shibalen · 9 months
I'M MELTING Kaveh my beloved🥺🥺 I don't even have the words AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH INKY I LOVE YOU MWAH💕💕💕
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Fic title. "The Plan was a Success!" Pairing. Len x Kaveh Ink's note. Happy birthday @shibalen my skrunkly *millions of heart emojis* I wrote this little something for you!! I hope you like it and I love YOU! SOOOO MUCH <333 still working on the drawing btw T^T ALSO EVERYONE WISH LEN HAPPY BDAY SHES THE SWEETEST PERSON EVER :)
They met on a sunny day. The sun was high up in the sky, and a few clouds loomed here and there but other than that, it was a good day. 
A good day for everyone but Kaveh. The architect was having trouble — his brain wasn’t brainstorming ideas for a new project! Oh, archons! This was the worst he had felt in a while. 
He was walking through the grand bazaar, eyes wandering to the various stalls and people lined up. Many of them were locals but a few, Kaveh noticed, seemed to be foreigners. Liyue, Mondstadt, and Fontaine…?
His brows furrowed. The lady wearing a Fontanian-style dress was observing the crowd from the side. 
“Is she looking for someone?” Kaveh asked himself. Ever the gentleman, he made his way towards her. 
“Hey,” He softly said, prompting her to turn around. “Oh.”
Her eyes were blue, a color that looked so lovely on her. Her hair was brown and there was a hairclip with a frog on her hair — a little detail he thought was adorable. 
“Yes…?” The girl asked, seeming confused. 
Kaveh extended his hand, “I am Kaveh.”
“Len. Nice to meet you.” 
“Well, Len…” It was a pretty name. “I saw you looking… confused? Do you need help? You don’t look like a local.”
Len smiled at him, feeling touched by his kindness. They were strangers but he had picked up on her worry and came to assist. What a gentleman!
“Yeah, I am looking for my friends! They were here a moment ago but now…”
Kaveh smiled. “Are they from here? I can help you in finding them. I have some free time.”
Len nodded her head with a grateful smile. 
“So, you came here to visit them?” He questioned her with great interest. 
The lady laughed. “Yes, I was planning to come to Sumeru for a project of mine and the opportunity was so hard to miss! We have been pen pals for years, you see.” 
Kaveh could sense the genuine happiness in her voice when she talked about her friends. They had only ever talked through exchanged letters but they were closer than most of the friends he knew. It made the architect happy to see that such bonds existed in this cruel world and a part of him envied her. 
He hummed, “So, where did Oya and Inky go to? Those are their names, right?”
“Inky wanted to buy me some sweets — she said it was a famous place — and Oya accompanied her, saying she was going to spend too much money and that no one was going to eat them, haha. They have always been like this. And I went to look at the displays.”
Kaveh laughed along with her. 
“I thought someone kidnapped you.”
“Oya, shut up- Oh.”
“Nice to meet you.” Said Oya. 
The girls stood there in surprise. Inky held two bags in each hand and Oya followed behind.
Ink came closer to her friend. “Who’s this? Hi!”
“Hello.” The architect waved.
That was the start of their friendship. She was to stay in Sumeru for two weeks and Kaveh and Len hit it off strong from the start. The girl was sweet, kind, considerate, and very easy to feel comfortable around. 
She was a writer too! Kaveh loved hearing her fantastic ideas. They were always so well thought out and he always got… entranced. Was it the sound of her voice or the story she was telling? Maybe both.
Len’s laughter was nice to listen to. Kaveh got the habit of cracking awful jokes just to see her get confused and then burst into laughter. He started laughing too, of course. 
Al Haitham noticed how Kaveh seemed stress-free on most of the days. He would be humming around the house and the architect was always filled with new ideas (so he said and it was the truth!)
So, when did it happen? When did Kaveh start feeling weird around her (never in a bad way.) His heart would start thudding dully in his chest, cheeks getting warmer and once he nearly choked on air when she held his hand. She was just checking if there was dried ink on his hand but she still touched him. The small action still made his heart race. And… he was at a loss!
“What do I do?” 
“What? Are you in love with her?” Ink asked. “Buddy, all of us are in love with Len.”
The younger girl laughed loudly and picked up a book in the library.
“Is she in a relationship?
Ink looked at Kaveh with a mysterious smile but she shook her head after a while. “No, it’s just an inside joke. Not really a joke but we are wives. But tell me, you like her, huh?”
“You want my help with confessing?”
“How did you know?”
“I might act dumb but I am not actually that big of an idiot. It says on your face, haha!”
In the end, she told him that the key to her heart was…
Kaveh tapped her shoulder lightly. Len turned around with a big smile but that soon turned into one of confusion.
“What are you…?”
In Kaveh’s hands were three baby frogs. They were very tiny and looked up with their big beady eyes. The sight nearly made her melt but she looked at him.
“What’s this?”
“Len, I am not a big fan of frogs. Big or small… they terrify me.”
True to what he said, he didn’t look delighted to be holding them. Len tilted her head to the side in confusion. 
“Why are you holding them then?” A soft laugh escaped her mouth. “Is this a joke?”
“No, not a joke. I heard that… the way to your heart is to give you three baby frogs.” 
More silence.
More silence…
Kaveh wanted the ground to swallow him. Why did he do that? Was he that in love? Why? Why? Why?!
“Yes. This just melted my heart!”
“Hahaha… hahaha! Oh, my God. Why are you so cute?"
This time he was astonished. “Cute?”
“So… date? Tonight?”
“Sure, thing! But who gave you this idea?” Len questioned while taking the frogs from him.
He looked to the side. “Ink…”
“This just made it so much funnier.”
The plan was a success!
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shibalen · 1 year
Another tag, thanks :0 this one seems fun, so, my three categories:
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Tagging people whom I have never met in my life: @oni-girx @sako-mii @bimsha @estensity @mill-s @cosmicshifter @moonlybxbe
(I'm not leaving anyone for y'all again <3)
Stealing this from twitter: Reblog this with four (or more) pics that expose your taste in men (or just blorbos in general). Let the judgement come
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Tagging: @levistwomissingfingers @postwarlevi @the-milk-anon @sckerman @leyyvi @ackermendick @youre-ackermine @jayteacups @theferricfox and everyone else who sees this!! You don't need to be tagged, don't worry!
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shibalen · 1 year
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shibalen · 1 year
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shibalen · 1 year
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Aaah thanks for tagging me again✨
Tagging my frens again (you already added Inky tho) : @oni-girx @sako-mii @bimsha @estensity @cosmicshifter @moonlybxbe @theoujousama
No pressure, mwah ♡
Post your lock screen, last song listened to, last photo taken, and last pic saved!
tagged by: @myvalentina thanks babycakes! 😍
putting my lock screen and background just cause my lock screen is still the generic one lmao
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tagging: @koiwrites @imxthexhandler (sorry babes I don't have your personal account username memorized 😅) @bobbie-doll @haldoll @birds-have-teeth @lemmetreatya @marleysfinest @pisspope @skrunklybf @strawberrystepmom
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shibalen · 1 year
Woah this is precious :00 thank you so, much for tagging me, you're adorable ily💕💕
tagging my friendos: @bimsha @oni-girx @sako-mii @cy-inky @estensity @mill-s @moonlybxbe @cosmicshifter
✿: i give this flower to blogs i think deserve more love and the best of everything! (๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ don't forget you're so precious!
kyuzu being an absolute adorable pumpkin <3 thank you darling, right back at you <3
I can't copy that message so I'm just gonna tag everyone that I can remember right now:-
@minialienhuman @star1117-archives @koishua @hijirikaww @neo-teenkidz @imdamnconfused @adreamerforthestars
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shibalen · 1 year
Skfgkfjbdbf I love you so much Bim🥺 I'm not as poetic but you will always be the (evil and menacing) lotus blossom to my heart, the lily pad I can go rest by after a tiring day. When we meet I'll take you to bookshop date, I swear.
do you ever look at the people who found you and wonder maybe it's really fate that brought you together? you weren't supposed to meet, not in a way you can walk out and brush your shoulders with this stranger, you cant walk into your classroom and see their face. but there they are, pixelated pictures on the internet. you were one click away from never meeting, one like away from never talking, one comment away from being strangers for the rest of your life.
but for some miracle i met you, out of all the people i could've met, i found myself talking to these strangers who became closer to me than anyone ever could. i think i'm in a little love with all of them and maybe if i could change my life, i never would. if all these moments, pain suffering led me to them, life has to mean something, right?
once in a while, you do stumble into a group you never want to let go, and never let you go. i still hate myself but i now look both side of the road before i cross. i still sometimes cry myself to sleep but the blades are rotting in my cupboard because i never use them anymore. i still don't want to go on, but i find myself dreaming of a future where they will become more than pixelated letter on my screen. i catch myself smiling, i catch myself thinking how they have changed me, are changing me for a better version of myself.
i do not want to believe in love, but i find myself falling a little deeper whenever we talk, it's funny how these people who've never even hugged me could comfort me in thousand different ways when the people around my walk away just for the hell of it. but if anyone ever asks if i've found soulmates in friends, i think i'd tell them all about you, how you hold my heart in your palm, how you could easily crush it between your fingers but you chose to protect it instead. how you've given me a reason to live. how you, all of you have made me so much better that when i'm at the edge of a cliff, i'd think of the memories we could make instead of wanting to jump.
AND I WROTE THIS FOR MY ONE AND ONLY : @oni-girx @shibalen @cy-inky @mill-s @estensity @sako-mii
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shibalen · 1 year
I'm sorry about last week's matchup being late, I have way too much to do right now: moving, exams, assignments :') I have already started writing, please bear with me ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ♡
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shibalen · 1 year
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shibalen · 1 year
hiii, i want to ask something. is it okay if i send a matchup request for my oc (not for myself)? thank you :D
♡ HI I'M SO SORRY ;-; this got completely buried in the matchup requests that I didn't see it until going through some of them today. Yes, you can send in an oc too. Feel free to still send in the request although I marked them as closed. This is a mistake on my part, I'm sorry again ^^;
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shibalen · 1 year
oH Xiao😳🥺 not for me I know but this is too precious!! we stan Bim🛐💕
Dancing Without Music
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Pairing : Xiao x Fem!Reader
Note: This is my first time writing for Genshin, I'm sorry if there are mistakes!
Tags: @cy-inky
Xiao had visited the Liyue harbour more often than he wanted after his encounter with Traveller. Especially on silent nights when the city was fast asleep and the only sound was the rush of water crashing against the patch of sand. He didn’t think of anything as he started walking across quiet streets that day. It was routine, a habit. He walked past houses with crimson lamps lighting their porches, throwing shadows across the street. Only when he finally reached his usual spot in the harbour did he realise that he was not alone. He watched, standing from afar, an annoyance tingling the edge of his mind. A girl stood in the harbour, overlooking the dark valley of water in front of her. Her body swayed from one side to the other as she hummed to herself. Her rich hair cascading her back in lock curled locks.  
Xiao decided not to bother her. He could sacrifice one night to this happy stranger dancing in the docks of Liyue to her own hum of music. When he came along the next day, she was still there, this time, her legs moved along with her body. She twirled, performing to a silent, invisible audience. The adeptus didn’t know when his routined harbour watches became watching a strange girl dancing the night away. But he did come to watch despite himself. His curiosity got the best of him as he watched her move across the wooden planks. She often stopped when a Ship docked into the harbour. Xiao watched her frame disappearing whenever someone meddled with her peace. 
He didn’t know how long it went on, but as he watched her from his spot on one of the narrow roofed buildings near the harbour, he wondered if he was ever going to talk to her. Humans found him intimidating, he wasn’t much interested in anything either. His responsibility was to protect Liyue, but the way she gracefully moved sparked some longing in his heart. But day by day, he let go of the feeling. The quicker the longing affected him, the quicker he left. Until one day when he reached the harbour, the girl wasn’t there. Just the still darkness of the water. He looked around, perplexed when an unfamiliar voice caught his ears. 
“You’re the one who’s been staring, aren’t you?”
Xiao turned. The familiar stranger was standing in front of him, a smile playing upon her lips. How peculiar, he thought. He had watched her dancing on her own for so long it was almost as if he knew her. “I’m sorry if I have made you uncomfortable. It was not my intention. If you’ll excuse me-” 
“Wait.” She stopped him. “I didn’t say it was uncomfortable.”
Xiao frowned, confused. Then what was it- “Who are you?” She asked, frowning. “I haven’t seen you around the tavern. Nor by the vendors.”
“I-” He started, about to reveal his true nature. A small part of him hesitated. “I am but a wanderer of the night,” he said, gesturing at the harbour. “I used to come here for relaxation.”
“Until I occupied your space?”
Xiao wasn’t sure how he was going to answer the question. But she didn’t seem to mind. “Well, if you don’t mind my presence, you’re more than welcome to join me!” Her voice was pleasant, and kind. 
Xiao reluctantly agreed. After his interactions with Traveller, he had slightly let his guard down around humans. But still he wasn’t completely comfortable with interacting with them. It felt wrong. He was tainted and at risk of letting everything around him consume in darkness. But her energetic, welcoming smile drew him to the harbour. It had been a while since he had stood there, just watching the vast waters. 
“Calming, isn’t it?”
Xiao glanced at her, “Yes.”
“Are you from around here?”
She shrugged, “I travel. But Liyue is my favourite place to visit. It’s like home, you could say.”
“Is that why you…” He asked, gesturing. “You dance around here at night?” He was not well-versed in the art of human behaviour. Maybe this was something they did? Though he did find it very strange because he hadn't seen much of this strange ritual. 
The girl laughed, “No! That’s not something everyone does. My mother used to be a famous dancer before she passed. Sometimes, when I trace her steps I feel like I can feel close to her.” She turned to him with a smile, “Do you want to try?”
Xiao stared at her blankly. Was she asking her for a dance? “I don’t-” He started when she interrupted. 
“People learn by trying. If you want to-” She offered her hand to him. He looked at her fingers, expectant eyes. Something in him kindled at the thought, he carefully laced his fingers through hers. Warm against his skin. Something kindled in his chest, a tinge of pleasure of contact, of being seen by someone. 
She chuckled when he awkwardly tried to follow her, “You’re doing good!”
Xiao averted his gaze, “You don’t have to flatter me, I’m doing a bad job.”
She smiled, “Everyone’s an amateur until they finally let the inhibitions go and try.” She was careful not to force contact on him. Instead, she guided him, holding onto just his hands. Unconsciously Xiao smiled at their ridiculous moves. 
“Ha!” She said, giving his hands a soft squeeze. “You can smile after all. I was wondering if your face was set in perpetual neutrality.” 
A faint flush crept across his cheeks as they let go of each other’s hands. “Will I see you tomorrow?” She asked expectantly as a ship started sailing into the harbour. 
This time, Xiao didn’t think. Nor did he mind all the demons in his mind telling him no. “Yes. See you tomorrow.” 
Thank you so much for reading! Drop a request if you want a oneshot of any specific character. I'll do my best <3
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shibalen · 1 year
It is truly a crime that they have stolen our hearts like this🥲
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★ 【Darkavey】 「 Sumeru Guys in Sherlock-esque AU 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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shibalen · 1 year
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU i forgot to put the music box extra BUT ITS STILL SO SO SO LOVELY I GENUINELY CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!! i luuuuv kazuzu sm hes the bbg fr
♡ Ayyyy I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT I had a lot of fun thinking about your relationship <3
Here's some songs I quickly dug up for you and Kazoo:
— ticket home by Daniel Leggs
— Would That I by Hozier
— Hold Me Tight by BTS
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shibalen · 1 year
♡ 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @jet-the-glaceon92
i match you with . . .
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Two completely different looking rays of sunshine that are more alike than anyone would've thought at first glance (◍ ´꒳` ◍)
This oni is wholly smitten with you. You are a little firecracker and he cannot comprehend how all that energy fits inside your tiny body. But you know what? It doesn't matter because if Itto likes you, he likes you and sweating about the details is a waste of time. He can focus on more important things, like making you the happiest, most joyful woman in the world.
I'll tell you though that it's your passionate, extroverted nature that Itto can't get enough of. The fact that you laugh with him, support him and get into shenanigans together without a second thought makes him feel like he's invincible. However, you are also in a way more sensitive than him which he admires.
His life was admittedly pretty darn good to begin with, but then you came along and suddenly life was shining in bright new colours?? You took everything he had and coated it with a layer of gold. From the way you understood his strive to protect his loved ones to his humour, you were like the perfect spice that he'd been missing from his life.
Many sleepless nights were spent on rambling to Shinobu and the rest of the Arataki Gang about you, telling them about his grand plans to take you out to the most extraordinary places. It occurred to him maybe halfway through that this mattered to him more than any other goal he had set for himself before.
Your opinion was more important than anyone else's.
Of course he is amazing in all aspects, that is a given, but if you ever saw him in a light that wasn't positive he might just tumble. So he holds you very dear to his heart. From (sometimes needlessly) protecting you from anything harmful to taking every opportunity to show off to you, Itto won't let it be unclear how head-over-heels he is for you.
You needed someone to watch and walk your dogs (since one of them was a menace so you couldn't leave her alone💀) while you were busy during the day, and guess who was the first to respond to your request? That's right, Arataki the-best-pet-sitter-in-the-world Itto!
You knew he did odd-jobs around town and had experience in dog-sitting too, but when you met him at the park to make sure the dogs liked him, you hadn't expected to meet a mountain of a guy who looked like he came straight from a gang.
To be fair, he said he was the leader of a gang, not just any old member. But he was so kind, so full of life and seeing him interact with your dogs you couldn't help but trust him.
Except that he immediately teased you about how surprising it was that you could handle two dogs although you were so tiny (¯―¯٥)
But he did an amazing job. One time you came back home and even found Itto rapping to your dogs like he was giving a full-out concert lmao. After that you invited him to stay for dinner and his eyes went sparkle sparkle
You asked him jokingly if he charged extra for entertainment but he just winked at you and said "Nah, special service for my favourite customer."
Sounds sus I know but he really meant it :0
"You have a crush on Deanna."
"Crush? Arataki the-one-and-oni Itto is too powerful to be crushed!!"
☝︎ an artistic recreation of the time when Shinobu first called Itto out on his simping. This big guy had a big storm coming.
When you date Itto you're basically dating a huge affectionate doggo that thinks it's a lapdog. Though your height difference is blatantly, adorably obvious, he can't keep his hands off you. Cuddles, hugs, hand-holding, using you as an armrest, and carrying you on his shoulders: it's all a package deal ♡︎
When he hugs you you just disappear somewhere between his arms and chest which, let's be honest, isn't that bad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Whenever one of you gets the idea to dye your hair, the other one jumps the bandwagon. You've tired all kinds of funky colours but a matching highlight always remains on you both. Your next big project naturally is to get rainbow hair and show it off to the world!!
Spontaneous dates are your thing. Catch Itto calling you at 3am to get fries with him and showing up on your doorstep to take you to a theme park he happened to pass by. Basically he immediately takes you to any place he knows you'd think would be fun. He ain't missing a single opportunity to spend time with you, nuh-uh. No sir.
He introduces you to his granny who lives on a farm and his favourite ox Ushi <33
Oh the never-ending prank-wars between you. You keep track of all the successes and fails and nobody knows how you do it??
For example, you have to be really concise with what snacks you want him to get or else he'll think of a way to twist your words, and he can never trust you when you're playing video games cause you might lure him into a trap.
Despite often teasing you to no-end, Itto is really proud of you and loves showing you off to every person who will listen. You're the apple of his eye, the Bonnie to his Clyde, you know (ゝω・)
Good luck with all the awful pick-up lines though
"You're the oni one for me."
"Oh my god, Itto."
"Are you an onikabuto cause I've been looking everywhere for you!!"
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— favourite memory with you
For his birthday you decided to spoil Itto as much as he often spoiled you. You took him to the arcade first, vowing to win all the prizes he wanted, and he laughed. Not because he thought you incapable but your detmination was just so adorable he didn't know how else to relieve how flustered he was. In the end, you had a big competition on who got better scores on all the games until the manager had to come remind you it was closing time. But you just took him to the next spot: a karaoke bar where the Arataki Gang had prepared a huge party! You had a blast and Itto may or may have not shed a tear. What made this especially memorable though was the heartfelt kiss he gave you after everyone had gone home. And he thanked you for being there, for making this year the most special one so far in his life.
— favourite place to kiss you
Anyone who is familiar with Itto knows that his motto is basically go big or go home, and this applies here too. This man goes straight for your lips, no ifs or buts. He's very bold about it as well and won't hesitate if he has your consent. It's intimate and passionate, just like his feelings for you and showing this in public isn't a problem either. But he loves it the most when you're sitting on a coutertop or table, or if you're sitting/lying together so he can reach you better ♡
— favourite nicknames to call you by
This one is hard to say cause Itto's vocabulary just keeps infinitely expanding when it comes to your nicknames. It can range from anything chill like Dee-Dee to something cheesy for example munchkin' to a more adoring one like princess and babe all depending on the mood and situation. If you've see the pic where the person keeps texting the other weirder and weirder nicknames until they respond, yep, that's Itto with you :)
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— Being two peas in a pod is not always sunshine and rainbows, especially when both parties are not only stubborn but also full of pride. Arguments happen as they do between everybody, but what happens to admitting being at fault?
— It was a stupid joke that started it. You and Itto were hanging out, laughing with the gang as you had lunch together at a family restaurant. Then Akira jokingly asked if you never got annoyed by their boss' loud chewing. Of course you didn't, but going along with the joke you shrugged and said he was loud anyway so you were used to it.
— Itto immediately countered by saying that this made the two of because you were just like him, and you ended up arguing about who was the loudest. It would've been all fun banter had it ended there but it quickly took a turn for the worse when you began trying to find flaws in the other overall just for the sake of having the last word.
— You couldn't tell at which point did you become genuinely angry but for Itto anger had always been like a switch; he was either a-okay or almost completely, freightingly mad. Now realising your words had truly stung each other and nothing could be laughed off, you parted ways there and then.
— Why should you apologise first when all Itto thought of you as was a breathing stressball? Why should Itto apologie first when you only saw him as brainless and pathetic as a stump of wood?
— Why won't you talk to each other when love is about loving someone with their flaws instead of in spite of them?
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♡ runner up: Scaramouche
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note: hello, I hope you enjoyed your matchup! Rip ink box cause I honestly just wanted to write you guys arguing about something silly like in which order to pour cereal and milk into a bowl and laugh about it💀 Anyway, thanks for the request, I hope you're taking care of yourself ♡
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shibalen · 1 year
THIS IS ADORABLE INKY What a wonderful day to wake up💕💕 Good thing I was already in bed cause this fluff has me melting asdfghjk Thanks for the tag, soft Alhaitham has me feeling some type of way👉👈
╰┈➤ A Surprise Call  ¡! ❞
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Pairing; Al Haitham x reader (gender neutral)
Ink’s note; Aha so…this is based on the dream I had and I hope you all Al Haitham simps like it <3 tagging @bl-inkstone​ (bestie) @cosmicshifter @sullimanscat @sako-mii ^^ listen to Home by Luke Chiang!!
AU; Modern
Warnings; fluff fluff fluff
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Keep reading
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shibalen · 1 year
Just a quick heads up that I am still deleting all requests that are the length of resumes or autobiographies.
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shibalen · 1 year
♡ 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @ruisfuturehusband
i match you with . . .
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Oh, comfy energy and excited energy, very lovely ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Kazuha's (mostly) mellow personality is a sweet match for your more chaotic character. He finds you thrilling to be around as you bring adventure wherever you go. To him, you carry the aura of a playful breeze and isn't it his duty as a wanderer to go where the wind leads him?
It's facinating to watch you mirror people so don't be startled when you find a pair of eyes glued on you as you're chatting to a local shopkeeper for a good deal or a friend about the weather—Kazuha can't help but observe you. He will apologise if it makes you uncomfortable though. You're just so wonderful.
He becomes fiercely protective when you're feeling anxious. After so much time spent together, you needn't even tell him if you're uneasy because Kazuha will already be instinctively reaching for your hand. Holding it securely in his, he either leads you away or directs the conversation towards a more comfortable topic for you.
Let's be honest though, he likes holding your hand overall and giving it small squeezes. Especially when you're alone together, sitting on a rock warmed by the afternoon sun or walking in an open meadow, having his fingers gently intertwined with yours brings Kazuha immense joy. Please don't let go.
And after a long day you can count on him to play you a tune, tell a story or recite some of his poetry. He loves how you listen with such attentive and curious eyes. He's had many people excited over his stories before but not the way you are. Your enthusiasm leaves him a little flustered, sometimes even speechless to the point where he forgets his lines.
As long as there is loyalty and kindness in your hearts, you two will be just fine together~ Kazuha's home is and always will be you.
It was a dark and stormy night, but you were tucked away comfortably in your snug blanket by the fireplace. Kazuha had appeared by your doorstep then, soaking wet, asking for shelter from the heavy rain. Though you were skeptical you decided no one should be at the mercy of a wether like this.
So, you let him in, offered him to use the shower and brewed him some hot tea in hopes he'd not catch a cold. Your hospitality warmed Kazuha's heart, it had been long since someone went the extra mile for him ♡
In return, Kazuha told you his story and taught you how to carve a wooden spoon from a simple stick. By then, his calm demeanour had rubbed off on you enough to relax your nerves.
Your laughter echoed far into the night, and Kazuha didn't remember the last time he'd laughed so hard that tears rolled from his eyes. He did love travelling yes, but maybe, looking at you, he was starting to think staying put to admire something a little while longer wouldn't hurt.
Kazuha very much loves you and all your chub. You're so nice to cuddle with and your hands are soft to hold. You're perfection, inside and out (◍ ´꒳` ◍)
Spending most of his time out in the nature, he doesn't have much experience with video games so you have to teach him, huhu. He gets the hang of rythm games at lightning speed though so you have to be careful he doesn't topple you from your throne.
Other than rythm games, he enjoys playing chill indie games with you, especially those with storylines. He would love to try those co-op based ones too, where you can't advance in the game without the other player.
Encourages/drags you to take walks with him because exercise is important too! Parks are his favourite places: it's mostly free from people and noise, plus they're perfect for a relaxing date. You can watch vibrant maple leaves fall in autumn and enjoy hanami in springtime.
When you both have free time you go out on weekend hikes and camp in tents or cute wooden cabins. One of you always gets one (1) bad idea per outing which results in either someone getting hurt and a funny picture or a very interesting new discovery.
One of those luckier times you actually found a stray cat and ended up adopting it.
But most of the time it's just you guys being romantic. It's truly a wholesome sight to behold:
"Oh, Finn, you've got a leaf in your hair."
"What, where?"
"Here, hold still."
He leans forward to tenderly pluck the leaf from your hair. But sometimes he's sneaky and uses the excuse to steal a kiss too ♡ Other times he likes to first snap a quick picture of you as well.
Kazuha has a tiny box where he keeps all these precious memories, ranging from photos like these to small gifts you've given him for birthdays, anniversaries or just because (*ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀*)
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♡ runner up: Hu Tao
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note: hihi, thanks for requesting! I am making my matchups shorter for the sake of everyone's sanity, so they'll probably be about this length in the future as well plus the extra additions (you didn't request any so I assumed you didn't want them?)
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this nevertheless! Take care and remember to rest up ♡
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