#atla azula
aroace-hoe · 2 days
Okay but, during the episode where Zuko and Sokka rescue Suki and Hakoda from The Boiling Rock, the guards start cutting the line of the gondola they're in, right?
Wtf was their plan with that tho??? Cuz like, yea the warden told them to cut the line, but Azula is still there. You know, the PRINCESS??? Probably CROWN PRINCESS now, since Zuko "betrayed" the fire nation. Like?????
If the other gondola hadn't passed by and Azula hadn't hopped onto it, she would've been just as dead as the rest of them
"Ah, yes, Fire Lord Ozai, we threw both your children, and the only heirs to the throne, into the boiling lake of a volcano, along with the warden of the prison... but, the good news is: no one has escaped yet! Isn't that nice?"
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heirscrchd · 2 days
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also with the more golden-yellow eye color, please imagine: their eyes reflect light like a cats
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naciela · 16 hours
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We never get adult Azula so I make myself and because of it I think I just love the height between Aang and Azula. Very wattpad height XD.
Top one was xianxia/wuxia au for them 😘
I can't draw arm, help
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sillybillylulu · 18 hours
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Baby ty lee alert
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thiirsdaygirl · 1 day
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put her canine teeth in the side of my neck!!!! (red wine supernova - chappell roan)
im very happy with this
NOT smut do NOTTTT tag it as such (unless as a trigger warning or smth)!!!!
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Tyzula x2!
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pears-palette · 17 hours
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Happy pride month! Here’s a couple sapphics I was commissioned to draw.🏳️‍🌈💕
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Most Likely To
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thetraumaking · 3 days
The Accursed Crown
Other Chapters
Chapter 13
During your recovery time, you were ordered to mainly focus on tasks within the counsel(where, much to the opposition of the elder members, you held a position.) However, that didn’t stop you from guiding the young royals with their bending.
Now that Prince Zuko had finally started bending, you now held his and Azula’s training together. With the limited free time that you have, you try to teach them as much as possible.
One of the things you learned from that camp was that children develop faster when they have competition. The main reason as to why you have been conducting their training together was to inspire them individually. Yes, Azula is already leaps ahead of her brother, but you hoped that his eagerness might push her more. And vise versa, you hoped his sister’s achievements might spark a bit more drive into him so he fully devotes himself to his bending and training.
Seeing how well you were with your bending, and that the only training you had was at that camp surrounded by peers, you assumed that this was for the best.
You even managed to coach Azula with her anger. Now, whenever she feels that she’s pent up or frustrated, she goes to the grounds and burns the dummies.
Dipping the quill into the ink well, you continued on with your report. Within a week of time, the chieftain of the Northern Water Tribe and his child will be coming into the palace. Due to one of your most recent sieges against the Earth Kingdom, you had gained the Fire Nation a grand trading port, one which the Northern Water Tribe frequent in trading their goods. And seeing how the chieftain is personally coming in for negotiations, the issue that their economy faces must be an urgent one.
For today’s meeting, you, alongside the Fire Lord and his son, conversed on what to do and what possible benefits there are in going along with the waterbenders. After an hour or so, the meeting concluded. Once the Lord retired for the day, you stayed behind to make a written report for the council members and preparations for the palace staff.
Cracking your neck, you continued on writing while Prince Ozai read over the notes his father left. He didn’t waste time finishing reading them before he threw them on the table. “His old age seems to be taking a toll on his judgment.” He mumbled behind you.
Your hand did not stop moving. No citizen of the Fire Nation is allowed to speak negatively of the royal family, especially those who work in close quarters.
Ozai lets out a hum, “My child,” he calls to you, placing his much larger hand on your shoulder, “Do away with the performers. I see no such need to entertain a fallen man.”
Your writing halted. Swallowing dryly, “Your Highness-” you felt the grip on your shoulder tighten.
He let out a sigh, massaging your shoulder, “Dear, have I not told you to call me father?”
“... father?”
“Go on, speak your mind, my child.” His hand moved up to your nape.
“For the… entertainment, I have no say in their employment or contract, it was Lord Azulon who signed-” The stinging in your scalp cut you off as he grabbed you by the hair and shoved your head down. You felt each and every strand of hair being pulled as he tightened his grip.
“That father of mine has gone senile, as long as you do as I say and simply turn in that report of yours, everything will fall into place.” A strangled noise came from your throat as Ozai pulled your head back. He leaned down close to you, “Do you understand?”
“Yes… father.” You strained your neck.
He stared down at you for a second before letting you go with a smile. “Good, you may take your leave.”
You left without another word. Once the doors shut behind you, you heaved out a sigh. Looking down, you noticed your hands were shaking.
Just around the corner, where the palace training grounds were, you heard Azula and her brother argue and a desperate new trainer who tried to keep the peace. You lean on the wall, taking long and deep breaths to calm yourself before making your way to the siblings.
“What’s going on here?” Your voice puts a pause to the chaos as you step out from behind the pillar.
“6!” The two children yell out before running to you. With longer strides, Zuko was about to reach you first before Azula pulled him back by his hair, dragging him down before stepping on his back and jumping to you. She stuck the landing before sticking her tongue out to her brother. “Told you I’d win!”
As the two continued on bantering, their trainer ran up to you and bowed, “Major, I apologise for the unruly sight. I accept any and all punishment you see fit!”
You let out a sigh before crossing your arms, “No need, Lieutenant Zhao. You may also stand at ease. As for our young prince and princess, it is best to let them compete rather than letting them talk it out.” you look towards the two children as they both presented their flames. Declaring who was hotter and bigger.
“I see…” Zhao nodded along, “To let them compete… would a dual suffice?”
At the word, your wound itched. Placing a hand over your chest, you answered. “No, as much it is effective, between the two, Azula has more training and experience in bending compared to her brother.”
Zhao lets out a hum. He stood beside you as you watched over Azula and Zuko.
The two couldn’t seem to come to an agreement when they ran up to you once more with their fire in hand. Zuko was in front of you first this time before thrusting his open flames to you, his sister was quick to follow.
“6, you need to pick, who has the better fire?!” The boy was panting, sweat dribbling down his forehead as Azula stepped on his feet.
“It’s clearly mine, just look, since when have you seen blue fire? Mine’s better!” She pouted, still stepping on her brother’s feet.
“Nuh uh, the standard is red and yellow or orange and yellow. Mine’s better because fire is supposed to be this color!” Zuko argued, “And stop stepping on my foot!”
“Then you’re the default. Basic and boring.” She kicked him in the shin this time.
Despite their pestering, you kept your lips shut. The banter between children should stay between children. As an adult, if you were to answer, it would exemplify favouritism.
You shall keep your mouth shut and let the children deal with their problems.
Besides, a little competition wouldn't kill anyone.
Little do you know, your silence only added to their division. Azula, being the one who you spend the most time with, believed that you were confident in her abilities to deal with pesky problems like her brother, hence why your silence. She thought that you trusted her to come out victorious without your help. Your bond is just that strong.
There was this eager look in her eyes as she smiled up at you. Her fire reflected her emotions as it flickered brighter.
You then looked to Zuko, who was breathing heavily. He was straining himself, you concluded. It hasn’t been long since he started to bend, so it’s a given.
“Bending is like a muscle, the more you train it the better you become.” You lectured.
Before you get to continue, you notice Zuko’s face redden. His anger bursts, embarrassment maybe? “No! I’m going to train until I can beat Azula! I’m the eldest child in this family, it’s not right for me to be weaker than her!” He shouts.
“Hmp, face it Zuzu, you’re not even worth calling competition.” Azula sassed, her hands now folded over her chest. “You’re weak and pathetic, dealing with you is a waste of time.” She leaned her back on you.
Zuko’s fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. Smoke began to escape from his shaking fists when the smell of burned flesh hit your nose. You were quick to take hold of his hands and snap him out of his anger.
His palms were red, not yet burned but the damage was there. “No more bending for you, Zuko. Take time to heal your hands.”
As you’ve said before, bending is like muscle. As fire benders, you are more resilient against the element compared to those of other nations. But to be proficient with your arts, you must practise to build up your resilience. Similar to how you, Azula, and the countless peers you have trained and grown up with, one can’t suddenly bend fire that is too hot for them to handle, if not, the result would be varying degrees of burns on their hands and legs.
Build up for hotter flames and practice for accuracy.
“See? You’re just a weakling.”
“That is not how one speaks to their family, Azula.”
Your body stiffened when you heard her voice. Zhao was quick to turn around and bow to the princess. Ursa greeted him before letting him off for today.
Ursa walked past you before patting her son on the head. “My dear, why don’t you go and freshen up? I’ll meet you in your room once I’m done talking to 6.” Once she got a meek nod from him, she turned and sent you a smile before looking at Azula, “And dear, why don’t you take a bath as well? I’m sure your training with Lieutenant Zhao worked up quite a sweat.”
“As if, you could barely call that training. Unlike Zuzu, I can handle my warm-ups.”
When Ursa sent a look your way, you didn’t meet her eye but nodded nonetheless.
Azula frowned up at you when you pushed her off of you. You quietly walked her towards the terrace, “I’ll be with you in an hour, in the meantime, why don’t you-”
She lets out a sigh, “I don’t like it when you have your little talks with mother.” She looked at you over her shoulder, “You always come back later than the time you said you would.”
“Yeah yeah, I’ll go.” she rolled her eyes, “What do you even talk about anyway…” she mumbled out with each step.
Once she was out of sight, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You don’t recall going on a run today or yesterday, but your legs felt weak. Shaky even.
You walked back to the training ground, but there was no sight of the older woman. Clinging to hope, you prayed that she had left you. Strength regained back to your legs as you looked around, eager to be left in your lonesome.
Your mood faltered when you finally spotted her. She was on the balcony, looking down at the garden below her.
You steeled your nerves, despite every fibre of your being begging you to run away, you didn’t. You had to do your job. Squeezing your hand twice or thrice, you walked up to her. With each step, it felt as if you were walking in mud, your legs feeling heavier with each step you took.
Once you were standing beside her, she leaned her head on your shoulder. In response, your body stiffened. You felt a shiver run up your spine when she stepped behind you.
“Look at me, 6.”
You turned.
Now with the stone fence against your back, you faced her. She stocked closed so her front rested against your chest. Her arms around your waist with her hands on your shoulder blades.
“I remember a time where I had to bend down to hug you.” She mumbled against your chest. She lets out a hum when she hears your heartbeat spike up. “And now look at us. You have grown so much…”
You stayed frozen. Letting her do as she pleased… once more.
Every breath you took was painful and ragged, it felt better to hold them and pray for it to end. Each intake was shaky as you tried to ignore the grip on you.
She lets out a sigh by your ear. Hot breath hitting you as you clenched your jaw.
Her hand lowered from your shoulders to your waist, later to your hips, and finally, to your upper thighs, all the while dragging her nails down your sides.
“You’re the only one for me, 6.” She whispered in your right ear. Her breath hits you, making you wince.
You stayed there in her arms, frozen and humiliated. To be degraded like this, what had you done in your past life to go through such shame?
Biting your lips, you let the warm blood fill your mouth. The metallic, familiar taste the only thing to ground you.
You stood there, being touched, until Ursa was satisfied. She left a kiss on your cheek before taking her leave.
You were tempted to burn it off but thought it would be too obvious. Letting out a sigh, you wiped your face with your sleeve before going to bid Azula goodnight.
In the end, when you made it to her room, you felt exhausted. Your body felt fine, similar to those nights when you wanted sleep but your body didn’t let you. You knocked on the door before stepping in, closing it behind you.
“And again, you came back late. What took you so long?” Azula was standing in the middle of her room, arms crossed and pouty.
You didn’t answer her, “Why aren’t you in your night robe? It’s already late out.”
“That’s why.” She moved to her bed, “I was going to go retrieve you, recon mission you could say.” she sat down.
“What were you trying to save me from?”
“...” she raised an eyebrow.
“... I appreciate the thought… truly.” You kneel before her, taking her shoes off so you could put her to bed.
“You don’t have to do that, you know, I’m not a kid.” she took her shoe away from you before throwing it away from your reach. She stood up on her bed, ushering you to stand up as well.
“And you don’t need to put me in bed.” Her ears turned the smallest shade of pink, “But, if you really can’t help yourself, I guess I wouldn’t mind humouring you.” She scratched her cheek, looking at you from the sides of her eyes.
She spread her arms wide, waiting for you to embrace her. Once you did, she got on her tippy toes to fully wrap her arms around your neck.
You felt your blood run cold when she exhaled at your ear.
Your right ear.
Exactly where her mother-
No, she wouldn’t have known. Azula wouldn’t have been watching over your interaction with her.
If she did, she would have made her presence known. She would have stopped it.
Wouldn’t she?
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nanamis-username · 30 days
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avatar girleens
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aroace-hoe · 2 days
Rewatching ATLA and I think that one scene when Azula shows up to blow them off the Air Temple they were staying at (forgot which one, sorry), is already a tell that she's losing her mind a bit.
Because, this is right after Mai and Ty Lee betray her. And in The Day of Black Sun episode, when asked if she wanted to follow the gaang, all she says is:
"There's no point. They'll be back soon." And she was right, they would be back soon.
So why did she suddenly decide to get an entire squad of airships, just to blow up her brother and the Avatar?
Even when Zuko asks her, she doesn't give him a proper answer, just saying she's "celebrating becoming an only child".
I think this was her way of trying to feel better about herself with a win. Any win would do.
Because this attack is so weird for Azula, out of character even. An entire fleet of warships? Not just a small group to be inconspicuous? Of course, Mai and Ty Lee are no longer an option, but... why not just take the Dai Li?
Why the need for this sudden show of force, when just her presence alone is more than enough to make anyone cower in fear? Why does she feel the need to remind them that she is That powerful?
Because she's already suffering the consequences of Mai and Ty Lee's betrayal. Because she's already starting to doubt just how much power she actually has over people. Because she's already losing sight of herself, little by little.
This is also why I love the way Azula and Zuko's fight ends:
They're both falling from the sky, seemingly to their deaths with no way out, but the gaang grabs Zuko at the last minute, making sure he's safe. His connection to people, his choices to help and redeem himself, were what saved him in the end.
Azula is all alone.
She saves herself, but barely so. Even Zuko has a split second of "she might actually die" and then goes "Of course she didn't". Like it's expected. Like it's a law of the universe that Azula would be all alone and able to save herself, and that's nothing grand or anything else. It's just how it is. Azula has always been by herself, always been alone, always keeping herself safe the only way she knew how: fear.
And then that fails her too. So what is she supposed to do now?
She's falling. No one is going to grab her, keep her safe. And the only way she knew how to do that by herself, for herself, is gone.
Fear wasn't enough.
But what else is there for her to grab on to?
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heirscrchd · 1 day
7A for Ty Lee please.
100 Faces Meme // Accepting
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i couldnt resist putting in a little azula reaction
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crionic-dubs · 7 months
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goldenvulpine · 3 months
I want to clear up a mistake people make with Azula and Ursa.
Ursa didn’t play favorites.
Ursa didn’t think Azula was a monster.
Ursa simply, unequivocally, just didn’t enable Azula’s worst traits like Ozai did.
Ozai’s favorite child was Azula, but Ursa still loved her more.
Because enabling isn’t love.
What did Ozai’s enabling do? It made Azula into the type of person to never have any loyal friends. It made the type of person that Mai and Tai Lee would betray at the risk of their own lives.
Ursa pushed Azula to be with her friends. To be with Zuko. Ozai pushed Ursa away, and both kids suffered for it. Azula became a sadist, enjoying seeing her brother get burned—while Zuko was pushed away because he cared for his people.
Azula thought her mom hated her because her mom was the only one who cared enough to tell her no.
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madeleineengland · 3 months
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This whole thread about Azula's fake confidence and terrifying vulnerability really opened my third eye
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swedenis-h · 1 month
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Ozai’s angels!
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