thorin · 1 day
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if any of u dearly talented artists & fic writers are looking for bagginshield prompts, here u have it 😳
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starlightiing · 22 hours
Landoscar 🖤 for the kissing thing 🙏😘 absolutely adore ur writing
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation - Landoscar
Sorry this took so long, I have been actively fighting my brain in a 1v1 WWE smackdown or something like that. I hope this is okay <3 And thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my fics!! <333 I decided since I probably won't ever write this fic as a whole, I'd at least get a snippet out of the 'Young Forever' idea. Based on THIS SONG by the ready set. specifically the lines 'the beat of the drums keeps us alive' / 'tonight will last forever 'till our bodies drop' Basic info: music keeps them alive. If the music stops for one of them, it's tied into their heartbeat and so their heart will stop in tandem. They need to be around speakers playing music or have headphones in playing music at all times or they die.
"It stopped. It - It stopped." Lando's voice is so desperate and tiny, his breaths following in short, staccato bursts that sound almost deafening to Oscar's ears. The fear written into Lando's features would be enough to break anyone's heart.
It completely shatters Oscar's.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Oscar soothes, reaching out to place a gentle hand against Lando's cheek. Lando's skin is warm and buzzing, an electricity that Oscar can feel tingling in the tips of his fingers, running along highways of veins and capillaries until it reaches his heart. "It was only for a second. Nothing bad happened to me."
Lando shakes his head feverishly, curls bouncing every which way. Oscar watches as Lando's throat constricts, the flutter of his carotid pulse all too obvious in the hollow space between his collarbones. His heartbeat is fast, almost too fast, and it makes something unpleasant stir in Oscar's own chest. Seeing Lando like this is far more devastating than he ever could have imagined.
"It stopped. The music stopped." Lando says again, more incessantly, as his wide eyes come to rest in a deadlock with Oscar's gaze. "Your heart-"
"Didn't stop." Oscar finishes helpfully, unwilling to let the vicious storm of 'what ifs' and 'could haves' take Lando away from him. "It's still going. See?"
Oscar slides his hand down from Lando's cheek and uses it to instead grab one of Lando's trembling wrists. Delicately, he brings Lando's hand up to rest on his own chest, pressing the palm in against the curve of his sternum where his heart is beating at a steady, strong pace.
He knows the moment Lando feels his heartbeat, because those beautiful eyes, those goddamn eyes he loves so much, fill to the brim with tears.
"Oh, fuck." Lando gasps out, his voice trembling far worse than his hands. Oscar swallows thickly, watching the series of complex emotions that flicker across Lando's face. "Oscar. Fuck."
"It's okay," Oscar whispers, leaning in to press their foreheads together. Lando's fingers have curled up protectively in the space above Oscar's heart, almost as if he's trying to claw into Oscar's chest. "I'm here."
The hitch in Lando's breath makes Oscar's stomach churn. Tears begin to slip down Lando's cheeks - slowly, not in abundance, and Oscar wishes he could snap his fingers and take Lando's pain and fear away. He knows if the roles could reverse, he would be just as scared to have nearly lost Lando like that. To be milliseconds away from losing his sunlight, his moonlight, his starlight? Perhaps he would be even less composed. Perhaps he would not be composed at all.
"I love you." Lando says, before leaning and pressing his lips desperately against Oscar's. Oscar sucks in a sharp breath through his nose, tiling his head as he kisses Lando back just as desperately, like this is his lifeline and not the godforsaken music that forces his heart to keep on beating.
"I love you too." Oscar utters softly against Lando's lips as they break apart. "So much. I'm not going anywhere, okay?"
If Lando turns the music up in his headphones later that night, Oscar doesn't say a word.
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beybuniki · 2 days
hey girl smoke some weed tonight
do i make such a miserable impression to you
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Dear Veere @kulfi-waala
For someone who thinks of himself as a poet, my words fail me much too often. Sometimes I think so much and feel so much and can't say any of it. But let me tell you this— I think of you, always. Never in my life would I have thought that I would find a brother like you in "some guy from Tumblr".
Thank you for staying up till three numerous times trying to stop me from ending it all. Thank you for making me laugh when I was losing touch with reality, for keeping me grounded when I was teetering on the edge of sanity. Most of all, thank you for letting me bully you no matter what <3
This keepsake will always remind me of all our jokes and rants and stupid memes like EDD and the fucking fruits. It will forever remind me of all that I have to lose in case I have one of those moments again. It will always remind me of you.
You make life beautiful by being in it. I love you.
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mirkobloom77 · 2 days
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‼️🇮🇱🇵🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸🇾🇪 Casualties after US, UK militaries launch 13 attacks on Yemen
[Plain text: Casualties after US, UK militaries launch 13 attacks on Yemen]
🔸 Source: Al Jazeera
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blondiest · 2 days
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HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I'm sorry I'm two days late finishing this drawing but I guess that just means we have to extend your birthday to be all week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hope you like strawberry cake!
hi omg. i love this more than words can possibly say❣️ both of their expressions are so cute & delightful (& near absolutely Would go straight for the strawberry imqho 🍓) this is truly everything to me,,,
&. hehe nw, morganbirthday can totally be a weeklong event 🥳🎉
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hii !!! ^w^ puts my 15zai skin in your inbox :3
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ackee · 5 months
stop following me unless you're gonna follow for my ocs‼️
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anistarrose · 1 year
old post topic cancelled this is a post about him now. happy 200k note Red Robe post
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[ID from alt: the Red Robe from the TAZ graphic novel. He looks shocked and has wide, glowing white eyes. End ID.]
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starrswara · 3 months
netizens are desensitising gruesome things that are taking place in Palestine.
even the internet’s reaction to graphic things such as - pictures of injured children, civilians stuck under rubble, dead bodies of families in their destroyed homes etc. is beyond underwhelming.
#save palestine
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girlblocker · 1 year
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preserving this here bc op turned off reblogs
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humanpeoplefanblog · 1 year
saw this amazing post but rbs got turned off so. get funged idiot
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beybuniki · 2 days
if you're going to archive your art, please don't use google! they use your content to train their AI and don't respect your privacy. i don't work for them, i'm just a customer, but proton drive is a much better choice that doesn't steal from artists because it's encrypted
oh right i forgot, it sucks that you really can't put your shit anywhere rn... i'll keep that in mind so thank you!
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mumintroll · 5 months
for 2024:
read a lot and read everything
film and art and music are what builds ur soul
be outside
love and romance will not come to you any quicker if you are focused on it constantly
possessions don't improve things
movement does improve things
university is <4 years of the rest of your life - make the most of it
find the pleasure in hard work
lose the pleasure in scrolling
creation is essential
joy, love & intelligence are the tenets of life
stagnation isn't inevitable. no person is in a fixed state. you can always change
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oobbbear · 4 months
hi bear, remember when you made post about horses hooves being a toe? im drawing a centaur rn and remembering that helped me
so i had struggles with how certain horse leg position would look like and so i brought my finder up and looked at it, and turned out to be kinds similar you just need to add shoulder joint in end
hold on ill doodle examples
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anyway thank you for horse toe
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Oh heck that cursed thing actually seems pretty useful
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gretahayes · 10 months
free my girl she did all of that, feels no remorse, and is actively planning to do more, but have you considered it was funny as hell
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