moonlit-typewriter · 3 months
Annabeth: *using her dagger for target practice*
Percy: *watching her make a bullseye and yelling at the top of his lungs* I SAID, whoever threw that dagger, your mom’s a HOE
Every Demigod within 20 feet: *staring at Percy in horror*
Percy: *smiles and walks away without a word*
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
The fact that they chose to put the lotus flowers into the air of the casino to keep people at the hotel when casinos-pumping-oxygen-into-the-air-in-order-to-keep-people-playing is literally one of the longest-running Vegas myths, thus combining a Greek myth with a Modern myth?
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
The Roman Empire wasn’t built in a day and therefore my Roman Empire shan’t be built on one scene.
Percy praying to his mom instead of the gods? That’s in there.
The stairwell switch in the St. Louis arch? That too.
The first Percabeth hug? The very streets on which Romans walk.
Waterland and the gold throne? That’s whole temple column, that is.
Grover gaslighting the god of war with ease? Immaculate, yes, welcome to the city.
Sally and Poseidon in the diner? You cannot have an empire without it.
Percy meeting his dad for the first time? Long live Rome, my friend.
I can’t pick just one scene, this whole show is my Roman Empire.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
Throughout the series. We get small hints that Luke has a “complicated” relationship with Hermes.
But we also see Percy, who’s frequently discontent with Poseidon (and very vocal about it) so, if anything, we assume that Luke’s feelings are somewhat of the same.
But then we get to episode 8 and see how Luke reacts to Percy even mentioning Hermes.
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Look at the way Luke’s expression changes the second that Percy starts talking about Hermes. The disgust in the sneer that’s pulled onto his face is absolutely palpable.
Then the way he cuts Percy off immediately by going on the offensive.
And the ferocity in that two-handed swing. He put his full upper-body into that swing.
Though his monologue while trying to recruit Percy explained the way he felt about the gods in general, this one small fraction of a second showed how his feelings for his dad got him to this point.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
Why am I not seeing any post-Atlas Annabeth art from the show? I feel like we’re not thinking about the possibilities of Leah’s hair with the gray streaks and that feels like a crime.
In her natural hair?
In her braids?
There’s literally no style that she wouldn’t absolutely eat🤩
Let’s make more post-titans-curse-tv annabeth art
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
Percy’s face when Sally mentioned Grover playing a role in getting him kicked out of school…
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The way his face scrunches up really tight before relaxing? That’s anger.
But not the kind of anger we see in him in the last episode.
This is the kind of anger that makes you cry. The kind that’s underpinned by embarrassment and hurt and feeling like you’ve been treated unfairly.
Percy knows he didn’t push Nancy into the fountain and he thought that, if anyone would have his back, it was going to be Grover. And then he didn’t. And it’s unfair to Percy. It’s Wrong. Because no one believes him, apparently not even his best friend.
And the way he closes his eyes and takes a really deep breath? That’s a tactic that’s literally recommended to stop yourself from crying when you’re angry. It allows your body to “catch up” with your mind.
What do you wanna bet that Percy learned that from a school counselor?
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
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If Walker Scobell can manifest his way into the role of Percy Jackson by carrying around a picture of a Poseidon statue, I can surely manifest my way into 4 more seasons by posting on my silly little website
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
annabeth saying zeus will never let percy leave olympus alive and percy replying "I'm done running from monsters" like the line between gods and monsters is completely blurred
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
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Episode 2 -> Episode 5
The way he says it with so much conviction the second time.
The way that it goes from being a fault of his to a strength of hers.
The way that he goes from focused on his dad seeing him succeed to focused on making sure the quest succeeds, regardless of whether he’s there when it does.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
“You are not broken. You are singular. You are a miracle. And you are my son”
The Percy Jackson show is really healing my inner child while simultaneously destroying me 😭
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
I still can’t get over Grover being slapped in the face with a whole piece of cheese like one of those cats on vine
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
Gabe opening the box with Medusa’s head on his own is 💖poetic justice💖
It’s also one final reminder that, even if we didn’t see Gabe being physically violent on screen, he was still abusive in other ways. He answers Sally’s phone, he opens Percy’s mail. He ensures that privacy and boundaries don’t exist.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
“Did you have another nightmare?”
nods “Grandpa 😔😒”
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
cousin bonding 🥰
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
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Percy spent the whole quest knowing someone was going to betray him. Look at his face; He’s not shocked. He’s not surprised. Even in that first picture, he’s not in disbelief. He knows exactly what’s happening; the slightly widened eyes, the brows drawn down and together, the way his head tilts slightly and he drops one shoulder.
That’s the beginnings of despair.
He’s gut wrenched. He’s devastated.
He’s heartbroken that it had to be Luke.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
I love how we got to actually watch Percy realistically figure out that Kronos is behind everything instead of him just knowing it with no explanation or having to be told.
“I don’t really do “jealous.” My brothers, on the other hand, have the market cornered on “jealous.” Family drama is why I don’t go up there anymore. These grudges, they go on forever; super unhealthy. Someone stole Zeus’ bolt and it wasn’t me.”
While Hades is speaking, the camera stays on Percy’s face the whole time. He’s not looking at Hades at all; instead, he’s seemingly not looking at anything, eyebrows intensely scrunched together and eyes narrowed.
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As the scene continues, the camera continues to zoom in on Percy’s face and Hades voice - while still intelligible - fades into the background. We can’t see inside Percy’s head like we could in the books, so this is a great way to show that he’s mentally going through all the information he has. He’s not paying attention to Hades all that much because he’s remembering something that he heard before
(Several episodes earlier)
“You’re new to the family young one so let me fill you in on how we work. See, years before I was born, my grandpa Kronos ate my aunts and uncles. Then, my dad made him puke them back up, then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked him into a bottomless pit so that kinda set the tone right out of the gate”
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Percy was 100% listening to what Ares was saying in episode 5. As he’s thinking, his eyes dart back and forth, kind of like he’s reading something. He’s quite literally mentally connecting things.
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Holding grudges, family drama going on forever?
Seems fitting.
Bottomless pit?
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So happens that he and Grover nearly got dragged into one of those.
Sally taught him all about Greek mythology during, assumedly, the entirety of his cognizant life. There’s no way you spend ~9/10 years learning about Greek mythology and never go over the titans. Given his connection with his mom, it’s an important topic to him. When it comes to neurodivergent people, the more important the subject is to them, the more they’ll remember it.
We can see the exact moment where all the different pieces click together.
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His eyes widen, mouth drops open a bit more, and eyebrows go up and slightly (but visibly) uncrease.
He immediately looks back at Hades and does what most neurodivergent kids do when they figure something out: he blurts out the answer, completely interrupting Hades.
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In that moment, he looks so confident in what he’s saying; there’s such a clear difference in his expression when he’s thinking and once he’s figured it out.
When neurodivergent people, especially students, blurt out answers, it usually means they’re sure they’re correct.
Percy had all the necessary knowledge to realize that Kronos was behind everything but because he was so focused on Hades, it wasn’t until his initial theory was proven false that he actually stopped and thought everything through. From there, everything fit exactly where it was supposed to.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
“Percy being traumatized for 7 minutes” compilations this and “Percy nearly dying for 5 minutes straight” videos that.
Nah, I can’t wait for “Percy having problems with authority for 10 whole minutes”
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