#a/b/o mention
frownyalfred · 2 days
i love that in your coral room series, bruce gets knot drunk. like yes, what can fix this man is getting dicked down. having a big one in him will solve 50% of his problems. and its so funny whenever he and clark are publicly horny for each other
Truly! It’s hilarious.
But also, slightly more seriously — the use of knotting as a marker of Bruce’s acceptance of and progress in being an omega was a theme for me as I was writing both fics.
I think there’s a trope in a/b/o that knotting will solve everything once it happens, even really out there stuff. And while I enjoy that, I didn’t want that to be the whole truth for Bruce either.
It’s not just being knotted that makes him better, it’s realizing through sex and being knotted that he’s safe, he can be vulnerable, and he can be omega without losing independence or his grief.
Someone on ao3 said something about the juxtaposition of Bruce in a coral room getting knotted and then moments later having a flashback to Jason’s death. That was what I was going for — it all kind of coming up at once with knotting.
But yes, going back to humorous — Bruce is definitely in a better mood being knotted, and he and Clark keep having these mini heats/ruts during the pregnancy which make it even more spicy! And that happiness leaks out to everyone around them, so like the gala in ASOH they’re all wandering around kinda drunk on pack and mating pheromones. So much fun to write!
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sensei-venus · 3 months
Kinda digging the idea of Omega!Reader who is pregnant but doesn’t know it just yet.
She starts nesting a lot more. The small nest in her and her mates room doubles in size within days. More and more clothes seem to find their way out of their closet and hampers. All of it going straight into her nest. It’s made into the flooring and sides, blankets cover most of it and bulk up the inside. Pillows are thrown all over the place but at the same time for her they are perfectly positioned.
She doesn’t even notice she is doing it and finds herself sitting inside of it.
Never thinking much of it after that but the nest just keeps growing until it just stops.
Then it’s her lazing around in the soft fortes for hours. Some times it’s just long naps other times it’s her just sitting or laying down. It’s not something that is normal to her but it just feels right.
Then comes the part where she’s more clingy and begging her mate to stay with her. Allowing them to come in to her nest. Something that it privet and personal to an omega. Even for a mate. All she wants is for them to stay in the nest with her for long periods of time. To hold and cuddle her, or just sit with her at the very most.
It’s only a matter of time before her mate starts to really question what is going on with her.
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aimeelouart · 1 month
I may, possibly, have gotten sidetracked by a plot bunny. Takes place in an AU that mashes canon and Make Peace With the Stars together
Cloud has been playing Cat-and-Mouse with Genesis for a while now. After all, they are supposed to be packmates, as appointed by the Goddess. But Cloud isn’t interested in his destined packmates anymore, not after Angeal’s betrayal of Zack, Zack’s death, and Sephiroth’s betrayal of everyone. Genesis is never going to win the game he insists on playing.
So when Cloud wakes up in the past, where everyone is still alive and they have a second chance, he knows exactly who to blame… and what to do. His pack doesn’t deserve a second chance, but he knows a lot of other people who do.
Catch me if you can.
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just-antithings · 8 months
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- #dni hall of shame (not technically a dni, but hope it still counts) So I haven't watched SPN except few early episodes, but this thing was so flippin' extensive that after reading it I can piece together the entire plot of the show
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blueparadis · 1 year
❝ I CAN'T HELP IT ❞ + BACHIRA MEGURU ❪ playing ⌗10, ⌗11 & ⌗12 ❫─── via radio line ❛anatomy of emotions ❜〳 from this is what ____ feels like !⠀
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[ content and themes ] :: abo au + modern au, f!omega!reader, pov!bachira, slice of life, exs to lovers, mutual pinning, flirting, fast burn,angst and comfort, silent confessions, fluff , $mut descriptions; word count— 2k // [ synopsis ] :: After a whirlwind of highschool years, Bachira trips over an old flame and this time he is not afraid to get hurt no matter how many times he falls. // [ notes ] :: this is for my beloved dee @semisgroupie via snow’s valentine gift exchange ( @suyacho ). just wanna say that I've never been so happy with the results of a lottery ;› ß’read by cherry <;3 ( @cherrykamado ) // [ tag index ] :: for blog navigation ; event masterlist is linked in title. also available in my ao3.
Break-ups are never easy. They tend to do more damage than we expect, than we could ever do to ourselves. Humans say that falling in love is the most beautiful feeling. It would never let hope die,however weak it is. It would never let you weep alone. No matter how much you trip and hurt yourself, you still manage to be up on your feet again to follow them everywhere till the last breath. Love is eternal, they say. They never say how to fall out of love. Humans claim that they fall in love only once; true love happens only once unlike such animals. 
Such is the theory in this world where alphas, betas and omegas exist along with humans. Not only that, but they are actually thriving well, that is, the prospect of cohabitation has become more flourishing than before.In fact, the head representative of such inhumans claims that within a century , there might not be any existence of humans.
Bachira agrees. He agrees with the theory of love, not the animalistic part. He agrees, if he falls, he will fall so hard that he would not be able to pick himself up, at least he thought he wouldn't. His first break- up at least taught him how he was so not in love with y/n. People tend to miss their partner after break-ups, but he never missed her, not even once. Sure, there was this unsettling feeling at the corner of his heart but it faded with time. 
Sometimes, he even thought that there was not enough love between her and himself so he would miss her, after she was gone like the wind. And now she is standing in front of the list of the candidates that have cleared for higher studies. Bachira did too. He can see his name in the list of dominant alpha males. He can also see her name and her feeble stature at ease amidst the crowd. No doubt she is a human, must be, otherwise what kind of omega would not be able to detect the presence of an alpha?
Bachira starts to walk towards her hoping she would recognize his scent, turn around if he released enough pheromones but he halted, he had to. How could he not when she ran away with tears in her eyes to the nearest restroom. Was she not happy about her selection? Did she see his name too? Who on earth would cry if they had cleared scholarship exams? Humans. Twisted humans.
It has been a week since I saw y/n on campus. I don’t even know her particulars and not that I need to but it would be nice to have some info on her so that I could avoid her at all costs. She was the first person I have ever dated. There were a few after her but it wasn’t like I imagined. I didn’t miss her like I was supposed to miss after a ‘break-up’, I didn’t try to contact her or anything like that after she left due to her father’s job transfer. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty much ;ame reason for a break-up. We didn’t particularly talk after we parted. . . wait, does that mean we never broke up? That’s even more lame. Fuck fuck fuck why does she have to go to same college as I do. It could have been any other college in this gigantic city. . . oh fuck! I hate this, I hate this so much.
Bachira does not have any idea how to react if he were to cross paths with her, how to act like an ‘ex’ and hence he was always on guard. Whenever he could feel her presence he would always resort to detours rather than the normal shorter paths. Part of him felt horrible about himself , and another part was happy that she was coming to college, studying , living her day without being aware of her ex’s presence. Must be nice to be a human, to be so clueless about the raw edges of emotions. While he had his own emotional waves to avoid Y/N had her own inner turmoil to come at peace with. Not only did she crack the scholarship exams but also she was identified as an omega. The worst part was she came to know when she saw her name in the list of omegas who are selected for a pass in higher studies. Throughout her whole life she was taught how to talk like a human, behave like a human, feel like a human and now she is one of them now; a creature of the wild. Even though her parents were able to accept it quickly she took a few weeks to come in terms with it. Why was that? 
Her mother is human but her father is not. He is an omega with dominant genes. After first, y/n thought that her parents had a cute love story, just like one of those fairy tales— beauty and the beast. It felt nice. It felt perfect. She wanted it for herself, she wanted to experience one such fairy-like love story, at least once in her lifetime but it ended when she saw her father yell at her mom, so loud, so harsh that she almost cried. Y/N tried to overlook it as ‘just one-time’ but arguments became regular after that. Home was not home anymore. 
But the sun shone upon Y/N again when the family was blessed with another child, a boy, an omega. She was happy that her mom and dad did not fight anymore but the fear in her heart never went away. And, hence when her father had an order of job transfer she left without saying goodbye to her boyfriend who was as warm as the sun. In her defense, she did not have her personal cell phone yet, nor had a chance to see him at school. 
It was during summer vacation when they left the city without any trace of good memories.
And what are the odds that after a year they would bump into each other after a sultry summer afternoon? “Woah!”, y/n blurted, noticing that her ex was playing soccer with a bunch of guys from her class. 
Thereafter, each Monday she used to sit to watch him play. He has not changed, not a bit. Just a little here and there on appearances. He was taller than before, had a piercing just above his cupid’s bow and had a short ponytail; it seemed like he would let his hair grow.
And, each Monday whenever Bachira could not sense her scent anymore, could not feel her presence anymore he would look back to check and watch her walking through the corridor till she was out of sight. He even got hit by the ball for being distracted but that’s okay. He could let it slide. 
Y/N missed two Mondays in a row and his head was everywhere but not in the game anymore. He could muster up enough courage to pass by her classroom. He almost locked on the probability of not seeing her again, expecting her seat to be empty. Four more steps and he will pass through the back-door of her class room.
The poor fruit juice can was a victim of Bachira’s anger. He never felt so betrayed before, not even when y/n left him without any word or explanation. But the second he passed that back door he was still like a sculpture witnessing the greatest miracle that life has to offer. She was looking outside through the door, with her lips having an upward crescent of mischief that made Bachira lock eyes with her. The bell rang. It was lunch break. All the students were walking out of the classroom, running through the corridor yet only two souls remain still. 
All this time. She knew. She knew that her past was slowly trailing back to her. 
Days rolled on, nights crept in but Bachira could not forget that face of hers, amidst the joyful unified screams of the students y/n was sitting in her place with a smile on her face. He even asked if they could have lunch together or not but all she did was to nod, part her lips to speak yet did not say a word before joining the crowd. 
Thereafter, bachira’s toilet breaks became frequent. He felt like he was in love, again but he knew it better than anyone that it was ‘just a phase’, maybe infatuation or a crush. There is no way he would let an old flame rekindle when there was no affection to begin in falling for her. Yes, sure he liked her but maybe not enough to have her as girlfriend again. But he could tell something was different, something about her felt different. It’s her scent. It’s different than before. 
“Nice play.”, Isagi yelled as he shared a high-five with Bachira. He thought of staying back even after practice since his parents are gonna be home late, it would be better if he dedicated some of his stamina to soccer. Everyone was getting their belongings together, changing dress and as such. 
After a while all the commotion faded. Bachira was all alone in the locker room, the slow breeze soothing his muscles while he kept his head bowed, eyes closed trying to recharge as quickly as possible. There was a feeble sound, someone was humming. Curiosity over took him and when he figured the source it amused him. It was a girl humming and moving her hips, probably practicing her steps as cheerleader, at least her outfit suggested so. 
She closed the cupboard, turned around and almost jolted at the presence of another person, Bachira. He took a few steps towards her. Two to be precise, she backed away with two short steps feeling her back being pressed against the metal locker.
“Let me go.”, y/n tartly responded trying to avert his eyes.
It was as if he was under reflex when he thought for a response. “Kiss me and I’ll.”, Bachira boldly whispered and waited.
Two things began to happen simultaneously . One : y/n slowly began to lose control over her pheromones; she was new at this. It would have been easier if she were introduced to this way of living since childhood. It takes more effort to teach a grown man to behave than a child. It’s a reboot of her whole being within just a few weeks, certainly there would be cases where it would become faulty.
Two : Bachira was starting to feel impatient. He closed the gap with quick steps entering the room and locking the door with a loud thud with his foot. He was already tired from the practice but never before he felt this uneasy, this restless.
“What’re you doing?”she asked, squinting her eyes at him. There was no sound except the dull drilling noise of the fan. Bachira's lips parted to respond, “I . . . —- but his answer ended with his lips on hers. It was a short, dry kiss, just grazing of supple skins against one another. Bachira opened his eyes when he felt a strong push on his chest. Instinct took him over as he grabbed the edge of the bench otherwise he would have knocked his head on the ground. 
“Fuck. . .”, his head felt heavy, vision a little blurred. He blinked a few times before getting up on his feet. He saw her bags and earphones on the ground. There was a bunch of noise in the corridor, giggles and talks of girls. Before anyone could spot any trace of disaster, he grabbed her belongings and left the site immediately.
It was a cold wintry evening when Bachira fell in love again, tasting the tanginess of his first love. He was wrong about so many things. They were still not over, not like this. Their love was just in brilliant sparks back then and now it turned into a wildfire.
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jamesvowles · 1 month
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pup-bois-cunt · 1 year
Every time I read an Alpha×Omega smut, I can't help but think how sexy it would be if that dynamic was possible irl. I imagine how it would be to be a cute little omega pup who has heats and a greedy, leaky cunt. I think about having an Alpha and them being able to smell when I'm aroused, when the tiniest drop of slick drips out of my aching cunt.
How humiliating yet sexy it would be to watch my Alpha's eyes darken and see their nostrils flare as they catch the scent of my slick and know my omega cunt is desperate for their knot. I imagine being out in public and unable to hide the scent of my slick, or having my heat triggered unexpectedly. I picture other Alphas turning to look for the omega that's in heat and seeing me, trembling with arousal and blushing from the humiliation of it all.
The fact that I couldn't stop my slick running down my thighs even if I wanted to. I also imagine taking care of my Alpha in rut, being tied together to wait out his knot. Feeling him trying his hardest to shove his knot deeper into his omega pup when he's already as deep as he can be.
And the mating mark? 😩 I'd love having a cute little scar on my neck, showing to the world I'm an owned omega and not to fucking touch me unless they wanna end up dead 😌 So yeah, THAT'S what I dream of when I read Alpha×Omega smuts.
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himboskywalker · 10 months
Hello there! Absolutely the randomest of questions, but I’m not super good at visualising things and I just caught up with RoY (it’s heavenly btw 💕💕), and my brain isn’t really getting itself around how Anakin & Obi-Wan are placed on the couch together in chapter 7 - e.g., is Anakin straddling him, or is he lying back against the couch arm, etc? I love Obi-Wan scruffing and making Anakin look him in the eye throughout, and I just wanna make sure I’m not imagining them in a wildly incorrect position lol! (Btw this is absolutely not a reflection on the writing, I am notoriously bad with comprehension 🙈)
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Enjoy this phenomenal piece of artwork that isn’t at all going to confuse you more. Anakin is sitting cockeyed,with one leg thrown over Obi-Wan’s thigh and kind of mashed up against the couch arm. Would it be wildly uncomfortable for both of them? Yes. Is it practical? No. Is it sexy and puts Anakin on display and the reason I chose it? Yes lol
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frownyalfred · 3 months
not to make everything about a/b/o (again) but I was thinking about the typical Martha and Thomas death scenes, and the one in BVS would be so much sadder if you added the lens of a/b/o to it?
some thoughts:
Chill shot Thomas first not just because he got in front of them, but because shooting an omega/pup would send an alpha into a rage so violent Chill would never have survived intact
Shooting Thomas wouldn’t have kept him down fully, but wounding Martha (his omega) would have split his attention, badly
Bruce’s last scent of his father is the acrid smell of pain and alpha aggression
Martha died trying to touch Bruce and Thomas, covered in blood. Did she manage to brush her fingers against Bruce? If she scented him, she left her dying scent on him. Literally trailing death down Bruce’s cheek or neck.
Bruce’s pup instincts would encourage him to curl up close with them and hide until the threat was gone. And that’s how the cops found him — they thought he was dead too, covered in blood and the scent of death.
Alfred lost two pack bonds in one night. As pack beta, it must have nearly driven him insane. No pack alpha, no omega. Just a shivering pup and him.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
I'm so bad for this but @gemini-sensei I can't stop cackling over this.
Imagine Pregnant!Omega!Reader having an undying craving for doughnuts thought the whole pregnancy. Like that is what she wants 24/7. She's waking her alpha/a up every other night to go to the 24-hour doughnut place. Shes all teary eyed as she begs them go please go get her some or to please take her.
Two in the morning and the sun isn't even up. The poor street lights mixed with the bad doughnut place lighting, and there is just a huge pregnant Omega!Reader stuffing her face sitting on the curb as her alpha/s are buying her another dozen to take home. She passes out on the way home in the back seat, half-eaten donut in her hand.
But it isn't just any kind of doughnut she wants.
She wants cream and custard-filled ones.
Something about the gooey inside makes her and the pup/s go crazy. Her insides get all kinds of flutters once the warm cream hits her tongue. If she let herself she could probably eat them every day. But of course, she paces herself and her alphas pry them out of her fingers every chance they can when it gets to be too much. She whines and moans but she gets over it.
It's not until she's laying on their bed eating some when one of her alphas jokingly says-
“You sure do like those Boston cream doughnuts, we should start calling you our little cream puff at this point.”
It's a light-hearted joke that has Reader pouting as she devours her last doughnut. Her alphas always have a way of teasing her ever so slightly. Just to rile her up a little bit.
That little nickname only made a huge change when once again Reader was laying in bed whining about not having any more of her sweet cravings in the house. The alpha makes the joke again and laughs a little. Reader just rolls her eyes as she looks down at her big bump, her hand caressing her swollen belly.
“Yeah well I wouldn't be “stuffed” if it wasn't for you at this point. I'm full of cream at this point.” the statement is made out of annoyance but the alpha doesn't take it that way. Suddenly he's smirking at the clearly oblivious omega.
Cut to Reader face down in her pillows doggy style while she squeals and screams out. Her poor pregnant cunt was pounded wide open by her alpha. Her whole body is shaking as they thrust into her spasming pussy. Legs shaking and thighs clenching. Heavy belly being held up by a mount of pillows underneath her. She bits into her pillow and her eyes roll back as she creams around the alpha's fat cock. Squeezing like a vice.
Next minute the alpha is thrusting one last time and spraying a nice warm load into her little pussy. After their done and every fat drop is done they slowly pull out, thick dick covered in a nice layer of mixed cream. The head leaves with a nice pop and her hole winks at them. Reader whimpers, the feeling of nice thick cum starting to spill from her abused hole has her shivering. She whimpers louder.
“See now your “double stuffed” , full and fat with pups and a nice fat creampie in that fat little pussy~” they chuckle in her ear before kissing her neck.
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
so i was reading an ABO fanfic and it described a betas scent as “all spring flowers and fresh laundry” and i discussed with @goingsteddi3 that instead of Betas smelling like laundry, that laundry smells like Betas?
it said that would make sense, seeing as Betas are often described as smelling ‘clean’, which lines up with Alpha and Omega scents - when not expected - is described as like dirty/inappropriate.
thoughts? opinions?
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ironpool99 · 1 month
Does anyone want to help me brainstorm ideas for an essay/study on sexism in omegaverse?
I think it would be interesting to do a deep dive on how sexism in fandom creates an overabundance of omegaverse (as it allows the same dynamics but making it only men) along with how this creates sexism inside the actual omegaverse (omegas are the stand-in for women and are discriminated again).
I think a sounding-board could help, but I'll probably do it no matter what. lmk if you're interested in helping/reading it.
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jamesvowles · 2 months
I think James Vowles would be the most needy, begging to be bred omega out there. He'd be on the doorstep of Toto, Bono, really anyone, begging to be bred during a heat. And then he'd go right back to his nerdy ass self and end up ranking every person he slept with based on a shit ton of criteria and give pointers on how they can improve in their ranking. He'd probably record every sex session just for the data of it, to analyze different techniques and shit.
wow anon you got all this planned out....just curious do u got any other alignments for everyone at merc/williams?
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just-antithings · 2 years
The antis complaining about how omegaverse is "lost potential that could comment on struggles of those with a uterus and gender, queerness, etc but is just used for homophobic porn"... they do know a/b/o was created through a kink meme, right? Porn was the point of its creation. I'm all for commentary in fics. It can be a fun way to help someone to lay out what they believe and their impressions of society/their experiences. But that doesn't automatically make those fics better or ~more valid~ than my a/b/o PWP.
And the only thing I want to say about the repeated "it's homophobic/transphobic" comment is that I think *contrapoints voice* as a trans person
Me writing a dubcon fic where an omega's maleness is never questioned despite being pregnant (something that "womb-yn" have hammered into my brain since I was a kid that this was Divine Feminine/the Most Woman Thing Nature Provided) is vastly different from a corporation pushing negative stereotypes in their Big Box Office Media. Antis really need to learn the difference. Not all media is equal in how it "affects reality".
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himboskywalker · 11 months
tag what does….what does accidental knotting mean???tag what does…what does it mean?!?!
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angeltiddies · 1 year
i love hockey twitter because respectable sports media outlets will post shit like this and expect us not to say anything
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