#dipper pines x reader
Yandere [Aged Up] Dipper Pines Headcanons
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He's a really good listener and knows everything about you
Even things you've never told him
He writes about you in multiple journals
He's kind of awkward around you when you are both alone. Like, he'll stutter, stumble over his words, trip over nothing, etc
He has your name tattooed on near his ankle [He was not in the right of mind]
Though, when he's not awkward, this man is a full-on player [Man has the rizz]
Mabel finds it annoying that he's hitting on HER friend
He's not ever really on his phone, but he has a special sound for when you text him and he always answers straight away, dropping what he's doing
God, his heart thumps a million miles when you instantly respond
He's a clumsy dancer, but he learns fast
He loves to stare at you and can/will lose track of time
When Mabel gets over her distaste for her brother liking her friend, she actually plans to help him [After giving him a million tests to make sure he's not going to pull a player move]
^Though it never ends well, because Mabel isn't the best wingman, as she gets distracted easily
She might also tell you that Dipper has a crush, so he tries to get you out before Mabel says something stupid
He takes you to the most beautiful and exotic places in Gravity Falls that no one else knows about [Waterfalls, Forests, The UFO landing, etc]
He loves when you go on the adventures with him, but he does end up messing up because he's so worried about impressing you [But when you get hurt or kidnapped, his demeanor takes a 180]
Though at the end of the day, he still has a piece of the awkward kid
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
medium s/o hcs ; dipper & ford
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requested by ; anonymous (02/06/22)
fandom(s) ; gravity falls
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; dipper pines, stanford pines
outline ; “HIIIIIII can i req dipper and stanford pines with an s/o that is a medium? like can see and speak with ghosts and other supernatural things and is vv superstitious?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
dipper pines
initially dipper had brushed off your superstitions as a matter of upbringing
he’d met many people over the years who absentmindedly threw leftover salt over their shoulder or who veered around ladders out of habit — so, to him, you were far from abnormal in that regard
granted your superstitions were a bit more specific than most and you were a bit more insistent on him abiding by them (at least when you were together) than most — but he just brushed it off as one of your eccentricities
i mean he spends most of his days studying the supernatural so far beyond him to judge someone for trying to protect themselves
then you sat him down and told him about your gift and that’s when everything clicked into place
the knocking on doors before entering any room — even the ones you knew were empty
the refusal to whistle at night — and your scolding of him for doing so
the refusal to enter older buildings
you could see the dead and didn’t want to disturb them — it made so much sense now
he’d question you about your abilities — limits, experiences and what exactly you can and cannot do — and write them all down in his own notebook
and he’d default to you and your experiences when dealing with hauntings going forwards to minimise any upsetting of the dead
but beyond that he wouldn’t treat you any different
he’d just be more open with you about his studies, share in your superstitions and occasionally ask for your help or guidance where needed
and unless you want him to do something else with your gift, he won’t, and things will stay largely the same
stanford pines
your relationship likely only happened because of your gift — with the two of you meeting and becoming colleagues in studying the supernatural after ford heard of your talents and specifically tracked you down
of course for most of the time you knew him ford had been relatively dismissive and business oriented — not forming much of a personal bond so much as he was looking for your insight as a partner, as an equal, in his studies
and you hadn’t minded, merely insisting that he follow your instructions and doesn’t go against your superstitions when with you
it was a small ask and he readily complied, valuing the input of a medium far more than any pride or similar stigma that would have prevented him from going along with your instructions
you were effectively a coauthor for his journals, helping him gain the trust of these creatures, these entities, these communities to aid in a more thorough observation
helping him cross barriers in language and existence with lots of patience and your talent as an underlying foundation to it all
and, as time went on, the two of you inevitably got close enough to form the very beginnings of a romantic relationship
so close that your routines and habits start to mesh together so closely that you memorise his coffee order by heart and he never thinks twice about tossing that handful of salt over his shoulder or broadening his step so he avoids a crack in the pavement
closely intertwined and in love and awkward but it’s perfect for you both — you with your superstitions and him with his sciences
and you’re perfect for each other, sticking by for as long as you can — and returning to that old routine even after those years spent apart when he was lost in that void
but, still, you can recite his formulae off by heart and he pauses at the sight of a black cat or a leaning ladder — avoiding them no matter how much his brother and grandniblings tease him for it
because he knows better — he knows you
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ur-fav-inactive-writer · 11 months
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤
Pines family x platonic!reader
WC: 1109
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Requested by: @kiyomi-uchiha777
Request: what if Bill because this dude is a psycho kills of sister reader after someone or something that made him angry. And what would be the reaction of the characters. Especially when being protective siblings before now losingey little sister
A/N: holy crap I haven't written anything in AGES, anyway, hope you enjoy this, also this will stray from canon a bit but ill try keep it as accurate as possible x
Bill held you tightly in-between his fingers, Mabel and Dipper clutched tightly in his others. You writhed and struggled but could not free yourself. You heard the desperate pleas of your great-uncles below you. You and your younger siblings attempted to free yourselves but the harder you tried to escape from Bill's grasp, the tighter he held onto you. Eventually, you and your siblings came to the realisation that you were not going to be freed without Bill freeing you himself. Your heart raced, your thoughts ran wild, your body was shaking intensely. The sound of your breathing picking up was only known to you, the shouts of your uncles drowning it out. Every sound inside your head came to an abrupt halt when the booming voice that belonged to Bill sounded throughout the room.
"I've got the kids~~~"
His voice had a hint of teasing to it, it made you feel nauseous. The look of horror that flashed across your uncles' faces caused hot tears to well up in your eyes.
"I think im gonna kill one of them now, just for the heck of it!"
The last part of that sentence seemed to cause time to stop. No, he couldn't do that, could he? The horrifying realisation hit you, at least one of the Pines' children would be dead in less than a minutes time.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No
Surely, he's just bluffing? He's trying to scare us, right? Your head whipped around to look at your dear brother and sister. Their expressions mirrored yours exactly.
None of you could live without one another. Especially the twins, how would Mabel be able to live without her twin brother there to warn and protect her from dangers she was too naïve to spot? How would Dipper live without his twin sister there to remind him to not overwork himself, to live in a better way? No, neither of them could live like that. But, could they live without you?
You squinted your eyes when a blinding, red light flashed throughout the room. The source of it was Bill's eye.
"Eeny. Meenie. Miny."
Symbols flashed each time a word fell from his mouth, each representing you and your siblings. First, a pine tree. Second, a shooting star. Thirdly, an angel. You were given the angel as your symbol since you were seen as the guardian angel of your siblings.
Perhaps that's why he stopped on you.
Symbols were no longer flashing, one stayed. The guardian angel. He was going to kill you. In less than a minute, you would be dead. You had no time to react before Bill snapped his finger and then,
you were dead.
Mabel and Dipper were dropped to the floor, along with your lifeless corpse. The sound of Stan and Ford's shouts rang throughout the room. Once they had recovered from the fall, Mabel and Dipper rushed to your body. Your eyes were closed, you looked so peaceful, so perfect. How could you look so perfect in a situation where its so far from perfect? Sobs fell from Mabels lips, throwing herself onto your body. Her big sister, gone forever. Dipper fell to his knees, too shocked to formulate a sentence or even a reaction. His face was blank as his chest rise and fell faster and faster, his breathing picking up rapidly. Screams and cries from Stan and Ford echoed around the room as their cage disappeared. They ran over to you faster than ever, falling to their knees the same way Dipper had.
No. No. No. How could he do such a thing? Why, why her? Why not Ford? Why not Stan? Why (Y/N)? Suddenly, a group of the townsfolk burst through the entrance, Bill too busy laughing at the sorrow he caused to notice such things. Fiddleford held the Quantum Distabiliser and fired it at Bill. Bill's form evaporated as all the weirdness surrounding everybody disappeared with Bill too. Everything was back to normal. Except, (Y/N) was gone.
The Pines' family found themselves in the woods. They ran, ran, and ran until they found your body. You were laying in a meadow, flowers surrounding your corpse, almost poetically. They fell beside your body and stared.
How could they possibly tell your parents their sweet, beloved daughter was just gone? How can they continue on, knowing that you're never going to come back? Knowing that they will never get to spend another moment in your lively presence? All they could do was cry, cry, cry.
Weeks had passed and your parents had come to Gravity Falls for your funeral. They saw it fitting you be buried here, where you spent the best summer of your life. The whole town had come in support. They hosted the funeral in that same meadow they found you in. Due to the grief, when they found you, the fact that you loved this meadow and went there almost daily slipped their mind. They found a swing you had crafted yourself on one of your trips here and surrounded it with flowers.
They buried you in that same spot they found you in, the same spot where they found you laying there with such a peaceful expression it almost made everything seem okay again.
After the funeral, the twins would visit that same spot constantly. Mabel would lay next to where you were buried and ramble about all her troubles for hours, knowing you'd be listening. Dipper would sit on the other side and write in his journal. After your passing, he had almost dedicated his journal to you. About how pretty, smart, caring and amazing you were in your life. Once he had finished his first journal about you, he dug up a small hole a few feet above where your coffin laid, and buried it there. To Dipper, he believed that burying it there would almost be like gifting it to you in the afterlife.
It had been years since your passing, all the Pines' still missed you dearly though. Not a day went by when they didn't think of you and your kind heart. Stan laid in his hospital bed, his health had been declining over those past few months. Mabel and Dipper sat beside him, the same way they did when you had died. He was dying, fast. They cried as they said their goodbyes, knowing he'd be gone soon. He assured them they'd be okay before taking his last breath. He reopened his eyes, looking towards the twins. Why couldn't they see him with his eyes open? Why were they still crying?
As he wondered these things, he saw a pale blue light in the corner, it was you.
"Long time no see Grunkle Stan."
A/N: SOBBING RN. also sorry if this isn't that great, i haven't written anything in a while but I still hope you enjoy! xx
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alex-rambles · 1 year
For personality for someone into cryptid academia, I’d say the reader be almost like dipper but sorta different? Like keeps to themselves, overall loves walking in the woods. And also thinks like ford.
Also here are pictures
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Thanks for the info! I like how there was a journal 3 in there lol. I did the Pines + Bill because i wasn't sure which characters you'd want
Gravity Falls characters with a cryptid academia s/o
🌲Your aesthetic may actually have been what caught his eye to begin with
🌲He likes it a lot
🌲Would love taking walks in the woods with you, hoping to come across a supernatural sighting or two.
🌲He adores pouring over The Journal™ with you, looking for creatures you should hunt for next
🌲Very happy to find someone who shares his interest in the supernatural and the outdoorsy stuff
🌠Supports your interest despite not sharing them
🌠Def enjoys going on hikes and nature walks with you though, and likes to listen to their stories and theories about the supernatural
🌠Even though she might call Dipper a nerd for displaying some similar traits, you're her s/o so that sibling teasing does not apply to you
🌠When you're on walks she gets distracted by cute animals so you'll probably have to either let her stare and try to pet them or attempt to reign her back in
💰Bro compares you to Ford constantly
💰Not in a purposefully mean way he just likes to tease you jokingly
💰You may end up developing a friendship with Ford after Stan introduces you to him
💰And then you and Ford continue talking
💰So he tries to get into that stuff for you
💰And buys you the clothes the match your aesthetic (only the cheap ones ofc. If he doesn't have enough he either shoplifts or steals from Ford)
✋Like Dipper, your aesthetic probably caught his eye
✋He sees something of a "partner" in you
✋He could spend HOURS talking about the supernatural with you
✋You probs find his six fingers thing cool so he feels comfortable around you
✋After all, most people bullied him for it
👁Bill is the cryptid you were looking for
👁He will explain all about his home dimension to you if you find it intriguing. If it were anyone but you'd he'd give a vague response about "liberation something something," but you're you sooooo
👁You like hiking? He'll make a mindscape hike trail for you to do together
👁During Weirdmaggedon he'll force his henchmaniacs to let you study them
👁He might make one little area of the forest normal so you can hike in the real world and obliterate anything that dares step into the area
👁In the mindscape he likes to try to scare the shit out of you with eldritch-esque creatures, but it doesn't work because a) not real, and b) you want to sTUDY tHE tHING
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piss-pumpkin · 7 months
Douce Amere (Dipper x reader)
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Reader is gender neutral( they/them, y/n)
Main cast is aged 16-17
Friends to lovers, wholesome mostly, angst comes later, ig it’s bittersweet
Updates weekly(ish)
Series playlist (if you want🥺)
Yet another series playlist 😭 (for the angst parts)
Every summer, you find yourself in Gravity Falls, and every summer you find your self pining after Dipper. But this time is going to be different. This time you’ve made a vow. This will be the summer you confess your feelings, have an epic romance, a grand adventure. For better or for worse. Occasionally for worse.
Navigate though romance! Mystery! Heartache! And the inevitability of a bittersweet ending when September comes.
🌱🌲🍄Table of contents🪻 🌲🌿
Miscommunication and makeup
“Just as friends”
Some sunny day
It doesn’t go away
The longer you wait
“I sort of like you”
How evil
Fireworks and fallacy
Way back when
The Summerween special
I hadn’t yet been played
Restless nights
Waking nightmares
Blasphemy and boiled eggs
Unfortunately for us,
We’ve got nothing but time.
“You’re the boat”
That time you died(?)
What doesn’t kill you leaves you wounded
The rest is TBA :)
🌼possibly useful information🍂
Y/n was not present during the events of the show
Y/n, despite all they’ve been told, has never seen bill
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Aesthetic divider be @/cafekitsune
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deserteye · 7 months
EPILOGUE || Unfinished Business
Waking up with a headache was new, having never experienced pain outside of inhabiting a human body.  His eyes slowly started to adjust to the bright surroundings.  Pink and blue?  Those were hues he not used to—and clouds and stars- Oh no.
Although he prayed, he did not expect an answer.  He turned around, and there it was—The Axolotl, lying over a parting in its clouds.
“Axolotl!  Buddy!  How are you-” Bill started his sentence before he was suddenly grabbed by an invisible force, and dragged to float by The Axolotl as it was staring down from the clouds, watching human children playing at a park.  “Ugh..” the dream demon groaned in his mind.
“Precious, aren’t they?  So innocent and fragile.”  The Axolotl commented.
“Disgusting..” Bill had responded.  The Axolotl laughed.
“Still haven’t learned to appreciate them?”  The Axolotl asked.
“Why would I appreciate something so.. Weak?” Bill asked in response, The Axolotl hummed, before closing the clouds and floating over to the middle of the Axolotl’s space between time and space.  The Axolotl had summoned a small, vintage white metal table with floral patterns, and matching chairs, and then a small tea set, with a matching floral tea kettle, tea cups, plates, sugar cubes, cream, and even tea biscuits.
“Sit with me, Cipher.”  The Axolotl asked.
“Do I have a choice..?” Bill asked in a sarcastic tone.
“You always have a choice in my space between time and space, Cipher.  Although, I don’t think you’d like your second option.”  The Axolotl laughed, floating over the chair in a sat position, one leg propped over the other as it was hunched over.  Bill sat in the other chair, picking up the teacup and plate, sipping it from his eye.  Delectable as always, the Axolotl was good at that.
Before it hit him.  His memories.  The Pines Family.  Six Fingers, Shriner’s, Shooting Star... Pinetree.  They had been able to defeat him by trapping him in Shriner’s head.  He was too excited to get into Six Finger’s head he didn’t even realize they pulled a simple switch on him while he was distracted.  His body turned red with anger.
“So, like I said, I didn’t think you’d like your second option.”  The Axolotl laughed.  Bill looked insulted at the Axolotl.
“Why are you laughing at the fact I nearly died!  And by the hands of- humans.” Bill shouted at The Axolotl in anger, wanting to lunge at the Axolotl, but knowing better, he didn’t.
“Because of how much you talk badly about them, you call them weak and idiotic, yet two sets of twins, two nearly at the end of their age and the other two barely starting, defeated you.”  The Axolotl giggled again.  “The others found it hilarious.” Oh great.  Others know.  The dream demon blushed angrily.
“Whatever!  I wasn’t thinking clearly!”  He defended himself.
“Like how humans do?”  The Axolotl teased him further.  Bill was fuming at this point, enough to boil another pot of tea.  “I apologize Cipher, let's get to business.”  He added, and Bill’s anger melted into curiosity.
“Business?”  The dream demon asked.
“Yes Cipher, for why I resurrected you.”  The Axolotl repeated.
“I thought it was because I asked.”  Bill pondered.
“Asked?  It was more like a begging plea.  But no.  I resurrected you because of your unfinished business with a certain Sphynx?”  The Axolotl asked with a smile but it simply made Bill fume once more.
“No.  I don’t.  All of the Sphynx’s are dead.  I made sure of it.”  Bill responded, confused, and angered.
The Axolotl tilted its head to the floor, as the clouds split, and it showed a small clearing in a pine forest.  Bill was confused, and The Axolotl laughed once more, impressed by the Sphynx’s.  The Axolotl cleared the magic dome the Sphynxs made to hide themselves from Bill.  Bill’s eyes widened.
“Once (Mother’s Name) and (Father’s Name) Sphynx saw their family was being hunted, they worked to build a barrier so you couldn’t find their family.  Especially since Mrs. Sphynx was pregnant…”  The Axolotl explained.  Bill’s body ignited into blue flames, and he threw the metal table over, The Axolotl’s magic catching everything before it made a mess.
“Does the child, have the crest.” Bill more demanded than asked, facing away from the Axolotl.
“They do.”  The Axolotl confirmed.  Bill turned around, looking up at the Axolotl.
“What do you want?”  Bill asked, he knew this had to be a trade.  Something in exchange for a second chance.  That’s how The Axolotl has always worked.
“You already know the answer.”  The Axolotl answered.  Bill scoffed.
“It's never gonna happen, Axolotl.”  Bill denied the exchange, and the Axolotl sighed.
“Cipher, you know why I ask you of this.  We’ve been warned, and yet you ignore this warning because you don’t want to change how you act.  How you rule your dimension.  And how you want to rule this one, even though you know you can’t.”  The Axolotl explained.
“We’re not even sure if those stupid rules are true!  We haven’t proven that that happens because of how we behave and work.”  Bill retorted.
“Do you want to risk it Cipher?  After how many have died?  Those who changed have lived, those who haven’t, turned to ash.  Just like they predicted.  Just like they warned.”  The Axolotl explained further.
“Here is my deal, Cipher.  I will return you to Gravity Fall, Oregon.  Your birthplace.  For you to finish your unfinished business.  Preferably the way we’re supposed to.”  The Axolotl held its hand out to Bill.  Bill looked at the hand, before up to The Axolotl.
“And what if I don’t do it the “proper” way?”  Bill asked back, almost the same way a teenager would ask his parent “Or what?”, but he was seriously asking, for his safety.  Being a king of deals, he knew to get every detail.
“Please, do you think this is the first time we’ve had this conversation?”  The Axolotl asked with a smile and a laugh.  Bill felt a shiver up his none existent spine, and he sighed, before rolling his eyes.  He took Axolotl’s hand, no blue flames ignited unlike normal.
“Wonderful!  I’ll send you down immediately.”  The Axolotl smiled, before clapping his hands once.  As all the tea stuff disappeared.  The Axolotl floated to the clouds, opening up a clearing.
“How are you going too-”  Bill started to ask before he was teleported in front of the opening, his face inches from the Axolotl. “Good luck!”  The Axolotl smiled, before flicking Bill like a bug down to earth. “Boop~”  The Axolotl giggled.
· · ─────── 𓁹 ─────── · · Next Chapter | To Be Continued...
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thequietkid-moonie · 9 months
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Naoko kirino, Yuri (Doki Doki), Shouko Komi, in a relationship with a reader who can see and talk to ghosts and other supernatural things and constantly gives them amulets for protection
S/O can see supernaturals
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Naoko, Yuri, Shouko ]
[ Gravity Falls ] [ Pumpkin Night ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Komi can't communicate ]
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hehehe I like how you think A-chan ~
can you believe that i had the same idea some time ago!? Waaaa hahaha
I hope you like it as much as I did ❤️
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Dipper Pinnes
At the start of the relasionship Dipper can be pretty awkward and nervous, even when he knows you like him just the way he is he can't help but be kinda flustered by the thought of actually being in a relationship
Sharing with you the information of the diary that he had found is really important for him, is just that he is too excited by everything that says on that diary that he doesn't really thought it could be dangerous or anything
The fact that you actually believe him about what the diary says it was enough for him to get incredibly excited and start talking non-stop about everything there is in the diary, all that he had saw and that had uncovered, he is just too excited that someone is finally taking him serious (if he already knows Standford then he will talk about everything he had teach him too), he will probably apologize and stop at some point, embarrassed for doing it
Even when he had seen a lot of strange things already he is really surprised that you had seen them too, specially since he needs the diary to get to know about all of this. Dipper will be initialy unsure and nervous about it but he slowly gets used to the idea and start to ask you a lot of things about it, he wants to know everything! since when you know the supernaturals, how did you find out, how had been your experiences with them, what you had learn from them and specially if you know things that aren't on the diary (although, that will be incredibly surprising)
If you say that you had bad past experiences with supernaturals, saying that they had put you in danger or were a threaten he is imediatly worried, he tries to ask you for more details without being pushy or potentialy trigger bad memories for you, he wants to know the details because he wants to be able to protect you if any creature tries to attack you again. In the other hand, if you say that you had pretty good experiences with them and even that you are friends with them he is really surprised, this wasn't what he expected but is way better than being in danger, that will make him really curious again, wanting to know how that could be posible
In Dipper grows a little bit of a feeling of wanting to protect you, his experiences with this kind of creatures haven't being the best, there are good times but still he can't help but worry sometimes, he tries to study the diary and be ready for whatever it can came but if you teach him how to do amulets of protection or teach him how to avoid conflict he will accept it right away, it help him feel more at easy to know that you know how to defend yourself and that he can help you too
If you gift him amulets of protection or give him advice for him to stay safe he will be pretty flustered by it, not matter if you do it just once or do it frecuently it flustered him the thought of you being worried about him and actually taking time of your day to make something to protect him (he will say a million of thanks and probably try to find something to give it to you that is as meaningful as what you gave him)
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Mabel Pinnes
Mabel is really excited to be in a relationship, is easy for her to be atracted to someone and at first it was simple atraction but as the time pass and you two get to know better the feeling grows to be stronger and more stubborn, that is how you two end up in a relationship
She likes to share everything she does with you because is what she is, she likes to drag you in her little adventures and play with you a lot, is probably that you end up covered in colors and brilliantine from time to time
Just as she loves being herself with you and drag you in what she is doing she wants for you to feel free to be your true self with her too (but sometimes she ends up hogging the time), she always asks you for your opinion and what you like and dislike, even when it doesn't seem like it she keep you in mind a lot for a lot of things
Finding out that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals creatures is pretty surprising and a little strange for her (even if you don't try to hide it normally), is something she expected from his brother but not from her partner, is strange but it won't take her much time to believe it and accept it! She actually take it pretty normal and will praise your hability if you feel insecure or uncomfortable for it
Mabel isn't too interested in knowing about the supernaturals but is totally willing to heard your stories if you want to share them with her but be ready for her doing a lot of comments and jokes about it, she may even ask the silliest things about it
If you had bad past experiences with the supernaturals or had even been in danger before she will immediatly get worried and sad, saying sorry and offering you comfort, and later she will ask his brother if there is anything she can do to help you. If you actually get along with them or even be their friend she will laugh at it, totally something she didn't expected but is amazing nonetheless
Mabel will totally introduce you to his brother and tell you about the diary and how he is amased by supernaturals too, what could lead you to spend a lot of time together, she is happy for it but it doesn't take her much time before being bothered by it and even jealous, she will try to separate the two of you to be able to spend time with both without the supernaturals things
If you ever gift her things that can help and protect her from supernatural she thanks you a lot, she find it like a pretty cute gift, even when is more probably that she doesn't fully understand for what it is, althought she probably wil ask if she can decorate it or have one full of colors and brightness (probably even do one for you in that way, imitating the one you give her, it probably won't protect you since she doesn't fully know how it works but she does it from her heart)
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Wendy Corduroy
Getting into a relationship with Wendy isn't too difficult, she normally doesn't care too much as long as she feel atracted to you, although the more time you two spend together the closer you grow and you start to be more important to her
She likes to talk to you about what she is in, she is always telling you the funny stories that she has with her friends, family and sometimes even in her work (whenever you weren't involved on the mess with them), also she likes when you tell her things of you too but isn't going to force you to talk and just wait until you want to share something with her
Its not a secret that Gravity Falls can be a really strange village although she doesn't pay much attention to those things, so the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals she won't believe you at first, she probably will only laugh and agree sarcastically thinking that you may be trying to prank her or even scare her, but as you insist or even seem serious about it she will ask you if you are actually being serious with it
Despite her first reaction it doesn't take her much time before she finally believes you, she is pretty interested in you stories about your past experiences with them, although she is pretty lay back with it too, she is really interested but if you don't feel comfortable talking about that she won't be mad or anything, she can wait until you are ready (but she will playfuly tell you that isn't fair to let her with the excitement and curiosity)
If you have bad past experiences with the supernaturals Wendy will be a little worried about you but is more focused on comforting you and promising that you don't have nothing to worry about because you have her and she will protect you from any supernatural! In the other hand, if you have good past experiences with them she will laugh at it because she find it hilarious, she will be even more curious about hearing your stories and may even ask if you could introduce her your friends
She isn't going to talk much about it, is more likely that you two talk about it if you are the one bringing up the topic but whenever you do talk about it she is paying a lot of attention, truly interested on what are you telling her (sometimes she gets distracted but tries to always put attention)
If you ever make her amulets she will find it a rather cute gesture, she will call you adorable in the moment you give it to her and will actually conserve it, she may don't carry it with her all the time but she keep it as something special for her
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Naoko Kirino
It doesn't take her much time before falling in love, and once it happens Naoko is pretty open with her feeling, she is pretty playful and affectionate with you before start dating but once you start a relasionship she becomes even more affectionate and clingy
Naoko can be pretty playful and tease you from time to time, is the way she is, however she isn't someone who judge others, she has her own bizarre liking and is seen like a weirdo for others, so she prefers to don't judge and she just accept you the way you are, besides she loves you the way you are
She has her own weird liking and she is pretty energetic, Naoko likes to drag you around whenever she is excited to do something, as well she will like to know a lot of you and probably ask you constantly about you and your opinion, so is probably that she gets to know about your hability earlier in the relasionship
When you tell her that you can see and even interact with ghosts and other supernaturals she is imediatly excited, she ask you twice only to confirm that she had heard you right, Naoko will believe you and accept you with this talent right away, she doesn't even try to hide how excited she is for all of this so there will not be the slightest doubt about she seeing you as weirdo or something
Naoko wants to know everything about it and she will ask you right away, if you don't feel comfortable or even overwhelmed by it she apologize with a smile in her face, she didn't mean to, however she will insist on hearing your stories about the supernaturals you had met, if you are hesitant to talk about it she will make efforts to make you feel comfortable enough to tell her and when you finally do it she will pay a lot of attention to what you tell her
Naoko is specially interested on the bizarre details, how they died, how was their life, how they look and if they have any power she wants to know what kind of power they have (and if she can see it it will be amazing)
If you had bad past experiences with them she will be sorry for you and a little worried, she loves all of this but if it is going to put you in danger it would be better if you two avoid it, she loves you more than those stories. In the case that you had good experiences or even get along with them she will ask even more about your experiences, she find it incredibly interesting!
Naoko wants to experience it too so she will ask you if she can see and interact with them too, if she can she ask you to please let her meet the ones you already know or that are your friends, even if she can't directly see them she will like to see you interact with them and will ask you what they are saying
If you ever gift her a protection amulet she will find the gesture rather cute and loving, she promise you to always carry the amulet with her and always tell you that it did protect her even when she has not encountered any danger or didn't even worked
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To get to be in a relationship with Yuri she had to be comfortable around you first, she suffer from a really bad social anxiety so she needs to feel calm and safe around you, once that happens is pretty obvious and even in a relationship Yuri will slowly win some confidence and will be able to express herself more
Yuri has a like for horror and bizarre things, she likes it and loves reading books of that kind however she doesn't like sharing that with all people, but since she trust you and loves you she will like to share that like with you since is important for her, she will satisfied if you just accept her but actually being interested on it or understand her liking will make her incredibly happy
Yuri isn't someone who will judge you or doubt you, specially if you accept her without asking, she feels like is only fair so in the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals and even interact with them she will accept you and won't judge, it take her a moment to fully process it and a while to get used to the idea but she assure you that she trust you and doesn't think you are weird or anything
The thought of you talking with ghosts will wander around Yuri's mind for a while before she win the courage to ask you about it, she is a little unsure if it will be alright for her to talk about it (specially is you don't talk much about it yourself) and when she finally does ask you she is really curious about it, she want to heard all you are willing to share with her
Yuri wants to heard all the stories about your past experiences with supernaturals but is a little nervous, not wanting to trigger something on you or bringing you bad memories by accident so she tries to be as subtle as posible with the topic as long as she can, until she is sure is okay for you to talk about it
If you had bad past experiences with them she will feel really bad about it, she gets nervous at the thought of you possibly being in danger and she will try to bring you some comfort, probably will try to avoid talking about it from then. However, if you have good experiences, may even having a good relationship with the supernaturals then Yuri will grow even more curious and want to heard all your stories, but will be shy while asking you about it
Yuri wants to know all you are willing to share with her, however her curiosity is really big so as she grows more comfortable and is sure it is okay she will start asking for more details, either about the supernatural or for what you felt, she may try to hide her excitment over the topic but if you know her well you can notice her inmense curiousity
If you ever gift her something like a protection amulet she will see it as a really loving gesture from you, is a really special gift for her and she tries to take proper care of it and carry it everywhere since is for protection, she really hopes she never gets into the situation where she have to use it because she doesn't want to be in danger and because she will like to keep it
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Shouko Komi
It would take while for you two to get into a relationship for how anxious Shouko is, and, also it take her a while to realice her feelings, however when you two start dating Shouko is incredibly excited, wanting to do a lot of things with you but still feel a little bit nervous
In Itan Private High School almost all the students have peculiar personalities, everyone has their own talent or unique quirks that make the school always interesting, so having a student that can see ghosts and other kind of supernaturals isn't strange to think (however it could be that people won't believe you at first and brush it off if you try to tell them)
Shouko slowly get more comfortable with you and get even excited about the idea of letting you know more about her and she getting to know more about you so from time to time she motivate you to share your thoughts and opinions with her just as she tries to do it too!
Getting to know that you can see and even talk to ghosts and other supernaturals is something completely shocking for her, it take Shoko a moment to fully process and comprehend what you had tell her and when she does she will get incredibly worried in a second, she has a lot of things she wants to ask you about it but she is too nervous
She doesn't say that she wants to know more but is pretty obvious by her body language, but all her nervousness is obvious too, she is scare about it because she immediatly think that you may be in danger or that the supernaturals threaten you somehow
If you actually had bad past experiences with them she will just become even more worried about you and probably will like to stay by your side, clinging onto you for a while in hopes that she help you to avoid it or at least comfort you. In the other hand, if you had good past experiences with them she will feel more relief about it but still it will take her a long time to don't feel anxious about supernaturals and your safety
Shouko isn't exactly excited to heard your stories with supernaturals but doesn't has the strength to tell you to don't tell her, although she doesn't mind hearing silly and even funny stories, the ones that aren't scary or about you being in danger
If you ever make her and amulet for protecting she will be between being flustered and scare, she find it a really sweet gesture but she is scare about why does she need an amulet for protection? Although, if it is an amulet more for good luck or to keep away supernaturals (because you know how anxious she gets about them) she will feel touched by the gesture and may try to make something for you too (even when she has no idea of what she could do for you)
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sivyera · 2 years
Love languages with Gravity Falls characters
ft. dipper, mabel, wendy, stan, ford
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⤷ Dipper
physical touch Dipper is very desperate for your touch. Your touch make him feel safe, warm and fuzzy inside. They are so many creatures (like Gideon ;)) who hate him and he is afraid they can do something bad to you just to hurt him. But when he have you in his arms, he is the happiest in the world.
⤷ Mabel
giving gifts Mabel is very, very creative. She loves the expression on your face when she give you something what she made. She loves how your eyes widen from joy and surprise when she give you her gift. It's always something new, she never give you same gift twice.
⤷ Wendy
words of affirmation Wendy is sometimes very stressed because of her family, job, her friends and Robbie. So sometimes she is just overwhelmed with everything and everyone. At these situations she wants to talk with you. About everything and nothing, it doesn't really matter. After a few minutes she would cry, so tell her how much you love her and that she is good enough.
⤷ Stan
acts of service Stan and you are partners in crime. You are stealing peoples money in Mystery Shack with him. He was very happy when you come with that idea. You had new plans how to take their money and Stan was just in awe.
⤷ Ford
quality time Ford is a busy guy. But he always makes sure he have at least some time for you. And that's mostly at night. Now when he have you, he is going in bed regularly. Sometimes he wants to say so much to you but when he look in your eyes he lost his words and everything he can do is admiring you.
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tobyisher3 · 6 months
Northwest and Pines
Fandom: Gravity Falls
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Quick A/n: So There is no such thing as Dipper Northwest this is just an idea I had one day. Also if you are trying to gate keep as a fan, I started watching when I was 9 when it first came out and when it ended when I was 13, it also my favorite show to this day so don’t come at me. Either way I hope you enjoy this fic!
Pair: Dipper Northwest x Gender neutral reader
Tw: Dipper's real name, not edited, and yelling.
Key: (Y/n)-Your name
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(Y/n)'s POV
"I guess I'm kinda difficult." Dipper spoke as I smiled. "You could say that." I told him with a small giggle. "Maybe I could make it up to you Pines." He spoke as I looked away and laughed ruffling my hair. "How so Northwest?" I asked as he smiled softly. "Let me take you on a date." He spoke. "Is Dipper Northwest asking me on a date?" I asked with a smirk. "I told you not to call me that! My name is Mason!" He exclaimed angrily as I chuckled at his flushed state.
"Either way isn't scandalous to ask out a commoner as a rich man yourself?" I asked and he looked away. "Money makes problems go away." He said as I smiled. "Holy shit you like me?" I asked as he let out a groan. "No I do not." He told me. "Well, I tolerate you. I'll go on this date under one condition." I told him with a smirk. "What $1000 bucks, a pony, a rare fish, fancy chopsticks, a quail-" "No wait what are fancy chopsticks?" I asked.
"Doesn't matter what do you want Pines?" He asked as I smiled. "You have to kiss me on said date, deal?" I asked and he sighed. "Well, why didn't you just say that at the beginning?" He asked and I blushed. "What do you-" He interrupted me by kissing me. Mason Northwest just kissed me. I blushed and he smiled when we pulled away. "I think I'll risk the scandal of kissing a commoner." He whispered in my ear and I hugged him. "Okay." I spoke. "Maybe I do more than tolerate you." I told him still red. "I like you (Y/n) Pines." He whispered and hugged me back.
"SEE YOU DO LIKE A COMMONER!" I yelled. "(Y/n) who's at the door?" My sister Pacifica asked. "Oh no one!" I yelled back. Dipper looked amused. "So I'm no one now?" He asked and I growled. "You are the one who left his comfy mansion to talk to me." I told him and he shooed away flys coming too close to him. "I know don't remind me." He spoke. "Oh please you just like me too much." I said. He grabbed my hands and brought out chests touching. "So what if I do?" He asked. "Mason Northwest." I spoke and he smiled. "(Y/n) Pines." He spoke. "Pick me up at 7:30, be on time." I told him and I shut the door and saw my twin sister Pacifica. "Did you just get a date with Mason Pines?" She asked and I smiled nervously. "Maybe."
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A/n: So my bf did break up with me and now I am tired and I had this in my drafts I hope you enjoyed it as much as enjoyed finishing it. I will update next month as well, but as always if you have any requests at all please request! It would mean a lot. Comment if you do have requests or send an ask! I love you all!
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yantooning · 2 years
Hi! I've been on quite the gravity falls kick lately, so it's so nice to see someone writing for that fandom!
I was wondering if you could please write some Headcanons about Ford Pines (romantic) and Stan, Dipper and Mabel (platonic) taking care of a reader who's chronically ill and/or recovering from surgery?
I just got diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and it's kinda bumming me out, and I also am prepping for a really big scary jaw surgery. In case you're wondering about symptoms and such, the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis are just a lot of pain and inflammation in my finger and knee joints - I always wear compression gloves and knee sleeves to help with that, alongside using antiinflammatory gels.
As for the jaw surgery, I won't have my jaw wired shut (thank God) but I'll still have trouble talking and will need to be on a liquid diet for awhile, as well as just being in an insane amount of pain. I imagine the Pines would come up with a 'thumbs up or thumbs down ' system for that sort of thing, and Mabel would insist on making all sorts of soft dishes herself. There would be a LOT of milkshakes and ice cream lol.
You can choose either one of these scenarios you feel most comfortable with, but I'd be ecstatic if you could do both! But I understand if that's not possible, so it's up to you. Have a great day, I'm wishing you the best hun 🥰
hi there!! id be happy to complete your request :) im chronically ill as well (i have a load of illnesses but my chronic pain stems from fibro and EDS, which is not super fun) and have had a handful of surgeries so i understand completely how it can be such a bummer!! prepare for some gravith falls lovins >:) hope your recovery goes well and everything goes smoothly for you!! wishing you sm love and care!!
ford pines x reader (romantic), platonic pines twins + stan
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general headcanons
ford does SO MUCH research prepping for surgery. like to the point of he knows more about the entire procedure + your condition and how to care for you than you yourself!
hes just so nervous even if its a low risk surgery, he just doesnt wanna see you in any pain!! hes gotten surgery before too (metal plate in his head) so he also knows a bit of what the recovery process is like.
dipper does his own research as well, not as extensive as his great uncle but enough to know what to look out for and how to care for you just in case he's needed. also so that he can tell mabel to stop doing something because lets face it she is very chaotic LOL
she means the absolute best but she's never gotten surgery nor is she chronically ill, and for someone recovering, could be a bit over stimulating.
stan doesnt do research but he DOES make the den all nice and cozy for you once youve returned from your surgery. he allows you to use the chair he normally reclines in and has a fold up table situated next to it with anything you could possibly need. he doesnt say much but he shows he cares by doing this, and you appreciate it so much
mabel sews you custom compression sleeves, socks, braces, you name it! that girl is crafty as hell and her love language is making things.
dipper isn't as creative as his sister, or crafty, but he's always offering to make med runs for you if you're too tired to go!! he likes being able to help in any way he can, and doesn't mind driving out of town to get anything you need.
ford probably figures out his own sciency or magical recipe for a topical gel for you! hes wicked smart and wants to ease your pain in every possible way he can. hes putting all of his phds to use!!!
stan also has arthritis!! a different version, but he understands your pain. he's got a load of orthopedic equipment he's happy to let you use. he knows how much of a sucker his brother is for you, and you're an important part of the family. he'll do what he can to help out!!
"We're back!" Ford's voice exclaimed from the doorway, helping you slowly walk in and sat down in Stan's recliner, which had been set up at the perfect angle for you to lay comfortably. Ford carefully helps you into the chair as two pairs of footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs (one pair running excitedly and the other walking at a fast pace).
"They're still a little loopy from the anesthesia, and can't really talk, so we'll be doing the thumbs system we talked about earlier, kids," Ford said, gently stroking your hair in a soothing manner whilst talking to Dipper and Mabel.
"I MADE YOU A GET WELL SWEATER!!! Waddles tried eating it but I made sure it was completely in tack for you when you got back!" Mabel said to you excitedly, proudly presenting her sweater. It was a red rust color, with the words "Get Well Soon!!" hand stitched to it. Sweaters were her love languahe, you had discovered while living with the Pines family (cue your closet, having its own section dedicated to Mabel sweaters).
You managed a small smile and a shaky thumbs up, and this was enough to make Mabel happily set it on the folding table next to the recliner. Dipper look like he was struck with an idea, and rushed into the kitchen, grabbing your pain medication and a glass of water.
He gently set it on the table next to you, and you gave another shaky thumbs up.
"Sorry about that, Grunkle Stan told me to set that out but I got so absorbed in the new journal," He said sheepishly, and you gave a small shrug to let him know you weren't upset.
"Ooh! That reminds me, dinner is on MABEL TONIGHT!" Mabel happily exclaimed, fist pumping the air excitedly. She was rarely allowed in the kitchen, or more specifically, near the oven. Even if she wouldn't be cooking anything, the thought of caring for someone and making them a dinner of ice cream and smoothies was very appealing to her.
At some point you had fallen asleep, Ford sitting on the couch next to you gently holding your hand. Stan had joined him on the couch while the two watched TV. Ford eventually too took a small nap on the couch while still grasping your hand.
When you awoke, it was to Mabel gently tapping your shoulder, careful not to harm you.
"I hate wake you up, you and Grunkle Ford were so cute!! It was definitely a scrapbookortunity... But I have your dinner!! Vanilla and chocolate ice cream with a strawberry banana smoothie!! Courtesy of Mabel," she added the last part with a playful wink before handing you the bowl and setting the smoothie on the table.
You could hear Stan and Dipper in the kitchen while Ford slowly woke up from his nap on the couch. He rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses before glancing at you lovingly. How you could still look so lovable after getting surgery and ravenously eating ice cream, he wasn't sure. But he loved you so much he didn't question it.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to your forehead, mumbling a small greeting against it. You slowed your eating and gave a weak smile, to which he happilt returned.
Yeah, you were glad you had the Pines while you recovered. You wouldn't have anyone else.
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Yandere! Reverse! Dipper Gleeful Headcanons
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You and your cousin, Gideon Pines, were visiting Reverse Falls when you happened to run into the Gleeful's magic show
You didn't immediately catch Dipper's attention, but your cousin sure caught Mabel's attention
Mabel went out of her way to get to Gideon, so you and Dipper were left as third wheels
He didn't mind you, but he didn't really see you as anyone important, in fact, he didn't understand why Mabel liked Gideon
Though he does end up spending quite a bit of time alone with you, even if it is awkward
At first you don't talk to each other, but that was getting to much to bare
Your father didn't like the Gleeful family, and you were at least starting to understand how it could be awkward
Dipper looks towards you, leaning on his hand, "You believe in magic?"
Your eyes widen, not expecting him to talk, "Um.. Well, I don't know."
He stands up and offers you his hand, "I can make you believe in magic."
You looked at his hand, finding this so sudden
Why was he doing this? He didn't seem social
You realize you were stalling and decided to just go for it
He takes you backstage where there was a box with holes in it
He led you toward the box and opened the door for you to enter
You didn't know if you could trust him. What if he tried to trap you? What if he locked you in and left you?
As if reading your mind, he whispers in your ear, "I promise I won't leave you. I'm going to show you a trick and you are going to be my assistant"
He pushes you into the box, closing the door on you
Then you hear it, the sound of swords
You see it get pushed in, but it didn't hit you
Then another one, which came close to your face
The box then began to spin and the door opened, but Dipper wasn't there
In fact, there was a blue light and you started walking towards it, before you feel through a hole and you were surrounded by darkness, yet again
You see some light and then you see Dipper
He grabs your hand and leads you out
"Well, how do you feel?"
"Ha, I love pretty, ditzy women"
"You think I'm pretty?"
"More like absolutely stunning"
You knew what he was trying to do, win you over, so you frowned and walked away from him
He watches you walk away, smiling, well more like smirking
"Oh, Y/n, you don't even know what you've gotten yourself into, do you?
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random fluff hcs ; dipper
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requested by ; anonymous (18/02/22)
fandom(s) ; gravity falls
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; dipper pines
outline ; “Could I request some Dipper Pines x reader fluff? Drabble or headcanons maybe?”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
holds your hand whenever he’s stressed or anxious, always feeling much safer and more confident once he’s made contact with you
he’s a terrible flirt: he stumbles over his words, turns bright red and isn’t able to look at you when he does it — but he tries his best
despite your first date being casual, he showed up in his best clothes because he panicked and wanted to make a good impression
immediately after your first kiss he just said ‘wow’ before stumbling over his words as he realised that it was a silly thing to say
will rant about magic and science for hours, explaining everything in such detail that he paints a crystal clear image in your mind
he gives fantastic massages and will over them alongside a cup of hot chocolate and some of your favourite sweets whenever you’re stressed
your contact name in his phone is ‘(name) 💙’ (he likes blue)
whenever you’re having a rough day and he can’t be there with you for whatever reason, he’ll order your favourite takeout to be delivered to your home and will send you a text saying something along the lines of ‘take care of yourself, i love you’ but in a much geekier way
incredibly sentimental and keeps every card you send him but you’ll never catch him admitting to it
sometimes when he can’t think of something sweet or romantic to say, he’ll send your message to mabel and ask her to brainstorm a response with him
you have matching couple jumpers (mabel made them, obviously)
loves going on walks with you but he also loves staying inside and either watching a film, playing a game or reading together
he wears reading glasses at night and this combined with his plaid pyjamas makes him look like a 20 year old grandfather — he says he doesn’t see it but you certainly do
he’s extremely ticklish on his neck and will try and hide in his shoulders if you try and tickle him
if you kiss him on his birth mark then he’ll turn pink and avert his gaze — he doesn’t do well with being flustered
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Yandere! Dipper x reader pt.3
Part 1
A/N: think about a year later and part three is finally out ! i’m definitely gonna expand more on this concept of Yandere Dipper just because I think the way he’d go about things is really fascinating!
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So now, you and dipper are together
this is not a good thing ( for you but you don’t know that yet )
Dipper is as calm as possible, as calm as he can be. Deep down he’s just trying to slowly pull you away from the rest of the world
he does however love being your boyfriend
he thinks he’s the luckiest person in the world and is almost always with you
when you two first start dating, he’s hesitant to initiate any sort to physical contact with you, as he still comes across as shy and awkward
deep down he’s just anxious to have you, but he’s still pretty nervous to talk to you
Nervous like, back of his pens are chewed, pencil erasers ripped off, digging his pencil into his eraser or just scribbling down random stuff in his notebook to not be so nervous
People in your school are FLOORED when they find out you two are together.
He goes through a lot to hide his obsession with you
like is truly pushing things under his bed and hiding stuff on his closet when you come over
Let’s just hope you don’t find out …
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alex-rambles · 1 year
(Doing a oneshot)
Reader is gender neutral
"Y-Y/N, are you sure you want me to do this? Wouldn't like, a professional be better?"
Dipper sweats with nervousness. He's quite happy you asked him, but what if he messes up? Hair dying, especially the permanent kind, is hard to get out and takes a long time. What if you break up with him?
You can tell he's overthinking it, so you hand him the box die with a small chuckle. "If you mess up, I'll just dye it back to my natural hair color, right?"
He swallows. "Uh, yeah!"
Mabel peaks in out of nowhere. "Dip-Dip, wash your sweaty hands! Y/N doesn't want that in their hair!"
Dipper's cheeks flush. "Mabel! Go away!"
"No way! I'm gonna take so many pictures and put them in my 'Dipper's first partner' scrapbook! Just ignore me!"
He sighs. "Fine."
He opens the dye, and adjusts your towel slightly.
"You're not wearing gloves?" you ask with raised eyebrows.
"Oh, yeah..."
He scrambles to put on the plastic gloves before he finally begins mixing the dye.
Once he has it mixed, he carefully mixes the solution with the developer, mumbling to himself.
"Alright, Y/N, let me brush your hair... There! Okay, I gotta use this paintbrush thingy, right? Yeah. Okay."
He takes small, careful bits of your hair, and dyes them one at a time.
For someone so awkward and nervous, he's extremely meticulous.
When the process is finally complete, he seems proud of himself. After rinsing, it actually looks really great. Some areas by the roots are less well done, but overall, you decide it looks great!
Mabel squeals as she takes a picture of your hair, then immediately runs away to do... something. Neither you nor Dipper know what.
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piss-pumpkin · 27 days
☕️ Unfortunately for us, ☕️
Dipper pines x reader, Douce amere chapter 17, ~6.1k words (sorry guys) Masterlist prev
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When Dipper looked at you, he saw Bill. In everything: every minute movement, every word you spoke, every breath you breathed was a reminder that he was there too. Avoidance. If not seeing you meant not seeing him, he could live with that. Maybe.
He wasn’t sure where you slept on the first night, because it wasn’t with him. That was new. He guessed you were on the couch in Soos’ break room, but he didn’t want to check. 
It was no surprise that he couldn’t sleep. He stared at the ceiling, dead tired but unable to close his eyes. Nightmares weren’t new, nor unfamiliar, but they usually only affected him when he was asleep. Now they seemed to perforate even blinks. The ceiling was old wood, a few panels with stains, and the faded finish were enough to tell him just how aged it was. The rafters were clean though, somebody must have dusted it before the summer so they’d sleep better. The walls too, all clean. Mabel’s side less so, now that he noticed. Across the room he saw the faint sparkle of glitter along the walls by the moonlight. 
He studied the room with dry eyes, blinking in moderation to avoid the dark. Or better, whenever he had to, he dug the heels of his palms into his eye sockets so the swirling colours blocked out anything his mind conjured up. Usually you were there to help with that. 
His heart ached, and a few points on his arms from where you attacked him. Where Bill attacked him, he clarified to himself. But the line was blurry. This bed was entirely too big without you there. That was almost absurd enough to make him laugh, considering it was just barely larger than a twin.
 At least you both survived. Dipper groaned, half hoping to wake up Mabel so she’d come talk to him. But she was dead tired too, and Dipper had to do this alone. Unless you were awake. 
He shook his head without realizing, his body answering that question for him; no, he can’t go see you. That might kill him faster than sleep deprivation. But you were probably up too. He knew well enough  you might be tossing and turning just below him. It was going to be a long night. 
Dipper trudged down the stairs, far too early in the morning for his usual liking, eyes to the steps to keep from tripping. But his legs were made of lead, or some heavy metal; they were completely weighing him down. Every step was a fight with gravity to stay on his feet. The good side of no sleep was his lack of brain power. He was running in survival instincts. His eyes looked down to stop from falling, his hands slid on the rail for the same, his body moved to find some sort of sustenance, and all without a single thought. Shutting those out seemed to be the best. 
Coffee. That was a good goal. Short term, easily archivable, and its accomplishment would help him greatly; it was perfect. 
He wiped his eyes as he stumbled almost blindly to the kitchen. The shack was quiet, the rest surely not awake yet. The more Dipper looked around, he realized it was still dark out. Or more like dim. A bit of dull moonlight was still shining through the windows.
The lights were on in a few rooms. Probably Mabel. Forgetful Mabel. Dipper flicked off the lights in the living room and the hall as he got closer. The kitchen light was on too. 
Dipper got to the doorframe, and froze, breath hitching in his chest. And it looked like you did the same. 
On the floor, against the cupboards, was you, sat in pyjamas, cradling a pot of coffee like it was your baby with a half full mug on the tile beside you. Your phone, noticeably on the lowest brightness, was almost slipping out of your loose grip. And Dipper wanted to look away, because it was clear you’d been crying, you wore all the telltale signs. Swollen eyelids, a little puffy, a little red. He hated noticing it. A pit formed in his stomach without a moments warning. Of course you had the same idea as him. Why not? Why the fuck not. Same brain. 
He took shaky breaths on even shakier legs. Your pupils looked normal. But knowing that meant he was looking at your wide and tired eyes as you looked up at him. It was a double edged sword. He gripped the door frame for balance. With his bad hand. He winced as his palm flew into the wood, straining the wrist that you…Bill- stepped on.
You flinched as he did. Like you could feel it from across the room. And you stared down into the coffee pot because maybe you both felt that looking at each other was painful. But Dipper didn’t have the self preservation instincts to follow your lead. It was all he could do to stay breathing. It was when you spoke that Dipper was knocked out of his head. 
“Do you..” you started, voice rough, shaky, dead tired. Probably from crying, if he had to guess. You looked up at him again, “do you want some?” You offered. An olive branch maybe. 
Yeah. That’s why I’m here. Dipper tensed, looking you over again, and turned away, half the tiredness evaporated from his body. He was almost in the shape to run. As fast as he could’ve he raced and hobbled back through the shack, back up the stairs, back into the dark room where his sister still slept. Back away. Back away. He didn’t get to see your reaction. As it should be. 
He carefully shut the door behind him, and stared at it for a few moments. You weren’t on the other side. You weren’t on the other side. Bill wasn’t on the other side. He rested his head against the door, a quiet sigh escaping his lips. You and weren’t on the other side of that door. You were downstairs, probably drinking coffee straight out of the pot, maybe crying. And he was doing nothing about that. Mabel’s soft snores grounded him to reality, at least. He could never be certain if you were on the other side of that door, or if you were Bill, but he knew Mabel was behind him. Asleep in her bed. 
He couldn’t stay here. 
He eyed Mabel, pursed his lips, and grabbed his backpack. What did he have? Laptop, a couple snacks, his journal was on the bedside table. He carefully slipped it in, zipped it up, pocketed a pen, and slung it over his shoulder. He didn’t bother getting dressed in more than his crumpled pyjamas before he left.
Down the stairs again, steadier this time. Through the hall again, more certain this time. He once looked back through the dark living room, at the light leaking out from the kitchen, and listened for the soft noises of mugs being set down, coffee swirling, phone tapping, even. He looked, listened, and turned away, straight for the door, opened and closed slowly and quietly. So nobody wouldn’t notice. 
The shack was Bill proof, meaning while you- the both of you, were inside, Bill was locked up. So it was the outside now, that was safe. Dipper started blindly to the woods without a plan, thought or trail. At least day was getting closer. The sky was lightening. Maybe there was some interesting and distracting creature that only came out at dawn that he could investigate, since he’s never up at this time. Maybe there was something new to discover out there. 
He nearly tripped on the way in. It seemed he forgot to tie his shoe. Sighing he tied it, and then started deeper into the forest. Deeper, deeper, yet deeper. A left turn, a right, a path followed, a trail created through the brush. Avoiding any clearing that resembled the one from yesterday. He didn’t know the way there, and he intended to keep it that way. 
Dipper ended up in the fantasy part of the woods, where fae folk met in tree stumps, and crystals grew and shimmered around the forest floor. But that was too obvious. To explored. The sun peaking over the horizon now, breaking through the trees. How long had he been gone? Whatever. Doesn’t matter.
He walked. And walked. And trudged and stepped and nearly tripped and did trip and stumbled and even ran at times, all away from the shack until the sun was high overhead and the afternoon was rolling along. 
But then he came to a part of the forest he’d not yet seen before. Not quite a clearing, more of a grove. The trees thinned, but the canopy let in only spots of light shine through. He couldn’t see it, but he heard a stream, maybe a river, trickling somewhere beside him. Best of all though, the grove was edged by a cliff face, with moss running down the side and a few vines. And Dipper lit up when he saw the cave. 
On the side of the cliff, was a hole. And it looked deep. And as Dipper stopped to study it from a distance, he heard little scampers and drips coming from inside, and he knew he was a goner. He pulled out his journal, pen, clicked it a few times, and started inside. 
The walls were stone, and seemed black by the dim light. Somewhere further in, Dipper barely made out the shimmer of light reflected on water, and his curiosity only burned brighter thinking about what the source could be so deep in the mountain.  The floor was rough at the entrance, but quickly smoothed the deeper he ventured in, and small streams were all leading down.
The drips and water only got louder the further he ventured in, and the light disappeared behind him. Working on instinct he slowed down, pulled out a flashlight, and cautiously continued. He wasn’t sure how this was less scary than the shack right now. But it was. This was mystery, this was nature. This was a hunt for something. Whatever that was. Dipper wasn’t sure. Either way, this was an animal urge, to find out and explore, something he didn’t need think about. A motion and routine he’d grown quite used to. This cave could have been a war zone for him when he was younger, more frightened, but today? A haven. 
The cave narrowed into one tunnel, which seemed built for him. It was… person sized, a little taller than his height. And the floor was smooth enough he needed to hold the walls to keep from slipping down the water he was forced to trudge through. It all led to the small pool. Dipper heart felt electric as he realized that’s where this culminated. He clicked the pen with whichever hand wasn’t on the smooth walls. 
The shimmer of the water drew him in, like blue moonlight shined at him. The flashlight wasn’t needed here. The tunnel widened into a… chamber, of sorts. Like a room. Maybe a temple. It seemed like one. The running water flowed all down the walls from some mysterious source far above him, but failed to flood through. 
Rabidly, he started to write. All those details. The shine, the falls, the cave itself, and he drew. Even if this wasn't magical, which seemed out of the question all things considered, it would be nice to document. Maybe he could take you here, you’d probably find it pretty. Nope. He shook his head. Nope. Don’t go there. A few lines of his drawing were shaky. 
Then something drew his attention. In the pool, more like a puddle, which marked the centre of the blue and glowy cave chamber, he saw something. More specifically, him. He saw himself, and suddenly the journal lowering to his side.
Seeing yourself in the reflection of water wasn’t abnormal, and completely divorced from paranormal. What made it odd, though, was the angle. Dippers first thought was of math. By where he was standing, the pool should not reflect him the way it did: he saw himself closer to it, as if he was knelt beside it looking in. Or… the other him was looking out. 
And this was a siren song to him. He did as he was told. He knelt beside the puddle, knees splashing in the stream, viciously scribbling notes into his journal that when he could barely read if he tried. 
The reflection smiled, and turned around, and Dipper did the same. There was nothing. Just the cave. And he could squint to see the light of the outside behind him. Nothing. He looked back, and his eyes grew wide.
The electric curiosity in his heart dissipated in a single breath. Behind the other him, was Mabel and you. You both came up behind him with lightning speed, landing and steadying yourself on his shoulders, shaking him a little. Oh god. Dippers face fell further as he watched, paralyzed. You both seemed excited, and he looked like he was laughing along with whatever idiot game you two wanted to play. Like usual. Like normal. 
He sunk further into the cave floor, his whole legs into the shallow stream. Carefully, he closed his journal on his lap, and watched. 
Stan and Ford made an appearance too. Ford came up beside Mabel and started excitedly explaining something to her, surely. He knew that face on him, that was what Ford looked like when he was proud, maybe had a brilliant idea, or maybe a stupid one. The kind of idea Mabel would love. And Stan spoke to you, like he was telling you a joke, or maybe you did something to make him proud, too. In his annoying Grunkle way, he ruffled your hair. 
What was this? The pool seemed to entrance him, and he had the good sense to notice. He jerked his head away and stared at the wall for a moment before anyone else could make an appearance. What is this place? He, slower this time, made note in his journal. This was weird. A mystery. Isn’t that what he came for? To solve some problem, investigate something crazy? 
He looked back. The scene was nearly the same. Just… his family. He ignored he pit growing in his stomach for the second time that day. He swallowed, and something tasted like burning. Maybe it was his heart in his throat. They all looked very happy. 
With curious and careless hand, he reached out, and touched the water. The touch felt electric. Static. He pulled his hand away with apprehension. 
The touch was short, barely broke the surface, but the ripples washed the image away completely, and he was alone again. And the drips and running water felt so much louder, even if his heart pounded in his ears. What just happened? 
He blinked. Maybe this wasn’t a mystery he wanted to solve today, actually. If nothing else, it reminded him; maybe he should be somewhere else, right now. 
He stood, suddenly remembering his legs were drenched, and cringed. There were things in that reflection that were impossible. He thought again of you, and shook his head more violently this time. But there are places he should be. People he could talk to. Sighing, he left the cave. 
The sun was actually low, maybe a few hours from setting when he got back. There were horrors in that shack. He stood outside a moment. He could avoid the horrors. He could. If he was lucky. 
When he stepped up to the door, he didn’t get the chance to open it. Before he could react, it sprang open and out jumped Mabel, straight into a tackling hug. The wind was halfway knocked out of him, but he smiled. Maybe even laughed through wheezing as she practically squeezed the life out of him.
”Broooooo,” she said. Not a coherent thought, but maybe they had twin telepathy, because he understood it perfectly.
“I knowwww,” he groaned, wrapping his arms around her. He didn’t realize his knees were starting to give in until she adjusted to hold his weight better. 
Once again, more melancholic this time, “Bro,” she said. 
“Yeah,” he moped. Yeah. This did suck. And he didn’t know how it happened, or why, or how, and he bailed on them today. But he had to do that. “Right?” He laughed. Mabel would understand.
She groaned, slightly too loudly into his ear, and he winced. “Come on, they’re by the exhibits with Grunkle Stan,” she said, slowly letting go of him so he could regain his balance. “And tonight’s a scary movie marathon of only crappy sequels.”
Dipper thought a moment, mostly about nothing, and then nodded, following behind her. He shut the door as he passed though. Bills in this house. He shook his head. Nope. Don’t go there. 
The shack was a comfortable quiet. The dull hum of electronics offered a warm buzz to keep silence at bay. And the closer they drew to the living room, the more the sound of the tv covered even that. And when he sat on the couch, he could imagine things were normal, even though he hadn’t bothered to change into dry clothes. Like the reflection. 
He and Mabel talked a little. About regular things, mostly. And he was tired enough for the nightmares to barely touch him before he fell asleep. 
Bill Cipher. Dipper pines. His sister, friends, you, weirdmageddon. Hands around his neck. Your hands, this time. Not Bills. Flashes of unfortunate images blended with even worse memories played on repeat and burnt themselves into his brain.
Dipper shot up with a gasp, hands flying to his throat as he inspected it frantically. He could feel his pulse hammering just from a touch on his neck, and he couldn’t tell if the sweat was on his hands, or just his whole body. A single wipe of his brow revealed it was the latter. Holy shit. On instinct, his shaky hand patted the bed beside him. It was empty. Shit. He fought the instinctual thought that you might be dead.
He shuddered, curling his legs up close to him. Even if it was empty, he couldn’t tear his hand away from your spot on the mattress. Fuckkkkk. Breathing. Breathing. Deep breaths. Shaky breaths he tried to steady. Mabel was still asleep across the room, lightly snoring. He didn’t need to wake her. But it didn’t stop him from glancing over, which quickly devolved into staring. Her breathing seemed a lot easier than his. 
How much more of this did he have to survive? 
That morning he found you in the kitchen again. The same as yesterday, alone on the floor with your coffee, cup, and puffy eyes that looked up at him widely.  At least this time he was desensitized. Instead of flinching and buckling in terror, he simply turned and walked away before… either of you could speak.
God, of course you were there. You really did have the same brain. Same as yesterday. No coffee for Dipper, because he was headed as far away from the kitchen as possible, stumbling through the living room with blurry vision, flushed face, shit he was totally crying. Or… almost crying, at least. He sniffled, blinding himself even further by eyes the ceiling to stop tears from falling. Because fuck that. 
He hit the wall with his shoulder on the way upstairs to his room.
”Bro,” Mabel said as he stepped in. She was sitting up in her bed, eyes bagged and tired. “Dipper.”
“Oh sorry,” he murmured, wandering back to his own mattress. “Did I wake you?” 
As he sat down, he heard her sniffle, and whipped his head around to see her sleepily trudging over to him, one of her stuffed animals hanging in her arms. She practically fell into the bed beside him as she sat down, and wiped her face on the sleeve of her nightgown, “Dip, are you alright?” She asked, voice tired and rough. “I didn’t get to ask you yesterday.”
She did?  Well, kind of. They talked last night. Maybe no about… that. But close enough. Dipper pursed his lips. Guess checking in wasn’t a terrible idea. “I’m whatever,” he sighed, wrapping an arm around her. He sighed again staring at her bed. All her stuffed animals and plushes were near the headboard, rather them spread down the side with a few at the foot. All bunched up near where her head and arms would be. Guess she needed all the support she could get. “Hey, Mabel,” he started, turning back to her. “Awkward sibling hug?”
She nodded, “yes please.”
Dipper blinked, and realized he was barely crying now. He won, the tears didn’t fall. He turned, and wrapped his sister in his arms as she did the same, neither letting go for a good minute. Her hair tickled his face a little, and somehow that got a half smile out of him. 
“Dip, do you think we’re gonna have to like-“ she paused, presumably to think. “-go through all that again?”
He was glad his head was still resting on her shoulder, because she couldn’t see the way his face fell. “I don’t know,” he admitted honestly. “I think… we have things under control for now, though.”
Her arms never loosened around him, and he could feel her chin move with her words, “Yeah.” She snorted a laugh, and Dipper smiled just slightly hearing it. “That unicorn hair just keeps coming in handy, huh?”
Dipper smiled, and moved his head to try and escape her hair, “yeah, you did good with that one.”
Mabel nodded, and held on a little longer, and then her arms slackened. “Pat, pat,” she said softly, patting his back before he let go. Dipper smiled, doing the same to her. Mabel Mabel Mabel. At least she was alright. She kicked her feet off the side of the bed idly, “Hey, you guys have another thing in common now, I guess,” she said.
“Pfft,” Dipper couldn’t help but scoff. She was right. And he hadn’t thought of that. “Yeah,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Yeah.”
“Are you gonna talk to them?”
”No,” he said. 
Mabel nodded silently, and Dipper couldn’t read her face. “Are you gonna talk to Grunkle Ford?”
He hummed. That, he wasn’t sure. He probably should. Ford might have a plan, or know what to do. “Maybe,” he muttered, nodding along to himself. “Maybe later.” He wasn’t sure whether he wanted later to be the next minute, or never. 
Another day. Another nightmare. Another early morning, maybe night, actually, where with hushed feet he made his way downstairs trying not to wake anyone. This time for real, this time maybe he could do it. Get the coffee. The more he imagined it the more it seemed like nectar of the gods, maybe the one thing that could cure him.
He managed just slightly more sleep though, small victories. It was basically sunrise when he made his journey downstairs this time. There was just enough light spilling in from the windows that he didn’t notice the light from under the kitchen door. 
You startled him less the third time. Instead of a flinch and a jump, or an instinct reaction to flee, he decided to think. It was you and your coffee pot again, but you were laying with your back on the tile, staring at the ceiling before he walked in. Normal pupils. Blotchy face and puffy eyes. Just like yesterday. He winced as he saw. Don’t go there. 
You were a coffee hog. And you were looking up at him, like a deer in headlights. Like he’d caught you. 
He could survive. He could survive this, and survive that look. He eyed the coffee pot resting on your chest to get away from your terrified stare. It was looking like he’d fail his mission again. 
“Do you… want some?” You asked, with all the same living tenderness and ragged sadness as last time. And Dipper had to steel himself, leaning against the doorframe with his forearm this time to avoid hurting the bruise on his wrist. 
His eyes darted around as he looked at anything but you. Your stained coffee mug was on the ground beside you, still. A few cupboards were ajar, the rows of cups peeking out at him. The sugar was left out, as with a cooking pot. God, you were everywhere. There wasn’t a place he could look in this kitchen where he wouldn’t see you.
So he met your eyes. “Y/n,” he started, surprising himself with the steadiness of his voice. “Can I have the kitchen tomorrow?”
The question was almost funny. Like you two were divorced parents and he was fighting for custody of the room. You both seemed to love it, and it couldn’t be shared. The concept could’ve been funny if it didn’t make his heart burn and leave a bitter taste in his mouth. 
You nodded, looking at the white tile floors instead of at him. 
Okay. He sighed, nodding to you before leaving. Okay. Coffee tomorrow. After all this time. He walked aimlessly outside, sitting on the porch, and resting his head in his hands. God, were the two of you just stuck? He needed that coffee more than you, he really did. You should be fine without. 
Dipper rubbed his temples. Don’t go there. But really though, what right did you have to be in such bad shape? Why were you still so shaken up. Shouldn’t that be reserved for the rest of them? Who actually lived the apocalypse? Ugh stop. He shook his head. He knew better than most being possessed wasn’t fun. You could have the coffee today, that was fine. Tomorrow was his day. He might die without it. 
His thoughts seemed to ring true. He would die without it. That night, after avoiding people, doing a little seething, he had some of the worst nightmares yet. They all ended with his whole arms black and blue instead of just the wrist. And with several other people looking the same. Except you. Never you. You weren’t on the receiving end of anything like that. Your most striking feature was Bills manic smile, that you wore far too well, and that was practically burned into his brain. His subconscious seemed to love the image. And instead of reaching for your spot on the bed he just got up and left, brow furrowed. Coffee. 
Oh god. His face fell into a scowl when he saw the light shine under the kitchen door. Not again. 
Dipper sighed, hand clutching the doorframe. Same as always. Every fucking morning. He asked, but here you still were, same as always. Dipper never imagined he’d get used to the look of you crying, but it was getting far too familiar, and he was getting far too desensitized.  “Y/n,” he said lowly, blinking long and slow. He took a deep breath before he spoke. He loved you. He loved you, he thought. Just to remind himself. “Y/n, do you really have nowhere better to be,” he said, gesturing at your spot on the floor. Every single time, right there. Sulking. He could feel his voice raising, almost against his will, “-Then right here, every morning.” 
Like there was no escaping you. First in his dreams, and now this. His hand was shaking. Legs too, oh boy! He gripped the door frame harder, to steady his hands and his balance. He loved you. And he wasn’t looking at Bill. “I asked you yesterday,” he said glaring at the floor. 
As much as he tried to avoid seeing you, perceiving  you, he couldn’t help when you spoke. Eyes to the tiles. Eyes to the floor. You sniffed, voice shaky and soft, maybe even raw. Unlike how Dipper had ever heard you before all this. But it was a voice he was getting used to, “What?” you asked. 
He clenched his fist, digging his nails into his palm until he broke the skin. Oh, fuck you. No. He could not do this. You only needed one word, one was all it took, and it felt like a stab wound. Or so he assumed, he’d never been stabbed. And he couldn’t resist a bit of torture, so he looked up at you, and that was a twist of the knife. He clenched his jaw. This is so stupid. “Can you just-” he shook his head, trying not to glare at you. “Can you just give me the kitchen?”
You sat there a moment, barely reacting, reminding him slightly of a wet kitten. “I-“ you started, staring up at him, then looking down at your coffee pot. Shakily, you stood up, and placed it on the counter behind you. “Okay,” you practically whispered. 
You stood awkwardly a few feet in front of him, and he realized he should probably step aside. You didn’t meet his eyes when he did, and he was half glad. He might die if he saw them up closer, more detailed. They might seem sadder. “Y/n,” he sighed. “Can you… not be in here, tomorrow morning?” He asked, “please?”
You nodded, and left behind him, and the kitchen was empty. Your cup still say on the ground where it was beside you. The coffee pit was still half empty. Dipper sighed, completely alone. At least he had coffee. It didn’t taste as good as he’d hoped. Nothing like nectar if the gods.
What did you have to cry about? He shook his head. Don’t go there. No but really, though? You got yourself into this. You were the one who brought Bill here. It’s not like you’d ever met him before, it’s not like you had any… experiences… the way he did. Or any of the others, really. Did you even know what was at stake? You never lived the apocalypse. You didn’t have to survive that. So why were you so fucked up about this? Shouldn’t it be him crying on the floor, if anyone? 
But no, here he was having to drink the coffee you brewed, keeping his shit together, mostly, while you were… that. Why did you have to bring him into this god damned Shack? He stared bitterly into his cup, and swirled the coffee around. It was lukewarm at best. 
If only, what? If only he was with you when you found him? If only he noticed sooner? If only you had the common fucking sense to say something? Bill could’ve tricked you. But you could’ve said something. If only you didn’t find him. If only you did anything different. If only you weren’t in the woods that day? If only you were anywhere else. Like if you never came to Gravity Falls.
His gaze softened. Even in his head he was going too far. Was he? Is the world gonna end because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time? Or because he didn’t tell you enough? You should have had the common sense to tell somebody about a statue in the woods. You weren’t an idiot. Or so he thought. And suddenly he was right back to glaring at his mug. And yours, which he didn’t bother to pick up from the floor.
He knew better, maybe. He knew Bill tricked people, and he knew you weren’t stupid. And he knew you probably felt… some pretty strong emotions, right now. But what the fuck did you have to cry so hard about? 
Don’t go there. Just don’t. At least he had the kitchen to himself for a while.
Again. Again, again again. He asked, again. And you didn’t listen. Again. On the floor of the kitchen, just like yesterday, just like the day before. Felt like fucking forever. Like you and him were stuck in that god damn kitchen, trapped by his early morning want for coffee and your inability to sulk anywhere else, with your half empty pot of coffee, and similarly stained mug. Every god damned time. How many days had it been? It all seemed to blend together. But the moral was: who in gods name were you still a wreck like this?
“Y/n,” Dipper started, running his hand through his greasy hair, catching on the tangles from days without brushing it. And he thought briefly about how on a normal day you might run your fingers through it, or at the very least spray him in the face with dry shampoo to tease him. And the more he thought of that the angrier he got. He took a breath. Breathe. “Y/n,” he said, hands shaking. “Come on.”
You looked up at him, face blotchy from tears, presumably. With a ragged and throaty voice, “What?” you asked. And he was forgetting you could sound any other way. 
What do you mean, what? Get out. Of the stupid fucking kitchen. He deserved that. He deserved to go get coffee. “Why,” he said, taking a breath. Breathe, breathe, breathe. “-Why are you here?” He was talking with his hands now, gesturing wildly at you with each word, however shaky he might be. 
“I-“ you started, hand halfway reaching out, then retracting to the safety of the handle of the coffee pot. You had a wide eyes, sad eyes, tired eyes, wild eyes, and Dipper winced as he saw the little red veins around your pupils. Your throat still scratched with each syllable, “I wanted coffee.”
Oh fuck off. He was shaking his head now, and his hands were still because they were balled into fists at his sides. “Y/n, fuck off,” he said, voice getting louder. And suddenly it was all rushing to the surface, and his body was moving on its own. He stepped forward pointing at you, and you reacted like it was a spell, shrinking into the floor and the cupboards. “You fucking brought Bill back,” he started, stepping again. “And you didn’t tell me anything until it was too late. Then you did this,” he yelled, joking up the fading yellowish and purple bruise on his wrist. Even after days of fading it still looked sickly. 
It’s not that he didn’t notice your face falling, as you clutched the pot like a lifeline, it’s that he wasn’t done. “And for some fucking reason, after all that,” he spat. “You’re incapable of doing the one thing I ask, the one thing.” 
You stuttered, speech choppy, “What… did you,” you cleared your throat, “ask?”
What did he ask? Dippers face scrunched as his hands fell. “Yesterday,” he said simply and lowly. “And the day before, I think.”
You blinked, looking once at the floor before back at him, still and silent as a statue. 
“I asked you to stay out of the kitchen,” Dipper snarked, standing over you. But his anger was dissipating and his confusion growing. Did you really not remember? That was worrying. Was Bill still in your head? No that was impossible in the shack. Memory loss of some kind? That seemed most likely. Trauma induced? Mental or physical? Either from when he hit you in the head, or it was mental state induced. Were you that dramatic? Don’t be mean. 
“You-“ your feet were retracting as you curling further into yourself. “You didn’t ask me anything yesterday,” you mumbled, staring into your coffee pot. 
You quickly tensed, eyes darting back to him, “-that I remember,” you added quickly. “I-I know I was… out, yesterday.”
What? What was your angle? That’s… “What?” 
You pursed your lips, and swallowed, eyes falling back to the floor. “Well, I was…” you trailed off, thumbing the coffee pot. “I wasn’t me.”
”That was like, days ago,” he spat. And then paused. And paused. And then looked. At you, at the coffee pot, and the mug beside you. Okay. At first, there was no thought, just an empty brain staring at a cup. Alright… 
You said something, but Dippers brain was starting to move again, and it seemed to tune you out. Why didn’t you remember, and why did you never learn? And why did you think… that was yesterday. Okay. Alright. 
Without another word, he turned around and left, headed upstairs, and shook Mabel awake. She was tired, dazed, and confused, but she answered his question: what was yesterday. 
Well shit. Her too. And Dipper came to the conclusion that he might be the weird one, and he might be in a timeloop.
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Guys I’m sorry. This is a two parter too that’s the worst part. These two chapters almost killed me. So god Damn long and a fuckimg doozy 😭
I got to like 4K words and realized I hadn’t covered half the stuff I wanted to.
Also I got real sad again around the time I wrote this, can you tell 💀
Taglist: @dead-esque @cipheress-to-k-pop
40 notes · View notes
deserteye · 1 year
CHAPTER ONE ;; Return to the Falls
"It's only been six years since you've been to Gravity Falls, it's fine-!"
"Dip, you're mumbling to yourself again."
Mabel commented, lightly pushing my shoulder.
"Oh, shit- Sorry,"
I laugh nervously, rubbing my wrists.
"You're anxious over nothing Dipping Sauce, it's just the old gang! We saved the world together, it'll be fine."
She reassured. We were about maybe 6 minutes from the stop in Gravity Falls, and it'd been six years since Weirdmageddon. We just graduated Highschool and decided to start our first summer out of school back at Gravity Falls. Mabel kept in contact with Grenda and Candy, and I had Wendy's phone number, but I was always too scared to start a conversation. Mabel says I need to just 'talk to her like a normal person' the same way I did in person, but it's, different, I guess.
"Dipper! It's the sign!"
Mabel jumped in her seat and pointed at the old 'Gravity Falls' sign. I smiled and tried relaxing. While going to high school, I got recommended to a counselor for my apparent social anxiety, which I had no idea I had until someone brought the idea to mind. I've found a few coping mechanisms for my anxiety, and currently, none of them were working for this anxiety.
"Last stop, Gravity Falls."
The bus driver called, and Mabel leaped from her seat, grabbed her suitcase and backpack, and ran out the door, Waddle following close behind her. I picked up my bag and suitcase as well, following her close behind with nervousness running down my spine.
I walked out of the bus to see Mabel group hugging Grenda and Mabel, and being greeted by Grunkle Ford and Stan, Soos, and Wendy.
"Hey, dude,"
Wendy called, grabbing her hat off my head and putting my old pine tree hat back on my hat, pushing the brim of it which pulled a laugh from me.
"Hey, Wendy."
I smiled and blushed awkwardly, putting my hands in my pockets.
"Dude, you hit a huge growth spurt."
She laughed, and Soos stood next to me for comparison, I was almost as tall as him.
"Dude, you're almost as tall as me!"
He commented, smiling and I laughed in response.
After our little meeting, we decided to walk back to the shack, just to view the changes in town, and see old friends. While walking, there was a new face spotted leaving a grocery store, waving bye to the owner. Around Y/H (Your Height), and S/C (Your Skin Color), they wore a C/C (Color of Choice) sweater and jeans, with a ruby pendant.
"Woahh, who's that cutie?!"
Mabel called out, guess they caught both our eyes. Figures. I discovered I was probably bi in high school, Mabel of course, being omnisexual, was more than supportive, which didn't really surprise me since she cut my hair and helped me bind my chest whenever I found out I was trans. She had way more luck with guys and gals, however.
"Oh, yeah, that's Y/N Sphinx. They don't come into town much."
Wendy explained, putting her hands in her pockets.
"Yeah, they're some kinda hermit, back when I lived here I only saw them out like, once."
Grunkle Stan added, humming suspiciously.
"So, do they not have any friends?"
Mabel hummed sadly.
"No, we have even tried befriending them, and they do not seem interested."
Candy commented, and I noticed Mabel get a sparkle in her eye.
"Mabel." I said sternly,
"Common Dipper! They need a friend!"
She cried.
"Can we at least go put out stuff in the shack-?!"
I plead before she ran off saying "Nope!" in response, and I chased after her, crying out to her.
"Finally done with groceries.."
I sighed, thinking to myself, before looking over my grocery list quickly and humming, putting it in my jean pocket, and I continued walking. I was never a fan of socializing or being out in the town, nothing against the townsfolk. Lazy Susan was a sweetheart, and funny enough Tyler Cutebiker, now Mayor Tyler Cutebiker, and I got along pretty well, I just always kinda got drained from talking to almost anyone besides forest creatures.
"Hey, hey, heyyy!"
I heard someone call out to me and I turned around, stopping in my tracks and looking at the brunette girl who approached me, wearing a pink sweater, and a very similar boy following behind her, having to lean down and take a breath.
"Um- Hi- Can I help you-?"
I asked nervously.
"Hi! I'm Mabel, Mabel Pines, and this is my brother! Dipper!"
Mabel responded, introducing the two of them. She put her hand on her brother's back, patting it while he struggled to breathe. I smiled nervously, laughing lightly at Dipper's struggle for breathing.
I could instantly tell their dynamic, Mabel is the heart and Dipper is the brain, Mabel probably drags them into chaos all the time. I really gotta write that dynamic sometime..
"Hi, I'm so sorry about my sister,"
Dipper apologized, standing up to his full height, he's much taller than I thought- He coughed nervously, putting his hands in his pockets and avoiding eye contact.
"Oh, you're alright- You said 'Pines' right-? Are you related to the Mystery Shack guy?"
I asked, being polite.
"Yeah! He's our Great Uncle Stan!"
Mabel smiled, placing her hands on her hips.
"Oh, cool-! So, can I help you with anything-?"
I smiled nervously, not sure what to do.
"Uhh nope! I just wanted to say hi and compliment your sweater!"
Mabel added, having a bit of a jump in her step.
"Oh, I see- Thank you, my sister made it for me."
I laughed awkwardly, holding my grocery bags in both hands in front of me. We stood in awkward silence for a moment, clearing affecting Dipper and I more than Mabel, before I broke it.
"Well, thank you-! It's been a pleasure but I should be off, uh bye-!"
I stammered quickly before walking off around the corner. Once I got around the corner I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
The twins stood there, Mabel and Dipper looking at each other in confusion about the sudden hurry to leave.
[A/N: bit of an extra long chapter since it's a bit late! ^^']
· · ─────── ·⃤ ─────── · ·
Next Chapter | CHAPTER TWO ;; That Old Statue
Last Chapter | PROLOGUE ;; An Axolotl's Assignment
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