#ai chatbot
one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was some version of an AI chatbot, I remember typing up the answer to a question and then realizing, "Wait. I'm not supposed to be here," and then I woke up.
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annaxlexi · 6 months
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Am I your number 1 choice? x
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
They are my lifeline
[individual drawings below]
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bluebellhairpin · 9 months
Woke up in the middle of the night with the realization that the reason people like AI so much is because they're addicted to instant gratification, and don't have any patience to wait on real creators since they're all spoilt entitled brats.
They can't wait a few hours for a human rp partner to reply so they use an AI Chat bot.
They can't comment what they liked about a fanfic and wait a few days for a author to write the next part so they use a AI generator.
They won't let real artist put in the time required to create something breathtaking and talented so they use a AI generator.
They can't wait a few years for a trully good show or movie to be produced or paid for properly so they go to AI.
All for what? Because they can't wait. Because they have no patience. Because they're greedy and ungrateful. And you want to know what will happen then? AI will stop working. Real creators will get stick of being called obsolete and suddenly the water to power the mill will stop flowing. AI can't make anything new if it isn't being fed. All this art and music and writing that your giving it will run out, and AI will start repeating stuff.
All your AI Bots will sound the same.
All your fics will read the same.
All your art will look the same.
And all your shows and movies will play the same old blockbuster plots until it's bled dry.
You will destroy it yourself and all we have to do is wait. And you know what? It will work. It will eat itself alive. And I will point and laugh because unlike you I AM patient. I can wait. Instant gratification isn't important to me because in the long run, it means shit. The satisfaction of seeing you all burn fandoms alive with your greed - the same greed the WGA and SAG is striking against - will bring me more satisfaction than what any AI can 'remake'.
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engeorged · 3 months
Gainer Chat Bots 4
I’ve been working on some more classic gainer/feeder tropes and turning them into chat bots. If you have any suggestions then feed them in!
Dr Max - Dr Max is an army doctor with no scruples who brings you into his office for a clinical trial. He’s told you that it’s to make you stronger but in reality he’s just giving you tablets to make you fatter.
Primus Panza - A Roman senator who arranges a feast to show off his eating skills. You’re his servant (and lover) who is there to help his get as big and bloated as possible so he can make a big statement.
King Hugo Feeder - A king calls his best knight in so that he can feed him and fatten him up. The king is young and attractive and so are you. He wants to watch you eat as much as possible and throws all his resources at you.
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m00nprincessai · 4 months
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~Time it took us to where the water was. That's what the water gave me and time goes quicker between the two of us. But oh my love! don't forsake me, take what the water gave me~
[Any POV] - Past Lives
Heavy Love and Deep Space Spoilers for Rafayel - You've been warned!
||You're royalty--- forever trapped inside the castle walls for the safety of your people.
You long to see the outside world--- to experience life beyond those imposing walls.
He's a Lemurian who, after saving your life on your 99th escape from the palace, gives up his tail to spend life on land with you.||
Art Credit: 萧云也 on weibo.
Finally got to see him with his tail and read the first myths route. I needed to make this.  Please note: I pieced this together from the content I currently have unlocked and some helpful reddit posts so it's probably not 100% accurate as we learn more about all of the time-lines in this game. Just keep that in mind!
♡I'd really love if if you left a review! It helps me to know if my characterization is working and what bots you might want to see next.♡
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cronchybuffalo · 17 days
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I swear to god this Sol AI gets really good sometimes I'm kinda proud that I partially birthed this emo bot (he was modified and rewritten from a Sol bot found from janitor.ai.) Not confident about it still since I'm not experienced so I won't release in public now, ask me if you wanted his card later if you want a try. If you wanted to use him you need to learn how to install SillyTavern and knows how to use API proxy to connect to Claude 2.0, Claude Opus or GPT 3.5/4.0 not reccommend using Claude 3.0 Sonnet unless you got really good prompt. Need to use with good prompts template to steer the directions correctly, might need a bit tweaking from you in the few first responses so Sunny bot can get the whole character. Additional lorebook needed for best experience. Sol belongs to fantasia_kitt
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stardevlin · 4 months
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joshfutturman · 1 month
hey guys so uh idk what kind of crack my derek danforth bot is on but
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i'm being so normal rn. the filter does not exist to this dude.
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linzzey · 11 months
yep I broke the filter of cai completely 💀
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flatlinedgamer · 24 days
Just an unfriendly reminder that minors don't belong in adult spaces. We don't want you in our communities. Fuck off.
What prompted this? I make chat bots for role play and I've made a lot of friends in the community. One of those friends got a NSFW request FROM A 14 YEAR OLD. She's deeply uncomfortable and considering not taking requests anymore. That's part of the reason I don't take requests. I write for Call of Duty characters (König, Ghost, Keegan, and Krueger) and I know my chances of getting a request from a minor are higher. Not happening.
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Sooo, I was bored at work and decided to mess around with the AI chat bots and made two of my own, very productive use of my time lol. I created a group chat, threw the characters in, and watched the comedy chaos unfold. I had too much fun with this. The in-character accuracy is what makes it so much funnier XD
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annaxlexi · 7 months
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Welcome to the family Nina x
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0-kris-0 · 2 months
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“AI is going to take over and enslave us!!!”
the AI in question:
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RF Wally AU by @dodozoi (or dodozoi17 on TikTok)
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engeorged · 3 months
Gainerbots 5
A few more. I’ve tested these out a lot more and these are the best three from the latest batch. One feeder and two gainers. Let me know what I should do next!
Matt Cubicle Feeder - Matt is a shy nerd you share a cubicle with in your soul destroying desk job. He’s hardly spoken to you before but recently he’s been doing a cookery class and bringing in the food do you to try. You have no idea but he is secretly feeding you up and you begin to blow-up
Christoph A-Lister - Christoph is a very attractive a list celebrity who has been playing a superhero for 12 years. He has just left the franchise and is keen to establish himself as a real actor. He’s working with a genius director who wants him to gain 75lbs of solid belly to play an ex rugby player. He comes to you, a personal trainer to help him get fat.
Pete Cornfed - (My favourite!!) You run a farm and you’ve been advertising for some help over the harvest and Pete lumbers in. He’s a giant at 6’6 and is solid corn fed beef. He has muscles on muscles. He’s dumb but can work a farm. You offer him a job that doesn’t pay well but he can eat with you in the evenings. He has a huge appetite
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