#arab poetry
letterstoyourlove · 1 month
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This claim, shared widely, reworded, and filtered into the media, is false.
Mahmoud Darwish did not date a Mossad agent. (Rita was not a Mossad spy) He did, however, in the 1960s, date a Jewish woman named Tamar Ben-Ami. The name Rita, which is often cited in these posts, is the pseudonym Darwish used to refer to her in his poetry. He was 22 and she was 16 ½. Ben-Ami was a member of the youth movement The Young Communist League of Israel.
Quickly, Darwish and Ben-Ami developed strong feelings for each other and, while they wrote and saw each other often, neither was eager to publicize their union. “I kept our relationship a secret. I didn’t open it up. I think it was because of Communism, because he was an Arab, I was a Jew,” said Ben-Ami.
In 1967, after the 6-day war, Ben-Ami joined the Israeli Navy as part of the naval band. Upon discovering this, Darwish wrote her the following:
“Tamari, this week I thought of you often. My thoughts made me feel bad. I could see only the criminal in you. I was forced to forget the sweet, beautiful aspects. Do those aspects exist? I hope they do.”
Darvish also wrote-
“I love you despite the nose of my tribe, my city, and the chains of customs. But I’m afraid if I sell everyone, you will sell me, and I’ll return with disappointments.”
A heartbroken Darwish then wrote –
“I felt like my homeland was occupied again.”
After their relationship was over, Darwish continued authoring poems revolving around this failed relationship, as he wrote,
“All roads lead to you, even those I took to forget you.”
He also wrote:
“Maybe it wasn’t important to you, Rita, but it was my heart!”
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For her, he also wrote his famous poem, “Rita and the Rifle.”
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Finally, he also wrote:
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arabdoll · 7 months
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juniper-girl · 1 year
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The Dove’s Lost Necklace طوق الحمامة المفقود (Nacer Khemir, 1991)
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nanamins-overtime · 3 months
قسما بعينيك التين إليها تأوي ملايين الكواكب.
I swear by your eyes in which a million planets reside.
- Bilqis, Nizar Qabbani
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queenie-blackthorn · 2 months
im currently spiralling down the beautifully devastating hole that is arab poetry, so feed into this obsession by voting on this poll
(the options are too long for me to add so theyre below the cut)
line one:
they asked, "do you love her to death?" i said, "speak her name over my grave and watch how she brings me to life."
line two:
because my love for you is higher than words, i've decided to fall silent.
line three:
and if the devil was to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent
line four:
if someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, because every night i tell her about you.
line five:
as if the clay you were made of, was kneaded wirh rose water.
line six:
we met by chance, two arrows in opposite directions, inevitable was the meeting and inevitable was the farewell.
line seven:
make space in your ribs (chest) for me, i would like to reside eternally in my home country.
line eight:
i felt like kissing the swords, because their glimmer reminded me of your smile.
line nine:
there is water in my eyes, and fire in my heart. do you want a drink? or a spark?
line ten:
when i love, i become liquid light
line eleven:
"i love autumn" she told me and since that day i've been falling
line twelve:
i would split open my heart with a knife, place you within and seal my wound, that you might dwell there and never inhabit another
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whillywisp · 1 year
Stardust. Hard not to love what you know.
Summary: You hadn't lived a single day of your life without the sea or Finnick, even after he was reaped, even after he was turned into a ruthless killer and then the Capitol's most prized possession, trapped behind it's gilded bars like a songbird. Only instead of a song crying for help, he just spoke the words that came to him the easiest and you took them and caged them in your skin, turned yourself into a gallery for his art.
Writer Finnick who's love language is writing on his lover's skin, the only place he allows himself to be free.
'I see a little bit of me in everyone. Stardust. hard not to love what you know. we are all the universe in drag.'
On the surface, everyone knew Finnick Odair as he presented himself, like his life is a theatre performance and he only really took the most perfect, untainted, beautifully crafted parts of himself out into the spotlight but left the more ugly, broken and vulnerable parts of him behind the velvet red curtains before show time.
But most people didn't know that he didn't just leave the parts of himself most beautiful just floating mid air when they weren't needed but rather imprinted on your skin in the form of words and ink. Because that was only meant for you to see.
For your whole life, it had always been you, the sea and Finnick, from the day you had grabbed the small golden haired boy's little finger at the beach and asked him to be your friend over the sound of the waves, your hair covered in sand and cold pebbles as winter air made you both shiver. You hadn't lived a single day of your life without the other two, even after he was reaped, even after he was turned into a ruthless killer and then the Capitol's most prized possession, trapped behind it's gilded bars like a songbird. Only instead of a song crying for help, he just spoke the words that came to him the easiest and you took them and caged them in your skin, turned yourself into a gallery for his art.
The world will never see him in peaceful moments like this, his head in your lap, no responsibilities or unwanted touches making his shoulders slump under the weight of them as he scribbles words into the delicate, scarred skin of your forearm, words that you know you'll take to Delilah, the only tattoo artist in District 4 and make them yours forever. The world will never see his concentrated frown as he thinks slowly and makes sure the words express exactly how he feels in that moment, caging the moment in them forever.
You stroke his hair gently with your free hand, your own whipping around in the cool night breeze, watching his pen glide against your skin and the way the ink smudges on the uneven surface, broken by old scars that told a story of their own. He looked too adorable like this, entirely engrossed in his work that you can't help but press a gentle kiss to the frown between his eyebrows, making green eyes the colour of the sea lapping against the shores in front of you look up at you in surprise and barely concealed adoration.
"What?" His voice is gentle above the sound of the waves and you smile, shaking your head, your hair fall forward to make a protective curtain around the two of you.
"Nothing, you just look precious like this. All concentrated and lost in thought." You lean down again, this time pressing a kiss to his lips. You feel his lips stretch into a smile against your own and his green eyes just seem brighter than the full moon shining overhead.
"Adorable huh? I have a reputation to maintain, darling. Don't go around ruining it," he teased, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he grins up at you. You laugh, pulling your hand away from his grip and the tip of his pen, to gently stroke his cheek with your finger tips.
"No one could touch your reputation even if they tried." You say with a chuckle and it's true. No one could destroy the reputation he had crafted so perfectly over the years as the Capitol's darling and in some ways, you wished you could burn them down to ashes and let the world see your beautiful boy but you knew you were too selfish, too greedy for him to be yours and yours alone to ever let that happen. Almost as if he heard your thoughts, he smiles up at you, and shook his head.
"You could. You could if you wanted to, and I'd let you, happily. If my downfall does have to come someday, I hope you bring it upon me." Your heart squeezes painfully in your chest at that and you shake your head, pressing another kiss to his lips. This was devotion and you always wondered what it was you did that made you worthy of it. "I could never hurt you, in any way. You are my everything."
His eyes flutter close at that and he smiles, his voice soft as if he didn't even want the sea to listen in on his confession. "And you are mine."
A peaceful silence falls over you both and you can't help but remember the words he was scribbling onto your arm earlier and you look down at him again, a small smile on your face. "Can I see what you wrote today?" Finnick never wanted you to read incomplete words, and you never tried to. He always clapped his hand down on your skin or closed his notebook when you asked him and he told you they weren't ready to be seen. Even when they were in plain sight, like now, you averted your gaze, because you'd never break his trust. Not like this.
He smiles up at you sheepishly and looks away, his hands fidgeting with his pen. "They're not mine today, not originally anyways. But everytime i think of them, they remind me of you."
You raise an eyebrow, your fingers gently turn his face to look back at you. "Oh? Just a poem then, from another writer?" He nods slowly, his hand coming up to cradle yours against his cheek. "Something like that. You can read it."
You smile and raise your forearm to your eyelevel, squinting through the now smudged ink and trying to look at it with the full moon light.
'What I feel for you cannot be conveyed in phrasal combinations, it either screams out loud or it stays painfully silent but I promise you — it beats words. It beats worlds.'
You blink before looking down at him, his green eyes wide as he looks up at you and you lean down to kiss his lips again, properly now. He responds in kind, his hand coming up to cradle your face like you're something precious and you fall a few feet deeper into him. "That's so beautiful."
He smiles against your lips, looking up at you with his boyish grin. "Isn't it? Everytime i think of it, all i can think of in relation is you." Every bit of grief in your body melts away at that, and you can't help the intense wave of emotions for the precious boy in your lap that washes over you.
"I love you," the words tumble from your lips like a prayer. "I love you. More than the years you or i live, more than the beats our combined hearts beat, i love you."
He smiles, moving away to sit up and then tug you into his lap, his eyes soft as he peers at your glossy eyes. He gently leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, his arms tight around you.
"I love you too, more than any amount of words I write. Thank you for taking these...parts of me and making them yours. Even the parts the rest of the world would resent."
You shake your head and smile, kissing him again. "Every part of you is mine, just like everything that makes me is yours. Hard not to love what you know. And the truest thing you can know is yourself."
A sigh of content escapes him and his arms just tighten around, "I love me then? The me in you? The me that melds with you?" His voice soft, as if slowly coming to accept these parts of him as something to love, to cherish like he loved and cherished you.
The smile you give him is blinding, just like the one you had given him all those years ago with missing teeth and wild hair, marking the start of the most beautiful moment in your life. "Yes. Yes you do."
And in that moment you forget there's a world outside this beautiful boy you've made home in.
A/N: I've always wanted to explore writter Finnick because i think we all moved on from that way, way too quickly. written literally right now, as fresh as Peeta's bread out of the oven. With words of Nizar Qubbani and other little bits that make me scattered in along with this one quote that i can't get out of my head, i give you 'Stardust. Hard not to love what you know'. (I threw the sad one shot into my wips list and decided this was more important. I barely ever write for the public and this is actually my first full length one shot so please be gentle and dont break my poor heart xo. And i promise I'm working on young god hehe.)
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iphianasssa · 8 months
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Khalil Gibran
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today's aesthetic moodboard
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mythoughttherapy · 1 year
“I throw my passport in the sea, And name you my country. I throw all of my dictionaries in the fire, And name you my language.”
—Nizar Qabbani
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acaunite · 1 year
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love can be this beautiful and sorrowful
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arabdoll · 7 months
You are like me, but my abyss is clear. And you have roads whose secrets never end. They descend and ascend, descend and ascend.
Mahmoud Darwish
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quoetree · 1 year
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“As if you were an endless path, and I was created for this journey.”
- Farouk Gouida
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nanamins-overtime · 3 months
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- Mahmoud Darwish
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yasyassie · 1 month
Don't know if anyone will see or care about this but I just wanted to share with the world my deep love for the masterpiece that is the album Ahmad Al Arabi It has been a part of me since my childhood and now that I've grown up I realise just how great it is and I want to share it with the world. I don't think any other music and lyrics together make me feel like this one does. Ahmad Al Arabi is an orchestral album so it's a cohesive storyline, both when it comes to the music and to the lyrics. I recommend listening to it together since it's basically listening to a concert. Even if you do not understand a word of arabic (although there are many translations online), I believe that music like this trascends all languages and you can feel it in your soul any way. Darwish's poetry is a way to engage with Palestinian resistance through art, so I wanted to start posting about the songs on this album, sharing the words and the music. I hope that someone out there will try and listen to it, maybe discover new artists, or maybe remember childhood memories like me. I may or may not have chosen to start with this one because my name is Yasmine...
اذهب عميقا اذهب عميقا في دمي واذهب عميقا في الطحين لنصاب بالوطن البسيط وباحتمال الياسمين
محمود درويش
Go deep into my blood, Go deep into the bread, So that we will have A simple homeland And a dream of jasmine yet to come...
A poet by Palestinian poet, Mahmood Darwish (1941-2008)
Translation by Umfalastin
Music by Lebanese musician, oud player and composer Marcel Khalife
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 months
girl of the desert
somewhere in the land of the bedouins, away from the skyscrapers and traffic and wars and modernism and traditionalism, deserts lie calm, whispering their secrets into the december wind that blows across.
dunes stand tall and proud like the arabs, a blended sea of gold and red and brown— a hush falls over it. winter wind blows again. clouds like a dark blanket over the sky— lonely girl stands, tall, proud, wide-eyed.
a colored shayla ruffles up her curls— she holds it in place at her chest, scrunched up above her jalabiya— colored like cream, silvery rhinestones peppered along the neckline and sleeve
she walks, her bare feet disturbing the smooth layers of mineral, grains making way for her as she leaves her mark on the sea of sand. the world holds its breath for her, refusing to spill its tears on the lonesome arab girl.
the sun hides from her, nestled in the dunes— it dips lower into the horizon, illuminating the skyscrapers perceptible in the distance. sharp blue buildings tinged with fiery orange— but wait. it stops, and they stare at each other
girl versus sun. blinking their eyes, anticipating— who will back down first? both are stubborn. a cloud passes, sheilding the star from her, and she smiles, triumphant, when it goes down and finally recedes to where she does not see.
a voice calls out. she turns around and she sees five people. three girls, two boys, standing, smiling, next to her parents. she beams at the sight of them, and she digs her henna'ed feet into the ground before she joins her family. the sand slows her down.
rain dances its way down, kissing the ground, painting dots into the surface of the desert sea. the moment freezes, and a snapshot is taken in the desert girl's memory, forever remembering the december wind, rain, and the red-gold sand.
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uaravsh · 11 months
A man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb. It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you.
- Khaled Hosseini
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