#But not this year
blizzardstarx · 3 months
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raveninconstant · 21 days
Remember when this year was supposed to be all about ABBA lol
Now it's just about fucking Israel and Palestine
EBU have lost control entirely, and they only have themselves to blame for their blatant double standards and stubbornness to be 'apolitical'
Because Eurovision has always been apolitical..... right? (/Sarcasm)
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ryusxnka · 2 months
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My blog just turned NINE today. It's not old you are.
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creaaki · 4 months
I've been reading jerejean fics and I love how at one point everybody agreed that Jeremy comes from a crowded household with many siblings. My boy KNOWS how to deal with shit smoothly because he probably has a long history of:
Pulling back together after realising he isn't the No1 priority at the moment, winning heated arguments with minutes of patience and bullshitting just because, counseling of hours after one of his sisters' break-ups or brothers' breakdowns over a fight with their parents, being compared to them, parenting the little ones when mom and dad aren't home, sharing a bed with others when guests are staying over on holidays, falling asleep in one of their beds after a nightmare, waking up with one of them under his blankets some other day, crossing the hallway on his tippy toes at 3am and finding the kitchen already has its lights on filled with quiet whispers to not wake their parents up (there's always a gossip going around about the mom's side of the family, and he still remembers the first day his big sister didn't sent him back to bed because he is now one of the grown-ups.), quietly opening his window at midnight to let his brother sneak back into home after a party which Mrs and Mr Knox would not approve of, spending exactly eleven minutes to figure out how to slice the pie mom made evenly because this nine-year-old has to have some issues for fucking God's sake.
Jeremy always had someone looking out for him, and someone to look out for. He knows the importance of trust and respect and love and everything that you need to give people to be family. Jeremy values family. It's only normal when he makes the Trojans his new crowded loud family after leaving the house.
He adores Trojans, he wants them to be happy, he wants them to be happy while playing Exy. So he does everything he can to make them fall in love with Exy, not winning because he doesn't want his sisters and brothers to break themselves apart like he did in high school when he heard a teacher say "A shame the young Knox is nothing like his brother". He trusts his team, he knows they will fight with all they have until the last moment, they always do.
When he expresses his new plan to his team he's well aware they might lose. Foxes played the whole season with nine people, and it's a complete new thing for Trojans. He isn't afraid, though; not all of the team think of it as a good idea at first, but they all come around at some point and decide to give it a try, because they love playing Exy and hungry for improvement and it's going to be fun and a little fair, too, because the Foxes are actually nice people and what are they playing for if they're going to freak out and keep their weaknesses a weakness?
They lose, and the first thing Alvarez does after leaving the court is to barge into the men's changing room with Laila following her and express her remarks on the match, not so politely. ("No, but how the-"). Second thing she does is to tell Jeremy her suggestions on changing the training drills slightly to adapt the team into building up more stamina, she got these ideas on the court, by the way. Jeremy can't scold her for not focusing on the game because she was focused, and he is kind of scared of her. They still have their party, and decide to gather in Jeremy's room for the night, turning the party to a slumber one. Jeremy doesn't mind being squished. In fact, you could say he is very, very happy in the morning despite the sweat and dampness, all off the Trojans peacefully breathing and cuddling each other makes his chest warm.
The next year, Jeremy knows they will win. He told the Trojans they would, and they trust him. He just knows. And they do win. His room is a little more crowded now, with the new freshmen and their seniors who graduated last year (he thought they should invite them, the Trojans owe their seniors for them giving up on the trophy last year).
Jeremy thinks he loves both his families.
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sophfandoms53 · 8 months
This is the first season in awhile where the zings actually hit. They were funny, harsh, and a little true. All around a fun segment.
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unibrowzz · 18 days
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One of these years I'll upgrade to a better map.
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chocolix76 · 4 months
Okay perhaps I lied. I've been brainstorming things for my Moon fic and it's just not gonna work out- It's out of my skill set so far, but I'll definitely come back to it at some point!
That being said... Bloodmoon and Killcode fic in the near future. I can't wait to write this >:)
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lunastars21 · 7 months
Oh my god we're close to November
Oh my god we're close to November
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unclefungusthegoat · 26 days
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mismageus · 4 months
As someone living in the UK part of Ireland whenever people on this site are genuinely convinced of the Irish unification 2024 im like
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tmae3114 · 4 months
it's burns night and we're having shop bought pizza for dinner because weee aaalll forgooot about the holidaaaay and don't have the proper food to celebrate
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dolokhoded · 1 year
one year im gonna draw the turning ladies for barricade day.
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smidge-j · 1 year
Oh no the mishapocalypse has begun.
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is the new fic it for femslash february? 👀
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mappingthemoon · 2 years
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anyway my fantasy team is a fucking travesty this year
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epoxyconfetti · 3 months
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