#chip milton
swagliostro · 3 days
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my birfday
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sercezgazety · 9 months
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I'm getting married in less than 13 hours and this is what I've decided to dedicate my impressive intellect to
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peterpparkour · 1 year
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(Talks part two)
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sixtenart · 2 years
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Went through a fake screenshot phase
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Chip Campbell — Unresolved
This is not the best write up. Pretty redundant at times and just bad writing. Still, it's coverage
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QC Flooring
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QC Flooriing - High Quality Flooring in Milton Keynes.
Safety Flooring Corby
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Picnic Dates, plus two - Dr James Wilson x peds!reader
Description: You've got a lunch date, but it's not with James.
word count: 1.8k
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Y/n skipped down the halls of peds, smiling to herself. Each room she passed she waved to the patients inside. Holly, Trevor, Milton, Magnus, Bea, Molly, Jo, Josh. She knew all their names and knew how they should look, so that if anything was even slightly off she could spring into action.
She reached the last of the rooms on the hallway and pulled out a pink glitter file from her stack. Truthfully, she wasn’t allowed to decorate her patients files, but it turns out if you are not swamped with malpractice lawsuits and actually have a good bedside manner with your patients, Cuddy can be quite lenient.
“Hello y/n!” the little girl jumped up from her bed showing off her finding nemo pyjamas. Her blonde curls fell in front of her face, being batted away by her tiny hands.
“Good morning, Lisa! And how are you doing this fine day?”
“I good!”
“Can you give me anything more specific?” Y/n teased, raising her eyebrow.
“I feel really, really, really, really well!”
“I am so pleased to hear that Lisa. I am just going to do a quick examination, not that I don’t fully trust your own medical degree.” Lisa laughed and her parents lovingly looked at how happy their daughter seemed despite her condition. That was all down to y/n.
Lisa had become a regular of the hospital, brought in many times with asthma attacks so severe each trip to the hospital seemed to be a death sentence. Every time, y/n was there so Lisa could wake up to a familiar face. Stroking her hair and talking to her so she didn’t have to come to terms with her scary surroundings.
As y/n went to leave the room she was stopped by Lisa’s mum.
“Hi Dr y/l/n, I just wanted to say thank you.”
“It’s nothing, it’s my job.”
“No, it’s not. Examining her, diagnosing her, that’s your job. No one’s making you sing her songs or play her games. So…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Y/n left the room, her heart feeling just that bit warmer seeing that little girl babble to her parents about everything that was in her tiny head. She felt a presence next to her and her heart practically set on fire when her eyes met his.
“Hi.” It was soft, like she was sharing a secret.
“Hi. How’s Lisa doing?”
“She’s doing well, she’ll be home this afternoon. Just in time for SpongeBob.” Wilson raised an eyebrow. “Her favourite.”
“Now, remember last week when we went to that deli in the town over and you loved that sandwich. Well, I went to the shops and got all the ingredients and made us two of your sandwich with chips, coleslaw, and everything. My office, 12?”
A sorrowful look crossed her face, and she seemed to retreat into her mind.
“You have other plans—it’s fine, enjoy.”
“Believe me, that sounds amazing and usually I would love to but—I can’t.” Wilson nods but his gaze is on the floor. He shoved his hands in his pockets. She grasped his arms in a silent question that he is okay with this. He covered her hand with his own.
“I’m okay.” Despite feeling unsatisfied with his answer, she picked up her files and made her way down the corridor. Every few moments she turned back around to look at the oncologist who now was weakly kicking at the floor.
The door to House’s office slams open.
“At what point in each marriage did my wives start retreating from me.”
“Catherine of Aragon, 3 years, and 4 months. Boleyn, 2 years, and 11 months.”
Wilson falls down onto the chair in his friends office.
“Please don’t call my ex-wives that.”
“I’m a history buff, what can I say, Henry.” House smirks.
Ignoring the ill-placed humour, Wilson continues.
“My point remains that they were all after a lengthy period of time—”
“And/or directly after you cheated.” He looks towards House’s smug face, disapprovingly.
“But neither of them were after 2 months.”
“Trouble in peds, oh I’m sorry paradise.”
“I don’t really know. It just feels like she doesn’t want to spend time with me.”
“Well, she is a paediatrician, so every day she meets people more emotionally mature than you.”
“Ha ha. Just today she blew me off for lunch, and, thinking about it we haven’t had lunch together at the office in a week. What if she’s pulling away? What if she doesn’t love me anymore?”
“What if she’s busy?” House still refused to look up from his Gameboy.
“She’s not, I checked. She just has 10 patients she’s monitoring, none of which are severe.”
House paused his game. “You checked her files? I’m rubbing off on you. Boy wonder oncologist, we may have found your bad bone yet. Maybe we should get a noun to replace your last name as well.”
“I’m going to confront her.” Wilson abruptly stood up and opened the door.
“The word you’re looking for is communicate.” Wilson went to leave. “WAIT! Wilson-“ House picked up the phone “It’s for you. It’s God. He say’s you’re bad at relationships.”
Wilson angrily left the room and slammed the door which echoed with the cackles of his best friend.
Y/n opened the door to leave her office, armed with a pasta salad and an iced coffee.
“Do you want to break up?”
Y/n was startled by her flustered boyfriend who had jumped out in front of her.
“What? No! Why would you think that? I love you of course I don’t want to leave you.” She reached up to cup his cheek and used her thumb to stroke under his eyes.
“I can’t believe you were thinking that! I can’t believe I made you think that! Oh, baby I’m so sorry.” After her rambling she threw her arms around his neck, ladening his neck with so many kisses as way of apology. Wilson chuckled before completing the hug and squeezing her waist.
She pulled back from the hug.
“Why did you think I wanted to leave you?”
“Well, lunch. You didn’t want to, again, and we haven’t had lunch together in about a week. And in all my past relationships, there comes a time when they start to retreat,” He scratched the back of his neck “I just thought it had come sooner than usual.”
“It’s not that I didn’t want to, I couldn’t.”
She bit her lip and tried to find the right words before blurting out. “I’m seeing a 12-year-old.”
Wilson simply couldn’t find the words.
“Oh, not like that. Come with me.” She took his arm and began to lead him to the elevator.
They stood in front of the window that showed a boy, small for his age, curled up on the hospital bed playing with two power rangers. His room was devoid of balloons, toys, cards: the decorations that covered every other peds room.
“That’s Lucas. He came in last week with pneumonia. He’s on antibiotics and he’s improving. His dad died when he was 2 and his mum works constantly to make enough money. She can’t visit him a lot, she only managed 2 visits last week. He’s never even left his house. And now he only knows two things: he’s sick and he’s alone. This hospital can look like a big scary place when you’re a kid so –”
“So, you eat lunch with him every day so he has at least one visitor.” Her boyfriend finishes her sentence flawlessly.
“I’ll bet you even tell him that you choose to be with him, probably say that all the other doctors are boring.” She laughs at how well he knows her. She steps back from the window and pushes open the door.
“Lucas, there is someone very special I want you to meet. This is Dr Wilson.”
Lucas perks up at seeing, not only his favourite doctor, but also another boy enter the room.
“Is he your friend, Dr y/l/n?”
“Yes, he is, he’s my special friend.”
“Mummy always said Daddy was her best friend. Do you love him like my mummy loved my daddy.”
“Observant kid.” Wilson quietly remarks.
“What do you have for lunch today, Dr y/l/n?”
Y/n sits down on Lucas’ bed. “Actually, Lucas, today Dr Wilson and I have—"
“Have to tell you that I took over Dr y/l/n’s clinic hours so she can have 3 more hours to spend with you. She’s been nagging me to have more time with you for weeks!” He rolls his eyes jokingly. “I’ll leave you two to it.���
She turns away from Lucas to mouth ‘Thank you’ towards him. In return he waves as if to say see you later.
the next day
“I have the tickets, Thursday night!” House limped down the hallway flanked by his exasperated friend.
“Liar. Your girlfriend’s ignoring you so unless you’ve already found the next next potential Mrs Wilson, you’re free!”
“Actually, we –”
Y/n slid into the two’s line of vision. Her pink scrubs not as cheery as her smile. Wilson quickly checked his watch.
“y/n/n, baby, isn’t Lucas waiting.”
“Who’s Lucas? You guys open now?”
“Actually, he gave me a message to give to you two. He told me to invite to lunch, and I quote, ‘your boyfriend and the mean cane guy he’s always with’”.
Wilson beams at how chipper his girlfriend seems at this news.
“Wait, both of us? You two into foursomes now? I mean I respect it.”
Rolling her eyes at House’s comment. She grabs the two by their arms and drags them to the ‘lunch’ room. They stop in the doorway, seeing Lucas who was looking into a gigantic bag of food but who quickly retreated sheepishly when he was caught.
“I retract my previous joke.” House looks down, embarrassed. He goes to approach the boy but is halted by a pressure on his ear as it was held by the smiling paediatrician. She yanks him back to her and harshly whispers “Be. Nice!”.
“Yes ma’am.” Happy with this response, she releases him. She then turns towards her boyfriend. “I even managed to get an order in from that deli. Do you like it?” she fiddles with her fingers nervously.
“Yes. Very much so.”
She skips towards Lucas but is brought back by Wilson’s hands on her waist. They turn so they are nose to nose.
“I love you.” “I love you too.”
Before their lips could touch they are interrupted.
“Ew gross!” they glare towards the bed to see that the juvenile remarks are not coming from the 12-year-old but rather the overgrown 8 year old.
The four ate lunch and talked and each managed to bring back a little joy for the bed ridden child. Even House slowly warmed and began to care for the boy. Every so often y/n would get up to check his stats but also to fluff his pillows, bring him his toys and juice. She cared so deeply and wanted every child who passed through her care to feel special and heard.
Wilson sat back and watched the scene unfold, happy to be an observer. And as he watched the woman, he loved be a mother for a child who wasn’t even her own, he couldn’t help but imagine her with their own.
Props to anyone who spots the joke about one of Robert Sean Leonard’s other films ;)
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directdogman · 10 months
hello there dog!!! firstly, i just want too say im incredibly proud too see how far you have come, dialtown is so special too me, and for not only that game to be so loved, but also for you too be so involved in the community, is amazing keep up the great work! i do have a question, i am working on a theory pertaining to my favorite characters gingi/milton, and if i may, i have a couple questions about him specifically, if you don't mind of course :) 1. what made you come up with the design/personality of gingi?
2. what are your personal feelings/thoughts on gingi? are you satisficed with them as a character? or are there anything you wish you could change now? 3. this is a wierd one but, gingi generally does not really care what he looks like/what others think, so im really curious why hes so meticulous with making his phone/type head, and if he is so bent up about it, why not try to get someone like Oliver to make him a more proper one? instead of replacing the rotten flesh over and over
4. idk if you can answer this one, but i dont think it can hurt to try...was gingi around, before callum lost his mind?
if you cant answer this, then i have another, what flower would best represent gingi?
Milton question:
ok so....did Callum just straight up cheat on his Marla with Milt?...or am i mistaking something? what i read on the wiki says that milton and Callum had a romantic...fling?
2. did norm know milt? where they friends?
3. does mingus know at least some of the extent of miltons involvement with callum?
4. are there any plans with milton? he seems like such a cool character with crazy potential
that's my questions done, again thank you if you answer! and if not, thank you for making a truly special game, cant wait too see more gingi and dialtown in the future
1)Design for Gingi was primarily based on Frankenstein's aesthetic applied to a the chupacabra. Personality was largely ripped from quite a few unpublished stories/ideas I had before making DT. There's a few protagonists in other things I'd written as potential new game/story ideas that are eerily like Gingi.
2)I'm really really happy with Gingi as a character and I wouldn't change anything that I've established. I like how Gingi starts the game and changes by the end because it's pretty vast, but also not a complete change (and it happens very very gradually.)
TBH, outside of Gingi's interactions in DT, the fandom doesn't really know anything concrete about Gingi due to Gingi's poor memory. Until Gingi formed real human relationships, there was nothing to anchor to, just fragmented and barely remembered individual interactions. Honestly, the bigger picture is really interesting and I'm very happy with Gingi as a protagonist and I'd love to make sequels to DT as I've had concrete ideas for where the character would get up to in potential sequels for years now!
3)Gingi's flesh-head is a bit of a mystery. Gingi doesn't have the same adverse reaction to rotting things that most people do, but does have a general chip in its shoulder about being judged as lesser by others. Gingi (generally) does not make efforts to change its appearance to be seen as less repulsive by others, as we can plainly see from the fact Gingi often forgets (or refuses) to wear clothes.
4)I have all the main character date of births written down, so I could tell you Gingi's exact age... but it's more fun if I don't.
1)I'm not really sure why the wiki says that. There's no canon materials that state that Crown + Milt had an affair together. I think someone just read between the lines and stated their hunch as a fact.
2)Norm and Milt met but didn't know each other well. There was a cut mention of Milt in Norm's dialogue, but after a lot of head-scratching, felt the topic was too forced. Norm wouldn't have volunteered the information unless it was relevant to the scene and Gingi would not have asked.
3)Mingus knows about Milt, though not intimately. The only person alive during Mingus' lifetime who could've talked about Milt to her was her grandmother Marla, who was a husk of a person for Mingus' whole life (and in particular, talking about Milt would've hurt too much for her given their closeness.) Mingus knows about Milt from her obsessive study of her paw paw's presidency, but not much more than any historian/social studies teacher would. A lot of information I'd consider very important about Milt was never put to paper.
4)I'm not 100% sure why the fandom likes him as much as they do, given how little of him the fandom has seen (and how little information there is about him out there so far.) I just wanted a few references to him included in canon so I could potentially reveal more about him one day without fans wondering how this SUPER important character had never been mentioned. It's incredibly likely that I'll show more of Milt in future DT stuff due to how instrumental he was in Crown's decision-making + rise to power. There would be no practical way to expand on Crown without discussing Milt more.
There's a much bigger picture that the fandom hasn't seen much of that Milt is very important to, though it isn't often relevant to the modern day events of DT. Understanding Milt isn't important to understand DT itself, but is to understand both Crown and exactly how the world (and by extension, Dialtown itself) ended up exactly the way it did. And with time, I will discuss that some more.
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tinycoded360 · 27 days
Sterling Household : Wax
Milton Borrowfield stood poised on the edge of the family's secret entrance. Beside him stood his eldest daughter, Agnes, her eyes wide with determination, eager to prove herself. She was getting close to the age and skill where he would trust her to borrow alone.
"Alright, Agnes," Milton whispered, his voice barely audible against the quiet backdrop of the giant's dwelling. "Remember the plan: we move silently and swiftly, keeping to the shadows. Our goal is the candle wax; it will be useful as a fire starter in our kitchen.”
Agnes nodded. "I understand, Papa.” Her fourteen-year-old mind quickly processed the importance of their task. "But what if we encounter the giant?"
"Stick close to me, and I'll protect you," Milton assured her, his eyes filled with love and concern. "While I don’t think he’d hurt us, given his past actions, it’s safer not to interact with him."
As they approached their destination, Milton couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his daughter. Agnes was a natural, her curiosity and bravery shining through even in this tense situation. He knew she had the potential to become a great borrower, just like him.
"Papa," Agnes whispered urgently, pulling Milton from his thoughts. "The candles are just up ahead. We're almost there."
"Stay focused, my dear," he reminded her as their objective came into view. The used candles were clustered on the counter, their lower halves coated in precious wax - the very substance that would bring warmth and start their stoves in the Borrowfields' home. Milton knows that Sterling usually melts all the leftover wax down into one. The human seems to hate waste, which Milton can appreciate. But Milton suspects Sterling has purposefully left these out, postponing his task. It’s become more of a pattern, the human leaving things out. Which has further confirmed to Milton that the human is aware of them. This knowledge drives Milton crazy with worry. He doesn’t understand why the human hasn’t tried to capture or trap them. The human had even kept his cat confined in his bedroom, making borrowing missions much easier. 
He squeezed Agnes' hand, then began scaling the cabinets leading up to the kitchen counter. His tiny hands found grooves to grip as he climbed. Agnes watched anxiously from below.
Once he was up on the counter, he gave his daughter the all-clear to throw her grappling hook up. He helped secure it. And he watched with pride as his eldest scaled up the string.
Milton and Agnes worked quickly, using their small chisels to chip away at the wax. They filled their packs,
At last, their packs were full. Milton scanned the tabletop. No trace remained of their presence.
"Let's go," he whispered.
Agnes nodded determination in her young eyes. They scurried to the edge and peered over. Milton slid down first, catching Agnes as she followed.
Milton and Agnes moved swiftly and silently through the walls, retracing their steps back home.
Agnes let out a small sigh of relief as the entrance to their home came into view. The familiar warmth and light felt especially comforting after the tense journey through the giant's domain.
As they slipped inside, Agnes' mother, Cassia, hurried over, concern etched on her face.
"Thank goodness you're back safely," she said, embracing them both. Then, spying the clumps of wax, her eyes lit up.
Milton put an arm around Agnes' shoulders. "Our girl is growing up. She'll be leading these missions herself before long."
Agnes beamed with pride.
"Are you worried about Sterling? Cassia asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned over her husband’s shoulder.
Milton sighed, his expression pensive.
"Of course I am," he said. "It worries me, he knows, but our best option is to wait and see if he is a threat. And if he if……Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
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swagliostro · 1 month
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Thank you for being so sweet about Chip! Unfortunately, your praise has rendered him too powerful, and now he’s real and has come to life.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Protective streak
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Swear words, fighting, threats
Genre: Uhhh aggressive fluff??
Challenge: Nowhere to run / You've told your parents? / "Nobody warned you about me?" @fictober-event fanfiction - The Walking Dead
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“He said what?” you snapped. You felt your jaw clench at the story Daryl had just told you, feeling the heat rising in your body.
“It’s alrigh’ now, I took care of it,” Daryl assured, reaching a hand out to calm you. You shook him off, beelining for the door.
“No. I’m going to have a word with him,” you said, hand on the knob. Daryl ran over to you, closing the door as soon as you opened it. You glared at him, but he was never one to back down to your anger.
“Y/N/N, it’s handled. He ain’t gonna do nothin’ stupid like that again,” he said, holding the door closed with one hand and reaching for your arm with the other. You scoffed, pulling on the handle.
“Yeah, not when I’m done with him,” you growled, stomping a foot when the door still wouldn’t budge. Daryl lowered his eyes, attempting to catch yours.
“Sebastian’s a dick and we all know it. But he ain’t got the guts to follow through on his threats. You know that, I know that, and Rosita knows that. So we gotta drop it,” he pleaded. You finally let go of the knob, meeting his gaze. You could tell he was angry too, just better at hiding it than you were. You sighed.
“Fine. But if he ever even mentions the kids again, I’ll kick his ass,” you conceded. Daryl smiled softly, reaching for your hand. He slowly released his hold on the door and led you back to the apartment’s living area, settling you down on the couch.
“I’ll get the kids from school. You stay here and relax a little,” he said. You shook your head.
“No, Daryl, I’ve been here all day. Not everyone has a fancy law enforcement job to keep them occupied,” you groaned. Daryl smiled, kneeling in front of you.
“Those pricks’ll assign you somethin’ soon. Just hold tight ‘till then, yeah?” he said, gently massaging your hands between his. You nodded.
“Alright. How ‘bout we go get the kids together, huh? We can get ‘em a treat or somethin’ at the bakery before, make ‘em happy,” Daryl suggested. You smiled, emphatically nodding your head as you stood up. 
You grabbed your purse (something you’d just gotten used to carrying again, no matter how odd it felt) and the two of you were out the door.
The bakery was empty when the two of you arrived, except for Carol behind the counter. She grinned when she saw you, stepping around the displays to hug you. You held her tightly against you, happy to be around a friendly face. She and Daryl exchanged pleasantries as well, then the two of you began picking out sweets for the kids. You settled on a red velvet cupcake for Judith and a chocolate chip cookie for RJ.
The doorbell behind you rang as a new customer walked in. You turned to see who it was and felt your face heating up. Daryl was one step ahead of you, placing a protective hand around your waist. Protection for who, you didn’t know, because the person stood before you was none other than Sebastian Milton.
“I need a cake for tonight’s party,” he demanded, not even bothering to acknowledge the two of you. “Make three different ones and deliver them to my office. I’ll taste test them and choose the best one. Then you’ll need to make another.”
Carol scoffed at the man, no doubt wondering what the punishment would be for strangling him. Your fists were clenched at your sides, Daryl retraining you from lunging at the man. The anger towards him had subsided for a while, but now his words came back to you. 
No one threatened your kids. No one.
“Oh, hey, didn’t see ya there, Dixon,” Sebastian claimed, turning to face the two of you. Daryl nodded, too focused on keeping the both of you in check to respond. Sebastian tilted his head at your expression, clearly picking up on the animosity.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Shark week?” he commented. You pulled yourself out of Daryl’s grasp and lunged at the man, pressing him up against the wall with a forearm on his neck. He choked and spluttered, frantically trying to push you off, but you held steady.
“Nobody warned you about me? You make one more comment about my kids, about me or my husband or my friends, and I will beat your ass. I don’t care who your mommy is,” you growled, enjoying the panicked look in his eyes. He kept trying to push you away, to which you responded by pushing harder.
“Do you understand?” you hissed, pressing harder for emphasis. Sebastian nodded as best he could, movements growing more frantic. You finally pulled away, watching him claw at his throat as he gasped.
You turned to Daryl, who you noticed hadn’t made a move to stop you. Instead, he was glowing, a proud look of satisfaction on his face. You bit your lip to suppress a smile. You knew you shouldn’t be enjoying this so much, but it was time somebody put that kid in his place. You also noticed Carol suppressing a laugh in the corner.
Sebastian continued to gasp for breath, finally managing to stand up straight. You glared at him as he steadied himself and walked right out the door, not bothering with another word. You breathed out a sigh of relief.
“So…probably not getting that job assignment, am I?” you grinned, joining in with Carol who had finally let her laughter out. Daryl was chuckling too, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah, might wanna pick up a hobby or somethin’. Street fightin’, maybe?” he joked. You smiled at him, appreciating his ability to make a heavy situation light. Once the laughter subsided, the two of you thanked Carol for the treats, paid her, and headed for the door.
“Yer a badass. Ya know that right?” Daryl commented once you were on the street. You smiled, giving yourself a mental pat on the back.
“Eh, not really. Just protective of what’s mine,” you said. The two of you held hands as you went to pick up the kids, knowing you would always be there to protect each other and your family.
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Switched Alliances (Leila Ouahabi x Reader)
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So this is a Euro fic. I know im a little late but I really liked this idea so here we are. I hope you all enjoy
The woman’s Euros starts today. This tournament has been eagerly anticipated since the tickets went on sale a year prior. You were lucky to not have to worry about that too much, your sister was a started for the English woman’s team so you pretty much got to follow her journey and watch the games she played in without sourcing your own tickets.
The tickets you did have to source were the Spanish girls games. Well game. You didn’t know if you could travel too much outside of your half sisters games so you were worried about buying any tickets yourself. Something you had voiced to the younger woman before she headed off to camp. She told you that if you wanted to go that you should but that she really wanted you watching her in the stands. Something you wouldn’t miss so you decided against it.
You watched you sister play in the opening game. It was nervy and very close but Mead chipped the ball just over the line to get your home country the first win of the tournament.
Waiting out back for your sister to come out so you could congratulate her, you didn’t expect the envelope that was shoved into your hands.
“What’s this sis?” The younger shorter woman rolled her eyes and pulled you into a hug.
“Great game sis. Well played sis. Good to know you enjoyed watching me.” The teasing tone was ever present and you gave her your best older sister cut it out look before wrapping her up in your arms.
“Well played baby sis I’m so proud of you. Now what is this?” Another eye roll and scoff before she took the envelope and tore it open.
“A ticket for you precious Spain game. We are in Brighton for game 2 so it’s on the way down you’ll just have to travel yourself.” She was beaming at you, an expression you were 100% sure was mirrored on your own face.
“You are the best!” You pulled her in for a tight hug before she was shouted at by Leah to get her ass on the bus. With a kiss to the crown of her head you wished her well and told her you’d see her in Brighton for game 2. You walked out of the stadium with a spring in your step not only because your sister won her first game but because you were going to see some of your favourites play.
With a cap covering your head and a Barcelona shirt covering your upper body you sat in the stands of the first Spanish woman’s euro tournament game. You had watched many of the Spanish girls play for Barcelona over the last few years and had become quite the fan girl much to your little sisters annoyance.
Other than one time last season when Barcelona was in England to play Arsenal you had never got to see them play in person so as soon as you found out where their first group game is you travelled the distance from Manchester to Milton Keynes. Your sister would never let you live it down if you wore a Spanish shirt even with your Spanish side so the Barca jersey would have to do.
Your sister had managed to secure you a good seat right next to the pitch just to the left of the dugouts. Apparently the family section extended past the actual teams playing. It meant that for the majority of the game you were listening to the Spanish coaching staff and subs shout many different phrases, mostly encouragements some criticisms that could be used.
There was one player that you couldn’t take your eyes off. Leila Ouahabi. You have had a crush on the woman from the moment you first watched her on your tv screen. She just oozed confidence and from the snippets of her off the pitch you could tell she was a fun and carefree sort of person. The exact person you wanted to get to know.
It took Aitana scoring her goal for you to realise who was sitting just behind you and to the left of your current position. Alexia Putellas in all her injured glory was hopping up and down on one leg down the steps next to you, signalling her joy to the young centre midfielder. You watched as the 4th official blocked Aitanas path and the resulting heart she parted with before you noticed no one going to help the woman back up the stairs.
Although you were pretty sure she didn’t need any help if the muscles in her thighs were anything to go by, you still stood up and offered a hand. “Hola, are you okay getting back to your seat? Can’t have you injuring that leg even more.”
The older woman hopped to face you an apprehensive look in her eyes until you noticed her glance at your shirt, “Hola. A culer I see. That would be great I didn’t grab my crutches in my haste and it’s a lot easier hopping down then up. I’m going to assume you know my name but I’ll introduce myself anyway. I’m Alexia.” You chuckled along with the woman as you offered her your arm and led her back to the seat with the extra chair at the side. You helped her sit before making sure she was comfortable.
“I do in fact know who you are but it’s a pleasure to meet you. Im y/n and yes im a culer.” You sent the woman a wink as you turned around to leave.
The hand on your arm jilted you back before you could even make it down a step. “Sit with me for the rest of the game? I might need that hand again you know when we score more goals? Plus I can introduce you to the woman who you have on your back as a thank you.”
The blush that covered your cheeks might have given your crush on the dark haired woman away. Nether the less, you took the offered seat next to the best female football player in the world right now and focused in on the game.
To your slight disappointment, something Alexia was quick to tease you about, Leila was subbed out in the 61st minute but you did get to enjoy watching her jump up and down with her teammates on the bench when Lucia Garcia scored and finally when Mariona put away a penalty with about as much calm as Alexia herself would.
Not long after celebrating that goal the final whistle blew and Alexia was rising to her feet with her crutches in hand. “Y/n it has been a pleasure. I can tell you aren’t from Spain but we appreciate the support anyway. The girls are heading this way I want to introduce you to some of them.”
You followed the woman down to the side of the pitch and watched from the barrier as she went through the gate. As she went to wave you through you shook your head, you had no right to be on the pitch you were just another fan in the stadium and you were going to be just that.
Alexia gave you a questioning look to which you replied “Im just a fan Alexia. Fans stay this side of the barrier and hope they get the chance to talk to you amazing people. I will do just that, I didn’t help you to get special treatment. I helped you because I wanted too.” The smile on the woman’s lips told you all you needed to know about your little rant. And if it didn’t the woman crunching back over to bring you into a hug did.
“Garcías y/n. Sometimes people forget we are just humans. You are a breath of fresh air.” The woman set herself straight before she signalled a couple of the girls over. Much to your shock you were faced with 4 of your favourite Barcelona woman’s football players. Patri was built more than you expected, Pina was taller than she looked on screen, Aitana was looking anywhere but at you something you found cute and Leila was looking you top to toe. This caused you to try and subtly stand taller in hopes of showing some fake confidence in front of the beauty.
“Guys this is y/n. Y/n meet Patri, Claudia, Aitana and last and least Leila.” The eldest of them all gave Alexia a tap to the back of the arm for that comment before she reached a hand out to shake yours.
“The pleasure is all mine” the small kiss she placed on your cheek after she tugged you forward had you blushing uncontrollably. Patri was quick to notice this and in an attempt to distract you thought of a question.
“So a Barca top. Does it have a name on the back?” You could tell she was trying to take away from the shade of your face but her question just made you turn a darker shade of red. A fact that had Alexia full belly laughing from her spot next to Leila.
“Umm yeah.” You were scratching the back of your neck and avoiding eye contact with any of them.
“Okay so this is where you turn round and we see who your favourite is.” There was a teasing lilt to Claudias voice and you knew you were in trouble with these girls.
Without letting yourself think about it too much to swirled on your heels and displayed the woman’s name printed on your back.
“Ouahabi looks like you have a beautiful fan. Not going to lie I’m jealous.” This voice was new so you quickly spun back not wanting the crush you had on the woman to be known by too many people. As you faced the direction of the girls again you came face to face with none other than Mapi Leon. You gave a shy wave before stuffing your hands in your short pockets and trying to not seem as self conscious as you really were.
“Back of Leon this one’s not going to full for your charms.” You could hear the teasing tone but also something a bit more forceful behind it. Something that made you look at the dark haired woman properly for one of the first times today. She was looking at you with a soft smile that quickly turned into a smirk, a sign you knew spelt trouble for you.
“Jersey swap? This one doesn’t seem quite right.” She tugged on the bottom of your shirt before pulling her match worn shirt over her head. “Better yet just have this one too.”
“I’m English. This could be seen as treachery.” Even as you said this you took the offered item from the now barely clothed woman in front of you.
“Don’t worry I’ll get you a Barca one. You can collect it when you come to a Barca game next year.” The wink she sent you had you weak in the knees something you would never give away. “But before that will I see you in this at one of the next Spain games?”
You threw the shirt over your shoulder and gave the woman a nod. You didn’t mind how far you had to travel or how much you had to beg your sister, there was no way you would miss seeing this woman again.
With a wink and another kiss to your cheek, this one bordering on the edge of your lips, the woman was off chatting to her fellow teammates. She threw a smile over her shoulder before she disappeared into the tunnel.
You didn’t realise Alexia was still next to you until she clicked her fingers in front of your eyes. “I expect at least the be the first name on the wedding invite list.” It was your turn to tap the woman’s arm as she crutches away laughing.
You weren’t sure what the future held but you knew there was a game watching a Spanish beauty in there somewhere.
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carsonian · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week: Golden Oldies Thursday
@cap-ironman, Thursday, I don't care about you. . .
"The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark" by jibrailis
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
jibrailis is an all-time G but still underrated to me. Super well-written with achey breaky core. It's like a very fudgey chocolate-chip cookie.
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"Love among the Hydrothermal Vents" by DevilDoll (@devildoll)
In which Namor has a thing for Steve, an octopus has a thing for Tony, and Steve and Tony eventually have a thing for each other.
You've gots to laugh. I mean, read the summary. YES, it's that fun. Like...c'mon. You either get the vision or you don't. FYI, I do.
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"almeno tu nell'universo" by silkspectred (@silkspectred)
Tony drives off. Well, he wants to. But he can’t. Because. Steve Rogers is in front of his car. Steve fucking Rogers. Is in front of Tony’s fucking car.
This fic is a love letter to Italy and I'm hanging onto each word down to the proverbial postscript. THE reconciliation fic. Crazie to realise how long ago CA:CW and the accompanying fandom wankery was, but this fic is the gift that keeps on giving.
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"Power and Paradox" by The_Kinky_Pet (@ms-meredith-milton)
“Billionaire, genius, engineer, philanthropist, submissive.  Yeah, submissive.  Any questions?” OR Yet another BDSM-AU.
HUGE fic. Worth every word. Coffee, Star Trek, world-building. Oof. This fic has it all. It packs a punch. A spiked punch. You'll be tipsy and dancing with your crush in no time.
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"A Cabin in the Woods" by nightwalker
It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, a chance for them to spend some time as a couple and work out some of the kinks in their relationship. That was before everything got weird.
Horror junkie here and yeah, um, the best horror fic ever. I ate this up and would eat it up again. The tension is inescapable and the writing is superbly subtle. Genuine mastery of the form.
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"If You Never Say Your Name Out Loud To Anyone" by theladyingrey42 (@thefangirlingrey)
Sometimes, Steve has panic attacks. Or at least he used to. Nowadays, he mostly just has conversations with Tony Stark.
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Thursday, you will forever be the middle child but today I give you respect, I give you love and most importantly, I give you fic.
Go forth: SteveTony lovers, fuckers, ambassadors, champions, perverts, freaks, losers, dreamers, legends! Read, re-read, kudo, comment, spread legs and spread love.
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wildmelon · 1 year
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“lethe the river of oblivion rolls
her watery labyrinth whereof who drinks
forthwith his former state and being forgets
forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain.”
john milton, paradise lost
i tend to change up my mcs over time but for now i’m rly happy with her, lethe is my a mage reborn mc 🖤 she’s a leonmancer spiritist with anger issues and a chip on her shoulder. i just played for the first time on tuesday and wow i was floored. 
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Safety First The Different Types of Safety Flooring You Need to Know
Welcome to our guide on Safety Flooring in Northampton! We are a team of expert SEO and copywriters who are dedicated to creating content that helps our clients outrank their competitors on Google. In this article, we will explore the importance of safety flooring, the different types of safety flooring available, and why you should choose us for your safety flooring needs in Northampton.
The Importance of Safety Flooring Safety flooring is a vital aspect of any building, whether it is a commercial or residential property. It provides a safe and secure surface that is slip-resistant, durable, and easy to maintain. Safety flooring is particularly essential in areas that are prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and swimming pools.
If you are looking for safety flooring in Northampton, it is essential to choose a reliable and experienced supplier. Not all safety flooring is created equal, and some products may not meet the necessary safety standards. That's why it's crucial to choose a reputable supplier who can provide you with high-quality safety flooring that is designed to meet the needs of your specific environment.
Different Types of Safety Flooring There are several different types of safety flooring available, each with its unique properties and benefits. Here are some of the most popular types of safety flooring:
Vinyl safety flooring - Vinyl safety flooring is a popular choice for commercial properties as it is easy to clean, slip-resistant, and durable. It is available in a wide range of colors and designs, making it a versatile flooring option.
Rubber safety flooring - Rubber safety flooring is ideal for areas that require maximum slip-resistance, such as swimming pool areas and commercial kitchens. It is also durable, easy to maintain, and provides excellent noise reduction.
Altro safety flooring - Altro safety flooring is a high-quality safety flooring product that is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of environments. It is slip-resistant, easy to clean, and available in a wide range of colors and designs.
Why Choose Us for Your Safety Flooring Needs in Northampton? At our company, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality safety flooring products and services. We have a team of experienced and skilled professionals who can help you choose the right safety flooring for your specific needs. We offer a wide range of safety flooring options, including vinyl safety flooring, rubber safety flooring, and Altro safety flooring.
Our team can also provide you with professional installation services, ensuring that your safety flooring is installed to the highest standards. We use only the best materials and equipment to ensure that your safety flooring is installed correctly and efficiently.
In addition to our safety flooring products and services, we also offer excellent customer service. We are always available to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the support you need to make the right decision for your safety flooring needs.
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spicyicymeloncat · 10 months
I don’t remember if I ever rlly elaborated on my potential Ninjago s12 but I’m listening to GRRRLS and it reminded me of it, so briefly here’s all the ideas I had for it (and are currently having for it because I am now coming up with stuff on the fly):
The focus on Jay would be forshadowed by the fact that Jay doesn’t get a resolution to what he does in s11. He seemingly feels bad about ignoring Zane’s dream and in general feels more of a disconnect to the group. This is subtle and he tries not to let it bother him. This is highlighted more at the start of the season, as they are investigating the mechanics hideout.
We would see that Jay gets transported as player 2. He arrives at the very core of prime empire, the tower, which also serves as menu screen. He’s greeted by Unagami, who offers to play games with him, an offer he takes due to being excited
I think on the ninja’s end it would mostly be the same. BUT Whilst Zane and Pixal can’t enter the game due to risk of their data getting scrambled (how that works I’ve decided is that, Prime Empire works by translating bio matter to digital but it can only do bio matter bc it knows how it works, and it doesn’t know how nindroids are made and therefore can’t translate them without risk of error), zane and pixal can set up some sort of communication system that allows them to contact the ninja. Essentially zane and pixal are video calling the ninja from their minds and over the course of the season they chip in with gaming tips (canonically zane and pixal are both gamers so)
The ninja end up meeting superstar rockin Jay, and it goes on as normal, although Okino is a little weirded out by him
In the just dance episode, Nya finds out on the dance floor that Jay is the sussus amogus imposter. Shock horror on the dance floor
It turns out that superstar rockin Jay was just an artificial construct being controlled by the real Jay who is still in the tower with Unagami. But recently Jay and Unagami had a real fight and that’s lead to Unagami taking control of superstar rockin Jay in an attempts to stop his friends’ progress
Not entirely sure how the superstar rockin Jay thing ends tho, all Ik is that I want Nya to have an “oh my god what happened to my boyfriend”/“wait a minute Jay would never say that”
There would be an episode detailing Jay’s pov, showing how he and Unagami became friends and started playing the games together after feeling similarly lonely, exploring Jay’s tendency to ignore his problems and how it’s resulting in him growing distant, before Jay realises he doesn’t want to give up on himself and he’s gonna try to reunite with his friends (probably after seeing how hard the ninja are trying to find him). Then Unagami reacts badly to the idea of being abandoned by Jay and they fight, ending with Jay falling through the walls and into the core of prime empire, in like this weird void of pure code.
I kinda also wanted to idk make more lava moments but that’s just me
I never really worked out what I wanted Libber (Jay’s mum) to do in this but she’s gonna be relevant
Like something something she’s been here, there’s an echo of her buried in the code. Maybe the game was based on her travels somehow. I kinda wanted Jay to be guided out of the code void by some sort of depiction of her
I kinda want Milton Dyer and Scott to have both somehow known Libber
Maybe libber really did abandon Jay. Maybe like Jay she also had issues that made her feel like she had to distance herself. Maybe there was a genuine reason and she was taken from him. Maybe the point of the season is that it’s hard to tell what happened in the past but that doesn’t stop you from carrying on in the future
Idk I just need there to be a more conscious parallel between jay and Unagami and themes of abandonment
There’s also some kind of theme of giving up not giving up seen with Scott, Okino and Blazey (racer 7), where they’re all encouraged to keep trying. I gotta do sometime with that idk…
Also the mechanic deserves to be cooler. Like can we make him more badass I want his villain resume to look so good that he actually qualifies as a Crystal council member
That’s all I had/have got for now but yeah! I do like most of the season I just think it has a lot more potential yknow
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