#ai istanbul
lotusyiyen · 3 months
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mertkzai · 4 days
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İg: mertkzai
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misunai00 · 4 months
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asdaricus · 9 months
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More from the City of Brass. Not too special. I do like the boat loaded with passengers about to take water.
by Midjourney v5
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esmanur013 · 6 months
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"Benim uyuşturucum müzik.."
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asnowperson · 9 months
Eroica vol. 28 - Turkey references (1/2)
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Basically, each page in the Byzantine Meiro (Byzantine Labyrinth) arc is a reference to real life, but I'm having my best life reading this, so I'll list some of them as I read along. Mostly İstanbul stuff, because even I haven't been to other Turkish cities in this story, lol. Just a general remark: The architecture and the backgrounds are spot on. She even got the behavioral patterns of the random Turkish people in this story right. And the cats. Those are best and most accurate Turkish stray cats one can ever see in manga. Keep an eye out for them if you read this story!
This is one of the reasons why I love Aoike: She does her research well, and does not write solely based on her impressions (or she just has the right impressions, lol) and does not use second-hand knowledge. For instance, she could have just set this story in İstanbul, because that's the city people think of when you say "Turkey", right? But since this story has an ex-KGB agent, things kick off at Trabzon, a less known Turkish city for most. But that's where many Russians settled in after the fall of the USSR, so that choice makes perfect sense.
Okay, here is my list.
1. Mehmet Ali Ağca. He is real, and I knew him even as a kid.
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2. "Handsome Turkish football player in the 2002 World Cup," whom Mischa's daughter became a fan of: It's got to be İlhan Mansız. No doubt about it. I was roughly Anna's age in 2002, and I can attest that all the girls at my school were going crazy over him. He also gained popularity in Japan.
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3. Turkish greeting: Yes, Turkish men do hug and kiss each other as a form of greeting. Of course, it's exaggerated for purposes of comedy in the manga (and ngl, there are weirdos like the Pekel brothers; and old ladies would be more likely to give you a smack on the cheeks), but we don't actually use our lips to kiss the person we greet. You just brush your cheeks against the other person's. But the big hug is very real. Especially if you are happy to see the person, you go hard at hugging them. Searching for images for this made me feel weird, so make do with this picture of a famous football player and a coach. If Klaus was more willing, he'd be locked in a hug like this with those brothers.
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4. Beko: Actual home appliances company.
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Continued in part 2...
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dedoholistic · 5 months
La Parola ai Lettori: Istanbul
Opinione di Maria Teresa De Donato
Leggere le prime venti pagine di questo libro è stata una sfida. Avendo letto migliaia di libri ero giunta alla conclusione che il buongiorno si vedesse dal mattino e che, quindi ...
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kurtheavenly · 5 months
Istanbul tourist Kurts (AI generations circa 1992)
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Recent reposts at KURT HEAVENLY X (*_*)
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3D Cities: Istanbul & Tokyo
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lotusyiyen · 3 months
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mertkzai · 3 days
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stomach17-ai-imagery · 8 months
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A place both real and imagined
Istanbul 2023
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asdaricus · 1 year
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Here are some renders with the picture references to the works by Ernst Koerner of Istanbul. The lavish prompt also includes an early reference to 'City of Brass.' I like them, though there's only one with a Lovecraftian monstrosity. by Midjourney
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eadiguzel · 10 months
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Vapurda bukadar oldu.
Sizce nasıl?
By @boracakilkaya
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asnowperson · 9 months
Eroica vol. 28 Turkey references (2/2)
Continued from part 1.
5. This piece of furniture: Your grandma's home and your home had it. The random kitchenware displayed in these cabinets traumatized many a child. Those were only used for guests, and your mom forbid you to touch them. That's a very nice detail from Alya's home. It really makes him look like your friendly old guy.
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6. Balık ekmek and midye dolma: On Galata Bridge, the alphabets are trying to bait Mr. James with stuffed mussels (midye dolma) and mackerel sandwiches (balık-ekmek), common street food in the area.
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7. Erecting buildings with Deutsche Marks: Many Turkish immigrants in Germany and their first generation descendants indeed had -mostly- apartment buildings built in their hometowns/bigger cities, and had their relatives live in them or rented them out. That's how they've put their Deutsche Marks, quite strong against the local Turkish Lira, to use. That's why many people believed that you became super rich if you went to Germany... I have no idea how Aoike got this very random phenomenon right, but she got it right. The panel below feels so real, because their relatives boast a lot about their "rich relative living in Germany."
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Excited relative: The brothers saved up the money they earned in Germany, and had this huge building erected. Aren't they great? Not-so-excited Klaus: Wow, impressive.
8. Agent P is reading Aktüel, a real weekly Turkish magazine, which had quite a circulation especially during the 1990s.
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Bonus: Here is another very Turkish thing: If you have an unmarried sister/brother/cousin, you just randomly ask people you trust "hey, do you know a nice guy/girl?" No one cares for what the person in question thinks. So Pekel brothers asking it for their sister cracked me up, because they'd totally do that if they were real. Klaus himself is out of question, so they go for the next best thing: someone he would vouch for! Now I really wonder if someone randomly asked Aoike-sensei if she had an unmarried brother during her stay here XD
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Do you have a nice guy among your alphabets?
And that's it for vol. 28! Onto vol. 29...
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