#nb reader
anonymousewrites · 21 hours
Nature of the Human Soul Pride Special 2024
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
            “Angel! Husk! Vaggie! Alastor!” Charlie rounded the corner and ran towards her fellow adults in the hotel. “Disaster!”
            The others all looked at Charlie in confusion.
            “Oh, boy, what is it gonna be this time?” said Angel.
            “Nothing that I’m going to be a part of,” muttered Husk.
            The last time Charlie had looked this freaked out, she had learned that all the dances she knew from Earth were out of date and forced all of them to teach her the latest dances (only to then learn that Vaggie had died ten years before (Y/N), and (Y/N) wasn’t exposed to modern media so she was still behind).
            “Babe,” said Vaggie, grabbing Charlie by the shoulders to steady her. “Calm down. Tell us what’s wrong.”
            While Angel and Husk attempted to stand and sneak away, Alastor began to melt into the shadows.
            “It’s about (Y/N)!” said Charlie.
            Angel and Husk froze, and Alastor instantly reformed. Vaggie tensed.
            “What about (Y/N)?” said Alastor, tilting his head. His wide smile was frozen on his face, but Husk took a careful step back at the sharpness of the expression.
            “I was talking to them about the party my dad held for me last week because he learned that I liked girls and guys, and they looked confused! They had no idea it could be something celebrated!” said Charlie.
            “Babe, in most of our lives it wasn’t something people could talk about,” said Vaggie. “I mean, I died when LGBT people were starting to be able to marry.”
            “Yes, but (Y/N) thought people who were queer were in Hell because they were queer! They thought they were in Hell partly because of that,” said Charlie, anguished.
            “…They think that about themself?” said Angel, frowning and glancing at Husk.
            Husk sighed. “They have made some comments like that. I think they were raised religious and were pretty controlled.”
            “So (Y/N) thinks they’re a bad person?” said Angel. He frowned. “They’re like…the best of us outside of Charlie.”
            “They are in Hell for a reason,” said Alastor. He grinned. “Pretending they’re helpless doesn’t help them.”
            Husk scowled and rolled his eyes. “They’re strong, but they’re still a kid.”
            “They’re in Hell, but not for being queer!” said Charlie. She looked at Vaggie. “We need to make sure they know that!”
            “Hey, babe, relax.” Vaggie smiled and took Charlie’s hands. “If you’re that worried, we can talk to them.”
            “We have to do better than that,” said Charlie fiercely. Everyone exchanged looks. That meant they were about to be dragged into one of Charlie’s ideas.
            “Is it too late to escape?” muttered Husk.
            “Probably,” said Angel. He offered Husk a smile. “But it’s for (Y/N), so I can put up with it.”
            “Is everyone ready?” said Charlie, bouncing around.
            “After all the hours we put into decorating? We better be,” sighed Husk.
            The entire foyer was covered in rainbows and sparkles. In typical Charlie fashion, she had decided to go as dramatic as she could. She had also forced outfits or at least pins onto everyone in the hotel.
            Husk had a bowtie in pansexual colors, Angel Dust had a crop top that said “I <3 Gay People,” Vaggie had a dress with lesbian colors, and Charlie had a bisexual flag wrapped around herself. Charlie had tried to approach Alastor with an aroace pin, but Alastor had been confused, and, since no one wanted to be the one to explain to him what it meant, they had decided to back off. Finally, Charlie had gotten nonbinary and aroace flags for (Y/N). She was really excited to help (Y/N) be prouder in who they were. Seriously, she was vibrating in excitement.
            “We’re back!” said Rosie, who had taken (Y/N) out shopping as a ruse to have them leave the hotel (as soon as Charlie explained what she wanted to do for (Y/N), Rosie had been on board).
            “I feel like I’ve been through Hell,” groaned (Y/N), holding a bunch of bags from their excursion with Rosie.
            “It was for a good cause,” said Rosie, patting their roses affectionately. She took the bags and put them down. “Fashion and fun.”
            “Surprise!” Charlie threw confetti in the air and turned on the rainbow disco ball.
            (Y/N) stared at the decorations and their friends. A banner read “Happy Pride,” and everyone was dressed in fun outfits.
            “Um, what?” said (Y/N).
            “Welcome to our Pride Celebration!” said Charlie eagerly.
            “We’re already in Pride Ring,” said (Y/N), confused.
            “This is for being queer, kid,” said Angel, laughing.
            (Y/N) frowned. “Okay…”
            Husk rolled his eyes and got to the point so that (Y/N) didn’t keep beating themself up. “You’re allowed to be queer. Whatever shit your parents told you, that is not part of the reason you’re in Hell.”
            “It isn’t?” said (Y/N) uncertainly.
            “That would be silly nonsense!” said Alastor, laughing wildly. “The fact that you believed that is amusing! Honestly, if that was why people were in Hell, we’d be even more overcrowded than we are.”
            Vaggie winced at Alastor’s terrible explanation. “What he means is that we did other things to end up in Hell. None of them revolve around our gender or who we’re attracted to.”
            “So don’t think that about yourself!” said Charlie, hugging (Y/N). She flung the flags around their shoulders. “You don’t have to have a gender, and you don’t have to be into anyone, and that doesn’t make you a bad person!”
            “No, you’re in Hell because you killed people!” chirped Alastor.
            Angel winced, and Vaggie groaned.
            “Alastor…” said Charlie, coughing.
            Alastor waved a hand. “They know it’s true!”
            (Y/N) cleared their throat and nodded. “I’m here for a reason.” They smiled at the others. “But…I guess it’s not for being myself.”
            “There you go, little sprout,” said Rosie fondly, smiling. “Now, let’s go celebrate who you are.”
            (Y/N) smiled. They actually had a family now. They could be themself, and they didn’t have to feel guilty. Well, they still felt some shame, but religious guilt was hard to get rid of. (Y/N) could work on it, though. It would take time, but, hey, they were in Hell for eternity. They had nothing but time.
            (Y/N) smiled as their friends danced to music. They hung back, still slightly overwhelmed at everything, but they were happy. After their life, they had a lot of unhandled guilt regarding aspects of who they were and the…situation they lived in during their mortal life, but having this, having their friends. It helped (Y/N). It made them feel whole.
            (Y/N) wrapped the flags tighter around themself.
            “Not enjoying the party?” Alastor appeared beside them.
            (Y/N) smiled. “I am. I’m just taking a break from the energy. Charlie has a lot of it,” they chuckled.
            “Hm, yes, I don’t understand why she put this on, but it was entertaining to see everyone working so hard for some rainbows!” said Alastor.
            “It was nice of them,” said (Y/N). “I mean, I always thought I was strange in life for not feeling like I connected to the, uh, boxes people put me into. Gender and liking people and stuff.”
            “That stuff is all nonsense,” said Alastor. “Acting like anyone really wants to be around anyone or be anything is silly.” He laughed. “But my oh my is it amusing to watch people try to fit those roles when you can just…not.” He grinned.
            (Y/N) smiled slightly. Alastor had an interesting perspective on things, but he was supportive. He might be old-fashioned, but he wasn’t homophobic or transphobic.
            “I don’t like being pushed into roles,” agreed (Y/N).
            Alastor’s smile widened. “Good. I don’t want my protégé fitting a mold.”
            (Y/N) smiled again, and on the edges of the room, lavender flowers bloomed.
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defectivevillain · 2 days
shivering in the absence
pairing: Dylan Lenivy/Reader
The reader is implied to be transmasculine/nonbinary & has undergone top surgery. Otherwise, no pronouns or physical descriptors are used; race is ambiguous.
summary: “Were you really going to take your shirt off?” Dylan asks, averting his eyes. You get to your feet and take a sip of your water, pretending not to feel flustered by the question. “Did you want me to?” You counter, sounding much more composed than you actually are.
word count: 3.2k | ao3 version
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author's notes: So I was watching Friday the 13th and came up with this… then I realized the character I wrote it for was pretty much unimportant… and so this happened. (Hence the Friday the 13th tag) …No horror elements are in this, though!
warnings: stripping/changing clothes, implied hypothermia
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“I hate Monopoly,” Abi sighs. 
You nod in sympathy. Abi, Dylan, Emma, and you are all cooped up in Dylan’s cabin for the night. It’s one of the last days that the counselors will remain at Hackett’s Quarry, before you all leave for the summer. The four of you had planned on meeting up before rejoining the rest of the counselors at the fire pit outside, but the unexpected rainstorm that came curbed those plans—leaving you somewhat stranded in Dylan’s cabin. 
“Well, you’ve never played strip Monopoly, have you?” Emma grins, breaking you out of your thoughts. Abi, Dylan, and you exchange looks. Emma notices and sighs. “Come on. It’ll be fun. Besides, it’s terrible outside.” You follow her gaze to the open window across the room. Indeed, there’s a steady rain coming down now. There were a few thunderbolts, but nothing too serious. Unfortunately, returning to your own cabin would mean getting your clothes soggy and drenched. Safe to say, you’re stuck here—and stuck playing strip Monopoly to pass the time. 
“Fine,” you acquiesce. Dylan and Abi follow your lead and surrender too. Emma really is too stubborn for her own good—there’s no way you’d be able to get out of this one. There are just some battles you can’t win, and strip Monopoly isn’t that laborious of a task. It’ll be more embarrassing than anything else. “How do we play, though?” You ask. 
“We strip,” Abi responds with a deadpan voice. Dylan chokes on a laugh and Emma smiles. 
“I got that much,” you huff defensively. “I mean, when? And why?”
“Clothing is currency, pretty much,” Emma explains. “The simple stuff—socks, shoes—are worth less. Underwear is worth the most… You get the idea.” You feel yourself frown and, when you look around the table, Abi and Dylan are wearing similar expressions of apprehension. Emma looks at you three and rolls her eyes. “If you don’t want to take your underwear off, then just play well. Duh.”
“Easier said than done,” Abi mutters. The remark goes unheard by Emma; you exchange an amused smile with Abi and she seems to relax a little. The four of you decide to make Dylan the banker; then, each of you choose your pieces and roll to see who goes first. You end up rolling the highest. Your first turn lands you on Oriental Avenue—one of the properties towards the middle of that first stretch of the board. 
“So… if I want to buy it…?” You trail off, looking to Emma for help. She glances over at the property and hums. 
“It’s $100,” she says, “so it’s worth two shoes.”
“This is weird,” you feel the need to announce, after taking your shoes off and throwing them onto the ground next to you with an exaggerated movement. Dylan hands you the Oriental Avenue property card with an amused smirk. 
“No one’s going to land on that.” Dylan remarks. You raise a brow and hand him the dice. He’s conveniently located a few spaces away from the property, ironically; if he rolls a six, he’ll land on it. Dylan rolls the dice and the dice skitters across the board, before landing to reveal a six. 
“I think you owe me a shoe,” you grin. Dylan pulls his shoe off and places it onto your open palm with a flourish. Within moments, you recoil and drop it onto the ground. “Why is there so much mud, what the fuck-?” You choke out, glancing down at the offending sneaker. Sure enough, there’s a solid layer of dirt on the sole. With the way Dylan handed it to you, you hadn’t seen the mud until it was too late. You get to your feet and head to the sink to wash your muddied hand. Abi and Emma are laughing hysterically, and Dylan joins them—wiping hysterical tears out of his eyes. You rejoin the table with an exaggerated groan. “I don’t think I want to play anymore.” You mutter. 
“Oh come on, that’s just the game,” Emma chastises you, taking the dice and rolling. She rolls a three and moves the Scottie Dog piece three spaces. She decides to buy the property and gives up a shoe; soon, it’s Abi’s turn and the game continues. 
After several rounds, you’re relieved to find that no one has needed to take off anything too revealing. Dylan’s shirtless; Emma doesn’t have socks or shoes; you don’t have shoes; and Abi is still wearing all of her clothing. When you reach your fourth or fifth turn, you land on North Carolina Avenue: a green property that costs $300. When you do the math in your head, you realize you’d need to give up two socks—not really a big deal—and your shirt—a much bigger deal. You stare at the property for several moments, contemplating whether you should take the risk. 
“We don’t have all night,” Abi remarks helpfully, breaking you away from your thoughts. You stare at her with a faux expression of irritation and she just shrugs. 
“I mean, she’s right,” Emma pipes up. “Just buy it already. Unless, that is, you’re scared… ”
It’s such an obvious trap. But you fall for it anyway. “I’m not scared,” you argue. And maybe, a small part of you is ultra-aware of your company right now—of a certain counselor sitting next to you, who you don’t want to look foolish in front of.
“Then buy it,” Emma dares you. 
Fuck, she’s got you now. You walked yourself right into that one, didn’t you? “......Fine.” You say. Taking off your socks is a relatively quick and painless affair. Unfortunately, that leaves you an infinitely more difficult one: taking off your shirt. You’re not necessarily insecure or unhappy with your body; you’re just not the type of person to constantly flaunt it or reveal a ton of skin. You’ve certainly had moments where you’ve felt confident enough to do so—but now, in the far too bright light of the cabin, surrounded by friends (and someone who you have feelings for), you feel extremely hesitant. 
“Well?” Emma demands. Abi elbows her in the side harshly and she promptly presses her lips shut, albeit with an outraged hiss at the temporary pain that the action caused. Abi and Emma aren’t really the ones you’re worried about… The two of them are rather hopelessly infatuated with one another, even if they don’t recognize it just yet. No, the problem happens to be sitting right next to you: staring at you with a surprisingly intent gaze. 
Feeling as if you’ve been shoved under your microscope, you take a deep breath and reach for the hem of your shirt. Dylan’s shirtless too, you remind yourself. It’s not like you’ll be completely alone in your discomfort. And you’re not ashamed of your chest—you’re proud of how far you’ve come. You’ve felt more at home in your body these past few months than you’ve ever felt. It’ll be okay, you reassure yourself. 
You’re about halfway through the motion, your shirt moving up along your ribs, when Emma’s phone pings. Everyone freezes, including you. Emma sighs dramatically and picks up her phone, eyes widening when she evidently stares down at the notification. When she notices that you’re all staring at her expectantly, she elaborates. “It’s Jacob,” she remarks, grabbing her socks and shoes and beginning to put them on. “Gotta go, guys. We’ll pick this up some other night.” She promises, tying her shoes before tugging her hood over her head and retreating. 
Abi stares at the doorway with a frown on her face, evidently not happy with the new development. You look over at Dylan, only to catch him as he looks up from where you’re pulling up your shirt. You then realize that you’re still awkwardly frozen with it halfway off. You quickly drop your hand and pretend that nothing happened. 
“I should probably go too,” Abi announces, placing her hands on the table and standing up. She’s looking at Dylan and you; it appears as if she’s going to say something else, but she seems lost for words. “I… left an excuse outside.” She immediately grimaces. You laugh and tell her it’s fine; she loosens up and leaves you both with a quick goodbye. 
Now it’s just Dylan and you sitting at the table, staring down at the abandoned Monopoly game. For a long moment, there’s nothing but silence. Then, just as you’re about to break it by forcing yourself to say something, Dylan speaks. 
“Were you really going to take your shirt off?” He asks, averting his eyes. You get to your feet and take a sip of your water, pretending not to feel flustered by the question. 
“Did you want me to?” You counter, sounding much more composed than you actually are. 
“Maybe,” he says, a lopsided grin rising on his face. 
“Hm,” you say calmly, pretending to think about it. And if you are actually thinking about Dylan and you alone in this cabin, with no one else… then only you have to know.  “I’ll keep that in mind.” You respond cheekily, putting your socks on and slipping your shoes on—tying them with slightly shaking hands. You’re jittery all of a sudden. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Dylan asks, squinting at you. 
“To the bathroom…?” You remark. Unfortunately, as nice as the cabins at Hackett’s Quarry are, they don’t have bathrooms in them. The camp is still stuck in the twentieth century in that regard—as there’s a cabin with all the bathrooms located a short walk from the counselors’ cabins. You refocus on what Dylan just asked you. “Do I need a hall pass?” You ask snarkily, with no real heat behind the remark. 
Dylan just rolls his eyes. You roll your eyes in return and leave the cabin, closing the door behind you. The rain is coming down hard now. It’s a relatively short walk to the bathroom, though—so you don’t bother to head back in for a raincoat or umbrella. The flashlight you snagged from Dylan’s living room is a godsend—as it illuminates the beaten path leading to the restrooms. 
Thankfully, the walk to the restroom is quick and relatively painless—save for how soggy your clothing is becoming. After you use the bathroom and wash your hands, you stand under the awning at the entrance and turn on the flashlight. You flick the switch a few times, but it doesn’t turn on. You groan and head out into the rain, putting a hand to your temple to prevent the water from getting into your eyes. You trust your muscle memory to take you back to your cabin. 
…Unfortunately, in the dead of night and amidst the brutal downpour, your muscle memory is worth jack shit. You get lost rather quickly, and soon you’re stumbling through thicketed trees with an increasing feeling of fear and dread coiling in your chest. You don’t want to spend all night roaming the forest. You’re somehow away from all the counselor cabins now. You try the flashlight one more time, even hitting it a few times, but it still doesn’t work. Groaning, you take a deep breath and try to retrace your steps. 
By some miracle, you manage to make your way back to the restrooms and you head off in a different direction. A few minutes pass and relief courses through you as you spot the lights of Dylan’s cabin. You’re quick to run over and stand under the awning, before knocking on the door with an unnecessary amount of force. Dylan opens the door within moments, an annoyed expression on his face. 
“What took you so long-?” He asks, breaking off as he looks at you. Dylan’s gaze wanders up and down your form, evidently taking in your drenched clothing. You’re sure you look like some sort of wet cat—soaked and unhappy. “Should’ve worn a raincoat.” He clicks his tongue, stepping aside to let you in. 
You groan in frustration, moving past him and sitting on one of the chairs at the table. You’d love nothing more than to lay on the couch, but you don’t want to ruin the upholstery. “I know, I know,” you seethe. You have no one to blame for this but yourself. And maybe the flashlight—if the stupid thing had a better battery, you would’ve made it back much faster. But instead, you were left to stumble around the campground for twenty minutes. 
Dylan rounds the table and stares at you, an uncharacteristic expression of concern on his face. You feel a shiver roll down your spine. “You’re freezing,” he states, looking at your wet clothes. “You’re going to get sick.”
You sigh in exasperation. “I’ll be fine,” you assert. The universe then decides to spite you, as you’re forced to sneeze. Dylan stares at you knowingly. You stare back unflinchingly. 
Eventually, he sighs. “You’re not fooling anyone,” he continues, gesturing to your forearms. “You have goosebumps.” You continue to stare at him stubbornly. Sensing that you won’t give in, he sighs. “Fine,” he announces. Rather than retreating to the couch as expected, Dylan leans forward and picks up your Monopoly piece. Dylan taps your Monopoly piece on a space, then another, then another—before finally letting it go. “Oops. Looks like you landed on Park Place… And what do you know? It’s my property. I think you owe me… all of your wet clothes.”
You resist the urge to groan, immediately understanding what he’s trying to do. “I see how it is.” You sigh. 
“You need to change,” he maintains with uncharacteristic sincerity. 
“Desperate to get me out of my clothes, huh?” You deflect. The effort doesn’t work, and he looks entirely unimpressed. You rack your brain for another excuse. “I don’t have a spare set of clothes—my stuff is in my cabin.”
Dylan holds up a finger, gesturing for you to wait, before leaving the room and heading for his bedroom. When he returns, he’s holding a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. He places them on the table and stares at you expectantly. 
“Fine, fine,” you acquiesce. Admittedly, now that he mentions it, you realize that you’re freezing —so much so that your teeth are chattering. You push yourself up from the chair and to a standing position clumsily, before fumbling for the button of your jeans and taking them off. Dylan kindly averts his eyes, looking endearingly awkward as he shifts his balance from side to side. You pull the sweatpants on and very nearly sigh in relief. You hadn’t realized how uncomfortable wet denim was until you removed it. 
Next is your shirt. You take a deep breath and manifest some confidence, before reaching down to the hem of your shirt. But your hands are shaking and trembling—so much so that you’re struggling to simply pull your shirt off. Your struggle must take longer than expected, because soon Dylan glances at you and frowns. 
“Here-” Dylan says, swiftly breaking the distance between you and grabbing the hem for you. Before you can protest, he’s gently pulling it up. And while you recognize that he’s trying to remove your shirt without touching you, his efforts aren’t really working. His fingertips brush against your ribs and your heart starts to race. Dylan mutters an apology and pulls your shirt off of you faster. Shirtless in front of him, you feel yourself instinctively taking a half-step backwards, only to nearly crash into the back of the couch. You stick a hand out to brace yourself and try to regain your composure. Moments later, Dylan is pushing the shirt he grabbed for you into your hands. 
While you want nothing more than to tug it over your head rapidly and forget about this whole situation, your body doesn’t want to obey. You’re still shaking ever so slightly—and your uncharacteristic sluggishness is making this task seem nearly impossible. Before you can attempt some strange contortion to get the shirt over your head, Dylan’s helping you. In the blink of an eye, the grey shirt is tugged over you. The fabric is soft and, most importantly, dry. 
“Better?” Dylan murmurs, still standing far too close for comfort. 
“...Yeah,” you say, your tongue feeling thick in your mouth. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Dylan answers easily, finally taking a step backwards and giving you some more space. You immediately miss the warmth that was practically emanating off of him. Silence settles in the air, thick and strangely uncomfortable. Everything unspoken lingers between the two of you.  
“Well, I guess I should go…” You eventually mutter. 
“Are you crazy?” Dylan blinks at you in disbelief. “You’re just going to get drenched again.” Your traitorous mind wants to attribute his insistence to something more than just friendly concern; you’re quick to push those thoughts away, though. 
It seems like Dylan is expecting another argument, because his eyes widen in momentary surprise as he realizes you’re remaining silent. Truthfully, you want nothing more than to put up a fight, but you feel as if the energy has been completely drained out of you. And despite the fact that you changed into fresh, dry clothing, you’re still cold. 
Dylan notices that you’re still shivering slightly and frowns, before evidently coming to a decision. “Here, come on,” he says, placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you towards his bedroom. You’re so dazed that you don’t really grasp the implications until you’re standing before his mattress. You immediately glance back at him in confusion, only for him to gently push you towards his bed. You’re too exhausted to overthink everything that’s going on. 
Dylan helps you settle in and tugs the comforter over you. Even despite the added layers, you’re still a bit chilly. You burrow into the blankets and try to find a comfortable position, before settling for reclining on your back and staring up at the ceiling. Sleep is dragging your eyelids down and you blink furiously, your eyes dry and stinging. You see Dylan lingering in the doorway, seemingly unsure of what to do. You reach out to him wordlessly and his eyes widen for a brief moment.  
“Don’t want me to leave?” He then says, a playful grin on his face. He rounds the side of the bed and gets under the covers. “I guess I am pretty irresistible.” You can’t quite see the expression on his face, but you somehow know that he’s wearing a cheeky smirk.
Once he gets settled, you realize that, somehow, Dylan is just radiating heat. You try to tell yourself that you’re just cold, that you’re seeking him out for warmth and nothing more. But you know that’s a lie. You’ve grown quite fond of Dylan over the course of this summer, after all. You inch closer to him and practically burrow into his side, resting your head on his chest and feeling any of your remaining energy seep out of you. 
Despite your exhaustion, your mind is beginning to run wild as you try to justify your actions to yourself. This is just a friendly gesture. Amongst friends. Because you’re nothing more than friends… Right? 
Dylan must be a mind reader, because he looks over at you and hums. “Just sleep.” He whispers. Somehow, the remark is enough for your thoughts to calm down—for you to accept that he’s okay with this, that you’re not taking advantage of his kindness. And maybe a sizable part of you is still desperately hoping that even a fraction of your feelings are returned—that maybe, just maybe, he likes you too. 
But right now, you’re drifting off into sleep in his arms, and one thing is for sure: you’re warming up already.
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endnotes: as i said, i had some of this fic written up for a character in friday the 13th… until i realized he wasn’t an important character and ended up dying… but then!!! i realized hackett's quarry is also a camp… and this happened. (*captain holt voice*) boom! had it both ways! no regrets.
i sprinkled in a bit of Abi/Emma. teehee. the gay agenda.
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
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rene-darling · 2 months
Hi hiii
How do you feel about Choso from jjk? He's literally so fucking pretty, maybe it was the cool lighting in the episode but bro is majestic. I need to fuck him dumb so bad until he's babbling and his mind is so gone.
Yeah but that's me, how do you feel about him?
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
DUMB- choso
...I feel the same ml, pretty sure this is gender neutral since I didn't use any pronouns for the reader, if I did feel free to inform me!...pic credits..sybbatra
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Choso is a pretty tame person, he's had limited contact with people so Imagine this hundred of years old curse who has never slept with anyone,
He's so pretty, isn't he? He definitely throws his head back while you're fucking him. Deep breathy moans and when he's really far gone he starts whining and pleading with you, what's he pleading for? He doesn't know. He just is.
Fuck him on your lap facing him towards a mirror, he's far too embarrassed to look. Throwing his head back onto your shoulder, his hot breath tickles your neck while he moans and whines right into your ear.
Getting too embarrassed by moaning into you, he's forced to look forward, to look at himself being fucked dumb it's so embarrassing he starts crying from shame! Cute darling is now crying into your neck, hiding his face in shame.
"aww... what's wrong soso-..? Hm?" fuck. He hates that nickname- no, he loves it. What? He hates it when you act dumb. "..so mean..y-you're-..s-so meAN-!" cutting off his babbling by suddenly grabbing and jerking his sloppy dick
It's tip is a raging red. It looks so silly.
His long hair flows down his neck and over your shoulder and back as he rests his head there. You jerk his dick a few times before letting it go, his hard-on slaps against his stomach with a wet sound, it makes you chuckle, while he whines at the sound. You're really so mean!!
His muscles tense up, he's really so close! You can tell. It's like clockwork how his body acts the same way before every release, you have its pattern memorized.
Tensing up, his mouth falls dry, and his breath hitches. He convulses, slightly shivering as his body slumps back into you.
His hand reaches out towards yours, and he grabs at it, tugging it, shaking his head he mumbles out "Mhm..n-no more...please, I've-...I've had enough, it's enough experimenting- f-..for today." He finds the energy to turn his head and look over at you. His eyes glossed over as he tries finding mercy in yours.
Sighing, you shake your head, getting a strained whine from him "I told you, we'll fuck until you can't speak- but it seems my pretty boyfriend here is quite coherent and able to make sense of things. We can't have that can we?"
You're so mean, so very mean. But he loves you, and he loves how you make him feel, so he takes a deep breath as he nods squeezing his eyes shut as he pouts his lips, he at least wants a kiss from you before you ravage him again!
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talkbycolor · 6 months
john doe game headcanons . . . ↷
A/N; i'm actually really sensitive about john doe JHSAJHSAJAS
Pairing; "John Doe" x GN!Reader
CW; Just doe being the weirdo we love / PISSPISSPISS / implied cannibalism? not so much tho / ew stinky gay / sex with a hairball
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john doe as a partner.
His love for you is pure, but the lack of understanding in humans makes it complicated, he doesn't know how to express it in a "correct" way.
He has little interest in humans but all his interest in You, do you want to learn to play an instrument? Doe too, he would learn to use a phone to call you although it would be useless since in the end he would follow you to work, he can't stand having you away for even a second!
He tried to eat you (unfortunately not in a sexual way), he wanted to bite, pull your teeth, and tear them out of your cheeks to eat them, you had to use a lot of patience to explain to him that this was painful and you could die
He likes your fluids, your sweat smells so good, it tastes great, your tears, he knows that tears mean something is wrong but he can't help but want to lick them, at least he's like a puppy in that way and that will make you laugh, Doe wants to help! your urine, he will drink it all without a problem, if you are both having a loving session in bed and you want to go to the bathroom, forget it, he will open your legs and help empty your bladder, he loved being your personal toilet, your blood is the sweetest of his paradise, be careful with accidental cuts or his mouth will stick like a leech to your wound
Ideas for romantic activities will probably come from television, be careful what he watches
At this point, Doe lives by and for you, he will adapt to your lifestyle and tastes, although he cannot understand most of them, the idea of "breaking up" does not exist in his head, you can walk away, even stop talking to him and he will continue behind you
But he has feelings, why don't you talk to him anymore? Did he do something wrong? He no longer leaves rats in the kitchen, he no longer tries to make You dinners with raw meat, is that the way he looks? Tell him your standards! Doe will change everything for you, even reality
He can definitely purr, he's more like an old, ugly, stray cat that will rest on your lap, but he's YOUR, old, ugly, stray cat.
He doesn't know how to give compliments, it's more like observations or comments about how you make him feel "You're wearing a big hat!" "A red dress!", "I'm so happy to see you!" but it's adorable that he reminds you that you are his whole life…somehow
It's like having a child at home, in the strangest way possible, he will try to make horrible crafts for you and help with housework without much success.
If you demand sex, Doe would probably do his best to make a nice cock, just for you, or a pussy depending on what you like, he will be submissive but if you ask him to take control he will try
And that will probably be the messiest and hardest sex you've ever had in your life, Doe always adores you like it's your last day on earth so in a sexual sphere it would be ten times worse
If you put on a movie at night, he will fall asleep halfway through, no exceptions, the sound of the television and your smell will be enough
Doe would definitely kill for you, he doesn't understand jokes so please don't say "Ugh I hate that guy, I hope he's dead" because yes, the guy will be dead.
In case You doesn't like the smelly boy, Doe will try to take showers regularly, at least to not smell like something out of the sewer, the pain doesn't matter if it's about you
Loves physical contact and quality time
Surprisingly, Doe has a driver's license, he would be your personal chauffeur, you may think it's an adorable gesture but he just wants to be sure where you are at every hour of the day… and help, of course.
Aside from adoring you, Doe actually has his own tastes and hobbies, he HAS feelings! He has tried knitting since the technology is very confusing, he really is like an old man
He tries to have a good relationship with your friends and family, if you have a big family he will probably feel overwhelmed but that doesn't mean he will stop trying to show that he loves you and wants to be with you.
Your younger nephews love it, they think of Doe as a weird-looking uncle who lets them play with his hair
Doe shirt always has hearts when he looks at You.
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sapphireneil · 2 months
Pillow Talks // OM! Brothers Aftercare hcs
Cw: none really, just fluff after a scene because aftercare is SO important, based on a convo i had with one of my bsfs (mentions of rough sex, bite marks and hickeys)
Gender neutral reader!
A/n: I'll work on the requests soon i swear!
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- Lucifer -
Man is so so gentle with you after it (in contrast to just a few minutes earlier)
Would definitely clean the both of you up and give you one of his shirts to cuddle into
After making sure you're alright and doing well he would brew the both of you some tea
Asks you if you would like to listen to a specific record and if not, he'd just put on something calming
Definitely spends quite some time in bed with you, cuddling and talking about everything and nothing, only going back to his work when he's 100% sure you're mentally and physically alright
- Mammon -
Would not give a single fck about the mess the both of you made, you're immediately wrapped up in his strong arms
He'd definitely would shower you with innocent kisses all over
Naked cuddles!! I repeat, naked cuddles!!!
Would also make sure you have everything you need, not leaving your side for more than five seconds though
Cracked jokes about what just happened!!!
Would probably spend hours just lying in bed with you, the both of you just scrolling through Akuzon, voicing out your thoughts about certain items you stumble across (he takes mental note of everything you mention to be to you liking )
- Asmodeus -
Spa time!!! Bubble bath especially!!
Would totally rant about how beautiful you looked earlier
Cuddles in the bathtub, facemasks and candles
If you would be sore anywhere he would totally massage it
Washes your hair and body for you, he just wants you to relax
When he dries you off, he'll wrap you in the softest towels and carry you to bed after he sprayed you with his perfume just so you still smell like him
- Satan -
would definitely question if he was too rough on you
Totally kisses any marks or hickeys that he'd left and brush over them gently
Cleaning up kinda is teamwork, until you curl up next to him, scrolling through ur DDD a bit
A book in one hand, the other arm wrapped around you, keeping you close
Makes sure to wrap you up in a nice fuzzy blanket too, he doesn't want you to feel cold after all
You fall asleep before him, but he eventually gets tired too, the book is now on his face, you still cradled in his arm, your DDD dropped next to you
- Leviathan -
Asks you if you enjoyed it and if you felt good immediately
Admiring all the love marks hes left on you
Cleaning up and then he seats you in his lap in one of his hoodies
Also quite literally SHOWERS you in kisses, extremely flustered
It's your decision what you want to do, rather its just cuddling, watching anime or him playing a a game, or even playing something together
Man is clingy asf, he knows that the afterglow is a quite vulnerable state so he keeps you as close as possible
- Beelzebub -
No doubt, this man carries you to bed after he cleaned your up. Bridal style. No exeptions.
Tucks you in carefully and would feed you your favorite candy from the jar in his room
Keeps you in his arms until you are fast asleep, then quietly goes to clean up the kitchen
Would totally kiss the bite marks he left, probably even lick over them apologetically
He finishes that cake you had started only for you to wake up to an almost empty plate of it, and a very sorry Beel
- Belphegor -
It takes him a while before coming down from his high, so hes perhaps a bit quiet at first and just keeps his arms wrapped around you, processing in silence
Veeeeryyy sleepy afterwards, but also cold
Will probably get another fuzzy blanket after wiping the both of you down lazily
Naked cuddles part II
Gives a lot of small tired pecks and pulls the blanket over both of you
Hes not gonna let go of you this soon, but that's okay, the both of you will take a nap first anyway
Heya everyone, this is it for today (kinda short im sorry) these are actually my first hcs posted on here, enjoy!!!!
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fictoculus · 2 months
౨ৎ cuddling scenarios; sumeru ver...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
inazuma ver (they're tired)
FEAT… alhaitham, cyno, tighnari
SYNOPSIS... you're so, so tired, and all you want is to go to bed and cuddle...
A/N... these are definitely quite a bit longer than the inazuma ones... whoops! oh welllll, i may work on rewriting them where you are tired instead cus i honestly think these sumeru ones turned out wayy better because of the slight change in theme
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it's long past sunset when you clumsily jam your keys into the front door of yours and your boyfriend's shared home, resting your shoulder against the cold wood and relying on your bodyweight to push it open. you sigh in relief as a wave of warmth washes over you, letting your belongings drop to the floor as you relax into the familiar atmosphere. it had been a tiring day, evident by the faint circles under you eyes and slouched posture. your boyfriend, the sweetheart that he is, doesn't hesitate to drop everything and take care of you, so when he hears the jingle of your keys, he rushes to the front door to greet you with a smile...
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✧ alhaitham.
there's nothing better than coming home after a long day, so when hear the click of the door that you've been craving all day, you felt a wave of relief wash over you; it meant you were home.
"i'm back"
you call out with a meek voice, and just a few seconds later, your lover appears from behind the door to the study, a soft smile illuminating his features.
alhaitham could tell how exhausted you were as soon as he caught sight of your figure, taking slow steps towards him before leaning your head against his chest with a sigh. he'd chuckle, snaking his arms around your waist and resting them loosely on your hips.
"tired, love?"
you mumble a "yes" into his shirt before taking a deep breath in, basking in his comforting scent (and also trying your best to suppress a yawn). his scent alone never fails to relax you, so you often find yourself wearing his clothes around the house when he isn't there with you.
without a second thought, the scholar moves one arm behind your knees and the other on your back, bending down slightly as he lifts you up in his arms. he'd let you rest against his chest as he carries you to the bedroom, pressing his back against the door and pushing the two of you inside. gently, he sets you down on the bed and helps you change, only getting himself ready once you were comfortably tucked in.
the mattress dips and a cold breeze blows under the covers as alhaitham climbs into bed beside you. he feels you shiver against him, and makes sure to hold you close, placing tender kisses on the top of your head and lulling you to sleep.
you feel your eyes grow heavy as a rough hand reaches under your shirt and slowly rubs up and down your back, occasionally tracing shapes against your soft skin.
he feels your breathing slow down as you finally drift off to sleep, but he continues to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and leave kisses on your face until he too falls into a slumber.
"i love you, sleep well..."
✧ cyno.
the general mahamatra, despite his intimidating exterior, is actually a big softie at heart, but he only let's you see it. that's why when you come home to him with your hair dishevelled and your shoulders slumped over, he instantly brings you into his arms.
"long day?"
he asks you with a faint smile, although his furrowed eyebrows indicate he's more worried than anything. a gentle hand holds the back of your head into his chest, slowly stroking your hair here and there as he waits for your response.
"you could say that..."
you sigh, pushing yourself impossibly close to him until he stumbles backward slightly, a breathy laugh leaving his lips as he pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
and that was it. thankfully, most things with cyno are relatively straightforward, so the two of you are able to shuffle under the covers without much fuss (except a little playful banter here and there, of course).
the second you lie down next to him, his arms are wrapped around your waist and pulling you closer to him, lying face-to-face with you as he just takes a minute to admire you. his eyes are glossed over with pure adoration as he just looks. occasionally, he'll reach a hand up to stroke your cheek, or perhaps pinch the tip of your nose; he just can't help himself.
you look so pretty in his arms, and he's so grateful that you're his, and he is yours...
✧ tighnari.
being a forest ranger, tighnari often comes home fatigued and desperate to feel your arms around him, so when you're the one to stumble through the front door, he can't say he isn't surprised.
"[name]? is that you?"
a pair of soft, black ears stick out as your boyfriend peaks his head out from the kitchen and into the hallway. his eyes widen as he takes in your figure, slouched over and quite clearly exhausted.
"are you alright, love?"
he slowly approaches you, welcoming arms outstretched as he becons you towards him. you accept his gesture, crashing into his arms and hiding your face in his chest.
"let's get you to bed"
with loving eyes, tighnari gently takes your hands in his and guides you to the bedroom, turning off the lights and blowing out any lit candles you pass along the way. your bedroom door creaks closed behind you as you feel your lover's grasp on you loosen, finally slipping away as your arm falls down to your side.
you begin to undress with heavy-lidded eyes, and don't even bother to put your clothes away neatly but rather discarding them on the floor. in any other situation, the ranger would scold you, he'd tell you how "once you start leaving your things lying around, it'll become a habit and before you know it the house is a mess!", but just this once, he decided to let it go, not wanting to fatigue you any further.
once the two of you are finally ready to turn in for the night, tighnari lifts up the covers and lies down on the soft mattress, patting the spot next to him and urging you to do the same. you all but throw yourself down beside him, snuggling against his side almost immediately and tangling your legs with his.
you feel the warmth envelop you as he pulls up the covers (and the extra blankets he always layers on top), keeping you close and running his fingers through your hair
usually it'd be you taking such good care of him (as much as he hates to admit), but he thought he'd finally repay the favour given your current state, and who were you to refuse...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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baby-tini · 3 months
Manjiro Play-fighting hcs
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Manjiro is pretty big on play-fighting, not only is it fun but also helps sharpen his martial arts. He play-fights with mostly Draken and Baji but you cause him the most fun.
Play-fighting mostly happens in the privacy of closed doors but he does often like to pick you up and toss you around in public but only around his friends. Weight isn't a problem for him, as we know, he's inhumanly strong. Although, if you're self-conscious, he'll just take to playing and not picking you up.
Manjiro can be very competitive when play-fighting with you, he does sometimes take things more seriously. As in, he'll pin you down harder than necessary and has hit harder on accident but he did apologize with tons of kisses and (half-eaten) dorayaki.
Mikey rarely lets you pin him, he thinks it's unfair to lie to you and will help you indirectly learn self-defense. He'll let you throw him around to please you but he's always victorious in the end.
Sometimes it can lead to... hotter moments. He likes the useless struggle you put up, it puts him in a more dominant head-space and he'll even piss you off by sucking at your neck and mocking you.
I can see Mikey having a bit of an ego because he's so strong so if he's in the mood to play-fight and you aren't he'll start to taunt you by wrapping an arm around you and pinning you to him till you break and try to fight back.
He'll pin your hands above your head while you're on his bed and stare you down as he leans closer and closer until you kick him off and he whines, saying that you really hurt him (no you didn't, he's a baby.)
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maj-3k · 3 months
Y.N (seeing Adam): I can fuck misogyny out of him.
Lute: You can what?!?
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sur-i-ki · 4 months
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𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥?
𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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He won’t lie, he likes you clingy. However, you hadn’t been spending much time with him. Megumi knew that you would be free today. So a scary movie it was. He needed an excuse.
He had called you over and had the movie playing. Your hands were gripping his, knuckles white, and you had them pulled in front of your face. He smiled a little when he realized you were still peeking through them.
“You scared?”
He was being a little mean. He knows you know, as if the quick glare you sent him didn’t speak volumes. Freeing his hands from your death grip, he throws one arm around you. Within a second, your hands were gripping his again, and he couldn’t help but laugh right against your ear, breathy and deep.
When he feels you shiver against him, Megumi has a feeling that the jump-scare on the screen wasn’t the reason.
A few moments pass, and his head is propped up against the wall. During the dialogue scene, you glance over at him.
“Aren’t you scared?”
His eyes slid over to meet your’s. “Hm?”
You huff a little in frustration at his face. “You have no expression on your face. I’m feeling a little silly over here.”
Megumi pulls you closer to him, and your dogs bound onto the bed. Scratching them behind their ears, you continue, “They have more feeling on their face than you.”
Megumi listens quietly, snuggling his face against your neck. The movie continues, and during the next jump-scare, he kisses your neck from behind, effectively distracting you.
Your pulse thunders right against his lips as he feels you tighten your hands around his. As the movie ends, he rubs your shoulders, massaging the tension and fear away slowly.
Once you’ve relaxed against him, he kisses your hair, your neck, your shoulders. He doesn’t notice you and the dogs getting ready to pounce him.
“Rah!” You turn in his arms, throwing your weight against him as the dogs tackle him from the sides. He laughs, falling, as all three of you pepper his face with kisses.
After calming down, he opens his eyes and looks at you. Your hands are holding his face, and he knows there’s a flush in his cheeks as your thumbs graze it.
“There we go. Much better.”
Pulling you to lay down on him, he sighs. With you hugging him tightly, he knows you’re gonna spend the night because you’re scared. You’re clingy.
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⇝ 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴, 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥! 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯
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finnzhal · 7 months
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@meow2765 asked
can you do a platonic yandere alastor from hazbin hotel x a gn!reader? (feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do it!)
FINN's Voicemail
Ooh ! We sure love our demon with a Karen haircut <33 I feel like I've gone too deep into the yandere instead of making it fluffy.. but yandere isn't supposed to be fluffy, isn't it?
Reader : GN!READER
Mentions : I don't support this behavior in real life, I only enjoyed writing.
Links : MASTERLINKS for requesting & rules !
I see YAN!Alastor as someone who loves to see the scared look in his darling, he finds it entertaining. The way his darling wanted his help? So much better. He's shackling and a possessive type. He's a yandere who likes to control everything, "keeping you safe" from everyone by that means isolating his darling and observing their every move.
He met you at the happy Hazbin hotel and immediately thought you looked vulnerable and needed someone's help to take care of you in this cruel hell. His help.
The terrified and intimidated look you give him during his first time arrival.. he wanted to see that face more, he wanted to see how much you needed help, needed him. Which means he made you as his companion.. or a friend you call. Making this as an excuse to be more close to you.
He always keep an eye on you, monitoring you, disciplining you even. He doesn't want you getting hurt..If you're someone who gets into troubles or break alot of rules, He'll discipline you. "This place isn't safe, darling. That's why i'm here to observe you." he said, he's truly worried.
He makes a good impression of himself infront for you, it's weird that he treats you as if you're a fragile glass that can break at any moment. He treats you more differently than the others.
Don't get fooled by him, he'll criticize you or even insult you everytime you point out his weird behaviour or complain about him being overprotective and suffocating you. If you could just zip your mouth shut, he would praise you by the littlest things.
As hell is already cruel enough, he'll brainwash you and make you depend on him. He likes the way you need him to be by your side. Even when you think he's not there, his eyes are always on you.
Whenever you wanted to go out without him.. he'll purposely make your trip worse by stalking or asking someone to do something to make you call him and ask for help.. or even comforting you after the day
He invades your privacy, as he calls it checking if your safe. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him.. what if it cause you harm? how would someone help you? How would he help you if you keep being secretive?
Of course he would also be jealous if someone takes care of his dearest friend and you love it more than the way he cares about you. It makes him furious about seeing you smile and he's not the reason why you smiled. It makes him glitch out.
He would and will remove people for you. Someone bad or even good, Making you feel worthless as the people around you have gone. Making you more dependent on him.
Deep down he's afraid of losing you, he doesn't want that to happen again. He likes the feeling of being in control, being the one keeping you safe. If someone takes you away from him, he'll go insane.
If you break one of his rules, he had no choice but to isolate you from the others. You supposed to be listening to him. That's your punishment, he doesn't want you starving or get hurt because of him. He's not a good friend if he does that to you..
He just loves you, for sure you love him too because of him being so caring about you. You're vulnerable, weak, and pathetic.. who else would protect you other than him?
"You need me, Dear. You need my protection. You don't deserve to be in this cruel place.." He spoke softly while caressing your hair, You all chained up to your bed
©finnzhal. Do not steal other people's works.
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anonymousewrites · 21 hours
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance Pride Special 2024
Saiki Kusuo x Reader
Pride Special 2024
            “Saiki, (L/N), come and help us put up decorations!” said Hairo, pushing boxes into their hands.
            Saiki looked down at his box and found it filled with tiny LGBTQ+ flags representing different identities, all hanging from the same string. (Y/N)’s box contained flyers for a “PK Academy Pride Celebration.”
            “I didn’t know we had one of these,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “We started it this year,” said Hairo. “Teruhashi was talking about how she wished more people were accepted for their different identities, and so, the school decided to put on a party.”
            “The city is having a parade, too,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) laughed. “Leave it to Kokomi’s influence to rid our society of homophobia and transphobia.”
            Saiki had to admit, it was probably the best aspect of her influence she had ever considered using. “Her fan club will put these up.” He put his box down.
            “You don’t want to help?” said (Y/N).
            Saiki looked at (Y/N). They were always so helpful and kind. It was one of the many reasons he liked them. However, Saiki was selfish. “We planned to go to Café Mami.”
            (Y/N) snapped their fingers. “Right!” They looked at Hairo. “Sorry, Hairo, we’ll come to the event, but we can’t help you set up.” They bowed. “Sorry!”
            Hairo smiled. “Hey, it’s no problem! You already made plans, and you help out in class enough. Have fun.” He easily picked up all the boxes again and ran off to find other people to help him.
            “We’re actually going?” said Saiki.
            “I know you don’t like crowds, but this is to support us and our friends,” said (Y/N).
            “I am comfortable in my identity, and anyone who tries to say anything about mine or anyone else’s will face the consequences,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) pouted and looked at him. “Please, Kusuo?”
            Saiki avoided their gaze, and (Y/N) moved in front of him with the brightest puppy-dog eyes they could muster.
            Saiki was pretty sure (Y/N) might have powers of persuasion.
            “I’ll make cupcakes for the party.”
            “…Alright. I’ll go for you.”
            (Y/N) grinned. “Thank you, Kusuo.” They leaned up and kissed his cheek.
            Saiki averted his gaze as he blushed.
            Saiki and (Y/N) walked up to the schoolyard of PK Academy that had been decorated with the flags from earlier and had a large “Happy Pride” banner hanging from the building’s second floor windows. Music played, and food had been set up. (Y/N) and Saiki themselves held containers of cupcakes (one or two or three or four had already been eaten by a certain pink-haired sweets lover).
            “Let’s put these down and say hi to everyone,” said (Y/N). Saiki’s expression didn’t change, but (Y/N) had been around him long enough to chuckle. “Don’t give me that look, the aster we say hi to people, the faster we could leave.”
            “Can I have another cupcake?” said Saiki.
            “Of course,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Saiki picked up another cupcake with rainbow icing and followed (Y/N) to say hi to his bothers (their friends).
            “(L/N), Saiki, you made it,” said Hairo. “Good!” He wore a rainbow pin on his shirt. “I like your pins.”
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N). They had on an ace spectrum and pansexuality pin.
            “You, too, Saiki,” said Hairo.
            Saiki had on an asexuality pin ((Y/N)’s puppy-dog eyes and sweets were very persuasive, scarily so). He nodded in response.
            “Hey, buddy, happy pride!” Nendou grinned at Saiki. “You, too, pinky! Don’t forget to be proud of your favorite colors.”
            “Uh, Nendou, that’s not what this all means,” said Kaidou, groaning.
            “It isn’t?” said Nendou, confused.
            (Y/N) laughed. “It’s about people of different identities and sexualities.”
            “Ohhhhh. Do people normally get weirded out over that?” said Nendou.
            Apparently, his stupidity meant he was the least bigoted person in the world.
            (Y/N) shook their head with a smile, and Saiki looked at them. He may be stuck at a party, but at least (Y/N) was there. He’d always support them, just as much as they supported him. They deserved it.
            “Don’t try to tell me you were miserable the whole time,” said (Y/N). “I saw you at the snack table making a pile of cookies on your plate.”
            “People were loud and annoying. But the food was good,” said Saiki.
            “Uhuh, keep saying that was all,” said (Y/N). They linked their pinky finger around his. “But, seriously, I’m glad you came. I know it’s not your thing, but I’m happy you went with me.”
            “I went for you,” said Saiki. “You’re my partner. I support you.”
            (Y/N) beamed, and their cheeks warmed. “Thank you, Kusuo.” As they walked, (Y/N) leaned their head on his shoulder. “And you know I support you. In every aspect of who you are.”
            Saiki smiled softly and held their hand securely. “I know.”
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defectivevillain · 1 month
whispers in the night
pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/Reader
reader's race and gender are ambiguous; no pronouns used.
summary: When you can't fall asleep, you stumble out to the common room to get a snack—only to find Shinsou on the couch, similarly restless. After a moment's contemplation, you sit down next to him and the two of you share a quiet night in.
word count: 1.9k | ao3 version
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warnings: exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia
You can’t fall asleep. 
Despite how incredibly busy your day has been—what with classes, sparring, and Quirk training—you’re still left staring up at the ceiling in frustration as you attempt to go to bed. You’ve had your eyes closed for roughly an hour or so, but you haven’t fallen asleep. Gritting your teeth, you decide to get up and grab something to eat. You’re not even sure if that little trick will help you fall asleep, but at this point, you’re desperate. As you quietly walk through the halls and into the common room, you’re surprised to find that someone else is also awake. You’re less surprised when you see Shinsou sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone.
“You look like a raccoon,” Shinsou says in lieu of a greeting. You point to the dark circles under your eyes and he nods. You mumble some half-assed explanation about being tired, before deciding to reply honestly. 
“That’s ironic, coming from you,” you say jokingly. Shinsou evidently expects the remark, because he simply rolls his eyes. Distracted from grabbing a snack, you move to sit next to him. The couch is surprisingly comfortable, and there are decorative pillows thrown about the cushions that Momo created a bit ago. You grab one and hold it against your chest. 
“Well, dark circles are typical for me,” Shinsou remarks casually, with a sense of resigned defeat. You immediately sense what he’s implying. 
“I know,” you acknowledge. He’s absolutely right, of course. You’re just not sure why you’ve been so sleepless lately. You tell him as much. “I’ve just been restless.” 
Shinsou nods silently. Immediately, you feel guilty for bemoaning your lack of sleep, when Shinsou is hardly ever able to sleep. Yet here you are, complaining about the one time that you’re awake at night. An apology is on the tip of your tongue when Shinsou inexplicably leans close to you. He stretches and grabs the remote on the cushion next to you before returning his attention to the television in front of you. A familiar icon appears on the screen. 
“Is that Netflix?” You ask, unable to keep the surprise from your voice. The lack of Netflix on the common room television has been a sticking point for many of your fellow classmates. You can recall countless times in which Kaminari or Sero practically begged Present Mic and Aizawa to get a shared Netflix account for the class. Their pleas never went very far, though. “Holy shit, how’d you-”
“Stole Aizawa’s password.” You stare at Shinsou, whose eyes are locked on the screen ahead. He clicks on the remote a few times, evidently selecting the right letters for the username and password. Even as he does so, it takes you several moments to process just what he said. 
“You did not,” you say in disbelief. 
“I did,” Shinsou grins, clicking on the yellow profile with your teacher’s name under it. Aizawa’s home screen comes up and you can’t help but laugh incredulously. Shinsou’s lips twist ever so slightly—he’s evidently proud of himself—and he turns to you. “What do you want to watch?”
The two of you eventually decide to watch The Great British Bake Off, since you don’t quite want to commit to watching something serious. Besides, you’re half-expecting that at least one of you will fall asleep. Shinsou clicks on an episode and you lean back against the couch. The pillows are strewn about the floor now; you promise yourself you’ll pick them up later.
The baking show is rather entertaining, you have to admit. Shinsou seems to think so too, as he occasionally huffs or smiles ever so slightly. You find yourself torn between watching the television and, well, watching him. The first episode passes within no time at all. Shinsou plays the next one and, in a sudden burst of spontaneity, you lean your head against the edge of your cushion. You're dangerously close to resting on Shinsou’s shoulder, but you manage to keep the distance between you. 
You do notice, however, that Shinsou’s arm is hovering on the back of the couch. Once you realize that, the show is suddenly far less captivating. Your heart races as his hand falls further down the back of the couch. Blinking slowly, you turn your attention back to the program. Unfortunately, your fatigued body decides to entirely disobey you, and you feel yourself falling into Shinsou’s shoulder before you can contemplate the consequences. Thankfully, he doesn’t shove you off of him or anything. In fact, his arm falls from the back of the couch to rest around your shoulders. 
You feel yourself beginning to grow tired as time passes, but you desperately want to remain awake and keep Shinsou company. It must be terribly isolating to constantly be restless at nighttime. Despite these thoughts, however, it doesn’t take long for your eyes to slip closed. You’re in a bit of an awkward position and Shinsou’s shoulder digs into your neck. Suddenly, you’re tugged to the side and into a significantly more comfortable position. You blink your eyes open briefly, surprised to find that you’re now pulled against Shinsou’s chest. Before you can overanalyze that, however, you’re drifting off again. 
An immeasurable amount of time later, you're roused from slumber and lightly jostled. You feel an arm supporting your back and another under your legs. Is someone... carrying you? You try to open your eyes, but your eyelids are stinging and you soon forget to resist sleep. 
The next time you wake, you find your phone alarm blaring extremely loudly. Groaning, you grab it and try to hit the snooze button. Unfortunately, it’s a bit too late for you to go back to sleep—the sheer volume of the alarm has entirely roused you from slumber. You sigh and push yourself up into a sitting position, electing to scroll through things on your phone for a few minutes. You grab your blanket and tug it up further, feeling chilly all of a sudden.
…Wait a second. Didn’t you fall asleep in the common room last night? You bite your lip and try to remember what happened. Sure enough, you went to the common room and watched TV with Shinsou. You look down at your blanket and frown. How did you end up back in your room? You definitely didn’t walk back. You try to recall the events of the last night, only to freeze upon remembering your short time awake. Someone had been carrying you. 
You’re suddenly immensely grateful that you don’t have a fire Quirk, otherwise your room would be entirely doused in flames. As it is, your heart is pounding treacherously in your chest. You can’t help but think about Shinsou’s arms around your back and legs, the ease with which he lifted you... 
Safe to say, you’re sufficiently frazzled for the rest of the morning. You scramble through your typical routine and grab a quick snack before deciding to go to class a bit early. Surprisingly, you’re far from the only one there. Iida is present, of course. Kirishima, Jirou, and Shinsou are all in their seats too. You greet everyone and walk over to your desk.
“How’d you sleep last night?” Kirishima asks once you sit down. He’s just so sweet. You’d been talking to him yesterday about your trouble sleeping, after all. You’re touched by his concern, of course, but his question immediately provokes what you’d been trying to forget—Shinsou carrying you back to your dorm.
“Oh, um, I slept well,” you choke out, feeling extremely flustered. You suddenly want the ground to swallow you whole. Feeling eyes on you, you turn to find Shinsou staring at you. The satisfied gleam in his eyes confirms your suspicions from before. You take a deep breath and turn back to Kirishima, getting lost in casual conversation. 
Throughout the rest of class, you feel Shinsou’s gaze burning into the back of your head. When the bell finally rings, signaling the end of the period, you sidle up to him and the two of you walk out of the room together. It’s lunchtime now, but neither of you are moving towards the cafeteria with any modicum of speed. Eventually, all of your classmates pass by and Shinsou and you are left alone in the hallway. 
“You didn’t have to carry me back,” you eventually say, once the tense silence between you grows to be unbearable. You can’t help but notice the furrow to Shinsou’s brows—a clear sign that he’s avoiding an answer. 
For a long moment, he is entirely silent. You decide to wait for Shinsou to explain. When he finally does break his silence, he says something entirely unexpected. “What if I wanted to?”
“What?” You ask, convinced you misheard him. 
“I... wanted to,” Shinsou repeats, significantly quieter this time. You blink at him a few times. Somehow, it’s still taking you a while to process just what he’s saying. When you finally comprehend his statement, your eyes widen and you stare at him in thinly-veiled surprise. 
“Oh,” you remark dumbly. “Well... thanks.” Maybe I should lose sleep and come out to the common room more often, you think to yourself. 
“Maybe you should,” Shinsou responds. It takes you several moments to realize that your last remark was voiced aloud and you suddenly feel like melting into an embarrassed puddle on the ground. But the expression on Shinsou’s face is nothing short of complete sincerity—coupled with an attractive confidence that you know to be a result of his extensive sparring sessions with Aizawa. 
“Maybe I will,” you say with a small smile. 
That night, you will venture out to the common room once more. Shinsou will be resting on the couch again and you’ll take your place beside him, before grabbing the remote and scrolling through Netflix. The two of you will stumble upon the account’s history and laugh at the shows Aizawa seems to enjoy, before choosing one to watch. This time, your head will fall on Shinsou’s shoulder much sooner; this time, he wraps an arm around your shoulder without hesitation. You’ll admit in murmurs that you enjoy spending time with him, and he’ll echo the sentiment. For a quick yet seemingly endless stretch of time, the two of you will sit in silence. Then, possessed by some otherworldly courage, you will lean close and ask to kiss him—only for him to meet you halfway and make the first move. 
Then, since the both of you have horrible luck, Aizawa will walk in and interrupt you. You will try to break apart, but it’ll be too late. For a long moment, your teacher will study the both of you, before an unimpressed expression appears on his face and he mentions that he got a notification that someone was using his Netflix account. Shinsou will try to play dumb—and you’ll remain silent, out of fear for your life—before Aizawa, knowing when to give in, huffs and bids you both a good night.
But right now it’s lunchtime, and all the words you want to say feel trapped under your tongue. And before you can summon the courage to even begin telling Shinsou just what he means to you, Kaminari appears out of nowhere and slings his arms around you both. The moment between Shinsou and you is temporarily broken, but you smile with the knowledge that you’ll reunite with him in the quiet night once more.
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
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harbinger-of-enmity · 15 days
Delicate . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Trans Sunday x GN Reader 🪽
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✒︎ Notes; Transmale Sunday (usage of words p-ssy, c-nt and c-it), gender neutral reader, dom reader, sub Sunday, face sitting, hint of overstimulation, short work… Let me know if I missed anything!
✒︎ Vincent’s Ramblings; Repost because Tumblrs being weird and hid this for a bit on my other accoubt, lawl. sorry if the endings poor, i never know how to end my works 🫶😭
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Sunday felt you press your hands into his hips, pulling him closer to your face, a shrill cry escaping him when your thumb dragged over his swollen clit.
Here you had Sunday, the powerful head of the Oak Family, sitting on your face, crying as you bullied his pussy with your mouth. You didn’t quite know how you ended up with Sunday riding your face, but you did know the sweet sounds the man released were like a drug.
Your hands squeezed the supple flesh of Sunday’s thighs, his pale skin taking on a red hue as you did. Sunday moaned, hands pawing at anything he could reach, “[Name]- ‘S too much! Ahh ha—“ Sunday uttered these words but pressed himself further against your face, gasping as your tongue sunk deeper into him.
His thighs squeezed your face, Sunday’s knuckles turning white from how tightly he balled his fists. Sunday’s wings flapped as you pulled your tongue in and out of his body, frame trembling like a leaf in the wind.
“I’m gonna cum! I— Oh, Aeons!” Sunday’s hands curled around his headboard, back arching. You felt his cunt squeeze around your tongue, and you purposely pressed it against his walls, ripping a cry from him.
You felt the bitter, almost sour, taste of Sunday’s fluids on your tongue but couldn’t help the need for more, more of Sunday on your tongue. Pulling your tongue along his most sensitive places, hearing a sweet mewl escape his lips.
Sunday felt that familiar pain bubbling up in his belly, lips parting in a gasp at the feeling, “Ffhh— [Name],” He croaked out, lifting his hips off your face. Your gaze met Sunday’s, the hazy look in his eyes barely processing your face, “Thank you..” Sunday murmured weakly, sitting himself atop your chest.,
The little wings on the sides of his face puffed a bit when you grunted at the feeling of his weight landing atop your body. He squeaked out a quick apology, still within his pleasured haze, too dumb to process the world around him completely.
You reached up to cup Sunday’s face, chuckling as he leaned into your touch, “You okay, birdie?” You asked softly, Sunday nodding against your hand in response. He shifted off your torso, laying beside you, tucking his face into your neck. You could only laugh in response, running your hand through his soft hair.
It wasn’t long until you heard his snoring in your ear, the soft rasp filling the quiet room. You continued to pet Sunday’s head until you yourself fell asleep, holding the Halovian close to your chest.
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he115re · 22 days
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Ok so I saw this video of chan like kinda kneeding at stuff on his lap. And I honestly relate to that so much. And I just feel like he would be the type to just grope at their partner not in a sexual way but just to feel yk?
MNDI!! , fluff, comfort, despite it not being smut mndi still, touchy chan, Minho mentioned, chan×reader, gn reader, petting(but not in that way like literally like being pet) , no specific body type but mentions of creases and body fat, a little bicker with Minho, chan doesn't speak much to reader, he's just a calming presence.
You rest comfortably on Chan's lap, his thighs having a nice pressure against your stomach. You mindlessly scroll on your phone as chan talks to lee know. You don't quite pay attention to the conversation, but from Chan's hand on the back of your thigh you can tell he's engaged.
It's a thing you've noticed him doing mindlessly, especially when he's focused in on the conversation. You don't mind it much since you lightly tug at his clothes on occasion. But the way he softly carreses at the exposes skin massaging it in a way that wouldn't cause discomfort.
The way he squeezes the flesh between his fingers and Then soothingly rubs at it almost drawing your complete attention to it. You're sure that if you had a tail it would be wagging. His hand moves up slowly to the plush of your ass squeezing it for a second before it finds solace at the dip of your back.
Your phone has long since been forgotten as you focus on the warmth of Chan's hands. You swear you purred when the thigh on your hand started rubbing and gently kneeding at it. His hand slid under your sweater now pinching lightly at the crease in your lower back, his hand soon moved to the flesh at the sides of your waist kneeding at it as the hand on your thigh paused.
Soon lee know's hand comes down to your head to start petting you and you completely melt. Your two legs that you were initially kicking back and forth to stay at bit focused now dropping with a loud thud as you let your body completely relax. Both men pause and are about to move their hands away when you protest "no, no don't stop. Keep going" you motion with your hand.
"Just enjoying the attention" you mutter the last part into the couch cushion. They both chuckle while Minho says "you're a bit odd aren't you? You like being pet like a cat, hm? " he asks a bit tauntingly scratching behind your ear. You nod your head in agreement "yeah yeah whatever you'd enjoy this too" you say a bit defeeated but falling to the pleasant feeling of his affection.
Chan gets a little shy at the call out of his habit, but once he sees you don't mind it he silently continues eating for your little bicker with Minho to finish before he continues their conversation.
Here's the video btw. It's meant to be seen in a smexual way but like, I kinda just see it as a touch starvee thing cuz I also do it- also his hands are so nice I wanna hold them so bad
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ever-4sunlight · 2 months
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)
Includes: dottore, pantalone, childe, arlecchino
warnings: Sexuallity headcannons (my own opinion) and very bad English, mention of yandere actions in arlecchinos part
pronouns: none
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He is... Lets just say a little weird but talks much he will tell you about who he experimented on all night long you wont be able to sleep
If he is tired he gets annoyed easily so dont talk much when hes not in the mood
hes a smart person why should he do what you say? He will command you around
He will 'accidentally' test some of his syringes on you when your sleeping
He wont have much time to spend with you he has to work on his experiments! Nothing is more important then his job
If your to lonely he will send on of his clones to cuddle with you while he can work without feeling bad for not spending time with you
He is totally against kids why should he raise some idiots that will be disrespectful when they grow up?
Im pretty sure that when he ever has free time he wont tell you how much he loves you but will show you how much he loves you
If he hugs you his hands will be placed on your waist if he has time to touch you he will touch you
He will give you everything you want (no child) not personally of course he has to work so a clone will do that for him
possible Sexuallity: confusing me as much as kazuha. _.
His love language is probably: physical touch
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Hes tthe richest harbinger of all he will get you whatever you want it doesn't matter how much it costs everything for his love
He is working must of the time so he will send you little gifts
If he ever has free time he will probably go out with you doing whatever you want shopping or going to a restaurant he doesn't care he will go there with you
He would probably buy you a kitty or a puppy against the boredom when hes working
Buy you every type of clothing you want it doesn't matter to him how much it costs he has the big money
Hes not completely against kids but he's working to much to help you raising them and giving up his job is no option so think about it
He wont have much time to spend with you but he will feel bad leaving you alone all the time
As long as your safe everything is alright so he doesn't have to worry
If he comes back from work he will always have a gift for you and the hours you've waited
If he hugs your he wil lay you on his chest and just stroke your hair talking until you sleep
Possible Sexuallity: bi sexual
His love language is probably: gifts and words of affirmation
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Here we go with our all loved ed sheeran also known as tartaglia he is joking around like a little kid he loves you more then everything in this world
He is definitely not the smartest of the harbingers after all he is the 11th fatui harbinger the weakest and the dumbest? Im not calling him dumb im just not calling him smart
He is a harbinger he has practically no time like the other ones T-T
But i swear to you if he has a free day he will attack you with affection cuddling you for hours and telling you how much he loves you not letting go until he has to work again
If none of his fellow harbingers are near he will talk about his brother and his sister while holding you in his arms
He will hold you by your waist having his chin on your shoulder whispering into your ear how much he loves you
He will Probably never tell you what things he has done because hes scared that you will hate him for the bad things hes done
He wants kids! 100% he just wants to see mini versions of you running around (if your male just adopted or just think in omega verse:D)
His sexuallity is probably: im not sure... Bi or pan?
His love language is probably: physical touch and gifts
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There wwe go with or harbinger mommy shes not only sexy but overall just the perfect definition of toxic<3 but we still love her and she loves you too!
She's VERY possessive and if i say VERY I MEAN VERY she gets jealous by having you just talk to someone else thats not her your hers after all
Shes cold... Not only are her hands cold but shes just someone who barely shows emotions but no worries! She still loves you
If she comes home its late and your probably already asleep but she just cant help but lean your head against her chest when she lays down beside you she just wants to have her lover close!
If you disobey her your probably getting locked into your room to keep you away fron the 'danger' outside
The only person she trusts you with is herself obviously shes the one she can trust the most shes a father! She knows what she's doing
When ttalking about kids shes neutral... Just keep the screaming thing away... But at the same time its hers and it needs protection and care
Shes not talkative so dont annoy her to much!
Her sexuallity is probably: i would actually say shes a lesbian._. But for the more judgmental audience i say bi
Her love language is probably: acts of service
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naurimastaur · 11 months
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Summary: In which George and Fred devise a plan to trick y/n into admitting their feelings for George
Pairing: George weasley x nonbinary!reader
Tw: my attempt at writing xx
Please don’t take this seriously this one is just for fun!
“Georgie?” Fred called out smacking the back of George’s head in the process. “Are you going to sit there like a stupid git for the rest of your life staring at them, or are you actually going to do something about it?” George sort of fancied his best friend y/n. They were awkward. He was awkward. It was a mess.
“I dunno, I just, what If I ruin everything?” He replied defeated, an almost foreign response coming from the twins, who in their approach to everything, were annoyingly cocky.
“I don’t doubt that,” Fred replied unhelpful. It was in his nature to be a dickhead at all times.“But this is y/n we’re talking about! We’ll just ban them from the burrow or something if they say no.” There was a reason no one went to the twins for advice.
George looked to his brother, deadpan. Fred looked back, grinning.
“ Or,” he suddenly lit up, an idea brewing in his head. “what if we get our hands on some of that amortentia thing? Say we need their help and before you know it theyre all blah blah blah dreamy George smell and we’ll know!!!!” It was almost certainly a failing plan, but it was better than anything George had in mind and sadly he shared his brother’s brain cells. Or lack thereof.
“ OI y/n!” Fred called out. “ George and I are testing out a new product and we would be honoured if you and your royal nose gave it a try. It’s a real business investment!” His accent mocking that of a commercial salesman from the muggle tvs.
“Fred Weasley if you think I’d willingly stick my face anywhere near something you have made, you are a bigger idiot than you make yourself out to be,” they responded. Having been best friends with the twins for five years, they had long learnt their lesson on trust and why exactly not to place it in gingers. They gave one last unimpressed look and walked away.
Fred and George shared a look. Perhaps if they actually thought plans through they wouldn’t be in this position right now.
“ Well hey!” Fred said “ At least they spoke to you! That’s a step!”
“No you git, they spoke to you.”
“ Yes but you look like me so it’s all the same,” Fred replied, once again trying to lighten the mood. “ What if we get Hermione to try it? They won’t suspect anything if it comes from her.” Thus another plan equally as devastating was formed.
It only took a couple of hours of threats and promises no one intended to keep to get Hermione on board. She agreed based on the terms that the twins would leave her alone to revise after. Short time pain for long term gain some would say.
“Hey y,n!” Hermione smiled ever as friendly, walking over to where y/n was in the great hall. “Im sorry to bother you but we’ve been assigned this potion and I can’t seem to figure out the ingredients. I was thinking since you’re a fifth year you might know them?” Hermione was as good at lying as the twins were at making plans.
“ The twins didn’t set you up for this did they?” Y/n replied unconvinced.
“ No! Merlin no! I’m really stressed over this y/n and I really thought you could help me but if you can’t take me seriously I’ll ask elsewhere.” Maybe Hermione wasnt that bad after all.
“Oh no I’m sorry! Of course I’ll help. Alright I smell rain and-,” they paused after seeing a tuft of ginger hair appearing from under one of the tables from the corner of their eye, a pair of brown eyes following, most certainly that of Fred weasley. Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, seemed to have fallen victim to a Weasley scheme. Depressing. Y/n decided they weren’t going to let themself miss out on the fun.
“And?” Hermione near shouted, clearly trying to direct the attention back to herself but forgetting human social skills in the process.
“And-Oh! This last smell is kind of like husky?” They said uncertain. “I totally get why you couldn’t figure it out. I’m so sure I’ve smelt it before though.” Hermione quickly responded with a ‘mhm’, unsure where this was going and uninterested all the same.
“Oh I know! This smells like Snape’s hair! I can almost taste the grease,” they replied with the most genuine smile they could manage. They had nothing against Hermione, but this awkward, subtle form of revenge was far more entertaining than they had anticipated.
Hermione paused, clearly filled with regret and remorse for what she had inserted herself into. “You-.” She exhaled before starting again. ”You know what professor Snape’s hair smells like?” She replied cringing but slightly curious. Maybe she could buy the professor shampoo or something to get on his good side, after all Gryffindor needs all the house points they can get.
“Oh yeah I’ve taken a couple of sniffs before when he wasn’t looking,” y/n grinned. ”Do you think he noticed?” Now Hermione was just disturbed. She stared blankly at y/n before taking the potion from their grasp and walking away. This is what she gets for choosing to socialise instead of revising.
Waiting in the common room was George, an accomplished grin set on his face when Hermione walked in, which slowly faded when he saw her face. Not that that wasn’t his usual reaction when he saw the know-it-all.
“So?” He questioned fishing for a response. “How’d it go?”
Hermione stared blankly back at him.
“Unless you’re professor snape it seems they dont have any interest.”
George was really beginning to regret his existence.
A/n: this was way longer than I had anticipated and was also marinating in the drafts much like the nits in Snape’s hair <3
While you’re here check out a prank to die for
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