#Milwaukee Ballet
lady-dulcinea · 9 days
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Lucy dances with Arthur and Quincey at the Pop
from the Milwaukee Ballet's production of Michael Pink's Dracula Luz San Miguel as Lucy Westenra Parker Brasser-Vos as Quincey P. Morris Timothy O'Donnell as Arthur Holmwood
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clementine-blue · 1 year
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milwaukee ballet production of michael pink's dracula
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thesporkidentity · 11 months
hey, everybody remember the dracula ballet?
well good news!
The Milwaukee Ballet is performing it again this year!
tickets are for sale now for 5 performances from october 26-29. if you're able to go and support them and SEE IT LIVE please do!
and if you can't but still enjoyed the recording, consider donating a bit in appreciation so they can continue to do what they do
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not-wholly-unheroic · 8 months
I watched this ballet several years ago and had trouble finding a shareable version of the video but it seems it is now available again. If you haven’t seen it, even if ballet isn’t really your thing (it isn’t mine), if you’re a Peter Pan fan, I highly recommend checking it out. The actors say so much without even using any words it’s amazing. There are some really creative moves, too, like Peter’s shadow being played by another separate dancer and some subtle nods to the connection between Hook and George Darling. Also this might be my favorite version of Mr. Darling. He’s precious.
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myfanfictiongarden · 8 months
One should really say “Bless the internet” because how else would I ever have heard of Michael Pink´s Dracula ballet, let alone seen the recorded 2018 performance of the Milwaukee Ballet Company? And let me tell you this adaptation is incredible! Like, omg!!!!!! I’m a huge ballet fan and the choreography and music, as well as dancers, were amazing- not to mention the costumes and scenography.
Definitely another adaptation where I can say Dracula-done-right.
Although there is one thing at the end that slightly bugs me…
Alright, so, I don’t mind when there are some slight changes when adapting a story, especially depending what kind of format it is becoming adapted too (tv show, cinematic movie, cartoon, ballet, etc…), so cutting Jack from the Suitor-squad and making Van Helsing responsible for the Asylum is fine. This is a ballet so of course you’ll have to shorten or condense things, which is why having Dacula kidnap Mina after his assault on her isn’t the worst of changes if you want quick drama at the end. Ok, so far, so good. They all go to Transylvania, they fight the Count, Quinecey gives his life defeating him, Mina is free. Great.
But… why does the performance ask her to step aside from the group and place her fingers on the former mark on her neck? Maybe I’m reading too much into it, maybe it’s not her dreamily missing the vampire curse and it’s more the melancholy joy of having defeated such an evil but through much suffering. Probably. But it would have suited far better to have her in Jonathan’s loving embrace (a husband who would have gone to Hell to save her soul), her friends around them (friends who she loved and asked for the ultimate support in her fate). Idk, the rest of the ballet was so true and faithful to the characters, so this sorta stood out a bit.
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jcbmcdrmtt · 10 months
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ok SO. I'm looking at the program for the Milwaukee Ballet's 2018 production of Dracula (long story), and the header image is pretty dramatic right?? Anyway I right clicked and copied it out of the PDF for reasons and APPARENTLY there was a bunch more to the image that spanned past the edges of the document that they never bothered to actually crop out. And I just-
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LOOK AT IT. Look at the stagehand slouching with all the confidence of a person certain they will never make it into a promo shot. Look at the guy who has clearly had to flare the actor's cape one too many times. It's so clear they never intended us to see this and I love it so much
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
I'd love to hear about your coloring/pose choices once you post your turnarounds ~
oh! well, while i'm here, i might as well post what i have so far
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(the first 2 turns are their initial look, the third is their final look)
so! with jonathan, i initally went for a homely, warm look - he's fresh and a little nervous, kitted out in travelling gear that i'm sure he (and/or mina) bought especially for the occasion - i feel like he hasn't gone much beyond england before. i admit i was kind of spiteful and stole the red scarf from the league of extraordinary gentlemen's mina - which made this discovery from the milwaukee ballet version all the more serendipitous! by the end, he, like everyone, is in funeral gear, but he retains the scarf - it's matted and covered and grime, but it stays there. it helps break up the black, but also, it could maybe stand for a lot of Thematic Motifs, like love, sex, transgression, and, uh, blood. take your pick. also - not that important and it's hard to see, but i hc him with dark grey eyes, and when his hair changes, i really like the idea of his eyes becoming paler and washed out looking.
for mina, i wanted her to seem to seem unremarkable on first glance, but if you look closer, her outfit is supposed to be slightly masculine, with the waistcoat and collar. that's as much as she allows herself, though. she's a woman in a financially and socially vulnerable situation, and so i feel like she's someone who cares a lot about how she presents herself, and i wanted this to show. for her end-of-book look, i wanted her to match jonathan somewhat with the vampiric vibes. in her case, it's literal, so i took her eyes from a dark brown to deep red, and she's a very uncharacteristic mess. in both cases, i feel i was maybe a LITTLE on the nose with the dracula-eque vibes at the end, but whatever! who cares. she can wear what is essentially a red silk-lined dracula cloak because she should be able to have a bit of vampire swag in this testing time
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lauralot89 · 5 days
From the Milwaukee Ballet’s production of Michael Pink’s Dracula
Davit Hovhannisyan as Count Dracula
Randy Crespo as Jonathan Harker
Full ballet here
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Anyway now that we all know Jonathan lived I think everyone should watch the absolutely riveting dance he and Dracula do in the Milwaukee Dracula Ballet that manages to condense two months of abuse into five minutes in a really gripping way. No dd spoilers if you watch from 27:50-35:35, here's the link please it's so good.
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per1w1nkl3 · 28 days
in honor of dracula daily I watched the dracula ballet (with the milwaukee company, by micheal pink) and let me tell you it's so good!!! imo it's pretty book accurate, with a few limitations ofc (but they do include jonathan's queer dreams that may or may not be caused by the paprika)
anyway here are a few pictures
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and here's the link:
i have a few thoughts but I'm hiding them under the tag in case anyone might want to watch it and go in completely blind. either way do yourselves a favor and go watch it!
i love the cool blue light for the vampires. I think I usually associate them with red so the blue was a nice change
love the brides. love how they usually are en pointe vs most other characters usually aren't. love their clothes
i like all the costumes actually
obsessed with dracula's entrance and him moving his arms like bat wings and just in general him acting very bat-like
LOVE dracula and jonathan's pas de deux. if I could I'd draw them i would.
actually the first act as a whole is so so good
the fact that jonathan walks with a cane is very cool. it would've been so easy to undermine his trauma a little, especially with the fact that it's a ballet. but no, dracula really does look scary and threatening. i just wished they kept it for a little longer.
jonathan being the first to see dracula is also great
the fact that lucy goes en point the moment she sees dracula hdhdhhdh
and tries to play it off like nothing happened :((
van helsing, seward (or is it quincey? he looks a little texan lmao) and arthur dancing over minas deathbed :(((
hello renfield!!
hello renfield dancing with his hands tied!!!!
it was quincey morris omg hii
mina and dracula pas de deux!! everytime the count is on stage is just so cool to watch
are those the people dracula killed?? idk but I love them
the fight. are you kidding me.
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lady-dulcinea · 30 days
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Jonathan & Mina part ways at the train station
from the Milwaukee Ballet's production of Michael Pink's Dracula Randy Crespo as Jonathan Harker Nicole Teague-Howell as Mina Murray
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phoenixyfriend · 2 months
Sometimes, oxytocin is stored in having a little discord watch party with your friends so you can liveblog the Milwaukee Dracula Ballet at each other.
Anyway, that was a lot of fun and I am very glad to have done it, thank you to all the friends who came 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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arqueete · 7 months
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Jonathan Harker in Milwaukee Ballet's 2018 production of Dracula.
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thesporkidentity · 1 year
watching the 2018 milwaukee ballet production of dracula and y'all the dracula/jonathan pas de deux is amazing
(choreographer's video here, if you can please donate to the ballet to support their continued work, or you can buy tickets to see it live again this year in milwaukee october 26-29, 2023. tickets available now! anyway, please support them monetarily if you have a little to spare.)
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Stills from the 2018 Milwaukee Ballet production of Dracula, currently available on the Internet Archive:
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uncannyarchive · 2 years
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Jonathan and the Brides
Milwaukee Ballet production of Michael Pink’s Dracula
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