#doctor who eu
geronimomo-spd · 2 days
the Ninth Doctor is aro ace! from the latest boxset Star Crossed! (from the first episode, Swipe Left) and River's reaction to it!
for years i had this headcanon and its so cool that they are actually making it offical, also of course its John Dorney like come on hehe
here so its not word of mouth anymore! the ninth doctor isofficaly aro ace! (though here his aroness saves the day hehe)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 23 hours
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 54
The last two bullets contains details from the most recent Ninth Doctor boxset, specifically Swipe Right and Archipelago. Please scroll past them if you don't want to see them. :)
By some accounts, Bruce Springsteen served as United States President in the early 2000s. (Novel: Interference - Book One)
An incredibly dangerous mutation in the Daleks that threatened the whole universe started when a Dalek was stung by a wasp. (Audio: The Mutant Phase)
While in Paris, the Seventh Doctor observed the Fourth Doctor, Romana, and Duggan, and he picked up a picture of Romana when his Fourth dropped it. This picture would later be found by Anji Kapoor and later his Eighth. The Eighth Doctor could not remember who it was because he had been having memory problems at the time but kept the picture anyway. (Short story: Notre Dame du Temps)
The Fifth Doctor accidentally killed the entire Scintillan race because he couldn't see them. (Audio: Omega)
The Toymaker trapped the Spice Girls in "Spice Up Your Life." (Novel: The Giggle)
The Tenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver ended up in San Juan after being discarded in Leadworth. Charlie Sato had stolen it from some aliens and was on the run, and while doing so, he ran into the Eighth Doctor. Thus, the Tenth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver eventually ended up in a drawer in the Eighth Doctor’s TARDIS. (Audio: The Turn of the Screw)
The Shalka Doctor had fallen in love with the President's daughter, but she had been killed by an alien race with nearly all the other Time Lords. While the other Time Lords had their memories stored in the Matrix, the President's daughter was truly dead. (TV: Scream of the Shalka; Short story: Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor)
The Tenth Doctor can recall hunting werewolves with Jane Austen. He remembers that she was unusually sadistic, kept trophies from her victims, and was able to wrestle a werewolf without staining her lace. They also dealt with a vampire countess and an assassin in a similar style. The Doctor would have invited her on board the TARDIS if she didn't terrify him. (Audio: Expiry Dating)
Before Erimem became a proper companion, the Fifth Doctor intended to drop her off at the Braxiatel Collection. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
After the events of The Giggle, the Toymaker is biding his time and waiting for his next game. (Novel: The Giggle)
By some accounts, the Valeyard "splintered" from the Doctor at some point prior to his final regeneration and thus cannot regenerate himself. (Audio: Every Dark Thought)
The Fifteenth Doctor once tried to take Ruby to a night of partying at the Scandi Superclub, where Avicii, Loreen, and Måns Zelmerlöw are members, but the TARDIS instead materialized in the 19th century. They ran into Hans Christian Andersen. (Comic: The Hans of Fear)
Stew Ferguson was a milkman who witnessed Rose Tyler's appearance in The Stolen Earth. He eventually became a cleaner and then witnessed the Fourteenth Doctor materialize in his TARDIS. (Novel: The Star Beast)
The Ninth Doctor is aromantic and aspec!!! (Audio: Swipe Right)
River Song recognized the Doctor’s Gladstone bag as a gift from Gillian and John. (Audio: Archipelago) And by that she means Gillian and John Who!!!!!
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thefiresofpompeii · 3 days
>i should probably stop consuming doctor who media and move on to another special interest. all things end and that’s always sad but all things begin again and that’s always happy. Time to grow up amelia williams. etc
>anyway!! im reading this great postmodern novel about the harrowing fetishisation of war in the media, manufactured consent and the way it intertwines with insipid pop culture in a world where violence is normalised and the young generation grows up in a nowhere-place
>it’s called this town will never let us go
>oh what’s the. what fictional universe is it technically a part of
>shut up
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non-man049 · 6 months
Ok, so I was looking for a Doctor Who comic to read online because I'm a pirate and I found this cover that oh my god.
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They did it before the Barbie movie
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thediaryofriversong · 6 months
doctor who is so silly because, yes, it has a huge following, but, there is also a secret mini-fandom that lives off obscure books and worships Paul Mcgann.
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partywithponies · 2 months
Something very funny to me is how The Eighth Doctor has amnesia during the Doctor Who TV Movie as a result of post-regeneration madness. You know, as had already happened in multiple regeneration stories previously. Because the TV Movie was basically just one extended regeneration story for Eight.
But because the TV Movie never made it to series, the movie itself was all anyone had to go on with regards to the Eighth Doctor's characterisation for the longest time. Which meant that a bunch of Extended Universe writers seemingly just decided that having amnesia was a key part of Eight's character and personality, and so it Just Kept Happening. Again and again. For years.
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8th dr who textposts + some Fitzie
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enbyeighthdoctor · 6 months
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thienvaldram · 1 month
The Doctor's Timeline (v14)
v1-v13 were somewhere else
Not Authorial Confirmation of Anything done as speculation only
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(Full res version)
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intuitive-revelations · 2 months
Random headcanon I came up with early this morning, because I’ve been thinking about Gallifreyan language recently:
The reason why so many Time Lord things are decorated with circular Gallifreyan, often too impractically to actually be read (eg. on the Moment), is because it’s a cultural touchstone that remains from pre-/early-Pythian Gallifrey’s use of magical runes and sigils.
Presumably it was more typically Old High Gallifreyan used in that time (though The Timeless Children does seemingly confirm circular Gallifreyan existed at least as far back as Rassilon's time, if not earlier), however. Twelve describes it as ‘the language of the Pythia’ in The Lost Magic, and as Eleven says in The Time of Angels:
ELEVEN: There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods.
This is obviously very reminescent of the Carrionites' (themselves from the Dark Times too) "word-based science" from The Shakespeare Code:
MARTHA: What did you do? TEN: I named her. The power of a name. That's old magic. MARTHA: But there's no such thing as magic. TEN: Well, it's just a different sort of science. You lot, you chose mathematics. Given the right string of numbers, the right equation, you can split the atom. Carrionites use words instead.
In other words, while they probably weren't actually intended as such and may have their own specific meaning, whether they be poetry, namesakes, histories, instructions, whatever... these are basically protective wards:
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[ID: Five screenshots of Circular Gallifreyan in New Who.
1. Rassilon's Inner High Council meeting in The End of Time Part 2. The table and headrests are inscribed with circular Gallifreyan.
2. The Moment in Day of the Doctor. Gallifreyan writing bends round the edges of the wooden frame.
3. The 'whirligig' rotar in Eleven's second TARDIS, inscribed with individual Gallifreyan symbols.
4. Set photo of the glowing Gallifreyan writing on the steps of Thirteen's TARDIS.
5. Tecteun's laboratory in The Timeless Children. Circular Gallifreyan lines the light above her, and a door in the background.]
As a side note - if they actually are kind-of intended as a form of protection, perhaps this is why we were only introduced to Circular Gallifreyan in New Who, despite it seemingly existing through Gallifreyan history. Because it was retroactively inserted into Gallifreyan culture as a form of defense during the War in Heaven / Last Great Time War?
Regardless, this also opens up questions how many other Time Lord traditions are holdovers from the Dark Times.
For example, who's to say that the renegade naming tradition didn't begin as a form of protection from hexes - either from hostile forces in the pre-anchoring universe, or from oppressive magic-users back on the homeworld? This may also be connected to the change in Gallifreyan name format before and after the Intuitive Revelation (eg. ancestral -sti and -sor names), though shifting power structures, gender roles etc. presumably played a role too.
Heck, is this one reason why Gallifrey's own name has changed over its history? From Jewel to Gallifrey in Rassilon's time to try and protect it from vengeful Pythian curses. From Gallifrey to just 'the Homeworld' in the War to protect it from new rituals of alternative histories and paradox?
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clockworkouroboros · 1 year
sorry but we fucked up surgery on your boyfriend. yeah the anesthesia wasn’t safe to use on aliens. sorry. the surgeon was listening to opera while she operated. yeah he regenerated and lost all his memories. he’s now a prettyboy amnesiac who doesn’t understand gender. sorry.
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tardis-technician · 3 months
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This is what eu fans sound like
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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 days
What if you invited me to your wedding as best man? What if I surgically removed one of your hearts and implanted it in my own chest? What if I had done this to save your life because your heart had been poisoning you? What if I then used that heart to penetrate deep time? What if we were enemies? What if your heart being in my chest created a powerful link between the two of us? What if there was impenetrable homoerotic tension between us? What then? What would you do?
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perfectlynormalbooks · 3 months
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Binding of the technically-unpublished technically-unfinished Doctor Who novel, Time's Champion by Craig Hinton! This was a commission for a friend, and they've officially recieved it now so I can ramble about design choices. The book is a folio binding with rounded spine, which is something I've been working on learning for a bit now.
The book cover - obviously designed to look like Six's coat! I used this excellent blog post as a reference while tracking down all of the bits of colorful fabric I'd need, it was a lifesaver. There's a little cat charm on the ribbon, because of course there is, and (it's not really visible in any of the photos) hand-sewn headbands in black-and-yellow, to resemble the sleeves of that coat.
If the book itself is Six, then the case is the Valeyard! Because obviously, this book is all about the conflict between those two. The clamshell case was a last-minute addition, because I hadn't ever done one before and wasn't sure if I'd be able to pull it off. But I did, and it looks great - that's metallic silver HTV on the outside. 'Time's Champion' is on the spine using the WS Simple Gallifreyan font - I thought about using Sherman's, but it's a bit too circular. The writing around the front and back frame is in Assassin's Gallifreyan, aka the writing the Doctor uses in the serial The Deadly Assassin. It's the names of all of the gods of Gallifrey, who show up in the book itself - Time, Fate, Life, Pain, Hope, and Death - repeated over and over. The book fits snugly into the case, and I've got my fingers crossed that it managed to protect the book on the way over.
I kept the internal typeset simple - Alegreya typeface with Bernard MT Condensed chapter headings and highlights. These are the straightest margins I've ever cut in my life. I impressed myself.
And here's a few pages from my design notebook from when I was pulling it together:
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There's a LOT more progress pics lying around, but Tumblr only allows 10 images per post - I'll have to add more later!
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romanathree · 3 months
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familyparadox · 6 months
The reason why Doctor who is going more towards fantasy is because with Gallifrey gone now Magic is coming back into the universe. Yes that right we are getting a live action adaption of the Adventuress of Henrietta street.
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