#Nuetral about Sith
fanfic-obsessed · 9 months
Eldritch Everyone
I have read fantastic stories where Obi Wan/ the Jedi are Eldritch creatures and other stories where the Clones are Eldritch, because of Kaminoan experiments. Let's merge the two with a twist. 
The twist is they are different types of eldritch beings who do not know the other is Eldritch. 
As always disregard any established lore that contradicts this. 
With the clones it is because of Kaminoan experimentation. It will never be quite clear what the Kamnioan’s were trying to do…or if they accomplished their goal. But the Kaminoan experiments on the Clones (with the exception of Boba Fett) genome connected with…something beyond. Something they had no idea what to account for. 
For the Eldritch Clones I am taking heavy inspiration from the incomparable Quarra’s The Force of my Love.  The Clones are a hivemind, existing paradoxically as part of the hive and individually all at once.  Their forms are nigh on indestructible and mutable, meaning they can shapeshift (they, in fact, make the choice to keep Jango Fett’s face and shape as their ‘main form’-partially due to spite, partially because the Kaminoans expect it). They are able to travel instantaneously to any clone that is part of the Hivemind(by contrast this instantaneous travel is limited to only to other members of the hivemind).  Unlike Quarra’s clones they cannot tell the difference between Sith and Jedi(for reasons that will be elaborated on later). They have eidetic memory which, combined with the hive mind, means that what one knows all of them know and none of them ever forget.  This version of the clones have no particular connection to Mandalorian culture, nor any other culture, save perhaps the Jedi (The propaganda that they are created for the Jedi still exists and frankly pales in comparison to how awesome the Jedi actually are). 
The Jedi are Eldritch through their connection to the Force, which is sentient (by certain definitions) but so utterly alien to anything on the mortal plane that there is no direct comparison. Now it needs to be made clear from the first that it is not just Force sensitivity that makes one Eldritch, the connection to the Force is just not strong enough.  There are additional rituals that the Jedi, and the Sith of Old, go through to become what could be considered Avatars of the Force (specifically the Light Side for the Jedi). These rituals were passed down from before the split between Sith and Jedi.
I say Sith of Old here, because Bane, in creating his rule of two, did away with many of those rituals (never realizing their worth) because several of them required more than 2 participants.  There are three rituals in particular that apply here. First is a ritual to allow oneself to fill completely with the Force (making themselves, for a lack of better terminology, larger than their mortal forms), which Bane kept as he believed it simply made one more powerful (and could be accomplished alone). The second ritual, also one that Bane kept, helped to hide the Banite Sith from the Jedi(it also disguised what was happening to the Banite Sith due to the first ritual, even from themselves), though that had always been a side effect of the ritual, not its intended purpose; this ritual is the reason that the Clones cannot sense Jedi and Sith seperately. The third ritual makes one a conduit of the Force (letting the Force pass through oneself) which Bane did away with. It is important here because mortal beings are not meant to be filled to the brim with the Force, without the release valve of the second ritual it causes them to rot from the inside out.   This is important because by the old definition of Sith, the Force Cult that has dedicated themselves to being the Avatars of the Dark Side of the Force, there has not been a Sith since Darth Bane (barring one exception) and why the Banite Sith tend to rot while still living, the longer they are immersed in the Dark Side.  Dooku did not rot because he had done the rituals as a Jedi, though he had not dedicated himself specifically to the Dark, so he never took on the title of True Sith. Ventress, through her training with Ky Narec, had also completed most of the Jedi rituals, meaning she was not a Sith but as closer to it than Palpatine. It was actually Maul who, in growing up submerged in the Dark like he had been, accidentally completed a version of the lost second ritual, and became a True Sith in the old meaning of the word. 
These rituals are meant to immerse a Force Sensitive in the Force itself, giving the connection more strength than it would have otherwise.  The Force abilities that we see the Jedi, and the Sith use, are because of the Rituals and why those that do not go through either version have much subtler/weaker abilities. It also means that the Jedi (and the Sith of old+Maul) give off the eerie impression that, no matter the size or species, they are somehow so much larger than they appear. That there is something beneath their skin trying to get out. Also being plugged directly into Force in the way that they are skews the way they view reality.   It can be hard for the Jedi to connect with beings that are not at least a little Force Sensitive and the Jedi care deeply, but sometimes cannot see what the actual problem is (saying ‘there is no death there is only the force’ is not meant to be a trite saying nor do many of the Jedi quite understand why it is not as comforting as they think it is).
At the beginning of the Clone Wars, both the Jedi and the Clones hide their eldritch nature from each other. Both groups had experienced how showing their nature to the wrong people can break minds and they had no wish to hurt the other. 
The first sign that something was…strange was how in sync both groups were.  The Jedi marveled that the clones never cringed at the sight of them (and that which moved under their skin when they lost focus). The Clones were ecstatic that the Jedi never questioned when they had knowledge they should not have, nor the few occasions when multiple clones spoke from the same mouth.  
Nat born officers would make comments, not directly but meant to be overheard, how the Jedi Padawans grew more ‘other’ every time they visited the Temple on Coruscant. The clones would only stare blankly, to them it seemed like the Padawans were simply growing into themselves. 
Various Jedi and clones began to fall into love (Familial, romantic, sexual, platonic, and other).  It is Depa Billaba and Gray who first confess, and in confessing reveal their respective natures (Depa is the one who made the first move-as soon as the Clones knew of the Jedi’s nature they each sought out their Jedi).
The main reason that Jedi do not get in romantic relationships with non Force Sensitives (and Padme has no Force Sensitivity) is that theri nature pushes them to connect at the deepest level they can with their loved ones.  This can mentally damage non Force Sensitives.
For Obi Wan, if Cody had not confessed, Obi Wan never would have.  He had tried, before, to have romantic relationships with non force sensitives. A few times he had even managed to deny his own nature until the relationship dissolved naturally (Obi Wan, like most Jedi could be…odd, even when trying to fit in). It had become clear through his life that it just was not worth the pain to act on those kinds of feelings.  The knowledge that Cody could bond with him fully, was interested in him both romantically and sexually was a joy. Obi Wan was not even off put that by dating on clone, he was in affect dating all of the clones at once (who were also dating other Jedi)
Sometimes the Clones and Jedi switched partners. For instance Mace Windu, who was primarily dating Ponds, loved the Theater, which Ponds was ambivalent about but Bly also loved the theater (which Aayla actively disliked). So Bly and Mace had a standing monthly date night to a variety of theaters all over the galaxy, and at least once a year end up acting in a performance. Or how Fox was one of the only Clones that was not bored stupid at the Anniversary Ball, a pretentious event of a small but rich mid rim planet to celebrate the ratifying of a treaty, that Obi Wan is required to go to every year (even the years he was actively at war). So Fox is Obi Wan’s date, while Cody and Vos (who primarily dated the Coruscant Guard), would use the night to break up some kind of ring(slavery, drugs, smuggling, etc.)
Rex found that he fit neatly into Padme and Anakin’s relationship, somehow providing a stabilizing influence on their bond.  Padme and Anakin had bonded after the first battle of Geonosis but it was a case of Anakin being young and stupid and reckless, and Padme not actually understanding what Anakin was talking about when he tried to explain the risks (She thought he was saying that it might hurt her, and she was reassuring him that she trust him to be careful. He thought she was saying that she knew about the risks and was Force Sensitive enough to not be harmed).  There was already some damage done to  Padme’s mind (mostly in terms of willpower, personality, and impulse control) by the time Rex joined the bond, and not all of it was correctable, but most was. 
It is not the Jedi and the Clones that disrupt Palpatine’s plans (though the chips never worked, so eventually they would have). It was Dooku, Ventress, and Maul. Maul was the first True Sith, though it was accidental, in almost 1000 years. Dooku knew what it meant to be Jedi/Sith in the original sense and could tell that Palpatine did not. Ventress, like Dooku, had gone through the Jedi versions of the rituals (those rituals may have been passed down since before the split, but time had caused a bit of difference).  Because Palpatine has the deeper connection to the Force but not release valve, for lack of a better term, he is more immediately powerful but in the long run is doing far more damage to himself than he realizes.  Sometime before Maul would have gone after Satine, he encounters Ventress, who recognizes him as an actual Sith and brings him to Dooku. 
These three decide that they are going to destroy Palpatine (for being a Pretended Sith) and rebuild the actual Sith Order with the full Sith rituals. Maul is a bit surprised to realize that he, by himself, is more than a match for Palpatine (Since this was the man that had tormented him since childhood; he always had the picture that Palptine was bigger than life). Dooku then publishes all of the wrong doings he knew of from Palpatine’s entire circle-CIS and Republic alike- (and he knew about 80% of what was eventually uncovered). Then all three of them fuck off to Morriban to begin their research into resurrecting the Sith Order. 
The Jedi Order and the Clones collectively decide to let them, on the basis that at least they know where the three Sith are and it keeps them busy.
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
How kwami work
This is all my head cannon, and includes which kwami is what for my aus.
1) a kwami is a concept that appears as the concept develops
2) kwami are not tied to jewlry or a miraculous by default. This is a choice for them to interact with kore ease
3) kwami have seen multiple universes rise and fall, planets form, flourish and fall. They see this as normal and lifeforms as pets at best for those fhey like, worst case as cool science experiment. They like us, its just, they know we will die and we’re ants to elephants at best.
4) kwami form into ‘concept families’ or groups that work and appear together very often following a certain direction. The box that Fu has consists of the postive growth and are often deemed the Peace and Tranquility Assured or PATA.
5) Kwami are inherently morally nuetral. They care about their use in terms of how it aligns with their concept and ‘concept family’. If it doesnt align, they try to get away from a given weilder. Otherwise, most are content to roll with whoever has them UNLESS they see a stronger weilder for them available. More on that later.
Regarding individual kwami, buckle up. This is long.
Tikki - she is the base of the following concepts: Creation, Life, Favorable Fortune’, Healing and Structure. Many consider clarity and precision part of her domain, as they are skills all of her bugs have or develop to insane degrees. To weild her you need a strong connection to atleast one of those concepts as one who provides these services or regularly experiences them. I.e being very lucky, having an insane ability to heal or giving heaing by pursuing it as a profession in some way, being a caregiver or a creator type OR someone who create structures/order out of choas. Tikki prefers her bugs to be givers, even to the point of their own detriment. Tikki has one big rule that cannot be broken—her weilders cannot use her miraculous to kill. If broken, she renounces the weilder’s soul.
Plagg - he is Destruction, Death/Decay, Unfavorable Fortune, Disease and Chaos. Many consider abiguity and obscuring part of his domain, as all of weilders learn how to hide their role as his weilders. Plagg’s job is to ensure that things dont get too much, to be selective and determine those that are and are not going to be a problem and decide how to proceed. His weilders need a strong understanding that his concepts are not evil or wrong but necessary for things to be ‘less bad’ and ensure safety. His rule is simple, do not let those a weilder deems incapable of beign redeemed continue.
Wayzz - Protection, Mentorship, Kindness. A weilder needs compassion, and a desire to help those in danger above all else. He is commonly associated with sheilds and community. His rule is that his weilders cannot flee to save themselves, but will fight to protect until the bitter end unless ordered otherwise by the Ladybug or Black Cat miraculous weilder. Wayzz is often the leader of the Peace and Tranquility Assured set, given that his weilder is almost always the Gaurdian and he is the onle one none of them question the intentions of—his concepts prevent him from cruelty in anyway and require him to protect the other kwami before himself.
Trixx - Perception (often mistaken for Illusion), Truth and Souls. A weilder must be a strong storyteller, whether this be a writer, poet, politician, reporter or liar, Trixx doesnt care. So long as the duty to Souls is honored—where the weilder plays the flute to the restless souls until they find enough solstace to move into the realm of Death and cease lingering—Trixx does not care. Her weilder must bever fall for any illusion or lie or misperception, giving them an eery awareness that makes them otherworldly. Is one of the few kwami who’s job it is to check Tikki and Plagg should it endanger their concept or role. If either presses their weilder’s soul, Trixx is expected to intervene and defend the weilder’s health.
Nooroo - Transmission, Empathy and Giving. Often seen alongside Tikki’s weilder, and works best in conjunction with Duusuu. His weilder must be a competant communicator—someone who knows how to persuade others to get what they want while the other party feels validated and gets something they want or need. His ability is to give a willing recipent the power to achieve their goal based on their desires, interests and pre-existing abilities. If the recipent or champion refuses at any point the ability vanishes. His weilders obtain heightened empathy, awareness of other’s emotional states, and if used long term for too long, potential telepathy.
Duusuu - Emotions, Needs, Connection. Their wielder gains the ability to create whatever the recipent needs—usually emotionally and only works when the recipent is distressed—resulting in sentimonsters (modern term. Old one was golems). If used to show one’s emotions, the result is a sentibeast that embodies and acts on the recipent’s emotions alone. Her weilder must have an intense experience sith emotions and a desire to help others who’s needs are unmet. She works best with Nooroo’s weilder, and is often seen beside the Black Cat as a confidant and close ally.
Pollen - Subjection, Devotion, Obedience. Her weilder must be a master of stunning their opponent in some way—verbally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, ect. Her weilder is always in a second in command role, second to Tikki and Plagg’s weilder. Her weilder follows the ideals of their leader—usually someone like Tikki’s bug or Tikki’s bug—and leads others following these ideals. Her role is to serve the group as far as the leader allows, and to keep all following their shared ideals. Her weilders obtain intense leadership and organizational skills over time.
Will post the other 12 later, but yeah.
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