#eddie my boy
vonn13 · 4 months
Eddie munson as a rockstar dad would be foaming at the mouth to write a song in a kid's movie for his babies and you can't tell me otherwise
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trans-can-fire · 2 years
Dustin *phone recording, entering inside Eddie's room while he's sleeping*: "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD"
Eddie: "Ugh, what's going on?"
Steve *rising right behind him*: "What the fuck man"
Billy *appearing from under the bedsheets*: "Yeah bro, what the fuck"
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looksthatkilledd · 2 years
yeah? why don't you show me then? // Eddie Munson X Fem!reader
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A/N: tysm anon! ilysm, this was kinda rushed bc I didn't want to make u wait forever, and this is a bit of a blurb I'm sorry Pairing: perv!Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader Warnings: perv!Eddie, smutty undertones, groping Words: 1k AU: N/A not proofread
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Eddie munson had the biggest crush on his best friend, he couldn't deny it, you were amazing in every way possible, you were beautiful and kind, but he couldn't deny that he liked you in the wrong ways too, in the dirty ways, he's thought of bending you over so many different things and fucking your lights out, he didn't want to confess his feelings, so he did the closest thing possible, he would tease you, maybe if you were sitting together he would sightly brush his hand against your thigh, or if he had to squeeze by you, he would coincidentally brush your ass across his manhood.
Now you didn't mind at all, you, of course, picked up on his feelings, despite his every attempt on keeping them hidden, you caught on almost immediately, you liked him too, and you loved the "accidental" touches, the brushes against your crotch or rear, it turned you on deeply as much as you hate to admit it, you would often touch yourself thinking about these encounters with him, imagining it was him.
Eddie was driving you home, after a long fun day of hanging out, the van was quiet, and Eddie bites his lip, looking over at the shorts you were wearing, the short denim, hugging your beautiful body, he couldn't help but picture what was under them. he moves one of his ring-clad hands slowly and shakily to your thigh, letting it rest there, he knows this one wouldn't be labelled as an accident as he anticipated what you would say to him. Instead of yelling at him as he expected, you move your hand to rest upon his, the cool metal of his rings made you shiver a bit. You squeeze his hand and smile at him, tracing his veins and every grove of his hands, taking in the warmth of them, the contrast between the cold air and his warm hand left goosebumps all along your skin, and you hum.
In a short time find yourself in front of your house, you sigh wishing this night wouldn't come to an end, eddies warm hand never leaving your thigh, " 'don't want this night to end eds," you speak softly he didn't say anything but you know he was thinking the same thing, he squeezed your thigh "Goodbye Y/n." you bite your lip, moving to open the door, but it wouldn't open "fuck I thought I fixed that, my bad." eddies voice deep "just crawl over me doll, come out this side." Eddie couldn't stop the grin that pulled at his lips.
You blush and peel his hand off of you, using your knees to move, you bend and twist, to get over the centre console, eddies hands ghost over your hips to help guide your if you stumble, you were now hovering over eddies lap, hands on the headrest, you stare down at Eddie confused on why he wasn't opening the door "eds, the door i can't get it, ill fall." you whisper Eddie still looked up at you, not answering you but instead grabbing your hips and with ease, resting you on his lap, you gasp as his semi was pressing up against your core, causing amazing pressure on your warmth between your legs "is this okay? me touching you?" he whispers you nod "yeah i love it eds, i fucking know it's never an accident, but don't worry, I want it, Eddie. I want you," you speak meekly.
"Yeah?" he spoke "you like me touching you huh?" you nod blushing Eddie moves your hands to his shoulders so you would be stable "well, ill touch you then like I've been imaging babe." he dares to move his hands, he begins at the hem of your shirt, slowly running his fingers teasingly up and down your stomach, his hands travel higher, and they reach your bra, grabbing at your tits through the garment you moan out softly as he reaches behind you and unbuckled it, sliding it off your shoulder and then off the other, sliding it out of your sleeve and discarding it somewhere in his van, grabbing your breasts in handfuls, he rubbed and toyed with your nipples. he pulls them up and then lets them go, watching them jiggle through your shirt, you giggle at his actions and his surprised face and he moves back to your hips, grabbing at them roughly, rubbing circles with his thumbs, before letting them travel lower and squeeze at your thighs, grabbing and pinching at them, marvelling at them.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to do this baby, no idea." he blabbed obviously already hyped up, his semi was now very hard and pressing up against your clit, you pull yourself closer to him, "yeah? why don't you show me then?"
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sugarsblurbs · 11 months
Tw: mentions of horrible childhood
Eddie comes home his body aches from his 8 hour shift at the mechanic shop but all that goes away when he hears his little boy’s laugh. Eddie burst through the door seeing his family. He smiles seeing see son wearing an eye patch, pretending to be pirate. Then he sees you with the newest member of the Munson family his heart melts his his family’s faces light up to him being home. As you all seat around the table for dinner, the youngest Munson babbling away as Eddie reflects on life. How could his father not want this. How could his mother leave this. How could his parents hurt their little boy he wouldn’t think of harming his babies in anyway. “Eddie?” You pull him out of his thoughts “Are you ok?” He looks around the table his little boy with his two front teeth missing smiling, his little girl giggling at him, and you his beautiful wife. “Everything’s perfect”
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punk-in-docs · 1 year
🕷️ Girlfriend is Better 🕷️
Eddie Munson x reader
10.9k words
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Summary: Eddie x Pencils hit a bit of a hurdle in their early relationship. But she puts it to rights - and then hits the sweet metal head with an offer he can’t refuse- tw violence, past assault: in this chap folks - sorry its taken so long to get this done - enjoy
Eddie can feel their eyes on him.
He feels it’s undeserved and let’s be honest, a little odd. It’s not as if he’s not doing anything out of the ordinary here. He’s just being- normal.
His version at least. His wheelhouse batshit normal. Eddie-like.
They’re looking at him like he’s grown a new head.
Munson Motor mouth, rabbiting on its usual mile a minute as Motörhead shreds through the van speakers with Lemmy’s choppy and tasty riffs.
Early morning cigarette that he lit before he hopped in the van for the drive to school, curling smoke held between two fingers.
He’s batting the saggy steering wheel in time to the song. Ba-da-da with his other open palm to coincide with drum clashes that pound through like falling rocks and crashing thunder.
He still takes the corners way too fast like a coked up maniac. Some things will never change.
He looks the same. Smiles the same. But there’s a new breed of manic warping his usual calamity of a nature.
He’s not grumbling about this morning. Or a test or pop quiz he had coming up. No miserable sluggishness. Toothpaste breath. Not slumped and still yawning. With nothing but a weak instant coffee, two sugars, as his one and only source of breakfast. Gritty coffee that still catches the grounds between his back teeth.
Hair that mushed dry state that’s hard to tell if it’s met with a brush or not yet. Possibly this morning. It’s a maybe. It’s a not really.
Leather and battle vest showed up for duty on his lanky torso as per usual. Hellfire shirt of course. The ripped jeans. The wallet chain that swings and jingles and clatters to denim when he walks and makes him sound like a jangling six foot cat with a little tinkling bell on its collar. It’s all there. The jangly jacketed freak is all assembled.
But there’s this newness to the way he’s smiling.
So wide it dimples his cheeks. Creases the corner of those intimidating wells of eyes. It’s like someone’s fuel injected him with something to make him wilder. More swirly. Practically floating. Any higher he’d be in the big blue stratosphere. Sun grazed and heady. Icarus soaring too close to the sun. Not yet plunged to earth. Melting gold spattered on milk white swan feathers as he tumbled to earth.
Jeff makes a joke about him toking up before school. Eddie reached over and ruffled his hair. Making that demons smile. Rings flashing from his fingers in the meagre sun. “Man, I wish.”
“Got new pills from Rick or something?”
Eddie frowned. “Hell no. Besides. Wouldn’t be wasting those beauties right before first period English class.” He scoffs.
Dustin and Mike share a furtive glance that begs to know what’s up. Dustin mumbles What the shit, man?
He’s finally cracked. I’m calling it.
He didn’t have far to go.
He judders the van along the lot at school. Rumbling tyres over the loose gravel. Head bobbing to the metal as he lurches the wheel and swings into a space.
“Be seeing you. Little hellions. Be free. Give em hell.” He chuckles. Lumping the van into park. Watching them open doors and frown. Scurrying away to class. Gathered close and whispering. Hiking backpack straps up their shoulders and clutching chunky math books and still regarding him like more of an oddity than he actually is.
Of course there is a reason for the golden sunshine visibly sneaking out his pores, and bouncing the soles of his happy feet today. And it’s his wonderful secret.
Eddie shakes his head, and shoulders all his jagged chips and hatred for this place.
The amount of chips he’s got shelved there, worn on his shoulders, about this stunning educational penitentiary, frankly, he could very realistically wear like scales at this point.
He puts a cigarette to his lips and slips around the corner of the lot, jacket and wallet chain clinking as he goes, sneaking to the smokers spot.
A balding patch of grass skimmed to mud, and a graffitied brick wall, snugly hidden around the side of the squat building where some go to steal a quick smoke before class. He usually occupies the spot alone and has to haul ass like a frightened racoon if a teach clocks him.
No sooner had he come within an inch of the corner, cig almost to his lips, and he is yanked around it by a sturdy hand yanking him fully out of view - by his wallet chain. He feels the tug on the denim around his hip, pulling taut.
He wants to yowl and start squirming away from the grip, slinging fists into faces at this ambush. When really he wants to turn tail and leg it in the opposite direction. Flight not fight.
His back collided with graffiti breeze block and before he could turn out his pockets, show them holding lint and nothing else save for a quarter and a D20, screechily proclaim his dispensary is clean out man, back off-
Then some warm lips mould to his.
A gentle artists hand, faded blue polish on the nails, knuckles scraping bricks, is cupping the back of his wild mane and cupping him for a kiss he slowly melts too.
He honest-to-god goes fully boneless with the way you kiss him. The scrappy fight and shock slowly leeches out those gangly poky limbs. Sparks shoot to his fingertips.
He smiles. You can feel his dimples and a cold leathered arm comes folding around your back. The bracelet and the jangle of those zips up his wrists. Settling at the dip of your waist and his fingers slide into the back of belt loop of your jeans.
When you pull back for breath that you’re not sure you want more than him, he has the dopiest grin skated on his face.
“Morning.” You beam finally.
Because that kiss seemed way more important. You can’t help the feeling he instills. Feels like your belly is birthing a wild jungle crammed with winking wings of butterflies. Brilliant blue. Wicked electric yellow. Gossamer pink. They all shimmer.
“Hey hot stuff.” He smiles. Not restraining himself whatsoever.
Oh, they shimmer even more to the sight of that. Mad. Wild. Unhinged.
His cheeks kissed a little pink. He doesn’t even care that he dropped his cigarette in the mud. He’d rather chase the taste of your lips and let that sustain him all morning. Better than pills and nicotine. This static-fizzy-starburst feeling he gets big lungfuls of when around you.
“Didn’t mean to grab you like that. But I must admit that chain is certainly a handy hook.” You flick a fingertip to it. Sway that lolling chain into his thigh. Biting your lower lip in a smile.
He cups one side your face. If anyone got to chew that lip, it’s gonna be him. Leans in to gently smooch you again.
“Goddamn. I was reaching for my attack whistle there, pencils.” He rubs his hand over your hip. Rings chafe against your denim waistband.
“Maybe I was overzealous. But I do have a stunning defence.”
You lean up on tiptoes to smash a polite smooch back to his mouth. He mumbled a curious sound into your lips.
“Which is?” He seeks. Lips chasing yours for more. Even through speaking. Insanity catches.
“I missed you like crazy and it’s been barely 12 hours since I last saw you, and kissed you. And etcetera…” You flirt.
He can see these little delighted pips in your eyes. Like sowed little seeds of pride. The etcetera being all the dirty things you finally got to indulge in last night. Threaded in moonlight at skull rock.
No regrets. He doesn’t see any tint of regret in you.
Seeing that kicks his rocker heart right up to the moon, and sailing on over it. Like those old songs. Moonbeams and old soft tinkling pianos. Ladies with gardenias in their hair crooning about moondance, love and seeing stars.
He gets it now. He totally gets all of that sappy shit.
“I hereby decree that is far too long, and way too stupid of us, actually.” He finishes your thoughts for you. They were symmetrical to his own after all.
“So stupid. We’re just like, a complete pair of morons right now.” You concur. Linking your fingers into his. Standing toe to toe and just drinking in how it feels to be near again.
“So I’m thinking, we should cease all impending stupidity and uh y’know, catch a movie tonight or, grab a bite at Benny’s. Something like that. Anything.” He says. Smile all limned in excitement.
Shaking that big moppish mane of hair as a grin splits his mouth when he speaks, makes him look like an out and out excited little kid.
Fidgeting with your hands and immersing himself in the tactile deliciousness of your hands being held in his. Little touches that stayed with him all night.
Kept bugging him even in dreams he’s sure thoughts of you crept at the oil slick lining of his mind like wing tips of persistent gentle moths. The dusty old ones the colour of sour grey milk. Ones that they get flapping around the trailer porch light at night in balmy summer. The soft blink as they hit the glass shade.
“Burgers at Benny’s sounds so good.” You grin. “Loaded chilli fries?”
He scoffs. “Naturally. I’m not an animal.”
You run your hands through his wild hair. Listen to him talk. Heart entirely bloated with love of this boy. You swear it’s knocking all giddy up against your ribs like some deformed roaming creature seeking release.
“Shall we head out after class? I’ll drive.” He offers. His stomach zig-zags in vicious excitement.
“Catch you after class, handsome.” You grin.
“Ohh, whoa. I never said I was done with you yet.” His eyes flicker with something you think is cheekiness.
Swooping in to slow kiss you for a beat too long. An embrace that makes him hum softly. Makes you mewl. Right at he back of his throat. Lips roaming gentle and soft and your bodies rock together. Gets him cupping your back to keep you near.
“Fuckk gimme another one of those, pencils. I’m not below begging.” Cups your face again. He wants another kiss. Eyes wide as bourbon brown saucers
Chuckling in the muggy space between your smiles, cheeks fired all warm, sharing the same breath, you lean in and give it to him. Giving him the deep messy kiss you’d been craving.
When it’s time to pull back to guzzle air and maybe some reality again, Eddie chases your retreat with his mouth. His lips bruised a stunning cupid pink. Taking a breath that he’s not sure he needs more than he does you.
“Jesus H Christ. How the hell am I gonna even attempt to concentrate today-“ He asks. Voice all raspy and slow gravel.
“What usually stops you?” You sass him. He bites his lip all naughty and softly jabs you right in the stomach; a move designed to tickle.
“Blasphemy. Dear one. I mean, how dare you.” He grins. Chocolate drop eyes all crinkled at their corners. You cover his hand on your stomach, with your own. He likes the soft warm pouch of you there.
It’s tactile. It’s touch. It shoots right to the roof of Eddie’s brain and does something so funky to him he can’t even describe it in words. Actions maybe - Beer on an empty stomach. The first hit of some really silky smooth strain Rick gives him to try. The home made warm sugary scent of that peach cobbler Wayne makes him on his birthday.
They haven’t designed or discovered enough appropriate words to put to this feeling. None that even his whip smart nature can grasp at.
“I’ll soothe that wounded ego and buy you a chocolate shake later if it pleases.” You offer. Tilting your head. Offer placed on the table.
“An ego bruise is a problem I will gladly allow you to throw chocolate and ice cream at.” His fingers worm their way through yours. Knuckles locked. You could do this all day.
“Can be swayed with chocolate. Good to know.”
“And candy. Pizza rolls are good too.”
“Noted.” You beam. Snuggling to his front. Hands still joined. Fused as one.
The sound of the bell ringing for first period is a rude interjection into a morning that’s shaping up to be stellar.
Eddie didn’t seem best pleased by this. Judging by the way he takes advantage of that split second of your distraction hearing the bell, to snatch his hands at your shoulders and loop you round so your back is to the wall instead of his. Sneak attack.
His arm is a leather band over the back of your waist and he gently cups your chin and deepens a silky melting kiss that is, just, so many elements of perfect it should be outlawed that just kissing can be this good.
The plush of his deeply plump lips, with the scraping push of some stubble on his upper lip. It’s delicious. The way he kisses is better than any hit off any joint. You don’t care what he says. Better than purple haze. Better than fucking anything. Backed by sheer dopey sized crushes that take you both, head to toe. Crushes taking on a life of their own. Wearing your skins whole and making you desperate. Make you ache.
You kiss him back. Desperately. Drenched in want. But also knowing that you should be hot-footing it to your first class lest you get a tardy slip. To turn up late, with a very very kiss worn mouth like that would be about as obvious as the nose on your face.
“Eddiii-mmmmm.” You plead to his bewitching mouth. Smoky minty breath and the faintness of his morning coffee on your tastebuds. He’s cupping your face like your some sacred relic he has to handle gently. As if he had corrosive fingertips. Strychnine laced touch.
When he pulls back. Hands two big gangly paws holding your neck, there’s this sweet dazed look all over his expression. Drugged on you. The way you kissed him like his tongue is made out of cherry candy and you only want more- oh lord.
How’s that for irony. The Hawkins High school dealer and here he is getting a huge hit, from kissing you. Nothing that comes pre rolled in a baggie making his mind fuzz like hot molasses, or circled into a wild little chalky pill that makes his head all bright and fuzzy sharp like cotton candy.
Making out before class he can gladly get hooked on. He thinks he’s there already. DT-Ing for more. Make him shake and rattle on all fours like a rabid dog.
“One for the road…” He explains inbetween raspy pants for breath. A silly smile all yours for the keeping.
You pat his chest. He could honestly whimper at the tactile feel of your hand resting on the meat of his pectoral. So dangerously close to skin on skin.
“I better go.” You sigh. A drop kick to your mood to leave him. You take a step back.
He can’t allow that. He whines like a kicked puppy. Button eyes all round and shiny with whatever amount of sadness it would take to root you here, with him.
“Don’t. Pencils. Stay here. Stay uneducated and stupid with me and let’s just make out, all day.” He waggles some filthy intentioned brows at you. Pleading threaded onto his voice. Trying his best to yank you back.
“You could easily tempt me to play hooky any day, Munson. But I’ve been studying for this test all week.” You point out.
“Well. I can’t deny that dorky chicks turn me on.” He sighs nicely. You can’t help smiling.
“Really? I figured tiny pleated little cheerleader skirts and peppy bouncy pom-poms turned you on.” You tease. Voice all sultry.
He leans in and smacks a kiss to the end of your nose.
“Nuh-uh. I like em’ covered in paint and jeans and artsy, and working in record shops with old hippies. And hopelessly in all consuming love with me.” He grins.
“Kiss ass.” You smirk. Smacking a kiss to his cheek. Stepping back. His hand slithers to find yours again. Links fingers. His rings glitter. They’re all warm where he’s been holding hands with you. On you.
“Hey, my girlfriend is a damn fox. This is a hill I’ll die on.”
You bring your joined hands up and kiss the back of his for that.
“Class beckons.” You roll your eyes. Shouldering your bag. Unwilling to unlink hands until you absolutely had too.
“See you at lunch?” You ask. His brows creased. Makes him look like an upset puppy.
“Can’t. Got a drop to make in the woods.”
“Parking lot after school?” He counter offers.
“You bet.” You agree. And you cannot even handle the wait.
You walk away around the corner. Eddies eyes trail over you as you go.
“Enjoy the smoke.” You turn over your shoulder and call back.
He saluted you with a flicking motion, with that million dollar grin pleasured all over his face.
“Brutal babe. You know what I’d enjoy more…” his inflection at the end of his words lets you know what he’s referring too.
“Down boy.” You play as you head off. Smile all secret and wide for him. Grin so wide it makes his heart pulse.
He’s grasping a hand over his mad heart as you slip away. One knee bent up. Sneakered foot flat to the wall behind him.
He reaches for that cigarette and his lighter. Though he doubts this little stick will do any damn thing that kissing you didn’t. He lights up. Grinning. You left his heart thrashing about and kicking inside the shell of his denim and leather like a damn drum in a cramps song.
Way, way across the field, sat high up on the bleachers with some of the girls on the cheer squad. In full view of the back brick wall where you had just been. Supposedly around the corner and concealed from view-
Linda snapped her binder shut. Eyes packed in venom. Huffing as she picked up her books.
Lipsticked lips pursed together in a grim hot pink line. Annoyance fills her chest and rams up against her ribs. Sour in her stomach. Nastiness curdled up on her tongue. She’d seen enough.
You and the freak. Just like Jonny said.
No fucking way.
Eddie bapped along to some rock that had been trapped in the lining of his crazy head since this morning. Head bumping as he hummed along, sang under his breath to Rattlehead. That mane flicking every which way.
Metal lunchbox swings from his hand and clatters as he bounced along the familiar route. Feet trained for the way. Leaves cushion his rustling step. He drags his eyes over the foliage spread high above.
Dappled with gold sunshine of the afternoon that chips down. The odd scurry of a bird flapping around the treetops. Nature and the soothing crash of wind lacing through wide apple-green leaves. He darts his eyes around, seeking and searching for the shape of anyone to come crashing through the trees.
He arrived at his little decaying stoop in the woods. The table that’s so carved and scarred with crude drawings and initials it’s chipped and falling to bits. Cig butts littered everywhere and Eddie shamefully admits some of them are most likely his. His place of business is well reputed.
Swinging his leg over the bench seat and slinking himself up onto the table to take a pew. Sneakers resting on the seat. Cause when has he ever approached anything normally, or fallen into doing anything that comes into the category of usual.
He throws the lunchbox lid open with no gilding the lily, and braces his scattered mind into this deal. Shoves through the bags to find the semi-decent stuff. Wave of heady green hits him in the nose as he rummaged and carried on humming to himself.
Though really for the preppy guy who propositioned this drop, he’s tempted to charge way too much for a thin little roll of ditchweed.
Alas, his reputation is too important. One bad sale and he’d never touch profits on it again. He will unwillingly part with some decent sativa for the knucklehead.
He thumbs through his papers and rustling bags and makes a note of exactly what he’ll put his fistful of measly dollars from the sale towards; another date with you.
He’s heard of this great alt store a couple towns over. Super your style. Record store in back, cool clothing, apparantly a rock n roll kinda vibe that you would appreciate. Posters, merch, jewellery, you name it.
He can’t think of a better place to take you for a date. He’s keeping it under wraps even though, god knows, his blabber mouth which runs and rants away from itself, wanted to yell and shriek about it to you nonstop.
How he wanted to scrape together some dollars to buy you something. A handful of punk style patches, a tee, a poster for your bedroom door that needed some anarchy or some goth Siouxsie. Maybe a little Joan and some Blackhearts action.
He’s heard you crank them up on your headphones to blaring when you’re trying to concentrate on a sketch. Like the loudness lifts you out your mind and transcends into the paint.
How he wanted to make a mixtape for you, of all the metal songs - and to his embarrassment some of the less tacky love ballads - that bring you to the forefront of his mind when he hears them. Even some older crooning songs that Wayne likes.
The stuff he was drip-fed on in his early days, sweet and crooning, like slow gold honey melting into his ears. Listening to them and snatching pieces of melody that breezed through the trailer. Warm and sunny to listen to. Softly swaying Don Henley, Woodie Guthrie, and Jim Croce. Even some Ella or some Julie London and her smokiness.
He smiles to himself as he comes to Rattlehead’s chorus. Toes tapping the rotten old bench and creaking the wood, as he scrunches bags aside this way and that to find the pre-rolls. Fingers drum the beats off the side of the tin. Clacking out into the woods.
The brutal snap of a twig makes him peer around.
Eddie swims his eyes through the trees and eventually drags them to find a Jock with his hands shoved in his pockets.
It’s not someone he’s on a first name basis with. He’s lost amongst a sea of sensible jeans and varsity two tones. Sea green and blinding white with the lion gold yellow Hawkins H proudly blazoned on his front.
Crazy how differently they wear their allegiances.
He’s the anti-thesis of Eddies style. Shirt tucked in. Sensible white sneakers that aren’t beat up to shit. Preppy. Hair brushed. Some square jawed Ryan or Chad or whomever, pads towards him.
The look in his eyes twists Eddie’s gut like wet flannel. Scathing.
He’s seen hatred and distain before. Of course. It’s poured very freely his way.
Thats nothing new to him. Distaste. Eye rolls louder than claps of thunder and tutts coming stabbed under breath peppered with nasty words.
This is that crowd at its ugliest. The tribe this guy is happily a part of. Supposed fuckin’ Normalcy. They scar the word ‘Freak’ into him over and over again. Stomp it into his messy maned head over and over with their feet.
Finally he got tired of the brutal raining down kicks and just took it. Weened the power of it. Stole it from them and flipped it. Made it his shield. Propped it up with that DIO patch on his back. Let their hatred sink into that and roll away useless.
Let them know it doesn’t sink down to places where they want it to hurt.
Eddie swallows. Throat suddenly a sticky chasm. Tried to soften the blow and put away whatever the fuck this guy was trying to scowl and throw at him.
“Hey, man. You’re my 1 o’clock right?” He asks. Tapping his knee still and fiddling with his hands.
The guy swerved his jaw before he spoke. “Yeah.” Spine held poker rigid as he answered. Like it offended him to have to be here and talk.
He came into the clearing. Sneakers rustling leaves. Something feels sour about this whole thing.
“Okay. Well- um.” He awkwardly clears his throat. Reaches into the box that he gently sets beside himself. Grabs the joint and fidgets with it for a second.
“It’s uh, it’s twenty bucks for a pre-roll.” Eddie tells him.
“Great.” He watches the guy nod. Curt. His expression steely. Eyes glassy in a way that’s beyond unsettling.
“Ohhhkay.” Eddie nods. Eyes a fraction too pinched at the corners. Concerned frown dragging down his brows. Wondering what the stitch up is. His eyes dart around. Bordering on panic.
He stands to get off the bench, the guy doesn’t so much a muscle to reach across and take the joint off him. Hands still shoved deep in his pockets.
Eddie holds the joint. The guy doesn’t even move to take it.
“It won’t bite man. Smooth as silk and just, hits you like a cool wave when you smoke that puppy. Trust me.”
Something flickers like a sneer across the guys mouth. He looks at the innocuous rolled joint Eddie’s holding out to him. Looks at the brown paper all rolled in his palm.
Eddie shrugs. Wide open. Leather crinkles over the jutting movement of his shoulders.
“You want it or not?” A razor edge starting to creep into his tone.
If this is someone who hasn’t made their mind up, he’s got other places to be. Better times to be had. Than waiting on whether or not the preppy jerk is gonna take the goods off his hands. Or use more than two syllables.
“If you don’t want it. I’ll go right now. Forget it. No hard feelings.” He takes the edge off for him.
Despite the fact that actually a little simmering front of annoyance bubbles at his belly for the guy wasting his free period he could have used to kiss you senseless with wandering hands, right up against the side of his van.
He turns around and throws the joint back into the box. Shaking his head. Making his hair do that wild kicky thing it usually does.
“Maybe you should go. Freak.” Comes spat his way. Drawn in a snarl.
“Whatever, dude.” Eddie puts his back to him. Folds his product back into his box.
More snaps. More rustled leaves. Eddie drifts his eyes up and sees three more guys coming through the woods to the clearing. Walking slowly, picking over nature to come to the bench all menacingly slow. Like he was a deer they were in danger of spooking.
All wearing Hawkins letterman jackets. Sneers writ on all their faces. Intimidation carved into every step they take. They look way too happy to see him here alone.
Suddenly Eddie feels small. Feels like he’s right back in middle school. Being tossed around and bashed up by the bullies. Coming home with stinging scraped knees and a cheek that feels swollen hot, itchy like bloated meat. The crust of dried rust scabbing under his nose.
This feels exactly like that. Some things never change.
“The fuck?” He asks. He won’t lie. His voice wobbles to a croak. Set on shaking sands.
“Where you goin’ loser?” One of them huffs out. Eddie turns his head.
Strutting towards him like the bullshit cover of macho magazine. Or J-Crew, is Barbies boyfriend. The blonde ape.
One of them he doesn’t recognise proudly comes up and slaps the lunchbox out his hands.
Eddie flinches back. Shrinks away. Puts distance between every step they eat up eagerly to come towards him. He doesn’t want this. He doesn’t want whatever’s coming barrelling his way. He hasn’t done anything except sell some reefer.
“Alright. Alright-“ Eddie stumbles back from the table. Hands high and empty. Voice jittery. His head and gut yell in sync - telling him to run the hell outta there.
“Clearly you guys have some sort of agenda I’m not aware of so why don’t we all just-“ His smile is all tremulous and shaky.
A fist drags his collar into a yank. A curled up punch swings into his face and knocks him clean to the ground before he can chew out his next words. His jaw snaps together. Hot pennies comes flooding his tongue where his teeth cut his cheek.
Stars and bursting black galaxies accompany his artless tumble to the ground.
And then some more fists come raining down. A sneakered foot planting square into his side to kick the wind clean out of him.
They leave him crumpled on the ground. Cushioned by rotting dry leaves. Smeared in mud, blood leaking from two places in his face. Spotting down to his dark shirt.
As a parting gift one of them empties his lunchbox over the floor and stomps its contents into the dirt.
He knows the feeling only all too well.
You clatter into the bathroom after your last class.
Let the bustle of crowds fall far behind you as everyone rushes to the lot to leave. Afternoon summer sun stripes its sneaking glory across the halls and slants the window ledges in gold.
You cross to the sinks and set your sketchbook crammed with new drawings on the side. Leafs of the paper and all the dried paint crinkling, as it’s wedged partially open by the sheer number of crammed pages all skated on dusty pencil or charcoal.
You’d need to buy another pretty soon. One with thick cloth like paper pages for you to fill up.
You go through new books like running water. Never stop sketching. You’d wanted to take Eddie to the funky art shop you grab your supplies from. You’ve a feeling he’d love seeing the paint sets and the sheer number of spray paints they got.
Creativity seemed to flourish from him. His imagination permanently running wild. Could never stop it. One of your favourite things about him in fact.
He would talk about your sketches. Ask you about them. Ask you what the best paint would be for decorating some new figurines he’s got.
He’d twirl the pen you’re using out your hand and tell you all about the way he’d sit in the library for hours drawing fantasy maps for his campaigns on graft paper. Drawing rolling green islands. Mountain caves with trolls. Boggy muggy swamps with draping trees and hidden dangers. Vast seas with coily sea serpents hiding in the waves.
He’d chat to you about your ideas. The ones you’re struggling with for art class. The things you need to study and learn about. The theory of colours. The use of them all dotted in a Poussin or swirled in a Van Gogh.
You could talk to Eddie about anything. For hours and hours. The mere fact of going to grab a huge greasy meaty junk fest of a dinner with him has you walking on clouds.
You want your evening with him already. It can’t come fast enough. You want salty loaded fries and a cold shake and relentless plush Eddie kisses. You wanna climb into the comfy ratty seat in that tired old van that you love. Listen to whatever blasting metal cassette he’s been humming along to all day.
Hell- even just seeing his whole face light up with a smile as you saunter up to his van. The way he’d look at you - the way he always looks at you - with those big shining brown eyes all haloed in golden sun. Brimming with mirth. Cheeks split wide and crow-eyes all bunched up at the corners in glee.
He burns so bright to see you, it’s like he’s swallowed the sun and stars combined. You feel so lucky to have that.
The way he links his fingers with yours. Lopes your fingers together as one and doesn’t even mind if your all paint spattered or your hands are too dry. Palms all hard from scrubbing off acrylic smudges.
He kisses your fingers and acts like you’re draped in diamonds.
Acts like you weren’t wearing a ribbed worn Henley. A large - borrowed - Berkeley blue varsity sweater knotted around your waist, or your straight worn baggy jeans, cuffed up hems and patched at the knees that you mended. And your truly awful red sneakers that are so beat up with age they’re almost a sad faded pink.
He still looks at you like you’re a holy revelation. Each time.
You heap your bag next to the sinks and scrub the last of the charcoal off your hands. Sticky pink soap making a lot of lather around your fingers as you washed the smudgy grey away from the creases in your knuckles. Watch the way it circles down the drain.
You pull up and dry them with the crinkly paper tissues sat on the side.
Take a second to look back to the mirror. Centred all around the ugly squiggles of old sharpie doodles etched on the walls. Contemplate your reflection.
You smooth the hair away from your forehead. Attempt to neaten some of the crazy fluffy bits that kink down around your ears. Fuss with it for a minute or two. Smudge the charcoal away off your cheek.
“Who you trying to look so nice for-“ Comes a cutting tone from behind you. Tone dredged through revulsion and back out again.
A twist over your shoulder reveals Linda. Stood there in her oversized acid wash denim jacket and too-short purple skirt. Hair all bunched up and piled on her head in a half up style wound with a magenta scrunchie. She stands with one hip cocked. And her eyes are frosty daggers.
Heat licks your spine in the shame that you’d been caught preening. “No one.” You say too quick.
Try and inflect some humour on your voice. “You know I don’t exactly have anyone to preen for.” You lie.
Looking down at your hands as you dry them. Scrubbing water away with damp paper. Crush it into a fist and ball it in the bin when you’re done.
You can feel her stare embedding itself into your skull. Like an engraving. Sharp. Scratch of a knife on hollow bone.
“I saw you with him. So don’t try and come at me with your bullshit.” She spits. Words tired and clipped.
You turn over your shoulder. She stands there seething. Looking as bitchy as she usually does. Pink lips pursed.
“Saw me…” you check.
“Yeah. You and Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson?” She poses the words like they’re offensive. Mocking.
Anger furred the back of your tongue. Like feasting on too much sugar. Or a chalky jagged pill lodging itself in your throat.
“Look. I know you’re like, a lonely little virgin or whatever, and you wanna pop your cherry and all, but there’s way better guys out there to screw-”
Your venom stops her words dead.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” You bite.
You see her face fall into shock at your tone. Snappy and sudden. She looked stunned. As if you’d wheeled around 360 and slapped her.
“Oh my god. Don’t tell me you actually like him? Are you serious?” She gapes like it’s illogical.
“He’s a loser with ratty hair who sells weed and lives in a shit hole trailer park.”
“I do like him. I more than like him. We’re dating.” You tell her with steel. “We’re going out tonight as it happens.”
“I knew you had a screw loose but this is just another level of low. Even for you.” Linda bitches.
“How do you never get tiredwith that constant tirade of shit that spills out your mouth Linda.” You snipe.
She rallies to respond. Scanning you with hard eyes backed with new levels of poison.
“I’m not the one dating the King of the freaks.” She hits at you, real low.
“No. You’re dating a two-bit jockstrap who doesn’t even like you, unless you blow him. At least Eddie wants me for more than my pussy.” You point out.
She swallowed. Eyes glimmer. You know that one bit deep.
“Don’t come crying to me when that trailer park asshole dumps you like a cup of cold poison.”
You shake your head and try to remember how to breathe. Snickering cracks of bones in your throat as you swallow. You want to fly into rage and slam your textbook into her stupid scathing face until it dents one of her precious cheekbones.
“You don’t even know him. None of you do. You don’t even know the first two things about him.” You defend loud.
“I know he’s weird as shit and sells skunk. What a catch.”
You bite your tongue. Plenty of insults about Jonny come crawling to mind.
“How long have you two been-“ She sniffs.
“Couple of weeks now. Since Kyle’s party.” You hurl at her furiously.
Her face fills with an expression you can’t read as everything comes to make sense. Falls into place. Puzzle pieces clicking.
“You’ve been lying to me this whole time.”
“Yeah. And you’re so self centred look how long it’s taken you to even notice or give a shit about what’s happening to me or my life.” You finally say all the things you should have voiced long ago.
“You’re only interested now because you care what other people are gonna say on Monday, and what they’ll gossip about.”
“He’s trouble, and he’s gonna get you hurt. Probably gonna give you a filthy rash or something too.” She sneers. “Lord knows what he’s riddled with.”
“You’re such a fucking bitch.” You grit your teeth. Emotion gets the better of your voice. Tears bubble at your lash line. Red hot.
“Not gonna be my problem to have you trailing round after me anymore. Cause by the way, we are no longer friends.” Linda spits. Eyes narrow to slits.
You nod. Resigned. Tears of anger prick the corners of your eyes. You’re too angry to let them loose.
“What a goddamn relief.” You hit back. Chew your lower lip.
“I’ve had to listen to you bitch at me, and whine and snipe, and moan, for years. I’ve had to endure your tantrums and your cutting comments, and every play-by-play of every unsatisfying Friday night screw around, with your shitty dirtbag of a boyfriend who treats you like garbage. And who you run back to each time he fucks you over. And I’m so sick of you.” Your voice comes out raw.
“So yeah. You’re right. We’re not friends anymore. I don’t think we’ve been that for a very long time.”
You put your back to her and grab your books.
“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Freak.” She sideswipes nastily as you shoulder your way past her.
Catching her on purpose. Shoving her with your shoulder to catch her teetering in those heels.
“Have fun with your trailer trash.” She snips.
“Word of advice. Make sure Jonny wraps it first. Word is he’s been screwing Tina on the cheer squad behind your back every Wednesday.“
You watch her saunter up past you to get to the mirror and touch up her lipstick. Ignore ignore ignore.
Her too sweet Revlon perfume making your stomach roil. She looks at her reflection. The thing she loved most. It’s amazing you ever got a look in. She scrunches up sections of her hair to make it bounce. An indifferent mask on her face.
Trying to ignore you already so the tears don’t come. So what else is new.
You pause at the door. Hand on the handle. Books piled on your arms.
“Sad thing is. I never expected you to act any different when you found out. Turns out you’re just that shallow vain bully I always suspected you to be.”
She pretends not to hear as you slip out the door. You’re sure to slam it as loudly as you can.
Coming out into the partially empty hall. Quickly skating a hand down your cheek. Taking a gulp of a deep breath. Starting down the hallway to come to the doors at the end.
Letting the distance to that girls restroom salvage some of your anger. Let it ebb away and let the savage venom words roll down your skin like blunt razors.
You wait to see if they feel like they’ve drawn any blood.
Maybe just a raking deep black bruise. Perhaps the confrontation has lifted a rock solid weight off your chest. Cut your ties to something corrosive.
You storm to the doors at the end, and push your way out. Into the midsummer air. Afternoon sun washing over you as it creeps it’s golden-fiery way by. Slanting ochre across the parking lot.
A gaggle of people clutched around one of the sticky lunch tables stops you dead in your tracks.
That weight comes crashing back with all the subtle tact and grace of a tank storming a building.
It’s Hellfire. The crowd. It’s Gareth, Mike, Jeff and Henderson. They’re all clutched around someone sat on the bench seat. Someone who is leaning forwards with his elbows resting on his knees. One hand held up to his head.
Your mood plunges even more. There’s a sour shift as some of them twist to look at you.
Big childlike eyes full of something that approaches wariness. Sadness dashed with insecurity. The kid-like uncertainty of how to deal with this very gruesome and very real situation.
A cold can of tab, now warm, for the crescent bruise taking shape around his eye socket.
One of them fishing around in the bottom of their bag for crumpled blue band aids. Anything to help.
A wad of crinkly and loveless paper towels snatched from the boy’s restroom and wadded into a wet lump for the blood pouring under his nose. The fresh red that’s staining his tee like big gruesome poppy petals.
His free hand is wrapped around his side for the bruise he can already feel like a dark cloud of cherry red and blue cobwebbing up his skin and over each slat of his ribs on his left side.
They shuffle away from the table and you finally get to see what they all look so grim about.
Eddie is hunched over with a black eye and a bloodied face and nose. He’s muddy and dirty and scratched up and when he meets your gaze, your world shudders on its axis, to a grinding halt.
The way he’s looking at you shatters your damn heart into huge glassy shards. Diamonds and sprinkles of it, sharp and chunky, cut into your chest. Daggering.
He’s hurt.
He swallows and keeps eye contact. Looks at you with such fear and sorrow emanating from those big round bourbon eyes. You see the apprehension in his body.
It doesn’t get any better when he winced and tries to stand. Body bowing as he slowly eased himself off the bench seat. Hand cupping his ribs as he inched his way to a full stand. You hear him groan.
You see as pain flickers across his face. The usual springy frolicking gait is muted. It’s etched with pain and writ with ache.
He wishes he could read your expression right now. As it is he’s struggling to sort it into one emotion.
You look hurt, tear stained, livid and clenched rigid with something that could only be bone deep anger. Venomous, mind numbing, anger. And it was just bubbling and clawing it’s way to a fever pitch.
“Pencils-“ He wets his lips. Looks meek as he watches you carefully. Tenderness in his voice.
You dump your books where you stand and turn on your heel. Sketchbook cast to the floor and heaped atop your bag. You slam back through the doors and into the school - mind set on one salient thing.
The doors slam not seconds after you. The creaking jolt as the metal crunches back into place. Footprints scatter after you on the lino. The squeak of muddy sneakers. The gusting air of a sigh bred with a wince.
Eddie chases after you with all his might. Hooks his hand to your elbow. Tries his best to stop you.
“Hey. Pencils. Babe. Please, let’s get outta here. Let’s just forget this. I don’t know who it was- I didn’t see them.”
He’s really a terrible liar.
“With all due respect Eddie. I know who did it.” You explain bitterly, as you wander along. His touch turns to a tug on your elbow. Pulling at your shirt.
“Because he’s not smart enough to juggle two thoughts at once, much less try and hide the fact he beat you up. And second his jagged pill of a girlfriend just tore me to strips in the girls restroom for finding out.” You say. Possibly louder than you intended.
His face falls.
“Hey, hey…” He says softly.
You turn back. Tears springing down your cheeks. His hands are all over you. Cupping your neck. Your shoulders. You can smell the blood coming off him. Sour pennies. Desperation laced his voice. Comes off him in waves.
Desperate for you not to to this.
“This isn’t stupid shit to me Eddie. This is not okay. Not something I’m gonna let get brushed under the rug-“ your lip wobbles. You shake your head. You rub your nose. Chase the tickling tears away.
He mimics you. Shaking his own head so his hair flicks out. Eyes wide and terror stroked words pour out his mouth.
“Don’t go getting into trouble for me. I don’t want that for you.” He begs. His eyes are wide with it.
“Good thing I want it then.” You resolve.
He looks apprehensive. Choked by it. Scared by your resolve. He doesn’t want to let you do this. This is a doomsday territory.
You continue down the hall. He follows. Still doing everything in his power to convince you, or try to stop you. Credit to him, his list of reasons are pretty excellent.
Babe. Please. It doesn’t have to be a thing.
You’re on track. You have your grades. You got Indie state in your future to think of. I don’t want you jeopardising that for me.
I don’t want you going and getting in trouble for this.
He doesn’t stop you from making your way to the gym. But he is right there at your back as you push open the doors, shove your way inside and you don’t care if your entrance is loud.
The idiot jocks practice in the gym after school. Basketball mostly. Some dotted in the bleechers. Long suffering girlfriends sat with bubblegum pink coloured files, shaping their nails to the side and chatting and trying not to look too bored whilst the guys play. Linda sits chattering to one of the cheerleaders.
You wrinkle your nose at the stench. Whole place smells like musty sweat, floor polish and old socks.
Jonny has his back to you as he dribbled the ball. The ricochet of it pangs across the court.
You race across the floor to him like a hell fury. Fists clenched at your side. Eddie still trying in vain to get between you and your stubborn brain. To try and talk you out of this before it’s way too late.
Your entrance with him hot on your heels and whispering pleas at you, draws laughter and sniggering sneers from some of his dirtbag friends. Shouts come aimed your way.
Hey, look who it is. It’s the freaks.
Closed practice, morons.
Jonny doesn’t turn back but you make your presence known.
“Hey. You dumb fuck stain.”
You march right up to his sweaty back and shove him hard with both hands. Wrinkle that goddamn white basketball jersey.
The guys around him make mocking noises. Chorus of awes and exclamations.
The room slowly dawns quieter. The squeak of shoes muffled. Everyone’s eyes centre court where you stand seething. Panting for breath and trying to look as livid as you felt.
He turns back to you all slow and condescending. Like he’s some golden haired Apollo flouncing down from Mount Olympus to grace you with his presence. He’s limned in sweat and dissects you both with conceited arrogance.
“What’s your damage?” He sarcs. Looking down at you like you’re an ant. Or a mangy mongrel.
He flicks his eyes across and landing on Eddie.
“Munson. How’s them ribs.” He sneers.
You’re about ready to topple over the edge and spit nails. Anger gently creeps to a boil.
“Just peachy, thanks for asking.” Eddie answers. Mouth is a grim line. And his eyes look stern coal black. He turns his attention back to you.
“Pencils please. Let’s just let it go. There’s no point…” He whispers. Standing with his hand gently cupping your forearm.
“What do you want? Teams full. We don’t accept weirdos anyway.” Jonny pushes at the both of you.
“I’m not leaving this spot until you tell me why you attacked my boyfriend.” You steel. Voice low and even.
You can feel Eddie’s eyes on you like lasers. Burning holes in the back of your head.
His mouth gapes a little. If it weren’t for the fact he’s terrified off his ass stood here, his heart would flutter like a fledgling baby birds wings, to hear those words admitted aloud.
“No reason. Just don’t like him.” He shrugs all honesty. Passing the ball over to his friend. Standing with his hands on his hips.
“Careful hefting those big thoughts around. You might hurt yourself.” You fire out.
Your fight with Linda left sharp scalpel words on your tongue and now you ache to use them to their fullest.
He doesn’t look happy. Dark gold hair beading sweat down into his cenote blue eyes. Rigid anger on his frown as he glares at you.
“Linda didn’t like the idea of him being around you. She told us we were teaching him a lesson. To stay away from you. We were protecting you, moron.” He says like it should be obvious.
“How fucking considerate. Your girlfriend couldn’t think her way out of a damn paper bag if she had a map, Jonny.”
You feel Linda’s scowl all the way across the room. The weight those slitted eyes and a bitchy scoff. You know those echoing words found their target. Slammed right into bullseye red making their mark. You hope it truly hurts. As much as she hurt you
“She didn’t reserve the right to presume any fucking thing about me. And not one thing gave you not the right to hurt Eddie. Not under the guise of some macho-stupid ‘protecting-you’ crap.” You snarl.
He bounces the ball. You slam forwards and bat it out scathingly out his hand. Send it rolling away.
More chorus of noises scattered around you both as you stepped toe to toe with the guy who almost towered over you.
“You acted out of pure hatred. So don’t try and dress it up at something else. You useless. shithead.” You insult.
“And what are you going to do about it, freak, huh?” He jabbed. Nostrils flaring. Lips pressed together unattractively thin. Looks like a provoked silverback in his enclosure. About the beat his chest.
He turns to guffaw laughter and sneer with his friends.
When you speak it’s so reed thin it even makes a shiver run up Eddie’s spine. Slices of jagged metal.
And he’s not even on the receiving end of this frightening ire of yours. The one that’s bursting out of you like raw lightning. Like it can’t fathomably contain you. Love and fierce packed rage tight in situ.
“This…” You remark with a clenched fist. Thumb wrapped over your knuckles.
Your nail polish glints blue in the light like steely-inky beetle wings. Your eyes barely smother down live-wires. Danger, danger.
You thought about how they would’ve laughed at him.
Kicked him into the dirt like wet leaves and muck that drifts off the trees in fall.
How they would have laid into him and left him there. On the floor. Blood soaked.
Shown the freak who’s in charge.
It flashes when you rear your arm back. Putting full force into your right shoulder, feet taking a firm stance. You channel everything you have into this fearsome right hook;
You swing your fist straight into Jonnys face.
It’s powerful enough to hear a loud crack, you feel the blow shudder into bone. Catching his nose, which spurts blood.
He recoils and staggers. Knocked off balance. Sound punctured out his mouth. Clutching his bleeding face as red streams drip on his pretty white shoes. Stains his pristine uniform. Good.
Try explaining that one to mommy and daddy dearest.
You don’t even let him swing back around. You grab the shoulder of his disgusting sopping jersey and ball it in your hand. Using that as leverage to drive your knee high - hard - into his balls.
Before you let him slump to the floor in a bleeding pile of sweat glazed limbs. You mutter words just for him to take caution of.
“Come near me or Eddie again, and believe me I will break your goddamn jaw, Lopez.”
You let him crumple this time. Flag to the floor in a heap of collapsing bones and sweaty jock uniform.
He looks up at you, trembling. Blood skirting down his arms and past his cupped palm. Tears streak down his cheeks. You step back and let him crumple.
He’s spitting and snarling crude insults in between wails of pain, and a sticky mouthful that smears his teeth red, and stains his tongue with metal.
“You broke my nose, you crazy fuckin’ bitch.” He spits. It sounds wet. Words sluiced in crimson.
“Finally. A nickname I can warm too.” You scathe.
When you look up, guys around him flinched back a good few paces in case they fell into the category of your rage. Wariness edging their expression. Eyes wide and mouths caught suspended open, like brain dead guppies at feeding time.
Eddie stepped forwards and gently laid his hand on your shaking arm. His fingers urge you closer. Get you following him to haul ass outta there.
You scan the room and find Linda gaping at you just as dumbly as everyone else. She’s risen to a stand. Face like she’s just swallowed a painful poison pill. Apparently in no rush whatsoever to get to her boyfriend.
“It’s ok. I’m done here.” You tell him. Gritting your teeth. Meeting Linda’s eyes.
You turn and walk away. Back to this whole affair Amazed how scarily easy it is. Leaving your supposed friendship in the dust. Bleeding crumpled on that floor.
You feel an enormous sense of relief walking out that gym.
Your hand killing you. No doubt about it. Shooting mad red hot fireworks up and down your forearm. Your knuckles feel like hell. Sparking furious with pain.
You reach for Eddie’s hand anyway. Screw the pain. You slip your fingers into his. Turn and catch his eyes.
He’s watching you with so much cautionary care and concern.
You breathe. Lungs shivering around new calm air. Words come easy but you feel shaky with them.
“C’mon. Let’s go get you something for that eye.”
He agrees with a nod. Then that hopping spark that’s truly skated in usual Munson mischief, comes springing back full force into his eyes. Lovely happy bourbon again.
“Wouldn’t dare refuse you, Pencils. Not after seeing what you’re capable of.” He grins. Nudging you with a shoulder to get a smile out of you.
“Damn right. Those idiots just cost us a date night. He deserved all that and more.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” He smiles. Eyes still stuck on your face.
He lopes alongside you. Hand clutched in yours. Shoulder rolling to yours. It feels whole. It feels like trust.
You sit in Eddie’s van in the parking lot of the Fair Mart. Despite your protestations, he fully insisted he was fine to drive. He rolled into park out front just about as the sun began to set.
The night started to pull in. All lilac and periwinkle skies, soft as a vintage eiderdown that made you think of bluebirds feathers as you watched that solemn shade of blue overtake the sky.
Making the all too yellow lights within the dingy place stand out proud. Blinking a little. Humming along with the huge freezers inside. All the twee touches of home made signs telling you about the canned goods on offer. Written on card with flicky show-manly italics. Some easy friendly music sparkles out the speakers.
The plump clerk is smiling and jolly and bubbly bright, even when you unload for a whole armful of some medical supplies on the counter. Eyeing your now purpling knuckles with sparky perception. Ringing things up, you throw in a bag of jolly ranchers and a couple of ice cold cans - they suggest a rattling jar of aspirin.
“Take away the sting, honey.” He wafts a knowing hand. “That’ll be $11.90.”
You pay with a watery smile and walk out with a paper bag full. It crinkles in your arms as you go back to Eddie. Who’s sat with his legs dangling out the driver side of his van. Fidgeting with his rings all skittish. Legs swinging to an invisible tune. Still Rattlehead, actually.
You’re the only people in the place. Talk about lulled and sleepy Hawkins. This clearly isn’t a place for two teenagers on a Friday night. They’re all off sucking face at the quarry or skull rock. Or gathering at the arcade.
You come back and get to work cleaning him up.
Lump the bag down beside him, close to his hip, and you stand between his spread legs. Hand fiddling with your belt loop so carefully. He feels you gently brush sweeps of his bangs off his forehead to get at his skin and smudge away a bit of dirt. He lets you. Sat there and losing himself in his gazing.
He winced a little when you gently dabbed some antiseptic cream on the cut at his cheek.
“There’s Jolly ranchers in there you know.” You supply.
“Is that a bribe for me to sit still?” He checks. “Cause it will definitely work.” He dives his hand into the crinkly paper and searches for the candy. He finds one and holds it in his palm until you’re done.
“Who, um.” He swallows. Looking too intently at his ripped jean kneecap. “Who taught you how to—“
You draw back and let him find his words. Let him come to you with it.
“Who taught me how to throw a punch?” You smile.
Still dabbing his cheek. Fingers slipped under his chin and tilting his head up to you. When he could stay still enough.
“My sister. She bought me self defence lessons after-“ The words die and wither up all grey and ashen in your mouth.
You break eye contact for a second and rub at your brow.
It slowly creeps over his head like some dreadful tide. After what?-
Eddie knows he doesn’t like the look settling over your features. One bit. He doesn’t care for it at all.
“It was the summer before junior year. Around the time Linda and Jonny started dating. We went to this party. She didn’t want to go alone so I was roped in. Dressed me in one of her stupid mini skirts, planned to set me up with one of his buddies, Alex.” You pause and chew over the words.
“It was stupid as shit, looking back now, but we got so stupid drunk. Teen freedoms and lite beer. We thought we were so cool. So much so I didn’t notice that my drink was spiked with something. I don’t even know what. All I can remember is just, blackness, and then waking up with Alex sliding his hand up my skirt.”
Eddie blinks. Shuts his eyes for a second. His voice sounds so far away. “Shit. Pencils.” He rasps. Upset and angry on your behalf. He looks more hurt than all those bruises scattering his face.
“Nothing else happened. I screamed blue murder, and shoved him off me and just turned tail and got the hell out of dodge. Walked miles home in heels til I got blisters all over. Charlie was so so pissed. First time I’ve ever seen my Mom go full apocalyptic angry.” You explain.
“She wanted to bring charges but Alex’s family lived on Loch Nora, and his dad was a bigwig in local council so naturally he just chalked it up to underage kids having too much drink and touting it around town that a ‘misunderstanding’ occurred. Transferred their golden boy to a private school. And it just got, quietly swept away.” You accept.
All the pieces slowly floated and formed together to clarity in Eddie’s head.
“Linda stayed with Jonny even after all that shit you went through…” He asks. You nod.
“Stuck like glue.” You infer.
He can’t stand it any longer. wraps his arms around you fully and tugs you into a bold hug. Burying his face in your chest. Listening to the tick of your heart, and feeling you hold him back. Smiling and pressing a kiss to the wild nest of his hair. He smelled like sour-sweet green apple shampoo and earthy papery leaves.
“I’m so sorry.” He rumbled into your arm. His hug says so much more than that.
I’m here and I’m not leaving. Whatever you need - I’ll give it. Carve it out of my chest because you own every piece of me - in full.
“Not your fault, Eddie. I stopped being mad a while ago.” You tell him. Pressing another kiss to his head.
That’s why he’d been so unsuccessful in being able to stop you today. Because you’d let one bout of assault go, like hell were you about to let that happen all over again. And not to him. Drew some blood of your own to partially settle an old debt. To quiet some old violent ghosts.
He lets go of you and plonks the red wrapped jolly rancher in your right hand.
“I think you need and deserve this more than I do. And I’ll keep on being mad on your behalf - if that’s ok.” He says honestly. Fingers slithering through yours. He twists your hand over and sees the bruises wrapping around your knuckles.
You smile.
“I’ll take that.” You answer in reply to his offer. “The candy and that kind offer.”
Cause this is exactly what you need. Him. Him in all his unusual and funky glory.
Metal head with a heart so pure you’re actually certain it is made of solid gold. He whom proclaims to the world he’s nothing but a devil worshipping Satanist, made up of cynical death metal, and pot smoke.
Yet, he’s the guy who puts wrapped candy in your hand. Plies you with kisses and tried to hard to keep you out of tumbling headlong into trouble for his sake. Wanted to take you for a greasy burger and just share every silent soaked moment with you. No matter what you’re doing as long as you’re shoulder to shoulder.
He’s springing up before you can stop him. Sits you in the seat he occupied and told you firmly to ‘wait here, toots.’
Then, he’s scampering across the grocery store lot all jangly jacket and mad frizzy rocker hair bouncing as he goes. The soft pad of his feet on the doormat and the swish of the door he pushes open.
He drifts around the aisle for a few minutes before you see the top of his head bounce as he jaunts to the checkout and pay with a load of coins and a crumpled bill dug out his pocket.
He’s out the doors and whirling back to you in no time at all.
Hand on his ribs as he winced and realised that moving around all silly like he normally does would have its consequences. Ode to a bruise.
He comes over and crouched in front of you. Proudly showing you his purchases. He holds them up like he’s won an award.
bag of frozen peas and a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
“For you, my most dangerous slash badass weirdo.” He grins. Even under that black eye, and the cut limned with purple across the bridge of that nose, his brightness and joy is infectious.
He takes your hand and you smile as he settles the peas on it. Settles his hand on top of it and stays crouched. Looking up at you with literal stars in his eyes.
You’re hit with such a fierce wave of love it shocks you from the inside out. Punching into your ribs and mangling and mashing your heart and lungs together with something that burns all mean like static. Words trip off your tongue like a smudge of sugar. You feel drunk on them; fever and maddening realisation in a shockwave.
You put your hand over his. Ice cold and shifting crunch on the bag.
“Eddie, you’re free tonight right?”
“Well the beauty pageant will have to take a hike with these shiners.” He plays. Tilts his head.
“What would you say if I asked you to spend the night?” You check.
His brain seems to crunch and churn through the cogs to answer.
“The night?” His eyebrows almost swoop up and disappear into his bangs.
“Not sure your mom would be too wild about that.” He says.
“She’s in San Francisco. Short haul. Not back til Monday.”
“Oh.” Eddie nods. And then it hits him.
“O h.”
You keep eye contact and smile. “I'm game. What’s say you, Munson?”
“Holy shit. Pencils.” He wets his lips. Grinning.
T A G S darlings
@ceriseheaven @indouloureux @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @greenishghostey @svenyves @sammararave @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @morganamoonstone @ramona-thorns @gvtosbith @munsonswhore @munsonlov3r @lunatictardis @shenevertricks1831
@hazzaismyreligion @harrys-titties @anaisweird @cerinthussulpicia @cinnamoncunt @thincrusttheworks @manicpixiedreamcurl @therosietoesy @fanficappreciationblog @thicksexxualtension @tvserie-s-world @sharp-and-swift @dadsbongos
@edsforehead @chcolateeyelver @seven-glass-kids @forever-is-not-for-everyone @quinnsmunson @bkish @wyverntatty @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @churchmuffins @chickpeadumpsterfire @choke-me-eddie @prozacandnicotine @xeddiesbattattsx @s-u-t @alyssaaaaa-r @wayward-rose @usedtobecooler
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rainylana · 2 years
“Come on, my little crybaby.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: hot day in hawkins. eddie shaves your legs, you play in shaving cream and the water hose, then have sex in the woods.
warnings: language, so much fluff it might make you throw up, eddie shaves reader’s legs, stereotypical differences in men and women about shaving, quoting from the graduate, sex in the woods, giggly sex, teasing, decrophylia. i gave eddie christopher as a middle name lol.
@phantomxoxo @imdoingbetternow @imabadarsebard @fionnthebandersnacc @eddiemania @eddiemunson @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @rovckwells @lillianofliterature @delilahtaylorsverson @aa-li-yah @ches-86 @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @catherinnn @flowers-and-tsukki @your-starless-eyes-remain @kellysimagines @blowing-mikey @underthebatcape @noturmom15 @supercalifragilisticprincess @tripthlightfantastic @itiscj @edzmunsonswife @hearts4laura @ultimate-sdmn-trash @chaos-incorp @livasaurasrex @mic429 @averysblog @antigoneidk @avobabe87 @lexthemess21 @nothisispatric @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @imangy @fvcking-gxddess @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @justaproudslytherpuff @no0neknowsm3 @cosmic-lavender @bellasfavoritesweatpants @cheri86 @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @ahzysauce @softyutae @kaqua
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1987 would be known as the hottest summer in Hawkins, Indiana. There was never not a day where the sun was bearing down without a single cloud in the sky for coverage. And to make matters worse, mostly everyone’s air conditioners weren’t working to the city damaging electrical towers, so everyone in town had to suffer.
Most kids and parents spent their days at the city pool or playing in the hose out in the yard, or get drunk at the bar. The ac didn’t work at the bars, either, but people still went. Eddie’s trailer had to have been the most scorching place all of town. After all, he lived in a tin can for shits sake. There were box fans all over the living room, but that only blew hot air around, so it didn’t do much to help cool anyone down.
Eddie worked a few days at the radiator shop with Wayne, while you worked weekends at the library in town, so you both spent most blistering days squished together in the kiddie pool in his back yard with cheap, packaged lemonade he found in his cabinet. You couldn’t exactly go fully nude in public, but you’d get as close as you possibly could without the law being called.
Today, Eddie was sprawled out on the living room floor in just his blue checkered boxers, skin sweaty and sticky, dark curls glued to his neck and shoulders. The tv was playing the price is right in the corner, and you, had one leg propped up on the sink as you shaved your legs, dots of white shaving cream decorating the floor. Your hair was tangled in a fallen bun, your clothes, or lack of, only being your short biker shorts and a black sports bra.
“Goddamn, son of a bitchin’ piece of fuck.” You muttered under your breath, struggling with your balance as you shaved under your ankle.
Eddie cocked his head to look over at you, blinking away sweat. “Cut yourself again?”
“No.” You huffed. “Just don’t like doing this in here.”
“Why can’t you do it in the bathroom?”
“Because it’s too fucking hot in there.” You sent him a glare, one that made him roll his eyes as he sat up dizzily. The heat made everyone feel sickly. He coughed as he stood, wiping a bead of sweat as he came up behind you.
“Here,” He took the razor from your hand. “Sit. I’ll do it.” He gave your ass a light tap as you twisted and lifted yourself onto the counter tops. He put his hand under your knee and you pressed your foot against his rib, your leg streaked with shaving cream and water. He turned on the sink for a moment to wet the razed, bringing it up to your thigh and slowly dragging it down.
You hummed in satisfaction at being able to relax, leaning against the cabinet doors as you admired his naked chest. “Being a woman sucks.”
He chuckled, going over your knee. “That right?”
“Yes.” You grumbled through sweat. “You men don’t understand how difficult it is. We have to shave everything, and I grow back so damn fast I have to basically do it everyday.”
“Well, you know I’d still love you if you had harry legs.” He caught your eyes with a smirk, leaning over to rinse the razor under the tap. “Don’t matter to me if you want to rock a seventies bush or not. You never complain about mine.”
“You’re just saying that.” You crossed your arms, jutting your lip out in annoyance. You raised your brow as he put your left leg down and picked up your right. He was surprisingly very good at this. “None of my exes would be interested in having sex with a ten foot yard pole if I wasn’t completely shaved.”
“Yeah, well your exes were assholes, babe.” He raised a brow at you for a moment. “You can be as harry as you want to be with me, sweetheart. You know I don’t give a shit about that stuff.”
You grew flushed under his stare, feeling embarrassed. He waited until you nodded before he went back down to your leg. You went back to admiring him, thinking about how good he was to you. The bulge beneath his boxers was prominent, and you eyed it shamelessly. A bead of sweat dripped down your exposed stomach, and you shimmied uncomfortably in the heat.
“If you want me to finish, honey, you’re gonna have to stop staring at me like that.” He didn’t look at you to know that you were ogling him, a small smirk tugging at his top lip.
You grew increasingly aware of just how close to naked the both of you were, even though that was pretty much your normal attire for the past few weeks. Still, his crotch was only a few feet in front of yours, only covered by shorts that barely covered any skin. “Just admiring.” You said with a playful shrug, sneakily reaching your hand back to grab the bottle of shaving cream.
“You mean distracting.” He shook your leg to keep you still, squinting his eyes in concentration as he inspected your skin for more hair.
You bit your lip to keep from laughing as you noisily squirted more into your hand. “Need some more of this?”
“Yeah- maybe just on your thigh right th- ooof!” The loud splat of the shaving cream in your hand landed smack dap in his face, covering his forehead and his nose, white dots on his lips.
You howled with a laugh that shook your shoulders and you dropped the can, the look of pure shock and awe on his face.
“So that’s what I get, huh?” He placed a hand on his hip, bringing up the other to attempt to wipe of the disaster. “Try and help my girl out and I just get mistreated. You’re a real brat, ya know?”
You fake pouted and jutted your lip. “Aww, my poor baby, come here.”
“No, huh uh!” He jerked away in playful defiance, grabbing the small hand towel by the stove. “I see how it is.”
“Oh, come on, you crybaby I was kidding!” You tried to keep from laughing, hopping down from the counter to step up behind him.
“Eddie- AH!” You screamed and jumped when shaving cream was smacked across your lips, smudging your cheeks and dripping down your neck. “What the fuck!”
Eddie beamed happily, sticking out his tongue and placing his hands on his hips. “Suck it up, crybaby.”
You cringed and spat out with a shake of your head. “Ugh- gross! That shit got in my mouth!”
“Aww, my poor baby, come here.” He mocked you, taking a step, but only to smother your face with the white foam on his hands. He cackled as you screamed, smacking your ass as he bolted out the door.
“You fucker!” You yelled through giggles, practically loosing your balance from the force of his hand. You slipped on your footing as you tried to chase after him, face bright red through giggles as you followed after him. “Eddie!” You ran down the steps, wincing when you stepped on the gravel with your bare feet. You payed no mind to the fact you didn’t have much covering.
You ran around into the backyard, the blades of grass hot under your skin. You continued to wipe away shaving cream of your body when yet again, you screamed. You were knocked down again when Eddie sprayed you with the hose. The hose on full blast. “Eddie!” You screamed from the ground, jaw hung open in dismay. “What the hell!”
His hair was wet on the ends from spraying you, and he blew on the end of the hose like he was putting out the smoke from a hot gun. “If you’re gonna mess with the master, sweetness, you’re gonna have to up your game.”
While the water felt nice, you weren’t done playing around. “Well, are you at least gonna help me up?” You craned a brow.
He chuckled and tossed down the hose, holding out his hand for you. Halfway pulling you up, he let go, sending you back on your ass. You yelped and watched as he reared his head back in laughter and took off down the backyard hill towards the woods.
You couldn’t even say anything, just gasping in shock as you struggled to stand. “Edward Christopher Munson!” You chased after him.
You almost debated going back for shoes when you stepped over rocks and limbs as you entered the woods. You and Eddie spent a lot of time down there. Even spent the night sometimes by the creek. It was romantic. And while a lot of the trailer park kids went down there to play, you pretended it was your own special place. It was grassy and mossy on the fallen tree trunks and rocks, and dandelions decorated the forest floor.
“Eddie!” You twirled around with a smile. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” You already knew he was trying to scare you, and you shivered slightly from the cold water now that you were in the shade. “Eddie!”
You jumped when his hands grabbed your shoulders, twisting you around and pushing you back until you pressed up against a tree. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, locking your lips together as he knocked your knees apart. You kissed through smiles, sweat and leftover shaving cream. His tongue swiped over your teeth and he pushed his torso between your thighs, making you groan from his erection. You grabbed his hip and pushed yours against him, fisting his curls tightly.
“Somebody’s happy to see me.” You reached down palm him through his boxers. “Seducing me down here to get your dick sucked, Munson?”
He littered kisses on your neck, biting softly when you lightly squeezed his cock. “Oh, baby, you’d know if I was seducing you.” He licked the shell of your ear. “Would you like me to seduce you?”
You erupted into giggles that made him smile against your skin, and you rolled your hips into his as tree bark scraped against your back. You were sure you’d have blood when you were finished.
You moaned sweetly in his ear, your stomach fluttering to life that made your head spin. “When do- ah, when do you think the ac w-will be back on- on?”
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now?” He chuckled, pulling away to push your hair out of your face. “Ac units get you going, do they?”
You never felt insecure with Eddie. Not really. But still, self doubt always crept it’s way in from time to time. You blushed deeply and he saw your eyes flash for a moment. You looked nervous.
“What’s wrong?” He narrowed his eyes, thumb tracing your lips.
“Well,” You swallowed, briefly glancing down. “I’ve not- well, I didn’t finish shaving. You know- well- down there.”
He stared for a minute to see if you were messing with him, then he rolled his eyes. “Shut up.” He brushed your hands away to kiss you passionately, tilting your head back onto the tree. Your noses squished together and your tongues tangled. He reached for your thighs and gave them a light tap, signaling you to jump.
You quickly discarded your shorts and panties and jumped, your bodies slick and wet with lust and perspiration.
“God, I love you.” He husked against you, barely pushing down his boxers so he could pull his cock out. “And your hair.”
You whimpered as he lined his cock with your slit, adjusting his hold with you. “I love- oh,” You saw stars when he pushed into you, your muscles pushing and pulling to adjust to his girth. “Fuck, fuck,” You winced, gripping his shoulder.
He pressed his lips against yours to shut you up, and thrusted into you slowly to give you time to adjust. He kissed you slow and sweet, rocking your gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him close, tears already brimming your eyes at the fullness in your belly.
“You’re so good to me.”
He smirked at your shaky voice, his lips against your jaw as he put more force into his hips. He reached up to grab hold of your arm. “Because you’re my good little girl.” He buried his face in your neck as he thrusted sharply, and you squealed as your bare back scraped against the back, your bra being the only protection you had.
“Oh, fuck!” You yelped, your legs shaking with his pace. He grunted hotly into your ear, holding your hip in place to keep you from squirming so much. You hoped to god no kids would come down for an afternoon swim, because you were not being discreet whatsoever. You panted loudly through tears that leaked down your neck.
Scratches and small cuts formed on your back with each thrust, your stomach coiled and you whimpered loudly when his rough hand came down to your clit. You didn’t feel insecure about your pubic hair this time. Eddie’s eyes pierced into yours, glossing over from ecstasy and pleasure. He pressed his forehead against yours, thrusting harder and needier, sloppier as his orgasm got closer.
“Eddie, I’m- god, I’m gonna cum-” You sobbed, eyes fluttering open and close. You felt blood drip down your back, your skin stinging.
He nodded quickly, gasping as he kissed you hard. “Cum with me.” He rubbed quick and sloppy circles on your clit and you shook and cried, your body convulsing as your orgasm took over. Your eyes went blind and you hyperventilated in his arms, legs around him squeezing as his cock shot his load into you.
“Fuck.” He cursed, biting your shoulder as you squeezed his cock. Your tears hit his shoulders, and you almost thought you were going to faint from how quick your head was spinning.
When he moved to pull away, you squeezed his arm. “No, don’t.” You swallowed. “I don’t think I can stand.”
He laughed breathily and kissed at a tear, nodding.
“And I think my back might be bleeding.” You patted him, eyes closing from exhaustion.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry.” He gently pulled out of you, causing you to wince at the emptiness. “Turn around, let me see.”
You shook your head. “Can’t stand, Ed. M’ serious.”
He chuckled and tucked himself back into his boxers, picking you up gently to carry you back up to the house. You laid your head on his chest and smiled. “Come on, my little crybaby.”
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strangethlngs · 2 years
"If I get to live a million other lives, I hope I get to love you in all of them.” Eddie Munson fix-it fic.
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(gif not mine, credit to dunadain)
Pairing: Eddie x female!reader
Summary: A quickly, sloppily written angsty + fluffy fix-it fic I cranked out in one sitting because this is my therapy in a post st4 vol2 world. This was written quickly and quickly proofread by a very tired me, so definitely not my best work but something I just wanted to get out in the open for everyone! Enjoy.
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, gore, drinking, basically, everything from e9 except Eddie lives, suggestive dialogue but ultimately sfw. And obviously, spoilers ahead.
A/N: My first published fic! I hope u enjoy it, it’s not what my best work looks like (I’m working on a long ass AU fic that will be impeccably written and proofread don’t you worry), but, like I said, my brain just wanted me to get this idea out of my system, so here you go! Please be kind!
Word count: Almost 3k
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"Let’s hope this works” Dustin mutters as he plugs in the extension cord to the amplifiers. You teeter over the chord, trying to maintain your balance atop the tin roof of Eddie's trailer. The trailer that held memories of some of your brightest memories with the long-haired dungeon master standing in front of you. You take in the sight in front of you, the world slowing down for a millisecond. bright red lightning crackled in the distance. Dustin’s hard breathing. Eddie’s warm brown eyes trained on you and only you. Upside-down flurries landing in the curls of his frizzy hair. Guitar slung lazily over the front of his torso. You remembered back to the first time you’d met him. 
You had just moved to Hawkins for your freshman year of high school, thanks to your parents moving for work. That first day at school, you’d taken your lunch to the bathroom, too nervous to eat at a table alone. It was on the billboard by the restroom door you had seen a poster for a local band playing at a bar close to your house that night. Back in your old city, you’d loved to go see live music. As you sat in the stall, you grasped for your backpack, digging out your wallet. There it was. staring back at you was the face of your freshly 21-year-old sister, her old id hiding in the back flaps. 
You arrived that night to the venue that night, breezing past the bouncer and heading straight to the bar. You didn’t mind being alone here, because at least here you didn’t feel like the targeted new kid like you did in the cafeteria. Oh, how you were so wrong; because, as you waited for the bartender to pour your beer, you heard a voice come from beside you. 
“You’re the new girl in my algebra class.”
You whipped your head beside you. The smell of weed and jack burned your nostrils. In front of you was a cheeky, long-hair brunette boy. And even in the dark ambient lighting of the bar, you could see his big, beautiful kind brown eyes. Oh my god, he was cute. In an attempt to stumble out a response, you just huffed out a “yeah” and handed the bartender some cash, swapping it with your beer.
"As part of the new-kid-Hawkins-high-experience, I was planning on asking you to sit at my lunch table, but you seemed to disappear in the few moments between algebra and lunch period,” he pressed on while you sipped, determined to talk to you for some reason.
“Oh yeah, I, um,” you stammered. You took in his full appearance now. He had a black tee with a flannel and leather jacket, black pants donning a chain, and white reebok shoes. On his fingers were a range of rings of different shapes and sizes. His ringed fingers wrapped around what you assumed was a jack and coke but was mostly gone.
“I promise sitting at our table is better than eating alone in the bathroom. Trust me, been there, done that...” he smiled, turning to stick his free hand out to you. “I’m Eddie.”
You told him your name and shook his hand, the cold from the rings shocking your skin. You chatted with small talk back and forth for a while. You told him your love for live music and excitement to see the band, and he told you about the DND club he loved. Hell, what did it hurt to befriend someone cute on one of your first days in a new town? He downed the rest of his drink before bowing to you. 
“Well, I would love to chat with you for longer, but I do have duties to fulfill. I’ll see you at lunch tomorrow?” he smiled, holding out his hand. Unsurely, you put your hand into his and he places a chaste kiss on it. The alcohol in your system bubbled a giggle in response.
“Tomorrow,” you bid him farewell. And then, to your absolute horror, he climbed the steps to the stage followed by a few other guys. He went up to the center microphone, slung a guitar over his head, and gave a smile directly to you before yelling his band name and playing the opening riffs to a metal song you didn’t recognize. 
And the rest was history.
And at this moment, you saw that same boy. The same young boy with kind eyes staring at you from across the roof of the trailer. Suddenly you’re filled with fear at the gravity of what you’re actually doing. So many things could go wrong. You’re literally setting yourself up as bait. You can’t lose him. You can’t. 
Your arms and legs move faster than your brain as you trek over to Eddie, hands reaching out for his face and planting a kiss onto his perfectly ready lips. His guitar bumps against your front and you pull away, foreheads touching.
“I love you,” you whisper. “I just had to tell you before.”
Before he has a chance to respond, you back away next to Dustin, your hand reaching out to crank up the volume on the amp. Eddie’s eyes meet yours in the last moment of silence. His voice breaks it as he reaches up to his guitar pick on the chain around his neck and he mutters your name as he rips it off, eyes trained on yours. 
“This is for you.”
And then it all starts. the guitar riff to the Metallica song you knew all too well, because, well, Eddie was obsessed with it. You liked it too because it reminded you of how talented he was. He shreds the guitar as you watch. If this was any other situation, you would have a heat building between your legs at the sight in front of you, but considering the compromising nature of what was happening at the moment, you focused on the sound of the bats swarming closer. As the epic guitar solo comes to an end, you stumble off of the roof and into the trailer, choking out a sob of relief once you realize you’re safe. 
The first thing Eddie does after his cheering moment with Dustin is kiss you again, hard and passionately as if he didn’t just kiss you minutes ago.
“See, all worked out,” he cups your cheeks and your smile. Then, your smile fades as the bats ram against the roof. 
“Eddie, the vents!” you realize. Eddie mutters a ‘shit’ and rams his trash can lid weapon to the vent in the living room and you run, ramming yours into the one above his bed. But you’re too late. A bat narrowly escapes your attempt and latches onto your shoulder, knocking you off of the bed and onto the hard floor. 
You’re sure your arm is broken somewhere from the shooting pain paired with the pain of the bat gnawing on your flesh. You scream and Eddie quickly appears into your vision, beating the hell out of the damn thing. It finally dies and Eddie kneels down to you.
Eddie sits you up, blood gushing from the wound on your shoulder. 
“Oh, god, you’re okay, you’re okay” he coos. “Henderson” he yells and Dustin appears in the door frame, gasping out your name.
“I’m fine...” you attempt to get up, dizziness taking over you. “Woah-” you blink slowly, fighting the dizziness caused by the amount of blood dripping down your shirt.
“We gotta get her through the gate, out of here,” Eddie rapidly fires, and in your hazy state, you can tell he’s holding back tears. He grabs for a shirt of his nearby and holds it to your oozing wound. 
Your vision continues to blur. How were you losing this much blood? The world spun fast around you as Eddie walked you to the gate. Eddie.... 
“Eddie” you murmur out. Eddie looks at you, holding you up in his arms.
“I’m right here baby, right here. Now I need you to be strong and get yourself up that rope.” he manages to say, no tears spilling from his clearly-watering eyes. You muster up the strength you have and somehow manage to get to the other side of the gate. Dustin follows, coming to your side immediately to check on you. you gaze up at the gate and see Eddie staring back at you.
“Eddie...” you start, suspicious of him. And before you know it, there he is, cutting off the cloth rope between the two dimensions. Dustin starts to scream. You become numb with shock. Tears prickle your eyes.
“Get her to a hospital, Henderson. Make sure she’s safe.” 
And then he’s gone. In one fluid motion, tears bursting down your cheeks, you saunter over to a chair in the corner, pulling it to the gate.
“Dustin, I don’t care what you say, I’m going in there whether you want me to or not. So you can either help me or not. But I’m going” you manage to get out. 
He nods in agreement and you get yourself on the chair, using your good arm to pull yourself up. Dustin helps with your feet the best he can, and by some miracle in the universe, you land on your back on the floor of the trailer in the upside-down, crying out in agony. 
You don’t even wait for Dustin to come through before you’re scrounging up all the strength you have to run sloppily out of the door, hand pressed to your shirt-covered wound, blood already soaked through it.
You see him. He’s there, weapons up and at the ready, fighting the swarm the best he can. A scream gets choked in your throat as you run in his direction. When Eddie falls to the ground, that's when the yell building up inside you finally comes out, taking most of your strength with it. It’s a mix between his name and the word ‘no’, but it’s loud enough to get some of the bats flying in your direction. 
But then they all... fall. All at once. No bats even reach you before they’re dead and unmoving on the ground. But that doesn’t matter to you.
“Eddie!” you scream again, weaker than before. you hear Dustin's yells distantly behind you. 
When you reach him, your knees buckle at the sight of him. He’s bloody. Really bloody. It covers his torso and hands, even his face. 
“No, no no no” you shake your head. “Eddie no you can’t,” you start, fully sobbing now, tears mixing with his blood. “You can’t leave me.”
“I didn’t run away this time,” he choked. His voice gurgled. Blood splattered from his mouth to his teeth. 
“No, Eds, you didn’t.”
He manages a smile the best he can, and even with the blood covering parts of his face and teeth, he’s still the most beautiful boy you have ever laid your eyes on.
“You’re so beautiful,” you coo to him, brushing his hair with your shaky, bloody fingers.
“N- not more... b- beautiful than you” he chokes, shaky hand reaching to yours that was on his chest. Dustin finally arrives and falls next to you.
“I love you” he musters. 
“Stop that,” you manage through tears, shaking your head at him. “You’re making it through this.” he turns his eyes to look at Dustin.
“You’re gonna have to look after my little sheep for me, okay?”
“Eddie you are not dying, stop this-” you and Dustin protest at the same time and you bury your head in his blood-soaked hellfire shirt.
“And make sure you watch over her for me. Promise me,”
This breaks you. You audibly sob, not hearing anything of what Dustin responds to Eddie. 
“H- hey look at me,” Eddie grunts. you lift your head, brushing hair out of his beautiful, perfect eyes. 
“If I get to live a million other lives, I hope I get to love you in all of them.”
You can’t get words out at this point. You just lean forward and kiss him softly. You don’t care about the mess or the blood. When you pull away you choke out broken “I love you”’s over and over. 
You’re broken out of your trance by Steve’s distant voice. You whip around. 
“Henderson!” he yells, running over, noticing your compromising position.
“Oh my god, what happened-” Nancy starts but you interrupt.
“Bats. He needs help. A hospital. Bandages. Now.” you demand. Steve is already beside you, helping Eddie up. You go to the other side of him, holding him up carefully as the group quickly moves to the trailer.
“You’re going to be okay, Eddie. It’s going to be okay.”
It’s a few hours after the giant earthquake ripped through Hawkins. You return from the kitchen in Hopper’s cabin to the room Eddie was laying in with another bowl of water and a cloth. Somehow, someway, you and the gang were able to patch up the wounds, none being too detrimental. He pitifully laid on the bed, bandages covering most of his body. He seemed better and more sentient, just a little traumatized. You were too, your own uncovered gash dully throbbing at you. The others suggested one of them look at it but you refused, mind only focused on Eddie.
You sat beside him on the bed and he gave you a weak smile. You dipped the cloth in the water, continuing to wipe him down, this time wiping down his face. 
“Thank you” he simply stated.
“You don’t have to thank me” you smiled softly.
“You’re just... too good to be real,” he said, almost in a whisper. And then suddenly, his smile faded.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. His eyes trained on your shoulder.
“Please just let me look at it,” he states. You shake your head, continuing to wipe his face.
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Please, just let me look.”
You drop the cloth back into the water, sighing out in surrender. He manages to sit up and reaches a hand out, pulling your shirt down to reveal the gash. He sighs out your name.
“I’ve been applying pressure and I promise it doesn’t hurt as bad as it did earlier,” you protest. But, he’s already reaching for the damp cloth, pressing it to the wound, cleaning it. You wince but surrender to his touch as he softly and shakily cleans the wound. You shed your shirt and he grabs a spare bandage from the side table, wrapping it around the wound.
“There,” he lays back down and smiles. 
“Thank you,” you respond mimicking him from earlier, leaning down to sweetly leave a kiss on his lips.
“Circumstances aside, I do have to mention how sexy you look right now,” he cheekily smirks at you in your bra, even in his weakest moments still being the cheeky Eddie he always has been.
“Scooch over,” you tell him, shedding the pants you were wearing, and climbing into the bed next to him. 
The entire gang was fast asleep, too exhausted from the events of the night to manage a normal sleeping schedule. You nestled in next to Eddie, his bandaged arm coming to wrap around your side. 
“You know, I really thought I was going to lose you,” you look up into his eyes.
“Yeah, well... I didn’t want to run” he mumbles back.
“Running doesn’t make you a bad person.”
“I shouldn’t have run from Chrissy,” he says sadly, remembering back to his friend. You knew her, albeit not that well, but you had been with them in the woods. The night she died you weren’t with Eddie, but he found and told you right after. You helped him hide. You knew the guilt from that night ate at him.
“There was nothing you could do, Eds.”
“I know.”
“Running isn’t stupid. Especially when it’s in the best interest of everyone involved. You can’t leave me like that. ever. I won’t ever let you. You can’t go off and die being a hero and leaving me behind,” you say, not even realizing you’re crying. “Chrissy would be so proud of you from tonight, Eds. She’d be proud, but she wouldn’t want you to put yourself near death for the sake of not being a coward.” 
Eddie sniffs in response. You know he’s softly crying.
“Just promise me you won’t pull some shit like that again,” you whisper, looking up into his eyes again.
“I won’t. I’m sorry,” he wipes your tears and hugs you close to his chest. “Never again. I’m never leaving you.”
"Good. Because I’ll kill you first.” you smile. He softly laughs with you.
And everything is okay. Well, not in Hawkins, technically, but Eddie's okay. And you’re okay. And that’s all that matters at this very moment.
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sunnylands-world · 11 months
Rockstars and ugly scars
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x gender neutral reader
Summary: Eddie knew life was hard for you, but had no idea you had chosen to cope with it the way you had been…
Word count: 944
Warning: mentions suicidal thoughts, depressing, mentions self harm, ANGST TO FLUFF
Universe: strange things
A/n: this Idea was random and kinda a thought I had about having a boyfriend do this for me.
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
You tried to hide it from everyone. Tried to hide the fact that you were slowly ripping yourself apart from the inside;how you'd try to tell yourself you were enough and mattered but every night alone in your bed you'd cry. You'd try to keep quiet even though you knew deep down nobody ever really cared when they saw you cry. You were battling a voice in your head that was very negative and fearful. It was like those drawings you'd see when you search up art for depression or anxiety.
Nobody in your head was trying to continue…
your therapist would give you a list of coping skills, tell you it wouldn't be over in a day, that you had to practice but you didn't want to wait a lifetime to stop being afraid, and didn't want to wait a lifetime for you to be positive about yourself at least sometimes. You're mom would scoff when you talked about your problems and fears
"What are you so afraid of!? Things happen, that's life, get over it!" She'd snap, making you feel alone, like no one understands because you wish It was that easy, wish you could just do things without being afraid.
Once everyone in your life seemed to be as disappointed and frustrated with you as you were, you thought "if I'm that much of a problem why do I bother anymore…"
At first it was hard. You were shocked you did it even regretting it a little.
A little…
"This is what's best so everyone can be happy"
Soon you were cutting so often it didn't hurt until later when you thought about it. No place was left untouched, thighs, wrist, anywhere reachable had a scar and you had to hide them but sometimes you didn't care to
Other days you'd daydream, picture yourself somewhere better, somewhere happy.
You'd touch the trees, grass and admire nature with your favorite song on full volume and for a second you could see a better life.
You're smiling, giggling and feeling free you're not afraid to sing or dance while you walk…
You're truly a main character. Watching your story people feel bad, they care and as you imagine the end you're living happily ever after with your special someone.
Eddie Munson…
Eddie knew something was off with you, he knew you were depressed and what not. He tried his best to be supportive and caring and he did really well because he made you smile and laugh. Made you believe a part of you was in your fantasy stories. He wasn't for everyone and a lot of people didn't like him but you did and he was definitely for you.
He was the one thing that made you not completely fall over the edge. Like you were always running for the cliff but he'd chase after you and pull you to his chest, hiding your view of the cruel world with his long curls as he led you to a better place.
Today was One of those days were you and your boyfriend were in his bed. He was going on about his band as he gently held your hands. You weren't entirely sure what he was saying, not because you weren't listening but because you were admiring him. You had to admit he wasn't what you first thought of for your fairytale hero but nothing in your life ever turned out the way you hoped.
Eddie was better… he was equally soft where he was rough when you touched him, scary looking on the outside but gentle and kind on the inside and even though Eddie wouldn't consider himself the most brave. You knew when he really needed to be a hero he could be…
"Are you listening to me? I feel like this-" you didn't know why he had stopped talking at first until you realized his hand was further up your wrist. He paused as he stared at the scars before you quickly snatched your wrist away…
He looked up at you with teary eyes and hurt and you immediately went to explain but he grabbed your wrist once again pulling it back to see it went farther and was worse than what he saw at first.
"Oh sweetheart, why did you do this to yourself" he said sadly looking at the cuts as his thumb ran over the fading scars
"I-i it's not bad anymore, I swear! Please don't tell anyone Eddie" you pleaded afraid of the consequences of this.
"You listen to me alright?" He said softly as he rubbed at your arm and you nodded "it's only fair you get help but because I love you and this is your choice. I won't say anything, but you have to promise you won't do this again. It hurts me seeing you like this, and it's already painful knowing you're sad so please don't do this anymore. if you think about it remember that you're gonna hurt me too." he says softly, kissing at your wrist.
"Okay" you promise as he continues pressing his lips across your arm you can't help but giggle.
Something about it feels foreign and yet it is so affectionate and tender that you crave it. You pull your arm loose and lean close, hugging him.
Eddie did so much already as your boyfriend without even knowing it so you thought the least you could do was try for him. you knew your life was a mess, if all you could have was your rockstar then you'd hold together the best you could to have him around.
"You and me against the world Eddie"
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me, therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
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axailslink · 2 years
Eddie boyfriend hc
Absolutely loves when you play with his hair and scratch his head he usually finds it easy to sleep like this
Eddie is a tummy man he loves to lay on your tummy and kiss it if it's on show
Loves kissing you all over if he sees you feeling anxious he'll kiss your hand, neck, cheek, shoulder any skin he sees first
Loves to show you off to everyone
When he has a random outburst he grabs your hand and squeezes a bit to calm himself
Loves to "play" fight which always turns a bit more real when one of you hits too hard then you're just basically mauling each other around the trailer
Uncle Wayne once thought you two got into a heated fight when he came into the house to see you and Eddie all scratched up and yelling at each other when you were actually yelling over a movie
Petty arguments all the time nothing too big but you both apologize rather quickly
Have to physically tell Eddie to shut up because if not he'll talk your ear off at night
Eddie is a thigh man this man lives in your thighs as soon as you sit down some type of shorts or underwear he's following behind you like a puppy
Loves to listen to Metallica or any type of metal especially heavy metal while cuddling
Loses his shit when you want to know the name of one of the songs he's listening to it makes him smile from ear to ear
Goes all out and makes you a mixtape of his favorites to see if you like them too
This man cannot eat healthy for the life of him especially when summer strolls around and the trailer is hot without AC and he eats nothing but popsicles and ice
Forces you to wear his clothes because it makes him happy to see some one enjoys being around him
His trailer is basically a second home for you you're always in the home shoeless and barely clothed
When Uncle Wayne first caught sight of you in one of Eddie's shirts eating a popsicle in the living room the poor man almost had a heart attack but he grew to have you around (nearly every damn day)
Enjoy some of these hc's because I don't feel like making a new chapter for the kas theory fanfic...I'll do it eventually...~Axail
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eddies-freak · 2 years
what did i do? eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie doesn't know what he's done to make you upset, but he's on a mission to find out and gain back your favor.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst?? Some emotional scenes towards the end, but all the usual fluff!!
Requested here! Unedited, will go back at some point to do so but I really need to go to sleep right now. Update: now edited! let me know if i missed any errors :)
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Eddie didn’t know what he had done wrong. You were being so distant, barely talking to him, barely talking to anyone, in fact. It seemed as though you were avoiding him in particular, though. Whenever he was about to approach you at your locker, you closed its door and rushed off to your next class. You never sat with him at lunch anymore. Poor Eddie had no idea what was going on, he just wanted to know what he had done and if you were okay. 
After school one day, he came home to find Wayne already home from work, just what he was hoping for. 
“Hey, uh… Wayne?” he asked his uncle tentatively. 
“Hm?” Wayne responded with a grunt. 
“I uh… I need to ask you for some advice." Wayne looked up, surprised. Eddie wasn’t exactly one to ask for help. 
“Sure thing, son. Whatcha need?”
“Uh… I think y/n is mad at me, and I want to do something for her to make up for it, but the problem is I have no idea what I did, so that creates a whole other issue, and-” Eddie stopped himself, realizing he was rambling. “Yeah.”
“Well, you could always bring her some flowers.”
“Yeah, flowers. You know, those pretty things that grow from the ground in all those different colors-”
“Yeah, Wayne, I know what a flower is, it's just… what kind?” Wayne contemplated this for a moment before answering, Eddie eagerly raising his eyebrows. 
“Red roses,” he said after a moment. “A classic.”
“Alright, thanks Wayne,” Eddie said, wanting to get out of the embarrassing situation as fast as possible. 
“Be careful, son, it looks like rain!” Wayne called out before Eddie slammed the door in his haste. 
Eddie drove his van to the flower shop, where a stout little woman seemed absolutely flabbergasted that someone like… well, like him would be entering her flower shop. 
“Hello, how may I help you today?” she asked, stepping out from behind the counter. 
 “Hi…” he looked at her name tag. “Suzanne. I uh- I’d like a dozen… shit, how many is a dozen?”
“Twelve?” Suzanne prompted. 
“Right. Sorry. The brain isn’t working today. Uh- twelve of your finest red roses, please.” The woman gave a small hum of recognition, turning to the flowers behind her with a smile. 
“So… who’s the lucky girl?” she asked. 
“Oh, uh…” Eddie wasn’t accustomed to small town small talk with strangers. Well, hell, he thought, what’re the chances I’ll ever see her again? “They’re actually for my girlfriend. She’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met in like, my whole life. She’s perfect, she’s my everything. I don’t think I could live without her, if I’m being completely honest. I think I would go insane. The problem is, she’s really mad at me and I don’t know why, so I’m going to go apologize to her for whatever I did.”
“Well,” Suzanne said, bringing the roses back from wherever she got them from and putting them on the counter. “The best place to start would be to say all those wonderful things you said about her to her. Here, dear, why don’t you write them down so you don’t forget?” She paused on wrapping the bouquet delicately with tissue paper and a satin ribbon and handed Eddie a piece of paper and a pen. 
“Not likely…” Eddie mumbled, and chuckled. He would never forget how much he loved you. Suzanne helped him refine the points of what he wanted to say and fixed some of his grammar mistakes, but it was all fully and wholly Eddie. It was his words. He read it over one last time, admiring his handiwork. Quite the poet, he thought to himself. Suzanne ended up letting him have the flowers for free, and Eddie couldn’t thank her enough. 
“You’ll have to come back and tell me how it goes, dear!” Normally, Eddie wouldn’t have dreamed of doing such a thing, but he liked Suzanne, and was grateful for her help. He resolved to come back and tell her about it. “And be careful, it looks like rain!” 
And rain it did. But it didn’t just rain, it stormed. Fat raindrops peppered the windshield of Eddie’s van as he maneuvered around streets, trying to find the familiar street sign that marked the block you lived on. He was terrified, but with the flowers on the passenger seat next to him, buckled in, he told himself it would all work out. 
You were working on your homework and some extra credit work you had picked up during the week when the doorbell rang. Your dog, Teddy, started barking furiously, and you had to shush him a number of times before he actually kept quiet. Your parents were out of town, so you were the only one available to answer the ring. Trodding downstairs, you wondered, who would be visiting at this hour? And in this weather?
You opened the door to find… Eddie. He was standing on your doorstep, in the rain, a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. His clothes and entire body were soaked through with rain, his hair a wet mop. Once he saw you he cleared his throat and began to read, glancing down at the paper every few words. 
“Y/n,” he paused, looking up at you with those beautiful brown eyes you loved so much. Sometimes you just wanted to jump into them, see what he saw. “Y/n,” he said again, as if to remind himself it was you, and you were right there in front of him. “These…” he handed you the roses, leaving you with a confused look on your face. “... are for you. I don’t know what I did wrong or if you’ll be able to forgive me for whatever I did, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you more than anything else in this whole world. You’re my everything, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Shit, y/n, what did I do?” 
“Eds,” you said, setting the flowers down on the bench beside the door to cup his face in your hands. “You didn’t do anything, baby. I’ve been applying to colleges and writing my essays, I promise I haven’t been neglecting you on purpose. I’m sorry if I’ve been distant or uncommunicative, but it’s completely my fault, and certainly not because of anything you did. No need to get your panties in a twist.” You chuckled. 
“Shit, y/n.” Eddie dropped the paper in his hands and collapsed into a crouch on the ground, covering his face with his hands. You sat beside him, leaning your back on the doorframe. You reached out, stroking his arm, and before you knew it he was hugging you tightly, as if afraid you might evaporate at any moment. As if you might become a lone raindrop lost in the ocean, never able to find you again. 
“Hey, hey…” you said, stroking his back, his hair, his face. Lightly scratching his scalp the way you knew he liked it. You were shocked at the speech he had given, thinking back on it. It was so out of character for him to express such emotion. “Did you…” you paused. “Did you really mean everything you said?”
“Every word,” Eddie replied. Now you were crying.
“I didn’t think anyone could ever love me like that,” you said through racked sobs. 
“Oh, sweetheart, now you’ve got me crying again.”
You hugged each other tightly, tears falling down your cheeks every now and again, stroking each other’s hair, contemplating the love you felt for each other. Eddie was the first to break away. 
“Let’s get those flowers in some water, yeah? Don’t want them to die because we couldn’t keep our shit together.”
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i hope you guys enjoyed!! thank you to my bestie izzy for requesting, i had a lot of fun writing this one.
as always, asks are open! currently writing for eddie but if you have another specific request i might consider, so shoot your shot. :)
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forourpoets · 8 months
I am just thinking about Eddie during winter like when the night gets too cold and under that warm blanket and being sooo close to him that you can hear his heartbeat and his hair is all messy and his face is all warm and it's just soo peaceful and warm and for once in life you just feel happy content.
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vonn13 · 4 months
Eddie my anticapitalism rat: "Eat the rich!"
Eddie waking up in bed with Steve harrington : "huh"
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hauntingme44 · 2 years
Eddie with a breeding kink is the best thing. him fucking into you grunting and mumbling about how he needs to cum in you, how he loves you so much and just wants to give you something special. his little moans and whimpers while he promises to breed you. anyways
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looksthatkilledd · 2 years
Jealous // Eddie munson x gn!reader
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tysm dearest anon!! <3 ok, I lied I said I wouldn't bombard yall with fics but I'm a liar <3 ily bae Pairing: Eddie Munson X gn!Reader Warnings: suggestive Fluff? swearing Words: 446 AU: no upside down etc, Eddie lives not proofread
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you watch with dark eyes as Eddie moves across the stage, swaying his hips and singing, his hands gliding up and down the guitar, his rings glimmering in the lights, you can't help but feel the jealousy pull at your insides as you watch all the girls thinking of him the same way, stupid bimbos, twirling their hair and giving him puppy dog eyes.
they were floozies, they didn't care about the music or the band, all they cared about was getting In your boyfriend's pants, it made you sick to your stomach, you knew Eddie would never cheat, but it still made you question your self-worth a bit.
"This will be our last song!" Eddie shouts into the microphone, his clouded eyes falling upon you, they fill with concern as he watched your body behaviour, he could tell you were upset by something, it totally threw him off, he glances around before starting to play his guitar, opening for the next song. you decide that you can't watch anymore and run to grab another drink, cracking it open, you drink the cold gross tasting liquid, sighing making your way back to where you were once standing, making eye contact with Eddie as he finishes the last song of the night
"thank you!" he places his guitar down, before sliding off stage, pushing through the very small crowd of girls in front of you, all of them hollering stupid shit like "hey Eddie!" "looking good Eddie!" obviously trying to flatter him and of course, get into his pants
you hiss through your teeth as your chest was basically pressed against his, he looks at you with concerned eyes. "what's wrong there babe?" you avoid eye contact, Eddie hears laughing behind him and he turns to see the group of girls laughing, a short blonde one wearing more makeup than kiss was waving at him
"I see baby, you matter more to me than these girls." he grabs your chin forcing you to look at him "I love you."
he crashes his lips into yours as soon as the sentence falls from his skilled tongue, he pulls you closer as you wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into the kiss, he swiped his tongue against your bottom lip trying to get you to allow him access, playfully, you denied him with a hum, aggravated, he growls and grabs your hip harshly, you let out a mini moan causing your lips to part and eddies tongue to slide in, his tongue explores your mouth, moaning at the taste of beer and cigarettes
eddie pulls away out of breath. "Never forget, you're my only fuckin one, y/n."
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over--and-out · 2 years
Haven't I Given Enough
Eddie Munson x Male Reader
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Summary: Late night slushies with your best friends is nostalgic, an amazing way to spend your night. Recently it's all that's gotten Eddie out of the house, but you didn't realize why he was suffering so much.
Warnings: Volume 2 spoilers, angst, mentioned character death, post volume 2, mentions of bullying/harassment/abuse, again angst, this was a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be, the kids consuming way too much candy, yelling but playful yelling, play fighting, mentions of scars
Author's Note: There's a whole bunch of fluff before the angst, I also tried not to involve any ships regarding the younger kids so please don't yell at me for that.
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"NO, I HAD IT FIRST!" Mike gave a look as if to say 'Duh,' holding the bag above Dustin's head and Eddie laughed loudly when he snatched it. An absolute gremlin laugh. He rummaged through the candy bag, pulling out a mini m&m bag before tossing the plethora to Will, who laughed in triumph when he caught it.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Lucas screeched as he tackled Will and they went tumbling into the shelf holding all of Eddie's D&D things.
You poked his ankle as he walked by, the action making him jump two feet in the air with a screech and everyone burst into laughter.
Max rolled her eyes and El burst into laughter as Mike jumped onto Eddie's back, wrestling him down for the tiny bag of m&m's; a dangerous game when you're fighting with Eddie Munson.
Max offered Eleven another piece of candy corn from the bowl in her lap, the brunette only taking them when they're offered and the redhead refusing to touch them. Lucas swung by and stole a piece of the candy, taking a munch break for a few seconds before tackling Will again for the big bag of assorted candy. Dustin caught wind of the bag, completely abandoning Mike and Eddie before joining Lucas in his rampage against Will.
"Sharing is caring- SHARING IS CARING, WILLIAM!" The D&D shelf fell down with a defeated slam and Eddie whipped his head around, eyes wide and mouth agape. Everyone froze and Dustin stared Eddie down. Lucas resorted to a karate stance and Will hid the bag behind his back.
"Now you've done it," Eddie mumbled. It was then that Mike took the opportunity to steal the metalhead's candy, downing the entire bag. "OH YOU'RE DEAD-"
The stairs to the basement creaked loudly and Steve grabbed a hold of Eddie right as he launched himself at the teen, Mike laughing loudly as he flopped down on the couch next to Will and made an attempt to steal more candy.
"We leave you alone for five minutes and you try to kill each other!" Steve shook his head and brushed his hair off of his forehead with his fingers, flicking Eddie on the forehead. He got a prompted shove in return and Robin descended down the stairs with grocery bags in tow. She had been waiting for the chaos to subside.
"And you said no to babysitting. Imagine, Steve. Eddie was a better idea to leave alone with the kids?"
"I'm almost seventeen, HOW AM I STILL A-"
"MIKE, IF I HEAR YOU YELLING ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR I'M COMING DOWN THERE AND STEALING EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" Nancy's yell cut him off, Dustin trying and failing to hold back a chuckle.
Lucas jumped up and nudged Eddie, offering another bag of tiny m&m's. A peace offering. Eddie accepted and gave Lucas a small nudge in return. "She's a real hardass when she's studying, huh?" He lowered his bag of candy, offering you a piece and you gladly took two pieces. He pouted, ripping the bag back and you laughed fondly at him as you shook your head.
"Yeah, she's always been like that. I guess. Sometimes, anyway." Steve shrugged.
"We should probably hang somewhere else, Nancy gets annoying when she's studying." Mike had finally managed to persuade Will out of a Reeses, sharing a cup that was broken in half with him and breaking his own piece in half to share with Eleven.
Max shrugged and leaned her elbows on her friend's shoulders, braiding the brunette hair laying over them. "Well I'm starving, we could go get some food?"
"It's midnight, what place is even open?" Robin took a chug of her energy drink after the sentence and Steve raised an eyebrow at her.
You raised your hand and slapped it on Eddie's thigh, the screech he let out catching everyone's attention. "Isn't the gas station open 24/7 now? They've got a shit ton of cool stuff in there."
"Oh yeah, they also set up that Pac-Man machine!" Will grinned as he leaned forward.
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Steve had opted to go back home, stating he had an early work day in the morning but Robin still tagged along. Max had dragged El along and Lucas had followed with Max. You'd teased Mike and Will into joining when Mike said he was tired, Eddie and Dustin being rambunctious as always with each other.
You all took Eddie's van to the lonely gas station, the teen behind the counter scratching away at lottery tickets and not paying the group of you any mind. On the way, Robin sat behind you and talked your ear off about some movie that the Family Video finally got. Eddie mentioned something about D&D and Robin fell down a rabbit hole as the metalhead enthusiastically ranted to her.
Once inside, Max grabbed El and Lucas and made a beeline for the terrible hotdogs that were available. Seeing Lucas being dragged away, Dustin grabbed Mike and Will and followed. Eddie laughed at the younger teens, shaking his head as he decided that he was dragging you and Robin with him.
The three of you went over to the slushie machine, a long row of flavors lined up and Robin's eyes widened upon seeing them. "There's so many flavors! How does one person pick?!"
"Wait wait, you've never been in here before?" Eddie laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, quickly getting distracted by a root beer flavoring. He mumbled as he grabbed a cup. "It's only THE place to hang out if you want to fill your body with the most ungodly food known to man." He wandered to the row of flavors and you laughed softly as you shook your head. He was getting a completely different flavor than the one he'd been eyeballing.
"Well, I've never really gone out a lot. You know, strict parents and stuff."
"Well, we've definitely gotta hang out more often then." You smiled at Robin, patting her on the shoulder and she beamed a happy smile before jumping to get a slushie flavor.
Eddie let out a mischievous laugh, pulling a flask out of his pocket. "Thirsty?"
"Oh my God, Eddie-" you started and Robin rambled quickly.
"Eddie that's horrible. I want some." She held out her slushie and he poured a little bit into it. "Wait, aren't you the designated driver?" Eddie only shrugged.
"I'll drink when we get back. It'll be cool, just gotta drop the kids off first and then we can crash at my place?" He shrugged.
Eddie was taken back when he felt a gentle tug on his battle vest, his brows furrowing and he turned to see Eleven holding up some chili cheese fries. "May I have these?" Eddie's gave her a wide smile.
"Yeah, 'course. You don't even have to ask, knock yourself out." Eleven beamed at him and launched herself into him to give him a tight hug.
"Thank you!" She gave a giggle as she almost skipped back to Max, who was making her own ensemble of chili cheese fries.
You smiled at Eddie, who was smiling to himself. He'd spoil all of the kids rotten if he could, you knew that. Dustin had ended up starting a play fight with Will and Lucas over who would pick which kind of chips, Mike settling for a bag of York candy and Max was talking about which slushie Eleven wanted to share.
When everyone had gotten what they wanted, they had all assembled back at the front of the store where they set down all their stuff for the cashier to ring up.
All the boys insisted on paying for their own things, Lucas proclaiming that Eddie was broke which got a very unamused reaction from the metalhead. Max offered to pay for hers and El's things, but Eddie was gracious enough to cover it.
The cashier was not invested at all, simply ringing up the items as they were being handed to her.
Robin almost tripped when she tried passing her slushie up. "Eddie if you spill that, you're paying for it."
"I'm paying for it anyway!" He laughed, not realizing that he had finally caught the attention of the cashier. When he looked back at her and caught her glare, his smile immediately faded and he almost shrank into himself. He knew why she was giving him that look; she was a little brunette girl with bright blue eyes who was on the cheerleading team. Eddie vaguely remembered Lucas turning her down when she asked him out.
He cleared his throat and kept his eyes glued to the things on the counter. Max pushed herself in front of Eddie, grabbing hers and Eleven's things. "How much did you say that would be?" You set your hand on Eddie's back and gently ran it up and down, a look of concern on your face.
She huffed through her nose and you glanced at Eddie, who was still staring at the drinks on the counter. You could almost feel how uncomfortable he was.
"$15.46." Max scoffed.
"It says 10.46 right there."
"Murderers pay extra." Eddie let out the breath he was holding, finally looking up at her.
"Don't talk to him like that, he's not a murderer." You snapped at her, your attempts to keep calm failing.
"Listen, I'll pay the fucking fifteen or whatever. Keep the change." He slapped sixteen dollars onto the counter and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him after grabbing his drink. He was going to kick himself in the ass later for paying that much,, but he didn't even care at that moment. Robin grabbed her drink and rushed after him, Max giving the cashier a tight smile before grabbing the rest and walking away.
You could tell by the grip on your hand that Eddie was trying to keep himself together. He pulled you around to the driver's side of the van, wrapping you up in a hug with a shuddering breath. You immediately responded, hugging him back tightly and burying your face in his shoulder. His curly brown hair tickled your nose but you didn't even care right now. He needed you there, so you'd be there.
He had been cleared of the murder charges, Hopper had made up an excuse behind the earthquakes, the killings. Some people had believed him, but so many other people refused to believe it. How could they? Eddie Munson was a Satanist, a devil worshipper, the scum of the earth.
Eddie was none of those things. He'd never murdered anybody, he didn't worship the devil, and he was far from a terrible person.
He'd been too terrified to go out the first few weeks after he was proven innocent, both from shame of his scars and fear of being discriminated against.
"It's okay Eds. I'm here." You ran your fingers through his curls, some tangles holding your fingers hostage but when that happened you'd just move your hand to a different spot. He melted into you, Robin quickly running up and gently rubbing his back.
"Hey, you okay?" She tilted her head and when a sob escaped Eddie, she winced. "Oh, definitely not okay." Max was the next one to run up, Eleven in tow and they were both equally as worried about him as you and Robin.
Dustin was lighting the cashier up, swearing up one side down the other and saying that he'd report the woman.
You ran your fingers through Eddie's hair and kissed his temple, his grip tightening on you. "I don't understand it, why are people still doing this?" His voice was muffled by your shirt and your heart cracked at his words.
"When is it gonna end, this isn't fair. It's not fair!" Eddie turned his head, his face now not buried in your shoulder but rather in your neck. The way he was hunched over couldn't have been comfortable for him so you made the attempt to get him to sit down. Robin took his slushie before he busted the cup from how tight he was gripping it.
"Eddie, it's- it's still fresh, it'll die down." Robin tried reasoning and Max nodded along.
"Yeah, people will back off. Deep down they know you didn't do it."
Eddie's face scrunched up as he pulled away from you, laying against the side of the van and you brushed his hair out of his face. He had tears streaking his cheeks, his eyes glued to the slushie you had set down. El and Max both sat on one side, the group of boys running out of the store with Dustin calling Eddie's name.
"That was a shitty thing for her to do, you didn't deserve that at all. You doing okay man?"
Eddie wouldn't answer, his eyes dulling as he most likely dissociated.
"We know you didn't do that, Eddie. We all know what happened." Mike continued on.
"Yeah, you're a hero." Lucas finished the statement from the group of boys, Will coming to sit on the opposite side of the girls.
"Haven't I given enough?"
His voice broke and with it so did your heart.
Eddie finally brought himself to look into your eyes, his own big and brown and the look he held screamed "please help me."
Everyone was silent. Nobody had an answer for his question, and how could they?
Hadn't he given enough?
His mother was a hippie addicted to drugs and his father was a runaway criminal who tried passing on the worst traits that he could to his son.
He went through school being bullied for his home life and how he presented himself, along with the quirks in his personality that others found strange.
He was accused of being a devil worshipper who lead a cult.
He watched more than one person die.
He was accused of the deaths.
He got forced into hiding and hunted like a wild animal for things he didn't do.
When he decided do what he thought was best to keep those he loved safe, his body was brutally mangled and scarred.
And it still amazed you that despite all that, Eddie Munson still smiled and lived his life as if he was the most carefree person on the face of the planet.
Eddie Munson loved the people around him with all his heart and always put them first.
That's the thought that drew the tears to your eyes. You stared into Eddie's eyes, those that pleaded for an answer to his question, and cried. You couldn't answer him, even if you wanted go because you didn't know how to.
"I'm sorry." You ran your fingers through his hair for a long moment before the dam holding you together broke. You tugged him to your chest and held him there, his arms latching to you. "I'm so sorry, Eddie." You buried your nose in his mess of dark curls, just holding him.
"I can't answer that question for you, and I don't think I'll ever be able to." Robin and Eleven both seemed to share the same mindset as they set their hands on your left shoulder. Eleven's hand made it there first, Robin's hand resting gently over hers.
"Eddie, there's some things that we'll never be able to explain. Things aren't fair, they might not ever be fair." His grip tightened on you, his breath shuddering. "I can make you a promise, Eddie." He nodded into your chest. You nodded back and hugged him.
"I can promise you, you will always have the people who love you. And God, do we love you Eds." You pressed your lips to the top of his head in a lingering kiss. "You are loved. You're loved so, so much." You pulled his head from where he was hiding in your chest, your hands cupping his jaw. Your bloodshot eyes met his, your tears mirroring his own.
"You are loved, Eddie. So much."
He sucked in a sharp breath as Dustin placed a hand on his back, his eyes refusing to tear themselves away from your own.
But then Will joined in. And Mike. And Lucas. And Max.
His dam seemed to break again but with this sob came a small laugh.
"I really couldn't ask for anything more, man." He looked back at the boys and gave them a weak smile, slapping his hand on Lucas's shoulder and then flipping Dustin's hat off. He earned a screech from Dustin but it was short lived as everyone began to laugh.
Only Eddie could make a crowd laugh when he was the one who needed to be comforted.
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It was late when you got back to Eddie's trailer. Robin had passed out in the van so he woke her up long enough for her to walk in and crash on the couch. He'd driven the group of younger kids to Mike's house after they'd declared that they were going to have a sleepover. (Dustin proclaimed that he didn't want Eddie or Robin parenting but you figured he knew Eddie needed time to wind down.)
(That or he REALLY didn't want the added chaos of both Eddie AND Robin.)
Eddie tossed his keys onto the counter, taking a slug of his half melted slurpie that you noticed was still alcohol free. You watched the way he moved, the way his muscles moved over the cloth of his cropped shirt and denim vest. You weren't staring out of lust or even just to purposely stare, you were almost waiting for something to be said.
His brown eyes flicked to you as he took his long drinks, the straw sliding free from his lips and his jaw clenched as he took that final sip. "What?" His lips smacked a bit before he spoke and he gave you a once-over as if that would answer his question for him.
"Are you okay?" You knew that asking the question would be a step onto thin ice. Every time it was asked you got the same response. 'Yeah, I'm good.'
Except you didn't get that response.
"I will be. I'm trying to be." He glanced from you to the floor and then nodded his head a bit before he looked back at you. Almost as if he was checking to see if his answer was good enough.
You offered him a soft smile, setting your drink down before quickly picking it back up and striding over to Eddie before offering him a sip. He relished in the opportunity, perking up before taking the biggest sip you've ever seen somebody take.
"Hey-HEY! EDDIE!" You jerked the cup away and laughed as he followed it, finishing his sip before he joined you in laughter. His head flopped onto your shoulder, brown curls flying everywhere and his hand came to rest on the side of your arm.
His hand slid from your arm to your back, his other hand setting his cup down before he had wrapped you up in a hug.
Eddie had stayed like that with you for a long moment, holding you close with one of your hands tangled in his hair.
"Thank you. For loving me."
You smiled at his words and pressed a kiss to his temple. He pulled back and grabbed your face with one hand, his grip gentle as he leaned down and kissed you. His grip slowly slackened before he was running his hand up your jaw to cradle your head.
"I love you too, y'know?" He offered a shy smile, his face flushed before he laughed and looked down. No matter how long he's been yours, he still acted like an awkward little boy with the most massive crush in the world. In reality, he was.
He had a massive crush on you. You, who gave him unconditional love, laughed with him when he made a joke and even made your own jokes from time to time. Your personality had him head over heels for you and while he didn't act like it all the time, you had him wrapped around your finger. He was your ring, and you were his own ring in the form of a halo because he could swear you were an angel sent by God himself if only Eddie could bring himself to utter the words.
You'd looked at him, the freak, and told him you loved him despite everything else. Even after he was scarred and traumatized from the Upside Down, even after Eddie was branded a murderer despite his innocence, you taught him that he wasn't damaged. It's taken him time to even understand the concept, but you remind him every chance you get.
The Upside Down was a pit, a hole that you fell into and couldn't escape. His heart stopped there, he ran into danger because he felt it was all that was left for him.
The day Dustin brought him back, dragged him from the Upside Down with the help of Steve, he was so angry with the world. Eddie was angry with himself most of all.
He refused to eat, he refused medicine. He didn't want to sleep or drink water or even move from his bed. He refused to live.
It was hell for the people that cared about him. It was a fight to even ask him a question.
You were patient with him, you stayed despite his tantrums and him screaming at you to go and leave him alone.
You were patient with him, so now he supposed he had to be patient with the world.
One day he'd have the answer to the question he desperately asked you outside of that gas station. Maybe not in this lifetime, but he'd have the answer.
He just supposed he had to be patient.
Author's End Note: oh my Gods this came out so long but it is such a rollercoaster of emotion for me- I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
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🕷Super Freak Series🕷
🕸 Your Web, I’m Caught (the 1st) 🕸
Summary: The one where you’re miserable and drinking on your own at a party. And you run into maybe the last person you’d have expected on the outskirts. 7.6k words.
🕸 Is It My Body (the 2nd) 🕸
Summary: The one where Eddie gives you a ride home after your friend ditched you at a terrible party. 6.9k words.
🕸 Power of Suggestion (the 3rd) 🕸
Summary: You see Eddie at school after he gave you a lift home the other night. There’s definitely something you need to resolve. It’s mind over matter and there’s something you’re both after. 5.3k words.
🕸 Head Over Heels (the 4th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie visits you at the record store where you work. You end up making out in the storage room. 7.6k words.
🕸 Was it Love or Nicotine? (The 5th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie can’t seem to see you at school. He thinks you’re avoiding him til he finds out you’re sick. And he climbs in your window one night to bring you a can of soup. 12k words.
🕸Wolf Men & Secret Heists (the 6th)🕸
Summary: You and Eddie enjoy a rendezvous in a storage closet at school. Some inevitably dirty stuff happens. 9.2k words (smut)
🕸 Don’t need telling twice (the 7th)🕸
Summary: You go over to Eddie’s for a Movie Night date. And apparently, you’re both terrible at keeping quiet about what you want. 10.4k words. (No smut just sheer fluff)
🕸️ Vanilla Tobacco (the 8th) 🕸️
Summary: Eddie collects you for your ice cream/arcade date, he also gets to meet your mom. 10.9k words
🕸️Star Studded Gazes & Metal Men (the 9th) 🕸️
Summary: Your date goes very well- maybe a little to well under the stars at skull rock. 10.5k words (smut!)
🕸️ Girlfriend is Better (The 10th) 🕸️
Summary: You and Eddie face an unseen obstacle, which you manage to overcome with some hard cold vengeance. and then you hit him with an interesting offer... 10.k words (angst/tw violcence past assault)
🕸️ Can’t leave you in the wrong hands, baby (The 11th) 🕸️ OUT NOW!!!!
Summary: You and Eddie take the definitive step towards boyfriend and girlfriend. An empty house and a evening alone yields to a perfect evening of a first time, and much much more (11.2k words, so much SMUTTT)
-Drabbles/One Shots-
🕷Green is the Colour 🕷 - Eddie x Pencils Drabble - 6.6k words
Summary: Eddie being jealous that everyone in Hawkins is apparently getting a slice of Pencils after they start dating. (Jealous!Eddie themes) ends with fluff.
🚬 Messy Eddie Headcanons🚬
🎼🎙 Eddie working in the record store with Sal Headcanons = a.k.a sheer Chaos 🎙🎼
🔥NSFW Eddie Headcanons🔥
🎃 Trick? Or Treat? 🎃
Summary: Eddie’s friends are having trouble believing you’re really dating. They require a little proof- 3k. Funky little drabble really.
🍁 Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you 🍁
Summary: you celebrate your two year anniversary with Eddie at the place where it all began- At the Hawkins Fall carnival.
🍂 Halloween Headcanon’s for Eddie 🍂
Summary: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Halloween Headcanons with Eddie.
❤️ My Funny Valentine ❤️
Summary: A requested ask/drabble- Valentines Day- and suddenly you have a not so secret admirer.
❤️‍🔥 Drawing Mr. Munson ❤️‍🔥
Short drabble: what would drawing Eddie be like? In a nutshell, a challenge.
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🩸VAMPIRE!EDDIE🩸One shot; 10k words- also on AO3 if you fancy-
🩸Love like Blood🩸
Summary; !! Dark fic !! Vamp!Eddie x Reader. 10k words. He fully believes hell has opened its snake jaw and devoured him whole- cause this is, just, unbelievable.
Okay, maybe he hasn’t been swallowed into hell.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s that hell has chewed him up, and spat him back out.
He tried to stand and is amazed when he can. Bearing his own weight again. Stood tall. Slowly creaking and cracking to life.
Life? Or Death?
Other Characters
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Detective (Murderer) Quinn
- Tainted Love, Part I
Summary: Inspired entirely by this post which I glimpsed via @ravensfromvalhalla from @ceriseheaven. As in the gif, what if Detective Quinn was actually a crazy psycho killer. Set in the 1980’s LA. Det Quinn x Reader.
‼️You don’t know I’m no good ‼️ Part II
Summary: Danger is far closer than you realise ‼️ TW: dark vibes, murder, death, violence, stalking ‼️ 3.6k words.
‼️Hungry like the wolf‼️ Part III
Summary: Quinn gets up close and personal. But he has an ulterior motive of course. ‼️TW dark vibes, knife violence and threatening ‼️ 4.1k words.
‼️ Like a fist. Like a Knife ‼️ Part IIII
Summary: Birdie is on the case - Quinn is onto her. The plot thickens- Slutty chaos ensues.
‼️ Hit me like a bad trip‼️ Part V
Summary: Some questions lead Birdie to the wrong side of town, good thing she’s got someone watching her back. Whether she wants them or not- turns out to be a good thing. Knights in shiny red Porsches. 7.2k words.
‼️ Girl in trouble (is a temporary thing) ‼️ Part VI
Summary: Birdie patches a bloodied Quinn up at her place. There’s nakedness, too much Bourbon, and a whole lot of smut involved. 9.9k words.
‼️ Have a horny little XXXmas - Det Quinn x Birdie festive one shot ‼️
‼️ NSFW ALPHABET ‼️ - For Detective Quinn - so much smut and filth
‼️ Hold the Bourbon‼️ Detective Quinn x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Drabble from an ask, Detective Quinn laughing during sex - with an edge. ‼️TW ‼️Pure filth. Much smut.
‼️ Det Quinn Ask Drabble ‼️
Drabble/ask about Detective Quinn making you squirt
‼️Det Quinn Ask Drabble‼️ (so filthy)
Detective Quinn and how he would utterly devour you at all times (TW very filthy ask I LOVE IT)
‼️ Tied Up Too Tight ‼️
Detective Quinn x Birdies first date? Sort of. Quick hint: Porsche hood, nasty sex and handcuffs. ‼️TW ‼️lots of filth oh lord. Seriously.
🔪❤️‍🩹 better watch out babes-
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🥀 Pick Your Poison 🥀Prince Paul x Reader || Part I, 9.2k words
Summary: You have Mother Russia melted deep into the marrow of your bones, and you’re not afraid to grit your teeth and have a scrappy fight. Draw out a little of that pumping hot slavic blood you’re so proud of.
“Charmed.” You smile at him with your perfectly rouged lips. You sneer him like a viper. Like you’re another one of the delicious black widows formed from these courtly, poison-skated walls.
He stalks off and Minister Panin bows to you all. Scurries along after him like a puppy.
Catherine isn’t displeased or discouraged by her sons frosty behaviour. She was expecting it.
You watch him stride away. Sip your champagne and drag your eyes over his back. He must store such tension in those reedy shoulders. Keeps it stored under that ridiculous wig maybe.
All of Russia is owed to him by birth and he’s kept a hairs breadth from clutching it.
🥀 Keep watch over the door of my lips 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Newlyweds, noble jealousy, and vicious court gossip. They seldom mix. 1.7k words. (Only a dash of smut)
🥀 Necessary Evils 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + Pregnancy sex = F I L T H
🥀 The Matter of a Good Taste 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some let me make you feel better oral sex. (Filthy but sweet married filth)
🥀 And the stars sighed in unison 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some pre-wedding sex and general naughtiness. (Fiancé filth)
🥀 Blessed be the bitter fruit 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part II, 7.8k Words
Summary: Your marriage to Prince Paul and all the intimacy that follows, being love drunk newlyweds. (So much porn ok)
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Summary: Prince Paul x Tsarevna Drabble inspired by the prompt: “If you want to come, you better beg.”
🥀 Traps with Baited Jaws 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part III, 14.8k words,
Summary: There’s a snake in the palace garden. Blood spattered on Catherine’s pet rosebushes. Reader learns that Ruling all of Russia comes at a gutting price- (TW so much subby!Paul smut, violence, mentions of gore/death)
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🍾 Ralph x Reader 🍾 short drabble/anon ask
Set in the 1920’s. Meeting Ralph at a wild party
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