#Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse
entomophagouserisian · 6 months
Incoming: some weeb shit I've folded one of my favorite math things into (permutations)
So I recently went back to Revolutionary Girl Utena because my girlfriend hadn't seen any of it yet and I hadn't seen much beyond season 1 (I know it's a foundational work of sword lesbianism and regret not having gone harder on it before).
I was kind of laughing with her about how edgy the translated lyrics of Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse, the song that plays during the scene where Utena climbs up to the arena every episode) and I noticed that there wasn't a translation for a chant at the end of it that hits my ear in a very pleasing way.
The chant in question:
Mokushi Kushimo
Shimoku Kumoshi
Moshiku Shikumo
The reason there is no translation is that it's mostly gibberish. They took the word "Mokushi" (Apocalypse) and rearranged the syllables in all possible ways to create this particular piece of poetry. The repetition of syllables in this way ends up feeling really good to my brain when I hear it and I have therefore been alternating between trying to memorize it and analyzing its structure for the past few days.
Unfortunately in order to present my process for this analysis I'm going to have to teach you some basics of the mathematical conception of permutations.
(The following aside into math is actually wholly unnecessary to my overall analysis, so feel free to skip to the clearly marked conclusion at the end if it feels like too much or you just don't feel like engaging with it)
A permutation is any reordering of a set of objects. Note that it's just reordering, it doesn't include deletions or the introduction of new elements or new copies of old elements. Commonly if we want to analyze permutations directly, and more specifically to talk about the permutation where the first object goes to 2nd position, second object to 3rd, third object to 1st, we use (123) (read as 1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 3, 3 goes to 1). As well, if the 3rd object stays put and the first two swap places, we would use (12) (read as 1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 1) to describe that. If no change is made, we usually just use (1) (read as one goes to one or the identity) to describe that. (This is very much lacking the rigor and generality that I would've preferred, but this post would've been substantially longer if I'd gone into that much detail, so I'm kind of hoping someone can come in with just this much explanation and understand what comes after)
So my first step in my analysis was to try to record how each of the "words" related to the base/actual word Mokushi (this is admittedly where it would be quite useful for me to change over to hiragana, but I don't know it and don't have a keyboard downloaded for it and don't feel like downloading one just for this post or copy/pasting the hiragana repeatedly, sorry to those of you who study/enjoy Japanese)
So, rewriting the chant as the permutations applied to Mo-Ku-Shi (written this way to emphasize the 3 objects being permuted):
(1) (132)
(123) (12)
(23) (13)
It was fun but didn't get me anywhere (other than verifying every possible ordering was present, but I was already pretty certain of that) so I instead chose to look at what permutation is happening at each step in the sequence rather than just how they compared to the original:
* (132)
(132) (13)
(132) (132)
Here, we see a much more obvious pattern. For all but one transformation, we are permuting by taking the first syllable and pushing to the end, moving the other two toward the beginning of the "word". To hear it, it is very easy to recognize the 2-syllable repeats happening throughout that first pulled my attention. However, this one permutation couldn't be done exclusively if they wanted to cover all possible permutations, as applying (132) 3 times brings you back to the original word, so the third Permutation is instead (13) which just reverses the syllables in this case since there's only 3 of them, but this also notably changes them to a "word" not yet seen which can bring us to the two we are still missing by applying (132) two more times.
It was after all of this that I properly noted that that middle step reversed the previous "word" and I mentally zoomed out to notice
the chant is set up to mirror itself. The pairs 1&6, 2&5, and 3&4 are all the reverse of one another, ordered such that for all but one pair heard in sequence, there is a 2-syllable repetition when moving from one word to the next. (Yes it took me this long to notice it was mirrored. No all that permutation work was definitely not necessary, but forgive a [likely autistic] math nerd for her indulgences.)
It's just a silly chant in a cartoon but it made me happy to see permutations in it and I am sincerely moved by the poetry of making gibberish out of a dark and serious word like apocalypse by listing off anagrams.
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moistvonlipwig · 4 months
one of rgu's best takes about rape and incest is that rape and incest are not deviant. they are exceedingly normal. they are, in fact, the logical extension of patriarchal romance and the patriarchal family -- the same logic that underpins those structures facilitates abuse, rape, incest, and csa. many people, even those who nominally understand the idea of rape culture, conceive of rape as a deviation from cultural mores, and even more people view incest as an aberration, a twisting of the Family (which is Good) into something unnatural and evil. but rgu correctly identifies that rape and incest are outgrowths of patriarchal society, not alien intrusions upon it. incest is merely a symptom of the problem which is the patriarchal family itself. rape and domestic abuse are merely symptoms of the problem which is patriarchal & heteronormative romance and society itself. rather than rape being deviant, it is resistance to patriarchy which is deviant; rather than incest being abnormal, it is a girl holding out a hand to another girl in pain which is abnormal. because 'abnormal' does not mean 'bad' any more than 'normal' means 'good'. "fall in love normally, get married normally, have a normal family, and have a normal life -- but normal has nothing to do with us!"
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yoan-le-grall · 5 months
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rimurutempest · 2 years
i can't believe people on this site really don't know that zettai unmei mokushiroku, zettai unmei mokushiroku, shussei touroku, senrei meibo, shibou touroku, zettai unmei mokushiroku, zettai unmei mokushiroku, watashi no tanjou, zettai tanjou, mokushiroku, yami no sabaku ni sanba, uba, kin no mekki no tougenkyou, hiru to yoru to ga gyakumawari, toki no mekki no shitsurakuen, SODOMU no yami, hikari no yami, kanata no yami, hatenaki yami, zettai unmei mokushiroku, zettai unmei mokushiyami, mokushiroku, mokushikushimoshimokukumoshimoshikushikumo, mokushikushimo shimokukumoshi moshikushikumo, mokushikushimo shimokukumoshi moshikushikumo, mokushikushimo shimokukumoshi moshikushikumo, mo--
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wandesu · 9 months
Here's the more stupid Utena meme take it please
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zmyaro · 2 years
DC Comics writers trying to spell “apocalypse”:
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mercy-misrule · 1 year
My favourite Utena vid of all time. It's a delight. Spoilers for the whole series!
I had to go and find it to celebrate me reaching the Akio arc in this rewatch.
It always hits me like, this is such a dark, surreal series and then we hit the Akio arc and it's like kid, you thought?
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telekasting · 9 months
thank you tumblr for recommending me revolutionary girl utena.
i mean, wow, that show was A LOT. like tw sexual assault, abuse, and grooming.
however a very beautiful show, with some amazing use of symbolism. also very gay :)
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whats up
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sofmimis · 7 months
who up breaking the world’s shell tonite???
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rembrenpaver · 1 month
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The Absolute Destiny: Apocalypse
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moistvonlipwig · 17 days
ok wait @jioinfocommlimited pointed out that in rgu performing the piano = performing gender which is actually so real and true...men need women to exist for the category of men to be meaningful so miki is lost without his sister/'shining thing' even though she never actually wanted to perform/wasn't good at it...and then when miki asks anthy when she learned to play the piano and she says she was so young she doesn't really remember !!! and ofc that adds another layer to why utena presents a threat in miki's mind to anthy's 'piano playing' because she is openly gender nonconforming...wowee i am thinkin so many thoughts
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okunichh · 1 year
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the absolute destiny apocalypse • prints available
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skylineheights-if · 11 months
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Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance, Action
Game Rating: 18+
Content Warnings: Optional sexual content, alcohol/smoking, death, blood/gore, religious themes, torture, talks of pregnancy/birth/breeding, mentions of SA and other forms of abuse, mentions of weapons, more to be added as it is written.
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Returning to your mother's hometown for college was supposed to be a typical all-American experience. But as you settle into your new life in Skyline Heights, a cozy town in the Pacific North West, you soon stumble upon its hidden mysteries and begin to understand that your life never was, and never will be, typical. 
As you uncover the truth about the circumstances of your birth and your angelic father, you learn that you are one of a few demi-angels called nephilim, destined to play a crucial role in preventing an upcoming apocalypse. In order to understand your purpose, you embark on a quest to study a prophecy that holds both the key to your destiny and the fate of the world.
While navigating the complexities of college life, forming friendships, and experiencing budding romance, you also find yourself battling powerful demons that are hell-bent on stopping you and trying to decipher the prophecy. Amidst all the chaos, you must also focus on your academic responsibilities - maintaining your grades while confronting the darkness that threatens to consume the world is not going to be a walk in the park.
The choices you make will determine your alliances, unveil hidden truths, and unlock the full extent of your powers. Can you embrace your extraordinary destiny, unravel the mysterious prophecy, and stand against the forces of the apocalypse?
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Customize your characters appearance and sexuality and mold their personality as you see fit.
Romance and/or befriend five characters with different personalities and backstories.
Unravel what the prophecy about you means, as well as learn more about your own past and the mysterious father that your mother refuses to speak of.
Work on controlling and strengthening your powers and discover all the things you can do.
Stop the impending apocalypse (while still trying to turn your homework in on time)
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Harlowe Vega [ M ] Character Page
Confident, sarcastic, and the absolute definition of "bad boy." Harlowe was adopted as a baby and has a strained relationship with his family. As the oldest out of the group, Harlowe is the de facto leader of the nephilim, a role that he doesn't take lightly. While he may be cold at first, Harlowe is loyal and very protective of his loved ones.
Sarcastic - Protective - Confident
Florence Kade [ F ] Character Page
With a smile that rivals the sun and a knack for creating chaos wherever she goes, Florence is the first person that you'll meet while getting settled in at Moonvale University. Don't let her kindness fool you, though. Her tongue is sharp enough to cut through metal. A fact that Harlowe himself has been acquainted with, one too many times.
Kind - Candid - Outgoing
Eden Wright [ M ] Character Page
Quiet, studious, and kind to a fault, Eden is the son of the local librarian, George Wright. George, who just so happens to be your mother's childhood friend (and might be able to help you find out more about your father). Though Eden is in your year, you rarely see him around. The man seems to prefer to hang out in the library when he isn't working at the coffee shop on campus or training. Regardless of his soft exterior, Eden is more than capable of defending himself and others, which is why Harlowe has chosen him as his second-hand.
Reserved - Studious - Strong
Aena Ritz [ F ] Character Page
If there is one word to describe Aena, it's responsible. As a Criminal Justice major and self-proclaimed "mom friend", Aena makes it a point to keep everybody on track. That being said, she still knows how to let loose and often spends her Friday nights at the local club with Florence and a few classmates. Aena is hard working and slow to anger, but when her fuse is lit, it's smarter to run and hide.
Responsible - Honest - Respected
Alistaire Morrison [ M ] Character Page
Your enigmatic English professor who always seems to have dark circles under his eyes and a coffee mug glued to one hand. Alistaire is the newest of the faculty at Moonveld University, and by far the favorite professor among the students. Whether that's due to his (surprisingly) entertaining lectures or his physical looks, it's unclear. What is clear is that there is more to him than meets the eye, and you aren't sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Mysterious - Charming - Respected
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Important tags: #shif ask - #shif cast - #shif aa: {character name} -- #shif nsfw
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s0mn0s · 11 months
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absolute destiny apocalypse
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echo-coyote · 1 month
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-Absolute Destiny Apocalypse-
Screenshot redraw from Revolutionary Girl Utena! (Drawn in Procreate and composited in After Effects)
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