#but I brought bagels
animatedtext · 3 months
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thychesters · 1 year
i feel like there is something to be said about zoro and sanji’s approach to food upon their first introductions. granted, i’m probably just overthinking it, but the first time we meet zoro he’s been tied up in a courtyard with the intention of forgoing food for an entire month as part of a deal, and sanji who was stranded in the middle of the ocean with a bag of food he had to make last for he-didn’t-know-how-long. i can’t imagine him willingly sharing that story, but i can see zoro’s being an offhand remark—luffy says something about sugary onigiri while sanji’s trying to plan meals, and zoro says when you’re starving you have to make do (and it was the intention behind them). you have sanji who’s making food for everyone and anyone because that’s what he does and no one should know hunger pains, and two of his crew mates are talking about not eating like it’s nothing. a minor inconvenience at the time. zoro makes it out like it had to be done, like it was a choice—a smart one, at that.
you have one man who forwent food as a victim of circumstance and one who did so willingly. i feel like sanji would understand honor and pride, but at the same time he’d have to think, just for a second, how stupid is that. (which isn’t the first time he’s thought zoro’s stupid, but at this point he’s lost count. i digress. he’s the one who yelled for zoro to give up his dream if it meant he lived while fighting mihawk.) why would he do that? zoro got himself tied up for weeks with no food and chose to do it? meanwhile sanji spent weeks carefully portioning out stale food with a man who cut off his own leg so he could live. does he watch zoro’s portions a little more carefully now? make sure he has a higher caloric intake for a little while, just in case? does he say anything? maybe he makes onigiri and tells zoro he made them with salt not sugar, and luffy gives him a quizzical look. the others don’t get it because isn’t that what you’re supposed to do, and zoro only nods.
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corviiids · 9 months
hey can I ask about your ideological vendetta against the everything bagel?
ya i object to anything being referred to as the everything anything when the everything just refers to like onion flakes and sesame seeds. listen im a reasonable man it doesn't need to have literally everything on it but it does need to be more than Some. when i first heard of the everything bagel i assumed it was like, idk a bagel that you would order and then you would get a Wide Array of toppings available at the bagel vendor in question. finding out that the everything bagel is in fact just A Bagel, a set bagel that has Some Seeds, not even That Many Seeds, was a fundamental betrayal and disappointment. everything is just such a broad word! for a bagel with limited categories of topping being seeds flakes and the like. there are seven ingredients listed on the everything bagel's wikipedia page and one of those ingredients is bagel. im not angry with the everything bagel i am just disappointed. i simply expected more from the everything bagel. the everything bagel is just a some bagel. the everything bagel is a bagel of average performance
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slightlytoastedbagel · 11 months
Yeah no I'm still not over Kohane's fes card.
Soooo... That side story huh. The "fragment of a feeling" Kohane touches taking her to Vivid Street. The townsfolk all calling her An. Kohane trying to imitate An. Kohane who has been in Vivid Street for only a short period of time but has come to love it anyway. The townspeople calling her by her partner's name.
I could make a whole separate rant about how Kohane being linked to Nagi at the end of Kick It Up A Notch makes me feel. It doesn't feel fair for her. She has grown so much in a short period of time and yet when her talent reaches it's highest point she isn't just Kohane, she is like someone who has been dead for years. Even her partner can only think of Nagi looking at her.
The fragment sekai is a mix of Kohane's memories of places she has been since Vivid Bad Squad formed all collected in a gallery of shattered glass. Kohane loves Vivid Street yet every time she is likened to someone else. She sings like Nagi. She is An's partner. In a way it brings back to RAD Weekend. The idea that to surpass it they need to be just like it. They can't achieve that because RAD Weekend was the celebration of Nagi's life. Kohane can sing like Nagi but she can never become her, and I fear that, subconsciously, that's what certain people (Taiga) were hoping she would be. (He saw Nagi in her. He saw his dead sister. He still hasn't been able to fully move on.)
Then there's An. Her partner has become what she has aimed for her entire life. To be someone like Nagi, to be like her mentor. Vivid Street called Kohane by An's name. Does that mean they replaced An, or does it mean they can only think of An when they see her?
Kohane Azusawa went looking for a purpose in life. She found it, a group of street musicians with a shared goal. She loves it, yet the world only ever sees her as a distant memory. Someone who won't ever return.
(And something just hit me. Kohane is the only character without a proper backstory. We just had an entire event to go through the lead up to RAD Weekend which gave us a clear view of Nagi. An starts off VBS's main story yet Kohane is the "main character". They set this up right from the start I need to find colourful palette and fight them.)
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rcjoice · 5 months
open to mutuals
it's early in the morning, the sun shining in his window as he creeps into the bedroom. he hadn't been able to sleep once the clock struck four in the morning, but he didn't want to wake the other in his bed, not just yet. they were kind of cute when they're sleeping, and he would feel way too bad to make them stir when they're resting so well. it's when he's coming back to the bedroom again he trips over his own feet, falling into the door loud enough it slams open, hitting the wall. "fuck!" he sees them starting to stir. "shit, sorry, i---" he gives them a sheepish grin and holds up a bag. "i brought you breakfast?"
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hadalzonee · 9 days
bagel with cream cheese <3
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kairoschant · 9 months
Very dangerous to learn how to make bagels. Then u can simply have a bagel whenever you want. Too much power for one mortal to hold
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hairtusk · 9 months
i get emotional sometimes thinking about how well i eat when i'm at my boyfriend's place, because he's the only person ever in my life who has cared enough about me to find and prepare meals that i can handle with my ARFID :')
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ghosttotheparty · 9 months
officially moved into my appt for this year ✅
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bagelbucket · 6 months
Incredibly upset at how there isn’t a full list of every mentioned character in my favorite tv show with exact seasons episodes and timestamps
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vasfasan · 9 months
who would be the pickiest eater on ouat do yall think?
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deityofhearts · 1 year
would an everything bagel be like a biblically accurate bagel?
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gloomy-prince · 2 years
everytime i come on yr blog i want to eat that bagel
will u consider sharing? 🥺
those are my sole food source. do you want me to starve
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
Tw for the tags I just need to get this out (ED bullshit related)
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crabs-but-better · 7 months
Me and the fucking sitcom B plots, I swear. My teacher gave me an entire solid block of cream cheese this morning (don’t ask) and I had to then figure out what to do with This Fucking Cream Cheese. Tried to give it to multiple people but wouldn’t you know it nobody wants a Fucking Block of Cream Cheese? Eventually I bargained with the science department and they let me keep it in their fridge until the end of the day. Now it’s in my fridge. I do not eat cream cheese.
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slightlytoastedbagel · 10 months
One thing I've come to realize is that most of y'all followed me after changing my pfp to VOT Akito (plus that day or so it was Rad Dogs Kohane plus the fes Kohane week) so very few people remember the low quality Wooper.
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