#Olsen twins
loseing · 1 year
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me, going to the kitchen to get a snack after not leaving my room for 24 hours
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cocaineheartz · 11 months
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i think i talk too much
i need to listen, baby
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mysticlustre · 2 months
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verymarykate · 5 months
this is actually my cat, and he is actually the cutest 😻
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celebrityfeet · 4 months
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Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen
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newestcool · 9 months
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The Row f/w 2018 rtw Creative Directors Ashley & Mary-Kate Olsen Newest Cool
378 notes · View notes
jpmarvel90 · 10 months
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Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Relationship: Scarlett x Reader, Reader is Olsen sibling
Summary: After proposing to Scarlett Y/n can't wait to tell her sisters, even though they've been distant with her. However, an argument between the sisters could lead to their relationship being changed forever.
Word Count: 7728
Y/n's POV:
The moment that Scarlett agreed to marry me, became the happiest moment of my life. I had proposed on the roof top of our favourite restaurant. The moonlight was perfectly reflecting in her eyes as I asked the most important question I ever have. She responded with a yes before I even managed to finish the full question. She threw herself into my arms and hugged me tighter than ever, before landing the most loving kiss on my lips.
A lot of people think that I met Scarlett through my sister Lizzie, but they're wrong. You see, I'm not in the celebrity world like my sisters. I didn't have a talent like they did for acting or fashion. I knew that it wasn't the life for me. Instead I wanted to join the Army. I wanted to do something good with my life, something my family could be proud of.
Turns out my parents didn't agree. They didn't like the fact that I didn't want to follow in my older sisters' footsteps and before I knew it, I had basically been cut off from them. It broke my heart that they didn't want anything to do with me purely because of my career choice. My sisters stuck by me though. I was really close with Lizzie. I'm only a year younger than her and she's always stuck by me.
It was through my career that I met Scarlett. She attended one of the military balls and we shared a dance. The rest was history. It was a bit of a shock to my sister when I told her that I wanted to introduce her to my new girlfriend, and she was met with her co-worker. But after she got over the initial shock, she was really happy for us.
Scarlett and I's relationship developed quickly, which was a blessing as I was sent for a deployment after being together for only 6 months. It was really hard being away from her, but it only strengthened our relationship, and we were moving in together when I returned.
Everything was going perfectly. Which of course meant that something was bound to go wrong. It started off with the twins. I knew how busy they were with setting up their own clothing line. I was incredibly proud of everything that they had achieved. They both went through so much shit whilst they were growing up that they deserve to have this now.
Because of this, I wasn't surprised with how my time with them slowly started to reduce. Like I say, I was proud of them, and I'd be able to celebrate with them once they launched. That's easier said than done when I didn't get an invite. Even Scarlett got one and she was fuming. But I assured her I was ok with it. They knew I didn't like being in the public eye, so probably thought it was best I didn't go. Would have been nice to have had the choice though.
When things really started to get tough, was when Lizzie started to do the same. After Age of Ultron was released, her career skyrocketed and, as with the twins, our time together got less and less. Again, I couldn't have been more proud of her. She had worked so hard to get to where she was. To see that come to fruition for her was amazing.
I got used to getting the usual response of "Sorry we're busy" when I would ask if they wanted to meet for lunch or dinner to catch up. It was true, they had incredibly high paced jobs and it was difficult to fit into that. I found this hardest when I was up for deployments. I would try to arrange to see them before I'd leave, or whilst I was on R&R, but they never had the time to fit me in. Sometimes, I wondered if they even realised that I was in a warzone for months at a time.
Although I was finding my dwindling relationship with my sisters difficult, Scarlett was able to keep me afloat, and her family had become like my own. When I asked her parents if I could ask Scarlett to marry me, they were both so excited and insisted that I called them both mom and dad. "I know you don't have a relationship with your parents, but we want you to know that we see you as one of our own, and we can't think of anyone better to marry Scarlett." Her mom had told me.
I decided to propose to Scarlett after I got the news that I was due on another 6 month deployment. This would ultimately be my last deployment as I had decided to retire from the military. Scarlett and I not liking doing things in the traditional way, had already spoken about children. Both of us very aware that our biological clocks were ticking. After a long discussion, I decided that it was best that I retired and found a new, safer career which would enable me to carry our children. I couldn't have been more excited to start that next chapter of our lives.
The proposal happened a week before I was due to leave. I couldn't wait to tell my sisters that Scarlett had said yes. Due to us not being able to see each other much, they didn't even know that I was planning on proposing. But that didn't matter, I just wanted them to be a part of our wedding. We knew that people would notice the ring on Scarlett's finger sooner or later, so Scarlett had arranged an interview with Jimmy Kimmel to make the announcement. Not wanting that to be the first they heard of it, I made the decision to head down to the Row to tell my sisters.
I knew that Lizzie would be there too as they were working on their next line and had asked Lizzie to help with some of the designs. Scarlett had offered to drive me and wait in the car until I was done. I had made special save the dates specifically for them to ask if the twins would be my bridesmaids and Lizzie my maid of honour.
When we got to the building, I jumped out of the car and excitedly made my way into the building. Sarah, the twins' assistant, recognised me and welcomed me in, letting me know that the three of them were working in Ashley's office and that I could head on in. I made my way through the halls until I got to their offices, and I could see the three of them bent over a table looking at different swatches of material.
I knocked on the door and entered when MK responded. "Hey, how's the line going?" I ask as I entered. They barely looked at me and I even heard an audible sigh coming from Ashley. "We're really busy at the moment Y/n, couldn't you come back another day?" She asks, no patience in her voice. Well, coming back another day wasn't an option because I was leaving tomorrow, but I guess they forgot that. "I promise I won't be long, I just wanted to talk to you all quickly." I say, hoping they can give me at least 5 minutes.
When none of them response, I start to fiddle with the envelopes in my hand, suddenly feeling nervous. "Like Ash said, we really don't have time for you and whatever trivial thing you need to see us about." MK stated coldly without even looking up at me. "Oh. Right. Well, I'll just leave these..." I go to place the save the dates on the desk, but I stop when Ashley snaps at me. "For the love of God Y/n could you just leave?!"
My heart was in my throat when she yelled but I didn't have time to respond until MK joined in. "We are extremely busy right now and we have so much riding on this. You wouldn't have any idea about the risks we have to take." She berates me and I let out a scoff which seems to get their attention.
"I think I know a fair bit about risk." I chuckle to myself when I think about where I'm about to call home for the next six months. "Y/n, you're not in this life you don't understand. If you were a true Olsen, you'd get it." Lizzie's words feel like a burning dagger to my heart. "I guess mom and dad were right." I whisper, trying to fight the tears in my eyes. I won't let them see my cry.
None of them even realise what they said as their focus returns to the work in front of them. That or they really did know, and they meant it. Pulling myself together, I quickly make my way out of their office and down towards the lobby. "Y/n!" I stop when I hear Sarah call my name. "Before you go, I just wanted to wish you well on your deployment." She says with a smile. That breaks my heart even more that their assistant can remember but they can't. "T-thanks." I stutter, not wanting her to see that I'm upset. "Uh, do you have a bin? I need to throw these." I ask her, indicating to the now useless envelopes in my hand. "Sure. I'll take them and throw them for you. Stay safe out there Y/n. Your sisters would hate for something to happen to you." She says, trying to be nice. "Hmm sure. Anyway. Thanks Sarah." I smile and head out to where Scarlett is waiting for me.
As soon as the door slams, I burst into tears which panics Scarlett. She spends 15 minutes trying to calm me down. I just wanted to make them proud. What did I do to get the response that I just had? Have they felt like this for a while? When I finally have gathered myself, I fill her in on everything that happened. It takes a lot to convince her not to go up there and give them a piece of her mind. "They're not worth it Scarlett. I've been in denial for too long. They've outgrown me and I have to accept that they're not in my life anymore." I admit with a heavy heart. "It's their loss babe. You are the most incredible person, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. They don't deserve your kindness." She tells me, pulling me into a hug.
"God, I wish we were married already so I can get rid of this last name and be a part of your family." I sigh, leaning back against the head rest. "What's stopping us?" She says looking at me with the smile I love so much. "What now?" I raise an eyebrow at her. "Let's go and get married now. We can have a big party to celebrate when you are home. But I don't need that to marry you." She cups my face and wipes at my cheeks.
"But your parents will kill me if they're not there." I say, not wanting to be on the wrong side of them. "Then let's call them and get them to meet us at the registry office." She suggests as a smile grows on my face. "Really?" I ask, and she nods easily. "I would have married you the day I met you if I could. You are my entire world and I want nothing more than to call you my wife." She expresses. "Save some for the vows, my love. We have a wedding to get to!" I respond full of excitement.
On the way over, we call up her parents and they instantly agree to come with us. We rush home and change into some nicer clothes. Before we know it, we're driving to meet her parents so we can get married.
The ceremony is uneventful, other than the fact that Scarlett and I can't stop gushing about each other in our vows. But the moment that the clerk declares us wife and wife, my heart couldn't be fuller. I may have lost my sisters today, but I gained a family. One that loves me and supports me unconditionally, and that's all that I need.
We decided to go to a nice restaurant to celebrate our nuptials. It was the perfect way to spend my last evening before I deployed. We said goodbye to Scarlett's parents and then we spent the night together showing each other how much we truly love and adored each other. I didn't get much sleep, but I didn't care. I wanted to make the most of every moment that I had with my wife.
The next morning was really hard as I said goodbye to Scarlett. She came with me to the airfield to see me off. She has a great relationship with the partners of some of the others that I work with, and as we're boarding the plane, it comforts me to see them supporting each other as we head off to Afghanistan. I give her one last wave before I won't see her anymore. She blows me a kiss that I catch and put in my pocket, which makes her laugh. God, I can't wait to have a family with that woman.
Lizzie's POV:
Everything is so stressful at the moment. I had agreed to help MK and Ashley on their latest line, but I'm also starting work on Avengers: Infinity War. I'm so run off my feet, but I love that I'm being kept busy. It's what us Olsen's do best. I'm proud that I get to do this with my sisters. I can't wait to see what we have designed together on the runway.
Y/n caught us at the wrong time, and we lashed out a little. I can barely remember what I said, but we had to focus on getting the final designs signed off before the deadline at the end of the week. I'm sure we'll be able to find time for her at some point and apologise.
The next day we end up working late so we order food to the office. I switch on the TV for us to take a break and saw that Scarlett was due to be the guest on Jimmy Kimmel. I leave it on so we can hear everything that she's been getting up to. I don't see her very often anymore, which is a shame. She's one of my closest friends and my sister's girlfriend. She means a lot to me.
Sarah kindly brought our food in and left us to it just as Scarlett was coming onto the stage. She looked incredible, happier than I've seen her in a long time. She talks about her latest film, Rough Night, which looks like such a fun movie. I can't wait to go and see it. The conversation then moves on to her relationship with Y/n and if it's possible, I'm sure Scarlett's smile just got bigger. "So, I heard a rumour that a big question might have been asked." Jimmy asks, wiggling his eyebrows. All of our attention hyperfocused on the screen.
Scarlett blushes at the question as she nods and holds out her left hand. The camera pans in to show off a beautiful engagement ring. "Y/n proposed to me last week and I couldn't be happier." She shares, which earns cheers from the crowd. A picture then pops up of Y/n down on one knew on a roof top overlooking New York. My stomach drops and I look to the twins. "I can't believe that Y/n didn't tell us." MK says harshly. "We're her sisters for Christ's sake. It would have been nice to hear about it from her rather than with the rest of the world." Ashley adds on.
My own anger suddenly dissipates as I remember the day that Y/n came into the building to see us. Shit. She had something in her hands. I rush out, much to the twins' confusion, but they follow me as I search for Sarah. "Did Y/n leave anything when she was here the other day?" I ask, slightly out of breath. Sarah thinks for a moment and then rummages around in her draws. "She asked me to throw these out when she left. She looked quite upset. Something in me told me not to toss them in the trash." She says, holding out three envelopes towards me.
Seeing our names written on them, I hand them out to my sisters, and we slowly open them up. I let out a gasp when I see a save the day with 'Will you be my maid of honour?' Written below it. Tears start to fill my eyes as I remember how we so easily dismissed her that day. MK and Ash have a similar look to mine as they show me their own, which is asking them to be her bridesmaid. "We fucked up." I whisper, earning a nod from the others.
We quickly agree to go straight to hers and Scarlett's to make up for what we did. Damn, I wish I could remember what I said. I want to be sincere in my apology and I can't do that if I don't remember. We all pile into my car and drive across town to Y/n's townhouse. I practically run up the stairs to their front door and start banging. Scarlett opens the door to us and when she sees it's us, her face morphs to one of anger. "What are you doing here?" She snaps.
"We uh. Wanted to see Y/n. We need to see Y/n. Is she here?" I ask, trying to catch my breath. Scarlett's gaze drops and she shakes her head. "Could we come in and wait? When will she be back?" Ashley asks and Scarlett lets out a scary chuckle. "6 months." She almost spits at me. I look at her confused, as do my sisters. "Wait, what do you mean 6 mon..." Suddenly it hits me. She was being deployed. "She's gone already?" I ask but Scarlett clearly isn't in the mood for us.
She shakes her head in disbelief and goes to shut the door. But Ashley is quick to put her foot there, preventing it from closing. "Please..." She almost begs and Scarlett just laughs. "Please what? I had to sit in the car and help Y/n through a panic attack after she saw you. You completely broke her heart. I can't believe I would let her defend you!" She runs her hands through her hair exasperated. "She deserves so much more than you gave her these last couple of years. Can any of you even tell me the last time you saw Y/n before the day in your office?" She asks and my gaze instantly drops when I can't remember that last time, I saw my sister. "She knew you were busy, it's why she never pestered you. All she ever wanted was a lunch or dinner to catch up. She never knew what might happen whilst she was deployed, and she wanted to have a moment with the three of you just in case." With each thing Scarlett tells us, I feel the shame become almost overwhelming.
"She would always defend you and say it was ok. 'You were busy'. Not like she wasn't either, but she wanted to see you before she was sent to a warzone. But I forgot that a fashion line is more important than family." She says sarcastically. "That was all bad enough. But to tell her she wasn't truly an Olsen, purely because she chose a different career path to the three of you. That was unacceptable." As she speaks, I get a flashback of the words I viciously spoke to her that day and I feel physically sick.
None of us speak. Completely ashamed of our actions. "Y/n is the best person you can have in your life, and you've lost that. You don't deserve her. Now please leave." Before we can even argue, the door slams in our faces. I let the tears fall freely. Y/n has always been so kind and understanding. To know we've pushed her to the point that she's done with us, shows how far we've truly messed up.
We slowly walk back towards the car. All thoughts of the work we have to get finished gone from our minds. "We're just like mom and dad." MK observes and I nod in agreement. We never understood how they could disown Y/n like they did. She did what she thought was best for her. The three of us were so proud of her when she graduated from her Officer training. How did we get to where we are now? Did we really let our careers cloud what was really important? Our sister has become a casualty of our poor decisions and I don't think we can heal that rift.
Scarlett's POV:
Y/n has been gone for 4 months and it's been difficult. She calls when she can but it's just too long to be without the love of my life. I think it feels longer this time because we know that this is her final tour, then we get to start on the journey of creating our family together. We decided not to make it public that we got married. Instead, we'd let everyone know when Y/n got back and have a wedding party instead.
I'm currently working on the latest Avengers movie, and it's been difficult. My relationship with Lizzie is pretty much non-existent. She's tried since we're working together, but I just can't bring myself to have any sort of a relationship with someone that could hurt Y/n so much. Don't get me wrong, I was professional and never rude, but all of the social aspects stopped with her.
I found it difficult at times when she would constantly ask me about Y/n, how she was and if she was ok. In my mind she didn't deserve to know. She never cared when she was on her last deployment. The three of them just gradually started to forget about her. I'm not getting involved until Y/n comes home. If she decides to give them a second change then I'll support her. But until then, I'm sticking by my stance.
I did tell Y/n that they turned up at our doorstep, but the fact that they forgot she was being deployed seemed to just make things worst in her eyes. She didn't see it as them trying to make things right, more like trying to do damage control. They have a lot of work to do if they ever get any resemblance of a relationship with her back.
I'm on my lunch break, eating with the rest of the cast when my assistant Jenna rushes in, my phone in her hand. The look on her face makes my heart drop instantly. "You need to take this." She says quietly as I reach her, not wanting the others to hear. I reach out and take the phone from her. As I hear the voice on the other end of the line, I feel like my world is being torn apart. "Injured and critical." Were two of the only words that I could remember.
Jenna, being the amazing assistant she was, took over the phone call to get all of the information that I would need. "Ok Scarlett, I need you to look at me." She took my hands in hers to get me to focus my attention on her. "She's already in flight and due to land in New York within the hour. She will be taken to Presbyterian to be treated by the trauma team there. I'll call a car whilst you go and grab your things." She once again takes control of the situation and gives me the minimal tasks to do.
My mind is racing as fear fills my body. Without thinking, I run to my trailer and start to rush around collecting everything that I might need. I make sure to throw a bag together with spare clothes for the both of us as well as the essentials that I'm going to need for a prolonged hospital stay. Whilst I'm frantically packing my bag, trying to not fall into a full blown panic attack, my trailer door opens and Lizzie steps in. The last person that I really want to see now. "Scar, what's going on?" She questions me.
I can see by the look in her eye that she knows, but she's too scared of the truth. I don't really hear the question as I'm so focused on making sure I have Y/n's favourite hoody. "Scarlett." She says more forcefully this time, stepping in front of me. "Y/n is hurt." I whisper. I hear a gasp come from her, followed by tears streaming down her face. "How bad is it?" She questions and I let out a sigh. "It's bad Elizabeth. I'm going to meet her at the hospital now." I answer with no emotion, zipping up my bag and throwing it over my shoulder ready to leave. "I'm coming with you." She states confidently, but that dwindles as I stare at her.
"So now you care?" I scoff. I know that it's a low blow, but I don't think any of them understand the real damage they've caused. "I-I, I've always cared." She weakly defends as she plays with the skin around her fingers. I sigh, guilt washing over me. "Hurry up and get what you need. I'm leaving in 5." I order, not making eye contact with her. Before I have time to register her movement, she's already out of my door, running to her own trailer I'm assuming.
I'm walking towards the car park as she catches me up, a bag in her own hand. We get in the car and silence fills the air as we start on the hour long journey to get to the hospital. "I need to call the twins." She says to herself, grabbing out her phone. "Hi Sarah, I need to talk to my sisters." She greets. I can't hear the other side of the conversation, but whatever is said frustrates Lizzie. "I don't care what they said Sarah. You will take this phone to them now. It's an emergency." The anger is evident in her voice and the fact that she doesn't say anything else makes me think that the poor girl is facing the fire by taking the phone to the twins.
"Stop talking!" Lizzie shouts. It takes me by surprise, and I jump a little which causes her to turn to look at me and give me an apologetic look. "Y/n has been severely hurt. Scarlett and I are on the way to New York Presbyterian now. She needs us." It's all she says but the break in her voice is evident. There are some muffled voices on the other end of the line. "See you soon. I love you." Lizzie responds to it and hangs up. "They're going to meet us there." She tells me.
I'm shocked if I'm honest with you. They clearly were in a meeting or not wanting to be disturbed. Maybe they finally have their priorities right. I just wish it didn't come from Y/n being hurt. The rest of the journey is silent apart from our cries. At one point Lizzie reaches out to take my hand. I hate the comfort it brings me, but I need my best friend right now. I give it a squeeze back knowing that she needs the support too.
When we get to the hospital, an Army official is waiting for us and guides us up to the relevant ward. "If you'd both like to wait here, the doctor will be out shortly to give you an update. Is there anyone else you are expecting? I can wait for them as well." He updates us. "Yes, my sisters will be arriving shortly." Lizzie responds. "Ok ma'am. I will head back down and wait for them." He responds, giving us a nod of his head and then heading off back to the hospital entrance.
The waiting room almost feels claustrophobic as I pace the room, desperate for any news. "Lizzie! Scarlett!" I turn to see the twins rushing through the door, the tear tracks on their cheeks clear to see. They pull us both into a hug, which takes me by surprise. I'm still so mad at them in this moment. When they turn to talk to Lizzie, I make my way over to a seat, wanting to distance myself from them.
But I'm not sat for too long when the door opens and a doctor walks through. "Mrs Johansson?" He enquires looking between us. "That's me! How is she?" I say, rushing over to him. "She's currently in the OR. She suffered significant trauma to her body after being involved in an IED explosion." His words sit heavy in the air as I feel like the rug has been pulled from under me. "H-how bad?" I manage to breath out. I can see by the look in his eyes, it's not good.
"She has some superficial injuries such as lacerations from shrapnel injuries. She has three broken ribs as well as a compound fracture to her left ulna. On top of that she has some severe internal bleeding and damage to her kidneys and liver. The most concerning of her injuries is to her spinal column as a result of a fracture to her L1 vertebrae." As he lists off her injuries, I feel sick to my stomach. "Is she paralysed?" I ask the question almost too quietly for it to be heard.
He lets out a small sigh. "That's hard to tell at the moment. On initial investigation, the damage to the spinal cord seems to be bruising, but until they are able to get a proper look at it, we won't know for sure. Either way, she will require extensive physiotherapy." The silence is deafening. I can't believe that this is all happening. "Will she be ok?" Lizzie asks, her voice shaking. I look up to see her clinging to her sisters. "She's in critical condition. But we hope that this surgery will help to stabilise her. I will make sure that you are kept updated as we make our way through, but it will be some hours before she will be done." His words offer little comfort. But I thank him anyway.
As soon as he's left us alone, Lizzie rushes over to pull me into a hug. I hug back for a second before pulling away. "I need to call my parents." I say, grabbing my phone. I feel like I'm betraying Y/n in getting comfort from her sisters after everything that they've done.
My parents are devastated when I tell them what happened. My dad is currently out of state but is getting on the next flight he can. My mom has said she will be over as soon as she can after calling my siblings to let them know what has happened.
The wait is tortuous. Though it is made slightly more bearable when my mom arrives. She's surprised to see the Olsen sisters here, but she's polite and greets them. They're here now, that's what I need to remember. "If she doesn't make it, her last memory will be of us telling her we don't have time for her or see her as part of our family." Ashley speaks after hours of silence. "She's going to be fine, and we can work to make things up to her." Lizzie snaps back, not wanting to even think about the worst case scenario. For me, that's the only thing swirling around in my head at the moment. How can I live in a world without my wife?
"How did we get here? How did we forget she was being deployed? How did we become so self-absorbed that we let our little sister ever believe that we don't love her." The anguish in Mary-Kate's voice was hard to hear. But it shouldn't have taken this to happen for them to come to this realisation.
The three of them lament over all their wrong decisions and the times they blew Y/n off. Ashley even at one point got out her phone and broke down when she saw the one-sided requests to meet up followed by a short, 'I'm busy' or sometimes, no reply at all. "Fix it." I state loudly, which takes them all by surprise. "Yes, you fucked up. Y/n may not forgive you. But having Y/n in your life is the best gift you could get. If you are serious, you'll fix it." I say sternly. "We won't give up Scarlett. We're going to be the sisters that Y/n deserves." Lizzie speaks sincerely as the twins nod.
Another hour passes and mom leaves to go and collect dad from the airport. I feel alone without her here, but I don't get lost in thought for too long when two doctors come out to greet us, with tried but relieved looks on their faces. "How is she?" I rush out as I trip getting out of my chair in such a hurry. "She has come through surgery better than we expected. We have managed to repair the internal damage and stop the bleeding." They inform us with warm smiles.
I feel a small sense of relief, but I need to know one more thing. "What about her back?" I ask, scared to know the answer. Y/n's sisters look at the doctors expectantly, and it feels like hours before he actually responds. "There is some significant bruising to the spinal column. However, with physiotherapy, we do not expect it to be permanent." Now relief really does wash over me. I know there is still a long road to recovery, but she's going to be ok.
After providing us with some further information, they direct us to her room. "She should wake within the next hour or so." They speak quietly before leaving us to face the sight that is waiting for us behind the door. I feel like I'm holding my breath as my hand hovers over the door handle. From somewhere, I gain the confidence to push it down and open the door.
A small sob escapes my mouth when I see Y/n, battered and bruise, lying in the bed attached to all sorts of wires and tubes. I rush to her bedside and take her hand carefully in mine. "Oh, my sweet baby." I whisper as I place a kiss against her forehead. The others carefully enter, not sure if they're welcome, but I nod to show them they have a right to be here. Though if Y/n doesn't want them around when she wakes, I'll happily kick them out.
We sit and watch, waiting for her to wake. I keep her hand firmly in mine as I gently rub my hand through her hair. I know how much she loves it, and it helps me to feel calm myself. "Hmm, that f-feels g-good." My tired eyes shoot open when I hear the familiar raspy voice. "Y/n?! You're awake! Oh, thank God!" I lean down and place a chaste kiss against her lips, which causes her to smile. "I couldn't leave you." She mumbles as she struggles to stay awake. "It's ok my love. Sleep. I'll be here when you wake." I reassure her. She gives me a dopy smile and then instantly falls back into a state of unconsciousness.
The next time she wakes, she's a little more with it. The doctor comes in and checks her over, happy with how she's progressing. There are tears when she realises she can't feel her legs, but I can see the determination in her eyes to overcome it. I promise her that I'll be there every step of the way. She's stuck with me. I won't ever leave her.
Lizzie's POV:
I've never felt pain like it before. The complete fear that I would lose my sister, especially after everything that had happened. I couldn't bear the thought of Y/n dying whilst believing that I didn't love her with every fibre of my being. My sisters are everything to me and I somehow managed to isolate Y/n, just because she wasn't in my world.
I felt like an imposter in this room. Like we didn't deserve to be here. To be honest, we didn't after how we treated her. When she wakes, I can't help the teary smile that makes it way on to my face. I turn to my sisters, and we have a group hug, relieved that she seems to be ok. We don't make our presence known just yet, wanting to make sure she's doing ok. "Mom? Dad?" Y/n asks which takes us all by surprise. I look to my sisters who also look as dumfounded. "They're on their way. Mom has been here she just went to get dad." Scarlett responds and it's then I realise that she's not talking about our parents.
I'm glad she's not. They have treated her like shit. Although we're still in contact with them, our relationship certainly isn't the same for how they treated Y/n. Turns out we're not much better. "Your sisters have been here the whole time as well." Scarlett explains. Y/n struggles to lift her head but when she does, she makes eye contact with me. All I can do is smile. Thankfully, Mary-Kate has the confidence. "We know that you don't want us here, but we want to be. We don't need to talk now. What's important is your recovery, but please know that we are truly sorry. We can't take back what we said, but we will do everything in our power to fix it." She speaks trying to hide the pain in her voice, but it's evident for all to see.
Y/n doesn't really respond. She's still in a sleep state, but she doesn't kick us out, which is a good start. We stay in our seats, an unspoken promise that we're not leaving her.
Whilst we're sat there, I notice that it says Johansson on the patient board behind Y/n. I then remember that they kept calling Scarlett Mrs Johansson. I then look to Scarlett's hand, and I see a wedding band alongside her engagement ring. When did that happen? "Are you married?" I ask, taking myself by surprise. The twins look at me in shock too, then they turn their gaze to Y/n and Scarlett.
A wide smile appears on Y/n's face as she nods gently. "We are." She says as her eyes meet Scarlett's who's are already on her. "W-when?" I stutter, feeling heartbroken that we weren't there. "When I was told I wasn't a true Olsen." Y/n snaps, her eyes not leaving Scarlett, though I can see the pain in them. "I wanted Y/n to know she had a family that truly cared for her. I didn't need a big wedding. All that mattered was that I got to call her my wife." Scarlett answers with more detail.
There's that all too familiar guilt again. We hurt her so much that she didn't think she had a family anymore. How could we do that? "I'm happy for you both." I say, forcing a smile. Although it hurts more than words can show, I really am happy. They are the most perfect couple and knowing they have their happy ending, albeit with a bump or two in the road, makes me happy. "Thanks." Y/n gives me a tight lipped smile.
It's not long until Scarlett's parents arrive. The relief is evident on their faces when they see Y/n is awake. Watching their interactions is like watching the perfect happy family. Scarlett's parents treat Y/n like their own. She has always deserved a family that treat her like she should be. I just wish that it was us.
We all stayed in the room to keep Y/n company, taking it in turns to take a break for food, though Scarlett refused to leave until Y/n threatened to withdraw kisses. I love this soft side of Y/n. She's the most loving person and Scarlett is right. Y/n is the best gift to have in your life.
When the twins and I take a break, we sit in the cafeteria with our phones in front of us. We're all frantically adjusting our work so we can be around to help Y/n with her recovery. The twins have delayed the launch of their line. I know that it will mean the line is ultimately canned, but they do it without hesitation.
I adjust my work schedule so I can stay in New York. I know that filming on Infinity War will be affected as Scarlett won't be around for a little while. But I speak with Kevin Feige to get time off myself. It's time we got our priorities in order to put our family first. It's embarrassing that it's taken us this long and for this to happen for us to do it.
Y/n's POV:
Well, this wasn't how I saw my career ending in the Army. But I'm just grateful that, in time, I'll be back to full health and can start on the next chapter of my life with Scarlett. I certainly didn't want the first months of our married life together in the same country to be like this either, but Scarlett doesn't let me get caught up in that. She is constantly reminding me that she is all in and that she can't think of a better example of her love than being there to help me get better.
If I had it my way, I'd be in the gym already trying to get better, but I can't even think of physio until my internal injuries have healed, which is likely to be a month or two. Thankfully, the doctors have agreed that I can go home after being in the hospital for three weeks.
It's been a strange time. For the first few days, I wasn't really with it. The injuries and anaesthetic really messed with my head, and I didn't know whether I was coming or going. Add the pain on top of that. It was a rough first week. Further to that was the mental stress of having my sisters around. I really didn't know how I felt about that. On the one side, they're here and are saying all the right things. But on the other hand, would they have been had I not gotten hurt.
Thankfully, they didn't push to talk. Not in the beginning anyway. They knew I wasn't in the right mindset. I feel like if they had, I would have probably pushed them away. Scarlett has been great, listening to my endless ramblings on it when it's just the two of us. Ultimately, all that matters to me is that I have her in my life. I've gotten by with my sisters over the last two years. Do I need them in my life? What's to say that they won't start to distance themselves again and we're back to being at square one with a hell of a lot more hurt for me.
It's Lizzie that breaks first. I can tell that she hates the atmosphere that there is when they're here. I only talk to them if they ask a question and even then, it's a short response. Whilst eating lunch, Lizzie had enough and started to ramble an apology. "I know that we don't deserve it Y/n, but you have to know that we are truly sorry. There is no excuse for how we treated you, not only on that day, but also for the last two years. We let our work consume us and it made us become people we never wanted to be." I try to fight off the tears as I see the emotion in her face. The twins agree and add their own apologies and then I hear the words that floor me. Words that I had dreamt of hearing from them. "We are so incredibly proud of you."
That makes the tears fall and Scarlett is quick to engulf me in a hug. "Please just give us a chance to make it up to you and prove that we're going to change. For good." Lizzie pleads. I can't respond, but I give her a short nod. Although they have tried to hide it from me, I know that Mary-Kate and Ashley have stopped the autumn line. That will not only hit them financially, but also reputationally.
Lizzie has pushed back work on a Facebook series she was working on. Well, initially she stepped back from it, but they're so desperate to have her produce and star in it, they were happy to accommodate a change to filming to allow her to help me. Those two acts by the three of them alone are a big statement. They deserve a chance. "But..." I start, which seems to strike fear into them as their eyes go wide. "I'm telling you now. I don't have the energy to fight to be in your lives anymore. If you go back to how it was, that's it. We're done." I tell them honestly. Scarlett gives me a squeeze after I speak, knowing how hard that was for me.
My sisters all stand up and make their way towards the bed. Lizzie takes my good hand, whilst Mary-Kate and Ashley gently rest theirs on my busted left arm. "We promise you Y/n. We're never going to get to where we were. Yes, we'll get busy again, but we will always have time for you. And you may now be a Johansson, but you will always be an Olsen. The best of us." Lizzie expresses.
We're all crying at this point, including Scarlett, and I open my arm to hug each of them. We've got a long road to go before we're anywhere near having the relationship that we once had, but I know that we'll get there. 
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menace-bitch · 2 years
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it’s not a want, it’s a NEED
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annonymsposts · 1 year
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Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen: the most iconic duo of all time… they literally invented effortlessly chic and DGAF behavior… this is just a small reminder that you will never be as cool as the Olsen twins
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annarexcouture · 2 months
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emmmsie · 2 months
I hope every victim of those sick bastard adults at Nickelodeon keeps coming forward. Please don’t be scared anymore. Come forward. You are victims. You are BELIEVED. You have so much support behind you all. Take your time to work up your bravery, your courage, your strength, but please keep coming forward. This is all so disgusting and horrible. I hope one day the Olsen Twins come forward and expose everything…. I fully believe those 2 brave women have so much they want to say…… I can’t imagine…… what they know…. What they went through.. even though the Olsen twins deserve happiness, peace, and to be left alone - to be respected and protected- I fully believe that if Mary Kate and Ashley came forward with everything - they would end Nickelodeon studios all together.
Why the FUCK is our government worried about TikTok when we have bigger issues at hand right now - and one - needs to be to bring Nickelodeon the FUCK DOWN and get justice for every victim of Dan Schneider, Brian Peck, and every sick adult there who played a part in all of this.
WHY THE FUCK was Dan Schneider paid off to go away???????????
In case yall haven’t seen this yet, please spread it around. This is new and just came out. More coming forward…. SICK.
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mary-maud · 8 months
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Amy Winehouse + the Olsen twins
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fhuzee · 2 years
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natashaslittlegirl · 1 year
Surprise - EO
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Summary: you work for the Olsen's twins as model, they liked you so much that they decided to introduce you to her sister, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Olsen x Model ! Reader
Smut, bottom! Elizabeth, top!Reader, teasing, dirty talk, breast sucking (r to e), oral sex (e receiving), vaginal fingering (e receiving), edging, orgasm denial, finger sucking, praise and degrading kink, slight choking
Words count: 3000+ 
Wattpad Masterlist Elizabeth Olsen's Masterlist
Tomorrow night you will modeling for no one else than the Olsen twins, you couldn't be happier than honor the sisters' campaign. You always loved their projects, and her sister's, so this may be your chance to get to meet her.
You were going to practice in the lapse of the last two weeks, getting to know a little more of the famous blondes, who were enchanted by you, by your personality and your beauty.
You had a charming personality, there was no way they wouldn't like you. They praised you a lot since the day they decided to call you, and you were nothing but falling for them at this point.
Today was the last practice, tomorrow was the big day, it was the last hour for you there since the others models already went home, they wanted you alone now, so you put on  one of your dresses and began to walk in the runway from the studio.
You were stunning, walking firmly to the final stop, posing for them as they watched you mesmerized. You turned around to walk back, hearing a whistle, surely was Ashley.
In this time you discovered that she was the teaser one, always teasing you in the practices, you were nervous around her, but it was all like a little game. Both of them were like that with you, but mostly her. MK was a little more reserved, but she had her days.
You came back running on your tiptoes excitedly, that was one of your best walk, giggling as you reached the sisters for her approval.
"You were perfectly beautiful, y/n!" MK said.
"Yes, I have nothing to say but perfect!"
"Oh thank you, I'm still nervous about tomorrow." you sighed.
"You're gonna do good, darling, we know that." Ashley assured you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, we don't have doubts about you, don't overthink it, we'd seen you a lot of times." MK cooed, smiling.
"I know, but I don't want to mess it up,"
"You're gonna be fine, and, we have a surprise for you after the event!" you looked at Ashley with a smile.
"What? please tell me now!" your gaze flicked between the sisters.
"We can't tell you now, darling, it's a surprise," MK tilted her head and smirked as you pouted.
"But-" Ashley moved her hand to press her index finger into your lips cutting you off.
"No buts, precious, you'll see tomorrow," you blushed at the pet name.
"You can go home, take a bath, relax and sleep well, we need your hundred percent for tomorrow, okay darling?" you nodded. "Good girl."
You almost fell on your knees, but you managed to stay stand to go to change your clothes.
As soon as you came home, you filled the tub with hot water, some bubble soap and a bath bomb with vanilla scents.
You stripped your clothes and got into the warm water, humming at the feeling as you sit on the tub. This is was the best way to relax. You spent about and hour in there, after got out, you went to your kitchen to make a coffee, you weren't really hungry, and the nerves were stronger if you wanted to eat something.
You went to sleep with the thought of the surprise the twins have for you.
"Oh my god, y/n you're beautiful!" Ashley praised your final look, with your hair straight loose, with the white long dress, mid-tight slit, gold heels and accessories.
"You're gonna break the runway." MK said.
"Thank you so much, oh god, it's almost my turn!"
The sisters pulled you into a hug, patting your back and giving you a kiss on each cheek before leading you to stage.
"Good luck, darling."
"Break a leg!" you giggled and prepared yourself for the moment, this was your moment.
The twins quickly went to their sits in the crowd, almost in the end of the runway, where they were with her little sister, Elizabeth, waiting for you.
The manager made you the sing for you to come out, you took a deep breath and went for everything.
Serious tight face, you began to walk with firm steps, swinging your hips, all the eyes in the room were on you, stealing the glares on the model who was going back.
Ashley and MK weren't just the ones mesmerized by you, her sister Elizabeth had to take a deep breath the moment she saw you, yeah she knew you from magazines and photos her sister's show to her, but this was totally different.
You reached the end, the applause you got was incredible, you never loose your composure, not even when you saw her.
The three sisters were looking at you with bright eyes, not believing the beautiful you looked.
You made a few poses, the camera loved you, flashes everywhere form every angle and just for you. You made your way back, pair of green eyes following you until you disappeared.
The event follow its curse, and you did your next presentations and every one of them, you stole all the glares.
When it ended, the twins wait for you to go with them to the event party, obviously it was inly for special guests, and you were surprised you were invited.
"This is my surprise? The party? 'Cause I love it!" you asked them when you got in her limousin. They told you go with the white dress, it was the one who suited you perfectly.
"Yeah, but the really surprise waiting for you at the the party." Ashley giggled.
"Mhm, Okay." you rolled your eyes, you were so excited.
They never did that with another of her models, take them to parties or even talk so sweetly to them, but they saw something in you, something unique, that would fit perfectly with no one else but her little sis.
"You did so good, y/n, I couldn't imagine better!" MK says as she pours champagne in a glass to handle it to you.
"Yes, you were the most beautiful model out there!" Ashley added, taking a sip of her glass.
"For our night." the three of you cheered.
The twins lead you to the party, Ashley was holding your hand to not loose you while MK was behind you. Walking through the crowd of famous people the blonde finally found who she was looking for.
"Here you are," she lean to give a kiss on the cheek of the person in front of her and when she moved to the side, your eyes met her.
"Hey, you must be y/n, it's lovely to finally meet you, dear." your jaw almost dropped to the floor when she lean to let a kiss on your cheek.
"Hi, Miss Olsen, nice to meet you too" you thanked god it was all dark, because you could feel the heat on your cheeks by just that little touch.
"Hey, sis," MK passed by your side to greet Elizabeth when you felt a hot breath against your ear.
"Surprise," Ashley whispered to you.
Elizabeth was your surprise. Elizabeth fucking Olsen.
and you couldn't be more grateful to them in that moment.
The three sisters started to talk about something related to them, so it wasn't your business to hear.
The music echoing in your ears, burn feeling going down your throat as you took your fourth shot, deep breath before biting the slice of lemon to squeeze your eyes right after.
The twins were somewhere in the dance floor, letting you alone in the big party, but that didn't stopped you from having fun, no, you were placidly drinking tekila, sat on a stool in the counter bar.
You were about to ask for the fifth shot when a presence to your right caught your attention.
"Going hard tonight, sweetheart?" one of the sisters asked, but that wasn't one of your boss.
"Just want to get in the moment," you smirked and call the bartender "two shots here!" he grabbed your empty glasses to put two freshly full of liquor.
You passed one to her, to then hold her hand, she looked at you confused and more now that you just licked her thumb, but quickly understood when you pushed her finger into the cup of salt.
You did the same for you and let the slices of lemon in the middle, took your shot glass and cheer with her. The way Elizabeth licked the salt of her thumb turned you on, more that it should.
"Fuck," she cursed to herself, but you hear it anyway. Her raspy voice sent an uncomfortable feeling between your legs.
"Yeah, it's a good one," you locked eyes with her, your gaze falling to her lips faster than you would want it. "So, you're my surprise?"
"Disappointed?" Elizabeth smirked at you, oh the things that were running in your mind.
"Not at all, Olsen." She bited her lip at the way you said her name.
She leaned over you, putting one of her hands on your bare thigh, her hot breath sober you up as you hear her sigh on your ear.
"Let's go dance." she whispered to you, holding your hand and leading you to the dance floor.
You closed your eyes, head spinning as you sway your hips to the beat of the music, nothing matter right now, just the beautiful blonde in front of you.
The way she moved aroused you more, how a person can be that sensual?
Elizabeth took your hand to spin you around, but she pressed her warm body behind you, getting lost in the feeling, humming when you feel her hands on your hips pressing harder.
You let your body fall back, pushing to her as she guides your movements, her fingers dig into your hips making your thighs clench together.
She didn't wast time, moving your hair to the side to inhale the sweet perfume behind your ear, letting out a hum that sent shivers through your body, unconsciously you lean your head back to expose more skin.
"You feel so good against me," husky voice echoing in your mind. Your hand went to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to you.
"I could feel even better if we weren't here." You turn around to face her, lust-filled eyes meeting as you both smirk.
"Let's get out of here," she didn't have to told you twice.
You grabbed her hand and guide you two through the people to the exit, feeling a pair of eyes looking at me, you dart into the crowd to find the twins smirking at you.
Elizabeth squeeze your hand harder until you reach the exit, taking you to her car that was parked just a few steps from the entrance. She couldn't resist herself, pushing you to the passenger door, stamping her body to yours as her hands go to your waist, starting a passionate kiss.
God, she feels so fucking good.
She break the kiss before you can even think about it, opening the door for you to get in as she round the car to drive you both somewhere.
"Yours or mine?" You turn your head to look at her.
"Wherever you want, Olsen," she smirks and starts your way to her home, you guess.
She pushes you through the door, slamming it shut without breaking the kiss, you hum against her lips as your hands roam her body.
"You're driving me insane, y/n" she groans into your mouth.
"I can't help myself," You gasp as you took her lips again, your tongue deliciously entering her mouth.
Elizabeth starts to walk to her room without breaking your kiss, you turned her around the second you entered her room, pressing her body against the door.
Your hands go to her back, finding the zipper of her dress to pull it down. The expensive fabric falling to the floor but she doesn't even care. You take a few steps back, her lips parted gasping for air
Her emerald eyes growing dark as she sees you taking off your dress, smirking to her. Your gaze scans her body.
"You're beautiful, Elizabeth." she bites her lips at your words.
You couldn't resist anymore, grabbing her hips to push her onto the bed, crawling on top of her, straddling her lap. Her hands squeeze your hips, encouraging you to move them, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. You were dripping, no doubt at this point.
You pushed her back onto the mattress, kissing her jaw, her neck, sucking hardly to then pass your tongue, soothing the sore feeling, but leaving red marks on it.
"Fuck," she moans as you reach her breasts, your hand going to her back to unclap the white lace bra, taking it off as fast as you could. You wrap her already hardened nipple into your warm lips, sucking it slightly, your hand squeezing her other breast to give it the same attention.
You felt her rubbing her thighs, trying to relieve some of the tension she was having since the moment she saw you in the runway.
You switched breasts, sucking and biting the other one, hearing the little whimpers that were leaving her mouth. Her hands pushed you down and you didn't want to make her wait.
Kissing her stomach, her lower abdomen until you reached the hem of her lace panties, seeing clearly the wet patch on them, you smirked to yourself, you did this to Elizabeth Olsen.
Your tongue pushed her clit, a moan scaping from the back of her throat as you pushed again.
"Please, y/n,"
"What do you want, Elizabeth?" Your fingers hooked on the sides of her panties slowly taking them down her legs.
"Just fuck me," she moaned as she spread her legs for you, revealing her dripping pussy.
"You're dripping and I didn't even touch yet." you were mesmerized by the sight of her open for you, waiting for you to do something.
"I've waiting so long to this," your looked up at her face, lips parted sighing.
You didn't want to make her wait one more second, lowering yourself to shove your tongue into her cunt. You licked the entire lenght of her, gathering her wetness, humming at the taste.
"You taste so good, Miss Olsen." Elizabeth threw her head back to the pillows as you began to swirl your tongue on her clit, altering between sucking and licking.
Her hands went to your hair, tugging it as she rocked her hips to your face. "Fuck, y/n, you're so good," you smirked against her cunt.
You lifted your hand, squeezing her inner thigh noticing how she shivered at the simple touch. You thrust a finger into her without warning, stealing a loud deep moan from her throat, causing her to bring her own hand to her mouth to muffle the sounds coming from her.
You started slow, making her moan in desperation, bucking her hips against your face, another finger entered her, now two were working on her entrance while your tongue was on her clit, licking and sucking it.
Elizabeth's legs began to shake, squeezing your head, curling your fingers inside her, touching her g-spot.
You looked up, seeing how she had her head thrown back, one of her hands still covering her mouth, her brows knitted together and her chest heaving sharply for air.
"I want to hear you, Elizabeth," you lift your body to take her hand off her mouth, leaning over to whisper in her ear "I want to hear how good I'm making you feel."
Her eyes closed shut, eyebrows knitted together as you fastened your pace, curling your fingers inside as she rock at each one of your thrusts. Her walls began to clench around your fingers.
"I'm I- gonna c-cum!"
"No, hold it," she looked at you, blow dark pupils seeing right into you.
"I can't" your free hand went to her neck, grabbing and squeezing it softly. You didn't know if she would like that, but one of her hands covered yours, making you apply more pressure.
"You can, look how of a slut you turned out to be,"
"Please, I'll be good." she begged but that only made you smirk.
"Oh, you're good," you tilt your head, hoovering her lips but not kissing them "such a good little slut."
Her breathe hitch on her throat, her thighs clenching around your hand making you go slowly.
"Open your legs for me," she didn't think about it, she just spread her legs wide. "Good girl,"
Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, that's what you wanted, edge her all the night.
"Good girls get reward, you knew that, Elizabeth?" she nodded. "use your words,"
"Yes," she breath out.
"Cum for me." she explode under you, soaking your fingers with her wetness.
Her body trembling because of the force of her orgasm, chest rising and falling brutally, red cheeks and eyes closed. You took your fingers out of her, licking them clean, moaning at her taste again. You leaned over to kiss her, making her taste herself.
This kiss was softly, a little more relieved from the sexual tension allowed that.
"Fuck, that was so good."
"That was just the beginning." you assured her while going down on her again.
This is gonna be a long night.
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mysticlustre · 2 months
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