#exam season
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Idol Wooyoung x (F)Reader
Summary: It amazed him how he ended up with a brat, one that had the attention span of a toddler but the love as warm as the sun.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.9K
Est. Read Time: 15 min
Warnings: None
Rating: SFW
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: Basically inspired by @edenesth being my platonic Woo <3- the urge to procrastinate was real strong last night.
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“Put it away.”
Her ears picked up the irritated voice, turning her head she glanced at the man sitting on her bed, glasses on top of his head, chin in palm as he scrolled on his phone. Must’ve been talking to himself, turning back around she went back to doing what she was doing before she was rudely interrupted, eying the shoes, maybe she could get the red ones, they’d match the dress he got her recently, oh no, but then she’d limit the things she could wear them with, oh if she gets a black pair then- “HEY!”
“Don’t you have a final exam tomorrow???”
When did he come all the way here? He was standing right next to her, a hand on his hip, the other holding her phone above her head as he looked at the screen, “Seriously? Are we shopping right now?”
“What~” she whined, trying to reach for her phone but he pulled away, frowning at her before shoving the device in his pocket, “Woo, it's retail therapy!”
“No, it’s a distraction.” He huffed before walking over to her bed, “You told me to make sure you study, and I’ll do exactly that,” he flopped down on the comfortable space, sighing at the familiar scent engulfing his senses, calming him down, who knew his girlfriend had the same attention span as his baby brother, no wonder the two got along so well. Sure, on any other day, he would have been thrilled to see that, but not tonight, no, he had to follow the strict boyfriend code, the one where the guy makes sure his baby girl isn’t distracted and focuses on cramming for her final exam.
Craning her neck back, she pouted at him, only to receive an eye-roll causing her to huff, date an idol they said, it’ll be fun they said- if ‘they’ only knew how this idol who was forcing her to study instead of ‘lollygagging’ around, they’d know how dating an idol is NOT fun at all! With a huff she turned back around, wearing her headphones as she began to write once more. Truth be told she was glad he had taken her phone from her; she knew she would get distracted way too easily, especially when she was stressed and considering right now, she felt like the world was about to explode; even though retail therapy would have helped her calm down, it would have also wasted a great amount of time, the time she could have spent reading and making notes.
He glanced at her going back to work, smiling to himself before looking back at the messages in his group chat, the guys had decided to go out tonight, to eat, and he had too- that is until she had texted him last minute, asking him if he could come cover. He had been avoiding her for a week now, not because he didn’t like her, no, but because he knew she’d be easily distracted by him and would choose to spend time with him rather than studying- even though he knew his girl loved those A’s, she was just silly like that, wanting to conquer the world but also getting distracted by a butterfly. So, when he had received the text, “Hey…can you come over and make sure I study?”  He had turned to San and shown him the text, earning a snort from the taller man, who shrugged in response but gave him an assuring pat on the shoulder- good, that means no one would have issues with him suddenly bailing on them.
There was a moment of somewhat irritancy on his drive here, he was somewhat disappointed he was unable to relax with his friends after months of promotion, on the other hand, he was also disappointed in himself for even thinking of choosing downtime over helping out his lover. That irritancy had morphed into guilt when she had opened the door for him, instantly wrapping her arms around him as she hugged him close, thanking him for coming here on such short notice, glad that she could always count on him to be there for her. The guilt turned into a form of penitence when he saw the scattered books, papers, numerous highlighters and pens, along with several mugs (what he assumed was coffee) crammed all over her desk, amid the chaos was her laptop, trying to breathe in the mess. He had sat her down on her chair.
He told her to wait, proceeding to pick up the mugs, running to the kitchen to place them in the sink, running back to sorting the papers and books for her, in order of ‘what do you need next’, stacking the pens and highlighters neatly in a box and removing any other clutter that he could find, before pushing her swivel chair closer to the desk. This act had helped his guilt subside, though when he met her loving gaze, it had completely vanished, especially when she had reached up to press her lips against his cheek, mumbling, “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Youngie~”
He truly felt like he was fortunate to have her in his life- at least that was what he had felt like two hours ago, with two hours gone she was left with three easy topics, ones she had done a million times, but did that mean that was enough of an excuse for her to get distracted? No. He had come to ensure she covered all topics regardless of their difficulty levels, and like a good, dutiful boyfriend he was going to do- “HEY! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?” He screeched, tossing his phone on the bed as he jumped off it, running to her as she fumbled with the laptop, closing the tab and blabbering out apologies.
“I cannot believe you!” exasperating he slammed his hand on the desk causing her to flinch, as he knelt to look at her, though she only averted her gaze as he huffed, “What’s the excuse this time, huh?”
“I uh…wanted to watch your scenes in the MV.”
“That’s it.” With that he marched out of the room, leaving her confused- oh shit, was he mad at her? She did call him here even though he had plans for the night, great, good-going girl, make sure your boyfriend dumps you tonight, the same boyfriend who took time out of his busy idol life, who chose to sacrifice his recreational time to babysit you because you have some form of attention deficit. Make sure you lose that one man who’s always been there for you-
“Now, if I see you do ANYTHING ELSE, I’ll take away all your devices for a week!” he dictated, entering the room and causing her train of inner turmoil to halt- is that a chair?
Dragging the chair next to hers he sat down and, turning to face her as she moved back a bit, only for him to place his hand on top of her head and gently turn it to the laptop, “I better not see you look away even for a second, you got me?” with that he crossed his arms over his chest and continued to stare at her, like a mama hen watching her chicks- god, this was giving preschool all over again.
“Are you really going to be staring at me the entire time I read?”
“That’s creepy.”
“No, you wanting to watch me in an MV, rather than turning around to see me on your bed is creepy.”
“You looked cute!”
To be honest, it was odd how he was staring at her so intently, but it was also endearing, she felt so loved, so pampered, so spoiled- oh if Hongjoong were to find out about how Wooyoung often got a taste of his own antics, through his loving, adorable girlfriend, he’d probably pay her to do worse. Nonetheless, she had soon gotten used to him burning holes at the side of her head, she hadn’t even realized when he had moved closer, his fingers brushing against her skin causing her to jerk, eying him as she earned a sheepish apology, “Sorry…was trying to keep your hair out of your face.” See, it was little things like these that made her heart swell with joy and admiration, little details that he’d note and little acts of kindness that would spark joys of glee within her.
He was a pervert, God, he was such a pervert. This had all started off to annoy her, but the more he watched her work, the more difficult it became for him, he never knew he was this messed up in the head, he found it hot, he found it extremely hot, to have her so focused on something that was not him, so focused on finishing her work, so focused on making him proud- the thought of this doing it because he asked her to was such a turn on- Wooyoung you need help. 
Almost an hour later of watching her, playing with her pens and rearranging her notes, his phone rang and he sprang in joy, though he cleared his throat when she side-eyed him (of course he was glad someone was calling him, he'd been sitting here bored to death for an hour, only because he loved her endlessly), leaning closer he smacked a wet kiss against her warm, soft cheek, ignoring her when she slightly shoved him away.
"I'll be back in a second, be a good girl and don't get distracted."
A faint "I'm always a good girl", caught his ear as he walked out of the room, picking up the call, starting with an "I hate school" only to receive an earful from Hongjoong for 'distracting his own girlfriend' - the NERVE of this man! How dare he accuse him of such blasphemy! He was a good boy, and an even better boyfriend- so much so that he had spent almost 40 minutes arguing with him. Only realised how long it had taken when he ended the call.
Jogging back to the room he turned the corner and gasped- AGAIN!? What- was she sleeping? With a huff he walked over to her, ready to wake her up, hand pausing right above her shoulder when he realised that everything was neatly packed- oh, she had finished. Her laptop was turned off, her notes were stacked aside, her pens were in the case and all the checkpoints on her neon-bright sticky notes were marked off- his girl really did make him proud.
"Hey...let's get you to bed, yeah?" He felt her stir in her sleep, smiling when she refused to move, only helping him when he picked her up, her arms wrapping around his neck even though she was 'asleep'. What a brat! He looked down only to find her snuggling closer to him, she didn't pull away when he laid her down- only grabbed his shirt and tugged him closer as he chuckled, adjusting himself closer to her, he pulled the covers, feeling her move closer to him, as he placed his chin on top of her head, arms wrapping around her frame, almost asleep until he heard her mumble something against him.
"Hmm? Did you say something?"
There was silence for a moment before he heard a muffled sound, her warm breath tickling his neck as she mumbled,
"Gotta work Gotta make that money, make purse-"
 A cackle broke past his lips as he squeezed her closer, earning a giggle from her, as he began singing along to her mumbling, glad that if he had to end up with someone, it was a lovable, adorable brat like him;
"Got a fur coat, so I make it purr  Give 'em whiplash when they see me earn"
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt @spooo00oky @slaayysis
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nenelonomh · 1 day
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day 38/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
achievements: ♡ took my family out for breakfast, to celebrate my mums birthday ♡ outlined some characters for a new story ♡ did some maths study, exam is on tuesday ♡ scheduled some posts,, updated my content page on notion
insights: ♡ not every day will look the same, and that's ok
notes: ♡ work tomorrow ♡ played roblox with my sister today - it was fun, and different
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity practice a hobby
photo credits: pinterest
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joytri · 5 months
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a pounding in my heart
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mothmantis · 18 days
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Wishing everyone luck on their final exams and congrats to all the graduating seniors and there are no colleges left in Gaza because of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people
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inkcoveredpoet · 5 months
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Winter school season>>
All images are from pinterest
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literarydesire · 16 days
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Exam season and summer time battling for dominance
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virtuosicstudyblr · 1 month
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Radiology exam coming up next week!
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burikumu · 1 year
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polinariavb · 4 months
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01//02 Another bullet journal session
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study-diaries · 3 months
Things I do instead of studying...
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Watch study motivation
Read study motivation quotes
Think about studying
Worry about not studying
Lay in bed doing nothing
Chat with friends
Have slight mental breakdowns because of studying
Wondering why i don't have time to study
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quotes from exam week:
"you look good for someone who got dragged to class at 7 am"
"can I take a nap on your boobs? just a little nap?"
"TWINSIES" *clink celsius cans*
"have you tried the Beverage?" "I can hear the ominous capitalization there."
"ladies we are crying dying and whining out here"
"so I know it's 9am-" *class groans* "-but I believe in you all!" *class groans louder*
"coffee! monster! tequila! death!"
"where are your shoes" "what is this, a restaurant?"
"is it too late to seduce the ta"
*pulls a mini stapler out of bra* "REJOICE! YOUR SAVIOR IS HERE!"
"that's it I'm changing my major" "to what?" "whatever's easy" "cops?"
"shawty got that dark circle sexiness"
"after this, we PARTY!" "dude, after this, I'm taking a fucking nap"
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stardustemotions · 23 days
studying is not hard but convincing myself to study is.
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agirlwithglam · 17 days
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This is a guide for people who have exams coming up. It consists of what to do if you want 100% on your upcoming exams, study tips, and more!
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Study tips:
Check this masterlist by @merakinotes and also this post+ masterlist by @areistotle it has everything you’ll ever need.
Bank of questions / past papers study method: you can create your own questions on Quizlet or any online quiz maker or use past papers/ revision resources.
Study everyday. If your exam is even a month away, that’s good because it means you don’t have to study hours everyday, but you can at least keep a goal to study 30 mins a day or to learn/ understand/ memorise a new thing part of that topic every day.
Feynman technique. Basically pretend as if you’re the teacher and teach the topic to someone/ something (ex a stuffed animal)
Record yourself talking. When you’re revising, record yourself talking about some of the stuff so you can listen to it later when you’re unable to study.
Visual learning!! Personally, I love this one. If you’re studying something like science, history, etc, then draw pictures! Draw pictures to better help you understand a word/ concept. (Example: in science I couldn’t remember the whole definition of combustion so I just drew a stickman image of the atom and the oxygen and then those 2 chemically combined)
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During the exam:
Never turn the exam in early!! Are you finished? Then re read the exam and re take the exam. Double check, triple check etc your answers. Keep looking through your answers again and again, step by step. Only give the test in at the very end.
Watch the clock! Don’t spend lots of time on one question trying to figure it out. Look at the time and make sure you still have enough to complete all the questions and maybe also recheck them.
If you don’t completely understand a question/ it’s more complicated: skip it and go to the next question. Come back to that harder question later.
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Remember: the 100/100 grade is already yours. You just need to claim it!
Affirmations: you can create your own set of customised affirmations or you can use THIS affirmation list that I made for high grades
Subliminal: I’ve made a playlist on YouTube with all my favourite academic subliminals. You can also search up 100/100 grades or full marks in tests subliminals.
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More resources:
(These are just to further help you if these tips do not help. Remember that watching videos or reading about studying/ study tips is not studying. It’s procrastinating. Consume these in moderation.)
Studying tips for a straight A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
How to study like: 👙Elle Woods👙 | 📔Paris Geller📔 | 📖Hermione Granger📖
Study to success on YouTube
Jun Yuh oh YouTube
Fayefilms on YouTube
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luvparidhi · 4 months
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padhai ki tension hoti hai, par padhai nahi
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penandpaper-love · 2 months
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March 28th, 2024
I forgot how to study in the sense of memorising facts to reproduce in an exam... It has been more than 7 years since the last time I was tested this way and I have to say, I do not like it...
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skeletonstudies · 3 months
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I started going to the gym again and my mental health has been doing a lot better. I’m just enjoying uni a lot more. I’m having fun with my classes, and it’s nice to see my friends everyday. I need to remember to calm down and stop stressing over the small things.
(March 12th, 2024)
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