#Piper darling
l00ney-m00ny · 1 year
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rotomartsblog · 23 days
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I’m open for EAH requests. Btheway
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have you done your daily click
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sorrel-the-kabbage · 8 months
I will never get over them
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@blackholeca Breaking my tumblr silence with fictional character birthday art as god intended
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stealeroflemons · 2 months
eah thingy #29 because my brain has been creatively dead for a while and I'm going to force myself to try before I go back in my study hole for graduation
This is mainly going to be what I think the eah characters sound like/who they sound like when they sing/voices I associate with them when I'm writing them (I know these won't perfectly match up with their VA's but let me have my fun)
Melody Piper - Phoebe Bridgers
Sparrow Hood - Tyler Joseph
Raven Queen - Chappell Roan
Meeshell Mermaid - AURORA
Briar Beauty - Julianna Joy
Faybelle Thorn - Halsey
Ashlynn Ella - Lizzy McAlpine
Hunter Huntsman - Michael Cera
Dexter Charming - Alec Benjamin
Darling Charming - Allie X
Daring Charming - Peter McPoland
Apple White - Melanie Martinez
Blondie Lockes - Britney Spears
Cerise Hood - Hayley Kiyoko
Ramona Badwolf - Bishop Briggs
Kitty Cheshire - Suki Waterhouse
Maddie Hatter - Paris Paloma
Lizzie Hearts - MARINA
Alistair Wonderland - Niall Horan
Bunny Blanc - Ethel Cain
Cedar Wood - Laufey
Chase Redford - Eric Nam
Courtly Jester - K.Flay
Holly O'Hair - Lily Kershaw
Poppy O'Hair - Orla Gartland
Ginger Breadhouse - Hailee Steinfeld
Duchess Swan - Tessa Violet
Farrah Goodfairy - Au/Ra
C.A. Cupid - Madds Buckley
Hopper Croakington II - Ricky Montgomery
Justine Dancer - Sabrina Claudio
Rosabella Beauty - Chloe Ament
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aestheticsaddicted · 28 days
Rating the names fandom wiki gave EAH characters based if they would pass or not
Ashlynn Ella- Ashlynn Lynae Ella
6/10- I feel like this would pass. Minus points cause why Lynae🤡
Faybelle Thorn- Faybelle Arabella Raette Thorn
2/10- so she's italian. Is that what we're going with? Really? No second thoughts? Oh okay🤌
Cedar Wood- Cedar Kaya Zoe Wood
0/10- Absolutely not! Kaya??? Zoe🤡😭
Cerise Hood- Cerise Rosie Raven Hood
-5/10- I feel like this is a violation of everything we have stood for. I wish I could make my brain forget I have seen this
Darling Charming- Darling Ami Chaque Charming or Darling Jade Charming
-500/10- At least pick one(1) name before you decide to slander my girl. Also who the fuck came up with Chaque(?) I just want to talk
Hunter Huntsman- Hunter Zachary Arrow Huntsman
2/10- Zachary is not half-bad. Loses points cause of the Arrow.
Duchess Swan- Duchess Lucia Lake Swan
1/10- Lake? Really? For good measure put the Latin word for swan in there too
Lizzie Hearts- Elizabeth “Lizzie” Amber Hearts
-10/10- Elizabeth??? My girly pop, queen of Hearts would not have given the name Elizabeth to her daughter! I beg of you get you're facts straight
Melody Piper- Melody Harmony Rhythm Piper
-278/10- Please choose one noun related to music and move one, my client doesn't need to be a dictionary for music related terms
Holly O'Hair- Hollynn Jessica O'Hair
-3986/10- There are no Jessica's. Good day sir
Poppy O’Hair- Poppy Olivia Kate O’Hair
-3986/10- Kate? Who's that?😧
Kitty Cheshire- Katherine “Kitty” Melody Cheshire
-200/10- my mischief beauty would NEVER name her daughter Katherine (she actually told me that yesterday) also she's no Melody☝️
Madeline Hatter- Madeline "Maddie" Xylophone Hatter
-🤮/10- I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory but please remove all instrument related nouns out of my client's name, please and thank you
Sparrow Hood- Sparrow Alexander Liam Hood
-35/10- Alexander?? That's the best you got
Farrah Goodfairy- Farrah Gracelyn Goodfairy
8/10- this one is not bad! The closest one yet, good job fandom wiki!
Justine Dancer- Justine Alicia Taylor Dancer 
-79/10- We are back again with the monstrosity that it's this name. Get back🤺 back I said🤺
Meeshell Mermaid- "Meeshellie" Meeshell Pearl Mermaid
5/10- I'm not saying it's good, but we have seen worse
Ramona Badwolf- Jacqueline Ramona Sandra Badwolf
-200000/10- absolutely foul, squandering my girly name, please contact me as I'm acting as her lawyer from now on
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carnifexa · 1 year
once leo passes puberty he has to shave twice a day or he won't get kisses. both piper and jason say that he has sandpaper stubble. the arguments about horrible itch and rash were had, the judgement was passed, leo had to come to terms with this.
(after every shave he demands kisses so they can feel the smoothness. piper does so eagerly, jason rolls his eyes but assents)
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unicornlandsposts · 17 days
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bloodmoon24 · 5 days
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My Favorite Royals and Rebels
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direwolfrules · 2 months
I do not have time right now to work on my actual writing- midterms are done so now we're just jumping right into final papers- but have an AU outline post.
Professor Pied Piper, taking inspiration from some of his best high school memories, gets Headmaster Grimm to reinstate the school glee club.
Meanwhile, Madame Baba Yaga fears the new activity will steal away talent from her prize cheer-hexing team, the Ever After High Cheerios (I can’t think of a good fairytale-ification for this, I will accept suggestions). To rectify this situation, she sends in three of her girls undercover with the goal of sabotaging the glee club.
Basically, Pied Piper is Will Schuester, Baba Yaga is Sue Sylvester, and chaos ensues.
Glee Club Members:
Apple White: She joined because 1) she's good at singing 2) she genuinely enjoys singing 3) her mom was in the Glee Club and led them to winning Nationals. I'd say she's the Rachel Berry or the Quinn Fabray, but I'm not gonna do that thing where I entirely change a character's personality to make them fit into the role of another character...for the students anyway. Look, Apple's got enough drama in her life, she doesn't need me making her crazy enough to send someone to a crack house out of jealousy.
Raven: Uh, in the books Headmaster Grimm won't let her take Muse-ic because it's not an evil class. Luckily, because of a bizarre loophole in the school guidelines for competitive teams, Headmaster Grimm can't ban her from Glee Club. Everyone say thank you Giles.
Daring: He joined because he was told it would give him extra credit for the serenading skills portion of Advanced Wooing. Also, Apple asked him to join because they didn't have enough boys in the club and Daring's been trained to never ignore a request from a damsel.
Dexter: He’s there cause Raven’s there? And also cause he is a genuinely great singer and unlike Daring needs the Advanced Wooing extra credit? Also, I just kinda want him there.
Darling: Her mom made her join. Queen Charming really said “I’m gonna take a page from Snow White’s book and live vicariously through you, offspring of mine”.
Briar: She really likes the idea of a team competition where she won’t put her teammates in danger if she falls asleep. Also, she checked the competition rulebook, as long as they don’t all leave the stage when she has a narcoleptic episode they won’t be disqualified.
Humphrey: Every Glee AU needs a white-boy-who raps and Ever After High has one already built-in in the form of Humphrey Dumpty.
Maddie: She’s there cause Raven’s there. It’s utterly hattastic!
Kitty: She’s there because she remembered her mom talking about how some of her fondest memories of high school revolves around messing with the glee club, and Kitty wants dearly to be like her mother.
Lizzie: We’re completing the Wonderland ensemble. Lizzie joins because she needs an extra curricular and the Invisible Tree Situation has gotten so out of hand they had to disband the croquet team. Great voice, ngl.
Justine: Not the strongest singer in the room, but she’s capable of choreographing numbers like nobody’s business.
Meeshell: Listen, canon’s pretending her singing in that webisode was something amazing. So like, we’re pretending now too.
Duchess: I picture her as a Sugar Motta-type character. Cannot sing, massive diva, but they gotta put up with her cause her family’s donating to the club budget.
Melody: Listen, it’s her dad’s club. She can’t just not join. She’s banking those supportive daughter points for a rainy day.
Lawrence Bonecrusher III: Listen, I just it'd be funny if Professor Piper says the ever-insane "You're all minorities, you're in the glee club" line and there's the one orc student in the school just sitting there with his eyebrow raised. He's also the Matt of this AU. For some reason never speaks when in a scene.
Faybelle: Captain of the Cheerios, totally not here as part of a scheme by Madame Yaga to DESTROY THE GLEE CLUB!!!!
Nah, but seriously, this whole AU was born of me going "What EAH character would say the iconic 'I'm a closeted lesbian and a judgemental bitch' line?" and her face popped into my mind.
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bookns · 2 years
Friendly Fucking Reminder:
Piper is Cherokee. She is indigenous. Draw her as such, write her as such. No feathers (Rick was wrong for that in a very blatant way)
Frank is Chinese Canadian. Draw him as such. Write him as such. He’s not a sumo man with a baby face.
Hazel is a African American. Draw her as such. Write her as such. She is meant to be dark skinned and have curly hair.
Leo is Mexican American. Draw him as such. Write him as such. He is not supposed to call every girl Mamacita. He is a complex character even after Rick's racism.
Reyna is Puerto Rican. Draw her as such. Write her as such. She is not just some character who’s there. She has a real backstory with real trauma
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samskaterguy · 1 year
I kind of wonder how being trans would work in the Ever After High universe with destinies and all.
Let's say you're the daughter of Snow White, but surprise!! Egg cracked, you're trans. You're actually the SON of Snow White now.
Does this kids destiny change from Snow White to Snow White's destined true love? Or would "Snow White" just be a prince this time around and maybe a princess (or another prince!) saves him with True Loves Kiss???
I mean, we have examples of kids genders not exactly matching up with their fairytale parents like Alistair, Maddie, Melody, Jillian, Cedar, Bunny and I think some others.
I have a theory that in their stories their gender doesn't exactly..say, matter as much as, for example, the Queen of Hearts, her title is literally the queen, if Lizzie was a boy would she just be the King of Hearts (the queens husband)? Or would she be "King" but still have the same role to play as the queen?
When vs a character like Alice, it doesn't really matter as anyone can just fall down a hole and go through a strange land regardless of gender.
How much does your agab really matter in this society? Also say you figured it out after you had already signed your name in the storybook, would you need to sign it again if you chose a new name?
Edit because I had more thoughts: My previously stated theory came from the idea that characters like Alistair, Cedar and essentially the entire crew minus Lizzie, I believe their genders can be different and still inherit their stories is because TECHNICALLY within their stories they don't have love interests, when off book and later in their lives they most likely did to be able to have children. If say Alice did have a boy she fell in love with what if Alistair ended up being that hypothetical boy?
When Snow White DOES have a love interest, and I wonder if that's why it might matter a little more.
Long story short: This society is very heteronormative and probably cis normative as well and goddamnit do I wish we actually had a trans character to go off of.
OR what if a character was from a very #girlboss story and was a trans guy? Can his story even continue because he's not a girl anymore? Or would his story just change to reflect him better.
We have canonical evidence of Hunter and Ashlynn hypothetically changing their story so the same message is still in place, it just fits their particular love story better. So I wonder if the system would have something in place like that for trans characters. (Keep in mind I'm not too sure on how canon the doll diaries are so take that with a grain of salt. It's from Farrah's btw if you're curious)
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story 2: class of classics part 2-1
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naominotaisho · 8 months
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stealeroflemons · 1 year
eah characters on road trips because I'm going on a road trip but our RV had a bunch of mold so now we're taking a car instead hahahaha send prayers for my sanity please #23
imagine they're all on a roadtrip in a bus or something idk
Briar is 100% napping half the time no matter how long the trip is
She brings pillows, blankets, and the "super comfy neck pillow" her mom gave her during Thronecoming and headphones
Faybelle is a huge sour candy fan and refuses to share with anyone but Briar (little secret here, Faybelle buys a shit ton of snacks purely for her and Briar to share together)
She also has to sit a certain way so her wings don't get too cramped
Maddie is asking "are we there yet" every twenty minutes, making everyone miserable, until Lizzie makes her drink a sleepy-time tea
Lizzie is playing card games with Kitty when Kitty isn't taking a cat nap
Apple gets major motion sickness (which is weird because she rides a dragon just fine) and always feels bad when people complain about her having her window open
Melody and Sparrow argue over who's music to blast on the bluetooth speaker until everyone agrees on singing whatever's on the radio station to pass time
Hunter and Ashlynn are playing "I spy" with different plant species and Jillian and Nina join in halfway through out of boredom
Ginger bakes everyone treats for the trip and sorts them in little goodie bags with their names on them and almost everyone finds it adorable
Raven is tuning everyone out listening to podcasts about self help and how to deal with social anxiety
Rosabella and Darling sit together and nap on each other's shoulders because they thought it was a great idea to have a movie marathon the night before in their dorm
Daring and Dexter kind of awkwardly sit together, not really knowing if they should talk to each other or just do their separate things
The Wonderlandians will speak in Riddlish to each other and solve puzzles together like they did when they were kids
Cerise and Ramona are itching to get out of the bus the entire trip, complaining that their legs are cramped and that they need to run off some energy
Farrah and Cedar are probably the most tame people the entire trip besides Meeshell and Humphrey
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adorastarling · 3 months
Happy Bright Day Piper!
Piper's star passion is to be an author and to improve herself Her family is one of few who live in the Gloom flats Not a lot of people live there because it gives them the creeps but Piper enjoys it
She loves finding the meaning in dreams, its something she shares with her mother Her dreams can predict the future if she can figure out what they're trying to say
Her wish pendant is a set of bracelets And her power crystal is Dreamalite
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