#arkham riddler
lonleydweller · 3 days
Hii! :D Its me again, sorry to bother you.
So, I saw you wrote yandere AK Riddler and Scarecrow with a teen proteuge, so is it okay if you write this?:
So the kid one night gets hurt BADLY. Like maybe a stab or a gunshot or maybe they got beaten by a thug or smth. And they find the kid in a alley or smth like that and bring the kid home? I dunno if its okay for you to write this but I hope you can.
Thank you so much and have a great day/night!
🥀Platonic Yandere Arkham Knight Riddler and Scarecrow with injured protégé🥀
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, over protective behavior, toxic behavior, reader being injured, manipulation, murder mention, torture mention
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● First off, it's surprising you even got out of his lair. As soon as he realizes you're gone he's fuming. Frantically checking cameras, bossing around thugs to find you. Nevertheless either by the feed of his camreas, one of his thugs, of him stumbling upon you himself, you're found in an alleyway.
● Any fury he had towards you in now overridden by panic. Quickly your getting a piece of cloth hastily wrapped around the injury, wether it be some dingey rag or if it comes to it he'll sacrifice his button up shirt to stop the bleeding as best he can. He has several of that same shirt anyways.
● Several emotions rattle around in his head as he quickly gets you back to the orphanage. Anger at you for running off, anger at himself for someone letting you out of his sight, and anger at whoever thought it was a smart move to attack you. To mess with his protégé? His successor? His kid?
● When you come back to consciousness you're bombarded with orders and questions, what are you doing? Don't get up, don't move, you're gonna re-open the wound that he just had to sticth up! How'd you get out? Why did you think it was a good idea to leave? Who attacked you?
● You're barely given time to recuperate as he lectures you. Going off on how it was idiotic to leave. All while twisting it as a reason to why of what he's doing is right. Just because hes worried about you dosen't mean he isn't going to use the situation to his advantage. See? This is a perfect example of why you stay in his sights. This wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to him. It's clear you can't be on your own.
● He'll be running tests, trying to trace where the bullets from if you were shot, trying to see if anything like blood, fingerprints, trying to see anything traceable was left on you. He orders his thugs to spit out any information they may have, offering them a raise if they figure out who shot you. Maybe if his ego let's him, he'll even ask Jonathan for help.
● Once he finds your attacker, let's just says they won't be walking the street or the earth much longer! Tossed into the worst puzzle room he has to offer, a slow and painful death. Afterall a quick death would be too generous. All broadcasted to the public of gotham, to make an example of the idiot. No need to thank him of course.
● Safe to say you aren't going to hear the end of this incident, he'll use it at every turn and argument as an excuse of why you shouldn't leave his sights. It's too dangerous outside, you have a target on your back! You'd be dead if he hadn't cared enough to find you.
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● He's somewhat alarmed, however he's not panicking. Panicking won't help him. He simply orders all of the arkham knight's militia and his thugs on a search party. They're bound to find you with all the tanks roaming the citie streets, eyes in the sky, and militia outposts.
● Soon enough, you're found by militia, and they quickly radio in to hell Scarecrow of your condition. Which isn't looking good. Now panic creeps in, but not enough to stop him from giving swift orders. The soldiers immediately start patching you up as soon as they manage to get you into a vehicle. Not wanting to get a hefty dose of fear toxin for failing to do so.
● When you're returned back to your "rightful" home, Jonathan is methodically checking over you. Seeing if anything needs stitches, making sure there's no dirt in any of your wounds, removing anything like bullets, glass, and applying bandages when needed.
● When you awake you're getting a getting a stern talking from Jonathan. Similar to Edward he will fully try to use it to his advantage. Although he puts up a more subtler act than Edward. Expressing how worried he was for you. For your safety. How you would have died if they hadn't found you in time. Wether or not this concern is genuine is up for debate of course.
● Of course just like Edward he's searching for whoever your attacker was. He spreads various lies, saying whoever owned up to attacking you would get a reward of money. Having his militia poke around underground. Getting information from other villians.
● Whoever the worthless low-life thug was, they're in for a hell of a death. Gassed with fear toxin, used for experiments, kept alive for awhile in pain before Jonathan decides to let him die. It's a win-win in his eyes. He gets more data, and he's gotten rid of your attacker.
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redflare777 · 2 days
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Unlocked this cool character art of Riddler in Arkham City and had to draw it! I’m about halfway through his side quest and it’s been fun!
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mylifeingotham · 4 months
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frightshack · 3 months
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fiddle diddle diddle
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dentresidence · 8 months
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Look at this loser 🗣🗣
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sealjustaseal · 3 months
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mr-e-nigma · 1 year
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Can’t tell if it’s tumblr’s busted search function or if I actually never posted this here but woe seven month old Arkham Riddlebat meme be upon ye
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yulyymr · 9 days
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Nya 😻
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a-noodle-doodle · 4 months
Hear me out....
Redraw of this panel from Robin (1993) #64
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(I'm sorry if this sounds too demanding, it's only supposed to be a suggestion)
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ed-nygma · 3 months
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Arkhamverse Riddler gets freaky with it (og meme)
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brattybattydumb · 6 months
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Hi tumblr! This broke my fucking heart! Thank you!
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itsaaudraw · 10 months
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evolution of arkhamverse riddler ❓
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purplecoyfish · 7 months
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The riddler, done in ancient oil pastels
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mylifeingotham · 5 months
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wingedqueenlynx · 5 months
Angst drawing is complete ;]
Based off Riddlers deteriorating mental health and the various painted mirrors in Arkham knight. Our poor boy is going through the ringer.
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I just wanna give him a big hug or a warm blanket to comfort him, cause he needs it. (It’s actually the first time I drawn a character against a mirror and I’m really happy with it) :D
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roses-luckride · 1 year
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