#axel palmer
spookysweaterblog 7 months
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lil disco guy?
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wooahiexist 4 months
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I saved this for Valentines month 馃馃槣
(I made this back in December 鈽狅笍.)
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rainbowthefox 3 months
So I got my #1 edition of the Valentine Bluffs Massacre today! (Purchased from Third Eye Comics, great shipping!)
It's way more faithful to the 1981 movie than I thought it was going to be, and there's a really interesting plot point I want to know more of. Kuddos to all the callbacks to the OG movie and characters! Of course, I'm curious *who* the killer is going to be this time, but thanks for giving us more Harry Warden content!! I love him.
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More spoiler-y pics under the cut. (Pertaining to the movie's story, I'm refraining from posting Spoilers to the comic unless anyone wants it!)
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#2 edition releases in April!!
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i-drop-level-one-loot 5 months
YOUR HIGHNESS, I SEE HOW YOU ALSO LOVE SLASHERS SO I REALLY WANTED TO ASK, have you watched my bloody valentine? cus im literally going insane about harry warden rn ..
Harry Warden? I think you meant
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Spoiler below cut for those who never saw the OG My Bloody Valentine
At the end of the first movie, when Axel runs off laughing maniacally, I couldn't help but think "God, I'm jealous of Sarah.."
Like, who needs a love triangle, when you have a deranged slasher proclaiming his "love" for you??
Aside from the killer, the movie itself is pretty fun. I really liked the practical effects, even though you have to watch most of the gore on an extended cut, and the quality difference in the death scenes is noticeably different from the rest of the film.
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sodatea2024 1 month
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The old meets the new, probably part 1.
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prismagirlart 1 year
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Good luck covering some last-minute shopping!
...Just remember to keep looking behind you.
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Usually, I don't tend to watch re makes of horror movies, especially when it comes to classics like My Bloody Valentine, just because they never seem to deliver on the same level as the originals. This remake, however, made the original look weak. I love how it took the classic and the characters involved and gave it a fresh spin. The characters have much more substance to them in regard to personality and motives. The plot twist in this film is way harder to pick up on than the original and makes the film much more intense. In true remake fashion, everything is amped up to 10, but it's done in a way that feels right and not too flashy. There's a lot more blood and gore in this installment. I loved that they kept the dryer kill but reimagined it in a way that fits this version of the story. Let's be honest. That was an iconic kill.
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auughhtm 2 years
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lyssak09 1 year
Valentine's day is my favorite holiday! So as my valentine's gift to you I have written for 'My bloody valentine' both the original and remake, enjoy 馃挋
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Tom has been obsessed with you since he first met you. So him getting you as his girlfriend was miraculous.
He hated leaving you behind, but he had to, you couldn't be dating the town's most hated man. But he still kept an eye on you. Its fascinating what people will do for money.
Eventually Harry fell for you. So why not kill two birds with one stone?
Kill a hell of a lot people back in valentine bluffs, and get you back in Tom's arms.
"Y/n" Tom called out. You could hear him dragging the pickaxe. You hid deeper in your hiding spot. "Baby, come on out. Don't make me have to hurt anyone else. Not that Henry won't like that." Tom said the last part to himself. "Y/N! Come here now or else your friends are gonna get it!" You scrambled out into the open once he said that. "Tom, please don't do this. Just kill me and leave everyone else alone" you begged him. Tom gives you a smile, "Oh baby, I'm not gonna kill you. We're just gonna take you back where you belong. With me". "W-what?" You stuttered out. Tom let out a chuckle. "Y/n, haven't you felt watched while I've been gone? That was people keeping on eye on you for me. I could never let my sweet girl go. Now come here before we have to drag you" you stood still in terror. Tom let out a puff of air, "Guess I get to carry you." And slipped you on his shoulders. "You make any noise and anyone who comes for you is dead, you hear me," you let out a small yes. Tom slipped out the back door with you, and you were never seen again.
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Alex always had a thing for you. And when TJ left, it was his chance
But then of course TJ came back. So Axel snapped
Taking out anyone in his way, and others just for fun.
Then Valentine's day came, so he decided to kill his biggest rival and take you home. Isn't that poetic?
"Be my valentine?" Axel said with a smirk, covered in TJ's blood. You crawled away from TJ's body planning a way to escape. "You killed him! You killed nearly everyone in town!" You cried out. Axel stepped over the body and walked towards you, "For you! For us!". "Don't worry baby, I'll take you home and we'll enjoy the rest of valentine's day. Now, come here" he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up. "NO!" you screamed, but Axel didn't care. He knocked you out with the bottom of his pickax and took you to your new home
I think I'm gonna do full fledge hcs for these characters so be on the look out!
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moderndaymode 13 days
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Some new doppelg盲ngers for Modern Day Mode. You may have seen them on my TikTok already but I鈥檓 cross-posting to tumblr.
In order:
- Axel: Extra Arms
- Hatsumi: Red Eye
- Micheal: Broken Face
- Audrey: 0004
- Reece: Loose Skin
- Lillian: Hoon Girl
- ???: A totally legit neighbor.
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hotdiggitydog-billy 1 year
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It's Axel Palmer season baby
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spookysweaterblog 7 months
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got this quote from this interview: [link]
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rainbowthefox 22 days
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Obligatory post since I got my Valentine Bluffs Massacre #2 comic today!! Glad it didn't get delayed again. Still loving it so far.
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Spoilers to the comic this time, under the cut!
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I haven't talked much about the plot of the comic and I think I will still refrain from doing so now, but you can DM me for Spoilers if you're curious about it.
All I will say is that my favorite thing about My Bloody Valentine is how they slightly alter the miner's getup so you can tell the differences between the killers. It was the gloves that differed Axel Palmer and Harry Warden - and it seems like they're following a similar route, with the 'actors' and the killer!
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reallivewire 2 years
Slashers/horror villains/antagonists who are dumb and also little and also a cunt and also a little dumb cunt (all things you can be regardless of actual height)
All versions of Freddy Krueger except for Wes Craven's New Nightmare tbvfh
All Ghost Faces. That includes the sequels and DBD's Danny Johnson. I don't care shut up
Bo Sinclair
Corey Cunningham
Patrick Bateman and what's her name from American Psycho 2. No-one cares
Bruhms Heelshit
Billy Lenz sometimes actually. Fuck him too
Leslie Vernon
Jesse Cromeans
John Kramer and every apprentice he ever had
Chuck le fuck y and also quite fucking frankly Tiffany Valentine after the shit she pulled in the TV series
Axel Palmer and Tom Hanniger
Mick Taylor
Ass a Emo ry
Death from the Final Destination series
Cannibal Lecture
Fart the fake clown. Where the fuck is his egg
Feel free to add on
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captain-melloartblog 4 months
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Happy Valentine鈥檚 Day from you favorite Cupid killer 鉂わ笍
Art belongs to me aka @captain-melloartblog
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prismagirlart 1 year
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It's February!
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