lphoenixspiritl · 2 days
I have absolutely done this while in a writing slump or simply just having a bad day.
if you ever wonder whether your ao3 comments make a difference know that i frequently go back and read old comments on my fics to get a dose of happy rainbow sunshine
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lphoenixspiritl · 4 days
The Spaces Between - Part 5
Starting Over ... Sort Of ... - Chapter 2 - 'The Western Air Temple'
While the two earthbenders had their mid-morning snack Katara led them around to the stepped terraces carved into the cliff face. The crisscrossing stone paths and neatly stacked stairs spoke of an orderly and well-maintained nursery. Aang had spoken of the nomads as free spirits bound to nothing but the wind itself, but the order of these gardens told of another facet of Air Nomad culture. Possibly one that Aang might not have had the chance to experience. 
He had been training to be the Avatar since he showed his first signs of bending and as a result, he had missed out on the more mundane aspects of his culture. Katara couldn't imagine losing Gran's five-flavored soup, learning how to carve sewing needles from whalebone or simply knowing how to cut the ice. These small things may have been minor but as a member of the Southern Water Tribe, they were an essential part of who she was. 
She had felt pity for his loss, that was until Aang told her that it was difficult for him to miss the things he had never learned. He explained that he did not see it as a loss but as an opportunity. An opportunity to fill the gaps with something from all of the other nations and create something new. It had made her decide to do the same. She was far from home traveling a never-ending line of unfamiliar landscapes, with new people and unknown customs. What else was there to do but embrace it? From food to clothing and even bending. She learned and incorporated what she saw by watching Aang, Toph, and, not that she would ever admit it, but Zuko as well. But she was not the only one, in the Crystal Caves Zuko had brought down ropes of fire to match her water whips. It was then that she realized he had been watching her too. 
Read the chapter on AO3 here or on FF.net here
New to the fic? Start here.
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lphoenixspiritl · 6 days
Katara could never be with Zuko because she could never forgive what the Fire Nation did to her mother.
Zuko betrayed crown and kingdom to stand shoulder to shoulder with Katara and dismantle the system that killed her mother, the very system that created him.
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lphoenixspiritl · 16 days
TFW you scroll and smile because your fandoms are fed.
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lphoenixspiritl · 25 days
Got my first block from an anti. Guess I should be proud?
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lphoenixspiritl · 1 month
I thought I belonged to the ocean
among the currents and the embrace of his soft sea breezes
but then you let me into the eye of your storm
you took my hand under the pelting rain and lightning cracked open the sky setting it ablaze with your light
and I never felt more at home
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lphoenixspiritl · 1 month
Zuko finds out Katara was parentified from the age of eight and was a single mom friend of three until he stumbled into the position of gaang dad friend. So when she visits the Fire Nation Zuko dotes on her, making sure her every need is anticipated and catered to. He even goes as far as - to the horror of his council - kneeling to remove her shoes.
Because of this she earns the nickname Lady Katara among the palace staff which she finds amusing but a little confusing. So one day over tea she asks Iroh why they call her that and he explains:
"They're just practicing."
"Why would you need to practice a nickname?"
"Well my dear, they expect that within a few years Fire will preceed it."
And that's about when Katara chokes on her tea.
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 months
Katara would never want to be Fire Lady, she would never want to lead the nation that killed her mother.
Idk, the girl staged a prison break, committed ecoterrorism, and demolished cultural misogyny. Getting the nation responsible for her mother's death under her thumb sounds exactly like her MO.
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 months
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 months
After Katara has Bumi she visited the fortuneteller to ask about his future. When the fortuneteller sees mother and son she gasps and tells Katara that she's made a grave mistake.
When he allows his heart to be set alight to save you, your fight to save his life will determine the fate of a nation and your love will lead you to change the world.
She was so young, her future still coming into focus, she did not wish to to carve the young girl's path for her. But now, seeing Katara before her - the one who was to reshape the world and bring light to the dark shadows of war - robbed of greatness and power, of her density, robbed of true love. The old woman regretted her caution all those years ago.
drop your most heart-twisting, soul crushing, brain chemistry altering angsty zutara headcanons here
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 months
New sad headcanon, after Aang dies Toph moves to the swamp because Sokka once mentioned that it was the place Aang first saw her. She hopes that in moving there the swamp will grant her the same thing, a chance to see Aang one last time, and it does, just not in the way she expected.
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so anyways, do you think toph decided to move to the swamp only after aang passed away?
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lphoenixspiritl · 3 months
I cannot for the life of me find the post that inspired this 😥
After much debate and none to few threats to his council Zuko threw open the doors to the vaults and hunted down every prize brought back to his forefathers as trinkets of conquest. 
Jewels and swords and gold, the accountants and historians spent days identifying items that had sat forgotten in the dust and the dark for nearly a century. Piece after piece was meticulously researched and documented over the next weeks and months as each one found their way home. 
It was the right thing to do after all, right? 
To apologize, right his father's wrongs and build faith in the new brow that bore the crown. 
It was a task he was proud to take on until they found it, nearly forgotten at the bottom of a chest, that dusty glint they almost missed. That small unassuming knife is what broke him. A strange curved blade set in bone carved with the moon set amongst the waves, if anyone would know it would be the ambassador.
Bursting through her door nearly breathless he set it in her hands. Eyes wide her fingertips brushed along the worn bone settling into the grooves as if they were made for her. The ulu fit in her palm melting into the shape of her grip. Then the tears began to fall and with it came the weight of the sins of the father's before him.
He could do nothing but hold her as she wept for those that were taken from her and those she would never meet, the parts of her she would never know. The sins of the father could not be undone but like that blade forged in fires neither of them would ever know, he could forge a promise that this would never happen again, that he would breathe his last breath before he ever committed the same sins as his forefathers.
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lphoenixspiritl · 3 months
The sinking feeling rarely reared its barbed head but sometimes the flash of lightning, crystalline fear in blue eyes and the shot of white hot searing pain still left Zuko breathless, that it all could come to an abrupt end still haunted him. It had been years but after too many hard weeks and not nearly enough sleep it seeps in and steals his slumber.
On those long nights he pulls Katara close, burying his face in her dark brown waves he takes in the deepest breath his lungs will allow. In the dim starlight he memorizes every dip and every curve, every mark and scar life had laid upon her mocha skin, committed to memory the sound of her heart against his ear and the softness of her skin pressed against his cheek. He studies her every feature until long dark lashes flutter and cerulean eyes find his.
Only when her hand twines in his, when sleepy murmurs of I love you spill along a lazy brush of lips, only then does sleep find him, pulling him under with his love in his arms. 
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lphoenixspiritl · 8 months
We know that Zuko rises with the sun but on grey autumn mornings when the clouds are fat and heavy with rain and much to thick for the dawn to break its first light, on those mornings Katara wakes first and in the dim light, under the quiet pattering against panes of glass, she brushes the raven strands from his face and lay kisses like flower petals along his skin. She never wakes the Fire Lord on these mornings, because she knows they are too precious, too few and far between. It's only on the mornings when the clouds suffocate the dawn, that she finds the stubborn prince with which she first fell in love.
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lphoenixspiritl · 9 months
I write all of my fics in OneNote and - after some a lot of organizing - this is what the final draft of Weight of a Title looks like.
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lphoenixspiritl · 10 months
Starting Over ... Sort Of - Chapter 1
Part 5 of the 'The Spaces Between'
Katara spotted him on one of the sunbathed corners of the courtyard that overlooked the canyon. With his back to her, he sat silently in lotus, hands resting lightly on his knees, stripped from the waist up. His tunic and sash were a pair of neatly folded squares placed to his right.
A wooden box sat on his left and before him was an arc of eight lit candles. She had seen him shirtless before but not long enough to 'see' him. The warm ivory of his back was smooth only interrupted here and there with the occasional scar, some from minor burns others, thin lines drawn on by something sharp but none as serious as the one he wore over his left eye.
He was too close to the unprotected edge for her comfort, especially with him being here alone. Katara wanted to tell him as much but she was rooted to the spot. The flames before him seemed to breathe, shrinking and growing in time with his breath, it was hypnotizing to watch.
"I know you're there," Zuko called out to her.
Katara nearly jumped out of her skin.
"You're not as sneaky as you think you are," he said not bothering to turn around.
She quickly forgot her concern for his safety. The thought of blasting him the mere inches it would take to shove him off the stone ledge and send him tumbling to his doom had become more tempting than she cared to admit.
"I wasn't trying to be sneaky."
"Are you sure? You were standing in that doorway for a long time." Zuko doused the candles with a wave and finally turned to look at her.
Katara's cheeks flushed and her anger flared, "What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"Out here, alone?" the one word was laced with suspicion.  
Keeping one eye on him she walked to the middle of the courtyard. Reaching into her tunic she produced a pair of spark rocks from a pocket and knelt before the firepit.    
"I didn't think anyone else would be awake. Meditation should be done in quiet places." Zuko shrugged trying to be civil, he had turned back to the candles before him and was packing them into the wooden box.
"Funny, Aang never seems to have a problem meditating when we're around. Maybe you aren't as good at it as you think you are."
"He's the Avatar, I hope he's better than me. He won't be able to defeat my father if he isn't."
Did he scorch his brain when he burned his face?  
She shook her head, "How long have you been out here?"
"Since sunrise."
She looked at him with mild surprise.
"I meant it when I told you we rise with the sun." he closed the cedar box and stood, picking up his tunic and shrugging it on.
She watched the muscles in his back and shoulders ripple as he moved. They attested to years of training in more than just firebending. Surprising for someone who was only sixteen. It proved that he worked as hard if not harder than the rest of them. His kind of persistence required discipline, something Aang sorely needed. She hated to admit it, but he might be the right teacher for the young Avatar. 
Too bad she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him.
Ignoring him as he moved around the courtyard Katara pulled the dew from the kindling Sokka had left her the night before and used the spark rocks to try and get an ember going.
"I can do that for you." he offered.
"I don't need help from the likes of you." she spat back, her words harsh and cutting.
Zuko's anger and frustration sparked and threatened to boil over. He was just trying to help. Did she hate him so much that she wouldn't even allow him to help? How could he prove that he was good if they won't let him even be of some kind of assistance? 
He needed to calm down. Blowing up at her of all people would just make things worse. Clenching his fists, he squeezed his eyes shut and did what Iroh taught him when his anger threatened to overcome him. Breathe in for four, hold for four, and then release.
"Ok, suit yourself," he said trying to keep his voice as even as possible.
Katara ignored him as he walked past still striking the spark rocks against each other. He headed into the large hall that led to the dormitories intent on washing up and going through a few forms before starting on his first day of training Aang.  
Hearing her call his name made his heart stutter. Half of him held out hope for change, the other dreaded what came next. Zuko stopped and turn around but she kept her back to him as a thick curl of white smoke rose above her head.
She took a flat matter-of-fact tone that unnervingly reminded him of Mai, he hated it.
"There's a jug of water for you in the bath. Breakfast will be ready in an hour and don't sit so close to the edge when you're out here alone. You can plummet to your death after you've taught Aang how to firebend."
Read more here.
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lphoenixspiritl · 11 months
Just Friends Helping Friends ... Right?
A Ty Laang ficlet Eight years later and the scar across his back still ached when it stormed. As if on cue the grey sky lit up with a flash of unseen lighting before disappearing into a rumble of distant thunder. The cold flash encroached on the warm light of the candles and the crash of thunder sent a shiver through the collection of small flames. He slid into the nearly too-hot water with a sigh and curls of steam bloomed around him. Leaning back, he let his thumb trace along the scales carefully carved into the quartz tub.
The Fire Nation sure did love their dragons.
Aang sank a little deeper letting his mind wander while his eyes drifted along the carved stone and red banners. It was always a bit disconcerting when he found himself here, maybe a little less with each passing year but the strangeness lingered. That the nation that took everything from him, treated him like a prince every time he'd visit. Even more so now that he found himself alone here. There was always someone checking on him, always nearby should he want something or to go somewhere. After only a day or two it became suffocating.
How did Katara deal with it?
Aang let his head tilt back onto the cool stone rim and his eyes fell shut, letting the heat of the water wash away his aches. Or at least, he tried to. Only a few minutes had managed to tick by before the hinges of the soaking room door groaned open.
"Oh sorry!" a woman's voice exclaimed.
Aang purposely kept his eyes shut. If they thought he was sleeping maybe they'd just leave, and he could avoid being waited on for a little while longer.
The door began to creak shut but suddenly stopped, "Aang? Is that you?"
Aang's forehead scrunched with fleeting irritation, lifting his head, a wet hand dragged down his face and quickly wiped it away. In its place, we're bright eyes and an even brighter smile, though a bit strained at the edges.
"Yes, it's me."
"AANG!!" they nearly shrieked, "I MISSED YOU!"
He looked over in time to see the silhouette of a woman running toward him with frightful speed, her long dark braid trailing behind her. With a slosh of steaming water, Aang sloppily pushed himself up to stand, just in time too. The woman had leaped onto the rim of the tub and launched herself at him.
Aang reached out scrambling to hug her lithe frame to his body, her arms encircled his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist like a koala hare. He had a split second to register the scent of feather daisy and spun sugar before her momentum sent him stumbling backward, dumping them both into the steaming water.
"I'm so sorry!" Aang yelped, pulling the woman up out of the small pool.
He had expected a yell of surprise or even irritated words but the ringing laughter that bounced along the stone walls barely registered.
Her brown braid streamed water from its neat tail, and the drenched pink dress she wore clung to the curves of her hips, its cream-colored panels turning nearly translucent. Her grey eyes shone with mirth, her pink lips stretched into a wide smile, evidence of her barely contained laughter.
"What are you doing in here?" Ty Lee finally asked Aang oblivious to her soaked clothes and the way her legs draped casually over his in the shallow pool.
"Are you ok?" Aang reached out to check her but halted a few inches short of her wet skin.
Ty Lee answers with more laughter but to Aang, it sounds like the temple chimes from his childhood, a sound he sorely missed.
"I'm fine, I promise. I should be asking you that. I didn't think I'd surprise you like that."
"Most people would be surprised by an attack while in the bath."
"I didn't attack you," she paused and bit her lip, "it was an aggressively happy greeting. Besides, you're not most people."
The way she said it made his stomach flutter, ignoring it he leaned back on his palms "You've been spending too much time with Toph."
Ty rolled her eyes, "So why are you here? This room is usually filled with old coots from the council."
"Not to sound like an old coot myself, but my back aches." Aang smiled.
"Did you injure it?" TyLee asked, a concerned look in her grey eyes.
"No, it's uh, where my scar is, from that time in Ba Sing Se?" he explains hesitantly.
She freezes for a moment and Aang kicks himself for scaring her off, but Ty Lee's bubbly self is back in a flash.
"Did you have Katara look at it? You should before you leave."
"She's already gone, they left this morning."
"I thought you were supposed to go with them?"
"I was," he looks away, "but I decided it was better if I just, stayed.
"Why? You love the beach and the flight to Ember Island is gorgeous."
"How'd you know I liked the beach?" Aang asks her teasingly.
"You told me, back when we were kids. Now stop sidetracking, why didn't you go?"
Aang looks at her guiltily "I guess- I don't know," he sputters not sure how to start, "it's just after Katara and I ended things, I thought it would be like when we were kids. We'd hang out, do stuff together, and have fun. But whenever I'm here, I just- I always feel like I'm in the way? Especially when she's with Zuko."
"Like a third wheel?" Ty supplied.
Aang leaned forward and glumly putting chin in his hand and his elbows on his knees, "Yeah, exactly like a third wheel."
"Is that why your aura's been so drab?"
Aang looked around frantically as if he would see only what Ty Lee could, "I- I guess?"
"Don't feel bad, she's been ambassador for a few years now and they both have tons of work to do. I live here and I barely see them sometimes." Ty Lee pouted "Katara has been promising to go shopping with me for weeks, but she's been so busy." she let out a sad sigh, "Ever since Mai went with Azula to train at the South Pole, Kat's been my only friend."
"Well, I'm here and I'm your friend."
Ty Lee chewed on her lip her eyes darting to the just visible sliver of his scar that peeked around his side and she lit up, "You're right and friends help friends, I'm not a healer like Katara but I might be able to help."
"How?" Aang asked cautiously.
Ty Lee held up her hands wiggling her fingers.
Aang palms up, backed up with a noisy slosh and a nervous chuckle, "Slow down there, I want to be able to walk later."
"It's not like that silly. Chi blocking is useful in other ways."
Aang looked at her skeptically, his doubt evident.
"Just let me show you."
Aang is too nice to tell her no and lets Ty Lee direct him to sit on the sunken bench with his arms folded on the tub's carved edge. She sinks into the water behind him with a quiet ripple and her fingertips ghost over his scar so gently he wonders if he imagined it. She lays her hands on his shoulders and runs her palms along his skin surveying his back and taking stock of what she's working with. They feel small on his broadened back but they are confident, working methodically, assessing and cataloging every dip and curve.  
Soon she begins to work explaining what she's doing as she's doing it and he wonders how often she accompanied Katara on her rounds through the medical wing to pick up the practice.
"You see this spot?" she pokes a particularly tender knot below his shoulder blade and he winces, the soreness breaking through his thoughts, "Yup, just as I thought. Your chi is stagnating here and it's causing you pain."
The heel of her hand rests on the knot, "I can't manipulate your chi paths like Katara can but, I can open them up some." her free hand moves too quickly for him to see, making two strikes to his ribs.
Aang expects pain to radiate from under his skin, instead, there is pressure and a shift he can't quite explain, almost like a pop. The wound-up feeling releases and the knot suddenly feels like it's been drained away. What he's left with is still a bit sore but aches much less, almost like an old, yellowed bruise.
He can't help the sigh that escapes him when the ache eases or the way his edges seem to blur a little at the sudden relief. Ty Lee smiles behind him and even though he can't see her, he can feel it. Almost as if the mere upturn of her lips could light the darkest room.
What if she was with you in the tunnels?
Aang pushes away the thought when it threatens to wander elsewhere.
'She's your friend!' he reminds himself.
Ty Lee, oblivious to the mental argument before her continued, working methodically down his back, she found all of his sore spots. Every. Single. One.
Aang did his best to relax but the discomfort seeped through his gritted teeth and furrowed brow, yet he didn't dare make a sound. For some illogical reason, he didn't want Ty Lee to hear the hurt that touching each knot brought him. It wasn't her fault, she was working as quickly and gently as she could, and it was paying off. He could feel how her well-placed adjustments were returning his range of movement. After each flash of pressure there was a release and, that melting feeling as the tension drained away.
But suddenly, she stops.
Aang doesn't realize it at first, not until her pause draws on too long, from odd to awkward to alarming.
"Is something wrong?" he cautions just over his shoulder, a tightness still pulling across his back.
"No, I just have one last adjustment to make but ..." Ty Lee begins to explain but trails off like the dissipating steam.
"But what?" Aang's curiosity gets the better of him and he turns around, sending noisy ripples through the suddenly quiet room.
"It might hurt, like a lot and I don't want to cause you pain." she explains, "At least not more than I already have."
"It's fine." Aang moves toward her, but she steps back maintaining the distance but not the eye contact.
"It's not fine, because of me you nearly died, I'm the reason you're in pain now." she tells him quietly, "I never wanted to hurt anyone. It's why I learned chi-blocking in the first place. So I could defend myself without hurting anyone. But I still did, didn't I?"
Aang shakes his head and takes Ty Lee's hands in his. She lets him. They're warm and strong from fan practice and acrobatics. She looks soft but the callouses along the top of her palms tell a different story, one he someday hopes to learn the words to, but for now, he can only recount the truth he knows.
"You might have been in Ba Sing Se when it happened but you weren't the one who shot me with lightning. You weren't the one who caused this scar. Or my pain." his words are gentle, like her hands were over his skin, tending each hurt with care.
"I'm still sorry."
"I know." Aang smirks, "Just like I knew when you told me sorry five years ago."
Gathering both of her hands in one of his, he wipes a tear from her face and carefully brushes a damp lock of hair from her face, securing it behind her ear.
"You mean it?" she asks, still staring into the crystal water.
Hooking a curled finger under her chin, he tilts her face up to look at him, "Every time."
He tries to put assurance in his words but the grey eyes staring at him glisten with unshed tears, it makes his heart ache. She's so close, her long lashes and full pink lips if he could just ki-
Ty Lee surges forward, her arms wrapping around him in a tight hug. Surprised, all Aang can do is hold her. With her face buried in his neck, she takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. He gets the flutters again, but this time they've migrated to his chest.
After a minute she pushes off him, and gives him a watery smile, "Ok, let's do this. Turn around and grab the edge of the tub."
Aang does what he is told, letting his trust in her push back against the nerves coiling in his joints. He feels the caress of her touch starting at the tops of his shoulders, tracing down the sides of his spine until they come to a stop just below his shoulder blades. It’s not often that he sees it but he knows what it looks like. A misshapen splotch of dark rosewood surrounded by an even more misshapen stain of pink peach, all set in a permanent interruption of the vivid blue of his tattoos.
A moment ticks by with her palms pressed against his back and Aang resists the urge to check on her. Understanding that everyone finds a path to healing in their own way, in their own time, was a lesson he was learning to swallow and, in this moment, Ty Lee was finding hers. He only needed to give her the space and silence to find it. So, he let the moment slip by, and another, and then another until the soft tickle of a silent breath brushed along his shoulder.
"Take a deep breath," she directs him, "ok, now let it out."
Just as his lungs empty she makes the adjustment. Two strikes followed by the thud from the heel of her palm sends a shot of searing pain streaking through him. He barely gets out a gasp when the release turns him into putty.
He slumps over and water sloshes as Ty Lee panics, "Are you ok? Did I do it too hard? Did I hurt you?"
Aang gives her a weak thumbs up, and mumbles, "I never understood what Sokka meant by it hurts so good until now."
Ty Lee freezes and blinks at him a few times before bursting out into ringing laughter that echoes along the stone. Aang decides at that moment he likes the sound and wants to hear it more often.
A few minutes later he is still melted over the side of the tub letting Ty Lee's hands run soothingly along his wet skin. She hums a soft lullaby into the humid quiet and his eyelids begin to feel heavy. When they finally fall shut the humming comes to an end and the water around them ripples.
"I have to get going," she tells him quietly.
"So soon?"
Ty smiles, he sounds disappointed, like a kid whose friend has been called home for dinner.
"It's late and I've got work to do before bed."
"Not you too."
"The Performers' Protection Act won't write itself." she tells him, "Now keep the water a little warmer than what's comfortable for at least thirty minutes and when you head to bed ask the steward for some muscle ointment."
Pulling herself from the water Ty Lee stands and turns to make her way out of the tub but Aang turns and calls after her.
"Hey Ty?" she swivels to look at him, "Does he care about her? Like really care about her?"
A soft smile pulls at Ty Lee's pink lips, she slips back into the water and leans over to cup Aang's cheek, "Sweetie he took a shot of lighting for her."
"Zuko would have done that for any of us."
"Maybe, but the point is, he did it for her. So I think KitKat is in good hands."
"I jus- yea, I guess you're right."
Ty Lee nods letting her hand drop back into the water, "Don't forget, ask for the muscle ointment. It'll get you through to the morning."
"And what should I do in the morning?"
"In the morning? Hmm…" mischief plays along her lips and Ty gets stands slowly this time, letting rivulets of water run down her sking, the translucent cloth clinging tight to her curves. Taking a seat on the tub’s edge she swings her legs over the carved quartz so her feet land on the cool marble floor.  
When she turns back to face him, there's something sultry in her grey eyes, "In the morning you should take breakfast in the Jade Garden gazebo."
"Why? Does it have a nice view?"
"Yes, but that's not all."
"I'll be there,"
"Then it's definitely a lovely view." Aang smiles at her still oblivious.
"One more thing, the hibiscus are in bloom, making the whole place serene and pretty, and very, very secluded."
Aang looks back at her dumbstruck, as it finally dawns on him, "Uhm- yes, of course! I'll meet you in the Jade Garden. Just us. Alone. In private! Privacy is good." he stutters, shades of pink seeping into his cheeks.
Ty Lee chortles and leans over the tub's edge to press a soft kiss to Aang's cheek, "Well then, I guess it's a date."
"Yes, a date," eyes wide he nods rapidly, "definitely a date,"
She laughs with that temple bell ring, "See you tomorrow!" she tells him with a wink and skips out of the room.
Only after the door clicks shut behind her, does the blush bloom red and hot on his cheeks and the butterflies riot in his stomach.
With a lopsided smile on his face, Aang sinks deeper into the water. He makes a mental note to tell the steward about his change of morning plans, and to request panda lilies alongside that ointment.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate Aang - though I do have issues with the fandom's portrayal of him - and while he's not my number one top favorite of all time, I get why he's the favorite among the fandom. I had a lot of fun writing his shyness and nervousness around Ty Lee and figuring out just how he'd react to her more direct approach to flirting. Their ship is one that has definitely been growing on me lately.
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