fuck-customers · 3 days
I've had grown adult customers on two seperate occasions throw tantrums and walk out of the restaurant I work at because I couldn't serve them alcohol if they didn't have any ID on them.
Like dude listen I get it. You're 50 years old you should be able to get a beer. But this is a legal requirement in our country and if I serve you without you having proper ID, then I could get fined several thousand dollars and I do not give enough of a fuck about you to risk that.
Also, how do you have no ID?? Where's your driver's license? Your health care card?? Did you drive here without your wallet??? Did you walk here without your wallet???? Like the laws genuinely aren't picky, I just need one piece of photo ID and anything else that's got your name on it. People are always prepared with ID if they want a birthday discount, but evidently not if they want alcohol.
I will say though, I do get a lot of customers who're super chill with the ID requirement. I had to ID a guy born in the 1940's and he found it hilarious. Most people that're well over fourty think it's really funny. I just still can't get over those who make a whole scene because I can't serve them alcohol without identification on them.
I don't know if the laws are different in the US, but I'm in Canada, and I'm pretty sure the the last time it happened the guy was american. As a side note, he was stunned we didn't have beer on tap. We're a family breakfast restaurant buddy, you're lucky we have alcohol at all.
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keebiecoo · 20 hours
spoilers for Full Moon ep 8
Okay so I have THOUGHTS:
Blitz thinks he's so completely unlovable that when Stolas says he cares & respects him he literally isn't ready to believe that. Stolas has been trying to show he cares for & respects Blitz for a while but he wasn't being this direct before so Blitz just thought it was Stolas pushing him away.
When Stolas walked away saying that he had got his answer, Blitz realized how his "roleplay" reaction must have seemed mocking & is just now realizing that he fucked this up before even realizing this conversation was serious.
He started lashing out because he was having a self-hating meltdown at that point. I really don't think what he was yelling at Stolas is what he really thinks of Stolas, but it was easier for him at that moment to think that than to accept that Stolas actually cares about him.
Stolas however clearly spent all day rehearsing this thinking the whole time about how awful he's been & catastrophizing, even running out of his antidepressants & binge eating.
He was fully ready for Blitz to reject him, so as soon as it seemed like that's what Blitz was doing, he immediately assumed Blitz didn't like him back & went hard with that assumption, not wanting to push Blitz into a relationship he didn't want, he went too far & pushed Blitz out of a relationship he does want.
As for teleporting Blitz out of the house, I think it was a trauma response too. He was ready for rejection, but wasn't ready for the mocking & yelling, it must have triggered him a lot, based on the parallels between how Blitz was shown in that scene & how Stella is shown when abusing him.
As well as that, Stolas must have seen a parallel between how Blitz is describing Stolas here & how Stolas sees his own abusers, making Stolas fall even harder into self hatred.
At the very end of that scene Blitz yells "Well I'm not letting you, bitch, lets go," like he's starting a fight, Stolas breaks down, probably actually thinking Blitz is about to fight him, & says "Blitz, I think so highly of you, I didn't realize you thought so low of me, goodbye Blitz." Then turns for a moment to see Blitz coming towards him & *that* was the second he teleported Blitz. I really don't think he thought Blitz was about to apologize or try to talk further.
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peachyyladye · 2 days
no way pinterest showed me this right after I said I needed some motivation lol
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necro-acid · 2 days
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..I can only imagine how dumb stimpy will be when high
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Tragedy strikes as Kaylynn Langerak succumbs to a postpartum hemorrhage, a heartbreaking turn of events that leaves Daniel Pleasant distraught. Despite the doctors' efforts, they couldn't save her, and the Grim Reaper arrives to take Kaylynn away. The Watcher, bound by the rules of fate and chance, allows this tragedy to unfold. What will happen to the twins, Jamie and Finley? How will Daniel cope with this immense loss? Will Pleasantview ever recover from such a sorrowful chapter? The future now hangs in uncertainty.
Welp. That was unfortunate.
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thinluve · 21 hours
Ej jak myślicie jaka to jest aplikacja??????????
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xddd a tak serio to ogarnijcie pizdy i przestańcie to rozprzestrzenianiać na tik toku zjeby xd
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anotherdietcoke · 11 hours
Having a full blown breakdown rn cause I’m in that weird in between phase where none of my “safe” clothes fit anymore cause I’ve lost so much w8 and the clothes I bought to 🌟ve myself into are still to small 👹😭👹😭👹
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bellzsad · 1 day
"you know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out. it's called voluntary apnea. it's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. it's not scary anymore, it's... it's actually kind of peaceful."
- stiles stilinski, teen wolf
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gluestickyy64 · 2 days
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vivitalks · 2 days
this has definitely been said before but derek in 3b saying "i didn't think stiles was smart enough to frame us for murder" is such a lie. if any of the characters on this show could successfully frame someone for murder i think stiles is top of that list. literally the very first thing we learn about stiles is that he eavesdrops on police communications and has zero qualms using that information for his own benefit. his dad is the sheriff for fuck's sake. name one person better equipped to frame someone for murder than the 17 year old sheriff's son with a penchant for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and lying his ass off with aplomb
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voidic3ntity · 14 hours
anger is the only emotion that exists in me anymore:
I am killing myself in order to free my own children,
& there are no more words to be written anymore;
only actions to be beheld as my form of revenge. 
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animal-crossing · 1 year
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dd-writes · 3 months
Oh you want attention??? How about I bend you over and eat you out nice and slow from behind?? Would that help?
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noonesgaylikegatson · 8 months
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Some messages left by queer Palestinians who face annihilation by the Israeli government in their retaliation against Hamas. The Israeli government has dropped thousand of bombs, leveled streets, cut off water, gas, and electricity, bombed hospitals, ambulances, mandated evacuation and then bomb evacuees. Innocent people are dying in the mass.
There is no need for this government to employ these acts of collective punishment. The same logic that is used to condemn the acts of Hamas, should be used to condemn the actions of the Israeli government. No one deserves to slaughtered and dehumanized.
And keep in mind, that this terror is not unusual for the Palestinian people, and this is another horrific event in a decades long oppression and apartheid.
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necro-acid · 2 days
typical dancing with death
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