nanasketchdump · 3 days
All the celebs suddenly flipping and turning into pro palestine activists now, months after the genocide started
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nanasketchdump · 7 days
isn't america a settler state? why are white settlers protesting instead of going back to Europe?
Valid question but you gonna have to take that up with the Americans my love, I'm not American. I do think ending a violent colonial regime currently and actively attempting to settle does take precedent though, for the moment
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nanasketchdump · 10 days
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losing me
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nanasketchdump · 12 days
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Art by Leah Gardner
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nanasketchdump · 16 days
Aaaand people on tiktok are faking DID again
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nanasketchdump · 18 days
Brains and ADHD are so fascinating like... due to service delivery in my country I've had to try multiple different ADHD medication brands because they just don't have stock; Ritalin, Concerta, Neucon, Mefedinel, Adderall.. you name it. They are all slightly different and make my brain feel different as well
Well I've just started Contramyl and I've got this sudden urge to draw again that hasn't been present in years like... its like living with a different person in your brain every few months lmao
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nanasketchdump · 25 days
I feel an awakened French revolution sort of anger in me because I'm seeing Palestinians beg for money to save their families from mass slaughter and there's celebs paying $75 000, the price of multiple lives, to walk in front of cameras dressed as a bouquet and eat food with no onions or garlic in it
We need to eat you fuckers, fr
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nanasketchdump · 28 days
If it's okay to ask, could you please share Ezzideen's campaign? The situation is getting tougher, and the funds are coming in slowly.
It would be helpful if you could share it!
Shared! Would you guys mind checking out this fundraiser if you can donate 💗
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nanasketchdump · 28 days
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[ID: a graphic titled: "Help Ezzideen & his Family to Evacuate Gaza" the background of the graphic depicts the rubble of destroyed buildings. the contents of the graphic outline 5 steps.
1: First Step Achieved: Thanks to Your Support! We are thrilled to announce that, with your invaluable assistance, we have successfully raised the first €5,000! This amount has enabled us to register Ezzideen's mother with Hala Company in Egypt for evacuation. We are deeply grateful for your support in reaching this pivotal milestone.
2: Our Current Mission: Support for Mazen. Our focus now shifts towards gathering €2,500 to register Mazen, a 12-year-old family member, to evacuate alongside his mother. Every contribution brings us closer to ensuring their safety and reunion.
3: For Abeer: Our subsequent goal is to raise €5,000 to register Abeer, Ezzideen's sister, for evacuation. Your continued support is crucial in helping us secure her passage.
4: For Ezzideen's Father: We aim to collect another €5,000 to facilitate the registration of Ezzideen's father. This effort is vital for the family's hope of being together again.
5: Final Goal: Hassan and Ezzideen: The last phase of our campaign requires us to gather €10,000. This sum will cover the registration of Hassan (Ezzideen's brother) and Ezzideen himself. Achieving this goal means bringing the entire family to safety, a feat only possible with your generosity and support.
Your support is just a click away. Please visit our GoFundMe page to make a donation: https://gofund.me/8c4d61ac Every contribution brings Ezzideen's family one step closer to safety. Thank you for your generosity and support. end ID]
an outline of ezzideen and his family's evacuation plan. we are currently on step 2, raising money for mazen to register for evacuation! reminder that as of the time of making this post, we are matching donations to ezzideen's campaign! learn about that below!
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nanasketchdump · 29 days
i hate to break it to you but your precious palestine started this entire war years ago by attacking israel with egypt.. then they played victim then too... but ok bud
'But ok bud' ☝🤓
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
Reported for supporting terrorism.
Are you hitting on me
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
Not twitter starting discourse over that one protester making the kissy face like... can we focus, please
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
the Columbia University arrests are worse than they seem. They're arresting protesting students for trespassing. It goes without saying students cannot meaningfully "trespass" in the common areas of a university they attend. So Columbia University has suspended all student protestors from their institution, in the process revoking their access to housing, their belongings, and most crucially damaging their academic futures. We are witnessing full scale silencing and removal of anyone of conscience from the next generation of academia.
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
When the rest of the world looks at the united states right now, we see a government who sends billions to support genocide but cannot help their own people starving on the streets.
We see a police force who won't go in to save children from school shootings, but deploy at a rapid rate to arrest peaceful protestors using their right to free speech to protest a genocide
America, you are a war mongering snake eating your own tail. You will protect and support war criminals in another country but let your own people starve and die
To the students bravely protesting now, we see your strength. We see what we saw when students protested the Vietnam War. We have faith you will prevail
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
"You can't ship that!"
lol what are you gonna do, climb inside my mind and shut off the imagination switch?
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
Oh look, a zionist pig in the wild. You should send Israel an invoice, people usually get paid for this kind of shit and here you are bouncing on the white supremacist apartheid state's lap for free
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Just wanna let you guys know (as a south african) that America and the UK are trying to convince people and putting out articles saying that South Africa has a large number of terrorist cells (jihad, apparently) in hiding here (which is just... not true) and the timing of it like... coming immediately after we go against the wishes of the UK and USA by standing against Israel
So if American scumbags try anything else just know, we saw it coming
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nanasketchdump · 1 month
Just wanna let you guys know (as a south african) that America and the UK are trying to convince people and putting out articles saying that South Africa has a large number of terrorist cells (jihad, apparently) in hiding here (which is just... not true) and the timing of it like... coming immediately after we go against the wishes of the UK and USA by standing against Israel
So if American scumbags try anything else just know, we saw it coming
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