#billy hargrove x hopper!reader
chloe-skywalker · 1 month
Knock Next Time - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of nudity
Word count: 368
Summary: Max walks in on Billy and Y/n in bed.
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Y/n and Billy had enjoyed themself’s last night. Having had the Hargrove household all to themselves provided the perfect opportunity for them to get intimate. Billy had woken up to the sun shining through the window. Next to him is his gorgeous and sexy Y/n.
Billy decided to wake her up by kissing and sucking along on Y/n’s neck. Which didn’t take long.
“Good morning Handsome.” Y/n smirked up at Billy as he hovered over her having just woken her up.
“Good morning sexy.” Billy smirked back, eyes sparkling with mischief. “You wanna pick up where we left off?”
Y/n licked her lips smiling at his brilliant idea. “I’d love to. . .”
As the couple got into their activities, luckily they didn’t get to far into things because the door to Billy’s room burst open.
“Billy can you take-” Max started but once she saw Billy and Y/n in bed together she stopped before exclaiming. “Oh GOD!”
“Hey Max.” Y/n blushed smiling at the redhead.
“Max what have I said about knocking?” Billy grumbled which Y/n felt since he was laying on top of her.
“Well maybe don’t be naked 24/7.” Max rolled her eyes facing away from them. Not wanting to see anything of either of them.
“Knock next time.” Billy shrugged, not caring.
“Don’t worry I will.” Max scoffed and gagged.
“Good.” He scoffed back.
“Max, what did you want to ask?” Y/n cuts in otherwise she knew just jeep going. The two never stopped bickering, just like blood related siblings. 
“I’ll wait.” Max grimaced before she left, closing the door behind her. “Gross.”
“She should listen to me the first time.” Billy mumbled, pissed off.
“Why are you naked all the time?” Y/n asked giggling as she thought about all the times poor Max must’ve walked in on Billy doing God knows what.
“Freedom baby.” Billy smirked, teasing her.
“You're so weird.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head at him.
“Now where were we?” Billy mockingly asked as he dipped his head down with a smirk on his lips at the thoughts running through his head of what they were about to get up to.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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davidsons89 · 2 years
Billy x Hopper!Reader
They argue, Billy insults the reader, Hopper comes in angry as hell, you tell the rest🤭
watch your mouth — b.h
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pairings ; billy hargrove x hopper!reader
summary ; billy takes it too far during an argument which triggers an angry hopper who threatens to kill billy.
warnings ; toxic relationship, arguing, mentions of controlling, face grabbing and slapping, use of swear words, threats, and death threats lol
authors note ; this is a short one but I still hope you enjoy it. i really love writing for hopper!reader, i can imagine him being super protective over his girls <3
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“Shut the hell up, Billy” you slam the door in his face. He stops it from shutting before following you into your house. Both walking past Hopper who is completely oblivious to your entrance, he sits on the sofa drinking a bottle of beer.
“Don’t tell me to shut up” Billy follows you into the kitchen. “Then get your head out of your ass!” You scream at him. Hopper sighs, reaching for the TV to turn up the volume to block out the noise. He’s used to the two of you arguing, so he just tries to ignore it. But once it gets too much, he knows when to stop it.
“Get my head out of my ass? You’re the one who’s acting like a fucking slut” Billy snaps back at you. A “hey” from Hopper could be heard from the living room as a warning for Billy to watch his mouth. Billy just scoffs. “A slut?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“Yeah, a slut, I told you millions of times to stop speaking to that fucking loser, Harrington, yet here you are, still talking to him” Billy loses his temper. “He is my friend, Billy, I’m not gonna stop talking to him just because you’re insecure.” You roll your eyes, having to speak slowly as if you’re talking to a child.
“You think I’m insecure of that asshole?” He hacks up a laugh. “Yeah, why else would you be begging me to stop talking to him like a fucking baby?” You harshly shout. “Because he’s just trying to get in your pants, like every other guy at school is” Billy tries to explain but you shake your head.
Everybody at school knows you and Billy are in a relationship. And most people are terrified of Billy, so they wouldn’t try to speak to his girl. He is just making things up. He hates Steve and wants you to hate him too, but it’s not happening.
“Oh grow the hell up, Billy. Seriously. He isn’t trying to get in my pants, we’ve been friends for years, you fucking idiot.” You insult him, walking off but feel a bruising grip snap around your wrist. Billy forces you back, causing you pain. “Ow. Billy, get off me!” You slap him away but it only makes him madder.
Slapping him made him slap you. He has a quick temper but that threw him over the edge. Hopper heard it and quickly snapped his head in your direction to see Billy grab your face and force it closer to his. “Don’t you ever fucking call me that again, you hear me?” He threatens you as Hopper rushes over.
“Get your hands off her” Hopper slaps Billy’s hand down before grabbing him by his collar. You fell out of Billy’s grip and watched as your dad threatened your boyfriend. Billy hurt you which really upset you. You begin to cry. “Don’t you ever lay a damn finger on my daughter, you hear me?” Hopper warns with gritted teeth to show his anger. His blood is boiling.
Billy didn’t answer but he knows better than to fight back. For the exact same reason he doesn’t fight his own dad back. “I didn’t let you date my daughter for you to tell her what she can and can’t do, and I won’t stand here and watch you put your filthy hands on her, do I make myself clear?” Hopper asks in a death-threatening tone which makes Billy side eye you.
“Don’t look at her, look at me” Hopper demands, tapping Billy’s cheek a few times to divert his attention back to him before gripping the scruff of his collar again. “She can talk to whoever she damn wants to, and don’t you dare think you can control her because boy, I will kill you” Hopper’s tone is serious. The room fell silent. The only sound heard is you sniffling and wiping your tears away.
“Do I make myself clear?” Hopper asks and Billy nods. This is the first time you’ve ever seen him scared of anybody. “No, use your words.” Your dad manages to grip Billy’s collar harder. “Yes, sir” Billy responds. Hopper stares into his eyes for a few seconds before dropping his hands.
“Good. And watch your mouth, because if you ever call her a slut again, I will tie you to the back of my truck and go for a ride” Hopper sarcastically smiles, patting your shoulder before leaving the kitchen. He knows Billy won’t say another mean word to you.
Now all that’s left is the two of you in awkward silence. “Sorry” Billy manages to say moments later. He never apologizes, so you look into his eyes. “Wipe those tears away, come on, let’s go to your room” Billy suddenly switches up to make you feel better.
He cups your cheeks, using his thumbs to rub your wet eyes. “Come on” he whispers before planting a kiss on your forehead, reaching down to grab your hand and guide you to your bedroom. The two of you kick your shoes off and relax. You put on a bit of music and spend quality time together as a couple, minus the arguing and fighting for a first.
Hopper proudly smiles at the TV as he takes a sip from his bottle of beer. That’s another person he’s successfully made scared of him. Now he doesn’t have to worry about him messing with you, because your dad always has your back. He will fight for you, and certainly isn’t afraid to kill for you.
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dckweed · 2 years
Hey! So I thought of something a little different.. could you do a billy Hargrove x female! hopper reader (Byers/hopper family dynamic hopper and Joyce are together) where the reader has been feeling a little bit guilty for losing her virginity to billy so she’s been very down lately. While having family dinner, el and Jonathan have been sensing that something might be wrong with the reader and ask her if she’s fine and ofc she just snaps at them, but hopper honestly just thinks it’s teenage angst which just makes the reader more upset so she abruptly leaves the dinner table, then Joyce comes to talk to the reader and she tells her how she’s feeling, what happened and they have a heart to heart.
ahhhhh anything for my favorite requester! hope this is what you wanted, mwah!
p.s. im sorry if this gets really dark/heavy im in a really sad mood, someone called me a bad mom today and that bothers me in ways that no one can understand.
p.p.s did i open myself up for a part? probably. let me know in the comments if y'all want a second part to this lmao
warnings: SEX IS MENTIONED but safe to read for all ages as no actual smut is depicted. mama byers, clueless papa hop, sad reader, guilty reader, depressed reader? not too sure on that bc i write this before i even write the request lmao.pregnancy mention.
'..I JUST FEEL SO STUPID..' billy hargrove x hopper!reader, ft mama byers.
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You made your way slowly down the halls of school, your head down, eyes averted like they had been for the past couple of weeks. You couldn't bring yourself to look at your fellow peers, feeling as if everyone knew your dirty little secret, especially when said secret so openly smirked and winked at you whenever he managed to make eye contact.
You don't really remember what possessed you to go and do it, maybe it was just how sweet he was to you when you were alone together, or how charming he could be when he really wanted something, and he had really wanted something, you. Or maybe it was his hair, or the abs..or the way his goddamn ass looked so sinfully delicious in those tight, tight jeans he liked to wear, fuck maybe it was just because his hand wandering your body felt so fucking refreshing and satisfying, or maybe you were tipsier than you thought.
Whatever it was didn't matter you supposed, because either way you had gone and lost your virginity to Billy fucking Hargrove of all the boys in the world that you could lose it to, you had honestly always imagined that it would have been Steve, the two of you had had a somewhat flirting relationship since he and Nancy had stopped seeing each other, and you always assumed it would lead to more, but Steve hadn't been at that party, nor had he asked you out when you had so desperately hinted that you were going to be bored and alone over the weekend.
Fuck, did you do it to spite him somehow?
No, that was stupid even for you.
That night haunted you still, the way that you had felt so fucking good during it, so blissfully turned on, satisfied like you never knew you could be, barely noticing the pain of his large, thick cock sliding in and out of you as he focused your minds on other things.
But you felt so used afterwards, so dirty and broken. Billy had spent a while buttering you up too, making you putty in his hands when he was finally ready and you hadn't even noticed it, the week he has spent finding every excuse to compliment or be alone with you, to flirt so unashamedly in front of everyone who could see, with you of all people.
And when he finally got what he wanted, his own personal gratification of conquering his next victim, he kicked you out of his car and sped off, leaving you stranded at the party that he had asked you too, and leaving you too drunk to walk, let alone drive.
Your father hadn't known where you were, and you couldnt remember anyone else's number at the time, so you called the Byers' house, hoping that Joyce wouldn't tell your father. Thankfully, Jonathan had answered, and he heard your voice, you were slurring your words so horribly that he knew he had to come get you before you could even speak.
He found you slumped on the front porch, throwing up in the bushes as you had started drinking heavier than you ever had while waiting for Jonathan, you had decided to drink away the night, hoping that your somewhat brother wouldn't notice your sadness, your disgust for your own self.
He hadn't, but he has figured that something was wrong. You passed out in the car, and the next morning you woke up in the living room, blanket over your head and an empty trash bin next to you. You didn't remember him coming to get you, you didn't remember anything past your third cup of tequila after Billy had kicked you out of his car.
God, it was all you could think about, Jonathan had come to make breakfast and saw the look on your face immediately. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at you as he poured coffee. "Did something happen last night?" He asks, handing you a mug as you shuffled to the kitchen, he had let you wear one of his tshirts and a pair of his sweat pants.
You look up quickly, forgetting your migraine. "What? No. Why would you ask that?" You ask almost defensive about the question.
He shrugs, leaning against the counter, trying not to let you know that he definitely knew something was wrong now. "Because you were blacked out drunk when i came to get you, and i could barely understand a word you said on the phone." He says. "That's not like you, Y/N..'
You just shrug, taking your mug and heading back to the couch. This was pretty much your second home now. "Yeah, well, maybe i just can't handle my tequila."
He knew that that wasn't true, and for a couple weeks he watched you continue to be withdrawn and awkward, sad and tired looking, like you hadn't been sleeping. He knew something was eating at you, and as your somewhat brother, he was concerned.
He looked at you as he drove you home from school, you looked like you had lost weight too. He wondered if there was something physically wrong with you, because what could be affecting so badly mentally that you were losing weight?
You glanced at him as he drove, wondering what the hell he was doing. "The fuck are you staring at?" And then there was that, god you'd been so mean lately, towards everyone, especially your dad and Joyce.
You didn't know why you were so angry, so sad all at the same time. Was it the fact that he wouldnt even look at you unless it was to tease you with those stupid fucking eyes of his? Or maybe the fact that he wouldn't even speak to you anymore? Acting like you didn't fucking exist, like you were just some fucking random hookup in the big ole city of Los Angeles, despite the fact that this was fucking Hawkins, Indiana.
Jonathan shakes his head quickly, turning to look at the road. "Nothing..nothing.." He says, turning into the driveway of his house. You were all having a family dinner together tonight, there was no need for you to go home just to turn around again a couple hours later and drive across town.
You get out of the car, slamming the door before stomping up the porch, opening the door and flinging your bag and yourself into the couch.
Joyce peeks her head out form the kitchen, eyebrows knitted together. She cocks her head towards you when she sees Jonathan and the boy just shrugs, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen to grab something to drink.
"No clue, she's been like this for weeks." He says, before sucking out and heading towards his room to get started on homework.
He didn't come out again for a while, but he could hear his mom cooking in the kitchen, it smelled good whatever it was and he couldnt wait to sit down and eat. It wasn't long before he heard Jim's truck pulling up, and a few moments later he heard the front door open.
"Hey, Y/N, how's was school?" Jim asks, looking at you as he shrugs his coat off, it was starting to get cool outside these days.
You don't even look up at your father, ignoring him completely as you finish up some of your school work, quietly hoping that nobody would try to ask you anything at dinner. You hated that Jonathan was being so nosey, but you knew he meant well.
"What's with her?" You heard him whisper to Joyce, you don't hear her respond but you hear a beer can crack open and you roll your eyes. You thought it was funny how Jonathan had asked you what was wrong more times than anyone, your father barely saying two words to you the last couple weeks. You assumed that he probably thought it was your period.
God, he could be clueless.
Not more than half an hour later, Joyce was calling everyone for dinner and Eleven and Will were walking through the door, Mike's mom having dropped them off. You gave your little sister a half assed smile and ruffled Will's hair before sitting down across from the boys, next to Joyce and Eleven.
Dinner starts off quiet for a bit, and you push your food around in silence, taking a couple bites here and there, keeping your head down, not even paying attention to the conversation. You didn't notice anyone had spoken to you until Joyce nudged your knee with her own, giving you a concerned smile when you looked up startled, a quiet "huh?" escaping your mouth.
"Sweetie, are you okay? You've barely touched your dinner." She asks, glancing down at your plate. Her voice was gentle, sweet even and you felt so horrible for not eating her food because god it smelled good, but you just couldnt bring yourself to, so intensely upset with yourself that everything made you throw up if you ate more than a few bites, though you were starting to wonder if you were pregnant because you couldn't remember if Billy had used a condom or not, and you had thrown up a couple mornings in a row after a fitful couple of nights of sleep. "Y/N?"
You snap out of it, and nod your head, giving her the best smile you could manage. "Yeah, im okay Joyce," You say, looking at everyone to make it believable. "I've just been really side tracked these past couple of weeks, busy at school, ive been stressed and not really hungry.."
Jonathan scoffs from across the table, and you snap your head to his direction, glaring at him as hard as you could muster, putting all of your anger as of late in to it. If it scares him, he doesn't show it because he opens his mouth to speak and you damn near vault across the table to maul him. "If side tracked is moping and flat out ignoring everyone then sure, she's been busy at school."
You see Eleven nod, and you turn your gaze to her. "You have been really sad lately, i heard you crying the other night." She says, looking at Jim and you. "I just assumed it was your period.."
Will nodded. "Me too, Mike says Nancy gets really mean when she's on her period too." He says in agreeance, rubbing his shoulder as Jonathan reaches out to punch it lightly.
"that's my girlfriend you're talking about!" He says defensively, though he wasn't too far from the truth. She did get a little mean, but he knew that that wasn't what was happening with you.
Your father clears his throat. And you turn to look at him. "Yes, well, im sure she'd like to deal with her period without us asking about it so.." He quietly goes back to eating his food and you glare some more, feeling the familiar sting of tears welling in your eyes as you realized that your father didn't even care enough to ask if it was true or not.
You stand up from the table, your chair falling over as you slam your hands down onto the tablecloth, your plate and silverware rattling in response as everyone turns to look at you. "Gee dad, thanks for caring enough to ask if anything is really even wrong, how fucking stellar of you!" You yell, your voice thick with tears. He looks up with you with wide eyes, his mustache twitching as he starts to speak but you beat him to it, your gaze on the boy across from you. "And screw you Jonathan for even bringing it up in the first place, mind your own damn business because it didn't fucking concern you!"
You leave, taking off briskly down the hallway, opening the door to Joyce's room and throwing yourself face first onto the bed as you cry, overcome with emotions that you didn't even realize you still had.
Everyone looks after you in shock, and Joyce clears her throat, giving Hopper a dirty look. "Shame on you for not trying to talk to her about it, she's clearly been upset for a while now.." She says, before turning her eyes to her son. "And shame on you for just putting her on the spot like that."
She stands from the table and follows you, she had seen you slam the door to her room. She hesitates at first, heading you crying. She wants to knock but she figured you'd tell her to go away so quietly she opens the door, closing it and locking it behind her so no one would interupt. She had a feeling you needed a mom right then, and a mom is what she wanted to be for you.
She walks to the bed, sitting on the edge of it tentatively. "Y/N.." She says, her voice soft, calm and gentle. It was almost soothing and you sniffle, trying to wipe your eyes. You weren't facing her, but you weren't going to tell her to leave, she was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned and not just wondering why you were being mean. "sweetheart, you can tell me what's going on, whatever it is..it will stay between us girls if that's what you need okay?"
and damn it if your walls don't break immediately.
You roll over to face her, a fresh set of tears streaming from your eyes as you speak, some of it sounding completely like gibberish as you tell her about Billy and how he had essentially fucked you and dumped you. "I should have seen it coming and i just feel so fucking stupid because how could i let that happen to myself?" You ask her, your voice calmed, the tears slowed. You feel her reach out and wipe them from your cheeks, caressing them softly. You subconsciously move your head into her lap. "Why am I so upset about it? It's Billy fucking Hargrove for Christ sake.."
She continues to caress your face, smoothing your hair as she listens to you speak. No wonder you had kept it so pent up for so long, there was no way your father was equipped for this without breaking down into to tears himself, and Jonathan was just as clueless.
"Sweetie, i am so sorry that he did that to you, that was absolutely awful of him," She says, trying to muster the best motherly advice that she could think of as she looked down at you, giving you the softest smile she could. "Boys your age are complete and utter menaces, they're clueless to the hurt that they cause others, and even more clueless about other people's feelings, and Billy Hargrove is no exception, except from what I've heard, he's the type of boy that sets out to intentionally hurt people, he just doesn't realize how bad that hurt can touch someone."
You sniffle again, letting out a shakey breath as you listen to her, her words washing over you as you cling to her pants, relaxing at the feel of her hands in your hair. Where was your mom when you needed her, huh?
"And I learned a long time ago that the best way to get back at them, is to make them think that they haven't hurt you as much as they have, make them think that they didn't hurt you at all, because that's what's going to get under a boy like that's skin." Joyce continues, looking down at you matter of fact ly. "He expects to see you, and every other girl he messes with like this, it's part of the game because he knows that you eventually confront him, wanting his approval and then he'll get more out of you, and maybe if you're lucky he'll treat you like a queen for a while, until he gets bored and moves to the next girl.."
"You think?" You ask, rolling into your back to look up at her, a few stray tears still rolling from your eyes. "I didn't think about that..Dana Watson was the girl he was with before..i know they went out once..and she seemed down for a bit until one day they started coming to school together, acting like a..couple..oh my god he's doing the same thing to me!" You sit up, your sadness wiped away, replaced with the tiniest twinge of anger. Your voice is still thick with tears.
Joyce hums. "There's always going to be that one boy, Y/N, and there's always going to be the next girl..and there's always going to be some kind of heart ache caused by his hands and those smooth talking, pretty words of his." She says, looking at you with the tiniest smirk. "The only way to beat him at his own game is to act like he doesn't bother you, act like you were the one using him..walk into that school on Monday and act like he's nothing but the dirt beneath your shoe..guys eat that shit up, you'll have his full attention, and he'll chase you, begging you to give in..but you won't, because by that point, you're so over him that you couldnt even begin to care about it anymore."
You smile a little, wiping your puffy eyes. "You sound like you've been through this before." You says, looking at her. She shrugs.
"I've had my share of teenage dirtbags back in my day.." She says, and you can't help but chuckle, already feeling infinitely better about the situation, until your stomach lurches a little and you remember the other thing that you had been upset about.
"Um.. Joyce?" You asks, your cheeks flushing almost in embarrassment. "That's..that's not um..i feel even more stupid about something else actually.."
She looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "What, sweetie?" She asks, her voice still gentle. You knew out of everyone she was the one you could trust to keep it a secret, to help you through it if it was what you thought.
"Um, okay..you can't tell my dad yet until i know for sure but..i think..i think i might be pregnant.." You say, and her eyes go wide, her face pale. You give her a nervous smile. "Told you that there was something more stupid.."
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waiting4inspiration · 2 years
Caught; Red Handed (Billy Hargrove x Hopper!Reader)
Summary: Your father, Chief Jim Hopper, isn't Billy's biggest fan. Despite that, you still sneak around with Billy behind your father's back. Even though you've come up with a good plan every time your dad has the evening shift, it can never be 100% perfect and you will end up getting caught eventually.
Warnings: strong language, mentions of smut, light smut, making out, unclothing, mentions of firearms, mentions of smoking, sneaking around, 'forbidden' relationships, hopper!reader
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Word Count: 1,600+
Request: Could you please do a billy hargrove x female hopper!  Reader where the reader is hoppers daughter and hopper doesn’t like billy and they get caught in the act….
Billy Hargrove Masterlist II Stranger Things Masterlist
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Billy’s hand catches your wrist as you pass him in front of the school, pulling you back, and making you smile as he steps closer to you. “So, am I sneaking in again tonight, or are you sneaking out?” he asks, leaning in close as if he doesn’t want anyone to hear his words meant only for you. 
You laugh and take a step closer to him. “Well, my dad’s working the night shift tonight so I have the place to myself tonight. You don’t want me to be alone tonight, do you?”
Billy hums, runs his tongue over his lips and tilts his head to the side. As he opens his mouth to reply to your jab, a loud, familiar honk from the parking lot makes you jump away from him, and your head snaps to the side to see your father, Jim Hopper, the Chief of Police, staring right at you through the open window of his pick-up. 
“I’ll call you when it’s clear,” you whisper over your shoulder as you start to walk away.
Billy looks over the crowd of students leaving school and at your father who, in turn, stares back at him. Billy smirks, nods his head, and raises his hand to salute him with two fingers. 
Hopper only looks away from him, watching you walk around the front of the car to climb in beside him. “Why have you been talking to that Hargrove kid?” he asks, looking over at you as you close the door and start to buckle yourself up with the seatbelt.
“We were just talking about this English project we have to do,” you blatantly lie, not looking at your father so that he can’t tell that you’re lying.
“You know I don’t like him, (Y/n).”
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve mentioned it a few times after pulling him over for some shit,” you mutter, leaning back in your seat with a sigh and your eyes fixed on your hands. 
“Watch the language, kid,” he mutters as he starts the car. “He’s a bad influence on everyone around him.”
You have to stop yourself from smiling and laughing at your father’s words because you know that all too well. 
Why else would you be sneaking out every now and then to go to parties with Billy or for late-night drives that end up with you two making out or doing…other things. If it weren’t for you knowing your father’s patrol routes, you and Billy would have been caught a long time ago. And yet, it’s Billy’s dangerous side that influences you to carry on seeing him.
You weren’t always so rebellious. Sure, there would be times before you met Billy where you would sneak out to parties, but you’re in High School. Surely your dad has done the same when he was your age. It’s only after you met Billy that your escapades have increased drastically. 
But it’s become sort of a routine now. Your father will go through all of his ‘safety regulations’, numbers you can call if you can’t get through to him if something goes wrong, and most importantly, what time he’ll be home. 
You act like you’re doing homework before he leaves, listen to the car pulling out of the driveway, and then wait a few minutes to make sure he isn’t going to come back because he has forgotten something before you jump off your bed to phone Billy to tell him that the coast is clear. 
It doesn’t take long for Billy to show up, as usual. It’s almost like he shows up quicker and quicker each time he comes over like he’s waiting right by the phone for you to call. Not that you mind though because the sooner he gets to your place, the more time you get to spend with him, even if it’s just a few extra minutes. 
It doesn’t always start with you two making out, but it often does end like that. With the sun now set, you and Billy lay on your bed, his hand under your shirt and his lips locked with yours. Your hands lie entwined in his hair, pulling him closer as he deepens his kiss, rolling you over onto your back. 
Billy places his knee between your legs, quickly straightening up to remove his shirt and tosses it to the side before his lips return to yours again. Your arms wrap around his neck, moaning into his kiss as he gently grinds against you. 
As his hands start to travel down your sides, on their way to undo the button on your pants and take them off, you pull away at the sound of what you think is a car door closing. “What was that?” you ask in a whisper, your eyes going wide and your hands coming to his chest to push Billy away.
But he pulls your hands away, pinning them to the bed, and drops his head in the bend of your neck. “What was what?” he murmurs against your skin.
You smile at his words that confirm that maybe you had just heard things. Perhaps it was a neighbor closing their car door a bit too loudly. 
Billy feels you relaxing again and he lets go of your hands so he can return to what he was doing. “There’s a good girl,” he whispers, sending shivers down your spine as you bite your lower lip to stop you from squealing. 
As Billy kisses down your neck, lifting your shirt off your body as he goes down to get your pants off, you don’t hear the front door opening or closing, the rustle of keys in the bowl on the kitchen counter, or the loud footsteps that make their way towards your room. You’re so focused on Billy's touches, the euphoric feelings beginning to build up inside you, no wonder you couldn’t hear a thing over the small sighs and moans that leave your lips as Billy kisses down your inner thigh. 
All it takes is a loud clear of a throat to make your eyes snap open and towards your open bedroom door. Your heart sinks in your chest to see your dad standing there, his eyes cast down to the ground but his hands resting on his gun. 
“Fuck,” you curse, loudly while roughly pushing Billy off you to grab the blanket on your bed so you can cover yourself up. “Dad, I-”
Billy sits like a statue beside you, his eyes wide at your dad, and you can hear him swallow roughly. 
Hopper only holds up a hand to stop you and shakes his head before looking over to Billy with an almost murderous look in his eyes. “Hargrove, I’m going to give you 10 seconds to get your clothes on and get out,” he starts, pointing in the direction of the front door. “One.”
You look over at Billy with sad eyes as he jumps to grab his shirt off the ground. You don’t want him to leave and you don’t want to sneak around anymore. Maybe this is the moment you and Billy were waiting to talk to your dad because this is definitely not a one-time thing anymore. 
“No,” you speak up, reaching over to grab Billy’s hand to stop him from leaving. He looks at you with his still wide eyes, as if silently asking if you want your father to kill him. 
Hopper looks at you, his mouth pulling into a thin line as he points a stern finger at you. “I’m not in the mood to fight, (Y/n).”
“Then shut up and let us explain,” you say, moving to your knees to shift closer to the edge of your bed. “Please,” you say more softly than your previous words when your father narrows his eyes at you. 
Billy smiles to himself at your words, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he breathes out a sigh. That catches Hopper’s attention, making his look directly at Billy again and he drops his smile and his gaze to the floor. 
Breathing out a deep sigh, Hopper looks back at you. “Fine. Clothes on and in the living room. And this door stays open,” he sternly says before turning around and storming off. 
When he’s gone, you let out a shaky breath and look over at Billy, who chuckles slightly while moving closer to you. “It’s not funny,” you mutter, pushing past him to retrieve your clothes from the floor. 
“No, it’s not. Considering that he almost fucking killed me and probably would have if you didn’t say anything,” Billy speaks, slipping his shirt off over his shoulders. “But you got your old man wrapped around your finger just like you have me.”
You look up at Billy as you put your pants back on, smiling at his words while reaching for your shirt. “I didn’t know I had you wrapped around my finger,” you sing.
Billy walks towards you, his hands moving to your hips as he smiles down at you. “You really think I would have stayed if you didn’t, knowing that your dad won’t hesitate to use his gun on me?” 
Reaching up, you place your hand on his cheek and step closer to him. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you,” you tease, making him roll his eyes at you. 
Just as you’re about to lean in to kiss him, Hopper shouts out to you and Billy, telling you to move it, making you groan and quickly slip on your shirt before moving towards the living room. 
You know it’s going to be a long conversation and a lot of explaining to your dad. You just hope he doesn’t keep his gun on the table in front of him the whole time…
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unamused-boss · 6 months
Lipstick Stains
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Billy Hargrove x Harrington FemReader
Summary: There has been some new gossip floating through Hawkins High. The gossip being that Billy has a lipstick stain that just so happens to match a certain girl's iconic shade.
You were a Harrington. You had a certain standing that you had to keep cause of the expectations of your parents. One of those expectations were not making out with Billy Hargrove in his car in the back of the school parking lot during lunch. But your parents were never home so you didn't really give a damn.
"Billy we have to go back into the school at some point." You said releasing your lips from his. As you tried to pull back he pulled you in for another quick kiss.
"Oh come on, we don't have to." He smirked to you.
"Listen Mr. Bad Boy, I know you don't like school but I have a test." You said to him. He gave you a small pout at your response to which you just laughed at him. "You also messed up my lipstick." You said as you flipped the visor down to use the mirror to reapply your dark red lipstick.
"That's not the only thing I can mess up." He joked. You just gave him the look, he knew the look. It didn't need a name.
"Well Hargrove I have to get going." You brought yourself close to kiss his neck then up to the apple of his freckled cheeks. You collected you things to go back into the school before the bell. Before you shut the door you look back at Billy to see the two kiss marks that you left on him. You just smiled at him.
"Love ya, see you later." You said then shut the door to go to the school.
Billy continued with his day like usual. Thinking that nothing would go out of the ordinary. He knew he was hot shit so people were staring at him as perusal but he didn't know what they were staring at. In each class he had stares his way, to which he had to tell some off for looking too long.
"Nice job man." Tommy Hagan laughed as he patted his back. Billy was just confused about what he was talking about but he continued as nothing was wrong. The bell rang through the halls to signal that the school day was over. Billy made his way to the doors top the parking lot to leave when he saw a certain Steve Harrington staring him down from his locker.
"You got a problem Harrington?" He asked.
"Yeah, not with you though." Steve replied slamming his locker shut to go find a certain sister of his. Billy didn't know that, he was just confused and thought nothing of it. He finally was able to make it to his Camaro to wait for Max. Students around him were still looking at him. Some girls looking in distaste, not at him but at the kiss marks on his cheeks. Some guys were just laugh in congrats to him. Billy just wanted to get the hell out and get Max home so he can go see his girlfriend. Billy looked over to see a certain red head making her way over to his car.
"Get in shit-bird, I got places to be." He said as he got in the drivers seat while Max got in the passenger seat. She just stared at him, more than she would usually. Which is not at all. Billy glanced at her a few times.
"What?" He asked annoyed with her staring.
"What's on your face?" She asked. Billy was confused until he thought back to lunch. He grabbed his sun visor to look himself in the mirror to see the two kiss marks on him. Just as he thought, one on his cheek and the other on his neck. He just laughed what he was looking at.
"Well that explains a Lot." He sighed starting his car to drive away.
Later that day Billy was able to make it to the Harrington house hold. Instead of parking down the street, he parked in the driveway. Instead of climbing through the window of his girlfriends bedroom, he simply knocked the front door of her house. Which, unfortunately, the other Harrington answered. He and Steve just stared at one another for a moment.
"What are you doing here?"
"I think you know why exactly I'm here, or you don't."
"I do know why you're here." Steve stated sternly.
"Then tell me, why am I here?" Billy gabbed at him with a smirk playing on his face.
"Can you guys stop having a dick measuring contest for once." Your voice was heard in a very much over it tone. "Get out of here Steve."
"But-" You stopped him from continuing.
"Eh, I don't wanna hear any more then I already have. You're being a Buttface." You sassed at him. "Now I would like to talk to my boyfriend."
Steve just rolled his eyes and sighed. Walking away from his enemy and his sister in the same door way. You turn your head back to Billy with a grin on your face.
"So what are you doing here, handsome."
"Well, I am here to see my girlfriend that I have to have a small chat about." His voice going a slight octave lower. Something that you loved.
"And what do you have to chat about?" You stilled teased at him.
"Well I made out with this gorgeous woman at lunch, and after I thought my day would go by like usual. But I had people staring at me all day. I didn't know why until I looked into the mirror to find that the exact pretty girl I was kissing left some marks on me." He explained to you. "Now I am at said pretty girls house to get a reason why she did that."
"Well I think she just wanted to have a bit of fun with you, if you ask me."
"Well as much as I love that, I think I would love to have some fun with her right now."
"Well you'er gonna have to wait on that, handsome." You said." Big Bro ain't to happy with me, I've been getting an ear full for the past hour."
"I can wait." He reassured. "I will always wait for you, gorgeous." You just smiled at him and dragged him into your house.
"Is he staying long?" Steve's distant voice was heard.
"Shut up Steve." You yelled out to him. "Like I said, ear full all day."
You and Billy just laughed at the situation. But at least you both can enjoy each others company in the end.
I hope y'all enjoyed this. Sorry if it is short. I know I haven't been to active, writing wise, lately. I'm trying to get through school right now.
I will try to get more out for Boots and Trumpets, and Practically Magic later.
Thank you for reading.
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
Faster than light thoughts
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May contain stepcest, age gap, dubcon dark content
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡dark!!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!! CULT LEADER EDDIE !!!!!!! Imagine being his object of affection, the one he devotes his followers life to <3<3 did someone say virgin! Reader ?? 👁👁 yes me I did. He takes your virginity as a ritual, there are people surrounding your bed as he takes what's his, telling you that this is what needs to be done so you can ascend into a higher being
♡ chrissy, nancy, robin sleepover where they teach virgin! reader how to cum. Youd be so embarrassed to admit it :(( but that's okay they tell you its completely natural and to go at your own pace and not every boy is going to make you cum. Boys are useless! When you shamefully tell them that you've never EVER cum and that you havent even had your first kiss, they assure it that it's okay and robin offers to teach you <3 naturally you end up with your back against her chest and her fingers in your cunt, you had gotten fuzzy a while ago and everyone was fawning over you pretty pussy. They all take turns in fingering you and tasting you, you have the best sleep you've ever had ♡♡♡
♡ being fucked with a beer bottle <3 would be with either eddie or billy, they'd laugh at you while you cry about how gross it is
♡ cucking Jason <3 what better way to get back at your bully than fucking his girlfriend, chrissy deserves her tits in my mouth
♡ stealing their shirts so you can put it on a pillow and hump it later !!!!!
♡ making you squirt infront of people!! Maybe billy, thinking he gets an ego boost after it. Or eddie think he would let everyone have a go of making you squirt <3 such a sweetheart
♡ hopper catching you working at a strip club then blackmailing you after you beg for him not to tell anyone <3 he makes you fuck yourself dumb on his cock then mocks you when your legs go numb
♡ bimbo! crybaby! Reader getting her clit pinched after she gets bratty
♡ hybrid reader!! Hybrid reader !!! Hybrid reader!!!!!! Bunny! Puppy! Kitty! Cow! Bird! Bear! Lamb! Mouse!! SO MANY THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!!
♡ I think steve would like a kitty, all pretty and only exists for the purpose of looking good and being a hole to stuff <3<3 spoil me so much !!!! Or maybe a puppy, gets to leash me up and make me choke on his cock maybe breed me
♡ eddie would like a bunny, a soft little thing that can keep up with his fat loads of cum, or maybe a kitty who does nothing but lay there and mewl for his cum <3 he just wants a little dumb thing he can corrupt
♡ hopper likes the puppy because old grumpy men and puppies are soul mates!!! Hed be so strict but I'd love him for it !!! Make me feel so special 👁👁 piss kink with hopper x untrained puppygirl reader 👁👁 smoking a cigar while you cock warm him I'm all gooey inside
♡ I think billy would definitely be into cow hybrids 👁👁 cuz like hes the bull of Hawkins and I think he needs a little breeding cow and on milky titz to sucky suck👁👁 shy lil thing that follows him around
♡ robin would like a bird because they're so quiet and pretty!! Just so nice to look at and she would definitely love it when you try to groom her makes her feel so special!!! Or when you coo as shes eating you out omg !! loves how soft your lil wings are !!!
♡ nancy definitely be into puppygirls<3<3 I think shed love to just do whatever she pleases especially when you take everything she gives you, you're so obedient and eager to please her !!!!!!!!!
♡ argyle? Definitely a cow orr maybe a mouse, just wants someone whose soft and warm. Would let you sit on his cock while he smokes, all the praises !!! Stroke your pretty little thighs and pet your ears sucky sucky on those titties
♡ my sick little freak Jonathan? The original perv? Bear. Just something that lays there all pretty and soft, let's him take pictures!! His fav are when you're lying in the sun and he pulls your underwear to the side to see your pussy <3
♡ what if hybrid! boy/girlfriend !!!!!!
♡ AAAA WOLF EDDIE AND BUNNY READER IM GAGGING CHOKING NOT BREATHING, him wearing a muzzle!!! Spikey collar that leaves scratches in my thighs
♡ wolf steve and puppy reader 👁👁 wants to get you full of pups, all hairy and warm treats you so well<3 hunts you the biggest deer he can find just so he can prove how much of a good mate he is
♡ bear hopper x bunny reader <3<3 so big and warm so strong and smart he has to protect his little dumb cocksleeve, let's you have all the blankets for your nest!!! Soothes you when you cry because hes so big and doesnt fit in it :(( but its okay because he likes being pressed against you so tightly
♡ bull billy and cow reader !!! Hes so mean at first!! Always huffing and grunting at you making you think he hates you </3 makes all the others bully you because hes the alpha and whatever he says goes until some dumb new bulls start showing interest in HIS shy submissive mate he gets into so many fights!! Hates that they think they can have you >:00 YOURE HIS >:((( sneaks into your separated room (because everyone is so mean and the farmer cant have their pretty little Hefner sad) just so he can mark you as his. would 100% let's you touch his horns, but only you >:((
♡ dont get me started on heats and ruts
♡ breed me so good!!!! I'm going feral possibly even insane
♡ joyce + hopper with puppygirl!!! Makes my heart all gooey and gross, joyce would spoil you so much!!! Give you extra rewards and treats when you behave or when hop is being grumpy and strict! Definitely would stuff you with toys and make you lick them clean
♡ step dad! hopper digging out a bullet vibrator from his bimbo Step daughter after she gets it stuck inside her because shes so dumb </3
♡ brothers bestfriend/dealer! Eddie corrupting naive! Innocent! Virgin! Reader, him waiting for your roommate to arrive and he gets to know you so well
♡ scumbag! Stepbrother! Jonathan x innocent! Reader. making you sit on his lap, he blows smoke into your face all the time :((((( makes your eyes tear up and forget about his boner that hes rocking against your clothed cunt!! Dont get me started on his Best friend  perv! Argyle who is soooo nice to you but only so he can feel you up close against him
♡ theres a belt that has a lighter attached to it omg imagine eddie using it to light the blunt in your mouth omfg I'm going insane right now
♡ mean! eddie making his artist! Girlfriend draw porn only so he can cum on it and ruin it :(((
♡ being the new secretary at the police station and befriending hopper through your husband. Staying late one night, you and hop start talking which leads to you complaining to him about struggling to have a baby and how you're so worried that you may not be able too, he assures you that theres nothing wrong and even offers to help, your husband is oblivious when you become pregnant, he doesnt even bat an eye when the baby comes out huge (giant genes jim hopper ♡♡)
♡ argyle becoming a masseuse and getting a bit too handsy with his favourite client <3<3 his hands are amazing with pizza dough they would be amazing with my ass <3
♡ would I let Vecna absolutely destroy me? Yes I'm not a coward, I want his claws to make my hips bleed is that too much to ask? "BuT nYmPH hES UgLy aND scARY" and I'm horny so what
♡ you know those baby dolls that you have to take care of for like a week? Imagine being forced to take care of one with whoever, unfortunately it unlocks their breeding kink and they cant get the thought of you and their baby out of their head so it's only natural for them to stuff you full
♡ serial killer! eddie escaping from prison and hiding in your house!! Somehow convincing him to let you live by saying you'll cook him meals and clean him up, he forces you to be his housewife until you're no longer useful to him but once he gets his cock in your sweet tiny little hole he cant stand the thought of you being harmed. When the cops arrive to search your house he takes you with him because he cant just leave his personal fleshlight behind
♡ argyle fucking the new delivery girl, he drives you to the houses because there were too many complaints about him being high </3 but that's okay because your cute little face gets extra tips and he doesnt mind staying in the car especially when your skirt flips up as you climb off the seat. Would let you ride him after you come to the car all teary eyed after you get yelled at by a mean customer who wanted a new pizza
♡ perv! Robin, nancy and chrissy convincing innocent! Reader to try on new clothes infront of them, they assure you that you dont need to change in the bathroom because "they're all girls" they grope you claiming that they're "just making sure it fits right" they then make you try on some underwear that would look sooo cute on you. You think nothing of it until you're stood infront if them and you feel vibrations coming from the fabric pressing directly to your clit, but dont worry chrissy makes sure to catch you as your legs struggle to hold yourself up plus shes holding your hands <3<3 and robin is being so sweet and 'fixing you bra' while telling you how pretty you are, nancy is the sweetest however as she reaches down to help you with false concern, rubbing your clit "trying to make it stop"
♡ hopper x fairy! Nymph esc! Reader !!! He finds you in the forest and takes you back to his cabin because a little thing like you shoudlnt be out here all alone >:((  You're so curious of this big strong creature that took you with them that you follow them around like a puppy, so he shouldnt have been so shocked when you wondered into the bathroom and watched him while he showered, as much as he tried to shoo you away it was hopeless which is why he invited you to join him. Definitely not a ploy to see you naked
♡ want 001 to gaslight me while his cock tears me in two!! "It doesn't hurt that bad, you were made to hold my children how can you give birth if you cant take my cock?"
♡ steve x bimbo reader <3 he thinks you're so dumb and hes looking at you in shock most of the time because how can anyone be that stupid? But he doesnt mind because you're his housewife and he loves that you make him feel all gooey inside, you cook him meals and bake him desserts you're so good with the kids and dustin adores with his moms new girlfriend. When you come home from babysitting with eyes watering about how you have "baby fever" and how you "cant wait to have a baby of your own" he obviously takes the opportunity to help you, he cant have his favourite girl sad now
♡ joyce and karen getting wine drink with reader, they all start talking about how awful their husbands are in bed (let's pretend hopper isnt with joyce ♡) and how they're never satisfied luckily you've bought some new sex toys and because you're so generous you cant help but share with your best friends
♡ 001 being in charge of you at the facility means he watches you do everything, sleep, eat, shower, exist, all of it. Hes all you've ever known and it feels so natural for you to come to him about the ache between your legs
♡ the way I would suck the soul out of this man
♡ dark! Reader being absolutely infatuated with mr Phil Callahan after you gets arrested at a house party, you're always getting In trouble just so you can see him not even hoppers huge cock can make you behave, you want HIM. Thankfully callahan is a good man, a good citizen who would do anything to help someone in need, so when your bent over begging him to fuck you he cant refuse, he doesnt question how you got into his house or how you knew where he lived. Your pussy is worth it <3
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arachine · 2 years
— 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞?: 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬
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+ 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝: multiple stranger things men
+ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: mature
+ 𝐜𝐰: explicit sexual content
+ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: so…i’m back. It’s been so long since i’ve posted the first dick analysis, and i just couldn’t resist doing one for the stranger things men! this is just a filler post until i finish writing some of my requests and outlining the first few chapters of my eddie munson series. until then, please enjoy this, i had a lot of fun just spewing all of my whore thoughts into this >.<
+ part two here !
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+ 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: the small font is a stylistic choice. if you are having trouble reading, i suggest you adjust your iphone’s settings!
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eddie “the freak” munson
↻ length: the social pariah, eddie munson, is many things. he’s loud, obnoxious, witty, and…a freak. yeah, he roleplays with 15 year old kids, and yeah, he very well may be a super senior–having repeated the 12th grade three times–but those things don’t really make him a freak. no, the thing that makes him a freak is the unnecessarily long, heavy piece of meat that swings between his legs like a pendulum. 
coming in at just about 6 inches flaccid, and 7.5 inches fully erect, eddie takes the cake for this lists’ third longest dong. 
↻ width: eddie’s a pretty skinny guy, and so, his dick’s probably not much thicker than a febreeze bottle. but it’s okay, because skinny dick, is still good dick. 
↻ color: he’s pale but it’s definitely a little tanner than the rest of his body. i’d say it’d progressively get darker the closer it gets to his tip (which is a beautiful mauve-y color that darkens when erect).
↻ groomed: it’s the 80s, and he’s a metalhead with a wild mane of hair on his head, so naturally, i think he’d rock a little bush. just a little one, but on occasion, he will tackle it with some scissors and trim it down a bit. 
↻ curved: oh, god, yes. deliciously curved to the left with a plump, mushroomy head. 
↻ veins: duh! two thick veins that begin underside the shaft and split into a fork just beneath the head. 
↻ how he uses it: gonna just go ahead and say it, and this may be controversial, but i honestly think eddie would love putting you in a full nelson. now before you scrunch your nose in disagreement, just LISTEN. he’s such a skinny motherfucker but i just know there’s some muscle under those black skinny jeans and tees. i mean, we all saw that scene where he pinned steve against the wall with a broken beer bottle to his throat—albeit because he was defending himself—but that’s neither here nor there. eddie fucks, and he fucks good. 
steve “good hair” harrington 
↻ length: steve is a ken doll personified. except, unlike a ken doll, there’s actually something down there besides a flat surface—so rest assured, you won’t have to worry about bumping purses when doing the woo hoo. but here’s another controversial opinion: steve doesn’t have a big dick—it’s average, and that’s okay!
steve’s dick rests at a firm 5.3 inches flaccid, and a good 6.5 inches erect. not too big, and not too small. just…perfect, like him. 
↻ width: for what he lacks in length, he makes up for in girth! yeah, you’re getting 6 inches, but he’s hitting you with that stretch—and it burns, but in the best way imaginable. 
↻ color: the prettiest boy in hawkins has to have the prettiest cock, right? i think it’d be pretty light in comparison to the rest of his body. when i think of him, i feel like he’d be one of those guys who are kinda tan but when they take off their pants, they have the most bizarre looking tan lines ever, and their ass is brighter than the moon! anyway, i digress; it’d be pretty pale with a mean, red tip when aroused, and strawberry pink when it’s soft. 
↻ groomed: yes. he keeps it really simple. shaves it down real low but not enough to the point where he’s bald. 
↻ curved: as straight as a pencil 
↻ veins: has one on the top of his shaft that wraps around the head 
↻ how he uses it: we’re talking about steve here. steve the womanizer, steve the public enemy and panty dropper of seasons one through three. he’s all about that doggy style life. don’t let his himbo persona in season four fool you, that man is a whore! he likes to get down and dirty, and if that includes you on your hands and knees, with your face shoved into the sheets while your tears drip down onto the sheets…then, so be it. 
billy “ima turn you out” hargrove
↻ length: i am not a billy hargrove enjoyer but i can’t sit here and lie to you, i just won’t. that silly little fella’s got a cock the size of a bull… 
8.2 inches. 
no, i’m not taking criticism. he’s big, end of story. 
↻ width: the length matches the girth, sis. if you think you can take him—you can’t. and if you think i’m kidding—i’m not. think coke bottle, but longer.  
↻ color: tanned to perfection, because of course it is, he was a lifeguard for god sake! 
↻ groomed: like steve, he keeps it pretty well trimmed. although, sometimes, he lets it grow out so he can show off his happy trail. and a sight to see it is!
↻ curved: oh my days, it curves to the right—like a lot. a real captain hook. 
↻ veins: absolutely covered in ‘em, but the most prominent one resides on the side of his shaft and if you really look at it, it kinda looks like a little lighting bolt. 
↻ how he uses it: you can’t have sex with billy and expect intimacy, that just isn’t happening. he likes it with absolutely no strings attached and no eye contact. so, expect to be thrown into all types of obscure positions, his favorite of which includes you with half of your body hanging off the bed and him pounding mercilessly into you from behind. honestly, as long as billy gets a view of your ass, he doesn’t really care.
jim “big zaddy” hopper 
↻ length: the biggest dick on this list. a true monster cock, that is it, that is all. 
but if i had to give a specific measurement…9 inches. whether that’s his measurement soft or erect, i’ll let you be the judge of that.  
↻ width: he’s so thick that he’d probably split your pussy open if he didn’t properly prepare you, and even then, you’d still never be prepared enough :(
↻ color: i’d say it would be one or two shades darker than his complexion, and the head is definitely not pink. more like a rouge mixed with a little brown.  
↻ groomed: jim just gives grown man, you know? like obviously, he is one, but i just think there’s something so sexy about a man with body hair! so, i don’t think he’d keep it well trimmed, or trimmed at all for that matter. and if he does decide to take a pair of scissors to it, it’s very, very rare. 
↻ curved: surprisingly, no. it’s straight, but extremely heavy and he has big man balls to match. 
↻ veins: yes, just like billy, they’re all over. with a dick as big as his, he’s gonna need all the veins he can get to transport the appropriate amount of blood to it. 
↻ how he uses it: very traditional, very cute and sweet. likes to fuck in missionary because he’s a real man, and he prefers to look into his lover’s eyes while pleasuring them. however, that doesn’t mean he’s a prude. if he wants to, he could put you in a full nelson, but he usually just opts for something that won’t throw his old man back out :)
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© all content belongs to arachine 2022. no reposts, modifications, plagiarizing, or remaking of any form without proper credit.
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readingwithalyssaa · 6 months
Stranger Things Favs
18+ (edited 5/31/2024)
Work does not belong to me!
Billy Hargrove
moody @billlydear
Midnight Munchies @billlydear
Closer @ijustwanttoreadfanfiction
bathroom sex @munsluyt
nice boys @beetboxx
Your beautiful locks @sweet-villain
You gonna let me keep her? @sadhours
Housewife @sadhours
no control @sadhours
Fic 1 @sadhours
Fic 2 @hawkins-losers
mine @supermarketbae
When the partys over @billysbabyy
Sunrise and sunset @billysbabyy
She wasnt your person to ruin @billysbabyy
Hand behind your back @billysbabyy
Fic 3 @billysbabyy
On her knees @billysbabyy
Phone number @billysbabyy
Slapping @billysbabyy
Run rabbit run @billysbabyy
Riding @thevestigeofvanillaan
Ruined Makeup @tommydarlings
Toxic @tommydarlings
No more @tommydarlings
Fic 4 @tommydarlings
Religion @tommydarlings
Taking good care of you @tommydarlings
Please forgive me lord @tommydarlings
Crybaby @tommydarlings
Simmer down @sadhours
oral fixation @sadhours
You can be the boss @666eddie
montana blues @sserpente
kiss it better @myobmaya
the child support charade @angelltheninth
Billy x Steve x Eddie
Higher and higher @tastefulstars
Lucky you @kitkathatesu
Get in line @tastefulstars
Jim Hopper
out of the woods @mypoisonedvine
Harmless @moooxy
Jim Hopper x Joyce Hopper
Jopper Fic 1 @ddejavvu
Eddie x Jonathan
fic @eiightysixbaby
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reareaotaku · 4 months
My Sweet Valentine
Fuck Valentine's Day and every single couple ever! Also I know Valentine's Day has already past smartass. Leave me alone
Summary: How they act 4 Valentine's Day? Characters: Mike Wheeler, Luke Sinclair, Jane 'Eleven' Hopper, Maxine 'Max' Mayfield, Billy Hargrove, Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley [I was going to do Eddie Munson, but I didn't want to write for him] Tw: None [That I know of]
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Mike Wheeler
He was FREAKING out
He had completely forgotten about Valentine's Day, because it never was important to him, because he never had a partner before
God, he's so fucked
Throws something together last second and hopes you don't notice [You do]
He tries coming up with an excuse but, he doesn't convince you
He tries getting his sister's help, as a last resort, but she makes it harder for him
She starts scolding him for forgetting and complaining about how she couldn't believe they were related
Feels extremely guilty when you give him stuff, stuff he likes. He actually thinks about death right then and there because he knows that he's so getting dumped
Thankfully, you don't dump him [He's thrilled because he doesn't know what he'd do without you], but you do ignore him and give him the cold shoulder for a few days until he makes it up to you
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Lucas Sinclair
He has been preparing for this moment all year
No way was he ending up in the dog house
He goes all out, getting you all that stupid stuff [Teddy bears, chocolate, roses etc]
He even makes a poster that has some stupid basket ball pun asking if you'll be his Valentine
Makes him so giddy when seeing you so happy to receive the gifts
Puffs his chest out in pride, because he did that
He'll be surprised when you pull out some Valentine's stuff for him
He wasn't expecting it and now you have him blushing
"For me?"
"Well, I don't have another boyfriend"
He frowns, but ultimately takes the gifts
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Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Valentine's Day? What's that?
Pretty clueless on the holiday, but when she learns about it, she falls in love instantly
She thinks it's so cute and wants to do something special with you
"What do couples usually do on Valentine's Day?"
"Well, they do a lot of stuff... You know, there isn't just one thing- You know?"
She hums, but she does in fact not know what you mean, but it's easier for her to pretend she does
"But uh, if there's something in particular you want to do-"
"I want to do it all!" She's quick and blushes because she didn't mean to outburst like that
You giggle, "I love your enthusiasm, but we can't do everything, but we can do most of it"
You both make cards for each other and she enjoys the time she's spending with you
She ends up loving the holiday and excited for next year, because she wants to do everything else that you couldn't do this year
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Maxine 'Max' Mayfield
She does not give a shit about that stupid stuff
If you get her something, cool, but it's not needed
If you want to do something, you'll have to talk to her, otherwise it's just another day to her
She might give you one of those stupid Valentine's Cards, just because she sees all the other couples doing it, but it's not something she thinks about
When she's writing your name on it, she frowns, because what if you don't like it?
She knows you deserve better, so she debates making you a home-made card
^ It does not go well, so she sticks with the store bought card
She also gets you those tiny heart chocolate boxes
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Billy Hargrove
You set yourself up for failure on this one, expecting him to get you something. Like do you even know him?
You'll be lucky if he even acknowledges that it's Valentine's Day
You can get him something and he'll keep it [Probably hides it, so his dad can't find it], but otherwise doesn't say much
He thinks it's cute how you act, but he doesn't understand it. It's just some stupid day and he doesn't see anything important about it
In fact, it just seems like a stupid excuse to spend tons of money for someone you might not even still be with in a month
He treasures the gifts you get him [Believe it or not]
If you make him a card, he keeps it in his nightstand
If you get him a teddy bear, it's either on his bed or in his pillowcase [When he wants it hidden]
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Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
He's quite the romantic and goes all out
He loves Valentine's Day, because he can show you off and show you how much he loves you
He'll ask you to be his Valentine, even if you're already dating
He's so cheesy and makes all kind of puns and jokes
^ It actually gets annoying for you and you have to beg him to stop
Makes you a homecooked meal with wine and shit
After that, he brings you to the couch to watch all your favorite movies
He wants to enjoy your embrace and cuddle with you
[It also gives him an excuse to not spend the night alone]
You'll be so wrapped into each other, nearly about to have a moment when the phone rings and Steve wants to kill whoever is on the other line. When he hears Dustin's voice, he wants to reach through the phone and choke the young man
It's fine though, you tell him, you were still having a good time just being with him
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Nancy Wheeler
Makes you home-made gifts
She wants to give you something that comes from her heart and has true meaning
She doesn't really like storebought stuff
She thinks it means more if you make it, even if it's bad
She wants to spend quality time with you
It doesn't really matter what you're doing, she just wants to be in your presence
It's a very chill day and you don't have to do anything over the top
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Robin Buckley
As a dirt poor woman, she works all year just to buy you something simple
When she finally raised enough money to buy you something nice for Valentine's Day, she was overwhelmed by all the Valentine's Day stuff
What was she supposed to get you? There was so much stuff! What the fuck!?
Pretty much has a panic attack, because she's scared she'll pick the wrong thing
God, why is this so stressful???
She decides to just close her eyes and pick something at random
Is thrilled when you like the gift
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ccscocoapuffs · 4 months
My Character List
Eddie Munson NSFW Alphabet
Steve Harrington NSFW Alphabet
Johnathan Byers NSFW Alphabet
Billy Hargrove NSFW Alphabet
Robin Buckley NSFW Alphabet
Jim Hopper x Reader Smut pt. 1
Negan NSFW Alphabet
Dean Winchester NSFW Alphabet
Demon! Dean X Reader Smut
Dean x Male! Reader Smut
Dean x Male! Reader Fluff
Dom! Dean x Reader Fluff
Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
Castiel NSFW Alphabet
Tiffany Valentine NSFW Alphabet
Stu Macher NSFW Alphabet
Billy Loomis NSFW Alphabet
Randy Meeks NSFW Alphabet
Adam Faulker-Stanheight NSFW Alphabet
Amanda Young NSFW Alphabet
Mark Hoffman NSFW Alphabet
Caught- Mark Hoffman Smut
Dwayne (Lost Boys) NSFW Alphabet
RDR1 Jack Marston Soft Smut
Bill Williamson NSFW Alphabet
Johnny Silverhand NSFW Alphabet
Late Again- Johnny Silverhand Smut
Lady Dimitrescu NSFW Alphabet
Arthur Morgan Playlist
Tiffany Valentine Playlist
Marko Thompson (Lost Boys) Playlist
Dwayne Stephens (Lost Boys) Playlist
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Playlist
Amanda Young Playlist
Bo Sinclair Playlist
Vincent Sinclair Playlist
Karl Heisenberg Playlist
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chloe-skywalker · 11 months
Door Open (Part 2) - Billy Hargrove
Part 2
Billy x Fem!reader Hopper
Warnings: mentions of abuse
Word count: 1,647
Summary: Neil went to far this time and Y/n wants Billy out.
Authors Note: Here’s Part 2! So this is only 2 parts but maybe I’ll make more if you all like it and would like more.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part 1
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It had been months since the dinner and things were good. They didn’t have to hide anymore. Billy had been over practically every day since. And to surprise everyone, Hopper didn’t mind. He actually grew to like the boy and his daughter turned out to be right. He was very different behind closed doors. But Hopper had sensed something off with him and he just wished he could figure it out. Although he might find out soon.
It was around midnight when Y/n heard the sound of tapping against her window. She turned her head and out the dark window was her boyfriend. Y/n got up and opened her window, helping him into her room.
When Y/n looked up at Billy once he was fully standing to the best of his ability at the moment. She was shocked, he had never looked this bad before. And that was saying something. “Oh God- Billy.”
“Yeah, I know.” Billy let out a huffed laugh even though it really hurt. He was pretty sure he had some cracked ribs. “It’s bad this time.”
Y/n looked him over with wide extremely concerned eyes. There were bruises everywhere old and new but the new were really nasty looking, and they weren’t even done developing yet. “No kidding.”
Y/n was glad that her door was shut right now so no questions would be raised. Y/n grabbed all her medical stuff she stored in her room, with the upside down crap and her boyfriend it came in handy. As she cleaned the cuts Billy occasionally hissed. “Sorry.”
Billy shook his head. “It’s fine. Doesn’t hurt as bad right now.”
Y/n let out a sigh knowing what needed to be done. She’d have to convince him though. “I can’t let you live there anymore, Billy.”
With a sigh of his own Billy answered sadly. “There’s nothing you can do about it, Y/n/n.”
“We could tell my dad.” y/n told him, her dad was the sheriff after all. She knew he could do something. “He could help.”
“Hopper already barely tolerates me. Why would he help me?” Billy knew him and Hopper seemed to be on good terms but it always felt like the other shoe would drop at any time. Billy never felt safe around adults, for good reasons.
Y/n reached for his hands and monevered on herself to also sit on her bed, looking him in the eyes. “He’d do it for me. Because as you said he is tolerating you- well he’s doing that for me. Plus my father doesn’t think kindly about people who abuse their children or any person abusing one. Look at El and her situation.”
Billy sat there thinking about her words for a moment before asking. “You think he’d really help me?”
Y/n nodded. “I do. Even if we weren’t together, hell even if we weren’t even friends. He’d still help you.”
Billy knew it was time, he had to agree with Y/n. He couldn’t live under Neil anymore. “Okay.”
“Really? I know how you feel about telling people anything personal, let alone this.” Y/n asked, wanting to make sure he was sure.
“Yeah. I think its time. I need out and I can’t do it on my own. Plus I don’t want anything like this to also happen to Max. She may be a brat but no one deserves what he’s capable of.” Billy nodded looking Y/n in the eyes. It needed to be done.
^     ^     ^
“Hey, dad?” Y/n spoke, poking her head out her door. Not opening in enough for anymore to see into her room. She didn’t want El and Mike seeing Billy’s state or asking questions. This needed to be between the 3 of them only.
“Hmmm?” Hopper hummed, shifting his eyes off El and Mike and to his oldest daughter.
“Can you come to my room for a sec?” She nodded back towards her door with raised brows, giving her dad a look to tell him it was private and serious.
“Sure.” Hopper nodded, getting up and heading to Y/n’s room.
“Thanks.” Y/n thanked him before pulling him into her room.
Upon entering her room Hopper saw Billy and he could feel his blood boiling. But upon a longer second look his more pressing question became ‘what happened to his oldest’s boyfriend?’ Billy wasn’t known to lose a fight. More than half the time he walked away with barely any bruises or scratches. But right now, Billy was sporting a black eye forming, a cut on his head, split lip, bruises old and new, and his shirt was completely unbuttoned showing off a really nasty almost black bruise across his ribs. Meaning to Hopper that his ribs were either extremely bruised, cracked but most likely a few were broken.
“What’s?” He glanced down at his daughter. “What’s going on?”
Y/n walked around him to pull out her desk chair gesturing for her dad to sit. “Can you sit down? Billy, has something he wants to tell you.”
Hopper did as he asked as Y/n went and sat down next to Billy, grabbing his hand in hers for what Hopper preserved was reassurance. “What’s wrong, kid?”
With that Billy went on to explain to Hopper all about Niels abuse. Every detail and for how long it had been going on for. He told the older man everything, with Y/n’s support. 
Hopper noticed when some things got hard for Billy to talk about he either looked to Y/n or she would squeeze his hand. He came to the conclusion that his daughter had become Billy’s safety blanket.
And he was proud of her for being there for the boy who had been through things that no child ever should go through.
“And I didn’t want to tell anyone or let anyone know because back in California no one seemed to notice or care so. . . My plan was just wait it out- till ya know, I turned 18.” Billy told the sheriff nervously bouncing his leg.
“But…” Y/n encouraged him to continue. He needed to get it out, she knew that.
“But, now he’s worse and the worse he gets I worry about him with Max now. He wouldn’t do anything before because of Susan, but he’s getting sloppy.” Billy appreciated more than he could ever put into words Y/n’s support. Everything she’s ever done for him, including loving him.
Y/n turned her attention to her dad with hopeful and nervous eyes. “Can you do anything to help?”
Hopper nodded, hell even if he couldn’t legally he’d find a way to get rid of that piece of shit. Niel Hargrove. “Yeah, I can help.”
Y/n nudged Billy shoulder to shoulder with a smile. “I told you.”
“Yeah, you did.” Billy nodded with a small smile on his lips as well.
“But for now you can’t let him or Susan know that anything is out of the ordinary.” Hopper spoke up, leaning back in the chair.
Billy looked back at Hopper confused. “Out of the ordinary?”
“What do you mean dad?” Y/n asked as well, confused like Billy.
“We have an extra room. I want you to slowly start moving your stuff into it. And I want Max to slowly start moving her stuff here too, into El’s room. I’m sure they’ll love becoming roommates.” he scoffed thinking of how that was going to go. And how he and Billy will be outnumbered.
“The sleepover that never ends.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head happily at the thought.
“Exactly.” Hopper smiled, letting out a huff of air.
“I’m still confused.” Billy stated with a furrowed brow looking between the father and daughter confused.
Y/n squeezed his hand and gently pulled him closer, if that was even possible. Smiling at him, she was very happy at this new found situation. “You and Max are moving in. Here. With us.”
“I-” Billy was speechless looking at Hopper in shock. But Hopper could see the hint of relief in the young man's eyes.
“Son.” Hopper felt bad for the boy. This had obviously been going on for a long time and it had affected Billy more than he showed or let on. No wonder he starters fights, Hopper thought, he needs a cover for the bruises and a way to vent out his anger about his father. “Once things are all ready to go and in motion, things are gonna move fast. And I'm not going to have you or Max in that house or anywhere near it when it happens. Max I consider already like a daughter, she’s over enough to be one. And you Billy. I like you more than I would care to admit. You're like a son to me, I think you need to know that.”
Billy could only sit and look at his girlfriend's dad in complete shock. He could never find the words to tell Hopper how much this and what he said meant to him. Billy was very appreciative for what he was willing to do to help him. “Thank you, sir.”
Hopper stood up and placed his hand on Billy’s shoulder and squeezed. “Son, you can call me Hopper.”
Billy nodded. “Thanks Hopper.”
“No problem. I’ll get you a shirt to sleep in. You are not going back to that house tonight.” Hopper stated exiting the room to do as he said. This was a night where the closed door rule for the couple wouldn’t apply. Hopper wasn’t going to split them up tonight.
“He called me son. More than once.” Billy’s voice cracked and his eyes held happy tears as he looked to Y/n with a watery smile.
“Yeah, he did.” Y/n smiled at him, things were going to be okay now.
taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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rainydayathogwarts · 8 months
Caught - Billy x Byers!reader, mom!Joyce x reader
Byers!Reader wc: ~1.4k Summary: reader sneaks out to meet her boyfriend Billy but bumps into someone unfortunate on her way out. More focused on the reader x mom!Joyce than reader x Billy. Just to make things clear also, it's a loving mother/daughter moment nothing gross or weird.
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You almost grinned, tiptoeing to your window in the dark room, purse in hand, careful not to trip over any of the clothes haphazardly thrown on the floor. You winced as you opened the window, careful not to make any sound as you pushed yourself up on your arms, throwing your legs over the ledge. You landed on the opposite side on the wall with a crunch of the leaves under your feet, quickly making your way up the street.
You had gotten used to this routine. Usually, if either you or Jonathan had plans, you'd both go, telling your mom you'd stick together when you actually snuck off to see Billy and Nancy. The plan was foolproof. You both understood each other and would head back home together, ensuring your mom that you were safe. But every now and then when Jonathan didn't have plans, you had to find your own way to go see Billy.
With everything that had happened the past two years in the Byers household, the last thing your mother was going to do was let you go out - especially alone. Especially to meet the boyfriend she didn't know you had. You spotted Billy's car a couple of houses down, waiting to drive you away when you froze, eyes widening.
Staring right back at you was Jim Hopper, the chief of police in Hawkins, Indiana. Standing behind him were Nancy, Steve, Robin and of course, Eleven, who were making their way to your house, inevitably for another meeting.
Hopper took the cigarette out of his mouth, throwing it on the floor and stepping on it, his eyebrows raised and you physically cringed, tugging your low cut top up your chest. He definitely knew what you were up to, especially in that short blue skirt you wore, specifically to give Billy easy access. Your eyes wandered behind him, looking back at the other teenagers who all looked equally as confused as each other, with the exception of Nancy who grinned widely at you.
The silence was deafening.
The sound of the front door opening averted Hopper's gaze back which gave you the perfect opportunity to run back to the side of the house, where your mom wouldn't see you. "We saw you guys standing out here, what are you doing?" You heard your mom say, and prayed Mr. Hopper would keep your secret, just this once.
You didn't hear his answer, the door closing behind them. You had two options, you decided; either you could sneak back in and leave Billy hanging, or you could make a run for it. You sighed, looking through your window one last time before sprinting up to Billy's car down the street so that your mom wouldn't see you leaving.
You slammed his car door behind you, lowering yourself in the passenger seat as you caught your breath, whisper-yelling "Go, Billy, go!" He chuckled, having seen the entire exchange and stated calmly "Well that was a close one wasn't it?" When you were far enough from your house, you straightened up, leaning over the controls to press a glossy kiss to Billy's cheek. He put a hand on your thigh, heading in the direction of the forest, where he parked and you both headed straight into his back seat.
It was an entanglement of sweaty bodies and humidity, causing Billy to reach behind your head to open the window, the awkward position causing you to whine at him. He pounded into you, your skirt bunched up at your waist, your top laying on the floor as he mouthed at your tits, leaving hickeys everywhere he could. Your nails scratched at his back, causing Billy to hiss as he quickened his pace, getting you both closer to the edge. It was blissful, both of you giggling and exchanging wet kisses when you were done, catching each other up on your day, oblivious to what was awaiting you at home.
It was only when you were standing in front of the house with the curtains open, making direct eye-contact with an angry looking Joyce Byers that it suddenly hit you that if the others were here for a meeting, they probably would have needed you too.
You picture it in your head, your mom opening the door to your room, her heart dropping when she sees you're not in bed. Hopper wincing when she yells your name, reassuring her that you're fine, you're not alone. You just headed out. You can imagine her livid during the meeting, worried yet furious because all this time she wanted you to be safe, you'd been betraying her trust to meet a silly boy. Jonathan feeling guilty, but he doesn't want to throw himself under the bus just so that she can be angry at the both of you. It's not his fault that you got caught and he didn't.
You see heads turning to look at you through the window, wanting to see what's busying Joyce's gaze and you put your head down, walking towards the front door. You push your key into the keyhole, twisting it once, twice, and you hear the door unlock each time. Your other hand comes up to rest on the doorknob, and you hit your head on the door, taking a deep breath. You pull your key out with a groan, pushing the door open, avoiding your mom's gaze to the best of your ability.
"Y/N Byers. Look at me right now." The room is absolutely silent at the tone of your mother's voice and you look up with a sigh, seeing Jonathan's eyes widen. He starts shaking his head at you from behind where your mother is now standing, walking towards you. You swallow once, knowing that there's something wrong - more wrong than just sneaking out, but you can't wrap your finger about it, and Jonathan certainly wasn't helping you guess.
It's only when Joyce's hand comes up, brushing a strand of hair behind your shoulder that you realise, jerking away from your mother as you rush to your bathroom to desperately cover your hickeys, knowing fully well that she's already gotten a good look at them. There's three aggressive knocks at the door "Y/N I've already seen, come out now."
Embarrassment tugs at your chest and tears start to prick your eyes, but you forcefully wipe them away. You put your makeup brush down, looking up at your half covered hickeys. You still had three on the opposite side of your neck that were on full display and one was half covered by your top, leaving the rest to the imagination. When you open the door, Joyce is sitting on your bed, and she pats the spot next to her. You trodded over to her, keeping enough space between you as you let her talk, keeping your head down.
"Now under regular circumstances, I'd be happy for you and ask who this young man is, but I'm really disappointed Y/N. I thought we had a deal." You sigh, picking at your nails, knowing that if you said something, it would come out louder and angrier than you'd meant it to be. "Is this the same boy who snuck in last month?" You furrow your eyebrows, finally looking at her. Despite everything, you laugh whole-heartedly. "That was probably Nancy, mom. She basically lives here."
You watch as her jaw drops. "Nancy as in Nancy in my living room Nancy?" You nod "Her and Jonathan are-?" She doesn't finish her sentence, sitting there silently instead. "Do I need to have a talk with you and your brother about using protection with boyfriends and girlfriends?" She asks genuinely, frowning slightly. "No mom! God no!" You yell, shaking your head. "So... You're using protection with this guy?" "Billy." You confirm, nodding at her. "-Because at least Jonathan could decide to not be involved, but you would have to carry it." Your face flushes red and your hand comes up to scratch the side of your head, hiding your face from her.
"If I show you a photo of Billy, will you please stop asking me humiliating questions?" You ask, already getting off the bed to retrieve a box of polaroids. You open the box and gasp, desperately trying to cover the photo of you and Billy making out on the top of the pile, accidentally pushing it away from you and sending all the polaroids flying. Joyce laughs, shaking her head as she mutters something about you embarrassing yourself.
You lean down, pulling some wholesome photos from the floor and handing them over to your mom, who observes them closely. She hums, going through them, and finally says "But even if you didn't use protection...You two would have beautiful babies."
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fxllfaiiry · 2 years
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summary: thots with some stranger things characters.
warnings: dark content ahead.
note: this is a series I'll be doing with different fandoms, this is something in honor of kinktober. the next fandom will be marvel! <3
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                                   𝟏𝟔+ 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄
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: ̗̀➛ dark!steddie breeding you full.
: ̗̀➛ innocent!kitty!reader humping herself into robin.
: ̗̀➛ steve breeding you full with his six lil nuggets.
: ̗̀➛ 001 making innocent!reader ride his shoe.
: ̗̀➛ mean!nancy putting a bullet vibrator in your panties and making you cum over and over again in front of everyone.
: ̗̀➛ dark!mean!steddie using you as their little fucktoy. tying you up and cumming everywhere, making a mess on you.
: ̗̀➛ eddie waking up to slightlydark!reader running a vibrator on his dick.
: ̗̀➛ hopper fucking you in his car.
: ̗̀➛ stepdad!steve watching you ride your dildo moaning his name.
: ̗̀➛ mean!dark!chrissy fucking you in front of her cheerleader friends.
: ̗̀➛ tying robin up and riding her face.
: ̗̀➛ perv!eddie jerking off to pornstars that look like you.
: ̗̀➛ perv!johnathan taking pictures of you touching yourself
: ̗̀➛ giving steve a pantyjob.
: ̗̀➛ perv!steddie helping innocent!reader find her clit.
: ̗̀➛ ronance making you eat them out.
: ̗̀➛ robin making crybaby!reader hump her stuffie in front of her
: ̗̀➛ eddie/steve/billy stuffing every object they can find into you.
: ̗̀➛ billy making you dry hump him.
: ̗̀➛ mean!nancy spanking crybaby!reader after she finds out she cheated on a test.
: ̗̀➛ innocent!bimbo!reader "accidentally" making everyone in hawkins want to fuck her.
: ̗̀➛ mean!perv!eddie not letting you cum for hours on end. sometimes teasing you for days.
: ̗̀➛ oldmoney!steve eating you out before an event.
: ̗̀➛ mechanic!eddie pleasing you, when your husband couldn't.
: ̗̀➛ bimbo!reader letting steve titty fuck her.
: ̗̀➛ dark!ronance & chrissy taking turns using you as their fucktoy.
: ̗̀➛ eddie serenading you while you touch yourself.
: ̗̀➛ *any character* using your wet panties to gag you.
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
Thinking about thoughts
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May contain Dubcon, age gap, dark characters, somnophilia, stepcest
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ sucking steve and Billy's cocks when they've just finished their basketball practice they suffocate you in their balls
"God you're fucking disgusting bet you're getting off on this arent you?"
"Billy be nice shes too dumb to care about a little bit of sweat"
♡ eddie would bite your boobs </3 would probably make your nipples bleed then flick them through your shirt
♡ I love the whole "stuck in the washing machine" porn plot <3 maybe you hosted a small get together at your house (Nancy, robin, eddie, steve, Jonathan, billy, argyle) and you quickly decide that you need to grab something from your room. Its stored at the back of your bed so you have no other choice but to crawl underneath to get it, unfortunately your bed frame decides to fall just as you were pulling out leaving you stuck with your back arched. Thankfully your friends hear your yells and come to help you but not before they have some fun with you first, you're covered in cum and spit by the end. Your cunt all puffy swollen and sore but your night doesnt end there because they soon find out that they cant Lift the bed :((( meaning they have to call for help, big strong hopper shows up and stretches you out even more but eventually pulls you out from beneath the crushed bed.
♡ billy would 110% fuck you then take pictures of you just to show to his teammates (who tried to flirt with you) that you were his
♡ •whoever• helping there favourite cheerleader stretch, pressing your legs to you chest as they repeatedly hit that special spot that makes you feel all gooey inside
♡ rockstar! eddie fucking you on stage 👁👁
♡ billy/eddie making you cry just so they can wipe your tears and jerk off with them. They're being so mean to you, tears are streaming down your cheeks and dripping onto their cock
♡ mrs wheeler had a bad date night and comes home wine drunk, you're having a sleepover with nancy (whose already asleep) you stumble into the kitchen for a glass of water when you hear her enter. You're not sure how you ended up with her red lipstick smudged between your thighs or your swollen, juice soaked lips but you're not complaining especially when she invites you over the next day
♡ robin really likes your boobs. Almost in a obsessive kinda way. Theyre always so sore and bruised from how much she sucks on them, there are small crescent moon shaped cuts from where she squeezes them aswell as finger shaped marks. Shes always so sorry when you whine in pain as struggle to put your bra on choosing to just pull your shirt on without the wired piece of fabric, her apologies are insincere as she cant help but gawk at your chest and your hardened nipples. It's a win her book
♡ steve x bimbo! reader who loves skating !! He always sees you in your mini skirts and roller skates but can never seem to get the opportunity to talk to you that is until you come into family video looking for some elvis movie for your grandma, despite his charm and flattery you're too dumb to understand his flirting and brush him off he assumed  you were playing hard to get and Almost like clock work youd come in every week to return and rent a new movie then indirectly reject him. Steve had gotten tired of the schedule you had both fallen into when he decided to ask you directly
"Are you not interested in me or something? Am I getting the wrong signals? Because everytime i try to flirt with you, you just ignore it.  Arr you ju- just not into men? Or-"
"Oh my god! I didnt know you were flirting with me silly! like I dont think you ever said something in a flirty way. And by the way as much as I love women I also totally love men maybe not as much but that's not important. You know if I had known you were flirting I would've soo gone out with you I mean-"
He coudlnt believe his ears, you didnt know he was flirting with you? He used the most obvious pick up lines
"W-wait what do you mean you didnt know I was flirting with you?"
"Well it's not like you asked me to bend over so how was I supposed to know?"
"...I dont think that's flirting"
You felt so bad for him :((( you couldnt believe how dumb you were for not realising sooner </3 luckily for Steve his break was soon which gave you a chance to make up for it, although the storage room was not the ideal place for you to be on your knees you couldnt find a thought to care.
♡ eddie would bite your pussy. Nobody else will say it but he would be devouring your cunt then bite you
♡ breeding kink! With dark! Steve!!! Hed fuck you anytime he gets the chance, bent over the sink? Boom cock in you, in the shower? Boom filled, when you sleep? BOOM BOOM BOOM COCK
♡ sucking on man titties 👁👁
♡ hehe flayed billy making you eat ice before you suck him off because he likes the cold
♡ hopper cucking Phil!! Fucks his pretty lil wife right in front of him, hes tied up with a cock ring !!!! Hopper threatens to knock you up and claim you !!!
♡ argyle jerking off infront of you <3<3 you're getting high in the back of his van and he cant help but get turned on by the look of you, you've always been close and in the drug induced haze you cant help but let him stroke himself especially when he asks so nicely
♡ nancy has so many toys its insane, shes also very adamant about using them on you
♡ eddie in panties!!!! Eddie in panties!! MY PRETTY BOY!!! dont think this means hes going to be submissive for you if anything he gets meaner maybe he makes you wear them after he gets all his cum smeared on the inside
♡ stepdad hopper fingering you under the table at dinner !!! His thick fingers sliding against your gummy walls, he sucks off your juices playing it off as him enjoying his food
♡ billy pulls your pussy apart just to spit on it before eating, sometimes smacks your clit too just so see it swell up, likes forcing his fingers into you so he can feel how you try to push him out. Hes probably tattooed his name on to your mound
♡ eddie pretends to pray before spitting on your clit, he uses his pointer finger to move his salvia around maybe nibbles at it too. He just likes watching your hips jerk towards him, gets him worked up to know that only he can please you
♡ steve kisses your clit but not just a simple peck this man makes out with your clit !!! He sucks and swirls his tongue around it practically forces his faces as close as he can get. He loves tasting you, he loves knowing that you juices linger on him
♡ argyle loves stretching your pussy apart to watch your hole clench around nothing. He thinks your cunt is the prettiest thing hes ever seen and could spend forever looking at it. He eats you out slowly trying to prolong leaving his space between you thighs, his lips are swollen by the end and his face is covered in your juices
♡ Jonathan kisses your clit before going down on you, his mouth is all over you and hes constantly lapping up the juices that spill out of you. His fingers are buried inside of you and are moving from your hole to his mouth
♡ hopper is mean and spits on you aswell as spanks your poor cunt. He fingers you so expertly that you feel like you're in heaven, his mouth never leaves your clit and you're all sensitive the next morning from his moustache. He prolongs your orgasms until your screaming and crying for release
♡ nancy is also mean </3 she gets you on the floor and presses her foot into you covered pussy, she makes it seem like such a hassle to eat you out but her actions contradict as shes always pulling down you panties to press you against her mouth
♡ 001 is the worst of the worst that man loves watching you wither in whatever pain mixed pleasure he gives you, hes so mean and always bites and pinches your clit. You rarely get to cum when he goes down on you, only granting you permission when you're wrapped around his cock
♡ robin is in awe everytime she gets to taste you, shes constantly looking up at you as you whine and moan. Shes spent hours training herself to know your weak spots, she makes you cum so many times that you can barely keep your eyes open. She loves looking at your fucked out face and wet thighs
♡ chrissy is so sweet!! When the rest of the cheerleaders have left the locker room and have gone home you're both left alone. You're feeling bad about not perfecting a move and she has to make sure you're feeling good. She takes her time with you making sure you feel loved, she has you sat on a bench with her kneeling on the ground. Shes suffocating herself between your thighs and she wouldnt have it any other way
♡ innocent(?) Reader wants to know if cocks can get hickeys, luckily her boyfriend/bestfriend is willing to help in her experiment
♡ mean girl! Bimbo! Reader calls dark! Eddie's friendgroup "a bunch of virgin incels" he corners her and forces her into the hellfire room. He then shows her how much of a "virgin incel" he is
♡ prince! Steve,  banished! Eddie, rival! Prince! Billy, royal painter! Jonathan (no cameras so hes a painter now) royal cook! Argyle, king! hopper, princess! Nancy, royal advisor! Robin x maid! Reader (maybe not all at once but the thoughts are there)
♡ mechanic! Scumbag! Eddie who always says theres something wrong with bimbo! Readers car just so he can see her, he always gets under the car when youre wearing your infamous mini skirts. Hes so nice to you and you get him lunch when hes been working so hard <3<3 his only desired payment is your tight warm hole <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 001 getting obsessed with Billy's girlfriend after he possesses him <3<3 hunts you down after billy is killed, traps you in the creel house to be his housewife
♡ hopper breed me challenge, want to be his dumb personal fleshlight whose only good for being his house wife
♡ argyle hate fucking dominos worker! Reader
♡ perv! eddie has a set of dice that has been blessed by your pussy, thinking innocent! reader wanted to know how to play dnd and goes to eddie only for him to get carried away and just stuffing you with dice. Probably got bored and somehow convinced you to get on his lap, he held your down as he rubbed your clit as he forced the 20 sided die inside of you. He keeps a die on him at all times tucked away in his jeans, it's his good luck charm the rest get stored next to his bedside table where he kisses them goodbye before hellfire
♡ mrs wheeler boobs in my mouth please !!!!!! Got a vibrator pressed against eachother, she calls me her little baby and I just AEAKSBWON
♡ being Jonathan's girlfriend and coming to meet his parents only to be face first in Joyce's pussy with hoppers fat cock in your womb <3<3<3
♡ innocent(?)! Stalker! Reader takes pictures of herself naked, posed on her teddy pair, in her cotton panties, in the shower, fingers deep in her cunt just so she can give them to her favourite people. Thankfully shes always wore long skirts and baggy cardigans so nobody can trace back whose body it is
♡ I'm still not a furry but I 170% believe that eddie needs a bunny girlfriend (aka me)
♡ vampire eddie chasing down nymph! Fairy! reader to have his way with her
♡ bear! Hopper fucking bunny! Reader over fallen tree maybe it's just regular hopper and his fairy/nymph! Fuck toy
♡ AAAAA dark! Eddie coming home after a bad day finding you sleeping on the couch, he needs relief and you're the perfect thing. He climbs on top of you fucking you awake with his pierced cock.
♡ billy cums on your pussy before the day starts just so your cunt gets nice and moisturized with his seed
♡ eddie walks around the trailer with his hand down his pants he says it's to keep them warm but hes really just touching himself
♡ picnic in the woods where I just get fucked dumb and fed fruit <3 taken back to a cabin where I'm all warm and naked near the fire <3<3<3<3<3<3
♡ 👁👁 Murray keeping nymph! Reader as a pet as much as he likes his strange horny creature he cant keep up with your stamina so calls for backup from his good ol friend hopper
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steddiehickeys · 2 years
edge of seventeen
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pairing: robin buckley x guitarist! female reader
requested?: yes!
content warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, steve being an ally, neck kissing, teasing, face riding, oral giving & receiving (female), soft dom! reader, switch! robin kinda i guess, fingering (reading giving), robin being a goofball, short cute fluff at the end
word count: ~ 2,000
summary: our girl robin has a girlfriend, aka the reader, who’s the lead guitarist in a band. her watching your shows and watching your fingers play so expertly makes her want you even more than she did in the first place.
a/n: edge of seventeen by stevie nicks came on while i was writing up the summary so if you wanna give that a listen while you read jus click the link :)))
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Robin and Steve's smiles beamed from the back of the small venue you and your band were playing in. (She usually stayed in the back because she doesn't like tight crowds).
Just like the white-winged dove
Your fingers strummed across the strings so easily, never, ever missing a beat.
Sings a song, sounds like she's singing
If you were being completely honest, it was a tad hard to focus because of how mesmerized Robin is by you. The way she clapped and held her hands together while she jumped along to your songs.
Having someone so fucking beautiful so obsessed with you; it's hard to keep your thoughts clean all the time. Especially when she wears outfits to your shows she knows to make your mind race.
The only thing on your mind at the moment was taking Robin out to your van after the show and giving her a night she'll be thinking about for weeks. Focus on your strumming, y/n.
Ooh, baby, ooh, said ooh
After finishing up your final cover of the night and thanking the audience, you headed backstage so you could wipe your face and pack up all your things.
Once you walked out to the back where your van was parked, it didn't take long for you to notice that cute head of short fluffy brown hair. Well, two of them I guess; Steve was there too.
Robin's back was to you, so you do a "shhh" motion to Steve before tickling her sides and then pulling her backside into your before she could pull away.
You gently kissed where her neck and shoulder met, "You look stunning tonight, Robin." She smelled like vanilla and amber; you swore you could get high just off her scent.
Robin's giggles eventually slowed down as she blushed and turned around to face you. "And you looked stunning up there! Are you kidding? You looked so frickin cool!"
You couldn't stop the huge smile that crept up on your face. "Thank you, babe. I try to look all super-sexy-rocker-chick for you." You put your fingers under her chin to make her look you in the eyes; that just causes her to blush more.
"Well, you definitely looked all super-sexy-rocker-chick tonight." She bit her lower lip and leaned in closer to you. She gets so flustered by you she can forget other people exist. You hear Steve clear his throat.
"As cute as you two are, I have to pick up Henderson from Mike's house in 20 minutes. Do you need a ride home, Robin?" He leans against his car with his arms crossing over his chest.
You both smiled at Steve's generosity, but you interlaced your fingers with Robin's before saying, "Don't worry, Harrington, I got her."
He ran a hand through his hair before giving you and Robin both a quick hug. "Amazing job tonight, Y/N. Make sure you save Eddie a ticket for next time, he keeps talking about how he can 'out-shred' you on the guitar." He laughs and turns on his heel to get into his car.
"Will do." You chuckle as you both watch Steve drive away.
"Shall we?" Robin takes your hands and starts walking backward toward your van; you know the look she has on her face. She keeps running her teeth over her bottom lip and she has a slight darkness to her eyes that gives you a tingle between your thighs.
"Oh, we shall." You devilishly retort back to her as you give her a quick peck on the lips and open up the back doors of your van. Once you had your guitar and amps loaded and off to the side, you offered your hand to help Robin into the back.
She smiled sheepishly at you and crawled into the back, purposely arching her back, exposing the lacy black underwear she decided to wear today.
Robin quietly giggled to herself, as shy and nervous as she could be sometimes, she basked in the way she made you squirm. Her ego would boost just a little whenever she would see you swallow a bit harder or play with the rings on your fingers as you stared at her.
You both sat cross-legged on the Baja blanket you have sprawled across the floor of your van; her almost straddling you while you run your fingers up and down her legs.
You feel the goosebumps form on her skin underneath your touch; an imaginary puppeteer pulling your lips up into a smirk. You ever so lightly grazed your fingers all the way up her legs until you reached the hem of her dress.
You softly connect your lips to hers and her eagerness shone through when she spread her legs a bit more. You took this opportunity to slide her dress up her thighs, exposing the rest of her legs and her underwear.
Your hands found their way to the hem of her underwear; you looked up at Robin and she gives you a small, quick nod, giving you permission to continue.
Robin's breath stuttered as she felt the cool air hit her pussy, which was dripping wet for you. "Please touch me." She pleaded as you kissed your way down her neck, a whimper escaping her lips as you sucked on the sensitive spot on her neck.
"Be patient, Rob. I wanna taste you first." Her mouth fell slightly agape and you licked a final stripe where you were sucking on her neck before moving onto your stomach and laying your head between her legs.
You leave agonizingly slow kisses along the insides of her thighs, causing her to attempt to clench her legs together; only to be blocked by you.
She breathes out a raspy moan as you lick a stripe from her hole all the way to her clit, attaching your lips to the bundle of nerves. You flick your tongue around in a frantic yet choreographed way; you know how to eat her pussy like you know how to write your name.
Robin feels like every nerve in her body is on fire. The only thing she can think to do as this extreme sense of euphoria flows through her body is grab hold of your hair and pull, hard.
You groan at the pressure on your scalp, taking in the pain and pleasure she was giving you. You groaning into her pussy only made her pull even more, you weren't complaining.
"It f-feels so good." She says through her shallow breaths. You smile up at her and prod your middle and ring finger at her entrance. She basically grinds down onto your fingers, allowing you to press both of them inside her.
She purred and arched her back as you started curling your fingers in and out, in and out, in and out...
"I know, baby, I know." Her hips and legs started moving at a more rapid pace after a few minutes of your tongue flicking her sensitive clit and your fingers consistently curling against that spot inside of her.
Before you two started dating, Robin just knew how good you would be with your fingers. Why do you think she likes coming to your shows so much? Watching your fingers move so quickly and professionally across the neck of the guitar and pluck the strings makes her want to scream to the world how much she wants to fuck you. God, being gay in the 80's SUCKS.
"You gonna cum for me, pretty?" You sweetly look up at her fucked-out face; chest going up and down, cheeks painted with red, tears welling up in her eyes from pleasure. You take a mental image of her at this very moment.
She nods quickly and you continue the pace at which you're going. She continuously grinds into your mouth and fingers until she's borderline pulling the hair out of your hair. You feel her cum when her walls clench around your fingers and she lays there with her eyes closed, just taking deep breaths.
You gently brush the strands of hair sticking to her face out of the way. "How do you feel, Rob?" Her silver-blue eyes beamed back at you. "Amazing. But now I want to make you feel amazing."
It was hardly a second before Robin was grabbing your hands and pulling you close to her, crashing her lips onto yours again while she fumbles trying to take off your jeans.
After she eventually gets your pants down your legs and thrown to the other side of the van, Robin wastes no time in laying down and pulling you so you were hovering over her face.
"Your throne awaits." You giggle at her ability to be silly even in these moments; but that's why you love her so much, she's able to make you comfortable in every situation.
You lower yourself down slowly and you can tell Robin grows impatient when she grips your thighs and pulls you down, harshly attaching her lips onto your throbbing clit.
You watched her eyes stare up at you while her expert tongue lapped up your arousal; she intertwined one of your hands with hers as your other hand made its way to her hair.
You weren't pulling, but something about just running your fingers through Robin's hair while she went to town on your pussy made both you and her whine in desperation.
Your breath caught in your throat when you felt Robin start tongue-fucking your hole. It was so fast yet so gentle, the warm sensation of her tongue against your wet pussy was having you see stars.
The way you taste turns Robin on so much. She could feel herself getting wetter again by the second every time her tongue touched your sweet juices.
After focusing on your hole for a few minutes, she went back to flicking her tongue up and down, side to side on your clit. She used her two hands to spread your lips apart so she could focus completely on your sensitive bud.
You could feel tingles in your stomach and pussy grow more intense as you ground your hips against Robin's face. "Please, baby. Cum all over my face, I wanna taste all of you."
Her words made your head spin and your body go numb. All of your senses felt like they were on steroids. You felt Robin's hands grip your hips tightly as she held you up so you wouldn't topple over.
She continued working with her tongue as you came down from your high, then she gently just rubbed over your slit with a few fingers to make sure you were okay.
You made your way off of her and laid down on the side next to her. You grabbed part of your blanket to wipe off the wetness that was still coating her chin and lips. (You stole a quick kiss before doing that of course, she likes when you taste yourself on her).
She laid on your chest and held your hand; you could feel her tracing "I LOVE YOU" into your palm, which would make your heart flutter. You would reply by giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
Music played over the radio as you two lay there talking about mindless shit for hours on end. You think it's about 2 AM now, but you think you could genuinely just stay up all night looking into Robin's eyes.
"Have I ever told you how much I love it when you come to my shows?"
reblogs & feedback are so so appreciated!
also just as an fyi, i'm not going to be doing requests completely in order, because I get writer's block if I try to do that! I'm just gonna go through my requests and write when I have the inspo :)))
taglist: @youssssuckbowers @m00nkn1ghts @evermartinsstuff
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naxxsstuff · 2 years
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nothing just my type
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