rachey899 · 16 days
Superhero's Don't Get Sick
I’ve been really sick this week and thought I’d take my illness out on Luke, sorry Luke I love you, I swear I do!
This will be a short story in which Luke comes down with a cold causing his sizeshifting abilities to go haywire! Matt calls in reinforcements and we meet a grown-up Ivy! Enjoy!
Approx 3k words
“Yes I’m sure, I’ve never seen him like this before, what do I do?”
Matt’s phone call was rudely interrupted by another strong gust of wet air that resulted in the dining room table being thrown across the room, luckily Matt was swift and had ducked out of the way. He stood once again with eyebrows raised in amazement, that eruption had caused his sick friend to shoot up a few more feet, his head bumping into their ceiling and showering them both in plaster and dust.
Luke’s nose twitched again agitated by the dust he had caused, Matt snapped out of his stupor quickly though and sprinted toward his friend.
“NOPE! Pinch your nose and lay down! Miss Waren would kill us if your gigantic head popped through her floor!”
There was a giggle through the phone as Ivy listened through the speaker at the absurdity of the scenario she was listening in on.
Meanwhile Matt had scaled his mini-giant of a friend and was pushing his head down, instructing him roughly to lay on the floor lest he cause more damage.
Another eruption and this time Matt was in the blast zone. “Fuck man!” Matt grimaced and wiped his wet hands on Luke’s shirt. “Ivy get your ass over here now!” Matt shouted into the phone before hanging up and throwing it across the room lest it get even more wet than it already was.
Luke’s chest shuddered under him, and Matt held onto the seems of Luke’s shirt for dear life. “Don’t you dare sneeze again.” He groaned.
“Actually, I think I’m good now, thanks.” Luke’s croaky voice reverberated; Matt rolled his eyes. “Thank the lord, now stay put, I need a fucking towel or something.”
Luke did as he was told, holding still while his friend manoeuvred around him in search of something to clean himself up with. He felt positively awful, his throat was scratchy, and it hurt each time he swallowed, not only that but the sneezing fits were getting worse as he’d just witnessed. Thankfully he hadn’t outgrown the apartment, but he was close to it, closing his eyes he took some careful breathes in through his mouth and tried to concentrate on shrinking.
His whole body shuddered and itched all over and soon he was overtaken by intense light-headedness, the world began to spin as it grew around him.
His head pulsed and a short while later there was a loud banging on the door, each thump sending shockwaves of pain through his skull and he clutched his head wishing the loud sounds would disappear. He had no such luck though as thundering footsteps resounded nearby and the creak of the immense door opened.
“THANK GOD YOU’RE HERE” Matt’s annoyingly booming voice assaulted Luke and he curled in on himself as he lay there amidst the rubble he had created.
“Shut Up!” Luke shouted as loud as his weak body would allow.
Matt meanwhile, heard no such command, he’d made note that his friend was no longer a giant as he’d passed through the living room to the front door, for that he was grateful. They’d need to get him out of here while they could until he was in a healthier state and better able to control his ability.
“Nice to see you too Matt, you’ve got a little something-“ Ivy’s slender fingers twinkled around a particularly soggy clump of hair. He batted her hand away “You try taking a giant size sneeze to the face and see how you look afterwards.” He growled in response.
She giggled and stepped past him and into the apartment, flicking her long wavy brown hair over her shoulder as she went.
“You’re lucky I was working in town actually.” She said stepping into the living room, eyes immediately scanning the area for any sign of her ill brother.
She paused, soft brown eyes landing on a small figure curled tightly into himself on the floor and miniscule hands over his ears. Her face fell and she kneeled gently beside him, hands reaching to scoop him up, a natural reflex to hold her brother protectively when he was so small.
“You have to help me, I don’t know what to-“ Matt started but Ivy quickly shushed him, holding up her small brother in her hands. “Quiet.” She whispered.
Her attention focused back on Luke as she looked him over, he was paler than normal and shaking like a leaf, though she knew he wasn’t fearful of her, she surmised he must have a fever. She placed a finger gently to his forehead and brushed the brown curls away from his sweaty forehead, he was definitely hotter than he should have been.
She held him gently to her chest encasing him in her fingers before she spoke to Matt again.
“Okay, pack whatever medicines you have, all the blankets in the house, water and food if you have it, otherwise I’ll stop by the grocer on the way.” She instructed quietly.
“Where are we going?” Matt asked as he started filling garbage bags of any throw blankets and doona’s he could find.
“Whatever large forest is nearby, he will keep fluctuating like this until he’s better, so we need to get him somewhere safe and away from prying eyes.”
Ivy looked down her eyebrows furrowing in concern, and she shushed Luke gently like one might do for an unwell child.
“Your okay Luke, we’ll get you back to normal soon, I promise.” Within five minutes both Ivy’s and Matt’s cars were packed with anything they deemed might be useful and Luke had grown to a semi average height, but his body was wobbly on his feet, and he felt weak.
They headed to South Mountain Reservation, only a forty-minute drive away that was hopefully not going to be too crowded in the middle of the week, Luke slept in Ivy’s back seat while they drove, in that time he’d only had one other fluctuation but by her estimates had only grown to about 12 feet and he’d scrunched himself further into a ball. She took a deep breath pushing down on the accelerator, almost there.
Once they arrived and parked their cars, Ivy’s main goal was to get Luke into the woods off the beaten track.
“Can you walk?” She asked up to her big brother who currently stood more than twice her height, he gave a slow nod and stepped forward, lucky no one else seemed to be around, they just needed to keep walking.
A short way in Ivy deemed they had walked as far as they would go today, she prayed no rangers would wonder by and follow her brother’s tracks. She turned to see Matt trailing behind them with a few of the garbage bags and then the ground shook with a resounding thud like a tree had fallen.
Ivy turned to see what had happened only to be knocked square in the chest and sent flying a few short feet away, the air knocked out of her and shaking the dizziness from her eyes she saw Luke had now fully grown and lay limp on the forest floor his immense hand resting innocently beside her.
“Fuck, Ivy are you okay?” Matt came rushing over, he’d just barely dodged a car sized shoe as it barrelled toward him, but Ivy hadn’t been so lucky.
Ivy shakily pushed herself to a stand, brushing the leaves out of her hair and pressing her fingers to her ribs searching for any extensive injuries, it had hurt like hell, but nothing was broken, she’d get a few bruises but she’d live.
“I’m fine, not my first rodeo with a delirious giant.” She smiled and waved him off.
“I’ve never seen him sick before, I was beginning to think he couldn’t get sick, well until now.” Matt said staring in astonishment at his large friend, currently unconscious with his face in the dirt.
“This will be the third time that I know of, he doesn’t get sick often but when he does…well you can see.” Her expression softened again, he was going to feel like shit when he woke up, she’d be careful not to mention the close call she and Matt had just experienced.
Working as a team Matt and Ivy managed to get all their supplies to their secluded little area and took turns in patting Luke’s warm temple with cold wet blankets they’d dunked in the river. A short while later Luke began to stir, his vision blurry and his head throbbing, he wracked a wet cough that disturbed the nearby wildlife, but Ivy and Matt kept a safe distance this time.
“Luke?” Ivy called gently, stepping closer to her brothers face in concern.
Luke’s eyes blinked slowly clearing his vision until it settled upon his little sister, she looked so small, there was no fear in her eyes, only concern for him and his heart beat quickened reminding him how lucky he was to have her in his life. Then he noted a purplish bruise along her collar bone and his eyes widened in worry, ready to push himself back and away from her.
Ivy quickly pulled her cardigan around her shoulders tighter to cover the bruise and held a hand up to him stepping closer confidently.
“It’s okay Luke, I’m not hurt, only a few bruises, I’m okay.” She reassured him gently, he brought a hand up to his mouth and coughed as gently as he could to clear his throat.
“D-did I do t-that?” He croakily asked, a finger stretching out toward her and brushing the cardigan off her shoulder.
“I swear I’m fine Luke.” She insisted but Luke wasn’t so easily convinced, a tear fell down his cheek and splashed onto the damp forest floor.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
Ivy only sighed, her heart breaking for him, she stepped closer still and pressed her body against his damp cheek, spreading her arms out across his face in a hug. A gesture she’d done so many times throughout her life and came naturally living with a brother who tended to change sizes rather frequently.
He brought his larger hand up behind her and carefully held her to his face, reciprocating the hug all the while repeating ‘sorry’ over and over. The moment between the two siblings was broken however as another body joined the group hug, Matt had flung himself beside Ivy, wriggling himself between the massive fingers and being mindful of the Giant’s nose, his arms spread around Ivy and over his friends cheek.
Luke’s hand pulled away and Ivy and Luke both gave Matt an odd look to which Matt was immediately offended, throwing his arms up in the air and stepping away with a hurt look on his face.
“What! I need hugs too you know!” Matt said in exasperation.
“Aww were you feeling left out?” Ivy teased, hand on her hip as she leant against her brother’s face.
With a mischievous smirk on his lips, Luke quickly scooped Matt up in one hand and brought him to his chest, turning to lay on his back he pressed Matt against his shirt in a tight but not too tight squeeze.
“You should have just said so.” Luke laughed, while Matt squirmed in his grasp.
“Alright, alright! Hug time’s over now!” Matt banged his fists on the warm surface underneath him until the Giant relented and removed his hand.
Amidst the laughter that kept Matt from gaining footing on his friend’s chest, he noticed a change in the rhythm of the quakes, almost like he was going to…
“Ahhhh, ahhhh.” Luke pinched his nose and Matt practically dived off of his chest, rolling onto the ground.
“Choooooo!” Luke leaned to the side sneezing in the opposite direction of Matt and Ivy and successfully stripping a nearby tree completely of its leaves.
Ivy walked around him carefully and held up a large blue bedsheet as though it were a hanky, he took it gratefully and proceeded to loudly blow his nose while the smaller people around him covered their ears.
“I’m sorry guys, this all sucks.” Luke groaned, he pushed himself up and sat crossed legged looking down miserably at the two people who cared about him the most.
“Hey at least you didn’t sneeze on me this time.” Matt smiled, trying to cheer his friend up.
Luke cringed, he had been so out of it at the apartment and had almost forgotten that embarrassing experience, at least Matt seemed okay.
“Sorry.” Luke muttered yet again.
Matt rolled his eyes. “Quit saying your sorry, none of this is your fault, your just sick.”
“I don’t get sick.” Luke said firmly to which Ivy just raised her eyebrows.
“Oh, so the cough of 2010 was just you teaching the horse how to fly was it?” Ivy quipped.
“Okay fine, I don’t get sick often, not like you guys do.” Luke mumbled, and it was true, he would bet any money that his strong immune system was all because of his unique ability, however that didn’t mean he never got sick. And when he did, it was bad.
“Even superhero’s get sick dude, remember that episode of Smallville! This is just like that!” Matt said excitedly comparing the two vastly different scenarios.
“Once again, I’m not a superhero and I’m certainly not Clark Kent.” Luke pinched the bridge on his nose and sighed, his stomach gave a groan and he realised he hadn’t eaten all day. “Did you bring any food? I’m starving.”
Ivy nodded. “We did…do you think your able to shift? I’d like to give you some medicine as well but I’d prefer to give it to you when you’re a bit smaller and not likely to overdose if I give you too much.”
Luke concentrated, unlike last time where he was borderline conscious, he was able to focus his body to shrink to his average human height without getting dizzy.
“Alright let’s get some food and meds into you now then before you fluctuate again.” Ivy said grasping his arm and leading him over to the small fire they had made, she wrapped him up in a warm blanket, handing him a bowl of vegetable soup and a handful of pills.
Once he’d finished his bowl to satisfaction, Ivy took it from him and laid a hand over his forehead, sighing with relief. “Your fevers broken, thank god.” She said.
Now that the worst seemed to be over, the three of them sat in contented silence, watching the fire and chewing on jerky.
“So… I’ve been thinking about names…” Matt said into the open air, Ivy turned to peer at him curiously. “Names?”
“No.” Was all Luke said, knowing full well his best friend was about to try and give him a superhero name….again!
“Just hear me out!” Matt insisted.
“What names? What the hell are you two talking about?” Ivy snapped, currently agitated that she was somehow not included in this inside joke of theirs.
“Luke’s superhero name.” Matt said wiggling his eyebrows to which Luke just held his face in his hands in embarrassment.
“Ooooooh I like this game!” Ivy said giddy in her seat and rubbing her hands together. “How about Ant Man!”
Matt looked at her like she was crazy. “Ivy, that name is already taken, you have to be original, I was thinking ‘Shifter’.”
“Oh my god! Stop! Both of you!” Luke groaned. “It just sounds like your saying spells from Harry Potter now.”
Ivy and Matt laughed together at Luke’s expense, he was too sick and too tired to argue with them further on the subject. They continued to list stupid names and when Luke had had enough, he announced that he was going to bed. He stood and carefully pulled his sleeping bag a good distance from the fire, just in case he grew in the night when the pills wore off.
As much as they were bugging him, he wouldn’t risk turning them both into pancakes in his sleep.
Ivy and Matt sat up talking and catching up for a little while longer and Luke was just about to drift off to sleep when soft footsteps crunched through the leaves on the ground as they approached him. Without a word, Ivy took off her shoes lifting the corner of the sleeping bag and wriggled in beside him just as they had done as kids.
Luke always had a twin sized sleeping bag, he was always afraid of growing in the night, and figured better to have a larger one he can get out of quickly if he did start to grow. Ivy was also not very big, her slim frame left heaps of room between them so they were both comfortable.
“What are you doing?” Luke asked her, as she turned in the sleeping bag to face him, she buried her face in his chest and he wrapped her arms around her. He hadn’t known till now just how much he missed his little sister and how grateful he was that she was here right now.
“I was worried something might happen in the night.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, I could grow and hurt you…again.” He said quietly.
“Or you could shrink and become an owls next meal, I’m a light sleeper, I’ll wake either way if anything happens.” She insisted.
He gave her a kiss on the forehead, brushing away her curls, the same shade of brown as his own and breathed a contented sigh.
“Thank you, Ivy.” He whispered.
“Any time bro, also just for the record, I always believed you’d be a superhero.”
“Not you too.” Luke sighed impatiently. “Just, go to sleep.”
There was silence once more and Luke really did think that Ivy had gone off to sleep, so he let his own breathes even out before unconsciousness took a hold of him. However, Ivy was not yet asleep and instead holding back laughter as she said the final words of the night.
“Goodnight… Expando.”
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rachey899 · 17 days
Running Into Fire
A Luke and Matt sizeshifter short story, this story takes place immediately after 'Be the Hero'.
TW: Life threatening scenarios involving being trapped in a burning building, some swearing, mentions of self-hate and shame
Approx 4.2k words
“Come on dude please! This will be so good for your image!” Matt was pacing the living room practically giddy with excitement; he was shaking like a squirrel on caffeine.
Luke on the other hand was largely less enthused, mostly embarrassed, and deadly scared of revealing his unique abilities to anyone else, he’d already let too many people see what he was capable of in the last few months.
“Matt I can’t, I can’t just go around shifting for the whole world to see, you don’t get it.”
Matt raised his eyebrows, he wasn’t going to let this drop, it had been two weeks since the incident at the bank and Matt was convinced, he was now somewhat of a vigilante. Luke had used his size shifting abilities during a bank robbery, the robber had turned suicidal when it was clear there was no sign of escape and had set a bomb.
Luke, thinking quickly had shifted into his larger size of approximately 60 feet to smother the bomb and apprehend the criminal. The police had then discovered what was going on and promised Luke they would keep his secret, for which he was grateful.
Matt on the other hand was only convinced further that Luke should continue to use his powers for fighting crime.
“Honestly Luke what the hell is the point in having kickass superpowers if you aren’t ever gonna use them!”
“I’m not a superhero Matt, I’m a freak of nature and this has to be kept a secret.” Luke stood then, feeling his blood pressure rise with the feeling of anger, he didn’t want to fight with Matt, but he was becoming increasingly more frustrated by the minute.
Another reason Luke couldn’t rely on his own abilities, though he had some semblance of control to shift at will, his shifting was also controlled by his heightened emotions.
Feelings such as anger or stress could cause him to grow and feelings of sadness and exhaustion would make him shrink, all out of his control, if he didn’t have a handle on his emotions.
“I’ve kept your secret Luke, and I don’t plan on going around revealing your powers to the world, but I at least think you should be using them to save people.” Matt was firm, his arms crossed over his chest, all excitement of a child gone in an attempt to help his friend see his own potential.
“Fuck man you don’t seem to understand that if this gets out, people will come after me, either the general public who think I’m dangerous or the government who will see me as a science project. I won’t be helping anyone if I’m locked up in some government facility.” Luke pushed his fingers through his short brown locks.
“This isn’t like in the movies Matt, superheroes aren’t real, in real life freaks like me need to stay hidden, for our own protection and for the protection of others.” Sighing deeply, Luke finished his rant, he wasn’t usually a man of very many words, but he needed to get Matt to understand this.
“Fine, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.” The tall blonde walked away from the conversation, it was clear they were not going to agree on this tonight, but he knew his friend and he knew that when push comes to shove, he would be the hero.
Luke fell back into the soft cushions of the couch, he didn’t feel like he’d won that, and he knew he hadn’t, but at least for now Matt would drop the issue and stop sketching potential superhero disguises for him.
Luke and Matt had known each other since they were in the first grade and had been thick as thieves since. When Lukes abilities made themselves known when he was six years old, he was sworn by his parents to keep it a secret even from his best friend, so it wasn’t until high school that Matt actually learned of Luke’s gift and even that had been by accident.
Luke had been stressed about a major test and feeling the tightness in his body and the push of shifting coursing through him all day, when the test was over, he had bolted into the forest that backed onto the school oval so he could shift.
He had not expected anyone to follow him, but he was grateful that it had been Matt and not someone else, though it had been a scary revelation for Matt he had quickly overcome his fears and was stoked to be in on the secret. Luke had felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders that he didn’t have to hide a huge part of who he was from his best friend.
Now some 10 years later, both of them in their mid-twenties and sharing an apartment in New York, still best friends and trying to lead a somewhat normal life, this had clearly grown boring for Matt though.
Matt was the more charismatic of the two where Luke was the quiet nerdy type, overly emotional and anxious as all hell, which didn’t bode well for him considering the nature of his abilities.
Luke’s biggest fear is still to lose control of his abilities and hurt someone he cares about, there had been way too many close calls throughout the course of his life so far and it was so easy to lose control. He couldn’t let that happen, and if he were to play the superhero then the probability of something going horribly wrong was much higher, he couldn’t risk it.
“Why can’t I just be fucking normal.” Luke sighed through gritted teeth; life would be so much simpler.
A loud explosion sounded nearby, shaking Luke from his self-depreciating thoughts, the crash could be felt like an earthquake through the floor and rattled the windows. Quickly jumping to the window, he could see flames coming from a nearby apartment building, only a block or two away, it looked as though a few cars had crashed into the building followed by an explosion.
Hearing the quick pads of feet down the hall he turned to see Matt had emerged with his shoes on and a hoodie over his pajama top.
“Oh, hell no.” Luke said, already knowing exactly what Matt was thinking.
“We will get there faster than the emergency services Luke, we have to go and help.” Matt was already heading for the door, his hand on the doorknob.
“I’m not doing it Matt; I won’t shift in front of all those people.”
Matt sighed turning away from him, clearly still either pissed or just disappointed in him, he opened the door as he spoke “I’m not asking you too, I’m going to go and help, whether you come with me or not, that’s what good people do.”
Matt closed the door behind him, and Luke turned his pale blue eyes skyward as if the ceiling might provide him with a reasonable excuse to stay in his apartment. Groaning loudly, he pushed off from the window to put his shoes on.
He wouldn’t let his friend go alone with the potential that he could and would recklessly put his own life in danger to help, he was the real hero after all, Luke was the coward.
Luke quickly raced down the two flights of stairs and chased after Matt who was already approaching the smoky scene. Now seeing things up close, it was clear that two cars had crashed into each other before rolling into the building and crashing into what must have been a gas pipe.
The six-story building was in flames, four of the six floors already engulfed with the fire rapidly escalating higher by the minute, many residents of the building were standing outside already disheveled and, in their nightwear, crying and hugging each other.
“Is everyone out? Has anyone called 911?” Matt was asking the crowd, a few people were on their phones already, presumably calling emergency services.
“No, there’s an elderly couple on the sixth floor, I can’t see them, there’s also a family with kids and I think a few others, I can’t see them anywhere they must be still inside, of god I wish they would hurry!” A stocky woman shouted, she had short, cropped hair and was clutching a small dog to her chest sobbing into his fur.
Matt nodded at the woman before running towards the entry way into the apartment, Luke followed after him grabbing his arm to pull him back.
“No fucking way Matt, there’s no way I let you go in there.” Matt tugged on his arm trying to shake Luke off of him, he had a sharp look in his hazel eyes.
“I’m not gonna just stand here and watch it burn, the firefighters are ten minutes away, they’ll be dead by then.”
“And you’ll be dead too, fuck!” Look shut his eyes tightly thinking of a way to get those people out, they couldn’t go up from the bottom, it was already unstable and engulfed by flame, they needed to go in from the top. He had a plan, but he didn’t like it.
“Damnit Matt, come with me, quickly!” He shouted at his friend pulling him around the corner and into the shadow of the neighboring building.
“We do this quickly okay, I’ll shift and let you in to the sixth floor, get the people to the window and I’ll carry them down and then we go before emergency services get here, got it?”
Without waiting for his friend to respond he quickly shot up to his 65-foot height, he pulled his hoodie over his face to hopefully hide his identity from onlookers, he then knelt down in front of his friend, laying his hand palm up for Matt to climb onto.
It never ceased to amaze Matt each time he saw his best friend grow into a literal giant, but there was no time to stare slack jawed, he quickly climbed on sitting with crossed legs in the center of the massive palm as it rose into the air.
With only a brief moment to hesitate, Luke carefully stepped out of the shadows of the building and rounded the corner, his footsteps quaked the ground below him and the multitude of gasps from the ground made him flinch. Ignoring the gawking stares, he went straight up to the building trying his best to keep his steps light lest he cause the unstable building to collapse.
At his impressive height of 65 feet, he stood eye level with the windows of the sixth floor, carefully and mindful of his small passenger he raised his hand up to the sixth floor, knocking one of the windows with the tip of his finger to break it and allow Matt to enter.
Once his hand was level with one of the windows, Matt stood and jumped through the open window, immediately shouting to anyone that might be there.
“If your still up here, shout out, make a noise, we need to get you out of here now!”
With nothing else to do but anxiously wait while the crowd of small people below him stared up at him in most likely fear, he fiddled with the edge of his hood and tried his best not to look at them.
He could feel their stares though, and the click of photographs being taken.
In the distance he could hear sirens and he cursed under his breathe.
“Come on Matt.” Luke muttered impatiently.
As if reading his mind, Matt made an appearance at the window, he had an elderly woman in a nightgown on his left with her arm over his shoulder for support and an elderly man on his right also leaning against him and coughing from the smoke in the air.
Luke raised his hand to the window, making it level and flush against the side of the building so it was easier for them to step onto, the woman looked up probably expecting to see a fireman and a ladder but instead was greeted with large blue eyes peering in.
She screamed bloody murder and clung to Matt, urging him to back away from the window.
“Ma’am it’s okay, he’s a friend, we are here to help I promise.” He assured her.
“M-monster!” She wailed, Luke’s heart skipped a beat at the word, he’d always referred to himself as a monster, a freak but never once had he heard someone cry that name at him before, not his family, not Matt, not even the frightened onlookers during the bank incident.
The word pierced through him, and he hesitated, he didn’t want to force them to do something they didn’t want to do, he knew what it felt like to literally put your life in someone else’s hands, and they didn’t know him and had no reason to trust him.
Matt rubbed the woman’s back soothingly, while the old man stood silently, his shirt pulled over his mouth so he could breathe easier, he stared at Luke as if calculating if it was worth the risk.
At that very moment Matt had just managed to calm down the old woman when there was more commotion behind him and soon a young woman with two young children, a little girl of around six years old and an older boy maybe ten, came into view of the window. The mother skidded in her tracks when she took in the scene before her, backing away towards the fiery hallway they had just come from.
“No wait!” Matt cried, quickly becoming frustrated with everyone’s hesitance towards his friend.
“Listen! This is Luke! He’s a friend, I swear, we only want to get you down from this building, you only have to trust him for one minute then I swear you can walk away!”
The mother and two children walked a little closer, but the old woman was firm in place.
“Do you want to wait for the fire fighters to get here and risk your lives while you wait or do you want to get down now!”
That was enough to convince the young mother and she skirted around the wailing woman, she then helped her children up onto the ledge and onto the awaiting palm, once seated in the center she held both her children close to her.
Luke raised his other hand as a sort of safety ledge before carefully pulling his hands away from the building and lowering the small family to the ground.
Another round of gasps erupted from the people around him and he kept his head tilted downwards in hopes that no one would get a good angle of his face. Once his hand was on the ground, he moved his other away from the family so they could step off easily, his eyes met the little girls, she reminded him so much of his own little sister when he was younger.
The young woman stood on shaky legs and pulled her children along with her, Luke had to suppress the automatic impulse to flinch from the feeling of small limbs tickling his sensitive palm. The little girl toddled after her mother and gave him a little wave, her other hand gripping a small brown bear to her chest.
“Thank you, Luke.” She said, her voice so quiet he almost didn’t hear it, he nodded once to her before he addressed the growing crowd.
“I’m gonna stand up again.” He muttered, he knew his voice no matter how soft would carry and echo through the streets, he felt he at least owed them a little warning.
Then standing again, he raised his hand once more to the window ledge, the fire had entered the room now and the woman still stood shaking her head, now however the old man was at her side also trying to convince her to get on.
“Come on Brenda love, we can’t stay here.”
Matt had had enough though, he approached the window trying to get a glimpse of the emergency services, he could hear them getting faintly louder, still a minute or two away, but the building could give way at any second.
“Luke your gonna have to grab her.”
Luke gulped audibly, not only did he really not want to do that, but he hated grabbing anyone against their will, even holding the robber in a firm fist had made him feel sick to his stomach. No one should have their free will taken from them like that, especially a frightened old woman.
“Matt, you can’t ask me to, I can’t.”
“Do it lad, she won’t listen to reason, please help us out of here.” The old man spoke up then, his wife was in a state of panic and not listening to anything happening around her, there was no way to convince her to get on his hand willingly and Matt couldn’t lift her onto it on his own.
The building groaned and that made up his decision, they had to do this now.
“Okay, alright, you two get on first.” The old man wasted no time, he climbed on and sat himself down holding on tight to Luke’s thumb that had curled into his palm, Matt hopped on shortly after.
Luke moved them towards his chest, so they had some kind of shield from the drop below before his other hand crowded the window, the old woman was backing up, but she wasn’t fast enough for the large appendage that invaded the small space of the room.
She screamed so loudly that it could surely be heard from a few blocks away, Luke held his breathe, hating himself as his fingers wrapped around her frail frame, he held her in a loose fist, not wanting to squeeze too tightly on her fragile body.
Then as carefully as he could he pulled her from the building, he knelt down once more, letting off his two passengers and carefully opening his other hand next to Matt so he could help her if she was unstable.
Luke hadn’t realized until now, but the old woman had become silent in his hand, as he let her go, Matt caught her and lowered her onto the ground.
A deafening groan came from the building behind them, and Luke turned to see the sixth floor begin to collapse, he stood and stretched his arms out hoping to shield the civilians from the crash, He pushed the building upright with a grunt and then let it concave in on itself. God, he hoped that they had gotten everyone out.
The dust and smoke filtered out through the streets, causing the people on the sidelines to cough and choke, it was then that the fire truck rounded the corner, screeching tires and sirens blazing casting the site in red and blue light. Luke decided to pay them no mind, they were late to the scene, and he had other things to worry about now.
Once he was sure the building wouldn’t fall further into the crowd, he turned back to Matt and the elderly woman on the ground, his eyes widened when he saw that Matt was pushing his hands into her chest, performing CPR.
All colour drained from Luke’s face and he crouched down so his face was hovering over them, Matt’s brow was slick with sweat from the exertion.
“W-what happened? D-did I-?”
“I think she had a heart attack.” Matt panted as he continued pressing rhythmically into her chest.
“No no no.” Luke muttered, he thought for sure his own heart had stopped, this is what he feared most, he’d actually done it, he’d hurt someone, unintentionally but nevertheless proved he was indeed what she had called him, a monster.
“Step back!” A burly looking man pushed through the crowed, he held a first aid kit and a portable defibrillator slinging across his chest and an ambulance emblem on his uniform, he must be a paramedic.
“Suspected heart attack, she’s been unresponsive for about a minute.” Matt told the paramedic as he took over, Matt was a paramedic also but obviously off duty, he helped the man cut the woman’s shirt down the middle before sticking two defibrillation tabs onto her chest.
“Clear!” The man shouted before proceeding to shock the woman, her body jolted, and a deafening single beep resounded. He rebooted the device and went for it once again, jolting her body, it felt like time stood still as everyone waited to listen to the beeping of her heart.
“Beep, beep, beep.” A rhythm, Luke exhaled a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, the breeze blew the hair of those directly under his looming face, and then the paramedic looked up at him.
“He’s cool.” Matt said, he spoke to the man with familiarity, like they knew each other, they probably did seeing as Matt was also a paramedic.
“I don’t wanna know man.” He shook his head and waved for them to get out of there, Luke wasted no time, he stood without waiting for Matt to follow, rounded the corner and when he saw no one was looking he shrunk back to an average height of 6 foot 5.
Matt jogged around the corner to catch up with him and immediately pulled his mate into a tight hug.
“Luke, I don’t care what you say or what you think, you’re a hero, those people would not still be alive without you.”
Luke couldn’t shake the image of the old woman, literally scared to death, he may have actually killed her had Matt not been there to start CPR she would still be dead.
“Heroes don’t kill people Matt.” He said quietly, he couldn’t meet Matt’s eyes, instead he only stared at his hands like they were alien to him. “let’s just go.” Luke turned away from his friend and walked slowly toward their apartment, the shaky feeling of adrenalin leaving his body and now all he wanted to do was sleep for a week.
“Come on man, don’t blame yourself.” But he could tell that he wasn’t hearing him, he knew Luke felt responsible for the old woman Brenda’s near-death experience.
“The stress from the fire, inhaling all that smoke, and probably partly you all contributed to her heart attack, you didn’t kill her Luke, she’s breathing, she will live to breathe another day because of you.”
Luke couldn’t hear him, the woman’s screams drowning out any other sounds to his ears, the look of sheer terror on her face and the way she writhed in his grasp before she ceased moving all together, and then the way she hung limp against his fingers. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, couldn’t shake those thoughts and feelings from his mind.
“Luke!” He turned sharply to tell Matt to quit with the lecture already when he realized he had to look up at his friend’s face, currently staring squarely at Matt’s chest and definitely not the height he should be.
He let a tear fall down his cheek then, he should have expected this, he could feel himself feeling more and more down about himself, beating himself up until he felt raw inside. This is what he felt he deserved after all, after being a dangerous giant, he deserved to be weak and small now, at the mercy of large hands other than his own.
“Oh, Luke buddy.” Matt sighed, watching his friend slowly dwindle in height until he stood no taller than his ankle, at which point Luke collapsed to his knees and buried his face in his hands, large sobs wracking his small body.
Matt looked around the street to ensure no one else was around, everyone nearby was too busy focused on the fire and supporting the victims and witnesses of the event. He then knelt down in front of Luke and laid out a palm for him much like Luke had done for him only ten minutes ago.
“Come on dude, let’s get you home.” Luke crawled on hands and knees into the safety of his best friends warm and slightly sweaty palm. Matt had bore witness to his shifting abilities in all its forms and was well versed in handling his friend when he was this small.
Matt carefully raised Luke up to his chest and held him securely there, blocking him from view with his other hand from anyone who might walk by or look out their windows. All they would see was a hooded young man holding something to his chest, they would probably assume he’d been to a drug deal or something, but he didn’t care what they thought as long as he kept his friend safe.
Once inside the apartment, Matt asked Luke if he wanted to stay up and talk about what happened, hoping to raise his friends spirits enough for him to grow back but Luke only shook his head requesting to be put on his bed for the night. Matt reluctantly let him go, not wanting to push the issue any further before heading to his own bed.
That night both friends slept like the dead and Luke wondered if being a hero would ever become easier.
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rachey899 · 7 months
You know how Luke has nightmares about being giant and accidentally hurting people, has Matt every had a nightmare about accidentally hurting Luke while he was tiny?
My Dear Anon
Yes, he has. Though he would never admit it to Luke, shortly after the events of HOME, Luke invites Matt over for a sleepover and Matt feels paranoid as he goes off to sleep, he then dreams of waking to find Luke small.
Approx 1.3k words. just an itty bitty short story. Enjoy!
Matt's Nightmare One
“Dude what happened, why are you small right now? Are you okay?” Matt kneels in front of his friend; it had been a few weeks since he’d last seen him this size and that interaction hadn’t been perfect, but he maintained that he had kept his friend safe. Something in Luke’s little blue eyes however made him feel like Luke was looking through him, like he was a stranger in his eyes.
“Luke? It’s me Matt, you're okay.” Matt lowered himself further to the ground, feeling a sense of dread wash through him as he noted Luke take a few slow steps backwards and away from him.
It reminded him of the feeling left in his heart after he’d initially gone to grab at Luke without warning a few weeks ago outside of their math teachers office. Luke’s eyes had gone wide, and he’d run from him then until he was out of reach under the door. Matt had felt horrible for scaring his friend like that. He’d known Luke was shrinking and promised to be supportive of his friend however his first reaction was to grab him.
“Don’t touch me!” Luke suddenly shouted up at him, Matt flinched as though Luke had just slapped him hard across the face. Why was he acting like this?
“I swear I won’t touch you dude, just chill.” Matt tried again to calm his friend, he noted Luke’s impossibly small chest rising and falling at a worryingly fast pace, this wasn’t working. It made him wonder if this is how Luke felt when he was a giant, just monstrously too big.
A scream pierced the air and Matt watched in horror as a hand chased Luke, causing him to flee in panic, Matt’s heart dropped to his stomach when he realised it was his own hand chasing after his friend.
“STOP!” Matt screamed at his hand, but it did no good instead it only made things worse causing Luke to stumble from the volume of his voice and trip over his own feet, he rolled into a huddled ball on the cold floor, holding his hands tightly to his ears.
“I’m sorry!” Matt cried, his hand would not stop though, it was as though it had a mind of its own, he could only watch in horror as his hand dipped under Luke’s body, nudging it into his palm.
Finally, Matt regained control of himself, he intended to put Luke back on the ground but felt a sense of comfort knowing he was holding his friend safely, maybe now he could convince Luke that he was safe and with his friend.
“Luke, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to grab you, I couldn’t stop myself, I swear your safe and I won’t do it again.” Luke was unresponsive in his palm, the only indicator that Luke was even conscious was the flutter of his miniscule breaths against the base of his palm.
Matt reached for his friend again, this time only a single finger hoping to poke Luke playfully and get a laugh out of him, the reaction he got was far from a laugh though.
Luke’s scream echoed through the room as Matt’s finger made contact with Luke’s side, Luke’s whole body convulsed, and he wrapped his small arms around his waist in pain.
“Luke what- what just happened?” Matt exclaimed, he inched his face closer to get a better look, had he done that? Had he just hurt his friend? He had barely touched him and yet Luke was holding his middle in pain as though he’d just broken a rib.
“Matt STOP!” Luke screamed, this was the first time Luke had acknowledged him by name, recognising him for who he was, but somehow this didn’t make Matt feel any better anymore.
Matt watched in horror as the fingers surrounding Luke began to twitch, Luke’s eyes widened in fear watching and being unable to do anything to stop him. Matt urged his fingers to remain still, but they disobeyed him, slowly closing in on his best friend who was helpless and at his mercy completely.
“Matt please!” Luke cried, tears falling freely as the hand closed around him, Matt felt his small frame hot against his fingers, his chest beating wildly against his skin, every miniscule bone and joint Matt could feel with acute clarity. So fragile, so alive and yet helpless against something as insignificant as his own fist.
His fingers did not relent though, instead squeezing tighter, Luke’s face went red and his breathes came out in laboured pants as his chest was restricted further, his lungs tight with the effort of drawing a full breath.
And then a crack.
Matt felt sick as he watched Luke’s eyes gloss over before they closed completely, and he went limp.
“Luke! Wake up! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” He wanted to shake his hand, shake Luke awake but he was so scared he would only hurt him further.
“Luke! I’m sorry! Please wake up!” Hot tears stung his hazel eyes and he cried, he released his friend from the restrictive grip and let him lay limply in his palm. He was unconscious but still breathing, he’d hurt him, hurt him badly.
“Luke.” Matt’s soft whimper faded out and the image in front of him blurred.
Matt blinked his eyes until the world around him refocused, the rhythmic buzz and whir of the fan in the room blew cold air against his sweaty skin and he stared at the ceiling above him.
He pushed himself up into a sitting position, taking in his surroundings and recognising the space as Luke’s spare room in his granny flat. He rubbed a hand over his face taking a few calming breathes as he remembered he had come over to Luke’s for a sleep over last night, the first time he’d been invited over since he found out about Luke’s ability.
“It was just a dream.” He whispered to himself, he looked around again and suddenly felt unsure, scared and alone, so he got up and quietly tiptoed out of the room.
He wanted to see for himself that Luke was okay. He couldn’t shake the sick feeling from his stomach, the feeling of being a monster.
He gently pushed the door open and peeked in, he could see his friend curled up on his large queen bed, he had his fan oscillating as well, cooling the humid room as it was a hot night. The lump that was Luke’s body under the covers rose and fell gently, indicating that he was still asleep.
Matt was about to turn around and head back into his own room for the remainder of the night, the rules were that Matt sleep in his own room just in the rare chance that Luke shift in his sleep. He hadn’t shifted in his sleep-in years, but the possibility was still there, and yet Matt couldn’t get his feet to move in the opposite direction.
Instead, he inched further into the room and carefully slipped under the covers beside his best friend, he hesitated only a moment before wrapping an arm around Luke’s waist and nuzzling his face into his neck. He didn’t care how it looked or what Luke would say when he woke up, all he knew was that he needed his best friend right now and he needed to know he was safe.
A few more tears leaked out of Matt’s eyes before he fell asleep, thankfully his sleep was dreamless as he succumbed to a feeling of peace, enjoying the presence of his friend unhurt and held securely to his body.
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rachey899 · 7 months
A Luke the size shifter G/t short story, a cute little fluff story featuring Luke just being himself at home around his family, plus we get a first look at his super adorable little sister Ivy! Thanks for the awesome suggestion @8-bitlurking, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Approx. 2.8k words
Luke walked slowly down the long gravel drive toward his home, it had been a long day at school, and he was ready to flop on his bed and play some video games.
Luke’s Father, David, meanwhile, was shovelling hay in the field behind his family’s home, he looked up from his work for a moment, wiping sweat from his brow when he saw his son Luke meandering down the drive, he gave him a wave and a tired smile.
“Hey Luke! Wanna help your old man out?”
It had taken some great adjusting for their family since Luke’s unique abilities showed up when he was six years old, almost ten years ago now.
David was immensely proud of his son and the man he was growing up to be, any other teenager might use their abilities for petty or even malicious reasons, but Luke remained humble and never used his power to intentionally hurt anyone, in fact he tried not to use them on purpose at all.
When Luke was at home however, he was free to be himself, his family never made him feel like a freak in fact on days like today, his gifts came in handy when helping out with chores.
“Sure Dad, what’d ya need?” Luke dumped his bag beside the wooden fence post and ducked under it, stepping into the field beside his father. Since hitting puberty Luke had proven to be a tall lad, at his normal height anyway he stood a few inches taller than his father, an impressive six foot five.
“This is taking me hours to shovel, do you reckon you could help me lift it all over to the stables?”
Luke nodded and eyed the large pile of hay that had been stored in the shed, his father had been shovelling small amounts into a wheelbarrow and wheeling it over to the stable across the field, only being able to move small amounts at a time.
Their truck was having issues and currently at the mechanic, so this task which was usually a simple one had become much more difficult.
Luke stepped backwards a couple of feet until he was a safe distance away from his father before closing his eyes and focussing.
Concentrating on the tight pulse in his skin, he urged himself to grow into his giant height, a staggering sixty-five feet, that should make things a little easier. Opening his eyes again, he looked down at his father who was smiling up at him. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to seeing things from such a vastly different perspective, but at least at home he didn’t have to worry about scaring anyone or keeping his gifts a secret.
David felt the ground quake beneath him from the dropping weight of his massive son as he kneeled down before him, and watched in amazement as Luke nudged the whole pile he had been working on into the palm of one hand. He’d seen him things like this before, but it was equally impressive every time.
Once the pile was loaded into his hand, Luke then offered his other hand to his father palm up and flat on the ground, asking permission to pick him up. Luke knew his father could easily follow him over to the stables on his own but even being used to being this size around his family, he still felt uneasy having them around his feet when one foot was easily bigger than their family care.
He would never risk the safety of those he cared about most, no matter how comfortable he felt around them.
“Thanks son.” David said, jumping onto the teenager’s hand with no hesitation at all before promptly sitting down, he was fully aware of the natural sway and motion of a giant hand, he didn’t want to have to keep fighting for his balance.
With all aboard, Luke slowly stood up and walked what was to him only a few steps over to the stables, the horses whinnied from within, undoubtedly feeling his arrival through the floorboards.
“How was school?” David asked casually sitting cross legged and looking skyward at his son’s magnified face from the palm of his hand.
Luke shrugged slowly, trying his best not to jostle his father around too much from the casual movement.
“It was fine, Matt was away, I think he’s got the flu or something.”
Luke lowered his hand to the ground, letting his father step off first before dumping the hay at the entryway of the stables. David nodded walking over to the hay pile to start moving it into the individual stalls with a rusty pitchfork.
“You should invite him over for dinner, your mother’s making a vegetable soup as we speak, it would be good for him as well, lord knows that boy doesn’t get anything green to eat at home.”
Luke sat down in front of the stable, idly pinching small amounts of the dried grass between his thumb and finger, thinking over his father’s words.
“Yeah, I guess I could.” Luke loved his friend, but he wasn’t sure he could deal with Matt’s high energy today; however, maybe sick Matt would be more subdued, he would think it over.
“He knows, doesn’t he?” David said casually, he continued to move the hay into different stalls not looking up at his son who still hadn’t shrunk back down yet.
“What?” Luke dropped the grass he had been playing idly with and his eyes shot up to stare into his fathers broad back.
“Matt knows about your abilities.” David reiterated, he dusted off his hands and crossed them over his wide chest before meeting his son’s large pale blue eyes.
“Wha- No, why do you think-?” Luke floundered for a good lie but let’s face it, he wasn’t very good at lying, he was honestly surprised with himself for keeping it from his family for a few weeks already.
“Matt hasn’t been round here in a few weeks; you’ve been acting funny when we bring him up, and Ivy read your journal.” He listed each on his fingers while Luke had dropped his mouth open in shock.
“So, it was either Matt knew about your secret, or you’re in love with him.” David smirked at the shocked expression on Luke’s face and shrugged like it was no big deal.
“Now shrink down already, I told you I needed your help and your big ass hands wont fit in the stables.” David gathered another fork of hay as Luke shrunk behind him.
“Ivy read my journal!?” Luke shouted once he was back at his regular size, still processing the revelation his father had dumped on him, his little sister had been snooping in his room, she had read about his most private thoughts and then blabbed them all to his parents!
Luke’s face was so red with embarrassment he thought he might be able to fry eggs on his cheeks.
“Yeah, sorry bud, she said she found it, and it was full of sappy stuff about Matt and how you wanted to tell him about your secret. Your mother and I have already spoken to her about the privacy issue, so it’s been dealt with.” David had finished spreading the hay in one of the stables when he turned around to find Luke right there in his face, cheeks red with embarrassment and disbelief.
“Dad!” Luke groaned in frustration; he couldn’t believe his ears.
“So, you did tell him then?” David continued unphased, grabbing a brush to start brushing down Mayfair’s golden coat, their blue ribboned, prized horse three years running.
Luke ran a hand through his short curly brown hair, threatening to pull it all out in annoyance. Luke closed his eyes taking a deep breath, he would deal with Ivy later, grabbing a handful of oats to feed to Mayfair he nodded his head in answer to his father’s question.
“Yes, Matt knows, but I didn’t tell him, he kinda found out…” His words faded into a mumble; he knew that his parents wouldn’t be too upset about Matt knowing his secret, but more so in the way he had found out.
“And how exactly did he find out Luke?” David’s voice was stern, and he knew he wouldn’t like what he was about to hear.
“After that big test, I kinda… grew. I made it to the forest though, no one saw me I swear, but um, Matt kinda followed me, so… Yeah.”
His father sighed and Luke waited with bated breath for the lecture to come.
“You don’t need me to tell you how dangerous that could have been, you and I both know how badly that could have gone.” David sighed again, closing his eyes to think. Over all the years Luke had gained a fair amount of control over his ability but he still wasn’t in complete control, his emotions always seemed to get the better of him.
“Maybe we need to do some more practice this weekend yeah? You need to stay in control of this Luke, it’s too dangerous for yourself and others if you continue to shift uncontrollably.”
Luke nodded in quiet agreement, their practice usually consisted of shifting all day until complete exhaustion and practicing calming techniques.
“I’m sorry Dad, I am trying.” Luke hung his head, absently petting Mayfair’s snout.
David pulled his son into a hug. “I know bud, it’s okay.” After pulling away from their embrace they both headed for the house, walking through the field in mostly silence until David spoke up again.
“So has Matt been, okay? Ya know, since finding out?”
Luke smiled widely then, thinking back over his friend’s dramatic reaction and constant wild chatter about being a superhero.
“Yeah, he’s cool with it.” Luke answered casually and thought to himself that Matt was more than cool with it.
“And you’re not in love with him?” He was actually going to kill Ivy.
“No Dad, I’m not in love with Matt.” Luke face palmed as they approached the back door, kicking off their boots before entering the house.
“Hey, just checking, your mum and I will love you and support you no matter what, we are very modern.” He said with his hands up in defence.
Luke groaned and rolled his eyes, why were parents so embarrassing.
“Damnit.” Luke heard his mother curse from the kitchen, he and his father eyed each other before heading into the kitchen to see his Mother peering through the gap between the kitchen bench and the oven. Her hand was reaching for something in the gap, her arm only going as far as her forearm before getting stuck.
“What have you lost honey?” David was at her side immediately helping her gently pull her hand back out again.
“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s my ring, I took it off to do the dishes and I must have bumped it, it fell down there.” Karly looked so guilty and so upset, David rubbed her back soothingly telling her it was okay, they’d just pull the oven out to get behind it, no problems. Luke had a simpler idea.
“It’s okay Mum, I’ve got this.” His parents turned to him to find that he was already shrinking and heading right toward the gap like it was no big deal.
Carefully stepping around his father’s socked feet he approached the space between the bench and the oven, it was a thin gap and even being so small he had to turn on his side and sidestep through. Quickly he realized just how often this space got cleaned which was definitely never, his clothes quickly were coated in oven grease and dust, but he persevered.
As he approached the wall, he could see a gold ring with small sapphires dotting the surface in an intricate pattern. He picked up the admittedly heavy chunk of metal and pulled it over his head until it sunk down to his shoulders like an extremely thick and awkward necklace before making his way back towards the light of the kitchen.
Finally stepping out from the gap, he pulled the ring over his head once more and held it up in triumph.
“Got it!” He shouted with a wide grin across his freckled features.
His mother knelt down in front of him with a soft smile, she laid out her hand for him to step onto, instead Luke approached her ring finger and pushed the ring until it fit snugly where it should have been all along, only then he stepped lightly onto her palm to be lifted up to her face.
“Luke you are precious, thank you.” She held him to her cheek in an appreciative hug before letting him off on the kitchen bench, where he proceeded to grow back to his normal height, legs swinging off the side of the cool white surface.
“No problem at all, though I might recommend cleaning back there, it’s gross.” He indicated to his grotty clothes; his mother scrunched up her nose taking in his appearance.
“Go take a shower and get changed, dinner will be ready in an hour.” She agreed.
Luke nodded and headed for the front door right as it opened to reveal a dishevelled looking twelve-year-old girl, her brown hair was coming loose out of her two long plaits, her face was covered in dirt and her knees exposed to reveal bruises. This wasn’t out of the ordinary for young Ivy though, she was a risk taker and if she didn’t come home from school dirty then she didn’t have an awesome day.
“Hey Ivy.” Luke said calmly, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall to peer down at her.
“Luke!” She shouted in excitement, a wide smile revealing two missing front teeth, she made to hug him, but he held a hand up to stop her, his expression serious.
“Got something you wanna tell me?” He asked carefully, the colour drained from her face, and she gulped audibly.
“Oh shoot!” She cursed before diving between her brothers’ legs and bolting down the hall to her bedroom.
Luke was hot on her tail, as quick as she could she slammed her bedroom door behind her and sat in front of it as he pushed on the door to be let in. The banging on the door went silent and Ivy let out a deep breath of relief, he must have given up already.
“Can’t get rid of me that easy.” Came a voice from beside her, she shrieked upon seeing Luke’s six-and-a-half-inch form beside her, he must have shrunk to get under the door, she stood quickly and jumped onto her bed, hiding under the covers.
Luke meanwhile grew once more back to his standard height and approached the bed sitting down beside the lump under the covers.
“Come on Ivy, I know you read my journal, I’m not mad, I just want a hug.”
Slowly she peeked out from under the covers to see a soft expression on her brother’s face coaxing her out gently, she relented and pushed back the covers. Quick as a flash Luke wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his lap and holding her tightly, she hadn’t noticed before how dirty he was, but Luke hadn’t forgotten.
Upon inhaling the scent coming from him she gagged and writhed to be let go but his arms held firm.
“Uh ah, no you don’t.” He chided.
“God Luke, you smell like a toilet, get off of me! What is this stuff!?” She screeched, the guck had smeared onto her clothes, through her hair and on her face, she wanted to be sick.
“Nope! This is what you get for snooping through my things!” He held her more tightly and smeared more of the guck into her clothes.
“Ahhhhh.” She screamed for help, but none came, only an overbearing brother who smelt like a skunk and unfortunately proved to be a lot stronger than she was.
“Okay, okay! I promise I won’t go through your stuff again! Get off of me, I’m gonna be sick!” She cried.
The pressure around her eased and Luke let her go, she flopped back on her bed panting and gagging dramatically, glaring daggers at her brother who only smirked mischievously at her.
“Pinky promise?” He held out his pinkie finger to her, it was also covered in guck, and she gulped before grasping the greasy finger with her own, quickly making a pinkie promise before snatching her finger back like it had been burnt. “So gross!”
Luke laughed, ruffling his little sister’s knotty hair before leaving the room and heading for his own little granny flat beside their family home to take a shower and change his clothes, he really did smell like a toilet.
He sighed in contentment as he entered his own space, his little sister irritated him, and his parents were becoming more and more embarrassing, but he wouldn’t trade it for the world, he felt like he could really be himself at home.
There was no one to hide from, no one to judge him or treat him like a circus freak, he could just simply be Luke, size shifter and all.
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rachey899 · 7 months
Just a Tiny Little Peek
This story happens shortly after the events from 'What The Actual'. Probably the most G/t interaction between Luke and Matt so far, hope you enjoy! Warning some angst and fear of being squished, non-consensual grabbing. Approx. 2.8k words
“I don’t think this is such a good idea.” Luke scanned the empty hallways for the millionth time, still uneasy about what he and Matt were about to do. Well, really just what Luke was about to do, Matt would keep watch, but it was his idea.
“You’ll be fine bro, I’ll be right here.” Matt gave Luke a pat on the back to reassure him.
“The plan is super simple, shrink down, sneak in and take a tiny peek at the test results, ha get it? Tiny, cos you’ll be you know.” Matt used his finger and thumb to emphasize the small height that his friend was about to shrink to. Luke raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest and held a deadpan expression, not finding any of this funny.
It had been a week since Matt had discovered Luke’s size shifting ability and that had been by accident, since then Matt had been hounding Luke to show him the full extent of his abilities, but Luke had refused every time. He had refused this time too, but somehow, he was still there standing outside their math teachers office.
“Anyway, there’s still twenty minutes of lunch left, and you know Mr Peterson always has his lunch off school grounds so we have plenty of time, what could go wrong!?”
Luke was still not convinced, he checked the halls again, indeed there was not a soul around, that didn’t mean that nothing would go wrong, his shifting abilities could be unpredictable at the best of times.
Matt could see the uncertainty in his friends features, he knew he was about to back out. “Luke, I promise nothing will go wrong, I’ll be right here to back you up if you need it.”
Luke nodded in understanding; he had no doubt his friend would stay true to his word. If Luke was being honest with himself, he didn’t find shrinking all that comfortable, he felt vulnerable and weak when he was small. He didn’t want to admit it to Matt either but the idea of seeing his friend as a giant scared him, he trusted his friend of course but he also knew it was easy to forget your own strength around someone so much smaller than you.
“Can’t we just wait for the results to come out at the end of the week?”
“Luke, I love you bro, but if I have to put up with one more day of you stressing out over this damn test I’m gonna lose my mind, we find out today, you got this.”
Luke took a deep breath, no point arguing when he wasn’t ever going to win, better to get this over with. He closed his eyes and focused on shrinking his body, he felt his skin itch, which was the feeling he usually got before shrinking, like his skin didn’t fit properly anymore, it was a difficult feeling to describe.
When he opened his eyes again, he was staring at a giant pair of black and white Nike sneakers.
“Whoa!” A booming voice echoed from above and through the deserted halls, Luke hesitated staring dumbly at the giant pair of feet before him, he didn’t want to look up. He’d only ever seen his family from this vantage point before and he wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready to see Matt like this.
Before he could decide whether or not to interact with his giant friend or just go ahead and enter the office from the space under the door, the shifting of an immense amount of fabric caught his attention, Matt had shuffled his feet and was moving to kneel down in front of his friend.
Finally looking up, Luke watched in horror as a large hand came hurtling toward him and without thinking he stumbled backwards and ducked under the door frame. He continued to step backwards away from the door even though the giant digits had ceased following him, he took multiple calming breathes trying to steady his beating heart.
“Luke I’m sorry!” He could hear Matt’s voice rumbling through the door. “I didn’t mean to be grabby, I just- I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m sorry dude, I won’t do that again.” He sounded hurt, sincere but Luke was still rattled, he didn’t respond.
“Dude, are you okay?”
Luke stared at the door like it might bite him, he knew Matt would be curious, he just hadn’t expected that. It was Matt’s first time seeing him at his smaller size and Luke thought to himself that he probably should have given him a rundown on the do’s and don’ts around smaller folk. However, when Matt had first found out about his abilities, Luke had been the giant and he had grabbed at him immediately too, maybe he was being hypocritical.
“I-I’m fine!” Luke cleared his throat, shaking the nerves out of his system, he didn’t want Matt to feel too badly about his impulsive reaction to seeing him so small, especially when Luke had done the same to him when the roles were reversed.
Focusing back to the task at hand, Luke concentrated on growing back to the average human height, he wouldn’t be able to reach the top of Mr Peterson’s desk at his current heigh and he’d be damned if he had to climb all the way up there, besides, time was of the essence.
Feeling his skin tighten, he concentrated on that feeling and watched as the room shrunk around him until he has at his normal height once more.
With no time to waste he approached the desk and found the test booklets right on top, Mr Peterson had said to his class earlier that day that he had just finished marking the tests but wouldn’t release the results until Friday.
That was the whole reason that the two teenagers were there right now, obviously the Math teacher had suspected students would try to break in to steal or change their test results and so had locked the door, but he didn’t account for Luke’s secret abilities.
Luke sifted through the papers until he found Matt’s test, he had scored 87% which was a B grade and a pass for the class, feeling more confident Luke flipped through the rest finding his test right at the bottom. That’s when there was a knock at the door.
“Luke! Hurry up Mr Peterson is coming!”
Luke felt himself shoot up a few inches. “No, no, no.” He thought, quickly scanning his test sheet he put the paper’s back as neatly as he could and closed his eyes, slow deep breathes.
“Come on Luke, just shrink.”  He whispered to himself, he could feel his skin tighten and then itch and then tighten and then itch as though it were at war with itself, unsure if he would shrink or grow due to his anxiety levels spiking.
“Oh Mr. Peterson I was just admiring your door, is that cedar or oak?” Matt’s voice came muffled through the door and Luke knew he only had a minute or two to shrink and get out of there before the teacher came in.
Focusing once more, Luke felt the itch in his skin and urged his body to shrink, the itching crept down his arms and legs and he pushed it to keep going. When he opened his eyes once more, he was once again a little shy of 7 inches tall, scanning the room he dashed towards the door, the thick carpet making it difficult to run, like trying to run on sand.
The door opened just as Luke had reached the wall to the right of the door, it opened inwards, and Luke covered a scream with his hand as a large brown loafer stepped into the room slamming down barely inches away from where he was.
“I don’t know what you’re up to Matthew King, but I suggest you go to lunch rather than snooping around my office.” Mr. Peterson’s gravelly voice echoed from above and Luke watched with bated breath as he took a few more steps into the room, feeling the floor quake beneath him with each step, the door began to slowly close, and Luke took the opportunity to dive through the dwindling opening sprawling on the tiled floor of the hallway right as the door closed.
Laying on his back on the cold tiled floor Luke looked up to see Matt’s gigantic face looming over him, shaggy blonde hair sweeping about his hazel eyes and his eyebrows creased in concern. Matt did not dare reach for him though, however much his fingers itched to pick up his diminutive friend and make sure he was okay.
Luke let out a breath of relief, that had been too close, too close to being busted, too close to being stepped on, just way too close for comfort, much like Matt was right now.
Luke pushed himself up and waved for his friend to back up a little.
“We need to get out of here now.” Matt whispered, keeping his voice low for his friend’s sake and also so that the Math teacher on the other side of the door wouldn’t hear, they weren’t out of the woods yet. Anyone could round the corner at any moment and Mr Peterson could step out of his office at any second.
“Alright hang on.” Luke muttered, he closed his eyes and concentrated, there was no tightness in his skin, no tingling of any kind, he opened his eyes and wavered in place, dizziness was his only feeling, that and complete exhaustion. Going against his body’s natural shifting usually left him drained of energy which made it difficult to shift on command again.
“Fuck.” Luke wobbled feeling his knees grow weak.
He felt the floor quake beneath him, the steps approaching from the other side of the door, his blue eyes went wide staring up at his friend with panic.
“Matt! Pick me up!”
Matt looked hesitant, he was worried for his friend and didn’t want to do anything that would make him uncomfortable. “It’s okay dude, you don’t have to-.”
“Now Matt, put me in your pocket!” Matt heard the teacher approaching now and without anytime to make sure Luke was okay he snatched him off the ground and dumped him into his shirt pocket, standing up instantly as the door opened again.
“What on earth are you doing Mr King?”
“Nothing Sir I swear I was only admiring your door.” He practically screamed the words at the teacher with speed and then turned on his heel and marched down the hallway. He quickly turned a corner and ducked straight into the boy’s bathroom, checking that the stalls were empty before pinching the top of his pocket flap and peering inside.
Luke was attempting to calm his poor heart, Matt had grabbed him rather roughly leaving him winded and panting, the speed at which Matt had flown him through the air and then dumped him not so graciously in his pocket had left him on the verge of a panic attack.
The loud and quick thumping of the large heart directly behind him hinted that Matt was just as panicked as he was. Once his world had stopped swaying with the large movements of his friend, he could hear a door close and then silence beside his own rapid breathing and the large gusts of Matt’s breathes.
The lid of the pocket opened, and large hazel eyes peered in at him with worry. “Oh my god dude, are you okay!? That was fucking close!” Matt had forgotten to lower his voice and the echo of the bathroom did not help Luke’s smaller ears and he clapped his hands over them protectively, Matt flinched upon seeing this and whispered a sorry.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” Luke wasn’t sure who he was kidding, he certainly didn’t feel okay, and Matt wasn’t convinced either.
“Here, let me just-.” Matt started and without warning a large hand invaded the cramped space of the pocket, Matts fingers curled under Luke causing him to roll roughly into his palm as he was brought out into the open air once more.
“That’s better, now I can talk to you.” He gave Luke a lopsided smile.
Luke huffed in annoyance and straightened his ruffled clothes, flicking his curly brown hair out of his eyes.
“Matt, Dude, you need to give me some warning or at least ask first.”
“You literally told me to pick you up.” Matt sighed in exasperation.
“Yeah, that was before, this is now, unless it’s an emergency, ask first.” Luke snapped.
Matt deflated a little then, he had already scared his friend so much today already and he felt like he just kept fucking this whole thing up. Some side kick he was turning out to be.
Upon seeing his friends dejected expression he immediately felt guilty, Luke patted the warm slightly sweaty leathery skin beneath him in an attempt to comfort his friend, he hadn’t meant to snap at him, the stress of the situation had just gotten to him.
“It’s okay Matt, I’m unhurt, no harm done, just for next time yeah?”
Matt quirked a smile then and nodded in agreement.
There was an awkward silence where Matt and Luke simply stared at each other, taking in each other’s overwhelming size differences before Matt broke the silence.
“So did you see the test scores?” The devilish smirk on Matt’s face was contagious and Luke smiled too before nodding excitedly.
“You got 87% bro! That’s a pass!” Matt almost jumped for joy before realising that might throw his friend overboard, he whooped loudly instead.
“And you?”
“91%” Luke answered casually admiring his fingernails like he hadn’t been freaking out about the test score this whole time.
“Overachiever.” Matt poked Luke in the stomach nudging him backwards slightly by accident, Luke pushed the finger away indignantly.
“Hey watch the merchandise.”
“If the merchandise wasn’t so tiny right now, it wouldn’t be a problem now would it.” Matt raised his eyebrows, questioning his friend as to why he hadn’t shifted back to normal yet.
He knew that uncontrollable bursts would leave him unable to shift for a while but as far as he knew Luke had shifted on command which should mean he should be able to shift back to normal no problem.
“Yeah, so that may be a problem.” Luke said tentatively.
“What do you mean?” Matt was confused.
“Well, when I was in there, I heard you say Mr Peterson was coming and I began to grow, I panicked, I forced my body to fight its natural shifting which I’ve never done before, well not to that extent anyway.”
“Still not following, shouldn’t that mean your like bursting to be giant right now?”
“I don’t totally understand it either, I think I exhausted myself in shrinking down against my body’s will, exhaustion can leave me small for a while.”
Matt’s curiosity peeked again, Luke hadn’t ever explained what it was that made him grow or shrink, just that sometimes it happened uncontrollably like when he had found out about Luke’s abilities and sometimes it happened on command.
“So, when your stressed and panicked you grow? And when you’re tired you shrink?” One of Matt’s eyebrows rose in question, he wasn’t sure if he was understanding this right.
“Kind of, its generally based on my emotions, so yeah high anxiety, stress, anger all make me grow, and exhaustion, sadness and depression make me shrink.”
Matt smiled broadly then. “So, you’re like the Incredible Hulk!”
Luke face palmed himself, he knew exactly where he was going with this.
“No Matt, I’m not like the Incredible Hulk.” He sighed.
“You are, if someone makes you angry you Hulk out.”
“Whatever you say dude, regardless, I won’t be able to shift for a while, do you mind giving me a lift home?”
“Sure dude, all aboard the Mathew express!” He then proceeded to tip Luke back into his shirt pocket, trying to ignore the odd sensation of having his friends small form thud against his chest.
“Again with the warning!” Luke shouted from the pocket; Matt cringed but shrugged his shoulders muttering a half assed. “Oops.” Before exiting the bathroom and walking out of the school grounds towards Luke’s house.
Luke’s annoyance at his friend’s behavior was short lived as the casual swaying of the pocket reminded him of his tiredness and with the rhythmic thumping of a large heartbeat behind him and the warmth within the pocket, he fell fast asleep.
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rachey899 · 7 months
What The Actual...
When did Matt find out about Luke’s size shifting abilities?
Another short story featuring Luke and Matt approximately 2.4k words.
Luke was sweating buckets by the time he’d gotten to school, the walk from his house seemed to blur as his mind recited everything on his revision notes for the upcoming test today. This test was worth 80% of his math grade and would determine whether he failed the class or not.
He had done so poorly in all his other subjects that if he failed math as well, he would need to repeat the year.
His mind raced as he tried to think up the formula for Pythagoras theorem, he’d literally just looked it over again that morning and now he was drawing a blank, what if he continued to draw blanks for the rest of the day, what if by the time he was looking at his test book he couldn’t remember anything.
“Whoa watch it!”
Luke stumbled as he bumped into someone and continued to then trip over his own long legs and fall, sprawling on the hard concrete ground.
The person he had barged into had long since gone and Luke sat there stunned like a deer in the headlights, in fact he almost wanted to cry, he just wanted today to be over already.
Standing up, he brushed himself off and shouldered his backpack, he had grazed his elbow on the way down and it stung but it would heal. He seemed to heal faster than the average person and he supposed he could thank his unusual gift for that neat trick.
“Luke, hey dude you’ll never guess what Linda said to me this morning!” Matt bounced beside his friend and continued to babble excitedly.
“I got on the bus and her seat was the only one available so naturally I asked if I could sit there, you know all casual like, and she said yes! Can you believe it! She actually spoke to me, Luke are you listening? You don’t look so good.” He eyed his friend who was obviously tense, he looked much paler than usual, and he could see the perspiration on his forehead.
“Are you sick or something?” 
Luke felt sick, he felt like he was going to throw up, and his nervousness only grew as he felt his skin tighten like he was about to shift, he could not let that happen today, he had enough to worry about without worrying about turning into a giant freak of nature.
“Yeah, sorry, I guess I’m just nervous about the test, sorry dude.” Luke excused himself to duck into the bathroom, he literally had to duck his head so he wouldn’t hit the frame of the door, he hoped his friend didn’t notice that he’d just shot up a few inches.
He whirled into a stall and put the lid down on the toilet, sitting there with his head in his hands trying to take steady even breathes, if he could calm himself down, he could resist the shift.
“That was close.” He sighed letting out a long breath as he watched the toilet cubicle shrink back to its regular size. The test was during the first two periods of the day, if he could just get through that and then go home with the excuse that he was sick, then he could grow and get it out of his system and feel much better.
He rejoined Matt in the hallway where he was waiting for him, Matt looked at him with concern. He wondered if there was something else going on for his friend beside the test but chose to believe him, he had no reason not to.
They parted ways at home room and Luke made sure to sit right at the back to avoid anyone who might want to sit and chat with him, he didn’t have the energy to focus on anything else today besides this stupid test and remaining an average human height for a few hours.
The bell rang to signal first period and he shot out of his seat, darting out the door and straight to the hall where the math test was being held, he entered through the large double doors and scanned the room.
Thinking strategically, he should sit at the back closest to the door just in case he had to make a quick exit, however fate had other plans and he spotted Matt waving at him from the middle of the room, signally to sit next to him instead. He wondered with annoyance how on earth he had managed to get to the Hall before him.
“I’ll be so glad when this is over.” Luke sighed slumping into his seat beside his friend.
“You and me both bro.” Matt chuckled good naturedly nudging his friend in the arm.
“Students take your seats, this test will commence in two minutes sharp, you will have ninety minutes to complete your test, use this time wisely.”
With that, everyone in the room watched in silence as the timer began and then simultaneously flipped their test booklets over and began scribbling furiously.
Luke was feeling confident about halfway through, all his answers he was sure were correct so far, that was until he looked up at the timer and saw he only had thirty minutes left and still half the booklet to go. He felt his muscles tighten and his skin felt like it was swelling, he closed his eyes and took a breath, he just had to keep going, focus on the work and take deep breaths. His seat felt smaller.
He only had two questions left when the alarm on the timer sounded, jolting in his seat, he flipped his booklet over and bolted for the door, the pressure in his body was becoming too much and he had to get out of there. Running full tilt toward the forested area that backed onto the school oval, he knew of a clearing there he had used to grow before, he just hoped he could make it there in time before he exploded.
His legs felt longer, his strides stretching further as he ran, the grass looked smaller, he knew he wasn’t big enough to be noticeable, but it was coming, and it was coming fast.
Once in the cover of the trees he let his body go, that tight feeling felt looser as he let himself grow, his forehead brushing against the tops of the trees, he took a few more steps mindful of the smaller foliage, he didn’t want to leave an obvious trail. He reached the clearing and stretched his aching body, letting out a groan from the relief, the anxiety gone and the pressure previously raging through his muscles was gone.
“What the actual-.”
Luke whipped his head around scanning the forest floor until his large blue eyes landed on the small form of his childhood best friend staring up at him with wide eyes, he held Luke’s backpack in one hand with his own slung over the opposite shoulder. Matt had watched his friend’s odd behavior and worried about him, so he’d picked up his bag and followed him into the forest to check on him.
“Matt.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, how to explain himself, he took a step toward his friend who stood comparatively around six inches in height to him, and he immediately regretted it. He watched with the sick feeling of guilt in his stomach as Matt took multiple steps backward, tripping over the branches of the forest floor and falling back on his rear.
Luke knelt down instead, planting his knees into the ground, and flinching as he saw the rumbling effect it had on his friend causing Matt to shake either from the large movement or from fear, neither of them were sure, probably both.
Matt shook his head as if coming out of a trance and before he could think it through, he dropped both bags jumping up onto his feet and made to bolt in the opposite direction.
“Wait!” Luke shouted, throwing caution to the wind, he reached out his large hands that moved much faster than anything that big had a right to and scooped up his friend closing him in between his two hands as though he’d just caught an interesting bug.
Luke’s eyes widened as he felt Matt kick and punch at his large digits, he could hear him shouting from within his hands, but it was muffled. He felt horrible holding his best friend against his will like this, but he needed to explain what was going on, he owed it to him at least.
Once he’d explained he would let him go and he would understand if Matt never wanted to see him again, who’d want to be friends with a freak like him anyway.
With a deep breath he slowly opened his hands letting the light shine within the enclosed space until his eyes settled on Matt sprawled on his back and staring up at him fearfully, he had his arms over his head in defense and his chest rose and fell as he took quick short, panicked breaths.
“Matt, I-it’s me.” Luke’s words caught in his throat, he blinked back the tears that were threatening, he hated that he was the cause of Matt’s fear.
“Luke?” Matt’s small voice reached his ears and he let out a breath of relief ruffling his friend’s shaggy blonde hair in the process. He watched avidly as Matt’s breathing began to slow and recognition was beginning to show on his features.
“Yeah Matt, it’s just me, I swear I won’t hurt you; I can explain all of his.” His words rushed over Matt’s body, and he shuddered at the bizarre feeling of such large breathes washing over him, but he recognized those blue eyes, the freckles that were scattered across his cheeks and nose, his curly brown hair bounced and hung around his eyes, this was Luke, just magnified.
Matt pushed himself up to sit cross legged in his friends’ hands and craned his neck to look up at his gigantic best friend.
“C-can you p-put me down Luke?” Matt internally beat himself for stuttering over his words, he tried to push the fear away knowing Luke would never truly hurt him, but it was hard to do when your life was literally being held in someone’s hands.
“Promise you won’t run?” Luke appeared hesitant to put his friend down even though he wanted nothing more than for his friend to feel comfortable and safe, he just needed to explain.
“I promise.”
Luke lowered his hands to the forest floor and flattened them out so Matt could step off onto steady ground once again, Matt really wanted to kiss the floor once he’d stepped off but refrained from the dramatic display of relief for the sake of his friend’s feelings.
“So, what happened to you dude? Fall into a radioactive pit or something? Is this permanent?”
“I’m a size shifter, as far as I know I was born with this ability, but I can’t always control it very well, particularly when I’m stressed like today, I’m so sorry.” Luke settled himself into a sitting position and crossed his legs, keeping a few feet between himself and Matt.
“How does this even happen? So, what, your parents obviously know right? Does anyone else know?”
“Yeah, my parents know, but no one else, I swear I wanted to tell you, but my parents said it was best to keep it secret, for my safety you know?”
Matt shook his head in disbelief and looked up and up at his best friend’s face, he looked so concerned, he knew Luke had always been the quieter and more self-conscious of the two, but he found it hard to believe that someone who stood ten times taller than anyone else could look so much like a hurt puppy.
“Okay so if you can shift sizes, why don’t you, you know, shrink back down now?”
He watched with curiosity as Luke closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before letting out a frustrated groan.
“I can’t yet.” He looked so apologetic, like all he wanted to do was be his regular size and hug his best friend but couldn’t.
“The burst I had was a pretty big one, sometimes it takes a little while before I can shift again, I’m sorry, I know I must seem really scary to you.” He looked down at his hands that were resting in his lap like he was a monster.
“That’s okay, no harm done.” Matt slowly walked towards his large friend and held a hand out, hesitating only briefly before resting it on Luke’s jean clad thigh and patted it comfortingly. Luke’s lips twitched into a smile watching his friend trying to be comforting despite him being obviously still uneasy around the giant. He appreciated it all the same.
“So uh, is this the real reason you live in that granny flat instead of in your folks house?”
Luke chuckled softly and nodded.
“Yeah, when I was younger, I would have bad dreams and shift in my sleep, it was safer to have me out of the house, that hasn’t happened in a long time though.”
“I still can’t believe you kept this a secret from me for so long, we’ve known each other since first grade!” Matt stood back again, not out of fear but so that he could see all of his friend while he was talking to him.
“I really wanted to tell you dude, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine I get it, just pissed because all this time we could have been using this power to you know fight crime and stuff! We could have scared bullies away or something.” Matt threw up his hands in dramatic exasperation but smiled anyway. Luke rolled his eyes.
“So? You’re cool with this? Really? And you won’t tell anyone?” Luke leaned forward looking earnestly at Matt.
“Yeah gigantor, your secret is safe with me.” Luke chuckled at the nickname and smiled.
The two hung out in the clearing for a few hours, chatting as if nothing had changed between them, just two friends hanging out and passing time.
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rachey899 · 5 months
Well now I'm curious, has Matt had nightmares over how he find out, since he didn't know it was his friend and got grabbed by a giant?
Sorry about the Hiatus but I am back! And answering questions, and yes, he has the poor baby, though he never admits it to Luke, the whole experience was quite jarring for him, and he still has occasional nightmares about it, like this one for example, approx 1.8k words:
Matt's Nightmares Two
“Luke! Dude where are you!?” Matt’s voice seemed to echo around him, he was holding Luke’s bag over one arm and jogging through the increasingly dense forest in search of his friend. Luke had just run out from a test in a panic and when Matt had followed him into the forest, he expected to see his best mate hugging a tree or having a nervous breakdown of some kind, but his friend was nowhere to be found.
“Luke! Are you okay!?” He tried to call out again but with no luck, the further he stepped through the forest the darker it was getting around him and he swore if he looked up, he’d see stars, it was that dark.
He continued to walk on aimlessly until he heard a rustle up ahead, it sounded as though something was moving through the trees, although much higher than any human could reach, he decided to investigate further and practically stumbled into a clearing. Suddenly the world was so bright that it stung his eyes, and he blinked up at the silhouette of an impossibly large monster.
Hesitating for only a moment, he dropped the bag and ran, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“MATT WAIT!” The voice thundered behind him, and he wondered briefly how it knew his name, but he didn’t have to wonder for long because the world around him darkened again as he was engulfed by the shadow of five large appendages.
Matt let out a scream of terror as the fingers closed around him, wrapping him in a tight fist that was then lifted off the ground at breakneck speed.
Hyperventilating and at the point of passing out, Matt looked up into the eyes of the monster as he was brought up to its face.
“Matt it’s me.” The voice though still reverberated around him held some familiarity, Matt took some deep breaths and focused on the eyes before him, dark blue eyes that reminded him of the deep sea but also reminded him of his friend. His best friend, Luke.
“Luke?” He couldn’t hide the astonishment from his tone as the giant’s face lit up with joy and relief, Luke slowly opened his hand only to push Matt into his chest in an extremely awkward and oversized hug.
“Okay you oversized puppy, do you wanna explain what’s going on now or what?” Matt pushed against the chest in front of him, trying to let Luke know that he was done hugging now. The large hand behind him fell away leaving him to cling for dear life to the fabric of Luke’s shirt.
“Luke!” Matt whined in surprise. “Dude, not cool!” Matt grunted with effort, there was no response from his giant friend, only the immense breaths gushing above him and then suddenly everything was moving as Luke got to his feet. Matt’s knuckles strained from the effort to hold onto the fabric as tightly as he could as it swayed and moved far too quickly.
“Luke!” Matt’s voice was high and shrill at the prospect that his friend couldn’t hear him, did he forget that he was there somehow? Was this some kind of joke?
With no response from Luke yet again, Matt thinks through his options, he could climb up to Luke’s shoulder, closer to his friend ear where he might be able to hear him better or he could climb down.
 Seeing as Luke was currently walking, getting closer to those bus sized sneakers was not appealing. Up it is then, Matt thought ruefully as he strained with the effort of pulling his body upwards against the motions of a giant.
Finally, Matt pulls himself up onto Luke’s shoulder where he sits and regains his breath leaning against Luke’s neck.
“What the hell is that?” Luke’s voice vibrates his body being so close to the vocal cords in his neck.
“It’s me …. Matt.” Matt huffs still slowing his breathing down and annoyed that his friend had forgotten he was there, he didn’t think he was THAT small compared to the gargantuan man.
Out of his peripheral vision Matt see’s a large hand reaching up to him, relived that his friend would pick him up to acknowledge him once more he smiled in relief but hesitated when the hand approaching him didn’t slow down and it didn’t look as though it was reaching for him either.
The back of Luke’s hand came streamlining for him and he narrowly avoided being swatted off the shoulder by grasping the collar of Luke’s shirt and dangling from the back of his neck.
“Fuck dude! Luke, I swear to God…oh shit.” Luke’s hand made another move for him, somehow twisting in a way that it could reach him from the odd angle, this time Matt didn’t have enough time to move out of the way and was, as a result, pummelled by what felt like a train on impact before falling.
The world around him blurred, the wind rushing past him and the forest floor becoming alarmingly close with each passing millisecond. He screamed again as he hit the ground hard.
Matt was sure he’d broken everything in his body and wasn’t even sure how he was still alive, he blinked up at his friend who was walking away from him.
Footsteps rattling his broken body through the forest floor and Luke kept on walking as though nothing had happened.
“Luke please.” Matt begged weakly as his vision began to fill with twinkly spots.
“Luke… I’m here … please see me.” With his last words uttered much too softly for the giant to hear, he closed his eyes and succumbed to the fact that he was invisible, nothing but an insect that his friend couldn’t see and didn’t care about.
“Fuck!” Matt’s eyes snapped open, and he sat up in bed in a cold sweat, his hands danced around his body to make sure everything was intact and only when he was sure he was in his bed in their shared apartment then he took a slow calming breath.
“Well, that was fucked up.” He muttered, he looked over at the clock on his nightstand and groaned, even for him it was early, only just 5am, but there was no way in hell he was going to be going back to sleep that night.
With a groan he pushed himself out of bed with the plan to have a strong cup of coffee and a smoke, encouraging himself with the possibility of watching the sunrise in the next few hours.
Sitting outside on the balcony with his feet up on the railing looking at the slowly fading stars in the early morning he found himself lost in thought. He wondered if there were times where Luke didn’t see him or didn’t hear him simply because of how big he was when he was a giant. Matt also knew that the experiences he had in his nightmare were not reality, Luke would never be so reckless, and he knew he was always extremely alert when he was a giant.
Besides the dream had been triggered by the memory of how Matt had discovered Luke’s abilities and what had happened in that dream was definitely not how it had played out in reality. He had been scared and ran from Luke but when he realised who it was, he trusted his friend and Luke had been nothing but gentle and patient. That was who his friend was, he reminded himself.
An exaggerated yawn came from the sliding door as Luke stepped out with a coffee also in hand and plopped down on the chair next to his best friend.
“So, I know what woke me up this morning but what in gods name got you up before 8am?” Matt snickered at his extremely tired and irritable looking friend; Luke’s hair was normally a fluffy mess, but this was next level. Luke only shot him a half assed glare before sighing.
“Had a bad dream and didn’t wanna close my eyes again.” Luke muttered.
“That’s so weird, I had a nightmare too, maybe we have a ghost or demon haunting us.” Matt suggested.
Luke rolled his eyes. “Ghosts and demons aren’t real; it was just a coincidence.” Luke continued bored like he’d had this conversation a million times.
“Oh yeah, ghosts and demons aren’t real but size shifters are?” He quirked an eyebrow at his friend, he had to admit, anything was possible if someone like Luke existed.
“Just shhh, my brain can’t do this conversation yet, let’s just look at the stars.” Luke suggested sleepily, before Matt could respond with another purposefully annoying quip, he could hear the snores from his best mate and turned to see he was well and truly fast asleep.
So much for not wanting to close his eyes again, Matt got his phone out and snapped a quick picture, Luke’s head had rolled back and to the side slightly with his mouth hanging wide open, he looked hilarious, and he would post that on social media this morning for the world to see. He gently picked up the mug from Luke’s hands and placed it on the small second-hand table they had picked up when they had first moved in.
The sun was now just starting to rise, giving the dark of night an orange hue, Matt wondered if Luke had nightmares about the same things that he did, it gave him a kind of comfort to think that Luke was as scared of accidently hurting him or not seeing him as he was of being hurt or unseen by his friend. Maybe one day they would talk through their fears, but today was not the day, Matt promised that the rest of their day would be a slow and gentle one, they both would need it.
Notes: Though the initial fear of being grabbed by an unknown giant is definitely there, Matthew’s fear of being forgotten or unnoticed is triggered in these dreams, stemming originally from his childhood (we will have more backstory on Matthew soon I promise) and cultivates in some extreme attention seeking behavior throughout his life. One of Matt’s greatest fears is being unnoticed or unappreciated by those he cares about most. Poor Matty I think he’s done having nightmares now, the boys are due for some fluff now!
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rachey899 · 7 months
Master Post
Here is the links to all of my G/t writings and dribbles. Thought I'd make it a little easier for everyone to have them all in one place, and I'll try to remember to continue to add any new ones!
Luke and Matt Stories:
Luke is an emotional size shifter and has been since he was about six years old, the only person he confides in his secret is his best friend Matt. Luke and Matt's stories are a compilation of short stories from heroic adventures to boyish shenanigans, lots of fluff and some angst.
Why Can't I Be Normal
Mr Luke Gulliver
What The Actual...
Just a Tiny Little Peek
Matt's Nightmares
Matt's Nightmares Two
A Shifty Hero
Be The Hero
Running Into Fire
What's Wrong With You?
Superhero's Don't Get Sick
It's a Small World AU
Sword and Skye Stories:
Sword and Skye is about a young Fae whose village is pillaged by pirates, in order to return magic to her people she volunteers to stow away on the dreaded Sea Raven, steal the crystal back and return home. She has thirty days to complete her mission before her human disguise wears off, simple. Things become more complex when the captain turns out to be devilishly handsome and the crew weed their way into a soft place in her heart. Now she is unsure where she truly belongs, grappling with lying to her friends about who she really is and wondering if there is a world in which she and Captain Blaine could sail the seas together.
Lightning Ridge
A young Shifter wanders into a town crawling with hunters, Hendrix plans on laying low but when he catches wind of one particular hunter who is after the same Shifter that he’s been tracking himself, his curiosity gets the better of him. Offering to join the man on his quest he can only hope he can track down the dangerous shifter, saving the lives of innocents all the while keeping his secret hidden.
TW: mentions of murder/eating people, giant spiders, some swearing, some violence, mentions of drug use, graphic scenes of death
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Moon and Emerich Stories:
There's Something You Don't See Everyday
Mixie Stories:
Rain and Grief
Autumn Breeze
Other G/t Stories:
What a Circus
Sick Day
Enemy Territory
Strawberries and Sprites
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rachey899 · 7 months
What's Wrong With You?
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An Asexual Awareness Week Special!
Introducing Luke as a Gay Ace in this short story about his first breakup as a young adult. I was saving this story for later, but I thought it fit the theme of the week, so you get a bonus story. This is still a G/t fic however the G/t happens towards the end. Approx 2.2k words.
Luke walked beside Jason wondering if this was what it felt like to be falling in love. They had been seeing each other for about six months after they were introduced by a mutual work colleague and had been basically inseparable since.
Spending all their free time outside of work together, playing video games, going out to community events, nature walks and frequent romantic date nights. Outside of Matt, Luke wasn’t sure he had ever adored someone as much he adored Jason, he was polite and gentlemanly, considerate of his personal space and was always looking for things to do that Luke genuinely enjoyed.
They walked towards Luke’s apartment that he shared with Matt and stopped at the steps just outside the door, Jason turned to face him with a twinkle in his hypnotizing blue eyes. They reminded him of his own but where his eyes were a pale light blue, Jason’s had flecks of aqua through them, he loved them, he loved him.
“I think that had to be the best date night so far, if I do say so myself.” Jason whispered with a soft smile on his lips.
They had just had dinner out at what had to be an expensive restaurant for which Jason had lovingly paid for followed by a sunset cruise down the Hudson River, the night had been absolutely perfect.
“It was incredible Jay.” Luke wrapped his arms around the slightly shorter but stockier man pulling him in for a soft hug and squeezing him lightly, appreciatively. He rested his head in the crook of Jason’s shoulder and inhaled his scent of expensive cologne sighing in contentment.
Jason pulled away only slightly so that their faces were inches away, Luke stared into his eyes, a soft smile creasing his features. He was about to invite Jason inside for a coffee and maybe some more snuggles, as was their usual routine, when Jason began to lean in closer, lips half an inch away from his own and aqua blue eyes fluttering closed.
Luke pulled away only slightly, he averted his eyes as Jason opened his own back up again, presumably to see what the problem was. Luke sidled over the awkwardness by grasping Jay’s hand in his and tugging him up the steps, towards the door.
Jason resisted, only going up half a step before staying in place with a hurt look clouding his eyes.
“What did I do wrong?” Jason whispered, lowering his head as he stared at the ground with eyes clenched shut.
“Jay, you haven’t done anything wrong.” Luke tried to laugh it away as though he were just being silly.
“Come on let’s go inside, pretty sure we have some mocha iced coffees in the fridge, I know you love them.” Luke continued to try and skirt the subject, but he knew it would come up eventually, he had just hoped it wouldn’t be tonight when tonight had been so perfect.
“Why won’t you kiss me?” He dropped Luke’s hand.
“What?” It was all that Luke could think to say, Jason had never once pushed him into anything he didn’t want to do, or said he wasn’t ready for, and he was so grateful, but he also knew he couldn’t keep avoiding that kind of physical intimacy forever.
He had been trying to practice how this conversation would go in his head for months but now he drew a blank, how do you tell someone you love that you don’t enjoy kissing them.
A kiss didn’t make him feel more connected to Jason, being in his presence did, laughing with him did, spending any kind of time around him did, Luke felt that their emotional connection was strong without the need for physical actions of intimacy to prove it.
“You never kiss me.” Jason said quiet but firmly, Luke felt his heart race.
“I do.” Luke defended mind racing to the number of times they had kissed during the course of their relationship.
Jason just shook his head before snapping his head up to look at him fiercely. “No, you don’t.” He shot back.
“I kiss you and that’s only if you allow it to happen which is rare. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve kissed you in the months we’ve been together. It’s not right Luke, it’s not how a relationship should be.” Jason appeared somehow angry, cold, and hurt all at the same time, Luke had never seen him like this.
“I just think we should take things s-.”
“Slow. I know, and I’ve been patient Luke, I really have. I just-.” He looked to the sky as though the stars might give him the right words to express what he was feeling and what he wanted, he sighed before meeting Luke’s worried eyes once more.
“I just don’t understand why you don’t want me.” Jason’s voice cracked with emotion.
“I do want you Jay, I-I love you.” Luke was pleading, he’d never said those three words out loud to Jason before, but he felt like Jay was slipping away and he was so desperate not to lose him.
“Then why won’t you kiss me? Why won’t you sleep with me?” He snapped fiercely, accusing now.
“I-I do sleep with you.” Luke’s words were weak, and he held back tears behind his eyes.
“Fuck Luke, you know full well what I meant, why won’t you have sex with me?” He was raising his voice now, causing Luke to flinch like he’d just slapped him.
“I- I don’t know, I just don’t want-.” He groaned in frustration with himself, his mind racing to word this better.
“I want to be with you Jay, I just don’t like that stuff.” Luke’s words dwindled to a whisper as he spoke, he couldn’t find the words to just tell him that he wasn’t interested in intimacy in that way without hurting him.
“Is it me? Are you not attracted to me?”
“No Jay.” Luke said firmly. “It’s not you, I swear, I-it’s me, I just don’t-.” he sighed again, why was this so hard to explain?
“Right.” Jason said sharply, cutting him off. “It’s not you it’s me, right? God, what’s wrong with you?” Jason had crossed his arms over his chest now, creating a cold space between them and glared at him.
Luke wondered if maybe there was something wrong with him, why did this have to be so hard, it shouldn’t be this hard to be with someone you love, he should want to be together in a more intimate way, to move their relationship forward, right?
“I’ve been understanding Luke, I’ve been so patient with you, I even put up with the secrets you keep from me, secrets that you only seem to share with your precious Matthew, but I’m done. You have to give a little too.”
Luke felt a tear slip down his cheek, taking a steadying breathe and thinking rapidly about what he could do to give Jay what he needed.
“Jay, I’ll kiss you, please just stay with me.” Luke sobbed, his skin began to tingle, the itching feeling creeping down his spine as though the mention of his stupid secret had called upon his curse, trying to convince him to shrink down to the size he felt right now.
Luke stepped closer to Jay again, grasping his hands to the sides of his face in desperation but this time Jason was the one to pull away jerkily.
“Do you even want too though?”
Luke felt his heart plummet into his stomach, and he felt sick, and itchy and he fought with himself to remain standing, to remain at a normal height, but he was losing control quickly.
“I-I can’t tell you what you want to hear.” Luke whispered, grasping the handrails to keep himself standing, he was losing him.
“I’ll see you around Luke.” He said with finality, closing his eyes once more and turning away. Luke flung his arms out ready to pull Jay back to him, but he was already fast walking in the opposite direction.
“Jay please!” Luke called after him, more tears rolled down his cheeks as he skipped down the steps but stopped at the bottom when the itch in his skin got stronger, unable to contain it anymore.
He watched in agony as Jason disappeared down the street and out of sight before turning back to the apartment door and ripping it open, he climbed the stairs two at a time while he could, feeling himself shrink inch by inch, the stairs becoming further with each stride and more difficult to climb but he pushed on.
He reached his door just as he was reaching the seven-inch mark, he ducked under the gap between the door and the floor, wriggling his way through before collapsing against the wall beside it.
Sinking to the thick carpet below him, he curled up, bringing his knees close to his chest and cried.
A short while later Matt emerged from his bedroom, he’d gone to bed early knowing that Luke was out with Jason and would be home late, he didn’t want to disturb them if they decided to come into the apartment.
Quietly Matt tip toed through the hall heading toward the kitchen to get a drink of water, he passed the front door on his way but stopped short.
He had almost missed it, his eyes scanning right past the small figure curled up against the wall.
Matt slowly approached, knowing his friend better than anyone else in the world, he knew something must have happened, Luke only shrank like this when he was really upset.
He laid down on his stomach, arms crossed in front of him on the carpet and his head resting on his forearms, looking at his diminutive friend with worry. He knew being on the same level as Luke when he was small made him feel more comfortable, shrinking wasn’t one of his favorite abilities.
“Luke, buddy? What’s wrong? What happened?” Matt kept his voice as low and gentle as possible.
Luke sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, Matt had to suppress an ‘awwww’ as he did this, he just looked so damn cute, but his concern for his friend won over and he inched his hand closer, wrapping it gently around Luke’s back in a show of support.
Luke sat up slowly leaning into the warmth the hand behind him radiated, he held Matt’s thumb in his lap as though it were a puppy and petted it absently, still not meeting his eyes.
“I-I think Jason j-just broke up with m-me.” His words shook and his tears startled falling with renewed vigor.
Matt closed his eyes, resisting the urge to clench his fists, fighting the anger building within him, he wanted to punch Jason in the face in all honesty, he never liked the guy anyway but that wasn’t what Luke needed to hear right now. Instead, he closed his fingers ever so slightly around his friend in a soft hug.
“What happened, I can organize a hit man if necessary.” He said calmly, hoping to make Luke at least laugh a little.
Luke didn’t laugh though, he didn’t even smile, he only hung his head practically whispering his words.
“I-I’m not enough for him, he n-needed more a-and I couldn’t give it to him.” He hiccupped, burying his hot wet face in his little hands.
“Did he know your Ace?”
“No. That’s my f-fault, I didn’t know how to tell him, I tried b-but I couldn’t say it r-right.”
Matt sighed, he’d known Luke was Asexual since they were teenagers, Luke was only coming to terms with this fact in the last few years and he clearly still felt a lot of shame around the subject.
“Luke, this isn’t your fault, do you hear me?” Luke met Matt’s large hazel eyes then, staring so intently into his own, he nodded weakly, not really believing it himself.
“Relationships aren’t all about sex, he should have respected your boundaries instead of thinking with his dick.”
Luke nodded again, he knew Matt was right, it didn’t help the ache he felt in his heart though.
“There are better guys out there for you Luke, one’s that will actually understand you.” He scooped his hands beneath Luke’s body gently, allowing Luke to adjust himself in the palms of his hands before standing.
“Now quite moping and let’s have some ice cream, you’re lucky you’re so small right now cos there’s only a little left and I wasn’t planning on sharing it, but I guess you can have a little bit.” Matt winked, trying to change the mood in the room.
He wasn’t comfortable in emotional situations like this, he was the kind of guy to replace tension or awkwardness with humor instead.
Luke sniffled again with a small chuckle, allowing a small smile to cross his features as he was carried into the kitchen by his best friend.
“Hey Matt?” He called prompting the dirty blonde to look down at him.
“Yeah dude?”
“Thank you.”
Matt felt a small blush touch his cheeks and he looked away promptly, muttering a grunted ‘no problem’ before dropping him off on the kitchen bench and preparing their ice cream.
A message to all my fellow Asexual’s out there, you are not alone, you are not broken and there is nothing wrong with you. You are capable of love and affection in whatever way you feel comfortable to give and receive it, don’t ever let a partner or anyone else tell you that you are incapable or undeserving of love.
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rachey899 · 8 months
Be the Hero
Another little one shot featuring my OC's Luke and Matt, a size shifting story, approximately 2k words.
“Everybody get down on the ground! Hands where I can see em!”
The room erupted into chaos, children crying and others sobbing as they knelt down and put their hands on the floor in front of them.
Stevo really didn’t see another way out of this, he had a wife and kids to provide for, no one was hiring a convicted felon, this was his only option now, a life of crime.
He waved a massive machine gun around, firing a few shots in the air for good measure, he was wearing a ridiculous elephant mask so that he couldn’t be identified but aimed at the cameras anyway, better safe than sorry.
Luke and Matt watched fearfully from under a desk, they had been there only because they had noticed fraudulent activity on their bank account and wanted to freeze the cards attached to it.
Luke wished they had just come into the bank another day, situations like this involving high levels of stress were likely to trigger an episode. Of course, he couldn’t have known today was the day this bank would be robbed.
They watched quietly as the man stormed towards the front counters, the poor elderly woman behind the counter shuddered and closed her eyes in fear as he approached her.
“Empty em!” He shouted, before thrusting a canvas bag at her, she shrieked in response.
“The tills, empty em all! Now!” Stevo’s voice wavered, adrenaline pumping through his veins, this had to be quick, he couldn’t be busted, not again.
With shaky hands the silver haired woman pushed stacks of notes into the bag, before using a key to open the till beside her, her hands shaking as she did so before repeating the process.
“Quickly old lady!” He turned to make sure everyone else was still on the ground and shot another round of random shots around the room eliciting more screams and further sobs.
“Luke this is your chance, if you’re gonna be a hero, you need to be the hero.” Matt whispered to his friend urgently.
Luke on the other hand was shaking, he didn’t feel like a hero, there was nothing he could do without revealing his secret in front of everyone here and possibly putting them all in danger in the process.
“There’s too many people, I can’t.” He felt guilt rise in him as he watched the terrified woman complete the task the robber had set for her while tears streamed down her cheeks.
The sound of sirens made everyone jump, either in alarm, relief or in fear, after all, this man had a gun, he could quiet easily hold them hostage or aim to kill at any moment.
“Fuck!” Stevo shouted, sweat dripped down his nose and he had to think fast.
“No, no, no not the cops, I can’t go back there, I won’t go back.” He muttered to himself.
He whirled around to see the flashing red and blue lights through the screens of the building, they wouldn’t enter while he held hostages but there was no other exit for him either. Whispering a silent prayer and an apology to his wife and children he opened up his large black trench coat.
Luke watched with wild eyes as the man pulled a large device out of his coat, flipping open a switch the man armed the device placing it directly in the center of the bank floor, a red light blinking on top of it.
“If I’m not gettin out of here! Then nobody is!” He screamed manically; it was a bomb. He planned on blowing up the bank, killing everyone inside including himself.
Stevo pulled another device out of his jacket, a smaller black box with a red button, the trigger.
Luke felt his body straining to be released, it was now or never, he felt his body expand and watched the world around him shrink, he reached both hands for the bomb as he grew at a rapid rate. Each of his hands quickly grew to roughly the size of a large car and with as much strength as he could muster, he pressed into the bomb, pushing it down through the floor with his hands.
Luke squeezed his eyes shut, hoping he’d been able to push it far enough into the floor of the bank, using his hands to shield the explosion, and then he felt it. Everyone felt it as it shook the foundation like an earthquake and burned his hands in the process.
He opened his eyes to see that everyone in the bank was okay, the room was filled with smoke from the explosion, but no one was hurt from what he could see, he’d stopped the bomb in time.
“W-what! H-how!?” Luke turned his gaze on the robber, seeing the gargantuan man set his intense glare on him, he bolted but didn’t get very far before large fingers wrapped around him, pinning his arms to his sides and squeezing him tightly for good measure.
“W-what the fuck is this!” Stevo wheezed breathlessly, of all the scenarios he had played in his head of how this robbery would go, this was the furthest thing from his mind, it was just simply impossible.
“Luke!” Matt shouted from somewhere behind him, Luke turned to find his friend pinned up against the wall by his overgrown sneaker and cringed, he hadn’t had time to warn his friend of his intentions let alone shove him out of the way, it had all happened so quickly.
“Shit Matt are you okay?” Luke’s voice rumbled through the room, immediately moving his foot a fraction so that his friend could wriggle out. Matt waved Luke’s concern off, instead sauntering across the room and standing below his face bravely, addressing the criminal currently trapped in his fist.
“This my friend, this is justice.” Matt spat at him, and then began a round of applause, the occupants of the bank slowly began to stand up and cheer and clap, Luke felt his cheeks flush from all the attention.
Then the doors burst open, and a handful of Police officers barged in dressed in full bomb squad gear, guns raised.
“Holy Shit!” One of the policemen said staggering to a halt once they’d surveyed the room for threats and then settled on the largest thing in the room, Luke.
Luke certainly was a sight to behold, he was crouched on his knees, his back pressed against the high ceiling, his legs touching the far wall behind him, he quite literally took up almost all the space in the bank and his face was looming over everyone.
“He’s a friend!” Matt shouted, approaching the Police fearlessly, his hands held up in the air to convey that he held no weapon, and he came in peace.
“Luke stopped the bomb and apprehended the robber, see in his hand, that’s the bad guy.”
Officer Hicks eyed the giants’ fist, to confirm the young mans claims, it did indeed add up, regardless of how utterly impossible the whole situation was.
He signaled to his team to stand down before approaching the giant himself.
“Young man, please put the criminal down.” Officer Hicks cleared his throat as nerves threatened to overcome him, standing literally in the shadow of a giant, putting himself in arms reach and potentially in danger if the giant acted unpredictably.
“Of course.” Luke kept his voice as quiet as possible, he didn’t want to cause any trouble, he had only wanted to help, he lowered the robber down directly in front of the Officer who had spoken to him, the gun falling to the ground which was quickly picked up by another officer to be taken away.
Stevo had little fight left in him, still stunned beyond words that a giant had appeared out of nowhere and ruined his plans, he held his hands out to Officer Hicks who immediately cuffed him, sending him toward the door with the other officers.
Officer Hicks turned then to face the giant once more, he had a great many questions but before any words could leave his mouth, he stared slack jawed as the once giant man quickly dwindled in height until he stood the size of a regular man. A large crater lay in the middle of the floor, the only evidence that the giant had ever been there.
Luke held his hands up just as Matt had done, trying to look as non-threatening as possible which was much easier to achieve at his regular height.
“What are you?” The officer blurted, his words filled with disbelief and quite possibly a small amount of fear, this was after all a man who could turn into a destructive giant seemingly at will.
“I’m a size shifter, Sir.” Luke looked at his feet nervously before searching the room for his friend, he needed his supportive and outgoing best friend now more than ever.
Matt wasn’t far away; he’d briefly left Luke’s side to help usher out the other civilians and staff.
Matt stood beside his friend, facing the officer also, he wouldn’t let his mate go through this alone, no matter what was about to happen.
“It’s a gift he was born with Sir, we’re not sure why or how, but he’s never used his powers to endanger or harm others, he’s only ever used them to help people.” Matt’s words made Luke’s heart flutter, he was so grateful for him, he always knew what to say, he always had his back.
The Officer seemed conflicted, he held the bridge of his nose as though the decision were giving him a headache and perhaps it was. He met Luke’s grey blue eyes intently before speaking again.
“Do you swear to never endanger a human life? You swear to keep this ‘gift’ hidden? This is not something that the public will take lightly boy, and if the government catches wind of it, you’ll end up a guinea pig, understand? Do you swear?”
“I swear.” Luke stated firmly.
That was enough for Officer Hicks, he clapped the boy on the shoulder encouragingly, perhaps it was because the kid reminded him so much of his own son. He didn’t want to stop the boy from leading a normal life if he wasn’t hurting anyone.
“I’ll talk to my team; your secret is safe with us.” Luke very nearly hugged the burly man, but held himself back, smiling appreciatively instead.
“Sir?” Matt questioned.
“What about the witnesses, the other people who were in the bank?” Matt asked before they could exit the building.
“They are all being taken in for questioning as we speak, their statements will not mention either of you, their phones will also be searched, you have nothing to worry about.”
As they walked down the steps of the large bank, leaving a small crater and some minor structural damage behind them, they both breathed a sigh of relief before walking quickly in the opposite direction of all the commotion.
News crews were beginning the show up and they did not want to be there when the cameras started rolling.
“Shifty strikes again!” Matt hollered pumping his fists in the air and dancing circles around Luke as they walked through central park.
“Shut up or I’ll crush you with my shoe again!” Luke threatened good naturedly, in all honesty he had been worried that he had seriously hurt him, however Matt seemed fine, like nothing had happened at all, well, except for the dirty shoe print that covered his clothing.
“How are your hands by the way dude? I can’t believe you smothered a bomb in your hands, like who does that and lives to talk about it!?”
Luke held up his hands for inspection, he hadn’t noticed at the time but as he shrunk back down to his normal size the burns had vanished, there was nothing there, not even a scar.
“Whoa! Wicked! Super size shifting and super healing! Being your friend just keeps getting better and better.”
Matt smiled stupidly at his tall friend and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, he couldn’t wait for their next heroic act together.
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rachey899 · 5 months
Is there anybody else in Luke's family or in their world who's also a sizeshifter? I bet Luke would feel relieved to know he's not alone if there were :3c
This is a fantastic question but unfortunately the answer is no, Luke is alone in his size shifting abilities. I have written an AU in which Luke does meet another size shifter and that story is called It's a Small World.
There is a reason why Luke is the only size shifter but that will be revealed later on, currently in the storyline Luke doesn't know why he has these abilities yet either so that is why we have to wait until later! Sorry!
I will reveal a little bit more about the lore in this story and that is, though Luke is the only person with size shifting abilities he will not be the only one who has a magical ability. Matt's dreams of superheroes may be coming true after all, but we will have to wait for more! Coming soon!
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rachey899 · 6 months
Hello, I just want to tell you that I love Luke and Matt, I love them, keep it up, I love your content!! :3
You are beautiful and amazing! It makes me so so happy that you enjoy my stories!
Luke and Matt are precious to me and I have so much planned for them, I can't wait to take you on their journey too!
You've literally made my day, thank you so much!
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rachey899 · 7 months
So I drew Luke and Matt, I had alot of fun and I'm still pissy that Matt turned out way better than Luke, My watercolour pens did not like Luke for some reason and his face shape is wrong but anywho!
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rachey899 · 7 months
What would you like to see more of from me?
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rachey899 · 7 months
What was Matt's reaction to Luke shrinking for the first time?
Dramatic as to be expected! Matt being the goofball he is reacted impulsively without thinking about how it might affect his small friend.
I had written that exact story a little while ago and was just waiting for the right opportunity to post, so it is now up on my page for you to enjoy and see for yourself!
A Tiny Little Peek
Poor little Luke just can't catch a break!
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rachey899 · 7 months
Loving your Luke and Matt stories!! Thanks for the sizeshifter writings content!!! 83c
You are my first ever ask and I'm so happy!
I'm so happy you are enjoying the stories!
I'm so happy you like my content, there is deffinitely not enough gt size shifter stuff out there and I feel privileged to be able to contribute to it!
I'm just so happy, and thank you!
There is more planned for Luke and Matt just you wait!
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