ryusxnka · 9 hours
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So, we're apparently getting a Tybw cour 3 sneak peek on the 6th, and I hope it's true. I need the crumbs. Proof it exists and is near. A date. plz. gimme motivation.
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ryusxnka · 12 hours
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Cathy Linh Che, from Go Forget your father//Friedrich Nietzsche// Richey Edwards// // Moss Angel, Girldirt Angelfog// Rainer Maria Rilke, Fragment of an Elegy,// Leila Miccolis, till death do us part.
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ryusxnka · 12 hours
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ryusxnka · 13 hours
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━━━━༺ ᵒ ༻ ❖ ༺ ᵒ C hariness, a habituated vigilance ensconced profoundly amidst the aperture wedged 'tween frigid flesh and pseudo-marrow, wholly swathed this adolescent's senses akin to an everglade covert of indistinguishable cadavers. -- Which is to say that individuals, parallel to this anomalous who was well-established with the eyesight of beholding his sovereign physicality of wintry-incarnate, are not so effortlessly surreptitious as they may assume to be to one as meticulously attentive to his environs as Hitsugaya Toushiro. " -- I thought it was peculiar. I even questioned if I might have been mistaken at first, " he commenced in articulating, eyne fixating 'pon him with explicit stringency, as the latter promptly grounded himself at his forefront as if mandating engagement. " You possess abnormal spiritual energy.- Not of mortality, yet animated all the same. ------ Who or what are you, and why are you pursuing me? " his inquiries lacerated through the ambiance like multitudinous shards of congeal steel.
    ᵒ ༻ ❖ ༺ ᵒ ༻━━━━
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❝ Heh... what gave me away? ❞ A weak response to the other's rather abrasive approach. A smug look to cross his visage as he proceeded to glide forward & past the other; sigils keeping him afloat long enough to grant him a safe distance away. Sandals finding ground once again to stand firmly in the middle of the path in hopes to stop further advancing.
❝ If I had to guess though, you knew someone was following you for a while now, huh? ❞
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ryusxnka · 16 hours
To do list:
Posdata: do it before the captain freezes you.~
Sneak inside his office
Use Sonido to appear next to him
Lean your body and proceed to leave a deep smooch on his face
To calm his anger before he shouts at you, offer him candies
Giggle and leave the area before his rage transform you into a pile of ice
Once Charlotte verified all the steps, proceeds to do all of that.
Smooch. ♥
"Shiro-chan I have candies for you, thank you for existiiiiiing.~" ♥
Leaves the office as quick as possible.
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ryusxnka · 1 day
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ryusxnka · 3 days
Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.
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ryusxnka · 5 days
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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ryusxnka · 9 days
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━━━━༺ ᵒ ༻ ❖ ༺ ᵒ I n low temperatures, the air encompassing him commences declining in warmth, begetting a chilling effect to brush 'gainst those who idled adjacent.
   ᵒ ༻ ❖ ༺ ᵒ ༻━━━━
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ryusxnka · 9 days
-rolls in- I wanted to let you know your blog has inspired me to watch more Bleach and I'm now on season 9. Also I can see why people love Toshiro so much! Dude is fricking AWESOME! 😁-jumps out the window-
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Yes!! ----------- I saw some of your posts about it and it makes me really happy knowing you've been enjoying it!! -- I encourage you to read the Manga too when you can and jdkfdfhdf ---- Hitsugaya is a phenomenal character and I'll never, ever, shut up about it. Thank you for telling me this, it made my night. - And stop jumping through windows!!
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ryusxnka · 10 days
PS5 and rebirth? So what you're saying is you'll be MIA for a couple days /j
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You say this like I haven't already been inactive as heck, as is.
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ryusxnka · 10 days
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I'm getting a PS5 and FF7 REBIRTH this weekend and I am so diggly dang Excited!!
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ryusxnka · 11 days
🌸 (Peter-Man)
    Send 🌸 for three things my muse likes about yours.
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      P eter Parker. ------- The plurality of denizens are familiarized with him exclusively by his arachnid-themed appellation, Spider-man. ----------- An unforgettable personification of righteousness whose capillaries course within an identity of fervent mortality and juvenility. There wasn't a factual segment, details stapled with momentary urgency, to apprise yet a plethora of things could effortlessly be articulated in apropos to this enigmatically apt adolescent shrouded in a textile of startling marvel, in discreet cataclysm. - The Shinigami, regally stern in disposition, had ne'er foreseen him to be an authentic, breathing, individual who had initially birthed the comics he so attentively indulged in. - A mere child wielding incessant burdens atop his fixed shoulders akin to subjugating weights; so much consideration, ambitions yet attainable, and anguishing expectancies without a doubt pressed by civilians and his own consciousness. His own longings to thrive and therefore acquire the approval of those 'round him. How comical. -- How pathetically relatable. -- Childish fools -- They were not meant to hurl their lives away as if disposable, as if it t'was naught but a vessel of triviality for the populace, the governance, to utilize and wither. - Unendingly and sans fallacies, would they irate him with their oblivious Immaturity - their egregious remissness towards their life's certitude in expiration. -- Soul society was not as pleasant as the world of the living, he ought to cherish it. Regardless of such objectionable facets, however -- his heart palpitated with commendable illuminance. The captain will ne'er disclose it publicly, but he was elated by the past transpiring event that a character, originally thought to be one of ingenious fabrication, he kindred to through graphic novels had become someone often present - reminding him hushedly that notwithstanding tribulations, life merited the opportunity to pare itself, as intended amidst one's lifespan, with the vastness degree of integrity. " There is no place for the young amongst the battlefield, yet he stands resolutely on its grounds, determined to protect those in need with the advantages his gift comprises. "
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ryusxnka · 12 days
i think the rpc should normalise making random starters for your mutuals again. make what pops into your head, throw it to the wind and see where it goes! if you don't want to respond to a starter, just tell your partner that you appreciate the sentiment and love them but you can't do it right now. we need to give more to one another!
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ryusxnka · 12 days
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ryusxnka · 12 days
Petitioning to bring back @ryusxnka. pspspsps. He wasn't missing, I just wanted to call him over like a cat.
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ryusxnka · 17 days
i’m just popping in to wish you a great day!
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Screams how dare you slap me with such a sweet message!!
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