#failbetter games
anomalouscorvid · 2 days
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cosy spindlewolf
timelapse under cut
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jane-d-ankh-veos · 22 hours
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Another of my FL OCs: the Possessed* Pirate**
* – (not actually possessed; it's consensual cohabitation)
** – (not actually a pirate; law just needs an official excuse to hunt him without disclosing the existence of dark Judgements and a thriving Liberated land with ways to there right in the Unterzee)
Pictured: his future in Sunless Skies when he will give his remaining eye to the spider-senate in the White Well, and will move his eyepatch to the opposite side, finally revealing the mark of the Halved and relying on its alien vision.
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tessellated-sunl1ght · 6 months
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An excellent representation of lacking a defined gender if I do say so myself
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maddesthattington · 15 days
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I love the Dawn Machine, and not just because I stared at it for so long it took over my brain and turned me into its ever-obedient pawn.
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failbettergames · 13 days
hello mr fail! Question: when you say ‘us’ how many people is that referring to?
You'd think this would have a short answer! But it's fun to illuminate a little about how this works, because basically nobody knows how game development happens (even other people in the industry would be surprised by our team's composition, because every game has different demands). :D
The the Fallen London team: Bruno heads up the creative side, with James and Luke on Fallen London design and writing (with a little bit of George and a crumb of Chris), Stuart heads up Fallen London business/production with Jim on the backend, and Paul, Toby and Erion on art (Toby and Erion are mostly on our unannounced project but do the occasional Exceptional Story poster or icon).
This is the current makeup of the team, and doesn't include the stable of freelancers we've worked with over the last 14.5 years or the team members who've come and gone during that time. The credits are extensive!
On the unannounced game we have Adam as game director (who is also CEO), Olatz and Séamus on programming, Toby leading art with Paul and Erion, Chris and George on story and writing, Stuart on production, Les on QA (who is leaving! We love you Les!).
Last but not at all least we have Helena who looks after all of our operations, and me, Hannah, on comms for everything.
So there are 16 of us, sort-of divided in half but with lots of moving around from project to project. :)
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fathomlesslyqueer · 13 days
Ok, so... I made something goofy.
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The funny thing is that I've tried this with people few times and it actually gives pretty hilariously relevant answers. Not saying that it's 100% perfect, but something about correspondence just rubs people the right way, y'know?
Reblog, comment, or send an ask to PONDER THE WHEEL
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
I love Fallen London, but be warned it is a Gothic horror game - cannibalism is a possible plot point and there is a LOT of body horror of the Lovecraftian kind.
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unbelievablerose · 24 days
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chiropteroneironaut · 6 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the fifth city” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw a talking tiger smoking a hookah
my buddy february, pacing: we have to kill the sun
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anomalouscorvid · 27 days
(drawing request) a friendly snake inviting you to go into the mirror :3
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personally i think this is the best possible argument for going into the mirror. come and see them
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triskaideka-13 · 10 months
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Here comes a FREE 50-page custom scenario booklet for BRP / Cthulhu TTRPG based on the lore of #fallen london, a.k.a. your latest unofficial guide to the (be)Neath. A couple of things to keep in mind:
Just so you know, the scenario hasn't gone through the whole playtesting rigmarole yet.
English isn't my first language, so bear with me if you spot a few quirks here and there.
While I've had a blast with Sunless Sea and MoTR, I had to dive into Fallen London wikias to fill in the lore gaps.
The artwork belongs to @failbettergames, except for a handful of images conjured up by Midjourney AI: page 3 (every single one), pages 9-11 (all the portraits), pages 12-17 (yep, all of them), and page 18 (featuring Chelonites, Shroomers, Blemmigans), oh, and also page 35.
The map of London on pages 4-5 has been spiced up with extra spots that may come in handy during a game session!
Having said all that, I'm super open to any cool ideas you might have to make this even better.
You can give it a whirl online on the Homebrewery right now (works best with Chrome).
But if you prefer the Google Docs route, I've also got you covered!
Oh, and there's more! I've started cooking up a complete campaign "Keeper's Guide" to go hand in hand with this booklet. Winter will be the time when we kick off play-testing for that one. So, if you're game, it might be around a year before I can dish it out, along with any tweaks to the custom rules to keep things balanced. Yeah, I know, time flies when you're having fun, right? Cheers to the adventures ahead!
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johnybones56 · 3 months
I love when Fallen London wants content to not spoil things but it was very clearly written when the concept of what's "late-game" or "a major spoiler" was very different.
It's always saying stuff like "He briefly mentions Parabola but before you can ask what that is he changes the subject" and it's like dude I have a studio apartment there, me and my friends all go birdwatching in Parabola on the weekends, you just need to know which birds are safe to look at.
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snippity · 4 months
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join me in the april/furnace rarepair hole this tlu city release week
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straightboyfriend2 · 8 months
The Fallen London/Sunless series would actually be the perfect place for like, anime cat girls to exist, because no one would care. They'd be as miserable and gritty like everyone else.
Like: "Me mate Kevin went to go ponder the Orb That Turns You Into Jellied Eels.... nya" but in the meanest Irish accent you've ever heard
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divineviper · 7 months
Sunless Skies is this delightful text adventure/roguelike that's as elegant as it is surprisingly unpretentious, like if you took Lovecraft and Burroughs and removed the collective ugly sticks from their rectums and replaced them with pretty prisms of the entire gender spectrum. It's a little eldritch but not in an edgelord sort of way, and it should really be called Space Choo-choo because that's what I tell everyone I'm playing
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