long legs lumbering up the steps.
“What are you doing up here?” you question quietly.
“It’s halftime,” he declares as he closes the space in between your bodies. His scent is so manly, like tobacco and aftershave.
You take a step back. “Don’t you want to see...whoever it is that’s performing?”
“No,” he answers, entering the room. “I want to see you.” His voice is low and deep, causing your thighs to gently quiver.
“H-Hopper, right?” you stammer, breath getting caught in your throat.
“You can call me Jim,” he offers. It's not until you're this close up to him that you see how incredible his eyes are. They're such an unusually dark shade of blue.
“Okay...Jim.” You can feel your cheeks flush as you utter his name.
He looks around and takes a sip of his beer. “Is this your old room?”
“Yeah,” you answer, “haven’t lived here in years though.”
“Who’s Troy?” he asks you with a slight chuckle.
You give him a confused expression, completely unaware of who or what he’s referring to. He points to the wall behind you and you turn your head to look.
“Oh,” you laugh nervously, seeing your old Troy Bolton poster. “It’s Zac Efron. I used to have a crush on him.”
He nods his head in recognition.
“My tastes have…matured since then though.”
“Have they?” he asks with his curiosity piqued.
You nod vigorously as he approaches you like a lion stalking a young gazelle. Attempting to be coy, you back away, until your legs hit the bed and there’s nowhere else to go.
He puts his beer bottle on the nightstand. “What’s your taste in men like now?”
“Older,” you admit, looking up into his beautiful eyes.
“How much older?” His hands clasp around either side of your waist.
“I don’t know,” you answer breathlessly as your hands move up to his shoulders. “About 20 years?”
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, his lips are on yours in a fiery kiss. Something about this feels wrong, but at the same time, oh so right. You do have a genuine preference for older men, but one that’s friends with your father is really pushing it. As much as you hate to admit it, part of that excites you. It turns you on that he’s in his 40’s and there are a dozen or so people downstairs who could catch you two together at any moment.
Your mouth gasps against his when he shoves you backward and you both fall onto the twin-sized bed. He tastes like beer, a flavor you’re not fond of, but the absolute last thing you want to do right now is to stop. Suddenly, his left hand pulls your hair, yanking your head to the side to give his mouth better access to your neck. He kisses and sucks your sensitive skin there, making you squirm with equal parts pleasure and arousal.
“Oh, Daddy,” you breathe as he nibbles on your earlobe.
“Did you just call me Daddy?” he whispers.
“Yes,” you confess. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I liked it.”
You moan as his teeth graze your skin. The way he’s biting and sucking on you, it feels like he’s going to leave a mark, and at this point, you don’t even care. You don’t care about anything at all other than the way your body feels underneath him and his wanton mouth.
Another moan tumbles from your lips as run your fingers up his hairy forearms and grasp onto his biceps.
“Not so loud, huh? They’re gonna hear us.”
“You should have shut the door,” you reprimand halfheartedly. The sensation of his beard scratching the flesh over your collarbone has you pushing your hips into him.
“Too late for that now,“ he dismisses as his palm presses just below the zipper on your jeans.
Again you let out a moan, this one strained as you try and fail to be quiet.
“Why haven’t I seen you here before?” he inquires, his fingers now massaging against the denim.
“I’ve been at school,” you pant out.
“Well, you’re just going to have to come over here more often, aren’t you?” he prompts.
“Yes, Daddy!” you moan as the fingers of his free hand start to slide up the back of your t-shirt towards your bra.
“Hey, Hopper. You up there?” your father calls from downstairs.
Slapping a hand down on his head to keep his hat in place, Hopper jumps up from the bed and sprints to the door. “Yeah, I’m, uh, just looking for the bathroom.”
In a daze, you close your eyes and stay on the bed. It’s not until now that you notice how much your blood is pumping and your heart is pounding. With a resigned whimper, you realize that you’re aching with an overwhelming need left by his immense hand rubbing you through your jeans.
“Hurry up. The game is about to start again.” The sound of your father’s voice is a massive buzzkill.
“I’ll see you later, alright?” Hopper suggests to you as he stands in the doorway.
You don’t know what that means exactly but you’re looking forward to finding out. “Alright,” you sigh.
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saxxxology · 4 years
Cosmo Says - 2
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PAIRING: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader WARNINGS: smut: p/v sex, oral sex, some dom/sub themes, eventual threesome, exploration of kinks, and more NOTE: Do not save or repost my work without my consent. I don’t tag for spoilers, so feel free to message me with any questions you have. This work is 18+ only.
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Sam’s phone buzzes in his pocket. Tugging it free, he unlocks the screen and goes right to the chat string. There’s a new message from you. Odd, considering you hate texting and would rather call than send a—
> i’ve always thought about your cock ;) 
His blood turns hot. It’s been a while since he’d gotten a text like this, the last time he’d done this sort of thing, he’d been left hanging and given up. That was a while ago. 
In the four years you’ve been with them you’ve all seen each other in the near-nude quite a bit, after walking in on showers, clothing changes, sex, everything. He thinks ‘well, I've always thought about your tits’ as a silent reply, but changes it at the last minute.
< What about it?
Your little chat bubble pops up, wavering back and forth for several long seconds before a message finally pops up. 
> how it looks. how it feels.
He chuckles to himself, ignoring Dean’s nagging “what is it” and attempt to lean over and get a peek at whatever’s amused his little brother. Dean only earns himself a muttered “fuck off” as Sam taps on the keyboard.
< You’re telling me this just now? Why?
> cosmo said sexting is good ;)
Ahhh, yes, of course. You’ve been indulging in that damn magazine again. Might as well entertain while he’s into it.
< On the road. Want a pic later?
> yes, please :)
He smirks to himself as his dick gives an interested twitch. 
< Are you gonna treat me, too?
> if you’re good. drive safe. 
“What was that about?”
Sam turns his phone over. His cheeks are bright red, he’s sure of it. “What was what?”
“Somethin’ got you happy,” Dean makes a grab for the phone, somehow keeps the Impala straight on the road, and misses as Sam yanks his device out of his brother’s reach. 
“Fuck you,” he retorts, grinning despite himself. 
“Was it Y/N?”
Dean narrows his eyes. “She okay?”
“She’s fine.” Sam clears his throat and stares out the window, trying to will his dick to stand down. He’s seen your tits on several occasions, the most notable being when he’d walked in on you touching yourself under the covers, rolling a nipple between your fingers with a hand apparently between your legs. The memory always comes to him when he needs it, and it never fails to do its job. 
“Anything juicy?”
Sam’s throat goes dry. “What?”
“She got anything on the case,” Dean clarifies.
“Uh, no.” Sam makes a show of checking his phone again, as if you might have sent something relevant to their travels. “She, uh, just wanted to check in.”
Dean relents, but gives his brother a shifty look as they continue down the long, empty stretch of road. 
They pull into a motel just after six. Dean sticks around long enough to drop his stuff, use the bathroom, and takes off for the closest bar. Sam takes advantage of the fact that he’s alone to throw the lock on the door and stretch out on his bed, phone in hand. The lure of privacy finally overwhelms him, and he shoves his jeans down his thighs, gathering his cock in one hand as he shoots you a message.
< Hey
You reply within seconds. 
> what you got for me?
Sam grins and strokes himself firmly, getting himself hard and ready. 
< Gimmie a minute
> can’t get it up?
< Feel free to help.
> mmm i can wait ;)
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You’re relaxing in bed, phone in hand. Sam’s little chat bubble keeps popping up and dissapearing, and you can’t tell if he keeps fucking up the camera or not. 
> I’m sending this on Snapchat
You roll your eyes. Of course, he’s paranoid about Dean getting into his phone. 
< i’m waiting
After a good five minutes, a little yellow notification pops up on your screen. A thrill of excitement makes its way through your stomach, and you open the app and scroll to the fresh chat string.
Holy goddamn. 
He’s thick and long, flushed dark and glistening at the tip. Gripping himself at the base, held between his thumb and index finger. He’s shaved clean, or waxed, and you feel heat swirl between your legs at the thought of what he might feel like inside you. A quick screenshot lights up your screen, and you smile when Sam’s text comes through.
> Screenshot? Really?
You giggle, typing back. 
< i liked it. keep touching yourself.
> Wasn’t planning on stopping
< video?
> Hang on
You set your phone down to wait and quickly undress, getting comfortable on the bed as the anticipation builds. When another Snaptchat notification pops up, you slide a hand between your legs, teasing your clit as you open the video, volume on high. 
“Oh, fuck…” Sam’s breathy moan echoes through the receiver as the camera focuses on his cock. His hand’s moving steadily up and down, twisting around the head. You lose yourself in it, watching closely as his abs tighten, hips moving up so he can fuck up into his fist. 
The video only lasts a good fifteen seconds before it times out, and you let your head fall back onto the pillow as you try to process the heated glory of what you’ve witnessed. 
> Enjoy?
You raise your phone up to type a quick reply.
< yes - more?
> Define more.
< i want to see you cum
The next ten minutes are filled with the sound of Sam’s moaning on repeat in your head as you stroke and touch and rub yourself. You won’t cum quite yet—you’re just amping yourself up.
When your phone vibrates, you’re quick to snatch it up and scroll to the new message.
It’s almost a minute of Sam just panting and grunting, the phone angled down by his hip so you can see his cock aimed up towards his stomach. His fingers tighten, loosen, pumping up and down until he lets go with a strangled grunt and several drawn-out sighs as he spurts thick, white ropes of cum onto his abs. The video cuts off before he’s truly done, but you’re left satisfied as you shoot him a text with trembling fingers.
< messy boy ;)
> Haha. Can I see you now? Please?
Such a gentleman. 
< what do u want to see?
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Sam takes a hot minute to wipe himself clean before replying. He knows exactly what he wants to see. 
< How wet are you?
> really wet
< Show me.
 He sits back against the headboard, breath held as he waits. As soon as the little chat notification pops up, he opens the image and lets out a long, drawn-out moan at the sight of your middle finger, shiny with slick and nestled between the bare lips of your pussy. He’s so engrossed in the image that he forgets to snap a screenshot and asks for a second. 
You send it without question, this one where you’ve got two fingers pressed down over your clit and Sam can see the soft pink inside of your cunt, flushed and swollen and shiny…
< I want to be inside you so bad is all he can manage to text you as his cock gives a solid twitch. 
> mmm maybe when u get back…
Sam’s mouth waters at the thought, and he’s halfway through typing a reply when you send a follow up that makes his cock perk up in his boxers.
> i bet cumming on your dick would feel real good
Sam rubs a palm over his thigh—he can’t remember the last time he got hard twice in a row… 
< Are you touching yourself?
> yeah
< Show me.
He slides a hand inside his boxers, stroking slowly as he waits. 
It’s well worth it: your legs are spread wide, two fingers swirling on your clit. He can see your cunt squeezing around nothing, and debates if it’s worth asking you to use one of the toys he knows you have. 
< Good girl… make yourself cum for me.
The next video, like his, takes a while to come through. He continues to rub and stroke himself, more intent on alleviating the pressure between his legs rather than having another orgasm. He wonders how warm and tight you’d be on him—it’s been a while since he got his dick wet and he’d be lying if he said his jackoff sessions the last few weeks have totally not been drenched in thoughts of you riding him, grabbing at him and begging for him...
His phone buzzes, and he bites down on his lower lip as he opens the video. 
Fucking. Hell.
It’s two minutes of your hips rolling, thighs trembling, moans changing in pitch and intensity. Sam pinpoints the exact moment when your orgasm peaks: you let out a long, high-pitched cry of pleasure as your body convulses, and he can tell that you’re fighting to keep your legs spread long enough for your shaky video to capture the rest of it.
By the time the recording ends, Sam’s ready to bust hands-free. He pulls his hand from his cock and replies, breathing through his nose as he fights to keep some form of self-control. 
< Gorgeous. 
> next time i cum, i want you inside me.
Sam groans, shifting uncomfortably as he types a reply.
< We’ll be back by the end of the week. Think you can wait that long?
> yes
< I wanna taste you. 
> you can ;)
Sam licks his lower lip, desperate to find some relief. He needs a shower, anyway, he can take more time in there. 
< Gonna clean up and get to bed. You all good back there?
> got cosmo to hold me down until u get back. send me a pic in the morning?
< Of what?
> you know. goodnight.
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The rest of this work is available on Patreon for $3. Head on over and subscribe! If you want to be tagged, click here!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!!!
FOREVER TAGS: @atc74​ @crashdevlin​ @defenderrosetyler​ @daughterofthenight117​ @emberocrpblog​ @emoryhemsworth​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @fangirl-and-medstudent-help​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @heartsaved​ @kittenofdoomage​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @lovelyrocker​ @lunarsaturn88​ @mariekoukie6661​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @neii3n​ @nellachain​ @percussiongirl2017​ @ssworldofsw​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​ @sea040561​ @sammysnaughtygirl​ @starsandasteroids​ @spnwoman​ @serpentbaby​ @thecleverdame​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @thelittleredwhocould​ @winecatsandpizza​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​ @85natalie​ @4won​
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strangest-dreams-22 · 3 years
heya evry1!!
this is my lil intro post so mayb i can exit the realm of the unknowable haha, just some wacky info abt me in case any of y’all wanna know me or anything lmao
Who am i????
i’m strangestdreams, aka blizzard/blizz!! this is actually a sideblog, my main is @blizzposts !!! i’m a 14, almost 15 yr old trans guy (he/him pronouns :]), livin in the USA!! i also got an art blog @blizzardtheseal , i dont post much there, though im workin on it!!
What’s my blog 4??
i post weirdcore/oddcore/strangecore, liminalcore, and dreamcore content!! some is original, some not (like all my reblogs lmao)- everything that i post directly is either fully created by me, or edited by me in some way!! i dont do unedited reposts :]
i used to do traumacore too, but i’ve moved away from that!! jus puttin that there as a lil disclaimer ig haha
- startin off strong, TERFs can FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!! get outta here!!! y’all are NOT welcome!!!! EVER!!!!
- any other kinda bigots can get the FUCK OUT!!!! homophobes, transphobes, racists, islamophobes, etc, ALL Y’ALL can go ahead and LEAVE!!!
- transmeds!!! ew no!!!! go away bleas
- cringe culture bitches (like furry hating, if you tell people their shit’s cringe or engage positively with people who do, this is you), y’all are annoying as hell, go away
- conservatives, republicans, and anyone to their right (neo-n/zis, alt-right, yknow the drill) can go vanish
- if i missed anything, shoot me a DM or smth blease
Tags i use??
- text post: pretty self explanatory, just anything that’s only a text post and not an image
- not an aesthetic: pretty much the same as the text post tag, mostly, just anything that’s not an aesthetic image
- dereality: i use this as a tw tag 4 anything that might trigger derealization/depersonalization!! if that stuff affects u, i recommend filtering out this tag!!
- aesthetic tags (weirdcore/oddcore/strangecore/dreamcore/liminalcore/liminal spaces): VERY self explanatory, these just refer 2 the aesthetic of the image i posted/reblogged obviously
- original content: anything i made/edited!! anything not tagged with this is NOT my own content!!! in the very rare case i repost something i didn’t make/edit, it will NOT be tagged this!!
Anythin else???
feel free to send an ask or shoot me a DM at any time, for any reason!! i’ll respond eventually, i swear haha
if any of my posts need tw tags, please tell me!!! i’ll gladly add anything necessary!! im especially bad at discerning what’s dereality/unreality and what’s not, if i fuck up TELL ME PLEASE, i’d really hate to cause any1 any problems!!!
also as u can probly see from this post, i type kinda wacky just 4 fun, so if y’all need anythin clarified, feel free 2 ask!!
this post’s gonna be pinned till the end of time, see y’all on the flipside!
~ strangestdreams // blizz
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kinderes · 6 years
Cold as Stone (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: Having already lost one of their own, the sides decide to try and figure out what their next course of action should be. 
Word count: 2310
Author’s note: thank you so much for the positive reaction to the first part! I hope you enjoy this part too! also, shout out to @mememic-bry​ for offering to beta this for me!! <3 warnings for: panic, petrification (being turned to stone), violence, blood
tag list: @mememic-bry @princelogical @super-magical-wizard @rileyfirstname @that-one-invisible-chick @silverglimse-productions @misslilidelaney @creativenostalgiastuff @hissesssss @akiraaria @prinxietyandchocolate @nyxwordsmith @justanotherpurplebutterfly @k9cat @hanramz-the-fander @logansanders33 @spottybob @specifiedshippinglover13 @miss-meg1710 @justanotherlemon @fillogree @timeywimeygalaxy @darkstarsigh @icecoldparadise​
The remaining three sides stood silently for minutes after it happened, barely moving as if they all had been turned to stone. Logan was the first one to speak.
“Well, we’d best get started, shall we?” His throat was tight and he cleared it before speaking again. “Roman, what do you know about the dragon-witch? You’ve already clarified you aren’t aware of how to break this spell, but some background information would be beneficial.”
Roman could hardly believe how quick Logan got down to business, but in some ways he appreciated it. The sooner this was over, the better. “Umm. Well. She resides in those mountains up there,” he explained, pointing them out, “specifically on the highest peak of the tallest mountain.”
“Do you know of any weaknesses? Other abilities? Anything that might be useful to us?”
Roman was having a hard time focusing, but he wracked his brain anyway. “She... can breathe fire, of course…” He tried to think of what else she could do, but meeting resistance, he moved onto the next topic. “Her underbelly is weak. That’s usually where I strike her before she flees.”
Logan hummed. “I see. Do you suppose that defeating this dragon-witch would free Virgil?”
“I’m honestly not sure, but if that is what must be done, then I shall do it,” Roman said, now determined.
It was at that point he noticed Patton had been suspiciously quiet. He looked over to find Patton standing directly in front of Virgil’s statue, worry and grief etched in his face. He reached his hand up towards Virgil’s forehead as if to brush the hair out of his face, hesitating for a moment before he settled his hand on the side of Virgil’s face and pressed his forehead against Virgil’s. Roman couldn’t help but remember the dragon-witch’s words.
“It is not your role to protect them. You may try, but you will always fail.”
“Roman, are your injuries going to hinder you? If so, we can rest a while before we leave,” Logan inquired, adjusting his glasses.
Roman hadn’t even been thinking about his injuries. He felt tired and sore, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him. “They’re fine, but… maybe you two should stay here.”
Patton finally looked away from Virgil and fixed his eyes on Roman. “What do y’mean, kiddo? Of course we’re coming with you! We’ve gotta save Virgil!”
“I have to agree, I don’t think it would be wise for you to go alone,” Logan said firmly. “What if you also get turned to stone? We would be none the wiser if we waited down here.”
Roman opened his mouth to argue, but closed it again. He’d been so focused on the others he hadn’t even considered that possibility. What would happen if he was turned to stone? Seeing that Logan had a point, he huffed. “Fine. But neither of you had better get caught.”
“We can make no promises, but we will certainly try not to,” Logan agreed. “We should leave immediately, although I doubt we’ll make it up the entirety of the mountain today.”
Roman nodded in agreement, and Patton gave one final glance towards Virgil’s still form before the three of them departed.
They reached the foot of the mountain within an hour and began their climb up the worn path towards the summit. They barely spoke a word to each other for a long time, aside from Roman occasionally giving them directions. Roman could still remember a time when Virgil’s absence would have made him happy, but now guilt just twisted in his stomach.
They came to a small clearing just as the sun was setting and decided to make camp there. Logan made a fire while Roman conjured up some bedrolls for them to sleep on. Patton seemed distracted, just sitting and watching as the other two worked. Roman knew that under normal circumstances, Patton would have jumped at the opportunity to help either of them, but Roman also suspected he was taking Virgil’s condition the hardest out of all of them.
After the beds were all laid out, Roman took a seat beside him. He struggled to find the right words to say. “If you like, I could conjure up some marshmallows and we could roast them on the fire?”
Patton gave him a weak smile. “Thanks Roman, that’s nice of you, but I’m not feeling very hungry right now.”
“Oh.” Roman fidgeted with his sash. “Well, how about-”
“I think I’m gonna turn in for the night!” Patton said suddenly. He crawled over to one of the bedrolls and settled into it. “G’night guys!”
“Good night, Patton,” Logan returned, prodding the fire as he did so.
Roman’s mouth was left hanging open from Patton’s sudden interruption. “Ah… y-yes, sleep well, Patton,” he said awkwardly. He watched as Patton drew the blankets tightly around his form, breathing out a long sigh before he stilled. Roman covered his face with his hands, suddenly feeling very tired as well.
There was a long silence after that. Roman would occasionally look over at Logan, who was staring into the fire, deep in thought for what felt like forever. It seemed as though Patton wasn’t the only one taking this hard. Or perhaps Logan was just thinking about their situation; Logan was always hard to read.
“Roman, can I ask you a question about the dragon-witch?” Roman was drawn out of his own thoughts as Logan spoke. He saw Logan adjust his glasses. “She is a creation of your own making, correct? Is there no way for you to simply… make her vanish? I’m not as familiar with the workings of the imagination as I would like to be.”
Roman sighed. “It doesn’t quite work that way, Specs. Even if it did, I’m not sure it would reverse the spell on Virgil.”
“I see,” Logan said simply. “Another question: We’ve all witnessed you defeat a dragon-witch before, but I don’t recall her having the ability to turn people to stone. Is that… your doing?”
Roman laughed bitterly. “You’re implying it’s my fault?”
“Is it?”
Roman paused, staring down at his feet. “Possibly. I just wanted… I mean, you saw how easily I overcame that other dragon-witch, right? It was almost… too easy, and I may have… enhanced design slightly.” He could feel Logan’s stare on him. “But I never thought she would be of any danger to the rest of you,” he continued quickly. “That is the truth, Logan. I-I never meant for this to happen.”
Logan sighed. “I can hardly hold it against you for wanting to challenge yourself. I only hope we can correct this mistake.”
“I hope so, too,” Roman said quietly. Patton stirred in his sleep briefly before settling down again. Logan seemed to be drifting off as well now. He silently vowed wouldn’t let harm come to either of them.
The sides woke early the next morning and continued their trek up the mountain. 
“If we continue at this pace, how long do you estimate it will take us to reach the peak, Roman?” Logan inquired.
Roman took a second to think - the campsite they’d departed from an hour ago lay about one-third up the mountain, so he tried to guess from that. “We might make it there by nightfall, but the path gets narrower and steeper up ahead, so that may slow us down.”
“Uh… guys?” Patton tried to speak up, but the other two sides didn’t hear him.
“If we take into consideration the height of the mountain, then we should also consider shapeshifting into warmer attire once we reach a high enough altitude,” Logan commented. Seasons weren’t as consistent in the imagination as they were in reality, but Roman had created all of the mountains so their tops would be covered in snow most of the year, if for no other reason than aesthetics.
A shadow passed over top of them, but only Patton noticed. “Hey Roman, I think-”
“Ah, I do always enjoy wearing a warm winter cloak!” Roman mused. The way it draped over his shoulders somehow made him feel more… heroic.
“Guys!” Patton called out desperately. The other two turned just as Patton tackled them to the ground. A loud roar rang in their ears and a whoosh of wind ruffled their hair. The dragon-witch had narrowly missed them. Patton kept his arms held tightly around both of them for a few seconds, before tentatively relaxing enough so that they could all push themselves to their feet.
“That was… too close for comfort,” Roman said, straightening out his clothes and brushing off the dirt. He exhaled and gave Patton a grateful look. “It’s a good thing one of us was paying attention. You really saved us there, Patton.” Roman couldn’t help but notice a few grazes on Patton’s arms. He made a mental note to help him patch them up later.
“Yes, it was a rather close call,” Logan agreed, appearing a little flustered. He picked his glasses up off the ground from where’d they’d been knocked off and slipped them back onto his face. “Thank you, Patton. Very quick thinking on your part.”
Patton beamed at them, but his smile quickly dropped when he glanced up. “Well, y-you two might wanna move out of the way before she comes back.”
A roar erupted through the air from behind Roman and Logan, and they didn’t need to be told twice before running for cover. Patton, on the other hand, hadn’t moved. Roman halted. “Patton, what are you doing?!”
Logan also stopped in his tracks. He frowned, as if trying to piece something together. “Patton.”
Patton gulped. “Yeah?”
“You looked, didn’t you?”
“U-um—” Patton didn’t get a chance to finish before the dragon-witch swooped down again. Logan and Roman managed to dive out of the way, but all Patton could do was yelp and try to crouch down. This proved to be difficult, seeing as his feet were now solid stone and couldn’t move. He covered his head and whimpered.
Roman felt his temper flare up. How could he have let this happen again? One thing was for sure though - he wasn’t about to let the dragon-witch get away.
Roman drew his sword and stood in front of Patton. The dragon-witch landed with a heavy thud, teeth bared and sharp. She prowled towards him, her body lowered as if she could strike at any second. Roman readied himself for the attack.
The dragon-witch suddenly lunged towards him, but Roman acted quickly. In one swift moment he dived underneath her and struck the underside of the dragon’s stomach.
The sound that followed was deafening.
Roman dropped his sword to cover his ears, squeezing his eyes shut from just how loud it was. By the time he opened them, he had no time to react before a set of long claws swiped across his stomach. He cried out in pain, clutching at the wound. He dropped to his knees. On some level he registered Logan and Patton shouting his name, and the sound of wings flapping and slowly fading away.
He lifted his arm briefly to examine the wound and hissed at the sight. There wasn’t as much blood as he’d expected, but it was still staining his white costume and his sash had been apart. He wasn’t sure if he could find the strength to stand up for a few moments, but then he remembered - Patton was still turning to stone. As he staggered to his feet, Logan came to his side and helped to hold him up.
“W-well, I think that could have gone better,” Roman said, trying to lighten the mood. He managed to half-smile at Patton, but Patton didn’t smile back.
“Roman, you’re bleeding!” Patton said, his voice filled with worry. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Ah, ‘tis but a flesh wound, Padre! Besides, what about you?” Roman tried to straighten himself up, wincing as pain shot through his torso.
Patton looked down. Half of him was already stone, his legs entirely covered. “O-oh, it doesn’t hurt or anything! Feels kinda funny though…” Roman could tell Patton was trying to be brave, but he couldn’t help but hear the tremble in his voice.
“Roman, your wound needs tending to,” Logan said, shifting his weight slightly.
Roman shook his head. “I’ll be fine, we should focus on Patton for now.”
“The process has already started, there’s nothing we can do for him.”
Roman opened his mouth to protest, but Patton spoke first. “He’s right, kiddo. You need to get that wound fixed up!”
Roman could do nothing as Logan set him gently on the ground and Patton continued to turn to stone before his eyes. It was frustrating. If there was anything Roman hated, it was feeling helpless. As Logan lifted Roman’s top off to get a better look at the wound, Roman’s pain and frustration manifested itself as tears welling up in his eyes.
Roman looked up to see Patton staring down at him, with a soft expression he’d seen many times before when he’d been frustrated or sad or upset. “It’s going to be okay.”
Roman choked out a laugh. “How can you say that?”
“Because there’s still hope!” Patton said, smiling softly at him. “You and Logan’ll figure something out. I know you will. I believe in both of you.”
Roman and Logan exchanged a glance. Neither of them were very sure of that statement. Roman looked back up at Patton. The stone had almost reached his neck. Logan continued tending to Roman’s wound as Roman spoke. “I… we will try, Patton.”
Patton’s voice was shaky and his eyes glistened with tears.  “I-I know. I love both of you. Take care of each other.”
Those were the last words he spoke before he completely turned to stone.
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xuune · 6 years
Can I write a fanfic of your Bartender AU?? Or has someone already done that? It’s such a lovely AU 💖
yea u can man just credit me 👌 (feel free to send me it too if u want me to read it B^) )
theres also some stuff i gotta mention for others wondering:
[please do keep in mind the story was given to me by a friend, and the dialogue doesnt belong to me, only the drawings and extra parts im making do]
- FANFIC: if u wanna make a fanfic, youre free to include whatever dialogue if you wish to just base it on the au itself. if you plan to use the events in the original comic, please keep the dialogue the same. you’re free to add in your own twists for it if you want (character backgrounds, events before lance hits on keith, events after, etc.) if you’re up to including the stuff i drew in the extra/bonus drawings in your fic, go ahead but ill need to give you a timeline bc i draw stuff out of chronological order xd (and feel free to send me ur fic :^D)
- FAN VERSION: [please understand, dialogue is the real issue here] if you wanna draw your own version of the same comic using the same dialogue, using characters from another fandom, please dont (this got asked on ig). the story was given to me by a friend and they dont feel comfortable with ppl copying the dialogue. you can draw your own version but not with the same dialogue
- FANART: hell yea u can B^) feel free to send me it through pm 😎👍 if you plan to post it, feel free to tag it as “voltron bartender au” or “voltron hot bartender & pretty customer au”
if something is confusing, send me an ask so i can help clarify it for you 
again, the dialogue/story in the original comic doesnt belong to me, so there are some stricter things on what you can do with the au’s dialogue so dont throw a fit in the comments or in the ask box. i already explained it. 
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auideas · 7 years
Ask the Admins 13.0
anon asked: For any of the admins! I’m not sure if this was asked previously, so I apologize in advance. But what's everyone’s favorite au / prompt? (Also thank you guys for starting this blog, im forever grateful this exists)
Chamomile: awww! I’m grateful that this blog exists too (lol). My current favorite type of au’s are murder mystery au’s because of the Rabbit Doubt writing group I’m in so like, expect so many of those coming up soon. I’m also really digging superhero au’s.
M: I’m a fan of the whole “kidnapping / assassin / mob / killer” sort of a trope for some reason - it’s loads of fun to try and mess with original tropes and make them ridiculous, funny, modern, etc.!
Jynn: My fave AUs are ones that incorporate real life twists on typical AUs, like including people with disabilities.
@tomorraw​ asked: How many of you guys are there? Do certain people answer in certain genre? Or does everyone write what they are given? How did you guys meet? (Btw, this is one of my favorite idea blogs. They are so many different views on different ideas and so many genres.)
Chamomile: Currently there’s four of us! I know admin m and admin jynn from a loooong while back -- like two years back. Admin jynn and I go back to our homestuck roots (love her for that) and we’ve stuck together ever since. We all just kind of write whatever floats our boats! M: I met both Jynn and Chamomile through working on the Night Unvaled, which is a Night Vale Fancast that we wrote and produced. We’ve been friends ever since!! As for the certain genre thing, I can’t really say that we all write solely one genre, but we all certainly have our specialties!! Jynn: We have a posting schedule for who posts what when, but when it comes lists we all just take what interests us. Chamomile and I met more than two years back… in a Homestuck role play. Shortly after, we met M in a podcast project we were all working on and we've all be friends since!
Anon asked: what are some of your favorite tropes?
Chamomile: does “I love the way that you understand me and make me feel like I’m the only person in the world when you pay attention to me” count as a troupe? Like an OTP troupe? Bc that’s my ultimate favorite.
M: My favorite trope is messing with tropes. Best thing.
Jynn: “Flaws” turning out to work to someone's advantage!
Anon asked: What is pastel/punk or pastel and punk? I don't get it and google isn't explaining it to me because it's a meany
Chamomile: I remember this AU! It was an AU Friday list that I did and loved doing it! Basically, there’s  ‘pastel’ aesthetic which is very like, cutesy baby pink and pastel blues and other ‘soft’ colors being worn with other ‘soft’ aesthetic items like, glitter or hair clips or oversized sweaters ands stuff like that. Then there’s punk aesthetic, which very like, ‘heck all of you, I want to be comfortable and show that I’m rebelling against the social/political norms’. It can vary from person to person, so it might be better just to google ‘punk fashion’. The whole tag is supposed to be sort of an ‘opposite attract’ type deal.
Anon asked: So in regards to the color au in which you only see color once you touch your soulmate: what if you were born blind? Or when you touch your soulmate, it turns out that you are colorblind?
Chamomile: mmmmmm I’m not a fan of this AU bc of reasons I’m too longwinded about. Skipping this question for me.
M: I guess it’s possible and would make for quite the interesting change in AUs from the usual soulmate trope, but make sure you’re careful when it comes to writing AUs about topics you’re not personally familiar with (such as being blind), but go for it!
Jynn: Idk about it. Lmao I'm picky as heck when it comes to soulmate AUs, and this one has the potential to be interesting but never “stuck out” to me.
Anon asked: hi there! i'm new {ish}, and i've been looking thru ur old posts. i think it's really cool how u help ur followers, school related or not. out of curiosity tho, who is the person who according to that school survey watched so much anime? if u have time, would u mind asking?
Chamomile: Anon I want to know too like, please, show yourself.
M: We support you. Maybe. For the most part.
Jynn: Show ya self ur among friends. I too have consumed too much anime.
Anon asked: Just wanted to say I love your blog. It gives me inspiration! :)
Chamomile: Aaaaa! Thank you <3
M: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jynn: Awwwww!
Anon asked: just poppin in to ask if its okay for us writers to adopt these aus? and claim the whole plot as ours but still credit the bunnies (ie linking it to this acc)? thanks for clarifying!
Chamomile: Totally! We completely encourage it because it brings more people to the blog and also, we get a lot of satisfaction from seeing people enjoy our prompts! Here’s a link on how to cite our au’s: link
Anon asked: omfg, i still think the admins are gorgeous. like f***, you are cute.
Chamomile: Bless your heart, thank you! We really should update what we look like...
Jynn: :o ! Thx!
@genosha-meiuqer asked: Weird question. If you woke up one morning and realized you could grow a beard made out of cotton candy, how happy would you be on a scale of 1-10; one being not happy, and ten being extremely happy.
Chamomile: Genosha, I would be so hype, you wouldn’t understand. Like a 10/10. Even if I did get tired of my new cool cotton candy beard like?? I can just wash it off?? Because cotton candy is water soluble?? I see no problems here?? 
M: maybe a 2. Too sticky.
Jynn: 7/10. Might get sticky and tedious (and I work in and pool so it'd probably get in the water) but endless free cotton candy? Yes.
Anon asked: Deadpool 2 boyfriend? yes or no?
Chamomile: consider this….boyfriend….and girlfriend…..dating both at the same time….
M: yus
Jynn: Yes on boyfriend but NOT at the expense of a lady characters story ending badly.
Anon asked: what's your dream job?
Chamomile: whatever makes me happy? Right now I’m happy serving coffee and doing odd writer jobs in exchange for gift cards (#hit me up y’all), but in the future I might want something different so like, it depends as I grow!
M: Creative Producer in Hollywood!!
Jynn: Aaaa I wanna work in entertainment. Running tech, performing, whatever. Gotta be near that world.
Anon asked: Are you a part of any fandoms? Which ones?
Chamomile: oh jeeze well uhhhhh -- I still hold homestuck dear to my heart, but I’ve mostly moved into podcasts (SAYER, The Adventure Zone, WTNV, Carpe DM) and a lot of like, writing niche groups with my friends? If I can count those as ‘small fandoms’.
M: soooooo many: Nightvale, Merlin, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, etc. Too many.
Jynn: Still Homestuck like Chamomile. Various Nexflix series: Voltron, Stranger Things. Miraculous Ladybug too. Lots of Max Fun and Night Vale Presents podcasts, McElroy products. I work about 60 hours and week so I like things I can listen to while doing other things.
Anon asked: If you were a dragon, what would you hoard?
Chamomile:....scraps of paper. I have so many. I write down AU ideas and story lines on them and then just like, shove them into my bags and pockets and forget about them.
M: pens. so many pens.
Jynn: Useless cute stuff/LUSH products/stim toys probably.
Anon asked: M, did you draw the illustrations in your piece "The Beacon"?
M: I made it in photoshop, yeah! If anyone is curious, here’s the link to the fic (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxP7qW60hE6fUmdSWDJMNHBhRGs/view?usp=sharing). The first draft was written by Admin Chamomile for a speed write but adapted and extended by Admin M just for fun. Go for it and read it if you’d like!!
(Chamomile: just gonna….slide this first draft right here….shhhhhh)
Anon asked: How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Chamomile: hopefully until humanity can find the cure, lmao
M: maybe a month. maybe.
Jynn: Mmmmm no.
Anon asked: Which Never Book quote is your favorite?
Chamomile: “What were you thinking in that last moment between life and oblivion?” Jynn: “So you take another hit, and sick into a whiskey flavored kiss because he’s not there to tell you no.”
Anon asked: Unicorn or Pegasus?
Chamomile: Unicorn! No real reason why. M: Pegasus. Fly bitches. Jynn: Pegasus is more utilitarian.
Anon asked: this is probably too late for ata, but have you ever wanted to write a piece where the characters are southern but you don't know how to write their drawl or accent or dialect? (currently going thru this for the walking dead)
Chamomile: This sounds like a really interesting “How Do I Write” segment soooooo check back on Thursday ;D 
M: ^^^^^^^^^^
Jynn: Not this specific situation. I live in Missouri so I know well how they talk lmao. I have run into something similar with an Irish character though, lots of research!!
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