detailedart · 2 years
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1. Fresh picture of the spinning Phantom Galaxy by the new James Webb Space Telescope *• 2. Nautilus shell cut in half. | Golden ratio.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
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More brain dough content!
now: nuclear pasta!
I love the creativity of those silly scientists - Quantum foam [termed by John A. Wheeler some decades ago] was just the beginning! Now come all sorts of nuclear pasta - nuclear gnocchi, spaghetti, waffles, lasagna... etc... Who said physics is not [f/y]ummy? [funny and/or yummy]
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lightlysaltedtaters · 8 months
Okay, this might just be some incoherent rambling but Fiona’s apparent knowledge that her world was supposed to be magic put this idea in my head and its been driving me nuts so here we go.
Going under the assumption that Fiona World and regular Ooo have the same timelines, Fiona, like Finn, was about 17-18 at the time that Ice King turned back into Simon, removing the magic from Fiona world. So essentially, this girl spent her entire childhood and teen years in a magical world, filled with wonder and fantasy, and as soon as she became an adult, the world around her *literally* lost all of its magic and became a boring, monotonous place. Her childhood was all fun and adventure and magical creatures, and adult life came with such a drastic tone change that she was ultimately unable to cope with it and was constantly searching for a way to return her life to that magic she knew as a kid. And not to be that guy, but that is one HELL of an allegory for growing up!
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writerupdated · 1 year
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Even if you are a verbal or auditory learner, you can implement several quick visual symbols and analogies in your work
(via 72 quick ways to use visual analogies in your work (infographic))
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
One of "Well, Actually"'s that I find most annoying:
We shouldn't use the Heart as the icon of emotions, because all those lovey-dovey Feelings come from the Brain (I'm very smart and got an 'A' in high school biology)
Look: The Brain is like a super reclusive genius, whose job it is to make sure The Household remains safe, and functioning. They are locked away in a garret, somewhere at the top of labyrinthine stairs. No one has ever heard their voice, and no one's even allowed to knock on their chamber door.
But three floors down, in a corridor around the corner to the left, there's a whopping, great, glowing monitor. And if the genius at the top of the stairs wants to send a Very Important Message to the inhabitants of the House, that message will appear on that screen.
Which part of the house do you think the Inhabitants come to associate with Important Truths, that must not be ignored -- the locked door at the top of the stairs (that most have never seen), or the glowing monitor with flashing lights that sometimes wakes them up in the middle of the night?
That glowing monitor is The Heart.
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hauntedbystorytelling · 9 months
Si j’avais quatre dromadaires
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“Photography is hunting…
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Si j’avais quatres dromedaires was originally produced for German television and was not seen in France until the mid-1970s. It remains unknown to the general public and was for a long time quite fugitive even for specialists; some discussions seem to have less to…
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zabel-does-things · 1 year
In Evo smp, grian gets taken away by the watchers after defeating the ender dragon. The lore is that he is one of the watchers now. Cherri is like us and is a fanartist/fan/writer, but now gets the chance to see future episodes of martyn's earlier. Do you see the analogy?
Grian is to watchers as Cherri is to content creators
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yickle-twees · 28 days
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There is a principle in physics called destructive interference, where two waves of different yet proportional magnitudes travel through the same medium and momentarily overlap, and in doing so cancel each other out, restoring a temporary equilibrium. And there are some people in life whose chaos is equal to yours, perhaps in a different direction, but when you meet your chaos cancels out and just equalises and you know peace, together. People who just set the ache at ease. And in a way, that is what it feels like to be known.
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fellowlifeform · 10 days
Soo.. Sincere I am out here adressing the gods as ice cream flavours, here's my takes on every god in Olympus.
Hestia: classic chocolate, give or take
Demeter: cookie dough
Hera: lemon, or maybe just milk
Hades: Licorice, or oreo
Poseidon: blue angel
Zeus: vanilla
Ares: coffee
Athena: mango (it sorta reminds me of her weirdly) tho wallnut also works
Aphrodite: strawberry
Hephaestus: nougat
Apollo: melon
Artemis: Pistachio
Hermes: u are one minty Mf (not with chocolate chip, just mint)
Dionysus: grape or cherry yoghurt
Too scared to tag any god tho :(
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fogdraws · 8 months
Saw this photo of a solar storm and it really made me remember a certain couple - so I just needed to share Crowley and Aziraphale finally together in Alpha Centauri:
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art-of-mathematics · 7 months
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Book source: Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P. Thompson
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icelandic-satan-2 · 2 months
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The Blue Book. Selected Pages.
[23.09.21] [18.01.23] [27.12.23]
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
A thought that's been living rent-free in my head for years:
From the NaNoWriMo forum boards, sometime before 2014
Whether a story is "happy" or "sad" depends entirely on when you choose to begin and where you choose to end.
A story is like a line segment in mathematics. Theoretically, every true line stretches off to infinity in either direction. And that's why math textbooks always talk about "Line Segments;" what you draw on your paper is only an approximation of a small part of the truly unknowable, infinite thing.
Stories are like that.
Start with a courtship, and end with a wedding? Happy. Start with the wedding, and end with a funeral? Sad. Start with a funeral, and end with finding new friends through the Grief Support Group? Happy. Start with childhood, and end with graduating school and going on a Road Trip? Ambiguous.
And so on. You can stretch that Happy/Sad/Ambiguous line infinitely far in either direction into the past and future (or into alternate universes). The stories we tell are only "Segments."
And I think it can sometimes be helpful to think of our own life stories that way, too.
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cepheusgalaxy · 26 days
Honestly as a guy who doesn't like meat very much being aro is sometimes Just Like That
Somtimes it seems like everybody likes meat. People just assume you like meat too. Someone makes food and its like, delitious, but I just wish is has less meat on it. It's hard to chew and it's too salty. There is rarely the kind of meat I really like, like fish, and then I just have to eat it.
It'd a bit annoying. I'm romance ambivalent and I really like some kinda of meat. Like bacon. But sometimes I don't really want it. It is there anyway.
I don't want a vegan meal because I DO like meat, but everything with meat just has Too Much meat.
I'm the kind of person that just goes to the barbecue on sundays to eat the garlic bread. And pick a small piece of pepperoni now and then.
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refreshing my acvtivity like im opening the cookie jar lid to check if people have sent me more cookies into the cookie jar and then instantly eating all the cookies and then getting full and not wanting to eat cookie again for at least a couple minutes
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jacw212 · 3 months
Having autism is like being a normal guy in the fey wild. The people make NO sense, theres no r logic or reason, there’s too many fucking things happening, it’s frankly way too loud and bright , and everyone talks in riddles and when you ask “hey please use clear language I don’t understand the riddles” they get mad at YOU and say that YOU can’t communicate properly and just expect you to magically know how this nonsense place works like everyone’s born with an innate ability to play the mental games of the fey
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